S. R. LUHADIA Director of Census Operations Nagaland


1. Foreword XI 2. Preface including acknowledgement XIV 3. Map of district XVII 4. Abstract of important statistics of the district XIX 5. List of charts and diagrams:

(i) Comparative population size of districts of Nagaland and circles of XXIII

(ii) Density of population. 1991 XXIV

(iii) Sex ratio. 1991(Total/rural/urban) XXV (iv) Sex ratio. 1971-1991 XXVI (v) Main workers. Marginal-workers and non-workers. 1991 (circles wise) (vi) Percentage distribution of workers by sex. 1991 XXVII 6. Analytical Note

(i) Census concepts of rural/urban areas and other terms namely census houses households. scheduled castes/scheduled tribes. literates. main workers. marginal worker and non worker

(il) Brief history of the district and the District Census Handbook 5

(ill) Scope of village directory and town directory statements 7 (iv) Physical aspects- highlights on the changes in the jurisdiction of district during the decade including its boundaries and any Important event on geographic or geophysical aspects. 8

iii CONTENTS Page No. tv) Major characteristics of the district particularly in relation to the economic resources namely, forestry, minerals and mining, electricity and power, land and land use pattern, tenancy, agriculture, animal husbandry, fishery, industry, trade and commerce, transport etc. 9 (vi) Major social and cultural events, natural and administrative developments and miscellaneous activities of note during the decade. 19 (vii) Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeological importance. in the villages or places of tourist interest in the towns of the district. 20 (viii) Brief analysis of the village and town directory data based on inset tables 21 TABLES Rural development blockwise distribution of villages according to availability of different amenities. 21

Table·2 Rural development blockwise proportion of rural population served by different amenities 22

Table·3 Distribution of villages not having certain amenities arranged by different ranges from the places where these are available. 24 Tabl,,-4 Distribution of villages according to the distance from the nearest town and availability' of different amenities 25 Tab1,,-5 Distribution of villages according to population range and amenities available. 26

iv CONTENTS Page No. Table-6 Rural development blockwise distribution of villages according to land use. 27 Table-7 New town/towns declassified. merged in 1991 Census 28 Table-8(a) Sex ratio by sex for rural population of rural development blocks, 1991 28 Table-8(b) Sex ratio for towns, 1991 29 Table-9 Per capita receipt and expenditure in towns 29 Table-l0 Schools per 10,000 population in towns 29 Table-II Number of beds in medical institutions 'in towns 30 Tablc-12 Most important commodity manufactured, exported and imported in towns 30 Table-13(al Population and number of villages of rural development blocks, 1991 31 Table-13(b) Population and number of towns, 1991 31 Table-14 Decadal change in distribution of population 32 Table-15 Rural development blockwise percentage distribution of v\l1ages by population ranges, 1991 34 Table-16 Proportion of scheduled tribe population to total population in the villages 35 Table-l7 Percentage of scheduled castes I scheduled tribes population in towns, 1991 35 Table-18(a) Literacy rates for rural population of rural development block by sex, 1991 (excluding children in the age group 0-6) 36

v CONTENTS Page No. Ta ble- 18(b) Literacy rates for towns, 1991 (excluding children in the. age group 0-6) 37 Table-19(a) Rural development blockwise, percentage of main workers, marginal workers and non workers for rural population, 1991 37 Ta ble- 19(b) Percentage of main workers, marginal workers and non­ workers for towns. 1991 38 PART A. VILlAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY 7, Section I: Note explaining the codes used in the village directory 41 Annexure 1: Details of circles under rural development blocks 43

(a) Longleng Rural Development Block (i) Map of Longleng R D, block 45 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 47 (iii) Village directory 50

(b) Longkhim Rural Development Block (i) Map of Longkhim R D, block 57 (i i) Alphabetical list of villages 59 (iii) Village directory 62 ( c ) Sangsangyu Rural Development Block (i) Map ofSangsangyu RD. block 69 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 71 (iii) Village directory 72 ( d ) Noklak Rural Development Block (i) Map of Noklak R D. block 77 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 79 (iii) Village directory 82

vi CONTENTS Page No. (e) Rural Development Block (i) Map of Kiphire R. D. block 89 (ii) Alphabetical list of Villages 91 (iii) Village directory 94

(f) Sitimi Rural Development Block (il Map of Sitimi R. D. block 103 (iil Alphabetical list of villages 105 (iii) Village directory 108 (g) Shamator Rural Development Block (i) Map of Shamator R. D. block 115 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 117 (iii) Village directory 118 (h) Appendix to the Village Directory (i) Appendix-l Rural development blockwise abstract of educational. medical and other amenities are available 122

(ii) Appendix II Rural development blockwise list of villages where no amenities are available 125 (iii) Appendix-Ill Rural development blockwise list of villages according to the proportion of schedu-led tribes population by ranges 126 (iv) Appendix IV Name and code of rural developmen t block or parts with sex wise population 134

Vii CONTENTS PogeNo. s. Section n Town Directory (i) Notes explaining the codes used in the town directory 136 [ii) Town directory statements [I. to VI) 138 PART B- PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Flv leaf to Primary Census Abstract 145 A District Primary Census Abstract Rural development block wise total. rural/urban 148 H Rural Development Blockwise PCA Longleng rural development block 154 Longkhim rural development block 166 Sangsangyu rural development block 178 Noklak rural development block 182 Kiphire rural development block 190 Sitimi rural development block 214 Shamator rural development block 226 C. Urban Primary Census Abst.-act 231 D. Circle wise PCA (a) Map of Tamlu Circle 237

(b) PCA of Tamlu Cir~le 240 (c) Map ofYongya Circle 245 (d) PCA ofYongya Circle 248 [e) Map of Longleng Circle 253 (f) PCA of Longleng Circle 256 [g) Map of NoksenCircJe 261 (h) PCA of NoksenCircle 264 (i) Map of Chare Circle 269 (j) pCA of Chare Circle 272 (k) Map of Longkhim Circle 277 (I) PCA of Longkhim Circle 280

viii CONTENTS Page No. (m) Map of Tuensang Circle 285 (n) PCA of Tuensang Circle 288 (0) Map of Noklak Circle 293 (p) PCA of NoklakCircle 296 (q) Map of Panso Circle 301 (r) PCA of Panso Circle 304 (s) Map of Thonoknyu Circle 309 (t) PCA of Thonoknyu Circle 312 (u) Map of Kiusam Circle 317 (v) PCA of Kiusam Circle 320 (w) Map of Pungro Circle 325 (x) PCA of Pungro Circle 328 (y) Map of Kiphire Circle 333 (z) PCA of Kiphire Circle 336 (a) Map of Amahator Circle 341 (b) PCA of Amahator Circle 344 (c) Map of Longmatra Circle 349 (d) PCA of Longmatra Circle 352 (el Map of Sitimi Circle 357 (f) PCA of Sitimi Circle 360 (gl Map of Seyochung Circle 365 (hl PCA of Seyochung Circle 368 (i) Map of Chessore Circle 373 (j) PCA of Chessore Circle 376 (kl Map of Shamator Circle 381 (I) PCA of Shamator Circle 384 District Primary Census Abstract of ST/SC 389 Appendix V - Total scheduled castes/ scheduled tribes population 398


Foreword Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is continuing since then with some innovations/modifications after each decennial Census. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organisation on behalf of each state Govt/Union Territory administration. It inter-aUa provides data/information on some of the basic demographic and socio-economic characteristics and on the availability of certain important civic amenities/facilities. in each village and town of the respective districts. This publication has thus proved to be of immense utility to the planners. apministrators. academicians and researchers. The scope of the DCH was initially confined to certain important census tables on population. economic and socio-cultural aspects as also the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the district. The DCHs published after the 1961 Census contained a descriptive account of the district. administrative statistics. census tables and village and town Directories including PCA. After the 1971 census two parts of the districts census Handbooks (Part A) comprising village and town directoris and (Part-B) comprising village and town PCA were released in all the states and Union Territories. The third part(C} of the district census hand books comprising administration statistics & list district census tables. which was also to be brought out. could not be published in many states/UTs due to considerable delay in compilation of relevant material. In 1981. some new features alongwith the restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were introduced in the DCHs. These were published in two parts for each district after the 1981 Census. While Part-A comprised Village and Town Directories. the PCA of villages and towns (ward-wise) including Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe PCA upto tehsil/town level were provided in Part-B. To illustrate. all the amenities except electriCity. were brought together in the Village Directory and if an amenity was not available in the referrent village. the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such amenity was given. Information on some new items such as adult literacy centres. primary health sub-centres and community health workers in the village were prOVided so as to meet some of the reqUirements of the ReVised Minimum Needs Programme. Similarly. information on approach to the village was also provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give an idea about the number of inaccessible villages in each district. In case of town Directories also. keeping in view the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme. a statement N-A on slums was provided so as to enable the planners to chalk out the programmes for prOViding better civic and other amenity in the slums . In this statement details on civic and other amenties were reported for the slums of class I and II towns. Apart from this. one column on the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population and another on adult literacy classes/centres were added in statements iv and v respectively.

xi The manner of presentation of the DCHs for the 1991 Census is by and large the same as followed in 1981. However the format of PCA has been restructured slightly in the 1991 Census for the benefit of data users. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers has been given as against four- fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 Census. In addition to this. the sex-wise population in the 0-6 age-group has also been included in PCA for the first time with a view to enabling data users to compute more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age have been treated as illiterate at the time of the 1991 Census. It is expected that the above mentioned modifications will help the planners in chalking out more effective developmental programmes.

One of the most important innovations in the 1991 Census is the Community Development Block-level presentation of data in the Village Directory and PCA instead of the traditional Tehsil/Taluk/PS level presentation. It is expected that the presentation of Village Directory and PCA data at C.D. Block level will help the planners in formulation of micro-level developmental plans as the C.D. Block is the lowest administrative unit for developmental planning.

In order to facilitate the task of administrators, planners and researchers in tending to use Village Directory /PCA data, either from the magnetic tapes/Hoppies or from the published records, both the computer and manual codes for each village have been provided for the 1991 Census along with the corresponding codes of 1981.

This publication is the joint venture of the state government, UT administration and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled under the direction of Shri S.R Luhadia, Director of Census Operations, Nagaland on behalf of the State Govt/UT administration which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning, designing and co-ordination of the publication was initiated by Dr. K.P lttaman, former Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) and Shri. M. M. Dua. Joint Director. For the sake of uniformity in presentation of information/ da.ta and for preparation of analytical nole depicting the salient features emerging from a micro-level analysis of Census/non Census data. a model District Census Handbook from each state and union Territory was thoroughly scrutinised in the Social Studies Division under

xii the guidance of Shri. M. K. Jain, the present Deputy Registrar General (S. S). This task was carried out by Shri A. K Singh, Deputy Director who was assisted by Shri N. S. So am, Assistant Director and his staff. Technical gUidance in the preparation of the maps ~as initially provided by Dr. B.K Roy, former Deputy Registrar General (Map) and later by Mrs. Minati Ghosh, the present Deputy Registrar General (Map).

I am thankful to all those who have contributed to this project.

New Delhi A. R, Nanda June 11, 1992. Registrar General, India.

xiii Preface Including acknowledgement

The District Census Handbooks were introduced for the first time in the 1951 Census in India but so far as Nagaland is Concerned the same was brought' out in 1971 Census for the first time. The District Census Handbooks for the all three districts were brought out in three parts Viz; Part-A. Part-B. and Part C in the 1971 Census. Like any other state Nagaland state also went through far reaching administration changes in the subsequent years and to meet the administrative demands for speedy economic development of the people. The number of districts were increased from 3 to 7 in 1981 census. The District Census Handbooks for all the 7 districts were brought out combining the Part A &. I:l in single volume in 1981 Census. The Part C containing non-Census data was dropped to avoid delay in publication of the census data. The same procedure has also been followed in 1991 Census.

The census organisation like any other organisation has been always striving to improve upon the previous performances both in quality and quantity of data. The new innovation in the presentation of data during 1991 census is a remarkable attempt. The Rural Development Blockwise presentation of data in I he village Directory and PCA instead of the traditional Circle level presentation will help the planners in formulation of micro-level developmental plans as the I

The publication has been proved to be of immense utiltty to the planners. administrators. academicians and researchers. The publication of D.C.H.B is a joint venture of the state government administration of Nagaland and the census organisation. I am deeply Indebted to the state Government for ever wtlling help and co-operation in bringing out this publication. As wtll be evident from the data presented particularly in Village Directory and Town Directory. the census Organisation had to obtain full co-operatIon from the Deputy Commissioners. Additional Deputy Commissioners. Extra ASSistant Commissoners and Sub­ Divisional Officers of the State Govemment machinery. I would like to place on r{'cord my sincere thanks to all those individual organisations in Government

xiv Departments who have helped us with all the requisite informations and the Census Organisation look forward to having their continued help and co­ operation.

I would like record my gratitude to the people of Nagaland who have given their utmost co-operation to the census organisation by faithfully answering all the questions both pleasant and unpleasant. 2189 enemurators. 462 supervisors. 90. charge officers. 7 Additional District Census Officers. Sub­ Divisional Officers and Additional Deputy Commissioners who acted as the District Census Officers and the Deputy Commissioners who functioned as the Principal Census Officers have earned .my deep gratitudes by their sincerity. dedication to work. team spirit and the amount of Organisational skill displayed and' countless sacrifices of their personal comfort that they have made in making 1991 Census a success.

I have always received the support and encouragement from the Chief Minister of Nagaland Shrl Vamuzo. but for whose active interest the census operation could not have ,been conducted successfully. I am grateful to him.

I am also grateful to the Chief Secretary of Nagaland Shri S. S. Ahluwalia. lAS. Additional Chief Secretary to the Shri L. Colney. lAS. the Commissioner and the Home Commissioner and the Director of School Education for their help and co-operation extended by them in the Census taking.

I am personally indebted to Shri A. R. Nanda. the Registrar General and Census Commissioner. India. under whose valuable guidance and inspiration it has been a rare priviledge for me to strive for excellence. I am also thankful to Shri Mahendra Naih. Joint Registrar General. Shri N. Rama Rao. Deputy Registrar (C&T) and Smt. Minatl Ghosh. Assistant Registrar General (Map) for their valuable guidance from time to time. For the sake of uniformity in presentation of analytical note a model District Census Handbook for one district was thoroughly scrutinised in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of Shri M. K. Jain. the present Deputy Registrar General (SS). This task was carried out by Shri A.K. Singh. Deputy Director. who was assisted by Shri N. S. Soam. Asst. Director. I am indebted to them.

xv I am fortunate to have a band of colleagues in this Directorate who have spared no pains and endured all the sufferings and discomforts to make the 1991 census a success. I am particularly grateful to Sharva Shri Harbhajan Singh. the then Deputy Director. S.P Singh, the Deputy Director (RTO) and his stall. P. C. Baruah, Asstt. Director, D. C. Pathak, Investigator, A. Jahan, Investigator, K. Rengma, Investigator, M. Peseyie, Statistical Asstt., Z. Nisa, Statistical Asstt., D. Sharma, Statistical Asstt., Smt. Gopa Das and Smt. Pichano Lolha, Computors, and all others who were directly associated with finalisation of Primary Census Abstract. E. Peseyie (Mrs.) Investigator deserves my sincere i1ppreciation for the upgrudging labour she put into draft' of District Census Handbooks, 1991 Census. The staff of the Map Section under able gUidance of Shri J. Raibaruah, Sr. Artist who carried out the difficult task of map drawing for this publication have done commendable job. A mention must be made of B. Shreedevi (Mrs) and Zhetoli Serna (Mrs) Computors who have borne the burden or compilation of Village Directory. The mass of data for this publication could not have been reduced into printed District Census Handbook without the touch of Shri Ranjit Roy, LDC cum typist and Neinguzou (Mrs) UDC. All of them tie>;ervt" my deep appreCiation.

Lc.... st but not the least, my thanks are due to the Govemment of Nagaland and in particular to the Director, Printing & Stationery and his staff for undertaking printing of the District Census Handbooks and bringing them out within reasonable time inspite of their heavy pre-occupation.

Dated S.R. LUHADIA I I t.h July'93 Director of Census Operations, Nagaland : Kohima



1'I0000000ARV. INTE_.e.TlOIll.A1 STAlE OISTW7 ~ CIRCLE HE:~r~M'S·OISTQlCr·CIPC'-E -.~@ c -_'_"'_- 1~:~:T~..:rALLED RO,IO,[j •• :~~~~~~~ :::::::A~'TH PCPLA..Al~s~~~· • F>OST .... I'«I TI!:LEGFIAPHOFflCE . OEGRI!:E COLLEGE • Fl'£ST~5E

...... ~_'l __" ... _____.. _.,, ___..... _

Important Statistics State District

Population Total Persons 1209546 232906 Males 641282 123293 Females 568264 109613

Rural Persons 1001323 211888 Males 522235 110944 Females 479088 100944

Urban Persons 208223 21018 Males 119047 12349 Females 89176 8669

Decennial population growth rate 1981-91 +56.08 +52.89 Area (sq. kms) 16579.0 4228.0

Density of population (per sq. km) 73 55 Sex ratio (No. of females per 1000 males) 886 889

Literacy rate Persons 61.65 43.39 (excluding children In the age group 0 - 6) Males 67.72 53.98 Females 54.75 41.98 Percentage of urban population to total population 17.21 9.02 Percentage to total population

(i) Main workers Persons 42.29 45.23 Males 46.69 47.08 Females 37.32 43.15

xix (ii) Marginal workers Persons 0.39 0.02 Males 0.17 Females 0.64 0.02

Ii i i) Non-workers Persons 57.32 54.75 Males 53.14 52.92 Females 62.04 56.83

Breakup of main workers percentage among main workers

(i) Cultivators Persons 72.65 84.80 Males 59.77 74.96 Females 90.83 96.89

(ii) Agricultural labourers Persons 1.41 0.32 Males 1.71 0.45 Females 1.00 0.16

(iii) Livestock, forestry, Persons 1.14 0.58 fishing, hunting and Males 1.74 1.00 plantation, orchard and Females 0.39 0.08 allied activities

(iv) Mining and quarrying Persons 0.06 (N) Males 0.09 . (N) Females 0.01 (N)

(Va) Household Industry Persons 0.39 0.12 Males 0.30 0.09 Females 0.52 0.13

(Vb) Other than household Persons 1.32 0.23 Industry Males 2.05 0.28 Females 0.30 0.16

(vi) Construction Persons 1.77 0.70 Males 2.76 1.20 Females 0.36 0.10

xx (vii) Trade and commerce Persons 3.19 1.55 Males 5.04 2.74 Females 0.58 0.10

(viii) Transport. storage Persons 0.89 0.15 and communications Males 1.45 0.26 Females 0.08 (N)

(ix) Other services Persons 17.18 11.55 Males 25.09 19.02 Females 6.02 2.38

(x) Percentage of scheduled Persons 87.70 95.10 tribes population to total Males 85.01 93.63 population Females 90.33 96.76 (xi) Number of occupied residential houses 216725 39024

(xii) Number of villages Total 1225 231

Inhabited 1216 228

Uninhabited 9 3

(xiii) Number of towns 9




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3 J 1:1 .3 d

XXVIII Analytical Note Definition and concepts It has been the tradition of the Indian Census to present the Census data under two broad divisions termed urban and rural. The definition of urban unit at 1991 census is as follows: (a) All areas/places municipality, corporation, cantonment board or notified area committee etc, (b) All other places which satisfY the following criteria:

(i) A minimum population of 5,000

(ii) At least 75% of male working population should be non­ agricultural persuits (iii) A density of population at least 400 per sq. km (Le., 1,000 per sq. mile) All other areas which are not covered by the definition of urban as stated above are treated as Rural. Census House A 'Census House' is a building or a part of a building having separate main entrance from the road or common courtyard or staircase etc, used or recognised as a seperate unit. It may be occupied or vacant. It may be used for a residential or non-residential purpose or both. To make the concept applicable the unit should have the singleness of use. Census Household A household is a group of persons who commonly live together and would take their meals from common kitchen unless the exigencies of work prevent any of them from doing so. There may be a household of persons or having related by blood or a household of unrelated persons or having a mixure of both. The examples of unrelated households are boarding houses, messes, hostels, rescue homes, jails, ashrams etc. and these kinds of households are also known as 'Institutional Households'. There may be one member house-holds, two member house-holds or multi member house-holds and for Census purpose each of these types is regarded as a household. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes There is no Scheduled Caste in Nagaland as per the Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribe Order 1970. The names of Scheduled Tribes listed in the Constitution are given below: 1. Gam 2. Kachan 3. Kuki 4. Mikir 5. Naga Nagaland is almost entirely inhabited by Naga tribes except some tribal Kukls, Kacharis, Garos, Mikir as well as some Assamese, Bengalis in plain sector. Though now-a-days they are known by the common name 'Naga' originally they do not have any generic term for the ,whole of the. race. Even the different tribes also did not have a common name for themselves, but used to be denoted by a specific name for the group of villages. Though this was the condition in the later part of the 19th and 20th century, the people of wide area are known by the generic term Naga. The process of absorbing more tribes under the common name Naga is continuing. There are as many as seventeen Naga tribes have been recorded in 1991 Census. They are as follows: 1. Angami 2. Ao 3. Chakhesang 4. Chang 5. Chirr 6. Khiemnungan7. Konyak 8. Lotha 9. Makware 10. Phom II. Rengma 12. Sangtam 13.Sema 14. Tikhir 15.Yimchungre 16. Zeliang 17. Pochury Every tribe has Its own different dialect. titerate A person who can both read and Write with understanding in any language is taken to be literate. A person who can merely read but cannot write is not literate. It is not necessary that a person who is literate should have passed any minimum educational standard or should have recieved any formal education. All children of the age of SiX' and below are considered as llleterate in 1991 Census Work 'Work' may be defined as participation in any economically productive activity. Such participation may be physical or mental in nature. Work involves not only actual work but also effective supervision and direction of work. It also Includes unpaid work on farm or in family enterprise. A person who engages himself in such activity is a 'worker'. The activity of workers has been classified into nine categories and the same have been briefly explained below:

2 I. Cultivat()r For the purpose of Census. a cultivator is a person who is engaged either as an employer. single worker or family worker in cultivation of land owned by him or held from the Government. private persons or institution for payment in money. kind or share. Cultivation ihvolves also supervision or direction of cultivation. n. Agriculture Labourer A person who works on another person's land for wages in money. kind or share is regarded as an. agricultural labourer. He or she hils no risk in the cultivation but merely works in another person's laI1d for wages and has no right of lease or contract on land on which he 01' She works. In. Livestock. Forestry. Fishing. Hunting and Plantation. Orchard and allied activities Livestock maintenance and production such as cattle. goats. sheep breeding. poultry farms. bee keeping. rearing of silk worms and production of cocoons and raw silk. production of milk. honey. wax ett. forestry and logging, log fuel production. gathering and selling of foddel' and other forest products. fishing and reariI1g fish. hunting and trapping and selling of the catch such certain activities even though conducted by the members of the household do not constitute a Household Industry and members involve in such activities fall under this category of worker. IV. Mining and Quarrying'

It includes the activities relating coal mines, legnite. crude petroleum. natural gas. iron-ore. menganese. gold. silver. copper-ore. quarrying of stones, clay and sand pits. precious and semi-precious stones etc. Va. Household Industry The main characteristics of House-hold Industry are as follows: (a) one or more member of the house hold must participate. partiCipation of hired workers must be minimum. (b) The activity should relate to some production. processing. servicing. repairing. making and selling of goods. (c) The goods produced should not be for consumption by the household itself but should be whoJly or partly for sale. .

3 (d) In urban, area the industry must be carried out in the precincts of the house in which the household lives. In rural areas the industry may be carried out any where within the limit of the village. (e) The activity should not be run on the scale of Registered Factory Act.

(f) Profession of doctor. dhobi, barbar, musician. dancer. lawyer. astrologer, etc, are not Household Industry. Vb. Other than Household Industry The activities relating to processing, servicing, repairing or making and selling of goods which are carried outside the precincts of the house in which the household lives in urban areas and outside the limits of the village in the rural areas are not household industry but are regarded as other than household industry. VI. Construction All the activities relating to construction of buildings, roads, railways, telegraph, telephone, waterways, water reservoirs, hydroelectric projects, industrial plants, other allied activities such as plumbing, heating and conditioning, installation, setting of tiles, marble, bricks etc fall under this category of workers. VII. Trade and Commerce The activities relating to retail and wholesale in food and food articles, beverages, tobacco products, textiles and other retail trade in medicines, books, building materials, and activities, relating to restaurants, hotel and other lodging places etc fall under this category. VUI. Transport. Storage and CommllllicatioD The activities and services relating to land, water. air. transport such as railways. buses. tramways. bullock carts, tongas, services rendered to transport such as packing, crafting, travel agencies etc. and the services relating to storage, ware housing, communication such as postal. telegraph. wireless. telephone etc, fall under this category. IX. Other 8ervices All professional, technical and related workers, administmtive, executive and managerial workers, clerical workers, community, social and personal services are classified under this category.

4 Workers are further divided into main workers and marginal workers. Main Workers If a person has done any work for a major part of the year preceeding the date of enumeration is regarded as main worker. Main activity of a person who was engaged in more than one activities was reckoned in term of time disposition. For example, if a person had worked as daily wage labourer for 4 months, as an agricultural labourer for 1 month and as a cultivator for 2 month, he is treated as main worker on the basis of total time he spent on work and his main activity has been reckoned as daily wage labourer since he has spent the major part of his time on work in this activity than as an agricultural labourer and cultivator. Marginal Worker Marginal Workers are those who have worked anytime at all in the year preceeding the date of enumeration but have not worked for a major part of the year. There are certain type of work performed by person engaged in household duties students, etc, such as participation in some other economic activities by helping the household in several items of work as cultivation, or in household industry or looking after the cattle, in attending to business owned by family etc, but not the extent of full time work but worked for less than 183 days during the year preceeding the enumeration. Non-Worker Non-Workers are those persons who have not done any economic productive work at all during the last one year preceeding the date of enumeration. All non-workers have divided into students, household duties, retired and rentiers persons, beggars, inmates of institutions dependants etc. Brief History of the District Tuensang is the eastern most of the seven districts of Nagaland. The wild tracts of land on the north and east of the then Province were brought under administration in 1914 wben the Assam Frontier Tract Regulation of 1880 was extended to this area. After some changes, in 1951 the areas was collectively known as North East Frontier Agency or NEFA in short. Tuensang was a part of it. In 1957 Tuensang division of the then NEFA was separated from it and was added to the then Naga 11 ill, Tuensang Area or NHTA in short.

5 Tuensang district was one of the then three districts of the State viz. Kohima. and Tuensang. In December, 1973 the districts of Nagaland were recognised and divided into seven in place of three, Kohima was divided into two - Kohima and Mokochung was divided into three - Mokokchung, Zunheboto, Phek and and Tuensang was divided into two - Tuensang and Mon. The area of the present Tuensang district is 4228 square kilometres. There were 16 circles and 236 villages in 1981. The number of circles have been increased to 19 but the total number of villages in 1991 has been decreased to 231. 3 villages out of231 are uninhabited. All 19 circles are placed under 7 rural development blocks. The population of the RD. blocks followed by their circles with population as per 1991 census are given below: Name of RD. Block/circle Population I Longleng RD. block 67703 (a) Tamlu 19601 (b) Yongya 16863 (e) Longleng 31239 II Longkhim RD. block 27951 (a) Noksen 8221 (b) Chare 8202 (c) Longkhim 11528 III Sangsanyu RD. block 19229 (a) Tuensang Sadar 19229 IV Noklak RD. block 26034 (a) Noklak 13479 (b) Panso 5369 (c) Thonoknyu 7186 V Kiphire RD. block 35113 (a) Kiusam 3718

6 (bl Pungro 10005 (cl Kiphire 15883 (d) Amahator 5507

VI Sitimi RD. block 16732 (a) Longmatra 2711 (bl Sitimi 3672 (c) Seyochung 10349

VII Shamator RD. block 19126 (al Chess ore 7512 (b) Shamator 11614 The district has 211888 rural population and 21018 urban population. Tuensang town is the only town in the district and its area is 31.98 sq. kms. The district is populated by some ten tribal language groups ri:amely, Sangtam, Phom, Chang, Khiemnungan, Yimchungre, Konyak, Serna, Tikhir, Makware and Chirr as inhabitants.

History of District Census Handbook The district census handbook was initiated after 1951 census but in case 'of Nagaland the publication of DCHBs was started following 1971 census. There were 3 districts during 1971 census and the DCHBs was published for all the three districts. The number of districts increased from 3 to 7 durings 1981 and the DGHBs for all the 7 districts viz,Kohima, Phek. Zunheboto, Wokha, Man, Mokokchung and Tuensang were brought out. There are some innovations in DCHBs of decennial census of 1991. The most remarkable one is the rural development block level presentation of data instead of the traditional circle level presentation. This will help the planners In formulation of micro level development plans as the RD. blocks are the lowest administrative units for the developmental planning. Scope of village and town Directory statement Village Directory The village Directory reveals the general living condition of peasantry and over all development that has taken place in the district

7 during the decade. It contains information about the name of village. total population and number of households. amenities like educational. medical, drinking water. post and telegraph. communication. approach road by pucca road. kutcha road and foot-path and power supply available in the village of the district. The village directory also gives the information about the distance from the nearest town and land use pattern. The area under different viz. forest. irrigated. unirrigated. jhum cultivation and the area not available for cultivation have been collected in 1991 census. But as the land in Nagaland are not cadastrally surveyed these figures have been supplied in approximation as such the area of the village has not been used for determining. the density of population per square kilometre. The data in the village Directory have been presented R. D. Block wise instead of traditional circlewise level. Town Directory Town Directory consists of six statement. These are as follows Statement - I Status and growth history. Statement - II Physical aspects and location of town. Statement - III Municipal finance, 1988-89. Statement - IV Civic and other amenities. 1989. Statement - V Medical. educational, recreational and cultural facilities in town 1989. Statement - VI Trade and commerce, Industry and Banking, 1989. Physical aspects - Highlights on the change in the jurisdiction of the district during the decade including its boundaries and important geographic or geophysical aspects Tuensang is the most easterly district of Nagaland and all along its eatern side it is bordered by Burma. On the north of Tuensang lies Man district and Assam. On the west of the district lies , on the south and Mon and Burma on the east. The entire district is hilly. The hills are on the average 1500 metres above sea level. Tuensang town, the district headquarter is 1575 metres. River System and Water resources There are two rivers which drain this district and they are Tizu and Dikhu. Tizu has risen in the southern part

8 of the district and has flow north and then south-east and has joined Chidwin in Burma. The northern part of the district is drained by the Dikhu. It rises in the central part of the district and flows north then turns west and passes through Mokokchung and Mon districts and flows past Naginimara and joins the Brahmaputra in Assam. Tuensang enjous monsoon climate unlike the plains of Assam, here the winter is cold and summer is rather cool. In winter the night temperature comes down even upto l'c in December and January which are the coldest months. But the average December temperature is 4'c. In summer it is not at all hot but cool and highest average summer temperature is about 25'c which reaches in July. Rainfall is on the average 200cm and it falls for 180 days covering a period of nine months of the year, greatest concentration being in July and August. Towards the end of winter season, in February and March, the sky is clear throughout the day. This time high Wind blows almost throughout the day begining at about midnight or early morning. It blows so strong that it causes damages to the tin roofed building and trees. The wind generally blows from south to west. In the month of April the wind dies out. Rains starts in the month of April. The month of May witnesses several showers and monsoon sets in from June and continues upto the middle of September. From October to January a cold wind blows from high range of Saramati which lies in the east of the district. January is the coldest month of the year but even upto March it is cold. The mirth of spring can be felt in April and May. Thus the district has two seasons winter and summer. Spring and autumn are nominal and short lived. The district lies in a highly siesmically active zone. However, no major earthquake has been experienced during the decade. Major characteristics of the district particularly in relation to the economic resources. namely. foresttry. minerals and mining. electricity and power. land and land use pattern. tenancy. agriculture. animal husbandry. fishery. Industry. trade and commerce. transport etc.

Forestry In Tuensang district there is no reserved for protected forests. but the forests are unclassified village forests and its area was 109552 during 1989-90. This area includes jhum lands. The forests of the district are tropical and sub-tropical type. The forests of the lower

9 ranges of Tamlu-Namsang area and other parts of the district can be classified as Tropical wet Evergreen Forests mixed with Tropical-Semi Evergreen forests. The valuable timber species found in the district are. Hallock, Makai, Bonsum, Bogipoma, Oaks, Amari, Gamari, Nahar, Urium, and many others. Timber of various species for construction and furniture, fire wood and charcoal, stone, cane, bamboos agar wood, dalchini are the major forest products of the district. The district is quite rich in its variety of fauna. Tiger, Panthar, Jungle cat, Himalayan bear, Bison, Sambar. Barking dear, wild bear are the important animals of the forests in the district. There are many birds live in the forests among those Indian horn bill. Tragopan, Jungle pigeon, doves are the important ones. Python is the most imP9rtant among the reptiles found in this district. Minerals and Mining A general lack of communication and poor accessibility were the main constraints that stood against the systematic search for minerals in the district during the earlier years. A number of mineral occurances. however, have been located recently and they include asbestos, coal, limestone, marble, magnesite, chromite and oil seepa,ges. A short account of the mineral occurances are as follows: Coal Occurances of coal have been reported from Dikhu river area west of Namsang Chingchung. It has also been located between Konya to Pesa village lying east of the district. Lime stone and marable These are found in Nimi village of Kiphire sub­ division. Magnesite Small pockets of magnesite have ben recorded about 2.5 km in the east of Pungr village. Nickel. magnetite. chromite This has been located in Phokphur village in Kiphire sub-division. Magnetite and chromite occurances have also been reported at Pang village of Shamatore sub-division. Oil seepages It has been reported from near Namsang village of Tuensang - Mon border areas. Electricity and Power 236 villages are electrified as on 31.3.90. Electricity consumption in Tuensang district as on 31.3.90 was as follows: Item No. of Consumption consumers (MWKH)

1. Dumestic Jil-(ht. fan and domestic power 6431 1.03

10 2. Individual power at low & high voltage 76 0.064 3. Bulk 1 0.022 4. Commercial light & power 1011 0.052 5. Public water works 2 0.011 6. Power house auxillery 0.02 Animal husbandry The number of livestock and poultry in Tuensang districts as per 1987 livestock census is as follows. Items Number 1. Cows (both cross and indigenous)

A. Males (i) Under 1 year 3,385 (ii) 1 to 3 years 4,565 (iii) Over 3 years 4,192 Total 12,342 B. Females [il Under 1 year 3,122 (ii) 1 to 3 year 3,441 (iii) Over 3 years 9,132 Total 15,695 Total (A & B) 28,037 2. Buffaloes A. Males

(i) Under 1 year 49 (i i) 1 to 3 years 178 (i i i) Over 3 years 156 Total 383 B. Females

(i) Under I year 80

11 [ij) 1 to 3 year ...... 96

(iii) Over 3 years ...... , ...... 194

Total ...... 370 Total (A & B) 753

3. ShEep ...... 4

4. Goats ...... 16,340

5. Pigs ...... 48,415

6. Mithuns ...... 1.895

7. Other Livestocks ...... 13,704

Total Livestocks ...... 1,09,148

8. Poultry ...... 1.14.439 Among all the animals cows both male and females are kept by most of the people in the district. Mithuns and goats are also reared but pigs are reared more. Pigs and cows are reared for sale as well as for domestic consumption. Cows an~ reared for their meat as well as for milk. Pigs also reared by every household for meat as well as for sale in market as these retch good price. Poultry farming is encouraged by the Government. There is one each of state poultry farm (HH/CRC) poultry upgrading centre and cattle breeding centre in the district. There are 9 veterinary despensaries, 7 out posts and one quarantine check post in the district. Fishery The achievement of Fishery Department. Nagaland in Tuensang district in the year 1989-1990 is as follows: I. No. of fishery ponds inTuensang district 215

2. Fingerlings supplied 0.25 million 3. Value of fingerlings Rs. 0.43 lakhs 4. Production of fish (M/T) 120 M/T 5. Value of fish produced RS.31.20 lakhs 6. No. of beneficiary 621

12 Fishery is becoming popular among the farmers in those regions where terrace cultivation is in existance. Paddy-cum-pisciculture is the scheme which has been creating considerable interest among the farmers. The department's sole objective into maximise fish production in any culturable space. Therefore, the department supplies fish seeds, renovates the paddy fields so that paddy cum- fish culture can be taken up by any farmer in the district. Industry Industrially, the district is yet to be developed. There was only one each of industrial estate, weaving training centre. Cottage industry training centre, emporium. Bee keeping farm and district industries centre in the district. There are 3 numbers of citronella distillation farms and 5 sericulture farms during 1989-90. Cottage industry is the prevalent industry in the district. The most important ones are weaVing, carpentry, black smithy, bamboo and cane crafts, wood carving and decorative works which have demands both in and outside the state. Besides those mentioned above there are some minor industries. They have developed on the basis of local needs and are growing alongwith the growing demand of the people. The most important ones are motor repairs, tailoring, shoe repair, etc. Trade and Commerce Most of the people of the district, the majority of the ten tribes, came under the influence of modern administration only in the first quarter of this century. Even by the middle of this century many people of this district, particularly of the east viz, Konyak, Phom, Serna, Chang, Sangtam, Yimchunger etc; used to sell and purchase paddy, cows, pigs, fish, dao, spear, spade, etc; through barter. It is still continuing in a marginal way. At present there are 7 bank offices in the district. The deposit through these banks was Rs. 8.14 lakh during 1989-90 and the credit was Rs. 2.061akh during that year. The district being situated in the heart of the hills, on the extreme east of the state of Nagaland beyond which lie the hills of Burma, and the people was being poor, it is in a disadvantageous position so far as trade and commerce is concerned. Its earlier trade, whatever it was when the area was not opened up, was with the neighbouring t~ibes, particularly with Aos who had trade relations with the plains of Assam. The road from Mokokchung to Tuensang was made jeepable during the Second word war and since then the people of Tuensang district could come to Mokokchung and thence to Amguri and sell and purchase the things.

13 Tuensang the district headquarter, is situated almost in the middle " of the district and so it could serve as the trade centre for the whole district but it is not so, because some parts of the district are closer to Mokokchung town which is bigger business centre than Tuensang. There though Tuensang is a trade centre Mokokchung is the most important for that purpose. Apart from it Kiphire, Shamator, Longkhim, Tobu etc; are also trade centres for the villages. The volume of business in these places is very small because there are only few retail sell shops. There is a daily market in Tuensang town where food stuff, meat, fish, eggs. vegetables as well as other necessities of the households are available. Most of the articles available in the market are brought from Amguri or Jorhat in Assam. The local producers also bring their produce to this market. There is no other daily market in the district. But the villagers bring their produces to the administrative out posts and sell them. The shopkeepers bring vegetables, fish, etc. to sell in these administrative outpost. Of all these Kiphire is bigger and has a bigger market as it is sub-divisional headquarter. Land and land use pattern All the lands belong to the villagers except a small portion of forest as Reserved and Protected by the Government. Since the lands belong to the villagers there is no patta system. IndiVidual lands may occa;;sionally change the hands but generally remain within the Village. The land use pattern is same in all districts of the state. These are forest, irrigated, unirrigated, dry rice cultivation land, jhum land and not available for cultivation. Land Tenure From time immemorial the lands belong to the villagers or rather to the chief of the village. When there was no administration even in the third quarter of last century, the people used to grab any land they could clear and set up a village. They could claim all the land surrounding the village or as much as over which they could exert their effective right and that was their land. It was possible because it was all wilderness and 'might is right' was the principle. But when administration came into force , it was not possible for any other tribe to intrude into the land of other tribe and so they had to be contented with their own tribal are a which was of course not very definitely defined and set up new villages within that area.. However, in whatever manner or wherever a village is set up, the lands belong to the chief. He decides which part of the forest or land to be cleared for that year and he will see which portion Will be left for how many years to be recultivated.

14 Among all the Naga tribes of Tuensang district the line of succession follows male heirs only and no female is entitled to inherit any property. Agriculture The main form of cultivation in Tuensang district is jhum cuLtivation. In this district the cultivation is done with the help of hoe and spade and not with plough of any type because the place is hilly. Under the system of jhum cultivation the selected area for cultivation is cleared of its shrubs and undergrowths and smaller trees are felled while big trees are preserved. The branches of the big trees are hewn down so that the trees do not die and at the same time its leaves would not fall upon or shadow the crops. The jungle clearing work is generally done in the months of October to Novemebr every year. The feJled trees, slashed branches and cleared shrubs lie on the ground for several months to dry up and fire is set to it when it is thoroughly dried in the months of Febraury and March. In the evening of this burning season the fire is seen almost in all the places in the district. With a day or two the field which is burnt is cleared off the unbumt and half burnt logs and others and the logs are kept orderly from top to bottom of the field in such a way that the loose earth can not be washed away by rain water. The selected logs are helped with pegs to keep up its position. It is a kind of flat plots which are purposely made to prevent soil erosion. But still the top soil is generally washed away to some extent and the same is deposited on the upper side of the log steps as a result of which the crop grows better on the immediate upper side of the log steps than its far upper side or down below. Burning of shrubs and undergrowth, leaves etc. make the land fertile because the ash contains lime and shrubs. -, The soil is boggy and loose, because it has been formed by falling of leaves and decayed branches and undergrowing shrubs. The soil is so soft that even without tilling the earth .crops can be grown. When the land is prepared the seeds are sown in the month of April and May depending on early monsoon. Nearly after a month of sowing the seeds the weeding is done two to three times till the plants are fully grown up. The paddy ripens and are ready for harvest in August and September. The main crops under jhum cultivation are paddy, millet, maize, taro (colocasia). french -beans, pumpkin, cucumber, different types of gourds are also wown in the same field.

15 Another type of cultivation is terrace cultivation which is one by means of irrigation. As in the other districts of the state there is no conventional type of irrigation in Tuensang district. In Merap ani , Doyang and Baghty valley terrace cultivation is done with the help of pairs of bullocks or buffaloes. Every village in the district is having enough land jhum cultivation. But terraced land are less in the district. During 1989- 90 there was total 9300 hectares (net) and 9409 hectares (gross) of areas under crops 'in the whole of Tuensang district. Inspite of the hilly condition of the land people are trying to find out the. ways and means for starting the terrace cultivation. Under this the water is channelled out from small streams to nearby plots wl).ich are made by cutting the surface and sides of the land. Sometimes the sides are raised by some sort of retaining walls with stones. Size of the plots for the terrace field depends on the contour and slope of the land. In case the slope is gentle the plots are bigger, and if the slopes are steepy, the plots are smaller. So also the height of the plot depends on the slope of the land. If the side of the plot is gentle the height is less, and if the slope is sharp the height of the land is more. This way, the land is prepared into may plots of flat land and narrow embankment of about 20 to 30 centimetres broad and of similar height is made round each plot. This is done to hold water within. Water is brought from nearby streams or falls which there are many during the rainy season. Sometimes water is taken for several kilometres together round the neck or side of a hillock to reach the field through a long narrow canal. The field is spaded and kept ready for making mud as soon as the water is available. Thus when water reaches the field, it is turned into thick mud or dough with the help of spade and human feet. Gradually from the top to bottom, one after the other, all the plots are turned into muddy land. It may be noted that when first plot is filled with water, a passage is cut into one of its SIdes leading the water to the next plot. From second to third the water is let out in the same way unEIl the last plot is flooded. When the field is ready, the paddy plants are pulled out from the seed bed and planted in the field. This is done in June-July. The water is allowed to remain in the field the whole period of the growth of the pl21Ills and some Limes the field is let dry only before harvesting. Terrace field is ready for harvesting in October to November. Unlike jhum no other crops are grown along the paddy in the terrace.

16 Demerit of jhum cultivation A jhum field is cultivated more than once in the same place if the same is sufficiently fertile and it is left fallow for the nekt seven to ten years depending on fertility of land and also availability of other lands for cultivation after which the same land is cultivated again. Jhum cultivation is a traditional pratice among many tribal groups of India including Naga tribes. It has caused denudation of forests and consequent problems of soil erosion iri certain areas. Government efforts and schemes to check the advarse effects of jhum cultivation Notable efforts have been made by the state Government to prevent soil erosion and reduce run off by means of covering more areas in the state under Bench Terracing. Orchard plantation providing irrigation facilities, water storage etc., also have been taken up under Integrated water Shed Management Project (l.W.M.P.) by the state soil & water Conservation Department. The state Agriculture Department also brought some areas in the state under permanent cultivation under the normal plan and some areas under N.E.C. Programme. The farmers are also encouraged to taken up the permanent cultivation or mechanised farming. Ten benificeris were selected during 1988-89 for machine grants for purchasing tractors and 16 power tillers were alloted to the progressive farmers at 50%. subsidy for power tillers and 331/3% for tractors. In terrace cultivation the manure is not washed way. The repeated cultivation in Jhum cultivation decreases the fertility of land which can be replaced easily by occassional use of COW-dung or other manure in terrace cultivation. Considering the merit of terrace cultivation the Government is putting its best efforts to introduce this system of cultivation in the state. But since terrace making is expensive and it is not possible for a farmer to bear the entire expenses. Therefore the Government grants 50% subsidy to the farmers for making the terrace field. Another measure is the distribution of fertilizers, such as amonium sulphate, super phospate, urea of potash and bone meal etc. to the Villagers. Insects and pests cause great damage to the crops from time to time. So the agriculture department is ready to help to the farmers by selling the scientific remedies through chemicals such as amonia, gammexine, dichlore diphenyle trichloroethane (DDT), nicotine sulphate etc. which are found to be of great help.

17 Besides, demonstration is done on the use of improved seeds of potato, vegetables, paddy, hybrid maize etc. Demonstration on plants protection is also being done by the Department, seedling of orange, apples, pine-apples, plum, pear etc. are also provided to the farmers on subsidy. Among other measures, there is an extension of agricultural loans to the deserving farmers. Transport and Communication After Independence of India in 1947, more attention was paid for the development of NEFA which included Tuensang district also. In such a rugged area any kind of development has to be precedent by improvemnt of road communication. Therefore due attention was paid for widening of existing roads and construction of new ones. The efforts continued and in December, 1957 this district formed a part of the new administrative units known as Naga-Hills Tuensang Area. This a land­ mark in the history of development of this area. From that time onward the Mokokchung-Tuensang bridle path has widened and now it has become an all-weather fine road. Its length is 110 km. Road also has been constructed from Tuensang to Kiphire which is 118 km in length and Tuensang-Mokokchung and Tuensang-Kohima via Kiphire and Meluri are under Boarder Road Organisation. Over and above these roads there are many short-distance routines linking important villages with near by administrative centres. At present the slate transport buses ply on Mokokchung-Tuensang road which is blacktopped metalled since March, 1973 Tuens;:tng bus station was opened on, 18th February 1966 although the road was metalled only in 1973. Also from Tuensang buses ply to Shamator (56km) and Kiphire 9122km) Over and above the bus services for carrying passangers, the state Transport Department has also intoduced goods services on various routines such as Amguri to Tuensang, Tuensang to Shamatore, Tuensang to Kiphire etc. Post and Telegraphs There were 36 post offices and 107 letter boxes in the entire district during 1990 and 262 number of telephone connections during that year. There is a circuit house in Tuensang and ·dak Bungalows or Res! House in Kiphire, Shamator, Longkhim, Tabu, Longleng etc.

18 Major social and cultural events, natural and administration development activities noted during the decade Nagaland can be called a land of festivals. Every tribe celebrates its distinct seasonal festivals every year. As it has been stated earlier, Tuensang district is inhabited by ten different tribal groups and each has their different culture. different looks and district costumes. Important Festivals and time of celebration are as follows: Name of tribes Month Name of festivals I. Konyak April [1st week) Aoling 2. Phom April [1st Week) Monyu 3. Chang July [2nd week) Naknyulum 4. Yimchunger August [2nd Week) Metemneo 5. Sangtam September (1st Week) Amongmong 6. Khiarnnungan October [2nd week) Tsokum 7. Serna July Tuluni There are few tribes not listed above also have their own festivals. Most important of these are Aolingmong. Metemneo. Tsokum. Monyu. Naknyulum and Tuluni. Christmas and New year days are celebrated every year by the Christian of the district. Administration developmental activities/during the decades Backward Area Development Programme The Nagaland Government has declared some districts/areas for the purpose of accelarating the developmental activities and bring up these areas to the level of other developing neighbours. Tuensang district is one of them. RS.125 lakhs is prOvided for these areas during 1988-89. Integreted child development service scheme [ICDS) centrally sponsored scheme: Various places in the district have been covered under this scheme during 1988-89. Most important among those are Shamator. Noklak. Sangsangyu and Kiphire. -

Roads A new road of 51 km. Tuensang Khudah-Noksen was inaugurated in April. 1983. The road was constructed at a cost of Rs. 77

19 lakhs. Improvement carried out on 58 km Tuensang Noklak road has made it fit to take heavy vehicular traffic during fair weather. New circle Offices The Government has created six new circle offices in various districts. Yongya in Tuensang district which was created during the decade. Scheme for welfare of children in need of care and profection ( centre all sponsored). The Douglas Memorial children's Home received grant-in-aid under this scheme. Also Gateway orphanage, Longkhim is receiving the same. Agriculture Tuensang district has been covered by special attention from the agriculture department. The mobile team consisting of officials of various desciplines are studying the socio-economic structure so that what kind of crops are suitable and what facilities are needed to make it worthwhile can be available to the farmers. This team started working in January, 1984. Brief description of Places of religious, historical or archaeological and other important places Tuensang district is the home of many tribes, as many as ten tribal languages, they are Chang. Khiemnugan, Konyak. Phom, Sangtam, Tikhir. Yimchunger, Makware, Chir and there are also some Semas and Aos. And since there are so many tribes in the district it is a riot of colours in Tuensang town where all the tribes are found, The district borders Saramati range on the east. It is the lofties mountain in this region and its peak is 3837 metres above the sea level. In winter the top of the mountain remains covered by snow and it looks beautiful. The district practices mainly jhum cultivation. The slashed branches, undergrowths are set to fine in March-April and the whole mountain looks like many fire works in the evening, After few weeks paddy plants sprout in the jhum fields and give the beautiful picture which look like green carpet. In August-September the same turn into golden as the paddy ripen during the months. The vivid beauty of the hills is charming. During agriculture operation the people of entire village men and women, young and old. go to field in a single by carrying their tools and babies. Often men go to field with guns. This is the form of prestige than necessity. while coming back from the field in the evening the same scene can be seen again. The things mentioned above are the things of interest, other wise there is practically no place of interest in the villages of the district. However each administrative centre is more or less a place of interest.

20 Each village is situated on top of a hill or at least in a well defended position. Not only that, but also every village has got several gates to enter into it. It was impossible in the olden time, and still it is very difficult, to enter a village through any way other than the gates, The roads through the gates are narrow and t1anked by stone walls on both side, It is said that few persons standing at the gate can resist a few hundred of enemy. It is like mini fort. So the gateway to the village and the village itself are places of interest. Brief Analysis of the Village and Town Directory based on inset tables Village Directory There are 231 villages in Tuensang district out of which 228 are inhabited and 3 are uninhabited villages. All these villages are placed under 7 rural development blocks. Most of the inset tables presented in this volume are prepared rural development blockwise, The following table gives the Rural Development blockwise distribution of villages according to the availability of different amenities:

Table 1: Distribution of Villages according to the availability of different amenities

No. with percentage) of village having one or more of the following aminltles

Name of No. of Education Medical Drinking Post & MarkeV Comm Approach Power R. D. Block inhabited water telegraph hat unication by pucca supply villages

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Langleng 35 35 14 35 6 2 32 (100.00) (40.00) (100.00) (17.14) (5.71) (91.43)

Longkhim 35 35 12 35 7 5 5 33 (100.00) (34.28) (100.00) (11.45) (14.30) (14.30) (97.22)

• Sangsangyu 27 26 8 27 4 27 (96.30) (29.64) (100.00) (14.81) (100.00)

Noklak 36 36 1'1 36 3 3 31 (100.00) (30.56) (100.00) (13.90) (8.33) (86.11)

Kiphire 43 43 10 43 1 3 2 44 (100.00) (23.27) (100.00) (2.35) (6.99) (4.65) (100.00)

Sitimi 30 30 3 30 2 1 30 (100.00) (11.00·, (100.00) (6.67) (3.33) (100.00)

Shamator 22 21 5 22 3 4 21 (95.45) (22.73) (100.00) (13.64) (18.18) (95.45)

District 228 21 63 22 19 19 12 218 (99.12) (27.65) (100.00) (16.67) (8.33) (5.26) (95.61)

21 It is seen that the distrtct is heading in respect of education. Only 2 villages do not have educational facility i.e., one each in Sangsangyu and Shamator RD. block 226 out of 228 villages have educational institutions within the village which account 99.12 percent. Medical, the rural areas are poorly served (27.63%) so also in regards of post and telegraph (16.67%) communication (8.33%) and approach by pucca road (5.26%) Medical and communication facilities are very important. Almost all the villages where there is no medical facility, the same is available at the distance of 10 kms and above for which the residents have to cover the maximum distance to avail the medical facility. There is no bus services and they have to hire private transportation to go to the neighbouring village for treatment in their sickness. Many have to go on foot which Is actualy difficult in the hilly areas where not speak of pucca road, some villages even do not have kutch a approach road but a foot path. Electricity is available in 218 villages (95.61%) out of 228 inhabited villages in the entire district. The following table give,s the Rural Development Blockwise proportion of rural population by different amenities. TABLE 2: Rural Development Blockwise Proportion of Rural Population served by different amenities

Proportion of Rural po. ulation served bv the amenity of

Name of Total Education Medical Drinking Post & Market! Comm Approach Power R. D. Block population water telegraph hat unication by pucca supply of inhabited villages in thE R. D. Block

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10

Langieng 67.703 100.00 42.36 100.00 25.61 7.43 92.05

Longkhim 27,951 100.00 39.12 100.00 15.52 13.23 13.23 92.02

Sangsangyu 19,220 97.26 59.39 100.00 34.84 100.00 Noklak 26,034 100.00 44.29 JOO.OO 26.37 15.69 96.Bl

Kiphire 35,113 100.00 51.60 100.00 30.90 36.96 34.46 100.00

Sitiml 16,732 100.00 10,47 100.00 3.47 3.47 100.00

Shama10r 19,126 98.32 52.77 toO.OO 31.26 24.36 97.97

District 2,11,686 99.60 43.68 100.00 21.46 14.98 10.90 95.63 The entire rural population are well served by drinking water ['acility. Every village is having potable drinking water and its source is either tap water or river water and well water.

22 As regards educational cent per cent of the population under Longleng: Longkhim, Noklak, Kiphire, and Sitimi RD. blocks are served by this facility. There are only 2 villages, one each under Sangsangyu and Shamator do not have school of any kind in the entire district but the same is available at the minimum distance of less than 5 kms. Thus 99.60 percent of population in the district are served by educational facility. Me"dically, the highest proportion of population (59.39%) under Sangsangyu RD. block are faciliated followed by Shamator (52.77%), Kiphire (51.60%), Noklak (44.29%). Longleng (42.36%) and Longkhim (39.12%). The lowest proportion 10.47 population is served by this basic facility in Sitimi RD. block. Only 43.68% of the rural population are in the district are served by this facility which is very inadequate. Post and telegraph offices are also very less in rural areas of the district. 31.28 per cent of the population under Shamator block are served by this facility which is highest followed by Kiphire (30.90%), 26.39 per cent of the population under Noklak RD. block are served by post office. 25.81 percent of the total population under Longleng Rd. block are served by this facility. The lowest proportion of population (15.52%) under Longkhim RD. block are served by this facility while there is no such facility at all in Sangsangyu and Sitimi RD. block. There is no market facility in the rural areas of the district. Communication facility as well pucca approach road to the villages are very less in the district. Only few villages are having this facilities. 14.98 percent of the population in the entire rural areas are. served by communication Le., public bus service. Although there are kutcha approach road and foot path in all the villages, pucca approach road is very few. Only 10.90 percent of the total rural population are served by this faCility. 10 villages out of 228 inhabited villages are not electrified. Thus a proportion of 95.83 population of entire rural areas of the district are electrified. The following table gives the distribution of villages without having certain amenities arranged by distance from the places where these are available.

23 Table 3 : Distribution of villages not having certain amenities arranged by distance ranges from the places where these are available .

51. Village nol having the Number of village where the amenity is not available but available No. amenity of at distance of -Skm I 5-10 km I 10+ I Total (co Is 2-4) 1 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 Education 2

Medical 48 50 67 165

Drinking water

4 Post & Telegraph 22 34 153 209

Market/hat 228 Communication 14 19 176 209 Table 3 reveals that only 2 villagcs out of 228 inhabited villages do not have educational facility but available at the places located less than 5 km and 10+ kms. 165 villages out of 228 do not have medical facility of any type. So 48 of them avail from the places located at less than 5 km, 50 of them avail the facility from the places located 5-10 kms and 67 villages have the medical facility from far away villages located at the distance of 10+ kms. Drinking water is available in all the villages of the district. Post and telegraph is not available in 209 villages. It is available at less than 5 km for 22 villages. at 5-10 kms for 34 villages and at 10+ kms for 153 villages. All the 288 villages in the district do not have market/hat facility. But the distance of the places where it is available are not stated. Altogether 209 villages out of 228 do nol have communication facility. 14 villages avail bus service at -5 kms 19 villages avail the same from the places located at the distance 5-10 kms while large number of Villages where communication is not available have to cover more than 10 kms to avail public bus service. The following tables gives the distribution of villages according to the distance from nearest town and availability of different amenities.

24 Table 4 : Distribution of villages according to the distance from the nearest town and availability of different amenities

No. with percenlaqe) of villaqe havinq the amenitv of

D!stance No. of Education Medical Drinking Posl & Market! Comm Approach Power range from inhabited water telegraph hat unication by pucca supply nearest villages in town (in km each ranae

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0-5 7 1 8 1 1 1 2 (87.50) (12.50) (100.00) (12.50) (12.50) (12.50) (25.00)

6 -15 1 6 5 1 4 (83.33) (16.67) (100.00) (83.33) (16.67) (66.67)

16- 50 59 59 15 59 4 7 4 59 (10000) (25.42) (100.00) (6.78) (11.86) (6.78) (100.00)

51+ 127 127 42 127 12 6 6 128 (10000) (3307) (10000) (9.44) (4.72) (472) (100.00)

Unspecified 28 28 4 28 2 25 (100.00) (14.30) (100.00) (7.14) (89.29)

Tolal 228 226 63 228 19 19 12 218 (9912) 127.63) (100.00) (83.33) (83.33) (5.26) (95.61) Majority of the inhabited villages are located at the distance range of 51+ kms from the nearest town. These villages constitute 55.70 percent of the total villages in the district. Cent per cent of these villages are having educational. drinking water and power supply facilities. 33.07 percent of them are haVing medical, 9.44 percent of them have post and telegraph facility. 4.72 percent have pucca approach road while 4.72 percent of the villages have communication facility. 59 villages Le. 25.88 percent of the total inhabited villages fall at the distance range of 16.50 kms from the nearest town. Cent percent of them have educational, drinking water and power supply facilities. 15 (25.42%) have medical, 4(6.78%) have post and telegrph, 7 (11.86%) have communication, while 4(6.78%) of the villages in this range have pucca appoach road. Villages located at the distance ranges 0-5 and 6-15 kms are very less. Only 6.14 percent of the total villages in the district fall under these ranges. These are not adequately served by the basic facilities as the habitants can easily commute to the urban center wttiJ.eut any trouble to avail educational. medical, post and telegrapl:1 t~""J -.md even other t~lcilitjes like communication and power are al$g~een qUI1:-e---inadequalely served to these Villages.

25 28(12.28%) villages fall under unspecified ranges as the distance from the nearest town for these villages are not available but by observing the facilities available to these villages. One can presume that these villages are either from 16-50 or 51 + kms ranges. Cent percent of these villages have educational. drinking water and 89.29 percent of them are e Ie elrifi ed. The folloWing table gives the distribution of villages according to populatio.n range and amenties available. Table 5: Distribution of villages according to population range and amenities available

No. with Qercentlljje) of villages having the amenity of

Population No. of Education Medical Drinking Post & Market! Comm Approach Power range inhabited water telegraph hat unication by pucca supply villages

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 - 499 102 101 13 102 1 3 5 99 (99.02) (12.75) (100.00) (0.98) (2.94) (4.90) (97.07)

500 - 1999 101 100 36 101 11 13 6 96 (99.01) (35.64) (101) (10.89) (12.87) (5.94) (95.05)

2000·4999 25 25 14 25 7 3 1 23 (100.00) (56.00) (100.00) (28.00) (12.00) (4.00) (92.00)


Total 228 226 63 228 19 19 12 218 (9912) (27.63) (100.00) (83.33) (83.33) (5.26) (95.64) Tuensang district consists of 102 very small villages in the population range of -449 and small villages numbering 101 in the population range of 500-1999. There are 25 medium sized Villages in the population range of 2000-4999. There is no big villages in the population range of 5000. Educational drinking water and power supply amenities in all these three ranges are reasonably good. The villages having 2000-4999 population have cent percent of educational amenity. 56.00 percent of medical. 28.09 percent of post offices 12.00 percent of communication, 4.00 percent of pucca approach roads and 92.00 percent of the total villages in this range are having power supply facility. Very small villages are seen neglected with medical (12.75%), post and telegraph facility (0.98%), Communicationally only 3 villages (2.94%) oui of 102 Villages, and villages (4.90%) are provided with pucca approach road facility, 99 villages (97.07%) are electrified.

26 The villages in the population range of 500-1999 are seen better than those of very small villages in having the different facilities. Regarding villages education. drinking water and power supply facilities the villages in the both -499 and 500-1999 ranges are almost equally provided. But regarding medical. post and telegraph. communication and pucca approachable facilities the villages of 500-1999 population range· are better than the population range of -499. The following table gives the distribution of villages according to land use pattern. Table 6: Rural Development Blockwise Distribution of village according to land use

Name of No. of inhabited Total area Percentage of cultiYable Percentage of irrigated are2 R. D. Block yiliaaes area to total area to total cultiYable area

1 2 3 4 5

Lenglieng 35 3.02,301.00 24.43 7.58

Longkhim 35 26.070.00 87.42 2.42

Sangsangnyu 27 NA NA NA

Noklak 36 18,051.00 84.78 0.29

Kiphire 43 4.936.72 91.54 1.09

Sitimi 30 20,150.22 74.14 4.99

Shamator 22 40.30,127.00 89.41 22.43

Total 228 NA NA NA

Note:· 1) Cultivaible area = Irrigated + unirrigated + Jhum land cultivation

2) The Yillages in Nagaland is not cadastrally surveyed. The area ligures and area under different type of land use are only in approximation. The area of the village and area under different types of land use was collected from the concerned Deputy Commissioner of the district but since the land in the villages are not cadastrally surveyed the approximate area figures of the villages and areas unde different types of land use have been compiled in the village directory and the above 'table has been prepared. As it has been mentioned earlier under the heading "Agriculture" people in Tuensang district practice jhum cultivation or shifting type of cultivation more than terrace cultivation.

27 Town Directory Inset tables based on Town Directory Statements and P.C.A. The following table shows the new towns/towns declassified, merged in 1991 census.

Table 7: New Towns /Towns declassified, merged in 1991 Census Name of Towns Po ulation 1991 Census 2 3

(a) Added Nil

(b) De-classified Nil

(c) Wholly merged with others Nil The folloWing table shows the RD. blockwise sex ratio in the district for 1991 census. Table 8(A) : Sex Ralio for Rural Population of Rural Developments Blocks, 1991

Name of R. D. Block Number of females er 1000 males

2 3

Longleng 866 2 Longkhim 934

3. Sangsangnyu 936

4. Noklak 926

5. Kiph,re 889

6. Sitimi 972

7. 966 Shamator 28 Total 909

The sex ratio i.e. number of females per 1,000 males of the district has been worked out to be 909. The highest sex ratiO is recorded is 972 in SiUmi RD. block followed by Shamator (996), Sangsangyu R.D. block has 936" Longkhim 934, Noklak 926 and Kiphire has 889 while Longleng RD. block has lowest sex ratio that has been recorded 866. The rural areas however show the traditional patten of high sex ratiO. The follOwing lable gives sex ratiO for Tuensang Town.

28 Table 8(BJ Sex Ratio for Towns. 1991

81. No. Name and civic administration Number of females slalus of lawn per 1000 males

1 2 3

1. Tuensang Town T. C. 702 The sex ratio of Tuensang town is 702. It is much lower than those of R.D. blocks as well as the rural areas of the district. It is low sex ratio proves that Tuensang town is in the right direction towards urbanisation. The following table gives the per capita receipt and expenditure of town. TABLE 9: Per capita receipt and expenditure in towns 1988-89

PER CAPITA I Receipt Expenditure Class, name Total Receipt Receipt from Total General Expenditure Public Expenditure Other & civic status through all other expen· administ- on public work on ~spects of the town taxes sources diture ration health and institutions convenience

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. Tuensang \T. C.) lS.93 942 9.51 13.4S S.SS S.SC Tuensang is the only town in the district and it has an organised town committee. It is class III town. The per capita receipt of the town through taxes is Rs. 9.42 and receipt through other sources is Rs. 9.51. The total per capita expenditure of the is Rs. 13.46. Expenditure (per capitaJ on general administration is Rs.6.66 and the per capita expenditure in public works is Rs.6.80. The following table presents the ratio of schools per 10,000 of urban population of the district. Table 10 : Schools per 10,000 population in Towns

No. per 10,000 opulation

Class. name & Higher Secondary/lnter/ Secondary/ Junior Secondary/ Primary civic status of town PUC/Junior/College Matriculation Middle

1 2 3 4 5

III. Tuensang (T.C.) 0.48 0.95 0.95 2.39

29 Table 10 gives the number of schools per ten thousand population in town of the district. Higher secondary/inter /PUC/Junior college per 10,000 population is 0,48. Secondary/matriculation is 0.95. Middle school per 10,000 population is 0.95 while primary schools is 2.39. Table 11 shows the ratio of beds in medical institutions of Town of the district. Table 11 No of Beds in Medical Institutions in Towns

Class. name & civic status of No. of beds in medical institutions thetowo per 1,000 population

1 2

III, Tuensang (T. C.) 5.61

Number of beds in medical institutions per 1,000 population in Tuensang Town is 5.61. The following table gives the names of commodities manufactured. exported and imported in the town. Table 12 : Most important commodity manufactured, exported and imported in luwns

Most important commodity

Class, name & civic Manufactured Exported Imported status of town

1 2 3 4

III. Tuensang (T. C.) Handloom products, wood Sugar, Rice, Tea carving and timber 30 Tuensang town manufactures handloom products, wood carving and timber while imports tea, sugar and rice, No commodity is being exported by this town so far. Handicraft being an age old industry of the Nagas its products are very popular, so the surplus products are being sold in and outside the state. The folloWing table are based on Primary Census Abstract. Table (13) gives the population and number of villages, 1991.

30 Table I3(A) : Population and number of viII alles, 1991 Populalion of Villages No. of Villages SI. No. J Name of R. D. Block P I M F Tolal Inhabited 1 I 2 3 I 4 5 6 7 1. Longleng 67,703 36,268 31,435 35 35

2. Longkhim 27,951 14,448 13,503 36 35

3. Sangsangyu 19,229 9,929 9,300 28 27

4. Noklak 26,034 13,511 12,523 36 36

5. Kiphire 35,113 18,580 16,533 44 43 6. Sitimi 16,732 8,481 8,251 30 30

7. Shamator 19,126 9,727 9,399 22 22

District 2,11,888 1,10,944 1,00,944 231 228 Tuensang disrict is second biggest population district in Nagaland and Kohima being first among the seven districts have the rural population of 2.70,185 while Tuensang has 2.11.888 rural population. Longleng is the biggest RD, block in Tuensang district which has 67.703 persons out of which 36,268 are males and 31.435 are females. Longleng R.D. block consists of 35 inhabited villages. Kiphire RD. block also consists of 43 inhabited and one uninhabited village. It has 35.113 population out of which 18,580 are males and 16.533 are females. Longkhim R.D. block ranks third in respect of population with 27,951 persons. 14,448 males and 13,508 females live in 35 inhabited villages. This block has one unihabited village also during 1991 census. Noklak has 26.034 population out of which 13,511 are males and12.523 are females and they live in 36 inhabited villages. Sangsangyu RD. block conSists of one circle which has total of 28 villages out of which one is uninhabited. 1~1229 persons. 9.929 males and 9.300 females live in 27 villages under this RD. block. Shamator with 19.126 and Sitimi with 16,732 population are the smallest among the R.D. blocks of Tuensang district. The following table gives population and number of town. 1991.

T a ble 13 (B) P opu1 a t·IOn and nunlb er 0 f t owns, 1991


SI. No. Name & civic administration status of town P M F

1 2 3 4 5

Tuensang (T. C.) 21,018 12,349 8,669

31 Tuensang town has 21.018 population who live in the only urban unit of the district out of which 12,349 are males and 8,669 are females. The percentage of the urban population to the total population of the district is 9.02. The following table gives the decadal change in distribution of population.

Table 14.: Decadal changes in distribution of population

Population Percentage Percentage (1981·1991) Population 81. Name of 1991 No. Circle Total I ~~~~I I Urbani Total I Rural I Urban Total I Rural I Urban 19~~ri~~~~

1 2 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 9 1 10 1 11 12 113

Pungro 7.036 7.036 10,005 10.005 +42,~0 ~42,20

2, Kiphire 7.152 7,152 15,883 15,883 +122,08 +122.08

3, Sitimi 2613 2.613 3,672 3.672 +40.53 ~40,53

4 Seyochung 5,298 5,298 10,349 10,349 +95.34 ~95.34

5, Chessore 4,710 4.710 7,512 7,512 +59.49 ~59.49

6, Shamator 7.844 7.844 11,614 11,614 +48.06 ~48.06

7, Thonoknyu 6,146 6,146 7,186 7,186 +16.92 +16.92

8. Noklak 12.244 12.244 13,479 13.479 +10.08 +10.08

Tuensang (S) 12,872 12,872 19,229 19.229 +49.39 +49.39

10. Longkhim 8,138 8,138 11,528 11.528 +41.66 +41.66

11. Chare 6.616 6.616 8,202 8,202 +23.97 +23.97

12. Noksen 6,694 6,694 8,221 8,221 +22.81 +22.81

13 Longleng 14,740 14,740 31,239 31,239 +111.93 +111.93

14 Tobu 9,949 9,949

15. Manyakshu 6,836 6,836

16. Tamlu 4,875 4,875 19,601 19,601 +302.07 +302.07

17. Yonga 6,089 6,089 16,863 16,863 +175.94 +176.94

18. Panso 3,448 3,448 5,369 5,369 +55.71 +55.71

19. Kiusam 1,247 1,247 3,718 3,718 +198.15 +198.15

20 Amhator 3.686 3,686 5,507 5,507 +49.40 +49.40

21 Longmatra 1,899 1,899 2,711 2,711 +42.76 +42.76

22. Tuensang town 12,200 21,018 ... 72.28 ... 72.28 8.71 9.02

Total 1,52,332t ,40, 132 12,2002,32,,9062,11,88821,Ot8

32 The Tuensang district has 19 circles during 1991. Five new circles have been created by transferring villages from the circles of 1981. These new circles are Amahator and Longmatra which have been created by transferring villages from Kiphire circles Kiusan has been created by tranferring few villages of Pungro while Pans a was created by transferring villages from Noklak and Yongya by transferring villages from Longleng circle. Two circles viz., Monyakshu and Tabu have been transferred to Man district during 1991 census. The table shows the re-casted population figures for the circles of 1981 and the percentage of decadal variation (1981-1991) have also been worked out basing on the same. !Gusam circle of 1991 which has been created by transferring villages from Kiphire had 1.247 persons during 1981 but the same increased to 3718 persons during the decade recording + 198.15 percent which is the highest in the district followed by Yongya Circle having + 175.94 percent. Kiphire circle after divided into three Le .. !Gphire. Amahator and !Gusam had 7.152 persons during 1981 which has been increased to 15.883 persons during the decade thus the percentage variation of Kiphire is + J 22.08 percent.

Similarly, Longleng Circle wa~ divided into Longleng and Yongya having 14.740 persons during 1981 has also been increased during the ciecade by +111.93 per cent while Yongya has increased by +75.94 per cent. All other circles also have been increased to the reasonable extent among all Longkhim circle recorded lowest of +10.08 per cent. The percentage variation in the urban population has been recorded as 72.28 per cent. The percentage of urban population of the district was 8.71 per cent during 1981 which has also slightly been increased to 9.02 per cent during 1991. 90.98 per cent of the total population of Tuensang district live in the rural areas.

Ii shows that the people are primarily village based and do not have the necessary conditions for living in town. The follOWing table gives the rural development blockwise percentage distribution of villages by population ranges, 1991.

33 Table 15 : Rural Development Blockwise distribution of villages by population ranR;es. 1991

Name of No. & percentage No. & percentage of village of each range R. D. Block of inhabited (figures in parethasis indicate percentage villaaes of villaqes in each rana~)

Less 200-499 500-1999 2000-4999 5000-9999 10000 than 200 & above

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Longleng 35 6 14 15 (100.00) (17.14) (40.00) (42.86)

Longkhim 35 6 6 21 2 (100.00) (17.14) (17.14) (60.00) (5.72)

Sangsangnyu 27 4 15 6 2 (100.00) (14.81) (55.56) (22.22) (7.14)

Noklak 36 3 14 17 2 (100.00) (8.33) (38.89) (47.22) (5.56)

Kiphire 43 4 19 19 1 (100.00) (9.30) (44.19) (44.19) (2.32)

Sitimi 30 5 15 9 1 (100.00) (16.67) (50.00) (30.00) (3.33)

Shamator 22 1 7 11 3 (100.00) (4.54) (31.82) (50.00) (13.64)

Dislricl T olal 228 23 82 97 25 1 (100.00) (10.09) (35.96) (42.54) (10.96) (0.45)

The above table reveals that there are 23 inhabited villages which has population less than 200 and the percentage of these is 10.09 to the total inhabited villages of the district. There are 82 villages which have population 200-499 and they are distributed as 6(17.14%) in Longleng. 6(17.14%) in Longkhim. 15(55.56%) in Sangsangnyu. 14(38.89%) In Noklak. 19(44.19%1 In Kiphire. 15(50.00%) in Sitimi and 7(31.82%) in Shamator rural development block. There are 97 villages having 2000-4999 population and these are distributed as 14(40.00%) in Longleng. 21(60.00%) in Longkhim. 6(22.22%) in Sangsangyu. 17(47.22%) In Noklak 9(30.00%) in Sitimi and 11 (50.00%) in Shamator. 25(10.96%) village are having 2000-4999 population. These are found 15(42.86%) in Longleng. 2(5.72%) in Longkhim. 2(7.41 %) in Sangsangyu. 1(3.33%) in Sitiml and 3(13.64%) in Shamator rural

34 development block. There are only 1 village where there are more than 10.000 population. The percentage of this is 0.45 to the total villages in the district. The following table gives the proportion of scheduled tribes population to the total population in the villages. Table 16: Proportion of Scheduled Tribes population to total population in the villages

Percentage range of scheduled No. of villages Percentage of vii/ages tribes population to total DODulation in each ranae in each range

1 2 3


6 ·15

16- 25 26-35 0.44

36· 50

50 and above 227 99.56

Total 228 22B (100.00) There is only one village where 30.55 per cent of scheduled tribes live and it is located in Tamlu circle. 99.56 per cent of the total villages in Tuensang district are having more 50 per cent of scheduled tribe population. The following table shows the percentage of scheduled castes/scheduled tribes population in town. Table 17 : Percentage of scheduled castes/scheduled tribes population in towns, .1991.

Town Totat Totat scheduled Total scheduled Percentage 01 Percentage of population Casle population Tribe population scheduled caste scheduled tribe population to population to total population lolal population

-I 2 3 4 5 6 Tuensang IOwn 21,018 15,471 73.61 The total population of Tuensang town Is 21,018 out of which 15,471 are scheduled tribes and their percentage to the total population of the town is 73.61.

35 The following table gives the literacy rates for rural p'Jpulation of R.D. Block. Table 18(A): Literacy rates for rural population of rural Development Blocks by sex, 1991 (Excluding children in the age group 0-6)

Percentage of literates SI. No. Name of R. D. Block Persons I Males 1 Females 1 2 3 I 4 1 5 1. LONGLENG 46.65 49.99 42.72 2. LONGKHIM 54.41 58.71 49.76 3. SANGSANGNYU 47.68 54.10 40.75 4. NOKLAK 34.28 39.68 28.40 5 KIPHIRE 69.38 52.76 35.48 6. SITIMI 52.15 59.81 44.31 7. SHAMATOR 39.37 48.34 29.91 TOTAL 45.74 51.28 39.56 Literacy rate is highest in Kiphire R.D. block (69.38%) followed by Longkhim (54.41%). Sitimi (52.15%) Sangsangyu (47.68%). Longleng (46.65%), Shamator (39.37%) and the lowest in Noklak R.D.block (34.28%). The district has the rural literacy of 45.74 per cent. It is noticed that rural literacy rate in the district is still very low. The district is educationally backward. Moreover, there are about ten tribes in this district and the number of language spoken by them is more the number of tribes. This condition is not conductive to the growth of literature and so practically no secular literature has grown up in this district. However, every tribe has got its Literature Committee which works for development of language and literature of that tribe. The Directorate of Education has produced some text books for the lower classes such as Classes I to IlL At present almost every village has a Primary School and also some have middle and high schools. As a result of setting up of many primary schools and thereby providing faclities for literacy the percentage of rural literacy has considerable gone up in the last two decades. The literacy rate during 1971 was only 13.31 which has gone upto 27.37 during 1981. There has been considerable growth in the rural literacy in the district can be still expected higher after few more years. The follOwing table gives the literacy rates for town, 1991.

36 Table 18(B) Literacy Rates for Towns, 1991 (Excluding children in the age group 0-6)

81. No. Name of civic administration I Percentage of literates status of town Person Male l Female , 2 3 1 4 1 5 1. Tuensang (T. C.) 76.48 78.93 71.65 Literacy rate of Tuensang town during 1981 was 66.27 per cent. It has gone up to 76.48 per cent during the decade. Male literacy has gone up from 72.49 to 78.93 per cent and female literacy from 56.82 to 71.65 per cent during 1991 census. The follOWing table gives the percentage of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers for R. D.Block of the district.

Table 19 (A) : Rural Development Blockwise percentage of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers, 1991

PercentaQe of

51. Name of Main workers to total Marginal workers to Total workers to Non-workers to No. R. D. Block oDulation total DODulation total pODulation total pODulation p M I F P I M I F P I M I F P I M I F 1 2 3 4 I 5 6 I 7 I a 9 I 10 I 11 12 13 I 14 1. LONGLE(,!G 47.84 47.94 47.72 47.84 47.94 47.72 52.16 52.06 52.28

2. LONGKHIM 47.82 48.60 46.98 47.82 48.60 46.98 52.18 51.40 53.02

3. 5ANGSANGYU45.03 46.89 43.03 0.12 0.26 45.15 46.89 43.29 54.85 53.11 56.71

4. NOKLAK 49.28 51.74 46.63 49.28 51.74 46.63 50.72 48.26 53.37

5. KIPHIRE 43.78 44.27 43.22 43.78 44.27 43.22 56.22 55.73 56.78

51TIMI 45.51 43.53 47.55 45.51 43.53 47.55 54.49 56.47 52.45

7. 5HAMATOR 14.20 42.20 40.15 IN) IN) 41.20 42.20 40.15 58.80 57.80 59.85

TOTAL 46.30 46.94 45.60 0.01 0.02 46.31 46.94 45.62 53.69 53.06 54.38 Tuensang district has 46.30 per cent of rural workers out of which 46.94 per cent are males and 45.60 per cent are female workers. It has also O.O} per cent of margia} workers. No male marginal worker has been reported but there are 0.02 per cent of female marginal workers which have been reported during 199} census. Total workers of the district in the rural areas are 46.31 per cent out of which 46.94 per cent are males and 45.62 per cent are females.

37 There are 53.69 per cent of non-workers in the district out of which 53.06 per cent are males and 54.38 per cent are females. Noklak RD. block has the highest of workers which shows 49.28 per cent followed by Longleng RD. block having 47.84 per cent. Lonp;khim RD. blockhas 47.82 per cent of workers which is slightly lower than Longleng RD. block. Sangsangyu and Simiti RD. blocks are having the similar percentage of workers both having 45.15 and 45.51 per cent respectively. Kiphire RD. block has 43.78 per cent of workers while Shamator has 41.20 per cent of workers which is the lowest. ShamatoF has the highest percentage of non-workers i.e., 58.80 and the lowest percentage of non-workers of 50.72 has been recorded for Noklak RD. block of Tuensang district. The literate population of all the rural development blocks exclude the children in the age group 0-6. Thus the percentage of literacy have also been worked out to the popl.ilation excluding the children of that age group. The folloWing table gives the percentage of main workers. marginal workers and non-workers for town. Table 19 (B) ; Percentage of main workers. marginal workers 'and non-workers of towns, 1991

Percentaae of

81. Name and Main workers to total Marginal workers to Total workers to Non-workers to No. civic admin population total population total population total population stration of town p I M I F P I M I F P I M I F P I M I F 1 2 3 1 4 1 5 6 1 7 1 8 9 I 10'1 11 12 I 13 114 1. Tuensang (T. C.) 34.45 48.38 14.59 (N) (N) 34.45 48.38 68.92 65.55 5162 85.41 Urban workers in Tuensang has gone up from 33.69 per cent in 1981 to 34.45 per cent in 1991 census. Male workers have not increased as it was 48.65 per cent in 1981 which is recorded only 48.38 per cent. It is seen the percentage of male workers has been gone down while female participation in works have been increased from 10.97 to 14.59 per cent during the decade. There is only one female marginal worker in Tuensang town. The percentage of non-workers also slightly decreased m comparison to 1981 which had 66.26 per cent of total non-workers in town out of Which 51.30 per cent were males and 88.99 per cent were females. The same has been recorded 65.55, 51.62 and 85.41 per cent respectively during 1991.



40 Notes explaining the Codes used in the Village Directory. The following abbreviations have been used in the Village Directory for the different amenities. Column 5 I. Educational (Amenities) P Primary school upto class IV M Middle school upto class VIII H Matriculation or secondary schools up to class X C College, any college like arts, science, commerce etc. AC Adult literacy class/centres a Other educational Institution. Column 6 2. Medical (Amenities)

H Hospital

D Dispensary MCW­ Maternity and child welfare centre CWC­ Child welfare centre HC Health centre PHC - Primary health centre PHS - Primary health sub-centre TB T. B. clinic NH Nursing home Column 7 3. Drinking Water (Amenities)

l' Tap water W Well water TK Tank water

41 TW Tube well water

R River water F Fountain water C Canal water S Spring water N Nallah 0 Others Column 8 4. Post and Telegraph PO Post office TO Telegraph office PTO Post & telegraph office Phone - Telephone connection Column 10 5. Communication BS Bus RS Railwa9' station Column 11 6. Approach to village PR Pucca road KR Kutcha road FP Foot path Column 13

7. Power Supply ED Electricity for domestic purpose EA Electricity for all purposes listed above

42 Annexure I

Details of circles under rural development blocks I. LONGLENG R.D Block - 1 L Tamlu 6/1 2. Yongya 6/2 3. Longleng 6/3 II. LONGKHIM R.D. BLOCK - 2 1. Longkhim 6/4 2. Noksen 6/5 3. Chare 6/6 III. SANGSANGNYU R.D. BLOCK - 3 1. Tuensang Sadar 6/7 IV. NOKLAK R.D. BWCK - 4 Noklak 6/8 Panso 6/9 Thonoknyu 6/10 v. KIPHIRE R.D. BWCK - 5 Kiusam 6/11 Pungro 6/12 Kiphire 6/13 Amahator 6/14 VI. SITIMI R.D. BLOCK - 6 Sitimi 6/15 Seyochung 6/16 Longmatra 6/17 VI. SHAMATOR R.D. BWCK - 7 Shamator 6/18 Chcssor 6/19



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SI. Name of Location Location Location Location No. Village code code code code (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. AOCHING 18/6/3/19 18/06/0030/0019 15/6/13/27 15/06/0013/0027 2. BORAlNAMSANG 18/6/1/7 18/06/0010/0007 15/6/16/7 15/06/0016/0007

3. HUKPANG 18/6/3/11 18/06/0030/0011 15/6/13/19 15/06/0013/0019 4. KANGCHING 181611/S 18/06/001010008 15/6/16/8 15/06/0016/0008

5. KONGSHONG~CHOOLCOM- POUND (BORANAMSANG) 18/6/1/9 18/06/001010009 15/6/16/9 15/06/0016/0009

6. LADIOGARH (BARHOLA LADAIGARH) 18/6/1/4 18/06/001010004 15/6/16/4 15/06/0016/0004

7. LONGLENG H.Q. 18/6/3/1 18/061003010001 15/6113/1 15/06/0013/0001 8. LONGLENG LEPROSY COLONY 18/6/3/3 18/0610030/0003 15/6/13/3 15/06/0013/0003

9. LONGLENG MISSION COMPOUND 18/6/3/2 18/061003010002 15/6113/2 15/06/0013/0002

10. MONGNYU 18/6/314 181061003010004 15/611315 1510610013/0005

11. MONGTIKANG 18/61318 18/061003010008 1516/13/16 1510610013/0016

12. NAMCHING SCHOOL COMPOUND 181613/10 181061003010010 1516113118 15/061001310018

13. NGETCHUNG-CHING 18/61115 18/06/001010005 15/6116/5 1510610016/0005

14. NIAN 181612/3 18/061002010003 15/6113/7 15106/0013/0007

15. ORANGKONG 1816/315 181061003010005 151611314 15106/0013/0004

16. PONGCHING 181613/9 18/06/0030/0009 15/6113117 151061001310017

17. PONGO 181613/12 18/0610030/0012 15/6/13/20 15/0610013/0020 18. PONGO SCHOOL COMPOUND 181613113 181061003010013 1516113/21 151061001310021

19. SAKSHI 1816/3118 18/06/003010018 15/6113/26 15/0610013/0026

20. SAKSHI JIMJONG 1816/3117 18/061003010017 1516113125 15106/001310025

21. SHAMNYUCHING 181611/3 18/061001010003 15/6/16/3 15/0610016/0003

22. SHITAP 18/6/116 181061001010006 15/6/1616 15/06/001610006

23. TAMLU HO. 18/6/1/1 18/06/001010001 15/6/16/1 15/0610016/0001

24. TAMLU VILLAGE 18/61112 1 BI061001 010002 15/611612 15106/001

47 25. TANGHA 18/6/217. 18/06/0020/0007 ' ·15/6/13/10 15106/0013/0010

26. YACHEM 18/6/3/6 18/061003010006 15/6/13/14 15/0610013(0014 27. YANGCHING 18/6/3/16 18/06/0030/0016 15/6/13/24 15/06/0013/0024

28. YAONG 18/6/3/7 18/06/0030/0007 15/6/13/15 15/06/0013/0015 29. YON GAM 18/6/2/4 18/06/0020/0004 15/6/13/6 15/06/0013/0006

30. YONGNYAM H.Q.IYONGYA S/COMPOUND 18/6/2/1 18/06/0020/0001 15/6/13/9 15/06/0013/0009

31. YONGNYAH VILLAGE IYONGYA) 18/6/2/2 1 8/06/0020/0002 15/6/13/8 15/06/0013/0008

32 YONGPHANG 18/6/3/14 18/06/0030/0014 15/6/13/22 15/06/0013/0022

.33. YONGPHANG SCHOOL COMPOUND 18/6/3/15 18/06/0030/0015 15/6/13/23 15/06/0013/0023

34. YONGSHEI 18/6/2/5 18/06/0020/0005 15/6/13/12 15/06/0013/0012 35. YOTAN SCHOOL COM- POUNDIYUTAN S/ COM- POUND 18/6/2/6 18/06/0020/0006 15/6/13/11 15/06/0013/001

Names within brackets are as in 1981 census


VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) ,

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Commu code village of the population water and or days nication no. village (in & number (potable telegraph of bus slap, hectares) of house market railway holds hat if station, any waterwa

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: TAMLU 6/1

18/6/1/1 TAMLU H.O. NA 1,871(278) P(1),M(1), H(1) 'PHC(I) W PO -(10+) BS

18/6/1/2 TAMLU H.O 60,000.00 2,853(449) P(14) -1'0+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/1/3 SHAMNYU CHING 44,500.00 1,623(170) P«1) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/1/4 LADIAGARH 30,000.00 3,430(402) P«I) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/1/5 NGETCHUNG CHING 30,400.00 331(49) P«I) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/1/6 SHITAP 20,000.00 545(74) P«1) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/1/7 BORAINAM- SANG 57,900.00 4,566(531) P«2) -(10+) W PO -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/1/8 KONGSHONGSCH- OOLCOMPOUND NA 1,221(139) P«I),M(2) PHC(I) W PO -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/1/9 KANGCHING 35,000.00 3,161(429) P«3) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(10+) BS

CIRCLE TOTAL2,77.800.001 9,601 (2,521) P«17).M(3) H(l) PHC(2)

50 DIRECTORY and land use LONGLENG R D BLOCK - 1 Land use (Le., area under different types of land use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Cultivabl"e Land Land under permanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply Fultivation cultivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated unirrigated cultivatio

11 12 13 14 15a 15b 16a 16b 17 18

KR Mokokchung(86) ED NA NA NA NA NA Rice NA

KR Mokokchung(86) ED 40,000,00 1,000,00 NA 19,000,00 10 Yrs, Rice NA

FP Mokokchung(NA) 29,500,00 5,000,00 NA 10,000,00 10 Yrs. Rice NA

FP Mokokchung(NA) 26,000.00 2,000,00 NA 2,000.00 10 Yrs. Rice NA

FP Mokokchung(NA) 23,000,00 6,000,00 NA 1,400,00 10 Yrs, Rice NA

FP Mokokchung(NA) ED 18,000.00 1,000.00 NA 1000,00 10 Yrs. Rice NA

KR Mokokchung(NA) ED 54,000.00 900,00 NA 3,000,00 10 Yrs. Rice NA

KR Mokokchung(NA) ED NA NA NA NA 10 Yrs, Rice NA

KR Mokokchung(75) ED 30,000,00 1,000,00 NA 4,000.00 10 Yrs, Rice NA

... 2,20,500.00 16,900,00 NA 40,400,00 NA

Note -As the vrllages in Naga/and are not cadastrally surveyed the land use and area figures are given approximately

51 VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Commu code village of the population water and or days nication no. village (in & number (potable telegraph of bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hat it station, any waterway

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: YONGYA 6/2 lBI612110 YONGYAH.Q 1,400.00 1,056(112) P(I),M(l) 0(1) C,W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

1 BI612/11 YONGYA VILL 1,350.00 4,020(536) P(I) -(-5) C,W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

1 B/6/2/12 NIAN 750.00 4,318(495) P(2) 0(1) C,W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

1816/2/13 YON GAM ''1,100.00 1.478(183) P(l) 0(1) C,W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/2/14 YONGSHEI 1,500.00 2,802(298) P(2) 0(1) C,W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/2/15 YOLTAN SCHOOL COMPOUND 250.00 508(68) P(l),M(l) 0(1) C,W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/2/16 TANGHA 1,200.00 2,681(327) P(2), 0(1) C,W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

CIRCLE TOTAL 7,550.0016,863(2,019) P(10),M(2) 0(6)

52 PI iRat f.4IGLItNG R.D JI[;8CJ{ - 1 Land use (Le .• area under different types of land use in hectares rounded uPlo 2 decimal olaces I

Cultivable Land Land under oermanent cultivation

_rollc~ Neares1 PoMr ,ForeSl Wet rice Oryrice Total area Period of Main crops Area not CO IIIitIage town & SLippl) pultivation cLiHivation under Jhum rotation under available dlSlance or or cultivation cultivation for (inkms) irrigated unirrigated cultlvatior

11 12 13 14 15a 15b 16a 16b 17 18

KA Tuensang (100) ED NA 500.00 250.00 250.00 6 -7 Yr •. Rice 400.00 KA Tuensang (130) ED NA 450.00 250.00 250.00 6 -7 Yrs. Rice 400.00 KA Tuansang (135) ED NA 200.00 200.00 200.00 6 -7Yrs. Rice 150.00 KA Tuenung (105) ED NA 500.00 200.00 200.00 6-7Yrs. Rice 200.00 Kfl Tuenaang (105) ED NA 500.00 400.00 400.00 6 -7 Yrs. Rice 200.00 KR Tuansang (1'0) ED NA 50.00 100.00 50.00 6 -7Yrs. Rice 50.00 KR Tuensang (115) ED NA 200.00 300.00 200.00 6 -7Yrs. Rice 500.00 ED NA 2.400:00 1.700.00 1.550.00 1.900.00

Note :- As the villag .. in Naga/Bnd 818 not cadastrallt surveyed the land use and area figures are given.approximately.

53 .vILLAGE . Amenities TUENSANG DISTRICT "'. . . ..' Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is sbown inthe J::.o]umQ.and Qext t.o. it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5" 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is alIailable is given)

Location Name ef Tetal area' Tetal Educatienal Medical' Drinking Pest Day Cemmu code village of the populatien water and, or days njcation no. village (in & number (potable telegraph of bus stop, hecwres) of heuse market railway helds .. _.hat if statien, any waterway ,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: LONGLENG SJ3

.' 18/6/3/17 LONGLENG H.Q NA 3,244(678) P(2)M(2)H(1 ) H(l) T PO -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/3/18 LONGLENG MISS- IoN COMPOUND NA 340(58) P(l)M(l)H(l) -(-5) T -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/3/19 LONGLENG LEPROSY . COLONY NA 259(58) P(l) H(l) T -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

1 '0101:3120 MONGY\) 1,545.00 2,549(401) P(2) -(-5) T ,(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/3/21 ORANG KONG 1,505.00 2, 292(269) P(2) -(-5) T -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/3/22 YACHEM 1.220.00 4,905(543) P(2)M(1) 0(1) T PO -(10+) -(10+)

1 8/6/3/23 Y AONG 845.00 2,386(357) P(l) -(10) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/3/24 MONGTIKANG 575.00 388(74) P(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/3/25 PONGCHING 850.00 1,227(265) P(l) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/3/26 NAMCHING SCHOOL COMPOUND 850.00 410(79) P(l)M(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/3/27 HUKPANG 690.00 3,466(371 ) P(l) -(10+)) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/613/28 PONGO 1.185.00 2,572(505) P(l) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/3/29 PONGO SCHOOL COMPOUND 1,225.00 931 (168) P(I)M(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

1 8/6/3/30 YONGHANG 790.00 1,560(277) P(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/0/3131 YONGPHANG SCHOOL COMPOUND 675.00 324(61) P(l)M(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/3/32 YANGCHING 1.450.00 775(128) P(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/3/33 SAKCHI YIMTONGl ,006.00 537(80) P(l)M(l) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/3/34 SAKCHI 1,495.00 1,669(299) P(1) -(-5) T PO -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/3/35 AOCHING 1,045.00 1,405(213) P(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

CIRCLE TOTAL 16,951.0031,239(4,884) P(23) D(4),H(1)

RD. BLOCK ... 6,7703(9,424) P(50) PHC(2), 0(10) H(l)

54 DIRECTORY and land use LONGLENG R D BLOCK· 1 Land use (i.e., area under di:lerent types of land use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal place

Cultivable Land Land under permanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ultivation cultivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated unirrigated cultivatio

11 12 13 14 15a 15b 16a 16b 17 18

KR Mokokchung(79) ED NA NA NA NA 9 Yrs. Rice NA

KR Mokokchung(79) ED NA NA NA NA 9 Yrs. Rice NA

KR Mokokchung(BO) ED NA NA NA NA 9 Yrs. Rice NA

KR Mokokchung(79) ED NA 345.00 350.00 30C.00 9 '(,:;. Rice 550.00

KR Mokokchung(8) ED NA 360.00 360.00 325.00 9 Y". Rice 460.00

KR Mokokchung(71 ) ED NA 300.00 200.00 220.00 9 Yrs. Rice 500.00

KR Mokokchung(71 ) ED NA 145.00 150.00 200.00 9 Yrs. Rice 350.00

KR Mokokchung(107) ED NA 105.00 90.00 180.00 9 Yrs. Rice 200.00

KR Mokokchung(l 00) ED NA 220.00 150.00 180.00 9 Yrs. Rice 300.00

KR Mokokchung(l 00) ED NA 220.00 150.00 180.00 9 Yrs. Rice 300.00

KR Mokokchung(96) ED NA 110.00 150.00 160.00 9 Yrs. Rice 270.00

KR Mokokchung(89) ED NA 340.00 300.00 220.00 9 Yrs. Rice 325.00

KR Mokokchung(89) ED NA 225.00 350.00 150.00 9 Yrs. Ric.. 506.00

KR Tuensang(64) ED NA 140.00 150.00 150.00 9 Yrs. Rice 350.00

KR Tuensang(64) ED NA 155.00 150.00 180.00 9 Yrs. Rice 190.00

KR Tuensang(60) ED NA 120.00 900.00 100.00 9 Yrs. Rice 330.00

KR Tuensang(50) ED NA 216.00 200.00 220.00 9 Yrs. Rice 370.00

KR Tuensan9(50) ED NA 345.00 350.00 300.00 9 Yrs. Rice 500.00

KR Tuensan9(45) ED NA 255.00 210.00 200.00 9 Yrs. Rice 380.00

NA 3,601.004,210.00 3,265.00 5,875.00 ... 2,20,500.00 22901,005,910.00 45,215.00 7,775.00 Note: - As the villages in Nagaland are not cadastrally surveyed the land uSe and area figures are given approximately.





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" R. O. BLOC~ ...


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51. Name of Location Location Location Location No. Village code code code code . (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ". 1. ALl50PUR 18/6/5/4 18/06/0050/0004 15/6/1 t/4 15/06/0011/0004

2. ANGANGBA 18/6/6/2 1 8/06/0060/0002 15/6/10/2 15/06/001010002

3. CHARE H.Q. 18/6/5/2 18/06/0050/0002 15/6/11/2 15/06/0011/0002

4. CHARE (OLD) TOWN 18/6/5/1 18/06/0050/0001 15/6/11/1 15/06/0011/0001

5. CHARE VILLAGE 181615/12 18/06/0050/0012 15/6/11/12 15/06/0011/0012

6. CHIMONGER 18/6/6/5 18/06/0060/0005 15/6/10/5 15/0610010/0005

7. CHUNGLlYIMTI (UR) 18/6/5/11 1 8/06/0050/0011 15/6/11/11 15/06/0011/0011

8. CHUNGTORE 18/6/6/4 18/06/0060/0004 15/6/10/4 15/06/0010/0004

9. DIKHU SERICULTURE FARM (UR) 18/6/5/3 18/0610050/0003 15/6/11/3 15106/0011/0003

10. HOLONGBA 18/6/6/7 1 8/06/0060/0007 15/6/10/7 15/06/0010/0007

11. KONG SANG 18/6/4/4 18/06/0040/0004 15/6/12/7 lS/06/0012jOO07

12. KUMPONG 18/6/4/10 18/06/0040/0010 15/6/12/6 15/06/0012/0006

13. LlRISE 18/6/6/3 18/06/0060/0003 15/6/10/3 15/06/0010/0003

14. LITEM 18/6/4/12 18/06/0040/0012 15/6/12/5 15/06/0012/0005

15. LlT5AMI (LiTHSAMI) 18/6/6/12 18/06/0060/0012 15/6/10/12 15/06/0010/0012

16. LONGKHIM H.Q. 18/6/6/1 18/06/0060/0001 15/6/10/1 15/06/0010/0001

17. LONGKHIPEK 18/6/5/6 18/06/005010006 15/6/11/6 15/06/0011/0006

18. LONGRA 18/6/4/3 18/06/0040/0003 15/6/1214 1510610012/0004

19. LONGTANG 18/6/4/6 18/06/004010006 1516112/11 15106/001210011

20. NEW MANGARHI 1816/6/10 1 8/06/0060/0010 15/6/10/10 15/06/0010/0010

21 NEW TSADANGER 18/6/5/6 18/0610050/0006 15/6/11/8 15/06/0011/0008

22 NOKSEN H.Q 18/6/4/1 18/0610040/0001 15/6/12/1 15/06/0012/0001

23. NOK5EN VILLAGE 18/6/4/2 18/06/0040/0002 15/6/12/2 15/06/0012/0002

24. OLD MANGAKHI 18/6/6/9 18/0610060/0009 15/6/10/9 15/06/0010/0009

25 OLD T5ADANGER 18/6/5/9 18/0610050/0009 15/6/11/9 15/06/0011/0009

26. PHIRE AHIRE 18/616/6 18/06/0060/0006 15/6/10/6 15/06/0010/0006

59 27, SANGSOMOMG lSl61GIl! 18(oeIO~08 15(~10/S 15100001010008

28, SANGTAK 1816/4(7 1810610040/0007 15(6/1219 15106/0012/0009 , 29, TONGlONSORESCHooL COMPOUND 18/6/5/5 181oe1ooSOloo05 1516111/5 15(06/00t1/0005

30, TRONGER 181615(7 18/061005010007 15/6111(7 15100001110007

31, YALI 1816/4/5 18/061004010005 1516112112 151061001210012 ,

32, YANGLI MISSION CENTRE 1816/6/11 18/00006010011 1516110/t1 151061001010011

33, YIMRUP 18/6/4/11 18106/0040/0011 1516/1218 15106/001210008 34, YONYU 18/6/4/8 181061004010008 1516112110 1510810011210010 35, YUKUMSANG SCHOOL COMPOUND 18/6/4/9 161061004010009 15/6112/3 15/0161001210003

Names within brack9ts are as in 1981 census


VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the faCilitv is available is qiven)

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Commu code village of the population water and or days nication no, village (in & number (potable) telegrapt of bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hat if station, anv waterwav

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to CIRCLE: NOKSEN 6/4

18/6/4/1 NOKSEN H,Q NA 942(169) P(I),H(I) H(I) T PO -(10+)

18/6/412 NOKSEN VILL. 3,500,00 1,117(168) P(I) D(I) T -(-5) -(10+)

18/6/413 LONGRA 2,800,00 716(121) p(l) -(NA) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/4/4 KONGSANG 4,305,00 1,387(226) P(I),M(I) D(I) T BPO -(10+)

18/6/415 YALI 3,135,00 631(101) P(I) -(5-10) T -(10+) -(10+)

1816/416 LONGTANG 2,005,00 516(63) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18161417 SANGTAK 3,655,00 870(164) P(I) D(I) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/4/8 YONYU 1,675,00 724(136) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

1816/4/9 YUKUMSANG SCHOOL COMPOUND 5,00 169(31) P(I),M(I) D(I) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/4110 KUMPONG 237,00 177(37) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/4111 YIMRUP 1,23000 52t(94) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/4112 LITEM 3,050,00 451(77) P(I) -(-5) T -(-5) -(10+)

CIRCEL TOTAL 2,60,920,008,221 (1 ,387) P(12),M(2), H(I) D(4),H(I)

62 DIRECTORY and land use LONGKHIM R.D. BLOCK - 2 Land use (Le .• area under different types of land use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Cultivable Land Land under permanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Totsl area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ultivation CUltivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated unirrigated cultivatior

11 12 13 14 ISa ISb ISa 16b 17 18

KR Tuensang(9S) ED NA NA NA NA NA Rice NA KR Tuensang(55) ED 250.00 50.00 SOO.OO 2.S00.00 11 Yrs. Rice 200.00

KR Tuensang(82) ED 300.00 250.00 100.00 3.000.00 15 Yrs. Rice 150.00

KR Tuensang(SS) ED 350.00 S.OO 2S0.00 2.S00.00 9 Yrs. Rice 200.00

KR T uensang(25) ED 300.00 5.00 150.00 2,SOO.00 t5 Yrs. Rice 180.00

KR Tuensang(35) ED 250.00 5.00 100.00 1,500.00 13 Yrs, Rice 150.00

KR Tuensang(42) ED 300.00 5.00 150.00 3,000.00 11 Yrs. Rice 200.00

KR Tuensang(42) ED 2S.00 S.OO 12S.00 1,500.00 9 Yrs. Rice 20.00

KR T uensang(60) ED NA NA NA NA NA Rice S.OO

KR Tuensang(60) ED S.OO 2S.00 25,00 200.00 9 Yrs, Rice 5.00 KR Tuensang(40) ED 50.00 100.00 100.00 1,000.00 9 Yrs. Rice 30.00

KR Tuensang(68) ED 250.00 100.00 100.00 2,500.00 9 Yrs. Rice 150.00

2,080.00 5S0.001,SOO.00 20,200.00 1.290.00

Note :. As the villages In Nagaland are not cadastrally surveyed the land use and area figures are given approximately.

63 .VILLAGE TUENSANG DIST:tUCT Am_ties ' Amenrties available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facir ~ is available is !liven)

Location Name of Total area Total Educalional Medical Drinking Post Day Commu code village ollhe population water and or days nicalion no. village (in & number (potable telegrapt of bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hat if station, any waterway

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: CHARE 6/5

1816/5/13 CHARE OLD TOWN430.00 551(99) P(I) H(I) T PO BS

1816/5/14 CHAREH.Q. 513.00 790(150) P(I), H(I) -(-5) T -(-5) BS 181615/15 DIKHU SERI- CULTURE FARM(UR) NA 31(10) P(I) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

1816/5/16 ALiSOPUR 1,281.95 2,299(202) P(I) -(-5) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

181615117 TONGLONGSORE SCHOOL COMPOUND NA 95(19) M(I),P(I) 0(1) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

1816/5/18 LONGKHIPEK NA 260(51) M(I),P(I) -(-5) T -(-5) -(-5)

1816/5/19 TRONGER 999.83 790(126) P(I) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

1816/5/20 NEW TSADANGER 348.8 312(66) P(I) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

1816/5/21 OLD TSADANGERI ,047.07 1,166(221) P(I) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(5-10)


181615/23 CHUNGLlYIMTI 414.04 491(96) P(I) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

1816/5124 CHARE VILLAGE1, 134.94 1,487(215) P(I) -(-5) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

CIRCLE TOTAL 6,169.638,202(1,255) P(12), H(l) 0(1), H(I) M(2)

64 DIRECTORY and,JaDcl use LONGJaID( RoD. BLOCK - 2 Land use (Le., area under different types of land use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal~aces)

Cultivable Land Land under _Qermanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ultivation cultivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or CUltivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated unirrigated cultivatio

11 12 13 14 ISa 15b 16a 16b 17 18

PR Mokochung(40) ED NA 5.00 120.00 280.00 9 Yrs. Rice 25,00

PR Mokochung(34) ED NA 60.00 168.00 270.00 9 Yrs. Rice 15.00

KR Mokochung(39) ED NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

KR Tuensang(67) ED 18.69 85.00 580.00 580.00 9 Yrs. Rice 18.26

KR Tuensang(53) ED NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

KR Tuensang(50) ED NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

KR Tuensang(47) ED 19.70 281.00 341.00 341.00 9 Yrs. Rice 17.13

KR Tuensang(51) ED 10.61 30.00 120.00 160.00 7 Yrs. Rice 28.19

KR Tuensang(53) ED 28.72 60.00 400.00 530.00 7 Yrs. Rice 28.35

KR Tuensang(53) ED 16.85 15.00 164.00 200.00 9 Yrs. Rice 18.19

KR Tuensang(38) ED 20.19 90.00 450.00 554.00 10Yrs. Rice 20.75

114.76 626.002,343.00 2,915.00 170.87 Note :- As the villages in Nagaland are not cadastrally surveyed the land use and area figures are given approximately.

65 VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is_given)

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Commu code village of the population water and or days nication no. village (in & number (potable) telegfap~ of bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hal if station, any waterway

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: LONGKHI 6/6

18/6/6/25 LONGKHIM 295.06 1,459(282) P(I), H(I) H(I) T PO -(10+) BS

18/6/6/26 ANGANGBA t,135.48 1,253(246) P(I) -(-5) T -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

18/6/6/27 LlRISE 420.76 571(93) P(I) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

18/6/6/28 CHUNGTORE 757.80 1,663(253) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) T -,5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

18/616129 CHIMONGER 1,248.91 3,265(487) P(l),M(l) D(l) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/6/30 PHIREAHIRE 162.79 927(317) P(I) -(5-10) T -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

18/6/6/31 HOLONGBA 466.17 448(91) P(I) D(I) T -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

18/6/6/32 SANGSOMONG 425.69 628(120) P(I) D(I) T -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

18/6/6/33 OLD MANGAKHI 341.45 182(38) P(I) D(I) T -(5-10) -(10+) BS

181616134 NEW MANGAKHI 179.34 626(110) P(I) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(10+) BS

18/6/6/35 YANGLI MISSION CENTRE NA 189(30) P(l) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

18/6/6/36 LlTSAMI 417.38 317(67) P(I) -(5-10) T -(0-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

CIRCLE TOTAL 5,851.8311,528(1,954) P(12), M(2), H(I) D(4), H(l) T

RD. TOTAL NA 27,951 (4,596) P(36), M(6) H(3) D(9), H(3)

66 DIRECTORY and land use WNGKIDM R D BWCK - 2 Land use (i.e., area under different types of land use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Cultivable Land Land under permanent cUltivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ultivation cultivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated unirrigated cultivatior

11 12 13 14 ISa ISb 16a 16b 17 18

PR Tuensang(30) ED 8.00 20.00 120.00 147.00 8 Yrs. Paddy, maize 0.06

KR Tuensang(30) ED 99.87 94.00 401.00 S41.00 8 Yrs. Paddy, maize 0.61

KR Tuensang(37) ED 21.18 lS.21 179.00 20S.00 7 Yrs. Paddy, maize 0.37

KR Tuensang(42) ED 20.10 28.18 34S.00 364.00 7 Yrs. Paddy, maize 0.S2

KR Tuensang(S2) ED 88.19 68.00 SOO.OO 574.00 9 Yrs. Paddy, maize 18.72

KR Tuensang(39) ED 0.28 32.00 52.00 78.00 7 Yrs. Paddy, maize 0.51

KR Tuensang(37) ED 0.21 SO.18 200.00 21S.20 8 Yrs. Paddy, maize 0.48

KR Tuensang(36) ED 0.38 3S.00 165.00 22s.ob 7 Yrs. Paddy, maize 0.31

PR Tuensang(46) ED 0.27 2S.00 110.00 206.00 7 Yrs. Paddy, maize 0.18

PR Tuensang(48) ED 0.18 35.00 68.00 76.00 7 Yrs. Paddy, maize 0.16

KR Tuensang(38) ED Paddy, maize

KR Tuensang(10) ED 29.10 42.00 121.00 225.00 7 Yrs. Paddy, maize 0.28

ED 267.76 444.572,261.10 2,856.20 Paddy, maize 22.20

ED 382.50 1,070.504,604.10 2,856.20 193.07

Note :- As the vil/ages In Nagaland are no/ cadastrally surveyed the land use and area figures are given approximately.



Mllom.tru o 10







SI. Nameo! Location Location Location Location No. Village code code code· code . (Manual] (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. BHUMPAK 18/6/7/1 18/0610070/0001 15/619/4 15/0610090/0004

2. BODAMPU(BODOMPO) 18/617/9 18/0610070/0009 15/619/27 15/061009010027

3. CHENDANG 18/6/7/19 18/06/0070/0019 15/619/24 15/0610090/0024

4. CHINGMELEN 18/6/7/17 18/0610070/0017 15/619/25 15/061009010025

5. HAK 18/617/8 18/0610070/0008 15/619/7 15/0610090/0007

6. HAKCHANG 18/6/7/24 18/0610070/0024 15/619/10 15/06/009010010

7. HELIPONG AGRI FARM 18/6/7/11 18/061007010011 15/619/18 15/06/0090/0018

8. HEll PONG 18/6/7/13 18/06/0070/0013 15/619/19 15/06/0090/0019

9. KEJOK 18/617/21 18/06/007010021 15/6/9/15 15/06/0090/0015

10. KHUDEI(KHUDEH) 18/6/7/10 18/06/007010010 15/619/17 15/0610090/0017

11. KONYA 18/617/20 18/0610070/0020 15/619/13 15/06/009010013

12. KUTHER 18/6/7/18 18/0610070/0018 15/619/23 15/0610090/0023

13. LOGONG 18/6/7/5 18/061007010005 15/619/6 15/0610090/0006

14. LONGTOKUR 18/6/7/15 18/0610070/0015 15/619/21 15/0610090/0021

15. MAKSHA 181617125 18/061007010025 15/619/11 15/06/0090/0011

16. MONCHING 1816/7/3 18/061007010003 15/619/2 1 5106/009010002

17. NAKSHU 18/6/717 18/061007010007 15/619/8 15/061009010008

18. NGANGPONG 18/6/7/12 18/06/0070/0012 15/619/26 15/061009010026 19. NGOUNCHUNG SCHOOL COMPOUND 18/6/7/6 18/0610070/0006 15/619/5 15/0610090/0005

.20. NYINYIM 18/6/7/27 18/0610070/0027 15/619/12 15/06/009010012 21 SANGCHEN COMPOUND (SANGSEN S/COMPOUND) 18/6/7/4 18/061007010004 151619/3 15106/009010003 23. SANGSANGNYU (BLOCK H.Q.) 18/6/7/26 18/061007010026 15/6/9/9 15/0610090/0009

24. SAUCHU 18/6/7/2 18/06/007010002 15/6/9/1 15/061009010001

25. SIBONGSANG 18/617114 18/06/007010014 15/619/20 15/0610090/0020 26. SOTOKUR 18/6/7/16 18/06/0070/0016 15/619/22 i 5106/009010022 27. THIMLAK FISHERY FARM 18/6/7/23 18/0610070/0023 15/619/14 15/0610090/0014

28. TUENSANG VILLAGE 18/6/7/22 18/0610070/0022 15/619/16 15/06/0090/0016 Names withIn brackets are as in 1981 censu{i

71 VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is Qiven)

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Commu code village of the population water and or days nication no. village (in & number (potable) telegraph of bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hat if station, any waterway

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: TUENSANG SAOAR 6/7

18/6/7/1 BHUMPAK NA 222(32) P(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/2 SAUCHU NA 251(52) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/3 MONCHING NA 408(58) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/4 SANGCHEN NA 175(31) P(I),M(I) -(10+) - T -(10+) -(10+) '(10+)

18/6/7/5 NGOUNCHUNG SCH- OOLCOMPOUNO NA 307(53) P(I),M(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/6 LOGONG NA 146(31) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/7 NAKSHU NA 371(64) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/8 HAK NA 344(53) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/9 BOOAMPU NA 135(22) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/10 KHUOEI NA 450(73) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/11 HEll PONG AGRI- CULTURE FARM NA 64(14) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7112 NGANGPONG NA 393(58) P(I), M(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/13 HELIPONG VILLAGE NA 287(5~) P(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/14 SIBONGSANG NA 365(57) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/15 LONGTOKUR NA 388(62) P(I),M(I) '(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/16 SOTOKUR NA 2,789(302) P(I),M(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/17 CHINGMELEN NA 976(165) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/18 KUTHUR NA 1,771(315) P(I),M(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/19 CHUOANG NA 458(63) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/20 KONYA NA 691(134) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/21 KEJOK NA 428(73) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/22 TUENSANG VILLAGE NA 4,389(699) P(I),M(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

72 DIRECTORY and land use SANGSANGNYU R.D BLOCK - 3 Land use (Le., area under dilterent types of land use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Cultivable Land Land under permanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ultivation cultivation underjhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for lin kms) irrigated un irrigated cultivatio

11 12 13 14 15a 15b 16a 16b 17 18

KR Tuensang( 100) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

KR Tuensang(40) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6 Yr8. Paddy, maize NA

KR luen8ang(32) ED NA NA NA NA 5- 6 Yr8. Paddy, maize NA

KR Tuen8ang(30) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6Yr8. Paddy, maize NA

KR TUen8ang(32) ED NA NA NA NA 5-6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

KR Tuen8ang(37) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6 Yr8. Paddy, maize NA

KR Tuen8ang(30) ED NA NA NA NA 5- 6Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

KR Tuensang(26) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

KR Tuen8an9(22) ED NA NA NA NA 5- 6Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

KR Tuensang(15) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6 Yr8. Paddy, maize NA

PR Tuen8an9(18) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6 Yr8. Paddy, maize NA

KR T ue"sang( (6) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

KR Tuen8ang(17) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

KR T uen8ang(20) ED NA NA NA· NA 5- 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

KR Tuensang(40) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

KR Tue08ang(34) ED NA NA NA NA 5 -6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

KR Tuensang(12) ED NA NA NA NA 5- 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

PR Tuensang(10) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

KR Tuen8an9(24) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

KR TuenSan9(43) ED NA NA NA NA 5- 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

KR Tuensang(20) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

PR T uensang(2) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

73 VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facilitv is available is oiven)

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Commu code village of the population water and or days nication\ no. village (in & number (potable telegraph of bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hat if station, any waterway

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: TUENsANG SA DAR 6/7

18/6/7/23 THIMLAK FISHERY FARM NA 527(88) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/24 HAKCHANG NA 932(182) P(I),M(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/25 MUKSHA NA 1,082(261) P(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/617126 SANGSANGNYU (BLOCK H.Q.) NA 476(100) P(I),M(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/7/27 NYINYIM NA 404(94) P(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)


CIRCLE TOTAL NA 19,229(3, 192) P(27),M(9)D(8), PHC(I)

R.D. BLOCK NA 19,229(3, 192) P(27),M(9)D(8), PHC(I)

74 DIRECTORY and land use SANGSANGNYU R.D BLOCK - 3 Land use (Le., area under different types of land use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Cultivable Land Land under permanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ultivation cultivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated unirrigated cultivatio

11 12 13 14 15a 15b 16a 16b 17 18

KR Tuensang(17) ED NA NA NA NA 5- 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA KR Tuensang(25) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA KR Tuensang(35) ED NA NA NA NA 5 - 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

PR Tuensan9(28) ED NA NA NA NA 5·6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA

KR Tuensang(39) ED NA NA NA NA 5· 6 Yrs. Paddy, maize NA


Nofe:· As the villages In Nagaland are not cadastrally sunveyed the land use and area figures are given approximately.



( '\." "1 AK I "' A ~ I u a: 1 i u i a: ...... '_ '~" 0 --..•...... ~-.... .) .... I l:" H o N 0 u ''l " J :r I / I I' ,; .... -- ~ f' BOUNDARY/INTERNA.TIONAl...... _._ r-' DISTRICT. .I I .;) CIRCLE (. HE: AOQUARHRS,R D. BLOCK @ CIRCLE. • RI\IE R 'STREAM ... ~



SI Nameo! Location Location Location Location No. Village code code code code . (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. ANIASHU 18/6/8/14 18/06/0080/0014 15/6/8/8 15106/0080/0018

2. CHELlISO(CHllISO) 18/6/10/14 18/06/0010/0014 15/6/7/11 15/06/0070/0011

3. CHENDANG SADDLE 18/6/8/10 18/06/0080/00 to 15/6/8/10 15/06/0080/0010

4. CHING MEl 18/6/8/9 18/06/0080/0009 15/6/8/9 15/06/0080/0009

5. CHIPUR 18/6110/6 18106/001 010006 15/6/7/6 15/061007010006 6. CHOKLANGAN 181618/15 18/0610080/0015 15/618/19 15/061008010019

7. KENGNYU 1816/9/4 18/0610090/0004 15/6/8/14 151061008010014

8. KENJONG 181611017 18/06/0010/0007 15/6/7/7 15/06/0070/0007

9. KINGPHU(UR) 18/6/10/11 18106/001010011 15/6/7112 15/06/0070/0012

10. LANGNOK 18/6/8/13 18/06/0080/0013 15/618112 15/06/0080/0017

11. LENGNYU 18/6/9/5 18/061009010005 151618/16 1510610080/0016

12. NEW PESHU(UR) 1816110113 18106/001 010013 Not existed

13. NOKHU 18/618/12 18/0610080/0012 15/618115 151061008010015

14. NOKLAK 181618/11 18/06/0080/0011 15161818 15106/0080/0008

15. NOKLAKH.O. 18/618/1 18/06/0080/0001 15/6/8/1 15106/008010001

16. NOKYAN 18/6/8/2 18106/008010002 15/6/8/2 15/06/008010002

17. PANG 18/6/10/4 18/06/001 0/0004 15/6/7/4 15/06/0070/0004

18. PANGSHANEW 18/61815 18106/008010005 Not existed

19. PANGSHAOLD 18/6/814 18/06/008010004 15/6/814 15/0610080/0004

20. PANSOH.O. 18/6/911 18/0610090/0001 15/618113 15/061008010013

21 PANSO VILLAGE 'A' 18/6/912 18/0610090/0002 Not existed

22. PANSO VILLAGE '8' 1816/9/3 18/0610090/0003 Not existed

23. PESHU 1816/10/12 18/0610010/0012 15/6/7/10 15/06/0070/0010

24. SAG LAO EAST(SANGLAO)1816/1019 1810610010/0009 151617/9 15106/007010009

25. SANG LAO WEST 1816/10110 18/06/00101001 0 Not existed

26. TAKNYU 1816/8/6 1810610080/0006 1516/8/5 1510610080/0005

79 27. THOKTSUR 181611013 181061001010003 15161713 151061007010003 28. THONGSONYU 181611015 1 81061001010005 15161715 151061007010005 29. THONOKNYU H.Q. 181611011 1 81061001 010001 15161711 151061007010001 30. THONOKNYU VILLAGE 181611012 1 81061001 010002 15161712 151061007010002 31. TSUWAO 18161916 181061009010006 151618111 1510610080100011 32. WANSOI 18161813 181061008010003 15161813 151061008010003 33. WAOSHU 18161818 181061008010008 15161817 151061008010007 34. WUI 181611018 181061001010008 15161718 151061007010008 35. YAKAO 18161917 181061009010007 151618112 151061008010012

36. YIMPANG 18161817 181061008010007 15161816 151061008010006

Names within brackets are as in 198 t census


VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available w~hin the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz· 5 kms, 5· 10 kms and 10+ kms 01 t~)e nearest place where the facili is available is given

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Corrmu code village of the population water and or days nication no. village (in & number (potable telegrapt of bus stpp, hectares) of house market railway holds hat if station, any waterwaY

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: NOKLAK 6/8

18/6/8/1 NOKLAK H.Q. NA 2,150(359) P(I),M(I) H(I) PHC(I) T PO BS

18/6/8/2 NOKYAN NA 800(181) P(I) -(5.10) T -(5·10) ·(5-10)

18161813 WANSOT NA 400(92) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/8/4 PANOSHAOLD NA 793(166) P(I),M(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10-t)

18161815 PANGSHANEW NA 946(221) P(I) 0(1) T -(10+) .(10+)

18/6/8/6 TAKNYU NA 311(62) P(I) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

18/6/817 YIMPANG NA 331(68) P(I) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

1816/818 WAOSHU NA 413(69) P(I) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

18161819 CHINGMEI NA 1-455(102) P(I),M(I) 0(1) T PO BS

18/618110 CHENOANG SADDLE NA 480(102) P(I) -(5-10) T -(5-10) BS

18/618111 NOKLAK NA 2,178(449) P(I) +5) T -(-5) -(-5)

18/6/8112 NOKHU NA 1.507(331 ) P(I),M(I) 0(1) T PO -(10+)

18/6/8ft 3 LANGNOK NA 491(96) P(1) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/8/14 ANIASHU NA 262(54) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/8115 CHOKLANGAN NA 962(164) P(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+)

CIRCLE TOTAL NA 13,479(2,675) P(15), M(4), 0(4), H(I) PHC(I)

82 DIRECTORY and 1an4use N~RD'BLOCK -4 Land .U$e (i.e., area under drtferent types of land use in hectares rounded uoto 2 decimal "laces)

Cultivable Land Land under permanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ultivatron cultivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated unirrigated cultivatio

11 12 . 13 14 15a -15b 16a 16b 17 18

KR Tuensang(SB) ED NA NA NA NA 10 Yrs. Rice, maize NA KR TU9nsang(60) ED NA NA NA NA 10 Yrs. Rice, maize NA FA Tuensang(73) ED NA NA NA NA 10 Yrs. Rice, maize NA KR Tuensang(.elO) ED NA NA NA NA ·10 Yrs. Rice, maize NA


KR T"eoSan9(40) ED NA NA NA NA 10 Yrs. Rice, maize NA

KR T"ensang(58) ED NA NA NA NA 10 Yrs. Rice, maize NA

KR Tuensang(39) ED NA NA NA NA 10 Yrs. Rice, maize NA

KR Tuensang(30) ED NA NA NA NA 10 Yrs. Rice, maize NA KR TU8nsang(58) ED NA NA NA NA 10 Yrs. Rice, maize NA

FA T"ensang(73) ED NA NA NA NA 10 Yrs. Rice, maize NA FA T uensang(58) ED NA NA NA NA- 10 Yrs. Rice, maize NA

FA Tuensang(78) ED NA NA NA NA 10 Yrs. Rice, maiie- NA FA Tuensang(103) ED NA NA NA NA 10 Yrs. Rice, maize NA

Rice, maize NA Note c- As the vil'ages in Naga'and are not cadastrally sU/veyed the 'and use and area figures are given approximately.

83 VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where lhe facility is available is given)

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Commu code village of the population water and or days nication no. village (in & number (potable telegrap~ of bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hat if station, any_ waterway

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: PANSO 6/9

18/6/9/16 PANSOH.Q 40.00 129(27) P(I) -(-5) T -(-5) -(10+)

18/6/9/17 PAN SO VILLAGE 'A' 950.00 472(98) P(I),M(I) 0(1) T BPO -(10+)

18/6/9/18 PAN SO VILLAGE 'B' 1,015.00 1,329(273) P(I) -(-5) T -(-5) -(10+)

18/6/9/19 KENGNYO 500.00990 990(206) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/9/20 LENGNYU 377.50 1,400(312) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/9/21 TSUWAO 350.00 424(86) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/9/22 YAKHAO 451.50 625(114) P(I) -(10+) T -(5- 10) -(10+)

CIRCLE TOTAL 3,684.005,369(1,116) P(7), M(I) 0(1)

84 DIRECTORY and land use NOKIAK R.D BLOCK - 4 Land use (Le., area under diff:;ent types of land use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places

Cultivable Land Land under perm.anent cultivation

Approach. Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ultivation cUltivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated un irrigated cultivatior

11 12 13 14 15a 15b 16a 16b 17 18

KR Tuensang(82) Rice, maize millet 40.00

KR Tuensang(82) ED 160.00 17.00 56.00 481.00 9-10Yrs. Rice, maize millet 236.00

KR Tuensang(83) ED 174.00 20.00 43.00 466.00 9-10 Yrs. Rice, maize millet 312.00

FR Tuensang(82) ED 145.00 4.00 8.00 212.00 8 - 10 Yrs. Rice, maize millet 131.00

KR Tuensang(70) ED 56.00 3.00 5.50 205.00 6·8 Yrs. Rice, maize millet 108.00

KR T uensang( 45) ED 67.00 2.00 8.00 190.00 5·6 Yrs. Rice, maize millet 83.00

FR Tuensang(40) ED 130.00 5.00 4.00 175.00 6· 7 Yrs. Rice, maize millet 137.50

1732.00 51.00 124.50 1,729.00 1,047.50

Nole :- As the villages In Nagaland are not cadastrally sUNeyed the land use and area figures are given approximately.

85 VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Conmu code village of the population water and or days nication no. village (in & nurrber (potable telegrape of bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hat if station, any waterway

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE. THONOKNYU 6/10 18/6/10/23 THONOKNYU H.Q NA 1,081(221) P(l),M(l) H(l) T BPO -(10+)

18/6/10/24 THONOKNYU VILLAGE 480.00 501(100) P(l) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

1 8/6/1 0/25 THOKTSUR 205.00 224(42) P(l) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/10126 PANG 2,280,00 429(111) P(l) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/10/27 THONGSONYU 435.00 244(56) P(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/10/28 CHIPUR 1,090.00 671(130) P(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/10/29 KENJONG 653.00 302(59) P(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/10/30 WUI 1,245.00 562(123) P(l) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/10/31 SANGLAO EAST 1,660.00 671(124) P(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/10/32 SANG LAO WEST 1,510.00 609(135) P(l) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/10/33 KINGPHU (UR) 460.00 101(25) P(I) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+)

1W6/1 0134 PESHU 2,035.00 1,292(292) P(2) 0(1) W -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/10/35 NEW PESHU (UR) 415.00 54(13) P(l) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/10/36 CHELLISO 1,900,00 445(127) P(l) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+)

CI RCLE TOTAL 14,368.00 7,186(1,558) P(15), M(l) 0(4),H(1)

RD TOTAL ... 26,034(5,349) P(40). M(6) 0(9) H(l) PHC(I), H(I)

86 DIRECTORY and land use NOKLAK R D BLOCK - 4 Land use (i.e., area under d~ferent types of land use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Cultivable Land Land under permanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ~ultivation cultivation under jhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated unirrigated cultlvatio

11 12 13 14 lSa lSb 16a 16b 17 18

KR T uensang(97) ED NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

KR Tuensang(98) ED 20,00 200,00 220,00 30,00 6 Yrs, Rice, maIze, millet 10,00

KR Tuensang( 108) ED 5,00 100,00 100.00 6 Yrs. Rice, maize, millet

FP T uecsang(11S) ED 100,00 80.00 900.00 900,00 10 Yrs, Rice, maize, millet 300.00

FP Tuensang(146) 35.00 40,00 160,00 160,0 5 - 6Yrs. Rice, maize, millet 40,00

FP Tuensang(132) ED 32,00 30,00 500,00 520,00 10 Yrs. Rice, maize, millet 8.00

FP T uensang(135) 20,00 15,00 305,00 305,00 8 Yrs, Rice. maize, millet 88.00

FP Tuensang(138) ED 25,00 10,00 600,00 600,00 7 Yrs, Rice, maize, millet 10,00

FP Tuensang(118) ED 50,00 800,00 800.00 8 Yrs, Rice, maize, millet t 0,00

~P Tuensang(119) ED 50.00 700,00 700,00 8 Yrs, Rice. maize. millet 60,00

FP Tuensang(123) 200,00 200,00 5 Yrs, Rice, maize, millet 60.00

FP Tuensang(112) ED 25,00 1,000.00 1,000.00 7 Yrs, Rice, maize, millet 10,00

KR T uensang(NA) 12,00 200,00 200,00 4 Yrs. Rice, maize, millet 3,00

KR Tuensang(102) ED 50,00 900,00 900,00 10 Yrs, Rice, maize, millet 50,00

399.00 400,00 6,585,00 6,415.00 569,00

1,131.00 451.006 6,709,00 8,144,00 1,616,00 Note. - As the villages in Nagaland are not cadastrally surveyed the land use and area figures are given approximately.



J.\lON,tr" o 10









SI. Name of Location Location Location Location No. Village code code code code (Manual\ {Comouter\ (Manual\ (Computer) 1 2 3 4 5 6

AMAHATOR VILLAGE 18/6/17/2 18106/0017/0002 15/6/2/10 15/06/0020/0010

2 ANATONGER 18/6/14/5 18/06/0014/0005 15/61213 151061002010003

3. CHANGCHOR 18/6/17/4 18/06/0017/0004 15/6/2/12 15/06/0020/0012

4. CHIKIPONGER 18/6/11/2 18/06/0011/0002 15/6/1/14 15/06/0010/0014

5. CHOMI 18/6/12/4 18/06/0012/0004 15/6/1/18 15/06/0010/0018

6 FAKIM 18/6/12/8 18/06/0012/0008 15/6/1/6 15/06/0010/0006

7. HORONGER 18/6/17/6 18106/0017/0006 15/6/2/6 15/0610020/0006

HUTANGER 18/6/17/7 18/06/0017/0007 15/6/2/5 15/06/0020/0005

9. IPONGER 18/6/12/6 18/061001210006 15/6/1/16 15106/0010/0016

10 KEOR(ZUMKIUR) 18/6/17/3 18/06/001710003 15/6/2/13 15/06/0020/0013

11 KHONGKHA 18/6/12/11 18/06/0012/001 j 15/6/1/23 15/06/0010/0023 12 KICHANG(ME SCHOOL) COMPOUND 18/6/17/11 18/061001710011 Not existed

13. KIPHIRE H.Q. 18/6/14/2 18/06/0014/0002 15/6/2/1 15/06/0020/0001

14, KIPHIRE VILLAGE 18/6/14/1 18/06/001410001 15/6/2/16 15/0610020/0016

15 KISETONG 18/6/17/5 18/06/0017/0005 15/6/217 15/06/0020/0007

16. KIUSAM H,Q 18/6/11/1 18/061001110001 Not eXIsted

17 LANG KOKER (LONGKOKER) 18/6/14/7 18/06/0014/0007 15/6/2/11 15/06/0020/0011

18 LONGTHONGER 18/6/14/3 18/06/0014/0003 15/6/2/15 15/06/002010015

19 LONGKHIMONG (MNAIK) 18/6/12/13 18/06/0012/0013 15/6/1/7 15/06/0010/0007

20 LONGTSUNGER 18/6/11/5 18/06/0011/0005 15/6/1/15 15106/0010/0015

21 LOPFUKHONG 18/6/12/17 18/06/001210017 Not existed

22 LUTHUR 18/6/1217 18/06/0012/0007 15/6/1/3 15/06/001010003

23 METONGER 18/6/11/3 18/06/0011 /0003 15/6/1/11 15106/0010/0011

24 MIMI 1816/12/12 1810610012/0012 15/6/1/22 15/061001010022

25, MOYA 18/6/12114 18/06/0012/0014 15/611/21 151061001010021

91 26. PENKIM 18(6(1219 18/06(001210009 15(6(1(4 15(06/001010004 27. PHELUNGER (PHELONGER) 18/6/14/4 1 8/06/0014/0009 15/6/212 15/061002010002

28 PHOKPHUR 18/6/11/6 18/06/0011/0006 15/611/10 1 5/06/001 0100 10

29. PUNROH.Q. 1816/1211 1BI06/00 1210001 1516/1(1 15(06(0010(0001

30. PUNRO VILLAGE 18/6/1212 18/06/0012/0002 15/6/1/2 15/06/001010002

31. PURRUR(PURURE) 18/6/17/8 18/061001710008 15/61214 15/06/002010004

32. RISETHSI 18/6/17/10 1 8/06/001710010 15/6(218 15/061002010008

33. SALUMI 18/6112115 1 8/06/0012/0015 15/6/1/5 15/06/0010(0005

34. SANGKUMTI 18/6/11/4 1 8/06/0011/0004 15/6/2112 15/0610020/0012

35. SANGTSUNG 18/611117 18/06/00 11 10007 15/611/9 15/06/0010/0009

36. SINGREP 18/6/1416 18/0610014/0006 15/612/14 15/061002010014 37. TASARFARM COMPOUND 18/6/1418 18/061001410006 Not existed

38. TEKIVONG 18/6/1213 18/0610012/0003 15/611/18 15/06/001010018

39. THANAMIR 18/6/12/10 1 8/06/0012/0010 15/6/1/8 15/06/001010008

40. VONGTI 18/6/12/16 1 8/06/0012/0016 15/6/1/20 15(06/001010020 41 YINGSHIKUR (INSEKIUR) 18/6/17/9 1 8/06/0017/0009 15/6/2/9 15/061002010009

42. ZAONGER 18/6/1215 18/06100121005 15/611/17 15/06/001010017

43. ZUMKIUR 18/6/12118 18/06/0012/0018 15/611/;3 15/06/001010013 Names within brackets are as in 1981 census


VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of t~)e nearest place where the facilitv is available is aiven

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Conrnu code village of the population water and or days nication no, village (in & number (potable telegrap~ of bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hat if station, any waterway

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: KIUSAM 6/11

18/6/11/1 KIUSAM H,Q 47,55 309(58) Pll), Mil) -(-5) T -110+) -(10+)

18/6/11/2 CHIKIPONGER 89.82 273(35) P(l) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/11/3 METONGER 95.08 726(120) Pll) -(-5) T -(10+) -110+)

18/6/11/4 SANGKUMTI 1 I 1.98 981(175) P(1) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/11/5 LONGTSUNGER 100.53 407(78) P(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/11/6 POKPHUR 113.06 754(143) P(l) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/11/7 SANGTSUNG 65.86 268(36) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

CIRCLE TOTAL 623.88 3,718(645) P(7), M(l) 0(1)

94 DIRECTORY and Jand use KIPIDRE R.D. BLOCK - 5 Land use (i.e., area under d~ferent types of land use in hectares rounded Up,o 2 decimal olaces_l_

Cultivable Land Land under permanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Foresl WeI rice Dry rice Tolal area Period of Main crops Area not 10 village town & supply ultivation cultivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated unirrigated cultivatio

11 12 13 14 15a 15b 16a 16b 17 18

FP Tuensang(NA) ED NA 0.81 0.91 45.83 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

FP T uensang(NA) ED NA 0.91 88.91 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

FP Tuensang(NA) ED NA 0.91 94.17 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

FP T uensang(NA) ED NA 111.98 10 Yrs. Millet. maize NA

FP Tuensang(NA) ED NA 11.62 88.91 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

KR T uensang(NA) ED NA .11.21 101.85 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

FP Tuensang(NA) ED NA 65.86 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

NA 25.46 0.91 597.51 NA Note :- As the villages in NagaJand are not cadastrally surveyed the land use and area figures are given approximately.

95 VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facilitv is available is aiven)

Location Name of Total area Total Ed"cational Medical Drinking Post Day Commu code village of the population water and Or days nfcation no. village (in & number (potable telegrapt of bus stop, hecla res) of house market railway holds hat if station, anv waterway

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: PUNGRO 6/12

18/6/12/8 PUNGROH.Q 200.91 1,602(282) P(2), M(I) H(I) 0(1) T -(10+) BS

18/6112/9 PUNGRO VILLAGE100.13 690(98) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6112/10 TEKIVONG 40.00 256(36) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) ·(10+)

1816112111 CHOMI 300.0 885(213) M(I).P(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6112/12 ZAQNGER 200.00 927(175) M(I), P(2) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6112/13 IPONGER 80.26 236(59) P(I) :(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/12/14 LUTHUR 80.98 256(54) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6112/15 FAKIM 60.80 331(57) P(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6112/16 PENKIM 88.92 406(80) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) .(10+)

18/6112/17 THANAMIR 102.31 450(70) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) ·(10+)

18/6/12/18 KHQNGKHA 84.90 249(47) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/12/19 MIMI 84.90 470(106) M(I), P(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/12/20 LONGKHIMONG 130.84 238(46) P(I) -(10+) S -(10+) -(10+)

18/6112/21 MOYA 97.58 381(83) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6112/22 SALUMI 120.86 1.378(239) M(I),P(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/12/23 VONGTI 117.36 312(41) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6112/24 LOPFUKHONG 90.06 184(52) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/12/25 ZUMKIUR 50.00 754(115) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

CIRCLE TOTAL2.030.8110.005(1 ,853) P(20), M(4) H(I) 0(5)

96 DIRECTORY and land use Land use (i.e .. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded upta 2 decimal places)

Cultivable Land Land under permanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ultivation cultivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated unirrigated cultivatior

11 12 13 14 15a 15b 16a 16b 17 18

KR Tuensang(I65) ED NA NA NA 200.91 10 Yrs. Millet. maize NA KR T uensang( 175) ED NA NA NA 100.13 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

FP Tuensang(I65) ED NA NA NA 40.00 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA KR Tuensang(170) ED NA NA NA 300.00 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

KR T uensang(NA) ED NA NA NA 200.00 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

KR Tuensang(NA) ED NA NA NA 80.26 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

KR Tuensang(NA) ED NA NA NA 80.98 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

FP Tuensang(NA) ED NA NA NA 60.80 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

FP Tuensang(NA) ED NA NA NA 88.92 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

FP Tuensang(NA) ED NA 2.21 NA 100.10 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

FP T uensang(NA) ED NA NA NA 84.90 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

FP Tuensang(NA) ED NA NA NA 84.90 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

FP Tuensang(NA) ED NA 10.83 NA 120.D1 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

FP Tuensang(NA) ED NA 8.62 NA 88.96 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

KR Tuensang(NA) ED NA NA NA 120.86 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

FP Tuensang(NA) ED NA 16.86 NA 100.50 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

FP Tuensang(NA) ED NA NA NA 90.06 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

KR Tuensang(NA) ED NA NA NA 50.00 10 Yrs. Millet, maize NA

38.52 NA 1,992.29 NA

Note:· As the villages in Nagaland are not cadas~ally surveyed the land use and area figures are given approximately.

97 VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the villQge, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

_ocation Name 01 Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Commu code village 01 the population water and or days nication no village (in & number (potable) telegrapt of bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hat if station, any_ waterwa_y

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: PUNGRO 6112

18/6/14/26 KIPHIRE VILL. 153.37 1,302(228) P(1) -(-5) T -(-5) -(-5)

18/6/14/27 KIPHIRE H.Q 110.43 1,084(1,756) P(3), M(3) H(3) H(I) T PO BS

18/6/14/28 LONGTHONGER 60.35 197(40) P(1) -(-5) T -(-5) -(-5)

18/6/14/29 PHELUNGER 165.78 736(154) M(I) 0(1) T -(10+) -(-5)

18/6/14/30 ANATONGER 191.40 1,243(240) M(1), P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) BS

18/6/14/31 SING REP 169.50 1,132(206) M(I) -(5-10) T -(10+) -(5-10)

18/6/14/32 LANG KOKER 8281 378(69) P(1) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

18/6/14/33 TASAR FARM COMPOUND 66.29 50(10) P(I) -(6-10) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

CIRCLE TOTAL 999.93 15,883(2,703) P(S), H(3), M(6) H(I), 0(1)

98 DIRECTORY and land use Land use (i.e" ~rea under different types of land use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Cultivable Land Land under permanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ultivation cultivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated unirrigated cultivatio

11 12 13 14' 15a 1Sb 16a 16b 17 18

KR T uensang(92) ED 20.23 NA 40.30 92.84 NA Rice, millet, maize NA

PR T uensang( 122) ED NA NA 50.23 60.20 NA Rice, millet, maize NA

KR Tuensang(129) ED 12.14 NA 16.09 32.12 NA Rice, millet, maize NA

KR Tuensang(122) ED 24.28 NA 40.90 100.60 NA Rice, millet, maize NA

PR Tuensang(134) ED 40.47 NA 50.23 100.70 NA Rice, millet, maize NA

KR Tuensang(134) ED 28.33 NA 40.23 100.94 NA Rice. millet, maize NA

KR Tuensang(131 ) ED 16.19 NA 16.20 50.42 NA Rice. millet, maize NA

KR T uensang( 105) ED NA NA 16.19 50.10 NA Rice, millet, maize NA

141.64 NA 270.3} 587.92 NA NA

Note c- As the villages in Nagaland are not cadastrally sUiveyed the land use and area figures are given approximately.

99 VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amtmities I Amenities available (IT not available w~hin the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Corrrnu code village of the population water and or days nication no. village (in & number (potable telegrapt of bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hat ~ slalion, any waterw"l'

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: AMAHATOR 6/17 18/6/17/34 AMAHATOAH.Q 190.89 UN-INHABITED .

1816117135 AMAHATOR VILL. NA 758(118) P(l) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

18/6/17/36 KEOA 48.67 286(62) P(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/17/37 CHANGCHOR 149.29 540(118) M(I),P(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

1816117138 KISETONG 161.38 948(182) M(I),P(I) D(I) T -(lQ+) -(10+)

18/6117139 HORONGER 149.07 493(108) P(I) -(5-10) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/17/40 HUTANGEA 156.64 336(59) P(I) -(5-10) T -(10+) -(10+)

1816117141 PURRUR 137.26 743(160) P(I) -(5-10) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6117142 YINGSHIKUR 78.51 564(100) P(I) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

1816117143 RISETHASI 104.88 669(145) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

1816117144 KICHANG (M.E. SCH- OOLCOMPOUND 75.41 170(25) M(I),P(I) D(I) T -(10+) -(10+)

CIRCLE TOTAL 1.252.00 5,507(1 ,077)P(10), M(3) D(3) T

AD TOTAL 35,113(6,78) P(45), M(14) D(10), H(~) H(I)

100 DIRECTORY and land use Land use (Le., area under diff:;ent types of land use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places

Cultivable Land Land under permanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ultivation cultivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for 1/ (in kms) irrigated un irrigated cultwatio

11 12 13 14 15a 15b 16a 16b 17. 18

KR Tuensang(NA) ED NA NA NA NA NA Rice, millet, maize NA

KR Tuen~ang(140) ED 8.09 NA 10.12 30.46 NA Rice, millet, maize NA

FP Tuensang(142) ED 24.28 NA 40.26 84.75 NA Rice, millet, maize NA

KR Tuensang(120} ED 48.56 NA 32.20 80.62 NA Rice, miliet, maize NA

FP. Tuensa~g(142) -ED. 28.33 NA 20.24 100.59 NA Rice, millet, maize NA

FP Tuensang(136) ED 16.19 NA 40.20 100.25 NA Rice, millet, maize NA

FP Tuensang( 132) ED 32.37 NA 24.28 80.61 NA Rice, millet, maize NA

FP Tuen8an~(134) ED 12.14 NA 16.09 50.28 NA Rice, miliel, maize NA

FP Tuensarig(122) ED 20.23 NA 24.28 60.37' NA Rice, millet, maize NA

KR T uehsang( 152) ED 10.12 NA 14.70 50.59 NA Rice, miliel, maize NA

ED 230.66 NA 270.65 750.78 NA NA NA

ED 417.76 49.43 1,138.54 3,330.99 NA NA Note:- As the villages in Nagaland are not cadastrally surveyed the land use and area figures are given approximately.



111"'1"'" I,

.. . ' i.." \STR/(' BOUNDARY, 01 STRI CT ... : ~ r n R.D. BLOCK. •• CIRCLE ...... E't- HEADQUARTERS, R.O. BLOCK ... @ I, CIRCLE ...... STATE HIGHWAY,.. '" SH3 • RIVER I STREHL

...... ,I' ...... ,...,.....tI ...... '...... f ......



SI Name of Location Location Location LocatIon No. Village code code code code (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. HONITO 18/6/15/4 18/06/0015/0004 15/6/3/7 15/06/0030/0007

2. LONGZANGER 18/6/15/7 18/06/0015/0007 15/6/3/4 15/0610030/0004

3 LONGMATRA STATION 18/6/13/1 18/06/0013/0001 15/612/20 15/0610020/0020

4. LONGMATRA VILLAGE 18/6/13/2 18/06/0013/0002 15/612/18 15/061002010018

5. LONGYA (ME SCHOOL) COMPOUND 18/6/16113 18/061001610013 Not eX;5ted

6. LUKHAMI 1816116/9 181061001610009 151614/10 15/0610040 '001 0

7. NATSAMI 18/6/15/8 18/06/0015/0008 15161316 151061003010006

8. NEW LONGMATRA 18/6/1314 18106/0013/0004 15/6/2/24 151061002010024

9. NEW MONGER 18/6/16/2 18/0610016/0002 15/614/5 15/06/004010003

10. NGOROMI 18/6/1313 18/061001310003 151612119 15/06/002010019

11. NITOI 181611515 1 B/06100 1510005 151613/8 1510610030/0008

12. OLD MONGER 181611613 181061001610003 151614/4' 1510610040/0004

13. PHISAMI 18/6116110 181061001610010 151614/9 15/061004010009

14. PUNGREN 18/6/13/5 18/06/0013/0005 1516/2121 15/06/0020/0021

15. SAMPHUR(SHAMPORE) 1816113/8 18/06/001310008 151612/17 1510610020/0017

16. SEYOCHUNG POST 1816116/1 18106/0016/0001 151614/1 15/06/004010001

t7. SEYOCHUNG VILLAGE 18/6/16/6 18/061001610006 15/6/4/6 15/06/0040/0006

18. SHISHIMI 1816/15/1 18/06/0015/0001 15/6/3/9 15/06/0030/0009

19. SITIMI STATION 18/6/15/3 18/06/0015/0003 15/6/3/1 15/06/0030/0001

20. SITIMI VILLAGE 18/6/1512 1810610015/0002 15161312 15106/0030/0002

21. SOTHUMI - A (SHOTHUMI) 1816116112 181061001610012 1516/4111 15/06/004010011

22. SOTHUMI-B ·18/6/16111 181061001610011 Not existed

23. TETHEZU 18/6/1316 18/061001310006 151612/23 15/061002010023

24. TETHEYO 1816/13(7 18/06/0013/0007 15/6/2122 151061002010022 25. THANGTHUR (THANGTPHUR) 18/6116/5 18/06/0016/0005 15/614/2 15/0610040/0002

105 26. THAZUVI(THAZIVI) 18/6/15/6 1BiOs/OO15/0006 15/6/3/5 15/06/0030/0005

27, TSUNGAR 18/6/16/7 18/06/0016/0007 15/6/4/7 15/06/0040/0007

28, YANGSEKI(NIKIYA) 18/6/15/7 18/06/0015/0007 15/6/3/3 15/061003010003

29, YANGZlTONG (YANGSITONG) 18/6/16/8 18/06/0016/0008 15/6/4/8 15/0610040/0008

30. YIMPHIRE(YIMPHIRE) 18/6/16/4 1Bioe/oo 16/0004 15/6/413 15106/0040/0003

Names within brackets are as in 1981 census


VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearesl place where the facility is available is QivEinl

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Commu code village of the population water and or days nication no. village (in & number (potable telegraph of bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hat if station, any waterway

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: LONGMATRA 6/13

18/6/13/1 LONGMATRA STATION 55.40 407(83} M(l},P(I} D(I) T -(lOt) BS

18/6/13/2 LONGMATRA VILLAGE 185.59 427(94} P(I) .(-5) T -(10+) ·(-5)

18/6/1313 NGOROMI 82.72 I 73(38} P(I) ·i5,10) T ,(to+) BS

1816113/4 NEW LONG- MATRA 56.59 127(29} P(I},M(l} ,(-Sf T -(10+) -(-5)

18/6/13/5 PUNGREN 100.75 250(43) P(l) -(10+) T ,(10+) ·(10+)

18/6/13/6 TETHEZU 76.72 226(54) M(I}, P(I} ,(5,10) T '(10+) -(5,10)

18/6/13/7 TETHEYO . 84.59 376{66) P(l) -(5-10) T -(lOt) -(-5)

18/6/13/8 SAMPHUR 123.20 725(140) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) T '(lOt) '(-5)

CIRCLE TOTAL 765.56 2,711 (547) P(8),M(4) D(I)

108 DIRECTORY and land use SITIMI R D BLOCK - 6 Land use ILe., area under different types of land use in hectares rounded uPto 2 decimal places)

Cultivable Land Lan dun d.e r perma n e nt c u IUv a tio n

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry ric~ Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ~ultivation cultivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or .cultivation cultivation for . lin kms) irrigated unirrigated cultivatior

11 12 13 14 15a 15b 16a 16b 17 18

PR Tuensang(155) ED 20.23 NA 15.05 20.12 NA Rice, millet NA

KR Tuensang(155) EP 48,56 NA 56,33 80.70 NA Rice, millet NA

PR Tuensangl166) ED 28.33 NA 26.07 28.32 NA Rice, millet NA

KR Tuensang(f70) ED 24.28 NA 12.07 20.24 NA Rice, millet NA

FP Tuensang(167) ·ED 40.47 NA 28.09 32.19 NA Rice, millet NA

FP Tuensang(139) ED 20.23 NA 20.29 36.20 NA Rice, millet NA

KR' Tuensang(134) ED 16.19 NA 20.12 48.28 NA. Rice, millet NA

KR Tuensang(135) ED 16.19 NA 16.19 90.82 NA Rice, millet NA

ED 214.48 NA 194.21 .356.87 NA NA

Note:· As the Villages in Nagaland are not cadastrally sUNeyed th~ land use am! area figures are given approximately.

109 VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is <:liven)"

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Cornmu code village 01 the population water and or days nication no. village (in & number (potable telegrap~ 01 bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hat il station, any waterway

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: SITIMI 6/15

18/6/15/9 SHISHIMI 220.96 172(42) P(I) -(5-10) T -(10... ) -(10+)

18/6/15/10 SITIMI VILL. 329.22 777(165) P(2) -(5-10) S -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/15/11 SITIMI H.Q. 242.31 551(103) P(I),M(I) PHC(I) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/15112 HONITO 283.27 445(62) P(I) -(5-10) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/15/13 NITOI 301.49 465(67) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/15114 THAZUVI 269.12 360(91) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/15115 YANGSEKI (NIKIYA) 188.17 172(40) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/15/16 NATSAMI 289.34 419(94) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

1 B/6/15/17 LANGZANGER 239.17 311(73) P(I) -(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

CIRCLE TOTAL 2,363.45 3,672(737) P(10),M(I) PHC(I)

110 DIRECTORY and land use SlTIMI R D BLOCK - 6 Land use (Le., area under different types of land use in nectares rounded uPto 2 decimallliaces)

Cultivable Land Land under permanent CUltivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Uain crops Area not to village town & supply ultivation cu~ivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cu~ivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated unirrigated cultivatio

11 12 13 14 15a 15b 16a 16b 17 18

KR Tuensang(130) ED 169.97 NA 12.14 38.85 NA Rice, millet, maize NA KR Tuensang(166) ED 242.31 NA 38.35 48.56 NA Rice, millet, maize NA KR Tuensang(164) ED 161.87 NA 40.47 4.47 NA Rice, millet, maize NA KR Tuensang(152) ED 226.62 NA 14.16 42.49 NA Rice, millet, maize NA KR Tuensang(182) ED 234.72 NA 18.21 48.56 NA Rice, millet, maize NA KR Tuensang(162) ED 210.44 NA 20.23 38.45 NA Rice, millet, maize NA

KR Tuensang(159) ED 137.59 NA 14.16 36.42 NA Rice, millet. maize NA KR Tuensang(155) ED 226.62 NA 20.23 42.49 NA Rice, millet, maize NA KR Tuensang(160) ED 186.16 NA 18.21 34.80 NA Rice, millet, maize NA t,796.20 NA 196.16 371.09 NA NA Note :. As the vUlages in Nagaland are not cadastrally sUlVeyed the land use and area figures are given approximately.

III VILLAGE TUENSANG DisTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the village; a dash (-) is shown in the column and· next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms. 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is Qiven) .

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Commu code village of the population water and or days nication no. village (in & number (potable telegrapt of bus stop. hectares) of house market railway holds hat if station. any waterway . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: SEVOCHUNG 6/16

18/6/16/18 SEYOCHUNG 125.50 794(127) P(2). M(l) POST H(l) 0(1) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/16/19 NEW MONGER 517.07 314(52) P(1) -(5-10) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/16/20 OLD MONGER 819.77 505(96) P(1) -(5-10) T -(10+) ·(10+)

18/6/16/21 YIMPHIRE 1.037.69 558(105) P(1) -(10+) T -(10+) ·(10+)

1 8/6/1 6/22 THANGTHUR 1.599.10 819(169) P(1) '(5-10) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/16/23 SEYOCHUNG 2.615.94 2.118(319) P(2) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/16/24 TSUNGER 989.88 476(100) P(1) ·(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/16/25 YANGZITONG 2.525.75 1.986(248) P(1) ·(-5) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/16/26 LUKHAMI 1.775.74 404(56) P(1) ·(10+) T -(10+) ·(10+)

18/6/16/27 PHISAMI 2.217.66 1,618(316) P(1), M(1) ·(10+) T -(10+) ·(10+)

18/6/16/28 SOTHUMI· 8 1.325.96 252(52) P(1) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/16/29 SOTHUMJ· A 1.325.12 446(90) P(l) -(lOT) T -(lOT) ·(fOT)

18/6/16/30 LONGYA (M.E.S) 14557 59(15) M(l) -(10+) T -(10+) ·(10+)

CIRCLE TOTAL 17.020.7510,349(1.745) P(14). M(2) H(l) D(1)

R.D. TOTAL ... 16,732(3,029) P(32),M(7) . D(2) H(l) PHCll)

112 DIRECTORY and]and use Land use (i.e., area under diff~;ent types of land use in hectares rounded uDto 2 decimal Dlaces

Cultivable Land Land under oermanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ultivation cultivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated un irrigated cultivatio

11 12 13 14 15a 15b 16a 16b 17 18

KR Tuensang(197) ED NA 16.06 29.83 79.61 Maize, millet

KR Tuensang(200) ED 17.28 99.96 399.83 Paddy. maize

KR Tuensang(202) ED 20.12 199.91 599.74 Paddy, maize

KR Tuensang(230) ED 37.92 399.83 599.94 Paddy, maize

KR Tuensang(225) ED 700.11 38.33 109.96 750.70 Maize

KR Tuensang(212) ED 1.099.98 16.19 499.79 999.98 Paddy, maize

KR Tuensang(152) ED 38.27 225.91 725.70 Maize, paddy

KR T uensang(202) ED 499.79 999.98 1.025.98 Maize, paddy

KR Tuensang(212) ED 99.96 16.07 159.73 1,499.98 Maize, millet

KR Tuens~ng(217) ED 499.79 1809 499.79 1,199.99 Maize. millet

FP Tuensang(260) ED 399.00 13.00 400.98 512.98 Maize, millet

FP Tuensang(269) ED 400.93 13.19 399.00 512.00 Maize, millet

FP Tuensang(282) ED 2.56 75.01 68.00 Maize

FP 3,199.77 746.87 4,099.68 8,974.43

FP 5,210.87 746.87 4,490.09 9,702.39

Note :. As the vii/ages in Naga/and are not cadastrally sUlveyed the land use and area figures are given approximately.



liifomcfu. 10





SI Name of Location Location Location Location No. Village code code code code j_Manual)_ (Computer) JManual)_ (Computer) 1 2 3 4 5 6

CHASSIR 18/6/19/11 18/06/0019/0011 15/6/6/6 15/06/0060/0006

2. CHESSORE H.Q. 18/6/18/1 18/06/0018/0001 15/6/5/1 15/0610050/0001

3. CHESSORE VILLAGE 18/6/18/2 18/06/0018/0002 15/6/5/2 1 5106/005010002

4. HUKIR 18/6/18/8 18/06/0018/0008 15/6/5/3 1 5/06/0050/0003

5. IPONGER 18/6/18/7 18/06/0018/0007 15/6/5/4 15/0610050/0004

6. KEPHORE 18/6/18/6 18/06/0018/0006 15/6/5/5 15/061005010005

7. KIUTSUKIUR 18/6/18/5 18/06/0018/0005 15/6/516 15/061005010006

8 K. LONGSORE 18/6/18/9 18/06/0018/0009 Not existed

9. LASIKIUR 18/6/19/4 18/06/0019/0004 15/6/6/12 15/06/006010012

10. LlANGKONGER 18/6/19/8 18/06/0019/0008 15/6/6/13 15/061006010013

11. MELANGCHURI 18/6/19/10 18/06/0019/001 0 15/6/614 15/061006010004

12. RURRURNEW 18/6/19/6 18/061001910006 15/6/6/9 15/061006010009

13. RURRUROLD 18/6/19/7 18/061001910007 15/6/6/8 15/0610060/0008

14. SANGPHUR 18/6/19/12 18106/001910012 15/6/6/5 15/061006010005

15. SHAMATOR H Q. 1816/19/1 1810610019/0001 15/6/6/1 15/061006010001

16. SHAMATOR NAP. POST 18/6/19/9 18/06/0019/0009 15/6/6/3 15/061006010003

17. SHAMATOR VILLAGE 18/6/19/2 18/06/0019/0002 15/6/6/2 15/061006010002

18. SHIPONGER 18/6/18/4 18/06/0018/0004 15/6/5/7 15/061005010007

19 SIKIUR 18/6/19/5 18/06/0019/0005 15/616/10 15/06/00601001 0

20. WAPHUR 18/6/19/3 18/06/0019/0003 15/6/6/11 15/061006010011

21 YAKUR 18/6/19/13 18/06/0019/0013 15/616/7 15/0610060/0007

22. Y.ANNER 18/6/18/3 18/06/0018/0003 15/6/5/8 15/061005010008

Names withm brackets are as in 1981 census

117 VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available. within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and t 0+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is oiven)

Location Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Comrnu code village of the population water and or days nication no. village (in & number (potable) telegrape of bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hat if station, any waterwa},

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: CHESSORE 6118

18/6/18/1 CHESSORE 4,750.00 581(112) P(I),M(I) H.Q H(I) -(-5) T -(-5) -(10+)

18/6/18/2 CHESSORE 4,750.00 2,700(417) P(I),M(I) VILLAGE H(I) D(I) T PO -(10+)

18/6/18/3 Y.ANNER 3,100.00 627(85) P(I) -(-5) T -(-5) -(10+)

18/6/18/4 SHIPONGER 4,750.00 951(164) P(1),M(I) -(-5) T -(-5) -(10+)

18/6/18/5 KIUTSUKIUR 3,390.00 870(135) P(I),M(I) -(-5) T -(-5) -(10+)

18/6/18/6 KEPHORE 2,000.00 215(29) P(I) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

18/6/1817 IPONGER 3,100.00 296(60) P(I) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(10+)

18/6/18/8 HUKIR 7,700.00 1,022(177) P(1),M(1) PHC(I) T -(-5) -(10+)

18/6/18/9 K.LONGSORE 1,630.00 250(44) P(I) -(-5) T -(-5) -(10+)

CIRCLE TOTAL3S,17D.00 7,512(1 ,223) P(9), M(S) D(I) H(2) PHC(1)

118 DIRECTORY and land use SHAMATOR R D BLOCK - 7 Land use (i.e., area under different types of land use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Cultivable Land Land under permanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply ultivation cultivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cuhivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated un irrigated cultivatio

11 12 13 14 15. 15b 16a 16b 17 18

KR Tuensang(155) ED 1,000.00 250.00 NA 3,500.00 8 Yrs. Rice, maize, beans NA

KR Tuensang(54) ED 1,000.00 250.00 NA 3,500.00 8 Yrs. Rice, maize, beans NA KR Tuensang(66) ED 100.00 NA NA 3,000.00 7 Yrs. Rice, maize, beans NA KR Tuensang(73) ED 500.00 1,200.00 NA 3,050.00 10 Yrs. Maize, beans NA KR Tuensang(72) ED 300.00 40.00 NA 3.050.00 10 Yrs. Maize, beans NA

KR Tuensang(64) ED 100.00 900.00 NA 1,000.00 9-10 Yrs. Rice NA KR Tuensang(64) ED 100.00 NA NA 3,000.00 7 Yrs. Maize NA

KR Tuensang(62) ED 700.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 9-10 Yrs. Rice NA

FP Tuensang(72) ED 200.00 80.00 NA 1,400.00 6 Yrs. Maize, beans NA

4,000.00 5,670.00 2,000.00 23,500.00 NA Nole: As the villages in Naga/and are not cadastrally surveyed the land use and area figures are given approximately.

119 VILLAGE TUENSANG DISTRICT Amenities Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5- 10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facilit is available is given)

Location ; Name of Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post Day Commu cocle ' , village of the population water and or days nication no, village (in & number (potable) telegraph of bus stop, hectares) of house market railway holds hat if station, any_ waterw"l'

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CIRCLE: SHAMATOR 6/19

1816119110 SHAMATOR 559,00 2,405(461) P(l),M(l) H(l) PHC(l) T PO BS

18/6/19/11 SHAMATOR 521,00 868(166) P(l),M(l) H(l) -(-5) T -(5-10) -(-5-10)

1816119112 WAPHUR 343,00 570(123) P(l) -(10+) T -(10+) BS

1816/19113 LASIKIUR 58,50 128(22) P(l) -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(5-10)

18/6119/14 SIKIUR 514,60 878(184) P(2), M(l) 0(1) T,W PO BS

1816119115 RURRURNEW 151,00 321(52) P(l) -(5-10) T,w -(5-10) -(5-10)

18/6/19/16 RURRUROLD 129,69 246(45) P(2) -(5-10) T,W -(5-10) -(5-10)

18/6/19/17 LlANGKONGER 523,73 610(132) P(l) -(-5) T,W -(-5) -(-5)

1816119118 SHAMATOR NA 324(57) -(-5) -(-5) T -(-5) -(10+)

181611 911 9 MELANGCHURI 733,00 952(131) P(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+)

18/6/19/20 CHASSIR 95,50 383(81) P(l) -(10+) T,W -(10+) -(10+)

18/6119/21 GANGPHUR 1,372,71 3,088(333) P(I).M(I) 0(1) T,W -(10+) -(10+)

1816/19122 YAKUR 130,52 841(132) P(l) -(5-10) T,W -(10+) BS

CIRCLE TOTAL 5,132,2511,614(1,919). P(12), M(2) H(I) 0(2), PHC(l)

R,O, BLOCK NA 19,126(3,142) P(21), H(3) M(7) 0(2), PHC(I)

120 DIRECTORY and land use SHAMATOR R.D BLOCK - 7 Land use (i.e .. area under dffferent types of land use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal placesl

Cultivable Land Land under permanent cultivation

Approach Nearest Power Forest Wet rice Dry rice Total area Period of Main crops Area not to village town & supply cultivation cultivation under Jhum rotation under available distance or or cultivation cultivation for (in kms) irrigated unirrigated cultivatio

11 12 13 14 1Sa 1Sb 16a 16b 17 18

KR Tuensang(65) ED NA 29.00 265.00 265.00 NA Rice, maize, millet NA

KR Tuensang(66) ED NA 21.00 250.00 250.00 NA Rice, maize. millet NA

KR T uensang(77) ED NA 43.00 150.0 150.00 NA Rice, maize, millet NA

KR Tuensang(74) ED NA 8.50 25.00 25.00 NA Rice, maize, millet NA

KR Tuensang(100) ED NA 14.60 150.00 350.00 NA Rice, maize, millet NA

KR Tuensang(100) ED NA 12.00 69.00 70.00 NA Rice, maize, millet NA

KR Tuensang(105) ED NA 10.00 56.69 60.0 NA Rice, maize, millet NA

KR Tuensang(69) ED NA 28.73 45.00 450.00 NA Rice, maize, miltet NA

KR Tuensang(60) ED NA NA NA NA NA Rice, maize, millet NA KR Tliensang(80) ED NA 38.00 650.00 45.00 NA Rice, maize. millet NA KR Tuensang(90) ED NA 15.78 39.66 40.06 NA Rice, maize, millet NA

KR Tuensang(50) ED NA 38.85 548.73 685.13 NA Rice. maize, millet NA KR Tuensang(105) ED NA 10.52 60.00 60.00 NA Rice, maize, millet NA

NA 269.98 2,412.08 2,450.00 NA NA

4,269.98 8,082.08 4,450.19 23,500.00 NA Note :. As the villages in Nag.land are not cadastrally sUNeyed the land use and area fjgures are given approximately.

!2! Appendix (I) R. D. Blockwise Abstract of Educational. Medical and other amenities.


SL Name of Matriculation/ Higher secondary I No. R. D. Block Primary school Middle school secondary school PUC/intermediatel .unior colleQe

Villa~es IInstitutions Villages IInstitutions Villages IInstitutions Villages IInstitutions 1 2 3 I 4 5 I 6 7 I 8 9 I 10 LONGLENG 35 50 10 13 3 3

LONGKHIM 35 36 6 3 3


4 NOKLAK 36 40 6

KIPHIRE 43 45 14 14 4 4

6 SITIMI 30 34 7

7 SHAMATOR 21 21 7


College (graduate & Adult literacy Dispensary above class/centre. Others

Villages with no Villaqes Institutions Villaqes Institutions VillaQes InstItutions educational facilities Villaqes Institutions

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

2 2 3 3


Maternity&child wel!ar Primary health Family planning Primary Hospital centre/maternity hom centre/health centre health sub centre child welfare centre centre

Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

10 10 2 9

8 9 9

10 10 2 2 2 2


Villages with Community Others no medical Health workers Institutions

Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Tap Well Tank Tube River Foun Canal Others well lain

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

21 20 16 23 35

19 23 31 5 44 30



Village Name of More with no P. O. T.O. P. T. O. P. O. P. T.O. Phone R D. Block than one dnnkmg & & source water phone phone facilitv

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50









Bus RaIlway Navigable Available Not stop station watelWav available

51 52 53 54 55

32 3 33

27 31

2 44

30 4 21

124 Appendix (II) - R. D. Block list of villages where no amenities are available

Name of R. D. Block Location Code

2 3

Longleng Nil Nil

Longkhim Nil Nil

Sangsangnyu Nil Nil

Noklak Nil Nil

Kiphire Nil Nil

Sitlmi Nil Nil

Shamator Nil Nil

125 Appendix - III

Name of circle



RD. BLOCK 51+ 18/6/1/1 TAMLUH.O.




18/6/1/6 SHITAP



18/6/1/9 KANGCHING



18/6/2/3 NlAN

18/6/2/4 YONGAM

18/6/2/5 YONGSHEI


18/6/2/7 TANGHA




18/6/3/4 MONGNYU

18/6/3/5 ORANG KONG

18/6/3/6 YACHEM

18/6/317 YAONG


126 1816J3J9 PONGCHING


18/613111 HUKPANG

181613112 PONGO



18/6/3/16 YANGCHING


18/6/3/18 SAKSHI

18/6/3119 AOCHING


18/6/4/4 KONGSANG

1816/4/5 VAll

18/61416 LONGTANG

18/6/4/7 SANGTAK

18/6/4/8 YONYU


18/6/4110 KUMPONG 181614111 YIMRUP

181614112 LITEM


181615/2 CHAREHQ


18/6/5/4 ALiSOPUR


127 18/6/5/6 LONGKHIPEK

18/6/5/7 TRONGER



Un-inhabited 18/6/5/10 LONGTHROK S/COMPOUND

18/6/5/11 CHUNGLlYIMTI



18/6/6/2 ANGANGBA

18/6/6/3 L1RISE

18/6/6/4 CHUNGTORE

18/6/6/5 CHI MONGER


18/6/6/7 HOLONGBA



18/6/6/10 NEW MANGAKHI


18/6/6/12 L1TSAMI


R.D. BLOCK 18/6/7/2 SAUCHU 18/6/7/3 MONCHING


18/6/7/5 LOGONG


18/6/7/7 NAKSHU

18/617/8 HAK

18/6/7/9 BODAMPU

18/6/7/10 KHUDEI

18/6/7/11 HEll POND AGRI. FARM

128 18/6/7/12 NGANGPONG

18/6/7/13 HEll PONG VILLAGE

18/6/7114 SIBONGSANG

181617ft5 LONGTOKUR


18/6n!18 KUTHUR

18/617119 CHUNDANG

181617/20 KONYA 181617121 KEJOK


181617125 MUKSHA


181617127 NYINYIM

Un-inhabited 1816/7128 TOBU VILLAGE


R.OBLOCK 18161812 NOKYAN 18161813 WANSOI 18161814 PANGSHA (OLD) 18161815 PANGSHA (NEW)

18/61816 TAKNYU

181618/7 YIMPANG

18161818 WAOSHU

181618/9 CHINGMEI


18/618/11 NOKLAK

1816/8/12 NOKHU

1816/8/13 LANGNOK

18/618/14 ANIASHU 18/618/15 CHOKLANGAN

129 PANSO CIACLE 51+ 18/6/9/1 PANSOH.O.

18/6/9/2 PANSO VILLAGE (A)

18/6/9/3 PANSO VILLAGE (B)

18/6/9/4 KENGNYQ


1816/9/6 TSUWAO

1816/9/7 YAKHAO



18/6/10/3 THOKTSUA

1816/10/4 PANG

18/6/10/5 THONGSONYU

18/6/10/6 CHIPUA

18/6/10/7 KENJONG

18/6/10/8 WUI

18/6/10/9 SANGLAO EAST

18/6/10/10 SANGLAO WEST

18/6/10/11 KINGPHU (UA)

18/6/10/12 PESHU

18/6/10/13 NEW PESHU (UA)

18/6/10/14 CHELLISO



18/6/11/4 SANGKUMTI


18/6/11/6 POKPHUA

18/6/11/7 SANGTSUNG



130 18/611213 TEKIVONG

18/611214 CHOMI

181611215 ZAONGER

18/611216 IPONGER

18/6112/7 LUTHUR

18/611218 FAKIM

18/611219 PENKIM

18/6112/10 THANAMIR

1816112/11 KHONGKHA

18/6112/12 MIMI

1816112113 LONGKHIMONG

1816112114 MOYA

18/6112/15 SALUMI

1816112116 VONGTI

1816/12117 LOPFUKHONG

1816112118 ZUMKIUR


18/6113/2 KIPHIRE H.Q.


1816113/4 PHELUNGER

18/6/13/5 ANATONGER

18/6/13/6 SINGREP

18/6113/7 LANGKOKER


AMAHATOR Un-inhabited 1816/14/1 AMAHAORH.Q

51+ 18/6114/2 AMAHATOR VILLAGE

18/6114/3 KEOR

18/611414 CHANGCHOR

18/6/14/5 KISETONG

18/6114/6 HORONGER

18/6/14/7 HUTANGER

131 18/6/14/8 PURRUR

16/6/14/9 YINGSHIKUR

18/6/14/10 RISETHSI




18/6/15/3 NGOROMI


18/6/15/5 PUNGREN

18/6/15/6 TETHEZU

18/6/15/7 TETHEYO

18/6/15/8 SAMPHUR



18/6/16/3 SITIMI H.Q

18/6/16/4 HONITO

18/6/16/5 NITOI

18/6/16/6 THAZUVI


18/6/16/8 NATSAMI

18/6/16/9 LANGZANGER


18/6/17/2 NEW MONGER

18/6/17/3 OLD MONGER

18/6/17/4 YIMPHIRE

18/6/17/5 THANGTHUR


18/6117/8 YANGZITONG

18/6/17/9 LUKHAMI

18/6/17/10 PHISAMI

132 18/6117/11 SOTHUMI-B

18/6/17/12 SOTHUMI-A




18/6/18/3 Y. ANNER

18/6/18/4 SPIPONGER

18/6/18/5 KIUTSUKIUR

18/6/18/6 KEPHORE

18/6/18/7 IPONGER

18/6/18/8 HUKIR

18/6/18/9 K.LONGSORE



18/6/19/3 WAPHUR

181611914 LASIKIUR

18/6/19/5 SIKIUR

18/6/19/6 RURRURNEW

18/6(19/7 RURRUROLD

18/6(19/8 LlANGKONG


18/6/19/10 MELANGCHURI

18/6(19/11 CHASSIR

18/6/19/12 SANGPHUR

18/6/19/13 YAKUR

133 APPENDIX - IV Hame and Code of R. D. Bloc)[ or parts in Tuensang district with sexwise population

Name & Code Of POPULATION I R. D. Block or Part Circle Total Males Females 2 I 3 4 LONGLENG RD. I 67,703 36,268 31,435

TAMLU CIRCLE 6/1 19,601 10,892 8,709

YONGYA CIRCLE 6/2 16,863 8,905 7,958

Lm,GLENG CIRCLE 6/3 31,239 16,471 14,768

II LONGKHIM RD. 2 27,951 14,448 13,503 NOKSEN CI RCLE6/4 8,221 4,258 3,963

CHARE CIRCLE6/5 8,202 4,312 3,890

LONGKHIM 6/6 11,528 5,878 5,650

III SANGSANGNYU RD. 3 19,229 9,929 9,300

TUENSANG SADAR 6f7 19,229 9,929 9,300

IV NOKLAK RD. 4 26,034 13,511 12,523

NOKLAK CIRCLE 6/8 13,479 7,040 6,439

PANSO CIRCLE 6/9 5,3~9 2,773 2,569

THONOKNYU 6110 7,186 3,698 3,488

V KIPHIRE RD. -5 35,113 18,580 16,533

KIUSAM CIRCLE 6/11 3,718 1,854 1,864

PUNGRO CIRCLE 6/12 10,005 5,293 4,712

KIPHIRE CIRCLE 6/13 15,883 8,638 7,245

AMAHATOR CIRCLE 6/14 5,507 2,795 2,712

VI SITIMI R.D. -6 16,732 8,481 8,251

LONGMATRA CIRCLE 6/15 2.711 1,365 1,346

SITIMI CIRCLE 6/16 3,672 1,860 1,812

SEYOCHUNG CIRCLE 6/17 10,349 5,256 5,093

VII SHAMATOR RD. 7 19,126 9,727 9,399

CHESSORE CIRCLE 6/18 7,512 3,823 3,689

SHAMATOR CIRCLE 6/19 11,614 5,904 5,710

134 section -u TOWN DIRECTORY Notes explaining the codes in the Town Directory.

1. Civic Status

Town Committee TC Census Town CT 2. Amenities Pucca Road PR Kutcha KR

3. System of Sewerage Sewer S Open surface drains OSD Box surface drains BSD Pit system PT Others o 4. Method of disposal of night soil Head loads HL Baskets B Wheel barrows WB Septic tank latrines ST Pit system PT Others o 5. Protected Water supply, source and storage system Over head tank OHT Service reservoir SR River infiltration gallery IG Pressure tank PT Tubewell hand pump TW Well water W Tank water TK

6. Medical Institutions Hospital H

136 Dispensaries D Health Centre/Primary Health Centre/ Primary Health SUb-Centre/ Primary Health Unit etc HC Family Planning Centre FPC T.B. Clinic TB Nursing Home NH Others o A - Ayurvedic U - Unani Home - Homoepathic

7. Educational Institutions - Arts/Science/Commerce Colleges/ Medical Colleges/Engineering Colleges/Polytechnics etc. Arts only A Science only S Commerce only C Arts and Science only AS Arts and Commerce only AC Law L Short hand SH Typewriting Type Short hand and type-writing Sh type

8. Recreational and Cultural facilities Public library PL Reading room RR

137 0 '= ~~ ro cr:: ~ ~ ""C;'i '"to en - en ~

C B (fJ ~ :E ~ Co) f-=ro gi;) (/) Eo< ....-::l ....-ro (/)

00 C') __;Z >e""

OJ,,"":, Co . '"~t:. N

~J (j) c ~~(j) ~;::E N ~ =:s~ ~~S ;::, z"' u'" 0 a: lJ._ 5'" ~ 2 ~ Z Cl)

cO'l co c_~o m :::> f- OJ M

g' ~ "- '""'-c2- ~ :::> ~ f-'" ~'" gO' oS -co to '"' .eN0_ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ to Co '" C') a ~- 'b u '" 0 .2\'" U) Co " ~ '"'"- '"E= to -2 C') .s "- 0, to (!l OJ O'l '" E co ro c c ;:: :Jlc i2'" N c ;:: cj "".8 "'0

Municipal Finance, 1988 - 89

Receiot (in Rs. '00

81. Class & name Civic admini- Receipt Revenue Government Loan Advance Other Total no. of town stration status through Derived from grant sources receipt (1990) taxes Municipal prop specify erties & power apart tram taxation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IV Tuensang Town T. C. 198 200 398

Exoendlture (Rs. in lakhs '00 General Public safety Public Public works Public Other Total administration health and institutions (specify) expenditure conveniences 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

140 143 283


Civic and other amenities - 1989

Number of latrines SI Class & name Civic admini- Popula- Scheduled Road length System Water Service Others no. of town stration status tion castes and (in km) of borne (1990) scheduled sewer- tribes age population

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. IV Tuensang T.C. PROS Town 21,016 15,471 KR-52 OSD 521 28 2,059

Number of latrines Method of Protected water sUQI¥ Fire Domestic Industrial Commercial Road light Others disposal Source of System of fighting of nrght supply storage serVice soil with capa- city in I Irs

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

ST, S T SR Yes 1,735 22 566 538 Power - 160 (10,000) (154)


Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1989

81. Class & name Population MEDICAL FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL no. of town Hospitals! Beds in Arts!science Medical Engineering Polyte- Recognised dispensa medical ommerce colle colleges colleges cnics shorthand rieslT.B. institution ges (of degree typewriting clinics etc. noted in level col. 4 and voca- tional training institutions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IV Tuensang Imphal, Jorhat, Atoizu Town 21,016 H (1) 118 A(I) Manipur Assam (130) (408) (423)

Higher Secondary Junior Primary Adult Working Stadia Cinema Auditoria Public secondary! matriculation secondary school literacy women's drama! libraries Intermediate! & middle classes! hostels community including PUC (pre- schools centres, with no halls r.ading university others of seats rooms college)!lunior (specify) college level

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 aJ RRI


Trade. Commerce. Industry and Banking. 1989

SI. Class, name Name of three most Name of three most Name of three most No. of town important commodities important commodities important commodities Iimported I expo Led mrufactU\ed 1st 2nd 3rd 1st I 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1- 2 3 I 4 I 5 6 I 7 I 8. 9 I 10 I 11 1. IV Tuensang Sugar rice tea handloompolaloes dao: limber wood and handi- Town products spears stone crafts carring

Number of bank Number.of Agricultural Number of Non - Agricultural credit societies credit societies

12 13 14 2


In this part basic population figures in respect of each village and for each ward in case of urban areas have been presented in 41 columns for each circle/town seperately. In census terminology this statement is called Primary Census Abstract ( P.C.A.)

P.C.A. as commonly referred to. can be divided in following five parts for columnwise distribution :-

(i) The first part e.g. columns 1, 2 and 3 code number assigned to each village within each circle and for each ward within the town and name of each village within each circle and name of town/ward within the urban and column 3 gives the name RD. Block.

(ii) The second part of the abstract relates to the information relating to the total area, number of occupied residential houses. number of households, sexwise distribution of population. sex wise population of scheduled castes/scheduled tribes and literacy figures for each village within the circle in the rural areas and for each ward in urban areas. The total area in column 4 has been given for town only but the same could not be given for each village within each circle as the villages in the district are not cadastrally surveyed. The total number of occupied residential houses in column 5 excludes the vacant and other houses which are used for non-residential purposes and the information is based on Abridged Houselist of 1991 Census enumeration The number of household in column 6 has been presented on the basis of the Household schedule. The total population figures in column 7 have been distributed sexwise in columns 8 and 9 of the Abstract for each village within circle and wardwise for urban area which also includes the houseless and institutional population.

145 (iii) The third part of the Abstract contains columns 10-15. The columns 10 and 15 are left blank as there is no scheduled caste population in Nagaland as per constitution (Nagaland) scheduled tribe order 1970 . In column 12 and 13 sexwise population of scheduled tribes have been presented. The sexwise literacy figures have been presented in column 14 and 15.

(iv) The fourth part from columns 16 to 39 deals with working population. In columns 16 and 17 the sex wise main workers have been given where as from columns 18 to 37 the figures relating to the main workers into nine categories of workers, ' have been presented. These categorie,s includes members of workers engaged as cultivator, agricultural labourers, live stock, forestry, fishing, hunting and plantations, orchards and, allied activities, mining and quarrying, household industry and other than household industry, construction, trade and commerce, transport, storage and communications and other services.In columns 38 and 39 sex wise particulars of marginal workers have been presented. This category of workers are other than the main workers and are engaged in economic purSUits for only some part of the year.

(v) . The tIfth part deals with the non- working population who are dependent on others. The information have been presented in columns 40 and 41. The definitions of all the categories of workers , non-workers and other terms of the abstract have been explained briefly in the analytical note of this book.

The district primary abstract has been presented first and there after by the Abstracts of each circle and for urban units seperately.


L. C Name of statel Total Area No. of Number Total population Total population No. districtlblockl rural in occupied pI house (Including Institutiona (in the age group UAlcityllOwn urban sq. residential holds & 0-6) kms houses houseless population p I M I F P I M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 8 I 9 10 111 112 06 TUENSANG DISTRICT T NA 39,024 39,024 2,32,9061,23,2931,09,61339,38319,94319,440 R NA 35,010 35,010 2,11,8881,10,9441,00,94435,02217,67317,349

U NA 4,014 4,014 21,01812,349 6,669 4,361 2.270 2,091

10 LONGLENG Dev. Block T NA 9,424 9,424 67,703 35,268 31,435 8,730 4,365 4,365 R NA 9,424 9,424 67,703 36,268 31,435 8,730 4,365 4,365


20 LONGKHIM Dev. Block T NA 4,596 4,596 27,951 14,448 13,508 4,688 2,362 2,326

R NA 4,596 4,596 27,951 14,448 13,508 4,688 2,362 2,326


30 SANGSANGYU Dev. Block T NA 3,192 3,192 19,229 9,929 9,300 3,840 1,948 1,892

R NA 3,192 3,192 19,229 9,929 9,300 3,840 1,948 1,892


40 NOKLAK Dev. Block T NA 5,349 5,349 26,034 13,511 12,523 4,5132,2892,224

R NA 5,349 5,349 26,034 13,511 12,523 4,5132,2892,224


50 KIPHIRE Dev. Block T NA 6,278 6,278 35,113 18,580 16,533 7,018 3,609 3,409

R NA 6,278 6,278 35,11318,580 16,533 7,0183,6093,409


60 SITIMI Dev. Block T NA 3,029 3,029 16,732 8,481 6,251 2,641 1,348 1,293

R NA 3,029 3,029 16,732 8,481 8,251 2,641 1,348 1,293 U NA 70 SHAMATOR Dev. Block T NA 3,142 3,142 19,126 9,727 9,399 3,592 1,752 1,840

R NA 3,142 3,142 19,126 9,727 9,399 3,592 1,752 1,840

U NA TOTAL URBAN 34,125 4,014 4,014 21,01812,349 8,669 4,361 2,270 2,091

TUENSANG TOWN NA 4,014 4,014 21,01812,349 8,669 4,361 2,270 2,091


Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Literates Total Casles main workers (I-IX) p I M I F P I M I F P I M I F P I M I F 13 I 14 I 15 16 I 17 I 18 19 I 20 I 21 22 I 23 I 24 2,21,497 1,15.435 1,06,062 93,645 55,789 37,856 1,05,347 58,052 47,295 2,06,026 1,07,124 98,902 80,905 47,834 33,071 98,107 52,077 46,030 15,471 8,311 7,160 12,740 7,955 4,785 7,24D 5,595 1,265

64,893 34,688 30,205 27,513 15,948 11,565 32,388 17,386 15,002 64,893 34,688 30,205 27,513 15,948 11,565 32,388 17,386 15,002

27,636 14,200 13,436 12,658 7,096 5,562 13,365 7,022 6,344 27,636 14,200 13,436 12,658 7,095 5,562 13,365 7,022 6,344

18,914 9,739 9,175 7,337 4,318 3,019 8,55B 4,556 4,002 18,914 9,739 9,175 7,337 4,318 3,019 8,658 4,656 4,022

25,677 13,233 12,444 7,378 4,453 2,925 12,830 5,990 5,840 25,677 13,233 12,444 7,378 4,453 2,925 12,830 6,990 5,840

33,250 17.214 15,035 12,554 7,898 4,656 15,371 8,225 7,145 33,250 17,214 16,036 12,554 7,898 4,656 15,371 8,225 7,145

15,527 8,389 8,238 7,349 4,255 3,083 7,615 3,592 3,923 16,627 8,389 8,238 7,349 4,266 3,083 7,615 3,692 3,923

19,029 9,661 9,368 6,115 3,855 2,251 7,879 4,105 3,774 19,029 9,661 9,368 6,116 3,855 2,261 7,879 4,105 3,774

15,471 8,311 7,160 12,740 7,955 4,785 7,240 5,975 1,265 15,471 8,311 7,160 12,740 7,955 4,785 7,240 5,975 1,265


Industrial Cat"corv of Main Workers L.C Cultivators Agricultural labourers Livestock forestry, No. fishing, hunting and Mining & quarrying plantations orchards & allied activities

p I M I F P I M I F P I M 1 F P I M I F , , , , , 25 I 26 27 28 I 29 I 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 06 89,338 43,51445,071 336 259 77 615 579 36 5 5 87,951 42.880 45,071 322 250 72 425 405 20 5 5 1,387 634 753 14 9 190 174 16

10 30,561 15,83714,724 193 139 54 274 263 11 2 2 30,561 15,837 14.724 193 139 54 274 263 11 2

20 12,059 5,853 6,206 14 14 45 40 5 12,059 5,853 6,206 14 14 45 40 5

30 7,573 3,646 3,927 67 67 45 44 3 3 7,573 3,646 3,927 67 67 45 44 3 3

40 10,983 5,274 5,709 10,983 5,274 5,709

50 12,944 5,974 6,970 16 8 8 39 36 3 12,944 5,974 6,970 16 8 8 39 36 3

60 6,891 3,055 3,836 11 3 14 14 6,891 3,055 3,836 11 8 3 14 14

70 6,940 3,241 3,899 21 14 8 8

6,940 3,241 ~3,699 21 ·14 7 8

1,387 634 753 14 190 174 16 1,387 634 753 14 9 5 190 174 16


Industrial CaleflQry of Main Workers

Manulacturing, processins ~anufacturing, processin~ servicing & repairs servicing & repaIrs in Construction Trade and commerce In household Industry other than household Industry (Va) (Vb) iVll j_VIIl_ P I M I F P I M I F P I M I F P I M I F 37 I 38 I 39 40 I 41 I 42 43 I 44 I 45 46 I 47 I 48 114 54 60 240 163 77 739 697 42 1,637 1,589 46 94 47 47 113 50 63 475 453 22 781 749 32 20 13 127 113 14 264 244 20 856 840 16

30 15 15 35 18 17 125 117 8 136 126 10 30 15 15 35 18 17 125 117 8 136 126 10

15 11 5 3 88 82 6 49 40 15 11 3 88 82 6 49 40 9

16 13 70 69 45 42 3 4 4 16 13 70 69 45 42 3

24 8 16 49 8 41 20 20 114 113 24 16 49 '8 41 20 20 114 113

4 2 101 95 6 337 332 4 2 2 101 95 6 337 332 5

44 43 55 52 3 44 43 55 52 3

12 11 6 6 27 27 45 44 I? 11 27 27 45 44

13 127 113 14 264 244 20 856 840 16 13 127 113 14 264 244 20 856 840 16



Industrial Cateaorv of Main Workers

L. C. Transport, storage Other services Marginal workers Non ~ workers No. and commUnication

(VIII) (IX) P T M 1 F P I M T F P 1 M T F P I M I F 49 I 50 I 51 52 I 53 I 54 55 I 56 I 57 58 I 59 I 60 06 156 153 12,167 11,040 1,127 26 26 1,27,533 65,241 62,292 66 65 7,875 7,174 701 25 251,13,756 58,867 54,889 90 88 4,292 3,866 426 13,777 6,374 7,403

10 17 16 1,015 854 161 35,315 18,882 16,433 17 16 1,015 854 161 35,315 18,882 16,433

20 11 11 1,080 975 105 14,585 7,426 7,159 11 11 1,080 975 105 14,585 7,426 7,159

30 833 766 67 24 24 10,547 5,273 5,274 2 833 766 67 24 24 10,[.7 5,273 5,274

40 1,635 1,562 73 13,204 6,521 6,683 1,63S 1,5G2 73 13,204 6,521 6,683

SO 1,920 1,771 149 19,742 10,354 9,388 3 1,920 1,771 149 19,742 10,354 9,388

eo 599 519 80 9,117 4,789 4,328 :=:9r, 519 80 9,117 4,789 4,328

70 27 :?7 793 727 6h 11,246 5,622 5,624 :;'7 n 793 7,1 (>6 11,246 5,622 5,624

:Jf) lIB .1.?g? 3 866 421) 13,777 6,374 7,403 30 88 -1,292 :l,8b6 42E 13,777 6,374 7.403 B. Rural Development Blockwise Primary Census Abstract RURAL PRIMARY

L C Name 01 village! Area of No. of No. 01 Total population Scheduled No. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M l F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 018/6 TUENSANG OIST. (T) NA 35,010 35,010 2,11,8881,10,9441,00,944

R NA 35.010 35,010 2.11,881,10,9441,00,944



6/1/1 TAMLU H.O NA 278 278 1,871 1,128 743

6/1/2 TAMLU VILLAGE NA 449 449 2.853 1,487 1,366

6/1/3 SHAMNYUCHING NA 170 170 1,623 850 773

6/1/4 LAOAIGARH NA 402 402 3,430 1,926 1,504

6/1/5 NGETCHUNGCHING NA 49 49 331 188 143

6/1/6 SHITAP NA 74 74 545 342 203

6/1/7 BORA NAMSANG NA 531 531 4.566 2,596 1,970

6'1 18 KONG SHaNG SCHOOL COMPOUND NA 139 139 1,221 663 558

6/1/9 KANGCHING NA 429 429 3,161 1,712 1,449

6/1 TAMLU CIRCLE T(R) NA 2,521 2,521 19,601 10,892 8,709


Industrial Cateqory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M _I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 1.07,124 98.902 47.830 33.071 52.077 46.030 42.880 45.071 250 72

1,07,124 98,902 47,830 33.071 52,077 46,030 42,880 45,071 250 72

1.115 738 662 373 320 272 196 244 8 6

1.487 1.366 957 712 790 733 752 726

850 773 498 446 636 545 629 543

628 420 998 765 1.106 879 828 848 58 23

188 143 139 111 57 11 45 9 2

342 203 277 148 117 64 84 64 31

2,596 1,970 1,602 1,062 980 816 927 808 9

663 558 280 183 346 291 337 290

1,712 1,449 642 422 766 679 734 674

9,581 7,620 6.055 4.222 5.118 4.290 4,532 4.206 116 32


Industrial Category of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, s~rvi!;ing Bs r~girin~ Location Name of village/ hunting & Mining and (a) (b) f'0nstructiori code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industrv M I F MI F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 018/6 TUENSANG OIST. (T) 405 20 4 47 47 50 63 453 22

R 405 20 4 47 47 50 63 453 22



6/1/1 TAMLUH.Q 7 2 17 6/1/2 TAMLU VILLAGE 3 2


61114 LADAIGARH 211 6


61116 SHITAP

6/117 BORA NAMSANG 4 3 2



6/1 TAMLU CIRCLE T(R) 227 2 4 4 22


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M 1 F M 1 F M I F M r F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 749 32 65 7,174 701 25 58,867 54,889

749 32 65 7,174 701 25 58,867 54,889

5 83 22 808 471

3 30 5 697 633 7 2 214 228

9 2 820 625

131 132 2?5 139 10 26 4 1,616 1,154

9 317 267

2 25 4 946 770

20 3 192 40 5.774 4,419


L. C. Name of village/ Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No town/ward village occupied house (including Castes 2 in km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

p I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 YONGY A CIRCLE - 6/2

61211 YONGAH.Q. NA 112 112 1,056 529 527

61212 YONGA VILLAGE NA 536 536 4,020 2,107 1,913

6/213 NIAN NA 495 495 4,318 2,187 2,131

612/4 YON GAM NA 183 183 1,478 775 703

612/5 YONGSHEI NA 298 298 2,802 ,605 1,197

6/2/6 YOTAN SCHOOL COMP NA 68 68 508 265 243

6/2/7 TANGHA NA 327 327 2,681 1,437 1,244

1/2 YONGA CIRCLE T(R) NA 2,019 2,019 16,863 8,905 7,958


Industrial CateQory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F II I 12 13 1 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20

466 463 290 221 133 140 107 137

2,107 1,913 812 659 967 900 949 896

2,187 2,131 t08 69 1,644 1,425 1,640 1,423

775 703 217 160 395 374 390 373

1.605 1,197 895 577 589 483 580 473

265 243 203 158 75 68 59 56

1.437 1,244 708 552 517 487 505 487

8.842 7.894 3,233 2,396 4,320 3,877 4,230 3,845


Industrial Category of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, serviging & reps;!iringg Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction. code No, townlward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M J F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 YONGYA CIRCLE· 612

6/2/1 YONGA H.Q,


6/2/3 NIAN

6/2/4 YON GAM

6/2/5 YONGSHEI 8


6/2/7 TANGHA

1/2 YONGA CIRCLE T(R) 12 8


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services' workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M 1 'F 31 I 32 33 _l 34 35 1 36 37 I 38 39 I 40

2 23 3 396 387

17 3 1,140 1,013 4 2 543 706

4 380 329 9 2 1,016 714

15 190 175

12 920 757 2 84 11 4,585 4,081


L. C. Name of village/ Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled I No. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes In km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P T M 1 F M 1 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 LONGLENG CIRCLE - 6/3

06/3/1 LONGLENG H.Q. NA 678 678 3,244 1,834 1,410

6/3/2 LONGLENG MS COMP. NA 58 58 340 181 159

6/3/3 LONGLENG LEPROSY COLONY NA 58 58 259 137 122

6/3/4 MONGNYU NA 401 401 2,549 1.303 1.246

6/3/5 ORANGKONG NA 269 269 2,292 1,138 1.154

6/3/6 YACHEM NA 543 543 4.905 2,471 2,434

6/3/7 YAONG NA 357 357 2.386 1.278 1.108

6/3/8 MONGTIKANG NA 74 74 388 193 195

6/3/9 PONGCHING NA 265 265 1.227 641 586

6;3/10 NAMCHING S/COMP NA 79 79 410 223 187

6/3/11 HUKPANG NA 371 371 3,466 1.726 1.740

6/3/12 PUNGO NA 505 505 2.572 1.354 1.218

6'3/13 PONGO S/COMPOUND NA 168 168 931 499 432

6'3/14 YONGPHANG NA 277 277 1.560 830 730

6/3/15 YONGPHANG S/COMP. NA 61 61 324 185 139

6/3/16 YANGCHING NA 128 128 775 434 341

63;17 SAKCHIYIMJONG NA 80 80 537 331 206

613118 SAKSHI NA 299 299 1,669 898 771

6/3/19 AOCHING NA 213 213 1,405 815 590

6:3 LONGLENG CIRCLE T(R) NA 4,884 4.884 31.239 16,471 14,768

A.D. TOTAL NA 9,424 9.424 67,703 36.268 31,435


Industrial Cateqory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II mai n workers Cultivators Agricultural il-IXl labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 2.0

1,686 1,362 1.201 805 768 372 310 304

171 158 118 108 60 50 8 40

137 122 70 72 66 58 53 50

1,303 1,246 464 332 673 676 641 675

1,138 1,154 158 109 973 918 950 914

2.444 2,418 1,112 966 860 814 782 784 14 12

1,278 1,108 500 349 407 415 387 406 8

193 195 115 101 96 98 92 94

641 586 196 134 324 224 285 221

214 181 114 53 94 58 64 56

1,726 1,740 630 535 973 900 944 894

1,354 1,218 522 352 648 596 629 593

487 426 311 243 211 200 181 195

830 730 371 296 397 370 392 369

185 139 80 60 101 78 96 77

434 341 102 66 269 195 263 194

331 206 66 29 197 109 186 107

898 771 189 108 465 440 457 437 2

815 590 341 229 366 264 355 263

16,265 14,691 6,660 4,947 7,948 6,835 7,075 6,673 23 22

34,688 30,205 15,948 11,565 17,386 15,002 15,837 14,724 139 54


Industrial Cateoorv of Main W()rkers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, S!![ILi~iDg & r!!pairiOgS Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (0) onstruction code No. townlward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry househ()ld allied activities Indust!y M I F Ml F M. lF M I F M I F 21 I 22 zd 24 25 I 26 27 1 28 29 J 30 LONGLENG CIRCLE - 6/3

6/3/1 LONGLENG H.Q. 30 3 6 56 7


6/3/4 MONGNYU 10


6/3/6 YACHEM 2 5 5

6/3/7 YAONG

6/3/8 MONGTIKANG 2 2



6/3/11 HUKPANG 3

6/3/12 PUNGO 4





6/3/18 SAKSHI

6/3/19 AOCHING 2 6/3 LONGLEG CIRCLE T(R) 35 3 12 3 13 94 A.D. TOTAL 263 11 15 15 18 17 117 8


InduSlrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 1 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 T 36 39 r 40

98 3 6 260 54 1,066 1,.38

2 42 10 121 109

4 10 4 71 64

2 18 630 570

23 4 165 236

3 3 48 14 1,611 1,620

2 \} 871 693

4 97 97 31 3 317 362

3 21 2 129 129 25 6 753 840

17 2 706 622

30 3 28B 232

4 433 360

3 84 61

6 165 146

11 2 134 97

8 433 331

8 449 326

104 10 13 578 110 8,523 7,933

126 10 16 854 161 18,882 16,433


L. C. Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No town/ward village occupied house (including Castes 2 in km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M 1 F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 NOKSEN CIRCLE - 6/4

6/4/1 NOKSEN H.Q. NA 169 169 942 492 450

6/4/2 NOKSEN VILLAGE NA 168 168 1,117 563 554

6/4/3 LONGRA NA 121 121 716 383 333

6/4/4 KONG SANG NA 226 226 1,387 719 668

614/5 YALI NA 101 101 631 323 308

6/4/6 LONGTANG NA 63 63 516 261 255

6/4/7 SANGTAK NA 164 164 870 463 407

6/4/8 YONYU NA 136 136 724 366 358

6/4/9 YUKUMSANG srCOMP NA 31 31 169 88 81

6/4/10 KUMPONG NA 37 37 177 82 95

6/4/11 YIMRUP NA 94 94 521 286 235

6/4/12 LITEM NA 77 77 451 232 219

6/4 NOKSEN CRCLE T(R) NA 1,387 1,387 8,221 4,258 3,963


Industrial Cat6Qory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II mai~ wo~ers Cultivators Agricultural I-IX labourers M T F M I F M I F M I F M I F tt I 12 13 I 14 t5 I 16 t7 I 18 19 I 20

457 447 288 239 223 179 137 171

558 552 213 198 269 259 238 258

380 331 176 148 170 140 151 140

709 663 159 109 355 357 333 354

321 308 140 121 156 137 147 135

261 255 127 lt8 124 t17 t17 115

462 406 154 89 200 187 174 182

366 358 155 137 208 204 197 204

86 81 47 20 44 42 29 39

82 95 16 15 54 62 50 60

282 230 83 63 t54 t25 143 t24

231 219 140 114 116 105 106 104

4,195 3,945 1,698 1,371 2,073 1,914 1,822 t,886


Industrial Cateqory of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, s~rvicing ~ r~~airing~ Location Name of village/ hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstructlon code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industrv M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 NOKSEN CIRCLE - 614



614/3 LONGRA


61415 YALI



6,418 YONYU


6/4/10 KUMPONG

614111 YIMRUP

614112 LITEM



Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40

4 82 7 269 271

26 294 295

2 15 213 193

22 3 364 311

2 7 2 167 171

7 2 137 138

24 5 263 220

11 158 154

15 2 44 39

4 2 28 33

2 9 132 110 10 116 114

!l 2 232 26 2,185 2.049


L. C. Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No. townlward Village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 CHARE CIRCLE - 6/5

61511 CHARE OLD TOWN NA 99 99 551 293 258

6/512 CHARE HQ NA 150 150 790 412 378

6/513 DIKHU SERI-FARM (URI NA 10 10 31 16 15

6/5/4 ALiSOPUR NA 202 202 2,229 1,232 997

615/5 TONGLONGSORE SI COMPOUND NA 19 19 95 49 46

6151 LONGKHIPEK NA 51 51 260 137 123

61517 TRONGER NA 126 126 790 403 387

6/5/8 NEW TSADANGER NA 66 66 312 160 152

615/9 OLD TSADANGER NA 221 221 1,166 581 585


6/5111 CHUNGLlYIMTI NA 96 96 491 238 253

615112 CHARE VILLAGE NA 215 215 1,487 791 696

6/5 HARE CIRCLE T(R) NA 1,255 1,255 8,202 4,312 3,890


Industrial CateQory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cu Itivators Agricultural (I·IXI labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20

276 250 176 147 139 92 67 78 4 388 372 204 185 181 153 88 141 16 15 8 8 10 8 6 1,232 997 641 430 473 429 449 421 2

47 45 39 33 20 9 7

137 123 76 59 72 51 62 50 403 387 226 189 196 201 178 200

160 152 66 55 92 84 88 84

580 585 281 194 316 294 305 293 ... Un·lnhabited

238 253 157 151 163 154 150 152 781 696 438 364 378 290 300 282 4,258 3,875 2,312 1.815 2,040 1,765 1,696 1,708 6


Industrial Category of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, ~!l[Yicing 8. rellairing~ Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No townlward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M J F MJF 21 1 22 2d 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 CHARE CIRCLE· 6/5

6/5/1 CHARE OLD TOWN 3 5

6/5/2 CHAREHQ 7 8

6/5/3 DIKHU SERI·FARM (URI 4 2 2

6/5/4 ALiSOPUR 2








6/5/12 CHARE VILLAGE 2 11

615 HARE CIRCLE T(R) 23 9 2 28 3


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40

11 2 47 8 154 166

6 5 4 68 6 231 225

2 6 7

19 3 759 568

11 5 29 37

10 65 72

16 207 186

4 68 68

11 265 291

12 2 75 99

4 54 6 413 406

20 9 254 33 2,272 2,125


L. C. Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total poput!ltion Scheduled No. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 LONGKHIM CIRCLE· 6/6 6/6/1 LONGKHIM NA 282 282 1,459 787 672 6/6/2 ANGANGBA NA 246 246 1,253 i30 623

6/6/3 LlRISE NA 93 93 571 289 282

6/6/4 CHUNGTORE NA 253 253 1,663 847 816 6/6/5 CHIMONGER NA 487 487 3,265 1,656 1,609

6/6/6 PHIREAHIRE NA 137 137 927 462 465 6/6/7 HOLONBA NA 91 91 448 218 230 6/6/8 SANGSOMONG NA 120 120 628 312 316

6/6/9 OLD MANGAKHI NA 38 38 182 91 91 6/6/10 NEW MANGAKHI NA 110 110 626 320 306 6/6/11 YANGLI MISSION CENTRE NA 30 30 189 107 82 6/6/12 LlTSAMI NA 67 67 317 159 158 6/6 LONGKHIM CENTRE TIR) NA 1,954 1,954 11,528 5,878 5,650 RD TIR) NA 4,596 4,596 27,951 14,448 13,503


Industrial Cateaory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II mai~ wOK~ers Cultivators Agricultural I-IX labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 T 12 13 T 14 15 T 16 17 I 18 19 I 20

701 648 513 377 320 126 99 100 8 623 622 252 177 294 290 230 284 288 282 170 126 146 138 102 135 830 807 395 365 377 389 349 387 1,646 1,609 899 700 848 844 791 841

462 465 181 138 345 282 337 280 218 230 67 52 139 141 96 139 308 316 214 171 119 133 70 133

91 91 35 21 46 50 32 50 319 306 201 139 160 152 144 150

102 82 80 50 39 32 14 25

159 158 79 60 76 88 71 88

5,747 5,616 3,086 2,376 2,909 2,665 2,335 2,612 8 14,200 13,436 7,096 5,562 7,022 6,344 5,853 6,206 14


Induslrial Caleoorv of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, s~rvicin!;) & re~Siiring:2 Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Induslrv M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 LONGKHIMCIRCLE - 6/6

6/6/1 LONGKHIM 23 3

6/6/2 ANGANGBA 2

616/3 LlRISE 8




6/6/7 HOLONBA 4


6/6/9 OLD MANGAKHI 17 3



616/12 LlTSAMI

6/6 LONGKHIM CENTRE T(R115 2 48 3

R.D. T(RI 40 4 11 ~ 82 6


Industrial Category of Main Workers

(VII) (VIII) (IX) I - ... ---t---. -~ .- - Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers .. , -- commerce communications M I F M L F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40

9 172 22 467 546

62 6 336 333

36 3 143 144

28 2 470 427

52 3 808 765

7 117 183

39 79 89

47 193 183

4 45 41

16 2 160 154

21 68 50

5 83 70

11 489 46 2,969 2,985

40 9 11 975 105 7,426 7,159


L.C Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No townlward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 TUENSANG SADAR - 617 6/7/1 BHUMPAK NA 32 32 222 116 106 6/7/2 SAUCHU NA 52 52 251 128 123 6/7/3 MONCHING NA 58 58 408 213 195 6/7/4 SANGCHEN COMPOUND NA 31 31 175 91 84 6/7/5 LOGONG NA 53 53 307 149 158 6/7/6 NGOUNCHUNG S/cOMP. NA 31 31 146 69 77 6/7/7 NAKSHU NA 64 64 371 176 195 6/7/8 HAK NA 53 53 344 175 169 6/7/9 BODAMPU NA 22 22 135 79 56 6/7/10 KHUDEI NA 73 73 450 249 201 617111 HELIPONG AGRI. FARM NA 14 14 64 35 29 6/7/12 NGANGPONG NA 58 58 393 188 205 6/7 /13 HELIPONG VILLAGE NA 56 56 287 152 135 6/7/14 SIBONGSANG NA 57 57 365 187 178 6/7/15 LONGTOKUR NA 62 62 388 187 201 617/16 SOTOKUR NA 302 302 2,789 1,471 1,318 6/7/17 CHINGMELEN NA 165 165 976 495 481 6/7/18 KUTHUR NA 315 315 1,771 911 860 6/7/19 CHUNDANG NA 63 63 458 246 212 6/7/20 KOYA NA 134 134 691 358 333 6/7/21 KETOK NA 73 73 428 232 196 6/7/22 TUENSANG VILLAE NA 699 699 4,389 2,225 2,164 6/7/23 THIMLAK FISHERY FARM NA 88 88 527 272 255 6/7/24 HAKCHANG NA 182 182 932 492 440 6/7/25 MUKSHA NA 261 261 1,082 572 510

6/7/26 SANGSANGYU (BLOCK H.Q.) NA 100 100 476 261 215

6/7/27 NYINYI~ NA 94 94 404 200 204

6 17/28 TOBU VI~LAGE NA 6/7 TUENSANG SADAR T(R) NA 3,192 3,192 19,229 9,929 9,300 RD. T(R) NA 3,192 3,192 19,229 9,929 9,300


Industrial Category of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20

116 106 61 48 45 50 37 50 90 85 76 65 69 54 39 52 213 195 134 109 108 85 81 83 75 72 54 36 31 28 20 28 149 158 76 61 67 77 39 72 57 74 34 21 36 28 19 27 176 195 98 86 93 98 57 98 174 169 52 52 80 56 42 52 79 56 29 19 23 22 19 22 247 201 103 82 108 95 90 93 35 29 16 6 17 2 2 188 205 87 64 82 88 69 85 151 135 58 38 54 55 42 50 186 178 58 46 65 74 22 74 187 201 79 49 71 101 66 101 67 1,462 1,313 840 536 698 338 580 334 461 446 271 184 209 184 182 182 903 860 524 375 409 435 273 417 246 212 63 34 103 75 71 75 358 333 92 61 219 206 208 205 232 196 97 53 111 94 103 94 2.182 2,145 186 558 1,025 890 771 873 272 255 88 60 110 112 95 112 485 438 143 101 264 243 253 234 570 508 162 92 334 302 306 302

244 20;\ 168 116 112 100 54 93 200 204 69 67 113 119 108 117 .. _ Un-Inhabited

9.739 9.175 4,318 3.019 4,555 4,002 3,546 3,927 67 9.739 9,175 4.318 3,019 4,656 4,002 3,546 3,927 57


Industrial CateQory of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, §~lYicing ~ [e~airing~ Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstructionl: code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 J 28 29 I 30 TUENSANG SADAR - 6(7 6/7/1 BHUMPAK 12 6/7/2 SAUCHU 2 6/7/3 MONCHING 6/7/4 SANGCHEN COMPOUND .. 3 61715 LOGONG 6/7/6 NGOUNCHUNG S/COMP 2 6/717 NAKSHU 2 61718 HAK 6/7/9 BODAMPU 5 6/7/10 KHUDEI 6/7/11 HEUPONG AGRI. FARM 15 2 6/7/12 NGANGPONG 6/7/13 H'EUPONG VILLAGE 6/7/14 SIBONGSANG 6/7/15 LONGTOKUR 9 6/7/16 SOTOKUR 6/7117 CHINGMELEN 6/7/18 KUTHUR 6/7/19 CHLJNDANG 6/7/20 KOYA 617121 KETOK 6/7/22 TUENSANG VILLAE 19 3 12 16 6/7/23 THIMLAK FISHERY FARM. 6/7/24 HAKCHANG 617125 MUKSHA 2 617/26 SANGSANGYU (BLOCK H.Q.) 9 617/27 NYINYIM 6/7/28 TOBU VILLAGE 6/7 TUENSANG SADAR T(R) 44 4 13 69 RD.T(R) 44 4 13 3 69


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40

7 71 56 18 2 59 69 25 2 105 110 11 60 56 24 5 82 81 4 13 33 49 34 83 97 35 4 95 113 4 56 34 2 9 2 141 106 2 18 27 11 2 106 117 10 5 98 80 42 122 104 4 116 100 38 4 24 773 956 25 2 286 297 9 124 15 502 425 29 143 137 11 139 127 7 121 102 25 178 14 1,200 1,274 15 162 143 10 228 206 26 238 208

49 7 149 115 2 87 85

42 3 2 766 67 24 5,273 5,274 42 3 766 67 24 5,273 5,274


L. C. Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes 2 in km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 NOKLAK CIRCLE - 6/8

06/8/1 NOKLAKH.Q NA 359 359 2,150 1,165 985

6/8/2 NOKYAN NA 181 181 800 419 381

6/8/3 WANSOI NA 82 82 400 196 204

6/8/4 PANGSHA (OLD) NA 166 166 793 416 377

6/8/5 PANGSHA (NEW) NA 221 221 946 487 459

6/8/6 TAKNYU NA 62 62 311 148 163

6/817 YIMPANG NA 68 68 331 164 167

6/8/8 WAOSHU NA 69 69 413 205 208

6/8/9 CHINGMEI NA 271 271 1,455 780 675

6/8/10 CHEN DANG NA 102 102 480 266 214

6/8/11 NOKLAK NA 449 449 2,178 1,136 1.042

6/8/12 NOKHU NA 331 331 1,507 767 470

6/8/13 LANGNOK NA 96 96 491 240 251

6/8/14 ANIASHU NA 54 54 262 139 123

6/8/15 CHOKLANGAN NA 164 164 962 512 450

6/8 NOKLAK CIRCLE T(R) NA 2,675 2,675 13,479 7,040 6,439


Industrial Cateqorv of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (1-IXl labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20

1,044 941 651 416 458 181 167 162

418 381 187 133 205 156 149 156

195 204 87 69 103 86 49 85

407 374 146 101 196 145 161 144

485 457 26 10 390 348 354 347

148 163 119 106 71 61 36 60

162 167 81 61 80 83 31 81

205 208 81 74 102 89 57 89

765 675 305 173 356 334 278 333

220 203 92 54 147 109 109 107

1,114 1,033 487 370 539 440 405 425

765 740 127 92 421 333 389 333

240 251 67 45 135 104 132 104

139 123 10 63 61 21 60

511 450 197 118 210 67 159 65

6,818 6,370 2,663 1,825 3,476 2,597 2,497 2,551


Industrial CateQory of Main Workers

III IV V VI LIvestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, s~rvicing ~ r@R!!irings Location Name of village/ hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M I F M J F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 NKLAK CIRCLE- 6/8

06/8/1 NOKLAK H.Q 5

6/8/2 NOKYAN

6/8/3 WAN SOl



6/8/6 TAKNYU

6/8/7 YIMPANG 2

6/8/8 WAOSHU



6/8/11 NOKLAK

6/8/12 NOKHU

6/8/13 LANGNOK

6/8/14 ANIASHU




Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non ... workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40

46 238 19 707 804

56 214 225

2 52 93 118

2 30 220 232

36 97 111

35 77 102

2 45 2 84 84

45 103 119

3 74 424 341

20 18 119 105

8 126 15 597 602

2 30 346 407

3 105 147

42 76 62

3 48 2 302 383

88 3 878 45 3,564 3,842


L. C. Name of villagel Area. of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No townlward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 PANSO CIRCLE - 6/9

6/9/1 PANSO H.O NA 27 27 129 64 65

6/9/2 PANSO VILLAGE (A) NA 98 98 472 246 226

6/9/2 PANSO VILLAGE (8) NA 273 273 1,329 681 648

6/9/4 KENGNYO NA 206 206 990 517 473

6/9/5 LENGNYU NA 312 312 1,400 713 687

6/9/6 TSUWAO NA 86 86 424 224 200

6/9/7 YAKHAO NA 114 114 625 328 297

6/9 PAN SO CIRCLE T(R) NA 1,116 1,116 5,369 2,773 2,596


Industrial Cateqorv of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural _(I. IX) labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 1 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20

64 65 34 23 27 16 11 14

245 226 110 58 112 96 96 95 679 648 158 95 341 283 327 281

506 469 114 64 255 185 226 183

713 687 143 91 325 290 260 290

224 200 70 38 114 104 92 104

328 297 52 36 170 151 147 151 2.759 2.592 681 405 1.344 1,125 1,159 1,118


Industrial Category of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, servi. ina . renairinas Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 PANSO CIRCLE- 6/8






619/6 TSUWAO

61917 YAKHAO



Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communicatIons M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40

11 2 37 49 16 134 130

14 2 340 365

25 2 262 288

64 388 397 22 110 96 23 158 146 3 175 7 1,429 1,471


L C Name of village/ Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No townlward village occupied house (including Castes 2 In km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P L M I F M I F t 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 THONOKNYU CIRCLE - 6/10

6/10/1 THONOKNYU H Q NA 221 221 1,081 579 502

6/10/2 THONOKNYU VILL. NA 100 100 501 263 238

6/10/3 THOKTSUR NA 42 42 224 115 109

6/10/4 PANG NA 111 111 429 217 212

6/10/5 THONGSONYU NA 56 56 244 115 129

6/10/6 CHIPUR NA 130 130 671 363 308

6/1017 KENJONG NA 59 59 302 161 141

6/1018 WUI NA 123 123 562 283 279

611019 SANG LAO EAST NA 124 124 671 334 337

6/10/10 SANG LAO WEST NA 135 135 609 299 310

6/10/1 t KINGPHU (UR) NA 25 25 101 54 47

6110/12 PESHU NA 292 292 1,292 646 646

6/10/13 NEW PESHU (URI NA 13 13 54 29 25

6'10114 CHELLISO NA 127 127 445 240 205

6/10 THONOKNYU CIRCLE T(R)NA 1,558 1,558 7,186 3.698 3.488

R.D T(R) NA 5,349 5,349 26,034 13,511 12,523


Industrial Cateaory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 1 20

540 496 303 212 265 230 117 214

263 238 121 67 111 126 71 124

115 109 46 26 64 58 50 58

217 212 78 54 117 111 48 110

115 129 37 25 73 96 41 96

362 308 94 45 153 150 82 149

161 141 29 20 139 119 95 112

283 279 24 10 234 243 191 241

334 337 89 58 229 243 212 242

299 310 42 24 170 184 147 143

54 47 17 16 31 25 28 20

644 646 91 40 426 407 401 406

29 25 4 21 20 21 20

240 205 134 98 137 106 114 105

3.656 3.482 1.109 695 2,170 2,118 1,618 2,040

13.233 12.444 4.453 2.925 6.990 5.840 5,274 5,709


Induslrial Cate(jorv of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, servi~ing & reQairings Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) M Construction code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industrv M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 THONOKNYU CIRCLE· 6/8

6/10/1 THONOKNYU H.Q 5 6 11



6/10/4 PANG


6/10/6 CHIPUR

6/10/7 KENJONG

6/10/8 WUI


6/10/10 SANG LAO WEST 41

6/10/11 KINGPHU (UR)

6/10/12 PESHU

6/10/13· NEW PESHU (UR)

6/10/14 CHELLISO

6/10 THONOKNYU CIRCLE 6 16 41 13 RD T(R) 16 41 20


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non· workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 1 40

20 112 10 314 272 2 36 2 152 112 14 51 51 69 100 101 32 42 33 71 210 158 44 2 22 22 43 2 49 36 17 105 94 23 129 126 2 23 22 2 23 220 239 '8 5 23 103 99 22 2 509 21 1.528 1.370 113 5 1.562 73 6,521 6,683


L C. Name of v[lIage/ Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No town/ward village occupied house (including Castes 2 in km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

p I M I F M 1 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 KIUSAM CI RCLE - 6/11

6/11/1 KIUSAM H.Q. NA 58 58 309 176 133

6/11/2 CHIKIPONGER NA 35 35 273 146 127

6/11/3 METONGER NA 120 120 726 366 360

6/1 U4 SANGKUMTI NA 175 175 981 443 538

611115 LONGTSUNGER NA 78 78 407 199 208

6/11/6 POKPHUR NA 143 143 754 397 357

6111/7 SANGTSUNG NA 36 36 268 127 141

6/11 KIUSAM CIRCLE T(R) NA 645 645 3,718 1,854 1,864


Industrial Cateqory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M I F M 1 F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20

174 138 66 23 74 68 56 66

146 127 18 4 103 81 102 81

366 360 96 35 289 194 287 194

443 538 112 49 272 358 268 358

199 208 102 61 89 93 86 93

397 357 128 59 189 185 184 184

127 141 39 23 75 90 73 90

1.852 1.864 561 254 1.091 1,069 1,056 1,066


Industrial Cateaorv of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, ~~rYiciDg & ~g:a.i[iOg2 Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) ponstruction code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industrv

M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 KIUSAM CIRCLE- 6/11

6/11/1 KIUSAMH.Q.





6/11/6 POKPHUR




Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 J 36 37 i 38 39 I 40

18 102 65

43 46 2 77 166

4 171 180 3 110 115 5 208 172

2 52 51 35 763 795


Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled ,,\,~,~:~gc village occupied house (including Castes in kr;]2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

-~--. _. I p I M I F M 1 F :0 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 PUNGRO CIRCLE - 6112

"c,' :,110 H.O NA 282 282 1,602 887 715

I,_:~J(,F~O ViLLAGE N,~ 98 98 690 383 307

~ u ,YONG I~A 36 36 256 130 126

;,( l'fI, 213 213 885 467 418

/"t;:'JC;l::R NA 175 175 927 478 449

'-':.lNGEP NA 59 59 236 126 110

'iliUR NA 54 54 256 142 114

i,KII,1 NA 57 57 331 162 169

NA 80 80 406 199 207

'IA~AMIR NA 70 70 450 233 217

H(]NGKH/\ NA 47 47 249 122 127

}1M! NA. 106 106 470 252 218

; ONGKHIMONG NA 46 46 238 124 114

:\i10yA NA 83 83 381 222 159

'~"lUMI NA 239 239 1,378 739 639

'. ()N0T1 NA 41 41 312 162 150

l"fIJ'JHONCi NA 52 52 184 88 96

IUMI(ILJR NA 115 115 754 377 377

", ,,,nl,O CIRCLE T(R) NA 1,853 1,853 10,005 5,293 4,712 CENSUS ABSTRACT

Industrial CateQory at Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M J F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20

846 699 359 201 334 298 196 283 4

379 306 112 62 135 98 120 98 130 126 17 14 59 55 57 54

464 417 181 117 213 198 132 197

478 449 177 63 178 169 166 169

126 110 59 64 55 62 141 114 68 29 78 65 57 65

162 169 13 101 122 99 122

199 207 32 13 97 106 93 106

233 217 67 23 83 94 83 93

122 127 33 16 50 72 49 72

252 218 88 44 112 113 95 111

122 114 13 2 56 52 41 52

222 159 70 26 112 100 103 100 737 639 169 82 284 273 247 264 4

162 150 75 60 78 53 68 49

88 96 3 57 60 56 60

377 377 44 29 160 177 136 176 5,240 4,694 1,522 790 2,246 2,169 1,853 2,133 8 8

199 VILLAGE PRIMARY -.~~-~---

-- Industrial Cateqory of Main Workers III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, servicing & regairings tlc,n N

~I,JNGR() ~I (,) 24


" TEKIYO,"(, C:HO\11i

E, ,- , ZAOI\:CiE!!

() , IrjON(;[~ " ,-, - " ~U1HUfl ( ~? k FAI

Ii ,-- ~[NKI~l

THAN,WiR b 1 ? : I KHONG,\HA

\) 12 1;) MIMI

"';' ~ :; i_ON(_;K111~JONC


:~ '1 i, Stl,LU~,'1!

6 12 ~ I~ VONGTI

Ii ~ 2 1c LOFUKHONG - 18 ZUMKiUR 1 ? I'UNGRC CIRCL E TiR) 16


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storase Other Marginal N & & services workers commerce communications

1,/ M I F M I F M I F M I F - --- 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 ~)(

9 90 11 ')~3

6 7 :)-l~ \~'J 2

80 2b4

12 :300 280

3 67

21 64 4C_)

2 E,1

4 lUi

l~O 123

72 5S

13 2 140 10::; 5 68 62

9 110 :~:~)

2 34 4S:) :~60

2 7 4 ,+.+


23 ~~C'\J

20 3 314 27 3 04 ~,:~·13


L C Name 01 village/ Area 01 No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No town/ward village occupied house (including Castes 2 in km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 KIPHIRE CIRCLE - 6/13

6/13/1 KIPHIRE VILLAGE NA 228 228 1,302 691 611

6/13/2 KIPHIRE HQ NA 1,756 1.756 10,845 6,067 4,778

6'13/3 LONGTHONGER NA 40 40 197 102 95

6/13/4 PHELUNDER NA 154 154 736 352 384

6'135 ANATONGER NA 240 240 1,243 628 615

6'13/6 SINGREP NA 206 206 1,132 577 555

6'13.7 LANG KOKER NA 69 69 378 201 177

6,13/8 TASAR FARM COMPo NA 10 10 50 20 30

6'13 KIPHIRE CIRCLE T(R) NA 2,703 2,703 15,883 8,638 7,245

202 CENSUS ABSTRACT -.~.-~~ .-~" Industrial Cateqory of Mall', '/',/,

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I main workers Cultivators ! (I-IX) M I F M I F M I F M I ~~~'1 11 I 12 13 1 14 15 I 16 17 I 10

684 609 352 184 262 293 240

4,791 4,310 3,515 2,088 2,462 1,388 986

102 95 23 18 41 50 33 u

345 384 78 29 177 215 131" ::_'j~

618 612 304 249 280 266 229 2;:-'3

575 553 201 90 256 243 201 24C

201 177 49 29 76 72 66 7,)_

20 30 10 15 10 10 10

7.336 6,770 4,532 2.702 3,564 2,537 1,899 2.420


Industrial Category of Main Workers

III IV V VI livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, servi :ina reoairinas Location Name of village/ hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & tndustry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M I F M 1 F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 j 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 KIPHIRE CIRCLE- 6/13


6/1312 KIPHIRE H.O. 18 2 56


6/13/4 PHELUNDER 2


6/13/6 SINGREP



6/13 KIPHIRE CIRCLE T(R) 18 2 65 6


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M 1 F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40

4 18 429 318

297 5 1,105 96 3,605 3,390 3 61 45

37 175 169

50 3 348 349 4 44 2 321 312

10 125 105 9 10 20

306 5 1,276 104 5,074 4,708


L. C. Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No town/ward village occupied house (including Castes 2 in km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

p I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 1 10 AMAHATOR CIRCLE - 6114


6(14/2 AMAHATOR VILLAGE NA 118 118 758 386 372

6/14/3 KEOR NA 62 62 286 134 152

6/1414 CHANGCHOR NA 118 118 540 265 275

6,14/5 KISETONG NA 182 182 948 480 468

6/14/6 HORONGER NA 108 108 493 266 227

6/14/7 HUTANGER NA 59 59 336 164 172

6/14/8 PURRUR NA 160 160 743 374 369

6/14/9 YINGSHIKUR NA 100 100 564 288 276

6/14/10 RISETHSI NA 145 145 669 353 316

6114/11 KICHANG S/COMP. NA 25 25 170 85 85

6/14 AMAHATOR CIRCLE T(R) NA 1.077 1,077 5,507 2,795 2,712

RD. T(R) NA 6,278 6,278 35,113 18,580 16,533


Industrial Cateqory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M 1 F M 1 F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20


386 372 141 84 t18 149 78 142

134 152 75 58 61 70 57 69

264 275 140 101 127 141 84 138

480 468 245 163 194 220 171 217

266 227 76 54 135 127 131 127

164 172 44 34 93 117 89 117

374 369 267 235 278 270 273 270

288 276 101 54 123 67 116 66

353 316 154 106 164 177 160 176

77 81 40 21 32 32 7 29

2.786 2,708 1,283 910 1,325 1,370 1,166 1,351

17,214 16,036 7,989 4,656 8,226 7,145 5,974 6,970


Industrial Category .of Main Workers

III IV V • VI LIvestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, :fishing, .' ~erviging ~. regairings Location Name of village/ hunting & i Mining.an~ (a) (b) r.onstruction code No townlward plantalions 'quaffying- Ho~sehold ,Other than orchatds &, Industry , household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M I F M1F 21 I 22 23 j 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 AMAHATORCIRCLE- 6/14



6/14:3 KEOR


611415 KISETONG 2


6 /14/7 HUTANGER

6/14/8 PURRUR


6;14/10 RISETHSI


6/14 AMAHATOR CIRCLE T 4 4 RD, T(R) 36 4 95


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 1 38 39 I 40

37 4 268 223

4 73 82

43 3 138 134

19 3 286 248

4 131 100

4 71 55

5 96 99

7 165 209

4 189 139

6 19 3 53 53

146 15 1.470 1,342

332 5 1,771 149 10,354 9,388


L. C. Name of village/ Area of No. ~f No, of Total population Scheduled No town/ward Village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

p I M I F M I F -I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 8 9 I 10 LONGMATRA CIRCLE - 6115

6/15/1 LONGMATRA STATION NA 83 83 407 242 165 6/15/2 LONGMATRA VILLAGE NA 94 94 427 227 200 6/15/3 NGOROMI NA 38 38 173 92 81 6,'15/4 NEW LONGMATRA NA 29 29 127 62 65

6/"15/5 PUNGREN NA 43 43 250 125 125

6/15/6 TETHEZU NA 54 54 226 114 112

6/15/7 TETHEYO NA 66 66 376 160 216 6/15/8 SAMPHUR NA 140 140 725 343 382 6/15 LONGMATRA CIRCLE T(RINA 547 547 2,711 1,365 1,346


Industrial CateQory 01 Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20

171 154 147 75 124 51 20 45

226 200 53 20 114 116 106 116

88 81 43 18 43 37 26 36

62 65 22 21 40 42 37 42

125 125 52 34 47 54 35 51 6 3

114 112 60 51 53 55 46 54

160 216 103 91 67 85 63 85

342 382 120 93 162 202 150 201

1,288 1,335 600 403 650 642 483 630 6 3


Industrial Cate~of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, §ervicing & rel2giril]g~ Location Name of village/ hunting & Mining and (a) (b) ponstruction, code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Indust!y. M I F M I F M J F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 LONGMATRA CI RCLE- 6115



6/15/3 ~~GOROMI 6 4


6/15/5 PUNGREN

6/15/6 TETHEZU

6/15/7 TETHEYO

6/15/8 SAMPHUR 2



Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M J F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40

44 53 5 118 114

5 113 84

49 44

3 22 23

4 78 71

6 6t 57

3 93 131

10 181 180

44 91 8 715 704


L. C Name ot villagel Area of NO.ot No. at Total population Scheduled No townlward village occupied house (including Castes 2 in km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

p I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 SITIMI CIRCLE - 6/16

611611 SHISHIMI NA 42 42 172 89 83

6/16/2 SITIMI VILLAGE NA 165 165 777 410 367

6116/3 SITIMI H.O NA 103 103 551 261 290

6/1614 HONITO NA 62 62 445 232 213

6116/5 NITOI NA 67 67 465 235 230

6/16/6 THAZUVI NA 91 91 360 185 175

6116/7 YANGSEKI(NIKIYA) NA 40 40 172 89 83

6/1618 NATSAMI NA 94 94 419 204 215

6/16/9 LANGZANGER NA 73 73 311 155 156

6116 SITIMI CIRCLR T(R) NA 737 737 3,672 1,860 1,812


Industrial Categooy of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 / 89 83 27 12 44 50 42 50

410 367 213 158 187 196 156 190

260 288 177 138 105 108 59 95

232 213 112 101 94 89 90 89

235 230 98 65 126 134 106 129

185 175 81 41 85 106 77 105 2

89 83 44 22 42 48 35 48

204 215 64 67 116 115 110 112

155 156 26 5 74 65 63 65

1,859 1,810 842 609 873 911 738 883 2


Industrial Cateqory of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, servicing & reRairing~ Location Name of village/ hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 SITIMI CIRCLE- 6/16



6/16/3 SITIMI H.Q 3

611614 HONITO

6116/5 NITOI

6/16/6 THAZUVI


6/16/8 NATSAMI




Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M 1 F M I F 31 J.32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40

L 45 33

25 6 223 171

4 2 38 11 156 182 3 138 124 20 5 109 96 100 69

2 47 35

2 88 100

11 81 91

5 111 25 987 901


L. C. Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No town/ward village occupied house (including' Castes 2 in km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M 1 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 SEYOCHUNGCIRCLE·6/17

611711 SEYOCHUNG POST NA 127 127 794 425 369

6/17/2 NEW MONGER NA 52 52 314 151 163

6117/3 OLD MONGER NA 96 96 505 257 248

6/17/4 YIMPHIRE NA 105 105 558 275 283

611715 THANGTHUR NA 169 169 819 398 421

6/17/6 SEYOCHUNG VILLAGE NA 319 319 2,118 1,105 1,013

611717 TSUNGER NA 100 100 476 234 242

6/17/8 YANGZITONG NA 248 248 1,986 1,028 958

6/17/9 LUKHAMI NA 56 56 404 208 196

6/17/10 PHISAMI NA 316 316 1,618 809 809

6/17/11 SOTHUMI·B NA 52 52 252 122 130

6/17/12 SOTHUMI·A NA 90 90 446 214 232

6/17/13 LONGYA M.E.S. COMP. NA 15 15 59 30 29

6117 SEYOCHUNG CIRCLE T(R)NA 1,745 1,745 10,349 5,256 5,093

RD. T(R) NA 3,029 3,029 16,732 8,481 8,251


industrial Cateqory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I Hl 19 I 20

425 369 259 106 151 135 75 124

t5t t63 47 27 82 95 79 95

257 248 107 56 122 132 109 131

263 283 104 78 125 134 100 t33

398 421 220 186 176 209 156 206

1,105 1,013 719 482 283 338 237 332

234 242 53 32 109 119 97 118

1,026 958 639 549 423 452 378 442

208 196 31 16 128 101 124 99

809 809 426 370 380 418 312 409

122 130 72 70 58 72 54 71

214 232 123 83 119 155 113 154

30 29 24 16 13 10 9

5,242 5,093 2,824 2,071 2,169 2,370 1,834 2,323

8,389 8,238 4,266 3,083 3,692 3,923 3,055 3,836 8 3


Industrial Category of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, servicing & reQairings Location Name of village/ hunting & Mining and (a) (b) ~onstruction code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 SEYOCHUNG CIRCLE- 6/17







6/17/7 TSUNGER


6/17/9 LUKHAMI

6/17/10 PHISAMI 3

6/17/11 SOTHUMI-B

6/17/12 SOTHUMI-A

6/17/13 LONGYA M.E.S. COMP


RD.T(R) 14 43


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M T F M r F M 1 F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40

3 66 11 274 234

69 68

13 135 116

25 150 149

20 3 222 212

46 6 822 675

12 125 123

40 10 605 506

4 2 80 95

65 9 429 391

4 64 58

95 77

13 17 19

3 317 47 3,087 2,723

52 3 519 80 4,789 4,328


L. C. Name of village/ Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No townfward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 CHESSORE CIRCLE - 6/18

6/18/1 CHESSORE H.O NA 112 112 581 305 276

6/18/2 CHESSORE VILLAGE NA 417 417 2,700 1,411 1,289

6/18/3 YANNER NA 85 85 627 319 308

6/18/4 SHIPONGER NA 164 164 951 456 495

6/18/5 KIUTSUKIUR NA 135 135 870 436 434

6/18/6 KEPHORE NA 29 29 215 111 104

6/18/7 IPONGER NA 60 60 296 160 136

6/18/8 HUKIR NA 177 177 1,022 506 516

6/18/9 K.LONGSORE NA 44 44 250 119 131

6/18 CHESSORE CIRCLE T(R) NA 1,223 1,223 7,512 3,823 3,689


Industrial CateQory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20

295 275 160 121 tiS 21 51 18

1,404 1,285 738 345 589 610 510 603

319 308 157 106 111 120 107 120

456 495 211 120 183 250 168 249

436 434 157 114 140 28 129 27

111 104 79 60 40 38 38 37

160 136 98 56 72 67 63 66

506 516 137 81 212 219 185 217

119 131 56 47 60 55 56 55

3,806 3,684 1,773 1,050 1,522 1,408 1,307 1,392


Industrial Cate~ory of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, §;ervicing & rejJairings Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No. townlward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 CHESSORE CIRCLE- 6/18



6/18/3 Y.ANNER



6/18/6 KEPHORE

6/18/7 IPONGER

6/18/8 HUKIR 3




Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - worke rs & & services workers commerc,e communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40

60 3 190 255

11 58 6 822 679

4 208 188

15 273 245

11 296 406 2 71 66 8 88 69

24 2 294 297,

3 59 76

13 185 15 2,301 2,281


L. C. Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes 2 in km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 SHAMATOR CIRCLE· 6/19

6/19/1 SHAMATOR H.O. NA 461 461 2,405 1,280 1,125

6/19/2 SHAMATOR VILLAGE NA 166 166 868 453 415

6/19/3 WAPHUR NA 123 123 570 282 288

6/19/4 LASIKIUR NA 22 22 128 70 58

6/19/5 SIKIUR NA 184 184 878 446 432

6/19/6 RURRURNEW NA 52 52 321 157 164

6/19/7 RURRUROLD NA 45 45 246 128 118

6/19/8 LlANGKONGER NA 132 132 610 306 304

6/19/9 SHAMATOR NAP. POSTNA 57 57 324 165 159

6/19/10 ,MELANGCHURI NA 131 131 952 442 510

6/19/11 CHASSIR NA 81 81 ,383 190 193

6/19/12 SANGPHUR NA 333 333 3,088 1,570 1,518

6/19/13 YAKUR NA 132 182 841 415 426

6/19 SHAMATOR CIRCLE T(R) NA 1,919 1,919 11,614 5,904 5,710

R.D. T(R) NA 3,142 3,142 19,126 9,727 9,399


Industrial Category 0\ Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20

1,235 1,118 563 319 495 301 207 264

453 415 212 111 214 205 146 202

282 288 77 45 151 153 142 152

70 54 37 34 30 32 30

446 432 269 201 160 194 120 190

157 153 86 88 64 67 52 67

128 118 72 44 49 55 31 54

306 304 131 76 125 142 86 138

165 15 93 78 68 14 4 14

442 508 130 64 200 244 197 244

187 191 37 24 104 113 103 113

1,569 1,518 213 75 722 666 650 658 14 6

415 426 142 78 197 182 164 181

6,855 5,684 2,062 1,211 2,583 2,366 1,934 2,307 14

9,661 9,368 3,855 2,261 4,105 3,774 3,241 3,699 14 7


Industrial Cateqory 01 Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing lorestry, fishing, servicing & rel2airings Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) ~onstruction code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 T 28 29 I 30 SHAMA TOR CIRCLE- 6/19

6/19/1 SHAMATOR H.O. 3

6/19/2 SHAMATOR VILLAGE 3 11 11

6/19/3 WAPHUR


6/19/5 SIKIUR






6/19/11 CHASSIR

6/19/12 SANGPHUR

6/19/13 YAKUR

6/19 SHAMATOR CIRCLE T(R) 11 5 16

RD.T(R) 8 11 6 27


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40

14 239 37 785 824

2 41 2 239 210

2 7 131 135

2 36 28

39 4 286 238

12 93 97

18 79 63

.2 37 3 181 162

2 62 97 145

3 242 266

86 80

6 52 848 851

2 29 218 244

31 27 542 51 3,321 3,343

44 27 727 66 5,622 5,624


L. C. Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

p 1 M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 6/1 TUENSANG TOWN T(R) NA 4,014 4,014 21,018 12,349 8,669

6/1/1 ST JOHN SECTOR (A) NA 566 566 2,861 1,765 1,096

611/2 ST. JOHN SECTOR IB) NA 290 290 1,600 866 734

6/1/3 HIGH SCHOOL - A NA 443 443 2,318 1,333 985

6/1/4 HIGH SCHOOL AREA - B NA 345 345 1,922 1,061 861

6/1/5 BAZAAR -A NA 275 275 1,918 1,516 402

6/1/6 BAZAAR-B NA 124 124 546 351 195

6/1/7 BAZAAR-C NA 332 332 1,607 930 677

6/1/8 OLD HOSPITAL AREA - A NA 283 283 1,421 740 681

6/1/9 OLD HOSPITAL AREA - B NA 272 272 1,409 756 653

6/1/10 OFFICERS COLONY NA 309 309 1,497 827 670

6/1/11 POST OFFICE NA 355 355 1,712 987 725

6/1/12 3RD NAP NA 420 420 2,207 1,217 990


Industrial CateQory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20

8,311 7,160 7,955 4,785 5,975 1,265 634 753 9

770 647 1,105 653 1,076 191 80 97 3 4

811 695 607 453 325 128 71 57

1,152 922 831 540 571 137 90 77

881 763 720 504 420 202 89 133

244 219 889 190 1,216 45 16 23

180 162 263 104 197 20 25 10

719 586 540 290 366 62 31 27

603 599 535 431 312 141 56 84

683 614 474 321 265 40 47 25

591 509 494 339 311 43 7 2

714 637 674 443 462 187 97 165

963 807 823 517 454 69 25 53 5


Induslrial Caleqorv of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing foreslry. fishing, s~rvicing ~ repairings Location Name of villagel hun ling & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No. townlward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household a!lied activities Industrv M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 611 TUENSANG TOWN T(R) 174 7 13 113 14 244 20

6/1!1 ST. JOHN SECTOR (A) 36 4 34

6/1/2 ST. JOHN SECTOR (B) 6 2 2

6!1/3 HIGH SCHOOL - A 6 19 2 29

6/1/4 HIGH SCHOOL AREA - B 20 2 13 8 21 6

6/1/5 BAZMR-A 11 13 4

6/1/6 BAZAAR - B 4 4

6/1/7 BAZAAR-C 18 2 25 21

6/1/8 OLD HOSPITAL AREA, A 36 6 2 54 10

6/1/9 OLD HOSPITAL AREA - B 4 22

6/1/10 OFFICERS COLONY 3 4 12

6/1/11 POST OFFICE 32 16 27 2

6/1/12 3RD NAP 11 9.


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 1 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 840 16 88 2 3,866 426 6.374 7,403

35 3 881 83 689 904

21 5 211 69 541 606

89 33 303 54 762 848

74 10 2 193 50 641 659

327 855 8 300 357

127 8 28 7 154 175

48 20 201 31 564 615

17 6 136 38 428 540

22 3 160 13 491 613

3 282 40 516 627

65 225 19.: 525 538

12 391 14 763 921


, ".-i ~ ))1", (\_ " ,~, I ''__: , j ). LADAIGA H ./ 'j 4 '! NGETCHUNGCHING • 5

TAMLU HO, 2 1 @),," "ttT~,MLU ,. , ,,' , S./15 PO' , , '\ r



Based tJ&:)on survey of India map with the permission of the © Governmertt of Indio CopyrigM, 1996. Surveyor General of !ncla


L. C. Name of villagel Area of No of Total population No. of SCheduled No. townlward village occupied~,1 house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

p I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 r 7 I B 9 I 10 611 TAMLU CIRCLE T(R) NA 2,521 2,521 19,601 10,892 8,709

61111 TAMLU HQ. NA 278 278 1,871 1,128 743

61112 TAMLU VILLAGE NA 449 449 2,853 1,487 1,366

6/113 SHAMNYUCHING NA 170 170 1,623 850 773

6/114 LADAIGARH NA 402 402 3,430 1,926 1,504

61115 NGETCHUNG CHING NA 49 49 331 188 143

61116 SHITAP NA 74 74 545 342 203

6/1/7 BORA NAMSANG NA 53f 531 4,566 2,596 1,970

61118 KONGSHONG SCHOOL NA 139 139 1,221 663 558

61119 KANGCHING NA 429 429 3,161 1,712 1,449


Industrial Cateaorv of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II mai~ ",~~ers Cultivators Agricultural labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 9,581 7,620 6,055 4,222 5,118 4,290 4,532 4,206 116 32

1,115 738 662 373 320 272 196 244 8 6

1,487 1,366 957 712 790 733 752 726

850 773 498 446 636 545 629 543

628 420 998 765 1,106 879 828 848 58 23 188 143 139 111 57 11 45 9 9 • 2 342 203 277 148 117 64 84 64 31

2,596 1,970 1,602 1,062 980 816 927 808 9

663 558 280 183 346 291 337 290

1,712 1,449 642 422 766 679 734 674


Industrial Cateqorv of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, servicing &r~R~jring§ Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industrv M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 6/lT AMLU CIRCLE TIR) 227 2 4 4 22 6/1/1 TAMLUH.Q. 7 2 17 6/112 TAMLU VILLAGE 3 2 6/1/3 SHAMNYUCHING 6/1/4 LADAIGARH 211 6 611!5 NGETCHUNG CHING

611/6 SHITAP



Industrial Category of MaIn Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 20 3 192 40 5,774 4,419

5 2 83 22 808 471

3 30 697 633

7 214 228

9 2 820 625

3 131 132

225 139

10 26 4 1,161 1,154

9 317 267 2 25 4 946 770





TANGHA +. 7 YONGYA HQ .~+ 1 ;.v0NGYA .: 2 ,:' 1"// " ... , VOTAN SCHOOL 6C~POUND .+ VONGSHE. 5 + "'''''\

c R c L


Based upon survey of IItdta mGJI with tilt p"mlnlon of the ~rveyor General of India VILLAGE PRIMARY

L. C. Name oj village! Area 0 No. oj No. oj Total population Scheduled No town/ward village occupied house (including Castes 2 in km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

p I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 006/2 YONGYA CIRCLE T(R) NA 2,019 2,019 16,663 8,905 7,958

6/2/1 YONGYAH.Q. NA 112 112 1,056 829 527

6/2/2 YONGYA VILLAGE NA 536 536 4,020 2,107 1,913

6/2/3 NIAN NA 495 495 4,318 2,187 2,131

6/2/4 YON GAM NA 183 183 1,478 775 703

6/2/5 YONGSHEI NA 298 298 2,802 1,605 1,197

6/2/6 YOTAN SCHOOL COMP NA 68 68 508 265 243

6/2/7 TANGHA NA 327 327 2,81 1,437 1,244


Industrial Category of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I·IX) labourers M I F M I F M 1 F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 8,842 7,894 3,233 2,396 4,320 3,877 4,230 3,845 466 463 290 221 133 140 107 137 2,107 1,913 812 659 967 900 949 896 2,187 2,131 108 69 1,644 1,425 1,640 1,423 775 703 217 160 395 374 390 373 1,605 1,197 895 577 589 483 580 473 265 243 203 158 75 68 59 56 1,437 1,244. 708 552 517 487 505 487


Industrial Cateqorv of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, serviQiDg B. r!!~airings Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No. townlward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industrv

M I F M I F M I F M I F Ml F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 6/2 YONGYA CIRCLE T(R) 12 1

6/2/1 YONGYAH.Q.


6/2/3 NIAN

6/2/4 YON GAM

6/2/5 YONGSHEI 8


6/2/7 TANGHA


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non ~ workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M L F M 1 F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 2 84 11 4,585 4,081

2 23 3 396 387

17 3 1,140 1,013

4 2 543 706

4 380 329

9 2 1,016 714

15 190 175

12 920 757



c R L





Based upon surv'~ 01 India mopwiU., th_ p.trl'lission of Ih. survf')'l,lr G.. n.rcl of Indio © GOII,rnm'nl ot india Copyright, 1996.


L. C. Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional hovses & houseless population)

P _) M 1 F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 613 LONGLENG CIRCLE T(R) NA 4,884 4,884 31,239 16,471 14,768

613/1 LONGLENG H.Q, NA 678 678 3,244 1,834 1,410

6/3/2 LONGLENG MS COMPo NA 58 58 340 181 159

6/3/3 LONGLENG LEPROSY NA 58 58 259 137 122 COLONY

6/3/4 MONGNYU NA 401 401 2,549 1,303 1,246

6/3/5 ORANGKONG NA 269 269 2,292 1,138 1,154

6/3/6 YACHEM NA 543 543 4,905 2,471 2,434

6/3/7 YAONG NA 357 357 2,386 1,278 1,108

6/3/8 MONGTIKANG NA 74 74 388 193 195

6/3/9 PONGCHING NA 265 265 1,227 641 586

6/3/10 NAMCHING SICOMPOUNDNA 79 79 410 223 187

6/3/11 HUKPANG NA 371 371 3,466 1,726 1,740

6/3/12 PONGO NA 505 505 2,572 1,354 1,218

6/3/13 PONGO S/COMPOUND NA 168 168 931 499 432

6/3/14 YONGPHANG NA 277 277 1,560 830 730

6/3/15 YONGPHANG S/COMP. NA 61 61 324 185 139

6/3/6 YANGCHING NA 128 128 775 434 341

6/3/17 SAKCHIYIMJONG NA 80 80 537 331 206

6/3/18 SAKCHI NA 299 299 1,669 898 771

6/3/19 AOCHING NA 213 213 1,405 815 590


Industrial Category of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 16,265 14,691 6,660 4,947 7,948 6,835 7,075 6,673 23 22 1,686 1,362 1,201 805 768 372 310 304 171 158 118 108 60 50 Sl 40 137 122 70 72 66 58 53 50 1,303 1,246 464 332 673 676 641 675

1,138 1,154 158 109 973 918 950 914 2,444 2,418 1,112 966 860 814 782 784 14 12

1,278 1,108 500 349 407 415 387 406 8 8 193 195 115 lOt 96 98 92 94 641 586 196 134 324 224 285 221 214 181 114 53 94 58 64 56 1,726 1,740 630 535 973 900 944 894

1,354 1,218 522 352 648 596 629 593 487 426 311 243 211 200 181 195 830 730 371 296 397 370 392 369

185 139 80 60 101 78 96 77 434 341 102 66 269 195 263 194

331 206 66 29 197 109 186 107

898 771 189 108 465 440 457 437 2 815 590 341 229 366 264 355 263


Industrial Category of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, ~~lYi"ing &[epairingl2 Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) :;onstruction code No. townlward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 1 22 23 T 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 6/3 LONGLENG CIRCLE TIR) 35 3 12 13 94 8 6/3/1 LONGLENG H.Q. 30 3 56 7 6/3/2 LONGLENG MS COMPo 6 6/3/3 LONGLENG LEPROSY 2

6/3/4 MONGNYU 2 10 6/3/5 ORANGKONG

6/3/6 YACHEM 2 5 6/3/7 YAONG


6/3/9 PONGCHING 3 5 6/3/10 NAMCHING S/COMPOUND ... 5 613/11 HUKPANG 3 6/3/12 PONGO





6/3/18 SAKCHI

6/3/19 AOCHING 2


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non· workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34- 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 104 10 13 578 110 8,523 7,933

98 3 6 260 54 1,066 1,038 2 42 10 121. 109 4 10 4 71 64

18 630 570

23 4 165 236

3 3 48 14 1,611 1,620

2 9 871 693

4 97 97

31 3 317 362

3 21 2 129 129

25 6 753 840

17 2 706 622

30 3 288 232

4 433 360

3 84 61

6 165 146

11 2 134 97

8 433 331

8 449 326



Kllomt-lrtS I , I /

.•'lONG~ " )/. 3 R~

'/ i.. KONjSANG

/)_ ,,'" ..... •..... _._'.,. P 0 1 ('.j / ,...... J (.: NOKSEN • /f a: HQ. I _"'''PQ \ ____ 'c " LI TE~., i"'~ \,'•• Jf'NO;SEN o '';.'"-:'~,' "\12 :' u .-' /r,,:: 'c .__; o



Bo.o;ed upot\ sur'le, of IndKS mQP with the permi!.'Sion of ihe Surveyor General of Indio


L. C. Name of villagel Area of No. of No. 01 Total populatio" Scheduled No. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 resfdentfal holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

p I M r F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 T 8 9 I 10 6/4 NOKSEN CIRCLE T(R) NA 1,3B7 1,3B7 8,221 4,258 3,963

6/4/1 NOKSENH.Q. NA 169 169 942 492 450

6/4/2 NOKSEN VILLAGE NA 168 168 1,117 563 554

6/4/3 LONGRA NA 121 121 716 383 333

6/4/4 KONGSANG NA 226 226 1,387 719 668

6/4/5 YALI NA 101 101 631 323 308

6/4/6 LONTANG NA 63 63 516 261 255

6/4/7 SANGTAK NA 164 164 870 463 407

6/4/8 YONYU NA 136 136 724 366 358

6/4/9 KUKUMSANG S/COMP. NA 31 31 169 88 81

6/4/10 KUMPONG NA 37 37 177 82 95

6/4/11 YIMRUP NA 94 94 521 286 235

6/4/12 LITEM NA 77 77 451 232 219


Industrial Cateaorv of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main wo;~ers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 - 4,195 3,945 1,698 1,371 2,073 1,914 1,822 1,886

457 447 288 239 223 179 137 171

558 552 213 198 269 259 238 258

380 331 176 148 170 140 151 140

709 663 159 109 355 357 333 354

321 308 140 121 156 137 147 135

261 255 127 118 124 117 117 115

462 406 154 89 200 187 174 182

366 358 155 137 208 204 197 204

86 81 47 20 44 42 29 39

82 95 16 15 54 62 50 60

282 230 83 63 154 125 143 124

231 219 140 114 116 105 106 104


Industrial Category of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, ~ervi~ing & [e~giring!2 Location Name of viliage/ hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities IndustlJl_ M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 6/4 NOKSEN CIRCLE T(R) 6

6/4/1 NOKSEN H.O.


6/4/3 LONGRA


6/4/5 YALI



6/4/8 YONYU


6/4/10 KUMPONG

6/4/11 YIMRUP

614112 LITEM


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non· workers & & services workers comrtlerce communications M J F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 9 2 232 26 2,185 2,049

4 82 7 269 271

26 294 295

2 15 213 193

22 3 364 311

2 7 2 167 171

137 138

24 263 220

11 158 154

15 2 44 39

4 2 28 33

2 9 132 110

10 116 114







Based upon survey of Ind1a map with the permission @ Government of IndiO CoPyrl9ht. 1996 . of the surveyor Generol of Indio. RURAL PRIMARY

L. C. Name of village/ Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M 1 F M 1 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 6/5 CHARE CIRCLE T(R) NA 1,255 1,255 8,202 4,312 3,890

6/5/1 CHARE OLD TOWN NA 99 99 551 293 258

6/5/2 CHAREH.Q NA 150 150 790 412 378

6/5/3 DIKHU SERI·CUL TURE FARM (UR) NA 10 10 31 16 15

6/5/4 ALlSOPUR NA 202 202 2,229 1,232 997

6/5! TONGLONGSORE S/COMPOUND NA 19 19 95 49 46

6/5/6 LONGKHIPEK NA 51 51 260 137 123

6/5/7 TRONGER NA 126 126 790 403 387

6/5/8 NEW TSADANGER NA 66 66 312 160 152

6/5/9 OLD TSADANGER NA 221 221 1,166 581 585


6/5/11 CHUNGLlYIMTI NA 96 96 491 238 253

615112 CHARE VILLAGE NA 215 215 1,487 791 696


Industrial Category of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I main workers Cultivators Agricultural" (I-IX) labourers M l F M 1 F M I F M I F M 1 F 11 I 12 13 1 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 4,258 3,875 2,312 1,ai'5 2,040 1,765 1,696 1,708 6

276 250 176 147 139 92 67 78 4

388 372 204 185 181 153 88 141

16 15 8 8 10 8 2 ,6.

1,232 997 641 430 473 429 449 421 2

47 45 39 33 20 9 7

137 123 76 59 72 51 62 50

403 387 226 189 196 201 178 200

160 152 66 55 92 84 88 84

580 585 281 194 316 294 305 293

238 253 157 151 163 154 150 152

781 696 438 364 378 290 300 282


Industrial CateQory of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, ~eryiQing 8, rl1Q!l.iring~ Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) ponstruction code No. townlward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industrv M I F M I F M J F M 1 F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 6/5 CHARE CIRCLE T(R) 23 5 9 2 28 3

6/5/1 CHARE OLD TOWN 5 3 5

6/5/2 CHAREH.Q. 8


6/5/4 ALiSOPUR 2 5








6/5/12 CHARE VILLAGE 2 2 11


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 20 7 9 254 33 2,272 2,125 11 2 47 8 154 166 6 5 4 68 6 231 225

2 6 7

19 3 759 568

11 5 29 37 10 65 72 16 207 186 4 68 68 11 265 291

12 2 75 99 2 4 54 6 413 406


'" '"

E-" o c ~ E c ~ ".;='_..,.. > 0 I-' '" L) @

a '0 I.Il E-


/ J t- 0 ~"' @ -j 0.. "'5 ~ •• '" "',.'" :::>z

Q. a E a ~ ~ U I- U '" Q; Ci U "' ,. o«'" z :::> o '" VILlAGE PRIMARY

L. C Name of village/ Area of No. of No of Total population Scheduled No town/ward village occupJed house (including Castes 2 in km fesidential holds Institutional houses & house less population) I p I M I F M 1 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 6:6 LONGKHIM CIRCLE T(R) NA 1,954 1,954 11,528 5,878 5,650

(j'fi/1 LONGKHIM NA 282 282 1.459 787 672

A(),'2 ANGANGBA NA 246 246 1,253 630 623

(>f) 3 LIRISE NA 93 93 571 289 282

6 I_!~ 4 ,_,HUNroTORE NA 253 253 1,663 847 816

G'f_1.'5 CHIMONGER NA 487 487 3,265 1,656 1,609

6.6,6 PHIREAHIRE NA 137 137 927 462 465

l " 7 HOLONGBA NA 91 91 448 218 230 66,8 SANGSOMONG NA 120 120 628 312 316

6/6,9 OLD MANGAKHI NA 38 38 182 91 91

6/6/10 NEW MANGAKHI NA 110 110 626 320 306

6'6,11 YANGLI MISSION CENTRE NA 30 30 189 107 82

6,0 12 LlTSAMI NA 67 67 317 159 158


Industrial Cateqorv of Main Workers

Scheduled Tnbes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (1-IXl labourers M I F M I F M I F M _l F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 5,747 5,616 3,086 2,376 2,909 2,665 2,335 2.612

701 648 513 377 320 126 99 100

623 622 252 177 294 290 230 284

288 282 170 126 146 138 102 135

830 807 395 365 377 389 349 387

1,646 1,609 B99 700 884 844 791 841

462 465 181 138 345 282 337 280

218 230 67 52 139 141 96 139

308 316 214 171 119 133 70 133

91 91 35 21 46 50 32 50

319 306 201 139 160 152 144 150

102 82 80 50 39 32 14 25

159 158 79 60 76 88 71 88


Induslrial Cateaorv of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, sRrvk:ino & renai ·inas Location Name ot'villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) ponstruction code No. townlward plantations quanrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M 1 F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 616 LONGKHIM CIRCLE T(R) 15 2 2 48 3

61611 LONGKHIM 8 23 3

61612 ANGANGBA 2

61613 L1RISE 8




6/617 HOLONGBA 4


6/6/9 OLD MANGAKHI 7 3


6/6/11 YANGLI MISSION CENTRE 2 2 2 6/6/12 lITSAMI ...


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non ~ workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 11 489 46 2,969 2,985 9 172 22 467 546 62 6 336 333

3~ 3 143 144 28 2 470 427 52 1 808 765 2 117 183 39 79 89 2 47 193 183 4 45 41

16 2 160 154

21 5 68 50 5 83 70






'LONGTOKUR ) o . " wI lJ.J ~'/ ~&/~'"'"C-"'I=ftCL N 1,( r\ ~

~ Gournment 01 Indio. copyrighl '99~ VILLAGE PRIMARY

L. C Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No. townlward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional nouses & houseless population)

P I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 I s 9 I 10 6/7 TUENSANG SADAR T(R) NA 3.192 3,192 19,229 9.929 9,300 6/7/1 BHUMPAK NA 32 32 222 116 106 61712 SAUCHU NA 52 52 ·251 128 123 61713 MONCHING NA 58 58 408 213 195 6171.4 SANGCHEN COMPOUND NA 31 31 175 91 '.'84 61715 LOGONG NA 53 53 307 149 158 61716 NGOUNCHUNG S/COMP NA 31 31 146 69 77 6/717 NAKSHU NA 654 654 371 176 195 ' 6/718 HAK NA 53 53 344 175 169 6/719 BODAMPU NA 22 22 135 79 56 617110 KHUDEI NA 73 73 450 249 201 617/11 HELIPONG AGRI FARM NA 14 14 64 35 29 617/12 NGANGPONG NA 58 58 393 . 18£ '205 617113 HEll PONG VILLAGE NA 56 56 287 152 135 617/14 SIBONGSANG NA 57 57 365 1'87' 178 617/15 LONGTOKUR NA 62 62 368 187 201 617116 SOTOKUR NA 302 302 2.789 1,471 1,318 617117 CHINGMELEN NA 165 165 976 495 481 617118 KUTHUR NA 315 315 1,771 911 860 617119 CHUNDANG NA 63 63 458 246 212 617120 KONYA NA 134 134 691 358 333 617121 KEJOK NA 73 73 428 232 198 617122 TUENSANG VILLAGE NA 699 699 4,389 2,225 2,164 617123 THIMLAK FISHERY FARM NA 88 88 527 272 255 617124 HAKCHANG NA 182 182 932 492 44v 617/25 MUKSHA NA 261 261 1,082 572 510 617/26 SANGSANGNYU (BLOCK H.Q.) NA 100 100 . 476 261 215 6:7127 NYINYIM NA 94 94 404 200 204 617128 TOBU VILLAGE NA


Industrial Category of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes, Lit~rates Tolal I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IJ<)_ labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 L 12 13 J 14 15 I 16 . 17 I 18 19 I 20 9,739 9,175 4,318 3,019 4,656 4,002 3,646 3,927 116 106 61 48 45 50 37 50 90 85 76 65 69 54 39 52 213 195 134 109 108 85 81 83 75 72 54 36 31 28 20 28 149 158 76 61 67 77 39 72 57 74 34 21 36 28 19 27 176 195 98 86 93 98 57 98 174 169 52 52 80 56 42 52 79 56 29 19 23 22 19 22 247 201 103 82 108 95 90 93 35 29 16 17 2 188 205 87 64 82 88 69 85 151 135 58 38 54 55 42 50 . 186 178 58 46 65 74 22 74 187 201 79 49 71 101 66 101 1,462 1,313 840 536 698 338 580 334 461 446 271 184 209 184 182 182 903 860 524 375 409 435 273 417 246 212 63 34 103 75 71 75 358 333 92 6t 219 206 208 205 232 196 97 53 111 94 103 94 2,183 2,145 786 558 1,025 890 771 873 272 255 88 60 110 112 95 112 485 438 143 101 264 243 253 234 570 508 162 92 334 302 306 302

244 206 168 116 112 100 54 93 200 204 69 67 113 119 108 117


Industrial CateQorv of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, s~rvi!:;iog & n~(2aidng§ Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) ponstruction code No. townlward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 2t I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 617 TUENSANG SADAR T(R) 44 3 1I 13 3 69 6/7/1 BHUMPAK 6/7/2 SAUCHU 12 6/7/3 MONCHING 2 6/7/4 SANGCHENCOMPOUND 6/7/5 LONGONG 3 6/7/6 NGOUNCHUNG SlCOMP. 6/717 NAKSHU 2 617/8 HP,K 2 6/7/9 BODAMPU 6/7/10 KHUDEI 5 6/7/11 HELIPONG AGRI. FARM 15 6/7/12 NGANGPONG 2 6/7/13 HEll PONG VILLAGE 6/7/14 SIBONGSANG 6/7/15 LONGTOKUR 6/7/16 SOTOKUR 4 9 6/7/17 CHINGMELEN 6/7/18 KUTHUR 3 6/7/19 CHUNDANG 2 6/7/20 KONYA 6/7/21 KEJOK 6/7/22 TUENSANG VILLAGE 19 3 12 16 6/7/23 THIMLAK FISHERY FARM . 6/7/24 HAKCHANG 6/7/25 MUKSHA 2 6/7/26 SANGSANGNYU (BLOCKH.Q) 9 6/7/27 NYINYIM 6/7/28 TOBU VILLAGE


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M 1 F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 42 3 2 766 67 24 5,273 5,274 71 56 18 2 59 69 25 2 105 110 11 60 56 24 5 82 81 13 33 49 34 83 97 35 4 95 113 4 56 34 2 9 2 141 106 2 18 27 11 2 106 117 10 5 98 80 42 122 104 4 116 100 38 4 773 956 25 2 286 297 9 124 15 502 425 29 143 137 11 139 127 7 121 102 25 178 14 1,200 1,274 15 162 143 10 228 206 26 238 208

49 7 149 115 5 2 87 85



Km 5 5 Km (. 'it \ I '\ ,0:: \ S ~. ~.~~...... ,r/_._- ~ M o N o ';:;r';,..' w_, LJ . ,,!J. T AK NYU

\ .PAtGSHA \ . 4 OlO', WANSQr • 3 (" A.,. Z /0«~ LANGNOK • 13 NOKHU i 0 12 +" ANIASHU \ 14 • \ '-.z r I '1 NOKLAK /> .« "'} I (. ~r It 0 CHOKLANGAN'- • ~o ,-,,-i;£ NO - __ ~ 15 _./- " I( tv rUe ~ RCL E ) INTERNATIONAL~.- "'''­_/ I CfiCLE ... , IMPORTANT METALLED ROAD ••. ~ Area transferred from Noklok circle to form I,. UNMETALLED AND OTHER ROADS ... BOUNDARY: INIEFiNA TlONAL _._ RIVER AND STREAM. .~ POST OFFICE __ hh .. _PO DISTRICT HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOl __ "S CIRCLE •.• PRIMARV HEALTH CENTRE, OISPENSARV. __ VLLAGE NAME WITH LOCATION CODE NO_ h" NO~HU .... + HEADQUARTERS: CIRCLE ... @ VILLAGES WITH POPULATION SIZE: 200-t.99.)!00-999.. 1000-49,9 9 ••• SlATE HIGHWAY•. SH &

Bosed upon Survey of In dlo map with thi: permission © Govcrrnmcrnt of Indio CopyrightJ 1996, of thi: Surveyor Gl!nlral 01 India. VILLAGE PRIMARY

L. C. Name of village/ Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes 2 in km residential holds Insiitutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 6/8 NOKLAK CIRCLE NA 2,675 2,675 13,479 7,040 6,439

6/8/1 NOKLAK H.Q. NA 359 359 2,150 1,165 985

6/8/2 NOKYAN NA 181 181 800· 419 381

6/8/3 WANSOI NA 82 82 400 196 204

6/8/4 PANGSHA (OLD) NA 166 166 793 416 377

6/8/5 PANGSHA (NEW) NA 221 221 946 487 459

6/8/6 TAKNYU NA 62 62 311 148 163

6/8/7 YIMPANG NA 68 68 331 164 167

6/8/8 WAOSHU NA 69 69 413 205 208

6/8/9 CHINGMEI NA 271 271 1,455 780 675

6/8/10 CHEN DANG SADDKE NA 102 102 480 266 214

6/8/11 NOKLAK NA 449 449 2,178 1,136 1,042

6/8/12 NOKHU NA 331 331 1,507 767 740

6/8/13 LANGNOK NA 96 96 491 240 251

6/8/14 ANIASHU NA 54 54 262 139 123

6/8/15 CHOKLANGAN NA 164 164 962 512 450


Industrial Categol}'_ of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural 11 - IX)_ labourers M I F M -' F M 1 F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 l 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 6,818 6,370 2,663 1,825 3,476 2,597 2,497 2,551

1,044 941 651 416 458 181 167 162

418 381 187 133 205 156 149 156

195 204 87 69 103 86 49 85

407 374 146 101 196 145 161 144

485 457 26 10 390 348 354 347

148 163 119 106 71 61 36 60

162 167 81 61 80 83 31 81

205 208 81 74 102 89 57 89

765 675 305 173 356 334 278 333

220 203 92 54 147 109 109 107

1,114 1,033 487 370 539 440 405 425

765 740 127 92 421 333 389 333

240 251 67 45 135 104 132 104

139 123 10 3 63 61 21 60

511 450 197 118 210 67 159 65


Industrial Category of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, servlcina r~irinas Location Name of village! hunting & Mining and (a) (b) ~onstruction code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 6'8 NOKLAK CIRCLE 2

6/811 NOKLAK H.Q.


61813 WANSOI



6/816 TAKNYU

61817 YIMPANG 2

6/8/8 WAOSHU



618111 NOKLAK

6/8112 NOKHU

6'8/13 LANGNOK

6/8114 ANIASHU



Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 88 878 45 3,564 3,842 46 238 19 707 804 56 214 225 52 93 118 30 220 232 36 97 111 35 77 102

2 45 84 84 45 103 119 3 74 424 341 20 18 119 105 8 126 15 597 602 2 30 346 407 3 105 147 42 76 62 48 302 383


NAGALAND PANSO CIRCLE T1.ENSANG DISTRiCT Kilom.trn Y , , L E N ---.... ----/------... -,.....:;;;.0' -

...... TSUWAO 6 ~ ,... ~" .....: '. , \ .... fNG~;U '" \ & .. 5 q- j I YAKI-IAO U • 7 "

c..., ~

\} 4- PANSO ~Q; I 1 0 0': I _...... ' 11 cf. PANSO(A)/ I 2 +·~O :.:: I I ePANSO 18' I 0 3 I '(" KENGNVQ • 4 '.", 4.



fa farm PanlG eirdt

Baud upon survey 01 Indio mop with the permJlllon of thl Surve~or Gen.ral of Indio @ Gov.rnmant of Indio Cop)'rlvhtt I996.


L. C. Name of vitlagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled NO. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I to 619 PANSO CIRCLE T(R) NA 1,116 1,116 5,369 2,773 2,596 6/9/1 PANSOH.Q. NA 27 27 129 64 65 6/9/2 PAN SO VILLAGE (A) NA 98 98 472 246 226 6/9/3 PANSO VILLAGE (8) NA 273 273 1,329 681 648 6/9/4 KENGNYO NA 206 206 990 517 473 6/9/5 LENGNYU NA 312 312 1,400 713 687 6/9/6 TSUWAO NA 86 86 424 224 200 6/9/7 YAKHAO NA 114 114 625 328 297


Industrial Category of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (1-IXl labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 2,759 2,592 681 405 1,344 1,125 1,159 1.,118 64 65 34 23 27 16 11 14

245 226 110 58 112 96 96 95 679 648 158 95 341 283 327 281 506 469 114 64 255 185 226 183

713 687 143 91 325 290 260 290 224 200 70 38 114 104 92 104 328 297 52 36 170 151 147 151


Industrial CateQorv of Main Workers

III IV V VI LivestocK Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, ~ervi!;,;j!]g & q~~s:!i[inm~ Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and' (a) (b) onslruction code No, townlward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industrv M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 T26 27 I 28 29 I 30 6/9 PANSO CIRCLE T(R) 6

6/9/1 PANSOH,Q





6/9/6 TSUWAO

6/9/7 YAKHAO


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non . workers & & services workers commerce communicaHons M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 3 175 7 1,429 1,471

11 2 37 49

16 134 130

14 2 340 365

3 25 262 288 64 388 :;l97

22 110 96

23 158 146


\ u.l \ \ ..J \ u \ \ 0: \ \ « u I J I x I " f~ IE . z Q,_" ~ o


L. C Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No. townlward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 J 7 I 8 9 1 10 6/10 THONOKNYU CIRCLE T(R)NA 1,558 1,558 7,186 3,698 3,488

6/1011 THONOKNYU H.Q NA 221 221 1,081 579 502

6/1012 THONOKNYU VILLAGE NA 100 100 501 263 238

6/1013 THOKTSUR NA 42 42 224 115 109

611014 PANG NA 111 111 429 217 212

611015 THONGSONYU NA 56 56 244 115 129

6/1016 CHIPUR NA 130 130 671 363 308

6/1017 KENJONG NA 59 59 302 161 141

6/1018 WUI NA 123 123 562 283 279

611019 SANG LAO EAST NA 124 124 671 334 337

6110110 SANG LAO WEST NA 135 135 609 299 310

6/10111 KINGPHU (UR) NA 25 25 101 54 47

6/10112 PESHU NA 292 292 1,292 646 646

6110113 NEW PESHU (UR) NA 13 13 54 29 25

6/10114 CHELLISO NA 127 127 445 240 205


Industrial Cateaorv of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main work.ers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 3,656 3,482 1,109 695 2,170 2,118 1,618 2,040

540 496 303 212 265 230 117 214

263 238 121 67 111 126 71 124

115 109 46 26 64 58 50 58

217 212 78 54 117 111 48 110

115 129 37 25 73 96 41 96

362 308 94 45 153 150 82 149

161 141 29 20 139 119 95 112

283 279 24 10 234 243 191 241

334 337 89 58 229 243 212 242

299 310 42 24 170 184 147 143

54 47 17 16 31 25 28 20

644 646 91 40 426 407 401 406

29 25 4 21 20 21 20

240 205 134 98 137 1'06 114 105


Industrial Cateqory of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, s~rviciOg & reRairings location Name of village/ hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstructiom code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry

M 1 F M r F M I F M I F M I F 21 T 22 23 1 24 25 La 27 I 28 29 I 30 6/10 THONOKNYU CIRCLE T(R) ... 16 41 13



6/10/4 PANG


6/10/6 CHIPUR

6/10/7 KENJONG 5

6/10/8 WUI


6/10/10 SANG LAO WEST 41 6/10/11 KINGPHU (UR) 5

6110112 PESHU

6/10/13 NEW PESHU (UR)

6110114 CHELLISO


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 22 2 509 21 1,528 1,370

20 112 10 314 272

2 36 152 112 14 51 51

69 100 101 32 42 33

71 210 158

44 22 22 43 49 36 17 105 94

23 129 126

2 23 22

2 23 220 239

8 5 23 lD3 99


0: a ~ I C>"' ZN ::;: ~. ::..: i: @'J,- X .~ o u ;;:

0 . ;Z "~~ 0:. "'C> 0 If 2M OJ ::E ;:. ~ ::E ::> ~...- ~ ..z 17


L C. Name of villagel Area 01 No. 01 No. of Total population Scheduled No. town/ward village in occupied house (including Castes inkm2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 6111 KIUSAM CIRCLE T(R) NA 645 645 3,718 1,854 1,864

6111/1 KIUSAM HQ. NA 58 58 309 176 133

611112 CHIKIPONGER NA 35 35 273 146 127

611113 METONGER NA 120 120 726 366 3\i0

611114 SANGKUMTI NA 175 175 981 443 538

611115 LONGTSUNGER NA 78 78 407 199 208

6/11/6 POKPHUR NA 143 143 734 397 357

6/1117 SANGTSUNG NA 36 36 268 127 141


Industrial Category of Main Workers

SCheduled Tribes literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M 1 F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 j 18 19 I 20 1,852 1,864 561 254 1,091 1,069 1,056 1,066

174 133 66 23 74 68 56 66 146 127 18 4 103 81 102 81

366 360 96 35 289 194 287 194 443 538 112 49 272 358 268 358 199 208 102 61 89 93 86 93

397 357 128 59 189 185 184 184 127 141 39 23 75 90 73 90


Industrial Category of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, ~ervi~i[]g B! r~~airing~ Location Name of village! hunting & Mining and (a) (b) :onstruction code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activilies Industry M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 6/11 KIUSAM CIRCLE T(R)

6/11/1 KIUSAM H.Q.





6/11/6 POKPHUR



Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M 1 F M I F M I F M 1 F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 31) 37 I 38 39 ! 40 35 3 763 795

18 2 102 65

43 46

2 77 166

4 171 180 3 110 115

5 208 172 2 52 51



Km 5 5 Km

SALUMI 15 .+

THANAMIR• 10 JO LONGKHIMONG• 13 0 A ~"'>(" .oS- N (t' /",..," ~ J ~



Baud upon Survey of India mop with the pcrnlission

L. C. Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 J 10 6112 PUNGRO CIRCLE T(R) NA 1,853 1,853 10,005 5,293 4,712

6/12/1 PUNGROH.Q. NA 282 282 1,602 887 715

6/12/2 PUNGRO VILLAGE NA 98 98 690 383 307

6/12/3 TEKIVONG NA 36 36 256 130 126

6/12/4 CHOMI NA 213 213 885 467 418

6112/5 ZAONGER NA 175 175 927 478 449

6/t2/6 IPONGER NA 59 59 236 126 110

6/12/7 LUTHUR NA 54 54 256 142 114

6112/8 FAKIM NA 57 57 331 162 169

6/12/9 PENKIM NA 80 80 406 199 207

6/12/10 THANAMIR NA 70 70 450 233 217

6/12/11 KHONGKHA NA 47 47 249 122 127

6/12/12 MIMI NA 106 106 470 ~52 218

6/12/13 LONGKHIMONG NA 46 46 238 124 114

6/12/14 MOYA NA 83 83 381 222 159

6/12/15 SALUMI NA 239 239 1,378 739 639

6/12/16 VONGTI NA 41 .41 312 162 150

6/12/17 LOPFUKHONG NA 52 52 184 88 96

6/12/18 ZUMKIUR NA 115 115 754 377 377


Industrial Cat"ll_oryof Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M L F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 5,240 4,694 1,522 790 2,246 2,169 1,853 2,133 8 8

846 699 359 201 334 298 196 283 7 4 379 306 112 62 135 98 120 98 130 126 17 14 59 55 57 54 464 417 181 117 213 198 132 197

478 449 177 63 178 169 166 169

126 110 59 64 55 62 141 114 68 29 78 65 57 65

162 169 13 101 122 99 122 199 207 32 13 97 106 93 106 233 217 67 23 83 94 83 93 122 127 33 16 50 72 49 72 252 218 88 44 112 113 95 111 122 114 13 2 56 52 41 52 222 159 70 26 112 106 103 100

737 639 169 82 284 273 247 264 4 162 150 75 60 78 53 68 49

88 96 3 57 60 56 60 377 377 44 29 160 177 136 176


Industrial Cat~ory_of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing. processing forestry. fishing. §ervi~ing es reQgirings Location Name of village/ hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No, town/ward plantations quarrying HousehOld Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 . 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 1 28 29 J 30 6/12 PUNGRO CIRCLE T(R) 16 2 29

6/12/1 PUNGROHQ 24



6/12/4 CHOMI

6/12/5 ZAONGER

6/12/6 IPONGER

6/12/7 LUTHUR

6112/8 FAKIM

6/12/9 PEN KIM

6'12!10 THANAMIR

6!12/11 KHONGKHA

6/12112 MIMI


6/12/14 MOYA

6/12/15 SALUMI

6/12/16 VONGTI


6/12/18 ZUMKIUR


Industrial Category of Main Workers -'- (VII) (VIII) (IX)

Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non· workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 L 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 20 314 27 3,047 2.543 9 90 11 553 417 6 7 248 209 71 71

80 254 220

12 300 280 3 67 46 21 64 49 61 47

4 102 101 150 123

72 55 13 2 140 105

3 5 68 62

9 110 59 2 34 455 366 4 84 97 31 36

23 217 200



Kilometres 1

" (LJ


VILLAGE ROAD .. ... _------



BalM -.on SI,J'v,y of IndhI map willi ttl. pttmlltiQII of the Surveyor Gen". oJ InCk @ Go",nmenf of ftdla C~t.I9$6. RURAL PRIMARY

L. C. Name 01 villagel Area 01 No. 01 No. 01 Total population Scheduled No. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

p I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 6/13 KIPHIRE CIRCLE TIR) NA 2,703 2.703 15.883 8,638 7.245

6/13/1 KIPHIRE VILLAGE NA 228 228 1,302 691 611

6/13/2 KIPHIRE H.Q. NA 1,756 1.756 10,845 6.067 4,778

6/13/3 LONGTHONGER NA 40 40 197 102 95

6113/4 PHELUNGER NA 154 154 736 352 384

6113/5 ANATONGER NA 240 240 1.243 628 615

6/13/6 SINGREP NA 206 206 1.132 577 555 6113/7 LANGKOKER NA 69 69 378 201 177

6113/8 TASAR FARM COMP NA 10 10 50 20 30


Industrial Cateqory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M 1 F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 7,336 6,770 4,532 2,702 3,564 2,537 1,899 2,420

684 609 352 184 262 293 240 292

4,791 4,310 3,515 2,088 2,462 1,388 986 1,280

102 95 23 18 41 50 38 49

345 384 78 29 177 215 138 214

618 612 304 249 280 266 229 263

575 553 201 90 256 243 201 240

201 177 49 29 76 72 66 72

20 30 10 15 10 10 10


Induslrial Cateqory of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, serviQing & reggirings Location Name of village/ hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No. townlward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M I F MI F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 6/13 KIPHIRE CIRCLE T(R) 18 2 65 6 6/13/1 KIPHIRE VILLAGE

6113/2 KIPHIRE HO. 18 2 56


611314 PHELUNGER 2


6113/6 SINGREP 7




Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M 1 F M I F 31 J 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 306 5 1,276 104 5,074 4,708 4 18 429 318 297 5 1,105 96 3,605 3,390 3 61 45 37 175 169 50 3 348 349 4 44 2 321 312 10 125 105 9 10 20


NAG ALAND AMAHATOR CIRCLE TUENSANG DISTRICT '(\ t. s S O· I( Kilometrts '- ~:",,,-__ ~ t c \ 1 ~ J i 'I R C L E I I

c.... I I I I I KISlIONG : r+'





Bond ... wveJ of "'.a map wlttI the ~errnls"on ® G1Iytmmtnt of ~.a Cepyrlgllt 1996. of tM $""e1O' Genital of Iftdi •. RURAL PRIMARY

L. C. Name 01 viliage/ Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No. lown/ward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

p I M I F M 1 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 T 8 9 I 10 6/14 AMAHATOR CIRCLET(R) NA 1,077 1,077 5,507 2,795 2,712


6/14/2 AMAHATOR VILLAGE NA 118 118 758 386 372

6/14/3 KEOR NA 62 62 286 134 152

611414 CHANGCl-lOR NA 118 118 540 265 275

6/14/5 KISETONG NA 182 182 948 480 468

6/14/6 HORONGER NA 108 108 793 266. 227

6/14/7 HUNTANGER NA 59 59 336 164 172

6/14/8 PURRUR NA 160 160 743 374 369

6/14/9 YINGSHIKUR NA 100 100 564 288 726

6/14/10 RISETHSI NA 145 145 669 353 316

6/14/11 KICHANG ME. S/COMP. NA 25 25 170 85 85


Industrial Gategoryof Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) . labourers M I F M I F M 1 F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 2,786 2,708 1,283 910 1,325 1,370 1,166 1,351


386 372 141 84 118 142 78 142

134 152 75 58 61 70 57 69

264 275 140 101 127 141 84 138

480 468 245 163 194 220 171 217

266 227 76 54 135 127 131 127

164 172 44 34 93 117 89 117

374 369 267 235 278 270 273 270

288 276 101 54 123 67 116 66

353 316 154 106 164 177 160 176

77 81 40 21 32 32 7 29


Industrial Categoryof Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, procesSing lorestry, fishing, s§rviging & r!llllii(iogo LocatIon Name of viliagel hunllng & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No. town/ward plantations Quanying Household Dine, tnan orchards & Industry household allied activities Ihdustrv M I F M I F M I F M 1 F M I P 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 6114 AMAHATOR CIRCLET(R) 2 4 4



611413 KEOR


611415 KISETONG 2



611418 PURRUR


6114110 RSETHSI



Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non· workers & & services workers commerce communications M l F M I F M l F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 j 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 j 40 6 146 15 1,470 1,342

37 4 268 223

4 73 82

43 3 138 134

19 3 286 248

4 131 100

71 55

96 99

165 209

189 139

6 19 3 53 53




c r






Bas .. upon survey of 1n410 mop with the permission © GovorMlont of IIIdIG Copyrlth', 1991;' .f the SurveYDr GeneraJ of Inllla. RURAL PRIMARY

L. C. Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No. townlward village occupied house (including Castes 2 in km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

p I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 6/15 LONGMATRA CIRCLE T(R) NA 547 547 2.711 1.365 1.346

6/15/1 LONGMATRA STATION NA 83 83 407 242 165

6/15/2 LONGMATRA VILLAGE NA 94 94 427 227 200

6/15/3 NGOROMI NA 38 38 173 92 81

6/15/4 NEW LONGMATRA NA 29 29 127 62 65

6115/5 PUNGREN NA 43 43 250 125 125

6/15/6 TETHEZU NA 54 54 226 114 112

6/15/7 TETHEYO NA 66 66 376 160 216

6/15/8 SAMPHUR NA 140 140 725 343 382


Industrial Category of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I Cultivators Agricultural" ma~~&~ers labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 j 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 1,288 1,335 600 403 650 642 483 630· 6 3 171 154 147 75 124 51 20 45 226 200 53 20 114 116 106 116 88 81 43 18 43 37 36 36 62 65 22 21 40 42 37 42 125 125 52 34 47 54 35 51 6 3 114 112 60 51 53 55 46 54 160 216 103 91 67 85 63 85 342 382 120 93 162 202 150 201


, Industrial Cateqory of Main Workers

i III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, servicing & r~Qairings Location Name of village/ hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstructiom code No. town/wa'rd plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry M L F M J F M J F M l F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 6/15 LONGMATRA CIRCLE T(R 12 14



6/15/3 NGOROMI 4


6/15/5 PUNGREN

6/15/6 TETHEZU

6/15/7 TETHEYO

6/1518 SAMPHUR 2


Industria! Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non ~ workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 1 40 44 91 8 715 704

44 53 5 118 114 5 113 84

7 49 44

3 22 23

4 78 71

6 61 57

3 93 131

10 181 180


• ' •o .. '" :c 3 ,,?: ~ a.>­ o u

c: E'" c ~ o CO

~ ~ //' > :J t. '" / ~ '"...... £; '5 cc c o ..... '~ .~ v, .. ..a. 1@ 8l .,i!" :5

ii , ~ • ~ u ~ ~ t; u'" ..u'" .. iii x ~ ~ ~ "oJ !:; Q eo '"w i!: '"<5 U'" « I- w.. !iii ;: a:0 '" z 0: C'" ::> .. w IE ..c ~ a I .. ~ 2 c ::> '" oJ ! c j '"2: ;;; ~ .. .. 0: :z: .. ~ RURAL PRIMARY

L. c. Name of village/ Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes in km2 residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

p I M I F M 1 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I to 61t6 SITIMI c. :;LE TIR) NA 737 737 3,672 t,860 t,8t2

6/t6/1 SHISH 1M I NA 42 42 172 89 83

6/16/2 SITIMI VILLAGE NA 165 165 777 410 367

6/16/3 SITIMI H.Q. NA 103 t03 55 261 290

6/16/4 HONITO NA 62 62 445 232 213

6/16/5 NITOI NA 67 67 465 235 230

6/16/6 THAZUVI NA 91 91 360 185 175

6/16/7 YANGSEKI (NIKIYA) NA 40 40 172 89 83

6/16/8 NATSAMI NA 94 94 419 204 215

6/16/9 LANGZANGER NA 73 73 311 155 156


Industrial Cateqorv of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F tt I 12 t3 I 14 t5 1 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 1,859 1,810 842 609 873 911 738 883 2

89 83 27 12 44 50 42 50

410 367 213 158 187 196 156 190

260 288 177 138 105 108 59 95

232 213 112 101 94 89 90 89

235 230 98 65 126 134 106 129

185 175 81 41 85 106 77 t05 2

89 83 44 22 42 48 35 48

204 215 64 67 116 115 110 112

155 156 26 74 65 63 65


Industrial Category of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, §~!YiCi[)g & reQairings Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code'No, townjward plantations _ quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industrv M I F M J F M JF M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 6/16 SITIMI CIRCLE T(R) 16

6/16/1 SHISH 1M I


6/16/3 SITIMI H.O. 3

6/16/4 HONITO

6/16/5 NITOI

6/16/6 THAZUVI


6/16/8 NATSAMI



Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non . workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 1 40 5 2 111 25 987 901 2 45 33 25 6 223 171 4 2 36 11 156 182 3 138 124

20 5 109 96

5 lob 69 2 47 35 5 2 88 100

11 81 91



IUlom~tr.s o 1 (J

'_VANGZITONG 8 o ,;1'





Based upon Survey of India map with 'hE:! permission of fhe Surve)ior General (If India © Gove(nment of InJ;c copl'rll~ht,1996. RURAL PRIMARY

L. C. Name of villagel Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No. town/ward village occupied house (including Castes 2 in km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P 1 M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 6/17 SEYOCHUNG CIRCLE T(R) NA 1,745 1,745 10,349 5,256 5,093

6/17/1 SEYOCHUNG POST NA 127 127 794 425 369

6/17/2 NEW MONGER NA 52 52 314 151 163

6/17/3 OLD MONGER NA 96 96 505 257 248

6/17/4 YIMPHIRE NA 105 105 558 275 283

6/17/5 THANGTHUR NA 169 169 819 398 421

6/17/6 SEYOCHUNG VILLAGE NA 319 319 2,118 1,105 1,013

6/17/7 TSUNGER NA 100 100 476 234 424

6/17/8 YANGZITONG NA 248 248 1,986 1,028 958

6/17/9 LUKHAMI NA 56 56 404 208 196

6/17110 PHISAMI NA 316 316 1,618 809 809

6/17/11 SOTHUMI·A NA 52 52 252 122 130

6/17112 SOTHUMI·B NA 90 90 446 214 232

6/17113 LONGYA (M.E.S) COMPo NA 15 15 59 30 29


Industrial Cateqory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourerS M I F M I F M I F M I F M J F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19_ I 20

5,242 5,093 2,824 2,071 2,169 2,370 1,834 2,323

425 369 259 106 151 "35 75 124 151 163 47 27 82 95 79 95

257 248 107 56 122 132 109 131 263 283 104 78 125 134 100 133 398 421 220 186 176 209 156 206 1,105 1,013 719 482 283 338 237 332 234 242 53 32 109 119 97 118 1.026 958 639 549 423 452 378 442 208 196 31 16 128 101 124 99

809 B09 426 370 380 41B 312 409 122, 130 72 70 58 72 54 71 214 232 123 83 119 155 113 154 30 29 24 16 13 10 9


Industrial Category of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, s~rvicing &. [~!.1~iring~ Location Name 01 villagel hunting & Minmgand (a) (b) :onstruction! code No, townlward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry househotd "lIied activities Industry M I F M I F M I F M I f M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 126 27 I 28 29 j 30 6/17 SEYOCHUNG CIRCLET(R) 13







6/17/7 TSUNGER


6/17/9 LUKHAMI

6/17/10 PHISAMI 3


6/17112 SOTHUMI-8

6/17113 LONGYA (M.E.S) COMP. ,


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 J 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40

3 317 47 3,087 2,723 3 66 11 274 234 3 69 68 13 135 116 25 150 149 20 3 222 212 46 6 822 675 12 125 123 40 10 605 506 4 2 80 95 65 9 429 391 4 64 58 6 95 77 13 17 19



SAO A II o(l9k. N ~~~~--~ ~-___ -- _-- --~~-

·9 K LONGSO/';'f

.SHIPONGER " .:':';~.:~~ ~~'---~, '"







L. C Name of villagei Area of No. of No. of Tolal population Scheduled No town/ward village occupied house (including Casles 2 In km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

P I M I .F M 1 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 G 16 CHESSORE CIRCLE TIR) NA 1.223 1,223 7,512 3,823 3,689

6 i8!1 CHESSORE HQ NA 112 112 581 305 276

6:18/2 CHESSORE VILLAGE NA 417 417 2,700 1,411 1,289

6/18"3 Y ANNER NA 85 85 627 319 308

6/\814 SHIPONGER NA 164 164 951 456 495

6.1815 K!UTSUKIUR NA 135 135 870 436 434

6.'18,6 KEPHORE NA 29 29 215 111 104

6,18/? IPONGER NA 60 60 296 160 136

G 1R:S HUKIR NA 177 177 1.022 506 5IC

6'IR19 K LONGSORE NA 44 44 250 119 131


Industrial CateQory of Main Workers

Schedliled Tnbes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IXI labourers M I F M I F M I F M I F M _I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 20 3.806 3,684 1.793 1050 1.522 1,408 1.307 1,392

295 275 160 1?1 115 21 51 18

1.404 1,285 738 345 589 610 5tO 603

319 308 157 i06 111 120 107 120

456 495 2t t 120 183 250 168 249

436 434 IS7 114 140 28 129 27

111 104 "19 GO 40 38 38 37

160 136 98 56 72 67 63 66

506 516 137 81 212 219 185 217

119 131 56 47 60 55 56 55


Industrial Category of Main Workers

III IV V VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing forestry, fishing, ~~Uyi!ti!]g ~ rel2!.\iri[lg~ Location Name of villagel hunting & Mining and (a) (b) onstruction code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industrv

M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 21 I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 6/18 CHESSORE CIRCLE T(R) 11


6/1813 Y. ANNER



6/18/6 KEPHORE

6/18/7 IPONGER

6/18/8 HUKIR 3 6118/9 K. LONGSORE


Industrial Category 01 Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non M workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 38 39 I 40 13 185 15 2,301 2,281

60 3 190 255

11 58 6 822 679

4 208 188

15 273 245

11 296 406

2 71 66

8 BB 69

24 2 294 297

3 59 76




Based upon survey of india map wit" the permission of the Surveyor Genera! d IndiQ © Government of Indio. Copyrighl,1996 RURAL PRIMARY

L C Name of village/ Area of No. of No. of Total population Scheduled No town/ward Village occupied house (including Castes 2 in km residential holds Institutional houses & houseless population)

p I M I F M I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 6/19 SHAMATOR CIRCLE T(R) NA 1,919 1,919 11,614 5,904 5,710

6/19/1 SHAMATOR H.Q. NA 461 461 2,405 1,280 1,125

6/1912 SHAMATOR VILLAGE NA 166 166 868 453 415

6/19/3 WAPHUR NA 123 123 570 282 288

6/19/4 LASIKIUR NA 22 22 128 70 58

6/19/5 SIKIUR NA 184 184 878 446 432

6119/6 RURRURNEW NA 52 52 321 157 164

611917 RURRUIROLD NA 45 45 246 128 118

6/19/8 LlANGKONGER NA 132 132 610 306 304

6/19/9 SHAMATOR NAP. POSTNA 57 57 324 165 159

6/19/10 MELANGCHURI NA 131 131 952 442 510

6/19/11 CHASSIR NA 81 81 383 190 193

6/19/12 SANGPHUR NA 333 333 3,088 1,570 1,518

6 19/13 YAKUR NA 132 132 841 415 426 '


Industrial Cateqory of Main Workers

Scheduled Tribes Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) labourers M I F M I F M L F M I F M I F 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 1 18 19 I 20 5,855 5,584 2,062 1,211 2,583 2,366 1,934 2,307 14

1,235 1,118 563 319 495 301 207 264

453 415 212 111 214 205 146 202

282 288 ,7 45 151 153 142 152

70 54 37 34 30 32 30

446 432 269 201 160 194 120 190

157 153 86 88 64 67 52 67

128 118 72 44 49 55 31 54

306 304 131 76 125 142 86 138

165 159 93 78 68 14 4 14

442 508 130 64 200 244 197 244

187 191 37 24 104 113 103 113

1,569 1,518 213 75 722 666 650 658 14 6

415 426 142 78 197 182 164 181


Industrial CateQorv of Main Workers

III IV IJ VI Livestock Manufacturing, processing

( forestry, fishing, ~ervicing & [f,U~airings Location Name of village/ hunting & Mining and (a) (b) ponstruction code No. town/ward plantations quarrying Household Other than orchards & Industry household allied activities Industry

M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 2t I 22 23 I 24 25 I 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 6/t9 SHAMA TOR CIRCLE T(R) 3 11 5 16

6/19/1 SHAMATOR H.O. 5 3

6/19/2 SHAMATOR VILLAGE 3 11 11

6/19/3 WAPHUR


6/19/5 SIKIUR






6/19/11 CHASSIR

6/19/12 SANGPHUR

6/19/13 YAKUR 2


Industrial Category of Main Workers


Trade Transport storage Other Marginal Non - workers & & services workers commerce communications M I F M I F M I F M I F M I F 31 I 32 33 I 34 35 I 36 37 I 36 39 I 40 31 27 542 51 3,321 3,343

14 27 239 37 785 824

2 41 2 239 210

2 7 131 135

2 36 28 39 4 286 238

12 93 97

18 79 63 2 37 3 -181 162 2 62 97 145

3 242 266

86 80 6 52 2 848 851

2 29 218 244



SI District/A. D. block Total/rural Numberol Total scheduled Total population No circle/fown urban house holds tribe population (in the age group with ST 0-6) members p I M I F P I M I F I 2 3 4 5 I 6 1 7 8 I 9 I 10 TUENSANG DISTRICT T 36,752 2,21,497 1,15,435 1,06,062 38,063 19,224 18,839

R 33,999 2.06,026 1,07,124 98,902 34,397 17,315 17,082

U 2,753 15,471 8,311 7,160 3,666 1,909 1,757

LONGLENG R.D. BLOCKTIR) 9.043 64,893 34,688 30,205 8,453 4,197 4,256

TAMLU R 2,225 17,201 9,581 7,620 2,410 1,257 1,153

YONGYA R 2,015 16,736 8,842 7,894 2,263 1,092 1,171

LONGLENG R 4,803 30,956 16,265 14,691 3,780 1,848 1,932

II LONGKHIM RD. BLOCKTIR) 4,506 27,636 14,200 13,436 4,647 2,339 2,308

LONGKHIM R 1,900 11,.~63 5,747 5, 6Hi. 1,636 786 850 .,' \ 2 NOKSEN R 1,362 8,140 4,195 3,945 ;,695 891 804

CHARE R 1,244 8.133 4,258 3,875 1,316 662 654

III SANGSANGYU RD. BLOCK TIR) 3,095 18.914 9,739 9,175 3,788 1,923 1,865

TUENSANG SADAR 3.095 18,914 9.739 9,175 3,788 1,923 1,865

IV NOKLAK RD. BLOCK T(R) 5,316 25.677 13.233 12,444 4,468 2.262 2,206

NOKLAK R 2,669 13,188 6,818 6,370 2,424 1,223 1,201

PANSO R 1,110 5,351 2,759 2,592 843 421 422

THONOKNYU R 1.537 7.138 3,656 3,482 1,201 618 583

V KIPHIRE A.D. BLOCK T(R) 5,909 33,250 17,214 16,036 6,828 3,504 3,324

KUISAM R 644 3,716 1,852 1,864 612 232 380

PUNGRO R 1,819 9,934 5,240 4,694 2,360 1,287 1,073

3 KIPHIRE R 2,373 14,106 7,336 6,770 2,679 1,363 1,316

4 AMAHATOR R 1,073 5,494 2,786 2,708 1,177 622 555


Industrial Cateqorv of Main Workers

Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I ~ IX) labourers p I M I F P I M I F P I M I F P I M I F 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 121 I 22 86,850 50,649 36,201 98,535 52,387 46,148 87,572 42,692 44,880 242 188 54

77.320 45,247 32,073 94,489 49,434 45,055 86,313 42,125 44,188 233 184 49

9,530 5,402 4,128 4,046 2,953 1,093 1,259 567 692 4

26,009 15,103 10,906 3,074 16,418 14,327 29,367 15,280 14,087 112 81 31

9.044 5.402 3.642 7.946 4.306 3,640 7.577 3,992 3,585 67 58

5,543 3,188 2.355 8,168 4,305 3,863 8,055 4,223 3,832

11,422 6,513 4,909 14,631 7,807 6,824 13,735 7,065 6,670 45 23 22

12.464 6,934 5,530 13,164 6,834 6,330 2,016 5,820 6,196 6

5,352 3,000 2,352 5.472 2,811 2,661 4,923 2,313 2,610

3.024 1.654 1.370 3.934 2,026 1,908 3,694 1.814 1,880

4,088 2,280 1,808 3,758 1,997 1,761 3,399 1,693 1,706

7.149 4.198 2.951 8.469 4.512 3.957 7.496 3,605 3,891 67 67

7,149 4,198 2,951 8.469 4,512 3,957 7,496 3,605 3,891 67 67

7,119 4,230 2,889 12,603 6,776 5,827 10,948 5,245 5,703

4,283 2.490 1,793 5,895 3,308 2,587 5,015 2,469 2,546

1.072 668 404 2.459 1.334 1,125 2,277 1,159 1,118

1,764 1.072 692 4,249 2.134 2,115 3.656 1.617 2,039

11,243 6,778 4.465 14,170 7.234 6,936 12,680 5,888 6,792 16 8

813 559 254 2,158 1,089 1,069 2,122 1,056 1,066

2,271 1,488 783 4.367 2,205 2,162 3,975 1,845 2,130 16 8

5.975 3.455 2,520 4,959 2,623 2,336 4,067 1,821 2,246

;;,184 1.276 908 2,686 1,317 1,369 2,516 1,166 1,350


Industrial CateQory of Main Workers

III IV V Manufacturing, processing Livestock forestry, §§!yiQing & reRairing~ SI. District/R. D. block fishing, hunting Mining and (a) (b) No. circle/town & plantations quarrying household Other than orchards & allied Industry household activities Indust p I M I F P I M I F P I M I F P I M F 23 I 24 I 25 26 I 27 I 28 29 I 30 I 31 32 I 33 34 TUENSANG DISTRICT 358 330 28 4 3 102 46 56 153 79 74

199 186 13 4 3 90 43 47 109 46 63

159 144 15 12 44 33 11

LONGLENG R.D. BLOCK 61 56 30 15 15 32 15 17

TAMLU 23 22 2 4 4

YONGYA 13 12

3 lONGLENG 36 33 3 15 12 3 IS 10

II LONGKHIM R.D. BLOCK4036 13 11 5 3 2

LONGKHIM 11 11 2 2


CHARE 27 23 4 11 9 2

III SANGSANGYU RD. BLOCK 39 38 2 2 4 16 13 3

TUENSANG SADAR 39 38 4 16 13 3

IV NOKLAK RD. BLOCK 22 16 48 7 41



THONOKNYU 21 16 41 41

V KIPHIRE R.D. BLOCK 38 35 3 9 4 2


PUNGRO 17 16

3 KIPHIRE 19 17 2



Industrial Category of Main Workers

Trade Transport Other Marginal Non - workers Constructions & storage serVices workers commerce & commun- ications pi M1 F pi MIF pi M 1 F P I MTF plMIF P T M T F 351 361 37 381 39 140 41142143 44 I 45 -r 46 47148149 50 I 51 r 52 583 546 37 319 288 31 112 110 9.090 8.105 985 21 211.22.941 63.048 59.893

410 391 19 199 176 23 36 35 6.898 6.245 651 21 211.11.516 57.690 53.826

173 155 18 120 112 76 75 2.194 1.860 334 11.425 5.358 6.067

109 102 64 57 16 15 952 796 156 34.148 18.270 15.878

17 17 18 18 3 3 230 190 40 9.255 5.275 3.980

87 77 10 8.568 4.537 4.031

91 84 7 45 38 7 13 12 635 529 106 16.325 8.458 7.867

84 78 26 17 965 863 102 14.472 7.366 7.106

47 44 3 483 439 44 5.891 2.936 2.955

6 4 3 227 201 26 4.206 2.169 2.037

31 28 18 11 7 255 223 32 4,375 2.261 2.114

52 51 14 12 777 718 59 21 21 10.424 5.227 5.197

52 51 14 12 2 777 718 59 21 21 10.424 5.227 5,197

17 17 13 13 5 1.550 1.483 67 13.074 6.457 6.617

13 13 856 815 41 7.293 3.510 3.783

6 175 168 2.892 1.425 1,467

10 10 519 500 19 2.889 1.522 1.367

81 77 4 32 29 3 1.309 1.187 122 19.080 9.980 9.100

36 33 1.558 763 795

18 18 328 305 23 5.567 3.035 2,532

62 58 4 25 22 786 705 81 9.147 4.713 4.434

159 144 15 2.808 1.469 1.339


SI. DistricVR. D. block Total/rural Number a! Total scheduled Total population No. cirCle/town urban house holds tribe population (in the age group withST 0-6) members p I M I F P I M I F 1 2 3 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 VI SITIMI RD. BLOCK T(R) 3,006 16,627 8,389 8,238 2,631 1,344 1,287

SITIMI R 736 3,669 3,669 1,810 485 257 228

2 SEYOCHUNG R 1,745 10,330 10,335 5,093 1,503 770 733

3 LONGMATAR R 525 2,623 2,623 1,335 643 317 326

VII SHAMATOR R.D. BLOCKT(R) 3,124 19,029 9,661 9,368 3,582 1,746 1,836

SHAMATOR R 1,910 11,539 5,855 5,684 2,295 1,106 1,189

CHESSORE R 1,214 7,490 3,806 3,684 1,287 640 647

TUENSANG TOWN T(U) 2,753 15,471 8,311 7,160 3,666 1,909 1,757

(U) 2,753 15,471 8,311 7,160 3,666 1,909 1,757


Industrial Category of Main Workers

Literates Total I II main workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IXI labourers p ,I M I F P I M I F P I M I F P LM IF 11 I 12 l 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 J 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 '" 71,274 4,196 3,078 7,530 3,609 3,921 6,888 3,052 3,836 11 3

1,449 841 608 1,782 872 910 1,621 738 883 2 2

4,895 2,824 2,071 4.526 2.156 2,370 4,155 1,832 2,323

930 531 399 1.222 581 641 1,112 482 630 6

6,062 3,808 2.254 7.808 4.051 3.757 6.918 3,235 3,683 21 14 7

3.235 2,027 1.208 4.895 2,543 2.352 4.220 1,928 2.299 21 14 7

2.827 1,781 1,046 2.913 1,508 1,405 2,698 1,307 1,391 9.530 5,402 4.128 4.046 2.953 1,093 1,259 567 692 4 5

9,530 G,402 4.128 4.046 2,953 i ,093 1,259 567 692 4


Industrial Category of Main Workers

III IV V Manufacturing. processing Livestock forestry, ~!l!:.'.li~iDg & r!lH2S!i[i[lg~ SI. DistrictJR. D. block fishing. hunting Mining and (a) (b) No circle/town & plantations quarrying household Other than orchards & allied Industry household activities Industr p I M I F P I M I F P 1 M I F P I M F 23 I 24 I 25 26 I 27 I 28 29 I 30 I 31 32 I 33 34 VI SITIMI R.D. BLOCK 14 14





SHAMATOR 3 3 12 11 5 5


TUENSANG TOWN 159 144 15 12 3 44 33 11

159 144 15 12 3 44 33 11


Industrial Category of Main Workers

Trade Transport Other Marginal Non - workers Constructions & storage services workers commerce & commun- ications

pi M 1 F pi M 1 F pi M 1 F P 1 M 1 F plMIF P 1 M 1 F

351 361 37 381 39 140 41142143 44 1 45 1 46 47148149 50 1 51 1 52

41 40 39 567 487 80 9,097 4,780 4,317

17 16 7 136 111 25 1,887 987 900

13 13 3 4 353 306 47 5,809 3086 2,723

11 11 78 70 1.401 707 694

26 26 42 41 776 711 65 1,221 5,610 5,611

16 16 31 31 587 535 52 6,644 3,312 3,332

10 10 12 10 189 176 13 4,577 2,298 2,279

173 155 18 120 112 76 75 2,194 1,860 334 9,425 3,358 6,607

173 155 18 120 112 76 75 2,194 1,860 334 9,425 3,358 6,067

397 Appendix:V Total Scheduled Castes1Sclieduled Tribes Population (Urban Blockwise)

Location Name of town/ward Total population Scheduled Scheduled code no. urban· block castes tribes

1 2 3 4 5 Tuensang Town 6/1 .21,013 15,471 ST. John Sector .. 2,8.61 1,417 (1) 1,490 519 (2) 1,371 898 2 ST. John Sector ·8 2 1,600 1,506 (3) 778 725 (4) 822 781 3 High School Area '1\' 3 2,318 2,074 (5) 975 924 (6) 702 669 (7) 641 481 4 High School Area '8' 4 1.922 1,644 (8) 633 583 (9) 817 628 (10) 472 433 Bazar 'A' 1,918 463 (11) 611 243 (12) 1,307 220 Bazar 'B' 6 546 342 (13) 546 342 7 Bazar 'C' (7) 1,607 1,305 (14) 1,124 880 (15) . 483 425 8 Old Hospital Ar.ea 'A' 8 1,421 1,202 (16) 706 608 (17) 715 594 9 Old Hospital Area '8' 9 1,409 1.297 (18) 684 636 (19) 725 661

398 3 4

10 Officer Colony 10 1,497 1,100

(20) 668 419

(21) 829 681

11 Post office 11 1,712 1,351

(22) 813 597

(23) 405 332

(24) 494 422

12 NAP. 12 2,207 1,770 (25) 868 519

(26) 754 703

(27) 585 548