S788 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 14, 2013 Whereas, with the increasing need for com- (3) urges the International Olympic Com- mittee on Environment and Public munity-based programs for individuals with mittee Executive Board to reinstate wres- Works be authorized to meet during disabilities in the 1970s and 1980s, both tling as a core sport of the Summer Olympic the session of the Senate on February Bethphage and Martin Luther Homes grew Games. 14, 2013, at 10 a.m. in room 406 of the into ministries that served locations across f the United States; Dirksen Senate office building. Whereas the shared vision and mission of AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND The Presiding Officer. Without objec- the 2 Nebraska-born ministries, to care for PROPOSED tion, it is so ordered. the most vulnerable individuals, laid the COMMITTEE ON FINANCE SA 22. Mr. REID (for Mr. LAUTENBERG) pro- foundation for the formation of a powerful posed an amendment to the resolution S. Ms. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I ask partnership; Res. 21, designating February 14, 2013, as unanimous consent that the Com- Whereas, on July 1, 2003, Mosaic was offi- ‘‘National Solidarity Day for Compassionate cially established through a consolidation of mittee on Finance be authorized to Patient Care’’. Bethphage and Martin Luther Homes; and meet during the session of the Senate Whereas Mosaic has created a legacy of f on February 14, 2013, at 9:30 a.m., in love, providing individualized support to TEXT OF AMENDMENTS room 215 of the Dirksen Senate Office thousands of individuals in the United States Building, to conduct a hearing entitled and extending its work beyond the borders of SA 22. Mr. REID (for Mr. LAUTEN- ‘‘Health Insurance Exchanges: Progress the United States through an international BERG) proposed an amendment to the Report’’. alliance: Now therefore be it resolution S. Res. 21, designating Feb- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Resolved, That the Senate— ruary 14, 2013, as ‘‘National Solidarity objection, it is so ordered. (1) recognizes February 19, 2013 as the cen- Day for Compassionate Patient Care’’; COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS tennial of Mosaic; as follows: (2) recognizes the important and valuable Ms. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I ask contributions that individuals with intellec- On page 3 line 1, strike ‘‘humanistic’’ and unanimous consent that the Com- insert ‘‘humane’’. tual disabilities make in their communities; mittee on Foreign Relations be author- (3) celebrates the integral role that Mosaic f ized to meet during the session of the has played in the growth and success of indi- viduals with intellectual disabilities; and AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO Senate on February 14, 2013, at 2 p.m. (4) congratulates the men and women who MEET The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without have touched countless lives by contributing COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND objection, it is so ordered. to the mission of Mosaic to create a life of FORESTRY COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY possibilities for individuals with intellectual Ms. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I ask Ms. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I ask disabilities. unanimous consent that the Com- unanimous consent that the Com- f mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and mittee on the Judiciary be authorized SENATE RESOLUTION 37—EX- Forestry be authorized to meet during to meet during the session of the Sen- PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE the session of the Senate on February ate, on February 14, 2013, at 10 a.m., in SENATE IN DISAPPROVING THE 14, 2013, at 9:30 a.m. in room SR 328A of SD–226 of the Dirksen Office Building, PROPOSAL OF THE INTER- the Russell Senate office building. to conduct an executive business meet- NATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ing. EXECUTIVE BOARD TO ELIMI- objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without NATE WRESTLING FROM THE COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND objection, it is so ordered. SUMMER OLYMPIC GAMES BE- FORESTRY SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE GINNING IN 2020 Ms. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I ask Ms. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Com- Mr. BROWN (for himself, Mr. GRASS- unanimous consent that the Select mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and LEY, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. HARKIN, Mr. Committee on Intelligence be author- Forestry be authorized to conduct a CASEY, Mr. INHOFE, and Mr. LEVIN) sub- ized to meet during the session of the hearing entitled ‘‘Drought, Fire and mitted the following resolution; which Senate on February 14, 2013, at 2:30 Freeze: The Economics of Disasters for was referred to the Committee on Com- p.m. merce, Science, and Transportation: America’s Agricultural Producers,’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without during the session of the Senate on S. RES. 37 objection, it is so ordered. February 14, 2013, at 9:30 a.m. in room f Whereas wrestling is recognized as one of SR 328A of the Russell Senate office the world’s oldest competitive sports dating building. NATIONAL SOLIDARITY DAY FOR back to 3000 BC; COMPASSIONATE PATIENT CARE Whereas wrestling was one of the original The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sports of the ancient Greek Olympic Games objection, it is so ordered. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- and of the first modern Olympic Games; COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES imous consent that the Judiciary Com- Whereas wrestling is one of the world’s Ms. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I ask mittee be discharged from further con- most diverse sports, with participants from unanimous consent that the Com- sideration of S. Res. 21 and that the almost 200 countries around the world; mittee on Armed Services be author- Senate proceed to its consideration. Whereas over 280,000 high school students The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without in the United States participated in wres- ized to meet during the session of the tling in 2012; Senate on February 14, 2013, at 10 a.m. objection, it is so ordered. Whereas there are over 300 intercollegiate The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The clerk will report the resolution wrestling programs in the United States; objection, it is so ordered. by title. Whereas wrestling represents the deter- COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN The legislative clerk read as follows: mination and hard work it takes to succeed AFFAIRS A resolution (S. Res. 21) designating Feb- in life and sport; Ms. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I ask ruary 14, 2013, as ‘‘National Solidarity Day Whereas the United States has a long, unanimous consent that the Com- for Compassionate Patient Care.’’ proud, and storied Olympic wrestling his- mittee on Banking, Housing, and There being no objection, the Senate tory; and Whereas wrestling epitomizes the spirit of Urban Affairs be authorized to meet proceeded to consider the resolution. the Olympic Games: Now, therefore, be it during the session of the Senate on Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent Resolved, That the Senate— February 14, 2013, at 10:30 a.m. to con- that the Lautenberg amendment to the (1) thanks the United States Olympic Com- duct a hearing entitled ‘‘Wall Street resolution, which is at the desk, be mittee for its continued support of wrestling Reform: Oversight of Financial Sta- agreed to; the resolution, as amended, and encourages it to work actively to reverse bility and Consumer and Investor Pro- be agreed to; the preamble be agreed the proposal of the International Olympic tections.’’ to; and the motions to reconsider be Committee Executive Board to eliminate The Presiding Officer. Without objec- laid on the table with no intervening wrestling from the Summer Olympic Games beginning in 2020; tion, it is so ordered. action or debate. (2) disapproves the proposal of the Inter- COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without national Olympic Committee Executive WORKS objection, it is so ordered. Board to eliminate wrestling from the Sum- Ms. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I ask The amendment (No. 22) was agreed mer Olympic Games beginning in 2020; and unanimous consent that the Com- to, as follows:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:36 Feb 15, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14FE6.046 S14FEPT1 tjames on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE February 14, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S789 On page 3 line 1, strike ‘‘humanistic’’ and Ravens and their victory in involved for giving not just Baltimore insert ‘‘humane’’. Super Bowl XLVII as well as to honor but for giving football a team everyone The resolution (S. Res. 21), as amend- the players, coaches, staff, and loyal can admire. ed, was agreed to. fans who helped to secure the Ravens’ I also want to acknowledge the gra- The preamble was agreed to. second Lombardi trophy in the last 12 cious way in which our colleagues from The resolution, as amended, with its years as the best team in the National California have handled the results of preamble, reads as follows: Football League. the Super Bowl. The 49ers are a great S. RES. 21 I have been a Baltimore football fan team. They played a great game and Whereas the National Solidarity Day for for as long as I can remember, from the had a great season. Baltimore and San Compassionate Patient Care promotes na- days of the Baltimore Colts and John- Francisco share a lot. We share great tional awareness of the importance of com- ny Unitas, Alan Ameche, and Lenny football and we share a bay. We call passionate and respectful relationships be- Moore. I am so proud of this team. This our bay the Chesapeake Bay and they tween health care professionals and their pa- team has guts. No one predicted them call theirs the San Francisco Bay. We tients as reflected in attitudes that are sen- to win the Super Bowl—no one. At one share great seafood, and we share a sitive to the values, autonomy, cultural, and point no one expected them to even get love for the sport of football. ethnic backgrounds of patients and families; I thank them for their graciousness, Whereas individuals and groups of medical into the playoffs. They not only made professionals and students stand in soli- the playoffs but they won in spectac- and I thank all involved for a great darity to support compassion in health care ular fashion. They looked after each season for the Baltimore Ravens. as expressed by Dr. Randall Friese, triage other, and they worked hard. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- physician at the University of Arizona Med- Coach Harbaugh brought the team ator from Maryland. ical Center who, when queried, stated that together. Ray Lewis, in his last season, Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I join the most important treatment he provided motivated the team. We had players with Senator CARDIN as a fellow jock to to Congress member Gabrielle Giffords after who were injured during the course of support the resolution commending the she was shot on January 8, 2011, was to hold the season who came back to play in Baltimore Ravens. What a great season her hand and reassure her that she was in we have had. It was thrilling; it was ex- the hospital and would be cared for; the playoffs. The team represented Bal- Whereas physicians, nurses, all other timore so well and I think represented citing. I have been a Ravens fan since health care professionals, and medical facili- the best in football. They not only gave they came to Baltimore, and I was ties are charged with providing both the art our city and our football fans the op- originally a Colts fan. and science of medicine; portunity to come together, I was very I was a little girl when the National Whereas a greater awareness of the impor- much impressed how Baltimore Football League came to Baltimore. It tance of compassion in health care encour- changed during Super Bowl week. Our was the Baltimore Colts. They even ages health care professionals to be mindful city was so proud of our team and so had a telethon to buy tickets. Just of the need to treat the patient rather than imagine, we could buy season tickets the disease; proud of the manner in which they con- Whereas scientific research illustrates that ducted themselves on and off the field. to the Baltimore Colts for $15. One of when health care professionals practice They gave back to the community in the first things I did when I graduated humanistically; demonstrating the qualities so many different ways. They helped from college and had my own money of integrity, excellence, compassion, altru- young people. They helped develop was to go in with my Uncle Fred to be ism, respect, empathy, and service, their pa- healthy lifestyles. They have been role able to have tickets to go to the Colts tients have better medical outcomes; and models. games at Memorial Stadium. Whereas February 14th would be an appro- This Super Bowl will be remembered I remember watching TV when we priate day to designate as National Soli- for a long time to come. I think in the had that famous game with New York darity Day for Compassionate Patient Care and tossed that winning and to celebrate it by health care students first half we thought it was going to be and professionals performing humanistic a runaway game, but the Baltimore touchdown to and won 10 acts of compassion and kindness toward pa- Ravens have a way to make sure they seconds before the game was over. I tients, families of patients, and health care keep TV ratings high. It got a little didn’t think football could ever be that colleagues: Now, therefore, be it more suspenseful, particularly when we exciting again. But then came this Resolved, That the Senate— had the blackout in the third-quarter, Ravens season just roaring to the fin- (1) designates February 14, 2013, as ‘‘Na- but in the end the Baltimore Ravens ish. There they were playing the Bron- tional Solidarity Day for Compassionate Pa- prevailed and Baltimore is the cham- cos in Denver, the mile-high city. Sen- tient Care’’; ator UDALL really razzed and did some (2) recognizes the importance and value of pionship city. a respectful relationship between health care We are so proud of the accomplish- pretty uppity trash talk. But we, with professionals and their patients as a means ments of our team. Whether we are our usual pride and gentility, weath- of promoting better health outcomes; and talking about the comeback of Ray ered the storm. (3) encourages all health care professionals Lewis or Terrell Suggs from a dev- I could not believe it. I thought the to be mindful of the importance of both— astating injury or Ray Rice’s fourth game was over. I was ready to kick (A) being humane and compassionate; and and 29 scramble to keep our playoff back and call my sister when, oh, wow, (B) providing technical expertise. hopes alive, it is clear that the Ravens there goes Flacco with that 70-yard f were the most determined team in the toss, and it was a touchdown. Even though I am short and chunky, I was CONGRATULATING THE BALTI- . ready to do cartwheels around my MORE RAVENS FOR WINNING Unflappable Joe Flacco has estab- condo that evening. SUPER BOWL XLVII lished himself as a leader and one of the preeminent quarterbacks in the The team went on to deal with the Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- league. His Most Valuable Player per- New England Patriots and then all the imous consent that the Senate proceed formance in the Super Bowl was a fit- way to the Super Bowl. We were out to the consideration of S. Res. 35, ting capstone on an MVP season and there winning again when all of a sud- which was submitted earlier today. should prove once and for all ‘‘Joe den the lights went out in New Orleans. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Cool’’ has what it takes. Even though they went out for 38 min- clerk will report the resolution by It has been thrilling to watch the utes in New Orleans, the lights were on title. Ravens this year, to say the least. In a all over Baltimore and we were purple. The legislative clerk read as follows: season during which the team clawed We were purple with pride and purple A resolution (S. Res. 35) congratulating the and ‘‘cawed’’ its way to some close vic- with joy. We were so pleased that they Baltimore Ravens for winning Super Bowl tories, the Super Bowl was a fitting brought us victory not only on the XLVII. end. The Ravens came into New Orle- playing fields of the National Football There being no objection, the Senate ans as the underdogs against incredible League, but do you know what else proceeded to consider the resolution. odds, and they prevailed as the world they did? They created a sense of com- Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, we take champions. munity and a sense of energy. this time in order to acknowledge the I applaud the team, the coaches, the If you came with me to one of our extraordinary accomplishments of the managers, the owner, and all who were great major league institutions, such

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