WHITEPAPER V1.0.6 Table of Content

Introduction 1 Problem & Solution 2 Why DeFi 3 Use Case 4 P2E 5 Influencers Poker Associate 6 Key Features 7 DeFi Economic 8 Game Economic 9 Cashier/Dashboard 10 Influencer Dashboard 11 Token Allocation 12 Roadmap 13 Team & Partners 14 Pre-IDO/IFO Token Sale (Community Seed Token Sale) 15 Pre-Token Sale Allocation 16

0 Introduction

Influencer Poker employs the latest financial technologies and features never used in before, in order to appeal to the players of any skill level and become one of the largest online poker platforms with fantastic value added rewards. InPoker is the first e-sport platform with an integrated DeFi protocol based on Venus that allows players to participate in poker tournaments by supplying crypto assets.

The platform also provides a unique way for millions of businesses to run promotions via sponsorship programs, thus engaging with users, driving more user traffic and simultaneously positioning the brand as a market leader.

The platform allows users to create their own poker rooms and have full control of the settings. Room owners are able to set their own commission that they get from the tournament, set unique referral codes for each event and compete on the leaderboard. Influencers can earn various benefits when they persuade people to join the game, including those sponsored by multiple businesses and organizations. Room owners can set the percentage for each person the influencer invited.

Influencer Poker was not designed with gambling in mind. Instead it focuses on sportsmanship by only allowing players to participate in tournaments, sit & go and similar competitive games. Other types of games such as poker cash tables, betting, slots, dice etc will not be a part of this platform.

1 Problem

Many online poker games have a strong focus on gambling and generating profit. Users have a bigger risk of losing all their funds after many game losses. It is particularly a big concern for beginners who have a lower chance of winning and higher chance of spending substantial amounts while acquiring the skills. Once users deposit funds into the online platform, they lose some control of their money and withdrawal can often be challenging, especially when there is a minimum withdrawal amount in place.

Another problem is that the withdrawal process is often not transparent and is subject to many regulations in some countries. Transactions might take very long time or in some cases be blocked by the payment processor. Withdrawals can also be subject to additional charges, resulting in lower payouts.


The main benefit of InPoker is that it protects users from spending all their funds by providing a platform with at least 40% less risk as our integrated DeFi system will allow users to use 60% of supplied collateral amount while retaining the balance. The platform also aims to educate people about the blockchain technology and promote online poker as e-sport. The tournaments will require players' skills and there will not be any gambling facilities such as betting, slots, roulette and other casino games.

InPoker provides users with many options to earn money, such as winning games, receiving rewards for inviting people and organising tournaments. On top of that the users will be earning interest from the supplied collateral at all times even without participating in tournaments.

Users are always in control of their funds and withdrawal process is fast and flexible.

2 Why DeFi

One of the main advantages of employing DeFi technology is that the INPOKER tokens will be supplied in the protocol and utilised by the users in-game. As a result, there will be fewer tokens available on various exchanges. Additionally, in comparison to other supplied cryptocurrencies, the users will benefit from earning great APY interest by staking our token.

Partially employing the Venus source code enables traditional poker chips to be pegged to a synthetic stablecoin locked in collateral, this will enable users to utilize a high-speed and low transaction cost blockchain by leveraging Binance Smart Chain to supply collateral, earn interest on that collateral and mint stablecoins named CHIP equals to 1 USD on-demand within seconds to participate in the events.

In the initial phase the INPOKER token will be used as the main game currency. The cashier module will be launched in the next phase and it will introduce the CHIP synthetic stablecoin which will be pegged at 1:1 ratio to the US dollar. InPoker allows minting CHIP stablecoin to the value of up to 60% of total supplied assets amount while maintaining interest earning. Users will be also able to use DEX to exchange any crypto assets on Binance Smart Chain to CHIP and vice versa.

3 Use Case

Alex wants to play a big coming this evening, but he feels that his chances to win are low and he can’t afford such a buy-in at this moment. Alex has been holding cryptocurrency for years and has a good portfolio, but doesn’t want to sell the asset and risk missing potential appreciation. Then again, Alex believes in the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies as he believes in the mid- and long-term growth of the asset class. So what does Alex do? He can’t use his pocket money or borrow money from other people. Alex turns to the InPoker platform by moving his BNB from the wallet to the Binance Smart Chain with almost no fees. He then uses his internet browser to access the InPoker Cashier and supplies the BNB to the protocol. He is now benefiting from the potential price appreciation of the BNB while earning a modest APY on his supply. He then prepares to take poker chips in CHIP by calculating how much he needs to play in a tournament, then utilizing the cashier to mint the chips. Without any third parties involved, the protocol will calculate his collateral value and allow taking an over-collateralized loan on it. He mints CHIP instantly and uses the chips to play his favorite game. Now Alex has enough chips to participate in his dream tournament while receiving interest from the crypto that he supplied. He can return his minted chips at any time without paying additional interest as interest rates are compounded per block.

4 P2E (Play-to-Earn)

In a modern world choosing a career of a crypto e-sport player requires initial investments. The situation is particularly difficult for the beginner crypto enthusiasts due to cryptocurrency market volatility in addition to the process of acquiring poker skills, which requires a lot of practice. InPoker offers a platform that engages big corporations to sponsor various freeroll, small or big buy-in tournaments organized by individuals. This results in a mutually beneficial collaboration as the brands get additional exposure while allowing the community to promote the event and earn referral fees for each invited player.

Sponsored tournaments create extraordinary opportunities for players of any skill level to practice the game of poker without substantial initial investments while having a chance to win big prizes and slowly move from the lowest stakes up to high-roller games.

*Tournaments can be organized by individuals, businesses or InPoker.

5 Influencers Poker Associate

InPoker provides a reward system that pays commission for inviting people to join tournaments. In a modern world influencers play a big role in providing organic trusted recommendations. Connecting with influencers who have a vast network of followers can improve audience engagement and increase interest in the platform.

Influencers who refer users to InPoker tournaments via a unique link receive a percentage of each buy-in or, in case of freeroll or windrop tournaments, a percentage of the tournament prize the referred user wins. Event organisers will have the authority to determine the minimum buy-in amount, the prizes and the percentage that influencers will receive for referring users.

6 Key Features:

Game aspects: - Choose between preferred small/big buy-in, freeroll or winrdrop games which could sponsored by businesses, and stand a chance to win prizes - Invite users to tournaments and earn rewards - Create your rooms, build your followers, create your own tournaments with your own rules and receive commission for each participant - Beginners can learn and practice by inviting and playing with their friends and earn rewards while improving the skills

Technology aspect: - Obtain CHIP synthetic stablecoin in exchange to supplied crypto assets which can be used to participate in poker tournaments - Supply cryptocurrencies to earn a variable APY for providing liquidity to the protocol that is secured by few over-collateralized assets - Mint synthetic stablecoin based on USD value of your supplied collateral which will be used for playing tournaments - Swap BSC tokens to gaming stablecoin instantly within platform - Platform will burn half of all profit it receives - Why BSC:

Business aspect: - Promote your brand, project, event, poker club etc - Endless opportunity for promotion, the platform will allow businesses to reach out to a very wide audience

7 DeFi Economic:

Deposit Collateral

Mint CHIP (Maximum 60% of supplied collateral)

User Collateral Safekeeping APY Interest INPOKER

Withdraw Collateral

Repay CHIP User CHIP Collateral Safekeeping

APY Interest INPOKER Vault DEX Asset

Play Poker

8 Game Economic:

User Businesses sponsoring tournaments and promoting brands

Influencers receive commissions for each player In-house freeroll games brought to a particular tournament additional prizes Poker room owners receive commission from each buy-in or get additional prizes

9 Cashier/Dashboard

The difference between our protocol and Venus is that users are unable to borrow other BSC assets. Also at the moment of writing this whitepaper the Venus protocol does not have a feature for liquidating minted stablecoins if supplied assets value becomes lower than the borrowing limit. In our protocol if user exceeds the limit, the supply will be liquidated.


10 Influencer Dashboard

COMMISSION REFERRAL Room owners set the commission Room owner sets the percentage provided to they get from each tournament influencers Ex : Buy-in 50 + 5 CHIP Ex: Owner sets 20% for each player Owner receives 10% for influencer brought. If room owner receives 5 organizing tournament. They CHIP, influencer will receive 1 CHIP. receive 5 CHIP from each entry In case influencers invite players to Freeroll of rebuy or Windrop tournaments, they will receive percentage of the winner’s prize

ADD PRIZES in CHIP/INPOKER/BSC WINDROP Room owners can set rules for prizes and Basically it’s a freeroll with a chance to add additional prizes in CHIP or any win tokens of new coming project tokens on Binance Smart Chain. Room And other features helps freedom of owners will choose how the prizes are running own tournaments (ex: promote distributed (ex: winner takes all or your brand logo on the table and got distribute prize to the few people) video promo in every tournament breaks)

11 Token Allocation

Strategic Sale Game Reserve(Freerolls, Leaderboards, etc) 10% 20% Team 10% Pre-IDO/IFO Token Sale 5% IDO/IFO Public Sale Ecosystem Mining 5% 45% Airdrop, Listing 5%

Allocation type Token Amount (INPOKER) Total Supply 1 000 000 000 000 Ecosystem Mining 450 000 000 000 Game Reserve 200 000 000 000 Strategic Sale 100 000 000 000 Team 100 000 000 000 Pre-IDO/IFO Token Sale 50 000 000 000 IDO/IFO Public Sale 50 000 000 000 Airdrop, Listings 50 000 000 000

12 Roadmap

May: MVP Play Freeroll and Sit & Go games, earn rewards on desktop HTML5 Version

June: Influencer Dashboard v1.0 Users allowed to create own tournaments, set and earn rewards from buy-in & rebuys. Set referral rewards

July: Cashier/Dashboard Allow Supply, Mint, Vault, Earn APY. Moving games to CHIP stablecoin pegged 1:1 USD

July: Cashier/DEX Allow users exchange BSC tokens to CHIP and vice versa

August: Mobile & Clients Play on iOS & Android phones, Mac & Windows clients

September : Create your own room, promote your brand. Influencer Dashboard v2.0 Users allowed to create own poker rooms with additional features such as build a team, followers, promoters, collaborate with different sponsors

March 2022: First unique poker digital world championship with NFT Prizes

13 Team & Partners

Orange Sputnik is an international IT-services company that provides software development, staffing management, and consultancy services.

Company with office in Da Nang city which deliver blockchain related projects on turnkey basis.

EvenBet Gaming is one of the leading innovative poker platform. It is a multi-channel and turnkey gaming solution suitable for every project, from a private community to a worldwide network. One can also add custom features developed for a specific project that will make poker game even more interesting and thrilling. By 2019, our platform has become a choice for over 75 poker rooms in 25 countries, with 4.5 million players.

14 Pre-IDO/IFO Token Sale (Community Seed Token Sale)

We have built a single-purpose secure smart contract for InPoker pre-IDO/IFO token sale. It runs a crowd-sale event on Binance Smart Chain, accepting #BUSD or #BNB and returning BEP-20 INPOKER tokens

Token payback Tokens are returned once the transaction is made by the buyer and KYC is confirmed by InPoker team

Token price and BONUS Token sale contract features a token bonus that rewards early contributors. The bonus starts at 80% at the beginning of sale: INPOKER pre-sale seed price at the start : 0.004 $ INPOKER price at IDO/IFO sales: 0.02 $

Maximum funding and tokens cap Maximum funding cap is hard-coded at 200,000$. If KYC procedure unsuccessful, assets will be refunded. If cap is reached before announcement, assets will be refunded. Pre-IDO/IFO token sale can be ended anytime.

Minimum funding requirement Minimum funding requirement is 1000$.

15 `

Gambling Licensing, Incorporation, Audit, Legal 40% In house team operation 10%

IDO/IFO Marketing preparation 30% Game, dApp developments 20%

Pre-IDO/IFO Token Sale (Community Seed Token Sale) Fundraising Website: