« R \u25a0^ PACE 18 THE SEATTLE STAB I RIDAY, im l MB] \u25a0

OF STARS TO LOS ANGELES-* ¥ ¥ FLOCK ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ey. DUMOVITCHt* ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ BRINGS ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ NICK * * ¥ ¥ ¥ * ¥ V *V* 3ft ? * * \u2666 I 3f* \u25a0 3ft WEST VIIGEMA HEAVY FAVOMTE TO BEAT GOMZACA MONDAY FANNING REGINA AND VICTORIA CLASH TONIGHT Crack Southpaw Sent WITH to Cub Team Mountain PHILLY PILOT From The Silent Call Last Game Red Killefer Expects to Realize Big Returns FARRELL Portsider; George Maisel Due to Play in Coast There's a wee, small voice that brings men back to League Again; Other Gossip Major-Minar jnaee. Team Has , and Jimmy Archer, the famous Cub on Coast Draft is problem. catcher of yesterday, is the latest to hear it. He's B1 LEO WW L IBSEN Salary question. TICK DI'MOVITCH, crack young l/>s Ant" coming back a coach with the Boston Red < Big Year for Caps southpaw, ha: been turned over to the hi BY RENR\ I . FARRELI Sox, under , his old leader at Chi- d i ago Cubs by the I/>s Angeles team, and K< the p«inte at tf not all of Gonzaga May Fool Crack cago. Archer, in his prime, had one of the great- to expect, to realize enough men on tho MOST, between the mayor Victoria Must Win Kill' fer taeue now throwing Angels one of the strongest ami thr minor h-agues ought to be Team With Aerial At- est of arms, rifling the ball to the bases Keep Up With Maroons deal to make the settled next « mi. < a squatting position. clubs in the league next year. tack, However from and Mets Marty the major leagues hold a Joint Contrary to first reports given out, 1.1 have .?heating In Chicago, the minors ill. first of Ihe Victoria lonlghl ' King is tti be with the Angels next year; at agreed to hold their annual session Inler Hirer greet he lies Ilia team' least so says the latest gossip from the Movie there at the same time. eel ion.l footlmll will be making Its city. _ . Commissioner Landts said at the I immrl booked for lasi hockey aland ' in,.- .luring < ieorge Portland and I Lautavttle meet thai he intended ruiifoniu. of th" year on j Maise I former to alternate the annual Joint m< ?\u25a0' the holiday season the Coast, hiving outfielder; Percy Jones, southpaw pitcher, mart b» pluyed et aßbjax of the National ami the A will taken I lb king : and another outfielder yet to be named, are can teaaTue meetings be' Hun Diego Sunday, from Vancouver] says Charley Ixxkhart, Chicago, which would give with the tntverslty coming to the Angels, peeW* and and wlnninr an 7L._J _1..t. It to Chicago r. \- of tt'rul Virginia uphill game .1 i .-lary of the c lub. .lashing with OOsV against Hostile. Walter Golvin. crack first sacker, has already been shipped points are at Issue now. auga university of The Capitals Spokane. to tin- I/»s Angeles dub. SEVERALthe draft, of course, being of have played but If According to r*» plans rebuild his outfield and haa a fine start most moment to the major leagues j , three guinea this Killefer tn the powerful company. gpsM the players and option limit in irum south aenann and they I he gets Maisel, who iH a star in this West Virginians being made the as tare sting tb moat of the Ittle fellow*. are are running Into , lb- must land a catcher and then he i» just about set favorites of 2 to 1 betting, with league "If the major leagues would only tha Coast the He retaini the score being predicted all the way tn, Knig, M.Auiey and I><-al for infield. eorae us and talk real business IssssM with the: to from 21 to 0 to «* to 0 for Weal his pitching staff, one of the best in the league this summer, tr>tng bluff and bully tatt. i ii. mkl i-esjein form Instead of tv Virginia. s» \ on and Jones will replace promi- VI. tot , i |. ... K---.I ll"' the I DumoviUh. Ua, It could all be settled." a flgmtng club own California dupsaters are Island Ice and the lleglu* out- nent American Association that Mountaineers have better t'il> the a nt can be cxpci-ted to give a good ?ra said at Louisville. for season, altho the (loo- Concerning Jack Adams record the account of Itecif after the exhibition "We are firm In the stand for i i ??\u25a0in a splendid showing. club the Coast league by Ihe Heattle club and didn't make is made of flgbl here W ' dlieaita. In think are our rights and Virginia games ,trl himself, as first supposed What we West has won nine teams ate ex|**cted to have f'irfciw. who uHI lead Ihr KVKHYwaived on Jack Adams when the deal going stick to them aa Iloth we are to thla sear and tied one The victories hsnd for I'hUty %/unkrtt Is Ihe .National Uni/ur waivers were asked, without a single bare. boycott, all or their regulars on signed long as the major talks of Include wins over Pittsburg. Indiana nrst year. It flaming on ditriixng nibble from the other clubs regarding And Adams has not been to silly play going black lists and other threats and Washington and Jefferson while plug /rom liic brack. a possible deal. manage the club, says lloldt. However. If the majors would give Washington and l.cc hrld the Moun- Mo aays Jim Heattle prexy. to the Texss team as a player In the little, lIMON lIIN HIM, lloldt. tn a ao would we." taineers even. I Adams was placed at laxllas, Texas. ranks again. It Commissioner Land's ever gets West Virginia's crack team la Stass |\\ | IMM 1 IN SMITH AND them In session together. It's a cinch around Tackle Meredith, tiuard Met Skinner I'oulin. Hrslrle league ref- Smelling thay will both be reasonable and and Halfback Nardarcl. three of ?r*a. taaya K-lnionton has the most Start for Mice ron It may ba tbey ought to be In session next the lending players In Ihe Kast. powerful team on the prairie thl* LYNCH BOX Tl Hill Ksstt k decides to put llugl.le wrist two years ago and Winter. (lonaaga la built around Houston season This club IS beaded by Duke * High upon the market ha should bothering him. Keats, thinks High la a smart tosaer, a fine The bigger clubs of the minors do Btockton. the great passing halfback. whom Skinner Is one IN GOTHAM not have any trouble making a deal Mt want the option limit Increased of ths greatest h<«k*y players In the IH Hi. nK. L I AKKhLI, fielder and a good team man. and for him aa High Is a pretty classy when a smart like Kaslck They are finding fault now with! huslnesa XTKW YOUR, llec ll Concerned system, they | outfielder. wants to let him go then start smell- the present which over unusual a. Uvit> among Ih* allows too many players scat FOHL'S WORK ih j However. High hurt hla throwing ing for the mica. ?saJxa Tigers to BAI OOMNO gsiullere th* N*w York etatc l-.inig 1 1 farad thruout the bush leaguea wtth si H cofiutilMtun I* throning additional major league strings on them CUT OUT I IS Young Hay. Heglna forwatd. looka ifeguards around th* world'e ban Spencer Experience "Wa were going aiong for the pen Adams Needs tike a mining hockey star tains tight championship bout to- lucky In lending such mvnt Into the last quarter laat sea NOW rpHK Mttsburg Pirstes Intend to >houlrvm.iiln .... | li|m.»| 1.. t»»* baa Many stories ba>v* been Id circula- fast and Intelli- had under option and we f n l,*e Kohl Adams wasn't considered experi- as an Infielder. being «»a York laat season. Manager ll*mln*w»|. elaslse.l fesm Veeom... With a few more season* of eipert- i tion tor at-trial da>a. hut lb>- oin enced enough for r*gtilsr Coast gent, but he lias a long ways to go kxhed third lnatesd of first." s man ; If he la to do si he** I* U.I-sin will making cm alep s haa hla work cut out Cage aeiesit refls.e be be all only thst Urge being leaguer. Five lance mission would adinli a league yet 1... al big I. berth snd the Hub liefore a agar said aa wail la !?». gwe. Il*ej.lngw*i a IhleH sa.he* I ii..,. « ... number of telephone tall* had bes-ii owners and managers take Will Ihe hp tcea*. kat i k* rus.h Other What about Shocker' ar* rtisarr ef hla*, Mri»|o I .. I. l it H I Hint Mill ll.\u25a0 < might hesliss II in.n. I at i.fri. frian person* the stand that the majors aa Broadway Club Is Loom- I »**,#.. of th* Itrown*' atalt have another am «f Ike be* rsewer **»!« i if I.INI- lOK M iKOONM desiring to know tha refen-e and Weil be allowed to have 2*o out l-Uk ? In \u25a0**.! health bl« year? ing as One of Strongest Vancouver will have one of Ihe judges that had lieru a*lrcl*d fur thr \u25a0Pater option tf they want them, ba-1 Then there Is "Shucks" Pruett. the Kicks forward line* In h<» key from bout. Hubert Pruett they'll get around any limit with th* wealth of osi risi.t material best aaaaa j young i olb'glan. who waa aueh a Prep Teams oa mere MacKay. angle* placed upon an.i pur Mag atsra la* reetsr now on Ik-nneny. I'arkes. I«- >..? d dlaruaalnn of the** that Is them. great help to Pohl. Was he a flash, Charley aa* Btohskty | win W ua led h*- Skinner, flnticher and Harris give the thrr* I* llttI- Interest In the fight. or will he improve with ihe year's IK thr first time I fere tb* *e***m atari* a** la s go*d lo and with Ihe I.ynrh. because of hla superior laming Season | First hitter, a Marooaa a speed) outfit Thru in hat net *eouah fl*lO*r league scout, experience? In thr** yam th* s*»°*l /"VNB major who does hni.l sown that position Aad greet strength stronger a. rural. I rssslartr. defensive In Human. and hi* and more g great deal of traveling, said Can Hay Knlp com* through In (roadway Tigers \u25a0 a* a ? ..i s"*d aaoagh ss a pitrhsr t* set \J Cook and Ihe Maroon, are to puni blue. I* tesnrded aa the favorite. 8!_ Cardinals, such an Impressive manner as he did .ill start the m. I hr. all.xr I alar necessary to achieve great- that tha Louis with !be feared. Smith la a fact fighter There la no three minor league farms, had ec~ In IMl' Kolp hasn't a great deal of ?<>n with a pow. I ness ac a major league pitcher? \u25a0?\u25a0r, ! reason to tielteve he will do any b»t- I'M about 200 players ?ao many stuff, but Is a smart pitcher. i r f II I baskethall llenarts. raneollr Valla. The last season eaaa to ("ompt.'S \u25a0 woaaterfal array ef l.ynru in I lineup Th* Ti- That's Iter with than h* did bla the club didn't have to Will Van «llld*r. the enigma of the .»?*,.? > boasted such physical pitching giants that lime mitmr »titn*l4 talaei. all lei hit- \u25a0 n'bar thr** meetings. The rtat-.inlt- v esTtrote sufficient attention to the staff, really do the fine work he la ters are shaping ler* sail instir foo4 fl*l*. Pitching wins pennants, and Foi.l i«>Bt squads in tha lins, alao many other six-footers. WING BATTLE ! Jersey ' "it v and lost to Johnny Cut - staff la a very uncertain one prep loop. spite of is tho of the 81. Utuls 'jkifEE'I'INU tb* salary question la la report* .snlrsrr. ' tin !? dinky look- another matter tn which the * lifted Immedlstely Rrowna last year was a Ju ? IN PORTLAND the suspension waa . srl Hosier th* |st* pe* aswua rta galnnn looking major* srds Welch ing Pruett. are to the aea c* pair \u25a0\u25a0 is ...? Danny might go kid named Hubert PANTHERS STOP nn .ember 31 gusrd positions Inaurance ngulnat rain for lIS. I Internationa) league club, suggested the fans agreed with earned runs per game and strike- Glen Warner, veteran coach at Kramer and 000 haa been taken out for thr ; for at Louisville that organised baseball him outs In the American league tn I*2l. the University of Pittsburg. Is to HI UN \* West Virginia t lon tag game at all the ineligible players I a I'ruett Is Ihe youngster who ?Oka back coach at Stanford In 1*24. Warner i ENTER? Diego According to Is the Independent league* and that I Real Star Now San Sunday. achieved nation-wide fame by strik- ' declared hts charges were in fine weather reports there fair wrath the league* themselves would then 'I Ed Kuhn. the powerful Washlng- ED ing out Hals' Ituth In 10 of the first j condltionn. SHANNON er Is forecasted ha willing to come In and operate j ton football guard, may blossom out IS times the Hamhlno swung agslnst tender the rules of organised base- las a center candidate on the varsity IN PORTLAND his tantalising fadeaway southpaw HUBERT PKUETT basketball five He Is turning hail. EYES ARE O. X., out Kddlr Shannon I-. now in I'orUuml. BILL CLYMER slanta l>er Inning. Next In Mne Is Crban wtth the regulars now Ed- lightweight Coach the leaving Ixia Angeles Owing to an Injury to his precious Shocker of the Hrowns. who breesed mundsnn Is also nsfng Heaketh and DECLARES GREB surldenlv He was trolling by in fin* GIVEN GATE , left whip In mld season. I'ruett was more than any pitcher In the league , l*wls In this position. given HARVARD DREW PITTSBURG, Dec. 23.?Altho h* fashion In Ihe Cafeteria city and why 1111lfirmer has Is-ni the air unable to Join the list of pitching last summer, getting 14* tn S4S In- i. i has been forced to call off hi* he left so abruptly Is one of those again. He will be >v at the regulars, hsvtng worked In only 1!0! nings, which Is an average of .43 per LOTS OF FOLKS scheduled bout with Jimmy Delaney KNir.HTH \ | r 1d.11.-s head of the Newark Internationals by Innings and but four complete games ! Inning. Harvard undoubtedly drew more In Oklahoma City for January OHTINI. 1111 catcher on this season's However, officially he participated In I. l Devtne. Pruett had a .500 pitching percent- people to football this year than any Harry light-heavyweight The Knights of Columbus team team. contests for Lee Fold s St. Ixuils Oreo. iSt age, other team In the country. ISM I* champion, denied that hla eye sight may hare some opposition next week SIX SOUTHERN drowns. with seven victories and seven people attending the Crimson's nine had been badly Impaired In his re- from the Ortlng, Wash . teem. The His earned run average nf only defeats, and gained three victories games. cent fight with Bob Roper. Ortlng squad walloped ('imp SCHOOLS QUIT Steve O'Neill to IS* Is crowded hy t'rhan Fahcr'a rec- against the Yankees. win more than a 70-polnt total re- The Southern Intercollegiate asso- ord of ISI, Faber's being high for Ihe centlr. 1..-, ciation has n hioken up within Pass as Regular 1 regulars. Jock Sutherland has signed to lead the past few Pruetfs strike-out total 70 COACH QUITS ANDERSON WINS «. Misllficatlon ..f th. Is In lift the Lafayette college football team freshman rule rnuscd 'leorata Tech. Cleveland Player? Innings, which Is an average of .Rg again next season. GEORGETOWN ANZAC HONORS HEIESMAN GETS Clemson. Klorlds. South Carolina. Cleveland hWurM the services recently Albert Exendtne. head football J. O. Anderson won the Alabama and Ixiulslana State to unit of (llrnn Mvatt of Milwaukee, Georgetown university, haa Australian tennis from coach at championship COACH OFFER does It mean that Sieve O'Neill ejult. He climaxed hla season when Gerald Patterson, his fellow Davis PHILADELPHIA, lav M John XiV (Irimem, /Iral mvkor of Ihe I'll 1(1. \\l\s, will t>e placed on the market" Lafayct*< oii*ge teammate, In a five-set I Mil Dode Bercott and Tata team defeated \u25a0 match In mnnitgc- Young Hei«man, haa who announced hla CHlraan I'uhi, noa Bioanomrrf out Is going DOIIE flKhtN Inn*- perience over Bercott, but the night In Everett, meeting Young wallop Travie Davis Runs rather than coming. of the Monroe lightweight FRISCH Into Oltowd, thr rugged Aberdeen miller. should SAYS However. there are several offset this. clubs In Ihe American league that The Kverett session will go eight HE BELONGS could use a veteran backstop like round*. Eddie Moore and Eddie Nell Isix NEW YORK, Dec 12.?Frank Punch and Loses Sieve to great advantage. In re- Ilercott look* tn be In the bent of thr Heml-wlndup. 11THEN la a batting average of .212 Verdict ! condition and should Is? able to go at Giant baseman, I Quite a crowd of Heattle Krlsrh. second 'le- turn, they might be able to offer fans ex- TV more valuable than the league's rTUeoMA. Dec. 22.?Travle Davis Jimmy Rivers nlcd that hn waa seeking the prcsl defentetl Hilly Mm some promising ynungatern. top speed Dae4 to make the trip to Everett. highest percentage of 419? A was winning all the way from demy of the new llriachiill I'lun- row In the six round wlndup. Mynll. with Ihe year's experi- Marty McManus, an offspring of I. .In Huberts. local welter. In their association, hut iidnutted he wan a I.mlwlg ence lie had Milwaukee, seems Chicago corner lots, will be able bout last night until he ran Into a Jones hit Indian Pete on at the member and "wanted to string along ready to make a big go of It In to dispute with George Blsler as to right cross with his chin and went the built.n In the third i.nin.l and with the hoy*." the American league. Cleveland what Is what In valuable hatting down for a knockdown Just before the lights went out for Pete. the <\u25a0 ? 11; 111\u25a0 1>- thought »<> or It would points following the 1922 season. final hell and the referee gave Kid Johnston trimmed Mickey Ihe bout to Huberts never have nimle Ihe hlg offer It There waa Hlsler pacing the entire The worst lliinnon ami |;( | M'C.irthy won from OWEN MAKES Iravls should have bad did for his services. field wtth his .419 average. Down wn* n draw. Olen McNelsh In the other two bouts. many pegs Is found McManus with LETTER MARK his .312 mark. Mass., - Yet McManus with his .312 batting CAMBRIDGE. Dec. 22. average drove In more runs for the When (leorgc Owen. Harvard foot- bull star, leaves college next June, "Jolly St. Ixruls lirowns last season than Coach Wilce of State an Optimist Boy" Slsler with a mark of .418. The hat- he will have earned more letters ting of McManus was responsible for than any other Harvard man in his This particular shape of 199 runs. Hlsler, mr, tory. He will have throe letters ; undergraduates and alumni to worry. I "City And don't forget that they pay off each In hockey, football und base Football Mentor Sues Hut not Conch Wllce. deLuxe" Italian Briar ball Certain Statu Will officially on the number of runs Benefit in Recently, when naked for an ex- is meeting; with a most pop- ?cored, not the base hits. presnlon of an opinion on football at Etc Etack on To]) McManus developed Into a brilliant Defeat ular sale. The well in the i lino Htate, he replied Nuxt ball player last season. His value at GIBBONS GETS Year "We stem and the substantial the plate Is shown In comparison with feel that Ihe pant aeaann haa to other high averages, for Cobb's st DEMPSEY BID enabled iih rind ourselves, after a build added to the special ,401 drove In only 99 runs, Hellmann ht. PATJIi Dec Tommy" O, De. 20. .<'nm h m-niid of unusual football success. given ali> The the ?nil of the no*.xon of treatment the "City at .3RI sent across »2. and Wallle bons, HI. Paul heavyweight, has re. COI-UMHUH,John W Wll.e, of the Ohio spirit of our Ileal second vlotorleH one true 1920, of nt uliiiin caliber.' Th* attitude Plpp at .329 sent 90 mates across the celved an offer from a New York Htate foot bill team, la an opllmlat. nf 1921, and of the past of de Luxe" is sure to meet the I chaitiploniihlps, thin group la defeat and victory ban platter. promoter to meet Jack Dempsey. II" ran Mcc goisl In defeat was reliorn In the McMANf'S sterling been stimulating Hut approval of the practical development and discovery of MARTY He announced he will accept any Hlnte'a great football mentor bark nglilliMIhe wall fight don't wall for The I* not year, terms Ing In Hplle Hpli next work foi next year." pipe smoker. This McManus Is another one of those long control Ihe llim/wm from the. dci i< rid. If the champion will sign the leuitt worried over hla team's of nil iklilh It of 1922." pipe "tine rluimplntixhlii in eight yeara allots In baseball. ||<- was plucked of third Lane. The folluwuiK Hiulm: p....i showing during tin pus) season The vh lory over llllnoln at I'll.huh In good 11 may Ih> purchased from the club of the Western there were a average, aa hliowii by am from Tulsa no rnuny klnkx arnumi the On the contrary, he fee| M thai It ih November 21". by the close wore or fl league during records. We do ii|>|iiei lute the op your regular the close of the 1920 i rlxht ahoulder that M< Munux wax HANK GOWDY boiln.l to work to the benefit or the lo :i is the only sculp that hangs nt dealer or from porliiulty fur coin .iiuouh, whole season aa a third baseman or a first withdrawn a* ivrn a xubxlUtile ran- 11111-key es the belt of the Hn. key..* lv tin Hig anything \u25a0 null.l. wlioleHOUie effort In a given baseman fn fact, but n dldnte on the llrownx' Infield IS QUAKER Wil. c has hail unusual NUrress lit Ten thla season. second Kohl, end. May we, all of no. regard vic- ?Spring Cigar good basernsn. however, regarded hlrn hh big flunk dowdy, iiflor yi*nra of iwrvlcp Ohio Hlnte. Under his dir.-.tlon In Co., Inc.? 101«. 1917 and 1920 they were tories or defeat*. football or The first day he put on mil league llmlx'r, nnd refused lo pari paused In In life Kirn A»iv 118 his with thi' MoMton llraves, to thi' Hlale has always hern I >i 1111111 ir tor.; title holder*. Thai I Ml I'iltr Bt. form, Manager Is»e Kohl detected g with him 'nnch Wllce la aa true sportsmen, nml may we nil ?MO Src.iiKl Axe. lm; despite hi* poor phvKl.al r'hllndi Iphlu Nhlloiiul l> Muuf ii nm Ihe rhauiplnhHhlp The l.iilu.e ?f probably looking I I'.iurtli Av<>. to \u25a0 In itrht rutin c grow lv ycric Weak arm. It had lieen Injured dur- ...million. Judgment. »hh our experieni c." Ihe Hlx IMM I.e.rn He Hold recently outilKhl to thn 1922 rami'' it big Hlirprise to rob in the summer Tin i nnoihei eaaaori la a«Mii|>llOa