
Physics Essays volume 18, number 2, 2005

Dispersive Extinction Theory of

Ling Jun Wang

Abstract A dispersive extinction theory is presented to explain the cosmic redshift and the 2.7 K background radiation as an alternative to the currently prevailing Doppler shift theory and the big bang theory. According to this theory, the cosmic redshift and the 2.7 K background radiation are due to the dispersive and ab- sorption of by the space medium. An estimate of the nonlinear absorp- tion constant is given by comparing the result to the Hubble constant derived from the observational data. An experimental method is designed to test the valid- ity of the dispersive extinction theory as opposed to the Doppler shift theory.

Key words: redshift, Doppler shift, big bang theory, dispersive extinction theory

1. INTRODUCTION accurate determination of stellar distances, the The spectroscopic redshift of the plays a cru- modification of the inverse square law relating cial role in modern cosmology. It has been discovered brightness to distance in a curved space-time, the that the spectroscopic redshift of a is by and large decrease in the energy of the brought about by linearly proportional to its distance from . the reduction of the frequency of the light wave, and Hubble proposed that the redshift was caused by a the evolution in the of with time due to the receding movement of the since the big bang. The deviation from linearity also stars and galaxies, which logically suggested an ever- depends on the parameter that discriminates expanding universe.(1,2) It has been further proposed between cosmological models. There is no general that this expansion originated from a big bang. agreement on the corrections needed to be made for There are a number of fundamental difficulties with the nonlinearity of Hubble’s law, and any established the big bang theory. First, the notion of having the genuine nonlinearity would invalidate the big bang enormous mass and energy of the universe coming theory all together. out of nowhere defies every fundamental law and all Besides the above well-known difficulties, the big logic known to physics. Second, the big bang theory bang theory also violates Maxwell’s velocity distribu- demands an unobservable dark mass that is 30 times tion of the thermodynamic ensemble. Since the big greater than the observed real mass. Third, the big bang theory assumes that the velocity v of a star (or bang theory is crucially dependent on the linearity of ) is proportional to its distance from the center Hubble’s law. Any genuine nonlinear function would of the initial explosion, the velocity distribution of the mass of the universe is a dramatic quadratic function suggest that our Earth is located at the center of the 2 universe, which is highly improbable. The linearity of of dm/dv = av based on the hypothesis of homogene- Hubble’s law is far from conclusive. As a of ous mass distribution, one of the fundamental hy- fact, Hubble’s constant is not accurately determined potheses of the big bang theory. This quadratic to within a factor of two. This constant is believed to velocity distribution violates Maxwell’s velocity be anywhere from 35 to 100 km ⋅ s–1 ⋅ Mpc–1.(3–5) It is distribution, which is obeyed by all the experimen- a known fact that for large values of the redshift (z ≈ tally observed thermodynamic ensembles. 1) the connection between z and the velocity of the In this article we propose an alternative explanation galaxy is no longer linear. Even the inverse square of the spectral redshift. We attribute the redshift to the law that relates brightness to distance must be modi- dispersive extinction, which includes absorption and fied to account for the reduction of the redshift of the scattering, by the space medium. The light extinction light wave as it moves through the universe.(6) To by interstellar matter is generally recognized, but the save the big bang theory the nonlinearity is attributed dispersion of extinction has never been investigated. to a number of possibilities, such as the difficulties in A more general theory should include a

1 Dispersive Extinction Theory of Redshift dependence, as no absorption or scattering is ob- retical value shown above due to the Doppler effect served to be wavelength independent for any optical and other external effects, such as the collisional medium we know. The dispersive extinction by the damping and the Stark effect. These effects can give a space medium would cause the central wavelength of line width as large as an angstrom. a to shift to the or to the , de- The Doppler broadening has a Gaussian distribu- pending on the dispersion characteristics of the space tion:(7) medium. Moreover, this shift should depend on the thickness of the medium, or the distance between the FF(ω )=−− exp[ (ωω )22 / γ ]. (6) light source and the observer. In this article we will G 00 develop the details of this theory. The half-maximum width is 2. THE BREADTH OF THE SPECTRUM LINES δω= 0.833γ . (7) Any spectrum line has a finite breadth. A spectrum D line is an electromagnetic wave with finite lifetime that can be described by the amplitude of the electric The sodium D lines at 589.3 nm at a of field: 500 K have a Doppler width of 0.002 nm, a value 200 times as large as the natural line width. ⎧0if t < 0, Et()= ⎨ (1) 3. DISPERSIVE EXTINCTION BY SPACE ⎩Ettt0 exp(−>βω )cos( ) if 0, MEDIUM 3.1 The Dispersive Extinction of Spectrum Lines where ω is the angular frequency of oscillation and β Having Lorentzian Broadening is the decay constant of the oscillation. E0 is the initial After passing through a layer of space medium, the amplitude, which does not affect the frequency frequency distribution function (2) is modified by a distribution. Equation (1) describes an atomic oscilla- factor of (r /r)exp[–αr]: tion created at t = 0. Its amplitude decreases exponen- 0 tially. The Fourier transformation of (1) gives a Lorentzian frequency distribution Err00β ( / )exp[−α r ] Fr(,)ω = 22, (8) βωω+−()0 22−1 FE()ωββωω=+−0 [ (0 )]. (2) where α is the extinction rate per unit length of space The peak of the frequency distribution is reached medium, r0 the radius of the star, and r the distance from the star to Earth. Since the light intensity is when ω = ω0. The line width is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the –1 δωβ= 2. (3) electric field, the factor r in (8) reflects the inverse square law of the light intensity as a function of distance, and the exponential factor represents the For example, the natural breadth of a spectrum line of space extinction. the is given by(6) If the extinction is not dispersive, then α is a con- stant, the peak wavelength of the spectrum line would 2e22ω δω = , (4) remain unchanged, and there would be no redshift due 3mc3 to extinction. However, there is no reason for us to presume that the space medium is nondispersive, as where e is the fundamental charge, m the mass of the all the optical media we know are dispersive. For a electron, c the speed of light, and ω the circular dispersive space medium α is a function of ω, the frequency of the spectrum line. Since δω/ω = δλ/λ, frequency distribution would change, and the peak (4) gives the natural line width wavelength would shift after traveling through space. Whether the peak shifts to the red (redshift) or to the 2 blue (blueshift) depends on the optical characteristics 4πe −12 δλ ==×2 1.16 10 cm. (5) of the space medium, and it can be determined only 3mc through experimental observation. To cause a redshift the extinction should be greater for the shorter The actual line width is much greater than the theo- wavelength. For a small shift the extinction can be 2 Ling Jun Wang represented by a linear function of the frequency: λλ− λβ2br z ==00 , (15) λπ4 c α =+abω. (9) 0

The frequency distribution function becomes where c is the speed of light. Apparently, a positive b results in a redshift and a negative b results in a blueshift. Err00β ( / )exp[−+ ( abrω ) Fr(,)ω = 22. (10) Since βωω+−()0 δωδλπc At the new peak frequency dF/dω = 0, which gives β ==2 , (16) 2 λ0 ωω−=−(){1[1(br −1 ±−βbr )]}.21/2 0 we have The positive sign in the above equation has to be λλ− πδλbc ⎛⎞2 dropped since ω must approach ω when (βbr) 0 ⎛⎞ 0 zr==⎜⎟⎜⎟3 . (17) approaches zero. We therefore have λλ00⎝⎠4 ⎝⎠

−121/2 Δ=−ωωω0 =−(){1[1(br −−βbr )]}. (11) Equation (17) reveals a linear dependence of the redshift z on the distance r. This relationship was first (1,2) If (βbr) > 1, there is no peak. We will consider the discovered by Hubble: case when β is very small and (βbr) << 1. In this case λ − λ the frequency shift can be approximated by z==0 Hr, (18) λ0 2 ωω0 −=0.5 βbr . (12) where H is Hubble’s constant. The value of H is not –10 3.2 The Dispersion Extinction of Spectrum Lines accurately known, but it is believed to be 3.3h × 10 –1 (1,2,6) Having Gaussian Broadening pc (0.5 < h < 1). Comparison of (17) and (18) If the spectrum line is broadened by a Doppler allows us to estimate the value of the dispersion effect due to the motion of the emitter, the spectrum constant b: line follows a Gaussian distribution. After passing through a layer of space medium, the frequency ⎛⎞πδλbc ⎛⎞2 = H, (19) distribution function (6) is modified to become ⎜⎟⎜⎟3 ⎝⎠4 ⎝⎠λ0

2 ⎛⎞r ⎡⎤()ωω− 3 FF()ωω=−+−00 exp( abr ) . (13) 4Hλ G 0 ⎜⎟ ⎢⎥2 b = 0 . (20) ⎝⎠r ⎣⎦γ πcδλ 2 The new peak occurs when dF/dω = 0, which gives If δλ = 0.1 nm and λ0 = 0.5 μm, then

2 −17 ωω0 −=0.5 γbr . (14) bh=×1.75 10 (s/pc), (21)

Equations (12) and (14) have exactly the same form. with The only difference is that the half-intensity breadth of a Gaussian line equals 0.833γ, while that of a 0.5<

Résumé On énonce une théorie pour exprimer le décalage vers le rouge et la radiation du milieu 2.7 K comme une proposition alternative à la théorie de l’effet Doppler, comme à celle du Big Bang, actuellement répandues. D’après cette théorie, le décalage cosmique vers le rouge et la radiation du milieu 2.7 K sont attribua- bles à la diffusion dispersive et à l’absorption de la lumière des étoiles par le milieu de l’espace. Un calcul approximatif de la constante d’absorption non li- néaire s’obtient par une comparaison du résultat avec la constante de Hubble tirée des données de l’observation. On a conçu une méthode expérimentale pour essayer la validité de la théorie de l’extinction dispersive par opposition à la théorie de l’effet Doppler.

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Ling Jun Wang Department of Physics, Geology and University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403 U.S.A.