Extensions of Remarks E1023 HON. ROSA L

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Extensions of Remarks E1023 HON. ROSA L July 17, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1023 With this donation, the college will be able this year the budget agreement included his- I was unavoidably detained due to flight to recruit 60 promising first-generation stu- toric investments in child care. delays. dents from across Virginia into a four-year pre- She has built successful campaigns that Had I been present, I would have voted college educational program in the field of en- have brought attention to the importance of YEA on Roll Call No. 329 and YEA on Roll gineering. The overall project is expected to early care and education for the development Call No. 330. provide 300 students with the gateway to pur- of healthy children. At times, it was an uphill f sue engineering degrees, as well as the mon- battle to keep the issue front and center. Dur- umental courage that will excel their careers ing the second Bush Administration, when CONGRATULATING THE Y QUAD for life. These students will experience an they proposed to make Head Start funding de- CITIES ROWING PROGRAM’S JUN- interactive engineering discipline, made pos- pendent on standardized testing, similar to the IOR WOMEN’S CREW FOR WIN- sible through labs and a mentoring system. No Child Left Behind Act, Helen was there NING THE DIAMOND JUBILEE Delegate May is the true embodiment of a along with her powerful coalition to help us CHALLENGE CUP public servant and an accomplished engineer. fight back. This donation to Virginia Tech’s College of En- Through her work, Helen has garnered a HON. CHERI BUSTOS gineering will, in this important age of tech- reputation as a steadfast and principled de- OF ILLINOIS fender of the needs of children and their fami- nology and innovation, provide students from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lies. Her work has shined a light on the impor- across the state of Virginia with valuable edu- Tuesday, July 17, 2018 cational opportunities and, without a doubt, will tance of early childhood education, provided positively impact their lives. guidance on successfully implementing legisla- Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to recognize tion and funding in the best interests of chil- congratulate the Y Quad Cities Rowing pro- Delegate May and the May Family Foundation dren, and inspired hundreds of advocates who gram’s junior women’s crew for winning the for this extraordinary investment to future and continue to champion the needs of our young- Diamond Jubilee Challenge Cup at the Henley prospective engineers, businesspeople, and est. It is my honor and privilege today to rec- Royal Regatta in England. This is a first for leaders. This impact which will touch so many ognize Helen Blank for her decades of hard the rowers, who are based out of the Sylvan young lives will be forever valued as a selfless work and dedication to the health and well- Boat House in Moline, Illinois. act meant to serve as a building block for a being of our children. Coached by Dr. Peter Sharis and Assistant greater society. I look forward to Delegate Joe f Coach Jamie Whalen, scullers Caroline T. May’s ongoing contributions to future gen- HONORING ROTARY CLUB OF Sharis, Delaney Evans, Emma Mask and Tay- erations of Virginia students, and I wish him CLAYTON’S 2018 AWARD RECIPI- lor English set a new course record at the and the entire May family the best in their fu- ENTS prestigious regatta on the Thames River, be- ture endeavors. coming one of only two American crews to win f at Henley this year and the first overseas crew HON. DOUG COLLINS ever to win the Diamond Jubilee Challenge OF GEORGIA HONORING HELEN BLANK cup. This impressive victory followed the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES team’s win at the USRowing Youth National HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO Tuesday, July 17, 2018 Championships in June. OF CONNECTICUT Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. Speaker, I would like to again formally IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rise today to recognize the eight individuals congratulate the Y Quad Cities rowers on their honored by the Rotary Club of Clayton this title, and I join the rest of the community in Tuesday, July 17, 2018 year. wishing them every success in the future. Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Members of the Rotary Club of Clayton f recognize Ms. Helen Blank of the Women’s dedicate their time to their neighbors by illus- Law Center for her lifelong advocacy on behalf trating the club’s motto of ‘‘Service Above HONORING SCHENCK FOODS COM- of children and families. On July 19th, the Co- Self.’’ PANY ON ITS 90TH ANNIVER- alition on Human Needs will honor Ms. Blank The Rotary Club gave its annual Wheel SARY as a Special Human Needs Hero. Each year, Award and J.C. Dover Wheel Award to Dan the coalition honors heroes who fight effec- McAfee of Rabun County Habitat for Humanity HON. BARBARA COMSTOCK tively to meet the needs of low income and and Dr. Guy Glover, respectively. Jim Antosiak OF VIRGINIA vulnerable people. received the W. Lee Arrendale Award for dem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For decades, Helen has been a true cham- onstrating altruism, strong vocation, and eth- pion for families needing high quality and af- ical standards. Tuesday, July 17, 2018 fordable care for their children. Before joining Additionally, three first responders were rec- Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise to the National Women’s Law Center, Helen ognized for their strength during times of cri- congratulate Schenck Foods Company, lo- served for 24 years as the director of the Child sis. Tony Lima received the Law Enforcement cated in the northern Shenandoah Valley of Care and Development Division at the Chil- Officer of the Year award, James Reed re- Virginia, for 90 years of extraordinary success dren’s Defense Fund (CDF). ceived the Firefighter of the Year award, and under the leadership of four generations of a I first met Helen when she worked at CDF, Mike Carnes received the Paramedic of the family-owned and operated business. In 1928, and I was Chief of Staff for Senator Chris Year award. the partnership of Bob Schenck and Howard Dodd. We were partners in highlighting early Mary Beth Brundage received the Jean Har- Cahill founded the Valley Food Company, that childhood development before the passage of ris Professional Award, and the Rotary Club manufactured Blossom Potato Chips. There- the Child Care Development Block Grant presented Tim Ranney with the Golden ‘‘R’’ after, the company became the Schenck (CCDBG)—one of Helen’s great achieve- Award—an honor given to a Rotarian who Cheese Company, distributing retail food items ments. Rarely does an advocate have such in- strives to improve the community and club as over a radius of 30 to 40 miles for Kraft fluence on the passage of a law, and this is a whole. Foods. And, in 1952, the company incor- no small or inconsequential law. Mr. Speaker, I congratulate this year’s porated as Schenck Foods Company with a Since its enactment in 1990, the CCDBG award recipients and look forward to the con- product line that included food service items to has served millions of children and families, tinued impact that their service will have on support institutional food customers. ensuring that all children can access afford- the community. Like so many other great American small able and enriching early learning experiences f businesses, the company responded to situa- during their critical years of development. Per- PERSONAL EXPLANATION tions of adversity, such as severe economic haps no one has been as dedicated to its suc- downturns and competition from large chain cess as Helen Blank. She was there to see its stores, by establishing a corporate culture funding double at the end of the Clinton Ad- HON. ADAM KINZINGER based on an absolute commitment to excel- OF ILLINOIS ministration, and again to see it receive a lence both in products sold and in customer IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES huge infusion of resources in the Recovery service provided, which has generated a stel- Act of 2009 during the Great Recession. Most Tuesday, July 17, 2018 lar reputation for the company and wide re- recently, her single focus on the critical nature Mr. KINZINGER. Mr. Speaker, I was not gional consumer loyalty. Offering more than of funding for CCDBG paid off again as earlier present for votes yesterday, July 16, 2018, as 5,000 different products, Schenck Foods VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:09 Jul 18, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17JY8.020 E17JYPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with REMARKS E1024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 17, 2018 proudly serves more than 4,500 customers, THE SENATE I LED PUT COUNTRY OVER ference. We should heed these warnings and within a 150-mile radius of Winchester, Vir- PARTY. THIS ONE MUST DO THE SAME FOR empower Mueller to see his important work ginia. ROBERT MUELLER. through to its conclusion. (By Bill Frist) I have worried over the years about run- The company’s relentless commitment to in- away legal authority, and I’ve battled Bill Frist is a heart and lung transplant sur- novation has resulted in important partnership against activist judges. I don’t worry about geon, former U.S. Senate majority leader Robert Mueller. He is a lifelong Republican initiatives with local, organic, sustainable and and senior fellow at the Bipartisan Policy farm-to-table providers and a revamped and with a career of distinguished service run- Center.
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