CHURCHARTWORKS™ PAGE 2 Copyright / Usage Limitations / System Requirements

ONE WAY OUT® FONTS AND CLIP ART COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE AGREEMENT: FreeStyle Church Icons™ Clip Art CD’s are published by Church Art Works™. The images are owned and copyright-protected by One Way Out®.

In order to preserve our unique look and identity within the religious and youth ministry marketplace, it is necessary for us to apply a few usage limitations to these products. If you wish to use One Way Out® fonts or clip art for any of the Limited Applications mentioned below, please contact Church Art Works™ at 503-370-9377 to obtain special permission or a license agreement based on your usage requirements. GENERAL COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE TERMS: 1. FreeStyle Church Icons™ are copyrighted ©2005 with All Rights Reserved. 2. Permission is granted for most applications such as advertising, posters, letterhead, newsletters, banners, promotional materials, web sites, video, and apparel that is for use by the individual buyer or within the buyer’s own company, organization, or church. 3. The unauthorized reproduction, distribution, selling, or “sharing” of fonts and clip art is prohibited with the exception of backup protection for the original buyer or if required by a service bureau or printer. 4. Each font and clip art product is licensed for use at one site with up to 5 (one at the office and a lap top or home computer used by the same person can qualify as one computer). 5. Site licenses are available for installations with more than 5 computers. Please call 503 370-9377 for information and pricing. 6. One Way Out® makes no warranties, expressed or implied, as to merchantability, the fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise, regarding the product. One Way Out® shall in no event be held liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages, including damages from loss of business profits, business interruption, or loss of business information arising out of the use or inability to use the product. USAGE LIMITATIONS IN THE COMMERCIAL MARKETPLACE: 1. There are no restrictions on letterform/alphabet based fonts. 2. The use of icons, image fonts, and clip art requires special permission or a licensing agreement in the following applications. a. Products for sale. b. Logo design. c. Any applications with over 50,000 impressions. USAGE LIMITATIONS FOR FONTS, ICONS, AND CLIP ART IN THE RELIGIOUS MARKETPLACE: 1. Use on products and apparel that are sold outside of the buyer’s local church or ministry is prohibited without prior special permission or a licensing agreement from Church Art Works™. 2. Use in publications that are sold, and are printed in quantities of 1,000 or more units, requires special permission and may require an additional license or fee agreement. ______SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: - System 7.x or above, including Mac OS 10.x (Mac OS X) - Windows 95 or above - CD-ROM drive - Any word processing, , or other programs supporting GIF graphics. Almost all programs will “Insert/Place/Import” GIF graphics. Just a few examples would be: Word, Microsoft Publisher, WordPerfect, Quark Xpress, Adobe Photoshop, PageMaker, FreeHand, Illustrator, ClarisWorks/AppleWorks, and many others.

Macintosh, Mac, ClarisWorks, AppleWorks, Mac OS X and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. PageMaker, InDesign, Illustrator and PhotoShop are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. , Publisher, PowerPoint, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. QuarkXpress is a registered trademark of Quark, Inc. Corel Draw and WordPerfect are registered trademarks of Corel, Inc. FreeHand and Dreamweaver are registered trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. Basic Instructions PAGE 3

This is the quick version of how to “Insert/Place/Import” the clip art images from the CD into the majority of Applications/Programs available today. For detailed information on how to insert, place, or import the GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) images on this CD into your particular Application/Program please refer to your Application manual. Note: If you lose this booklet the “FreeStyle Booklet.pdf” file on the CD contains the exact same information. You may preview the color PDF version of the booklet or print extra copies. FINDING AND USING THE IMAGES ON THIS CD: 1. Find the image you want to use by looking through the preview pages for FreeStyle Church Icons™. 2. Open the Application/Program or Document in which you wish to “Insert/Place/Import” the clip art image. 3. Refer to your Application manual for details on how to “Insert/Place/Import” GIF images into your documents or see the quick, simplified instructions directly below. (Hint for all Applications: Once you have navigated through the “Insert/Place/Import” dialog box to the folder containing all the images on the CD, you can type the first three numbers of the image file you want to quickly select it, without having to use the mouse.) - Microsoft applications (Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, etc.): Go to the Insert menu and select one of the following: Picture File or Picture from File or Clip Art. Either Picture File or Picture from File will open up a dialog box asking you to find the file. Navigate to your CD and the folder containing the images. Select the image* and click on Open. The image will now appear in your document. *If you’re using Windows and are navigating to your image from a dialog box, and the folder appears empty, make sure that you’re viewing All Files in the Files of Type Field. - Adobe PageMaker and Photoshop: Go to the File menu and select Place. A dialog box will appear. Navigate to your CD and the folder containing the images. Select the image and click OK or Place. The image will now appear in your document. - AppleWorks/ClarisWorks: First, select your pointer tool. Then go to the File menu and select Insert. A dialog box will appear. Navigate to your CD and the folder containing the images. Select the image and click OK. The image will now appear in your document. - WordPerfect: Go to the Graphics menu, from which you select Image (or Figure in early versions). An Insert dialog box appears for you to navigate to your image. - Other Programs work in similar ways as above. Please refer to your Application manual on how to “Insert/Place/Import” GIF graphics. TROUBLE SHOOTING QUESTIONS: 1. Why do images import so big on the screen? Some Application/Programs will display GIF images very large on the screen. You can scale down the images in a couple of ways: - If the image is already placed on screen - Select the image, then grab one of the corner ‘handle bars’ while holding down your ‘shift’ key (to maintain the proportions) and drag to resize the image. - If you have not yet placed the image - Some Application/Programs like FreeHand, Illustrator, PageMaker, Indesign, and Quark will let you select the image you want, then ‘click and drag’ an area to force the size of the inserted graphic, to fit within your drawn box. 2. Why does my program show a solid white box around the images? Some Application/Programs may not have the capability to understand the extra information encoded into a ‘Transparent GIF’. The only way to keep this white box from covering up other text or graphics, is to layer it, by using commands like ‘Send/Move to Back’ or ‘Behind Text’. Please refer to your Application manual on how to accomplish this task. The latest versions of programs like Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, DreamWeaver, and FreeHand MX should display these GIF images correctly with their transparent background. 3. Why does my printout show a thin dark outline around the artwork? An outline may appear on the printout in some applications (mainly Microsoft Word) when the inserted image is larger than 6 inches. To remove this outline, simply reduce the images to 6 inch or less and reprint.

1-877-ONE-WAY-OUT PAGE 4 FreeStyle Church Icons™

FREESTYLE CHURCH ICONS™ This all new image collection by designer/calligrapher Michelle Seefeldt is an exciting addition to the Church Art Works™ library of clip art. These fresh, free-flowing brushed icons are simple, yet expressive. And the consistent art style throughout the entire collection facilitates a professional, “designer” look to calendars, bulletins, web sites, and other promotional pieces. - Comes with black & white high resolution GIF images. - Includes a comprehensive image catalog. - Compatible with Mac or PC.

Over 100 Free Spirited Black & White Images $39.95 (Download Price) $44.95 (Includes Image Catalog, CD, and Shipping)

These are transparent GIF images with a small white "die-cut" mask, perfect for popping your images out from a background with tones, textures, or colors.

Sample FreeStyle Church Icons™ PAGE 5

001FS1. 002FS1.gif 003FS1.gif 004FS1.gif

005FS1.gif 006FS1.gif 007FS1.gif 008FS1.gif

009FS1.gif 010FS1.gif 011FS1.gif 012FS1.gif

013FS1.gif 014FS1.gif 015FS1.gif 016FS1.gif

017FS1.gif 018FS1.gif 019FS1.gif 020FS1.gif

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021FS1.gif 022FS1.gif 023FS1.gif 024FS1.gif

025FS1.gif 026FS1.gif 027FS1.gif 028FS1.gif

029FS1.gif 030FS1.gif 031FS1.gif 032FS1.gif

033FS1.gif 034FS1.gif 035FS1.gif 036FS1.gif

037FS1.gif 038FS1.gif 039FS1.gif 040FS1.gif FreeStyle Church Icons™ PAGE 7

041FS1.gif 042FS1.gif 043FS1.gif 044FS1.gif

045FS1.gif 046FS1.gif 047FS1.gif 048FS1.gif

049FS1.gif 050FS1.gif 051FS1.gif 052FS1.gif

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065FS1.gif 066FS1.gif 067FS1.gif 068FS1.gif

069FS1.gif 070FS1.gif 071FS1.gif 072FS1.gif

073FS1.gif 074FS1.gif 075FS1.gif 076FS1.gif

077FS1.gif 078FS1.gif 079FS1.gif 080FS1.gif FreeStyle Church Icons™ PAGE 9

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093FS1.gif 094FS1.gif 095FS1.gif 096FS1.gif

097FS1.gif 098FS1.gif 099FS1.gif 100FS1.gif

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105FS1.gif 106FS1.gif 107FS1.gif 108FS1.gif More Clip Art from Church Art Works! PAGE 11

TEEN TOONAGE™ IN FULL COLOR AND BLACK & WHITE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! HIKE YOUR EYELIDS! The addition of vibrant, full color images makes this electronic clip art collection resonate with youthful energy. These wildly illustrated characters are both contemporary and relevant, a radically fresh alternative to “old school” clip art styles. And with both color and black & white versions, Teen Toonage™ is the ultimate in flexibility and functionality. All images are meticulously rendered in digital form, so they’re precision-tooled and ultra-clean! • Transparent with “die-cut” masks. • Color and black & white high resolution images, compatible with Mac or PC. • Includes a comprehensive image catalog.

100 HIP IMAGES 50 BLACK & WHITE AND 50 COLOR $ 39.95 (Download Price) $ 44.95 (Includes Image Catalog, CD, and Shipping) View entire collection at

*See for Usage Limitations. ©2003 One Way Out®.


VERSATILE! This diverse set of bold, expressive, silhouette images is unparalleled in its ability to instantly transform ho-hum information into highly compelling communications. Every detail of these simple, yet expressive images has been digitally rendered to achieve immaculate line quality. Half of the collection is solid silhouettes, while the other half is rendered as outlines. Subject matter ranges from extreme sports action to Christian situations and poses. Ultimate use flexibility! • Transparent GIFs with “die-cut” masks. • Black & white high resolution images, compatible with Mac or PC. • Includes a comprehensive image catalog.

100 PREMIUM STYLIN’ IMAGES 50 SOLID & 50 LINE $ 39.95 (Download Price) $ 44.95 (Includes Image Catalog, CD, and Shipping) View entire collection at

*See for Usage Limitations. ©2003 One Way Out®. SAVE TEEN TOONAGE™ / POPPIN’ PROFILES™ BUNDLE $59.90 - Download Price $20..00 Both Collections above. $64.90 - CD Price More great products to

WILDCOMPLIMENT ACTIVITY CALENDARS YOUR CLIP ART WILD ACTIVITY CALENDARS on CD Keep your students and parents clued in to all your events and activities! • Two design options for each month. • Never outdated. • Files for b&w, color, presentation, and web.


ONE WAY OUT® FONT COLLECTIONS These creative are the ultimate companion to any clip art image.


CHURCHARTWORKS™ PHONE : 503-370-9377 TOLL FREE : 1-877-663-9296 FAX : 503-362-5231 890 PROMONTORY PLACE SE, SALEM, OR 97302