Report of the CAUT Ad Hoc Investigatory Committee into allegations concerning Working Conditions at Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph Released by the Canadian Association of University Teachers September 2013 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Association of University Teachers | 2705 promenade Queensview Drive Ottawa (Ontario) K2B 8K2 | T. 613-820-2270 |
[email protected] | Report of the CAUT Ad Hoc Investigatory Committee into Allegations concerning Working Conditions at Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph Introduction In December of 2011, Dr. Judy Sheeshka, President of the University of Guelph Faculty Association (UGFA) wrote to Dr. James L. Turk, Executive Director of the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) requesting that CAUT make an inquiry into the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) and the Health Sciences Centre (HSC; once known as the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, VTH), citing a number of concerns related to diverse aspects of working conditions at the OVC and the HSC. Following due deliberation, CAUT decided to institute an Ad Hoc Investigatory Committee (AHIC), and on 3rd February 2012, Turk wrote to the AHIC’s appointees (Dr. Claire Card of the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, and Dr. Paul Handford, Emeritus Professor of Biology, University of Western Ontario and member of the CAUT Academic Freedom & Tenure Committee); to UGFA’s President Sheeshka; and to Dr. Alastair Summerlee,