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t8 JAN ?019



l, Ml' surinder Mohan Arora, aged 64 years, lndian lnhabitant, residing at Kiranchandra, cHs

Ltd., Plot No. 33, Flat No.13, A Wing, Manish Nagar, Andheri (W), 400053, do hereby solemnly state and declare as under: I

I state that I have ,. been informed that one Mr. Sanjay B N irupam from the lndian National Congress party has filed his nomination to contest in the General elections I for from 27 - Mumbai North West constituency to be held in April 2019. I ofi )al^Y QJI'O bl j,c .sso.t^) \t',r (\\ dl d8 dq 4r*s*,'@ I %.u''Y r cl $rS$


6- Bq 7

l .i state that as per the rules, guidelines and directions of the Chief Election missioner of lndia, candidates having any criminal record or cases pending \o' re the Hon'ble Courts are mandated to * declare the same before the returning ri cer representing It the Election Commission of lndia and bring the same to the G notice of the general public by way of public notice/publication in the local newspa pers.

3. I state that Mr. Sanjay B Nirupam has deliberately and intentionally concealed this information from the general public/voters by not following the mandated guidelines and by not publishing this information in any of the local newspapers.

4. I am executing the present counter affidavit by way of my objection to the candidature of Mr. Sanjay B Nirupam in my capacity as a candidate contesting the election from the same constituency and based upon the prevalent facts, I hereby

pray and request you to reject the nomination filed by Mr. Sanjay B Nirupam and disqualify him from contesting the forthcoming elections frcm 27 - Mumbai North t West constituency.

Whatever I have stated hereinabove is true and correct and is to the best of my knowledge and information and in the National interest.

{o sotemntv affirmej + $1$uai on trrisstl' oa[Bltrpiil zors. Depona nt L'-

sHEf;Elill#u Befo re me ADVOCATE HIGH COU Mahadev Yadav Chaw Yrdav iJag.'r Sahak-. Roao, ME (W), BEFORE logrstnvan ,\/t rnba. - t 0? I

Dr. S. C. R iOT^RY TRA (eovt. ol hdl.l 1O APR z0l9

NOTED & REGISTE RED Sr No l44o tolokl2-t:l Date ...... B

1 D,-r 1 0 I lt,,

0 0 D R E D E

I .! )--*,^- -, Cr(),t I ;>()'r J<)'l oo1 (i *! q) {? "i ocr.| 1 C) -t i l 't1 1 I t

1,: H (j KU 270057 I 92nA €Etqt i'rqtsq, dd tr.9.. ft.p.ZooooRl

2 5 MIR 20rt GOW. gatt:cl* t'r)"l}t, *"*e OF .-,.,,-.._--....-4 stiai.ff n No #ig-rl 1666 fdirar a {grd



i Lal, Aged 49 years, resident of2403l04, I 0 I, SANJAY NIRUPAM, Son of Late Shri Brijkishore I Beverty Hills, Bldg. No. T-36, Shastri Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai - 400053' Maharashtr4 I a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affrm and state on oath as under :- t (l) I am a candidate set up by (2) My name is enrolled in 27 - Mumbai North west Lok Sabha constituency (164 - Versova t Assembly Constituency, Mumbai), Mahamshtra at s€rial No' 475, Electoral Part No. 256' (3) My contact telephone Numbers are 9821345666 I 022 28955666 and my e'mail id is t! [email protected]. My Social Account No, www.sanjaynirupam.com / Facebook- t sanj aynirupam / Twitter- sanjaynirupam.

.t" z

(4) Details of Permanent Account Number (PAIO ard status of filing of Iacome Tax return

I Names PAN Thc financial Total i,ncome shown iEr No year for which Incoqqe Tax retu.n (in the last Income Rup96s) Tax return has been frled 1 Sanjay Nirupam ACCPN3794J ot .04.2012 Rs.9,38,282.00 (selO 31.03.2013 2 Mrs. Geeta Nirupam ACBPN7112P o1.o4.2012 Rs, 1B;!7,661.00 (wife) 31.03.2013 3 Ms Shivani Nirupam NIL 01 .o4.2012 1.{L l (Jnmarried daughter) 31.03.2013 4 Mrs. Prern Dcvi B AJSPN0741Q o1.04.2012 Rs. 2146,780.00 Nirupam 31.03.2013 (Motho)

(5). I am accused of the offenccs punishable with imprisonment for two years or more in a pcnding cases in which chargcs have been framed by the courts of competent j urisdiction.

i) The following cases are pending. against me in which charges have been framed by the court for an offences prurishable with imprisonrnent for two years or rnore:

(a) Cas€/First i) Court Case No. 1700546/PS/2009 arising out of p.R. No. 133/2009 InforrnatioD registered oo 13.04.2009 at Kandivli Police Station, Mpmbai. Report Nos. ii) Cou:t Case No. 2039/PW/20Q9 arising out of C.R, No. 128/2OO9 together with rcgistercd on 30.04.2009 at Sa:nata Nagar Police Statiorr Mumbai. complete iii) Cowt Case No. 230lPS/2010 arising out of L.A.C. No. 06/2006 details of registered on 05.02.2008 at Shivaji Park Police Station, Mumbai. concemed iv) Court Casc No. 334lPS/2010 arising out of CR No. 3O8/20A9 Police rcgistcrod on 07.10.20p9at Kandivli Policc StatioD, Munbai Station I v) Court Case No. 251/2010 in C.R.No. 355/2004 tegistered at Bhandara District/Statc. Police statiorL Disfj Bi;ndam, state: Msharashtra. vi) Corut Case No. 89h..S/ii aiising orit of N.C.No.564/2012 registered ou

17,02.2012 at DindQshi Police Statiorr Mumbai .

(b) Sectio[s of i) Sections 188, 34 o I.|.C. & 102, 33 (t),22-51 of Bombay Police Act, the 1951.It is a.tleged that the'aciulpd has committcd : Disobedience to order concemed duly promulgated by public serv'ant, in fi,rnherance of common ints ron AcVs aDd and that causing ani obstruction in a street, licensing, controlling or irr 1 short order to prevent obstruction, inconvenisnce, annoyance, risk, danger or description of damage ofthe residents or passengers in the vicinity. the offences ii) Sections 143, 145, 147, 149,337, 506 of I.P.C. It is alleged that the for which accused has cornndttcd : joining or continuing in unlawful assembly, every ; !.) charged mcmbcr of unlawful asecmbly guilty of offence committed, causing hurt .qJ ,D by act cndangoring life or pcrsonal ssfcty of others. ''t iii) Sections 37 (3), 135 ofBombay Police Act, 1951. It is allcged that thc accused has aommittod : rriolation of the notification in respect of srBernhly snd prooe ion and that mado themseltes liable for penalty for oontrEvention of nrlo or dfoctions, iv) Scctions 341, 323, 42'1, 143, 14i, 149 of LP.C. It is alleged that the acouscd has comrnitted an offence that attacted a punishment for wrongful restraint and voluntarily causing hun, mischief causing damage, joinirg or continuing in unlawfi.rl assembly, every member of unlawful i asscmbly guilty ofoffcnce committed, 3

v) Sections tS3, 295, 296-505 1 & S05 (2) of I.p.C. r/w 125 RepreseDtation of the people Acts, of the provocation l95l . It is alcgied ,.i..i *.rrirrty go.r" with intent to cause rior, d.fit*s l to ph;;; ;;ill.},n ,o,"o, iDsult the rerisiou orany crass, conduciag .il;;;;ff;;; ;,IJii,j Jo,"-."," I to pubtic mischief. s ha'edor;r-wii;;;ffi; jfl:I*.::"",ffi T,LLtX*:,ffi connecdon with elections. T

vi) Sectioa 17r (c) of I.p.c. It is areged that thc thc occuscd has colarnitted offencc which is withi! the purvicw ofunduc ialiuqrrb at Erections. (c) I Name of the i) Ld. M.M. t7 Court a Borivali, Mumba Court. Case Court Case No. 17O0546/pS/2OOg and the court has tsketl J No. and date 14.05.200e cognizaace oa I of order ii) I-d. M.M. 17u Courr at Borivali, Mumbai ; taking Court Case No. 2O39EW2OO9) aad the court cogr1izance: 25.O9.2OO9 bas ta.ken cogDizance on iii) I-d. Addt. Chief M.M. 5h Court at Dadar, Mumbai, Court Case No. 230lpS/2010 alrd the courl Uu. t k"n cognizance 10.01.2009. on iv) Ld. M.M. 17s Court at Borivali. Mumbai Court Case No. 334/pS/2010 and the court has taken cognizaace 08.02.2010. on v) Ld. Judicial Magistrate (Ftst Class), Bhandara Court, Regular Criminal Case No. 2S|/ZOIO and the court has taken cognizance on 23.12.2010 vi) Ld. M.M. 676 Court at Borivali, Muorbai Court Casc No. 89PS/14 aad the Coua has taken coglizarce on 16.01.2014. (d) Courts which i) Charge is not yet framed frEmed ii) Charge is not yet framed charges iii) Charge is not yet framed iY) Chargc is not yet taDed v) Chargc is not yct framed v) Plea has llot yet been recorded

(") Dates on i) Not Applicable which the ii) Not Applicable charges werc iii) Not Apptieable framed iv) Not Applicsbte Y) Not Applioablc vi) Not Applicable

(0 Wlethcr all No Procecding has been stayed by the Courts of Competent Jurisdiction. or any of thc prococdings have bcen stayed by aay Cour"ts of Competent i-t Jurisdiction ;

qi,rit ,:rf!hr :1" o ol1.ql lil:::tir:nr,li rlt .;; ..et.." ) 'i ,5 a -..(

i) .tr !

_,iri.1: n J o 4 ii) The fotlowing cases arc pcndino .:_ acqin"r _- which---r. , cognizance (other than the ct;;;ffifff,,ff1T'iff"': has been taken by rhe courr

(a) Nane of the Court, i) Ld. Joiat Civil JudgJ Case & J.M.F.C ., 1, ourt, No. and date of Thane, c ordcr taking cognizancc Court Case No. 750/1996 C..ognizsllcc has bcen takcn otr f7.08.i996. Ld. it) Metropotitan Magiskate,s 266 Court Mumbai at Borivali, Court Case No. 7/SS/20O4 Copizance has bcco taken on 03 .O I .2004 iii) Ld. patiala M.M. at Houss Court, New Delfli. Coun Case No. I /l /13 I Cognizance has been talen by Court on I 1.O3.2013 o) The dctails of cascs i) ln. Joht Civil Judge & J.M.F.c., t' Court, at lrlhasnagar, where the court Thane. has taken cogDizance, ii) I-d. M.M. 26u i court at Borivali u.rs. 323, 504, 506, 34 of sections of ths Acts and r.P.c. descriptiou of the iii) Ld. M.M. at Patiala House Court, New Delhi. Scctiols 499, offences for which 509 of I.P.C. the private complaint of defamation filed bv Mrs. cognizance has been Stffiti Zubi! Lrani. taken. (") Details of No appeaVapplications for revision has filed against the above Appeals/Applications orders for revision (if any) filed agaiast the above orders.

(6) I have not bcen convicted in any offence {other than any offeucc (s) resr:ed to in sub - sedion (l) or Sub section (2), - or covered in sub - section (3), ofsection g of the Rcprcsen a ioo ofthe Pcople Act, 1951 ( 43 of 1951)) atrd sentcnced to i'prisonment for oDe yq.r or r,,ore.

If the deponent is convicted and pun.ished as aforesaid, he shatl fi.rrnish thc following informatioa;

In the following case, I have been convicted and s€ntencd to imprisonmar, by a court of law. NOT APPLICABLE AS THE DEPONENT HAS NOT BEEN CONVICTED IN A}IY OF THE OFFENCES LODGED AGAINST HIM SO FAR.

(a) Thc dctails of cases, Scction(s) of the conccmed .-.NOT AP?LICABLE-- Act (s) ard description of the offence (s) for which convicted

(b) Name of the Court (s), Case No. and Date (s), of ---NOT APPLICABLE-- Orde(s)

(c) Punishment imposed .--NOT APPLICABLE--

(d) Whether any appcal was / has been filed against .-.NOT APPLICABLE.- the conviction order. If so, details and the present status of the appeal;

(7) That I give herein tbe details of the assets (movable and immovable etc') of myself' tny 2 spouse and all dePendents: n

ml?rf ;lD+Ar .ir_,c\ irfafr .\ aiq]I i Y(.:Tilt i :;lf (,.rf?r.,rfl ,\l \. sJ/.^' + r'-.iJ..

\ .r'+ \\ trf trt'. 2

::;'t. i; :-i.-.,,-1 --.6;1

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Ir--!t, T3 , ::j,, qT'r\t q",{ !irl f,r i,fu .:t .l NDIA f{CIr{ Jijillilii$'L

RASHTRA ,..r'j! ii iJ 'it /tir i 'li I 1 '" qcizn oroiere. fr A ar zooooiY c', D 5 o ? 5 MAR 201r \l GOVI. vo b i!,lr'funr aiTxrn-ro 3ctt5) ( t l CF INDIA o n6/h r'r 1) (, ile0r1. No. 1 1665 * .iril P*-: FORM 26 _f i cl (See rule 4A)



l. SANJAY Nl RUPAM, Son of Lare Shri Brijkisho.e Lal. Aged 49 years, residcnl of 2401,0-1. tseverly flills. Bldg. No, T-36. Shastri Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai - 40005J. Maharashlra. a cnndidale rt (he above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and nate on oath as under :-

(l) I anr a candidare sct up by lndian National.Congress. (2) lvl) nanle is enrolled in 27 - Mumbai NonI West Lok Sabha Constituency (164 - Versola Assembl] Constituency. Mumbai), Maharashlm at serial No. 475, Electoral Part No. 256.

(l) My conlact relephone Numb€rs are 9821345666 / 022 2E955666 and my e-rnail id is [email protected]. My Social Account No. *uw.sanjaynirupam.com / Facebook- sanraynirupanr I TwiIer- saniaynirupam. 2

(.1) Deir ils of Pennanent Accouni Numbcr (PAN) and slatus ot' filirg of llcome 'l-ax rerum:

\ atll( PA\ 'l hc lirancial Total incomc sho\vn ir I \o ),cxr lbr \r'hich I corne 'l ar rcturD (iD the litst Income Rupccs) 'l-ar rctum has becn 6led l sanjar' Niiupanl ACCPN379lJ 0t.04.2012 Rs.9.38,28100 (Sel0 31.03.20t 3 Nlrs Ceela Nirupam ACBPNTI I2P 0t.04.20r 2 Rs. 11.97.6(11.00 , (Wifcl 3 r.03.20r 3 l Nls Shivani Nirupam NIL 0 t .0.r.2012 NIL (Ul1,'ralricd daughtcr) 3 r.03.20r 3 4 lVrs. Prcrn Devi B AJSPNOT4I Q 01.0,1.2012 Rs.2.46,780.00 Nirupam 31.03.2013 (\{olh€r)

(5) I atn accused of the offenccs punishable wilh imprisoruncnt lor two years or rnore irl a pendi g cases iu which charges have been fiamed by the couns of conlpelcnt jurisdiction.

i)'lhc fbllo*'irg cascs are peuding against me in \hich chargcs have becn frnmed b),the coun ti)r an oflcnccs punishable ,r, ith imprisoruncnl for iwo yea6 or more:

(a) | Casc ri i) coun cas.x@::-:ooq- Intbrnration registered on I3.0i1.2009 at Kandivli Police Sration, Mumbai. Rcpon Nos. ii) Coun Case No. 2039/PW/:009 arising our of C.R. No. t23,1009 logelher with regislered on 30.()4.2009 at Sarnata Nagar Police Statiol, Mumbai. conrplete iii) Coun Case No. 210/PS/2010 arising out of L.A.C. No. 06'200E details of registered on 05.02.2008 ar Shivaji Park Police Sration, Munrbai. co|ccn)cd i\) Coun Cas! No. 334/PS/2010 arising our of CR No. 30S 2009 Police registered on 07.10.2009 at Kandivli Police Sration, Mumbai Slaliori i v) Courl Case No. 251/2010 io C.R.No. 355,/2004 regisrered at Bhnndara Dislricr,Slate. Policc Station, Dist: Bhandara, State: . vi) Coun Case No. 89/PS/14 arising out of N.C.No.564/2011 regislercd on 17.02.2012 ar Dindoshi Police Slation. Mumbai

(b) s oi' i) Sections 188, 34 of l.P.C. & 102. 33 (r), 22-51 of Bombay Policc Acr. the l95l. h is allegcd drat lhe accuscd has con).rniltcd : Disobedience to order corlcenrcc duly promulgated by public scn,alrl, in linhcrancc ol conrrDon iorention Act/s ard and lhat cirusing any obslruction in a slreet. licensing, coDtrolling or in shon ordsr to prevent obstruction. inconrenience, annoyancc, risk, dan{:cr or Le dcscripri('Il ol' darnage ofthc residents or passengers in lhe licinity. GC the otllnces ii) Sccrions 143, I45, 147, 149, 337, 506 of l.P.C. lr is allcSed lhal lhe ')f rrhich accused has conxnitted r joiniDg or in assenrbly, c\,ery L lor continuing unlawtul egn 'ii charged member of unlawful arsembly guilly of ol'fence conunitted, causing hun l6( tr b) act cndangerin! life or personal sat'ety ofothers. :- .* iii) Seclions 37 (3), I35 of Bombay Police Act, l95l . Ir is alleged rhal (hc t-tt accused has comrllitted : violation of thc ootificalio[ in respccr of .- assently and pro(ession a d that mad€ themselves liablc tbr penahy tbr conlravention oI rule or dircctions. iv) Sections 341, .r23,427, 113, 14'7, 149 of l.P.C. lr is alleged thai the accusod has corunilted an ot-fencc lhat allracted a pudshmeol *rongful restraint aDd \'olunlrrily causiDg hurr, rischief causjng joining or coruinuiDg in unlarvful asscmbly, every rr€nrber asscnrbly guilry of offence commilted.

L-,) >?

I 3

- ----t \) Scctions I53 195, 296.505 & 505 (l) ol l.P.C. r,rv 125 oi the Rcpresenlalion ol'the People -Acrs, 1951. lr is allegcd thar w.rntonl]- give protocarion rvith interrt to cause riol, defiling place of worship with inient 10 insuk the religion ofany class, disrurbing rcligious asscmbly. Srarcnrents conducing to puhlic mischicf, statements crearing ot protnoting elmiry, hatred or ill-rvill between classes and Prornoting em,ity belu.een clesses il connectior) with elcclions.

1i) Sccrion l7l GJ of I.P.C. h is alleged rhat lhe accused has conurj(cd the offence which is rvithin the purview ofundue influence ar Electj(nls.

(c) Nanrc ol' the i) Ld. r\r.[1 ] Coun at Borivali, Mrlmbai Coun, Case Coun Casc No. 11005.16/PS/2009 a d rhe coun has taken coglizallcs on No. and date r4.05.1009 of ordcr iD Ld t\t.Nl. l7'r'( ourl ar Borilali, Mu bai trking Coun Case No.2039/PW2009 and the court has raken cogni2lrce or cognizarce: 2i.09.2009 iii) Ld. Addl. Chiei It{.M. 5 'Coun ar Dadar, Munrbai. Court Case No. :30./lrs/201 0 afld the court has taken cognizance on 10.0t.2009. iv) Ld. IU.M. l?'r'( ourl ar Borivali, Mumbai Coun Case No. -134/PS/2010 and the courr has raken coanizance on 08.02.2010. r) l.d. Judicial lvlagisrrate (Firsr Class), Bhandara Coun, Regular Crimiial Case No. lSl/2010 and the court has taken cognizancs on 13.12.2010 , vi) I-d. trl M. 67'h Couri ar Borilali. Mumbai Court Casc No. 39/PSil4 and thc Courr has taken cognizance or t 6.ot.2014. d) Couns whiclr i) Charge is not yet framed liarn(jd ii) Charge is not yet franed charges iii) Charge is oot yer framed i\) C harge is not yer ftamed v) Charge is not y€t tiamcd v) Plea has nLrl yct bcen recorded

(c) Datcs cn i) Not Applicablc rvhich rhe ii) Not Applicable chargeJ rvcre iii) Not Applicable tiamed iv) r.\ot Applicable r) Not Applicable vi) \Uol .Applicable

f) Whcther all No Proceeding has bcen srayed by the Couns ofComperenr Jurisdicrion ()r anv of lhe prr.:cccdings have bcen = slaycd by an) I Courts ('l' Conrpctent .( -.-l ? Jurisdiction ./l 7 4

'l'he ii) lbllown)t cascs are p€nding againsl ntc in \rhich cognizance has bectr lakeD by the c(,un (orher thao the cascs nrenlioncd in ite r (i) abovc:

(a) Narne trf thc Coun. i) Ld. Joint Civil Judge & J.lvl.F.C., I'' Coun, ar Ulhasnagar. Case No. and dalc of Thane, oder taking cognizarlca Court Casc No. 750i 1996 Cognizcnce has bcen taken on 17.03.1996. ii) Ld. [{erropolilan }vlagislrale s 26'h Coun at BonvaL. l\lumbai Coun Cate No. 7,'SS/2004 Cognizance has been taken on 01.01.2004 iii) Ld.lvl.M. al Paliala House Court. Ne$ Dclhi. Coun Case No. I /l/ l3

Co8nizance has b€en taken by Coun on I 1.03.201 3 (1, ) The dctails of cases i) Ld. Joinr Civil Judgc & J.M.F.C., I Coun, at Ulhasuagar, \,hcre the (oun 'l hanc. ,)6'r' has lakcD cognizance. ii) Ld. !l l!1. coun ar Bonvali u,s. 3:1, i04. 506, il oi scclions oi lhc Acts and I,P,C, descriptiol ol lhc iii) Ld. M.M. at Palixla Housc Coun, Nerv Dclhi. Sccrions -199. oftenccs lbr rvhich 509 ol l.l'.C. rhe privarc conldaint of defhnlation filed by Mrs. cognizancc has becn SuritiZubin lrani. taken. (c) Details of No appenLapplicatioos for rcvision has filed againsr the above -.\ppealslAppUc!riors ordcrs. lb! revisior (if any) filed agairrJr rhc abole I orders. t

(6) I halc not bccn co victcd in any offcnce {other than any offcnce (s) rcfcrred to in sub - seclioD (l) or Sub - sccrion (2), or co!,cred iD sub - seclion (3), ofscctiofl 8 ofthe Rcpresenta(ion PcoPle ( of the Acr, l95l 43 of l95l) ) and scnlcnced to imprisonnrcnt for one 5rcar or more.

ll thc dcpooent is con\ icred and punishcd as aforesaid, he shall fumish the following information:

In lhc lbllo\r,ing case. I hare becn convict.d and sentenc.d lo inlprisonnrcnt by a coun of la!v. \.O1' ,TPPLICABLE AS 1IIE DEPONEN-T IIAS NO-T BEEN CONVICTED IN ANY Of 'I}IE OFFE\CES LODC;ED AG.{INST HlM SO FAR,

(L') t he lqail\^ oi cnses, SectioD(s) ot the concinred .-.NOT .AI'PLICABI-E.. Act (J) and dcscriplion of the offcnce (s) for \ 1licn couvicted

(h) Narne of tlic Coun (s), Case No. and Darels), of ,..NOT APPLICABLE.- Ordc(s)

(c) Punlshment in)posed ..-NOT APPLTCAELE-.

(d) Wherhcr any cppeal uas / has bccn liled cg3ln5l ...NOT APPI,ICABLE.. thc convjclion order. Ifso, details and thc presenl slarul oflhe appeali )l ). (7) Thrt I givc hc,rein rhe .lctails of rhc assers (movnble and inlmovable etc.) of nryself, nry I spouse aDd all depoldcnts: j

( o ./,'; t 7 +

I G'r,. 'i:. :.ir'5 5

{. f}ct:rilr of nror able r\icrl : A\ on ttS.ltl.l0l{

Sr. SpouJc Sml Dependenr Dcpendenl De$cr:pliol No Ceeta daughter mothcr Self Nirupanr Ms. Smt. Prenr (Rs.) (Rs.) Shivani Devi NirupaDl (Rs.) (Rs.) (i) Cash in hand 2,06,952- 1,15,238/- 1t,322i- 8,21,13&- (ii) Detail; of deposit in Bank itccounts (FDIls, l erm Deposits and all other llpes of deposits As Mc lioncd includirg saring accoults), Hercin Below Menlioncd l\rcntioned Mentioncd Dcposits rvith FiDancial Hcrcin Hcrcin Herein lnstrrurt)ns, Notr Banking Belorv Belol' Belol Firalcial Conlpanjes and Co- operxli!e sociclics arld lhe amouttt in each such deposil

SBI t'rrrhamcrt A c 26.65-t79/- Nit Nrl Nit (A c No.- l00ll8 r469 t) PNts SB Nil r0.995/- Nil NIL (A'c No I l67ll) Bank A c Nil 1,40,165/- 35.031i- Nil (.d'c No.- (A,/c No.- r 5910000213 015914600 t8) 00845) Fixed Deposir 4,46,111i- 25.962/- Nil Bank oIBiuoda ,A,/c Nil 2,100i- Nil NIL r(.dc No. 6.18J)

1\XIS TIANK ,\ C NIL t,54,435/- r 2.002 4,009 (A c No. (,avC NO (A'C r...O. 4t50r0r000t t9628) 565102010 7651 00tEol) Union llank Ol'hrdia Arc 9r,795/- 25,961! Nrl Nil (&c No (A c No. 5653020r 000r 56530201000 21t) 1450) (iii) Dc(ails of iDvestlncnt ill Bonds, As lv{eDtioned debertures'sharcs aDd units in llereir Below lvlcntiotred Mcntioned Nlentroncd conrpanicnMutual lirnds and othcr I He rcin Herein Herein arrd thc anrount Below Below Belorv

I'rabodhan Co-op. So.. r 0,000i - Nil NiI HI:CI- 1,00,000/- Nil Nit Ni 1CS 22,100/- Nil Nit Ni Nlutual Fund (SIP) Nil Nrl Nil # Equity share caprtal- Pioneer Nil 50,000/- NiI Nil c Realrech I ,L Sharcs Capital i:r SC Dcvelopers 50,000i- N'il Nit ^-il P11. Ltd '(Director) S.C. Universrl Dclclopers (Workirrg Nil Panncr :09; (1600,-) $ Cort. savings 22,400i - Nil Nir A., I I

I 6

t(j Details of irlveslnlcrl in NSS. As MentloDcd Posral Saving, Insurancc policics Hercir Belo\r' It{cntioned lvlentioned IUcnliorrd and invcstnrenl in any Ftnancial Herein Hercin Herein insrumenrs in Post o{ficc or Bclow Belos Below Inliurancc company alJ drc allrourtt

PPF Invesrrncnt NiI 2,_14,201/- Nrl lDteresr Accrued (Appx.) 58.435.- \it --l ^'il ICICI l)ru lile rnsurancc NrI r-il 50,000,- NiI Starrdard chanerid irrr,.stmcut Nil 50,000/. 7Nit NiI -.1 (Lrc) 'I rtan Lldustries Nil 15,000,- Nil Nit j \,) Persorral loanVadvancc giveo to Nit Nit NiI Nil alv pcrson or entity inlluding I linn, company, Trust cta., and o(Ler rcrcit'lbles fronr dcbl )rs and the Jmounl (\'i) lrft,ror As MentioDed Vchicles/Anicrafi Vlachrs/ships Hcrcin Belos Mentioncd Mentioncd I\{entioncd (Dorails ol Make, registarion Herein Herein Herein nurnber ctc. )car of purchasc and Bclorv Belo\,r' Belos' anrounl) lvr(.tor Vehiclc Hyundai-i20 sx4 Nil Nrl (2000 makc) Maruti (2007 makc) Book Value Rs. 5.77 lacs Rs.2.67Lacs \.,i1 \:, (r ii) Jcu cllery, bullion and valuable As Mcntioned thiflg(s) (gile details ofweighr and Hcrein Belorv Mentioncd Mentioncd lvlentioned value) Herein Herein Hcrcin L_-_____ Belorv Belorv Belorv lGoid 26) gms 685 gms NIL l?5 gms

rl lukl \illue 7,S6.000 20,55,000 Nil I t,2i.00 0

( Yiii) Anv other asscls such as valuc ttf As Me lioned claiols/inlcrcsl Hercin Below Mentioncd Mcnti()ncd llc'ntioncti Hercin Herein Herein Bclorv Below Bclol' Rrceivable froD) Pioneer Realtech n_rl I1,49,870/- Nrl Nil [.orns ord advances Nil I t,11 ,5'10/. 87,000/- I t2..13,s00 - Or h.r ,eccivrbles I,06,287/- Nil r*il Nil

x) Cross l otal Value 53.93 ,'7 30t . 59,04,264/- 31,93,647,-

B. Uftril5 of lmmovrbte Assets : As on 05.03.2014

Sr. No. Spouse Smt Dependenr Depcndent t)escription Gecta daughter Ms. mother Smt Self Nirupanr Shivani Prcnl Devi (Rs.) (Rs.) Nirup.rm (Rs.) (Rs.) (i) Asdrcl&Ill-hld N NiI N I Nil ii.:fr [.ocarioD(s) Sun(y nuDher(s) I (Total '',.,.,., fu-ea N Ni1 \ I I Nil 'l!.-' rclrcnl rn tao. N-a '', I 7

whcthcr inherited Nil Nil Nil NiL propcn) (Yes or No) in Nrl Nil t'-i I Nit Date ofpurchase i I aasc ofse'if acquired Nil C osl of Land (in Nil NiI A-il ;asc oIPurchase) 3t thc timc of purchasc Any Invcsmenl olr Nil Nil Nil Nil lhe land by t\ay of developnrent, ..oIrstnrqlo11 etc, Approxinrate Not Not Not Not aurrent matket Applicablc Applicable Appli.able Applicable valu,: Nil Nil s-il . ( ii) \g!:l\gdc-slt urol Nil Lind t.oc{rtion(s) lSurvey Dunrber(s) I .tea (Totxl Nil Nil n-il Nil mcasurenlelll rr rq.li.) I Wheiher Inhcrited N1l Nil : Nil Nil Propeny (Yss or I No) Date ofpurchase in NiI NiI i ttit Nil aasc ofsclt' ; \..il Nil C ost of L nd (in Nit NiI iase of purchasc) rt lhe lirlle of gUrChaSe fury invcrlmenl on Nil Nil Nil Nit : dre land l)y way oi developnrcnt. iorrslructioo etc Approxinlato Nor Not Not Not :urrenl r\rrkel r\pplicable Applicablc Applicahlc Applicable ralue (ii, Comnercial NiI Nil Nil Nil I Buildirgs (i11c Jpaninenls) Location(s) Suney number(s) r*il A.rea (Total \il Nil Nil lleasurenrenl i iq. ti.) {v Built'up area (Tol:rl Nrl Nil Nil r"vil /co jq.t.) Whether ldlcrited \il Nil Nil Nil 0F 1' ?roperty (Ycs or n I \o) iF 1i l flv

v" 1!

I 8

D*e of punu llr Nil Nil Nil Nit case olsell' ucquired pr openy C. Nil Nil r (irt-rrot'fri,tnl--r;- casc of pLrchase) at lhe lirnc ofpurchase A:ly in!€strcnt on Nil Nrl Nil N'il lhe propcn!' bl- lvlv or' development, coustrucliorr elc A2proximate r-tol Nor Not Nor cLrr€nt nrarkcl Applrcablc .{pplicable Applicable Applicablc \'.lue (iv) &cil.ds inl B rildllg! (ircluding ilFnnment)- L,ratioo(s) Srlr!ey humbcr(s) House/Apanments- Nil N il Residontial Housc 1,,)crtiorl T-36. Bcvcrly 'I-36. Beverly Hills. 24n' Hills, 21td Floor, Floor, Shashtri Shashrri Nagar, ),Jagar, Ardhcri(1v), -4ndhcri(w), Iuumbai Mumbai -.{00 400 053. 053. FIlrr Nos. 2403 04 2303/0.t Ar.a (Total As nrcDtioned As nrcntioncd Ntl Nil n)eiisuremcnt in herei0 belorv hcrein beloN sq.h.) Buih-up Area I295 sq. h 1295 sq. fi n"il \rl (linal casurcmcut in sq.i.) \\'llether inhcrircd No Nil Nil properly (Yes or No) Date rrfpurclursc in 02.01).2005 02.09.2005 Nil Nil cilsc o[ self acquired Cosr propeny 41,35.110,- {1,35,1l0i- Nil t\-il (in casJ of purch sc) al the

ofpurchasc I

K,).7 ard b) way ol' development, .,t)r' c(nslruction etc. (lirmirurcs and 6,5 ,1681- r.9t,41f,- Nil N l'ixlurcs) $ r.i56 ;at1S .A :i..!Jl'- ) \r/A z + I 9

-,\pproxinlrlc Apprx. {pprx. Nit Nil cLITenl rarkel 2.1:,s7p00/- 2, l],87,000/- value As per ready As per ready reck<,ner rcckoncr (, Others (such as Nit Nil Nit n-il intcrcst in propeny) ('i) T,)lal of currenl Apprx. Apprx. s-il Nil rurarket value ol'(i) 2,19,t8,768r- .t,1.1,80,412,,- lo (\) abo!0

(ti) I givc htrc'in belo$ thc derail\ of liabiliries ; dues ro public rinancial insritulronr and uoUcmmcnl:- '- ts. N,'-T---- Spouse S:nt. Depcndcnr I I Dc;criprion tt Ceela daughter Ils. nrolhrr SDrl. rt Seli Nirupam Shiva i Prem Devi (Rs ) (Rs.) Nirupam (Rs.) (Rs.) (i) Lorn or dues to 6,1Ii.000/- 5,09,000/- Nrl Nil Bar

or duas to anv Prcrn f)evi B Dilip Nrl NiI olhcr Ninrpanr - Deshpande - Rs. Rs.1,00.000/- olhea tlun nlenlioncd 1.38,500;- Dipesh Sa4ia!,. Nirupam Na,ne(s), Amount r_inrpam Rs.1,00.000/- outil3nding, Nature of HUF - Rs. Prem Dcvi B Loiu t57.70U- Nirupam (;ccra Rs. 4,00,000^ Ninrpam - Mr. Ugmsen Rs. Singh - Rs. 3,1t.742i-, t0,000/- Shobhana Shobhaua Vairlya Vaidya Rs.1.47,05S/- Rs.18,000/- Ornkar Pranharn Soc. - Rs. t0,00,0001- 1'lrs. Pramila FI Gupta b..,f Rs.50,000.'' ' -/,.. 'v Alr'r olhcr li3billly Nil 17.000/- NiI Nil Grand lotul of 11.61.000,- 22.56,000/- Nrl Nrl liabilitics

( ii) Govcmnrcnt dues : Nil Nil Nil Nit Ducs to dcpurtlrcnls dealing wrth $ goreffuDenl acoornmodation

I 10 :

Dues to depaflnrent tr*r I \il dcaling with sr.rpply of

Ducs to dcplnment Nit Nil dealirrg with supply of clcctricit_\ Dues lo depanmcnt Nit \ll Nit Nit dc lin-q rvith supply of

Ducs to dcptnnlenl Nil Nit \il Nit dealiig Nith govr,'nnrent lranspon (including aircrafts and helicopters) Ltcottte trx dues Nrl Nii Nil Nit

\Vcrllh tax ducs Nil Nil Nit Nil Scrricc tax ducs Nil Nil Nil ; Nir t\luncipaI Propeny n"il Nil Nrl Nil l ax dues Salcs lax dues Nol Nil Nil Nil applicable fury rnher ducs Nit Nil Nir I Nit ( iii) Grand total of all Nil Nil Nil lNit Covcrnnrco! ducs (iv.1 Whclhc. an)' othcr l\_,] \il Nrl Nil liabil lies are il dispurc. il so, Delllion rhc anrounl invoh.ed cnd the cuthorirv'l bet'or-, s hich rr is I

Pe Jr[g I

(9) Details prof'ession or occupation:

(r,) Sul[ | Socral Worker

(b) liprusc : Business

( l0) \ly cducationalqr-raliticarion is as undcr:

\ anrc of thc Course Year of conrplctioD ] school/l- niversitr'

A.N. Collcge. Palna, M.8adh Bachelor ofArts l9sd Lnir'crri,1'.



.: +

I 11

PA.RT - I}


l. Nanlc ofthe Candidare s IJKISHOR[-AL NIRUPANf i l'ull postal addrcss 2{03/04, Bldg. No. Ueverly Hills, Floor. Beverly JJills-Royat EDrpirc CHS Lrd_. Shastri Nagar. Andheri (W). Nlumbai- {00 051 l and Nanre the constiluencv 26-Mumbai North Loksabha Constituclcv, and State Maharashtra l Nanre ofthe Politic.al l)any whjch set up Indian National Congress the candidate. ) (i) Tolal NuNber of pending cases There are 5 cases pcnding on lhc filr of a$rU= \yhere charges have bcen framed by the concenred couns and in I case the punishDlcnt Court lor ol'fcnce pu ishable with provides one year or fllre or both. \:vVl, \ inrprisotunent for two yeais or Dlorc. Charges have not yet been fi?nted. CT I J3]A il (ii) Total numbcr ol pending cases There are 4 cases pcoding in which thc coLtfl has F(l.ir: , !! . I'lc, rvhere lhe court (s) havc taken lake cognizance. ! i. aa cognizxnce (orher than thc cases rlentioned in item (i) above) 6 Total Numbcr ol lascs which Q=@ in In no case the Candidare /accused has been conviclcd and se tenced to coovicted so far. in)prisonment for one vear ot morc i lexcepr tbr otiences relbrrcd to in sub - scction (l), (2). or (3) of secriorr 3 of Repescntarion ofthc I'coplc Acr, l95ll

1 PAN Nos Year lbr which Total income shown in the last lncomc Incomc Tax rclunr lin 'l ax retum has Rupccs) j been tiled Sar)jay Nirrpanl ACCPN3794J 01.04.2012 Rs.9,38,282.00 (CaDdidate) iJl.o3.2ol3 Mrs. Gecla NirupalD ACBPNTI I2P 0t.04.2012 Rs. I3,97.661.00 (wifr) 31.03.2011 Sanjay Nirupanr IILIF ; AAGHS4352H loi.o&o, Rs.2.81,773.00 \,ls Shivanr Nirupanl 31.03.2013 (Unmarried daughter) / Nil i N,lrs. Prem De|i B AJSPN0TIlQ 01.01.1012 Rs. !.,{6,780.00 Nirupam 31.03.2013 i (lrtt )rher)

E Deiails of Assets and Liabilities a\ 0n in Rupees

Dcscription Sell Spouse Mrs Dependent Depcndcnt Sanjay Geeta daughtcr Nftrthcr Nirupajn NirupaDl Nls Smr. Prem shivaui Der i NiIupam lvloveable Assets (Tolal 53,93,730,'- 59.04,261t- 3t.93,647/- Value) _n4 B Imnlovable Asset 47,86,878r- Nit Nit ,q 'i I Purchase Price of self 4l,35,1 l0/- 4t.35,1 l0/- Nil (d acquired hnmovable Y plopcrty

:, i' r 1:

ll. Dcr elopmenl/'construction () 6,51,763i 1 4 2 N N cosr of Lrhovable propcrl\. alier purchase / , (Fumirurcs and Fixlores ;ii.'l Approxilnale ('urrenl I tuarLct price crf- l:r ) Self-acquir(d :, r2,87,000/- 2.t2,87,000,- N Nit assels (1oral As per rcdy As per redy Value) reckoner reckonet (b) l herited asscls Nil Nil Nil Nit (.1-oral Valur) l9 Liabiliries CorcnnnE t ducs (l olal) Nil Nil Nil \il lii. Loaus froo 8ank, 15,3?,000i- 29.07,000'- Nil Nit t, Financial InsrirutioDt and lr orhcrs (Total) ,o Liabiliries rhat are I uoder Nil Nil Nir N dispule it Goldrnnrcnl dues (Total) l-t Nil Nil Nil N it Loa))s from llank. N Nrl N i Financial tnsliturions aod il (Toral)

I L Higlrc'st educational qualiticatiori Nanrc of lhe Course Ycar ofconrpletion sc hool 'Univcrsil).

,.\.N. Collcge, Palna, Bachelor ot Arls I9S1 Magadh Univcrsiry.


I, SANJ,\Y BRIJKTSHORLAL NlRUpAfl, rhe deponenr above nanrerl, do hereby reritl, and declarc that tlle contents of this Affidavit are tnre and corrcct lo lhe bcst of my knorv)cdge and belief and no pan of rr, is falsc and nothing nraterial has bcen conc.aled rhereliom.

I t'unher declare rh.l '[hcre (a) is uo case oi cor\ (ctioo or pending case against $e othet thalr rhose nrentiol.lcd in ircnrs 5 nnd 6 ofpan .A a[d B abo\ci : -,-.,o.\'-:',1 a (b) I, my sp()ure, or tny d€pcndents dd nol have assel or liability. othcr than rhosc mentioned .), - io itenrs i and 8 of itcms 8. 9 aDd I0 ofPall B abovc- . i": : C I l1 () Verified rt llJunrbai oo this I'r day of eprir, |c..4"- /"' F R E qt La Ll -' a. ! S1$ il ?'014 EPONEN'T GR=GC) I u.t. r.i';ouzA n !- i: AD\ri'ia j'j KEittait fi ril ' l-il Sirij:) ir 1: ' ,s I APR )O W. I ttDt.^, ' -' |', ',.' r . I o t: t.'uS r Fls.



c I 0t9 t .\ ?r t t ai t e ffi a'>


l.i'rm 26 (S.c rulc A)

! Al:l:[).\vl I ()l i ()lt l l l (' l l()\ I o l ()i\s^lli l \ I :r(rRl: I ill l.il I l :li\l\(i l l( l lt l\(\ . 'l - Nlllllll \l \()ltlll\\l:Sl(()NSlllt ! hITTA Agcd 51 l. SAN.IAY \lltl ll'.'\M trrtr ol \hri. ltl{lJKlSllt)Rl ' Iltll:' l}uildlllg Nt' l:i6' )car:i. rrsi(lcnt ol l'ltll'{}'1. llcrcrlr {)5J':r c ndidntc Shasrri Nugar'. Andhcri (Wtst). Muorbiri '100 lnd stalc ()n (,uth *ffiffi..*I ar thc lhove cleclion. dl' hcrchlDsolcrlllll! nl'linrr Og-g,:.

* \ \ 4 -t t :t t-{" .s-s n! * hle l: &, wC./t/ 2, -

{l il ,r.:r .. ..!rj(l,.i.rL, ,.l :rlr l\ ll(lr,r, '\.rtr,,l.tl ( i,ll9r..rr I 4 * {}} 11-i rr:iurr,: s trtrtlled l|r l('-l \r|riol.:r {ssttnl\l}

i !rrstll!!.c,r. Mrltltbtri, Mrhlruitrm at Srrinl Nat. .l{!l an l)|n Ni,. lirr. -r t

(-!),\.1) .nn!x( lilrirlrrnlc nrorbuq it ire 98?l:4-1660 ,Ull lh-r I l46lt anri rrt] c-.niril irt i: it!$!!]!i.rtil!tll)t.r gjt tl.lonl .ln.i ntr i.r(ia, tttedi.ri ACila)lll1ll5i llrc

,n Ii! r\ \! \\-jj!!liin.r ii r t l)il1i r ( r

{iiJ I lccl}r,r)k- rloitl ninlPiltl

( iir r I !\'rlt.r-til[]ialnirul.rrn

il) Details of Pcrotloettl ,\(co!nt \utrtb(r {l'.\N},nd ![trtut uf fiiiltg !l lnconre ln\ retIrn: '-Tir -- - 5i. |f. ." Thr lnanc-iair,l,,taiioror," -' \o. lr!a for shor+n itt Incontc Trr l I htrich lht RclurD(in RUP(tr I for I l inx t,r.t trrtrrtnc- ltlt hst lisc I ncirl I (:ll ilrt\ ltt uru has \'clrs rorrr Dlettd on .l I lrtlrr iiletl r(h I

j:r,l.r I s 9.j:..1:1) Scl I ic(. t,N :0lr I rl iti-7.1 FiANJ Y lr.rrt,t'olt [n':: 1 I I :0li - 16 I l.ltl,.i I :oi,i- r"r tir: it'.lti. t r: :lrlll l; i''l L\'{r'810 I -1 (rl Il 8: rrii :, Spttu't trt,N: r tll, :ttt:-tx i il-t: fA . rii ll).61 Jli I r'l tro 1a,tl RT,]PAM l0l:- lrlt' - l.1.lrt.g6ii


$ I :i.:l: i'lol -'- lx i I ll I . lt I :rlrr!lil rt'i \ \( 'i '\l-l:ll ...'r ,l(.t1 i ..i, r!l t, bi,t: I u ]ltr-t: rr

l II -116 \f 211 I l- Ili -l l).'Pcnrhnt I \ $ \l0l)()l l.r,(! lr-l I t t'- s I ll\'' ).ll It.t t: l n,'a, r'.ant '|]015-16 I rlrt 1.., \ 1l)l!ght.rl :(l I.l- I r l'' '-- -i.r': i;- r'' t

r0 I i'l rdli '" '-JusrN{rtJ 18 li il.p.na",,t: tQ :017- ..!!1.16) PRir\.tL)r-vl :{}t{i- ll ( iil

l. t l.$-- | \i!ttl?'\\1 El t- ri I iii , i

I tl.;thcr r rln l0l"l-1i Ir ir t :.:t I ::( :rt t:- r.t l.:ri.l {t) x[i ri'Yt tt.ritt t l){:fcridalll i \il il Irlr',tpt't tlitrr i I I ii N(tl '\l'Pl l( .\!\l I ,it rl xot Al'l'l l( \lll I t i, i1-\, ! \l'l'l l( \lrl i ,-', ' L L

(5) I'cilditrg crimiDal 'Ni'r Crilrinll t:ts( lrg{in'l rc'lTiIL rhl! l:) I {letl{rt thnt rltrt is oo lrc[ding rgrinst tltr ('nn{i(lxl! tlll(rnirli\( it tht'r( is no (rilllir:rl tare ptndirl itlirt (iil l)tto$ | xr(l ivrit. \0'f \PPLI( {RL}: irgnio\l alltr OR pen(ling irg:rinst rrrc: (iil 'l he foll"$'itrg cuscs lre 'rioritrll . * TA Er

i, qa 's' , t't *

-l ablc

I trt \o.*rtIrr.rrrrr l lJl \, lit:!r!,, i\ .t.,tr, iL.\ \. ll,1;;,1_ rfirl :rrklrrrs rrf k,irljrr rL r\t r folic* Srar inn \1r,ithl,i "Jrdlit6- crrIct,rnctl I

t ir ll{ Nr). l}(tl::{U9 Karrrlirrrlr l,,,tic r\r i.(l

I Str(ion, |\.rrt,r:r ali I \\ r., l\l0trrhrr,-llrl rltt-

rr) l_.A,(. \o t,or { r,l.rlrir \ilIlnhri ()l :{ilti jStatrrxr

I 1.,?r.C. N,ri uluhr Prli uc! i {!li'.. \,lr i i'j j I nl t{, l8 Smtitrr. lvlurnhai


I hr I A(' \i'.t\.li,J Nl:tidau.\z:u1 \1.rrJirtr. I'i:rlt;t- I it i lillb l'.,1i!rS1:rli,)r). lulii,.r \1.!t!. lrijr 0l i t\ lLrrb; I I l il I '{( N,.r.tltut eo l\rli. r Irrlrlc,r. \ltrrttlr;r

Li,:i -i :at la :

l.ii, l:llt \o.6 Itolii( \anlircrL,z- lr'lorrrbai Statirn. \lutnl-' iri I l'r,l lrLl t \\ \lr:urhui r, iiil I .l.l{. NufVultril i(d\'trl I I ,1 i6.ll, I : Itrtro'r. I

t) ]i 5

t, \l:r \:.r,,i.rrr !1 rlr - lli r 1..^-(i \lr t,,:,J il.r:r.\z.r.l l.l I :(ilL llr|.t \1.:ilrnr.f,,rl;I1 \'lllirrirrrr \lrr111!';11

I \) l:ll{ Nn I l{rll ,] rnl,,ilJi. Nlilnrlr"ri

t,- '\ ttt, 'i $ irhlrJ l;0rJi1(r P\ lLrt',, i.,rr, t " \alrt of lhc .\l.r::i.trrL: . :-'l 1,trrrl rt tlL'r it rlr.



-1_ -i lJ l)\\'I :0:(r \ltlr, r|olrtirrr lii) ' I Al.rlr>lr-.itl] ' I ,,llr'! t .( ll 'rir rlr-

i L\ltrrrrl,ri :

t,,, ) ||6:l'\ lr) l, :'lr-

i\ l llJr'l'S':Il1() lle1r,,t,,,lit:rrt ',: i!fu{irrrirrr-. li' I I ,'rrrt r,t S..r rr \lrrrrrb]i

\ I -]J I l'S :l)l ' N.l ! tr(1l)n i ilx,r hl;tr i.trutr's t lr': (nur :lti l\llrxjxrlc.

itl rrrr rhlr \r".ll l,\ , 1,. xl r'.. '-

\ ii) i3: l -< \.1.1rr,l',,tirnrl "S.20l - 'l '\l.r--,.trirl( (,,rrt nt lliut.ltrl ii \1ur rrn.ri viii) ()lli,rcc L srill \or 4pptrc.rl,tr, ''-! inrrsrigarirrll fndsr bnd Chaqe Shccr i. not vr{ lilcd.

I ix) lhe .ccu5cd lt{s \('l ,\11|li.jnblr i1- bccn inrirrlrt


irI l99q PS :0 t.l i f\,1l:''rrttf,'lilin lr"rrr I N'11{islriltc ! ,"xrn at lllrir ali.l \lIrrb.rl.

I xil CC No.[.d ,\( i\.'lNl. l9l 80:llr l6 il'rrlrIl.t llr,tt.t.

i\(!\ l)rllii i ti I

/.t, I

rl ,,lr Secti0n ist lsli I tolrccnla(l rl\ ( Ixl( \ (rl (gi\c no. ol th( stction. e'g' rri \"!lr"rr t 'r: I l- s((!i,'n.. .. .u[ '1l i"r 1]- ll'(. ctc.l. l.l9 ol I I' C.

Mohirrr\hlft l\'liic

.\r.r. l,/: I

i|t I r(l ). iri l\,lir,c \ci. loil.

lllrx-li.il( ll(cl 'L l_ri Nuutl'lti i(c A(1. lq: l.

r, il l?(i ). li: I\4'.horsshtrir l','iicrt

Acr- I9r I

rii)ltl.q I l'(. ' r'-

.]_],t I l

\'. . I l\)hcr

Act. l9S I

l iiir trl t.t'i i-ll :l I1 iP( r''r ll llt. i) ,'l

f\4ahlr ir J rtr'.r Poirtr

.\ct. l()i I

:'l' " '

"'f 3

r\: i. i.tr. ll. ,j

\1:rll;rIa:,irrr,r li ,,r( .. Aiil, lil) L ir / \ I .l::.:r.l,I i!t il,( \i) .t99.509 .,I'll,r

nl) Ilricf ription i1 lt i. rtlcrz

s()b(rli(tJ!. t(t "r(l(I l-\ l)r (lrI rr lSiitc(l l)

pLrblic t*rr urrt. rrr lunhcrurc ,'l

rrltCr rl i.ir I lltirt riirll\ir! rr:\

Iic(nsin!. i Irt rrrrlrr tLr pr,:rcil I

I l

r(iirllnt' llal

ur the trrltl\. ii)lt is ilil("rrd rharl



i(tlllinuill-q A I

"n,lli(.d ,;r, l1 r\ rllcr(rr !iir .1.:

h r.; (,,lltllt1ll(d

)t ! lra ,l:

I .r-' ',)

rt )1. I

ItI,,eLs)t(rrr il,r(J I lrirl hinrr.ll li:rl.k : lr r^-l lt\ .,t' r,l ::lL dirretrr,rr: '-llurnr


durinrl g(r\eflntl(llt. , ir ) lt is rllrgtti 'l

i I

I th( .lrll(r1r(rl

i t,)d lfura

lrrrtrscll' liahlc prnrlr\ t,,r ,,1 rrrlr ril."',tiolrs t'r + Il:rehrrri. < lh! puhlic agitrtiulr ilgairisl 4 ') li ry" 'a\\ l-:- - I .ll . ':l a


i i l- 1afilttlal,t 1 I r\ r l: r\ illlc:!,i r:litr ':.1. {lrc Jrcu\!(l ltrr. ri,,lutd I r;r. rjr' rlirirtion t,,r ftll.li(,

rr..litati{|l trr ;tr.rrri. rlrc

rrltfrcst 1)l :ill])\

lt ..

iliJ rltctdr) nl :..'l

thc nln)\r .r,,1 {C1a(,n\, !ll lt is ullrgrd thll lcltl}tid hu; co.xrittul : Y!oiirrlo.t of thc notilliini,n! ir\ l-lsPecl ol .t!i!'rrhl\ irnd i jf rr:u"-s:ion and tirat irtlrlc himrcll lr,rhlc li,r |errill) 1\!r ((nlllil!ullitnl ('l 11lr

rrr rlirr'ctiurr. liit lr is alt!.cd lhrt tir( rrcctl\ctl hxs Ilr.rJr lrirrNrll lnti)l! l1


ll)( ia ? ilrJ(nthl\. \\ r,rlri,.tl '. il.ltlllli Jlni \ ,,,],lrfri

lhr Ir)litjLiitt(!a i.,r' l frr.cr\ rl ir)t, ot'l\.tl'lr,

ir \ fteitfri th( i!i: tr {}iCilt. li^l Il i: irllegc{i tli]ll

J(all)!(i I:r > I ljrrrrllllrtttrl \ r,'l.rtr,rrr I

ai thc or)litlcui,,| r I i I!-\l)cil {!l it:!\! ,hl\ i I I ;rtvl

1 rd lLl i lPmccs\ior) lt.rde hinrseli li:rblr I llr'r I,( Jll\ l,,r

aonlra!{:r }lir)n (il rUic I

I .x) lr ii nll!'crd llr.di r.:, I l i lhc ,rt r.rreLj lr.r. lrla).ll rllalchrul h\ t I l I I lu.lU \tn! (j. nil:.ltj kr thI .Pt()l\:l1\. tltor.( thitn l I I I hrn{rullr,'l Rs St, - ,rnd lrl(llt,rlJll\ ,al

IL q


* + : ,I(rtJrd

{hilrg(\ har r lrq.n l'r:r,rcrl rr\(, I nl(tr rir,,r \ l_\ ,,r 'ii,\'l:\ \() ) r\'\'l( fi No NO.

\ irl \( ).

N(il Appl,'j rl'Jr I N() tN()

Yer \otict tl j.i

I tlt f r.P.(. hasl I I liaukd, I lfl lI a nrt (r a9!inrt {el xhrl ( ir \ ES. iii Nx Applicublr. theD gir r thc llt1r iii):0111r:01(, oo $,bi.h .hr.!lrs ili l0:0i 20te \ I N({ Allrli.'i}}lc ri) Nrn Anplicxhle. !iil N(n .lpfli'rirhl!

\.rii) \ot Ipplicibl( I r\l \(rt.\ff'lic.hl. I

I lo.ll.!iill I lrl 1 -it-irb {g} \\ hrih'ir rn)

for rer isiorr ltnr iiilNL) htt|l lih(l rg:iinlil i\]N() the rrro{'.:.llings \)N() \i!N() l tlcrrlion \,fS or No) f ii) \( l. riiil Not APPlicxblc irl N(). '.r: rlN() t, ... :3

* \'.,-- tt l, lrr- ;: lrrrr lllcrl rr lll., 'L iil,,rr'hle \upr.,,,.j

( (, Lt r-l ;rlltirrsl tllr t r,drr ol llorr'tla

.il:tit (.1,n J:rLtrii

1 1,, t: l )11 *_.}-_

16) (l{s(s rl (otr,ictior i) I dt'cl:rre tltxt I hrlc oot l)ron coni'icted lbr.tn! crinrin:rl o lfrrr r,. OR {at I hr\e lr(cn (rntvirl.{ frJr l}c olfcrrcxs n1111iq11j1l hcl rr. \().1 APt'Ltr..{ Bt. t..

I:rhle (r) ( irsc No. NI \II (lr) \lt tha ( rtt.t NI NTI \I. tc) Sections ol \[ \[ ii rr ,\ctsr(-0tl|]r iar!lrr.r!

(qar'r tro. rrI lhr S(.cti0D.

('.9. I I Secdon.-..,.. r,l. lpC. erc.f. I ((l) i lJri(f d(scriptiou ol. I \it 'ollence fot rr.hle} tar[! ittr(l (rl D*ter of ord.Fr {'{ NI' \t NII (0nr iction i {t) l'rrnirhnrent impor-cd \ . NII L (s) \\'h(t htr atrl .lp;x.al \ll. NIL T N . h:tr lrren ljlttt lgirinrr I convialioD

orrler { lUenlioo YES arj No)

. t, 11

lf lrr.rr rir_ to tt, .r,,or,, \,I \,, ''t' u"" u.'r",r* 11rt\t , \lJt|l\ r]r. ! of rrrpail i I (6{t I h.r\c !r\ra, ,,.r! IiFd.r( rrc:r,rirrs (.r;,,,;rr, ''ip rn,.\n,i,r,,,r',, :,,..: nr\ <:i"ri\r. ;: ll'i J[]lilir.U panl Piragralfiri rh'|rur.rll at].,rx ilJ (-ilirnJ (,,Jr "tkr t,rsc-, ol co,rr.ictiln i|! g,\.en r,i

f?, lhnr I lrrc ir..tin hclrru - thc tjc ,).\sdrl: !r) rh(.hs\.r\ (rr{,\ ,r_u," una ,ri.i.r*,,,];:t,r,,. ", br( uxl ilutrl:rtbic ert I o,

lftbri,s of I rr.lrnhtr ir\\cr(: \ol(: l, A.\Ctr ih i,rrrrt n.]|nc tdi(llt. lllg tht rlt givrln. '\t.'nl i,,iu.rrrrerJtrif *r.ll iils, hart r,, hc

Nr)lc: f. hl cirs(, r), dr,po\it II\ (.ttnc.Ir ot dr'posir. rn'rrr'irrr5 rx'..rr \u,,,hcr..i\,:i.r,L. ,r.,,( 'n",.n; ;,;:,; :;;l' t","'""''"' tlr''.ch ar.'r,'' hc " "'t'"" '"0 -ei.c,r. N(te: l.vnrnc rr,, Bru(,\sr! trc ,r._0,' nr pcr t\LJrxnlc ,lr( etrtrcnt tn:rrlcr rnlu! in ,*^o ,, ,,rno ..,rn;.];,"t""t* in \1,)(l fi a!)rJ lr |cr hn'l. irt shrluld bc gl\-en r';rsc rl rr.rt-ristctJ c.raprr:r..s

\utcj .1. .l.L.frcndL,rl lrcal\ pnrtl|t\. tt"t''' darr'thlcrl'l t'l ll!f ;rrt-r.rrlltrrt r.,n(liJi,.j (ir rl\,lr\! irkj lxrrorr rtlaLr,rj tr, thc .,rru \r hrlhcr !1" bl.r'J or mn..i tr... ri l;r, :itp,firrc ll,c:,lrs (,1 ire.r61g h.^ c n. 1u,i ,.,rr, ,,r,'1tt"t'""t"t't'tt (xndidilre rhe ri'r rheir rjrcrirr.r,rr Nolci 'n i. Dclirirs i,cruding arnrrurrt ,, ,t *""::', i'1r r ,)r'(,(h i.r csr,,,..'r Norr.,: 6 r )*air: sho,ra in.rr,i" ':rL!r ,r,. ,u,l.l.:i:rc\l ll1::':l: .'r {,\t,t.,l)hi| dl ,rllihorr,.ar-rr,rr Erplaualiol- F,r rhc pur;,ux or thi.r For.r, thr crprersior ,,offsrr,rc er.crr- intludcs, tlctnils of rrll deposils or iuYesl|!rarti i[ Foreigfl b{rlls rnd a ]. o(h..r horl\ or irstitu{ioll xl}rord. :rnd detlil.,i of rll ilslrtr sntl li{l):litiri in foreign (oltlltrio\.: lahlr st. Descriptiotr Scla Spotlsc lrt l.' Dtpr.otlerrt l)rpend c Dtpcrr (Rs.) {lls., ills.r -l nr- A& (Shivani) t Prcnt I g tltr.1 [-r I t) l:J
