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Cuervo , 1910-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

5-15-1913 The ueC rvo Clipper, 05-15-1913 Clinton Keeter

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EYEL,0?3SI JOB WORK. nn;J I lie Guervo Clipper. STATIONERY Volume 6 Cuervo, Guadalupe County, New Mexico, Thursday May 15, 1013. No.S

Mr John U. Hick, one ot out Abbott News & county road and bridge coanr. ia PROSPERITY ADVERSITY Hvtry body 59 busy. sinner wan in town laat The happiness an J eontjutmeiH of any ludi vidual rr com- Monday It looks cs though Mossrs Sin or and ill of the Good is measured the amount ol enjoyed speaking s; munity by prosperity TRIMMED HATS Vaiictireii Ntxaa are m-bit- sufbred i ho individual or The RoaJs Coo ventioa that, was b; lct adversity by wmuiunity. a tJLcx to s;e which will .t chid lactor in promnur.g tha quo and alleviating tbe otber of in ou the 8ta and Qih Albuq.ieiquB their crop iu first. Mejsrs these conditions. wst-- either the individual or community, Cm. ot this month, he sid the city of and Ira Minor are a safe, and consistant banking ins'itution. guting aljjr is urnstryitivc of Alhutj was full ot ' tut all financial ierquo people also. I ,. When" prosperity toal'ies )ou to it your nicely Our of Ladies trimmed and that occasion that it J obligations, with a. surplus to spate, such an instituiicn affords shipment Mr. Milford Nichohoa taii d a those fuuds v,bich was lieu It to a bed ia the i you secure pUce of d?posit icr duty hats has arrived and are now on got Miss VVilla Minor to Mt, Zioo U ?. demands that should save. When adversity fnroe you to city. vu church Wundtiy evering. x teck assistance ui cu-c;iti- your flnanci il obligations, the bank Come in end look them 0'i& year ngo ribout 41 persctis display. Evidently Mr. Ira Miuor 516 which you have favored With your funds is willing and prompt attended the convention but lb it; tired of as coriMStent with needs, ai!jif over are beauties seottig Milford playia to render you such tisf istance your they year a interest had bwo great, tbe-bt.a- When you have no b:iPktug connection, you may lose the fmts Q fullant to he on Our Mr. Heisel will be aroused and persons interested of your prosperity and eudure, uunded, tau etng of your y pleased a new horse nd d bought buggy X - - turn out in great numbers. He . prosperity, to demonstrate the and the way ha has started oit 1 When thick of you bmlr ac:ount, think Sharqless said Gov. Mc Donald was in at- you clinging shows he is not going to on slow. ' a'.sq of the cf placing it here at. the County tendance made an interesting (advan;ae J Cream 81 Bro. Smith and liulu I Seat where there is a is reidy and willing to look r. Separator. grml A - . t 11 . V parch. children callttJ oa Mr. and Mrs. V alter any matters in n you wjau o:uurwiss I...... 10 uima..!. We ujh also have cream cans for Mr. Ilicke claims the appointing special trip to aitend to. Edtferton Sunday evening. of Rowland Commission- - shipping your cream, bring it in. Bridge Mr. A. Minor is dowo at Sanli OF er to serve without !RoS(i I FIRST NATIONAL BANK compensation wirKl0g at hU uadefor lij' setm to be a success and that the k- N. past wet - Santa Rosa M. interest in this last conven taken ilr. Hnry Lovell is talking of a Mr tiou dhoweil it was success. ICdVins New Mexico soon. his bitttt r given Tbetewill be piinohinj? at th,;

man we bava 1 atCuetvothatiany AbboU iohool. boas 00 the Bonder bad htretofor who was 'working Sundsy every ruoath. - s for a salary Las given. We are lows. - YOU CAN FILE OH A HOMESTEAD OR Store Quality tiure of niiethin and that is that MAKE FINAL PROOF BEFORE our road need more attention tban they have been having the Kelly Flat, last five Good 1 cad are a It yeu want to Sell your Liort list It wttb Bond & years. Wiest shipped 2l)4 3 11 roo, I have WO partners and we grrat help to aoountry. Ruhcads II & can Ami buyer for It, Also It you want to pnacds of cream last Saturday II C. Wiliio vioitcd NfcWUirV, or tiusiness we can Itnd are and so are Guy I.acd aty other It a follows: great developers for you. which was furnished Sunday, . gcod". roads and net R. G. M. , .agon why J. THOMAS Cunningham, J M. Smith 261bs. Ttst 45 $2 i J. K. Ilanucber, at. present, of N. M. have them. CUERVO, N. M. Cupbvo, W. Edgeiton 22 3' 1 70 Tuonniean, was a busiuesi vuitor J H. Easley 14J 47 I.711 with II. 0. Williio tjaturday auJ LOCAL ITEMS. Joe Dobbins 37 26 2 i UbES OIL; GJRL DIES OF Sunday. Doll 16 ' Dobbins 77 3 07 ' VViUon's - Mrs. ,T. I?, Qreiea who was BURNS ." Lte mule team wis A. Ketter 28 29 3 7a the nuest of th Misses Builock hitchad at T. B, PfgJ.S pUss Musknger, Okla., May 10 returned to Tucumeari Wednesday Sunday. .Nfaud . Totals 204 51 Morgan, 17 years old, M Your pencil pusher met quite a Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Lewis and daughter of John Morgan, living PURE DRUGS painful accident, f'riday ol last Mrs. Bailey were Tucumeari near Hadktl I, Okla., was burned PRESCftiPTIONS week while out riding the horse, A id death Visitors lant week. grading outfit showed up to tnd.y, when she attempt-- d AND RUBBER GOODS fritfht'iiiod and t.irni TOILET Cuervo Wednesduy. They came to uiekerossno tc start ,a fire Prof. B. Wilson cuddoaly around R'ght then ilia F, and Mrs. 111 on the train. There were 35 The oil can explodu.l, Settiag Sophia Sanchez closed their loiso and I parted; thehorso went Cuervo Drug Store head of borse3 and mules in the b'.r olothinff on fir. The flimea 1 school terai last one way nod I weni in tbn dlrec- - Frithy. Prof. 1 carload of and outfit; scrapers r R Haight will teach another week. lion of home until I oame to a two cars of leed rdcLs and feed entirely destroyed. sudden stop oa the ground; and & Duke nine irouRhs. They are here to work Boyce shipped not a very soft to fill either. nTiKT?.irn y i mr T on tin r.iilroad reservoir one anil place 1 nimrnc cars of cattle from Cuervo Wed- r i 11 Ll Li LrMi VII' L. Cedar News I finally aroso, to fi id one hind UulxJj to ahdlf miles west of (Jjurvo, The Valley nesday Middleton, Texas a completely out of communion. station uear Texas. reservoir has been dry for month Wtn, Landers returned from ths Misrcliandise Dalhart, Prof. B. F. Wilson and family, i General and it is the time proper nbw per- Alamogordo Valley last Frid iy. Dr. Stone latt except Lee, veiled Saturday until spent Tuesday haps to fit tbe ditm so it will not Mr. Curd who is at Mr. NEW GQCD2 AtD ITJCES RIGHT itaying Monday in Moutoya and while night in Cuervo but k'ft Wednes 'eak. Tb big till is there in tact : PattonVis improving. there attended the Christian for Carono d day wberebe is practis alright but tbtre is ai under-gioun- Mrs. Win. Pattoa called on Mrs 4 his Church services. ing profession. leak when the reservoir is la- -t George Mjgill Thursday, C. F. Church and Hugh Ben- - full aud it may be that the outfit Stnator Heisel turnadtbe truck Ernest Van Arsdale visited with Utt are building tuuca far Rjbrt UNA A. THOMAS that has just appeared upon tbt over at the depot last Monday and his cousin, GecrKo Magiil laiit WWfW ih in u;ei.k. ' 'At the Clipper Qice scene will attempt to fix th dam SEE otherwise acted like he hvi seen a Sunday. Ed Dav.a and Pect Harrison NOTARY PUBLIC so it will leak. We sbJI run a a njt Mr. H. SMITH CUEKVO, N M, on high lonesome. C. Thomas and Floyd will dnll a well for T. B. Pi AG. watch developments and see what FOR FREEH STAPLE & FARCY Magill went down to Alamopfirdo next week, Doll Dobbins was in town last happens. V - i . GROCERIES. valley fcuuday. The first hit; snake of this Everybody Reads rfmurday and cxplanicd why his E'ariest V:i Alasdale visited veason was killed by the pencil cream did not test any higher Mr A. C. Cain has been haul- THE JOURNAL with Roy Wiley Snturday, punlicr Sunday; measuring 6 teet Me siij he bad his separatot ing out lumber this week to be 1 inch and inches in circuitt. cd hire it used on his stone re;i lie Mr, Landers returned to the loiig 9 gai just he had when he lince. ! Alamocordo iterenoe. Dr. C. Wbv ? Bfcaue u Prints was bis own cream in lakes out two loads at a valley Sunday. J. Woodburn, churning wagon 'Fred' TODAY'S NEWb TODAY it time. We understand that be Wm. Parson mid sons, F H YS IC I AN AND LOCAL otdr to see whether paid as Cragg and Lots of it. And be- icl S- - well to sell tbe cream as did to will build his residence higher and and were at EJw, Bsrry's E. P. A WvSURGEON cause il is it independent lust ' No Q churn and sell the butter, lie ex- otherwise improve it. L. L one duy week. Phone in politics and weaiM the Judge Moore, of Leu Tanos met ; Store-yfil- t to do the to New-kir- k At the Drug: collar cf no political pressed kfmself a being very well Bjrus has engaged Geo, Magill returned a nuujler of tarmers in the Odd g( Practice in CuervO (tnd party, pleaded with his returns from the carpenter work. Mr. Caiu bas Sunday alter spending a - Fellow's hall in Cuervo last cuotiy. in nnce ' creamery. been dealing freely cattle wt'ek tt horne. and discussed the GENTS Saturday picpo, 50 A MONLn bo has been here and has made Edw. P,(rry helped Mr. Mc ,ltion of gstting Congress to enact ' BY . WANTED MAIL some and seems to have - money Kean oue day- last week. a section homestead law. JTbe RAILROAD TIME I waut to buy a small house that fiitu in the country. Win. Fa'.ton went to Cuervo made a and Albuqu can be easily moved. Judge telliug speech J. R. Thomas, last Friday. these present were in favor of ill westbound 9:33, A. Ml Cedar move. . Kt3. Moming Journal at the Clipper tffice. Subscribe tor the Clipper, Bough. Ko.34 Eafitbound 5:47 I'.M.-'- FOREIGN. CUERVO CLIPPHR AN EPITOME OF SALARIES FOR OFFICIALS An army draft beginning June 1 Is authorized by a decree issued by Pres- NEW MEXICO ident Huerta of Mexico. NEW MEXICO ATTORNEY GEN- CUERVO NEW MEXICO LATE LIVE NEWS Aleko Shlnas, who assassinated IN BRIEF ERAL MAKES SUGGESTION. King Oeorge of Greece March 19, at "Starve much better tbe fly" la tha Salonlki, commlted suicide by flinging Advises Raton That He Be- slogan. CONDENSED .RECORD OP THE himself out of a window of the Attorney police Wwura Newspaper Union News Service. lieves Commissioners Justified in PROGRESS OF EVEWTS AT station In that city. Every baseball team It a pennant Dates for Coming Events. Advancing Reasonable Sum. winner Juit now. HOME AND ABROAD. Baroness Vaugban, who was the Sept. 29 to Oct. 4. State Fair at Albu- morganatic wife of King Leopold of querque. October Pumpkin Pie day, at Women will wear smaller bats, but Belgium, obtained a divorce In Paris Western Kewspaper Union News Service. hats are not sold by tin square foot from Emmanual Durieux, to whom Raton. It Is the opinion of Attor- FROM ALL SOURCES she was married In 1910. Cattle came through the winter In ney General Frank W. Clancy that New York's spring cleaning will The Portuguese government has dls- - prime conditions around Quay. county commissioners are Justified in cost It be $28,000. will dirt cheap at pr.tched all the political prisoners ar- Maxwell, in Colfax county, has advancing to county officers a suffi that for In at- SAYINGS, ACHIEVE rested complicity the last planted 1,500 acres to sugar beets. cient amount of money to pay living DOINGS, tempt to overthrow the HOPES present repub The second annual clean-u- p day In expenses in the absence of any legis- Announcement of the centenary of MENTS, SUFFERINGS, lic on Sunday, April 27, to the Azores us Carlsbad was an unqualified success. lation providing for the same. Fol- (he silk bat reminds that the good AND FEARS OF MANKIND. for trial and punishment. die young. Andrew H. Hudspeth has been ap- lowing is a portion of his letter writ- The damage to property In the Br!t-Is- h pointed by President Wilson as U. 8. ten to the district attorney at Raton: Isles caused by tbe militant suf- No man need be devoid of pride Weetcrn Newaranr Union News Service). marshal for New Mexico. "I will not venture to predict what fragettes during tbe last three months whon be can presa his own trousers Wt STERN. If some tax amounts to more than $5,000,000, ac- Landergln Bros, have finished a the courts might hold successfully. - mak- cording to an estimate made by the au- modern vat near Rock Island, prepar- payer should seek to enjoin the "Silt" have ben barred from skirts thorities at Scotland Yard. atory to dipping all their cattle. Ing of such advances, as there is room Even a person without much other the Los Cal., schools. Angeles, de- - tor wide differences of What culture may point proudly to bis ap- Home Secretary Reginald McKennp. Fire of unknown orieln totally opinion. The Illinois Senate Ma- - 1 the consider- pendicitis scar. passed the has received warnings signed "Y. H. stroyed the house occupied by Nathan suggest is based upon woman which while gill suffrage bill, gives B." notifying him that the militant Hobfis and family at White Oaks. ation that the constitution, pro A the right to vote on all officor from re California man Is breeding striped statutory "roign of terror" has Just begun. Pre- Juan Montez, uncle of District hibiting any county of Is fees or emoluments other rats, but wbat kind liquor be cautions to guard mon in public life Court Interpreter. Jose Montez, died at ceiving any Is not than that annual provided by using stated. Hones of a woman and five children against the attacks of the wild women Silver City at the age of 101 years. salary 532 that all BEST law, contemplates were unearthed In a basement at were extended to the king. Ground has been broken for the clearly There are no new names to call tbe Seventeenth county officers shall receive compen- street, Oaklund, Cal., by The marquis of Hertford, former new pipe line for the water works For Baking umpire, of course, but then tbera are M. a cleaner. sation for their official services. It Eveiy Cochrane, house huuband of Alice Thaw of Pittsburg, Boon to be Installed in Mound, Always new umpires. Wagon Is enjoined upon the Legislature to Mrs. Mary Johnson was arrested at whose marriage was annulled In 1908, Harry Springfield was cut In the classify counties and fix salaries for Spokane, WaBh., charged with the Is to marry His prospective No wonder tbe man who gave bis again. arm and back with a pocket knife la all county officers and, while that murder of her son, Raymond Johnson, bride Is Mrs. Moss-Cockl- e of , BAKING POWDER wife thirty bats failed to win ber love, the hands of "Shorty" Garner in an has not been effectively per twenty six years old. The accusation much his senior In age. She was loft duty considering the styles. affray in Clovis. formed up to the time, we resulted from the verdict of a coro- 3,250,000 by her former husband. present Best because The well on the farm of Mrs. E must assume that sooner or later the it's the Tbe board Is ner's jury. Two hundred lives are lost simplified spelling reported Cummlngs east of Demlng, was tested Legislature will perform that duty. In Best because right on simplifying words that White women who associated with In the train disaster at Don, near the purest. for flow over a wire and delivered the meantime, public interest requires Best-- refuse to be simplified:. Slnaloa-Sonor- a line. State it never fails. " Jack Johnson, negro heavyweight state troop gallons per minute. the exercise and discharge of the pow- the were uned as eadcrs declare that the train bearing champion of world, Charlie Kle, a Pueblo Indian, is hav ers and duties conferred and imposed because it makes every There la reason to think that those to two hundred and fifty federal soldier-- ) sparring partners, according lng the matter tested In the United upon the county officers, and a very Zeppelin airships are dangerous con as not dynamited by stealth. It is fluffy and, charges of government attorneys at States District Court of New Mexico portion of those officers cannot baking light, trlvances to those on board. said that the fired Into the large Chicago In the trial of Johnson, Insurgents as to whether he is entitled to vote, possibly do what is required of them evenly raised. Best charged with violation of the Maun rain, exploding a car of dynamite to It is not Our for China Is Fernando Ortiz, .who lives west ot without money live upon. because is moder- respect law. which tho federals were conveying to should be sub it enhanced by tbe Information that Puerto de Luna, was shot through the reasonable that they Gitaymas. to of ate in cost in tbe Chinese do not eat chop auey. Mrs, Sarah Dawdy, aged eighty, of chest and lung by a .45 caliber revolv jected the burden borrowing highest 111., their credit and Bhelbyvllle, lost her burial clothes, SPORT. er, the bullet remaining in the lung money upon personal quality. Archaeologists announce that Egypt which slio had Just finished, when her tissue. paying Interest therefor, and there a trust 4,000 ago. house burned down. She accuses her may be some whose credit would not (ought money years STANDING OP WKITRRX I.KAGIE. Mrs. Simon Montoya, who resided At your grocers. And look at what to I husband, with whom she had fallen bo eaual to so much of a strain. In happened Egypt Won. Lost. Pet. a short distance from El Porvenlr, in out, of fire to the house. He U Honver 15 3 .833 view of the certainty that the Legisla- setting Hi. 11 the Gallnas shot herselt . Joseph t .647 valley, There be those wbo maintain that It eighty-five- were married three 7 ture will provide adequate and prop They Lincoln 11 .oil through the heart with a .38 caliber RECEIVED cheaper to treat yourself to grape- years ago. Omaha 8 .500 er salaries to cover the period for ll lJt-- s .....9 revolver. HIGHEST fruit to doctor Motrins 7 10 Alt have served day than pay e Htoux 7 10 .412 which the county officers evrj Twenty-fiv- murders committed In City J. H. Mook ot AWARDS tills. Topeka 7 10 .412 and Son, well drillers or may serve, I believe that the coun the last three years in Missouri, Kan- Wichita 2 14 .125 Roswell, have filed voluntary papers ty commissioners will be Justified In World's Pan Feed Exp, sas, Colorado, Iowa and Illinois by In to be Chicago, 10. Egypt had graft scandal, a Tlertll the Federal Court declared advancing such small amounts as may Mm, means of an ax are ascribed to Henry Sarah J. Atwood, wife of Harry N. the Pari Fra Ion system and lota of other things, bankrupts, assets being $7,500 and be absolutely necessary to enable the Espasitlea, , Lee Moore, now serving a life term In Atwood, aviator, sued for divorce in Marsh, 1BU. Including gestures that cannot be tbe liabilities $32,086. officers to live, careful to keep the Missouri ponltentlary, the District Court at Reno, Nev, being according The mean temperature of the year well inside of the amounts of salaries 10 a announcea at Leaven The Brown antl-prlz- bill In ineory fight 1912 in New Mexico was 50.5 degrees which will be provided." V The been mads worth, Kan., by M. W, McLaugliry, the California was killed probably suggestion has Legislature or 2,1 degrees below the normal. This bave the man too, apodal agent of the Department of by an amendment after a three-hou- r given away, Is the lowest average yearly tempera to Child Welfare Conference If It will be Justice, after an exhaustive of The vote was 20 to 17. Delegates You ion'l tout money uhm yea bay weddings. coyly done, study fight. ture recorded since 1895. of Santa F6. At the request the big-ca- triumph. the ax murders, Goldle a cheap or n baking powJer. Don't Miss Griffith, cowgirl will be to of National Con Curry county the first governing body the b mlded. Buy ll't mom whose home is near Oakland, Cal., Parent-Teacher- Calm, It take advantage of the new law per gress of Mothers' and ulholeaomt may be true that muelo makes CONGRESSIONAL. was badly hurt during a performance economical mors) gioel on bald the mitting the county commissioners to Associations, State Superintend tialr grow heads, despite of the Bufalo e Bill show bottttalti. Calumtt It far superior to make an appropriation ot $500 toward ent Alvan N. White has appointed (ant that Hlchard Wagner wore a Attorney General Mclleynnlds re- nt Madison Garden tout milh, and uJm, the Square in a association. three to this state kullcap. fused request for correspondence re establishing fair delegates represent New York, seventeenth child welfare con garding Urazlllun coffee valorization The celebration at Carrizozo to com at the The French airman, car of which At for rabbits, turtles, guinea pigs, dispute. Frangecis, memorate the completion ot the new ference that organization, Even In Death. ried six passengers on his dur 15 to., Inoculation with some form of biplane court house building will probably be will be held at Boston, Mass., May Sam Bernard was talking at the Secretary flurrUon, replying to the a seventy-flve-mlnu- at germ seems to be the badge of all ing flight held in the early full when horse races to 20. The object of this conference Lambs in New York about the recent Borah resolution, Bent word no the rec tbe tribe. that Chartres, France, duration and a carnival will be on will be the discussion of methods for arrest of some dancers on the records the War general foreign of Department ord for an areoplane bearing such a securing better opportunities for score of showed The Panjarlta irrigation project is Immodesty. ' A "lobsters are to slavery exists In the Philip large number of persons. childhood In the home, church, school "Of course these dancers were all dispatch saya again receiving public consideration. Siave state TIs well to pines. L. C. Channel, Denver player, has and state. The three delegates ap he said, "and they off. protection." At a meeting held at Tucumcari a right," got some lobsters tor an- The Senate civil bill, been awarded full salary for the tima are: Mrs. Josle Lockard, su Their arrest was dictated by prudery. protect proper passed sundry plan was adopted that Is thought will pointed nihilation. enrryflig $117,000,000, after he was out of the game because of porlntendent of schools for Colfax Such prudery reminds me of a hos- voting result In the securing of funds for Its ' down amendment injuries, by the national commission Mrs. T. I. teach I know. Senator Galllngnr's completion. county, Raton; Butts, pital An actress advises girls to wear s to eliminate clause labor at Cincinnati. President McGill ot the er in the schools for the "In the building of this hospital a exempting will Albuquerque - Wagon Mound have a reservoir e accom hats to make a hit with men. find fanners' organizations from anti Denver Club had refused to give Chan- twenty-on- years and now prin cold storage chamber for tbe to furnish water for domestic past The advice ts so abrewd as to be fair- trust prosecutions. noil the full pay he asked. pur cipal of the first ward school of that modation of dead bodies was includ- bet In diabolical. A, poses, furnlched by springs. The M. Mother-sup- e ed. One of the hospital doctors, ly Tho Underwood tariff bill has Charles Comiskey, owner of the city; Sister Roslne, ter part of the work Is completed, the going through this cold storage cham- House. vote 2K1 Chicago Americans, is planning his rior Loretto academy for girls, Santa a passed tho The was water to be located about found a divided It Wife of a millionaire eloped with fnrewel! to the game he has helped Impounded F6. ber, that partition to 139, five Democrats voting against two miles from town. butcher. Probably had extravagant make famous. After White Sox In two. Hie hill and two Republicans voting the he tastos and wauted meat three or four finish their tour of the world next win Wm. Swancoat, until recently super- Embezzled Postofflce Funds. '"What's this partition for?' times a for It. Four Progressives supported asked. day. ter he will retire from the active man intendent of the Hanover zinc mines Santa Fe. Frank T. Frawley, Unit tho meniuire and fourteen opposed t " 'Oh, said the foreman primly, agement, he told friends in Chicago. ot the Empire Mine and Zinc Compa ed States of Pu- sir,' An eastern woman claims she would while one Independent Progressive postoffice inspector 'that's to the sexes " ny, has been retired upon a liberal arrived here Samuel keep apart.' joined with the mujority, eblo, Colo., with rather be very thin than otherwise. GENERAL. pension, after being in the company's Leybe of Trampas, Taos county. The - At least che takes a broad outlook ot Gilford IMnchnt churg'od before the service Important to- Mothers for twenty years. was brought before United Examine carefully every bottle ot I he situation, Senate territories committee that pri prisoner Former U. 8. Senator Frank O. W. M. Coats of Hope, recently dis States Commissioner M. T. Dunlavy, CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy tor vate Interests had held tip legislation Briggs died at his home in Trenton, posed of the potatoes grown on ten and on of em- Infants and children, and see that It According to a Chicago professor, to open Alaskan coal fields under hearing pleaded guilty ' N. J. acres of soil at his farm near that orders to Bears the clothes are worn primarily for orna- leasing syntom, and unmnd former bezzling postofflce money The discovery of a comet by Schau city. There were upwards of 1,500 the amdlint of $070,56, He was hound ot ( ment. Then how does he account for Senator Guggenheim of Colorado as Signature masse of Nice la announced In a cable- bushels, and the crop netted Mr. Coats over to the federal for the the derby bat' one of the men who had exerted hla grand Jury In Use For Over 30 Years. gram received at Harvard college about $200 en acre. October term and ball for $1,000. Influence to prevent such legislation gave Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria - from Kiel.. It Is announced that a new lie told the committee that he coul observatory Letters received at the game war has A schedule of all the real estate ofifce own- Vslasquet portrait been discov get the names of other men in and den's indicate, that ditch Want More Land Offered. Cleaning Tiles. ered In London. Hut It Is not announc- - owned by the ot New York sub- ers the state are tiles of a will our of Congress who were in opposi city throughout comply Silver City. The regular meeting Many times the hearth d who painted It. mitted to tho commissioners of the ing witn tne oraer from the game become so stained that water will not tion to the leasing system. of the Silver City Business Men's As- sinking fund Comptroller Prender-CaBt- , warden to install fish screens In all clean them. Never clean tiles with by sociation was held in the association In China tns breaking or a cup Bhows that New York city pos- ditches that are tributary to or that water. Use turpentine on a of W V!HINGTON. announcement piece means an oath of brotherhood. In sesses outright 5,500 parcels of land, contain fish. offices and the was con flannel and polish with a dry cloth an American restaurant it means one aggregating in value $1,300,000,000. Its firmed that the Methodist sanatorium, and the tiles will look like new. The board power of the governor- Certificate of incorporation has from the proprietor. net Indebtedness Is $820,000,000. - which will represent the 6,000,000 general of the Philippines to deport been- filed with the corporation com Although he lost to another man the Irri- membership ot that religious denomi- When you know how a man prays old-fas- undesirables from mission by the Portales Power & What has become of the Islands was up know God be- the hand ot a girl he wooed in his youth, nation, will be located in Silver City you what kind of a be ioned man who used to write to the held by the Supreme Court. gation Company, with principal of James Cnrew Russell, head of a coffea Bite lieves in. to fices at Portales, in Roosevelt county, If a suitable is provided. The newspapers aay that "woman's That women will not wear skirts In In brokerage house New York, kept with A. A. as The possibility of a forty-acr- sphere is at home"? A. B. 2013, and that kissing will bo Rogers agent. cap securing Too bad, but some the memories of his romance and re- ital is tract of land has been under consid- people simply bnrred, is In a stock $300,000. can't their dollars predicted Washington vealed thorn in bis will In which he a committee for some exchange for sense, Boston college glrli propose organ woman's new drama. Water Conditions have never been eration by time, society $25,000 to each of the a chain of don't wed clubs, but bequeathed so in the and announcement was mado at the ising The card table of former the good Carlsbad project. The will limited. Speaker three children of he had meeting that six such tracts were ay the membership be Cannon around which notable reservoirs have ben enlarged and this Limited to over ninny hoped some day to marry. available which could be bought at PAINFUL, TRYING girls sixty. staesmnn have met in chance wnlter filled to overflowing. There Is games of "When you soe Mr. Wilson tell him ranging from $1,000 to $5,000, went enough water stored at the present prices New has and skill, under the auctioneer's for me that if ever there should come TIMES Tork, It Is reported, an time to supply the project through thq over abundance ot houses hammer for $10 and the gas lamp a time when he thinks any Influence Housework is apartment Its entire season, without the flow of the Two Paroles Granted. hard for and confidence gams workers. Sort which shed rays upon the men who or resources that I have can be used enough sat around the river. Santa F6. Executive orders have a healthy wom- ot too many flats and sharps, as It board brought $1.25. for the country they are wholly at his Farmers In the Maxwell district are been issued by the governor for the an. The wife were. It. H. Ullmore, a Denver attorney, disposal." These, the last words of J. who bad sugar beets. While tbe acre- parole of two inmates of the reform has a enjoyed an unusual privilege when he Pierpont Morgan spoken to Colonel planting back, who is is a little Bhort of the 1,500 school, as follows : Santiago Urban There must be a lot of poor shots nrgued a case In the United States George Harvey the day before Morgan age weak or tired acres the beet are sentenced from Otero - In the old world. Dispatch says that Supreme Court while sitting down. sailed for Europe, never to return hoped for, people county Septtem- all the time, with the amount and ber, 1911, one to two finds duties sight out of every ten noblemen who During the Blaine campaign In 1S84, alive, were related In an address by pleased secured years her Tor- burden. come to America to Inveigle heiresses Cllmore was overcome on before a record breaking campaign Is expect Isldro Maldanado, sentenced from a heavy while the Colonel Harvey a dinner ot the of as ed and to realize $100, rance county, December, 1910, for two Thousands In marriages, fall fortune hunters. stump and since that time has been trust companies of America in, New growers expect 000 from the crop. to three years. nervous, disc- unable to speak standing. York. ouraged, sick- A funeral cortege was arrested tor The corporation commission has President Wilson was so encour- Federal forces lost In a battle ( ly women havs exceeding the speed limit In Spokane paid over to the state treasurer, O. N, To Sell N. M. Central. aged by the passage of the tariff bill Santa Rosa, near traced their How hard It Is to lose th Guoytnas, according as fees the Cor- Santa Fe, N. M. John S. troubles sick recently. In the House that he hopes now for Ariz. Marron, following: Wendt, at "Evtrt TIclweTttts to western habit of to arrivals at Douglas, for have "hustling!" final action on reform at the poration fees, $1,529.75; Insurance torney the Pittsburg Trust Com kidneys currency The assignments of bishops of the found quick and thorough relief session of fees, $1,015; total $2,544.75. pany which company Is plantiff In the Insomuia Is contagious, a late present Congress. Methodist Episcopal Church for the through using Doan's Kidney Pills. 4 says Commissions issued tor notaries bankruptcy case against the New Mex ot Quits Overturning century-ol- tradition, ensuing year were given out at Hunt The painful, trying times medical report so, especially public: George A. Fleming, East Las ican Central railroad, has notified all woman's life are much to of the house to the Supremo Court of the District of ington, V. Va., by Bishop Anderson easier when tbe baby begins Vegas; T. E. Smalllng, the attorneys in the case that he will bear if the are well. the Columbia appointed a woman to be the ot the an Gallup; kidneys bow even slightest symptoms. following adjournment Charles G. Hegecock, Santa Rosa; enter final decree for the sale of the Calllarala 'Caea assistant clerk of the court, empow- nual conference of at . Wata 1649 the bishops Amador O. road, In the District Court. The Ha. b, IVntb Are., San Tmnetam, ered with all the duties by fol Gonzales, Ildofonso; Schuy Pitts Cal., fara: I bad nob thank, shooting pain An English woman, on separation Imposed Charleston. Among them were the through my kmneya, uaeemed that a kntxe ler O. Baker, Stiver Jose Gon burg Trust Company holds bonds belDt me. wr)I Is to $70,000 law on such an official. The distinc- Pa City; tbrnftt Into Mt back ao lama from her husband, bave lowing: Bishop Hughes, Nevada, road oonld hardly stoop. Doan's Kidney iuPllle oared me tion was conferred Mies Eliza- sales, Las Cruces; Joseph M. Sollle, against the for $2,000,000, whlclr m year, a town house and a country upon clfic Chinese mission, California and Albuquerque; Marie Baldy, Roswell; together with accumulated Interest, Get Daaa'i at Amj Stan. SO Ban boose Talk about tht land of the beth M. Meigs, who for twenty-tw- Arizona. VSIshop McConnell, Utah mis Roan B. Odom, Lumberton, Rio Art amounts to an Indebtedness ot $3,506, Crael years has ben doing service for the sion, Colorado, nn4 New Wyoming riba county. S95, on January ,!, 1913. court as a copyist. Mexico. ITOTOUULBURN CO. BUFFALO, N.T. CROP FOR DRY FARMS Helping the Little Fellow. HUSBAND NAILED The United Shoe Machinery Com Practical Fashions is Over-Nig-ht pany the only real obstacle to th Relief formation of a shoe trust We help the small manufacturer to start In RUBBER OH GATES Bean Has Big Possibili WITH THE DROP SHOULDER. Tepary business and keep going. He could ties for Arid Sections. not afford to buy and care tor his ma- for Constipation chines, but he can afford to lease theia Wife so Weak and Nervous on the terms we give htm based on A Smatt Dose on Retiring the number ot shoes he makes an and You Are Well and Could Not Stand Least Professor Clothier of Arizona Experi average ot less than 2 2-- 3 cents a pair by ment station Plant Is One of Happy Morning NoUe How Cured. Says and let us keep them up to date. Most Wonderful Ever Pre- It Is only natural that the simplest That is a fair arrangement Some ot should be the to of ailments most ge- sented Public the big fellows don't like, our system, and we have a whole nation - ' ' so and neral, so JS "N Munford, Al. "I wu weak because they think we ought to give suffering from constipation and Ind- y f nervous whilo passing through the In a bulletin written by Prof. R. W. them special rates. But the little fel- igestion, for they are closely allied. But I of Iii:;ii:;i:iiii!!ii;ii;ii!!ii:!IHHnm!;i!J Change Life that Clothier of the University of Arizona lows stand with us because they know common as constipation Is many pe- ' I could hardly Bve. and published by the Arizona experi we treat all manufacturers alike no ople do not seem to know they have husband of II! My bad to ment Btation, entitled, "Dry Farming matter how many machines use. it. They will complain headache, jr nail rubber on all the they drowsiness or biliousness, all uncon- in the Arid Southwest," Prof. Clothier If it were not tor our methods of doing gates for I could not will Introduce to the world a new scious of the cause of the trouble. dry business there would be no small fac You should have a full and free ftand it to have a farming crop which has wonderful pos tories and no slam. anywhere prosperous movement at least once a day. If you gate sibilities for the arid sections of the factories In small towns. a also back- pass day you are constipated, and ji'ii'j,' v "JL "I had world having a short rain period. The The United Shoe Co result will be will catch ache and a fullness Machinery the that you crop Is the tepary bean, obtained from Boston, Mass. Adv. a cold easily or have a more serious in stomach. H. cure my I the Papago Indians by Director R. ailment. To the constipation and Mr, A. B. Danner. noticed that Lydla Forbes of the Arizona sta More Eccentricities of Genius. forestall still graver trouble take a E. experiment Pinkham's Vege tion in the of 1909 and placed Poe had written "The Raven." dose of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at by families already familiar with its waa spring morn table Compound in the hands of Prof. Clothier at that "He's a pretty tough old bird," so night before retiring and by merits. advertised for irach cases and I sent and relief will come, without disturb is mild, pleasant-tasting- , time to be tested for its liloquized the blinking at the ing Syrup Pepsin a bottle. did so much dry farming poet ance from sleep or any Inconvenience. and Mothers got It ma good of this "but I he'll do tor give it I leant takintr and found possibilities. Writing bean, manuscript, guess Legions ot people use It in to tiny infants, and It is effective that on it it to Is regularly yet Prof. Clothier says: The new drop shoulder oue of the a pot boiler, all right!" such some of form in grown-ups- . for be all you claim. I recommend your emergencies, them It is everyone who After three years of experimenting features ot the shirt waists of the For Kdgar, as you may recall, really erly cbronlo Invalids who have suf- suffers from any form ot stomach, Compound to all women afflicted as I - "-- with I am to say that it la present season. The design offered needed the money. fered from constipation all their lives. liver or bowel trouble, was. Mrs. F. P. MUT.I.KNDORE, Mun- - it prepared constipation one of the most wonderful evei herewith has this mark ot novelty, the Mr. A. B. Danner, S26 Riley St., dyspepsia, biliousness, eto. Its action lord, Alabama. plants to the public sleeves being inserted without any FOR Pa., says: "Dr. Caldwell's will so delight you that you will for presented dry farming THE BEST TREATMENT me Instant If a season of 75 fullness well below the shoulder. They Syrup Pepsin gave almost ever avoid harsh cathartics, purga- An Honest Dependable Medicine it has growing days ITCHING DANDRUFF relief from stomach and bowel trou and if has may be full length or finished with a SCALPS, tives, pills and salts. Is Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- it will make a fair crop, it ble. I now eat I want, and It no member II cuff at the elbow. The waist closes AND FALLING HAIR anything of your family baa A Root and Herb medicine 90 days it will make a good crop. well." Many others will tell you ever would pound. orig In the center ot the and sleep used Syrup Pepsin and you inated it is struck by a drouth it will ripen front, opens that they have tried most things rec- like to make a trial of It be nearly forty years ago by Lydla at the neck where there is a personal Pinkham con- the pods already set, and when the slightly To allay itching and irritation ot the ommended for this purpose but have tors It in the way of a E. of Lynn, Mass., for collar. be en buying regular female ills. drouth breaks it will set and ripen a Robespierre This may scalp, prevent dry, thin and falling found Syrup Pepsin the only one al druggist, send your address poBtal trolling and neck outline Its wonderful success in this Une has new crop if it has five weeks in which tirely omitted the hair, remove crusts, scales and dan- ways reliable. A bottle can be obtain will do to Dr. W. 8. Caldwell, 203 merely faced with a band of ed at any drug store for cents or 111., and made it the safest and most dependable to do it In 1911, beans planted June shaped druff, and promote the growth and fifty Washington St, Montlcello, a some color. Buttons add one dollar, the latter site bought tree bottle will be mailed you. medicine of the age for women and no 14 were struck with drouth July 20, contrasting beauty of the balr, the following spe- being sample had pen- much to the general effectiveness ot is woman suffering from female ills does after but 3.84 inches of water cial treatment most effective, agree- ta TMwtwpspf .monf and to be in hw bTm kerself Justice who does not it etrated the soil. The drouth continued waist, they are had able and economical. On retiring, horiMMi may netr give new and are foaling D temp many and original colors all Corn - trial. , until August 25 and was accompanied comb the hair out straight around, Planting nim U hot- forms this season. wash mate may tak nor of Uien oorn plauliof may b )at your by extremely hot weather, the Fahren- All then begin at the side and make a baTftDliitemt, a If yon bare the slirhtest doubt rials, especially lawn, and ging that Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegeta- heit thermometer frequently reaching pique I was entirely cured. I cannot discover ham may be used for this waist, and of SPOHN'S DISTEMPER CURE ble will a maximum of 106 to 108 degrees and ment Into the parting with a bit Wo Compound helpyouvwrite any of the soft silken fabrics will also Is your true safeguard our as well M prerentlr end St."0 to Lydla E.Plnkham MedicineCo. averaging 99 degrees as a maximum soft flannel held over the end of the bottle Iti.UO siid 110.00 dotes, delivered. I.arse Is mors tbsn twice toe be suitable. orsend to manufacturers. (confidential) Lynn,Massif or ad- tor the entire period. finger. Anoint additional partings smaller alia. Don't pullt oil. (Jet It. Druggists vice. Your letter will be opened, The waist pattern (6176) Is cut in about half an inch apart until the Saabs Msdlcsl Co., Chsaisll us Baclirlloisls, Goals, las., U.S.A. and a Beans Yield Well. sizes 34 to 43 measure. read answered by woman, Inches bust whole scalp has been treated, the pur- and held strict confidence. these adverse con ot 36 in Notwithstanding Medium size requires 294 yards pose being to get the Cutlcura Oint- ditions, these beans ripened an aver Inch S An Exception. material. ment on the scalp skin rather than on VV. of 319 of seed per acre dur to mm "I don't want anybody to mince age pounds To Broeure this nsttern mnil 10 rente the hair. It is well to place a light 7yn. this drouth. when the rains to "Pattern of .00 3.PO 31.00 matters about this house." ing Then, Department," thin paper. covering over the hair to protect the recurred, the beans again began set Write name and address plainly, and be "But, dear, how about the sure to give else and number of pattern. pillow from possible stain. The next AND $R.oo pies?" and matured an additional .00 I ms?. M&r v. t?.m.inttyua ting pods morning, shampoo with Cutlcura Soap 456 pounds of seed between Septem If you wish beautiful, clear whits and hot water. Shampoos alone may SHOES ber 1 and October 15, on 4.97 inches NO.8178- - FOR MEN clothes, une Red Cross Bag Blue. At all SIZE. be used as often as agreeable, but AND.WOMEN Adv. more of making mm good grocers. penetrating rainfall, once or twice a month is generally letnorssHoei i world IWLg 775 acre NAMB aa mmUMiMm eai 13.00, BO and SOU. a total yield of pounds per sufficient this treatment ft. t p for special Favors the Commission Form. for season. Moisture determina The makers of Hp the TOWN ..... tor women's hair. largest "What Is in- before Man's S3.50 and S4.00 your opinion, "squire," tions in the soil made plant Cutlcura and Ointment sold quired Joe Doe, "of Senator Smugg's showed that there was not over STREET AND NO...... Soap shoss in the world. ing throughout the world. Sample of each declaration that it the president is five Inches of water available tor Ask your dealer to yen STATE . free, with 32-p- . Skin Book. Address lttiMtL, 1. Donates H.BU. sm.uu si going to dictate legislation congress in the first four feet tn ii ' .f M plant production pest-car- d 50 shoss. Just si tocxt style. le",-- fWjfV "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston." GOT HAM as well be abolished?" of none in the subsoil below I fli and wear as other snake eost lnat SWI.00 to ST. might soil, and Adv. dlfierenon Is the Dries. Shoss In al re- were the oulr "My opinion, Joseph," calmly that denth. When the beans CHILDREN'8 DRES&. isainers, styles sua snepes to sun svsryixiny. If oonfd Tlslt W. L. Doug-la- s facto- plied the Old Codger, "is that the sen planted. When we consider the ex Introducing Breakfast Foods. you large He ries at Hit ktnn, Mass., and see for yourself ator always did talk too much. tremely dry character of the atmos Until recently there were hardly how caret tilly W. L. Douglas shoss ars mads, should have said, 'Congress as in the arid with its foods on sale would thas understand wnv their srs warranted might phere southwest, any kinds of breakfast v to fit belter, look better, hold therr shape sad wsai well be abolished,1 and let it go at consequent great power to absorb wa in the Amsterdam grocery stores. Rut Hl longer than any other make for the prios. that" ter from soils and these W. L Uouglas ihoet are not for isle In your rlelmty, order plants, yields, now several dealers are handling dtrMt from tit ftfltorr nl thf mwdlfmM.'. profit, under such conditions, are remark them. The Dutch do not, as a rule, NtioMformnrmfli!iherof all priy, by rrmwi roK, immhakb tree. Write nr tluatre-r- i . Doino for Him. .' able. The which has a re al it wilt hour you hot to ordar lit mat. Nothing bean, serve a warm meat breakfast, but I IN I'ntnin. W.L.l)OUl TAKE and wliy you ma mora on your footwear. Ri,' KamtMMl A well known but broken-dow- n De- as drouth-resiste- an ltotaV iituiia i putation itself a rrost universally take a cold, light SUBSTITUTE W. I lft!4-.L- A - M aa on in ivntom. troit newspaper man, who had been made nothing whatever during the meal, consisting of broad, cheese, cold a power in his day, approached an drouth and 100 acre only pounds per meats, milk and tea or coffee. To Clean Walls. Very Useful. old friend the other day and said: for the entire season under exactly To clean walls dissolve two "A solf made man Is of no particular "What do you think? I have just re the same conditions, pajtited A CLERGYMAN'S TE8TIMONY. ounces of borax In two quarts of hefp to his fellow" men." ! ceived the prize insult of my Ufa. ' Average Yield Large. water add one of WellT" A paper down in Muncie, Ind., offered and tablespoonful three years of experimenta The Rev. Edmund Heslop of Wig-- ammonia. Use this Hut a self-mad-e woman Is a me a job." "Do you call that an During halt quantity to perfect tion 13 of acre each ton, Pa., sulfered from Dropsy tor ot do not mine Information about hair "Ndt the Job, but the plots each bucket water; use) of dyes salary, of have been and year. His limbs and feet were swol and and offered me twelve dollars a tepary beans grown soap. Wash a small amount of the face bleaches and pads They on all of them has len and puffed.. He had heart flutter week." said the friend. the average yield paint at a time and rub dry with a things." "Well," acre. of was "twelve dollars a week is better than been 473 pounds per Many ing, dizzy clean cloth, 9 the have had poor and exhausted at "Twelve dollars a week-thun- der!" plots extremely nothing." them soil the least exer- FOLEY KIDNEY exclaimed the old scribe. stands, and on many of the Kill the Files Now and Prevent PILLS was so dry at planting time that the tion. Hands and dlsraso. A DAISY FLY KILLER will do It. RICH IN CURATIVE OUALITIKS "I can borrow more than that right , beans remained In the ground six feet were cold Kills thousands. Lasts nil Alldimlere OR BAOKaOHK, RHEUMATISM, here in Detroit." six for KIONIVS AND BLADDER weeks before rain occurred to and he had such or sent express paid tl. II. HOMKKSL enough 160 De Kalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Adv. them and bring them up. a dragging sensa- Matter of Curiosity. sprout SPECIAL TO WOMEN Eleven similar plots of pink beans tion across the Widow's Miss Gibson was rich and Mr. Ways. Do very Little cannot loins was La-mod- realize the fact that thousands grown during the same period aver girls have too many that it "Mamma, why did you tell Mrs, e you Hanna was very poor.-- She liked him, and little frock difficult move. of womea are now using ages only 140 pounds per acre under dressos, this will make to that I was only when I but that waa all, and he was well a addition to summer eighteen the some conditions. Three plots o( pretty the ward am twenty-four?- " aware of he Rev, B. Heslop. really the fact One evening red Indian beans averaged 131 robe. It Is one of those boyish de boxe. of 0M he Widow Because eighteen Is six grew somewhat tender and at last two of wax 119 so well suited to plain, Kidney Pills the swelling , pounds; plots Leopard signs everyday disappear- years under twenty-four- dear. said: "You are Very rich, aren't you, The waist is a ed and he felt himself my pounds and two plots of Hansen beans usage. long, straight again. He says Yes, I know; but Helen?" Tom," the with two littlo run- he has been benefited Daughter surely "Yes, replied girl, 107 pounds per acre. shirt blouse, tucks and blessed by I don't need the benefit ot those six frankly. "I am worth about two mil- ol lengthwise on each side of the the ubo of Dodds Pills. Sev A Soluble Powder In 1909, when only 6.71 Inches ning Kidney years at my age, do 17 Antiiepiic lion dollars." "Will you marry me, the front, and also of the back, from the eral months later he wrote: I have water penetrated the soli during Widow Not at all, my child; but I as a remedy for mucous membrane af- Helen?" no, Tom, I couldn't." .89 shoulder to the belt. In the center of not changed my faith In "Qh, growing season and only inches your remedy Tlt-Blt- fections, such as Bore nasal or knew Is a In do.London throat, T you wouldn't." "Then why had penetrated it since August ol the front there band which but since the above statement was author pelvlo catarrh. Inflammation or ulcerat- did you ask me?" "Oh, I Just wanted tonholes are worked and the dress ized. Rev. Hes- the preceding year, tepary beans aver Correspond with E. Mrs. Wfnslow's Soothing Byrup for Children ion, caused by female Ills? Women to how man loses same liiflamma.-tlou.ulla- y see a feels when he ages 467 pounds per acre with a buttoned together.. The closing lop about this wonderful remedy, teething, aohenstho gums, reduces who have been cured say "It Is worth two down the center 50c. wind oollc Ji6c a Its In In millions." poor stand. In 1910 the total water continues front ot Dodds Kidney Pills, per box at s paln,curas buttlejfcej weight gold." Dissolve water the skirt. This has almost no or and For ten tbe penetrating the soil during the grow fullness, your dealer Dodds Medicine Co., apply locally. years and Is attached to the waist beneath Y. When - a sea captain marries Lydla E. Pinkham Medicine Co. has MORE THAN EVER ing season had received no water liuffalo, N. Write for Household the belt The sleeves may be full Hints, also music of National Anthem widow he becomes second mate, recommended Paxtlne lu their private Increased Capacity for Mental Labor other than this since the preceding with women. length or cut off at the elbow. This (English and German and re- correspondence Since Leaving Off Coffee. August Tepary beans averaged 340 words) For all hygienic and toilet uses It has design Is suitable for linen, for dishes. All 3 sent free. To Women pounds per acre with extremely poor pique, cipes dainty 5 no Only 60c a box at cambric, and many other Adv. equal. large Drug Many former coffee drinkers who stands in that year. In 1911 a small gingham, gists or sent on ol wash materials, and for postpaid receipt have mental work to perform, day aft amount of rain had penetrated the very light Broken Down? price. The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, weight woolens, such as serge and Pneumonia and Erysipelas 8erum. Muss. er day, have found a better capacity soil since the preceding August, but Whether It's from business cheviot. Not long before his death last Feb- (area. and greater endurance by using Post' it had all dried out at planting time. fancy household drudmry or oerfrequnt The dress pattern (6200) Is cut In ruary Dr. Philip Hanson Bliss of Bal- you need n Restorative urn instead of coffee. An Ills. Woman The rain the grow Tonic and 8trngth-ivin- Nervine) penetrating during sizes 2, 4 and 6 Medium size timore discovered tor treat- writes: season was 8.31 inches. Four years. serum the stnd Bogulstor. ing 2hi of 36 Inch mate ment of and "I had drank coffee for about twenty ot beans 627 requires yards pneumonia erysipelas, B plots tepary averaged rial. which ore now much doctor on while being tested with a Dr. Pierce's . Snnd nsFREEthe name of someone who Is abont years, and finally had what the per acre this rainfall, IJnsnUu pounds interest. of the Hop- Ui purt'lHwea Pump, wtntluilll, or lt To this send 10 Dr. Ford Johns called 'coffee heart.' I was nervous two plots that had three and one-ha- procure pattern eonts OH Kniihin, Irrigation Plant or Wsler to "Pattern Department." of this paper. kins medical school, who followed Dr. Hiofk Tiink, ripray liiMds or Kuppllea and despondent; had little Inches ot water added to Write name and address plainly, and b Favorite of ttits nature, and we will send you s extremely irrigating Prescription M. uiv w aura mae ana uumour ol Iillss In his work, says that the serum (jAt.KNUKIl-k'KK- mental or physical left, had the soil two months before planting pattern. recommended ss having- been) Pin this A4 l Uflft-TI- IK strength for pneumonia Is not a cure lu any S ts such, kidney trouble and constipation. time averaged 774 pounds per acre. S compounded to act in harmony with; M.J. trFAM.rt NITpri.Y CO. such sense as the antitoxin for diph- woman's peculiarly delicate ana sensie DKNVKJl OOLOKADO "The noticeable benefit derived Pink beans 97 and 100 B first averaged NO. 6200. SIZE is In the S tire urgsnisstlon. from the from coffee to Postum acre under theria, but that it., helpful change pounds per respectively treatment of the disease. ' g Your Druggist Will Supply Yoy was the natural action of the similar conditions. These cer- NAMS SUM kidneys yields WmSWIIIIItfMHH BEST STOCK and bowels. In two weeks my heart tainly give this new crop an enviable THE TOWN . Not the Only Ones. action was greatly improved and my place among, the dry farming crops of SADDLES "Drowning men catch at straws." Make the Liver it h1ii. nerves steady. the world. STREET AND NO ...... L writs have seen thirsty ones do the able prices, for frst "Then I became less despondent, and Do Illustrated catalog-us- same thlng." its Duty the desire to be active again showed Errors of Beginners. Nine times in ten when the liver It A. H. HESS A SON of renewed and mental stomach 3M TtIs St. Uuutiea. Tsi, proof physical Beginners in the poultry buslnesi LAUIKO, CAX WEAR SIIORS right the and bowels are right All Fishermen Know strength. are likely to neglect their stock dur That. nne else smaller arter using Allan's Foot CARTER'S LITTLE PARKER'S am There be as fish in the Kaae. the Ahtis-ltl- powder to be shaken In. HAIR BALSAM "I steadily gaining in physical ing the time they are not yielding re may good to the shoes. It mftkes tlKht or new ihoes LIVER PILLS brain I sea as ever were a lot feel easy, dives rest and comfort. Refuse A toilet prpsvtvtioa of iTMirsfc strength and power. formerly turns and often fall to figure the fu caught, but gently butfirmly com If elpfl Ursul!rtc dklidruff. substitutes. For FKRB trial packsffe, sd. Color mn 1 did mental work and had to it up depends on the bait. B. Le N. - Adv. a liver For Riorin give ture consequences. Such beginner! dress Allen OlmsUd. Hoy, pel lazy to Hstir. on account do its Carter's &Muty toGrtrorFadrd of coffee, but since using cannot be successful in the poultry duty. bH tuid Il.tWat 1'rutfijisitn. I labor For Burnt Matches. A husband Is of Cures Con- f ITTLE Postum am doing hard mental business. Constant care, good feed satisfactory capable with less ever before." Burnt matches are and her or has sense itipation. In- IVER fatigue than ing and fresh water are absolutely dirty danger appreciating enough PILLS. lllet Cane Mllo Name Battle ous to throw about the charred wood to He about It. digeition. "Kaf:f r OtQtOOS given by Postum Co., necessary at all times. This holdi Sick and the some. SEEDS Alfalfa Creek, Mich. from the time the chicks art leaving dirt glowing end Headache. Write today for t'ttss catalog. good a fine bureau Postum now comes in new concen hatched until they go into the times burning scarf ot Red Cross Bag Blue makes tbe Inundross and Distress After Eating. iTLZ'i Western Seed Co., Denver. Colo. laylni wood. Have a mnkes clothes whiter mow. trated form called Instant Postum. It polished little glass ol nippy, than SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. house. All good grocers. Adv. is regular Postum, so processed at the sand and thrust the burnt end of the Usniilaeliirsr wln ,a"w " h"w to nm In Genuine must bear 61 m.mer Introducing sanitary soluble matches this, thus dirt Signature H6c anil factory that only the portions Increase Horse's Power. preventing Lifting on the burden of another Ooutmhold Articles: brlngssMDiple tor me re retained. and danger. torrllor. IhrUbirf, ItfcS fcwa St., Iteew. UL If your teams are to be used much beats training in a gymnasium tor In- A spoonful of Instant Postum with In handling heavy loads where back creasing strength. W. N. U DENVER, NO hot water, and sugar and cream to Provide Fresh Air for Patients. lag is necessary, use a harness wits taste, produce Instantly a delicious One Chicago hospital maintains very wide and heavy breeching. II beds on Its roof for treatment of cer- beverage. will add to the horse's confidence and Write tor the little book. "The Road tain patients to whom plenty ot fresh PUTNAM One 10c ootors all his power. otherFADELESSnbera. Their dr You to WellvUle." ' backing air Is a necessity Color mors foods brighter and fseter colors than err, pscksgs dean a.rment r.lhou nnptns apart. Wnte lor Ires d.booklet-H- ow to Drs, Bleach and Mix Colors. MOWOr, CPtJO ''"CUHPANt, Qslsty. ii. "There's a Reason" tor Postum. I . ' i--: 1 45! put). 1 HE DAIRY KiiatpubS. 10. - , I Cj lt..Jsa.;3 t;;6 X PtJUMCATtOJC NOTICE COS PUBLICATION iL tttUVO CLlSrPLK HOTICtt FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLKATION. ixrott common to of of lie Interior DcpartijiPn! of the interior. It is getting to be ot the Interior Department the Interior. j Dpar.n)fi.t U. S. Ian4 O.tloe at, SW.ii Fe, N. SI. oS'oo at Santa To N Mex Offlc earn . Mex.. lard Oi..cp at X. M. V. S Land C. S. Land at I e. if U.u. Tujj.wurl. 13 tmik ia Ouetvo of laie i ! 10 Ami! '.1813. Li sci caiii 10. HIS. luy 8. 1DI. AprilSS. 9. J. T.lOllAS, Msy. Is 1 Wood-vrai- Xctiee hereby given trat t X.uloe is fcere by (riven tliat Jamts 3. seem bu sjot'.ee 1 hereby irivea that ANs L, Kuttce i terobr sWua ttAt William J. i E l.t & Pijbiiohcr and farmers to waking . WiJsoB of Cuervo. N. M. vLo on Out. il. 1!07 of .V. M. who on May. II. jr Henderson 0 L?i T ;r,t K. M. who. on of Uiiile. 1C. X. wta od IX-e- 13. I hnston Buton. June l0; "Jl. 1911 i - & Jut.. iaie Hoatistoil 1507 fc arth.tWOO ma4c- Homestead Bur.1 on tbu of uulk, 13. ntA Homestead Entry No. mido aomteteid Ectirssrlal Mo. r.n; No. May up production IS. OlS!6 l!33.S&0UcMi for SUJ S Wj. i V, e?8:i-H5o- fc Kl" fiBJ.SWJ So. tor Si Si SWJ See. i .SS;rMWJ tec J',&wJ NEl MeraliSn and Sl TowasWt: itause Sl.E. N. M. P. j NJ Ad lltterta! XEK 3. Published ISvury rhursj.iy. cream and butter fat Ut BLd n .Tum 1!.3 cude Aai'l. Oi74 T .wjr.'il.i , N.M. P. SEj skj Retla Ct tt'e.1 of i.usnt'.iio maVe fiii.1 S3. " hi:. Olfed ir.ti"ttt.n M hsa nitlnj to ship 1SN.. Kaniie E. N.M.r. Msnaiaa, tor n BN. !icril:.. r COWS IbiMUlIk NH icciica Towrstlp tve-yea- Frt-e- t o etttt'.itb it ' o to .'c-v;?- r t lied notice of Intentlc-- l S'iVx Fill hgUbbt (toiJCU IVcn tiS, Her.dH.o. Slud I 1 ISh cip.L.i to RM' tit frf! j Hue iat.d ao'.ive dofcr;bed. batons lohi K. tvv-- proof, to establifch o'ako to tht ' mat- intention tuaka tbrea-sca- r the lied bov ter J,It.Tuuoau. as and to tha crtam ef 'J r'atl 6eM'.!.l.l;f . . Ejt;r.d the tans bald 'litems V I'. Coaixiaetoner at cucr. 0. K'jnd above de&ci-ibed- before o. I Proof, to BStubUt'a cladin to tita t. S. cesaeltiiuacr. at Cacivu, T. II.. on tl.e ter the office latl M. (.. tuf 3rd. dav of June 1618. U. s. CoinmiAiloaer at Uui'.on. N. .'.1. April 17, post it to town Some of t. Thim-si- . U. day ot jujB. 1013. j Buitou. and bring ia. at)ofile.oTiLeil beloro John rui a.--, Clum.ant witnesses: on a) h of May 1913. . 'be fct.eommuv'duner cucrvo. 14. 00 lite the day .. at Cuervo, New Mexico, under at jr. 15th. Gcor,- V,. Oiin&Ubam. Patnucl F. I 'iron. have a limited '. Ji-h- Claimant amines as witijofeys: our firaiert but day ot June (613. Mbui'iJ 1.. Jcstrt 's B. Tack. Ac: of of March ( Uarlcj B. Wii'ltup. 2et!amip F. Ea!e all of B. J. A. M. Congress 3,1879." elairusnt ntoei at witnsss. ttotitward. Noel b, iJytl all of nolle. W- - M. 'i. tieul. I. IeJJ Dieer. ai.uku: in the ol Cueiro, N.M. Kalo all of Boxtou, N. li. I'Xpcrieuce production S. W Lavton ef N. M VY". S. Fluin B. A. J'reuUce. Etenls'.er. curvi,, Manuel K. Otero. Retrlhter milk and huvia co to produce P. Rockwell, a, c. Miracle all of Los Taoos. , Slaaui R. Oi'o ItJ'.r.Jt'ir. SUBSCRIPTION BATKS jr. M. will bu Cuervo Clipper c 10. Kay. 1. YEAR 11.00 milk it uot amiss MaousiR. otors. Register 1? ,' ' ont perhaps ' IfoTlcE FOR PUBLICATION First pub i. HX MONTHS .50 KQT1CK F08 PL'BLICATIOH to difieuaa the marks of a good S. is. Department of tbe Interior. N0TIC2 r0a'PC3UiTl0K . mrvo clipper Department ot the Interior. 11 HFE MONTHS S. Office of Interior NO HE TOtt PutlLlOATlOX K C. Land at Santa Fe. N. lir DePTtirent the " . C. i. tanj oCioe at Tucnmeail ux cisr-ri;"- milk cow a the wrtior uefd to be iS. 10IS TJ Land oace teaaut Fe. V, .n.Mx.srs Dsilurtraeot ot do luttrier I.JRS'. 6. 181.1. April '6. at :i. Notice is tlventfcat Fanr'c Cbull. April. S 113 ADVERTISING K.YIES in the dairr business bu U. a. Laid Office tauta Fo. Notice i hereoy lriven teat Ceorce A. hereby engaged of cttervo N.M, who on il. IW" nade. Notice ts tiivea that 1 My 10.1)13 'I'lfjBias. of N, M. who. on Ma? April kircby V:i inch col. i7 mi CISlMlllS of N. M. vtlio. on Ai?i"d tit (.If y tCtts, tingle will bis idea ol the marks that Notice ia l.croby plv-- ttu. 'umuei V. aiafl No No. IIuBtestead Lntry, No. for SE. Curo. it, giv H'jmeiUsail Katrj aorlal SVrS i K UN. Hani-- S4E N. M. mada buiaMteil Si. Oijiilil Ltttoa Sr.cfCiiiTTo. .!. wlo on Dettetr.ner for Si Nltt. See 20 S NWi Sets SI I Seetior. 33.'iov.tiahip Entry ircrth J . S ( j it indicate a cow would bs a goad 6. Humenend No 0511S-I2- t P. Meridian. Una fl ed notice of lnteatioi to for 6 sealion Towuiiup Ijiffirart ilury. acd Ad..!.l No. 0:EJ.l ir.aSe Anril 8. 10)3 for r 11 M. P. 5 t er if cue NWJ Ntvl Saa. 14 :,sri E;c. It. ninl.e fli al proof to establish Kanse E.. ti. Kortdioa n. I ccsle clt lire tr S'i NisEf Sto. 2o n.l NJ SWJ Section iT.i:': miller. net. JO, Kanre clainttto tbe land above described bcf J. filed notlto of iutentlco to maka .i section TowiaUlp Jl Towtistiip rT. Ri.t-- e N. P jra l. ff, It. U S. N. tve-yea- r to.te-.&eitt- claim to to t. N.V..P, MerWisn. baa 14 notice Meridian Thomas. cointnlssloner at cuirvo. proof til Oi course tbe roost reliable way hiii!'9l notice ot intentlan to roaki' J. K. J. lateiitloa loaak Hrrnl year proof. M, 011 the Sin day of June MIS land above described, before TUymas. il 6e Trial flvc y.:r Pro jf. to esuiilisi clam N. M. ho -- land Js'orlDisl claimant names a wttnewu: a. comuils !onirtt.o.ieiVj: cat .'). Attention j Jfte a good milker is to luilk tin 50 eatab'isit to the abova to tbe land d.!ioribed. before R. Jojis,. William Wfcon.Guiford F. of Un yiMn. S-- e i3 K. Tliwiias U. I. CotniiitMiounr at L Dudley. Charles day tlat your fitul proof cor cow. measure the tht betorej. 'i'bomiK. B. S. at Cuurv X M.. as milk, teat Wilt j, W, BJlecb. IVYank all of Cuervo N. claluunai names viinessee Cuurvo. N,M. oi tlao dT, ot June Wll. su tue of Jure Dudley II, and also name. a fitiiy ibi. Manuel ft. Otero. Wiley 0. Muhanas. Joe BolbrooU. Jr. lect description noiice tho kind ot food uhc Cl'iimaot Dtwei J wltafnaea Ciauiiaul uaaiea &5 w Better, It milk, itncea: Sentk. W- - E. nil of Cuervo. N. M. Kenort anv error to at ouce b w. e,l"u'tt. A,0, . L. Handersert. Samuel F. Xixoa. Kiiachl Mo-- e bath of ut - Maeuel B. Otero. Resistor. r mxl Hi.- all of Uoa T;iaoi. N N. J- . tklnucr of ale to produce toe mi i Cuerro, N.M. C. 1.. Willlao-- ot Alamo. X. clipper May. 1. CK7S0I&SM letter, it will be oroinotlv attended Cuervo. N.M. i:. Gccrft , Arnold rdlnilo. M. Kotics Fia PCblioation amount of fljsU the cow bad U.Otci-o- . - , .bn ' Mauusl Pejliter R. A. I'rau.ioa tierioter. DsMiartmeut of tbe Iuterior. NOTICE FO.t IHTBL10ATION bha to milk or 0- S. Land OfBco it Tuoutncari. S. Me Department of .the Interior. began give brought OLd M. 1 U. S. at Fe. h!. curvo Clipper. Firnt pub. . i. 16. Cuer" 0 clipper a4i April. 24, litis Lmd o santi a A a call April S. 1013 Thd ullalfa on tbo C.ipper farm calf. cow tint rvr.ngs NOTICE FOR PCSUCATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice is htrrly iivth tiai Karloa m. ot . Notice is hereby siven tbat BeDiain'a of tho lnUrloe. Department of the Interior. Tarry aula. 4.. J 01 OctJbr Oth, m winter or cf tbe Deportment of N.Ji. who on .. W.I9 ; is well cow and ibe till year N. 100; n ade Hotrestead Entry No. Wilson Cuervo April locking prtity B. Lacd t uttt Fe. M.M- - U B. Laud Oltce at Tueutncarl. It. .' t Lou 3 it t a id Sfcii N Wi aci No, OiP.iteS July 1. lUlOtiiade aouieil.;ariEai.rlt.,''i. n.i) ia and is wbsfn fcht May W. 10: S. May 8, 1013 tctct. c( it up a foot hif,h. It very poor brings made A ur .4 i.Vl M .v"t ca. 3. oiara for nwi. NWi. x Notice Is tlia Notice in eiven ihst VTili'am M. U')fr 'Ilia horcby tWen hfrety & JSE a bW Net. NbtSfii beetlun it made a Mom. on 2.1. 1h0? NKJ Seo.SIowo.shlt.cS Rufs N. Net iiiakcs fiue tor work cannot be to produce W. of N. M. who of memo, N.M. who Comber. Mert-t- tuie grazing Sattuel tanou, Cuervo, M, P. Meridian hi.t Bled notice of ttifcnticD to Township. 10M lUam SIS. N. M. P. t. on 1S07 add Homeetead B.ado llntry. nenal N e. C3trt4 of she teu.ber it muke five on c is", and bas filed uotioe of intention to malts Jul It h.n.s not had the larue tmoL'it milk until i. Suction 19, SN. r.nal year proof alter., tar suuticu !or SEt Tjwnship 1 1 Entry, ko. ot9iiao;t K5J Ihrce.ya&r Proot ,0 n Addt'l to establish turee-yfa- r proof to esiabllsh claim to ths !,. 15. SNr. Eaaiis N.M. K Uaauo N. f. P. Mi.riMn."ha died tioa thculd bav bad the last brios another call. A co toj Tuw&tb'p Sjfc. 0U! to t! laud above dojerlbot!. before aoove described, beiore John 8. "fhoiuis, 3 it tivf Uiiilcw intention uottoe of tiitedtiua 10 mal:e fcYii.'l three-yea- Meridian, filed ef It, ri'.om.te. U. b. Uuu.iubbiour at S. Coaunbsiunar. at Cuervo, ti, M- on the bor beot should a calf whon to oiakt final tt'- - to estabUas Ptoot. to tmabllsa olatui to tiie lajd ahoie j. tvto Lnt it is there tbf bring ear proof Cucrvj, ti. U., on tlie liih. day of. day of may. 1111. . ytarn jutt urove dtiHcribr.d. boio. K J.It. Thomaa. 0. s. Con-ffil- claim to tbe land deicnbed. before Jute. 1013. Claioiant natnes as witctsses: fine and r t. infe utifl tLowi that 'ullalfa can the eras is green .and B. Thorcus. t) S. C immlnslo-m- lor r.r at Cuervo. N.M. on thsaith. day ot J. atojervs. Clalmiint races as Ueury 0 Willtie. Wallace E. lleonett. A'tl Hi N.M. .on June 1311. Lbould be fat vbtn it tbu lth day mil). lJuij Alesniider Monuomtry. Charles Lciier, S. Heuwl, Chariest. Churchaliof Ouorvo. f. le trown htrc wubcut irrigation. tht brings I cU'matit nimea an Cialmanl Dncici aa vr'.tnesars: itaoee: L. M. 31 Edwurti rtolberser, Bensmln r. Solluerser W-s- , L. If a, F. Nlvori, L. Fallnw, santuel Vaccuren Few cows ever do their beet uatil Fluiu. A.C. Miracle.A. vnderiton, all of Ilai e, N. M, MamielR. Otero tluaistor' allofoueivo. N. 11. C- A . ?homus.N. M nil of Li.a Tattui, N, M. J. ahlube'i outrvo. H. A. Prentice. Resistor. cultivaU'd. Tbe row should run they have brought their fourth N.M (.ttue!K. Otero, Keulbtcr. Manuel It. Otero. Register 1st puj. April. 17, tind so wiud would calf. Cnorvo Clipper cenb tomb the Cuervo Upper B. lb OrnSO NOTtcE FOR PUBLICATION Notice For Publication 6.16. NOTICE FOR PUULICATION tepj,i'Uiint oi the Interior. od from between There are cena n marks that of the Interler. tot b'lv tin NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION Viepartmcnt ef tho Interior. Department TJ. S. Land OlEce at fisnta ye. N. Met. of the Interior tl, 3. LuuJ QSr.i t Junt'.tFe, New Mexico. the rows. And tbe rows should indicate a cow would be a good Department O, S. Laud Ooe at Tuoitinoarl, N. M . April .3. !9i. nam M. u. 13. lClil. U. S. Land ofrloe at a re, Muy e. mi 3 April. Kctlce Is lie roily ulvett that milker aa 10, Nuilt I? tha N. f It far evoiifch apart to be culti' to experienced dairyman May. mis Notice Is hereiiy given the given Filotnena Coiiie; of Cuervo. Nolle la hereby tflvw Joseph D. Kuuson of Cuervo. N, M who on on Irr.b. S. 1010 made Hor,. stead who Din business. A Pan ty 0. Turn an of Newklrk.N. M., who 00 who vated with has studied Mac Cuervo. N. N who en lfl" SI. toil. to'Jde Homestead Ei Ntl'L Nfit !f, ordinary ruachluery. Pearl B'ts'.l. of Mirch SI, IJiO, H Unrry serial Aprils No. Wl Sjotloa 18X17 No Oall a ulfa.ati for N Wt. M. ili.-au- t good milker should have a bboit April 16. iiKe I'omeateiul Eniry No. tl.SiiS for W JNWJ. SKI NWJ. Nil F.grrlft si SWJ, Towoshln is.r. UtttU'c WE. N. P. There are mar Cuervo OHSH-- Heotlon 35. Ntt. and Lot t a & W I Section 8. of to A11I places No. l6tl for Nvri Section !. Tewntfcip S N Haute Toivoshlp has ISied notic.u mti.titlun jcake " MIS. M. Sl itfN.Harife SIE, N, M, Kcridisn. has Bled oc OV, N. P. MS. P. yi;-- r Proof 10 establish oiatm to tin t alfalfa can be sucota-full- y head, broad Mtweea ttiu eye Township Sanrs N. M. P, Meridian, has Siet actios three litre grown -- mr.Uo Ktnul 11. Ktridlan- ha filed of intention to r uotiee of intention described . before Q. jjot'ce of inlentlon to n eke Ural five-yea- to land above and be dished have a ' three roof to eatabUsh claim to the land IV uiihout irrigation and eonit faoid; body oiaUe Bnnl proof to csiauIHh Proof to eotaW'Ah claim to ths land above year. Buxton, U.S. Commbjiouer. at Baatou, N, land before above described, before J. K. Thornae U.S. JOth of 1013. cbviiu to the abovu desorlbcd. .1, described before J. R. Thomas, U. S on the dy May will so and ot good Uogin, be Droad across H. Tnoinan.IT, S. Cuervo. N. CoiiiiTiissiciior at Cuervo N. M. ou the "4'h, as dav it be grown dou't ('emniltluncr at CouimLssloMr. at etiervo. N. M,. ou the Claunant nanitis wtttt'jsses: M on 61J. Our of May 1U'3. , J tht) have thin thitfha the 18th !J' June Stir, day of June I9's Picatxio wtito. J. O. Modus, 3utla!a.)S it. bipt, large Clatmant names as j you furgtit CluUnant numea ee wltu.asea: ClaUxanthsmre aawltnesses: . Lacero. DomuijoLuce.'o l of Btiateo. N. A. H. Charles r.enryc. Willde, Charles F. Churoh. Putrcoio j and Hu&icient loom between htr OulUordE, tt'oley. John Fr.sley. TAilinruL.LinSaraotcm.rvo. N, M, Geonre Manuel It. Oioro riet'Uner . BuUook, all of Cuervo. Qumtana, H' N. Yates all of Huns in N M. W, ril dc. Cliaifos Mulil. R. W, Uiuce WUUom M. Pnton t.11 of ihighs to carry a sack ut N.M. Manuel. K. Otciu.' Hj.iater. That tbe under Rroutid sjlo is large Nawklrk. N.M. !7 ManuelE. Otero, riet'iiier. INT. IU riant lor the farmer and stock Wilt. bUo should Us,v a Urge W. A Prentice. Ifiister. elipper Apr. J4 go OUIM KOTicL FOE rCCLldATION NOTICE FOR PUfaLICATION. Ol 14 Department the Interior ouervo clipper May B l&. there can- - eye and wear a kind uenilu tx Cuero Cllnper. 0N58 Departnjtnt ot the Interior. V. S. Cftlcti N. M. dsn wl lirrnud tnaaiit, NOtU't; FOKPl'DUCATInN at Santa Fe. NOTICE FOR PUUT.ICATION United States Land OtToe Tuemeri, N. M 14. l'J3. She shoule bav Oeparunect of me Jniorior. April. i.ctl.e ite Itaet U can pressiou. latgt iieparti.iept of the lnmrtor. April. 18 1918. Notice is riven thut qutbtion. TJ. S. Laud Office at lima Fe. X, M, hereby hiv.t United mates Land 0!l"co Tuoutncari N.M. Notice Is hereby alven that Stumpf. of ffuc've. N. M. who on wvr.17 111 ccuMincted con- - 'ore quarter in oder to have si a. y i. li)l:i la very heaply, M.iy 8 I91S. Chirlas a. flill. of Ruth. N. M. w'd, on Dao. k Deo. 17. JO'.O made Homestead iiitriea Notice lb lerebi given that Joso Gavlno for the Notice is iivei tbat JoM O Barry si. 1WT mile Ifomettead Bntry Serial No.00l.S0 No. fcOHtiai lor Lois 1. 1 3 t'Stioiutcd, I believe, at UmpU ictminher cl.cst Martinet, ol Treaieotina. N. M. bo on Mays. hj'S'jy nl itrvaimly ef Alamo. New Mex who on June llth 19.7 No. 2S)?i tor SI SEl a let'tsn 3 and NJ NEi, Si NKi a Nl SEt Section 1, lMmadeU.' S. No. for N E( ' co tou It Uttioa of her neart and lungs and made llciresteiid entrlf ase rial No. OIK sectien 10 iind Addl No. ulliX. ujade May Ransc B. N. M. P. Meridian, has ti. ptr capacity. jay Seetion 10, Tnwaahip ISN, tlanaa Sltt. N. M. lfS5 for Souiliwest qrarter section 31 13. IS 19 forNlf.F,l Sections, TowanUip 7 N, notice ofintenticu to make Gual llva-yei- room in her to a P. Merldma. bus Med notice of Intention to Ran-u- U taid wiih truth and a Umple body carry Township 7N R 55E N. M P. Meridian E.V.M.P. Meridian. has Hied notice of proof to establish claim to the lurid 1)1.' apint make nnnl five year rou to establish ulauic inje has Wed netlee of intenilon to nuke Finn! Intention to tnsUe Final Proof, on described before J. It. Thomas, n. S. 3 of that it not How amount ot Jood. In to the laud sbovc " faircts. docs iurgb good Three-- ear proof o etnblt,-.- Oalm to the OrlsitiDl unrt Three ye'ur ou' uiulttlonul to etiervo. N.'m, on the of Biutoc. U. a. GojimbmoMr, t Uurtou, N. M. bm the blood vtbhels iu lnd above described, before J. K. Thomas eutabljsh clim to the lar.d above des.ribed May 1013, duWD ur dry aosrt. and can milktrs btr on tha nth. iivy of ,e lais. Ju U. R. at Cusrv.v New Mexico bufsre J. R. Thomas, U. S. Oomtulsslouur clalnn.ant named as wltne:isru: in Clktaaet mms w'tnesseet tbu farrotr biniieU. udjiT and in her body front of on tl.c Soth- dny of on'y 1913 at etiervo. N.M on the sgth day f Mi.y lai3. Fruuli 3. Rotkwtll of Los Tanos W. 1:. ;'n-lt- i cocstructtd by Agaplto I.,-iait- OtrcK. Qarola. elai'tiat.t niuio a wilnesues; clairount naaien itt witi;t'b5cs: U. Walknp. 11. F. Ht.Ua featnecl P. Mj.Iioj ter are t Anatuoio Gorcla. all at Bivxtuu.X.M. 'ihcoias , I. Expeoiivc oiuchmery L not need udder vtry prcininr. W. Mnyes. H C, Claunch. W"- - T, 0. A, J.U sttw J, O. ndor.H all. all of ouervo, N. M. Martinet, vt Itetueivlua, V. It. ijttrrs a J 0. of Alamo. M M. of Kih. N. M.C. L. Willia-- ef .Uttaj.N. U Manuel It. Olero Register. utdir-qroun- d while are S kihe:sll in an silo ia poor milkers they Maiiucl Ototo asirtatcr I id tilling n- A Pruntloe. Heirlster. K. A. Prenuoe, Riiitister, the ten includes small. When leagih Mar 13 . ti.CQ per capacity greatest Firei Ma it. i. 24. clipper olbi.O'J Fliatpub pub. S. 15 ttl NOTICE PUBLICATION. Cilper OSI0I1SS? NOTICE FOR PURtlcATtON NOTICfe FOH PUELICAT'ON. of tie hoie, ciinent udder is from bottom to top POK NOTICE PUBLICATION. tledifgng of ilia Imorlor. ron Oeimrfaie-- of tbe interior Lepartinent of the Interior. Peptrtiueat Of , Departmeat the Interior. U. S. Land Ottioe M. . naudeUllee Santa Fe. u.u. and or plastt-ruw- With it oocs not tuiiicate ice cow is a V.B. Lscd Office it Simla Fe, N.M. at Tucunicarl, N, at fiuithirjr 0. b. Land Office at Tueuiaearl, N. M. April 11. 10. 3 Aptd 13. 1013. Mny . WIS. ' ths cood mllknr even if it should be May 8. IBIS. Notice. Is H. JCotlc Is this iTte cf tilo even renter Notice Is hereby (Ivun th hereby given that Jobn Carter heieby given that Notice is hereby given tha of Cuervo. N. M. who ou June. 10. 1908. made Macule I). :j. whs. o ibe Frauk B. Brutnley ef Duiteu. N. M. who on ' eacuct ufiord to be without it. long enough to touch ground. W. Myda. of Cuervo. N, M.. who on Houienfead run its aerial Xc&Xfi for Feb. istti. June 3rd ISA made IlumeHiead Vmtry Ne. Chrles i)7.ilu!y l.lil.) tula ItOMtjvl Bconn' ei' S 11V7 trude F.ntry I otf 3 a 4 A IU (SV t Add'). No.0li.589 Lntry No. CeMXl krt 013l for 4 The greatest length ehould be from Wuri lor Wi) SK. N Wi, a Wl sW t Sfctton I!ttt;ete;d a ( tx. . serial No. lor SWt rnd Add.l. made let! 8 IBIS, 1 as hud SWt MS;!. See. S7. Twi , 9N , Kange 24 tl, N. M. P SI, Township. UunteiiSE. N. M. P. M lets No, PISS" nsn'e Wsy Ifffl for Seo.H N. 'liE. N.M. Meridian, has tiled uotiee of intention back to front and spread out over hassled notice of intention to make final Ith, SEf, Township fUnpe' U tasks Section 31 TuvrusMp 9.V it 16K.. P. Mendiun hus tiled notice of intention Final ttiee-yta- ireef to eitabi'-i- ouin. three year Proof, to establish oluiin to the her instead of down N. M. P Meridian filed notieo of Intention to make tins! threc-y- to establish to the land tiliove described R, body bauging land above described before 0 H. has before J, to make dual five year Proof, to establish olalm to the land above daau'ihed. before Thorn tit. u. S. Ccuiiri'.siouer. at Ouervo, N. Buttton, D, S. at B.utoa. t ii like a flour sack. The teats ohi In to the land above described, before I. R, Thomas, U.S. ;tl Cuervo N. M. on i ho t. of May itfis. N.M. on tUeuih das ef June 10.3. day . C.I.'- R. TnotltJ 'J. M. or. the STth dny !9 3. Ciauract r.uuies aa witnesses: .itil'. should be and set on a Claimant names as "wltuesaes: j. Ojn.nlHSlcnsr. atcneruu, ot,May large good M on the olsiaiant names a V.'.L. Vv', W. f. vsv a A. D. N. llth. day of June lulj. wttDewcst, I.ta:y .HaUoea. (bartci I , -- M. J. Nce.y. Potter, A.M. Biewsr. J. at. dibtauce and should lot tbe claimant names aa witnesses: c. c' cook. Isaao Bmy. Juaie. v;. Dockcvy. Bnllotik.. Balffiln F. Uarbia all.jfCusrvo. apart JohustoD sllolUuMoa. K. M. ' John H. Easier. Albert W. Eaaley. Charles Geortc TUomaeall of Ouen c M. , ' X. M. milk without too a pressure, "Hucvtel II r.eaiater great Otero, W. BuUook. H. B. Uobh.ns, aUof emrvo. N. M R.A. Pruutic flcjbtcr Manuel U. Otero Keriaier five toud cows are usually good K. A, Preetlee, Cuervo cltnitr 5. 15 Cuervo clipper . UjiiatTS ana two tcrtnstions iii.t PUBLICATION. Puh f. ; NOTICE FOR NOTICE F0 fuaiJCATION. First It, tc! .i.-- nature bad made a start to Dvvartineut of the Interior, If Notice Toa I'DBLioaTtON P7I67 WO'fiOF. FeVK PuHLlCATIOr c .. mi 1 give rcpartrnwt of tl Mitarlor. - irv! U.e Offcce t Tu.N M. Deiiartment of the Interior. Departnt.t of ths Iuterior. the cow six oi four lact Santa U.6. Land Office at Santa Fe, N, M," teats instead MDI3 V. s. Laud ' Irene at Tuaumcari. N. M. C s Lund Offli.e at S tuta Fo. N. M. '1 My A1'I1, 9. 1913. W:"S 3rd. IDiS. F'iwn)f,efh is a indicutiou ot a good Notice ts hersby that FarukW. Dudley May. Nolle Aur.lU tUil, :.M c: '3 good given is hereby slven .:t K.M.. K7. Notieo Is trlvee fhw Notice ta ttlveti ths ai of tuervo. .11. si. July w brrol.y l.t tiu.-.c.i- li'.vcip..:.,.iu'i milket. In a milk cow aboou P. Ponder, of, i otrillo, N 11. buying 19rt) Dec. SO llM) tualeUumeHiead No, Fstello Relnske. for the heirs of Daniel r.Tnesi t ui ot M., i.':i.';i. ):i.try, who on Nor a 11)06 April 4. 1910 made irton fj'.r.l'o. .. wj a T.'iMy .ni Kr. i.iwIotivn.biitlnf look ner iu the face and see iMtlour.a titx: fer a NuiNWl Uallard decease J of lujro. N.M, who on 00 Jane. S. I JJs ma lj HjiSuieal St. tv. ... 41 ra o' tv jo square t)iv:) l.ei Homestead Entries No. 02439 & Biuy f.ij..t dc. cciioo 33. and Wi NWI. Sec 31 Township Marei. it, mils H ) n-- j .tjj.1 tlntrj No. 14i5.vnc8llf.irSW nnd on Jan. 8. M.J 4 tir, iiiclii iiryewsel uti cosliid that she i broad between tbe eye f Add. No. 0laIS7for SWl lieo. Si and uddtl. anlj t.'.-- .! f.'KC, rj SN. Kacve it. N. P. Merldtun hits filed, herUl No. 0?it7 Uibt tor SW section additional No.ot ''91 for NWI. SI. V:.tis tl. E1NE1. Cl set. rautluD 8 0. Towcsl.ip SjoUuj has bead and diati face o f Intention to make brul live-- Township I K BanRe S. E. N. M P. TowoaUtP SN It U i- - M. M. 1'. , v M.CaU Piit. 1 lia.l j!l oiksite etyU, 6t, a abort a so'loe Rants SMK. N. M. P. Mcrlilini. has Hied,f. ait a'.ibih Meridian Died of tiled notice of 1. year proof, to est claitu to tbe land bti notice Intention notice of intention to final his lutentlon to mtaj A. if.-- a a. ", w tb- - .1 s .v if want the bettt tbat nature make throe year K a ia you above dea.erlbdd. before J. U. Thotnis. TJ. S to make Final five-yea- r Proof, to establish Final three-yea- r Proof to CiUlluli m.lir.,;rPE.WBd, tCmet.', !w Buy proot on to establish claim lu the laud above milkers Coundtwiooer at Cuervo, N. M on the claim to the land above described claim toilio land above before iiuia j i!, ot by .mi ttata can produce. The best H'h descilbed bef.reMllford. R. Ntobulsou. V. 8. described, ii. i R M It. day ot Jut.e 1911 before J. Taenia, C. 3. Coaniasioner at iford Nicholson. t 1. Coniuilssiimer, a are cows that solid colors i C'.mail'iSloneratPotr.llo. X, M.. yu the 20th not lave names wltneit-a- : j N. M . on Polrillo. N. M. on U.u St. McCALL'3 MAGAZINE ClaUjtant an Ouervo. thu Uti day of Juue l'JlJ. ids ol Mny If 13.' day of Way wis. - j ClnUaaut Tbe roans or white duibams are charl'iB. Wafltup- l"y"nia il uil, F j ola'.nisnt names as witntsaea: r.uu.cats wiuieases: V. ink St, Nuvr Yadt CH j "'inont names as wiinojsea; Harbin, ( cr nil ul ctf.rvo,- N W. J. A. B Kdd.Hutt. N. C. HuJ W. P. Ponder. J. W. 'H'-r- .i aiauelj. I'epi T.Ctugi. W. I'ooltory. J. Powers. S. Tatlloek. J. W. il I. Clauton. Zjfi, Hi tvrni Mm 0 better milkers the red N!oUln Nichclsou all of it..' , irafc M. v FredM. Lyieall of Cuervo. S. H. ! N C. Huff all Potrillo. Vc- Me Potilllo. N.M. I Manuel durbarus, Vfattel I', (""fiii Pun later It. A - Preuttce. Keeltter. Vn'Kl P in iitwil.T II. Otei o. Re lister.