Statistical Report
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STATISTICAL REPORT of Seventh-day Adventist Conferences, Missions, and Institutions The Eighty-third Annual Report Year Ending December 31, 1945 Issued by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Compiled by Claude Co/ard, Statistical Secretary PRINTEDMUsA STATISTICAL REPORT of Seventh-day Adventist Conferences, Missions, and Institutions in World Field For the Year Ending December 31, 1945 WITH transportation and communication facilities still much Total Membership Since 1912 (Continued) below normal, some divisions of the General Conference world field Per Cent of Annual Gain Over Pre- have not been able to make complete reports of their activities Year Members Gain vious Year and standing for the year 1945. Without doubt, if full reports had come from all sections, the notations of church memberships, 1939 486,670 16,719 3.56 tithe and mission receipts, and other data would show more favor- 1940 504,752 18,082 3.72 ably than are here recorded. The Lord's hand is over His work, 1941 520,644 15,892 3.15 which is the assurance of progress. 1942 535,134 14,490 2.78 The latest reports of Seventh-day Adventist church memberships 1943 544,710 9,576 1.79 from the several divisions of the General Conference compared 1944 557,768 13,058 2.40 with previous years are shown below. Current reports to the end 1945 576,378 18,610 3,23 of 1945 are given for Australasia, China, Inter-America, North America, South America, and South Africat and Southern Asia; Gain since 1912 - 478,334 other divisions are from the latest available returns except the Membership in 1912 98,044 Union of Socialist Soviet Republics which is estimated. Membership in 1945 576,378 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH MEMBERSHIP BY DIVISIONS FOR THE WORLD FIELD NET GAINS IN CHURCH MEMBERSHIP Membership in 1883 3,500 Gains, 1933 22,050 Division 1935 1040 1944 1946 Gains, 1863-72, 10 yrs 1,301 Gains, 1934 20,358 Australasian 16,864 20,378 22,349 22,030 Gains, 1873-82, " .... 12,368 Gains, 1935 18,459 Central European, Sec, I ..... 51,278 42,987 42,387 38,039 Gains, 1883-92, " ..- 16,609 Gains, 1936 15,171 Central European, Sec. II 11,068 China 15,661 19,481 19,814 22,940 Gains, 1893-02, " .... 33,372 Gains, 1937 14,619 Far Eastern 23,672 33,602 36,016 36,052 Gains, 1903-12, " ..., 30,894 Gains, 1938 17,193 Inter-American 28,132 37,607 51,267 54,509 Gains, 1912-17, 5 yrs 55,813 Gains, 1939 16,719 North America ..., 167,507 185,788 206,908 212,514 Northern European .... .. 32,744 39,471 29,096 30,620 Gains, 1917-22, 5 yrs 54,914 Gains, 1940 18,082 South American .. , 26,685 32,964 99,289 41,284 Gains, 192227, 5 yrs 65,293 Gains, 1941 15,892 Southern African ..... ...... 26,167 32,289 45,199 48,460 Gains, 1928 11,229 Gains, 1942 14,490 Southern Asia . 4,048 7,042 8,018 8,183 Southern European 25.816 26,172 33,326 38,005 Gains, 1929 14,262 Gains, 1943 9,576 U. S. S. R. 18,513 16,513 16,619 Gains, 1930 14,698 Gains, 1944 _ 18,058 Gen. Conf. Detached Missions ... , .. ' 8,609 8,485 Gains, 1931 21,793 Gains, 1945 . 18,610 Totals .. 604,752 657,168 . 576,378 Gains, 1932 26,055 Membership at close of 1945 576,378 Transfers in territory account for some of the abnormal changes in the European divisions. TITHES AND OFFERINGS Reported receipts of funds during 1945 were as follows: General Summary-World Field, 1945 North America Number of Seventh-day Adventist Churches 9,496 Per Cent Church Membership 576,378 Amount , of Whole Per Capita Tithe $19,424,952.64 Tithes'-... $15,163,385.54 60.25% $ 71.35 Mission Offerings 7,837,868.00 Foreign Missions 6,041,024.68 24.00% 28,43 Home Offerings 4,278,114.60 Home Work 3,965,059.79 15.75% 18,66 Total Funds Raised $31,540,935.24 Total for 1945 $25,169,170,01 100.00% $118.47 Total for 1944 22,612,119.11 109.28 TOTAL MEMBERSHIP SINCE 1912 Increase 1945 $ 2,557,350,90 $ 9.19 Per Cent of Per Cent of Increase 1945 -- 11.31% Annual Gain Dyer Pre. Year Members Gain vious Year 1912 98,011 World Field (Including North Amet4ca) 1913 114,557 16,513 16.84 Per Cent 1914 125,844 11,287 9.85 Amount of Whole Per Capita 1915 136,879 11,035 8.77 Tithes $19,424,952.64 57.08% $33,70 1916 141,488 4,609 3.27 Foreign Missions 7,837,868.00 28.08% 13,60 1917 153,857 12,369 8.74 Homo Work ..... 4,278,114,60 14.84% 7,42 1918 162,667 8,810 5.73 1919 178,239 15,572 9.51 Total for 1945 $31,540,935.24 100,00% $54,72 1920 185,450 7,211 4.05 Total for 1944 28,685,434.11 51,43 1921 198,088 12,638 6.81 1922 208,771 10,683 5.39 Increase 1945 $ 2,855,501.13 $ 3.29 1923 221,874 13,103 8.28 Per Cent of Increase 1945 9.95% 1924 238,657 16,783 7.56 During recent years the Seventh-day Adventist church member. 1925 250,988 12,331 5.17 ship average per capitas of tithes and all reported foreign mission 1926 261,834 10,846 4.32 and home contributions have been as here shown for North Amer- 1927 274,064 12,230 4.67 ica, and for the whole world field including the North American 1928 285,293 11,229 4.10 territory: 1929 299,555 14,262 5.00 1930 314,253 14,698 4.91 North World North World 1931 336,046 21,793 6,93 Year America Field Year America Field 1932 362,101 26,055 7.75 1932 $42,26 $25.56 1939 $ 50.40 $27.74 1933 384,151 22,050 6.09 1933 36.96 22.50 1940 53.37 28,18 1934 404,509 20,358 5.30 '1934 41.28 24.46 1941 62,81 31.13 1935 422,968 18,459 4.56 1935 42,48 24.81 1942 77.15 37,57 1936 438,139 15,171 3.59 1930 47.04 26.50 1943 101.04 47,14 1937 452,758 14,619 3.34 1937 50.76 27.86 3944 109,28 51.43 1938 469,951 17,193 3.80 1938 49.72 27.68 1945 118.47 54,72 Statistical Report for 1945 The per cents of increase in total funds over the previous year MEMBERS, CHURCHES, AND EVANGELISTIC since 1935 are given in the following tabulation: LABORERS North World North World Con- Evangelistic Lan- Year America Field Year America Field Year Members ferences Missions Churches Laborers genes 1935 7.19% 6.06% 1941 1 9.2 3% 13.91% 1872 4,801 12 1 205 . 86 5 3936 1 2.3 6 % 10.64% 1942 28.68% 24.09% 1882 17,169 26 6 660 301 15 1937 10.08% 8.65% 1943 33.56% 27.70% 1892 33,778 34 11 1,102 400 30 1938 1,94% 4.19% 1944 ' 11.27% 11.71% 1902 67,150 72 42 2,077 2,278 40 1939 5.00% 3.79% 1945 11.31% 9.95% 1912 98,044 126 100 2,874 5,101 75 1940 10.95% 5.38% 1922 208,771 143 153 4,927 7,600 194 1929 299,555 155 245 6,557 10,051 394 The percentage increases in the several groups of funds for a 1930 314,253 160 270 6,741 10,988 417 period of years are given below: 1931 336,046 155 278 7,021 10,850 455 , 1932 362,101 144 289 7,322 10,749 485 North America 1933 384,151 146 309 7,640 10,946 504 Year Tithe Foreign Missions Home Work Total 1934 404,509 144 318 7,818 11,642 539 1935 422,968 146 320 8,026 12,185 578 1936 16.06% 9.97% 10.55% 12.36% 1936 438,139 143 328 8,243 12,589 . 649 1937 10.01% 6.34% 7.61% 10.08% 1937 452,758 145 333 8,388 13,008 714 1938 1.57% Deer. .88% 8.12% 1.94% 1938 469,951 136 315 8,570 13,105 766 1939 5.34% 3.71% 5.96% 5.00% 1939 486,670 133 306 8,761 13,257 820 1940 10.22% 11.34% 12.64% 10,95% 1940 504,752 136 194" 8,924 13,579 824 1941 23.77% . 16.20% 9.84% 19.23% 1941 520,644 137 193 9,105 13,899 810 1942 34.78% 18.48% 24,08% 28.68% 1942 535,134 136 194 9,212 14,207 t 1943 31.80%a 29.81% 46.16% 33.56% 1943 544,710 136 185 9,282 13,889 1944 17.35% 16.09% Deer. 16.36% 11,27% 1944 557,768 135 192 9,3 5 1 14,6 4 8 1945 7.87% 7.13% 3 5.9 9% 1 1.3 1% 19 45 576,378 137 197 9,4 9 6 1 4,8 74 *Includes only regularly organized mission fields after 1939. World Field (Including North America) -,` Owing to war conditions, full reports of languages are not obtainable.