THE NEW YORK HERALD, VWEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1921. 9 I.w Mrs. Minturn and 160 American PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. MANY AT SOUTHHAMPTON ICJ.Bonaparte Dies; OBITUARIES. DIED. KEW YORK. Dr. W. T. JENKINS BL'IllEU. nU8H..Kim Farchmin. wife of C.eorgr K liush. of 111 Clinton av. .Mund lair. N. J J. Robb Students to Sail Mrs., John D. Rockefeller, Jr., is a FOR HOIADA Y GA YETIES Served Roosevelt The funeral of Dr. William T. Tuesday evening. Jui.e 2S. 1021. Notice of Hampden the Belmont for a few days. former city Health CommissionerJenkins. fjii ral later. and at one time Health Officer of the CURRY..At nr. West S.V1 at., on Jutu II. Married in Boston for Dante Fetes Mrs. Cornelius N. Biles will close «ei in Two Cabinets Port, who died Saturday in the Sarah C. Cudlipp, widow of Marshall K. city home to-day and go to Southampton Mr. and Mrs. Grosvenor Nicho, Curry. Funeral services at 10 o'clocs. Hospital, was held yeeterdayHahnemannThursday, at Holy Trinity Church, 20." from St. John's Church, W. 92tl st. Interment Mrs. William Post entertained friends las Arrive From Episcopal private. 'After Extended Abroad of of Rosebank. S. I. The Rev. J. C. Pott, DORMAN.Maud. on 20. 1921. Trip Party Composed Mostly at dinner last night In the Kttz-Carlton Irandnephew Emperor of the officiated at the of Mary and the late John r»orman.daughter roof restaurant. Notes. pastor church, Others there were Mr Westbury.Social services, which were attended only aged M years. Service* at Sunnyslde by the Will Live in Women to Place and He Gained Fame Farm, New on Couple Young Mrs. E. Greenough. Mrs, ,a few persons. Cannae, Conn., Wednesday. Greenough had been In California Juno 29. at 11 A. M.. daylight saving New York. Tablet on Tomb of Poet. as Heformer. time. Intertnent at Evergreen Cemetery weeks. severalSpecial Deepatch to Tug New Yobk Herm.p. JOHN O. EMBHKK. Brooklyn, nt 2:30 I'. M. N. 28..The Southampton, Y., June John O. principal of the LRITKFP..-On Mordav. June 27. Max. Mr. De F orest M. Alexander, son o: colony here Is Increasing rapidly. Mr. Embree, beloved husband of Frances A. and father l Special Despatch to Tin New Yosk Hkt.m.d. To participate in the celebration In Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Alexander. Wi!| Baltimorz, June 28..Charles J. Bona Institute in College Point, Poppenhusendied of Inez It.. Marguerite M.. Max. Jr., . and an V Boston. Mass., Jupe 28..In a simple Italy of tho 600th anniversary of the go to Canada on Friday, to remain alt Mrs. Oroavenor Nicholas came to- Secretary of the Navy and later arte,yesterday from the effects of Francis E. and Dorothy A. Drucker. weeks. from where went in lie was born in Marshalltown,operation.Pa., services a*, his late residence, FuneralITS but pretty ceremony In Emmanuel death of Dante, more than 160 students, day Westbury, they Utorney-Ceneral In the Administration At the close of Wardwell iv., West Brighton. Statcn romance forty-eight years ago. at :.Vt Church, Back Mrs. mostly young women, of the the early spring, and are at West Moor. In war was one I P. M., Thursday, Jur.e Island,30. Newbufy street, Bay, and Mrs. H. Van Rensselaer Kennedy wll >f President Roosevelt, died to-day the Sp&nlsh-Amcrlcun he Chicago papers languages In the leading colleges Mr. and Mrs. I. Nicholas are here of teachers please copy. Hufh Minturn of 116 East In this will sail to- go to Bar Harbor from Hempstead liJ Harry 1,1.I hnm. n»:ir RnltU the twenty-five American DYER.George Hewis, beloved husband of universities country who volunteered to teach in Cuba. Eva J. street. New York, late thisTweenty-secondafternoon on lna. August to visit her mother, Mrs. Georgta with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick nore. from which he had Dyer and fattier of George L... Jr., morrow board Leopold Heart disease, war was of A. Robblns. A. Snow at Mr. the last he chairman Duringthe Evo and Marjorb, June 23. nt Banff. Al became the bride of Mr. J. Hampden It will be the first official visit of stu- Gardenslde, and Seely lufferej for about a year, became Cm r', -.f ,h. D.H berta. Canada, In his .',2d year. Funeral dents of the United States to Italy and E. Benedict has Over with kidney trouble and he had ervlce Wednesday at 3 o'clock at the Robb, also of New York, and son of opened Yonder, whencom>llcatedCross. Ho leaves a widow and one son. Funeral because of this fact the Italian Mrs. Samuel H. Valentine has closet rradually lost ground since April, services be Church, Ilroadnay and (kith st , Mrs. Nathaniel Robb of 35 East V.... 1...... -» 1.'»- * aivtv.ui.^tilh atru which he purchased last year from Mr. Funeral will held to-night New York Thayer has granted official recognition to J le went to the country. The attack In city. Government the Poppenhusen Institute. FARREt.l. . i.. .u »« . f&agfi BffaHTiy Blxty-fourth street. The ceremony was the and opened Valmar, her villa at Narra and Mrs. Henry G. Trevor. Mrs. George vhich caused his death came upon him - * party. Prospect Ht.. White Plains. N. Juno performed the Rev. The students have been designated by gansett Pier. Aronts, one of the recent arrivals. Is at ast Thursday. He Is survived by a MKS. Y.. by Percy Kammorer, the the to FLORF..\CE ti. HA WES. 17. lOfl. Margaret l"arreJl (nee Parrettl. assistant pastor at Emmanuel Church, the National Dante Committee to place a Moorings, villa belonging vlfe, who Is an Invalid. Requiem high niaas Church of St. John tha and the Rev. of tablet on the tomb of Dante at Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Blngden are at Mrs. A. Scott Cameron. Mrs. Russell Mrs. Florence Goodman Hawes, widow Evangelist, Thursday morning. 10 o'clock. Sherrard Billings memorial H. is with her Mrs. /< fHraUuik of Dr. John B. Is School, Ravenna ns a tribute from -the intuitu- North East Harbor. Me., where they wtl1 Hoadley mother, Charles was a Hawes, dead In the FINK..On June "JR. Mary Margaret, wife of Groton, Groton Mrs. I Frederic H. at tho Clovers. home of her Mrs. Hiland Por. the late Valentin jnrs. .Minium nan no anenuanis. oui tlons of learning in the United States, be Joined this week by Blagden'i Betts, / ^^^^BR^MuHREESn^PIIL rrandnephew of the ICmperor Napoleon daughter, Fink. In lier POth year. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. who ter. In Montclair. Mrs. Hawes and a Funeral from her late home, on Friday, Mr. Robb van attended a best man, The tour, arranged by the Italy America son, Mr. Charles H. Sibln, Montague Flagg. ind grandson of Napoleon's brother ami solemn by have not been here a-e at the twin sister. Miss Helen Goodman, who requiem mass at St. Vincent Robert Mlnturn Sedgwick. Harvard, 1921. Society, Is also designed to strengthen before, (erome, who married the beautiful Betsy de Paul's Church. West 23il St.. near (Ith ' of New York city. members of the the between the two countries, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fits Simons have Bran VilK. which they have I.?i.«rd for hitterson of and afterwards survive*, were born in Cincinnati, av. Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Only friendship returned to New York after a i the season. Mrs. William Lowerle has was ters of Judge Advocate HoracedaughI papers please California families and a few intimate friends The party will sail to Havre, and after year'! vas king of Westphalia. He born Henry copy. absence In Peru and will be at the decided not to the summer here and at Goodman, U. S. N. She was a member FOX..Thomas E.. son of the ceremony. Messrs. Edwardwitnesseda day In Paris will proceed by rail to pass funo 9, 1851, in the house Park suddenly, the lata a few days before going to has sublet Plas-ar-Lyn, one of the Baltimore, which of the Colonial Dames, D. A. R., Thomas and Catherine Fox, brother of Bangs and' Edward L. Bigclow, both of Turin and Genoa and thence to Naples RltrCarlton and Centre street, avelue John J. Vex, Mary Coffy, Catherine their villa In Newport. Sehleffelln villas, on Lake Agawam. as his home all his life. His ters of 1812, Society of New EnglandDuitghi Fox. Boston, were ushers. and Rome. Harbourvlew, icrved city Women Teresa Kelly and William A. Fox. Mrs. Minturn to her first His Holiness Benedict will which she has had for several years, to >arents were Jerome Napoleon and other patriotic from his la'e resldenae. 1004 Funeral previous Pope WASHINGTON. Mr. Hermann Dlercks of # Another Is Missorganizations. av., Rathgate marriage was Miss Ruth Winsor, and bless American students of the and Susan May Williams Bona>arte daughter Thursday, June 30. at 9:30 A. M receive Ilroulein mass of Mrs. Alfred Winsor of The President received the member.' ton, N. Y., who will arrive to-morrow. His older Jerome, died Hawes of New York, and she leavesFlorence at St. Joseph's Church. 10 Brookline,daughterChristian faith. Another arrival of Rltz-Carl5will bother, Bona>urte.a son, Langdon Hawes of Alaska. A. M. Interment at St. Raymond's and the late Alfred Winsor. Her Prof. Bruno Rosetl of Vassar College, of the Japanese Parliament yesterda;f to-morrow be leverul years ago leaving two children, Auto cortege, Cemetery. afternoon. The of Mr. A. J. Punnett. who has leased the Countess do Moltke-Huitfeldt of Hugh Minturn, Harvard, 1904,husband,and Irwin Smith of the Italy American Ambassador Japan villa of Mrs. A. JUSTICE CHASE BURIED. FROST..Suddenly, In Foughkeepsle, N. Y., died in London. England', in February, Society will accompany the party as Baron Shldehara, gave a dinner last Harvey Tiers. and Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte,Dennark. June 28. 1P2I. Martha Hume, widow of Mr. and Mrs. Newell W. Ttlton have and who now Alfred M. Frojt. Funeral services at her 1915. He was the son of Mrs. Robert B. the society's official representatives. night for the distinguished visitors. if thi3 city Washington, Catskill, N. Y., June 28..Funeral late home 128 Minturn of New the stepped Into the places each hold In the s head of the American branch of services for A. Academy St., Poughkeepsle. York and late Mr. The party will spend a day In Bologna, summer the Emory Chase, Judge of N. V., on Thursday, at 3 30 P. M. was a t colony here under different noted the Court of who and Minturn. where it will be fetfed by the students of Vice-President Coolldge gues circumstances in lis family. Appeals, died friends Invited. Relatives Robb and In a luncheon the past. Until her was from Harvard and day, took from his late residence Mr. his bride will go abroad the great university, and three days at given yesterday by Rep marriage In New York March Mrs. Ho graduated place SaturI GIBSON..Suddenly, on June 28. 1921, at his for an extended in Two will be resentntlve Dyer (Mo.) for Dr. Chu Ch j last he Harvard Daw School. His association here to-day. Gov. Miller, Judges of the residence, 132 Went 01st St., George Hasty stay Europe. Upon Venice. days spent Tllton was Mrs. Morton Breese, the first Gibson, husband of Anna their return they will live in New York. and three in the Chlen of China, at the Capitol. Th.?' vlth Col. Roosevelt began when both Court of Appeals, many Supreme Court Youngs. the battlefields days visiting wife of Mr. S. Breese. She and > at the Chapel of the Fourth Services and r Sydney H^r j/* Service Italian lakes. After a brief stay in Minister of China, Dr. Sze, Speakc vtf i .-i. vere active In the National Civil Judges from the Third Judicial District Church, corner st. andPresbyterian ...... WW...... 1.CJ .un. Diet West BARBER GORDON. Milan the party will return to France (Jillett were among those present. Thi Alexander II.Ut.ilVI, Reform Association. Bonaparte made and representatives of the New York Bar End av.. Thursday 8 P. M. " Logan Morton. In the letter's Baron Ktjurs Shld attacking the Association attended. All and on to Tat New Yobk Hkiu'.d. by way of Switzerland and will sail Japanese Minister, stunmer home and will an mch a reputation by village HAINES..Suddenly, Monday, June 27. tpecial Despatch at the take Rctlve President rountv nuhHo hnlMlnir.ij runr** r 1921, John P. Haines of for America on August 20. chara, gave a dinner Cheve: part In the life of the until Us rings of that poItical N. Toms Rlvei. New York Herald Bureau, 1 Crien. colony as counsel for the services. J., in his 70th year. Servlcos will be The bronze tablet was executed by Chase Club for Dr. close. Roosevelt got him special during held at the Church Washington, D. C. June 28. I to the of the Ascension, 8th C. P. Jenneweln. an American sculptor Mr. and Mrs. E. who were he Government prosecute av. and 10th st., New York, at 12 o'clock, The marriage of Miss Melonle Gordon, Henry Coe, and later to on who studied In the American Academy Count John de Sails, Third Secretar;1 In for some of postal frauds perperators Wednesday, June 29. daughter of Mrs. Frederick Elliot was re Europe months, have He entered LOST AND FOUND. The members of the at Rome. It bears an inscription written of the British Embassy, who at the Trees. nvestigate Indian frauds. following societies of Washington, to Mr.- WilliamGordonA. hajs Apple arrived on 1. 1905. are Invited to attend: Society of Colonial of New took by President-Emeritus Charles E. Eliot cently transferred to Toklo. Japan, Mr. and Mrs. Oardner L. he Roosevelt Cabinet July AUTOMOBILE STOLEN. Wars. Sons of the Barber York city this " Ollsey, who Revolution. St. Nicholas place been called to Rome because of the se is of the Navy, succeeding Ward morning In St. Thomas s Church. of , which reads: are at Good Ground, are receiving Secretary La France two ton truck. 1019. No. Society. Automobile Club of America. New rious of his father, Count di con8 and was transferred to the 12168; van "New Lenox Van «... n Mr. Barber was "From the American students of the Illness gratulations on the birth of a son ^aul Morton, body., iiiuii uuu, uugufnot oociety. formerly British Minister at thi8 last on December 17, 10n We*t 127th at., New York. Mornlngstdo for Prevention of to society twentieth century to Dante Alighieri. Sails, who Is the Mrs. was Attorney-Generalship Cruelty of South Carolina, butAttorneyGeneralhoe for » * Sunday. Gllsey Miss Hilda 2872" on both aide*; license N. Y. 844427: American - nnr- son* * !1 1I Animals, otuuiai. Vatican. I'hoto by Alexander A. Hrown. that office until the Geographical Society. eeveral years been in nv.ttve law practice poei, piiiiusujuier! Hiss, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip 1906, holding stolen June 27. 4:30 P. M., In front of 1421 American Museum of Natural Hlatory. of President Taft. As Webster av. In New York where he Is a In the party are the following . Hiss of New York. Mr. who had Mrs. Newell W. Tilton at inauguration Bronx. Communicate with B. HALOREN..At city, Mr*. Von Post "o Hiss, several B. 7.1 Fulton C.ranby. Conn.. June 28, of tlie firm of Barber & from the colleges and universities Mr. and William been with his a he directed prosecutionsAttorneygeneralHOPWOOP. »t., city. Telo1 John R. Halgren. Jr., In his 35th Glbboney.member persons " daughter for brief year Stockholm. announce the en visit, Southampton.if the "trust busting" series. phone Beekman 8987. Funeral 2 P. He was for two terms of the named : (Sweden, returned to New Tork on Tuesday. M. president of sister. Mrs. Vlckei Monday and was Identified with LOST..Monday night In Packard taxi (hub New York Southern Society and is a Columbia University, George Terence gngement their will sail for on Mr. Bonaparte HAMLIN..On June 27. Chnrles E.. aged 59 Von to Major George Oakley Tot Europe Thursday. the shooting In Aberdeenshire, charitable and educational caps off right aide) Broadway. 47th at. to yonrs. Cliapel Merrltt member of the Metropolitan, MaiiMattan, Alt; Barnard College, Miss Marguerite Post, Mrs. Charles G. Moller and nor nany 12!'tb, ladv'a bag. glasses, keys, tnoney; Stephen Burial and Jr. Scotland. and was known as a practical keep Cremation Co.. I'll 8th nr., corner 18th New York, Bankers and Lawyers crubs Gcrdnu : Brown University. Miss Mary ten, Miss Ruth are at the Smith instlutlonsmoney return bag, Ac. to Herald Square »t. Interment Moller, daughter. There will be many weekend arrivals eformer. He was an overseer of Hotel. Mrs. M. C., It. Ilangor. Maine. and of the Englewood Golf and Sleepy G. O'Neill; Smith College, Miss Margaret . Villa In Hampton Road. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Henry ai__ HAtVES..At Montclalr. N. Mrs. Clarence C. Calhoun, president o for thts holidays. Mr. for twelve years, a LOST.Thursday June 1921. on J., Sunday. June Hollow Country clubs. Veomans; Radellffe College, Misses George A. Jr., after a visit In and Mrs. University Harvard night, 2.1, 2d, 1921. Florence Goodman, beloved wife the Woman's National Foundation, antj Dixon, G. Trever will be with Mr. 'ounder of the National Municipal downtown Fort George bu* No. 7 at 12.">th of the late Dr. The ceremony was followed by a Sarah R. Armlngton and Marian O. Nassau, have returned to Clover at.' and 7th a v. at 11 John nromham Hawes. Mrs. James McDonald returned yester Top. Dudley Olcott and Mr. and Mrs. L. a trustee of the Catholic o'clock, black cotton Services at the residence of her breakfast at the home of the bride's Whltside; University of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrence Breese Mr. and Mrs. Lward Mrs. Robert Waller will have among Cl\anning of train lea^ Ing Hobok-n 10:32 arrival summer. LOST.Eversharp gold pencil on Columbus saving time). (daylight spend the Wellesley.Misses Mildred C. Hesse. Webb at Shelburne Farms, her guests at Croft Col. and Mrs. Hart'ord.Circle. Maxwell and TUden. NEWPORT. Vyne C. W. DA VIES, 810 Gotham .On ' Margaret T. Evelyn Vt. Shelburne, Sheldon, from Governors tlonal Bnnk Bldi;.; reward. HERRMANN June 27. In his 00th year. Raymond Na| son Princeton.Miss Emily Luckens. mis. >v iiuuiii rv. v 1 Maurice, beloved of Mary andAhe late GRAHAM BRIDGHAM. Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Gerard, Bisho] anaernin za ana ner also Mrs. Robert Cornell. Mr. and OLD NEST" FILM LOST. .Wallet, alligator, containing bills and Samuel Herrmann, brother of Mrs "Theresa Shackleford Delong, Herbert O. the Island.'THE Reward Special to Tiib New Yoik IIebaid. Edmundand Mrs. James Henry Darlington, win, daughters, Misses Muriel and Mrs. Martin B. Saportas. who were __rards. If returned to desk. Grand Rosenber;:. Mm. Henry Rosenthal and A! Despatch Peot, J. K. Burnham Hockaday and suelo are INTEREST iioiyi. Herrmann. * Providence, R. i., June 28..In St. are occupying the Corners, and Mrs Vanderbllt. sailing fromCon, In New York on June 1, are tomarriedbe OF HEART Funeral services at his lata Yeomar.s. Albert at the Caslmj France on July 6. and after passing a with Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe. Mr. and (LOST.Gilt pencil on Saturday; reward If residence, 1»14 Went 48th St., Thursday, Stephen's Cburch to-day Ellsha Dyer registered returned to 210 MmlIron a.. June 80, at 10 A. M. Episcopal Bryn Mawr.Misses Esther B. Beach,, day in New York will come hire. will come from \ Miss Prances Madeleine yesterday. Mrs. Dyer recently returneth and 74th sts. A. It. Lawrence Graham of Southern Revere Coolldgo. Eleanore at the Muenchlnger King Dr. and city !'KE * c'°" 1NC-- William st. In Evergreen Cemetery. Interment Utler, Jane for Bar Harbor Mrs. John A. Hartwel! will re' Mrs. W. Emlen Rooasvelt. who will be a boss might by the Rev. Frederick S. Penfold, Catherine H. Farrell, days, start to-morrow main hire until the pilcture producer, kindly A REWARD OK LYON.On June 27, Adelaldr I... daughter Pennsylvania,Degooler. end of next month hero for the marriage on that date of tell him casually that he'd turned out »T.O of the Into William C. and the rector. The bride's father gave her M. Fltts. Marguerite Ford, Marhha and early In August will sail Miss A. Krech Mr. will he paid for return of platinum ring Adelaide Mum Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Curtisa Jame: for Eng' Margaret to William 'some pretty good sob stuff." Which one yellow lost June ford Lyon. Services a! the Funeral in marriage. The little sister of the E. Foulk. Mary M. P. Gaston. Virginia land. They will join Mr. and J. Sheffield Cowles, in St. Andrew's diamond, 22containing of E. C. 2174 Elizabeth Graham, was will arrive from New York the latte:r Mrs. Jr., rneans that the new Goldwyn film ,14th and ti2il sts. A. It. LEE £ CO..between Keys. 7th av., JunuParlors30. bridegroom, S. Gordon. Helen Greene, Mary Rich Steers, who have taken a place for Dun" Church. Theatre INC.. Wllllam st. at 10 A. M. flower girl. Mr. Herbert Hartman of E. Hawkes, part of the week. a last night at the Astor preented Ruth D. Grew. Evelyn Greenougli, ontalns elements that are to 1»ST.Liberal reward for return of emernld OCKFQIIP..I>r (leorgc M.. on June 20, Lancaster, Pa., was best man. The Alexander Helnleln. Margot likely and HIM. aged 70 years, fnther of Florence Dorothy nake a spectator laugh a lot and want diamond bracelet lost between 20 E. were Messrs. E. Wilder Bentleyushersof Hesse. Eleanore Holmes Holloway, Mary IX THE BERKSHIRE#. 48tli st. and Rltz Motel, Monday evening. M. and John W. Ockford. Funeral California. Richard Foster and Breevort o swallow hard several times and Notify Mrs. Rnbt. Trenian. Algonquin Hotel. Wednesday evening, June 10, 0:18,services Howe. Katherlne B. Hyde. Margaret Mrs. Francis Dillon Fits Olbbnn 1 s 500 in Kirmess Harvard Glee Club end homo to mother. nt Christ's Church. Rldgewood. N. J. Potts of New York. Martin Johnson. Elsie |naybe In the go LOST.Sundny afternoon. Times Sg. section, Hubbell. Anna the guest of her sister, Mrs. Clevelant1 a well done after the gold fi h, initials M. Ky., rapers please copy. Lexington, Jones. Ethel Dackwell Jones. It's picture, 11. Reward to finder. ACKER ION ADAMS. Boyd Blgelow at Cohassett on the north shore at 'Over the Hill" school, portraying the Return H1RSHKF.1.1». 2d floor, 1441 IV way. ROMERO..On June 28. Joseph. Chapel Taylor Jones. Irene Kattwinkel,Elisabeth Port Chester Has in and bad deeds of LOST.Saturday, diamond bar between Stephen Merrltt Ilurtal and Cremation Co., Triumph rowth, quarrels, good pin. 101 8th av., corner 18th Mrs. Addle Adams, Helen B. King. Margaret H. Daldlaw, Mr. Norman Underwood o Mrs. 0.1th, Broadway subway to Glmbel store; St.. Thursday. 3 Montgomery and Mrs. lalf a dozen children of Dr. and liberal reward. o'clock. of the late George W. Elsie Fairfax Den. Mlllleetvt Hacker D. are wltl to MOORE. ISO West fl.'th. daughter Washington. C.. stopping \ for Paris loraee Anthon, who live, according LOST.Sunday R03 H8CH1LD..At his summer residence. was married yesterday to Mr. Dewls, Marv Maccoll, Dorothy Greenlenf Mrs. George F. Becker on Beartowi HospitalFund lis Concert he musical In a "little gray night, sold pin; reward. West End. N. beloved Montgomery, Metta theme. MARTIN. 443 Mark av. J., Abraham, James Blauvelt Acktrson of Passaic, Mc.Kensle, Theodora Mead. M. Mountain. lome In the West." of Hella Rothschild, aged 38 years.husband c Id >ST.Flexible bracelet, on West N. J., at the residence of Dr. Walter C. lUOffCHLO, ATIin;i Milipr, mai II1» .uwi the children away as fast as Saturday, Funeral services will be held at Bnal Men Hut fly 34th et.; liberal reward. South 4081. Jeshurun Cemetery, Elizabeth, 31. J., on Montgomery, 214 West Ninety-second and Maram ret Opden. Mr. and Mrs. Peyton J. Van Rens and Women of Praised French heir intellecual wings, or marital wings street The Rev. Dr. Herbert Society Highly by »8S0 REWARD Wednesday. June 29. at 11 A. M7 Shlpman selaer of Newport, who were at the Re< /111 tal/o them Thev flv. it seems. Into for return of largo oval shaped Platinum SAfiE.James C.. at 811) West End av.. the ceremony. Mr. George T. o Present "The 8 performed EX-FOOTBALL STAB WEDS. Lion Inn, Stockbrldge. for a month j Merry Whirl Critics in Opening heir everlasting fortune, but leave the Jlrooch, large diamonds, graduated In New York, on June 27, 1021, beloved Montgomery gave his sister In marriage, golf, left yesterday to visit Mr. and Mrs »ld doctor etUl to be routed out of bed and numerous small diamonds. Lostrentre father of Thomas M. and Harry H. Saga. about May 10th. I. H. A D. 11. WKINRERC. Services at 8t. Mr. Ackerson Is a member of the Hoi- Philip Dexter In Boston. of 1921." in Salle Gaveau. and a sad eyed Agnes's Cliapel. 02d st. and the Union William Cnmiinirham of Programme>y midnight patients, ruh av. near Columbus av.. Wednesday June 29. land Society League nother warning the proud birds that Wearing at 2 p. M. Interment Sleepy Hollow Club. After a lengthy motor trop he Mnrrlr.i Miss Wllilr,Dartmouth.Mrs. James Ma pes Dodge and Mrs iest outside her window not to love th»lr Apparel. Cemetery, Tarrytown, N. Y. nd his bride will live In Passaic. to to Tiib Nrw York Hbrai.d. Charles Kern of Germontown, Pa., arii Kpertal Despatch Thf New Yoik Upertal Cable to Tub Nrw Yobk 1Ikbii.ii. ihl'ldren too much, as they, too, will fly 8CAMMQN.Sunday, June 20, 1021. Carolina Spertal P'Kpatrh Tnn« ?s .Th. LOST.Mack silk Jersey coat. In taxi at the Red Lion, Greenwich. Conn * * 8<'amrnon. In her 81st year. Funeral Boston, Mass.. June 28..William Cun- Stockbrldge. i'fipuff, imi, vi/ i us i^isw iouk nroru.n. iway. Hut the human fledglings afternoon, going from Battery toSaturdayEast WOOD FLOOD. presentation of "The all at once to take a 61st st; reward. CHARLOTTE services at her late resilience, 2001 nlngham, former Dartmouth centre, and Merry Whirl of »w Yolk Hrriild ) decide flyersudlenly FAIRCHILP, av., Atlantic Mr. and Mrs. William Sloane and Mis t 1>21" was Itiireuit, r. E. 47th St. City, N. J.. Wednesday,Atlantic Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Clark of Miss Doris Wilde of Attleboro, Mass.. produced and staged at the Pnrls, June 38. lome and see mother, In time to wind June 20. at 8 P. SI. Interment In tit# Margaret Sloane of New York are visit high school ( LOST.Between 168th and Riverside Drive Plalnfleld yesterday announced the were married n few days ago, It was auditorium, PoTt Chester. The Harvard Glee Club opened a ip the picture with some good at Nathaniel Oilman vault. Greenwood . 161st and Fort Washington av.. a vest onre at lng Mr. and Mrs. William E. S. Oris N. V.. to-night, under the direction of for the "Mothers' Day" Brooklyn, N. Y., Thursday, JuneCemetery.30. of their niece. Miss Margaretmarriagelearned to-day. They met only wold at Wyndhurst. Miss Liila Agnew series of roncerts at the Salle Gaveau propsrandatalnlng watch and chain and other articles;conI 1 :30 P. M. Warden Swift Flood, daughter of Mr. a Dartmouth-Cornell game. Their court- Stewart, for the benefit enthuilasts.reward. W. C. MAYPAUM. 2 W. 47th st. of the United here to-night before a brilliant audience, Barker directed the STACK..Wallace Burden, at hu rejldence, and Mrs. Valentine F'ood of New ship was by letter and Ion* distance Hospital, Port Chester. Reginald LOST.Fur is at. at l.'i'th st. dock, Sunday. 407 . Kins; St., City beloved to Clinton between Texas, and Miss Katharine Post Newbold of Tux It will be repeated for three successive The programme started with Pales- Nearly 1,000 feet of It wereproduclon.June 111; return to Miss Island, huaband Conn., Mr. Tyler Wood.Rrltaln.telephone Dallas, edo .-,0. BIRMINGHAM, of Helen 1rectors of the New York will live In A. Wilde of Attleboro. IfOIVE. women, music and clever uanclng were French critics were astonished by the vhen other Interests lagged and thrilled Philadelphia. F,. j a-la the Cats, Dogs. Ac. Lawyers' Association held at the roomsCounty Rprrial Drspntrh fn Tub New Yosk IIb.i.vli) among the principal features. More beauty of the Harvard Glee Club's In- he audience gorgeously, serials. of the association on June 28, 1021. tha of on Cincinnati, Ohio, June 28..The mar | than 500 Port Chester and Rye men terpretatlon. one declaring: "It Is un- Tlie burden the acting fell Miss LOST.Airedale dog. June black following minute was unanhuoiidv as 17, grizzled ordered the rlago of Miss Frances Howe, daughtei. and women of society participated In surpassed by any similar organization tfary Alden, Mrs. Aniton, and was and light tan; rewr.rd. HOOAN, 321 W. spread upon recordsadopted.and carried. Dwlght Crittenden H7th st. Phone 6823 a copy thereof sent to the family of th# of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Warren How<, the numerous, dances, ice. we know." Another considered the idmirabiy Behuyler. late John 11 Stanclifleld arrled his share well as the of this city, to Mr. Alfred Bishop, son ol lng residents of Greenwich, includingLeadfthe attack of the singers to be "as precise country Tha directors of the New York County the late Nathaniel Wheeler andI younger set, also took part, as that of the first violins of a great lootor. Johnny Jones, Marshall Lawyers' Association have learned with Bishop ENGAGED. profound sorrow of the VE. AX 46^3 STREET Mrs. Blshon of E The Klrmess consists of a revue In orchestra." In fact they were given the Buddy Messenger, Miss I.uclle Rlckien, death of John B. s64'566-56aF3rmA Bridgeport. Conn., tooV Btanchfhld, s, nlnr Vice-Presidenet of th* PARIS place here to-day in the Church olf throe parts, preceded by a brief prologue highest praise obtainable from the Robert Devllblss and Billy CottonRloken.RALLANTYNB.PIERBON..Mr. and Mrs. association. Mr. Stanch NEW YORK. vere as were the field was a lawyer Our Saviour. Mr. Bishop was .the Arabian Nights entertainment, the French musical world. natural actors, Henry CJ. I'lerson of Turrell av.. South of commanding ability, an advocate of ' who were In their full Orange. N. J., announce the last year from Yale. He graduatedserved Legend of the Idol's Eye and a The Harvard Hlngers have arranged represented chilIren. engagement superb skill and power, a true leader at Spanish more of their daughter. Beatrice to the whose rich In war. Hrker* revealed a Edward Kicul Ross of deals the fate of dancing girl who any rollicking songs Into the some- j,eadrd Alexander Ouslow, Ml*s H -nry Van Devon ter Black, at contnrt End H ay. Mr. and Mrs. covets the wondrous In the what classical programme. by to Nlcholns Rldgety Irvlngtonon-Hudson.Jones of kindly courtesy, a fine eplrlt and a robust Weekolid N. will be married to Mr. ruby eye ^ idrlenne Morrison and Miss Norma which have endeared him to Y. to-day Clinton, of the Bltie God. The >c%v Tori character P. of Tuxedo N. forehead Others In the company are Frank u* all. James Vogel Park. Y.. were NOTES MlthelL In th<> home of her uncle nnl aunt, Mr. paals In this cast Mrs. Hunterprlnel,8. OK THE THEATRES. p>ckum, Mrs. Nannie Orlffcn, Fairfax In token whereof we Inscribe this mlnutn at the followiiiig low Msrston, Zulrika; Mrs. D.ver Pearl, Mrs. DIED. upon our rceord*. we extend to hi* family unusually and Mrs. Edward Fuller Torrr In The Messrs. Shubert engaged ^lurRher. Miss Bertha Kent and C. we our Mrs. yesterday our sympathy, and Join with all Ralph Hubbard and Lloyd Appleton. Aiipiwtln Juincsn le stage o»i-n l'avls'a nr\-. It The deal* with Clinton. those "The Chappell. play Havltndthe brothers at the Tlnr In paylna honor to tha The marrlnge of Mrs. Elsie Brown Among participating In the Fol- play, l>atour." e: motional and temperamental fllRhts of Andreas, Marin W. Ilnlgren. .John B Jr memory of a master s. lies Spanish Met* hs* Hark. *. Franret. Hamlin. Charles K. Charles Straus*. President price Jenkins t» Mr. Walton Livingston dances, dances, tambourine Raymond been added to the cast n group of seml-artlstic characters. dances, the Tarantella and other num- r>f "The I.ast Walts," the Oscar Straus IWiv. Wnllrr M. Haw.*, Florence O. Alfred A. Wheat, Secretary. Is to take place to-day In the homeOakley at the fetittiry Theatre, operetta Hlumenthal, Alfred llfrnmnn, Maurice husband and Mrs. Bartholom-w .l*r it, hers were Misses Mary Lawlor, Mar- understudying Hlumenthal. Alfred I. Hudson. Ellsha E. TlldlMAN .Henry, beloved of »h* of Mr. Edith Walter Woolf and playing the part of Lieut. ( late pells Thorman (nec Kahnl, and cousins of Mrs. Jenkins. In Pae.e.i, conn. Jorla Cushman, Gwyne. Marie Matlaln, which was rs|«rlally written hi ' "OL. SAMUEL P. COLT Illiinirnthal. Hannah E.vnn, Adelaide I,. of Mrs. Cells Sandman. Hen. Is-stfr .smart effects in Meadows, Virginia Hopper, Elisabeth Harold Attcrldge for him. Bradley, Lornn P. fVkford. Oeorge M. father Flannel Sport Coats jacket length Miss Elizabeth Oleott. daughter of Mr Iluril. Flsa K. Rnmi-rn, and Alfred Thorman. Funeral service* Poet and IS SERIOUSLY ILL Joseph at l«:.10 A. at it-.d Mrs. William James of Washburn, Hally Barbara "A1 Jolson Night" will be celebrated at the Curry. Sarah C. C. Rothschild. Abraham Friday. July 1. M.. black, white and striking sport shaides. will bo married 'n that Wey. Mrs. H. Coster Steers, Miss Helen l\ inter Harden on Friday evening, on which i'ciriiian. Maud. Soar. James C. ha pel, .104 W. 121th *t. Members of Minn., dlfl"ilutn, occasion Mr. Jolson. Just back to New York Humboldt Ix»dgr. F and A. M.: <5lon Mr. son of Mr. Oould, Mr. Richard Proctor, Mrs. I)nvld " */ Drunker, Max. Seammon, (Caroline to-day to Torrey /ord, after a tour In "Hlnhail will «« eaves Fishing Camp Because J-odge, 1. O. F. S. of 1., are requested to Formerly to $65 at author. Cowlea, Mr. William Browning. Miss stagy. HI* Dyer. Oroitf L. Stage, Wallace B. $35 Stwel'l Ford, appearance will In no «*v of Nervous Breakdown. Earrell. Margarot Stanchfleld, John B. attend. Orace Hays. Messrs. George Ashforth, the regular performance of Interwith"The Fink. Mary M. Thormnn, Htnry VAN TASSKTj .Idnils. Campbell Funeral SOCIAL JTOTES. Oliver Redfleld, N'eholas Palmer and V\ ..irl of New York." IV*. Thomas E. Van Tassel, Bouts Church, ll'y. With *t.; notice later. Jack Hodgman. Mi II, B. Weaver, Mrs. Ptelegatea to the twenty-fourth annual con- * verinl Drsnitrh to The Nffw York Mr«vir> Kro*t. Martha H. Voss, Julie I'nue O-* *r lOCI I..II. Mrs. Jean L. Collins of 16 West Tappen Falrchlld, Messrs. Thomas Raj-- rtntlnn of the American <»ptnmctrl' Aaao Piiovidknck, Juno 28..Col. Knmuel f.lhson, ttcnrge Hasty Watllngtnn. Annie E. widow of Adalbert Vom, In her Met year. Skii*ts.of novelty silks, plain or street Is visiting Mrs. Rosslter C. rlatlon to the number of 4.V1 will attenrl the ri Halms, John P. Wright. Stephen C. Servient at the retldenee of her ton, Separate Sport Flftvfourthnor, Ralph Levy, Harold Gregg, Ken- matinee to-morrow 'omoroy Colt In seriously 111 at hi" Bulmer In Washington performance of "Th> . f!eor*e A. Voat, 284 7«th at., rtrooklyn, flannel and crepe de chini neth Taylor, Gus F. Rrown, Ralph Ilroken Win*" at the Fnr'y-elghth Street " ome In Bristol. Dr. Charles W. In Memnrlnm. Wndneeday, June 20. at 8 J* M striped riieatre. was with Mrs. Emily Daugherty Rarty of Grosvenor and Miss Isabel Rockefeller. B who Col. Colt'" Ilartx. Isabella private. Pleaee omit flowere. Interment Formerly to $45 at to Columbus. Ohio, daughter of tho United Between the acts a fashion show Is After forty-seven week* "I.adles" Night" h Is fishing camp In Maine. ordered hln WATLINOTON..On June 28, 11*21, at her $18 $25 States Attorney-Oonera 1 Harry M. with gowns, hats and furs will eloae It* encasement at the Fltlnge next h ome on Saturday. Ho has a 4t,1 North conducted, Saturday night. The thentre ".111 complete AVI'REAR..Maria W. Campbell Funeral re«ldenee, Broadway. Daugherty, Is visiting Colonel and Mrs. donated by well known modistes and reopen late n orvous breakdown. Pr. Shattuok. a Church, TVy. With St., Wadnerday, 2 P. M L. I., Annie K.. dauchtei Amity\tlle,of tht In Auttuat with Mls'i Helen MnrKellar In late T. and Ann Fowler Thomas R. Feldcr at Ortavla Villa, their women of orvo la attondanoo. . Itenjamln worn by young society. Fannie Hurat'a new play. "Hack I'ay." sporlnllst, In Col. RACKF.S. Frances. Campbell Funeral Funeral prlrate. country homo In Greenwich, Conn. Ml«e I.ltllan olt hnd boon Ashing with guests for Church, H'y. rthth at.; Thursday, 11 A. M. Watllnrton. U8eS~ frilled and TRt-Kft»AI.K CHILD RECOVERING Fltxgerald. having closed with WniOIIT.-Oll June 27, it*2l. Stephen C. Sheer Summer Bloi dainty lace Mr. and Mrs. John II. Uumont of Fid Wynn'a Carnival. I* playing a short tlireo weeks BKERB..Suddenly. Sunday, Walter II. Jleeb* Wrl*ht. beloved hntband of T season of vaudeville In the K. f\ sge.1 7k Funeral services will be held Jnerphlne Pis Infield, N. J., will leave to-day Margaret I/oulse Truesdalo, the eleven- Proctor 4 \Vrl»hf. Funeral from hie lair re«ldence. trimmed effects of voile, batiste a:nd by jtheatre*. i Wednesday. June 2!>, P. M., at his late on dimity. where of Mr. Heart av., Navealnk, N. J , June "0. at motor for Magnolia, Mass., they year-old daughter and Mrs. Ilehearsals began of IJLIAN ELTINGE residence 7." Belvedere place, Yonkers * .78 F. M,: tln-nee Interment Monumental a house. vegterday musical will meet New York Central Formerly to $20 at have taken R. Truesdalc, Is recovering frumJoseph« otnedy "Tangerine." which Carlo farltoa Automobiles Cemetery. South River, N J. $10 i HAS trnln, arriving at Yonkers statlnn .7 .IS Mr. and Mrs. Todd Ford of Pasadena, painful Injuries received In an automo- sill present at the Casino Theatre August H, APPENDICITIS Orand vlth Miss Julia Sanderson its the T'aln leates Centrst .7:07, tower are at tho Plaza Hotel for an bile accident last flunday, although she s'ar and saving t'me. Interment at Cal. ' tack Hazxard na the level, daylight I will be confined to her parents' home In principal comedian. » convenience of family. stav. extended Ollvkr Moroaco has engaged Mis* Louise "aken Seriously III on to IN MEMORIAM. Way . L. I., for several weeks. The , the Chatham Wethury, Wink for an role In "Poor lUJ'MENTHAI. Alfred Btumenthal. Wool r8 -of chiffon Alpaca and Arrivals at Hotel child was with a relative when Important Letty," Lob hi* wife; Alfred Isaac Brigh* Sweate Mr. and Mrs. O. 11. Worcester and riding hnrlotle tireenwood's new a'arrlng v«hlc|e. Angeles. niumenthal. HannahHARTZ..Beloved memory of daughter, ShetI Includethe automobile skidded and ran Into a vhhh will he seen in New Hlumenthal. their son all died at Madrid. Mr. John W. Clifton of D. C. York early In Interment will be in th.> United Hart*. died June 28. 1014 Mother.teabella land wool.slip-over, surplice and tuxedo styles. Washington, telegraph pole. She was cut about the 'k'«pt ember. B \ pt' 'ai Pespofrh in Tnr New Yosk llpui.a Spain. Mrs S. M. Edgel I of Halt Lake City Tlnto l'attlera, the young Palmatlan Slates and wilt h>. announced at a later head nnd face. tenor T»s, Cal Juno 28..Julian da'e. to :md Mr. and Mrs H II. of nvl* A Ron, "t'eek-a-Hoo" at the Colunthla Theattv Yost Strty-first s,r«.!, was roportel !" South 4lh sv.. Mount Ver.ion. N 7' JtL^Deweiewa0«»eL»4S^A»AA»^jR docks. AdlronIn the Flying Corps of the French army. , 1 till closo next Saturday night. :«torday to be Improving steadily. Wednesday at 2 o'clock. I ]