Dimensionality Reducon contd …

Aarti Singh

Machine Learning 10-601 Nov 10, 2011

Slides Courtesy: Tom Mitchell, Eric Xing, Lawrence Saul


TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAAAAAAAAAAA Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Principal Components are the eigenvectors of the matrix of sample correlations XXT of the data

T T New set of axes V = [v1, v2, …, vD] where XX = VΛV

• Geometrically: centering followed by rotation – Linear transformation

x2 Original representation of data points x = [x 1, x 2, …, x D] i i i i 2 xi xi j T xi = ej xi where ej = [ 0 … 0 1 0… 0]

jth coordinate

Transformed representation of data points

1T i 2T i DT i 1 1 [v x , v x , … v x ] xi x

2 Dimensionality Reducon using PCA

1 2 D Original Representation [xi , xi , …, xi ] (D-dimensional vector) D D j T j 2 T 2 xi = xi ej = (ej xi) ej (xi ) = (ej xi) = energy/variance of data point i j=1 j=1 X X along coordinate j

Transformed representation [v1Txi, v2Txi, … vDTxi] (D-dimensional vector) D T T 2 xi = (vj xi) vj (vj xi) = energy/variance of data point i j=1 X along principal component vj n T 2 λj = (vj xi) = energy/variance of all points along vj i=1 X [v1Txi, v2Txi, … vdTxi] (d-dimensional vector) d ^ T xi = (vj xi) vj j=1 X Only keep data projections onto principal components which capture enough energy/variance of the data λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ … ≥ λD 3

Another interpretaon

Maximum Variance Subspace: PCA finds vectors v such that projections on to the vectors capture maximum variance in the data

Minimum Reconstruction Error: PCA finds vectors v such that projection on to the vectors yields minimum MSE reconstruction

x i v

T v xi One direction approximation

T T x =Recall:c vxi == (cv ik v x k ) =v v xi vk i ik k k i · k k · k k 4 Xk XXk X Another way to compute PCs

Principal Components – Eigenvectors of XXT (D x D matrix)

Problematic for high-dimensional datasets!

Another way to compute PCs: Singular Vector Decomposition (SVD)

T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ X = VSU˜ XXT = VSUT USV T = VS2V T= V ⇤V T ) = S UT ~ X V n x n n x n Singular values Right singular vectors xi = xi1 = √eigenvalues xi2 D x n D x n … Left singular vectors D 5 xi vj = Principal Components Another way to compute PC projecons

~ Singular Vector Decomposition X = VSUT

Projection of data points on to PCs

T T T [v1 xi, v2 xi, … vn xi] = [σ1u1(i), σ2u2(i), … σnun(i)]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SVD V T X = V T VSU T = SUT (since VTV = I eigenvectors are ) orthornormal) U and S can be obtained by eigendecomposition of XTX!

~ ~ X T X = USV T VSU T = US2U T (n x n matrix)

Principal Components are obtained by Eigendecomposition of XXT (D x D matrix)

Projection of data points on to PCs can be obtained by Eigendecomposition of XTX (n x n matrix) 6 Independent Component Analysis (ICA)

• PCA seeks “orthogonal” directions that capture maximum variance in data, or that minimize squared reconstruction error.

• ICA seeks “statistically independent” directions in the data Dimensionality Reducon

“Unrolling the swiss roll” 8 Nonlinear Methods

Data oen lies on or near a nonlinear low-dimensional curve aka manifold.

9 Nonlinear Methods

Data oen lies on or near a nonlinear low-dimensional curve aka manifold.

10 Laplacian Eigenmaps

Linear methods – Lower-dimensional linear projecon that preserves distances between all points

Laplacian Eigenmaps (key idea) – preserve local informaon only

Project points into a low-dim Construct graph from data points space using “eigenvectors of (capture local information) the graph” Nonlinear Embedding Results

12 Nonlinear Embedding Results

13 Nonlinear Embedding Results

14 Step 1 - Graph Construcon

Similarity Graphs: Model local neighborhood relations between data points


V – Vertices (Data points)

E – Edges

(1) E – Edge if ||xi – xj|| ≤ ε (ε – neighborhood graph)

(2) E – Edge if k-nearest neighbor (k-NN graph)

Step 1 - Graph Construcon

Similarity Graphs: Model local neighborhood relations between data points

(2) E – Edge if k-nearest neighbor (k-NN)

yields directed graph

connect A with B if A → B OR A ← B (symmetric kNN graph) connect A with B if A → B AND A ← B (mutual kNN graph)

Directed nearest neighbors (symmetric) kNN graph mutual kNN graph Step 1 - Graph Construcon

Similarity Graphs: Model local neighborhood relations between data points


V – Vertices (Data points)

E – Edges

W – Weights

(1) W - Wij = 1 if edge present, 0 otherwise

(2) W - Gaussian kernel similarity function (aka Heat kernel)

Step 1 - Graph Construcon

Similarity Graphs: Model local neighborhood relations between data points

Choice of σ2, ε and k :

ε, k - Chosen so that neighborhood on graphs represent neighborhoods on the manifold (no “shortcuts” connect different arms of the swiss roll)

Mostly ad-hoc Step 2 – Projecon using Graph

Original Representation Transformed representation data point projections

xi → (f1(i), …, fd(i)) (D-dimensional vector) (d-dimensional vector)

Basic Idea: Find vector f such that, if xi is close to xj in the graph (i.e. Wij is large), then projections of the points f(i) and f(j) are close


Step 2 – Projecon using Graph

• Graph Laplacian (unnormalized version) L = D – W (n x n matrix) .

W – Weight matrix

D – Degree matrix = diag(d1, …., dn)

Note: If graph is connected, 1 is an eigenvector with 0 as eigenvalue Step 2 – Projecon using Graph

• Jusficaon – points connected on the graph stay as close as possible aer embedding


RHS = fT(D-W) f = fTD f - fTW f

= LHS Step 2 – Projecon using Graph

• Jusficaon – points connected on the graph stay as close as possible aer embedding

T Wij s.t. f f =1

Similar to PCA with XXT replaced by L

T Wrap constraint into the Lagrangian: s.t. f f =1 objective function

(L I)f =0 Lf = f Step 2 – Projecon using Graph Laplacian

• Graph Laplacian (unnormalized version) L = D – W (n x n matrix) Find eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian Lf = f

Ordered eigenvalues 0 = λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ λ3 ≤ … ≤ λn

To embed data points in d-dim space, project data points onto

eigenvectors associated with λ1, λ2, …, λd

Original Representaon Transformed representaon data point projecons

xi → (f1(i), …, fd(i)) (D-dimensional vector) (d-dimensional vector)

Unrolling the swiss roll



N=number of nearest neighbors, t = the heat kernel parameter (Belkin & Niyogi’03) Example – Understanding syntacc structure of words

• 300 most frequent words of Brown corpus • Informaon about the frequency of its le and right neighbors (600 Dimensional space.) • The algorithm run with N = 14, t = 1 verbs

prepositions PCA vs. Laplacian Eigenmaps

PCA Laplacian Eigenmaps

Linear embedding Nonlinear embedding based on largest eigenvectors of based on smallest eigenvectors of D x D correlaon matrix Σ = XXT n x n L = D – W between features between data points eigenvectors give latent features eigenvectors directly give - to get embedding of points, embedding of data points project them onto the latent features T T T xi → [v1 xi, v2 xi, … vd xi] xi → [f1(i), …, fd(i)]

D x1 d x1 D x1 d x1 Dimensionality Reducon Methods

• Feature Selecon - Only a few features are relevant to the learning task Score features (mutual informaon, predicon accuracy, domain knowledge) Regularizaon

• Latent features – Some linear/nonlinear combinaon of features provides a more efficient representaon than observed feature Linear: Low-dimensional linear subspace projecon PCA (Principal Component Analysis), MDS (Mul Dimensional Scaling), Factor Analysis, ICA (Independent Component Analysis)

Nonlinear: Low-dimensional nonlinear projecon that preserves local informaon along the manifold Laplacian Eigenmaps ISOMAP, Kernel PCA, LLE (Local Linear Embedding), Many, many more …

27 Spectral Clustering

Laplacian Eigenmaps

• Construct graph • Compute graph Laplacian L = D – W ^ • Embed points using graph Laplacian xi = [f1(i), …, fd(i)]

Spectral Clustering

^ n • Run k-means on the embedded points {xi} i=1 K-Means Algorithm

Input – Desired number of clusters, k

Inialize – the k cluster centers (randomly if necessary)

Iterate –

1. Assign the objects to the nearest cluster centers

2. Re-esmate the k cluster centers (aka the centroid or mean) based on current assignment

Terminaon – If none of the assignments changed in the last iteraon, exit. Otherwise go to 1.

29 K-means Clustering: Step 1

Voronoi diagram

30 K-means Clustering: Step 2

31 K-means Clustering: Step 3

32 K-means Clustering: Step 4

33 K-means Clustering: Step 5

34 Seed Choice

• Results are quite sensive to seed selecon.

35 Seed Choice

• Results are quite sensive to seed selecon.

36 Seed Choice

• Results are quite sensive to seed selecon.

37 Seed Choice

• Results can vary based on random seed selecon.

• Some seeds can result in poor convergence rate, or convergence to sub-opmal clustering. – Try out mulple starng points (very important!!!) – Inialize with the results of another method. – k-means ++ algorithm of Arthur and Vassilvitskii

38 Other Issues

• Number of clusters K – Objecve funcon

– Look for “Knee” in objecve funcon

– Can you pick K by minimizing the objecve over K? NO! Other Issues

• Sensive to Outliers – use K-medoids

• Shape of clusters – Assumes isotopic, convex clusters

k-means vs Spectral clustering

Applying k-means to laplacian eigenvectors allows us to find cluster with non-convex boundaries.

Both perform same Spectral clustering is superior k-means vs Spectral clustering

Applying k-means to laplacian eigenvectors allows us to find cluster with non-convex boundaries.

k-means output Spectral clustering output Spectral Clustering – Intuion

If graph is appropriately constructed, results in disconnected subgraphs

Laplacian eigenvectors are constant on connected subgraphs

Points are easy to cluster in embedded space e.g. using k-means

L = 00 Embedding of point i

00 Examples Ng et al 2001 Examples (Choice of k) Ng et al 2001 Some Issues

Ø Choice of parameters (ε,k,σ) used in constructing graph

Ø Choice of number of clusters k Most stable clustering is usually given by the value of k that maximizes the eigengap (difference between consecutive eigenvalues)

Δkkk=λλ− −1