I CITY REAL. ESTATE CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. CITY REAL ESTATE FOK SALE. AVE5TC1IESTER COtTlNTY PROPERTY PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR FOR^SALE. FOR SALE OR TO LET. SALE OR TO RENT. From llaltery to 14th St.. inclusive. Above 14t3i St.. 3th At. to East River. Above 14rth St.. 5tJ» Av. to North River. Above X-ltli St.. 5tii Av. to North Kiver. A.. YONKERS, jf. t. "FOR BALIT^R~SKs'f'cHEAP-eso'acre KXKM, A.. FOR SALE. A..A..A..A..A..A. .A.. A.. ci *r\r» u^mitvnpn wivw pijvt vrrw liav.-tliorno av. and Valentine lane, northwest corner: Contral Wisconsin; 30> acros grass; good building. BAKK. RARE CHANCE FOR GREAT BARGAIN'. charming Home, partly furnished; elosrantly frescoed; two story aud mansard rraaie llouse, 14 rooms, excellent water: abundant fuol: tonant mupt bavo ?2.() 0 PEREMPTORY BRIVATE SALE WITHOUT RESERVE. fiuo chandoliors; yard; west side, near the parks.* l«is. in tools, stock and cash. Addrose W. A. DANIKLb. 30 Some choice pieccs of Property on large U9 FKAN KLIN STHKKT, TITl.E GUARANTEED. FREE OK CHARGE TO SEVEN SOLD ALREADY. , CAKRINGlOiN, Nas'to. MACLAV & DAVIES, 5tb av., Chicago, 111. L WHITE STREET, BY LAWYERS' TITLE GUARANTEE CO.PURCHASER. IN READY WILL ST-.CUKE Equitablo Building. 120 . D First comers will have this as and We offer the few $2,000 MONEY FURN fsiiE (OTTAGKS, SEASON 1891; I.ISTS k BKOADWAY. opportunity, positively instantly occnpiod by pnrchasers. of the beautiful decorated (colonial style)I'OSSKSsionHouse, A. l'E LI1 AM. N. V.. free. Write or call on THCRBER X Iiay I GREENE STREET, do refusal will be given. iinanlri hnn». nn tl.o FANNING, 11UTH ST., NEAR PLEASANT AV. JtifiWest S13d st.. at $2,000 less than November price: 1314 miles from Grand Central Depot; LOTS 25x100 on Shore. L. I. I GRAND STREET, STONE station street; usher on premise?. Phi,HAMDALE AV., midway between 1'elhamrlllo BROOME STREET, PRICE $11.50:); ONLY $3,«X) OR LESS CASH TWIN BLOCKS OF BROWN (main and Polham Manor station GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR A HOTEL MAN OP balance remain term of at 5 per EACH.-TWO 131ST ST.. NRaII line) (Har'.emstation none K 1ILEECKER STREET. may years REQUIRED; ~$0,500 FULL LOTS; brnneli). N. V., >. h. ,t H. It. R., for sale on the experience and reputation: other noed apply; tbo WAVERLEV PLACE, cent; houses 011 north and south side of 5th av.; more than enongh good sand on lots to build; a l»e»t location for a select family hotel at the seashore on PLACE. FOR THE ELEGANT FOUR STORY AND WEST 8sth ST. (ASPHALT PAVEMENT), PLA.v WITHOUT INTEREST, INSTALMENT Inland; the Luwrcnce ileacli Motel. 124 WASHINGTON End bargain. Maps and fall particulars from Long rooms, bar, APPLY TO BROWN STONE SINGLE FLAT AND BASEMENTLOT, between the Boulevard and West av., from J. EDGAR iEAYCRAFT, 1,544 Broadway. MACLAY & DA VIES. billiards, bowling ftnd ample stabling and laundry: for FREDK. SOUTHACK, 20X70X100. Nos. 254 to 265. These houses are in Bnilding. 120 Broadway. salo upon or.sy terms. a competent man being more of ^ 9 401 BroRdwny. In order to effect an immediate sale we offer to DELIGHTFUL VARIETY OK MODERN Equitable an object than Che money, ts a largo amount i« beinj ex- ^ at the abovo nominal the handsome four story North Side fAbove Harlem Riven. WE HAVE THE price sacrifice ARCHITECTURE. A.- litVINGTON. K. Y. pended in developing thn contiguous lot property. JA.BUlLDliW. AttKttTION! and basement single brown stone Flat and Lot; six Three story high stoop (some box stoops), butler's A..BUNT'S POINT KOAD, BARRETTO AND TIF* COMMODIOUS BRICK MANSION on the best part of in forenoon only to B. W. HITCHCOCK. 14 Chamber#Apply Plots for sale, with or without building loan and rooms and bath to each apartment; all improvements; extensiou, solid brown stone fronts, jewelled glass fanv sts.; THREE MINUTES' WALK FROM HUNT'S 16 stoain all Now York. at in theUtli ward:. FOLlowing pantry BROADWAY, rooms; heat; improvements; st.. reas;>nahle prices, sanitary plumbing, as required by the Boarct of Health; doors and windowe, hard wood finish, three exquisitely POINT STATION; EXTRA DEEP LOTS, adjoining stabling; CHARMING RIVER VIEW; 3 1-lu acres. Jonei bt., 23xlOU. newly decorated; halls and stairs newly carpeted with decorated, some foyer and other saloon parlors. We will MONASTERY, for sale on the INSTALMENT PLAN, For sale at a creat bargain. HOTEL ARLINGTON..200 FURNISHED ROOMS; Downing at., 15x11)0. best velvet carpet; rented to fonr of the best German sell WITHOUT INTEREST. MACLAY ,t DAVIES. MACLAY A DAVIES, Hotel I.ecbsvalier. 60 famished rooms: Hotel Delaware, Heilford at., 25x100. families; never a vacancy; pays you net 20 per cent on BEFORE THE GREAT ADVANCE Equitable Rullding, 120 Broadway. Equitable Building;, 120 Broadway. 38 furnished rooms, at Ocean Grova and Belraar, for saie Barrow at., -xjxluo. investment, which we location tho best in real MUST SHORTLY TAKE PLACE or exchango low. J. XV. FIELDER, 50 Liberty si. Bedford 62.6x75. guarantee; up estate WHICH rtiood Corner, St.. town; street surrounded by private lmu6os; convenient in this ABOUT SEVEN LOTS ON SOUTHERN BOULEVARD A.- MAMARONEOK, N. Y. LONG 2W Morton st.,25x'.*J: Lerov St.. 25x00. to cars a for 32 ACRES, with FRAME HOUSE and on HOTEL, BRANC1L FOUR STORIES; all horse and 116tn street "L" station; such LIMITED AND RESTRICTED DISTRICT (Bedford Park), $5,503; eight $3,200. large BARN, acres: 50 rooms: views; still and surf For full particulars of above or any other location, up chance occurs once in a lifetime. to at from ?22,000 to $25,000. BURNETT A CO.. Tremont: Weaver st. and *>. Y. N. H. and H. R. R.; great bargain. magnificent or ea«t or went call on only Apply $3,000 cash required; photographs. down town, side, LOAN AND BANKING CO.. 23 Union square,SECURITY CJsaer on premise*, whicn aro constantly open to 100 MACLAY A DAVIES, bathing; JOHN R. FoLEV ti SON. 153 Broadway. rooms 6 ADMIRABLE COR§ER, FEET. WASHINGTON 120 Ht'LSK A GO.. . aud 7. J. EDGAR LEAYCRAFT. 1,544 Broadway.inspection.av., with good House; great futuro; $7,500. Equitable Building, Broadway. A..A PROMINENT BUSINESS CORNER ON WASH BURNETT & R HOMESTEAD. N. J., NEAR UNION HILL,.-L0TS A FINE FOUR 6TORY AND BASEMENT BROWN CO.. Tremont. ELEGANT NEW HOUSE- FOR SrLE7~CHESTE for terms inirton st., near Canal, with live story building; actual stone corner on Mount Bale; easy Residence, In perfect ordor, Lexington I have taken in exohange for other property A MOST ADJACENT AND ON 177TII 360 FEET Hill, \ernon; every improvement; elegant 265 ro#m 21. runt guaranteed, if2,5«0: price $25,000; terms to suit; av., below 40th St., Murray Hill, for sale f.t re»sonablo ST.. FRONT, near depot: easy terms; price $7,500. location EILSHEMIOS. Broadway. this is a bargain. and terms. Address box 234 Herald BASEMENT CELLAR astonishingly cheap, $5,750; Corners. WILLIAM WHITE. 81 Fulton THE OATS JOHN R. FOLEY & SON, 153 Broadway. price RESIDENCE, ELABORATE FOUR STORY AND BURNETT A CO., Tremont. Engineer. St., city. IX KILLS..MOUNTAIN RETREAT office. FOR SALE.SEVERAL DESIRABLE COUNTRY House, hotel and hoarding house, for sale or lease. A.. FOii SALE OK TO LEASE. 1KUILDI.NU EOI S. N EAR 23D ST. AND 2JJ SIDE BOX STOOP (THEATRE FRONT) BROWN BARGAIN IN LOTS..LARGE PLOT, 23D WARD, Seats and of suitable for DAVID BLOOM. Kiskatom. Greene county, N. Y. NORTH SIDE Ol-' BLEECKER ST.. 25X100, New York; convenient to elevated and horse car lines; large pieces Property av.; price reasonable; terms to suit. water at Wost Chester, six miles from Harlem Bridgo;subdivision,LONG BRANCH. ELBERON. HOLLYWOOD. 425 feet 8 inches EAST OF BROADWAY, WM. 150 STONE MANSION, near Central Park, between gas and in streets and avenues; growing locality; noar railroad J. H. A G. av. W. FOGG. Broadway. av. and the THREE SALOON must in terms easv. depot. W. CObTER, 173 Dth Parks and Monmouth Beach, Cottages to let. NORwood A PLOT OF OROuND having a frontage of 85 feet 2 (10th) Boulevard: Amsterdam rapidly advance value; WILLIAM LANE. L«nK N. J. Inches, with alley at rear, being Nos. 43, 45, 47 ana 4'J BARGAIN..ELEGANT DOURLE "FLAT: FINE floors, hardwood trimmed throughout, RICHARD V. HARNETT A CO.. 71 and 73 Liberty st. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE.ELEGANT COUNTRY Branch. Bleecker st. neighborhood; always rented; near "L" station; $21,000. ELECTRIC ATTACHMENTS AND ALL LATEST S*sat on banks of Hudson, 45 minutes from 42d st., with MUST SELL AT ONCE-TWO LOTS AT OZONE East 113th. size of house lot over will LOTS IN BEDFORD PARK FOR SALE, $400; HALF 30 MACLAY A DAVIES, NEVILLE. 179 20x60, 100; IMPROVEMENTS;cash. Owner, 409 East 115th st. miles river views; highest altitude in Westchester Park. L. I., one block from station; rare chance; will Equitable Building, 120 Broadway. SACRIFICE for CASH or will bo rented low to a POWERS, county. HOWLAND A H0RTON, Sing Sing. N. Y. sell at cost. PECK, 317 Herald. CHEAP.THREE STORY DWELLING. 331 EAST 62D positively further particulars only responsibleon THOSE WISHING TO INVEST LARGE OR Bt,; $7,250; terms easy. Room 3 West 25th st. party; TO FREE..MAP ClF MOUNT MAKE YOUR FOR SALE A.- prioe 5, application to owner. personalsmall sums in 24th ward unimproved Real Estate an VERNON; "MILL PROPERTY OR EAST 120TH ST..FIVE STORY DOUBLE GOLDSMITH, No. 60 Broadway. will be to the wants known If you wish to buy, rent or exohange real not require much money. 0. II. P.. boxEXOHANOEW1U197 Herald. NINTH WARD-JANE ST. BETWEEN HUDSON AND FLAT, given co-operate provided opportunityestate; can offer good bargains. .McCLELLaN, room 3iy, full lot: rented; $16,500; at five be Address REAL 317 i 6th av a substantial Ore story Double Flat House, 25x90, price mortgage$12,000 BUYERS WILL FiND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE sufficiently large. ESTATE,aggregateTemple Court, and Mouut Vernon, N. Y. ON UPPER HUDSON.GENTLEMAN'S CO UNfl." Y per cent; term of years. to on side Herald office. Seat: most attractive )n perfect order; rented to a clioico class of tenants: EDWARD 145 buy through me; private Dwellings the west surroundings, improvements, terms to suit. to room PHILIPS, owner, Broadway. and various investments from $15,000 upward. NEW TEN ROOM NEW ROCHELLE, PELHAM MANOR, LAROHMONT, stables, greenhouses. water tower, barns and location, price $26,uOO; Appiy owner, *31, ""TWO COTTAGES, DETACHED^ Port Stamford and noar Hours 1 to 3. 55 Liberty St. FOR SALE.FOUR STORY HIGH STOOP BROWN J. EDGAR LEAYCRAFT, 1,544 Broadway. choice location. hnrcAins: also two nlrrhtfroom I-Tousa* Chester, other placeB the Sound; mansion furnished; a rare chaucc for a bargain.cottages; Houses, six to twenty rooms. $2,800 to $60,000, including For particulars address (folio 4.97J) PHILLIPS Jt WELLS, A.-BAKUAINS IN TENEMENTS. stone. No. 41 East 53d St., size 20x55x100, with large ex BUILDERS..TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. SIX LOTS, $500 cash, balance in instalments If desired; all several handsome Residences, with suitable grounds, Tribuno tension. For permit call at tirenob'.e office, 57th st. and north side of U6th St., botwoen the Boulevard and 10th near "L" statfon: a choice Plat in Bedfordimprovements;Park. and several Water also Building. Eldridge St.. live story front and rear, price $30,500; Snf 7th nv. G. Fronts; Hotel. folk St., five story, Christie St., five story, av., cheap. IV. HARRIS, 8,410 3d av., corner 166th st. GREGG, Temple Court, 5 Beekman st. ORANGE, X. J..NEAR MOUNTAIN STATION, price $24,000; EDGAR House. 10 rooms; ijot. 100x177 all price $34,000; Essex St., six story, price $36,500; these FOR SALli.ON 22D ST., BETWEEN 1ST AND 2D J. LEAYCRAFT, 1,544 Broadway. $50 CASH, 9150 MORTGAGE.LOTS PARK HILL, ACRES ELEGANT NEAR feet; improvement!"; aro all 12 per cent investments. ays., two five brick stores and Tenements, with Walnut also Lowerre Yonkors. NINETY LAND; DEPOT; price $7,500; mast be sold; easy terms. Aadress M. O. story "BUILDERS..THRKE LOTS ON 133D ST., JUST st., Station, NECESSITY, thirty-five minutes from Grand Central Depot; on New T., 207 Herald. JOS. CO UN A SON, 147 Hester st. four story in rear; lots 60x100 feet. Inquire 212 East east a other deslrablo 186 Herald Uptown. otith st. of Lenox av. with liberal loan; Haven road; naturally well adapted for subdivision; A DESIRABLE PIECE OF CORNER PROPERTY, PlotB. H. W. SHIPMAN, 137 Broadway.S $100 CASH. $150 MORTGAGE.LOTS, BRONX P.1VER rare opportunity for exceedingly profitable speculation. SUBURBAN HOMES ON THE PICTURESQUE ERIE: below Houston st.; seven cont net income; FOR SALE..2D AV. AND 99TH ST..SEVEN Woodlawn near RICH & DOWNS, 3 New Haven New Erie Railway Suburban Traffic Office,317 Broadway; per good BUILDERS, ATTENTIONEIGHT LOTS. WITH road, Heights, station. OWNER, 208 Depot place, opposite froo and of towns and Call building; price $35,000. Houses, including corner; bargain; together or separate. near 7tb av. Herald Uptown. depot. Mount Vernon, N. Y. maps description property. A 70 St. buildors' loan, 116th St., 100x2'X>: or write. K. V POPPLE, Suburban Traffic Agant. SMYTH RYAN, Liberty MARTIN & BRO., 10 Wall st, MILES a HELFER, 242 Monroe St. $150 CASH, $850 MORTGAGE.LOTS, KINGSBRIDGE, TWENTY ACRES, IN RAPIDLY GROWING TOWN, A-.A LA HUE DOUBLE CORNER, NEAR FOR DWELLING near etatlon; title 200 Herald near New York; streets opened and graded; near TO LET OR FOR SALE.A HIGH CLASS SUMMER SALE, BARGAIN..31 ST ST., BROADWAY AND 5TH AV. guaranteed. OWNER, near N. J.. 40rooms, and Houston St., for saio at a bargain; new buildingBROADwav 149 East 37th st. Address LUDLOW. DAY A CO., 54 Wost 31 st St. Uptown. snndy soil; forty Lots already sold; sacrificeddepot;if Hotel, Long llrancii, furnished; every and well rented; this is a tirst class investment. J. E. WRI1AKER, 66 Liberty st. sold at once. Principals only address WESTCHESTER, modern improvement; running water, bath, laundry. Ac.; SMVTII I- HV1U 'ill I.IKorti it CUT THIS OUT. ""sno CASH. $330 MORTGAGE.LOTS. BEDFORD 304 Herald office. be6t losation; elegant bar business; privato duck, eight CUT THIS OUT. Fark, near station; must sell. BARGAIN, 189 Herald feet water; boating, fishing, salt water bathing; will A..BUILDER*...VALUABLE FULL SIZE CORNER for business, below 28d st., adjoining 5th av.; paying Elotf&nt Private Dwellings, Uptown. ""WESTUHESTER COUNTY.LARGE Ai\D SMALL bear investigation. For full particulars address Lot od an Important avenue, below 14tli Bt.; possession; per cent, ANDERSON. 89 White St. No*. 320 and 822 West 88th Places tor salo. FISH BROS.. 16 East 23d St. RESORT, box 20, Alien Agency, 1.,SUMMER terms liberal; price $32,0<>u. at., $U'X) CASH. !f500 MORTGAGE.18 LOTS. WEBSTER New York. SMYTH & RYAN, 70 Liberty et. FOIl SALE.GKAMERCY PARK DWELLING, U7 near Riverside Drive; and Crestline avs., 171st st. OPPORTUNITY, 141 Herald East 21st Bt.; extra sine; price $70,000. Permits for story. *20x55, and butler's pantry extensions; Uptown. PROPERTY (Jt'T OF TIIE CITY FOIt "TWO" NEW COTTAGES, AT HAC KEN SACK, N. J.. A..CLOSE TO 5TH AV. AND BTH ST..AN EXTRA from JAMES FOSTER, 850 Broadway. inspection hundsomo fronts: cabinet trim throncrhout. SALE OB. TO KENT. Sever rooms, attic and basement; all modern wide four story Dwelling, In absolntoly perfect Apply on premises. W. E. LANCHANTIN. $200 CASH, $450 MORTGAGE.LOTS. 2UTH ST. ~A~^ ' near station; $3,050 each. is offered at a very reasonable figure. FOR SALE.AN ELEGANT"THREE STORY AND near station; bargain. DYCKMAN, 142 Herald(INwood), englewo6kwtt~x W. A. 210 Improvements; 137 condition,basement brown stone House. Apply 340 East 57th st. CABLE ROAD. .A PLOT OF LOTS, CORNER. 100X Choice Building Sites, 70x150, on Chestnut and LINN, Broadway. s. H. furman & co., Broadway. on the line of the cable 10th near Uptown. the most fashionable with GKKAT NEW 100, road, avM 14Qth Lydecker sts., neighborhood, TO LET.FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, LARGE A SIX STORY TENEMENT. WITH STORES. ON BARGAIN.HANDSO.Yili HOUSE^ Bt.; $33,000; investment. $5Cio CASH. $503 MORTGAGE, LOTS. VANDERBILT sowers, gas, water and macadamized roads; for sale on Mansion; 12 acres ground; line shade trees. Address M. Madison St.; rent $4,450; price$41,000; mortgage$20,000, modern stylo; best part of Harlem, near Madison av.; J. EDGAR LEAYORAFT, 1,544 Broadway. av.. between 173d and 174th sts. TITLE GUARANTEED, easy terras. A. BALDWIN DOUGLAS, West New Brighton, Stat-en »u, or $12,000 casta. price $12,800; only $1,500 cash required. 180 Herald Uptown. Maps and full particulars from Island. GREENWALD & CO.. 202 Broadway, SIRE BROTHERS. 183 Broadway. ELEGANT PIECE OF FLAT PROPERTY FOR SALE, MACLAY A DAVIES. ' built by lady for investmont; near station; all newest Sl.200 CASH. $800 MORTGAGE: 8MALL FRAME 120 WILL SELL AT SACRIFICE TO PROMPT BUYbR A..FEW IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED GREAT BARGAIN.HANDSOME THREE STORY Improvements; steam heated; rare chance for good Houso, near 167th at. and Fleetwood av. OPPORTUNITY, Equitable Building. Broadway. brown stone 20 foot House, near Madison desirably located Residence; Bloomfleid, N. J. L., Post including corners on Wocster, Bleecker andPROPKKties,Greene av., Harlomj property; no speculation building; will exchange for 141 Herald Uptown. A.- ORANGE HEIGHTS, N. J. office box 1,110, city. cash Owner, 183 or tit., from $50 000 to $250,000; bargains. price $10,500; only $1,000 required. Private House, city, Country Residence; good location. NEAR New stone House, containing eight rooms, with three 202 Broadway, room 1. Address M., 222 Herald office. $500, HALF CASH.1-OTS 167TH ST. AND acres of MACLiAY & 20 ACRE FRUIT. VEGETABLE OR POULTRY GREEN WALD n West End near 86th a at., Flat; good order 2,808 27,000 ST. (opposite Grand Central Depot), ROOM 6. 18 room 318. av., St.; very desirable Near 8th av., 5 s., new; four families 3,900 low price; easy torms. Cortlandt St., a.a..a..bargain..plot, 127 feet front on NORTH SIDE OF 60 handsomely decorated; gas fixtures andneighborhood: 36,000 ATLANTIC CITY; Sullivan st. near Canal, for sale; old TWO LOTS. i.OTH ST., i-'KJ-.T Two 3 s. private Houses; 20 ft. front each 27,000 A..FOR-SALE.THE~MAROATE, $1,800 FOR EIGHT ACRE FARM; GOOD SOIL, BUN* Buildings. east of Madison av.: 51 feet half no contains 17 rooms; the interior has been carpets; s. 20ft. most eligibly situated on l'acific av., within three blocks JOHN T. WILLIAMS, 81 Pulton st. by block; exchange. too for owner and Three private House; frt.,44th at 18,500 ning trout brook-, old buildings; convenient to depot, Owner, 108 West 76th. large present occupant;remodelled:price Two full Lots near 9th av 24.000 of the Pennsylvania Railroad depot; 51 large bedrooms; stores, <&o. ASMUS. Sayville, L. X A..DUANE ST., NEAR CENTRE.A FIVE STORY reasonable. PETER F. CALLAHAN, 230 East 42d. Eight Lots. Mount Vernon; good location 7,500 large reception hall, dining room and parlor, and all Von on lot for tale at a 3D AV., NORTHWEST CORNER 105T1I ST..51X100; conveniences for first class hotol; terms easy. Address 82.503 WILL BUY 90 ACRE FARM, LESS THAN~«i fireproof Building, 23x40, five story brick; well built and in at a fair FOR SALE.AT A BARGAIN. DESIRABLY THREE STORY A i S N S. H. FARMAN A CO.. 137 Broadway. good ordor; Lots in plots of from two to sixteen; Kingsbridge ~A N'lTj A E M K TilROWN STONE I. G. ADAMS A CO.. Atlantic City, N. J. miles out; good land; ample buildings. nearly new; barfain.price; pood investment. and Columbus 209th and 2i0th ho"catedDwelling, 11 rooms and bath, on 110th st., for?3.0o'J cash, bouse alone cost more money: half mile from station; A PROMINENT CORNER ON RIVINGTON ST., 26X PATRICK FOX. 47 Liberty st. road, Vorrailye avs., sts., $5,000, on at per cant; a ATTENTION!.REAL ESTATE f'OR SALE IN THE from $750 to $2,200 each. balance, mortgage 4% splendid Berkshire Hills.General Farms and easy torms. Address J., box 335 Herald. 100, ready for immediate improvement, for sale at a NEAR 93D home, suitable for two families; sanitary plumbing, productive JOHN K. FOLEY £ SON, 153 Broadway. 3D AV., ST. .FIVE STORY DOUBLE J. ROM AT N E BROWN & CO., -r>9 West 33d at. and in perfect order; ranted until May 1, 1891.decorated Sites and Gentlemen's Placos in the famous Buildin,?towns bargain.Tenement, with Stores, $25,500; m ortgago $14,000 at EDWARD PHILIPS, Owner, 145 Broadway. o£ Lenox, Stockbridge and Lee. the SSwitserland of REM, ESTATE TO_ ESCHAiVGK7 A VALUABLE FIRST WARD INVESTMENT NEAR per cent. E. H. PIRSSON, 140 Broadway. America, and adjoining town s, from 10 to f>00 acres. THREE STORY MADISON AV.~ Wall and Front 60 feet will sell whole or light. steam heated, cabinet finis):, decorated Apartment A LITTLE CASH WILL to A DWELLING, Bts.; front; 35 EAST 74TH ST..25X60X102; IF SOLD Houses; just finished and partly rented: needs to be PURCHASE AN BLEOANT THOS. HKAPHV, Real Estate Agent, Lee, Mass.Apply city, $16,500, $12,500; also five three story part; $35,000. HULSE & CO., 291 Broadway. worth modern, first class bijou Residence, choicely located mortgage each $40,000; $50,000; easy terms; open IMMEDIatelydaily seen to be appreciated. Apply on premises, 38 West near A.FOR SALE.A NSAT COTTAGE HOUSE Dwellings, Brooklyn, iptf.500 each, mortgage $4,500 INVESTMENT 64 th st. parks; never occupied; price $26,000; investigate at five cent; to or for A SMALL PIECE GOOD PKOPEltTY, 31ST ST., NEAR LEXINGTON AV..FOUR STORY this.SHAW & CO., 61 West 125th »t. seven rooms and attic, with about quarter acreCONtainingof per exchange, separately together, urest Bide, below 34th st. L. K. FRIES, 44 Broadway. land, barn. d ISAAC A. GRAVES. Ill Broadway. by Messrs. i'r. Beck & Co., of 5th av. AlwayB open. Broadway. SELDOM OFFERED OPPORTUNITY..$750-$l.000 125th for " will House, seven rooms, barn and et.. routing $6,700 annually. SINCERITY,^ Above 14th St.. 5th Av. to North River. BARGAINS IN PRIVATE HOUSES.72 WEST 49TH, buy splendid garden Herald office. DESIRABLE IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FO ft" S ALE-SIX STORYTACTORY~BUILDINGTSOX $37,500, mortgage $27,000; No. 46 Wost 85th, (six lots), at New |jorp, Staten Itland; price $4,Oun; Properties for sale on Spring, Prince. Mercer, Wooster, 90, west side, between 23d and 31th sts.; terms to suit. $65,000, in rent. Address PROPRIETOR F." box23:4 Herald.balance PAYTNG CITY APARTMENT west 86th size Address 308 mortgage $32,53d st. .1. H. A G. W. COSTER, 173 5th av.BElowROBINSON. Ownor, 145 Broadway. PATTEltbON it O'BRIEN, 1?1 Broadway, New York. A GKNTLEMAN'S COUNTRY SKAT OR SUPERIOB rented two tonants, $75,00!i; net 10 per cent on * Building, FOR SALE.HOUSE BELOW 3lTlt ST., WEST BUILDERS..DESIRABLE LOTS ALL OVER THE AHJ yvurvrjm. i-nurjiftn. uun srnuiAiiii. Farm wanted in exchanjro for * very laree Apartment inTestmont. J. N. KALLEY & SON, 150 Braadway, N. B..Our WE STAKE on SIDE; >7. H. 179 REPUTATION the price $16,000. J. H. & G. W. OOSTEJg,173 §th nv.. City soma with loans G. W. KKELER. 54 Pine st. Bargains and exchanges overy whore; 22 years' expe House; equity $40,0ty>. NAFIS, Broadway. FOR SALE.A FOUR STORY BUILDING, 52X100, that this is tho best built, test planned andstatementbest rlence. PHILLIPS & \VJiLL8. Tribune Building. CENTRAL LOCATION..ELEGAivT located large in the market, surrounded FUR SALE-HOUSE. WEST 20TH ST.; BARGAIN. FOR SALE-HIGH STOOP HOUSE, NEAP. " BKOOKLYN, located on the east side, above Houston st. and near nv. dwelling by first class comer of cash sell a or every safeguard as to lestrictions, and will be sold J. H. A G. W. COSTER, 173 3d av. Park: location and condition; CKNtralprice AT BOUND BROOK. N. J.-IN VESTOUS' 8UB plot Lots, 123x100; equity $6,30U; D; suitable for factory storage purposes. Apply M. No W. 272 Herald chnap or exchange. J. ENN1S, 3d av., corner 9th st. EIGHT DOWN to meet the markot. $14,000. agents. H., Uptown. division Speculations, Farms. Factory Sites, Country V. K. STEVENS(fX «fc CO., FOR SALE.THREE ADJOINING HOUSES ON Homes. Particulars, K. VANSYCKEL. 1 HO MAS P. PAYNE. 96 Broadway, New York. SALE.UNIMPROVED WITH 106 West 17tn st.; rare chance for small investment, "GREAT BARGAIN^TAKKN UNDER FORECLOSURE, ~~POft PLOTS, LOAN; Broadway. J. A G. W. COSTER. 173 5th av. K. J..LOTS AND BUILDING SITES Corner two principal streets, long a!6o large list desirable unimproved Properties. H. ARLINGTON, Island well foi H. F. SCHELLHASS. 171 A..PEERLESS MANSIONS, SQUARE, SIRE BIIOS, 183 Broadway, for sale; easy terras. City.Four story brick, rented; exchange Broadway. North (81st st. between 8th and 9th avs.). cabinet finish. FOR SALE OK LEASE FOR TERM OF YEARS.40 EILSHEMlUS, 2fi."> Broadway, room 21. Property. Room 5, 3 West 25th st. FOR SALE-ELDRIDGE STREET LOT, FOB 25xW5; four storios, basement and feet front, 6th av.. east side, near 36th St., New York. HOUSES. FLATS, LOTS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS cellar; classical, Owner, 489 Hancock st.. Brooklyn. city; easy terms. 18 Cortlandt St., room 318. delightful farm near city.w2 acre& E. H. LUDLOW A CO.. 47 Liberty Bt.IMprovemeot.and unique; **L" station at corner; inspectionoriginal BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. rich land; very superior; buildinps and improvements; ~MACDOUGAL ST..FIVE STORY DOUBLE FLAT; see article on these houses by Russell Stnrgess,invited;~FOR SALE.WEST 42D ST.. HIGH STOOP HOUSE; WANT AN OFFER FOR83 EAST 113TH, 440 WEST free and clear; mijrht exchange. 150 Broadwav, room 41. 11 rented: rent architect, in "the City House," in Scribner's for June, price $15,000; no agents. H. D., 269 Herald Uptown. 38th and 147 Westj51gt. DOTY, 99 Nassau, STATEN ISLAND. f improvements; always $8,700 year; price 18U0. 0. rented, for City Property. Address C. F., i>22 Lot on Bleecker St., near Broadway. POSSESSION, 89 story high stoop Dwelling, size 19.6x60x100.11, elegantly J. ROMaINE BROW.n A CO.. 59 West 33d st. excavated. HULSE & CO., 291 Broadway.CELlarssale cheap: also several nice, cheap Houses. Herald ollico. White it. finished in hard wood; restricted neighborhood; electric VaN ItRCIJJT BROS., 59 Liberty St., New York. bells and CLOSE AN ESTATE..SARGA1N. TTlREE~STORV lightiug burglar alarm; decorated, chandeliers TEN" NEW MODERN DWELLINGS, 409 CHEAP ithNTS FOR DESIRABLE ~S5QU"ify $5,000.RENTED CITY BUSINESS #25,000 WILL BUY THREE COLD WATER FLATS ana all improvement*; price only Sfi'S.tXJO. brown stone, Putuam nr., near Tompkins avenue for country; Westchester county preferred. in Seventh ward; nearly new; rent over $9,000; WM. KENNELLV* & BROTHER. 45 "L" station; price $7,500. MANUFACTURERSI! CURTISS. 47 PROFerty H. W. 137 Liberty. Nos. 26 and 28 and 33 to 47 West 75th St., KULAND & WHITING. 5 Boakman St. WATER POWER: WATER POWER! WATER POWER! Liberty St. $53,000. SHIPMAN, Broadway.mortgage Save coal bills, engineers and firemen. A BARGAIN..NEW, SUPERIOR 20 FOOT FOUR four brown stone, cabinet finished FXVE BEAUTIFUL THREE STORY FLAT EXCHANGE-SOUTHERN ffWBliR LANDS yOR story stoop brown stone Residence No. 100 West story throughout; HOUSES, We offer for a term of years, within thirty miles from equity in Brooklyn or city Housos. Above 14tli St.. 5th Av. to Bast River. high DINING ROOM AND BUTLER'S PANTRY EXTENSION. just finished, with all improvements; parlors In cabinet New >'ork, the following Buildings, with wator wheels 137 l*6th St.; butler's pantry and boaroom extension; RESTRICTED BLOCK. hulls on each on 15th EUFUS K. MoHARG, Broadway. A.. FOR SALE dR TO LEASE, trimmed electric bolls, trim; private lloor; situated St., completo:. EAST 31ST AND 32D throughout; mirrors, huidwoodSizes, 20x21 and 22 feet front, ne*r Seventy-second st. between 4th and 5th >?,; on {rood terms. Inquire on Building, 180x140. water wheel 200 horse FOR SALE, EXCHANGE.LEASEHOLD DOCK STS., NEAR 5TH AV., open fireplaces, tiled kitchen; every modern sideboards. elevated or of GEORGE 298 18th registering 500 foet water A PLOT OF GROUND a frontage of 65 feet on station; premises owner, KEYMER, St., power; Building. 50x132, water wheel registering 200 Property, Brooklyn; front; extensive having Caretaker, premises. convenience. WILL SELL REASONABLE. Brooklyn. horse with addition buildings, suitable for any purpose; possession Inches on East 31st st. and 22 feet on East 32d St., being for power: Building, 33x70, 35x40, wator Nog. 5, 7 and 9 East 31st st. and 8 East 32d st. A LARGE, SPLENDID CORNER i'ROPKRTY ON Open inspection daily. "FOit SALE.A BARGAIN..TWO TIIRhK STO ii Y wiiocl registering 75 horse power. Buildings located to free from encumbrances. immediately; Broadway, between 34th and 4:M sts.; leased for seven F. ZITTEL, 1,189 Columbus av. suit tenants. Rent of floor space 6c. per foot. MATHEWS, 115 Broadway, room 119. Corner 72d st. brown stone, newly decorated. 11 room Houses. Apply square MACLAY & per cent nett on price asked; will be sold at sacrifice to on 489 Rent of water power, with priviiogo to use day and night, DAVIES, divide taker, and Ownor, premises, Hancock St.. Brooklyn. FINK FOUR 8TORY STONE DWELLING. 22X5JX Equitable Building, 120 Broadway. estate; part payment good securities. THE SPLENDID CASTELLATED. SWELL FRONT, $30 par horse power. Answer, stating charactor of 100, on the Hill, handsomely decorated, lightly S. H. HUXFOKD, 171 Broadway. decorated Houso 254 West F8th is worth it FOR SALE.ONE OF THE FINEST CORNER to L., box 379 Herald office. * business, to for place worth A..ATTENTION OF HOUSE BUYERS CALLED TO " " St., $27,000; in av. S. exchange nearby $14,500. mortgaged. can bo bought now for $23,500 on a of it Myrtle Inquire YOUNG, MyrtlePROPertiesand J. N. KALLEY A SON. 150 New York. those elegant four story and extension Dwellings on 92d A. payment $3,000; Washington jivfc Krnnfclv.i vuivnDft iftujmm ui <.vr. .> oc.17 injusrj, nun Broadway, between otn and .Madison 10 to 21 Below 42d st., betweon 7th and 8th avs., two five is the finest bargain in the restricted district. See usher, Fumitiire and Fixture*. 011 Great Harbor N. J. t., ave., foot fronts; story on or owner. ROCK Egg Bay, HEADQUARTERS FOR EXCHANGES..IF YOU Biso three story on southeast corner 03d st. substantial modern Apartment Houses, all premises, WOOD, residing opposite, FLAT FOR SALE.CHEAP; PAYS SEVEN l'ER Owner and photo at 363 IStb »t.. South Brooklyn. have or small or Dwellings actual over or 17 Union square. com net. large Property, city country, to and Madieoc av., 20 foot fronts; prices very moderate. 50x90; rental $6,200; priceimprovements,$54,000, I can do the business for walteh L., box 210 Herald office. VAN BRUNT BROS.. 59 Liberty st.. Now York. DON'T BUY FARMS, COTTAGES, LOTS UNTIL YOU you. exchange kkid, VERY~ATTRACTIVE HOUSE, IN PERFECT ORDER, see our circular. SMITH, . room 289. WALTER E. sWlTZER, 50 Broadway. Owner and Builder, office 11 East 92d st. A GOOD INVESTMENT.THREE FIRST CLASS on47th St., between 6th av. and isroadwav; terms easy; FOIL SALE.BARGAIN.THREE STORY 1JKOWN can be a 12 IN FLtST CLASS HOUSE WANTED, OR FARM. FOR FORT LE^ A CHANCE TO BUY A FIVE STORY HOUSE.. five story Double Flats; rant $3,816 each. Nos. 57, 5i< and bought cheap by prompt purchaser. stouo 22 foot lionsa. Address PFANNS1ULLER, 470 "ELEGANT HOUSES, ROOMS; store and 61 West 105th »t.; will take two or throe Lots in Apply to Henry st. Brooklyn. ordor; all improvements; apple, pear and cherrytroes; large Corner; $0,500; dwelling. Btores and apartments: perfect order; near elevated good J. METCALFE 49 lot on Slain St.: ton minutes' walk of South THIELER. 357 Schermerhorn. Brooklyn. station on 3d av.; a investment: a cable part payment. THOMAS. Liberty st. 100x20<»; jailroad good JOHN P. KKI,LY. Owner and G1 West 105th st. GREENWOOD CEMETERY HANDSOME PLOT Norwalk depot. Also Lot on sido street, 113x148, with OPEN THE BALL FOR 1891.-H UNDREDS OF road is sure to increase the value of property; price Builder, WEST 18TH ST.. NO. 333, BETWEEN 8TH AND 9TH for sale, located on high ground, fenced. barn 25x35. I avs., north side..Three and hair brick opportunities, Brooklyn and Suburban Proper* A .11ANDSOMEST HOUSES ON THE WEST SIDE; story high stoop E. EDMuNJJ MARKS, No. 229 Broaaway. Address box 008, South Norwalk. Conn. all and free. EXchange J. EDGAR LI5AYCRAFT, 1,544 Broadway. four story Dwellings on West End av., 76th and 77th 6tB.; Dwelling, in perfect order: immedioto possession; can ties, prices, mortgaged bo seen 101 IF YOU HAVE REAL ESTATE" S1BBALD, 166 Montague it.. Brooklyn. prices iow; terms. Also small Houses in evenings. MOSSMAN. . " A..ONE OF TllE GREATEST BARGAINS WIS HAVE easy Harlem; of kind to sell or FOR SALE.THE COTTON PLANTATION KNOWN always open. any exchange, as Panthor situated in WILL EXCHANGE MY >ver offerod..A four story, basement and subcellar BUILT FIVE STORY TWO and is u bargain at the asked, Burn, Sharley county, Mississippi, I LOVELY~RESIDENCE AT ou that 30th DORE LYON, 321 WeBt 136th st. WELL FAMILY FLAT, price on both banks of Doer Creek: conceded to be the most Norfolk. Conn., elegantly 17 rooms, also Dwelling, 18.6x60x100, eleirant block. Private one block from Forty-second streot "L" station: size you can Una a bnyer by calling on furnished, t. near Madison av. For full particulars JOHN R. or productive county in the cotton belt: containing upward cottage and stables, tor House in city valuedservants'ill a..BARGAIN.FIVE STORY DOUBLE FLATS, 25x70x100.5; all rented: price $26,000. mailing description, price, Ac., to acres first cane acres. FOLEY & SON, 1S3 Broadway. near 104th street at all new of thirteen thoueund of class high land; $30,000, free and clear; three STAGE, Herald. station, cost; rented; house; WM. 0. GYSBERS, 5569th av., corner 41st st. .(AS. CURLEY, eight hundred acres cleaiedin cultivation and A..EXECUTOR'S SALE SUBSTANTIAL FIVE will pay a net investment of 15 per cent. For particulars, 68 Court St., Braoklyn. forty OWNER OF TWO FINE NEARBY FARMS, WELL WKSf SIDE, 200 FEET FROM CABLE ROAD.. no with Erst class fences: the improvements consistenclosed tory and cellar brick Tenement, with store, fully rented, CHAS. F. WHITE. Extra facilities for selling; charge unloaa sold. of two flue steam residence, store and stocked, would exchange either for New York Property 1,727 Columbus av., near 100th St. Two Lots, $1,750 each; bargain. (tins, warehouses; and add some cash. BUCKET Herald office. bear 2d av., above 42d St.; price $13,000. JOHN T. BOYD, 59 MADISON ST..HANDSOME BROWN STONE HOUSE centrally located at Panther Burn Station, on the SHOP, SMYTH A RYAN, 70 Liberty st. A..FIFTEEN PER CENT NET Liberty. sale Valley where there is a post INVESTMENT ON SIDE..FOUR STORY for cheap. Railway, ofBco,Mississippidepot TWO GENTLEMEN OWNING A DEVELOPED GOLD two Flats, near 104th street station; bargain for an WEST TENEMENT; PAYS VAN BRUNT BROS., 59 Liberty St.. New York. and express office: also plantation residenco, manager's Mine which they have no time to work, with a 20 stamp A..DELIGHTFUL THREE STORY HIGH STOOP cash large interest; easy terms. F. E. JOHNSON, 185 5th av. and ot two hundred tenants' houses ill East for $15,000 required; mortgage $i8,OOD. Forinvestor; LET.TWO FINE dwellings upward mill, erected in 1887 at a coit of $40,000, desire to Vrick Private Residence 85th st. sale; price particulars, TO LARGE, NEW STORES, ON occupied by prosperous tenantry; the title to the same for Real Estate in New York or 20 feet immediate "WEST SIDE;"IBOVE 14TH ST.-HOUSES, $10,u00 bost of or good »ichanga £9,000; wide; possession. CHAS. I\ WHITE, 1,727 Columbua av., near 100th st. terms. part Myrtle avenue, together separate; is indisputable. JOHN WILLIS. property or other of property. J. J. SMYTH A RYAN. 70 Liberty st. ~ and upward: easy 18 Oortlandt St., room 318. location for a cash grocer or first class species SCHMIDT,elsewhere AN bntcber,choicest Panther Burn, room 10, sixth floor. Mills Building. ELEGANT BARGAIN.-TW(J~HANDSOME FIVE iv?H IV .WTI 1SST11 ST MBVPB I.fM /'111' i.. or clothing warerooms or high class drug furniture Sharley county. Miss. A PROMINENT THIRD AVENUE CORNER, EXTRA story Houses near 42d between one from Apartment st, 7th and 8ih rare JOHN T. 59 st. block Wallabout Market. business; TWO FORDHAM COTTAGES IN RAPIDLY ize, below 34th St., for sale at a low price. avs.; three families on each all can bargain. BOYD, Liberty S. and \\ avs., FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN. GEO. R. floor; improvements; YOUNG, .Myrtle asbington Brooklyn. section. Equity $8,000; fine neighborhood;IMPROVinghealthy READ, bo bought very cheap from the builder; rent $.">,000 oach. 46TH ST.. 6'1'H AV. AND BKO AD WAY..CHEAP On account of ill hoalth the ofner will sell his locatfon: will exchange for City House or Country Place. Astor Building, 9 Pine St. FRED A, IIaKLL, 176 Broadway. Dwelling, three story, 20 foet; under lease; PRIvato TO LET.FACTORY, BROOKLYN. K D., FOUR Property, almost in the lieort of J'atchogue,magnificentin the MATTHEWS, Herald office. investment. story brick building. 30x50, corner North 8th and best possible locality, consisting of 12 broad level acres A GREAT BARGAIN.ONLY $1,500 CASH A..23D ST., NE A R BHO ADWAV..FOUK excellent late 6th st.; 100 feet on either street if desiro'i; TO EXCHANGE-TENEMKNT. WEST 42D. FKEE balance in instalments; a large Doublo STORY, J. EDGAR LEAYCRAFT, 1,544 Broadway. Roeblmg.and a new Qacen Anno Mansion of 12 immense rooms, RKquired;with Store; 25 leet front; a very rare opportunity to buy convenient to shipping; rent very reasonable. Apply furpisheil with gas. hot and cold water; bain and and clear, with cash, for improved Tenement weft «i*le, near 2d av.; rent over $100 ner month: Tenementprice a valuable at a low WEST 24o North 9tlt St.. $13,500. SIRE BROS. 183 property figure. 71 ST ST., NKAR END AV.-'THREE STOKY EL)WARD S. McVEf, Brooklyn, E. 1). lliouso; here is u fortune.for some one: can provecarriagepot above 72d. Address M. 1<. S.. box I4't Herald olfico. Broadway.is GEO. SEGUE, 59 Liberty. brown stone high stoop basement House, all the nroperty is worth doublo tho sellins and terms reasonable. F. \V. Herald TO BUILDERS..A PLOT, 125X100, IN 12TH ST., price. $16,000; A..BARGAIN..FOR SALE OR TO LET, FL'S A..THREE LOTS NORTH SIDE 68TH ST., 75 FEET price II.,improvements:near 8th av.; 20 per cent cash re- terms easy. ail leasod; want Dished or hsndsome modern Uptown. price 59,800; only same near Brooklyn; fully price $75,000; Suburban unfurnished, four story east of the Boulevard, adjoining the church, and one quired; builders loan if dosirod; (rood location for Also, on the (Rider) a-venuo, station, school Retreat for own use; no mortgage. OPPORTUNITY, box brown stono llonse: owner desiring to go to Europe will northwest cornor 8th av. and 120th st. J. 144 St. ST..FOUR STOKY HIGH flats. TRUSTEE. 151 Herald and church, a fine Eosidonco of 1() rooms, with every 175 Herald. Sell at a sacrifice. on 5i East 65th »t. 1)., S5TH STOOP, Uptown. electric Apply premises, Marks av., Brooklyn. decorated; between 8th and 9th 19X55XEXtensionxlOO;avs.; eity water, sewerage, light, Ac.; barn,convenience; at five will sell at a to "tjNION" ST. AND 4TH AV..CORNER PLOT, fruit and shade; lot 100x228 feet; $3,800; $500 will UNENCUMBERED A..BARGAIN .IS FOOT PRIVATE HOUSE. WITH A BARGAIN BETWEEN 8TII AND 9TH AVS.-FOUR $21,000 percent; bargainmortgage Bre Lots on Union VALUABLE PROPERTIES IN A cabinet trimmed, near purchaser. $15,500; adjoining »t., between91.10X95, it; balance very easy. secure Stata for substantial of txtension, decorated, Park av., story front (bricK) and three story rear (frame), full lot; quick 4th and 5th avs., $12,500; offer wanted. Owner, H. J. B. SWEZEY. prosperous capital equities price $18,000, mortgage $12,000; possession. rents $1,500; asked J. EDGAR LEAYORAFT, 1.544 Broadway. 140 New York. *50.(-00 to $400,000 in New York nv Brooklyn Properties; GREENWALD A 202 price $15,000. MERCKLE, Broadway, Patchogne, I/. I. loans made upon properties which wo offer. Address CO., Broadway,'' WM. C. GYSBERS, 550 9th av.. ccner 41st st. 85T1I ST-', SOUTH SIDE. 9TH AND 10TH AYS.. Oriental Now York. Fivo unrestricted. Room 52 ***** 3 LEFT OF A LARGE ROW OK THREE STORY ~FOK SALE.VALUABLE SLATE OR WILL OWNER, Hotel, A THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE, WITH SALOON* A FIRST CLASS THREE STOR~Y AND BASEMENT Lotn, 109. Broadway. Flat Houses; flttod of QUARRY, jn 2*1 av.. cash Single handsomely np; parlors in lease for term years; equipped with best modorn PROPERTY ON NEWTOWN Harlem; only $2,500 required: balanco, House for sale cheap. 18x55. brown siono, hardwood; "~90TH ST.. ST 11 TO 9TH AV..FOUR STOKY HKJH cabinet work; private halls on each floor; soapstone for making roofing and structural ulate; rock of "~\VHARK CREEK. J-'UXM, on mortga^o 5 per cent.JOwner. 239 East 124th st. order; excellent 138 120th brick 18.9x60x100; machinery Standard Oil Work6. ovor200x500; title guaranteeOPposite good block| West st. Address stoop Duelling. elegantly decorated; washtray; perfect plumbing; beautiful fronts of fine quality aud inexhaustible; fuel and labor cheap; policy for S70,000, which is the price; e3tate A BARGAIN-FOUR STORY FLAT, WITH Si. r. WOOD. 322 Broadway. elegantly furnished: cnrpots; gas fixtures; owuer must brick, terra cotta and brown stone; situatedPhiladelphiaon railroad at side of property with depot, giving good mortgage STORE, or unfurnished. $33,000 at five per cent; for sale, rent or exchango. 1st av.. near 118th St., $2,000 cash; balance. $9,500. five AMSTERDAM AV., WEST BETWEEN 131ST sell, furnished Apply to 13th St., 376, 332, 384. Inquire of janitor on premises, or facilities to all points. Aiidreas PENNSYLVANIAshipping J. S. ROBINSON. Owner, 145 per cent mortgage. EARNEST, 11 e.-ald office. SIDE, J. KDGAK LliAVCRAFT. 1.544 Broadway. of owrer. GEO. KEYMER. 29tt 18th st. 316 Heruld office. Broadway. and 132d sts..Fivo full Lots; easy terms: bargain. EXCHANGE FOR CITY A TH1H1> AVKNIIF. PROPERTY HKI.mT.Wfll K»rald office. improvements;VVA NT ED.FARM OR COUNTRY RESIDENCE downtown MERRITT, 146 Broadway. $4500 FOR THREE STORY IIKSH STOOP BRICK addres3 TN exchange for property. Nino choice and very desirable in exchange for handsome Corner Flat, with stores, having S. 11. FUKJ1AN 0. Particularsstation;GEO. HARING, 71 Patchcn avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. equity paying Bridgo. in J \ Bowery. NEW, SUPERB STRATTON'S Real Estate office, 009 Gates av. Brooklyn. Kioohlyn; quick trado. M basement 20x54 and cxteusionxlOO House, hardwood. WALTER E. SWITZER. 50 Broadway. A..PARK AV.. WEST SIDE. 130TII TO 131ST ST.. 91 st, near 8th av.; easy terms; low price; many others; A handsomely decorated four story Bouse, No. 56 East #8,000 WILL BUY ONE OF THREE NEW MODERN FOR SAI.K.28 MILES IN" NEW .JERSEY. ON Block front: 90 feot deep; old buildings; possession; $12,000 upward. II. W. SHlP.MAN. 137 Broadway. K9th st.. in perfect ordsr, to lav at reasonable rent or will threo story and basement private Houses of branch of Delaware. Lackawanna and Wostern Raiirond. WANTED.A PRIVATE IJOUSE IN NEW YORK OR M terms. MAOLAY & house for Dwelling a French roof 11 looms; small barn, 100 ta*y DaVIUS, NEW NEAR pell; upon inspection. brick, with brown stono trimming, designed in (rood Kov.se, lot Brooklyn in exchange for good income paying Proporty. I Equitable 120 Broadway. A COLD AVATER FLAT. 30TH ST., 6TH by Wm. B. Tnbby, xl70; location first class; prfco S4,(X>> ino exchange). Apply 183 Broadway, room 1. BuiWjltns, IS cent on investment, and all rented. on stylo Esq.; substantiallyRomanesquebuilt, av.; payB For informatien or a FRONTING UAL N per apply premises with all the latest improvements; natural wood trim; Also first clas Hon so In Morristown. Address OWNER, A 51H AV.. CE'NT ~PARK^-A H. W. KHIPMAN. 137 Broadway. GERALD R. BROWN, in first class lock box 247, Hoboken, N. .T. ~WTNTED^FACTORY IN NEW YORK CITY IN extra wide, elesant corner House ,for sale exceedingly No. 120 sanitary plumbing: neighborhood; for other good paying Property. Address to \VM. 1*. AN ELEGANT BARGAIN..TWO HANDSOME FIVE Broadway. to all tho ferries and the Bridge; taxes paidconvenientthis FOR SALE.NEW ONE EXchange cheap. Apply SEYM0UR.\171 Broadway. of owner, on 45 FACTORY, 100X201), STORY, ADAMS, box 334 Herald olJU'.e. story Apartment Houses, near 14th st. and 8th av.; rent 119TH ST.. 35 WEST..THREE STORY BASEMENT, year. Inquire premises. Strong place, new Engine and Boiler. .*>0 H. P.. Belleville. N. J.; on a corner plot on 2d av./tnear 100th st., $4.S00each; no vacancies; offer wanted; will sell fine order. 10x40x100, $10,4)00: smallor lower between Harrison and Degiaw sts. railroad: site; low; easy 30 ~WK DO LARGELY AN EXCHANGE BUSINESS. for sale at a House, splendid prico terms; bargain. FRED A. CARLL. 176 Broadway.separately.prico; easy terms. Seeu Sunday. from Now York; also small liictoiv on sr.meminutesWhat have you to offer? L. J. CARPENTER. 41 Liberty s^. and 1.181 3d av. JOHN HOGAN, premises. gror.nd. cheat). Address IIOME BCILDIN'G CO., box J. N. KALLEY A SON, 150 Broadway. AS I NEED MONEY WILL SELL, FIVE STORY WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY Herald. a..FOR BALE CHEAP OK EXCHANGE; FOUR OR Double Flat, rented for $2,600; pi ice $24,500; little money 199 LENOX AV..CORNER FOR SALE OR TO LET. 127 WANTED.i^'REE AND Cl/LAR, COUNTRY Pi,A(T>j Bve thousand cash noeded; 8ve story/tenement on required; bargain. Address OWNER, 339 Herald office. FOR SALE OX MONTHLY PAYMENTS-ARTISTIC for new city Tenement, well rented. PRINCIPAL, room flBI Yorkvllle. BARGAIN, 211 Herald office. " "^nSXl^rjCWY6^^RC^XTlXCE~dF~ABOUT at Great Nock. near 100, 50 Broadway. arelne; AN ASTOR LEASE FOR ono 12 Cottasos L. 1., depot, 14 miles from SALE, is now for sale bolow cost; It Is cabinet new acre; modorn honse. rooms, and ail conveniences 18 trains eucU commutation AN EXTRA WIDE. FINE CORNER HOUSE FOR Wost 44th st. finished, of a house: good a city, way dally, per year; ale: choice location all Bites and city stable; very desirable also desirable Building Lot»; money loaned for building. WANTED.COUNTRY RESIDENCE IN EXCHANGK .Muiray Hill:~"!>;thers, J. E. WHITAKER, 66 Liberty st. and first class in the price $20,000, and $10,000 or more may remainneighborhood;on Address R. GKACE for good [jaying downtown Business locutions. \VM. P. SEYMOUUi, 171 Broadway. strictly every respect like at cent. W. ,t CO.. Hanover squnro. Now \ ork. Property. Apply A..LEADING AVENUE CORNER BELOW 53TH ST., neighborhood.mortiraure five per BELLOWS A WARREN, 183 Broadway, room 1. a.-for sale-four lots, including corner, five story. 27x90, $u0,000. Address Agents, 20 Getty sqnare, Yonkers. FOR SALE OR LEASE.TWO OLD ESTABLISHED »i;e 100x100. ar. A. rear 72d st.; suitable for factory, GREENWALD A CO., 202 AT YONKER8..FOR SALE, ON WARBURTON AV.. Business Properties, with or withont Stocks of Goods; \\ ELL RENTED FLAT. BEST PART WEST SIDE. tenements, Ac. SETON & 79 Cedar st. Broadway. DAVID JARDINE doing a large. profltablo business: one f*rv goods, one equity $15,000, for Farm same valuo. WISSNAfiN, A.-57TH ST., BETWEEN 5TII AND Honse, 12 rooms, all improvements, and quarter acre groceries. Address C L. HAiiTSOCK. Md. A~CORN"ER FLAT ON 2D AV., NEAR 100TH liTH or Laud, river view. $10,500. Frederick, TODD, 145 Broadway. ST., full size and extension House; f-75,000,AYS..DEsirableto clos» W. W. JOHNSON, WM. H. Yonkers. F