June 19, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1173 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

IN HONOR OF RALPH J. PERK livering the evening paper. At age twelve he nursery school at Janes United Methodist began selling ice door to door. During the De- Church. He attended both public and private HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH pression of the 40s when he was still selling schools in Brooklyn before earning a Master of OF ice, Perk routinely extended credit to poor Divinity Degree from Yale Divinity School in families. ``If we don't give them ice, their chil- June 1973. HON. JOHN A. BOEHNER dren's milk will spoil,'' Perk would say. So, in- Since Reverend Simpson's tenure at Janes OF OHIO stead of making one-hundred dollars a week, , active membership HON. he made twelve. That generosity and heart, has tripled. Many positive programs have paid rich dividends when Perk entered politics. been implemented. The Church's Community OF OHIO Every election, the families he helped during Outreach has included a tutorial program, the HON. the depression became the nucleus of Perk's Senior Citizens' Friendship Club, the Voter OF OHIO campaigns. Their loyalty could not have been Registration and Information Project, the bought at any price. From those humble be- Meals-on-Wheels Program for the home- HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR ginnings, Ralph Perk rose to serve five terms bound elderly or disabled in the community, OF OHIO on the City Council and nine years and ``God's Sheltering Arms,'' Janes' ministry as county auditor. to the homeless who inhabit public places. HON. TONY P. HALL In 1971 Ralph Perk was elected the 51st OF OHIO Reverend Simpson's greatest challenge Mayor of Cleveland. He was not bound by came in 1984, when a fire destroyed Janes HON. DAVID L. HOBSON party label. Rather, he achieved his popularity Church. With his dynamic leadership, Rev- OF OHIO by following public service rather than party erend Simpson led his congregation through HON. politics. His motto was simple: Do hard work, this crisis. With his hard work and dedication, keep in touch with the people, and serve hon- the new Janes Church was build and con- OF OHIO estly. He did all three. secrated in April 1991. As Mayor, he deeply cared for those whom HON. JOHN R. KASICH Mr. Speaker, I ask you to join me in saluting he represented. He secured hundreds of mil- OF OHIO Reverend Robert O. Simpson on the occasion lions of dollars from the federal government to of his 25th Pastoral Anniversary at Janes improve the city. And despite high inflation HON. STEVE C. LaTOURETTE United Methodist Church. OF OHIO and a recession, Mayor Perk delivered quality basic city services to the neighborhoods of f HON. ROBERT W. NEY Cleveland. OF OHIO Although he achieved high office in his city, TRIBUTE TO THE BRONX-LEBANON HON. MICHAEL G. OXLEY Ralph Perk never forgot his humble begin- HOSPITAL CENTER AND THE nings and continued to help others. He under- OF OHIO AIDS RESEARCH COMMUNITY AD- stood people and their needs; but more impor- VISORY BOARD HON. tant, he truly cared. He helped organize the di- OF OHIO verse ethnic community and imbued it with a common pride in Cleveland. He was the HON. JOSE´ E. SERRANO HON. founder of the Nationality Movement in Cleve- OF NEW YORK OF OHIO land; and a driving force behind the recogni- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. tion of the rights and cultural heritage of ethnic American in the United States. He served on Friday, June 19, 1998 OF OHIO numerous civic and fraternal organizations in- Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. THOMAS C. SAWYER cluding, The Citizens League, The Council on pay tribute to the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital OF OHIO Human Relations and The Knights of Colum- Center and the AIDS Research Community bus. Advisory Board for their commitment to fight- HON. My fellow colleagues, Ralph Perk does not OF OHIO ing AIDS and preventing the spreading of the seek our praise. He is far above it. Rather, I deadly HIV. On Saturday, June 20, they will HON. TED STRICKLAND ask you to join me in recognizing him for his hold a prevention fair, Safety Jam, for adoles- many contributions. For if we learn from his OF OHIO cents and adults at the Claremont Neighbor- dedication, we will all be better public serv- hood Center in the South Bronx. HON. JAMES A. TRAFICANT, JR. ants. Safety Jam will feature informative edu- f OF OHIO cational presentations and workshops on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING REVEREND ROBERT O. issues related to health and HIV prevention. Friday, June 19, 1998 SIMPSON’S 25TH PASTORAL AN- Fun, food, live multicultural entertainment, and Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I along with NIVERSARY free raffles will be provided throughout the my colleagues from Ohio, Messrs. BOEHNER, day, helping to draw people to the fair. BROWN, CHABOT, GILLMOR, HALL, HOBSON, Ms. HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS It is a privilege for me to represent the 16th KAPTUR, Messrs. KASICH, LATOURETTE, NEY, OF NEW YORK district of New York, where the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center is located. I have witnessed OXLEY, PORTMAN, Ms. PRYCE, Messrs. REG- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ULA, SAWYER, STOKES, STRICKLAND, and TRAFI- first-hand the exemplary work they are doing Friday, June 19, 1998 CANT rise to salute an extraordinary public for our community and I am deeply impressed. servant, Ralph J. Perk. He has devoted his life Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. Speaker, I hope my colleagues will join to helping others and is beloved by the people honor Reverend Robert O. Simpson's 25th me in honoring the physicians, nurses, case- of Cleveland, the people of Ohio, and people Pastoral Anniversary at Janes United Meth- workers, administrators, clerical workers, and throughout the world. odist Church, Brooklyn, New York. all of the other caregivers and support staff of Born under the shadow of the steel mill Reverend Robert O. Simpson assumed re- the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center and the smokestacks of Cleveland, Ralph Perk was sponsibilities as Pastor of Janes United Meth- AIDS Research Community Advisory Board for raised in poverty. At age 7, he began his day odist Church in July 1973. Reverend Simp- their outstanding efforts at this important mile- delivering the morning paper and ended it de- son's formal education began, ironically, in a stone, and in wishing them continued success.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 1998 TRIBUTE TO FREDERICK C. JONES, and 90th Precincts, as well as the Criminal My favorite American hero represents the SR. Justice Bureau. He has served as the Com- heart of our country, because he is the com- manding Officer of the 5th and 70th Precincts mon American. When called to serve, he is always ready and willing to protect his coun- HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN and 72nd Precinct Detective squad. Before try by fighting in strange and foreign lands OF SOUTH CAROLINA joining the New York City Police Department, far away from home, away from friends and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Assistant Chief Brennan received a Bachelor family with no assurance that he would ever of Science Degree from John Jay College. return to them. Nevertheless, it was impor- Friday, June 19, 1998 Throughout his career, Assistant Chief Bren- tant for him to go to ensure that the free- Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nan has been supported by his wife, Monica, dom of America would be preserved. pay tribute to my friend Frederick C. Jones, for 35 years. They are the proud parents of six My favorite American hero is visited by many people each year. They are always Sr. as he is retiring from state government. children: Maureen, Tara Ann, Martin, Dermott, quiet and reverent in his presence. Flowers He most recently was the Project Supervisor John and Patrick. are often presented to him. The visitors of Vocational Rehabilitation Services at South Mr. Speaker, Brooklyn has encountered come from all across America, and many Carolina State Hospital. His duties included many problems involving the police within the shed a few tears as they leave because he coordinating and implementing Vocational Re- last five years. Some very dramatic cases may be their hero, too. It is the common habilitation services for seriously mentally ill have received national attention. We must all thread that links and unites all Americans. patients within inpatient and community based Because he is a true hero, he is the most strive to maintain a balanced perspective and likely to come to my mind. Symbolically, he mental health programs. He has been involved continue to understand that the great majority stands for all the freedom fighters we have in Vocational Rehabilitation for much of his ca- of our police officers are productive and dedi- today in America. His efforts have allowed reer, along with work with juveniles. cated citizens. From the ranks of law enforce- me and all Americans to continue to exercise Mr. Jones is a life member of National Re- ment we also repeatedly see the emergence all rights as a citizen of the United States. habilitation Association, a member of Profes- of outstanding leaders like this one. Assistant He has helped to preserve my life, my lib- sional Staff Association, SCVR, a member of Chief Patrick D. Brennan is an outstanding erties, and my pursuit of happiness. the Action Council for Cross Cultural Studies, I hope by now that everyone who reads POINT-OF-LIGHT whose career can inspire all this, knows that my favorite American hero chairman of the Membership Committee of Americans. is the ‘‘Unknown Soldier.’’ It matters not Capital City Club, and a member of St. John f that he does not have a specific name. What Baptist Church, in Hopkins South Carolina. He matters is that he stands for every soldier is best known to Columbians and South Caro- CONGRATULATING REGINAL RYAN who has ever fought to keep our nation free. linians as the manager of the ``Friends Band'' FOR HIS AWARD-WINNING This gift is the greatest gift America can re- and for the musical accompanyment of his AMVET ESSAY ‘‘MY FAVORITE ceive—the gift of freedom. I hope someday I lovely wife Bunny. AMERICAN HERO’’ get to pay my respects at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Mr. Speaker, I ask you to join with me in wishing my friend Frederick C. Jones, Sr. a HON. CHET EDWARDS f fulfilling retirement. OF TEXAS SALUTING OLD GLORY: OUR FLAG f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND ITS DEFENDERS ASSISTANT CHIEF PATRICK D. Friday, June 19, 1998 HON. JAMES E. ROGAN BRENNAN: A POINT-OF-LIGHT Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF CALIFORNIA FOR ALL AMERICANS recognize and congratulate an exceptional IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES young man, Reginal Ryan of Itasca, Texas, HON. MAJOR R. OWENS which is in my 11th Congressional District. Friday, June 19, 1998 OF NEW YORK Reginal recently won the AMVET's American- Mr. ROGAN. Mr. Speaker, this past Sunday, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ism state level competition for ninth graders my family and I joined millions across the Friday, June 19, 1998 with a strong and moving essay entitled ``My country to celebrate Flag Day. With its pas- Favorite American Hero.'' sage, I would like to share with my colleagues Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, it is generally Reginal is a 15-year-old sophomore at the story of one of my constituents. recognized that the great drop in the national Itasca High School. His accomplishment is all Vito Cannella was born in Italy and later crime rate is due mostly to changes in the de- the more extraordinary considering that late naturalized as an American citizen. He is a ployment of police officers and in the adoption last year he was living on the streets in Austin, lifelong public servant, dedicated to serving of new attitudes with respect to police and Texas. However, he now lives in the Pres- our community and our nation. As a public of- community partnerships. No police and law byterian Orphans Home in Itasca where he ficial in Los Angeles County, he is committed enforcement leader in America has done more spends time putting together prize winning es- to working to share the benefits of his adopted to advance these approaches and methods says. homeland with his neighbors. His patriotism is than Assistant Chief Patrick D. Brennan, one His prize for winning the AMVET's contest is a lesson for us all. of New York's and Brooklyn's finest. On the an all expense paid trip to Valley Forge, Upset by anti-government protests and civil occasion of the retirement of Chief Brennan Penn., to visit the Freedoms Foundation. unrest during the 1960's, Vito joined with Bill we wish to express our gratitude and appre- Members of AMVET's Post 72 in Hillsboro Bailey, an old friend, and set about preserving ciation for his many years of service. I have were so moved by his essay that they took up and defending our most precious national em- met him at many late night community meet- an additional collection to finance a trip to blem: The American flag. In 1966, the two ings and I know that Assistant Chief Brennan Washington, D.C. While in Washington, Montrose, California residents worked with deserves the rest he will be able to get after Reginal's wish to visit the Tomb of the Un- local civic groups to convince our former col- retirement. On behalf of the constituents of the known Soldier and pay his respects was ful- league H. Allen Smith to introduce and suc- 11th Congressional District I salute Patrick D. filled. cessfully pass House Joint Resolution 763. Brennan as a POINT-OF-LIGHT for all Amer- I ask members to join me in congratulating With its passage, the week surrounding Flag ica. this special young man for his accomplish- Day was thereafter dedicated national Flag Assistant Chief Patrick D. Brennan, who is ment. I would also like to share his essay with Week. Sadly, this holiday has been quietly retiring after serving as the commanding Offi- the members. omitted from news stories ever since. It is my cer of Patrol Borough Brooklyn South, began hope that this will change. his career with the New York City Police De- MY FAVORITE AMERICAN HERO Mr. Speaker, the Stars and Stripes are a partment as a patrolman for the 84th Precinct (By Reginal Ryan) noble symbol of our republic. As we stand in in September 1965. Before achieving the rank My favorite American hero does not have a this chamber, we rise before this bold symbol of Assistant Chief in July 1997, he was pro- name, but I assure you he is real in many of our freedom. As we engage in debate with moted to Sergeant in May 1973; Lieutenant in ways. Everyone remembers and knows what our colleagues on the other side of the aisle, he did for our country and how he gives his March 1984; Captain in December 1987; Dep- life for others with devotion. He has shown we should take pride in our right of dissension. uty Inspector in May 1993; Inspector in Octo- commitment in many examples of his com- And as we work to shape policy affecting our ber 1994; and Deputy Chief in August 1995. passion as in the many wars in which he has children, we should be ever mindful of those Assistant Chief Brennan has served as the fought such as World War I and World War II who sacrificed so much for this right. We Commanding Officer of the 5th, 72nd, 84th and even Vietnam. honor all these by recognizing Flag Week. June 19, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1175 I challenge my colleagues to do their part to Emanu El; Presbyterian House No. 2; the JAPAN; IT’S TIME FOR REFORM spread the word and celebrate this important Shell Oil Company Foundation; Umland Inter- holiday. Too often, the news of Flag Week is national House; the Junior League of Houston; pushed aside for flashier stories, or relegated Fondren Foundation; Exxon; St. Luke's Epis- HON. WILLIAM O. LIPINSKI to the back pages on a slow news days. It is copal Health System; Notre Dame Alumni As- OF ILLINOIS our duty to carry on the proud tradition of this sociation; Notre Dame Student Chapter; El week. Paso Energy; Continental Airlines; Newsradio IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, progress in our country often 740 KTRH; The Brown Foundation; Apache; Friday, June 19, 1998 originates from the efforts of just one man. Friends of Habitat; Stanley Tools; Dow Chemi- The establishment of Flag Week serves as an cal; Indianapolis Life; PMI; Paul Leonard Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, Japan's econ- important reminder of the same. In recognition House; Weyerhauser Co.; Churchs Chicken; omy is in recession. As an editorial in the of Vito Cannella's patriotism, and to honor the the Aluminum Association; Southwest Airlines/ Thursday, June 18 edition of The Washington sacrifice of Americans through the ages dedi- Oprah Angels; the Farris Foundation Inc.; Post noted, ``the fact that once again U.S. cated to preserving our liberty, I ask my col- Houston Habitat for Humanity Revolving Fund; pressure was needed to spur a commitment to leagues to join me in celebrating Flag Week, Houston Apartment Association; and Habitat reform is one more sad indication of the abdi- 1998. World. To all the sponsorsÐYou have all done cation of leadership in Japan.'' f a great service to this community, and to our While Japan has been a strong and loyal HABITAT FOR HUMANITY future generations. I congratulate you all. ally of the U.S. since the end of World War Ii, HOUSTON PROJECT I also want to thank and congratulate a par- that does not mean friends cannot provide ticular group of very special peopleÐthe Gib- constructive criticism. I have some construc- HON. SHEILA JACKSON-LEE son Family. I worked alongside of Mr. and tive criticism for Japan. OF TEXAS Mrs. Gibson for the better part of the day on As one of the world's largest economies, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday. They have two girls, both under the Japan has a responsibility to provide open and age of ten, and they have another child on the fair market access for imports. To this day, Friday, June 19, 1998 way. For the past few years, they have lived Japan continues to maintain restrictive barriers Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in a small apartment in a dilapidated building, to its domestic market. While Japan has re- I rise to acknowledge the contributions to my the whole while, looking for ways that they duced tariff rates on imports to reasonable lev- district that Habitat for Humanity and its spon- could better their living situation. Like many els, non-tariff barriers continue to hinder im- sors have made to my district over the past families, they have searched for options that ported goods and services from the U.S. and week. would keep them from having to send their other parts of the world. Through the efforts of former-President hard-earned money to the landlord every From 1996 to 1997, the U.S.-Japan trade Jimmy Carter, Habitat for Humanity, a handful month, knowing that they would never own a deficit increased from $47.6 billion to $55.7 bil- of private sponsors, and several thousand mir- piece of that property. lion. Our trade deficit with Japan is the largest acle-working volunteers, 100 homes will be out of any other nation in the world, and it I am happy to report to you that the Gibson built for needy families this week in the city of points to the systemic problems with Japan's Family, with the help of Habitat for Humanity Houston. market. Houston was chosen as the site for this and their sponsors, are on their way to owning Now is the time for Japan to show real lead- project because of its tremendous need for their first house. They had to work hard, phys- ership to the international community by initiat- housing. Of the 1.7 million people that live in ically, to get this opportunity, but they seized ing wide-spread economic reforms specifically the city, 150,000 of them are considered to be it. targeted to rescinding excessive and outdated ``marginally'' homeless. That number is com- T.S. Eliot once said, ``Home is where one government regulations. A U.S. Trade Rep- pletely unacceptable for America's fourth larg- starts from.'' With the help of President Carter, resentative report stated, ``[Japan's] unneces- est city. Habitat for Humanity, and thousands of volun- sary regulations restrain economic growth, Even when people are able to find housing, teers and sponsors, the Gibson Family has a raise the cost of doing business in Japan, there is a good chance that it will be inad- new start. It is a fresh chance to raise their lower the standard of living for Japanese con- equate. Over 100,000 of the housing units in children, and grandchildren in a way which sumers, and impede imports.'' Japanese Houston are dilapidated, and 72,000 of them every American deserves. I also want to con- economists estimate that 40 percent of all are officially overcrowded. gratulate the other 99 families who will also be economic activity in Japan is regulated by the Yet as awful as those conditions are, there receiving homes as a part of this effort. Each government. The regulations included burden- are still over 9,000 families on waiting lists for and every one of them deserves this tremen- some testing and certification requirements, public housing. Unfortunately, the government dous opportunity as well. outdated price control measures, and unnec- cannot solve the housing shortage for all of essary and archaic standards. them. Someone else needs to step up to the As grateful as I am, for this effort to better bat and help these people help themselves. the community in Houston, there is still sub- While I understand that most of these regu- Fellow colleagues, someone has. stantial work to be done, and need left. There lations were implemented when Japan was Habitat for Humanity and the Jimmy Carter are still too many people who need adequate still a developing nation when it was nec- Work Project have come to bat for the people shelter. There are still too many cities who essary to protect certain infant industries, they of Houston. With them, they brought an army need adequate housing. There are far too are no longer needed and, in fact, retards Ja- of volunteers, and a fabulous group of spon- many children growing up in unsuitable condi- pan's economic growth. A nation with a ma- sors. tions. ture economy such as Japan's must jettison those outdated regulations in order to expand The supplies needed for these 100 houses I hope there are many more people, out were all supplied by contributions from private the economy. Japan's reluctance to do so has there across America, who are willing to follow clearly caused its current recession. By plac- corporations, organizations, church groups, the example of the miracle-workers of Hous- and businesses. Many of these organizations ing archaic and unnecessary restrictions to im- ton. I urge corporate America to follow the ports, Japan has only wound up hurting itself. also contributed manpower, either through lead of the many corporate sponsors I named their employees or their members. I am grate- earlier, who put aside profit for the sake of hu- The solution to Japan's economic problems, ful to all of them. Specifically, I want to name manity. Mr. Speaker, is quite simple. The Administra- those sponsors who made donations for the tion must work with Congress to put more homes built in my district. They include: South I pledge my loyal support to Habitat for Hu- pressure on Japan to provide open and fair Main Baptist Church; U.C.C. Celebration manity and the people that make it workÐthe markets, and Japan must take the necessary House; Presbyterian HouseÐFirst Grace, Me- sponsors and the volunteers. I ask that my steps to fully honor its trade agreements with morial Drive and St. Andrews; St. John the Di- colleagues do the same. These people truly the U.S. Only by implementing this and other vine Episcopal; St. Martin's Episcopal Church; embody the best of the human spirit, and I ap- reform measures can the Japanese economy Congregation Beth Israel; Congregation plaud their heroic efforts. recover from its current recession. E1176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 1998 HONORING REVEREND DR. hand the exemplary work they are doing for background information—including accounts WASHINGTON L. LUNDY our community, and I am deeply impressed. by witnesses who were to appear before a Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me grand jury—regarding the investigation into Mr. Clinton’s relationship with Monica HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS in recognizing the Mechler Hall Senior Center Lewinsky. OF NEW YORK for a decade of achievements in the Bronx Mr. Starr has issued two denials to the ar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and in wishing them continued success. ticle. His first denial did not challenge Mr. f Brill’s facts; instead, the independent coun- Friday, June 19, 1998 sel challenged the conclusion that such dis- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to TRIBUTE TO INTERNATIONAL SO- closures were illegal and unethical. In his second denial, Mr. Starr stated that honor Reverend Washington L. Lundy's 30th CIETY ON HYPERTENSION IN BLACKS his office ‘‘does not release grand jury mate- Pastoral Anniversary at the Evening Star Bap- rial either directly or indirectly, on the tist Church in Brooklyn, New York. record or off the record’’ and that it ‘‘does Reverend Lundy is a native of McKenney, HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN not release (and never has released) informa- Virginia. Prior to his appointment at the OF SOUTH CAROLINA tion provided by witnesses during interviews, Evening Star Baptist Church, Reverend Lundy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES except as authorized by law.’’ had experience in pastoring at First Baptist These denials beg the question of what Mr. Friday, June 19, 1998 Starr considers grand jury material, what he Church in McKenney, Virginia. Following his believes is authorized by law and what he appointment to the Evening Star Baptist Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and Mr. Bennett actually said to reporters. Church, Reverend Lundy obtained a Bachelor pay tribute to the International Society on Hy- Indeed, before the Brill article appeared this of Sacred Theology and a Doctor of Divinity pertension in Blacks. Their Society is about to week, many press reports had already attrib- from Baltimore College of Bible in 1971 and hold its 13th International Interdisciplinary uted information about the investigation to 1975, respectively. Conference on Hypertension in Blacks, and I the prosecutor’s office. We don’t know all the facts, but Mr. Starr, Since Reverend Lundy's tenure at Evening believe it is timely to recognize their efforts to publicize a disease that has disproportionately as quoted in Mr. Brill’s article, does not give Star Baptist Church, many wonderful things us confidence about his interpretation of the have happened to both the church and the affected minority populations. law and Justice Department regulations. In surrounding community. Reverend Lundy The International Society on Hypertension in the article, Mr. Starr said that certain dis- founded the Eastern Baptist Association Blacks encourages increased medical re- closures do not violate a Federal criminal School of Religion in 1989. The Reverend also search efforts, supports hypertension aware- law that prohibits prosecutors from disclos- led the congregation through a five million-dol- ness programs targeted to minority commu- ing information about grand jury proceed- lar renovation and dedication in 1994. nities, and lends assistance to put an end to ings. the alarming statistics that show the greater ‘‘If you are talking about what witnesses Reverend Lundy's accomplishments do not tell F.B.I. agents before they testify in the end there. In 1991, C.S.B.C. Housing Devel- prevalence of severe hypertension in Africa grand jury or about related matters,’’ Mr. opment named him Father of the Year. Rev- Americans. Starr said, that is ‘‘definitely not grand jury erend Lundy also received the Contemporary The International Society works to promote information.’’ Leadership Award in July, 1992, and the His- treatment for all. Hypertension affects one out Mr. Starr also said that the Justice De- tory Maker Award in February, 1995. In addi- of three African Americans compared to one partment’s ethical guidelines allow disclo- out of four people in the general population. sures when the public needs reassurance that tion to this, Franklin Avenue, in Brooklyn, New an investigation is being conducted properly. York will soon be named ``Dr. Washington Lee One of the challenges to prevention or control Indeed, in the article, Mr. Starr suggested Lundy'' Boulevard. is to adequately address the physiologic, epi- that it was his duty to make such disclosures Mr. Speaker, I ask you to join me in saluting demiologic and genetic differences to develop if doing so would boost the public’s con- Reverend Washington L. Lundy on the occa- strategies appropriate for each population. fidence in his office. sion of his 30th Pastoral Anniversary at the Mr. Speaker, I ask you to join me today in But the laws on disclosure contain few loopholes. Last May, the United States Evening Star Baptist Church. honoring the International Society on Hyper- tension in Blacks for their efforts to initiate Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia f ruled that it is a violation of Federal law not such research forums at their annual con- only to release unauthorized information TRIBUTE TO THE MECHLER HALL ference and their work to spread information about what witnesses said to the grand jury, SENIOR CENTER to community members. but also to disclose what witnesses said to f prosecutors and agents in preparing for their HON. JOS´E E. SERRANO grand jury testimony. FORMER REAGAN AND BUSH JUS- Moreover, Mr. Starr and his staff members OF NEW YORK TICE OFFICIAL CALLS FOR IN- are also covered by the Privacy Act, which IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VESTIGATION OF MR. STARR’S prohibits disclosing confidential information Friday, June 19, 1998 LEAKS TO THE PRESS about individuals. This law covers all Fed- eral employees, not just prosecutors, who Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to have access to such information because of pay tribute to the Mechler Hall Senior Center HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. their jobs. for a decade of success working for senior citi- OF MICHIGAN Justice Department guidelines are no more lenient. To make a case for an exception, Mr. zens in the South Bronx. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On Wednesday, June 24, the Mechler Hall Starr seems to rely on a department rule Friday, June 19, 1998 that allows disclosure of ‘‘matters about Senior Center will celebrate as a Tenth Anni- which the community needs to be reassured versary Party at the Holy Family Church on Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I enter into the that an appropriate law-enforcement agency Watson Avenue, where the Center is located. RECORD the following opinion editorial from to- is investigating the incident.’’ The Mechler Hall Senior Center was estab- day's New York Times. This is a stretch. The Justice Department specifically forbids prosecutors from answer- lished in 1988 as a non-profit, all-volunteer KENNETH STARR STRETCHES THE RULES ing questions about an ongoing criminal in- community-based organization to serve the (By Ronald K. Noble) needs of senior citizens in our community. vestigation or from commenting on its What are we to make of Steven Brill’s arti- During the past ten years, the dynamic progress—including the serving of subpoenas cle contending that Kenneth Starr, the inde- before the documents have been publicly Mechler Hall Senior Center has been instru- pendent counsel, and his deputy, Jackie Ben- filed. And department guidelines on media mental in providing the services that senior nett, may have leaked grand jury informa- relations state that no one in the depart- citizens need. It serves meals to 115 people tion about their investigation of President ment should release information that is like- daily and organizes activities for about 150 Clinton? ly to prejudice any legal matter. people. Its wide range of programs and serv- Many opponents of Mr. Clinton want to In short, there are few situations where ices to the community include: counseling, dismiss Mr. Brill’s article, which appeared substantive information on an investigation seminars, workshops, dancing lessons, trips, this week in his magazine, Brill’s Content. can be released. And if information is re- But that would be a mistake. These leaks leased, it should be on the record. Any off- aerobics, nutritional programs, knitting, and may violate Federal laws and Justice De- the-record conversation between prosecutors drawing lessons, among other activities. partment regulations. The possibility of such and reporters is by definition suspect. If the It is a privilege for me to represent the 16th improper disclosures must be investigated. prosecutor is permitted to say what he is district of New York, where Mechler Hall Sen- In his article, Mr. Brill wrote that Mr. saying and is prepared to be held account- ior Center is located. I have witnessed first- Starr and Mr. Bennett had given reporters able for it—why not do so on the record? June 19, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1177 That way the public and the judge presiding moratorium on oil and gas activities in these The STEP Act seeks to link long-term un- over the grand jury investigation can decide new areas for another 10 years. For all prac- employed Americans with the roaring econ- whether the prosecutor is following the tical purposes, the OCS program today re- omy. It provides the three indispensable ele- rules. Last February Mr. Starr claimed that he mains active in the Gulf of Mexico and in Alas- ments that most often are missing: job readi- was investigating whether his office was ka waters. The program remains a vital com- ness, job experience and job placement. leaking information. Given the allegations ponent of our energy supply. This is especially STEP is tightly structured. The program would about Mr. Starr’s and Mr. Bennett’s back- true for natural gas. be available only for individuals who meet ground conversations with reporters, one In terms of the royalty management pro- three criteria: individuals unemployed for 15 wonders how thorough that inquiry could gram, the lack of expansion of federal oil and weeks or more, whose families are at or below have been. gas leasing and production, coupled with tech- the poverty line, and who live in communities Now, Mr. Starr has no choice but to ask for nological advances, have diminished the need of concentrated poverty and unemployment. an independent investigation to determine Clearly, individuals who face all three of what, if any, information his office revealed for widespread expansion of this component of to the press and whether that information the MMS. With Congressional interest in new these conditions are walled off from self-suffi- violated any rules. Unless action is taken Royalty-in-Kind proposals, MMS royalty man- ciency. If they have not found jobs after 87 quickly, it will appear that the Independent agement could well downsize even further. months of an exceptional economy, we cannot Counsel’s Office is above the law. The American taxpayers, who in essence expect jobs for them to appear miraculously. f are government's stockholders, are demand- They obviously need our help. Transitional ing a leaner government. This legislation is a jobs that provide work experience while some DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR step towards that goal. We cannot wait for this transportation and child care services are pro- REORGANIZATION Administration to do the right thing. It is time vided can make the vital difference. Unlike for Congress to act. some job programs, at the end, STEP would HON. JOE SKEEN f come with vital job placement for those who OF NEW MEXICO had not found work in 12 months. Moreover, HONORING DR. THOMAS P. paid part-time participation in education and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES GRISSOM, JR. training, including college, would insert a vital Friday, June 19, 1998 missing link to decent employment sadly lack- Mr. SKEEN. Mr. Speaker, last month I intro- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS ing in last year's welfare bill. duced legislation to reorganize the United OF NEW YORK I am also preparing an Omnibus Welfare States Forest Service in an attempt to bring IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Reform Amendments bill that will incorporate reform to that troubled federal agency. Today, Friday, June 19, 1998 amendments from members of the House to I introduce legislation to further the goal of last year's welfare reform statute, in the hope streamlining government and save additional Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to that one or the other provision might be pulled money for the taxpayers of this nation, without honor the dedication and achievements of Dr. out for passage. However, STEP hops over decreasing services. Thomas P. Grissom, Jr. welfare reform and confronts the missing in- Dr. Grissom has earned two Doctorate de- Continuing what Congress began in 1995, gredient for all the long-term unemployedÐa grees, and it was his desire to teach before my legislation would dissolve the Department realistic way to get them to a real job that retiring. of Interior's (DOI) Minerals Management Serv- pays a liveable wage. Dr. Thomas P. Grissom, Jr. has a vast ice (MMS) and transfer the two major func- STEP's $20 billion cost over four years, cre- amount of experience as a pastor. He began tions to other locations in DOI. By this trans- ating 1.8 million entry level jobs, would be his ministry 49 years and 9 months ago. He fer, the Department would realize significant money well spent from a budget that now first became the Associate Pastor of St. Mark savings by elimination of the administrative boast a surplus. The challenge to those who United Methodist Church in Manhattan. From support component of the current MMS. have no plan for the hard core unemployed is, there he went to Janes United Methodist Under this legislation, the Minerals Manage- if not this what? The challenge to those who Church in Brooklyn. After this position, he ment component of MMS would be transferred do not want to spend the money is, if not in moved to Taylor Memorial Church in Oakland, to the Bureau of Land Management. The Roy- this roaring economy, when? California. He later returned to New York in alty Management component would be trans- f October 1980 to pastor Salem United Meth- ferred to the office of the Assistant Secretary odist Church in Manhattan. He remained at TRIBUTE TO ROBERT EDWARD for Policy, Management and Budget. Day to Salem until the end of June in 1990. On the BATES, JR. & STANLEY K. WIL- day operations of these two divisions would go first Sunday of July 1990, Dr. Grissom be- LIAMS on, almost totally undisturbed by this legisla- came the Pastor of Hanson Place Central tion. United Methodist Church, where he has I would point out that the MMS was estab- HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN served until the present time. OF SOUTH CAROLINA lished in 1982, following an internal reorga- Mr. Speaker, please join me in saluting Dr. nization of the Department of Interior. Expec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thomas P. Grissom, Jr. for his tremendous tations for the new federal agency were high. Friday, June 19, 1998 devotion and dedication to his profession. The MMS took components that were formerly f Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to located elsewhere in the Department and pay tribute to Robert Edward Bates, Jr. and placed them under one roof, headed by a di- THE STRATEGIC TRANSITIONAL Stanley K. Williams who will be honored as rector appointed by the Secretary of the Inte- EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM (STEP) Men of the Year by the Shiloh Baptist Church rior. The Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil of Washington, D.C. on Sunday, June 21, and gas leasing program was expected to be HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON 1998. the real centerpiece of this new agency. Leas- OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA It has been my privilege to have known ing activities were to be expanded from small IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Robert Bates for many years. He has been a areas in California, the Gulf of Mexico and in member of Shiloh Baptist Church since his Alaska to large areas off the entire East and Friday, June 19, 1998 youth. He is the son of the late Deacon and West Coasts as well as the Eastern Gulf of Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today, I intro- Mrs. Robert E. Bates, Sr. He was a member Mexico. Industry interest was extremely high duce the Strategic Transitional Employment of the Fund-raising Committee for the Henry and energy self sufficiency was just around Program Act or STEP, and I thank Senator C. Gregory, III Family Life Center and cur- the corner. WELLSTONE, who will introduce the bill in the rently serves as Chairman of the Family Life However, something happened along the Senate today, for his leadership. The unem- Center Foundation Board. way and public support for this effort never ployment rates in many parts of this region are Active in the civil rights movement, Mr. materialized. In fact, in spite of an outstanding so low that almost anybody can find a job. Yet Bates worked as an aide to Senator Edward safety and environmental record, widespread in the District and other large cities and in Kennedy early in his career and went on to a and rabid opposition to expansion of the pro- rural areas, unemployment rates remain unaf- successful career with Mobil Oil Company. He gram developed and continues today. There- fected by the excellent Clinton economy. En- was one of the first African Americans to rep- fore, the grand plans of 1982 never material- tire sections of our society scratch their collec- resent a major company on legislative matters ized. In fact, just last week, President Clinton tive heads at daily reports of the splendid on Capitol Hill. While secure in his own posi- called for extending the current Congressional economy. tion, he established the Second Wednesdays E1178 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 1998 Group, an organization to enhance opportuni- COMMEMORATING THE 15TH ANNI- partnership. During his recent visit to Ger- ties for African Americans in the lobbying VERSARY OF THE CONGRESS- many, marking the 50th anniversary of the arena. In addition, Mr. Bates has been a BUNDESTAG YOUTH EXCHANGE Berlin Airlift, President Clinton declared, ``we strong supporter of the Congressional Black will be working hard to expand our support for Caucus and the Congressional Black Caucus HON. LEE H. HAMILTON the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange, Foundation. He is the father of threeÐDawn, OF INDIANA which has already given more than 10,000 Hillman and Brandon. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES German and American students the chance to After joining Shiloh nearly two decades ago, visit each other's countries.'' Friday, June 19, 1998 German leaders in the Bundestag value the Stanley Williams immersed himself in church relationship with the United States and with activities. Today, he serves as Vice President Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I would like to the Congress, and recognize the contribution of the Brotherhood of Shiloh Men. He has draw the attention of my colleagues to the which the Congress-Bundestag Youth Ex- been a Sunday School teacher in the Youth 15th anniversary on June 19th of the creation of the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange. change program has made to the close ties Department and served as an Assistant Su- which exist. On June 19th, the President of perintendent; Chairman of the Men's Day In 1983, marking the 300 years of German immigration to the United States, the Con- the German Bundestag, Prof. Rita S ssmuth, Committee; and, Co-chaired the Children's will mark the 15th anniversary of the Con- Day Committee. He was recently appointed by gress and the German Bundestag created a unique program, the Congress-Bundestag gress-Bundestag Youth Exchange program by the Pastor to Co-Chair the Victory Through sending the Bundestag's greetings to all Mem- Faith Campaign Committee. Youth Exchange. This exchange was de- signed to ensure that the close ties of friend- bers of Congress and by congratulating the Mr. Williams currently works at the U.S. De- ship and partnership which had developed be- 200 American participants in this year's pro- partment of Labor where he serves as the Di- tween our two countries since the founding of gram, who will be present during the Bundes- rector of Veterans' Employment and Training. the Federal Republic of Germany would con- tag session. He recently was recognized by the Assistant tinue in successor generations, and to foster Mr. Speaker, I invite my colleagues in the Secretary of Labor for his outstanding knowl- the relationship between our two national leg- House of Representatives to join me in ex- edge and dedication in his field. He is married islative bodies. tending special greetings to our fellow legisla- to Judy C. Williams and is the father of two In each of the past fifteen years, up to 800 tors in the Bundestag, in commemorating the children, Lanita and Malek. American and German high school students creation of this exchange and in noting its Mr. Speaker, as we celebrate Father's Day and young professionals have taken part in contribution to the distinctive ties between the across the country this Sunday, I ask you and this program. The high school students be- peoples and the governments of these two my colleagues to join me in saluting these two come aware of the wider world and establish great nations. outstanding fathersÐRobert Edward Bates, Jr. ties which will benefit them for the rest of their f and Stanley K. Williams today for their dedica- lives. Thanks to a combination of classroom INTRODUCTION OF THE tion to the Shiloh Baptist Church, their fami- education and on-the-job training during their TAXPAYER’S DEFENSE ACT lies, and to the community. year abroad, young professionals are able to bring valuable experience into their working HON. GEORGE W. GEKAS f life: Americans can take advantage of Ger- OF PENNSYLVANIA many's ``dual system'' of education and prac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PERSONAL EXPLANATION tical training, while German youth can benefit from American strengths in areas such as Friday, June 19, 1998 telecommunications, environmental technology Mr. GEKAS. Mr. Speaker, today I join with HON. MARION BERRY and the service sector. In both cases, the Mr. HAYWORTH and 52 of our colleagues to in- young people of our two countries gain knowl- troduce the Taxpayer's Defense Act. This bill OF ARKANSAS edge and experience which will serve them simply provides that no federal agency may IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES well later in life. establish or raise a tax without the approval of Let me quote from the letter of a recently- Congress. Friday, June 19, 1998 returned American high school student, reflect- One of the principles on which the United ing on her year in Germany: States was founded was that there should be Mr. BERRY. Mr. Speaker, on June 17, I was no taxation without representation. speaking before a group of Arkansas students Now, I am able to speak Germany fluently. I have made many strong friendships and In the Second Treatise of Government, John and missed roll call vote No. 237. If I had have experienced a culture I was not used to; Locke said, ``[f]f any one shall claim a power been here, I would have voted ``present.'' I have learned a great deal about who I am to lay and levy taxes on the people, . . . with- and about life in general. I have learned to out . . . consent of the people, he thereby . . . f be more tolerant of others and the ideas that subverts the end of government.'' Consent, they offer. Being an exchange student does according to Locke, could only be given by a PERSONAL EXPLANATION not just benefit the exchange. My first weeks in Germany were spent trying to disprove majority of the people, ``either by themselves many of the stereotypes the Germans had or their representatives chosen by them.'' The about the United States and its society. Boston Tea Party celebrated Americans' oppo- HON. JOHN ELIAS BALDACCI Through this Exchange, all participants are sition to taxation without representation. And OF MAINE able to return home feeling proud that they the Declaration of Independence listed, among had the opportunity to represent the United the despotic acts of King George, hie ``impos- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States. ing Taxes on us without our Consent.'' First Friday, June 19, 1998 The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange among the powers that the Constitution gave program also organizes reciprocal visits by to the Congress, our new government's rep- Mr. BALDACCI. Mr. Speaker, yesterday the staffers of the Congress and Bundestag. I resentative branch, was the power to levy House voted on final passage of the Con- hope that more of my colleagues will encour- taxes. ference Report to accompany H.R. 2646, the age their staffers to take advantage of this op- The logic of having only Congress establish Education Savings Act for Public and Private portunity to get to know Germany and the federal taxes is clear: only Congress considers Schools. I do not believe that we should be working of its government and legislature. The and weighs every economic and social issue taking resources away from our public schools staff exchange can be of tremendous assist- that rises to national importance. While any and directing them towards private schools. I ance as our two countries grapple with shared faction, agency, or sub-agency of the govern- am strongly opposed to H.R. 2646, and cast problems. ment may view its own priorities as para- my vote against the Conference Report (Roll Germany is a uniquely important ally of the mount, only Congress can decide which goals Call Vote No. 243). Therefore, I was con- United States. We have a strong national in- are of the importance to merit spending tax- cerned to discover this morning that I was list- terest in maintaining the closest ties and the payer dollars. Only Congress can determine ed as not voting on Roll Call No. 243. Appar- best understanding possible with both the cur- the level at which taxpayer dollars should be ently, my vote was not properly recorded by rent leadership and the successor generation. spent. the electronic voting system. I am deeply con- The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange The American ban on taxation without rep- cerned about this incident. represents one of the best ways to cement our resentation has not been seriously challenged June 19, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1179 during our nation's history. The modern era of cost Americans millions and millions of dollars. HONORING THE SAVE OUR YOUTH restricted federal budgets, however, threatens Mr. Speaker, some people thought the tax- INITIATIVE’S CONGRESSIONAL to erode the essential principle of ``no taxation and-spend liberals had left Washington. Not YOUTH COUNCIL without representation.'' In ways that are often so. subtle or hidden, federal agencies are taking Washington interest groups who want to HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS onÐor receiving from CongressÐthe power to feed at this federal trough are already geared OF NEW YORK tax. They may tax by adding extra charges up to accuse the Republican Congress of cut- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES onto legitimate fees charged for services they ting funding for education and health care if Friday, June 19, 1998 provide. They may tax by requiring businesses any attempt is made to rein in the FCC. They to take on affirmative obligations (as opposed will cynically frame the issue as a matter of Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to complying with proscriptions on behavior federal entitlements for sympathetic causes honor the member of my Save Our Youth Ini- that harms the public) as a condition of oper- and groups. tiative's Congressional Youth Council. One of the major challenges facing Brook- ating. Administrative taxes pass the costs of But the most sympathetic group is the lyn, and other parts of our Nation, is finding government progrms on to American consum- American taxpayer, whose money is being ways to open doors of opportunity for youth ers in the form of higher prices. These secret taken, laundered through the Washington bu- who constitute a disproportionately large share taxes tend to be deeply regressive and they reaucracy, and returned (in dramatically re- of the unemployed, underemployed, and incar- add inefficiencies to the economy. The take duced amounts) for purposes set by unelected cerated. Through the Save Our Youth Initia- money from everyone without helping anyone. Washington poohbahs. This is why we must The worst example of administrative tax- require the FCC, and all agencies, to get the tive, I am striving to eliminate this bleak out- ation is the Federal Communications Commis- approval of Congress before setting future tax look for our youth, and to provide the nec- sion's Universal Service Tax. ``Universal serv- rates. essary resources so that youth can build suc- ice'' is the idea that everyone should have ac- Should tax dollars be used for federal uni- cessful lives. An important vehicle in this effort cess to affordable telecommunications serv- versal service programs? In what amounts? is my Congressional Youth Council. Since Spring 1996, the Youth Council's ices. It originated at the beginning of the cen- Or should Americans spend what they earn on leadership role in the community encourages tury when the nation was still being strung their own, locally determined priorities? Re- youth to become more active citizens. with telephone wires. The Telecommunications quiring Congress to review any administrative Through organizing community forums such Act of 1996 included provisions that allowed taxes would answer this question. as a Youth Town Hall meeting attended by the FCC to extend universal service, ensuring My bill would create a new subchapter with- over 200 youth and adults, participating in that telecommunications are available to all in the Congressional Review Act for manda- public hearings and other local events, and areas of the country and to institutions that tory review of certain agency rules. Any rule discussing policy issues with public officials benefit the community, like schools, libraries, that establishes or raises a tax would have to such as Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Brooklyn and rural health care facilities. be submitted to Congress and receive the ap- Most importantly, the Act gave the FCC the proval of Congress before it could take effect. Borough President Howard Golden, these power to decide the level of ``contributions''Ð In essence, the Act would disable agencies youth blossomed into dedicated advocates. taxesÐthat long-distance providers would from establishing or raising taxes, but allow Each young leaderÐApril Hudson, Irvin Dan- have to pay to support universal service. The them to formulate proposals for Congress to iels, Felix Ramos, Akilah Holder, Tanya Cruz, FCC now determines how much can be col- consider, under existing rulemaking proce- Latoya Baker, Dunni Owolabi, Jethro Jelldine, lected in taxes to subsidize a variety of ``uni- dures. It is a version of a bill introduced and Nicole Brathwaite, Michelle Warner, Yolanshe, Alexander, Fellanthin King, and Kalonji versal service'' spending programs. It charges ably advocated for by Mr. HAYWORTH. He joins long-distance providers, who pass the costs me today as a leading cosponsor of this bill. CurwenÐis a shining beacon of hope for the on to consumers in the form of higher tele- Once submitted to Congress, a taxing regu- future of our community. I am tremendously proud of their achieve- phone bills. In the first half of 1998, the tax lation would be introduced (by request) in ments in both school and the community. This was $625 million, and the Clinton Administra- each House of Congress by the Majority Lead- month, four of these dedicated youth advo- tion's budget projects it will rise to $10 billion er. The rule would then be subject to expe- cates will receive their New York State high per year. Mr. Speaker, this administrative tax dited procedures, allowing a prompt decision school diplomas. They have truly shown that is already out of control. on whether or not it should take effect. The Generation X is a generation of excellence. The FCC's provisions for universal service rule would take effect once a bill approving it Mr. Speaker, it is with great pride that I ask have many flaws. Among them are three ``ad- was passed by both Houses of Congress and my colleagues to join me in saluting all of the ministrative corporations'' set up by the FCC. signed by the President. If the rule were ap- members of my Congressional Youth Council. The General Accounting Office has deter- proved, the agency would retain power to re- f mined that the establishment of these corpora- verse the regulation, lower the amount of the tions was illegal. The head of one of these tax, or take any otherwise legal actions with TRIBUTE TO INTEGRATION 2000 corporations was, until recently, paid $200,000 respect to the rule. dollars per yearÐas much as the President of Mr. Speaker, the cry of ``no taxation without HON. DAVID E. BONIOR the United States. And reports are already representation'' has gone up in the land be- OF MICHIGAN coming in about sweetheart deals between fore, and today we are hearing it again. Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES government contractors and their State gov- gress must not allow a federal agency com- Friday, June 19, 1998 ernment friends, who have access to huge prised of unelected bureaucrats to determine amounts of easy universal service money. the amount of taxes hardworking Americans Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, each year a new The FCC has been contumacious to the will must pay. While preserving needed flexibility, group of children walks into a school for the of Congress in implementing the Universal the Taxpayer's Defense Act will allow Con- first time. They are our future leaders, the Service Tax. Chairman BLILEY has assiduously gress alone to determine the purposes to hope of America. Students rely on the support pursued the FCC's missteps and misdeeds, as which precious tax dollars will be put. they get from parents, mentors, and teachers have I. In the Commercial and Administrative f as they prepare for their future. Harry Istok, at Law Subcommittee, I chaired a hearing on ad- Malow Junior High in Shelby Township, MI, ministrative taxation, focusing particularly on PERSONAL EXPLANATION has developed an innovative technical pro- the Universal Service Tax, on February 26, gram called Integration 2000. With the help 1998, at which I raised several issues and HON. ADAM SMITH and support of businesses throughout the concerns. The FCC's response to my con- OF WASHINGTON Metro Detroit area, Integration 2000 has cerns, and those of many other Members, has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES changed the way we look at technical edu- been anemic at best. cation in Michigan. This can only happen because the FCC col- Friday, June 19, 1998 Harry Istok is a veteran teacher. For twenty- lects taxpayer dollars at levels it sets without Mr. ADAM SMITH of Washington. Mr. seven years, he has taught drafting to stu- approval from Congress or the people. The Speaker, I was unavoidably detained on the dents at Malow Junior High. But during the FCC can defy Congress and the people be- evening of June 11, 1998, and unfortunately school year of 1995/1996, Harry took drafting cause it has the power to levy taxes on its missed roll call votes 230 and 231. If present to a new level. By taking skills from art, draft- own. It can ignore Congress without threaten- I would have voted ``yea'' on roll call vote 230 ing, technology education, and general busi- ing its generous spending programs, which and ``yea'' on roll call vote 231. ness, Harry integrated the manufacturing side E1180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 1998 to show students how their final product would Mr. SANDLIN. Mr. Chairman, I rise today in children are not adequately protected in this be produced. Students in 7th, 8th, and 9th qualified support of this legislation to overhaul rewrite of the bankruptcy code, I will vote grades have designed, engineered, manufac- our nation's bankruptcy laws. H.R. 3150 is an against the conference report. tured and marketed products such as key imperfect bill that addresses a very real and f chains and pen and pencil holders proudly pressing problem. I will vote for this bill to ad- bearing the Malow Mustang. Harry Istok is vance it through this stage of the legislative RECOGNIZING WPST’S DAVE preparing students for life after secondary process. However, if this bill does not improve McKAY AS TOP 40 SMALL MAR- school. Harry has stated, ``the whole purpose in conference negotiations with the other body, KET PROGRAM DIRECTOR OF of education after the Industrial Revolution is I am prepared to vote against the conference THE YEAR to prepare students for the world of work. We report. have to show the kids that there are viable al- Although the rate of personal bankruptcy fil- HON. MICHAEL PAPPAS ternatives to a four year college education.'' ings in Texas in 1996 was well below the na- OF NEW JERSEY Integration 2000 provides students and busi- tional average, it is still high at 8.4 bank- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ruptcies per 1000 households. Nationally, fil- ness with the opportunity to work together in Friday, June 19, 1998 a hands-on educational environment. ings increased 20% from 1996 to 1997, and Since 1995, Harry has enlisted twenty- the economic cost of these bankruptcies is Mr. PAPPAS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in seven area businesses to participate in Inte- passed on to all consumers, creating a hidden recognition of Mr. Dave McKay who was re- gration 2000. Each business donates time and tax of $400 on every household. cently named Top 40 Small Market Program materials to the education of the students. While there are multiple factors contributing Director of the Year at the Gavin Seminar in Without their dedication and commitment Inte- to this recent surge in bankruptcy filings, the San Diego, California. He is truly outstanding gration 2000 would not be possible. On March ease with which a debtor can file for Chapter at what he does, making it my pleasure to rec- 8, 1998, Harry and his partners were honored 7 bankruptcy is surely one of them. There are ognize him today. with the Program Excellence Award at the certainly scattered cases of debtors running Every day many of us enjoy listening to the 60th International Technology Education Asso- up their debt and then filing Chapter 7 bank- radio but are probably largely unaware of the ciation in Fort Worth, Texas. The participating ruptcy to discharge that debt when they are hard work that goes into a successful broad- businesses are: RCO Engineering, Northern capable of paying a substantial portion. The cast. It is rare that we have the opportunity to Metalcraft, Joint Production Technologies, bankruptcy system should not assist debtors give our thanks to those who stand out in the Thunder Tool, Shoe Design, Entire Reproduc- in evading debts they could otherwise pay. In- radio industry and provide us with daily enter- tions, Rhetech, Pinnacle Technologies, Proper stead, our nation's bankruptcy laws should tainment. Mold, Macomb Sheet Metal, P-Ess Sheet offer a fair and honest way for those over- Selected from hundreds of candidates Metal, Breed Technologies, Kinzer Collision, whelmed by financial pressures to pay off as across the country, Mr. McKay has proven to International Hardcoat, Shelby Mold Inc., Mod- much of their debt as they can and begin a be at the top of his field, as is evident by the ulated Metals Inc., E & E Engineering, Ad- fresh start. fact that he has received this honor for two vanced Machining Ltd., Mt. Clemens Steel This bill takes a good initial step at limiting consecutive years. He graduated from the Uni- Inc., R.-J.'s E.D.M., DCT Inc., Unique Fab- a debtor's ability to ``game the system'' or take versity of Maryland in 1992 and has excelled ricating, Acra Grinding, 3-Dimensional Serv- advantage of our bankruptcy code. However, in his endeavors ever since. Hired immediately ices, Powder Cote II, Interplas and Consumers the bankruptcy code affects millions of working as an air talent at WPST in 1993, he was rec- Lumber. Americans annually, and any changes to the ognized as a great prospect in the industry. As a parent and congressman, I am im- code will have significant ramifications for Just five months later, he was promoted to the pressed so many young people will have the many of them. We must undertake any rewrite position of Music Director, a position that opportunity to experience the world of high of this code with extreme diligence and cau- gained him many accolades. As Music Direc- tech manufacturing when they are as young tion. tor, Mr. McKay won $10,000 in the AIR Com- as twelve years old. Harry Istok's vision has Amendments to this bill, both in committee petition, one of the greatest achievements in brought together a unique partnership be- and on the House floor, addressing child sup- the radio industry, as well as numerous other tween Malow Junior High and businesses in port and alimony payments, have allayed awards. Finally, in 1996, he was named Pro- southeastern Michigan. Integration 2000 will some of my fears. However, I still have signifi- gram Director at WPST, a position that he re- serve as an example for other schools to fol- cant lingering concerns that making some mains in at this time. low. I would like to thank Harry and all of his credit card debt nondischargeable places this Mr. Speaker, I am proud to be able to rec- twenty-seven partners for their lasting con- debt in direct competition with child support ognize Dave McKay for his recent honor in tribution to education in the United States. and alimony payments. Although child support being named as the Top 40 Small Market Pro- f and alimony payments retain priority designa- gram Director of the year. I want to congratu- tion, credit card companies will generally have late him and wish him and WPST my best PERSONAL EXPLANATION a better ability to collect these debts than an wishes. ex-spouse. Before this bill is enacted into law, f HON. EVA M. CLAYTON we must be absolutely certain that it will not OF NORTH CAROLINA benefit credit card companies at the expense FOURTH ANNUAL CITIZENSHIP IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of women and children who rely on these pay- DAY EVENT Friday, June 19, 1998 ments for their survival. This bill, as reported by the House Commit- HON. GENE GREEN Mrs. CLAYTON. Mr. Speaker, during roll call tee on Judiciary, would have preempted provi- vote numbers 245, 246, and 247, I was un- OF TEXAS sions in the Texas Constitution which protect IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES avoidably detained. Had I been present, I a debtor's homestead from seizure. The bill Friday, June 19, 1998 would have voted yes on 245, and no on 246, would have capped the homestead exemption and 247. at $100,000, while Texas law has no monetary Mr. GREEN. Mr. Speaker, June 13, my staff f limit on the homestead exemption. I was ada- and I hosted our Fourth Annual Citizenship BANKRUPTCY REFORM ACT OF 1998 mantly opposed to this provision, and was Day Event. This is a one-stop application pleased that it was eliminated from the bill on processing opportunity for residents who wish SPEECH OF the House floor. However, I still have concerns to become U.S. citizens. that this bill would intrude on state law by pro- With the help of local volunteers, elected of- HON. MAX SANDLIN hibiting a debtor from exempting assets trans- ficials, and community-based organizations, OF TEXAS ferred into one's homestead within one year of we were able to help 350 residents take their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES filing for bankruptcy. I hope to see this provi- first step to becoming a U.S. citizen. Wednesday, June 10, 1998 sion eliminated from the bill in negotiations The Citizenship Day process consisted of The House in Committee of the Whole with Senate. completing INS forms, taking photographs, House on the State of the Union had under I will vote for this bill now, but I urge the and having attorneys and INS representatives consideration the bill (H.R. 3150) to amend conference committee to address these very review the application. Upon completing this title 11 of the United States Code, and for significant issues before this legislation returns process, the application is photocopied for the other purposes: to the House for final passage. If women and applicant and immediately mailed to INS. June 19, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1181 Every year, I am amazed at the number of garding an earlier set of ``guidelines'' for work- ment of his community, whenever he contrib- people who attend this event. While some of place violence prevention programs for night utes to the enlarged influence of his State, us to tend to take for granted that we live in retail establishments, expressing a number of whenever he contributes to the greater glory a great a country, others wait in line all night concerns, including the enforceability of the of the Republic and makes it a better place in long simply to submit an application to be- guidelines and the lack of scientific basis and which to live and in which to invite men to par- come a U.S. citizen. procedural safeguards in their promulgation. ticipate and aspire, he contributes to himself Although an event like this takes many I continue to be concerned that OSHA's in- as he contributes to the welfare of his fellow months of coordinating and planning, the re- volvement in workplace violence has not been men.'' wards are remarkable. Not only does it pro- supported by objective analysis nor been sub- Paul Zanowic dedicated his life to the bet- vide a service to our community, but it also in- ject to procedural safeguards. There is little terment of his community, through the honor- creases awareness among legal residents evidence that OSHA is in a better position able profession of law enforcement. On Feb- about the importance of becoming a citizen. than state and local authorities to investigate ruary 12, 1998, Paul Zanowic reached his 91st Moreover, it's encouraging to see volunteers incidents of workplace violence perpetrated by birthday. His commitment to public duty and return every year to contribute their time and either 3rd parties or co-workers, or that the public trust truly deserves recognition by effort. OSHA's involvement in those investigations this body. I am extremely thankful of the following vol- would help to bring the perpetrators to justice. Paul Zanowic started as a patrolman with unteers, groups and organizations who as- Nonetheless, I do want to underline a clari- the North Plainfield Police Department in sisted in making this event possible: Houston fication that OSHA made in its recent rec- 1931. After serving as the Office in Charge of Community CollegeÐNortheast Campus, Har- ommendations for late night retail establish- the Detective Bureau for eight years, he was ris County Constable Victor Trevino, Immigra- ments. It is my understanding from both the elevated to Chief of Police in North Plainfield, tion and Naturalization Service, United States actual text of OSHA's final recommendations, New Jersey, in 1960, which is in my Congres- Postal Service, Houston Industries, League of as well as from comments made by OSHA of- sional district. Beginning in 1967, he was United Latin American Citizens, National Asso- ficials, that its recommendations are not a new elected to four straight terms by the citizens of ciation of Latino Elected Officials, Hispanic standard or regulation, and do not create any Somerset County to serve as their Sheriff. He Women in Leadership, Rio Posada Res- new OSHA duties, and that an employer's de- retired from law enforcement in 1980. His ten- taurant, Fiesta Mart, Inc., Hispanic Organiza- cision not to adopt any of the recommenda- ure as Chief of Police was marked by his be- tion of Postal Employees, Houston Coca Cola tions will not be deemed evidence of a viola- coming President of the New Jersey State As- Bottling Co., Pizza Hut, Chase Bank, tion of the General Duty Clause in section sociation of Chiefs of Police and he has the TelemundoÐChannel 48, UnivisionÐChannel 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health honor of being the first Chief ever elected to 45, College Democrats @ University of Hous- Act. To quote OSHA's recommendations di- office in the Association from Somerset Coun- ton, Quan, Burdette & Perez, Attorneys at rectly, ``These recommendations do not im- ty. He was past president of the North Plain- Law, Esther Alaniz, Alicia Almendariz, David pose, and are not intended to result in, the im- field Police Benevolent Association, and re- Airhart, Artie Blanco, Delia Barajas, Debra position of any new legal obligations or con- ceived an honorary lifetime membership in the Barnes, Yasmine Cadena, Mary Closner, straints on employers or the states.'' New Jersey State PBA. Mitchell Contreras, Romero Cruz, Hector De Mr. Speaker, a great many employers in the Mr. Speaker, distinguished colleagues, Leon, Anselmo Davila, Armando Entenza, Ar- late night retail industry have worked hard to please join me in honoring the dedication of thur Flores, Charles Flores, Dr. Margaret Ford, develop violence prevention programs that Paul C. Zanowic. His record of public service Celia Garcia, Cyndi Garza, Juan Garcia, Rosa may not conform to all of OSHA's rec- should serve as a model for the citizens of our Garcia, Reynaldo Garza, Victor Gonzalez, ommendations. It is my understanding that nation. Juana Gonzalez, Priscilla Gonzalez, Manuel OSHA's recent ``recommendations'' are in- f Gonzalez, Mary Guerrero, Rebecca Guerrero, tended as suggestions to late night retailers of Joe Granados, Ben D. Huynh, Ana Maria a variety of steps that may be taken as part LAWRENCE MEINWALD, OUT- Lopez, Dorothy Ledezma, Alfred Martinez, of such violence prevention programs. The STANDING CITIZEN OF GOSHEN, John Martinez, Benny Martinez, Margaret particular recommendations in the April 28 NEW YORK Mata, Edward Melendez, Josephine Mendoza, OSHA document are not intended to create John Meyer, Diana Morales, Sally Morin, Mer- any legal obligation, duty or consequence. HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN cedes Nassar, Janie Munoz, Frances Munoz, Mr. Speaker, workplace violence, like vio- OF NEW YORK Art Murillo, Ana Nunez, Sandra M. Orellana, lence throughout our society, is a serious IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Juan Padilla, Cesar De Paz, Richard Perez, problem. Employers in all sectors of the econ- Friday, June 19, 1998 Candy Perez, Andre Rodriguez, Jesse P. Ra- omy are taking steps to prevent violence mirez, Francisco Rodriquez, Mayor Cipriano against their employees, whether it be vio- Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Romero, Juana Rosales, Rosa Ruelas, lence perpetrated by 3rd parties or by disgrun- call to the attention of our colleagues the birth- Yeannett Salazar, Thomas Sanchez, Olga tled and disturbed employees. I commend day of an outstanding American and resident Soliz, Diana Trevino, Marco Torres, Vera OSHA for clarifying that its recommendations of the Town of Goshen, New York, Lawrence Vasquez, Suzanne Villareal, Patricia Valdez, do not impose new legal duties on employers Meinwald. Today, Mr. Meinwald celebrates his Ralph Vazquez, and Shahid Waheed. but are intended to provide employers with 84th birthday, and I want to take this oppor- f suggestions and recommendations of steps tunity to share with our colleagues the remark- that employers may consider as part of their able life story of this incredible person. OSHA WORKPLACE VIOLENCE own efforts to reduce the likelihood of violence Mr. Meinwald came to the United States in RECOMMENDATIONS occurring against employees in their work- 1920 as a young boy from Warsaw, Poland. places. His first ten days in America were spent at HON. CASS BALLENGER f Ellis Island while waiting to enter our nation. OF NORTH CAROLINA Ellis Island had such a strong impact on him A TRIBUTE TO MR. PAUL C. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that he decided to make New York State his ZANOWIC home, and remains unpersuaded by the re- Friday, June 19, 1998 cent ruling reverting Ellis Island to New Jer- Mr. BALLENGER. Mr. Speaker, the Occupa- HON. BOB FRANKS sey. tional Safety and Health Administration re- OF NEW JERSEY Larry Meinwald, along with his wife, Caro- cently issued a document called ``Rec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lyn, have made lasting contributions to their ommendations for Workplace Violence Pre- adopted home of Goshen, New York. Chief vention in Late-Night Retail Establishments.'' Friday, June 19, 1998 among these contributions has been the com- Although workplace violence is an issue that Mr. FRANKS of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I plete restoration of eight commercial buildings we are all concerned about, I and many of my rise today to pay tribute to Mr. Paul C. in the Village of Goshen, all which preserve colleagues have serious reservations about Zanowic, who served as a law enforcement of- the historic nature of the area. OSHA's involvement in this issue. In Septem- ficer in Somerset County, New Jersey for fifty Mr. Meinwald's most recent restoration is ber 1996, more than 100 members of the years. that of an office building at the very spot at House of Representatives wrote to then As- President Warren G. Harding once said, which the former Erie and Western Railroad sistant Secretary for OSHA, Joseph Dear, re- ``Whenever a man contributes to the better- had the initial trip on what proved to be a long E1182 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 1998 and fruitful era. During that period Goshen They have gained the respect of the listen- to families and individuals, who because of served as a major rail distribution center. In ing audience by reporting on those issues im- poverty, hopelessness, location, immigration recognition of this important maiden run, portant to the community. Issues such as status, mental or physical illness, face unique George M. Lyons, the Mayor of Goshen, has AIDS, alcohol abuse, drunk driving, and crime and difficult obstacles to receiving needed named the street ``Railroad Avenue.'' are addressed by the association and relayed services through more traditional channels. Mr. Speaker, I invite our colleagues to join to the public through public service cam- The Madison Street Clinic serves the most with me in extending birthday greetings and paigns. Our youth are significantly affected by ethnically diverse community in the State and our best wishes to this outstanding American what they hear over the radio, and based every month more than 600 patients walk citizen, Mr. Lawrence Meinwald. upon the outstanding job by the NJBA, they through the clinic doors for care. f are being steered in the right direction. In ad- In addition, in 1997, Steve helped open the dition, emergency closings of businesses and Clarke Square Family Health Center, the Mid- FATHER’S DAY schools as well as local weather crises are re- west's first medical clinic to operate in a gro- ported by stations through the NJBA. cery store. The clinic, located in the neighbor- HON. RON PACKARD New Jersey radio and TV stations, through hood Pick 'N Save, is open seven days a OF CALIFORNIA the good work of the NJBA, do so much good week and provides both primary and urgent IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work each and every day to assist in the im- care to patients who live in the area. Truly Friday, June 19, 1998 provement of the community. All events and ``one-stop shopping,'' Clarke Square provides activities that they work on, no matter what the a safe environment in the central city for indi- Mr. PACKARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to size, are important to the citizens of New Jer- viduals to receive primary and urgent care honor our nation's fathers. As all of us are sey. services right in the grocery store. aware, this Sunday, June 21 is Father's Day. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this oppor- Through the efforts of Steve Ohly, countless While Father's Day is a relatively new holiday, tunity to thank Phil Roberts and the entire homeless and unemployed Milwaukeeans are originating in the early part of this century, NJBA for their continuous excellent work and given needed medical care and a chance to there is no limit to the amount of respect and wish them every future success in keeping the lead more healthy and productive lives. I con- honor we have shown our fathers over the citizens of New Jersey educated and in- gratulate Steve and thank him for his tireless years. formed. dedication and service to our great city. Mr. In 1909, a daughter thought of the idea of f Speaker, I ask that you, and the other Mem- Father's Day. She and her five siblings had bers, join with me in honoring Steve for his been raised by her father after their mother PERSONAL EXPLANATION commitment to his community and acknowl- died. She wanted to honor her father, realizing edge his admirable service as a role model to as she reached adulthood how much he had HON. ANNA G. ESHOO our entire Nation. sacrificed for her and her brothers and sisters. OF CALIFORNIA f The concept of Father's Day was born. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Our parents often teach us many things INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTION about life that we don't realize at the time of Friday, June 19, 1998 REGARDING PROTECTING FUNC- the lesson; however, slowly we metamorphose Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- TION PRIVILEGE into this person that ``becomes like our par- ably detained on June 16, as United Flight ent.'' I still live and remember many of the les- #200, scheduled to depart San Francisco at 8 HON. TOM DeLAY sons my own father taught me. My father was am did not depart until 10 am due to mechani- OF TEXAS one of the most honest, loving, men of integ- cal difficulties. I landed at Dulles International IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rity I have ever known. He taught me the Airport at 5:34 pm, and therefore missed Roll- Friday, June 19, 1998 value of hard work, and of a faith born not of call votes 232 and 233. Had I been present I words, but deeds. I couldn't have asked for a would have voted ``aye'' on both. Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, today I am intro- better example of all that is good in a man, f ducing a resolution expressing the sense of than the example of my dad. the House of Representatives that President Mr. Speaker, again, I rise today to extend A TRIBUTE TO STEVE OHLY—1998 Clinton should immediately withdraw his ap- my gratitude to those fathers in our nation who ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON FOUN- peal of the U.S. District Court for the District remember the job they have and keep the DATION COMMUNITY HEALTH of Columbia's recent decision rejecting the promises made to their children. LEADER fabricated ``protective function privilege.'' f Judge Johnson correctly observed that this HON. GERALD D. KLECZKA new privilege, which would prevent Secret RECOGNIZING THE EFFORTS OF OF WISCONSIN Service agents from testifying, is not based in THE NEW JERSEY BROAD- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Constitution, statute or common law. In CASTERS ASSOCIATION short, there is no legal basis for a protective Friday, June 19, 1998 function privilege. HON. MICHAEL PAPPAS Mr. KLECZKA. Mr. Speaker, one of the The fact that this administration would as- OF NEW JERSEY greatest pleasures of serving in Congress is sert such a specious privilege is deeply trou- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the opportunity to recognize the exceptional bling for a number of reasons. First, the presi- individuals of our Nation. Today, I rise to pay dent has apparently decided, contrary to his Friday, June 19, 1998 tribute to one such person, my constituent public pronouncements, that he will not co- Mr. PAPPAS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Steve Ohly, for his many contributions to the operate with the grand jury investigation. I re- recognition of the New Jersey Broadcasters City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Recently, Steve call President Clinton looking the American Association whose outstanding work has af- was recognized by the Robert Wood Johnson people in the eye and proclaiming that the fected the lives of many of my constituents. Foundation Community Health Leadership ``American people have a right to get an- They have truly served the public interest in Program as one of ten outstanding American swers'' regarding questions about the Monica the communities of New Jersey, and for this I leaders who have found innovative ways to Lewinsky investigation? He said it was his in- commend them. bring health care to communities whose needs tention to supply more information rather than Broadcasters have a mandate to serve the have been ignored and unmet. less, sooner rather than later. Does any one public interest of the communities in which I would like to offer my congratulations to recall his promise to give ``as many answers they operate. Given the diversity of commu- Steve on his receipt of this distinguished as we can, as soon as we can, at the appro- nities in New Jersey as well as in the entire award and to take this time to touch on his ac- priate time, consistent with our obligation to United States, there are a multitude of needs complishments. Steve, a nurse practitioner by also cooperate with the investigations.'' to be addressed over the public airwaves. trade, was instrumental in founding the Madi- Instead, the President has decided to hide Whether it be public service announcements, son Street Outreach Clinic on Milwaukee's behind an army of lawyers, most of whom are public affairs programs, or the communications south side in 1994. From the outset, the Madi- paid with taxpayer money. President Clinton of other various community issues, the NJBA son Street Outreach Clinic has been a wel- and his attorneys have decided to throw as has educated and involved the citizens of New come and open door for the city's uninsured many legal obstacles in front of the investiga- Jersey in a unique way. and homeless. The clinic provides health care tion as possible. They have apparently been June 19, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1183 instructed to go so far as to claim the newly Whereas no administration has ever sought by government officers and employees to the fabricated ``protective function privilege.'' The congressional enactment of a protective attorney general. . . . Secret Service em- Attorney General should be ashamed that she function privilege; ployees are not only executive branch per- Whereas Chief Judge Norma Holloway is now part of the conspiracy of obstruction sonnel subject to 535(b), but they are also Johnson refused to establish a protective law enforcement officers.’’ and silence. function privilege (Grand Jury Proceedings at (4) Wrote Judge Johnson: ‘‘The court is not Mr. Speaker, I am also concerned about the 9) and correctly noted such claims should be ultimately persuaded that a president would assertion of this privilege because of the sig- made to Congress, not to the courts (Grand put his life at risk for fear that a Secret nal it sends across America. President Clinton Jury Proceedings at 4); Service agent might be called to testify be- is demonstrating that if one has enough Whereas the Attorney General, who is the fore a grand jury’’ on a rare occasion. money and power, one can use the legal sys- Nation’s chief law enforcement official, In all respects, the judge’s ruling was tem to delay, obstruct, and avoid accountabil- should not assert claims of privilege, such as sound and correct. Only Mr. Clinton’s most ity. The President is willing to abuse America's the protective function privilege, that have vapid defenders can believe that ‘‘the presi- justice system to avoid coming clean with the no basis in law and the assertion of which dency’’ is somehow harmed by calling upon substantially delays the work of the grand Secret Service agents to tell the truth about American people. Like so many of his liberal jury; possible felonious actions. friends, the President and his lawyers urged Whereas former Attorneys General Barr, the court to legislate a new law where there Thornburgh, Meese, and Bell encouraged At- [From the Tampa Tribune, May 23, 1998] was none. That is not the appropriate use of torney General Reno to forego appealing the our court system. Only Congress can make district court’s decision because they believe SECRET SERVICE AGENTS AND THE LAW new laws in this area as Judge Johnson so the decision was ‘‘legally and historically In plenty of palaces in the backwaters of aptly noted. If the President is so concerned well-founded,’’ and ‘‘any appeal would likely the world, a dictator’s bodyguards never tes- tify against the boss. It is outrageous that about harm to himself or the Secret Service, result in an opinion that would only magnify the precedential damage to the Executive such an issue should even be under debate he should propose legislation to Congress not Branch’’ (Letter from Professor Jonathan here. abuse our judicial system. Turley to Attorney General Reno, May 25, Yet the Justice Department is arguing Mr. Speaker, I urge the President to direct 1998); and that Secret Service agents assigned to pro- the Attorney General to immediately withdraw Whereas the Attorney General has ap- tect the president shouldn’t be allowed to her appeal of Judge Johnson's correct deci- pealed the district court’s decision: Now, answer questions by the special prosecutor sion. The time has come for the President to therefore, be it investigating possible obstruction of justice fulfill his commitment to the American people. Resolved, That it is the sense of the House in the Monica Lewinsky episode. I also ask that the resolution, various edi- that the President of the United States, if he The White House argues that if Secret torials, and a letter from Professor Jonathan believes such a policy is warranted, should Service agents had to tell what they might have seen while guarding the president, it Turley on behalf of former Attorneys General submit to the Congress proposed legislation which would establish a protective function would destroy their ‘‘relationship’’ with him Barr, Thornburgh, Meese, and Bell be in- privilege and also direct the Attorney Gen- and damage their ability to protect him. The cluded in the RECORD immediately following eral to immediately withdraw the appeal of president would ‘‘push the agents away,’’ this statement. the district court’s decision in the matter says Justice Department lawyer Gary H. RES.— styled In Re Grand Jury Proceedings, Misc. Grindler. That assumes the president is doing things Whereas the Office of the Independent No. 91–148 (NHJ), redacted version, (D.D.C. he wouldn’t want a grand jury to know Counsel and a Federal grand jury are inves- May 22, 1998). about. Requiring agents to see no evil would tigating allegations of personal wrongdoing require them to help obstruct justice, which and possible crimes in the White House; [From the Las Vegas Review-Journal, May is to say make them assist their boss in the Whereas certain Secret Service agents as- 27, 1998] serted a ‘‘protective function privilege’’ and commission of a crime. For officers sworn to PHANTOM ‘‘PRIVILEGE’’ refused to answer questions before a Federal uphold the law, such a position is untenable. grand jury (In Re Grand Jury Proceedings, By now, everybody who follows the White Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr is Misc. No. 91–148 (NHJ), redacted version at 1, House scandals knows that a federal judge right that absolutely nothing in federal law (D.D.C. May 22, 1998) (hereinafter referred to has shot down the groundless claim that Se- allows for such a privilege. In our form of as ‘‘Grand Jury Proceedings’’)); cret Service agents enjoy some special government, no one is above the law. Starr Whereas ‘‘n]one of the questions at issue ‘‘privilege’’ which shields them from having points out that federal law actually requires relate to the protective techniques or proce- to testify in court proceedings. employees of the executive branch to report dures of the Secret Service’’ (Grand Jury Arguing on the president’s behalf, the Jus- any evidence of a crime. Proceedings at 1); tice Department contended that compelling Even the president himself can be subpoe- Whereas Federal Rule of Evidence 501 pro- Secret Service agents to testify would dam- naed to testify. Surely his bodyguards don’t vides that evidentiary privileges ‘‘shall be age the relationship between the president deserve more protection than he does. governed by the principles of the common and the agents assigned to protect him and If the president, in his desperation to avoid law as they may be interpreted by the Courts would put the president’s life, and those of embarrassment or worse, is allowed to turn of the United States in the light of reason future chief executives, in jeopardy. the Secret Service into the Silent Service, and experience’’; Last week, federal district court judge he will have done the country a great dis- Whereas the Supreme Court has inter- Norma Holloway Johnson ruled that Secret service. preted Rule 501 to require courts to consider Service agents enjoy no immunity from tes- whether the asserted privilege is historically tifying—no ‘‘privilege’’ whatsoever under [From the Washington Times, May 26, 1998] rooted in Federal law, whether any States law, precedent, tradition or even the rules of have recognized the privilege, and public pol- common sense. THE PRESIDENT’S TOUGH TIMES IN COURT icy interests (Grand Jury Proceedings at 2, cit- Judge Johnson’s decision is worth examin- Things certainly have all been going Ken- ing Jaffee v. Redmond, 518 U.S. 1, 12–15 (1996)); ing further because it helps expose the White neth Starr’s way, legally speaking, in his at- Whereas the Supreme Court has empha- House ‘‘privilege’’ ploy for what it was: the tempts to carry out a thorough investigation sized that it is ‘‘disinclined to exercise [its] latest in a host of tactical moves designed of possible perjury, subornation of perjury authority [under Rule 501] expansively’’ not to ‘‘protect the presidency’’—as Mr. Clin- and obstruction of justice by , (University of Pennsylvania v. EEOC, 493 U.S. ton’s more simple-minded apologists would Vernon Jordan and Monica Lewinsky. 182, 189 (1990)) and has cautioned that privi- have it—but to delay, to obfuscate and to U.S. District Judge Nora Holloway John- leges ‘‘are not lightly created nor expan- keep the president’s fat out of the fire for as son found in Mr. Starr’s favor when she re- sively construed, for they are in dereogation long as possible. jected the demonstrably preposterous White of the search for truth’’ (U.S. v. Nixon, 418 In her ruling, Judge Johnson found: House claim that conversations Mr. Clinton U.S. 683, 710 (1974)); (1) The Constitution says nothing and im- had with aides Bruce Lindsey and Sidney Whereas the district court found ‘‘no con- plies nothing about any such privilege for Blumenthal about how to deal with the stitutional basis for recognizing a protective the Secret Service. President’s Lewinsky problem were covered function privilege,’’ ‘‘no history of the privi- (2) Nowhere in U.S. history or custom or by executive privilege. lege in Federal common or statutory law,’’ common law—or in the law of any state as Judge Johnson also came down on Mr. ‘‘[n]o State [recognition of] a protective regards protection for governors—is there Starr’s side in rejecting Miss Lewinsky’s function privilege or its equivalent,’’ and any basis for such a claim. claim that Mr. Starr had made an immunity ‘‘the policy arguments advanced by the Se- (3) Not only did Congress not give the Se- deal with her on which he then reneged. An cret Service are not strong enough to over- cret Service immunity from testifying, appeals court last week refused to overturn come the grand jury’s substantial interest in Judge Johnson wrote in reference to the that decision, which leaves Miss Lewinsky obtaining evidence of crimes or to cause this United States Code, ‘‘under section 535(b), with the delicate task of squaring her sworn Court to create a new testimonial privilege’’ Congress imposed a duty on all executive testimony that she and Bill Clinton had no (Grand Jury Proceedings) at 3, 6–9; branch personnel to report criminal activity sexual relationship with her statements on E1184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 1998 the Linda Tripp tapes that she had indeed the view of former Attorneys General Wil- general claim of privilege that is not di- had such a relationship, that she was pre- liam P. Barr, Griffin B. Bell, Edwin Meese rectly tied to specific presidential commu- pared to lie about it in her sworn deposition, III, and Richard L. Thornburgh. nications or policy processes, and (2) a re- and that she hoped Mrs. Tripp would do the It is the collective view of the former At- fusal to supply information in criminal in- same. torneys General that the decision of Chief quiries as a matter of common law. And, putting another chink in the Clin- Judge Norma Holloway Johnson was legally Not only is there an absence of any prior tons’ stone wall, last week Judge Johnson and historically well-founded. Moreover, any judicial recognition of this privilege, the agreed with Mr. Starr that there is no legal appeal would likely result in an opinion that proposed privilege would conflict with the basis for granting a hitherto unheard of would only magnify the precedential damage traditional view of the obligations of federal ‘‘protective function privilege’’ to Secret to the Executive Branch. While Secret Serv- employees in supplying information in Service agents who guard the president, and ice Director Lewis Merletti has already stat- criminal proceedings. As noted by the United that the state’s interest in gathering evi- ed his intention to appeal this matter to the States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Cir- dence in a criminal case must outweigh United States Supreme Court, it falls to you cuit in In re: Grand Jury Subpoena Duces qualms about any damage that might be and Solicitor General Seth Waxman to make Tecum, 112 F.3d 910, 919 (8th Cir. 1997) (citing done to the trust between a president and his such a decision. For the reasons stated 28 U.S.C. § 535(b)(1994)) ‘‘executive branch em- guards. Actually, Judge Johnson cut right to below, the former Attorneys General encour- ployees, including attorneys, are under a the heart of the issue in the particular case age you to exercise your authority to forego statutory duty to report criminal wrong- of this particular president. an appeal in this matter. doing by other employees to the Attorney ‘‘The court is not ultimately persuaded,’’ The former Attorneys General take no po- General.’’ Courts have repeatedly stressed wrote the judge, ‘‘that a president would put sition on the merits or underlying allega- that law enforcement personnel have an obli- his life at risk for fear that a Secret Service tions of this investigation. However, the gation running to the public to disclose any agent might be called to testify before a former Attorneys General have watched the evidence of crime and the failure to do so grand jury about observed conduct or over- on-going confrontation between the White would be grounds for removal, or even pros- heard statements. . . . When people act with- House and the Office of the Independent ecution, in some circumstances. in the law, they do not ordinarily push away Counsel with increasing unease and concern. While the proposed privilege refers to the those they trust or rely upon for fear that As the investigation becomes more em- protective function of the Secret Service, it their actions will be reported to a grand broiled in claims of executive privilege, the is important to note that the actual physical jury. . . . It is not at all clear that a presi- danger of lasting and negative consequences protection of the President, and information dent would push Secret Service protection for both the Executive Branch and the legal relevant to protective functions, is not at away if he were acting legally or even if he system has grown considerably. In an area risk of disclosure. Existing common law with little prior litigation, we have already privileges and statutory sources protect se- were engaged in personally embarrassing seen a series of new rulings on issues ranging curity-related information. Most security-re- acts. Such actions are extremely unlikely to from attorney-client privilege to presi- lated documents and information would be become the subject of a grand jury investiga- dential communications to civil liability of easily shielded from disclosure under the tion.’’ In other words, as has been suggested be- sitting Presidents. While many of these rul- military and state secrets privilege. In addi- fore in this space, a president could feel free ings were not unexpected, they constitute tion to this established privilege, classifica- to do a lot of things in front of his Secret significant limitations for future presidents. tion laws impose heavy restrictions and pro- Service detail—short of breaking the law, Despite their unease, the former Attorneys cedures for the disclosure of such informa- that is—without conjuring up the spectre of General have avoided any direct involvement tion. Thus, the protective function privilege the grand jury. Only a president who had in the crisis and waited for the decision of would not serve any direct protective func- broken the law would have reason to worry the trial court in the hope that an appeal tion in the withholding of sensitive informa- that the agents guarding him might be asked would not be taken after the widely antici- tion. Ironically, as to non-security related infor- to testify against him. pated rejection of the proposed privilege. As you know, during their service over the mation, the proposed privilege cannot pos- President Clinton himself, clearly dis- last two decades for both Democratic and sibly achieve its objective of assured con- traught about the ruling, warned that it Republican administrations, the former At- fidentiality since it shields only a small per- would have a ‘‘chilling’’ effect—and went on torneys General have played central roles in centage of the federal employees who wit- to commit the kind of inadvertent honesty the development of executive privilege prin- ness presidential communications and con- that may be becoming a habit (such as his ciples and advocated the rights of the Execu- duct. Specifically, the proposed privilege statement at his recent press conference tive Branch on numerous occasions. While would not prevent the identical communica- that he is the last person in the world who strong supporters of executive privilege, tions from being revealed by legal staff, po- ought to comment on the question of char- they feel equally strongly that such privilege litical staff, administrative staff, household acter). Thinking to chastise Mr. Starr for de- claims must be carefully balanced and cau- staff, retired security staff, or state or local manding Secret Service testimony, the tiously invoked in litigation. Certainly, such security officers. For example, in the Oval president said after the ruling, ‘‘I don’t claims should not suddenly emerge from the Office, a pantry is staffed by employees who think anyone ever thought about [Secret fog and frenzy of litigation with no histori- can be (and have been) called as witnesses in Service agents testifying] because no one cal antecedent or legal precedent. In adopt- criminal investigations. As public employ- ever thought that anyone would ever abuse ing such common law privileges, the Su- ees, these employees must give relevant tes- the responsibility that the Secret Service preme Court relies upon ‘‘historical ante- timony to criminal investigators. Likewise, has to the president and to the president’s cedents’’ and evidence that the privilege is White House lawyers, secretaries, and ad- family. . . . But we’re living in a time which ‘‘established’’ and ‘‘indelibly ensconced in ministrative staff can be (and have been) is without precedent, where actions are our common law.’’ United States v. Gillock, 445 called to testify in criminal investigations. being taken without precedent, and we just U.S. 360, 366, 368 (1980). Accordingly, common These ‘‘unprivileged’’ employees would hear have to live with the consequences.’’ Mr. Clinton and his various legal problems law privileges develop slowly within the fed- the same communications presumably over- in a nutshell, no? eral system through general acceptance and heard by Secret Service agents. Even secu- recognition. Judge Benjamin Cardozo de- rity staff would not be completely barred scribed this gradual process as developing from disclosures under a protective function GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, ‘‘inch by inch’’ and ‘‘measured . . . by dec- privilege. The President is often guarded by LAW SCHOOL, ades and even centuries.’’ Benjamin N. a host of state and federal law enforcement Washington, DC, May 25, 1998. Cardozo, The Nature of the Judicial Process personnel beyond the relatively small con- Hon. JANET RENO 25 (1921). tingent of Secret Service personnel. As a re- Attorney General of the United States, In comparison, rather than developing a sult, this proposed privilege would achieve U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC. new privilege by precedential inches, the little in terms of added guarantees of non- DEAR MADAM ATTORNEYS GENERAL: I am proposed protective function privilege rep- disclosure for the President but would writing on behalf of four former United resents a great leap—in the wrong direction. change much of our traditional view of the States Attorneys General, who have asked This proposed privilege was suddenly crafted Secret Service and its function. me to assist them in the on-going con- to meet the immediate demands of a crimi- In the end, all that will be achieved is an troversy over the proposed ‘‘protective func- nal investigation. Rather than offering ‘‘his- alarming anomaly in which every public em- tion privilege.’’ In deference to the Court and torical antecedents,’’ the proposed privilege ployee in the White House, from office sec- your office, the former Attorneys General would spring fully grown without prior rec- retaries to cabinet secretaries, would be re- have been highly circumspect in their public ognition or development in the common law. quired to give evidence of criminal conduct statements on this issue despite their strong Rather than emerge through general accept- with the sole exception of the law enforce- concerns about the proposed privilege. After ance, the privilege would be created amidst ment officers stationed at the White House. the May 22, 1998 decision by the Court, how- sharp divisions and opposition among the Only the personnel trained to enforce federal ever, these concerns have become more acute Bar and legal academics. Moreover, a protec- law would be exempt from the most basic with the possible appeal of the decision re- tive function privilege appears to be de- fulfillment of public employment. This jecting the proposed privilege. It is to the signed to permit what is expressly disavowed would be a considerable, but hardly a com- question of an appeal that I wish to convey in established privileges, specifically (1) a mendable, achievement. June 19, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1185 The proposed privilege would be equally ELLIS ISLAND MEDALS OF HONOR Antigone Agris, Hellenic, Business Leader. unique in its invocation and application. Un- AWARDS CEREMONY Ace (Armando) Alagna, Italian, Publisher. like the standard executive privilege pro- John B. Alfieri, Esq., Italian, Attorney. tecting presidential communications, the John A. Allison IV, Scottish/Irish, Business proposed privilege would be invoked by the HON. DAN BURTON Leader. Secretary of the Treasury rather than the OF INDIANA John A. Amos, African, Actor/Playwright. President of the United States. Not only IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ernie Anastos, Hellenic, News Journalist/ Author. would the new privilege invest this single Friday, June 19, 1998 cabinet officer with unique and troubling au- Thomas V. Angott, Italian, Business Lead- thority, it allows a political appointee of a Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I er. Michael S. Ansari, Iranian, Business Lead- President to create a major barrier to a submit the following: er. criminal investigation that is, by statute, ELLIS ISLAND MEDALS OF HONOR AWARDS Norman R. Augustine, German, Business meant to be independent of the Executive CEREMONY—NECO CHAIRMAN WILLIAM Leader/Educator. Branch. Morrison v. Olson, 487 U.S. 654, 661 DENIS FUGAZY LEADS DRAMATIC CEREMONY William J. Avery, Irish/Welsh, Business (1988). Such exclusive and unilateral author- DEDICATD TO LATE MEDAL RECIPIENT, ERIC Leader. ity claimed by the Secretary of the Treasury BREINDEL AND LINDA EASTMAN MCCARTNEY Farhad Azima, Persian, Business Leader. is completely unprecedented and unantici- Ellis Island, NY, May 9—Standing on the Brian M. Barefoot, English/German, Com- pated in our history. hallowed grounds of Ellis Island—the portal munity Leader. Even if successful on appeal, this privilege through which 17 million immigrants en- Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Armenian, would be secured at a tremendous and pro- tered the United States—a cast of ethnic Religious Leader. hibitive cost for the traditions of the Secret Americans who have made significant con- George D. Behrakis, Hellenic, Business Service. Created as a law enforcement agen- tributions to the life of this nation, among Leader. cy, the new privilege would shift an obliga- them Senator George Mitchell; New York Hon. Joseph W. Bellacosa, Italian, Judge of tion running currently to the public in favor Times photojournalist Dith Pran; College the Court of Appeals. of an obligation running to the personal Football’s All-Time Winningest Coach Eddie Francis X. Bellotti, Italian, Attorney. household of the President. This creates a Robinson; and the U.S. Olympic Women’s Eric A. Benhamou, French, Business Lead- unit more closely analogized to a Praetorian Hockey Team today were presented with the er. or palace guard and introduces a dangerous coveted Ellis Island Medal of Honor at an Michael Berry, Esq., Lebanese, Community Leader. ambiguity for law enforcement officers. Se- emotionally uplifting ceremony. Albert C. Bersticker, German, Corporate cret Service agents are law enforcement pro- NECO’s annual medal ceremony and recep- Executive. fessionals, not members of a personal house- tion on Ellis Island in New York Harbor is Elias Betzios, Hellenic, Community Lead- hold guard. Moreover, a new privilege would the Nation’s largest celebration of ethnic pride. This year’s event was dedicated to the er. create a legal morass for future cases for Thomas R. Bolling, Swedish, Business other law enforcement officers. Federal law memory of Eric Breindel, a 1994 Ellis Island Medal recipient and Linda Eastman Leader. enforcement Officers, including United Frank J. Branchini, Irish/Italian, Business States Marshals, currently guard hundreds McCartney. Representing a rainbow of ethnic origins, Leader. of dignitaries, judges, and other officials. this year’s recipients received their awards John G. Breen, Scottish/Irish, Business The status and controlling duties of these in- in the shadow of the historic Great Hall, Leader. dividuals would become hopelessly and dan- where the first footsteps were taken by the Duncan A. Bruce, Scottish, Author/Com- gerously ambiguous under a protective func- millions of immigrants who entered the U.S. munity Leader. tion privilege. Currently, there is a clear line in the latter part of the nineteenth century. Michael G. Cantonis, Hellenic, Business for protective personnel. Their jobs require ‘‘Today we honor great ethnic Americans Leader. them to protect the physical safety of those who, through their achievements and con- Louis J. Cappelli, Italian, Business Leader. officials in their care but their status as law tributions, and in the spirit of their ethnic Hon. Richard Conway Casey, Irish, United enforcement officers require them to share origins, have enriched this country and have States District Court Judge. any relevant criminal evidence. This has become role models for future generations,’’ Robert B. Catell, Italian, Business Leader. been a bright-line rule under which federal said NECO Chairman William Denis Fugazy. William Cavanaugh III, Irish, Business enforcement personnel have served for many ‘‘In addition, we honor the immigrant expe- Leader. Jerry D. Choate, English, Business/Com- decades without objection. rience—those who passed through this Great munity Leader. Hall decades ago, and the new immigrants The common law cannot guarantee a Presi- Christopher Christodoulu, Cypriot, Educa- who arrive on American soil seeking oppor- dent that his conduct will never be the sub- tor/Lecturer. tunity.’’ ject of criminal investigation. However, few Dr. Kenneth A. Ciongoli, Italian, Commu- Mr. Fugazy added, ‘‘It doesn’t matter how Presidents have ever been the subject of nity Leader. you got here or if you already were here. criminal allegations and even fewer have E. Virgil Conway, Irish, Public Official. Ellis Island is a symbol of the freedom, di- faced criminal inquiries. The likelihood of Dr. Takey Crist, Hellenic, Community versity and opportunity-ingredients inherent future court-sanctioned inquiries into either Leader/Educator. in the fabric of this nation. Although many criminal or non-criminal conduct of the Karen Davis, Swiss/German, Philanthropic recipients have no familial ties to Ellis Is- President is extremely remote. In any area Leader. where a President may fear possible allega- land, their ancestors share similar histories Diane H. Dayson, African, Business Leader. tions of criminal conduct, the chilling effect of struggle and hope for a better life here.’’ Theodore Deikel, Russian, Business Lead- Established in 1986 by NECO, the Ellis Is- of a criminal inquiry would be a positive, not er. a negative, influence. Put simply, it is not in land Medals of Honor pay tribute to the an- George J. Delaney, Irish, Business Leader. the public’s interest for their President to cestry groups that comprise America’s Hon. Gustave Diamond, Hellenic, Justice. feel comfortable discussing possible criminal unique cultural mosaic. To date, approxi- Jim Donald, Irish, Business Leader. mately 1000 ethnic American citizens and na- information in front of any public servant, Lewis Robert Elias, M.D., Lenanese, Medi- tive Americans have received medals. let alone a law enforcement officer. cal Practitioner. NECO is the largest organization of its Victor Elmaleh, Moroccan, Business Lead- The former Attorneys General are deeply kind in the U.S. serving as an umbrella er. concerned about the inherent dangers in rec- group for 250 ethnic organizations and whose Pamela Fiori, Italian, Journalist. ognizing a special privilege for the Secret mandate is to preserve ethnic diversity, pro- Brian T. Gilson, Norwegian/German/ Service. To that end, the former Attorneys mote ethnic and religious equality, tolerance Italian, Business Leader. General have asked me to prepare an amici and harmony, and to combat injustice, ha- Richard H. Girgenti, Italian, Attorney. curiae brief opposing the privilege for their tred and bigotry. Bernice Gottlieb, Austrian/Hungarian, Ad- consideration, should an appeal be taken in Ellis Island Medal of Honor recipients are vocate for Children. this case. The immediate question, however, selected each year through a national nomi- Charlie N. Hall, Sr., African, Labor Leader. rests with your evaluation of the relative nation process. Screening committees from James F. Hardymon, English, Business merits and costs of an appeal from the NECO’s member organizations select the Leader. Court’s decision. There are clearly many final nominees, who are then considered by Derek C. Hathaway, English, Business/ competing interests weighing into the deci- the Board of Directors. Community Leader. sion of an appeal in the case. In making this 1998 ELLIS ISLAND MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENTS William Hetzler, German, Community decision, I hope that the unique perspective Anthony S. Abbate, Italian, Business Lead- Leader. of your predecessors will assist you in the er. John A. Holy, Slovak, Publisher. coming days. Hon. Gary L. Ackerman, Eastern Euro- Vahakn S. Hovnanian, Armenian, Business/ Respectfully, pean, Member of Congress. Community Leader. JONATHAN TURLEY, William H. Adkins, African, Business Lead- Darrell Edward Issa, Lebanese, Business Professor of Law. er. Leader. E1186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 1998 Robert M. Johnson, Swedish/English, Busi- Lee Miglin, (Posthumous). George D. Schwab, PH.D, Latvian, Foreign ness Leader. Alan B. Miller, Russian, Business Leader. Policy Leader. Mitchell J. Joseph, Italian, Business Lead- Hon. Patsy T. Mink, Japanese, Member of Steven Seagal, French Canadian/Italian, er. Congress. Actor/producer. Thomas Peter Kazas, Hellenic, Business Hon. George Mitchell, Lebanese/Irish, Sen- Tosano J. Simonetti, Italian, Business Leader. ator. Leader. Tita Scandalis Monti, Hellenic, Commu- Hon. John F. Keenan, French Canadian/ Amb. Richard Sklar, Russian/Hungarian, nity Leader/Philanthropist. Irish, U.S. District Judge. Ambassador to the U.N. William D. Moses, Syrian, Business/Com- Andrew Sokchu Kim, Korean, Business/ Orin R. Smith, English, Business Leader. Community Leader. munity Leader. Philip J. Smith, Irish, Business Leader. A. Eugene Kohn, European, Architect. Thomas J. Murphy, Irish, Community Alexander R. Koproski, Polish, Business/ Leader. William S. Stavropoulos, Hellenic, Busi- Community Leader. Mary Murphy, Irish, Television Journalist. ness Leader. Haralambos S. Kostakopoulos, Ph.D., Hel- John Francis O’Brien, Irish/Italian, Busi- Michael R. Steed, Irish, Business Leader. lenic, Business Leader. ness Leader. Pergrouhi (Najarian) Svajian, PhD., Arme- Thomas C. Kyrus, Cypriot, Business/Com- Cmdr. Timothy Stuart O’Leary, USN, nian, Educator. munity Leader. Irish/Croat, Naval Officer. Laszlo N. Tauber, M.D., Hungarian, Sur- Vincent V. LaBruna, DDS, Italian, Com- Harry J. Pappas, Hellenic, Business Lead- geon/Real Estate Investor/Philanthropist. munity Leader/Educator. er. Hon. Nicholas Tsoucalas, Hellenic, Judge. Carl F. Pascarella, Italian, Business Lead- Lee Liu, Chinese, Business Leader. Vincent Viola, Italian, Business Leader. Dr. Pamela Loren, Argentinean/English, er. Nicholas Anthony Penachio, Italian, Busi- Randi Weingarten, Russian/German, Labor Business Leader. ness Leader. Leader/Educator. William Losapio, Italian, Business Leader. James George Petheriotes, Hellenic, Com- Melvyn I. Weiss, Esq., Russian/Hungarian, Alan Barry Lubin, Russian, Labor Leader/ munity/Business Leader. Attorney. Educator. William G. Poist, German, Business Lead- H. Daniel Wenstrup, Danish, Business Leon Machiz, Russian, Business Leader. er. Leader. Hon. Carolyn B. Maloney, English/Irish/ Dith Pran, Cambodian, Photojournalist/ Siggi B. Wilzig, German/Prussian, Business French, Member of Congress. Lecturer. Leader/Holocaust Lecturer. Joseph L. Mancino, Italian, Business Lead- Leslie C. Quick, III, Irish, Business Leader. Margaret W. Wong, Chinese, Community er. Bradford J. Race, Jr., Irish/English, Sec- Leader. Frank G. Mancuso, Italian, Business Lead- retary to the Governor. er. John B. Yasinsky, Lithuanian, Business John G. Rangos, Sr., Hellenic, Business Leader. John Willard Marriott Jr., English, Busi- Leader. ness Leader. Zachariah P. Zachariah, M.D., Asian In- Michael T. Reddy, Irish, Business Leader. dian, Physician/Community Leader. Anthony A. Massaro, Italian, Business Ronald K. Richey, Swedish/Scottish/Irish/ Robert Thomas Zito, Italian, Business Leader. German, Business Leader. Leader. Fernando Mateo, Hispanic, Community P. Anthony Ridder, German/French, Busi- Leader. ness Leader. Past Ellis Island Medal of Honor recipients Joseph M. Mattone, Esq., Italian, Business John J. Rigas, Hellenic, Business Leader. have included several U.S. Presidents, enter- Leader. Eddie Robinson, African, College Foot- tainers, athletes, entrepreneurs, religious Col. William Surles McArthur, Jr., Scot- ball’s All-Time Winningest Coach. leaders and business executives, such as Wil- tish, Astronaut. Edward J. Robson, English, Business Lead- liam Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Linda Eastman McCartney, (Posthumous). er. Gerald Ford, George Bush, Richard Nixon, Michael R. McCoy, Irish, Business Leader. Steven A. Rosenberg, MD, PhD, Eastern George Pataki, Mario Cuomo, Bob Hope, Bryan M. McGuire, Irish, Business Leader. European, Surgeon/Scientist. Frank Sinatra, Michael Douglas, Gloria Josie Anderson McMillian, African, Labor Robert J. Rotatori, Esq., Italian, Attorney/ Estefan, Coretta Scott King, Rosa Parks, Leader. Educator. Elie Wiesel, Muhammad Ali, Mickey Mantle, James R. Mellor, English, Business Leader. Dr. John W. Ryan, Irish, Educator. General Norman Schwarzkopf, Barbara Wal- Hon. Robert Menendez, Cuban, Member of Philip Adeeb Salem, MD, Lebanese, Educa- ters, Terry Anderson and Dr. Michael Congress. tor/Research Scientist. DeBakey. Arthur L. Mercante, Italian, Community Joseph D. Sargent, CLU, Irish/English, Congratulations To The 1998 Ellis Island Leader. Business Leader. Medal of Honor Recipients.