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PayPerPost Blog Network "How I Lost 55 Pounds" $1,000,000,000 in a Day? Download Ringtones Over 100,000+ bloggers who Amazing Chinese Weight Loss How You Too Can Invest in the Get Fairport Convention ringtones About BNN promote advertisers inside blog Secret. As Seen On CNN, NBC, Same Market the Mega-Rich Make instantly! No credit card required. posts! CBS & Fox News Billions! Posting Guidelines Write for BNN BNN Editorial Policies Sponsored Review DVD Review: Fairport Convention – Maidstone Policy 1970 Advertise at BNN Contact Us February 24th, 2008 by Simon Barrett Site Login Blogger News Network is © 2008 Local Info Company There are some bands that I stop whatever I am doing to Top Categories watch and listen to, and Fairport Convention is one of them. Nearby Posts I was enjoying a quiet Sunday afternoon writing up a couple Breaking News of interviews when a delivery driver dropped of a box Entertainment« CD Review: Jumper News Original Motion Picture Score,containing by John Powell 37 DVD’s and CD’s for review! In the box was Larry Sinclair-Obama: Obama Supporters Circulating Fake WashPo Story? » Book, Movie and the new Voiceprint DVD of a Fairport Convention gig from Album Reviews 1970. It took less than 90 seconds to get the wrapping off US Politics and have the DVD running in my portable player! World Politics Fairport Convention have been in existence since 1967, so Full Category 40 years in the industry, yes they have gone through dozens of lineup changes, and pretty much everyone who is anyone in the British folk List business has played with Fairport at some point in their career.

2006 Election The 1970 lineup features very much the backbone of the band for many years. Coverage (222) Richard Thompson, often credited as the glue, though unlike most bands 2008 Election Fairport Coverage (763) really has no leader, they are all committed and enthusiastic musicians. Anyway Abortion (70) Richard handles a lot of the lead vocals and plays . , who African News (805) is probably the best traditional fiddle player in the past 40 years also helps out Alabama News (18) with vocals, and has a very unique and enjoyable style. also chips in Alaska News (21) with vocals and plays Bass Guitar and . handles the All News (11456) drums, and, then, newcomer to the lineup (as I recall, but it was 37 years ago!) Simon Nichols handles Guitar and electric dulcimer (a wonderful instrument). Archeology & Antiquities News Fairport Convention and another British band Steeleye Span created the genre (32) Electric Folk, and between them they completely revitalized the then flagging Arizona News (119) industry. Arkansas News (37) Asian News (767) Also featured on the DVD is an all too brief set from Matthews Southern Australia News (169) Comfort Automotive News (although not featured on this DVD they are the band that had the absolute (58) smash hit with the Joni Mitchel song ‘Woodstock’). Baseball News (61) The Fairport set includes the knockout . The DVD is worth Basketball News owning just for that one track! (10) Blogosphere News As a bonus the master and doyen of all things progressive in the music world, (1251) John Peel offers a voice over introduction. Book Reviews (431) Breaking News I cannot recommend this one enough. And if anyone from Voiceprint or MVD (2183) are reading this, lets have more of this kind of DVD, this is music at its best, and Business News (782) played by masters of the art. California News (199) You can get your own copy (because you would have to pry my copy from my dead, cold, and stiff fingers) from MVD. Canada News (273) 1 of 1 2/29/2008 1:02 PM C l b it N