MMoanaoana = PPolynesianolynesian forfor OceanOcean SSeekseeks toto hearhear thethe voices,voices, andand rrecogniseecognise tthehe ggiftsifts ooff wwomenomen wwhoho hhaveave bbeeneen ooppressedppressed “ . wworkork ooff wwomenomen . iiss ccentralentral ttoo tthehe CChurchhurch . ..”” AArchbishoprchbishop WinstonWinston TThehe AAssociationssociation ooff AAnglicannglican WWomenomen VVolumeolume 444,4, NNoo 1 FFebruaryebruary 22012012 Contents: FFromrom OOurur PPresidentresident . Elizabeth Crawley From our President . 2 Waiapu Circle Team C Moana AAW Contributions to the Editor:- Greetings to all AAW members, Archbishop Winston Halapua 3 The Revd Dorothy Brooker, It is a glorious day here in Taradale as I write this, very A bouquet of experience 16 Downing Ave Napier 4112. different from waking up in Dunedin with snow on the ground, Arietta Kumar . 4 06 843 6779. and later having Margaret drive me through the snow from Church of the Good Shepherd
[email protected] Dunedin to Invercargill - this in the beginning of November! Miliama Fong . .4 A very warm welcome was extended to both Margaret Our Youth - and - Business Manager:- Seini’s year in Waiapu 5 Mrs Rosalind Buddo, Poukawa, McLanachan & me as we visited many groups in the Dunedin Diocese. I would like to say a big thank you to all the members Faith and humility (Ruth) RD 11, Hastings 4178. 06 874 8837. there. Keep up the wonderful work you are all doing with our Arietta Kumar . 6
[email protected] aims in mind. World Food Security . .7 Circle’s honorary artist:- Travel our Lenten Journey . 8 At our last executive meeting we spoke of celebrating Lady Mrs Joan Miles of Taupo parish. Lady Day . 9 Day. I have asked Rosemary Bent to give us the history and tell For my Grandson .