Shomrei Weekly Bulletin Benjamin Yudin, Andrew Markowitz, Associate Rabbi Shabbat Parshat Devarim - Shabbat Hazon 8 Av, 5775 / July 24-25, 2015 Shabbat Schedule Parsha: : 938 The Living Torah: 866 Hertz: 736 Erev Shabbat - July 24th Haftorah: Artscroll: 1195 The Living Torah: 1223 Hertz: 750 Early Mincha 6:39pm (No Pirkei Avot this week due to Tisha B’Av) Earliest Candle Lighting 6:54pm Candle Lighting 8:03pm HAKARAT HaTOV Mincha 8:08pm  Ba’al Kriah Upstairs - Zack Schrieber / Aharon Schrieber Shabbat - July 25th  Ba’al Kriah at Young Couples Minyan - Gideon Bannett Morning  Young Couples Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by the Spangenthal family, "just because." Sof Z’man Kriyat sh’ma 9:24am The Rockoff, Reinheimer & Karpel families wish to express sincerest thanks to Rabbi & Shevi Yudin, Daf Yomi - Nedarim 62 8:00am Rabbi & Sara Markowitz, The Chesed Committee, Sam Heller and the members of Shomrei Torah for Shacharit their support and condolences on the loss of our beloved son and brother, Cantor Seymour Rockoff. Hashkama 7:30am Main Shul 8:45am Young Couples 9:00am TISHA B’AV SCHEDULE Shabbat Afternoon Shabbat, July 25th: Early Mincha – 5:00pm; Mincha - 7:51pm; Fast begins - 8:13pm No Perek in the David LaPoff Park this week Shabbat ends - 9:15pm; Ma’ariv 9:03 and 9:25pm; Eicha - 9:45pm Early Mincha 5:00pm Mincha 7:51pm Sunday, July 26th: Shacharit - 6:30, 8:30am ; Mincha - 1:40, 7:40pm; Ma’ariv - 8:35pm Fast begins 8:13pm Fast Ends - 9:01pm Shabbat Ends 9:15pm Tisha B’Av Inspiration: Join us at Shomrei Torah in viewing inspiring Tisha B'av videos from the Chofetz Chaim Foundation and the OU & CJF. The Chofetz Chaim Video title is, "Power to Yield," featur- ing Rabbi Yisrael Reisman and Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro. The OU&CJFvideo features presentations by Eicha 9:45pm Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter and Rabbi Shalom Rosner. The presentations will start at 1:00pm and con- tinue until Mincha. Special Tish'a Ba'av Event for Children: Building the Bais Hamikdash Brick by Brick When: 2:30pm on Tisha Ba'Av Where: Social Hall of Shomrei Torah Cost: Please bring a shelf stable food item to be donated to a Kosher food pantry Weekly Schedule July 26th - 31st Please bring an empty tissue box for every child that will want to participate in building the BHMK in the Shacharit Shul. All other supplies will be provided. Please reserve by emailing Rachel Krich [email protected]. Sun - Fast of Tisha B’Av 6:30,8:30am Mon., Thurs. 5:45,6:30,7:45am 5776 HIGH HOLIDAY SEATS AVAILABLE NOW Tues., Wed. , Fri. 5:55,6:30,7:45am Once again this year, seats for all three minyanim will be sold online and through the mail. If you choose Mincha to reserve the seats you occupied last year, please complete your High Holiday reservation by August Sun. 1:40, 7:40pm 10th. All seats not reserved and paid for by this date will become available on a first come, first served basis. If you did not reserve seats last year, or have a different need than last year, please indicate that Mon. - Thurs. 8:00pm when completing your reservation form. The seating committee will contact you if we have any questions Maariv or are unable to honor your request. We also are requesting that you supply us with your e-mail address, Sun. 8:35pm as we will try to use e-mail as the primary means of confirming your requests and resolving issues. Fast ends 9:01pm High Holiday seats are now available for sale on line at . Infor- Mon - Thurs. 8:22, 9:30pm mation will also be arriving shortly by U.S. mail. Erev Shabbat, July 31st Parshat Vaetchanan– Shabbat Nachamu REFUAH SHELAIMAH Early Mincha 6:34pm Faiga bas Yita Rivka, Tzivia Rivka bat Naomi Chedvah, Jeff Packard (Chayim Zelig ben Sarah Rivkah), Stuart Schochet (Shimon Yaakov HaKohen ben Chava Sheindel), Zvi Yerachmel ben Shaindel, Chana Tova bas Shoshana, Earliest Candle Lighting 6:49pm Avichai ben Rivka, Henia bas Chaya Toba, Shlomo Eliyahu ben Fayala, Lea Rachel bas Leah, Miriam Perel bas Candle Lighting 7:56pm Rochel, Aryeh Peretz ben Elke Gittel, Moshe Menachem ben Dvora, Amatzia Chaim ben Chedva Malka, Yittel bas Mincha 8:01pm Shaina, Dovid Shimon ben Shayna Yenta, Yehuda Leib ben Rachel, Nachum ben Esther Fayga, Gittel bas Baila, Za- hava Aranka Golda bat Pessya, Orly bat Shaina, Yehuda Leib ben Rachel, Shmuel Lippa ben Charna Shabbat, August 1st Leah. Shacharit 7:30,8:45,9:00am Sof Z’man Kriyat Sh’ma 9:27am Pre-Minchah Shiur 6:55pm Pachim K’tanim from Rabbi Yudin: In honor of Parshat Devarim and Tisha B’Av Mincha 7:44pm The Kesubos (66 B) teaches that shortly after the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash, Rav Yochanan ben Zakkai and his students met the daughter of one of the richest men in Yerushalyim, who was gathering barley from amidst dung from the animals. When he saw this, he responded "Ashreichem Yisroel, how privileged are you Israel." What a strange reaction! He explained: when you,, the Jewish people follow the ways of Hashem, they are most exalted and elevated in both spirituality and material- Bulletin sponsored by: ism. However, when the Jewish nation does not follow its Torah, they are lower than low, as demonstrat- Carol Weissmann ed by this woman’s behavior. As we unfortunately go into another Tisha B'av, our reflection on the hor- Re/Max Properties Select. rors that we mourn, from the destruction of the Temples through the holocaust, the very tragedies re- Direct phone 201-390-6600 mind us that these are not random events, but His directing history. "Your rod and your staff they comfort [email protected] me." ( Tehillim 23) MS WALK - IT'S NOT TOO LATE! The MS Walk was Sunday, April 19, 2015! There is still time to support Sam Heller in the MS WALK! The NMSS helps people with multiple sclero- sis on a day to day basis. Please send your tax deductible checks to Sam Heller.

UPCOMING SHIURIM AT SHOMREI TORAH TORAH TUESDAY Beis Medrash Learning - Mon - Wed.: 8:15-10:15pm Torah Tuesday on Thursday July 23 was sponsored by the Gerstley, Glass and Torah Tuesday - Rabbi Markowitz - Mon., Thurs., at 8:50am Aron families in honor of Milty Frank's special Birthday. Howard Nuer - Tues. at 8:40am Rabbi Yudin– Thurs. at 9:20 Torah Tuesday on July 28 is sponsored by Meyer Berkowitz, to commemorate the .ז''ל Monday 8:10pm - Shiur Yahrzeit of his father Dov Aryeh Berkowitz Topic on Tuesdays 8:45pm - With Rabbi Andrew Markowitz. Torah Tuesday on Thursday, July 30th,is sponsored by Liesel Schloss to commemo- .ז''ל Wednesday 9:15am - In Rabbi Yudin’s absence, no women’s shiur. rate the Yahrzeit of her husband, Norbert Schloss Wednesday 8:15pm - Men’s shiur with Rabbi Markowitz. Torah Tuesday will come to Sunday, once a month, beginning on August 9th. A spe- Thursday July 30th following 8:22pm Maariv - Beis Medrash parsha cial Raffle prize will be drawn on that Sunday; stay tuned for further information. schmooze given by Rabbi Markowitz. Join us for cholent and a dvar Torah, sponsored this week by Ari and Rebecca Ashkenas. 5776 YIZKOR BOOKLET Submissions for the 5776 Yizkor Booklet are now being accepted. Names can be submitted by using the form which is currently in the mail and should arrive shortly in DAUGHTERS OF MIRIAM VISIT your home. Names for the Yizkor booklet can also be submitted online at shomrei- On Tisha B’Av. Fasting is only one of the ways we observe the day!! At Daughters of Deadline for submissions is September 6th. Miriam, many of the men are not allowed to fast for medical reasons. If there are not enough men who can fast, Rabbi Mirsky will not be able to take out the Torah. To help out, let's make a minyan there, so that they will be able hear the Torah reading and Kinot. Please contact Sam Heller at [email protected]. KOL HANA’ARIM CHUPAH PROJECT On Simchat Torah, we share a meaningful and memorable Kol HaNa’arim aliyah with a beautiful hand painted silk chupah, as a canopy over our children. This YOUTH DEPARTMENT NEWS chupah was donated in memory of Riva Blatt Weinstein, daughter of Michele and Jake Blatt. This chupah reminds us of Riva’s love of children, both her own and Tot Shabbat will start at 10:15. Throughout the Summer, Tot Shabbat those she taught. We have previously received donations from members and will meet in the Youth Minyan room. Children aged 0-3 are invited to friends to have their children’s and grandchildren’s names embroidered along the attend with a parent. border of the canopy. We are sending a reminder so that previous contributors Jr. Congregation for 8- to 10-year-olds will start at 10:00 in the small and those who have not yet participated, can include names of their children and classroom. grandchildren on the canopy before next Simchat Torah. As we use the chupah each year, our children’s names will enhance the beauty and meaning of the experience. If you are interested in having the names of your children or grand- children embroidered on this beautiful silk canopy, please send the names and CHESED OPPORTUNITIES checks to Barbara Irwin or Carol Weissmann. The fee per child is $25 for two names (first and middle or first and last) or $36 for three names (first, middle and Are you tired, bored? Do you need a lift? last). Embroidery is in Hebrew or English. The ABSOLUTE deadline is August 2nd. Do you want to feel really good? Forms can be found and payment can be made on the Shomrei Torah website: Become a volunteer and visit the Jewish patients at Valley Hospital! I've . Alternatively, please fill out and mail in the been doing this for over 15 years and it makes me feel great! form found in the lobby rack, with your check, to Barbara Irwin, 5-32 Second St. One day I visited a woman who was in her 90’s. She was very quiet. Her Any questions, please email:Barbara at [email protected] or Carol at eyes followed me around her room. She looked at me. I spoke to [email protected]. her. When she started to eat her food, I turned to leave and said to her "Ess Gezunteh Hait.” (Yiddish for eat in good health) .She stopped and said in a loud voice, "Now I feel welcome." When I brought get well pictures from a local school to cheer up the patients, one of them said to me, "I don't have any family to visit me, these pictures are my family NURSERY SCHOOL SUMMER PROGRAM NEWS now." This week began with a special visit from the Fair Lawn ambulance corps and our If you are interested in helping people feel better please call me, very own Moshe Zharnest who showed the children what happens when an am- Sheila, 201-797-0493. You will feel better too! bulance is called to help someone. This week was also Celebrate Israel Week at the Summer program. The children made the flag of Israel using marbles to paint VOLUNTEER DRIVERS NEEDED FOR MEALS-ON-WHEELS PROGRAM blue and white stripes. They made the magen David in the middle, using popsicle sticks, and decorated the flags with confetti. The children also made edible flags Among many services offered by Jewish Family Service of Northern by spreading cream cheese on tea biscuits with blue sprinkles! Throughout the , is the delivery of kosher meals-on-wheels in Fair Lawn and week, the children visited different cities in Israel. They "bought" and decorated Elmwood Park to homebound elderly individuals. These meals are picked hats at the Tel Aviv shuk to use on their tour in the hot sun! They made bracelets up at the JFS office on River Road in Fair Lawn and delivered each and necklaces on the "tayelet" and finished the day eating falafel, pickles, bisli weekday by men and women volunteers. Currently, there is a severe and sweets at an Israeli cafe. They learned about the seven entrances to the shortage of volunteer drivers and JFS is looking for your help either city of Jerusalem and built the kotel out of paper that they glued together to make by making a commitment to deliver meals one day each week or else be available to substitute for a driver as the need arises. In addition to per- a wall. We all enjoyed Shabbat Party with Rabbi Markowitz. Next week we forming a mitzvah, the driver gets the pleasure of speaking to the meal have tae kwon do, a visit from the Fair Lawn police and lots of sports! recipient, who really appreciates the meal as well as the social contact. If you can volunteer for this important mitzvah, please contact Melanie IMPORTANT MIKVA NOTICE Lester at 973-595-0111. Please note the schedule for the summer fast days:

Tisha B’Av, Motzei Shabbat, July 25, 2015 - Mikva closed Tisha B’Av, Sunday, July 26, 2015 - Mikva hours: 10:45pm. - 12:15am The following is the usual Mikva schedule: 1. Weekday mikva hours are 9:00pm- 10:30pm. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 2. The mikva continues to be open on Motzei Shabbat and Motzei Yom Tov, To sponsor a Simcha Kiddush, please contact Alla Kavesh: 201-703-9721 or 1 hour after Shabbat or Yom Tov ends, and stays open for 1½ hours. [email protected], or Lina Fleyshmakher: 201-703-2381 or Please note that any arrival after 10pm weeknights or ½ hour before closing [email protected]. on other nights, will be charged an additional late fee of $25. This late fee is charged in order to help defray the additional costs to the mikva of staying To sponsor Torah Tuesday please contact Mendy Aron: open for latecomers. We appreciate your efforts to arrive on time. [email protected] Please check the mikva webpage on, under Services, or call To sponsor Seudah Shlishit please contact Esther Silvestri: 201-741-5341 or the mikva tape for updates and important information: 201-796-0350. [email protected]. Please call Dossy Brandstatter with any questions or concerns: 201-796-5839.