Vedic (Universal) Life Sciences – Level I Conducted by: Acharya Sanat Kumar Embrace the Vedic Science of Living; Become happy, healthy and stress-free

Acharya Sanat Kumar is a Vedic scholar, Universal Science of Living expert, international speaker and researcher of ancient texts. He has long practical experience in fasting and meditation, and is a teacher of Vedas, and Darshana . The classes will be held in two evenings, opens at 5:50pm to start classes at 6pm and ends at 8:30pm. The lectures in Hindi will be translated to English. There will be opportunity to ask questions (in English) and clarify your doubts. The dates are:

• Tuesday 26th Novermber 2019 - 5:50pm to 8:30pm • Wednesday 27th November 2019 – 5:50pm to 8:30pm Location : Bharat Bhavan (India House), 7 Lodge Street, Glenorchy [Please note that there is parking restrictions in the street, and therefore please park elsewhere such as in Northgate Carpark]

The classes will include introduction to the following topics: • Fundamentals of Vedic Philosophy • Dharma (Universal Life Sciences) • Inspiration from Vedic scriptures – Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata • Meditation including practicals The seminars brought to you by Aryasamaj supported by Hindu Society and are open to all & free. Donations are welcome. Register your interest by emailing to [email protected] or SMS to Gloria Smith (0409214170) or Ajit Ramadas (0411300630) Some Quotes from Vedic Literature: KRINVANTO VISHWAMARYAM :- Let us be noble and make the world noble YATRA VISWAM BHAVATI EKANEEDAM :- The world is home for all humanity MANTRA SHRUTYAM CHARAAMASI :- We must follow the universal science for health peace and happiness MITRASYA CHAKSHUSHA SARVANI BHUTANI SAMEEKSHAMAHE :- We must see all the living beings as our friends.

Acharya Sanat Kumar Short Bio-data

“Krinvanto Vishvamaryam” - “Be noble and make the world noble”. This is God’s instruction for humanity in Vedas. Today’s world has many personal, societal, national, international and global problems - environment, health, radiation, farming, floods, cyclones, drought, viruses, mind, stress, suicides, terrorism, violence. There must be a universal solution that exists and that universal solution is in the Vedas. Acharya Sanat Kumar has travelled extensively in Australasia, Europe, Russia and South Africa discussing solutions to these burning problems. He has also visited 15 national libraries in 11 European countries to identify and document their holdings of ancient Vedic texts in Sanskrit.

Acharya Sanat Kumar is a scholar, teacher, philosopher and researcher who studied Vedic literature for more than 20 years from many teachers and yogis. He has studied the 4 Vedas (knowledge of the self and universe), Ayurveda (universal health system), Maya Samhita (civil engineering), Bharat Natya (art), (phonetics), Vyakaran (grammar), Nirukt (origin of words), (liturgics), Chanda (poetic structure), Jyotish (astronomy), Darshanas (philosophy), Upanishads (science of the self), Brahmanas (creation, spirituality, yajya), Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavad- gita. He has spent many months fasting in complete silence and darkness, in deep meditation and knows how to receive cosmic energy from sun and moon gazing.

How does our mind work? How can we have a happy and healthy body, mind and soul? Acharya Sanat Kumar specialises in Universal Vedic life and mind management and Ayurveda, the Vedic system of medicine. He also has special interest and expertise in performance of yajya and its use in purifying the environment, organic farming, anti- microbial effects, curing disease, improving intellect and maintaining health.

Acharya Sanat Kumar is deeply committed to bringing the profound wisdom of our rishis to the modern world. Let us all work together, be noble and make the world noble again.

Recent Seminars/Workshops/Tours: The topics include Universal life management for healthy body, mind and soul, Yajya as the solution to the burning problems of the modern world, Yajya and Global warming, Vedic science in the 21st century, Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda, etc. The workshops conducted in the following locations: • London 2016 • The Netherlands 2016 • Burma 2017 • Australia 2018