Bais Yaakov Community Ad Journal/Directories are for sale for $20. Call Chaia Weinberg at Bais Yaakov HS 952-915-9117 s"xc SAVE THE DATE Schedule of Services/Events Bais Yaakov Presents The Song Within: A Musical Drama for Women and THE BAIS YISROEL Girls (1st grade and up), Sunday Eve. Feb 13, 2005, 7:00 PM at the Sabes JCC. Shabbos Parshas If you have borrowed a white table from the Shul Gemach, Please return it SHABBOS OBSERVER ASAP. Shacharis 8:30 A.M. Issue Number 551 5 5764 Parshas Bo January 16, 2005 Worldwide Taharas Mishpacha/Family Purity Shovavim Project 5765 Mincha 4:25 P.M. Rabbi Lieff will be giving review courses for the Worldwide Taharas Mishpacha/ Shabbos Over 5:49 P.M. The Bais Yisroel Shabbos Observer is a weekly publication that brings you divrei on the week's parsha from around the world Family Purity Shovavim Project 5765. All married people are invited to review and around the block as well as events going on in the Bais Yisroel Community. To submit a dvar Torah or item of interest to the community, please contact Hindy or Arnie Frishman at 952-927-5134 before Thursday of each week. the fundamental Halachos and Haskafos that preserve the sanctity of the Jewish Sunday Home. Men’s Course- Sunday January 30th at 7:30 PM. Women’s Course- Shacharis 7:10 & 8:00A.M. Sunday Feb 6 at 7:30 PM. Mincha 4:45 P.M. Second Maariv 10:00 P.M. Bais Yaakov Community Ad Journal Directories Available Bais Yaakov Community Ad Journal/Directories are for sale for $20. Call Chaia Weinberg at Bais Yaakov HS 952-915-911. Monday - Thursday Shacharis 6:50A.M. Due to the cold weather, there will no Pre-K Pirchei, Bnos or Pirchei Mincha 2:45 & 4:45 P.M. “Blessed are you Hashem who heals the sick of His people Israel.” Second Maariv 8:00 P.M. Third Maariv 10:00 P.M. Bais Yisroel Tzedaka Fund Appeal We wish a refuah shelaimah to Avraham ben Orah Yutel, the brother of Rabbi Erev Shabbos Parshas Moshe Weiss and Mrs. Shaina Knobloch. Tragically, Avraham, who lives in Eretz Yisroel with his wife and six children, was in a serious car accident and desper- ately needs our tefillos. Please take the time to say extra tehilim for him. Sadly, Shacharis 6:50A.M. Avraham’s injuries are indescribable, very serious, and life-altering. If anyone is Candle Lighting 4:48 P.M. interested in making a donation in order to assist Avraham, his wife, and his Mincha 4:50 P.M. children please make your donation payable to Beis Yisroel Tzedaka Fund and specify that it is for Avraham Weiss. Avraham and his family have a very long road to recovery ahead of them and every tefillah/prayer is needed. May we all continue to do acts of goodness and kindness every day, and with Hashem’s help, Shiurim Given by HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff: Avraham and all of B’nei Yisroel will be released from their suffering M-W: Mesechta Bava Kamma at 6:30 A.M. Providing for Bais Yisroel Cholim M & W: Mesechta Kiddushin at 7:15 P.M. Ha Rav HaGaon Rav Yerucham Olshin, Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of the Lakewood Please contact us if you are available to assist families in our community who need M & Tu : Mesechta Chagiga at 8:15 A.M. Yeshiva visited our community last Shabbos and spoke to the boys at the Father Son help due to illness or recent childbirth. You can help by: *Providing and delivering Thursday: No Hillel at UoM Learning Program. Pictured here is Rav Olshin with Rabbi Moshe Weinreb and his meals. *Making a donation for the Kosher Meals on Wheels Fund which provides sons. ;hk vhcuy van meals to those eligible. *Designating a recipient or make a donation to purchase food ktrah ,hc ,khve cr to be prepared by another volunteer. *Visiting homebound people in our community. Message From the Rav vyuxhbhn w xhkupthbhn *Providing transportation to Dr. appointments. We are compiling a list to be used For membership information or general information regarding activities and events for current and future needs, so please contact us even if you are not available at Bais Yisroel, write Congregation Bais Yisroel, 4221 Sunset Blvd., St. Louis Park, We're Not Leaving Without the Children and Elders Minnesota 55416 or contact HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff at (952) 926-7867 or (952) immediately. Tzipora Greenberg (952-915-1271) or Debi Breningstall (952-924- 922 8881. E-mail: [email protected] Be sure to visit the Bais Yisroel As we re-live the galus and geulah of diaspora. The Gemorah in 9095) Website at The BYSO is published in conjunction Mitzrayim in our parsha, we must ap- Mesechta Shabbos teaches that

with Puma Press. ply its lessons to our current Mikvah Shower Yerushalyim was destroyed only Please join us for a women’s gathering to “Shower” the mikvah with its finishing touches on January 16th from 1-3 & 7-9. The mikvah is registered under B Y This issue of the BYSO is sponsored by the Rav and Rebbetzen in honor of Minneapolis Mikvah at Target, Marshall Fields & Pottery Barn. Any questions Uncle Klony and Tante Gitty. "We are delighted to have you here with us please call 651-405-6415. We hope to see you there. S O for Shabbos. May you be zoche to build a Bayis Ne'eman B'Yisroel." because its inhabits kept the schoolchildren away from their Torah studies. Parsha Thoughts According to the Maharal, when the young are not educated in Torah, it is Rabbi Yechezkel Greenberg the beginning of the end. Hashem instructs Moshe that the first day of Pesach is a holy day, and the seventh day is holy, too. The Gemara (Pesachim 96a) tells us that during that first year in Conversely, the Parshas Derochim explains that in the merit of the Tinokos Mitzrayim the prohibition against leaven only applied on the first day of Pesach. shel Bais Rabban, the Shechinah, the very presence of Hashem, rests and The Meshech Chachma quotes numerous commentaries who say that in that year emanates from Klal Yisroel. And, as long as the Shechinah rests in the midst even the status of Yom Tov was applied only to the first day. The question then of our people no country or nation on earth can dominate or subjugate us. In arises, why did Hashem feel it necessary to command the nation then, about some- our Parsha Pharaoh asked Moshe and Aaron: ohfkuvv hnu hn? Which one are thing which would only apply at a later time? The answer is that Hashem was going? Moshe Rebbeinu responds ubk v dj hf lkb ubhbezcu ubhrgbc --With our teaching us an important lesson about the nature of His Mitzvos. When other Parshas Bo youngsters and with our elders shall we go because it is a festival of Hashem nations celebrate a victory over their enemies, many celebrate the day they were for us. The Yom Tov, the festival for us in our lives is inherent when the victorious in battle and rejoice in the downfall of their enemy. The Jewish nation is 1. What was Pharaoh’s excuse for not releasing the Jewish children? presence of Hashem rests upon us. The condition is only prevealnt, how- different. The Possuk says in Mishlei (Proverbs 24:17) “Don’t rejoice in the down- 2. How did the locusts in the time of Moshe differ from those in the days of fall of your enemy.” The Medrash tells us that Hashem didn’t allow the angels to ever, when the children, when the younger generation is with us. This is Yoel? sing praise over the downfall of the Mitzrim, and likewise we don’t complete the when the the Rabeinu shel olam is ubk, for us. Moshe Rabbeinu adds 3. How did the first three days of darkness differ from the last three? Hallel during the second part of Pesach for the same reason. What we do rejoice over lkb ubhbezcu -- and with our elders shall we go. The key to the continuity 4. When the Jews asked the Egyptians for gold and silver vessels, the Egyp- is our salvation and our deliverance from bondage. The Torah constantly repeats that of Klal Yisroel is when the youngsters and elders are on the same page, tians were unable to deny ownership of such vessels. Why? we celebrate the fifteenth of Nisan “because on that day Hashem took us out of traveling to the same destination. Then, it is ubk v dj a festival of Hashem Mitzrayim.” Never does the Torah state the reason of celebration to be because on 5. Makat bechorot took place at exactly midnight. Why did Moshe say it for us. When the present youngsters will be transformed into the future that day Hashem meted out justice to the Mitzrim. [We find a similar concept on would take place at approximately midnight? elders, our future is secure. Chanukah, when we celebrate the miracle of the flames, which commemorates how 6. Why did the firstborn of the animals die? Hashem watched over us in miraculous fashion. We don’t publicly celebrate the 7. How did Moshe show respect to Pharaoh when he warned him about the miracle of the battle against our enemies. Similarly, on Purim we don’t celebrate the aftermath of the plague of the firstborn? day on which we won the battle, but rather the next day, when we rested from Tsaischem L’Shalom for Mrs. Rita Sultan: This Motzoei Shabbos 8. G-d told Moshe “so that my wonders will be multiplied” (11:9). What three battle.] Had Hashem only commanded us to keep the seventh day as Yom Tov after The Kehilla is invited to a Tsechem L’Shalom gathering for Mrs. Rita Sultan as she wonders was G-d referring to? the Mitzrim were drowned on that date, it may have appeared as a command to takes leave of our community to join her children and grandchildren in Silver Spring. 9. Why did G-d command the mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh to Aharon, and not rejoice over Egypt’s destruction. Therefore, Hashem told us about this Mitzvah Motzoei Shabbos January 15th at the Park Hill Party Room 7:00-9:00 P.M. only to Moshe? beforehand, even though it didn’t apply yet, to make it clear that we are not celebrat- 10. Up to what age is an animal fit to be a Pesach offering? ing the downfall of our enemy, but rather our own deliverance. Food For Thought: After Makas Bechoros, Paroh called to Moshe and Aharon in the middle of the night Sha’arim to Host The ABC¹s of ADD - Feb. 6, 2005 This all-day seminar features 11. Prior to the Exodus from Egypt, what two mitzvot involving blood did G-d Dr. Edward Hallowell, Bestselling Author of "Driven To Distraction" and soon to and ordered them to leave Mitzrayim. How far did Paroh’s voice travel? give to the Jewish People? Last Week’s FFT: When did 2 + 2 = 1? Answer: Rashi explains that to perform be released “Delivered From Distraction” Detailed seminar session information, 12. Rashi gives two explanations of the word “Pasachti.” What are they? driving directions, etc. is available at - look under “Events by Makkas Shechin (boils), Moshe and Aharon each took two handfuls of ash, and they 13. Why were the Jews told to stay indoors during makat bechorot? Date” and scroll to “Feb. 6, 2005” and click on “The ABC’s of ADD.” For more miraculously fit all four handfuls into one of Moshe’s hands. information, contact either Chana Shagalow at 612-843-0333or Lisa Etziony at 14. What was Pharaoh screaming as he ran from door to door the night of makat 952.925.5502. bechorot? 1. 10:11 - Since children don’t bring sacrifices there was no need for them to go. 2. 10:14 - The plague brought by Moshe 15. Why did Pharaoh ask Moshe to bless him? was composed of one species of locust, whereas the plague in the days of Yoel was composed of many species. 3. 10:22 THIS WEEK Sponsored By THE WELL 16. Why did the Jewish People carry their matzah on their shoulders rather than - During the first three days the Egyptians couldn’t see. During the last three days they couldn’t move. 4. 10:22 - During the plague of darkness the Jews could see and they searched and found the Egyptians’ vessels. 5. 11:4 - If Moshe said TUESDAY January 25 at 7:45 pm . Parenting Panel 2: “Changing with your have their animals carry it? the plague would begin exactly at midnight, the Egyptians might miscalculate and accuse Moshe of being a fake. 6. 11:5 Changing Child” Delving into the emotional and behavioral challenges of daily life - Because the Egyptians worshiped them as gods, and when G-d punishes a nation He also punishes its gods. 7. 11:8 - 17. Who comprised the erev rav (mixed multitude)? Moshe warned that “All these servants of yours will come down to me” when, in fact, it was Pharaoh himself who and building healthy parent/child relationships. Moderated by Chana Shagalow 18. What three historical events occurred on the 15th of Nissan, prior to the actually came running to Moshe. 8. 11:9 - The plague of the firstborn, the splitting of the sea, the drowning of the Egyptian with a panel of 4 mothers.Sabes JCC, 4330 S Cedar Lake Rd, St. Louis Park soldiers. 9. 12:1 - As reward for his efforts in bringing about the plagues. 10. 12:5 - One year. 11. 12:6 - Circumcision event of the Exodus from Egypt? and Korban Pesach. 12. 12:13 - “I had mercy” and “I skipped.” 13. 12:22 - Since it was a night of destruction, it was not safe for anyone to leave the protected premises of his home. 14. 12:31 - “Where does Moshe live? Where does Aharon 19. What is the source of the “milk and honey” found in Eretz Yisrael? live?” 15. 12:32 - So he wouldn’t die, for he himself was a firstborn. 16. 12:34 - Because the commandment of matzah 20. The only non-kosher animal whose firstborn is redeemed is the donkey. was dear to them. 17. 12:38 - People from other nations who became converts. 18. 12:41 - The angels came to promise that Sarah would have a son, Yitzchak was born, and the exile of the “covenant between the parts” was decreed. 19. 13:5 What did the donkeys do to “earn” this distinction? - Goat milk, date and fig honey. 20. 13:13 - They helped the Jews by carrying silver and gold out of Egypt.