SouthBoston TODAYOnline • On Your Mobile • At Your Door MAY 15, 2014; Vol.2 Issue 26 SERVING SOUTH BOSTONIANS AROUND THE GLOBE

South Boston Today’s North Shore to This Week’s South Boston Poll On Ferry Service! Page 2

WOW!irect flights from Istanbul! Tokyo! Beijing! South D Station is undergoing major South Boston Today renovation. I-90 and I-93 intersect in South Boston. L Street is a thoroughfare. All roads lead to and through South Boston. Efforts are underway to support the “full transformation of the South Boston Waterfront into a distinct @SBostonToday and vibrant neighborhood within the City of Boston”. It is billed as a world-renowned, memorable, and accessible destination for tourists, Go to our South Boston Today conventioneers, and other visitors, page to vote on our weekly poll. alike. Oh, and let us insert here: Make sure you like & share CONTINUED ON page 4 2 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • May 15, 2014

inconvenience has been slated EDITORIAL for those communities. “Host hen a new project community” status is reserved or development for the actual site and most W occurs, everyone in impacted area deserving the the community, for better or greatest compensation. Either worse, is affected. Obviously, site, Everett or especially depending on proximity, Suffolk Downs, abuts Boston some are more affected or and share a border. To deny that impacted than others. The court Boston will not be as severely recognizes this common sense impacted, (if not even more so), logic and has ruled that abutters than Revere or Everett by casino living within 400 feet of a gambling is to deny reality. proposed project have “legal Mayor Walsh is absolutely standing”. Another way of correct to pursue, by all means, saying it is that everyone can Boston’s proper status as a have an opinion, but only those host community, using all city directly impacted can legally resources to protect that status support or oppose the project. and those Bostonians. The The Gaming Commission, very reason developers are perhaps unknowingly, has used proposing either site is it’s the same logic. “Surrounding proximity to Boston. They seem Community” status and a to want the benefit, but not the certain amount of benefits for responsibility.

“Too many Americans are out of work and our debt is out of control” - Susana Martinez, Governor of New Mexico This Week’s Poll The South Boston Waterfront Sustainable Transportation Plan is being jointly sponsored, supported, and led by the MCCA, Massport, the City of Boston and MassDot

Do You Agree That South Boston Residents Should Have Representation At The Planning Table? Strongly Agree Make sure you like & Somewhat Agree share South Boston Don’t Agree Today with your friends! South BostonToday @SBostonToday

SouthBoston PO Box 491 • South Boston, MA 02127 TODAYOnline • On Your Mobile • At Your Door South Boston Today is not liable for errors appearing in advertisements beyond the cost of Publisher Editor In Chief Managing Editor the space occupied by the error. All South Boston Today produced artwork, design, and layout John Ciccone Brian R. Mahoney Brian P. Wallace remain the sole property of South Boston Today. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly forbidden. South Boston Today reserves the right to cut, edit or reject any copy without notice. [email protected][email protected] South Boston Today is a Series of the Today Publications Series LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company

Deadlines 396 West Broadway • 617.268.4032 • Office hours: Mon-Fri 10:00am - 2:00pm

Press Copy - Monday at 6:00pm • Advertisements Space Reservations - Friday at 6:00pm • Ad Material - Monday at 4:00pm • Camera Ready Ads - Tuesday at 6:00pm May 15, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 3 InformationThe Center Honoring the Memories of Tim Cook and John Bourque SOUTH BOSTON TODAY John Ciccone Note: talk back to John Ciccone by email at [email protected]

et’s open with a brief comment you read the wonderful tribute to this kids knew about the opportunities and will also establish a scholarship on last week’s controversy true American hero that appeared in that the Commonwealth provided. fund in his memory. Lover at Harvard. last week’s South Boston Today and He was also on top of issues that It will also be a lot of fun with many Was anyone really surprised written by Ed Flynn; also a US Navy needed attention when it came to familiar faces; something John would that when it comes to nutty ideas, veteran, you know what a good and making sure South Boston’s beautiful have wanted. For more information Cambridge and specifically Harvard decent man Tim Cook was. He made parks and beaches were kept in good on the tournament you can call 781- University would be among the places it his life’s work, both in and out of condition and was always responsive 844-5043 or go to the website to learn to be selected to hold the so called the military to labor for the benefit to resident concerns. John Bourque more about the details and/or pre- Black Mass by Satan worshipers? of others and he made a tremendous was another good man, who passed registration: www.golfdigestplanner. Bizarre characters tend to gravitate positive impact in the process. on unexpectedly at much too young com25255- JohnFBourqueMemorial to one another. As many know, this The foundation that has been set up of an age; leaving behind a beautiful GolfTourname/index.html . ritual is meant to mock Christianity. in Tim Cook’s name will establish a loving wife and child. This golf Donations can be sent to John F The crackpots in such cults along scholarship fund to assist a student at tournament and dinner will be a Bourque Memorial Golf Tournament, with their anti-faith supporters enjoy Boston College High School where he celebration of John Bourque’s life PO Box 85, South Boston, MA 02127. targeting Christians, because they was a proud graduate. The event will be figure it’s safe. They would not dare, this Saturday, May 17th at the Boston ever, try to hold a gathering with the Teacher’s Union Hall from 7pm till intent to openly criticize Islam or 12 Midnight. Here, a typical Southie the Muslim religion for one simple ‘Time’ will be held with all the music, The BBQ starts at Foodie’s Markets! reason: They are cowards. They raffles, socializing and fun you’d expect would be too afraid of retaliation. when our neighborhood gathers to Congratulations to the reasonable celebrate a local hero and helps support and normal Harvard students and a good cause. Tickets can be bought faculty; yes, there really are some over at the door on Saturday. To quote Ed there, who refused to sit by quietly and Flynn: “Tim Cook provided us with a let this circus go on unchallenged. The legacy of caring and compassion and amount of pressure and opposition to our neighborhood and country are a what was planned was a shocker and better place for his service.” made the clownish advocates of the On May 30th, the memory of ‘Dark Side’ quickly fade away. another truly good man will be Now, moving to more important honored. The First Annual John F. issues; honoring the memories of Bourque Memorial Golf Tournament good people. So often in South will be held at the Ponkapoag Golf Boston, residents, families, friends and Course in Canton. The tournament neighbors gather to honor the memory will then be followed by a cocktail Taste the quality of our meats. of great citizens who are no longer reception and dinner at Florian Hall Our professionals cut and grind all meat on premises - you get with us; taken from those who truly in Dorchester. John Bourque was not nothing but the freshest ground beef, free of fillers or additives. loved and cared for them by passing a South Bostonian, but so many of from this life at far too young an age. our young residents who have known This coming Saturday evening, long John over the years and have been time, new arrivals and former residents helped by him in regard to seasonal alike will have the opportunity do just employment feel he should have that by supporting the foundation been. John was a long time supervisor Citizen Dis ior cou created in memory of the late Tim for the Department of Conservation en n S t and Recreation and took a special Call 617-268-4110 230 West Broadway, Corner of C Street 10% Cook; a United States Navy veteran for a free trip! 617-269-4700 Every Tuesday who sadly died at a very young age. If interest in seeing to it that our local 4 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • May 15, 2014

arrests were made on May 8th and arrests were made in Dorchester and This problem is causing already tight Police Making the police sources say the effort will Roxbury. As was stated above, 2 budgets to be strained even more. be ongoing. arrests were made here in the South Here in the City of Boston, officials Good Progress Commissioner Evans said in a Boston community in the area of 42 have made combating the drug trade statement that “Since the start of the Vinton Street. The substances that among its highest priorities. The with Drug year, we’ve seen a 13% reduction in were recovered included Heroin Boston Police Department is making Arrests/Raids violent crime and I’d like to thank the and Cocaine, along with drug excellent strides with their efforts SOUTH BOSTON TODAY men and women of the Boston Police paraphernalia. The arrested pair was and last week’s raids and arrests are SBT Staff Report Department for not only their hard charged with possession with intent but one of the many success stories oston Police Commissioner work, but their ongoing efforts to to distribute Class A, B and C Drugs. to come of their good work. William Evans announced make our city the safest city it can be. The drug trade and all the crime Law enforcement officials continue B the arrests last week of 36 Because of their hard work, coupled that it brings with it has become to encourage all citizens to assist people allegedly involved in illegal with some tremendous community the scourge of many young people, police by calling in any suspicious drug trafficking and drug related support – 36 offenders are in custody as well as adults in so many cities activity they notice in their areas. offenses in several sections of and, hopefully, reassessing their around the nation. As a result, an South Bostonians have been Boston, including 2 in South Boston. decision to involve themselves in the increasing percentage of municipal working well in this effort and their In what is being called a major crack drug trade.” resources have to be made available cooperation has made that success down on drug trade offenders, the In addition to raids in South Boston, to combat this growing problem. that much easier to realize.

CONTINUED FROM Front page port related improvements that will the residents of its fraternal twin add more jobs to the 7100 direct Let Our Family Help Your Family South Boston Proper. Make no port jobs currently in existence. The mistake about it, all of the South BCEC claims to have generated Boston neighborhoods – Fort Point, over $400 million in economic THE CASPER City Point, The West Side, Andrew activity in 2013. Funeral & Cremations Services Square - will be affected both This is serious transportation Established in 1930 positively and negatively. planning that is going on and the As the proverb goes, an optimist Greater South Boston community Serving Families with Dignity and Respect builds castles in the sky; a dreamer needs to pay attention, not just for through the toughest of times for lives in them; a realist collects rent how it impacts the usual aspects of over 80 years from the both of them. Developers daily life, but how the integration Home of Personal Service are the optimists. Visitors and of these distinct neighborhoods conventioneers are the dreamers. will make for economic and social Pre-Planning Specialists The South Boston community is development opportunities that the realist. The rents South Boston will benefit it both today and in the Casper’s specializes in should collect are the promises made future. Leverage is the operative Massachusetts Cremation Services & to build affordable housing and artist word. Leverage defined is either Veteran Services live/work space, ease commuter the ‘exertion of power’ or for the traffic, create open space, get the purpose of this commentary ‘the Please visit our website for trucks off of the neighborhood use of something to maximum information you may find streets and create job and business advantage’. opportunities for the residents. As distinctive as the South Boston helpful during a time of need The transportation network being Waterfront may be, those using studied and vetted is the key element the waterfront have an impact on of this grand plan. According those residing in this peninsula. The Casper Funeral Home to the South Boston Waterfront Planners and consultants have a 187 Dorchester Street Sustainable Transportation Plan tendency to use buzz words like David Casper presented at a May 7 community ‘welcoming input’, ‘building South Boston, MA 02127 Funeral Directors: 617-269-1930 Joe, Dave & Ken Casper meeting held at the BCEC. Visitors consensus’, ‘allocating resources’, to the waterfront have reached 3.4 and ‘protect and preserve adjacent million annually. The residential neighborhoods’. Taking them at population has grown 32% since their word, the neighborhoods 2000 and those employed there must view this phase not simply as Want to see your ad in South increased by 27%. Some 70 a traffic planning exercise but as Boston Today & SBT Online? restaurants are now operating there. a ‘lever’ for legitimate and oft- 7700 jobs have been added and the promised economic benefits. percentage of people who both live The new Lynn-to-Boston ferry office: 617.268.4032 or cell: 617.840.1355 or email at [email protected] and work in the area has increased starts up on May 19. The BBJ from 5% to 8%. The federal reported an interview with a government and the Commonwealth young woman from Marblehead of Massachusetts has earmarked who is the communications over $330 million in dredging and CONTINUED ON page 7 May 15, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 5 ReadingBetween TheLines “Who Are They?”

SOUTH BOSTON TODAY Brian R. Mahoney Note: talk back to Brian by email at [email protected]

ithout doubt the horrible Congresswomen held a rally a border? As horrible as it is, kidnapping of almost in front of the Capitol and one Nigeria is fighting a type of Civil W 300 schools girls by of them stated this could be a War. Just like Syria, some might Boko Haram in Nigeria has made “positive” use of drones. Positive argue Ukraine is a type of civil war the “lame stream” media sit up and use as compared to a “negative” situation. We haven’t intervened take notice. Curiously, they failed use, such as when we use drones there, so why here? to take note of the Christians that to go after these Muslim fanatics Plenty of innocent girls, boys, Boko Haram have been burning planning attacks on America? Is men and women are dying in these alive over the last year. Of that a “negative” use? Just like conflicts and if we do take some course, they were actually killed WHEN we send in troops it’s action, why the hell do we have to in churches during worship and “American military adventurism”. announce it ahead of time? Above SOUTH BOSTON TODAY it would have been impossible to Now we’re putting “boots on the all, if we can’t name the enemy report the story without mentioning ground” and we haven’t declared why should our sons and daughters the fact the victims were Christians. what the mission is or anything fight them? So, the media gave the murders else and no one is sounding a peep. Take care till next week. miniscule coverage or ignored the We’re risking American lives and story completely. we’re too politically correct to These school girls are Christian, even name the enemy. SOUTH BOSTON but the story has gone viral, so the Hashtag hypocrisy is a perfect DENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. “lame stream” IS forced to cover description of these phony 29 Farragut Road, South Boston, MA it. They’re very creative. Monday activists. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is the 617-268-1030 night, Brian Williams managed African Muslim author who has to report the story without using a “fatwah” or death sentence on Join The Cavity Free Club! the words “Christian, Muslim, her head for writing about the Islamic or terrorist. He described subjugation of women under - 14 years and younger a video released by the terrorists Islamic extremism and has called - Book a cleaning as showing the girls “wearing for reform in the Muslim world. - No cavities equals a FREE pass for one round of garb that the captors prefer”. Where were the hashtag heroes mini golf from Monster Mini Golf - Norwood Think about that phrase, “garb when a minority of Muslin fanatics, their captors prefer”. The coward posing as students, were able to Williams wouldn’t call the garb force the cowards at Brandeis an Islamic Burka, which it was, University into rescinding an nor CALL the captors Jihadi Honorary Degree that was to fundamentalist Islamic terrorists, have been awarded to her? Just which they were, or that the girls as Condoleezza Rice was forced were Christians having these to withdraw as commencement Muslim criminals’ beliefs forced speaker. What is it about politically upon them. and intellectually successful black Call us to make an appointment Last Saturday, the First Lady women that scares white liberals 617-268-1030 took an unprecedented step of so much? delivering the President’s weekly Why should American troops be Some of the procedures we offer at our practice. address. She used the opportunity there in the first place? Why us? Cosmetic Whitening, Veneers, Invisalign, Implants, to speak of the outrage, but Saudi Arabia has elite units as General restorative & Cleanings somehow she too failed to mention do Pakistan, Yemen, Qattar, India. Specialty dentistry: the girls as Christians being held Aren’t they part of the world Oral surgery, Periodontics, Endodontics, Orthodontics by Muslim terrorists. community? Isn’t Africa part Also, a group of Democratic of the Mideast or at least share 6 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • May 15, 2014

Rep. Collins Votes to Fully Fund Charter School Reimbursement BOSTON- State Representative Nick Collins joined his colleagues on the House Committee on Ways and Means in voting to fully fund the charter school reimbursement program for FY14 which expires on June 30, 2014. The supplemental budget bill would appropriate an additional $27.6 million for charter school reimbursements in local school districts throughout the Commonwealth. If adopted, this amount would fully fund the reimbursement program at a total of $100 million for FY14 and Why Is Tom Menino Still In The Press? o paraphrase a certain Boston to stay here and young working to the South Boston Waterfront would mark the second consecutive Herald columnist: How can families to move here. Absentee was about real estate development, year in which the Legislature fully we miss you Tom Menino landlords with no reason or incentive not about convenience to the funded the program. T when you won’t go away? Try as to re-invest in their properties residents. His promotion of the “This reflects the House’s we may to forget him, professional had plagued both Roxbury and Innovation District was a PR ploy. commitment to fully funding the eulogists like the Boston Globe’s Allston-Brighton. Failed public Corporate tax breaks, typically charter school reimbursement line Tom Keane insist on memorializing school policies gave Dorchester used to stimulate development in item, a critical component of the Menino’s political power trip of the families few options other than a down economy, were used as City of Boston’s funding plans last 20 years through the prism of to pay for parochial or charter a lure to prod developers there. for the Boston Public Schools,” a flawed vision. While it may be schools placing further burden on Those who live and work there said Rep. Collins. “I am pleased true, as Keane’s recent column - tight budgets. Lay on top of these have no idea what an innovation to help lead that effort with my “The Numbers Are In – Menino failings an ‘ostrich-like head in the district really is. They would just fellow members of the Boston Was A Great Mayor” – tries to sand’ approach to the obvious drug like to be able to behave like any Delegation. Parents across Boston make a case for that Mayor Menino epidemic and the numbers aren’t other neighborhood and enjoy the and the Commonwealth should maintained fiscal stability, he did so quite as praiseworthy as columnist daily support services. They are not know that the Massachusetts on the backs of communities like Keane suggests. worried about the ‘next big thing’. Legislature is committed to fully South Boston, Roxbury, Allston- Menino’s use of power was Today, City Hall employees funding public education in Brighton, and Dorchester. the quintessential spoils system. actually look forward to going every city and town across the The over-development of South He rewarded those who fed his to work for Mayor Marty Walsh. Commonwealth.” Boston had resulted in scarce ego, took care of his family and So far it doesn’t appear that his The bill now moves to the House options for long time residents friends and filled his campaign political operatives plan to play the floor for debate and amendments. coffers. He punished those whom retaliation game or that preferred he thought had been disrespectful, developers will have carte blanche, challenged his authority or simply but it remains to be seen. The had not properly paid homage. He Mayor’s recent comments on both after work, before the crowds kept his friends close and exiled the Cleveland Circle Cinema project his non-friends. Many City Hall and the Gate of Heaven School employees went to work afraid to proposal appear to give much more make an honest mistake, fearing weight to neighborhood concerns banishment. than the Menino administration It always appeared and was often ever did. His attempt to open up reported that Menino’s policy the BRA development process and decisions were based on what his improve the processing of permits *offer expires July 9, 2014 political operatives and his financial and the code enforcement at the **excludes sandwiches and entreé salads backers told him was important to Inspectional Services Department ***beer, wine, & cocktails not discounted his legacy, not his vision for the are critical policy initiatives that City. His idea of moving City Hall CONTINUED ON page 7 May 15, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 7

projects in South Boston, developers The South hired ‘FOMs’ (Friends of Menino) to ensure approval and permitting. Boston Battle Today, as City Hall considers the future of the Gate of Heaven Cry: Enough School Building, word from is Enough neighborhood leaders around Boston is that the South Boston SOUTH BOSTON TODAY SBT Staff Report neighborhood (and Gate of Heaven ast week in a daily Boston parishioners) waged an effective newspaper (Boston Herald), public and media campaign for a L Boston City Councilor charter school. It was clear from Michael Flaherty called for the these neighborhood efforts that the Boston Redevelopment Authority community clearly does not want to stop making inside deals with luxury condos there. And City political operatives of former Hall took notice of the thousands mayor Thomas Menino. For years, of calls and letters they received. under the leadership and direction As we turn the page in a long of Mayor Menino, the B.R.A. nightmare for this community, provided “direct designation” that how do we assess the damage identified city owned sites and that was done to this town by awarded these sites to preferred overdevelopment and inside deals. developers, often without a request Even as the new administration for proposals from other developers. conducts an audit of the BRA, a In this article, Flaherty basically thorough audit should be made of stated that the process was fixed permitting practices, development and not on the level and shouldn’t projects, liquor licenses, restaurants, continue any longer. Many people and parking spaces – the gamut. The in South Boston felt intimidated by neighborhood deserves reparations this city administration. in some form and Michael Flaherty’s For over 20 years, a select initiative provides us with a good few made a small fortune taking start in stopping these inside deals by advantage of this neighborhood. the BRA. These political operatives had easy “The people of South Boston access to the decision makers in city have said enough is enough,” one agencies, especially those that have neighborhood leader said at a a significant impact on development, recent community meeting. And such as the B.R.A., the Zoning Board the crowd at the Tynan Community of Appeals and Inspectional Services. School stood up and applauded. To gain approval for real estate “Enough is Enough.”


will speak volumes. manager at a prominent law

Back to Menino. If those whom firm located in the South Boston he rewarded over 20 years wish waterfront. Her quoted comments to put him on their corporate tell the story: “Working in the boards, or name a hamburger or Seaport is awesome. Every day a bocce court after him or give there is a new office or restaurant

him an appreciation award, go opening, and the vibe in this area right ahead. But, please do so is young, professional and full of privately. As for those he exiled, energy and excitement. The only let’s hope that Mayor Walsh downside is the commute, as there can benefit from those creative is no public transportation to this

juices that have been bottled area if you are coming from the up all these years. As for the North Shore. This move to provide voices of the communities who us … with the Lynnway ferry are now hoping to be heard, our option is honestly the best move new Mayor just might find that that transit in Massachusetts has a little listening will go a long made for a long time.” Take this way. Do this and the numbers comment and multiply it. This is should take care of themselves. only the beginning. 8 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • May 15, 2014

Photos will be posted on our website and Facebook page soon! On Friday, May 9th, Southie Trees joined South Boston’s Excel High School for their annual Boston Shines event. Students and faculty volunteered their time picking up trash, clearing dead leaves, and mulching the flower and tree beds surrounding their school. We appreciated all their hard work and enthusiasm, especially on a drizzly day! Saturday, May 10th, marked the second day of the citywide Boston Shines community service initiative. Southie Trees collaborated with the St. Vincent’s Lower End Neighborhood Association, the West Broadway Neighborhood Association, and the staff at Lincoln Tavern to clean out, re-plant, and mulch the tree pits lining West Broadway. With the help of over 50 volunteers, West Broadway is looking finer than ever! Southie Trees is proud of all the residents that took the time to help plant and orchestrate We planted 2 beautiful Eastern community. After the planting the event and hopes that neighbors Southie Redbuds on the D St. side of the we handed out trees from our tree and businesses will help keep the tree Trees Spring Laboure Center with the up and giveaway. We provided a Dogwood pits looking beautiful. coming rock band, Capital Cities, tree to residents Dr. Jean Kelley We would not have accomplished Happenings! and Reverb volunteers! Reverb, an and Joanne Kenney to replace a so many events without the help he Southie Trees organization, environmental advocacy group that dead plum tree in their yard. of our motivated volunteers. We a program of the South Boston works with musicians and their fans On Friday, May 2nd, the 6th graders hope to keep up the momentum TNeighborhood Development to promote sustainable resources, at South Boston Catholic Academy in the upcoming months, while Corporation, and its volunteers have recruited local college students teamed up with Southie Trees to continuing to work towards our been very busy this spring! We wanted and South Boston residents to plant a new dogwood, magnolia, goal of expanding and protecting to update the community on our work participate in the planting, which and a plethora of pansies around the South Boston’s urban canopy. If you and spotlight all the volunteers that was part of the band’s Campus school grounds. It was a beautiful would like to volunteer or have any have helped us out during this planting Consciousness Tour. Despite the day and the students learned all questions, feel free to email us at season. Here are a few of the projects rainy weather, everyone enjoyed about the importance of protecting [email protected] or find us we’ve completed so far: doing their part to better our trees in their urban neighborhoods! on Facebook and Twitter! May 15, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 9

Recent South Boston Real Estate Sales Property/Type Price Sale Date Rooms Baths Sq Ft

788 East Fourth Street $1,550,000 04/25/14 Commercial/Industrial No One Knows The South Boston Real Estate Market Better Than

141 Dorchester Ave UNIT 710 $785,000 04/30/14 5 2 1285 Condo

69-73 Telegraph St UNIT 301 $749,000 04/28/14 4 2 1668 Condo MCM 141 Dorchester Ave UNIT 216 $629,000 04/30/14 3 1 1103 Condo Properties 37 G Street $575,000 04/29/14 7 1.5 1680 Single Family

27-29 Telegraph St UNIT 1 $550,000 04/30/14 5 2.5 1379 Condo

71 Farragut Road UNIT 5 $530,000 04/28/14 4 1 1024 Condo

823 East Second St UNIT 3 $500,000 04/28/14 5 2 829 Condo

152 Old Colony Ave UNIT 8 $435,000 04/28/14 4 1 926 Condo

168-168A I St UNIT 2 $399,900 04/28/14 4 1 770 Condo

222 West Seventh St UNIT 2 $370,000 04/30/14 4 1 780 Condo 917 East Broadway, South Boston 350 West Fourth St UNIT 103 $329,000 04/30/14 3 1 541 617-268-5181 Condo

315 West Fourth St UNIT 3 $295,000 04/30/14 3 1 450 Condo

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Save The Harbor Save The Bay’s Marine Mammal Safari n Saturday, April 26, Save Boston. Save the Harbor/Save the Bay’s Save the Harbor’s youth Pavilion, Breckinridge Capitol O the Harbor/Save the Bay ran Baywatcher Bruce Berman narrated the environmental education programs are Advisors, Clipper Ship Foundation, their annual trip, pointing out landmarks and sights made possible with Leadership Grants Inc., The Paul & Phyllis Fireman Marine Mammal Safaris on Boston worth seeing in the inner harbor and out from Bay State Cruise Company, The Charitable Foundation, Inc., Lovett- Harbor. More than 800 people toward Spectacle Island, Deer Island, Coca-Cola Foundation, Distrigas/GDF Woodsum Charitable Foundation, registered for the free event, and and Long Island. SUEZ, the Ludcke Foundation, and the Mass Humanities, Red Sox despite cold and rainy weather, This year’s trips featured a special Yawkey Foundation II. Foundation, TD Bank hundreds showed up and took part in activity and contest centered around Save the Harbor is grateful Foundation, Boston Bruins the two lively and exciting cruises. the Official Sea Shanty of Save the for Partnership Grants from Foundation, Thomas & Lucinda People from all over Greater Boston Harbor/Save the Bay, “Haul Away Forrest Berkley and Marcie Tyre Foley, Reebok Foundation, came together to enjoy the harbor Joe”. Everyone on board the cruises Berkley, Blue Cross Blue Shield Santander, South Boston and search for marine mammals had a chance to create their own of Massachusetts, The Fallon Community Development together. Some of the larger groups verse to the shanty, singing together Company, John Hancock Financial Foundation, Andus Baker & Rowan in attendance represented the about the sea, the seals, and the Services, Inc., Massachusetts Port Murphy Family Fund, Community- Intergenerational Literacy Program in soggy weather conditions. Authority, P&G Gillette, Schrafft Suffolk, Inc., Goulston & Storrs, Chelsea, VietAID in Dorchester, the Save the Harbor’s spokesman Bruce Charitable Trust, Jay Cashman Inc., Matthew J. & Gilda F. Strazzula East Somerville Community School, Berman, in keeping with the nautical The Chiofaro Company, Circle Foundation, Solo Produce, and the South Boston Neighborhood spirit of the event, put it like this: Furniture, The HYM Investment hundreds of individual donors. House, and the West “Seals. Porpoise and striped bass, Group, Massachusetts Bay Lines, To find out more about Save the End House Boys & Girls Club, Boston Harbor has them all. We hope Massachusetts Water Harbor/Save the Bay’s free family and among others. you’ll join us for another cruise, in the Resources Authority, National Grid youth programs, visit their website at There were many seal sightings on summer and the fall!” Foundation, and Clinton H. & Wilma, their both the morning and the afternoon Save the Harbor/Save the Bay would T. Shattuck Charitable Trust. blog, “Sea, Sand, and Sky” at excursion—crowds onboard Mass like to thank all of the Youth and Family Save the Harbor also appreciates, Bay Lines’ Freedom spotted harbor Program Funders, Mass Humanities, funding support from Arbella Insurance and their Facebook page at seals in the inner harbor off the shores and Massachusetts Bay Lines for their Group Foundation, Inc., Blue Hills of East Boston, Charlestown, and South generous support of this event. Bank Foundation, Blue Hills Bank savetheharbor.

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If you need a ride we’ll send Southie Shuttle to pick you up. May 15, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 11

Playing the gongs. St. Peter Academy News n Monday, May 5, Miss Chapin and the 5th graders Ofrom St. Peter Academy took part in an exciting experience at the Children’s Museum. They were invited to participate in this once in a lifetime event – the Gion Festival. This opportunity was offered to only 3 schools in the City of Boston so they were very happy to be included in this event. They were given a private tour of the Japanese House, learning what materials were used to construct it and were also given time to explore the house on their own. They were then able to enjoy a musical show performed by the Gion Festival Musicians from Kyoto, Japan. The students were able to play the drums and gongs and to dress in the traditional Gion yukata, a special kimono that is only worn in the summer when the Gion Festival takes place in Japan. Grade 5 had studied the country of Japan during our International Ellen Peter and Declan Festival earlier in the year, mainly wearing wearing the yukata. because Miss Chapin took Japanese the yukata. when she attended Boston Latin Academy as a high school student. After the program the students were able to spend time in the museum, exploring on their own. We are grateful to have been invited to this awesome experience. St Peter Academy, South Boston, is an independent private school with a Catholic focus offering unique programs enhancing the educational experience for all of its students in Daniel learning how to play. grades Pre K through 8.

Musicians from Kyoto play for the students. Grade 5 students sitting at the Japanese table.

Tommy and Nando playing the drums. SOUTH BOSTON TODAY 12 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • May 15, 2014

CITATION ON PETITION FOR South Boston Dental FORMAL ADJUDICATION SENIOR Docket No. SU14P0919EA Part of the Cavity Free Club Commonwealth Of Massachusetts xciting News!! The ever South Boston Dental Associates BABE RUTH The Trial Court creative professionals at South is a business that really cares about Probate and Family Court Boston Dental Associates have their customers and strives to come Estate of: E TRYOUTS William J Scanlan announced that SBDA is part of the up with effective and creative ways to Tryouts for the Senior Babe Date of Death: 04/26/2013 ‘Cavity Free Club’. SBDA actually encourage people; especially kids, to Suffolk Probate and Family Court rewards kids 14 and under for not having take good care of their teeth and gums. Ruth Team in the South Shore League will be held 24 New Chardon Street cavities and gives them an incentive to Taking care of their customer’s teeth is Boston, MA 02114 brush and floss regularly. How can you important to the good folks at SBDA. next weekend at King Field, (617) 788-8300 beat that? What’s the reward? Well, if Part of the process of maintaining good in Moakley Park. The dates To all interested persons: you go in for a cleaning and you have dental hygiene is to educate people are Friday May 16th at 5 PM A Petition has been filed by: no cavities, you get a free pass to the about the best ways to do it; something and Sunday May 18th at 5 Douglas Miller, CFOof Boston, MA highly acclaimed and fun ‘Monster Mini SBDA considers a priority. requesting that the Court enter a formal PM. There will be a rain date Decree and Order of testacy and for such Golf’ and Arcade located in Norwood , So make sure you are brushing and of Monday May 19th if either other relief as requested in the Petition. Massachusetts; just a short drive out of flossing so you can get that free pass to tryout is cancelled. In order And also requesting that: Boston. Monster Mini Golf is an 18 hole Monster Mini Golf. You can call South Jonathan J Daveyof Quincy, MA to play on the Senior Team, indoor mini golf destination with ‘glow Boston Dental Associates at 617-268- be appointed as Personal in the dark’ monster holes in a course set 1030 to make that appointment for you must be a resident of Representative(s) of said estate to serve With Personal Surety on the bond. up to entertain both kids and adults alike. that cleaning. South Boston or Dorchester, Youhave the right to obtain a copy of the have a birth date prior to Petition from the Petitioner or at the May 1, 1998 and on or after Court. You have a right to object to this Deirdre Grealy, Grade 9 Delia Doherty, Grade 10 proceeding. To do so, you or your January 1, 1995, and not play attorney must file a written appearance for any other team during the and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on 06/05/2014. 2014 season. This is NOT a hearing date, but a You can play if you turned 19 deadline by which you must file a written this year and you will be 16 appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a before May 1 of this year. If you timely written appearance and have cleats, please wear them. objection followed by an Affidavit of Objections within thirty (30) days of the This is a travel team that plays return date, action may be taken without in Milton, Quincy, Braintree, further notice to you. The estate is being administered under formal procedure Norwood, Hyde Park, Dedham, by the Personal Representative under Hingham and Avon-Holbrook. the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. The season runs from June 2 Inventory and accounts are not required to July 18th with all star and to be filed with the Court, but recipients are entitled to notice regarding the SOUTH BOSTON RESIDENTS EARN ACADEMIC HONORS playoffs. The team is in need administration from the Personal of coaches. The manager is a Representative and can petition the FROM DEXTER SOUTHFIELD SCHOOL Court in any matter relating to the Two South Boston residents earned who achieves an overall average of Boston Police Officer and his estate, including distribution of assets Academic Honors for A- or above receives the designation hours vary. Anyone interested and expenses of administration. the third marking period at Dexter High Honors. The following in helping out, come down to WITNESS, Hon. Joan P Armstrong Southfield School in Brookline, students earned Honors: First Justice of this Court the field during the tryouts or April 30, 2014 Mass. A Dexter Southfield student • Deirdre Grealy, Grade 9 Ann Marie Passanisi who achieves an overall average of • Delia Doherty, Grade 10 call Buddy Lane 617-269-1091. See you at the field. Register of Probate high B or B+ receives the For more information about Dexter Southfield May 15, 2014 designation of Honors; a student School, visit SOUTH BOSTON TODAY May 15, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 13

defending champion Shenanigan’s - softball. Whether you are new John Gregorio Billy O’Neill are the class of this group and to softball or getting back into the are chased by the Warehouse, game after years on the shelf, there’s the Playwright, Lincoln Tavern, something for you here in our “No Southside Tavern, and the Islanders. Commitment Softball” program. These games will be competitive and Interested players (men and women) are the best the league has to offer. should go to our site to select from a The John “Bucky” Feeney (“B”) list of “No Commitment” games to division will host the new up and choose from – coming teams that have loads of talent Lastly, as we embark on another but might not have an established season here are some league notes hard throwing pitcher. These teams that caught my attention. One of include Cranberry Café, Harp & the very few who has Gregorio’s Bard, Telegraph Hill, JW Brokerage, attendance record of “season Village Pizza, Adam Beers Club, and openers” beat is M Street Softball’s the Underdogs. Although they will super fan, Billy O’Neil Jr. I’m pretty play against a few of the “A” teams sure Billy can tell you about the time during the regular season, they will Babe Ruth hit a baseball out of the compete in a separate playoff bracket “pahk” right here at M Street. Our and crown a champion. very own Jim “Sully” Sullivan (Harp folks. In comparison, Gregorio is One of the teams mentioned above & Bard) has enjoyed seeing his M Street a few steps ahead of Gordie Howe (The Underdogs) has quite a story. news/commentary articles published (32 pro seasons) and Nolan Ryan Prior to the season, this group wasn’t in the Boston Herald. Way to go Softball Starts (27 seasons). As a young teen, John a group at all as most didn’t know Sully! Less than headline news but It’s 44th Season idolized the late Ed Bonano of the each other. Instead, they each found still worthy of mention, the Islanders fter a long and particularly Olde Towne Tavern team. At 13 the league individually and signed have had a new team name every snowy winter the 2014 M years of age, John was eager to learn up as a “free agent” through our season – Ole Rebels, Paramount A Street Softball season is and began showing up at the games. website. As the list of players grew Bucks, Nix Mate Islanders, and this finally upon us and it couldn’t have After countless hours of practice and to over thirty the league realized the year there is another name change arrived at a better time as the weather tutelage from Bonano and others, he best course of action would be to coming - stay tuned. Prepare for the has been perfect. The snow is long mastered the pitching mechanics and try to form a new team. To do that fight - the Cranberry Café, Telegraph gone, the outfield grass is green, and became a dominant pitcher. John’s you needed someone who would be Hill, and the Harp & Bard could be the infield dirt is ready for the many persistence would eventually lead willing to coordinate/coach the team locked at the top of the standings in players who will race around the to seven league championships and and you needed at least fifteen players the Feeney division. Contenders - the diamond. For some, stepping onto three playoff MVP’s. With a career who would commit themselves to Southside Tavern has assembled a the field this week will be their first like that I’m thinking the South the team. Well, about two weeks very talented roster of players from time playing in the league while for Boston Hall of Fame will be honoring ago the league organized a practice several teams. Brad Cole, Garrett others (John Gregorio) this season John in the very near future. and much to my surprise it was a Hauck, Marc Montesano, Steve will be another in a long career of M For those teams making their very strong showing. Three players True, and Brian Pacheco come from Street openers. debut, the league has decided to volunteered to coach, the practice the Brewers team. Charlie Conners, As been the case for the last 43 make competing for a championship flowed well, and when pitcher PJ Pat Dolbeare, John Manning, Josh years, all of our games are played a much more attainable goal even in Serrano began warming up the final Neely, Pat Pickup, and Rob Rogers at M Street Park in South Boston your first season. In the past, it was piece fell into place and we quickly head over from the Pirates. Joel with the first game starting at 6:30 one champion which made perfect knew we had the makings of a decent Kershner and Pat Wilson hail from pm. Those that will be making their sense as we had plenty of talented team. The Underdogs will be making the Blood, Sweat, and Beers squad. first appearance in the league are teams and players that wanted a their league debut on Tuesday (5/13) While Seth Smith, Jim Innocent, most if not all of the members of shot a winning the title. However, at 8:15 pm. Good luck men! Jimmy Pinkston, and Jim McNiff Village Pizza, JW Brokerage, The circumstances are very different Another change that is a work in also join the team. Folks, that’s quite Underdogs, and the Adam Beers today which has forced leagues and progress is our attempt in opening a roster…let’s just hope they all show Club. The league extends a warm teams to fold everywhere in and the league to the many folks who up and play the full season. welcome to all of you and hope you around the city. In order to survive are new to the neighborhood and League games are played on enjoy a great season of softball. The and to keep interest in the league for are looking to play softball here at weeknights starting at 6:30 pm and Southside Tavern and Harp & Bard the next Gregorio who comes along M Street Park. We will be offering 8:15 pm at M Street Park in South teams are also new to the league we must adapt to the changing times. “No Commitment” softball games Boston. Whether you are on the field but both rosters feature plenty of With that said, this season we will that match your skill level and most playing or cheering in the stands, experienced M Street veterans. have two champions – one from each importantly, your life schedule. We we look forward to seeing you at Speaking of M Street veterans, division. Those that compete in the plan on continuing to grow our player the park. As always, supporting fans when John Gregorio strolls to the Larry Lucas (“A”) division will have participation community while can follow the league through our mound in the next week or so, it will at least one hard throwing, highly maintaining the goal of providing website (, and mark his 34th season of softball at skilled pitcher and very few (if any) a fun and rewarding experience for right here in the South Boston Today. M Street Park. That’s not a misprint overall team weaknesses. The 5-time adults to play the game they love Have a great week everyone! 14 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • May 15, 2014

*Every week, we run part of a segment from Danny Picard’s daily iTunes podcast, “I’m Just Sayin.” He can also be heard weekends on WEEI 93.7 FM. This week, Danny talked with Boston Herald Patriots Insider Jeff Howe:

DANNY PICARD: So the NFL least one, if not two jobs somewhere healthy, he’s a terrific defensive a perfectly fine NFL quarterback Draft is now over, but tell me how in the coming months. So, instead tackle. And when it’s all said and some day. But it’s not going to you felt going into the draft? What of drafting three offensive linemen, done, outside of Clowney, he could happen anytime soon without some did you think the Patriots were could you have maybe packaged be the best interior defensive player sort of football tragedy in New going to do? Or, I should ask, what some of those picks on Saturday in the entire draft class. He’s really England. Good player, 6-foot-2 out did you think the Patriots needed with your third rounder, and then disruptive, he makes a ton of plays of Eastern Illinois. Much smaller to do, going into this draft, and moved up a little bit and try to draft and with his force on the inside, he’s level of competition, 5,000 yards, more specifically, with their first an impact player, somebody who going to help and 50 touchdowns last season, or 55, couple picks? will play, even if it’s on a regular make more plays something absurd like that. So, JEFF HOWE: Well I thought rotational basis, 30-40 percent of on the outside. So that’s huge right good accurate arm, good quick they should have addressed impact the snaps. I think that would have there. Yeah, he’s come back from an release, good pocket presence, a players at defensive tackle, which been the more aggressive approach ACL before. The first one he tore lot of tools that you can work with. they clearly did. They got a big to take. So that’s where I’m second- was the left one in 2011. He came But why go in the second round? check-mark there. Then, tight end guessing what they should have back in 2012 and wasn’t 100 percent Again, the contract thing has always and defensive end, and they didn’t done, and what they did do. in 2012, but I spoke to his defensive been big for me. And his contract get either one of those. So, I think DP: And you mention the third round coordinator at Florida, and he said is going to expire the same year as in terms of what they should have pick that they traded to Jacksonville Easley was out there and still had ’s, after the 2017 season, done, at least in my opinion, they for a fourth rounder and a sixth his best season. Throughout the when Brady will be 40. And Brady came up short in a couple areas. And rounder. I thought they would do year he was icing and rehabbing the has said that he wants to play into it’s easy to second guess the entire something like that with their first knee to make sure that he could get his 40’s. And like you said, and I body of work on Friday. I mean, round pick, with it being at the very back out there every Saturday. So I agree with completely, Brady has that’s what the draft is anyway. But end of the first round. They ended up think you’re going to see a similar not shown any signs of a guy who you get a quarterback instead of taking . And the situation with Easley now, now that was anywhere near retirement. You getting a guy like C.J. Fiedorowicz, situation with him is that he’s torn he’s going through the right knee potentially drafted a guy who will a tight end who could have been both of his ACL’s in both knees. And rehab. I think the risk is worth the never play a meaningful snap for an instant starter or rotational the question I had was why would reward there. I really like it. I think you. I mean, they don’t even let Ryan player with Gronkowski. You get you take a kid late in the first round they hit a home run there. Mallett take kneel-downs. So it’s a quarterback over Scott Crichton, that has that type of knee situation? DP: But then, their second pick not even like Garoppolo is going to who would have been a pretty good I mean, were you surprised at that was a quarterback. And there’s a get the mop-up duty or anything like third defensive end to enter the point, when you get to the 29th lot of head-scratching with this that. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to mix with Ninkovich and Chandler overall pick, were you thinking the one. I guess my take on drafting me. And if you drafted him because Jones. So I think they missed an Patriots weren’t going to make that a quarterback is, if the Patriots you like him a whole lot more than opportunity there. And then in the pick? Because I wasn’t shocked that really like a quarterback enough Mallett and Mallett is going into the third round, they traded down only they took Easley. I was shocked that where they feel like, “Hey, we’ve final year of his contract, then yeah a dozen picks, but my second guess they made the pick in general. got to take him now.” Then I’m I understand that. But, did you need there is, yeah, they got three good JH: When you get to that point okay with taking him. The problem to draft a backup quarterback in the offensive linemen on Saturday, guys in the draft, and you know it’s the is, , he wasn’t second round? No. You could have who will make and Patriots, you’re always waiting necessarily on my radar to be the got Aaron Murray in the fifth, Zach Dan Connolly sweat for their jobs for them to trade down, especially guy to eventually replace Tom Mettenberger in the sixth. I thought this training camp. And I know they when you’re on deadline, and you Brady. What do you know about those would have been much more had offensive line issues last season, wonder if you’re going to have to Jimmy Garoppolo, and how do economical picks. And you talk but for a team that is returning their write a story for the paper about you feel about the Patriots using about value with in starting line for a third straight pretty much nothing. So yeah, their second pick in this draft on a the draft. I really like Aaron Murray. season, and really is returning its you’re always surprised when the quarterback, when, at least to me, I I’ve been talking him up for a while top seven linemen from the depth Patriots make their pick and don’t don’t see Tom Brady getting ready now. I thought he was the guy to chart from a season ago, did you trade down. But with Easley, when to retire in the next year or two? go after, if the Patriots were going need to draft three guys? Because, healthy, and I know at this point JH: Yeah, exactly. I didn’t like the to go after a quarterback, because ultimately, that’s going to cost at that is a fluid situation, but when pick. I mean, Garoppolo could be it would have been a third-day May 15, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 15

can save $3 million against the cap by cutting Connolly. Guys who are really going to create some competition on the offensive line. The kid Zach Moore, the pass- rusher out of Concordia, the D-2 school, he was considered for a couple of years now to be one of the best defensive linemen in all of division two. Now, what is that worth? I think we’re about to find out. You never know with these guys who are edge rushers who are projects. Maybe they develop into something really exciting, maybe the guy doesn’t even make the team and he’s out of the league because he can’t get a second job. James White is the running back out of Wisconsin who has the chance to at least have more immediate playing time than the rest of the draft class, just because they rotate running backs so much. With Vereen and Ridley going into the final years of their contracts, you could see White get more reps because they don’t have to pay him next year. They pick. And again, going back to the were going to draft, to play with included. When you read more might want to diminish the value original point, the Patriots passed Gronkowski. They didn’t [draft] about them after the pick, it’s like, on the open market of their two over needs, guys who would have that guy. You mentioned some “Okay, this is a good player.” But starters. And White offers more in played immediately in 2014, and names that were available and they it’s not like I saw the name pop up the passing game too, so he could who would have had significant could have had, and I was surprised on the screen and I was like, “Oh, be a Vereen backup. I think he is roles, as opposed to a guy who, with that. But as you look at the rest geez, they got a good pick.” I saw the one that the Patriots are going really, again in theory, is never of the Patriots’ picks, outside of the some reactions to that on twitter to see more of on the field, or at going to play a meaningful snap two we just talked about in Easley and the people who are hardcore least hear the name of more. If one for the Patriots. Because when his and Garoppolo, out of all the rest draft analysts. But you know what, of those offensive linemen wins a contract is up in 2017, if Tom Brady of their draft picks, is there one that in retrospect, and after reflecting on starting job, you’re not going to wants another contract, Garoppolo really jumped off the screen to you it more, I think you look at the two notice those guys too often. Or, at is going somewhere else. when you saw it? interior linemen -- Halapio from least, the Patriots hope you’re not DP: So they take a quarterback in JH: Nothing to that extent. I mean, Florida, and Stork from Florida noticing them too often. the second round, a running back there were a lot of guys -- you’d State -- guys who are going to –Listen to entire conversation by in the fourth, a wide receiver in have to be really deep into your really challenge Ryan Wendell and subscribing to “I’m Just Sayin” the seventh, but they didn’t draft draft analysis to know who most Dan Connolly, and Connolly more on iTunes. Also, be sure to follow that tight end that I thought they of these guys were. And myself than Wendell, because the Patriots Danny on Twitter and Facebook.

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