Structural History of Pajarito Fault Zone in the Espanola Basin, Rio Grande
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Structuralhistory of Paiarito fault zone in the EspanolaBasin, Rio Grande rift, NewMexico byMatthew p. Gotombek,Department ofGeology and Geography, University ofMassachusetts, Amherst, MA, and Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX Introduction fill (Santa Fe Group) with the Precambrian down faults that cut the SantaFe Group at The central section of the Rio Grande rift rocks of the Sangrede Cristo uplift. The west- least20 km to the westof the easternmargin consists of three distinct, north-trending en ern margin of the Espaflola Basin is marked of the EspafiolaBasin. The westernedge of echelon basins that step to the right. These by a seriesof northeast-trending, down-to-the- the Velardegraben is definedby the Pajarito predominantly three basins are from south to north: the east faults. However, part of this fault zone is fault zone which exhibits Albuquerque-Belen, Espafiola, and San Luis covered by young volcanics, indicating inac- down-to-the-eastdisplacements. In the Jemez Basins. Individual basins are approximately tivity in the past few m.y. Mountains,this fault zonecuts a l.l-m.y.-old pro- 60 km wide, fault bounded, and asymmetric, Manley (1979) defined the central intrarift ash-flow tuff (Doell and others, 1968), with valley-fill sediments tilted oppositely in Velarde graben within the Espaflola Basin. ducing a prominent fault scarp (Golombek' each successive basin (Kelley, 1979). Sedi- Stratigraphic relations indicate that the 1981).The objectivesof this study are to de- ments within the Espafiola Basin are tilted to Velarde graben began forming in early Plio- fine the kinematics,timing, and tectonicsof the west. cenetime; detectableseismicity (Jiracek, 1974) the Pajarito fault zone by meansof detailed The border faults of the Espafiola Basin are and crustal subsidence (Reilinger and York, mappingand structuralanalysis, thereby pro- poorly exposed.Moreover, the easternedge of 1979) indicate that it is still active. Manley viding new insight into the evolutionof this the Espaflola Basin is not marked by a single (1979) mapped the eastern border of the portion of the Rio Granderift. Completedis- major fault (fig. l) but is defined by the both Velarde graben as a zone of prominent yet par- cussionof theseresults is reportedin Golom- depositional and faulted contact of the basin tially obscured north-trending, west-side- bek(1982). StratigraPhY Volcanic rocks of the Jemez Mountains havebeen combined into threegroups (Bailey and others, 1969; Smith and others, 1970; Griggs, 1964):the oldest Keres Group (age datesof 9.1-8.5m.y.; Dalrympleand others, 1967) found as highlands in the southern JemezMountains, the intermediate-age Polva- deraGroup (agedates of 7.4'3.7 m.y.; Dal- rymple and others, 1967)found as highlands in the northern JemezMountains, and the youngestTewa Group (age datesof 1.4-0.4 m.y.; Doell and others, 1968)erupted from centralcalderas in the JemezMountains and found within and flanking them as broad, gently dipping plateaus(fig. 2). Beneaththe volcanicrocks are the formationsof the Santa Fe Group (Galushaand Blick, l97l), a pre- dominantly Miocene,fossiliferous, sedimen- tary sequencethat accumulatedduring rifting. The SantaFe Group restsunconformably on the GalisteoFormation, which was deposited in prerift Eocenebasins (Stearns, 1943). General characteristics The Pajarito fault zoneextends in a north- northeastdirection along the eastflank of the JemezMountains (fig. l). Markedchanges oc- cur in both the stratigraphicsections of vol- canicrocks and the characterof the fault zone EXPLANATION along strike. These structural and strati- graphic changespermit subdivisionof the Quoternory lo Miocene T--l Lower Tertlory, Mesozoic, fault zone into segments(fig. 2). Theseseg- volconic rocks of I I ond Poleozoicrocks are,from north to south: Jemez Mounloins U ments 1) SeNra Clann sncvnNr-single large r:'i] Precombrion rocks fault scarp100-200 m high; fault cuts f-'r'l ouolernory to Pliocene intermediate-agePolvadera Group tholeiitic ond olkoli Ll rocks and derivedvolcaniclastic sedi- olivine bosolts -a.- ments; Conlocl 2) Gul,:E MoUNTAIN srclranNr-complex Pliocene lo Eocene zone of small faults with displace- .v Foult ( bor ond boll on downlhrown side) | | sedimentory rocks within eastand west; L-J the Espofrolo Bosin mentsdown both to the \._ intermediate-age River fault zone disrupts PolvaderaGrouP rocks and derived FIGURE l-GexeneuzED cEoI-ocrcrvrlp or EspeNoleBnsrx, Rro GnnNoERtFr, NEw MExtco(from Man- volcaniclasticsediments; ley, 1979,with modifications). New Mexico Ceology August1982 3) Palenrro PLATEAUsEclreNr-promi- (Manley, 1979),suggesting the entireVelarde mainedin about the sameplace during its ac- nent 100-m fault scarp in youngest grabenfloor rampsup. tive life, then the stratigraphicrecord at the Bandelier Tuff which underliesthe Becausetotal displacementacross the Paja- peripherywould showan abrupt changefrom gentlyeastward-sloping Pajarito Pla- rito fault zone has been from 200 to 600 m mostly igneousrocks to mostly volcaniclastic teau:and during its entirehistory (5 m.y. ago-present; sedimentsin a direction radially away from 4) Sr. PernR's DoME secvnNr-wedge- Manley, 1979),central depressions (indicated the volcaniccenter. This rapid facieschange shaped zone of two faults; Keres by gravity minima; Cordell, 1979)filled with betweenKeres and PolvaderaGroup volcanics Group rocks on upfaultedside adja- 2-2.5 km of low-densitysediments were prob- and volcaniclasticsediments appears to have centto 30-100-mfault scarp. ably formedby old faultsthat becameinactive controlledthe positionand trend of the Paja- by middleMiocene and are not presentlyvisi- rito fault zone. The fault zone bows and/or Displacements bleon thesurface. The relativecontribution of stepseastward where two largevolcanic com- Wherethe fault zonecuts the l.l-m.y.-old prerift and synrift sedimentsto this gravity plexesare presentin the St. Peter'sdome and BandelierTuff it has produceda prominent minima is unknown.However, in at leastone Guaje Mountain segments,but the zone is 50-100-m-highfault scarp(Golombek, l98l). placealong the Pajarito fault zone(St. Peter's found further west in betweenand at either Correlationof ash-flowbeds across the fault dome), prerift sedimentaryrocks probably end of the volcaniccomplexes. One complex indicatethat in most placesthe scarpheight is contributesignificantly to the anomaly(Gol- in the Guaje Mountain segmentwas suffi- equal to the stratigraphicdisplacement. Dis- ombek,1982). cientlymassive to interferewith the develop- placementsof rock units older than the Ban- ment of the Velarde graben, causing the delier Tuff were estimatedusing standard Controlson thelocation and trend of the grabento ramp up. techniquesthat utilizeknowledge of the strati- Pajaritofault zone Extensional Tectonics graphy.These estimates of the total displace- Abrupt facies changes between older vol- mentacross the fault during its 5-m.y.history canics and volcaniclastic sediments of the Mesoscopicfracture data were collectedat arebetween 200-600 m. Ratesof displacement Jemez Mountains appear to have controlled 30 stations,most of which are in the Tshirege for the time periods0-5, 0-1.1, and l.l-5 the local position, trend, and character of the Member of the BandelierTuff. Slickensides m.y. ago rangefrom .020to .136mm/year. Pajarito fault zone. Erosion during the active on mesoscopicfaults in the TshiregeMember The lack of significant east-side-downdis- life of a volcanic dome would result in the dep- are typicallywell developedwith very smooth placementsin the Guaje Mountain segment osition of volcaniclastic sedimentsin an apron and polishedsurfaces. Displacements were in- (fig. 2) implies that the west side of the around the dome. Thus, the periphery of a variably pure dip-slip and normal, indicating Velardegraben locally ramps up. An east-side- volcanic dome would be characterized by in- extensionapproximately perpendicular to the down fault is present(fig. l) along the east terfingering of volcanics and volcaniclastic strikeof the fault. Fig. 3 illustratesthe trace of side of the Velarde graben at this latitude sediments. If the periphery of a dome re- the Pajarito fault zone, the extensiondirec- tions for eachstation in the BandelierTuff, and compositeplots for each domain (area with similarly striking mesoscopicfaults and derivedextension directions). Every domain has an extensiondirection orientedapprox- tln BondelierTuf f ( Sonlo Cloro imatelyperpendicular to the local trend of the segment fault zone. Theseextension directions could (7.4-37m.y.) N PolvoderoGroup resultfrom reorientationof the regionaleast- westextension by the Pajarito fault zoneto a Volconiclosticsediments n (7.4-2.8n.y.1 direction perpendicularto the fault zone in eachsegment. In addition. most domainshave extension KeresGroup(9. t-8.5 m.y.) Guoje m directionsoriented approximately parallel to Mounloin I'F subparallelto the localtrend of the fault zone. Sonlo Fe Group segmenl E-JJ Theseextension directions could be becauseof stressrelease parallel to the intermediatestress (-/ Con?oct directionwhich will be locally parallelto the fault if the direction of maximum extension hasbeen reoriented so as to be approximately perpendicularto the fault zone. This implies Foult (bor ond boll that both theintermediate and minimumstress on downlhrownside) directionswere tensional. Tectonic and geologic history of Espafiola Basin Pojorifo in Pajarito fault zone area N Plofeou In the area of the Pajarito fault zone, the se9ment earlydevelopment