
Find the year you were born in to see what your zodiac is. Oxen are honest, patient, hardworking and depend- Rats are wise, imaginative and passionate. They able. They need practice compromising with others. need to practice staying calm and not lose their temper. Tigers are brave, powerful, and enthusiastic. They need to practice thinking before they act. Pigs are polite, strong and chivalrous. They need to practice being careful and to think before they act. Luckiest of all signs, are shy, talented and Dogs are loyal, honest and fun loving. Great at honest. They are great problem solvers, but teamwork, but need to practice feeling confident in need practice trying new things. their own abilities.

Dragon Dragons are imaginative, brilliant, and dra- Roosters are independent, brave and reliable. matic. Sometimes perfectionists, they need to They like to be the center of attention and need to practice not getting upset by mistakes. practice sharing the spotlight.


Monkeys are happy, curious and very smart. A gifted are clever, perceptive and desire to achiever, they sometimes get ahead of themselves and help others. They need to practice sharing need to slow down. with others.


Sheep are creative, loving, gentle and peace seeking. Horses are energetic, independent and optimistic. Sometimes shy, they need to practice finding courage Sometimes impatient, they need to practice finish- to try new things. ing what they have started.