Neolithic Miniature Rock Art on the Island of Bornholm – Including Topographic Motifs
Flemming Kaul, Jens Andresen and Michael S. Thorsen Recent finds of Neolithic miniature rock art on the island of Bornholm – including topographic motifs Introduction It would appear that present-day Denmark, ated with megalithic tombs in a quality and and adjacent parts of South Scandinavia, a quantity unsurpassed elsewhere in Europe contain the highest density of megalithic (Kaul 1997b). The richly decorated pottery tombs, dolmens and passage graves, built is not only found within the chambers, but between 3500 and 3100 BC. Denmark has also at the façade on each side of the open- around 2700 surviving dolmens and pas- ing of the passage of the passage graves, at sage graves. This figure is estimated to be a the same places where true megalithic art tenth of the original number, and, in some is often concentrated within other parts of areas, may be a conservative estimate (An- Europe, for instance within Ireland (O’Kelly dersen 2011). Approximately 7000 mega- 1982; Eogan 1986; Roberts 2015). Some of lithic tombs have been recorded (Ebbesen the similarities in motifs (pottery and mega- 1985; Fritsch 2010; Nielsen 2013). By lithic art), such as zigzags and lozenges, comparison, just over 1450 are registered in might reflect a broader common iconologi- Ireland (Twohig 1990). cal background (even though also many dif- Considering this huge megalithic activ- ferences can be observed). ity, one could perhaps expect megalithic In the autumn of 1995, a breakthrough art in South Scandinavia, since so many of took place. At Rispebjerg, on Bornholm, the other areas of Western Europe that are in Denmark, at the excavations of a large rich in megalithic tombs exhibit decoration palisaded enclosure (for a recent discus- on the kerb stones, and within the cham- sion of these, see Noble and Brophy 2011), bers.
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