Anything can happen when you read!

Who Am I? Creatures of

Tape the name of a creature on the back of a volunteer. Have kids in the audience give clues until the volunteer figures out which creature they are.

Basilisk – snake-like creature whose eyes will turn you to stone.

Blast-Ended Skrewt – cross between a manticore and a fire crab. They have no recognizable head or eyes, but they explode intermittently at one end. Males have a sting like a scorpion and females have suckers on their bellies. Adult skrewts have thick grey armour and may grow to be 10 feet long.

Centaurs – Half-man, half-horse creatures. They live in the Forbidden Forest.

Cornish – naughty little that create havoc.

Dementor – creature who feeds on the happy emotions of humans. Employed as guards at Azkaban. Their kiss will suck out a human’s soul, leaving an emotionless shell.

Dragon – mythical reptilian creature who can fly and breathe fire. Hagrid is particularly fond of dragons and has a Norwegian Ridgeback called Norbert for a while.

Flobberworm – species of worm that Harry and his friends have to keep alive to pass the Care of Magical Creatures course.

Ghoul – ghostly creature that lives in the attic and bangs on pipes. The Weasley’s have one living in their attic.

Gnomes – very small creatures with leathery skin and large, bald heads like knobbly potatoes. They have horny feet and razor-sharp teeth. They live in holes in gardens and aren’t very bright. To de- a garden, grab the gnome by the ankles, swing it round your head and throw.

Goblins – small creatures with pointed beards and very long hands and feet. staff Gringotts Bank.

Grindylow – water demon. Sickly green with sharp horns and very long fingers.

Hinkypunk – small creatures that live in bogs and swamps. They wander about at night with a lantern to lure lost travelers into the swamps.

Hippogriff – magical creature that has the front legs, wings and head of an eagle, and the body, hind legs and tail of a horse. Buckbeak is a Hippogriff. House- – small creature that works as a servant in some wizarding houses. A house- elf can only be set free when the master gives the elf a piece of clothing.

Kappa – monkey-like creatures that live in water and strangle people who invade their territory.

Leprechaun – Irish elf or . Small and able to fly. Can produce realistic gold-like substance that disappears after a few hours.

Merpeople – underwater dwellers who build cities at the bottom of lakes. They have fishtails, green hair and grey skin, and they fish with spears. Above water their voices are unintelligible.

Phoenix – a swan-sized scarlet bird with a long golden tail, beak and talons. It can regenerate, bursting into flames when its body begins to fail and rising again from the ashes as a chick. Tears have powerful healing properties.

Red Cap – -like creature found in places where bloodshed has occurred. They lie in wait to bludgeon the lost.

Unicorn – Mythical white horse-like creature with golden mane and golden horn sprouting from the head. Innocent, beautiful creatures. Tail hair and horn can be used in magic. Dark wizards have been known to kill unicorns and drink their blood. This will sustain the life of the drinker but at a grave price.

Vampire – evil creature that roams the night feeding on the blood of living beings. Cannot go out in the daylight.

Werewolf – half-man, half-wolf creature. A werewolf will kill given the chance. If not fatal, the werewolf’s bite will turn the victim into a werewolf too.