The Epiphany of the Lord January 8, 2017

Epiphany of the Lord

La Epifanía del Señor

Pastor / Párroco ~ Rev. John Worster, [email protected]

Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial ~ Rev. Jesús Camacho, [email protected]

Assisting Priest / Asistente del Párroco ~ Rev. Bruno Segatta, [email protected]

Pastor Emeritus (Ret.) / Párroco Emérito (Retirado) ~ Rev. W. Thomas Faucher [email protected]


2612 W. State St., Boise, ID 83702 Oficina/Parish Office: 344-2597; Fax: 344-9337 Escuela/School: 342-7476 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m.– 4 p.m. Horario de Oficina: Lunes a Viernes 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.

The Epiphany of the Lord Page 2 January 8, 2017

SAINT MARY’S STAFF / PERSONAL DE STA. MARIA Pastor / Párroco ~ Rev. John Worster, 1(208) 680-0608 ~ [email protected]

Rev. Jesús Camacho, Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial ~ [email protected] (ext. 204) Rev. Bruno Segatta, Assisting Priest / Asistente del Sacerdote ~ [email protected] Rev. W. Thomas Faucher, Pastor Emeritus (Ret.) / Párroco Emérito ~ [email protected]

Deacons / Diáconos Bill Petzak ~ [email protected] ~ 658-8892 Francis Hess ~ [email protected] ~ 409-4103 John Carpenter ~ [email protected] José Ayala ~ 344-2597 ext. 201/204 Gene Fadness ~ 890-2712 [email protected] Harley Salazar ~ [email protected] Call the parish office to obtain his number/Llame a la parroquia y le daremos el número

ADDRESS: 2612 W. State Street, Boise, Idaho 83702 ~ PHONE: (208) 344-2597 FAX: (208) 344-9337

Monica Pittman, Business Manager/ Gerente de la Parroquia [email protected] (Ext. 206)

Roxanne Harlow, Administrative Assistant / Secretaria [email protected] (Ext. 214)

Alejandra Díaz, Administrative Assistant / Secretaria [email protected] (Ext. 201)

Meg Lawless, Coordinator, Children/Family Ministry [email protected] (Ext. 207) Coordinadora del Ministerio de los Niños y de la Familia

Mike Dambach, Facilities Manager/Gerente de Mantenimiento [email protected] (Ext. 208)

Patty Gabica Haas, Director of Music [email protected]

Tammy Emerich, Principal, St. Mary’s School / [email protected] 342-7476 Directora de la Escuela de Santa María

MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE LAS MISAS Saturday, 5:00 p.m. English / Sábado, 7:00 p.m. Español Sunday, 8:30 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. English /Domingo, -12:45 p.m. Español Weekdays – 8:30 a.m. Misa diaria – 8:30 a.m. RECONCILIATION / RECONCILIACION Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 p.m., or by appointment/Sábado 6:30 - 6:50 p.m. o previa cita BAPTISM / BAUTISMO Expectant parents should call the office for baptismal instructions. Bautizos en español, favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial para pedir los requisitos. MARRIAGE / MATRIMONIO / QUINCEAÑERAS Contact Deacon Petzak six months in advance/ Favor de comunicarse a la oficina parroquial por lo menos con 6 meses de anticipación.

FOOD BANK HOURS / HORARIO DEL BANCO DE COMIDA 3890 W. State St., Boise, Idaho 83703 Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 11am–3pm Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes: 11am–3pm BULLETIN ITEMS: [email protected] & [email protected]

WEBSITES/PAGINAS DE INTERNET Church/Iglesia: School/Escuela: The Epiphany of the Lord Page 3 January 8, 2017 A message from Fr. Faucher

As we celebrate these wonderful days of Christmas and Epiphany, there will be pictures in the media of the events at the in Bethlehem. This is one of my favorite churches in the world. Today I want to write a little bit about that incredible church. The church was originally commissioned in 327 by Constantine the Great and his mother Helena on the site that is traditionally considered to be located over the cave that marks the birthplace of Jesus. The Church of the Nativity site's original basilica was completed in 339 and destroyed by fire during the Samar- itan Revolts in the 6th century. A new basilica was built 565 by Justinian, the Byzantine Emperor, restoring the architectural tone of the original. The Church of the Nativity has had numerous additions since this second construction, including its prominent bell towers. Due to its cultural and geographical history, the site holds a prominent religious significance to those of both the Christian and Muslim faiths. It is the next part of the story that I find so appealing. When the Persians, under Chosroes II, invaded in 614, they did not de- stroy the structure. According to legend, their commander Shahrbaraz was moved by the depiction inside the church of the Three Magi wearing Persian clothing, and commanded that the building be spared. Even today this is a very important part of the history of the church, which is told in vivid detail by the guides. The Crusaders made further repairs and additions to the building during the Latin Kingdom of , with permission and help given by the Byzantine Emperor, and the first King of Jerusalem was crowned in the church. Over the years, the compound has been expanded, and today it covers approximately 12,000 square meters. The theft in 1847 of the silver star marking the spot where Christ was born was one of the direct causes for French involvement in the Crimean War against Russia. One of my favorite places in the church is the Grotto of the Nativity, an underground cave located beneath the basilica, which enshrines the site where Jesus is said to have been born. The exact spot is marked beneath an altar by a 14-pointed silver star with the Latin inscription Hic De Virgine Maria Jesus Christus Natus Est-1717 (Here Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary- 1717). It was installed by the Catholics in 1717, removed by the Greeks in 1847 and replaced by the Turkish government in 1853. The star is set into the marble floor and surrounded by fifteen silver lamps representing the three Christian communities. The Altar of the Magi is located directly opposite from the manger site. I had the honor of celebrating Mass in the Grotto Chapel in 1983, and a picture of me doing so is here in the bulletin.

Peace ~ Father Tom Faucher

JESUS SEÑOR DE LA HISTORIA Nos damos cuenta que vivimos en el tiempo. Cronos le llamaban los griegos, medido por años y siglos. Así en el año 750 del Calendario del Imperio Romano, AUC, nació en Belén, Palestina, un humilde hijo de una Virgen. Y su nacimiento cambió para siempre la vida y el uso del tiempo de la Humanidad. Por ello medimos el tiempo en refer- encia a él: AC (Antes de Cristo) y DC (Después de Cristo). Junto a ese tiempo que pasa cruel y avasallador hay a otro tiempo (XAIROS) inaugurado por el Señor Jesus. La semana pasada me encontré con una persona a quien hacía mucho tiempo que no veía. Me extraño su deterioro físico, tal vez ella pensó lo mis- mo de mí. Es el tiempo que se nos escapa y deja su marca. Pero el vivir el Xairos, o tiempo cristiano no nos deteriora sino que nos hace mejores, semilla de eternidad. Vamos a comenzar un nuevo año. Proyectos y promesas afloran en la mente. ¿Pero de qué sirve si no vivimos en el tiempo del Señor? Ser cristiano consiste en vivir el ahora, cada momento en la presencia del Señor y no solo dedicarle una hora de rutina dominical. Muchas bendiciones ~ John Hitchman

JESUS, LORD OF HISTORY We realize that we live in time. Past, present and future is like a tissue holding us. We measure time in hours, years and centuries. The Greeks called time CHRONOS. In the year 750 (of the Roman Empire calendar), a child was born of a virgin. That event changed not only history but the way we see time (BC and AD). We Christians call it XAIROS. Last week I met a person that I have not seen for years. I was impressed by her ‘deterioration’. Perhaps she thought the same of me. Chronos did his job. But Xairos is different. To use time in and for the Lord doesn’t ‘deteriorate’ us, but produces seeds of eternity. How do we live ‘xairotic’? We do so by spending time in the presence of the Lord, not only one hour a week but every moment. Only then will our good resolutions for the next year be blessed by God.

Many Blessings ~ John Hitchman The Epiphany of the Lord Page 4 January 8, 2017

CHRISTMAS MEMORIAL FLOWER DONORS Miriam Adams Vince Huerta 5TH ANNUAL FESTA ITALIANA The Selina Anacabe Jean Ihli Knights of Columbus and “Chef” Fr. Bruno Segatta, Margaret Huerta Anderson Therence Kagoma Judy Bailey James Kelsch along with Chef Lou Aaron, invite you to this great Celeste Becia John & Jeannette L’Abbe event on Sunday, January 29 from 4-7:30pm at Joe Bleymaier Pat Larson Saint Mary’s Parish Hall. Cost is $10/single ticket Robert & Claudia Borgna James & Linda Leonard & $30/immediate family ticket (parents and chil- James Brewer John Lipareli dren under 18). Tickets will be available at all of Rita Brilz Louis & Patricia Miller Tom & Charlotte Brother Earl Ourada the Saturday and Sunday Masses, at the school M.J. Byrne Bill & Catherine Petzak and at the parish office during the week. Seating Tom P. Byrne Leo Perez, Sr. is limited so get your tickets early! Mr. & Mrs. Glen Campanella Stanley & Pamela Phipps Mrs. Pete Cenarrusa Andrea Poynter Francisco Corona-Guzman Jackie McPherron PANCAKE BREAKFAST All are invited to a Billy & Favia D’Souza Angela Purcell delicious hot all-you-can-eat breakfast spon- Mrs. Mathias Fernandes Doug & Sandy Racine sored by the Knights of Columbus on Sunday, Bill Grimes Emma Jean Rodriguez Jan. 8 after the 8:30 & 10:45am Masses. Come Norma J. Gustavson Justo & Paki Sarria and enjoy this wonderful meal! Kay Helgeson Sarah Satterlee Tim & Carol Herring Edith Searcy Mike Hodge Arnold Silva Tom & Maryann Hogg Lois Stallman Ray & Eileen Hoobing Edith Starcy Rosie Williams

ARE YOU SAYING THE ROSARY? If so, Thank you for your generosity! tell us! St. Mary's tallies the number of ro- saries said each week and publishes the results in the bulletin. Tally sheets are availa- Called & Gifted Workshop We are ble in the narthex of the church. Write down being called to a New Evangeliza- the number of rosaries you said during the tion. This call of the Church encour- week and put the sheet in the tally box. Parishioners prayed ages us to deepen our faith, believe in 104 rosaries during December. the Gospel message and go forth to proclaim the Gospel. The Holy Father Theology on Tap Monday, January 9, has called each Catholic to partici- 2017 - 7pm @ Louie's Italian Restau- pate. He wants us to actively help rant & Pizza (2500 E. Fairview Ave, spread the faith by living a holy life Meridian, ID 83642) - "Where Your and by sharing our faith at work, in our Treasure Is: Financial Responsibility families, and among friends. On Jan- from a Christian Perspective" - As we uary 27 & 28, Sacred Heart Church (Boise) will offer a two-day enter tax season, learn how to handle program that will teach us the role of lay Catholics in the money God’s way! This presentation Church’s mission to the world and about the gifts that each of us by Troy Richmond, a Ramsey Solutions Master Finan- has been given in order to fulfill it. Cost is $75. For more infor- cial Coach, will teach you financial principles on how mation call Carol at 344-8311. Online registration and forms are to budget, stay out of debt, build wealth, and be a giv- available at

IDAHO CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE 2017 The con- ference will be held January 28, at Bishop Kelly High School. The conference will feature dynamic speakers Fr. Michael Schmitz, Fr. Gary Thomas, Sean Forrest, and Dr. Tim Johans. Bishop Peter Christensen will celebrate Mass. The early bird registration fee is $40 per person. For all the details and to register go to or call: 353-8494.

Page 5 The Epiphany of the Lord January 8, 2017 Lectors

Sat. Jan. 14, Sun. Jan. 15, Sun. Jan. 15, Sunday, January 8 5pm 8:30am 10:45am • Pancake breakfast after all the English Masses- Parish Hall Lector 1 Billy D’Souza Tim Thometz Angie Harrison • R.E. K-8 grades, 9:40am- Various classrooms Lector 2 Fabia D’Souza Bob McQuade James Harrison • R.E. Pre-school, 10:45am- Classroom 1 • RCIA Children, 11:15am- Various classrooms Altar Servers • Inscripciones curso de Conirmaciones, después de la misa en españ ol en el gimnasio. Sat. Jan. 14, Sun. Jan. 15, Sun. Jan. 15, • Conirmation class, 4pm- Room D 5pm 8:30am 10:45am • Pinochle, 5:30pm- Parish Hall

Cross 1 Abby Murano Lourdes Joey Monday, January 9 Betikoetxea Gunderson • Knight of Columbus meeting, 7pm- Room D

Cross 2 Jack Granvall Patrick Ensch Tuesday, January 10 Candle Amaia Anderson Sam Pape Connor Teply • Holy Conversations, after the morning Mass- Fau- cher Library. Candle Connor Granvall Kayla Haus Margaret Smock • Caregiver support group, 12pm- Faucher Library

SACRED HEART CHURCH CELEBRATES A Wednesday, January 11 MASS FOR HEALING on the second Thursday • Adoration, 9am-3pm- Church of each month. Father Rob anoints with the • RCIA, 7pm- Room D • Christian Meditation, 7pm- Room A sacramental oil and the Prayer Ministry Team is available after Mass for prayer. For more Thursday, January 12 information contact Gail Vincent at 571-4527. • Pláticas bautismales, 7pm– Salón D The next Mass will be at 8:30am on Thursday, January 12. • Choir practice, 7pm- Church

Friday, January 13 SAVE THE DATE!!! - Capstone Mis- • Centering prayer, 1pm- St. Anne’s room sions will hold its 12th Annual Crab Feast and Benefit Auction at St. Je- Saturday, January 14 rome's Catholic Church in Jerome on • Ministry Fair Meeting, 9:30am- Faucher Library February 4. The evening will be filled • Blood pressure screening after all the Masses- St. with great food and live, silent, and Anne room/Evaluación de la presión arterial después de todas las misas dessert auctions to support a great cause. To pur- • Clases de Conirmación, 5pm- Varios salones chase tickets, to make a donation, or to donate an auction item, contact Colleen Crozier at 324-4257 or Sunday, January 15 Debby Miciak at 308-3296. Invite your friends and • Coffee hour after the 8:30am Mass- Parish hall make an evening out of it! For more information on • Blood pressure screening after all the Masses- St. Capstone Missions, visit our website at Anne room/Evaluación presión arterial después de misa • R.E. K-8 grades, 9:40am- Various classrooms • R.E. Pre-school, 10:45am- Classroom 1 • RCIA Children, 11:15am- Various classrooms • Kermesse (food sale) after the Spanish Mass January 9 ~ 15, 2017 Mon. 9th Angie Deluca Tues. 10th Steve & Laureen Moran Wed. 11th Patricia & George Tyler Mother Teresa Thur. 12th Sue & Frank Pascale With Great Love Fri. 13th Jeanne Cabana “We are precious to him. That man dying Sat. 14th Michael Cabana in the street—precious to him. That mil- Sun. 15th 8:30am– Bob Cabana lionaire—precious to him. That sinner— 10:45am- For the people precious to him. Because He loves us.”

TheThe Epiphany Epiphany of the of theLord Lord Page 6 January 8, 2017 January 8, 2017


Altar Servers For those who are in need of Sam Murano 921-9534 ~ Esther Huerta anoinng for a TRUE LIFE THREATEN-

Lectors ING EMERGENCY, please call Sam Murano ~ Margarita Luna Fr. Worster at 1 (208) 680-0608. Eucharistic Ministers/Ministros de la Eucaristía For someone who is in the hospi- Rod Jaszkowiak ~ Familia Carretero tal, is homebound or is in a nursing home and wishes Bishop Kelly Representative / Representante to be anointed, please call the parish at 344-2597. Bryan Smith Mike Caldwell, Principal

Director of Music/ Director Musical DO YOU NEED ASSISTANCE? Do you or your Patty Gabica-Haas ~ Ray Lopez loved ones have mobility issues? If you need help

Choir Directors / Directores del Coro going down and/or up the stairs to the gym for any Robert Parsley ~ Juan Moreno ~ Benny Garcia event, we now have a chairlift to assist you. Please call the parish office during business hours Development & Finance Council / Consejo de Desarrollo y Finanzas two days in advance of your event to make ar- Nathan Drashner Merikay Jost rangements for someone to operate the lift for your special needs. Bob Ancin Lynn Sprague

Saul Huerta Douglas Schulze CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF IDAHO’S 10TH Food Bank Coordinator / Banco de Comida ANNUAL LOAVES & FISHES GALA Join Stacy McDonough Bishop Peter Christensen and honorary chairs Faith Community Nursing Ministry Terry & Kathi Bellew in the Grove Hotel in Boi- Linda Bieker-Arkoosh/Christie Burke-Running se, Sat. Feb. 4. Guests will enjoy an elegant Melissa Gorozpe/Teresa Sanchez-Lopez evening of dining, dancing and a lively auction in support of Funeral Minister Coordinator Catholic Charities of Idaho’s services. To purchase tickets Blaise Bernal and for more information, please visit Knights of Columbus / Caballeros de Colón LF2017 Bob Tratz (English) 342-3480 Martin Esquivel (Secretario) 369-0964

Prayer Network / Cadena de Oración CONSEJO HISPANO/HISPANIC COUNCIL Sandy Racine, 985-4760 Coordinadores/Coordinators

Prison Ministry / Ministerio de Prisión Francisco y Socorro Corona ……………… ...... 861-4846 Sub Coordinadores/Assisting Bill Teske ~ Carlos Castro Juan y Juana Sánchez …………...……………..466-4150 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Tesorero/Treasury Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos Alfredo Garibay ..………...……………………….371-1612 Carole Christensen ~ Luis Carrillo Secretarios/Secretaries

Confirmation / Confirmación José y Martha Ayala ………….Favor de llamar a la oficina Meg Lawless ~ Rosi Terriquez Scripture Readings Sacristan First Sunday in Ordinary Time Mike Sellars January 8 - 15, 2017

Parish Ambassadors for Salt & Light Radio SUN. Is 60: 1-6; Ps 72: 1-2. 7-8. 10-13; Eph 3: 2-3. 5-6; Teresa Tavelli ~ Liliana Tena Mt 2: 1-12

St. Mary’s School Governing Board MON. Is 42: 1-4. 6-7 or Acts 10: 34-38; Ps 29: 1-4. 3. 9-10; Emily Kane Mt 3: 13-17

St. Mary’s School P.T.O. TUES. Heb 2: 5-12; Ps 8: 2 and 5-9; Mk 1: 21-28 Ron Goodwin WED. Heb 2: 14-18; Ps 105: 1-4. 6-9; Mk 1: 29-39

Small Church Communities / Estudio Bíblico THURS. Heb 3: 7-14; Ps 95: 6-11; Mk 1: 40-45 Imanol Betikoetxea ~ Francisco Amaral / Socorro Lima ~ Martha FRI. Heb 4: 1-5. 11; Ps 78: 3 and 4. 6-7. 8; Mk 2: 1-12 García ~ Lupita Martínez SAT. Heb 4: 12-16; Ps 19: 8. 9. 10. 15; Mk 2: 13-17 SUN. Is 49: 3. 5-6; Ps 40: 2. 4. 7-10; 1 Cor 1: 1-3; Jn 1: 29-34

Page 7 The Epiphany of the Lord January 8, 2017 MONTHLY GIVING/FINANCIAL UPDATE – NOVEMBER

Donations Food Bank Debt Reduction REVEALED Actual Actual Actual You Are the Light $ 63,824 $ 8,176 $ 1,525 Youth in 9th-12th grades will join over a thousand youth at ICYC on

Goal Goal Goal March 10-12 at the Ford Idaho Center in Nampa. Featured presenters $ 6,666.67 are Fr. José Robles-Sánchez, Bobby & Jackie Angel, Danny Ray, Alex $ 51,056 $ 4,000 Street and Band. You must register with Meg and pay fees in the Year to Date Actual Year to Date Actual Year to Date Actual $ 19,832 amount of $124 no later than January 30, no exceptions. Limited finan- $ 267,680 $ 10,615 cial assistance is available. Applications must be made before Feb. 9. Year to Date Goal Year to Date Goal Year to Date Goal Registration forms are available in the narthex, at the parish office or at $ 221,740 $ 23,333.35 $ 20,000 Adult chaperones will also be needed. For more details go to the website or contact Meg at the parish office. Advertiser of the week