Published By AMERICAN INCOME LIFE & NATIONAL INCOME LIFE LETTER LABOR ADVISORY BOARD SEPTEMBER 2015 Vol. 47 No. 5 NEWS FROM THE Dodd-Frank financial law. “At a time when 300 times in 2013, according to an analysis AFL-CIO, CTW, corporate profits are near an all-time high last year by the Economic Policy Institute. and income inequality is growing, employ- INTERNATIONAL & ees and shareholders have a right to know A coalition of unions recently NATIONAL UNIONS whether companies are padding the wal- negotiated the first-ever national tentative lets of executives at the cost of workers and settlement with the American Red Cross Five presidential candidates the company’s bottom line,” said Teamsters for 4,000 health care workers in 24 states. met with the nation’s top union leaders at Secretary-Treasurer Ken Hall. “It’s time Union members will have until October 2 the AFL-CIO Executive Council meet- we learn from the past failings that helped to approve the agreement. The coalition in- ing in Washington, D.C. in July. They are cause the Great Recession.” AFL-CIO Pres- cludes the Teamsters, American Federation Senators Bernie Sanders, Jim Webb, and ident Richard Trumka said the rule will al- of State, County and Municipal Employees, Hillary Clinton, and Governors Martin low shareholders to determine whether CEO American Federation of Teachers (HPAE O’Malley, all Democrats, and Republican pay is out of balance in comparison to what a and Oregon Nurses), Communications Mike Huckabee. “We are grateful to them company pays its workers. “We hope this rule Workers of America, United Auto Work- for making the time to talk with the elected will help investors make sound decisions ers, United Food & Commercial Workers, representatives of 12.5 million working men when they vote on executive compensation United Steelworkers and Service Employ- and women in America,” said AFL-CIO packages,” he said.
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