June 23, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1047 #BRINGBACKOURBOYS Christina Morzello of Valhalla, , who understanding this under-researched cancer, were married on June 28, 1964. Tom and including its array of risk factors and causes. HON. FRANK R. WOLF Dina were married at St. Anthony’s Church in I’m proud that the House Defense Appro- OF VIRGINIA West Harrison, NY. Tom graduated from priations bill includes report language to allow IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES White Plains High School in 1959 and was stomach cancer research to be funded drafted into the Army where he spent two through this Research Program. I look forward Monday, June 23, 2014 years as motor pool driver. Following his hon- to working with my colleagues to ensure that Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to orable discharge, he began a 35 year career the Senate passes this important language as bring to your attention an incident that hap- as an electrician. After her graduation from well. pened last week in Israel, a situation being re- White Plains High School in 1963, Dina at- By taking this step, we will be able to better ferred to internationally as tended Berkley Secretarial School and gained understand this deadly disease, and, hope- ‘‘#BringBackOurBoys.’’ On June 12, three employment as a Secretary for General fully, get closer to finding a much-needed teenage Israeli students, Gil-Ad Shaer, Eyal Foods. After having four children, she began a cure. Yifrah and Naftali Fraenkel, disappeared from 25 year career as a teacher for the White a hitchhiking point a little south of Jerusalem, Plains School District. Tom enjoys riding his f Israel. While no group has come forward to motorcycle and is an active member of the RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- take responsibility for this action, the Israeli Westchester Harley Owner Group (HOG). TIONS OF JOHN DANIEL government has pointed fingers at Hamas. As Dina enjoys gardening, scrapbooking and RUFFIER you know, Mr. Speaker, Hamas, a radical spending time with her grandchildren. Islamist party, first came to power following Tom and Dina must be commended for their the Palestinian legislative elections in 2006, loyalty and dedication to their family. Tom and HON. ALAN GRAYSON defeating the former ruling party, Fatah. The Dina have proven, by their example, to be a OF Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has arrested over model for all married couples. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 200 suspects, most of them Hamas members, I proudly ask you to join me, along with Tom Monday, June 23, 2014 over the past week. In addition to these ar- and Dina’s four sons and their wives, six Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in rests, they have expanded their search in grandchildren, and many friends and family, in honor of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and hopes to retrieve these abducted boys. congratulating them on this significant occa- Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month, to recog- People all over the world have gathered to- sion and wishing them many more years of nize John Daniel Ruffier. gether, to express their concerns for these happiness together. boys and their families. Many rallies have John was born May 21, 1971 in Orlando, taken place outside of various World Cup are- f Florida to Eugene Daniel Ruffier and Joan Dial nas in hopes of bringing media attention to DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Ruffier. He is their third child, along with Wil- this important issue. A mass rally has been APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2015 liam Eugene (‘‘Bill’’) and Margaret Grace. John planned for next Tuesday, June 24th, outside is a product of Orange County public schools, having attended Lake Silver Elementary, Lee of the Israeli Consulate in New York. SPEECH OF This past week, on Wednesday June 18, Junior High, and Edgewater High School be- the Jewish Community Relations Council of HON. fore going on to Vanderbilt University, where Greater Washington, the Jewish Federation of OF FLORIDA he graduated with a Bachelor of the Arts De- Greater Washington, and The Israel Forever IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gree in English and History in 1992. Ruffier Foundation co-sponsored a vigil outside the then attended the ’s Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C. Over 250 Fredric G. Levin College of Law. Upon grad- members of the community gathered to chant The House in Committee of the Whole uation in 1996, John joined Orlando’s largest and listen to speakers of many different faiths House on the state of the Union had under and most prestigious law firm, Lowndes, reiterating the need for these boys to be re- consideration the bill (H.R. 4870) making ap- Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A., where propriations for the Department of Defense turned to their families safely. Rabbi Adam he remains a shareholder specializing in com- for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, mercial real estate, with a focus on assisting Raskin of Congregation Har Shalom in Poto- and for other purposes: mac, Maryland said ‘‘They are our kids. This clients with the acquisition, financing, and sale is a kidnapping from our family,’’ asking ‘‘Can Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Chair, I rise of senior housing communities and medical of- you imagine the anguish and the pain of their today to highlight an important provision that fice buildings. John also works with govern- parents?’’ This is an issue that we must con- was included in H.R. 4870, the Department of mental and non-profit institutions in forming tinue to put pressure on, in order to return Defense Appropriations Act of 2015, which partnerships for large-scale redevelopment these boys to their families. could help my constituent, Debbie Zelman, projects. John has earned the highest rating of As another Sabbath passes, my thoughts along with thousands of others like her with ‘‘AV’’ from Martindale-Hubbell for his legal and prayers are with the families of these stomach cancer. skills. young men. We remain hopeful for the imme- Five years ago, Debbie was diagnosed with John has an extensive record of public serv- diate safe return of these students. Mr. Speak- Stage IV stomach cancer. While the doctor ice with community service organizations in er, everyone in this country, regardless of their gave her only a 50/50 chance to live after one Central Florida and has served on the board individual faith, needs to be mindful of the year, Debbie is still with us, fighting one of the of directors for many groups, such as the words Presbyterian Minister Roy Howard of deadliest forms of cancer. Hope and Help Center of Central Florida, the St. Marks Church in North Bethesda, Maryland Debbie is not alone in her battle. Every Orlando Shakespeare Theater, and the Cen- spoke at this week’s rally at the Israeli Em- year, 21,000 Americans are diagnosed with tral Florida Coalition for the Homeless. He bassy here in Washington: ‘‘We are united stomach cancer, and it is the second leading also served on the City of Orlando Public Art with Israel, the Jewish people; they are not my cause of cancer deaths for women in this Advisory Board for many years. In 2007, John boys, but I stand in solidarity with you.’’ country. was appointed by then-governor To help Debbie and others affected by this to the Florida Real Estate Commission, where f horrible cancer, I, along with 57 of my col- he served until 2011. John, along with Jennifer HONORING THOMAS AND leagues, requested from the Appropriations Foster, founded the Central Florida steering CHRISTINA MORZELLO Committee that stomach cancer research be- committee for the Human Rights Campaign come eligible for funding through the Defense (HRC) and, after having served on HRC’s na- HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL Department’s Peer Reviewed Research Pro- tional board of governors for many years, OF NEW YORK gram (PRCRP) for 2015. joined the board of directors for HRC’s non- profit foundation in 2011. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The PRCRP funds research into eleven cancer types, including blood cancer, I am happy to honor John Daniel Ruffier, Monday, June 23, 2014 colorectal cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Add- during LGBT Pride Month, for his professional Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, in recognition of ing stomach cancer to the list of eligible dis- and civic contributions to the Central Florida the 50th wedding anniversary of Thomas and eases could make an enormous difference in community.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:00 Jun 24, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23JN8.005 E23JNPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 23, 2014 PERSONAL EXPLANATION through, no matter how talented. Because of bill continues to make the wrong choices for the secrecy of the intelligence community, the wrong reasons. The overall spending HON. GARY C. PETERS oversight is impossible without the participa- would be almost $600 billion, a level that is OF MICHIGAN tion of employees inside the system who know impossible to justify in terms of the threats to about activities of the agencies. This amend- the U.S. or in terms of spending by other IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment will help ensure that all employees and countries, including potential adversaries. This Monday, June 23, 2014 contractors in the IC know where and how bill would spend another $10 billion on a failed Mr. PETERS of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, on they should lawfully report potential incidents missile defense system that has not been, and Tuesday June 17, 2014 I was not present for of waste, fraud, abuse, criminal conduct or will not be, ever be viable. The so-called 2 votes. I wish the record to reflect my inten- whistleblower retaliation. ‘‘overseas contingency operations’’ fund—the tions had I been present to vote. The second amendment, offered with Rep. money that fuels the war in and Had I been present for rollcall No. 313, I ALAN GRAYSON (FL–09), would prohibit funds our combat activities elsewhere in the world— would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ from being used to subvert or interfere with is set at nearly $80 billion dollars, and a large Had I been present for rollcall No. 314, I the integrity of a cryptographic standard pro- slice of that money will be used to continue an would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ posed, developed, or adopted by National In- American military presence into 2015 and pos- f stitute of Standards and Technology. Last sibly beyond. It includes hundreds of millions year, published reports indicated that NSA had of dollars for research on a new nuclear DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE slipped language into an encryption standard bomber design. And taking the prize for de- APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2015 published by the National Institute of Stand- fense-related corporate welfare is the belea- ards and Technology that created a ‘‘back guered F–35 program. Congressional Quar- SPEECH OF door’’ that NSA—as well as foreign intel- terly reports that the full cost of the program HON. RUSH HOLT ligence services or malicious hackers—could may exceed $1.5 trillion dollars over its life- OF NEW JERSEY exploit. The Holt/Grayson amendment would time. That is more than we will spend on the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prohibit that practice and passed unanimously. entire federal government in the coming year. The last thing the NSA should be doing is There are vastly cheaper alternatives that Wednesday, June 18, 2014 weakening encryption standards. This amend- would still provide the with a The House in Committee of the Whole ment is one of many steps we need to take to first-rate modern fighter-bomber. Instead, this House on the state of the Union had under prohibit such conduct in the future. bill throws still more good money after bad. consideration the bill (H.R. 4870) making ap- The third amendment, offered by me and I am not comfortable with vast sums of propriations for the Department of Defense Reps. JIM SENSENBRENNER, Jr. (WI–05), ZOE money this bill will waste on weapons we don’t for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, LOFGREN (CA–19), THOMAS MASSIE (KY–04), and for other purposes: need and wars we should not be fighting. But JOHN CONYERS, Jr. (MI–13), TED POE (TX–02), I am also not comfortable allowing the Na- Mr. HOLT. Mr. Chair, I rise in opposition to TULSI GABBARD (HI–02), JIM JORDAN (OH–04), tional Security Agency to continue collecting this bill. BETO O’ROURKE (TX–16), JUSTIN AMASH (MI– and exploiting the communications of tens of Let me begin by acknowledging the enor- 03), JERROLD NADLER (NY–10), TOM PETRI millions of innocent Americans. Accordingly, it mous work that went into bringing a bill of this (WI–6), SUZAN DELBENE (WA–01), BLAKE is with mixed feelings I oppose passage of this scope to the floor. It contains a number of pro- FARENTHOLD (TX–27), G. K. BUTTERFIELD bill and I urge my colleagues to do likewise. visions I support, including a 1.8% pay in- (NC–01), and MARK SANFORD (SC–01) would f crease for our troops and other measures de- end two abusive surveillance practices re- signed to improve the lives of our vealed in recent months. IN HONOR OF DR. GLORIA D. servicemembers and their families. I am par- First, the amendment would prohibit any JONES ticularly grateful for the committee’s inclusion warrantless search of the so-called ‘‘702 data- of nearly $40 million above the President’s re- bases’’—the massive government databases, HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. quest for suicide prevention and outreach ac- created by the NSA and first disclosed by Ed- OF GEORGIA tivities, and twice what I and 100 of my House ward Snowden, that contain records of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES colleagues had requested earlier this year. I emails and phone calls of millions of innocent Monday, June 23, 2014 am also grateful for the committee’s accept- U.S. citizens. ance of an amendment I offered that man- One of the predictions I and others made in Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, it is dates a study on the potential relationship be- 2008 when Section 702 of the Foreign Intel- with a heavy heart that I rise today to pay trib- tween financial stress and suicide among ligence Surveillance Amendments Act became ute to an outstanding and truly one of a kind members of the military. In March 2014, we law was that NSA would misuse the law for woman, Dr. Gloria D. Jones. Sadly, Dr. Jones suffered no combat deaths but lost 700 the ‘‘reverse targeting’’ of Americans’ commu- passed away on Saturday, June 14, 2014. A servicemembers and veterans to suicide. We nications while collecting against foreigners. funeral service will be held on Saturday, June have to end this epidemic, and I hope these As we now know, that is exactly what hap- 21, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at Disciples of Jesus additional investments and this study will help pened, and those communications—billions of Ministries in Thomasville, Georgia. bring about that outcome. phone calls, emails, text messages and the Dr. Gloria D. Jones was born on February Moreover, this bill now contains important like—sit on National Security Agency servers, 27, 1954 in Columbus, Ohio. As the second of reforms to our nation’s surveillance practices. available for search without a warrant. This three daughters, Dr. Jones was constantly Three amendments that I either offered or co- amendment would bar the NSA from using striving to forge her own identity in her youth. sponsored were attached to this bill, and they any funds in this act to conduct any Growing up at the height of the Civil Rights are worth discussing in some detail. warrantless search of stored communications Movement, she was greatly influenced to fight My first amendment would set aside $2 mil- of Americans collected under Sec. 702 of for what was right. Her experiences during this lion to expand the Intelligence Community FISA, thus protecting the privacy and Constitu- time led her to question authority, and to Whistleblowing and Source Protection Direc- tional rights of all Americans. measure her success only by her own grade. torate, which provides employees of the Na- Second, the amendment would prohibit the As she watched her father struggle to recover tional Security Agency (NSA), the Central In- NSA and Central Intelligence Agency CIA from from alcoholism throughout his life, she devel- telligence Agency (CIA), and other intelligence installing ‘‘backdoors’’—such as malicious soft- oped a passion for helping others overcome agencies with a safe, legal, and secure way to ware or hardware—into commercially pro- addictive behavior. Dr. Jones considered this report abusive or unlawful practices. The duced products. This provision was originally a meaningful experience that influenced her amendment passed unanimously. contained in my Surveillance State Repeal practice as a leading therapist in her field of Currently, this office is literally a one-man Act, H.R. 2818. Despite efforts by the House substance abuse counseling. operation. Given the fact that there are tens of leadership to derail the amendment, it passed Gloria’s steadfast determination held true thousands of federal employees and contrac- by a large bipartisan majority of 293–123. throughout her academic career. She was tors who work for Intelligence Community ele- This amendment makes a loud and clear able to graduate high school in only three ments, it is simply not realistic to expect one point: It’s time to stop treating Americans as years, and attended a local college to pursue person to be able effectively to receive and in- suspects first and citizens second. a degree in Physical Education. She went on vestigate large numbers of valid complaints Unfortunately, despite the many good and to earn numerous other degrees, including a from conscientious internal whistleblowers important things contained in H.R. 4870, this Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Columbia

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