® 0 in F Or /■ X \Han^/Indo^Na, April L'(J F)— ^The French Hjgh

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® 0 in F Or /■ X \Han^/Indo^Na, April L'(J F)— ^The French Hjgh I ^ ¥■ ■ A V-i ,iw 'V,- -v'--, -i-.' -'cn •>• 'V- > ' -V :■ 4 - Aretaft Dailjr PrM« Ran . ■ Fbr IUm . WOTk M M ’ ' n r R T d n t lb V fT Maiwh X7,-1>M '•( V. KfTMtlM.! ^ li,l6 i V VM mbIw ^ *• Audit ^ ■4M ■oNni •! Cara^Mur itIdItakMtAd, Manch^er~^AiC^:ilyoftm a^€« C h a fm . “ ' S ' : x - V ■^^ V0L.L3tXni,N0^1^ -- A'-' iO iM U h i AiirtHMalv M P«c« M) MANCHESTER, 0N N >^yR S|3^^. Jt^IfcSI, 1954 Cn^’ENTY PAGES) PRICE fn rg CEMIlL / V ■ Cu) h’' ■ X /« Planned ,/ ® 0 in F or /■ X \HAn^/Indo^nA, April l'(J f)— ^The French Hjgh. Corniinand W^ington, AprU 1 (/P) i^^U ticed todajNthe CominuniBt’led Vietminh Had ahickfned AssK Secretary of Defuse ** **" i''*?"****^*ve\aajiiulta on the Dien Blen Phu fortress JoKn A,:Hfinnah.8aid t<my a ms. a fU r Ibaintr close to '2 ,0 0 0 m en in 24 hours o f fu riou s W ftle . entagon'^ committee i^shap- X The French Union d efe fK ^ he)<l«>’— ---------------------— ' inF up a new plan fc^^ridding trimly to the northwest Irtd^triil plain daepite the onalautht \ the arm^ services hi “securi­ z:: forcea in their ateond :nnjor Wd to ty risks.” seise Dien ,pien CTw at nb ntatter Juiii Fir Hannah told the/Aenate, Arn\ed , Services co.mmit^e the plan wUlJ Mundt Says what coaU- \ ■ •"' '-'V \ Mushroom o /fee Pac ific ^cea i y . .. Oea aeneWMi Mtnelc. be ready on or before April .7 A French apokamiah\at head- Frejich and that S e c t a r y of Defense I quartani' here saM the Wctmlnh; Wilson will 'pkplain it then to the Cas^Slarts. was «Uk(nt time out” while, they committee.' rushed up. more ammunition in At the Fame time, Hannah and preparatiOR' /or A poaalbla. renewed; ;ni' other pMtagon offidala asked infantry oharge tonigtit. quick S ^ a tc approval' of,, changes I n lO D a y s The apohaeman aaid in addlUon ! in thev'doctpr draft act. S0y4 hat , y to the 1,390 VIetminh reported Pari^XApril 1 {/F) 's and' dentists of doubtful killed yesterday in hand>tO'hand F r a il’s gHvernment fired loyglty need not be given eom- Washin|^on, April 1 flghting at 'the barbed wire barri- M ^hal Atpnonse Juin today ns and promotioi^ as oiTi- The Senate. Investiga ‘ cadee of the fortreaa and by cur­ subcommittee^oday ar^ tains of . artillery fire and reipord from tH<! nanpn'a twd top Quorum Not Preue«t ed Samuel P. ' French aariaL attacks, the enemy, ilitary rii'ategXpo*f*> It ap­ ^-doOr session. lawyer, a^ apecial hsd gathered up several hundr^ peared lil^ly he>>al»o wpu It voted to r'e- i aofid^ more bodies from the battleflelds. lose hia NATO- jobKaa c ^ - amepdments to its ’. investijratloi^ o f eariy today.' mander of land, 8ea\md/air t J>ut a quorum engryes Sen- The forces o f Moscw-schooied Committee Wist and h « f - Ho Chi Hi nil .were estimated to forces in central Euro{ The cabinet ordered tM Vout- armed services ficialjtshave Rt od d an> niimbeK a b ^ 30,000 ragiildra— favor the bill three dlvisloha equipped, trained spoken, '69-year-old Maraharv re­ other. \ ■/' ■ / \ moved fro^ his\ Frencit m llit^y irmal report to and advised by nel^bortng ftcd ith approvsi. Sen. M uti^iRSD), Who will pto- China - and another 10,000 poats--advisei' to'TLhe /ov.ernnrerii. lidb at the)'miblic and tele^Md poaMbw on defense stiategy and vice presi-^ stall (R-Masa) guerrilla and regional fighters )^f the committee eaid the proposed itarihga, foid^ news conference h« ... brought in for^is crucial battle'of dent of the NatiMiil Superior ilieve^Uie onanlaaotia ‘Mlectlon Council for Arme^F^*'*’** eft’ chaiign would "make It poa.sible \ . the 7-year-olrf Indochina war. to\etain, and use ip a profeanionsl irriien a M )aaa and .would he refused Premi^JMeph lisni. start of wa Inquiry wtUUa The F m ch claimed to have summons to explain his capMity, any drafted doctor wi(o Knocked JMt another division in criticism last WMkend of tl Is noc\glven a‘. com.*nission." the . / i r ^ major enemy assault of 'Hannah aald drafted doctora and ValmoM posed European Defense iundt said -Scava start work ila r^ ^ lS , from .which the rebels miiiilty. dentiatsXw’hose loyalty la under p iilM ;^ c k afte'r three days of question .^ u ld serve as enlisted day "and X hbpe hearing* Like glacArthurlacArthur .Ouster. will! start the' following fig h t in g The flridg 'touched/Off a furor in men, but l ^ i aed in their prp.fes- rianatleal Aaeault - siqhal capackiea, pending a com­ Mjindt /Said the sel< France /(^mpaiAb:npaiab^ to^^et in ■ .mads by ‘‘aneUier plete investigation.. / The 'Vietih|nh launched its seC^^j A m sri^ followhiAllowiug Uieii PresMent all six. members of the comiiutto* ond frontal aMjenlt Tuesday night'i Trunui^'s diamissal of 0eh. Doug If a doctor is notrcleared, Han­ ‘aye’ ” at a eloaed door sea- The French said the rebels iUo- las MkrArthur. Opponents in par- nah said, he' would/be diacSiarged aioi)/" ceeded in occupying, three out- liaiyeht of EDC lad the critics of ^UStAXew moments earlier. Ban. poets of the east^n defenses of l******^ the Federal Civil D ^ a e Admlnlatrattou., detohatlon site, the | thFFrench government action. M w m aejiarated from the service a the H-bomb explosion In the Marshall <aau * • “ Ksfsuyer ID-Tanni hsd msds aa the fortress In thn rinitical drive , ihee the presideifc.V/of the Na- bacaiise his retention not con- jA ke* »t a height o f at - ‘ ‘ unsucUsssfiU. movs td gst ths fisn- which lasted 'Until tailt night. odal Superior Couhcll is held by ■latent witlv the securi' of the ate Adncdxtervices committss to A doxen French couhterattacke. 'resident of the Republic Rene United BUtea. T tnq invsstigatloa of tho- a'pearheaded by tanka and l>c*vy> Coty. Juin actually we.' the rank­ Seijr. Hunt <b-Wyo), who is a cCarUty-Army row. artillery barrages, drove the e i^ ing French military man in ques- dentiat, commented that he doubt­ ivsr mads his motion st a my back from atreaming ^ a y ita tiqna of strategy,: ed ;' any ‘‘professional man \w-ill Film Shows ssstlon. of ths Armsd on othei: outpoata throughout, the ‘ ■ Paris nsAApapera agreed the oj^hly admit’ he la a Commumet group, but not . snougli day. - ■ ' '\// French Qqvei^nent, whith had or disloyal” in order to avoid mil to ^ buslnsss. wars p r ^ In clos.e-ln fighting, the Vllit- nomlnati^/ Juln ...for his NATO tary service. mlhh used' everything fromr ma- post, now/had .no choice except to "There might be a few," Hunt iendrickson (R-NJ'l, act* chineguns. rtflea, aidearms and ask the NATO Council find the Sij- aaid. man. made this point grenadei to long knives and bam­ 'preme . Allied Commander' ' iir Hannah aaid' procedurSa for and Ksfhuver agreed , to a delay boo apeara. Europe, U. S. Gen. Alfred F*- dealing with loyalty and security until Utsr in ,ths aftsmoen or..un­ ' Americsn-iupplicd , French Griiejiitber, to diemiss 'ilm. cases already “have been,tighten­ Gotham til tomorraw forenoon whan the bombert ; 'and fighteri awarmed . *l^e NATO Council, composed of ed up in th e/ligh t'of rece^ de­ committed has anotbqf sehsdulsd velopments.” / ; /'\ ■ ELTON C. FAY setaioa. \ ‘i (Continued on Fpge Seven) (Continiieil «w Page Two) At earlier hearings/^ Army, . WfishinFton, April 1,(/P) KetauvSr- said tkhro had hsen ____________ / ' . ■ -i2 r_ Navy,'Air Force and J^rine offi­ The govefnmeDt disclosed "a great dcudt In. ifitUnF’ the Ri- cers tcatified that I w . than 600 \ulry 'itarted by the Senate th*. dfij' detaiU ot ..the : world’s officers and men o u t ^ more , mtlgittonls cdounmiss and .that four millioti persona had boon rst Tiyjrogen explosion—a ^ "peoprh are ^ title d to have ch a rg e aa loyalty risks. •earing and crushing fury the facts on<f b Seriate Neai%. 8eciirlt,v Shifts *Aaked that wiped ou t fin in Ifted. Elsewhere in Washington Atty. SenraJ quiet, graying Gen. Brownell a>ld today he has the twinkling of an^^jeye and stood, le. Mundt as. thg asked Congress to broaden the spawned a gigantic firebnll noiincemen'i of his sclsctii w sabotage, statutes as a safeguard big enough ^o^ngulf the ■peciat coi was made, agalna^''lnjury to the nation's de^ heart of New>-Tbrk City. Mundt reportm fenatf thraugh"'radioactl^, bio- meht Idsnti as/a W ash in gton , A pril 1 (A*)— '^•lon began predicted the bill would logteai or chemical materials. The offlclal'motion picture film of the - thrimonucleer test in No- her of'the of The Senate moved'slowly to -1 •*"* **“"’‘***y- .He told a news conference he Sears and CoIe.\7fi F( y ward a decision on statehood * Km submitted hia proposed bill to’ vember/1952, conducted by the Atoiph! • Energy Commission and Boston. ^Vlce Preaideift Nixon and House im fo r A laska and H aw aii toda.v>uon endoraemem in iu prefeot Speaker Martin "because of the D ^ lise Depf. at Eniwetok atoll. He U fih ya(siii.old> with both'sides Uarring for ! tandem form and faces an unqgr- J^a made public—in somewhat cy. Mass.. July 9, Mhryard a time advantage Acting future l^n the Houae, whkhlaat (Oonllnlied on Page Seven) censored ' formX-by the Federal Civil Defense Administration.
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