

and 4900,


Garrison said Ruby's unpub-

The post office box number

Shaw, retired The district attorney said

Garrison's statement came

on the conspiracy indictment.

the letters "PO" become the which the number 13 converts in 1963 was WHitehall digit 13. The only exchange numbers, Garrison explained, found in the Shaw and Oswald lished telephone number at to in Dallas, he said, is WHite- unscrambled, becomes 16901, Garrison said. By subtracting numbers in coding numbers in about his code theory before Oswald used two standard materials from Shaw's hand- hall. address books, 19106, when the result is 1-5601. his address book. These which was seized March 1 numbers were 1300 he said.

businessman, is awaiting trial He has pleaded not guilty. His

along with five cartons of 1300 from 1-16901, he added, son had told the newspapers Shaw's attorneys asking the

advising them. in answer to motions by 1-5601.

lawyers said yesterday Garri- return of Shaw's address book.

some French Quarter home.

a reverse

A E B D C.


"PO Box 19106"

Dallas. The defense

Washington, D. C., Saturday, May 13,

Awaiting Trial

Telephone Dial

Garrison said that with

But Garrison said that

By using the telephone dial Referring to the prefix

"Oswald invariably uses the

process is used in unscram-

referred to Odom's business attorneys viewed the similari- address in

ness associate Shaw met in Garrison said

many five digit numbers found order of the letters A B C D E is transposed, for the purpose dence, and not a clue. that there was no such post office box in Dallas, and that it actually was Ruby's tele- ty in numbers as a conci- of coding, to for conversion of letters to

in Oswald's notebook, the bling. 1965, and the version machinery to convert the number values resulting in dial of the telephone as con- broken down into the real letters into numbers and back again. He systematically adds number was not an address, phone number disguised. telephone exchange letters, exchange listing."

a sum which can be later Garrison said:




4 ova






a vy.Y0-






nfivi azocia;


O .;2"

Shaw's attorneys said there

was nothing significant about

that—Lee Odom was a busi- 19106." And, said Garrison, a Tex." notation in a booklet seized in Odom, PO Box 19106, Dallas,

Shaw's home read "Lee

including a notation "PO which Garrison interpreted as


P% ko,vorN4




. . •


Os .•


t •



, eu.,,de•

This is a portion of 's

interprets the notations indicated by the notebook published by the Warren Commis- arrow as PO 19106.

sion. New Orleans Dist. Atty.


yielded a strong clue that both tion, said it found no connec- Shaw and Oswald had set up

tion between Oswald and Ruby. Garrison said the code some communication with published Oswald's notebook,


conspiracy in the


Called Strong Clue

Garrison Says 'Code' Links Oswald, Shaw, Ruby

The attorneys, F. Irvin


Garrison claims Shaw, the The district attorney yester-

The Warren Commission,



with them, and "all that we

Attorneys for Clay L. Shaw,

Dymond and Edward Weg-

of President Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison is John F. Kennedy, say that in sifting clues. mann, also complained yester- used by Oswald and Shaw in playing "the old shell game"

day that Garrison had not filed a copy of his pleadings nate the President. writing memos. He said a

know is what we read in the late David W. Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald, who was shot ed a code which he said was which concluded that Oswald Court his office had decipher-

newspapers." to death by two day told Criminal District days after Kennedy was killed, conspired to assassi-

coded telephone number— acted alone in the assassina-


Ruby's unpublished telephone

number in Dallas—was in pos- session of both Oswald and