Community Governance Review:

Please tell us what you think

Daventry District Council is carrying out a Community Governance Review. This is the process that allows the Council to make changes to parishes, such as boundaries and the numbers of parish councillors.

Cottesbrooke Parish Meeting proposal

Daventry District Council contacted the neighbouring parishes to to ask them to consider whether or not they would be willing to incorporate Cottesbrooke within their parish. Both and have shown an interest.

The justification for this proposal is that, currently Cottesbrooke Parish Meeting has no representation and has not had for some time.

Appendix A at the end of this document illustrates the change should Cottesbrooke be amalgamated with Creaton.

Appendix B at the end of this document illustrates the change should Cottesbrooke be amalgamated with Naseby.

Should the arrangement be agreed, at least one or two new councillors for the Cottesbrooke area would be established on the new parish council and consideration would be given to increasing the numbers of councillors on the new council.

The electorate for Cottesbrooke as at the August 2018 register was 112. The electorate for Creaton was 391 and for Naseby was 609.

The national guidelines for a Parish Council of either size are between 6 to 12 Councillors. The last parish election for Creaton was held in 2018, when there were 7 candidates for 8 seats and the last parish election for Naseby was held in 2015 when there were 8 candidates for 8 seats.

Would the amount of Council Tax I pay change?

It may do, if either merger goes ahead. Either parish would need to decide how much money they need to raise via their precepts, collected as part of your Council Tax bill, to help run the parish(es). At present the village precept element of the Council Tax for Cottesbrooke is £0, for Creaton it is £95.09 and for Naseby it is £87.66. All are based on a Band D equivalent property.

Parishes use their precept for such things as open spaces, cemetery, playfield management/maintenance, provision and maintenance of recreational and play facilities, street furniture and lighting; sports facilities, litter picking, planning, allotments, traffic calming and defibrillators.

What would the name of the parish be?

If either Creaton or Naseby merge into one parish with Cottesbrooke, consideration would also need to be given to the name of the parish.

Suggestions include:

 Creaton and Cottesbrooke Parish Council  Naseby and Cottesbrooke Parish Council

Please let us know if you have any suggestions that may be different.

Have your say:

 To have your say on this proposal please complete the online survey at

Alternatively you can request hard copies of the proposal and reply slips by phoning 01327 302507.

The deadline for submission of comments is Friday 16 November 2018. Following this, a working group of Members of Daventry District Council will review the responses and a further consultation will take place before any final decisions are

Appendix A:

Appendix B: