No 775 K10 Tuesday September 15, 2020 LUNGU THREATENS 8 die of COVID TO ARREST HH By Ulande Nkomesha MINISTRY of Health Permanent Secretary for “If he’s unlucky, we’ll get him, what he Technical Services Dr Kennedy Malama says the country has recorded 181 new COVID-19 cases out of 1,608 tests done in the last sold during privatisation is too much” 24 hours, with eight deaths. Five of the COVID-19 By Julia Malunga to rule the country so that involvement in the sale of deaths were Brought in PRESIDENT Edgar he can sell assets, adding state-owned enterprises Dead (BID). Lungu says UPND leader that if he is unlucky, he during privatisation. During the routine wants will be arrested for his Story page 4 COVID-19 update, Monday, Dr Malama said the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases recorded now stood at 13, 720. Police charge Mucheleka Story page 6 with aggravated robbery Parents

By Julia Malunga UPND deputy secretary them with aggravated POLICE in Northern general Patrick Mucheleka robbery. need more Province have arrested and two others and charged Confirming the development in an interview, time to Northern Province Police Commissioner Richard Mweene disclosed that the pay school Artists drag ECZ to trio allegedly attacked a mobile NRC registration fees - CSPR court over “voter office, stole a printer and genset, among other items. By Ulande Nkomesha “On 13th September, CIVIL Society for Poverty 2020, at 13:00, some UPND Reduction (CSPR) says verification” exercise cadres attacked and robbed government should have By Zondiwe Mbewe a mobile NRC registration Musician Chama Fumba, popularly known as Pilato, Maiko office of one printer, a genset, given ample time for Zulu, Brian Bwembya and two others have applied for leave in the laminating machine, an parents and learners to High Court to commence Judicial Review proceedings adapter, blank NRC cards, prepare for the imminent against the decision of the Electoral Commission of processed NRC cards, re-opening of schools to (ECZ) to compel duly registered voters to present themselves carbon paper and a camera. help cope with financial before registration officers for verification under a new register In addition...” challenges. Story page 4 for the 2021 general elections. Story page 6 Story page 7 Mambilima must act in public interest, remove Simusamba - Chifire Story page 4 2. Local News Tuesday September 15, 2020 There’s nothing for opposition to fix, PF is working – Musukwa

By Ulande Nkomesha an election no! What we are doing as PF is to PF national mobilization chairperson Richard encourage our people across the country who Musukwa says there is absolutely nothing for are eligible to register so that we can come and the opposition to fix because the ruling party defeat UPND and other political parties with a has delivered on many fronts. landslide victory, that is what we are doing. We And Musukwa says Zambians should not are aware that there is cheap discourse across change presidents like they change babies’ the country in terms of these electioneering nappies. and hired masonries who have been sitting on Speaking during the PF Media interactive computers saying ‘oh, this time around we just forum, Musukwa who is also Mines and want to make sure that when we defeat you, you Minerals Development Minister, wondered go into retirement’.” how the opposition would fix climate change or And Musukwa said presidents should not COVID-19 if elected into office. be changed like nappies. “There are a lot of things that the PF has “Leading a country at a level of President is achieved in terms of development trajectory not like changing our babies’ napkins everyday. across the Republic of Zambia. There are other Leading a country requires consistency, leading things that we certainly need to improve on a country requires long term focus. It is not just a and continue building on. We cannot finish matter of people who are excited about going to development across the country in nine years State House. State House is not for experiments; or 10 years. That is why when we hear many that is why the Zambian people have invested sounds that speak of a lot of things, we wonder their trust in Edgar Chagwa Lungu as their how people want to think that they can fix President and their candidate for 2021. That is things in a flash of a second, it doesn’t happen. our scoring number nine,” Musukwa said. There must be a process that must be followed. He called on party members to ensure that What are you going to fix about climate change? the party won the 2021 elections by a landslide What are going to fix about COVID-19? What victory. are you going to fix about commodity prices?” “As PF, we have actually technically Musukwa wondered. commenced the party mobilisation for ensuring “How can you be wasting your time with victory in 2021 for Edgar Chagwa Lungu and PF. people who are talking about a key which they To that effect, I am calling on all party members do not have? How can you be wasting your time across the country including structures and on people who are talking about fixing, fixing mobilisation teams to work closely and ensure what? We have seen what you have fixed before. we secure the victory that is needed in order to We have seen what you have fixed before in have a landslide victory; which does not bring Luanshya, it is able to be seen. There is nothing us to the 14 days is 14 days like last time which to fix, what is supposed to be fixed? There is a caused a lot of panic and despair among our President and the party of choice will channel people. The philosophy of PF is to ensure we resources that everything is fixed. In 2021, we listen to the grassroots, we listen to our people are launching a serious robust campaign across across the country,” he said. the country and we will ensure that we provide “Our mandate is also to ensure that we bring a defeat to the opposition who are always back all those old PF members that are loitering postulating on social media while PF is busy around like people without a father. You have a working. The things that we have been able to party, you have a father; Edgar Chagwa Lungu, do in terms of infrastructure, people are able to come back to your party so that you contribute. see. Yes we are alive to the challenges that our The doors are open to everybody and we are people and the country at large face, but that His very confident that there are many more rooms Excellency the President of Zambia and the PF and many more spaces for everyone to fill the have provided leadership. We are determined boat in PF. We are aware that some of the people to ensure that we build on where we have been that left PF left because they were frustrated, operating from.” some of them genuinely.” Musukwa said PF was aware that UPND Musukwa said PF was also aware of the was trying to gain advantage by registering UPND’s propaganda together with some foreign minors in Southern Province. agents in pushing for regime change. “I want to say that first and foremost you “We are aware that our opposition has been must ensure that at all times we promote legality. propelling propaganda of all sorts together with In these issues, the rules of obtaining a National agents of the so called regime change who have Registration Cards are well spelt, in terms of the been promoting and supporting some of this Home Affairs Ministry. We only expect people discourse. Zambians will never be influenced by that are eligible are people who should get the foreigners and foreign elements whose interests NRCs. Us as PF, as a party in government will is to exploit our resources to the advantage of not promote such levels of irregularity. We are a few individuals. These foreign agents and aware that for many years in the past, the UPND the opposition will never succeed in Zambia has been doing that in Southern Province. because this country is for Zambians,” said So when you do evil things you think that is Musukwa. what your friends are doing, we are not. We “You can see UPND in its propaganda, in cannot promote such an attitude and we urge some instances they are even behaving like a the UPND and indeed other parties to ensure party in government, they are not in government. that they should not have underhand methods Do not mistake the humility of PF, we are in of winning elections by registering underage charge and we are responsible for Zambia. We people across the country,” Musukwa said. can assure you that the Zambian people will “The same virtue goes to PF, we cannot trust what we have done and the record that we expect to win an election using illegal means have built. The people who are responsible for by registering underage [people], we cannot putting leaders are the people of Zambia and do that. So I want to set the record straight they cannot be swayed by propaganda which that there is no agenda from PF to issue green seems to be one of the recipes that are highly registration cards to minors in order to win funded in order to sway the Zambians.” Tuesday September 15, 2020 Local News .3

By Ulande Nkomesha POLICE in Livingstone have arrested a 38-year- L/stone man kills village headman for having an old man in connection with the murder of Patrick Joseph Mapulanga, aged intimate relationship with were on separation. A Mapulanga, a village 43, of Dambwa Site and the suspect’s wife, aged stick stained with blood affair with his wife headman of Siamatete Service in Livingstone, 35, who he was intending suspected to have been village in chief Mukuni’s recovered. The suspect is with murder and will who reported that his elder to reconcile with as they used in the act has been area. in police custody charged appear in court soon.” brother Patrick Mapulanga In a statement, was found lying dead on Monday, police the ground in a pool of spokesperson Esther blood with multiple deep Katongo stated that the cuts on the head and the man, who was identified Don’t allow anyone to lie to face in Muntumuswana as Brian Sibajene, an artist Village of Chief Mukuni by profession, allegedly about one kilometre murdered the victim on away from the deceased’s suspicion that he had an village. Investigations you that PF has failed – Lungu intimate relationship with were instituted into the his wife. matter and led to the By Mukosha Funga The Head of Stateunder former Presidents “I know that from the “Police in Livingtone apprehension of Brian WHEN someone starts telling was speaking at a rally in Kenneth Kaunda and time campaigns started, have arrested a male Sibajene, aged 38 years, stories that things are not Luapula Province, Sunday, Frederick Chiluba. people who have come here adult, identified as also of chief Mukuni, working, that ‘no, the PF have when he went to drum up “From 2011 ukufika lelo, have told you many different Brian Sibajene, aged failed’, just tell him that ‘sir, support for PF candidate 2020 ifyo ba PF balebomba things. They have told you an artist by profession,” 38, in connection with just sit, because we can make in the Mwansabombwe mu chalo cha Zambia of what they plan to do for narrated Katongo. the murder of Patrick a mistake we insult you’, says Parliamentary by-election, mulefimona. Nga mwabika you. But what is needed in “According to Mapulanga, aged 60, also President . Kabaso Kampampi. pamo ifyabombele batata ba Mwansabombwe is someone preliminary investigations, a headman of Siamatete And President Lungu has The Head of State said Kaunda naba Chiluba, mwaisa who can finish the works that the suspect allegedly assured the people of Luapula the works that had been done chita compare nokulinganya Rodgers Mwewa left behind. Village in Chief Mukuni. murdered the victim on Province of more development under the PF administration nefyo tubombele fwebo ba And the one who can carry This followed a report on suspicion that he had an in the area, insisting that PF is from 2011 to 2020 surpassed PF, fyachilamo. Fyachilamo out these works is someone 9th September, 2020, from still a pro-poor party. those which had been done filemoneka no kumoneka in PF, Kabaso Kampampi. You (From 2011 to this day, have seen the works that are 2020, what the PF is doing in being done under PF, schools Zambia can be seen. If you put are being built. Now another together the works that were person comes to tell you that CEC’s sales volumes in DRC market done under former Presidents no vote for me, saying he will [Kenneth] Kaunda and bring development to the area, By Diggers Reporter Chiluba and compare with the who is he going to work with? COPPERBELT Energy Corporation Plc works that the PF has done, Akabomba nabani? Pantu (CEC) has disclosed that it has continued up 25% – Silavwe the works under PF are much ba Minister ba PF, ubuteko to grow its business in the Democratic more and that can be seen),” bwa PF bwa Edgar Lungu. Republic of Congo (DRC), resulting in of the Company,” Silavwe added. “Profit after tax came in at about President Lungu said. Akafumya kwiisa amaka a 25 per cent sales volume boost in 2019 “With no doubt, government and US $12.3 million compared to US $55.9 “Umuntu nga ayamba ama nangu ichuma ichakuti akesa despite increased pressure on its margins. ERB actions were taken to aid KCM to million in 2018, representing an annual stories ati iyo tafilebomba, iyo pwisha umulimo walebomba Reviewing the Company’s continue receiving service from CEC decrease of 78 per cent. There was an ba PF nabafilwa, kumweba Rodgers Mwewa? (Who is he performance last year in the company’s without meeting its payment obligations. increase of US $53.3 million in net ati awe tata ikalafye, pantu going to work with because much-delayed 2019 annual report, This has the further effect of allowing the impairment provision, necessitated by the kuti twalufyanya, uleke tuku the Minister is PF, government managing director Owen Silavwe stated state-owned utility, Zesco, access to the challenge of the KCM payment default.” tuke. Pa PF balebomba. Efyo under Edgar Lungu is PF. that CEC’s business in the DRC market CEC infrastructure at very sub-economic Meanwhile, Silavwe revealed that ndelandila ifi pantu kuli Where is he going to get the had continued to grow each year, as rates. It should be noted that while CEC’s mining companies’ overall energy abashikwete scopodonono. powers and resources to finish the Company delivers on meeting the transmission and distributions lines demand dropped considerably last year, Balebepa abantu ukweba ati up the works that Mwewa left increasing power demand of mining have been declared common carrier, mainly induced by the 2019 mining fiscal bakesa chinja ifintu. Ifintu behind?)” President Lungu customers in that country. state-owned nationwide infrastructure regime, combined with KCM’s operational nafitampa kale uku chinja, asked. “Our business in the DRC market, operated by Zesco has not been declared challenges following the appointment of ifintu fileya filewama ati President Lungu also where we work closely with our partner, common carrier and Zesco continues to its provisional liquidator in May last year. iyo mubikepo umbi MP said PF was still a pro-poor SNEL, the State-owned utility, has block CEC’s access to its infrastructure – “Our customers consumed about ku Mwansabombwe elyo government. continued to grow year after year as a matter that remains unresolved despite 13 per cent less energy at 3,206GWh ifintu fikanjinja. Ubo bufi He urged the electorates we deliver on meeting the increasing having been brought to the attention compared to 3,673GWh in 2018. This tabulepanga na sense pantu to vote for Kampampi so power demand of mining customers in of the Minister of Energy on several is attributed to operational challenges uleisa onse alalolesha kuli that he could easily lobby that country. With our local office well occasions.” that some of our customers experienced, Edgar Lungu nangu Bwalya for development if elected established, we continued to step up our Recent information from the Ministry triggered by unrelated factors that Ngandu abakwete ichuma member of parliament from marketing activities,” Silavwe wrote in of Energy indicates that the Ministry was included the lag in adjusting to changes cha chalo. Right now the other ministers. the CEC 2019 annual report released last still reviewing Zesco’s transmission and effected in the mining fiscal regime in treasurer or the Minister of The President was week. distribution infrastructure, which could 2019, the winding up proceedings of KCM Finance is Bwalya Ng’andu accompanied by Mansa Central “We also worked on improving our be considered as common carrier. commenced by ZCCM-IH (one of the who is appointed by me, PF member of parliament understanding of the market landscape. According to Ministry of Energy mine’s shareholders) and planned smelter the President is me. (When Chitalu Chilufya, Pambashe Our sales volume for the year increased acting Permanent Secretary Sandra outages at MCM [Mopani Copper Mines] someone starts telling stories PF member of parliament by 25 per cent though we saw increased Ndhlovu the process to review was and KCM for purposes of effecting plant that things are not working, no Ronald Chitotela, nominated pressure on the margins due to factors, ongoing as at September, 2020, but should overhaul,” he stated. the PF have failed, just tell tell member of parliament Raphael such as artificial transmission path be concluded soon. Silavwe, however, stated that prospects him that ‘sir, just sit, because Nakacinda, PF secretary constraints in Zambia, which affected And Silavwe stated that KCM’s failure for a rebound in energy demand within we can make a mistake and general Davies Mwila, PF overall pricing. We continue to work on to settle its outstanding US $144.7 million the mining sector remained strong. insult you.’ PF is working. I am deputy secretary general resolving some of the transmission path electricity bill to the CEC reduced the “Fundamentally, the prospects for saying this because there are Mumbi Phiri, among others, challenges facing the business.” power utility’s profits by 78 per cent last a rebound in demand going forward some people without brains. who also urged the supporters And Silavwe stated that to avoid grossly year. remain good as MCM returns its smelter They are lying to people that to vote for Kampampi. affecting the company’s commercial “Non-payment by our largest customer, to commercial operation and a number they will come and turn things Earlier, President Lungu viability, there was need to quickly resolve KCM, constituted the largest risk to the of customer expansion and new projects around. Things have already paid a courtesy call on Senior the challenges surrounding Statutory Company’s financial performance during continue to ramp up demand over the started changing and getting Chief Mwata Kazembe of the Instrument (SI) Number 57 of 2020, the year. Subsequent to the action in the next 3 – 5 years. The key downside risks better [then someone says] Lunda Speaking people in which made the company’s transmission High Court for Zambia by ZCCM-IH to to demand performance is the KCM that ‘no let’s put another MP in Mwansabombwe District. and distribution infrastructure common commence winding up proceedings of liquidation, as uncertainty remains with Mwansabombwe that’s when Senior chief Mwata carrier, while CEC was still being KCM, followed by the appointment of the respect to timeframes to resolution of the thing will change’. Those lies Kazembe welcomed the blocked from accessing Zesco’s power Provisional Liquidator, KCM struggled impasse affecting the business and the don’t even make sense because President and expressed infrastructure. to pay its electricity bills. This resulted in effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which every new MP looks to me or gratitude over the visit to the “…This action [SI 57 promulgation] significant accumulation of arrears. The are yet to be fully understood,” he stated. the Minister of Finance for chiefdom. was immediately followed on 31 May consequential impairments due to KCM’s He further stated that CEC resources.)” The senior chief however, 2020 by a decision by the ERB [Energy debt accumulation negatively affected had continued to engage with both President Lungu urged the hoped for peaceful campaigns Regulation Board] declaring an interim the Company’s annual financial results,” government and Zesco in its pursuit people of Mwansabombwe to ahead of by-elections without transmission tariff for use of the CEC disclosed Silavwe. of a win-win solution to contractual vote for Kampampi saying only any fights. network, which is about thirty percentage He added that total revenue decreased arrangements following the lapsed Bulk he could complete the projects The Head of State in points of the normal CEC transmission by three per cent from about US $421.0 Supply Agreement (BSA). that were left by the late area turn said government would tariff. The Company’s view on this matter million in 2018 to around US $408.0 “Resolving this contractual matter member of parliament Rogers continue working with is that the combination of the actions of million in 2019, mainly on account of an remains a top priority for the Company Mwewa. traditional leaders as they the Minister of Energy [Mathew Nkhuwa] eight per cent demand reduction by mine given its importance, not only to CEC and He urged the people not were partners in national and the ERB have the effect of taking away customers in Zambia, while domestic Zesco, but to the Zambian economy as a to listen to opposition parties development and further the Company’s property and commercial wheeling services to non-mining whole as it underpins service provision who were claiming that they commended the senior rights, which if not redressed, may in the consumers also reduced by seven per cent to the entire Copperbelt Province,” stated would take development to the chief for his call for peaceful medium-term grossly affect the viability year-on-year. Silavwe. area. campaigns. 4. Local News Tuesday September 15, 2020

By Julia Malunga pantu uwaliko ali wa PF. Eicho, PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu ngamwapusa mwabikapo umbi says UPND leader Hakainde If HH is unlucky, we will get him – Lungu ushili wa PF, chikatushupa Hichilema wants to rule the uku pwisha imilimo ya pelela country so that he can sell has urged residents of for Kampampi in Mbereshi, presidency so that he can sell wina nalikwata indalama sana’, pa nshila. Isukulu iyo ile assets, adding that if he is Mwansabombwe to vote for PF Monday, President Lungu more assets. nshi bachitapo? Balanda landa kulwa, ungapwisha imilimo ni unlucky, he will be arrested for candidate Kabaso Kampampi, claimed that the assets that Bakesa shitisha Zambia, fye. Echo balefwaya chakuti nga Kampampi pantu ewubomba his involvement in the sale of saying voting for another party Hichilema sold were too many. bakesa shitisha State House mwabasala bakashitisha ichalo. mu PF, abashala bonse bu . Kuli state-owned enterprises during will put them at risk of not Speaking in Bemba, naimwe bakesa mi shitisha Nalibomfwa balelanda ati ine abaleisa kuno noku bepa ati iyo privatisation. having any development. President Lungu accused the kumo. Pantu balibelela nganaba President, nkashitisha bakapwisha imilimo, bakafumya And President Lungu Drumming up support UPND leader of seeking the ukushitisha i ntu. Inchito indeke iyendalamo Lungu, kwisa indalama? Ichalo chonse mwatupela ifwe kumi bombela, imwe bushe ni ndeke ya Lungu? epo chapela chisungwa naba we are your servants. We should Ni ndeke ya chalo. Ubuteko Finance Minister ba Bwalya Mambilima must act in public focus on the su erings of the ngawashitila President indeke Ng’andu; nganabeba ati mpeleni Zambian people. Not to make olo ubuteko, fya buteko, tefya impiya tupwishe isikulu, ourselves rich.  is is what I Lungu iyo. (Some people claim balampela (You have been interest, remove Simusamba - Chifi re am hearing from some political that they are rich but what have told that the UPND have no party leaders who want to take they done for you?  ey just talk, plans to bring development in By Sipilisiwe N’cube scorn in the SADC sub-region. over political power, we will what they want is that when you this country.  e people from SOUTHERN Africa Network Against Corruption “Zambians are envious of judicial systems not allow that. Abena Zambia elect them, the sell the country. Lusaka and Copperbelt who are (SANAC) executive director Gregory Chi re obtaining in other jurisdictions in the SADC sub- tabakasuminishe ukushitisha I heard someone [Hichilema] bringing violence here, castigate says it is gratifying that the wheels of justice have region like South Africa and Malawi. Yet Zambia, ichalo. Abene beka nabaisosela say ‘when I become president, I them and tell them you don’t caught up with Lusaka High Court Registrar David as compared to South Africa, is much older and ati twaleshipula elyo baleshitisha will sell the presidential jet’, but is want to be involved.  e person Simusamba. thus should provide leadership, but unfortunately ichalo efyo bashitishe fyafula that my jet?  at is a government who should be elected should be In a statement, Monday, Chi re said the not. We have become an object of scorn in the nga bashama, twalabakonka. property. When government a PF member and not from any recommendation by the Judicial Complaints sub-region. A few months ago, despite pressure (He wants to sell the country, buys a car or plane for the Commission (JCC) to remove Simusamba, who from the ruling elite, judges in Malawi refused other party because the person State House and you will also be President, it doesn’t mean that it still sits as magistrate to dispense his cases, as to succumb.  ey stood for justice and allowed who died was a PF member. If sold, because some people are is his, it is for the government),” judicial presiding o cer, is long overdue. the will of the people to prevail. And today the you vote for a candidate from used to selling stu . Our Job is President Lungu said. Chi re stated that the recommendation is Malawian Judges are being celebrated world over. another party, you will not have to work for you. Zambians will He said only the PF had the a serious indictment on the chief justice who  e same cannot be said about our judges. It’s time development. Have you seen not allow this country to be mandate to develop the country. has ignored people’s calls to have Magistrate our judiciary redeemed itself before the people that school being constructed? sold. He [Hichilema] admitted “Nabalanda kale ati ba Simusamba removed. demanded for drastic actions. Our judiciary must  e only person who can have it that government was dozing UPND tabakwata amapange “ e action to recommend the removal of work up, shake up, albeit out of own volition. completed is Kampampi because when he sold some state owned ayakuti batwale ubuyantanshi Magistrate David Simusamba as a Judicial O cer However, there is hope in the Judiciary because it’s he is in PF.  ere are people companies, he sold a lot of stu , by the Judicial Complaints Commission (JCC) is not every Judicial o cer that is corrupt, but it is the mu Zambia. I thank you the coming here lying to you that they long overdue and should be used as a re ection corrupt few that are destroying the good image of and if he will be unlucky, we will people of Mwansabombwe and will bring development, where point by other Judicial o cers.  is action is a the Judiciary. As such, the nation may, in the near nab him),” President Lungu said. Mbereshi for being peaceful, will they get the money from? serious indictment on Her Ladyship the Chief future be compelled to go the Kenya way if the  e President then reacted continue with this until you We nance the developments in Justice who has on several occasions been called Judiciary does not take deliberate steps to cleanse to critics who accuse him of vote. Abale leta ulubuli ukufuma this country. I can simply tell my to put her house in order but to no response. itself,” Chi re stated. wasting money on a presidential ku Copperbelt naku Lusaka Minister of Finance Dr Bwalya Members of the public are aware that a number And Chi re appealed to the chief justice to jet, saying it was not his plane mubebe ati awe ulubuli ko Ng’andu to release money and of complaints have in the recent past been lodged show leadership and act in the best interest of the but for the republic. tatulefwaya. Uwaku pyana the school will be completed),” against Mr. Simusamba by a number of citizens general public by removing Magistrate Simusamba. “Abanensu balalanda ati ‘nali kuno afwile aba wamu PF, said President Lungu.A that include opposition UPND President Mr. “For now, our eyes are on Her Ladyship to Hakainde Hichilema, Socialist Party Leader provided leadership. Otherwise we want to state Dr. Fred M’membe and recently Dr. Chishimba without malice that we are disappointed with Kambwili. It is gratifying that nally, the wheels her inability to act on complaints falling within It’ll be di cult to revive the of justice have caught up with him,” Chi re stated. her administrative sphere and in particular more Chi re charged that the integrity of the recent on the case of Magistrate Simusamba judiciary in the recent past had been reduced due over a complaint lodged by Kambwili regarding to misconduct by some of its o cers. solicitation of bribe by the former.  e Chief economy in 2021 – Hambayi “ e Judiciary has in the recent past attracted Justice should be able to act in the best interest By Ulande Nkomesha year, government would be pre- “ e third one is that we have public criticism for professional misconduct and of the general public because judicial authority is ECONOMIST Trevor Hambayi occupied with winning elections a power de cit, we have continued wanton corruption involving Judicial o cers. derived from the people. She is answerable to the says it will be di cult to revive and would ignore economic to have a power de cit for the last  e integrity of the Judiciary is at its lowest.  e people of Zambia,” stated Chi re. the economy in 2021 due to focus fundamentals. two years and that has not been judiciary should seize this opportunity to do a self- “Her ladyship’s continued failure to being on elections. “If you look at 2021, you have resolved at all.  e fourth one is introspection and weed out those that fall short administratively deal with criminal elements Commenting on President an additional challenge to this, this the dispute with the mines [such] of the standard.  ere is no better time than this such as Honourable Simusamba is a personal Edgar Lungu’s pronouncement is our election [year]. When we that we are not generating than to call for serious Judicial reforms because it is indictment on her. Further, her continued refusal that the economy would be go into elections, the government we need to be generating from an open secret that most of the men and women to deal with corruption in the Judiciary which we revived in 2021 once COVID-19 in power has no concern about the mines.  e  h is obviously charged with the responsibility of dispensing have known about for years now, re ects badly on is contained, Hambayi said economic fundamentals, they are the liquidity constraint in the justice are found wanting. We need a judiciary her administrative skills. From the evidence we in an interview that political more resigned to winning their market. All those factors need to that is above reproach. A judiciary that inspires have seen and assessed Honorable Simusamba pronouncements should be elections. So what you will see come into play for the economy con dence as opposed to what we currently have,” does not only need to immediately be removed separated from the reality of in 2021 is that our Kwacha will to start to pick and then you can he stated. as a judicial o cer but must be prosecuted for his economic performance. continue to depreciate because speak about COVID-19.” He stated that Zambia had become an object of many crimes.” He said going into an election we have not put anything in place Hambayi insisted that there to try and support this.  is is a were no economic fundamentals very big challenge that we have,” indicating that the economy Hambayi said. would boom in 2021. Parents need more time to pay school fees – CSPR “We must separate political “What you see with our pronouncements and the reality of economy is that since 2015, By Ulande Nkomesha back to school,” Nachibinga advised. on payment plans for school fees. the performance of the economy. our economic performance has CIVIL Society for Poverty Reduction “I feel that maybe the days that have “I would also like to encourage our  e President pronouncing continued deteriorating. Every (CSPR) says government should have been given about a week may not be parents to adequately prepare their that the economy is going to macroeconomic indicator you given ample time for parents and learners enough in terms of looking for resources. children by providing them with face rebound in 2021 has no economic look at in 2015 to now 2020 has to prepare for the imminent re-opening De nitely, this will mean that most masks. Parents are also encouraged fundamentals to support it.  ere been deteriorating. Whether you of schools to help cope with nancial of these pupils will get back to school to pay school fees in full in order to are key factors that would speak are looking at GDP growth which challenges. at a later date compared to what was facilitate e ective teaching and learning. to the economy rebounding but has dropped from ve percent Commenting on General Education announced by the Minister himself due to However, in cases where parents may you must remember that our to 1.9 percent as we have seen Minister Dr Dennis Wanchinga’s directive the fact that majority of the parents don’t be experiencing nancial challenges, I economic recession started from 2019, 2020 we are in a recession to re-open schools next Monday, CSPR have resources to take their children back wish to urge our learning institutions 2015; it has been a gradual decline of minus ve percent GDP programmes coordinator Chimuka to school, because of the many e ects to engage parents and learners to make with economic performance to growth. If we are looking at our Nachibinga observed that the one-week that have crippled our economy, and the payment plans and accept payments now. All the factors that have debt to GDP ratio, we have seen period was insu cient for parents to consumers, who are citizens have been in instalments. In certain instances, contributed to that decline to that it has been increasing 27 brace for their children’s resumption a ected in one way.” especially in our rural schools where cash 2015 are still in place.” per cent to now over 90 per cent of learning, as many parents lacked And Nachibinga urged schools to payments may be a challenge, payments He said Zambia had more which is above the threshold for resources to pay school fees arising from allow children to learn for a month before in-kind should be considered so that no problems than just COVID-19. viable debt management,” said the stressed economy. requesting parents to meet their nancial learners are sent away from schools,” said “ ere is nothing that we Hambayi. “For me, my take, basically, on this obligations. Dr Wanchinga. have done that is going to change “If we look at our interest issue is, I think government should have “So, the recommendation from us “In order to sustain the availability the economic performance. rates, we look at our exchange made an assessment in terms of resources is that maybe the school managers be of face masks, school authorities, in Where we are now is actually rate, we look at the in ation rate, as far as parents are concerned because reluctant, they can make up a plan to collaboration with the parents, should worse o than we were in 2015. everything has been deteriorating the majority of the parents are crippled allow parents for at least a month in work together and ensure that face  e rst aspect to our economy and there is nothing that seems in terms of resources. I think opening of which they can be bringing their children masks are provided to the learners all the being depressed is our national to be changing. We just want the schools, as it has been put, is the right to school so that towards the end of time. I also wish to direct our learning debt.  e county’s debt is to be politicizing what we are way to go to ensure that the education the month, people will have resources institutions to e ectively and e ciently unsustainable and we now have a saying but we are not putting sector is not a ected in one way or the coming from their salaries, those who are make adequate arrangements to cover the liability of $1.5 billion per year to the underlined fundamentals to other. But I think maybe government employed,” said Nachibinga. material that was lost during the closure pay in debt servicing.  e second support this. Our exchange rate should have given a month to parents so Last Saturday, Dr Wanchinga urged without compromising quality. Further one is scal expenditure, we are in terms of having to change it that they are able to prepare themselves learning institutions to engage parents guidance on the school calendar will be spending more money than we requires a fundamental base of in terms of taking their school children and learners facing nancial challenges provided in due course.” are generating, we have a budget export that we are generating de cit,” he said. more export than imports.” Tuesday September 15, 2020 Article .5

Have Zambians Raised the Bar on Ethical Culture? VER the past few weeks, we have of right and wrong are unclear and it is from We should never assume that by virtue of read, watched, and listened to intense this perceptive that several citizens came to the operating environment, businesses and discussions on corporate governance the table when discussing possible confl ict of individuals working under them will behave and how the privatization process of interest. This was benchmarked on a culture as expected. When I worked in Zambia State Othe 1990s is said to have lacked the minimum that we believe governs all public entities. Insurance Corporation, we wanted to do benchmarks of ethical conduct. Ordinary citizens An ethical culture also enhances corporate business, in partnership, with an insurance rose to the occasion to pinpoint areas they felt reputation and image. Having worked in company from the Democratic Republic of the the standards for ethical conduct were violated multinational and international corporations, Congo. Just from entry at Kasumbalesa Border during the process. image is an important part of the success of Post, we became aware of a huge mismatch in The focus later shifted to declaration of the business. I have shared before how in ethical culture. Our colleagues receiving us at interest and how part of the public felt the SABMiller, we had the adage, ‘Your reputation the border were buying their way into clearance perceived lack of it during the transactions that before a crisis will take you out of a crisis.’ When processes, something we could not even took place transgressed corporate governance people accuse you of having stolen or abused think of. It was clear the counterparty was not tenets. Though the whole debate degenerated resources, they will get down to your conduct, governed by a code of conduct; if they were, no into a single individual and reduced to political not only on one occasion, but throughout your one reinforced it. interests, I was excited about one thing: life. A business that invests in a dynamic ethical It is stated as follows about a code of Zambians were apparently awake to the right culture will have invested in a sustainable conduct, ‘“Companies should have a code of thing on ethical conduct which, unfortunately, operation, winning the support of a broad range ethics and statement of business practices, they seemed not to be doing. of stakeholders such that if calamity befalls it, which should be implemented as part of the It is one thing to know and understand corporate practices of the company.” minimum benchmarks about certain conduct, As has been “The Board should be responsible for practices and behaviour and another to behave documented by formulating the code of ethics and business as required. If indeed we have reached that practices. All directors, management and level of demanding accountability on ethical researchers, an employees of the company should be required behaviour, I am sure we would not be where ‘ to abide by the codes. The Board should we are in terms of economic performance. The ethical culture guides monitor adherence and ensure that breaches Auditor General’s reports would have fewer are eff ectively sanctioned.” than three pages and even those pages would decision making when What do we, therefore, need to do as a simply be highlighting incidents of excellent country in order to build an ethical culture in our performance and good fi nancial management by the boundaries of right country and in all entities operating in Zambia? all public entities. How can we leverage the clear high bar on The reports of the Financial Intelligence and wrong are unclear ethical culture that Zambians now appear to pre- Center would, on the other hand, not be and it is from this occupy their minds with? attracting that high level of interest because First, leadership at all levels should set the there may be nothing to read. In addition, if perceptive that several tone for an ethical culture. It is interesting that indeed we had elevated the benchmarks for the high bar set on ethical culture was on an ethical conduct to levels I have read in the past citizens came to the individual who practiced in a private business few weeks, the Anti-Corruption Commission but only happened to have conducted business would not be under that high level of scrutiny by table when discussing with a public entity. Even then, the nation has citizens as is the case now. now stated that he needed to have declared The positive in all this is that Zambians at possible conflict of interest (though, in my opinion, it remains a least know that a country succeeds on the back presumption allegation). of good corporate governance in which ethical interest’. If that be expected of a consultant working leadership at all levels is mandatory. Whether in a private company, how much more those we are truly practicing this value as a country, the stakeholders will support its way back into in national leadership, board members who we are comforted by the fact that Zambians business. oversee public utilities? Should we wait for the appear to have raised the bar on ethical I have shared on various platforms that World Bank and other partners to signal to us conduct. an ethical culture, a good reputation, forms the expected transparency levels in all public In this article, I wish to amplify this point part of risk management. During a crisis, you tenders? The ethical culture in this regard is on the need to promote and defend an ethical can only look back to your ethical culture to non-negotiable. All public and private companies culture in government systems, and much more reposition your business. Costain Chilala, a should develop policies that relate to an ethical critically, in companies. We should move the great Zambian farmer, may have gone through culture that all employees should sign. focus from what one politician may have done a few challenges as read in the papers. I have There was a time the Anti-Corruption or not done when he was a corporate consultant talked to top banking executives who confi dently Corporation, possibly guided by Cabinet but begin to redirect the question on what is told me Mr. Chilala will reposition his businesses Offi ce, rolled out an ethical code for all public best for us; what should we start doing? What is on the back of a great ethical culture. He is still servants. Unfortunately, we have read more the expected conduct of corporate entities today trusted by all banks; he is a credible investor of ethical code violations (going by the Auditor and tomorrow? This is for everyone and not for and they know that he still possesses potential General and FIC Reports) than we have one person. to be among Africa’s top farmers. It is a solid celebrated the impact of accountability to our It has been proved that an ethical culture reputation anchored on an ethical culture that national economy. It means something is amiss ensures organisational success. Lack of can help any entrepreneur avoid litigation or somewhere. Policies do not exist in a vacuum; an ethical culture can spell disaster for any assist in mitigation. Generally, society always they produce results. An eff ective monitoring, country, organization or company. As has been wants to stand by good people. whistleblowing and reward policy can, therefore, documented by researchers, an ethical culture Every business, irrespective of its size, eff ectively promote an ethical culture in our guides decision making when the boundaries should have a well-defi ned code of ethics. country. 6. Local News Tuesday September 15, 2020

By Ulande Nkomesha on oxygen . As at today, we MINISTRY of Health have recorded a total 12,380 Permanent Secretary for recoveries as a country and Technical Services Dr this gives us a recovery rate of Kennedy Malama says the 90 per cent,” Dr Malama said. country has recorded 181 new He said a programme was COVID-19 cases out of 1,608 being devised to systematically 8 die of COVID-19 in tests done in the last 24 hours, screen learners and staff of parliamentary sitting. with eight deaths. regularly as part of the early We continue to heighten Five of the COVID-19 warning system for action, surveillance activities, deaths were Brought in Dead following the announcement particularly in healthcare (BID). of the reopening of all learning facilities, to timely identify During the routine institutions. and isolate all the COVID-19 COVID-19 update, “Today, our teams shall patients. It is also important last 24 hours Monday, Dr Malama said conduct targeted screening to mention that as it was systematically screen learners education sector as part of the authorities so that we can the cumulative number of to focus on our honourable announced by his excellency and staff regularly as part of monitoring and surveillance assure our parents and the COVID-19 cases recorded members of parliament and the President, classes will our early warning system for platform. We are going to Zambian people through our now stood at 13, 720. National Assembly staff resume for all learners and a action, this is important . We heighten engagement with early warning systems,” said “In the last 24 hours, in view of the resumption program is being devised to are closely working with the the learners and the school Dr Malama. Zambia recorded a total of 181 new COVID-19 cases. These were from 18 districts, including Lusaka (50), Ndola (48), Kitwe Artists drag ECZ to court over “voter verification” (21), Chililalabombwe (17), Mufulira (11), Kabwe eight, By Zondiwe Mbewe Advocates. registration of voters. registration envisaged in the Kasama six, Chingola five, MUSICIAN Chama Fumba, Pilato and others have It is alleged that proposed time period of 30 Kalomo three, Solwezi three, popularly known as Pilato, further argued that ECZ’s Nshindano had said the ECZ days. exercise Kalalushi two, Mansa two, Maiko Zulu, Brian Bwembya decision amounted to would ensure that current Pilato and others require every registered Chipata one, Livingstone and two others have applied deregistering voters without registered voters would still contended that ECZ’s voters to present themselves one, Luwingu one, Nakonde for leave in the Lusaka notice and following laid be retained on condition decision to require every before registration officials one and Serenje one. This High Court to commence down procedure, which was that they present themselves registered voter to present in a manner that amounts again goes to show that the Judicial Review proceedings contrary to the law. for verification, updatethemselves for verification to discarding a current virus is in our community against the decision of the The applicants areand capture of additional under a new register as a register of voters which had and through interactions and Electoral Commission of seeking an order quashing information required, condition for voting was approximately 6 Million movements. Our surveillance Zambia (ECZ) to compel ECZ’s decision for being including biometric capture unlawful as ECZ did not have registered voters built over will continue to be upped, so duly registered voters to irrational, procedurally (10 figure prints andthe power under the law to many years and require that we can pick those new present themselves before improper and illegal. portrait). discard the existing register those who were previously cases and ensure there is registration officers for They are also seeking an Nshindano directed that and deregister people who registered effectively to re- self-isolation or isolation in verification under a new order, compelling ECZ to every eligible voter would were lawfully and validly register,” they stated. a designated facility so that register for the 2021 general re-take its decision and act have to register or verify registered without lawful The applicants also we curtail that transmission elections. within the powers vested in their details under the new cause. argued that the decision by trajectory,” Dr Malama said. In their notice for leave them by the law. register for the 2021 general The applicants stated ECZ to undertake a fresh “These new cases are to commence Judicial The applicants stated elections. that ECZ was required by registration of voters, which among the 1,608 tests Review proceedings filed in that if leave was granted, But Pilato and others Section 7 of the Electoral would effectively discard we conducted in the last the principal registry, Pilato, hearing of the Judicial submitted that they were Process Act No. 35 of 2016 the current register and had 24 hours, representing a Maiko, Bwembya, aka B Review application should Zambian citizens who were and Regulation 8 of the the effect of de-registering positivity of 11.3 percent. Flow and two youths - Nawa be expedited and that it already registered voters Electoral (Registration of and disenfranchising duly Hospital screening continues Sitali and Muleta Kapatiso - should operate as a stay on the existing register voters) Regulations 2010, registered voters who may to confirm quite a number on behalf of the people, have of ECZ’s decision which and objected to being to carry out continuous not verify their details, of cases and of those, 36 argued that the decision requires already registered disenfranchised by their voter registration, which without lawful cause for were from Lusaka, 19 Ndola, by ECZ which required voters to present themselves valid and otherwise lawful they had neglected to do for their de-registration is 12 Chililabombwe, nine currently validly registered before a registration officer registration invalidated the ostensible reason that contrary to the law. Mufulira, six Kasama, three voters in terms of the law to again or be precluded or unlawfully and then required they did not have required “ECZ claims that Solwezi, one Kabwe and one participate in a process that prevented from voting in the to present themselves for re- monetary resources. it intends to register Luwingu. So these are the approximately 9 million ones we picked when we did amounts to re-registration 2021 general elections. registration in a very limited Pilato and others further voters in a restricted period the screening in the hospital of voters in a period of one Pilato and others stated time during a period when argued that ECZ had no settings, you can see that month is illegal. that on June 12, 2020, ECZ the world was dealing with authority to deregister or of 31 days commencing they are 95. We also had 63 Pilato and others are at a media briefing by its COVID-19 and when ECZ, conduct itself in a manner on October 19, 2020 to through routine screening, represented by lawyers chief electoral officer Patrick by its own admission, says that deregistered a registered November 18, 2020 as which was made up of 22 Nchito and Nchito and Nshindano, announced that that it is grossly under voter. announced by its chief from Ndola, 12 Kitwe, seven Mwenye and Mwitwa it would undertake a fresh funded to carry out the full “ECZ now intends to executive officer where he Lusaka, five Chililabombwe, announced the projected four Chingola, three Kalomo, number of voters it seeks two Mansa, two Kalalushi, to register,’’ the applicants one Chipata, one Kabwe, one stated. Livingstone, one Mufulira and HH tips Luapula to chew PF money, vote UPND They stated that to carry one in Nakonde. We also had out the full registration of 16 contacts to known cases. voters, ECZ needed K880 We also have a health care By Ulande Nkomesha wondered. even you can have cattle. We work on million yet only K100 worker who tested positive UPND president Hakainde Hichilema “People from Northern Province, are agriculture, we will ensure that the price of million was approved by the through screening in Ndola has called on Lukashya residents not you not tired? In 2006, you voted for the fertiliser is reduced. We will save US $100 Treasury and that even the and we had five persons who to be bought by the PF like tomatoes in PF; in 2011, you voted for the PF; in 2015, million from importing fertilizer because approved amount had not were brought in dead at the the market ahead of the upcoming by- you voted for the PF; in 2016, you voted these mwankole are stealing! There is too been dispensed. Ndola Central Hospital. The election this Thursday. for the PF, but there is no development much corruption, that is why the prices of “Notwithstanding cumulative number of cases in Speaking during a rally in Lukashya here. They said, ‘load shedding will fertilizer is high. We will reduce. But to do the clear shortage of the country therefore stands of Kasama District in Northern Province, come to an end when we have rains, load that, you have to vote for ‘Big Mule’.” financial resources and at 13, 720.” Sunday, Hichilema urged local residents shedding will come to an end…’ But God And Hichilema added that the PF had short time left before the He said from the eight to get more money whenever PF officials gave us the rains and load shedding is still continued to spread lies about him when general, presidential and deaths recorded in the last 24 offered it, but that they should vote there. I will come here after ‘Big Mule’ he was an upright person. parliamentary elections, hours, five were brought in for UPND candidate Davies Mulenga has won the election, I will come with a “We have suffered a lot, the PF has ECZ is proceeding in a dead, bringing the cumulative instead. truck and cattle so that we celebrate here made us suffer. They like talking about manner that amounts to total to 320. “People of Lukashya, you are very in Lukashya!” nonsensical things…that HH ‘did this discarding the current “Eight deaths have been wise; don’t be bought like tomatoes in the He said that the UPND would and that.’ No! I am an upright person. register which has been recorded, bringing the total market, like vitumbwa ku market. Please, promote agriculture in Lukashya. I am an upright person, they just lied; building up from 2005 number of deaths to 320. on Thursday (September 17), if they bring “The PF has failed to manage the everything they are talking about that I to date and arbitrarily These have been classified money, get! If they bring anything, get. If country, children are failing to go to ‘stole a house’ how can I steal a house? I deregistering approximately the PF gives you K1,000, they are coming school, forget about Coronavirus. Before bought the house when I was young at 29 as follows: 107 deaths due 6 million registered voters Monday, Tuesday they will be giving Coronavirus came, children were still years, I bought the house at K61 million to COVID-19; 205 COVID to try and register 9 million money. If they give K2,000, say, ‘I also suffering. The PF government has failed! in 1994, how can I steal money? When associated deaths; eight new and old voters in 30 days have a lot of people at home who are also When a child completes school, there are thieves are stealing, they think that HH is deaths are being reviewed without adequate financial voters give me K10,000!’ If they give you no jobs, women go to the markets to sell also stealing, but I am an upright person. pending classification and resources,” they stated. K10,000, put in the pockets yah nakuchita her products; there is no money to buy They are lying that, ‘if you elect HH as we will update once this Pilato and others also ububi chik*la iwe! If they buy you after because no one has money. Do you have (Republican) President, he will divide the is concluded. Today, as a contended that the ECZ’s two, three months, they will run away, money in your pockets? These are PF lies! nation, that he will sell the country.’ How country, we have discharged failure to apply the law 120 patients: in Lusaka, 103, you remain suffering here, be wise. I have Are you working? These are PF lies,” he can I sell the country? Do you know of correctly was prejudicial Muchinga six, Southern not insulted, I am just saying the truth. charged. a market where they sell countries? That to them and other citizens Province six and Eastern five. 2021, we need to change. They lied that “There is hunger in homes! UPND is madness and nonsensical! There is no like them, by requiring new The number of patients still they will build roads, look at the Kasama- is an agriculture party, I am a farmer, I market where they sell nations. These are registration when they were under health facility isolation Mpika road, is that fixing?” Hichilema have cattle, I will bring cattle here so that the lies of the PF,” said Hichilema. already registered voters. and treatment is 45 with 15 Tuesday September 15, 2020 Local News .7

By Sipilisiwe Ncube and Ministry of Finance.’ In TOURISM and Arts Minister Chitotela seeks Lungu’s fact, the K30 million [artists Ronald Chitotela says Zambia is stimulus fund] was suggested Police charge Mucheleka a leading country in the tourism permission to construct hotel by the President. In fact, the industry within the SADC artists complained that, ‘we are with aggravated robbery region for being the rst to have unable to access the K10 billion opened safari hunting. next to ZNBC Mass Media stimulus package that has been By Julia Malunga And Chitotela says he has set by the Bank of Zambia POLICE in Northern Province have arrested UPND deputy secretary written to President Edgar that we are the rst country in package for them so that they because of the conditionalities general Patrick Mucheleka and two others and charged them with Lungu to move the land the southern African region to can sustain themselves, not set by the bank; can you, Mr aggravated robbery. adjacent to ZNBC Mass Media have the Emirates  ying back just during the COVID-19 President, set us a fund under Con rming the development in an interview, Northern Province Police Complex from the Ministry of into Lusaka,” Chitotela said. [but] even going forward. I CEEC i(Citizens Economic Commissioner Richard Mweene disclosed that the trio allegedly attacked Community Development to And Chitotela disclosed that have spoken to them to say, ‘if Empowerment Commission) in a mobile NRC registration o ce, stole a printer and genset, among other his Ministry so that they can he wrote to President Lungu to somebody creates a seed fund collaboration with the National items. construct a hotel and an arts move the land adjacent to ZNBC for you, it’s not for consumption, Arts Council of Zambia so that “On 13th September, 2020, at 13:00, some UPND cadres attacked and centre. Mass Media Complex from but for growth.’ We are the rst we can come up with our own robbed a mobile NRC registration o ce of one printer, a genset, laminating Speaking when he featured the Ministry of Community government under President regulations?’ And the President machine, an adapter, blank NRC cards, processed NRC cards, carbon paper on the ZNBC Sunday Interview, Development to his Ministry so Lungu to have signed an called me and said, ‘call the and a camera. In addition, they maliciously damaged three type writers and Chitotela said Zambia was the that they could construct a hotel insurance cover for our friends Minister of Finance (Dr Bwalya a kiosk.  erea er, they red two gunshots in the air and threatened people leading African country in the and an arts centre. in the arts industry. Today, the Ng’andu) and Commerce with machetes.  is occurred at Chitamba village in Kasama. In connection SADC region in the tourism “ e next thing we want artists that have been captured (Christopher Yaluma) and with the matter, we have detained three people, namely, Patrick Mucheleka, sector a er having established to do, so that we appreciate are covered by the insurance. yourself, sit down, and let’s have aged 55 of Luwingu, Elias Mubanga, aged 53, and Samuel Ngwira, aged 42. safari hunting. the artists, the land adjacent In an event of a misfortune, this idea be actualised. So, this We have charged them with o ences of aggravated robbery and malicious “Zambia is a leader on to ZNBC here when the the insurance company will had nothing to do with the bush damage to property and will appear in court soon.  eir o ences are non- the African continent, and I Department of Arts was under move in. And the artists will protest. It is the desire by the bailable,” said Mweene. want to thank His Excellency, Ministry of Community be compensated.  is was President to grow the art sector And in a statement, Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja the President, for positively Development, the land to-date launched this year. We signed i n du s t r y.” stated UPND cadres’ behaviour was uncalled for. considering opening up the belongs to the Department the MoU between the National Chitotela predicted that “I wish to sound a strong and timely warning to the suspected tourism sector slowly. Today, I of Culture and Arts. We have Arts Council of Zambia and with the K30 million stimulus United Party for National Development (UPND) Cadres who stormed a can proudly say that we are the written to His Excellency, the various artists and the insurance package for artists, Zambia registration centre in Chitamba village in Lukashya of Northern Province only country in the SADC region President, that we formally provider,” he said. would be a “beacon of envy” in on 13th September, 2020 and destroyed some machinery being used during that had even opened for safari move the plot from the Ministry He said the K30 million the next ve years. the on -going mobile National Registration card (NRC) exercise, stealing hunting. We have had tourists of Community Development artists stimulus package “With this K30 million set some equipment as well as beating up o cers they found at the centre. As coming for safari hunting from to the Ministry responsible for had nothing to do with the aside, in the next ve years, Police, we strongly condemn the action taken by suspected UPND Cadres. as far as the United States of Tourism and Arts so that we disgruntled youths’ bush protest, Zambia will be a beacon of We are all aware that the mobile registration exercise is not a hidden process America. We have seen hotels can build the hotel. And that but was something borne out of envy within the region and because there has been maximum publicity about this activity way back closing, people permanently hotel will come with an Arts President Lungu’s desire to grow within the continent. To answer before this process was commenced. Further, this exercise is being done in losing employment. Others Centre. And we can have the the arts sector. the question of who is eligible broad day light and not at night.  erefore, the action taken by UPND cadres have been sent on forced leave Centre for Excellence where “His Excellency visited for this fund? We called the to ransack the registration o ce and steal equipment is a bid draw back and these are people with the artists and those that would Victoria Falls and I have heard National Arts Council of Zambia to this process being undertaken countrywide and can not be condoned,” families, people who live in want to perform and excel will a lot of people have been saying, and said, ‘you are the ones Kanganja stated. rented houses, people who have be able to be given a platform ‘it’s a political plan’ and that responsible for all the artists “If there are any suspicions or concerns, police are open and ready a lot of social and economic where they will be able to go maybe it’s because of those in Zambia,’ they came up with to receive complaints from anyone concerned regarding the exercise. In responsibilities behind them. and do programmes of the art referred to as the bush protests. their own guidelines on how addition, this process has no bearing on the by-elections currently taking Today, I am proud to tell you nature and show themselves to  is was not the idea. We were they must be able to access that place in Lukanshya and Mwansabombwe Constituencies but it is being done the international world.  at is in Livingstone the time when money and conditions on how in preparation for the 2021 general elections. It is therefore disheartening to a great achievement,” Chitotela His Excellency went to open to access. So, the National Arts note that Political Parties that pledged to maintain peace during and a er said. up Victoria Falls. A er our Council of Zambia, working the by elections are the ones in the forefront perpetuating violence. I wish Thank You He also hailed the PF visit to Victoria Falls, he chose with all the Arts associations, to warn that police will follow this matter to the latter and will take punitive My menstruation was government as the rst in to interact with the cra smen constituted the working group action against all those found wanting. Let us respect Government workers clotting for two years I Zambia’s history to create a and women at Mukuni Park. of people from di erent arts who have sacri ced to perform this noble task of serving members of the didn’t know what to do till stimulus package for artists As we were walking, he asked backgrounds and they came public through issuance of National Registration Cards unlike victimising I saw your advert GOD during and beyond the them and they narrated up with the guidelines on how them.” BLESS you for freeing COVID-19 pandemic. moving statements that others this money would be accessed. me from DARKNESS Dr “ e PF government is the complained that they had not What we did, as government, EMMA. rst government in the history sold for the past three to four was just to endorse and approve Contact 0979310300 Dr of Zambia to have thought of months, and that they were their own guidelines. We never REAL ESTATE FOR SALE / RENT Emma artists and to create a stimulus living in rented houses.  ey attempted to change, not even -2  ats for sale in Kamwala south as a unit,on same plot,on were unable to pay for social a comma. So, if there will be same title in Kamwala. One is 3 bedroom, self contained,the services,” he said. a failure by certain groupings other is 2 bedroom in a wall fence. “ en, the President within the arts sector, they will - 6.4 ACRES, 7.4 ACRES in Shimabala. whispered to me and said, ‘when not blame government because we get back to Lusaka, speak it is they who came up with the - 3 bedroom executive  at self contained for rent in a good to the Ministry of Commerce guidelines,” said Chitotela. area of Makeni. -3 bedroom house, self contained, Chilanga. -2 bedroom  atself contained Chilanga Contact: 0977888042 and 0954815407 GOLD INVESTMENT IN ZAMBIA For every businessman’s wealth and prosperity for dream is to make a generations . 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n our editorial country. But, like we opinion of stated yesterday, Iyesterday, we whatever they do, it showed the contrast should not be because in a procurement of the fire tender scandal in Malawi scandal in Zambia. and in Zambia. This is a matter where Our view is that Malawians are some unscrupulous complaining over people in the name that government’s of ‘whistleblowers’ decision to award are trying to divert a US$2.2 million people’s attention from ambulance supply the HoneyBee scandal tender to Grandview in Zambia where International of a pharmaceutical Zambia. We learnt company has supplied that while Malawians toxic drugs to the were objecting to government. Again, the procurement we have nothing of ambulances at Using Grandview to divert against the owners of US$63,000 per HoneyBee Pharmacy. unit, Zambia spent If they put their house US$288,000 on in order and meet the same vehicles the requirements with the same basic public attention from the for the award of a specifications. government tender in future, we will defend As this debate and support them. rages on, we have But until then, we will observed that some HoneyBee drug scandal continue to tell the people are trying to story of their corrupt late. When we wrote Pharmaceuticals and the dirtiest as they were Today, Zambians are use the Grandview activities without any against Grandview, Pharmanova, some not even a registered aware that government case in Malawi distractions from there was nothing people approached us company at PACRA. is on course to lose to divert people’s Malawi. attention from the personal, a wrong had with information that the US$17 million worth of medical supplies scandals at the been committed by our owners of Pharmanova Clearly, those who We will end by Ministry of Health in government and the were the same pointed us towards because the Ministry of sharing with our Lusaka. This is very story needed to be told. owners of Grandview Pharmanova wanted Health overlooked the brothers and sisters unfortunate. We are International, which was to divert the attention procurement rules. in Malawi a few things not here to launder To this day, some behind the controversial from the illegalities we have discovered Grandview. We are Zambians react very fire trucks tender. surrounding HoneyBee Our point is that in our line of duty. In the same organisation negatively at the and Artemis. For watchdog institutions procurement scandals, that reported the mention of Grandview, But when we looked sure, many people must examine we have learnt that US$42 million fire and we note that this at the tender documents in Zambia want to suspicious government many ‘whistleblowers’ tender scandal. We effect is spilling over of the three companies, read more scandals procurement are interested are also the same to Malawi. But there it was clear in black involving Grandview or cases without any parties sponsored by people who sounded is a challenge that and white that despite companies linked to it preconceptions. If companies that lose the alarm around 2015 comes with such a the fact that it got the because of the alleged Grandview is involved in a given government when government preconception because smallest contract, fire tender corruption. any form of corruption in tender. Playing was making a it blinds the population Pharmanova was the But look at what has the Malawi ambulances along with such consideration to from new cases of only company that met come out of these tender, they must ‘whistleblowers’ is not award that tender impropriety involving the requirements for the companies! If we did not be exposed and the fighting corruption but to Grandview other companies. Here award of the Ministry of act vigilantly to expose contract must be aiding another entity International. And in is an example: in 2019 Health tender. Artemis the corrupt activities terminated. If Malawians that has probably lost 2017 when Zambians when the Ministry Pharmaceuticals had around HoneyBee feel another company a corruption contest. finally woke up to of Health awarded financial audit queries Pharmacy, Zambians is offering a better deal Corrupt people are protest as the fire contracts for the supply and they also did not would not have known than Grandview, the very corrupt-minded trucks were being of Health Centre have the required about the toxic drugs Malawian government and they know the art unveiled, we told Kits to HoneyBee wholesale licences, that they have supplied must do as demanded of using corruption to them it was too Pharmacy, Artemis while HoneyBee was to the Ministry of Health. by the citizens of that sway public opinion. Crossword puzzle No 690 “Keep your innocence and Crossword puzzle No 689 ignorance aside, and expose yourself to dangerous situations, and understand the deeper secrets of life.” - Michael Bassey Johnson Tuesday September 15, 2020 Readers’ Feedback .9 Readers’ Feedback DIGGERS’ OPINION: Don’t leave the fi ght against Editor,

“ e problem during tyranny to politicians alone these periods is we focus that may be worse. A these politicians than 1.Empowerment funds at too much on those in closer look at the class being told what to do, the eleventh hour power. We amplify their of those wishing to take besides we are the ones 2.Frequent visits to EDITOR’S NOTE: failures and in some over in 2021 leaves one that put them in these provinces perceived to be cases manage to dislodge bleeding.  e current positions”. - Masabuka stronghold them from power. But caliber of men and Mwanakalando 3.Loadshedding coming Go to our News Diggers! we forget to also focus on women in politics from to an end on the eleventh Facebook page, those aspiring for power all sides does not spell “It’s true. looks like hour when citizens has select a story you like and jot from the opposition. any hope but despair. It’s everyone has stopped immensely su ered for  e end result is we end our duty as citizens do condemning the far too long down your comment. We will up bringing in people demand for the best out undemocratic practices 4.Character pick that as your feedback being experienced. assassinations and and get you published on almost all the NGOs, propaganda to disengage ‘FDD should go ahead churches and the electorates this page. The shorter the cooperating partners 5.Sugar coating FSIP with comment the higher the such as the EU, the early delivery of inputs chance of getting published. and expel Nawakwi’ UNDP, the US and many Wait a minute ...a lot others have gone silent”. - roads will be tarred to Note that we block Facebook Editor, She is not adding value Chanda Pochoko bituminous standard. users who use abusive to Zambia’s democracy”. Cry my beloved country!” language. “ ey should have - Chanda Pochoko “Very eloquent - Aubrey Simwanza expelled her a long time ago. She now gets “FDD is dead. e less votes than an MP stance taken by Edith Chama’s claim that Bill 10 will ensure peaceful polls country wide”. - Sandwe has killed the party Simate and it will never be the Dear editor, same again”. - Frederick “We have had peaceful elections without even bill 10, “As defense minister for that matter??? Hasn’t “Who else is in FDD Chinyama Chiteta “It is not Bill 10 that ensures peaceful polls. It is don’t be too dull to issue that statement,you think there been peace during elections in Zambia? No EDITOR’S NOTE: apart from Nawakwi those in Government using the powers already people are dull to accept that statement,I wonder wonder you bought those riot gear vehicles its now herself? Asking for “Better do it quick. given to them by the people through the current how some people found themselves in certain clear...” - Boyd Lubinda Wamundila my neighbour!” - Ian Otherwise she will spend Constitution, that ensures peaceful polls. All the positions”. - Governor Leonard Kasengo Malekhanie all the party money on Zambians including babies know this. So what is Bill “This man also...what sort of thinking is this.Bill 10 10 going to change? We had Elections in 2015, we “What kind of a person is this Bill 10 whose ability to is a non starter.We have had peaceful elections the case in court she was had Elections in 2016 and bith were peaceful. So solve all problems the country is facing surpasses before.Why should everything be tied to that useless “I feel this is a good suide for”. - Emmanuel what kind of peace are you looking for? Why can’t the entire PF leadership?!” - Dhanx Car Lee Mbwe bill”. - Jacob Kanyika move”. - Kennedy Raken Sikalundu you as a human being understand simple things like this? Just why are you insistent on this Bill? Is “ at will be her chance “Just join UPND and it because of eligibility issues of your candidate? Please tell us. The vigour with which you want to ‘Lungu wrong on PF putting to join the PF and be e ect change, that party push through this Amendment is raising red fl ags? chosen as a running FDD has been a joke for This is not for the people. This is for you and if it mate in 2021. All well some time now”. - Shaka serves marrow interests, it does not deserve to be detractors to shame!’ calculated”. - Agrey Zulu part of our constitution”. - Kanyata Mubita Siyunda Editor, “Otherwise our mother “We have been having peaceful elections without your Bill 10, we see you. We know what you are “No one is being put to shame, everyone wants a better Zambia which is corruption “ ey will end up like has killed the party, scared of”. - Nakweti Nam NAREP”. - Lubasi FDD will always free and strong economically!” - Humphrey Willombe Lubasi be remembered for “Which bill 10? So you mean there has never “No one is against building roads. Every responsible government does it. It is the been peacefull elections? The people are privatization talk”. - in ated cost of building roads that we are against. Zambian roads are the most actually peacefull but the system seems to be “Let them throw her out. Innocent Mufalo expensive in Africa, but the poorest in quality. We deserve better”. - Daniel Maswahu handicapped”. - Reedwell Chibumbu “What is shameful is that you are proud of your failure to grow the economy!” - Richard Waga

“Are these the  rst roads to be constructed? KK built the most expensive roads IE former Hell Run, Chirundu Road, was he distracted the way you are being distracted? Before putting to shame your imaginary distractors ask yourself, why the criticism?” - Josephine Ngulube

“Can you boast to your opponent that you have put him to shame if you built a house on credit and have not even started repaying the loan?” - Luis Chanzi

“Roads are important but the quality matters your Excellency. A road worth millions of kwacha is commissioned and a er 3 months it’s closed for renovations how serious are we?” - Moses Zim

“Always bad attitude, dividing always, never uniting! What a curse!” - Kaluwe Kelly

“Hehehe, it’s clear the man has absolutely no clue whatsoever on where the country is economically. Mwanawasa was a lawyer who at least understood how to deal with the economy and had commercial awareness therefore knew how business works CARTOON and he was a farmer so understood the critical things about the economy”. - Sylvester Chongo

“He is clearly in an Ivory tower, completely disconnected from the plight of masses”. - Chabu Kapale Chabu

“I wish you could put to shame those saying that the economy is bad due to high exchange rate for Kwacha, in ation and unemployment especially that you are now in charge”. - Rogers Kapila 10. International / Local News Tuesday September 15, 2020

By Julia Malunga of US $20 billion and above SINDA District UPND towards the Eurobond of chairperson James Banda Lungu pushing privatisation debate which 40 per cent has been says President Edgar Lungu stolen through corruption. is trying to divert Zambians’  ey have to account for the attention by bringing up the 50 people that died during privatisation debate because because he fears HH in 2021 – Banda the gassing (incidents); they he fears facing UPND leader have to account for the 48 discovered wrongdoings you sure President Lungu Let us look at the economy good that Hichilema has Hakainde Hichilema at next houses; they have to account in the privatisation of the is the most intelligent out because that is where we taken this issue to court so year’s polls. for the ambulances and mines and sale of the houses of all the presidents that we judge. He is the worst! He that he clears himself,” said In an interview, Banda many other issues that have she is talking about?  e have had that can discover is not the most intelligent as Banda. charged that President arisen.  ey have diverted answer is obviously no! Are that there was wrongdoing? shown by the performance “ e simple reason is Lungu remained fearful of attention of this country of this economy.  is is that they are so frightened Hichilema and did not want from real issues, which the worst we have ever had of this man, they don’t want him to appear on the ballot involve ordinary people. so he cannot be the most him to appear on the ballot. paper at next year’s general People cannot a ord to pay Ugandan carrying child’s intelligent to discover that But in the same vain, for the election, as evidenced by the rent and take their children there was wrongdoing. It is sake of transparency, they, sudden emergence of the to school because they took politics at play; he is scared too, must be prepared when decades-old privatisation severed head arrested all the money in the reserves of the other fellow. Personal the time comes to go and that should have multiplied debate. di erences must never come clear themselves in court as by this time and that would “Are Zambians sure outside parliament into national issues. It is to how they incurred a debt have helped our citizens.” that president (Fredrick) Chiluba was dull not to have A man carrying a parcel containing the severed head of a child discovered wrong doings has been arrested at the gate of Uganda’s parliament. IT’S an extraordinary in the privatisation of the Joseph Nuwashaba, 22, is being held by the country’s Criminal possibility - the idea that mines, hotel and houses? Investigations Department (CID). living organisms are  oating Is there life fl oating in Is Edith (Nawakwi) sure It is not yet clear what he intended to do with the parcel or in the clouds of Planet Venus. that Chiluba and his then where and how he acquired the head. But this is what nance minister Emmanuel A CID source said that a child was reported missing in astronomers are now the clouds of Venus? considering a er detecting Kasonde were foolish not to Masaka, south-west of the capital, Kampala, on Sunday. source deserves consideration. Space probes that have a gas in the atmosphere they have discovered that there A headless body has also been recovered in that district. “ rough my whole landed on the planet have can’t explain. were wrong doings? Is she Investigators are working to nd out whether it may be career I have been interested survived just minutes before  at gas is phosphine - sure that president (Patrick) related to the head that Mr Nuwashaba was carrying when he was in the search for life elsewhere breaking down. And yet, go a molecule made up of one Mwanawasa with his legal detained, reports the BBC’s Patience Atuhaire in Kampala. in the Universe, so I’m just 50km up and it’s actually phosphorus atom and three background and his minister In the 1990s and early 2000s, Uganda experienced a wave blown away that this is even “shirtsleeves conditions”. So, of kidnappings and killings of children.  eir body parts were hydrogen atoms. of nance Ng’andu Magande possible,” Prof Greaves said. if there really is life on Venus, believed to have been used in rituals.BBC On Earth, phosphine were dull not to have “But, yes, we are genuinely this is exactly where we might is associated with life, with encouraging other people to expect to nd it. microbes living in the guts of tell us what we might have Why should we be animals like penguins, or in missed. Our paper and data sceptical? oxygen-poor environments Hotel Rwanda hero charged with terrorism are open access; this is how  e clouds.  ey’re thick such as swamps. science works.” and they’re mainly composed For sure, you can make it industrially, but there are no What exactly has the team (75-95%) of sulphuric acid, factories on Venus; and there detected? which is catastrophic for the are certainly no penguins. Prof Greaves’ team rst cellular structures that make So why is this gas there, identi ed phosphine at Venus up living organisms on Earth. 50km up from the planet’s using the James Clerk Maxwell Dr William Bains, who’s surface? Prof Jane Greaves, Telescope in Hawaii, and a liated to the Massachusetts from Cardi University, UK then con rmed its presence Institute of Technology (MIT) and colleagues are asking just using the Atacama Large in the US, is a biochemist on this question. Millimeter/submillimeter the team. He’s studied various  ey’ve published a Array in Chile. combinations of di erent paper in the journal Nature Phosphine has a compounds expected to be Astronomy detailing their distinctive “absorption line” on Venus; he’s examined observations of phosphine that these radio telescopes whether volcanoes, lightning at Venus, as well as the discern at a wavelength and even meteorites could investigations they’ve made of about 1mm.  e gas is play a role in making PH3 to try to show this molecule observed at mid-latitudes on - and all of the chemical could have a natural, non- the planet at roughly 50-60km reactions he’s investigated, in altitude.  e concentration he says, are 10,000 times too Don Cheadle (L) played Mr Rusesabagina (R) in the lm biological origin. But for the moment, is small - making up only weak to produce the amount 10-20 parts in every billion of phosphine that’s been THE man portrayed as a hero in a Hollywood Front (FLN) rebel group had received help they’re stumped - as they atmospheric molecules - but observed. movie about the Rwandan genocide has been from Zambia’s President Edgar Lungu because tell the BBC’s Sky At Night in this context, that’s a lot. To survive the sulphuric charged with terrorism, murder among other of his close friendship with Mr Rusesabagina. programme, which has talked Why is this so interesting? acid, Dr Bains believes, crimes. Mr Lungu’s spokesman denied the at length to the team. You can Venus is not at the top airborne Venusian microbes Paul Rusesabagina declined to enter any allegation in a BBC interview. see the show on BBC Four of the list when thinking of would either have to use some pleas in court but his lawyers denied the In 2011, Mr Rusesabagina was accused tonight (Monday) at 22:30 life elsewhere in our Solar unknown, radically di erent charges against him. of funding subversion in Rwanda, but no BST. System. Compared to Earth, biochemistry, or evolve a kind Mr Rusesabagina is the leader of the charges were brought. Given everything we of armour. opposition MRCD group which is said to At the time, he denied any wrongdoing know about Venus and the it’s a hellhole. With 96% of the have an armed wing, the FLN, which stages and said there was a smear campaign against conditions that exist there, atmosphere made up of carbon “In principle, a more attacks on Rwanda. him. no-one has yet been able to dioxide, it has experienced a water-loving life could hide He was brought to the court under heavy President Kagame’s critics accuse him describe an abiotic pathway runaway greenhouse e ect. itself away inside a protective security in Rwanda’s capital, Kigali. of not tolerating any opposition. Several to phosphine, not in the Surface temperatures are like shell of some sorts inside the Mr Rusesabagina is a erce critic of opposition leaders have been jailed and others quantities that have been those in a pizza oven - over sulphuric acid droplets,” he President Paul Kagame and had been living  ed into exile. He says he is trying to prevent a detected.  is means a life 400 degrees. told Sky At Nigh.BBC abroad. return of ethnic hatred. An ethnic Hutu, he became well known What is Hotel Rwanda about? a er the 2004 lm Hotel Rwanda depicted his  e 2004 lm Hotel Rwanda told the story e orts a decade earlier during the genocide of how Mr Rusesabagina, a middle-class Hutu to save hundreds of Tutsis at a hotel where he married to a Tutsi woman, used his in uence was a manager. - and bribes - to convince military o cials Paul Rusesabagina’s family allege the to secure a safe escape for an estimated political exile was kidnapped in Dubai earlier 1,200 people who sought shelter at the Mille this month and taken to Rwanda. Collines Hotel in Kigali. Mr Rusesabagina, who is also a Belgian Don Cheadle played Mr Rusesabagina in citizen and a US green-card holder, le his the lm. home in San Antonio, Texas, and landed in Rwandan genocide survivors’ group Dubai at the end of August, his family told Ibuka has in the past said that he exaggerated the BBC. his own role in helping hotel refugees escape “We believe he was kidnapped because he the 100-day slaughter. would never go to Rwanda on his own will,” In 2007, Mr Rusesabagina said a UN- his daughter told the BBC. backed war crimes court should put some Rwandan o cials said Mr Rusesabagina, members of the RPF on trial for their alleged 66, was arrested under an international role in the genocide. warrant for leading “terrorist movements”. “I’m just a normal person. But I’ve always Why was he charged now? defended human rights,” he said at the time. Mr Rusesabagina’s name featured recently “I’m trying to be the voice of millions of in a terrorism case in Rwanda.  e court had Rwandese who have no-one to speak out for heard allegations that the National Liberation them.”BBC Planet Venus:  e phosphine is detected at mid-latitudes Tuesday September 15, 2020 Sports .11 United should sign defenders over Sancho - Berbatov Dimitar Berbatov believes to buy a player I don’t think we will and that is not good for the team. Manchester United should be find out until the end of the window, That’s why they need someone, not prioritising a move for a centre back but that should be the priority, along only to push him but also for Maguire over a transfer for Jadon Sancho with right back,” Betfair ambassador as well,” Berbatov explained. ahead of the start of the new season. Berbatov told Goal. “Even if you are captain and they United are still trying to agree a deal Victor Lindelof and Harry spent a lot of money on you doesn’t for the Borussia Dortmund winger Maguire were Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s mean you have to play every game and are also keen on strengthening first choice centre-back pairing last and I think he can do even better. in defence, but former club striker season, but Berbatov isn’t convinced “He has had his ups and downs, Berbatov thinks a defender should be by the consistency of the pair despite he has had some good games and bad the main focus ahead of the October them keeping 13 clean sheets in the games like every player has in their 5 deadline. league last season. career but obviously and the most “Centre back, for sure, needs to be “I think Lindelof is good enough important thing is that Ole trusts him the priority in my opinion. Who that but sometimes he makes unnecessary and gave him the armband and made is going to be and if they are going mistakes where he is out of position, him the captain. GOAL.COM

By Abraham Kalito THE FOOTBALL Association of Zambia FAZ commences COVID (FAZ) has confirmed that SAFA confirms friendly it has received the first US$500, 000, the first batch fund disbursement with Zambia but FAZ of the US$1.5 million FIFA to receive in January 2021,” opening up more aspects of season kicks-off. We are Covid-19 relief funds. Kamanga stated. our lives especially football. especially keen on getting says ‘we’re yet to confirm’ FAZ president And Kamanga We are confident that if the health protocols right Andrew Kamanga said expressed confidence that schools and bars can get the and one of the proposals By Abraham Kalito the disbursement will many aspects of football, act of observing Covid-19 on the table is the purchase THE South Africa Football Association (SAFA) has commence this week including allowing guidelines right, it should of testing kit exclusively for announced that it has secured an international friendly adding that various spectators into the stadia, put us in a better position our members. This will help match against Zambia but sources from the Football stakeholders, including are closer to being opened to manage the football end us have more control of the Association of Zambia (FAZ) have told Goal Diggers that clubs have been notified of up following President of business,” he stated. test and result chain.” the two federations are yet to confirm the arrangement. the development. Edgar Lungu’s decision to “In the background, Kamanga said the According to SAFA, the Chipolopolo boys are to play “On a good note, we open schools and bars. we have been doing a association is constantly Bafana Bafana next month at the FNB stadium, adding that have finally received the “We had activities lot of ground work for engaging the health sector the two federations had sealed the agreement. first batch of the FIFA that draw similar group the next season that we on how they can best kick- quoted a SAFA spokesperson Dominic Covid-19 relief funds conditions with football have tentatively projected start the season. Chimhavi as saying that South Africa will host Zambia amounting to USD500, given the guidelines on to re-open next month. “We are constantly during the international break in October after the two 000. In line with our belief how to proceed. With the We are hopeful that engaging our parent countries reached an agreement. in transparency, we have roadmap for the re-opening our engagement with Ministry of Sports and “We have approached and managed to get Zambia informed our members of schools and bars given, it the Zambia Medical their health counterparts and Namibia for friendly matches. Plans are that we play with the verification of could open up more sectors Association (ZMA) and to ensure that we cover Zambia at home and Namibia away. Our opponents accounts details underway. that were previously closed. other key stakeholders enough ground before we have agreed but everything is dependent on lockdown The disbursement isThis is definitely a good sign will result in better kick-start the 2020-2021 regulations. These plans are in anticipation that we will expected to be in full that we could be closer to preparedness once the season,” stated Kamanga. go into Level One of the nationwide lockdown and our swing this week with our borders would be opened soon. We looked within the members kept abreast with Cosafa region due to travel restrictions and the countries the process. Our plea will we approached have been very receptive and they agreed to be that the relief funds play us. They also want to get their national teams back in be prudently used by our action,” said Chimhavi. clubs. We expect that But sources at FAZ said a confirmation is yet to be prudent usage will make made on whether or not Zambia was available for the it easier to dispense the friendly match. second cycle that we expect Clubs want fans at stadia By Ngosa Chalwe games will continue being issues of social distancing FOLLOWING the partial played behind closed doors would not be too big of a reopening of bars and night as part of the measures to problem, if churches can clubs by President Edgar prevent COVID-19. be crowded in a small Lungu, some football However, with the head room or marketeers, if stakeholders have appealed of state having opened they can be at the market to the Football Association social places such as bars from morning to afternoon of Zambia (FAZ) to engage and nightclubs which were every day, what more at a Government on the closed in March, football football game?” wondered possibility of having fans lovers also want to watch Tembo. at stadiums next season. the game from the stadium. And Chipolopolo Super Division “It is a two way thing, Soccer Fans Association promoted side Kitwe you know clubs lose out (CSFA) chairman Yotam United acting board on revenue if there are no Mwanza echoed Tembo’s chairman, Patrick Tembo, fans and it is hard to run sentiments. has said Football House football under the current “It is prudent that should begin to engage circumstances so I think FAZ begin to engage the relevant ministries on the FAZ should consult the Ministry of Sports on the possibility of allowing fans government on a possibility matter, we have a number back into the stadium. to have games opened to of big stadiums that can After the resumption the public,” Tembo said. accommodate fans while of the just ended league, The former refereemeeting all the COVID-19 matches were played said implementing social preventive measures such behind closed doors in distancing at stadiums as social distancing,” said a bid to avert a possible would “not be too big of a Mwanza. “We have seen spread of the Coronavirus. problem” because Zambian other countries have started With the season venues were rarely full. a phased introduction of reportedly set to start next “Regardless, our fans back into the game, we month, there has been no stadiums are not usually can also have a regulated indication as to whether full to capacity so I believe number.” No 775 K10 Tuesday September 15, 2020

By Ngosa Chalwe NEWCOMERS Zanaco showed their class in the Division 1 of the Futsal League after beating Blue Bombers 21-1 as the league entered Week Two at the weekend. ZANACO THRASH Although known to be a force in football, Zanaco last month started a Futsal team and the club is proving to be crafting itself a reputation of being ‘a baby born with teeth.’ After beating DS BLUE BOMBERS Academy 8-4 in Week One two weeks ago, the Bankers shot to the summit of the lower division table in style with a 21 goal thriller. Zanaco started the match in dominant form as they continued IN FUTSAL LEAGUE to pin Bombers in their dislodge Kabwe K-Line six points after two opening round. Pirates and K-Line In the other own half to ensure they from the top of the straight wins. The victory sawbeat Kafue Saints and fixture played over ran home with all the league. The Kitwe sideBullets take charge of Siavonga Beetles 4-1 the weekend, Monze three points. In a Week Two bossed the game from the log with six points, and 4-3 respectively George lost their In the Premier league match at the the onset to ensure at par with Lusaka while defending second straight game League, an immaculate Automotive Futsal that they keep their Automotive, K-Line and champions Lusaka after going down 3-1 performance by Kitwe Arena, Bullets beat unbeaten run since Livingstone Pirates who Automotive were too to Chipata Boys who Bullets against CSS Petauke 9-1 to take their 3-1 victory against all recorded victories strong for DS Isoka in a registered their first win Petauke saw them charge of the log with Monze George in the over the weekend. 6-0 bashing. of the season.