NewsletterNewsletter 2424 OctoberOctober 2013 2013 (1/4) (1/4) .
[email protected] PO Box 31 067, Milford , Auckland 0741 Picnic, Milford Beach, 1907. Auckland Museum DU436.1275 M64/1, neg. C9083. In this newsletter PC34 Appeal –––Environment Court hearing from 11 November Milford’s Heritage Day photos Unitary Plan Notified ---Open Day 20 November PC34 Appeal The Appeal by Milford Centre Ltd against the decision to decline PC34 is scheduled to be heard in the Environment Court during the week beginning 11 November. The evidence of the various expert witnesses of Milford Centre, Auckland Council and MRA has been circulated between the parties. If MRA members would like to read the Association’s evidence, email
[email protected] and we will forward copies. Hearing arrangements The hearing is scheduled to commence on Monday morning, 11 November, at the Environment Court in Federal Street, central Auckland. We will advise more details closer to the day. We encourage Milford people to attend at some stage during the week but do ask you to advise us at
[email protected] so we can get a feel for numbers and co-ordinate these with the Court capacity. We understand all evidence will be taken as read and witnesses will be cross-examined, so it should be a faster moving affair than the hearing in Milford in 2012. SITUATION VACANT Are you interested in working in the local community? A Community Development Co-ordinator is being sought by the Takapuna North Community Trust. The purpose of the role is to increase community participation in local events and volunteering, and encourage community interaction and self-determination (30 hours per week).