LOCAL AJVD GENEKAL NEWS. Read Holmes & Co.'s locals. Tlio Pioneer Society. Dcconitloii Day. HEADQUARTERS! See notice of citizens' meetinj;. Albion College how lias 300 students, Active steps are already being taken to• The citizens of Mason are requested to -Kon- lOO See notice of mure and colt lor sale. wards making the coming annual meeting convene at the court house on Tuesdayi Novelties in caliiiifr cards at this office. of the Inp;hfttn County Pioneer Society, May 10th, at 8 o'clock p, m., to make ar• Plenty of dust but no street sprinkler Wall Paper, See notice of. new millinery, over post- which will be held in this city, Juno 18th, rangements for proper obsnrvaiice of deco• yet, ofRco. one of unusual interest. Tho following ration day. .r. C. Can'.vo.v, Mayor. ,1, N. Sherman is reshiii(,'lii)g his resi• E.fainiiie our new ciilliiiir cards—tliey are questions have been prepared and sent out Iinpoi'tiiiit to n. A. 11. Posts. HASSOCKS dence. and Decorations, the latest, to many of the early settlers of the county ms LUDTII BAHC iHD WHITE The Clark Houso is receiving a new coat and if there is a general response, some Decoration Day will be properly observed Gen, Luoien Faircliild, commander-in- ENtfLHH OBOOSIET, of paint. interesting facts will be brought out; chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, ill this city, Tin and Glass Ware, Beecher Bros, talk of locating their knit• 1, When was your township orfranized ? has issued the following important order; In All Styles, The legal rate of interest has been'reduc• What the origin of its name? When its National HE.tniiUAurEus, G. A. R., ting factory at Howell. Fancy Goods anil Notions, ed to six per cent. first election and who its first ofiicers '/ And Madisox, Wis., April 10,. jooEE BBOB.' imta, mza m Second-hand vapor stoves on hand and any facts of interest connected with tho or- General order No. 12. BPOOMB. Eleven cents cash for e/(i,'8 at A, L, gaiiiiiftlion of the township. for sale cheap at Sayers & Phelps'. * Posts of (r. A. 11. are requested not to Lots of Hfciv Goods r Vandercook's Beehive. * 2. Who was the first settler within tho comply with any request for their opinions township? Where did he come from? Where JUST RECEIVED A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac as a post on any subject unless such action The smallest rainfall for the inonth of did he settle ? And what of interest can Field of the second ward yesterday inorii- shall have the approval of national and de• April in many years this year, yoii say touching tho olrcumstauces of his partment hoadqiiarters. Further orders on settlement, his family, and his subsequent Grocery Department! (his subject will soon he issued. Gov. Luce is at his farm this week for career. IS COHl'LKTE. -AT- The joists are buiiifi placed in position By command of mental and physical recuperation. ;•). As far as you can do so give the names for the first floor of E. M. Sloyton's new LuciEN Fairciiili), Our 'lOo Tea Is Wanaiitod equal to of those who became settlers within your anyfiOcToain town, or money ro- Albert Butler's grocery front has been store. township prior to 18'14. Slate any known Comniander-in Chief. fiinded, Bust llakliiK Pnwdor 20c. Salenitiis Oo. !> lbs. Choice llico 26c. and reliable facts of interest relating to gaily deiierated by the painters. The Henry Reeves house on Oak street, Dieil, them and their familiesjtho place from wliich Mrs. Nancy Ann Stewart, widow of lligliftst Prico Alwiys Paid .r. J. Talbot is erecting a horse barn on is being oliiinged in appearance by a coal they came, their occupations, what become for IlMttci- and Eggs. his property in the second ward. of colol'ed paint. of them, their present resilience if living David Stewart, deceased, died at tho homo and known, etc. of her son, Mr. M. P. Stewart of Vevay, on KcHpoctfiilly, L. S. Bates is grading the premises about Tlie atinosphero lias been a little spring• 4. When was your first school district Saturday, April iiOtli, in tho Slid year of his residence, corner Ash and D streets. like this week and several coal stoves have organized and what the circumstances? R.E. SCOTT, Tf 0 Doors Sfliilli of Pflstote, her age. been harvested. When was the first school house built within Ford's Uaxnar, The toboggan slide is being taken down your township and what were the circutu- Deceased's niuiden name was Nancy and will he carefully slornd for futtiro use. Yon will find all kinds of iron and steel stiuices? U'ho were the principal active Ann Peek, She was born in the town of Try our HU7.Hnr Ifino Cut, 40o. wire nails at the lowest market price, at promoters of the same, and any circutn- Conway, N, Y., Oct. 7, ISO.f, and when French tissue paper only 2 cents a sheet stiinccs of interest touching such event? Sayers & Phelps'. * three years of age accompanieil her parents at KimnioU's book store. * Who was the teacher of your first school to the town of Phelps, Ontario Go,, N. Y,, Injjhaiit County J^inotrat A special meeting ofllieG. A. B. will be and what wages were paid ? Madden & Benieiit are renovating and where they settled in what was at that time held 111 llie Armory Hall on Wednesday u. When was the first church organiza• I'nldlslied every Tinirsdtiy decorating their siilooii building on Maple tion and church built in your township ? nothing more than a wilderness. When evening, May 11 th. by street. When was it organized ? What Ihe denom• but eleven years of age she became a mem• Tho M. E. parsonage is boiiig papered ination ? Who (he principal promoters? 1'. W III T M O R E , Ladies, we have really the nicest selection ber of tho first Baptist church built at Who the first preacher ? And any circuin- and decorated, making a great improve- mSOiW JUI oil 10 AN. of new slylea calling cards we liavo ever slancea of interest eounectod with the build• Pliolps. It was there she mai'ricd David shown, inent in the interior. ing and history of such cluirch ? Stewart, and whore they resided until the PHICBS : (i. What can you sny of the early preach• year of the great Chicago fire, when they One Vear, $1.50 ; Six months, 75 cenlt ; Three ' A new ooiiorele walk has been construct• Note Ball ifc Sheriiiiui's parasol announce• ers, teachors and professional men of your monthi, 40 conta. ment this week; also what they say in removed to lhat metropolis of the west, ed in front of the residence of ex-mayor township ? But a few days before that destructive con• Ilendel-son. rei/nrd to while goods. 7. VVliat county officers from your town• liii.sincss JJircctory. ship wore elected prior to 18-14? flagration they removed to llilLsdiilc, Mich• S. V. Casterlin has sold bis span of ponies Yon will notice by cluinge in the adver• Field Peas and AH Kinds 8. State any other facta of interest re• igan, residing there for seven years when ATTORNEYS. to Tink lJurch and tlioy will go to the state tisement of Mr. .loseph llenson, that he garding the history of your township prior they came to spend their remaining days Garden Seeds in Bulk. GB0,M. iJU.NTlNuro.N, 11. 1' IfENDKaSON. of New York. also docs sign writing, to 18-U. with their son, H. P. Stewart, near this OUTlNGTON.t lIKNDERSON.AltnrtueyN and Counselors at Law. Olilce over Kirst National C. F. Brown, of tho Maple street horse An endless variety of whips, al remark Sheep iheariiig is progressing in this city. Fresh, Green Vegetables B»nkH , MaHon.Micli. iJ"! clothing establishment, wants two harness ably low prices, at DuBoia & ISarie's. * vicinity. Her husband died about sI-k yeas ago and Every Day. Pickles only 5c PHYSICIANS. milkers at once. * lacked but a few days of 84 years. De• Charles McBriile has i)iii;chasBd the Geo. We are daily receiving orders for the H. CULVER, M. 1)., Pliysician and Surscun. ceased was next to the youngest of a fam• . Olllct) over llowanl .t Son's Urooery, Mason, M. Stanley Childs and Burton Liifarge con• Molter lots on D street and will immediate• "New Monarch" vapor stove. See them per dozen. French Mustard S ily of eleven children and the last to puss OCTOlt A. 11. OAMI'IlKLL,Pliyiiiclaii, .SnrKeon tested muscle in a livery barn Sunday. It ly coramenee the erection of a residence on trial at Sayers & Phelps'. * OfflcnoTerli M. U'llllain'silrnnstore, Mason. away. She was a devout meiuber of the by the quart. D was decided a draw. thereon. Merritt(i; Sqiiier, liquor dealers, have dis• 11. DODOE, M. n., iloniwpallilBl,, Olllco in Dar- Baptist church of this city and a most ex- .rowlfjock. Jtesitiiinci corner A and Oak .Sis. solved partnership, Mr. Merrittcontinuing J Remember that you will always find the A very enjoyable tea parly was given emplary woman of rare christidii character. Mince Meat 5c per pound. A. LOOIvE, M. D., Ilonieopathlst. Olilce over last Monday evening, by iMiss Eva Akera, the business here. Mr. Squier will locate , Karniors' Bank. Olllc0 o liu' urs from 10 to 1'2 a. best binding twine and the cheapest price She had the most implicit faith in her Re• D elsewhere. Cash for Butter and Eggs. Bl., li to .| and 7 to !) 1>. ni. at DnBois & Earle's. * at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. W deemer and but a few luomoiits before lier [I. llayner. We have it, the "Favorite'' lawn mower. death sang that beautifwl hymn, "My Days UNDERTAKING. L. S. Call has commenced operations for 22 lbs Sugar, $1. We are solo It is the best. It is the cheapest. It is the I'. SVKOUl), Undertaker, first door west of tho A dry kiln is being erected for the use of are Gliding Swiftly by, etc.'' . I)KBiol!K.\T olllco. iMason, Midi. Two llrst.class a new residence on the "Billy Butler prop• S easiest running, and is only sold by Sayers agents lor celebrated Mon• lioarseo and bolter facilities than jsvur hoforo. Sltf erty" on Okemos street. the Rogers Manufacturing Co. of this city. The funeral obsequies took place at the & Phelps.' * Their rapidly growing business made it residence Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, arch brand Canned Goods,' DENTISTS. Boys should remember that they are lia• necessary. Geo. W. Millikeu, agent for the M. C. R. Rev. Phillips officiating. A long proces• "r\I{. MOEFETT, DENTIST. Ollico over Holmes ble to a fine of five dollars lor killing any best in the market. JL/ A Uo.'s store, Mason, Micli. Toetli oxtracteii 'R. and D. L. & N. R. R. at Lansing, has sion of sympathizing friends and neighbors witlioiit pain by tlie use of Vitali-zoil Air. Artiflclal robin, thrush or other aong bird. The second floor of tlie checkered front teeth without plKtos, Ail work warraatod. been elected an honorary member of Co. F. followed tho remains to their final resting on Ash street will probably be fitted up for A. L. There will be a dance at the armory hull of this city, for courteous treatment re• place in the city cemetery. P. VANDUSEN, DENTIST. Offlceln Durrow a hall, for the use of the Xnighta of Labor . block, Mason, Mich. this week Friday evening and also iie.xt ceived at his hands. week. Don't confound the two. lodge of this city. The postal telegraph office, formerly pre- SURVEYING. DuBois & Earlo have leased the new sided over by Will Mead and located at According to our Alaiedon correspondent, Yea, we have the new perfection refriger P. PRAKIS, Deputy County Surveyor, MaHon store now in course of construction adjoin Drury's barber shop, ia now located in tho Midi. Drain work a specialty. A. who is very accurate, less than an'inch of ator. It is made of hard wood, and is the ing the postoflice and will occupy the same building just north of Vandercook's gro• Of all kinds—at lowest living prices. rain fell during the month of April. most complete refrigerator in use. It is FINANCIAL. with their hardware stock as soon as com• cery with Ira Gouohor as operator, Mr. S. A. Paddock. for sale at Sayers & Phelps'. * M. DKE3SKR, Insurance, Loan and Oollootion A small steam boat—Idaho—once known pleted. Mead having resigned with a view of going Ja AKont. AH IiuBinesfl prornptlyattendod to. Of- Plvo Times tlio liUrgout Stoolc Ucoin farmers' Dank,Mason. as Juinho, at Lansing, passed through here The old building on Ash street, formerly Eleven cents cash for oggg at A. L. to Grand Rapids. Of Wall Paper in the city. 2} tons re• on wheels Tuesday, propelled by six horses. occupied by J. C. Steves and belonging to Vandercook's Beehive. * ceived last week, Over 3 tons now in INSURANCE. John Dunshack, is being fitted up for an Bualnoss JLocniM. stock. J. A. Underuill. AEMKllS MUTUAL FIBE INSUnANCK OOM M, B. Bacon finds the saloon business There has been a consolidation of Wood- agricultural implement store. pany of Ingham county. Safost.clieapost, best, worth & Busell's and Frank Drury's barber All new spring shades of Dress Cords EFor Infornmtlon write to 0. P. Miller, socrotary, unprofitable in Mason, and does not renew May Dunce, just received al Marcus Ghegok's, Mason. Geo. >V. Pholns, iirosident, Okemos. his license. He will soon remove to Jack• A surprise was given to Charlie Wilcox shops, all now occupying Word worth & There will be a dance at armory hall, on Friilay evening, May Gth. Bill, 50 cents for son. last Tuesdiry night by his young friends. Busell's old stand on Maple street, where coo Cords of Green Wooa JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. the \vhole ereninjj or 10 cents per set. All Between .SO and 40 were present and an they now have a four chair shop. Wanted, in exchange for Horse Blankets A. JIAHNES, .Tuslico of tho Peace, Insurance and Take your paper rags and old metals to invited. .Colloctlon Agent. Ollico up stairs, over Fanners' enjoyable evening was passed, and Robes. C. F. Brown, nk. • M DuBois & Earle's hardware store on Maple The annual school of instruction for ths DIlUlnery--Over Postolllco. New Millinery. street. They want all they can get at fair Three residents of Brookfield, Eaton P. & A, M. for this county was held at Latest styles and lowest prices. All are HEAL ESTATE AGENT A Firat'Claas Trimmer, New Styles, New prices. * county, hove been arrested for spearing Masonic hall in Lansing last Thursday, by invited to come and see me. Goods and New Prices at OHN DUNSBAOIv, Ileal Estate and Loan Agont Yours respectfully. Main street, south of postolllco. Mason. fish, in violation of the law. It is evident Arthur M. Clark, one of the regents of the Mas. F. C. Parsoxb'. J The Lansing board of education has sen• Miss Smith. the ofHcers propose to enforce the law. University. Several attended from this sibly requested the senior class- to avoid Wanted—1,000 Men I"orSale, "Gypsy," section. To know that I have the largest exclusive IVtlGHIGANfTENTRAL expensive clothes for the graduation cere The residences ot J. A, Sherwood and Bay mare, six years old, out of Billy Mor• retail stock of Harness Goods in Ingham monies. Chas. M. Marshall have been artisticially The liquor dealers are much more prompt gan; dam by Old Charley. Sound and county. C. F. Bbow.s'. papered and decorated by Joseph Henaon, in paying their license this spring than kind, with a Harry H colt by hnr side and L. J. Lincoln has purchased a parcel of Black loKliorns. whose advertisement appears in another usual, and it is probably well, for we under• bred back to same horse. 18wlp land in the second ward, of John J. Talbot, William H. Claric, Clark House. I have a very carefully selected flock of column. stand that the proprietors of ail open saloons onto which he will remove the old Steele these birds, and now offer their eggs at $2 HolinoH & Co. that have not paid their license by May 20, per setting of 1.3. S. H. Bebohbr, residence. Henry Bennett, an old man living with^ will be prosecuted. Offer special bargains in corsets this week. Money to l.uan Comrades in this county will not forget his daughter, Mrs. Lewis IIulso of Vevay, The Security Corset, warranted wlmlebone, If you want a pair of sheep shears you On real estate, at tho Farmer's Bank, Ma• died last Monday evening. Funeral at the only 50c. that the Loomis battery association will son, Mich.- lylp The Magara Falls 'Route. can find the celebrated California Ward & hold its 12th annual reunion at Coldwater, residence, Tuesday afternoon. Rev. DeLa-, CarrlnKO Tor Salu. Payne straight shear. Call for number .S8. Gloves and Hosiery. OOUTHWAnD. marter officiating. ' • A good Timkin Spring Carriage, for sale May 18th. The largest line of Spring Gloves and 9;,', You will also find the world renowned cheap. Enquire of J. A. Brower, Demo. 10:311 p.m. Hosiery to be found at Marcus Greoor's. The old Steele house, now owned by L. J. Every citizen should attend the citizens^ Marshall & Wm. Wilkinson & Son's shears CRAT oDioe, Arrive Kalania-/.oo IrliO p. ni. l:lSa. m. Niles ;).-22 p. HI. .S:l), Lincoln,con tains about 200 window lights— meeting at the court house next Tuesday at Sayers & Phelps'. * Lust Call. Money, Money. Chicago 0-10 p. in, 7:00 a.m. or did—the boys have knocked out a couple evening for the purpose of making arrange• Having decided to go west very soon, I All persona indebted tome are requested Arrive Grand Rapids... 3:00 p.m. S:00a.m. The tomb stones in the jail yard don't request all persons owing me to call and to call and pay up. I must have the money of dozen. ments for the proper observance of Decora• Arrive Ann Arbor ,,,, 5:S0i), iii. 4;S5a. m* indicate the death of any of the prisoners. settle before May 1. J. L. Fuller. C.F.Brown. •Ypsilanti ri:'15 p. in. iMn. m' tion Day in this city. Hotroit C:.15 p. in. 0:00 a. ra' Eleven cents cash for eggs, at A. L. Two of our accommodating friends are If You Contomi)lato A Lareo Assortment St. Thomas ll:lUp,ni. 9:.'ir)a.m- Vandercook's Beehive. * French tissue paper only 2 cents a sheet EuHalo 4:35 a. in. 3; simply trying to get even for having signed Papering and decorating, call on Underbill. Of Window Shades, both Plain and Orna• at Kitumel's book store. . * : NoiiTiiWAnr. a note with G. C. Canfield, formerly in the Estimates given. I now employ two first- mental, at Underhill's. Leave Jackson 7:00 a. m. 4:,30 p. ni. Richard Bray, who has been employed class paper hangers and will attend to all Mason 7:fi5 a. in- 6-2< p. m. Lansing division No. 15,uniform rankK. marble business here. Tho I.arG;ost and Dest Arrive Lansing 8:'20 a. m. r>;-l8 p. m. as miller at the Phoeni.'c null for some orders promptly. J. A. Undehuill. of P. will give a May party at the rink in Stock of Harness ever shown in the city at Owosso 9:22 a. ill. 7:13 p. in. years, has disposed of his household effects The south-east Vevay Sabbath school • Saginaw Oily 10:60 a. in. 8:36 p.m. Mew Parasols CP. Browk's, that city to.morrow evening, which promises Hay City 11:15 a. ni. 9:30 p. m. and gone to Port Huron. has been reorganized for the season,'with Just received at Marous Greoor's. Dentistry. Mackinaw City...... 8:60 p. in._ 6:30 a, ni, to he a grand affair, The K. of P's of this an excellent corps of teachers and the fol• M. J.McnnAY, O.W., The cheapest place in the city to buy Best Teeth, $7,50 ; Filling, 60 cents up ; Ticket Agent, Gon'l Pass, and Ticket Agt. city have been invited, and some will attend. Work Horse for Sale. Mason. Chicago. lowing officers: Extracting, 25 cents. Teeth extracted with• milk pans is at DuBois & Earle's. * Inquire of S. P. Strodd. The gas wel'.s will soon be as plenty as Suporiutondonl—Albert Ilockrann. out pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. . Assistant Superlutendsnt—Mrs. 0. A. Iloldon. HHiSOO WJlU Buy a Fine Bosldonoo Thi)s. Blakely of Ingham, recently show• post holes in Michigan if all the cities that A. P, VanDedsbn, Socrotary—Zada E. Ives. On south-west corner of Cherry and D Harrow block. Mason, Mich. ed us a sample of \Vliite Star oats, , He are talking about it bore for one. It would Treasurer—Mrs. E. T. Uojston. PATENTS! streets. Enquire of T. R. Mosuer. Hold Out. received 3} pounds of seed from Dakota a be a big thing if wo had a gas well here. Organist—Mrs, Cora Cowan llicks. Obtained, and all other business In the U. S. Patent FoatUerlJono WlUiis My books will be found al Brown Bros', Ofllca ottonded to for MODERATE FEES. year ago, from which he raised eight bushels How would it do to try it? Rev. Frank Hoyt will preach at the hoot and shoe store. Please call and settle, Our onice is opposite the U. S. Patent Olllco, and we of grain. At C. P. Browk's. can oblain patents In less time than thoso romolofrom Co. P have iasuiid invitations for another Swan school house, Ingham, next Sunday and oblige. J". L. Fdlleb, WASHINGTON. Now Si)rla(f Goods. • I'or'fruuks and TriivoUiis lings • Send MODEL or DUAWINO. Wo ndvlso as to pat- The Stookbridge Sun is the only paper ot their delightful paftiea, to be held al tho afternoon at three o'clock. Subject, ''Re- An elegant line of new Spring Dress ontabillty free of cliargo; and wo moke NOOUARGIH Goto C, F. BRowK'a. CNLESS WE OBTAIN PA'l'ENT. wo have seen that seems to think the gov• armory, on Friday evening, May 13. The membel' the Sabbath Day to'keep it holy." Goods just received at Marcus Greoor's. Wo refer here, to tho I'ostmuster, tho Supt. of Mon• ernor did right in vetoing the bill relative Settle Up. • • ey Order Dir., and to ollicials of the U. S. Patent Lansing opera house orchestra will furnish On the following Sabbath at the same bo'jr I Am Now Propurod Having sold an interest in my business, OnicOi l^'or circular, advice, terms and references to to supervisors proceedings. intisic and a fine time may be expected, Rev, Cope of Dansville, will deliver a ser• actual clients in your own state or county, write to To'show a full line of Coffins and Caskets. necessitating tho opening of u new set of €. A. SNOW & CO,, mon on "The Imraorlolity of the Soul." Will furnish hearso and attend funerals The celebrated brand of "Charcoal" No. If you want to paint your house, barnes, books, I am very anxious .that every ao- Opposite Patau t Olilce, Wushlngtou, D. 0. when desired. I would respectfully ask count on my books up to Jan. 1,1887, be 9 fence wire, which is pronouced by the fences, wagons, carriages, farming imple• Now is the lime to buy your fence wire your patronage. Prices Reasonable. settled at once, either, by cash or noto. majority of fence builders in Ingham coun• ments, or anything else, you can save Go and see DuBoia & Edrle and they will J. A. Un'dekhill. • Come-in and look over your account, , GRlllESiMARBIi&MONUMEpS ty to be the best fence wire made, for sale money by calling on DuBois &, Earle. They save you money and guarantee the best of whether you can pay at present ornot. •.r-rriiiro,B.'pi^io£&s.BEsiaNS WRITE rri),-. Gloves uudlUtittonn Reapoclfully, A. 0. DuUoia. WM.{JLINE mSOn-. MICK by Snyers Si Phelps. , * aeU lead and oil, and prepared paints. * i wire, . It . At cost at C'F. Brown's. ^pm^'


at till doeont-Iool;ing as to flesh, and ho olicrf^os to be "i'C:isonal)lo and JBst" in OAvn trees, and SD far have Boverroiinar TlIK TrTK.SHIlff BOOJT. HUSBANDRY MD HOUSEWIFERY, never recovofs from (he cruelty that iniido perfect seed in (hom. Some yeiirs ago a iDgliaiii Co. Democrat tlieinsolve.s, and yet under yretoiisc! of a walking skeleton of him between weaning lici'fiou stntod that imnionso (juiiiititios of St .Tosejili, Mo., ,Stilir,eurnceBS never made money tion to tbeiii as, iu my opinion, cpiito ii ro- the slightest ohslaelo ill Ihe •way of friond, Ihoiigli it sJionld 1)0 Rtipplomnnleil in any dojuirtment of industry, ft never markablo iind. Lust August, Avliilo ex- complotod at onco, and to cost $300,- •trial on tlio Pnci/ic coast a ])art of the niaiutaiiiing Ihroiigh rates," lu fuel,, it by tlio cow. Jforo iiient ciiii Ijo miiilo from liiiys Aviih any farm iinimal, iind least of iimiiiing a iilantation of foreign trees at 000. 'The host OA'idoneo, IiOAVovor, is ovidonco ailducod to show the insanity lliinovur, N, II,, that had been iiiescnted o.NpressIy roquire.s tlioni to be iniiiii- tho pig with tho saiiio food Hum willi any nil with colts in their lirsL your, ii, bus in tho showing of actual transactions of the toKtator aviis the l'ai:t tliftt one of other animal, bosides, pigs lirooil so riiji- filled the country with weedy,' woiik, uiulor- to iho college there somo years iigo, I closed in qui) avooIc rocontly, AY. A, tiiined. Again, where long linos claim idly thiit oven a umall uloclt is (piickly sizod horses; anil conlinned' from genorii- I'onud a largo number of ]'hiro]ieiiu hircli P. i\[cDonald bought 0!) lots in East• Ilia most liii^hly-jirizod ])0.sso,ssions hiul trees as lino as I ever saw of ihoir iigt!. In thoy cannot mivko I'ato.s to compote-with inin'piisod, iind it is an aniinal tliiit i.s tiou to goneriition the shimdiling jdug ern Extension for $U),t)00. Ho sold .'I'i: •bcci) the false tooth of a •woman with tho coolest part of this plantiition, stiind- ybortor lino.<, "it bo duo to tlio alwiij'K saiahle lit SDjhelhing neiu' ilK markijt tyjie of horsn i« lixed, enliiilin,',' loss year of them for.i;; 1.0,700, and .sold tho bal- by year. Wo have AVriltcui more tliiiii once ing on two steep hill-fiides and the narrow whom ho had boon iiitimatoly ac• value. unco at an advance of $20 jier foot in action of the roads in ignoring nut only (lint whiitevor of real llesli iin iiniiiial loses valley between, f saw a. large nuiiilier of quainted. Mo had the jirocioii.s kuopsnko I'ci'iittlitnlit I'ftHtlii't's, tho intent but tho jdain lottor of the in winter is a dead loss, ft is not necessnry larch scodiugs. 'I'lds fact ostiiblisliod tbal cost, ,Sam Navo and J. S, fJrittou handsonicly iiiouiitod in gohl and wore Clover is oxcollont for tlio soil, hut it is Avhich ju'oviously had been only a theory (o bought a lot in Pateo's addition for law." hi brief, the working of ilie to reiteridii tho argumonis why this is so. not, II good ])iislriri) on account of its in.sla- mc. 'Those larclios stood in a cold, ex- ft r.s a Hcarr-piii. '.riio fact shows for itsoU', $•2,01)0 and sold for $;:!,l)00 in four days, ruilroads uador their triidcy, iibu.sivo bilily. It, ciiniiot ho dojii'iidod on more .Shall yon havo other eolts to niiso this jiosed situation, fnrllior north than 1 bud W, H. Cnnslable bou.ght lot2,block5-t, than ono your, and is not a good food for iiitia'prelion of the law is one tiling and Rimuuer'i' over found larcli trees of bearing iigo. Iliit tit .Tose]ih i'lxtonsion, for !?;J00, and sold A I'lioMiNiOM'vtisiilciit of City, milch cows even then, Catllo will turn Are you of the class that bus followed oven hiu'e, judging from (he iiges of Die the future admiiiistfation of the new any limo from ii field of (hrifly (ilovcr to for ^••,'')50, J, lilackAviblor, of Chicago, •ivho in ovoi' 80 years old, cclcbniied tho (he starving policy, both us to focHling and seedings, il'is only now and (lieu e. your systeiu by tlio (.:ourt.s and tho Coniini.f- oat the Kliorlor and uwoolcr lierbngo in bought eighty foot, southeast corner of fjftiiith aiiiiivoi'sai'y of hi.n wodding day cxposnio'? 'I'lirn over a now teat niid be• (bat liiirojieiin larches in (bis country will fonco oornoi'S whoro the plow Imp not re• Third and Sylvanie, for !?bl-,0OO, and .sion i|iiito another. gin anew, I'eed so as to ilevcln|) llie frame, jiroduco iierfcet seeds. The larches wo not long at;D by bringing suit for divoi-co cently cliKlui'bcd it. lias been oll'erod nearly double that for however indilVeronl it mny bo from luid Sent to jlinnesota, jdiintod by Leonard on tho f^'roiind of doscrtioii. His Avifo, Hodges along tlio railroad between SI. it and roru,sod it. il. M. .Hill paid M'lllc.N the fifty Yiilo theological stu• ('oni'c.nU'.lues in l'UfHt'itoi(s(U, breeding and lack ot sludter. Weed out fanl and Dubilh, I think should be now §7,000 for nortlionst corner of ,Second who iH 75 year.s of ago, had loft him bo- Bll'fi. Jvidgio, loaolier of liousolioUl (Econ• the idng mares of tho farm, und get better dents now studying tho new .system of or ver.v soon in^odiieiiig porl'oct seed, (live omy in Kansas .•\griculturiil (Jollogo, says: ones us soon us you are able. (.)iio idrong and Francis, and bus since refused SI8,- <; of alleged inctoiiijititiliility of toiii- tho European larch ii cool, moist dimute, begin jireaching thoy -will A large in'0]mrlion of tliti Avoinoii in coiiiitfy mnrc that has been Avoll-fod and Inindled 000. 0. W, J5rown bought two lota on und it will, I tliiiik, ])rovo itself (o bo of por. AV'heii the deeroti was granted tho bo able lio rumenibor ovorytliing from liomos, Avhore lionKoworlc is hnrdost, Avoric J'rom eoltliood Avill do the work of two ill- St, .loseph Avonuo for $1,1100, and sold more viihio tlinu any oilier iia))orlod old niaii M-as overcome by I'liiotioii and lit II grout (lisiiilvantii.t;i). Tho disadviiiit- Itept, starvelings, mid reipiiie lint littlfl nioro (lonosis to Ho\olation, and talk two forest tree." in six days for $li,l)Of).- .John Kelly wept bitterly as he left the cotirl-rooiii. ng most of lliu living in tlioso rooms, why Tho iirflt mnrkot for butler is invariably j}l(it.h J'l-i'i'f.nli'rt', invesligated Ihi; matter, and says that since tlioii $2,()00. He hougbt four lots docKii't. tilio do tlu! pliinniiig? It seems Ihe Lost, The chances for n rise', howei'ur '.riio following reoipo for koejiing moths waves. All iiiiii.innse pie was [ilacod lie- inl^obidoux addition forS'l,000;aold for the sy.sti^in is logical, philosophical, and reasonablo that sho should at least, decide good, will bo of no iiA'ait to tho holder of out of tho clothing is a favorite in some foro j\i.i»s Hirdio, which, when sho had families: Jlix half a pint of alcohol, the priiclical, and has jiroved of great beno- apon hor kitchen, with its imnlry, its cn])- old stock. ''Timo was Avlion housowives $11,000, and bis phrcliasor sold for •cut nnnid the edge and lifli'ii tho to]) boardfl, closols, ilrawors and fiink-^])uiluig packed .Tniio biiKcr so that it would k(;ep it samo ipiimtily ot sjiirils of turpiiio and two '$8,001). Jfi'.s. N. Jl. Hrowstor lion,glifc llt 1.(1 biiu in. Iiis studies, all;iiongh ho ounces of ciii'iiphnr. Keep in a stone bot• crust, two doi'.oii live (iiiuary liirds Hew things in just as she iiidividiially wunts year, but the nrt soems Io have tieen lust, three lota for $500 and sold for $1,150 ^iV-l'iivj'V'i'jt-i'';'-^ lias niaslered only oni>-sixtb of tho flieiii. Klic may tuck in a few hirgo closets, us if is cerliiin tbiit all ])opular fiiitli in it tle, and shake before using. The clothes in tbreo dav.s, and in four days tboy out of it. 'l.'he whole gorgoous all'air eom'.se of study. The whole course is also, whore iiioii might, as a rnle, lliiiilc is, 'riio iiow-l'asliioiied creamery biit(or or furs are to bo wrapiied iu linen, and Avoro resold for $l,.tO(). D.. &. Gri,s- wius like a dreiiin from tJio Arabian llioru Avoro none noodod. Twenty .vear.-i criimiiled-nppiocesof blottingpajiordiiiped conipfisi'd in six paiiiphlots, and tho eiiiinot bo kept long, lioweviu' well made, •wold bought six lots in East Sfc...Tosopli ago u Kansas carponlor was utterly astoii- in the liipiid are to bo ]ilacod in a box with I'lighta. .Smno farmors' wives, however, who make for $200 mid sold tho next day for $750; ordinary man can muster it in about six ishod when a Avomiin, who was 'having a luiller from iho croam us skimmed from tlieni, so Hull it fiiiiolls strong. '.ITiis re- ipiircs renewing about once a year. also tJireo others for $200 and resold in •Jilioxico, lilco tho United States, is weeks, giving an hour a day to it, house ljuilt, insisted on tw6 closets for tiio sour milk, arc in the habit of ))ncking gross second ilonv, where lliore Avero throe rooms. throe weeks for $1,01)11. Prof, lirastow bus also lieon inlercstod bultor for homo nso, und willi good iniin- Hiaiillfiil .IrlMr.i lUisilji AUidi', • beginning io discuss tho Presidonlial Two closets wore almost imhearil of thou in ugement thoy can keep it bettor than that Xary pretty (liings can bo made out of Ono of the publi,shors of IToyo's Di• po.ssibilitios foL- 1S8S, in .July of wliicli in it. Eiicli jnijiil is rorptired to give a KniiKiis furin-hnnso. I'resh mude iu winter. common checked glass clodis by wortring rectory, speaking of tlio "Western cities bonds that he will not teach tlio sys• year President Dia/.'s term expires. stars of colored wool and cotton in eiicli and tho prevailing boom, writes as fol- If the gooil work needed in tho building Iliiir Mill.- /.V I'radKml. tem. Prof. Harper'i) emannensis, Mr. altenmto sipmro—bine stars on tho blue jHiy l'ather-in-]iiw, !l.!onioo IJnhio, is of the house bo nngloetod, a liltle money In a lootiire by 51r. Primrose Mcf'nnuoll low.s of St. Joseph, Avboro ho has just checks, pink on the pink. '.file work is naid to liavo n Presidoiuial lioo in his ^Vhite, has invoiitod a s,ysl;om, details Hjiont in the way of buying convonioncos on agricultural ncienco, in the South Ken• issued tho IJircc^tory for 1887: "'Not roiilly ell'oclivo and makes up into night• of which are not entindy worked out, for doing wodc will often snvo itself over sington (I'higland) course, us rejiorted in only has St. Josejdi increased ia.popu• boniiot, but as iio is not a soldier lie is dress cases, liriiaJi hags, cabin tidies, toilet and over again in wages for help, and, tho Aijrii-.iiliiind (IiizkIIc, milk aviis bIioavii lation at a most satisfactory rate, tlioro not coiisiderod avnilable. The iiiiin but •which bus lieeu succossfully used, covers, bod coverlets or morning aprons. maylm]), iu iloctm''G hills as well, Tlie to Imvo both a chemical composition and it being an increase iu one year of.' 5,8d(), A nigbtdross ciiKO of chock glass (dolli, whose cliances sobiu to bo brightest is J\ wonderful feats can be performed Avushing-macliinos and wringers take nymy dolinito Blriieture, yot natural milk may worked with pale blue sdirs, lined with pale Avhilo tho total pojiulatiou in round by adopts in this style of mental half tho liorrors oE i\londiiy, and niidcel- vary from S',\ to 1)11 per cent, of water, with 4 Ocri. Luis M'w.v y Toraii, Ctoveriior of blno sadion, trimmed round with lace and numbers is shoAvn to bo 00,000, but sho pluted irons, with Avooileii humlles, lielji a corres))onding poverty of everything the great Ktuto of Oaxaca. Ho is an gymnastics, such as repeating 100 un- tinishodolf Avilh a |iale bluo ribbon bow, has undergone a siu'ritod revival that Tnosiliiy to dispose of the ironing Avitli else, ami with fals ranging from li per ccnineclod words, calling by name every aumzing rujudity, 'I'lio car|iol-swocpor isu makes a jirotty prcsont, accompanied b.v augurs thu outstri|ipiiig of all competi• iiblo HoJdier, jiossesses great oxiiculivo cent, down to le.^s Ihiiii 'J por cent. Tho true missiennry to lirod mnseleii, for it II tirush bag to maUdi. Tho samo may be tion. Ten years .ago the city bad ability, and Jiiis been the friend of one ill a gathering of ,500 or 000 JJOople averiigo composition was stated at: often saves iliem from destraotion. .hlven done iu pale pink. For a bod coverlet scarcely' a dozen niauu factories, Water H7.'>r, Biay, for thirty years. who have been rapidly introdnood, etc. the egg-lientor, a good ootfoo-niill, sliarij several lenglhs of glass cloth must he IlllUlT a.all Avhercas tho yoar '87 finds her with, kuives,"light kettles (tlio nnw grnnilo Avure j\rark Twain, whose memory had always (lasoint).. :i.;-,ii joined and the altornnte sipiaros Avorkod somo 170 of all kinds, Avitli thirteen is so much easier to lilt timu tho old iron ."llllUllll!!!.. over. There should be a lining of pink or TuK iNew Yorl; l\'i)rld tolls .sonio dii/,- 'been poor, took a few Icsson.s, and suc- .•III railroads, tlio largest stock-yai'ds west of pots), pleiil.y of jiuns iind basins, all go to .Miilc-siif.'iLr s.iteou, and a border of broad, coarso hico oeedod in nieniorizing three column of •l.OII Chicago, somo thirteen miles of streets, zling iisli stories. Heri! is one of tliein : make up coinforfiihlo days for a woman liy or Avhilo ball fringe. ,.V inorrdng apron paved with asplialtuni, and as many "Prof. Piiiird says there is nothing to a Now York paper while riding from giving her a clinuoe to do her work riijiidl.y looks pre((y in (his work, (rimmed round i 1)0,0(1 iniloa nioro under contract, with the New York' to Hartfoi'd. He says it and well, Avi(h laoo aiul v^'ith bows on (he pocke(s. prevent a fish from living an iiicrodiblo or solids r2.7ij, »gaiust 87,'iio por cent, of electric motor soon to be in operation Jfany cooks k-oep tlioir flour in vory in• Avuter. Wool is nioro oil'oclive th.'m ingrain cotton mumher of years and growing to an will make a mim remember anything on tAvo of the car linos, and the cable convenient roeoptnclos. A Hour cliest, 'The total solids may he increased by for working tho sipiares, but it sbfuild he except to pay his debts. J'rof Loizetto • enormous size, iiiid cites in proof of tlio which llie young iadios of the kitclion special I'ooding, tint not in (he ]iropor(iou Andnhisiau wool or fine Ilorlin, tiiiil. will lino an assiu'ed faid, and uqav outor- sitatomeiit an iniiiiouso pike living in allows a coiumittee to fill in-100 squares laboratoiy have found vory convenient, is of any one ingredient. Fatty matter given wash woll. jirisos ,springin.g up daily on every oa.sily miido at homo liy almost aii.y man if hand. The denuuid for real estate lia'a .Iliissia whoso ago dates back to tlio fif- marked on a blackboard Avith numbers (0 cows is not liinied (o finder, but, assimi- Ctll't: of lilt: Hdilds. bo can hiindlo tools oven onlyiiidill'erently. luled in tho bod.y, it thus indirocUy leads If (he hands aro slainod, use a bltndtal been steady and aofivQ. For tlio past •fcoiitli coutury. Ajn-opos of this, a four liguros ouch. Then he is blind• It, consists of a Hour box on ono side, Avith to improvement in tho gonorid . (]uulily of of cloiiu sand in the water, rubbing it on year St. .'fosopli has led almost contimi- folded, the figures are read i.o him a divided box on Iho other for grahnm and Nvell-kiiown Canadian artist now in Now the milk. Albuminoids in tho food are the stains, 'J'his sand oaii bo rin.sodolf and ally tho other cities of tho Uiiitod com-iiieal, A molding hoavA slidos over •York, says that while traveling in IJrit- once, and ho is able to ro]joat thoni for• directly converted into buttor-lufg as well kept in a disli for daily use. Oxalic aciil States iu bank clon.r.anco.s, the per both, and sninll boxes on each side cnntuin as albuminoids iu milk, Iteuco it was will tiiko olf stains, but it is a rank poison, ish Coluiuliia a few months ago be was ward or backward, to toll the sipmre if spices, llavoring oxtnictfi, soda, baking- cent, of increase over 1880 reaching in found that oil-cakes woro not the best and dangerous to havo about; it also luiitjcs powder, and, indeed, all tho sniiiU iic- one case ldO.7, and u]) to date main• shown a gigantic sturgeon wliieh was tho nninbor in it is told him. food, but that boan-moul and di^corticatod the hands exceedingly harsh.. 'Thoy mast cessurioB for cooking. Nails on the side taining an average of almost 100. cotlon-cuko wore among the superior con• bo Avnshed thoroughly in (opidwater to in• declared by the jieople to have lived in hold tho stirring spoons; and, in triilli, nil centrated foods for co'.vs. Washy (sloppy) sure its entire removal, then, rubbed with Down to Decembo'.' Ill, 1S8G, St. tjjc watiM's of tho Praser ib'vcr, to iboir tlio articles Avimtod when ono mnst do cook• The Liiyv of 'J'roasiiio Ti'ovo. food incroases (ho wa(er and hcucu re• glycerine. 'I'ho uso of too much glycerine Jo.soph's jobbing houses did a; ing afo found riglit here, "Wo often tiiko •certain knowledge, time out of mind, Nearly two hundred yoars ago a Lon• duces the solids. Exercise (ends to tho makes (bo bauds inoistand cold orclainuiy, business of $tI0,5;i»,0()0, shoAv- our largo e.ako bowl to this llonrcliost, and, using up of nitro.gonous mutter, and in and very disngrooablo to tlifi.touch.. Never ing an increase iu the business of and which, sineo its caiitiiro more than don oliiiiiiio.y-swoc]) found a piece of sciircoly stopping iiway, have a cake or coAvs it is secreted as ciiseinio, Avhilo rest hold the liaiuls near (lio lire Avhilo rubbing ISSCoyor that ot 1805 ot $2^,111,028. ayear ago, had fiirnishod food for several jewelry and carried it to a je^woler to biscuits ready for the oven. lends to tho conservation, of fats. Hoiieo, with glycerine, as it dries iu ilaces before leiirii its value. Under ])retense of A fair indication of tho increasing busi• families. Tho lisli was tied with stont Of course, every wonnin in having miido when choose is (ho olijoet, (he cows should penetrating, leaving tlio ham s harsh, weigliin.g it tlio jeweler abst;raeted the havo exercise, hut for the |iioduclion of ness may be sought in the fact that St. ro])es to a tree on the banks of tho aiiylhiug of (lint kind Avoald have her in• stones, and then otl'erod the sweep a butter tho host results are nhtiiined where Ifany hoiisekeopors have rough hands iji Joseiih noAv employs n, foAe of com• dividual ideas Avorked out. No Btriuignr winter, wliioli grow vory painful, cracking river, and whonovor a resident -wanted trifling sum iu iiaymont. This ho re• cows aro kept continually tiod up. Varia• mercial travelers numbering 1,013; would want one exactly lilio ours, no two open on tho knuckles, the cracks extoadiug. some lish he simply went to tho river, fused, and thereupon the other handed womou Avould .Inivo thorn precisely Iho tion in tho relative ingredients are dno to men." breeds and their poeuliarity,,but tho viirious into tho piilms of the hands. Thoy take pnllod in tlio ea]ifcivo, cut a steak of tho back iho .setting without tho stones. same, i\Uiny proior the tilting Hour boxes, their hands outof liotsoa]isuds orstsuch, to St. Joseph, more than any other West• Avliore tho ciiostful springs out ov in at tho ingredients are jierfeotly doliuod and aopn- The swoej) sued him, and the Jndgo iu- hang out clothes in tho Avind. It thoy did ern town, ofTors tho best inducoments sizo noodod, and allowed tho great touch of a linger. There are two of Iboso riilo from ono another, and kept to pretty structod the jury to tind a verdict for. nearly the samo relative jiroportiou.s.. not uso hot Avater and tho hands wore to men of small caju'tal to commonco a to float back into the stream. The in our kitchen lahomtory, hut the girls thoroughly dried before going out, this tho ]ila,intiff and to assess tho damages manufacturing business, and to mo- Bturgoon was still alive when tho artist Bocm to prefer the larger ono, avhere every• '.I'ho lecturer called attention to tho Avonld bo avoided. A pair of Avhito avooIo.'3i at tho value of stones of tho first water thing is Avithin roach. Now, Ihoso are clianics and laborers to find otnploy- left, mid was ostimiited to have enough —as the defendant would not produce pconliarities ot milk as between that of sloidviugs cutoff rounding at the ankle and simiily oxami)les. Bvory womian V4^ho •lorsoys and Ayrshires, the former contain• sewed across, with a thumb sowodin, inake mcnt and build desir.ihl;! homes. tlioso be had takoii o^ut, in court. moat on its bones to supply the village keeps house, douig her OAvn work, cm, if ing o'lo li or more per cent, of butter, with a vory comforlablojiairof mittens for hang• sho cliooKo, havo many inoxponsive helps Cor several months to come." The rnlo is still tho .saiiio, .ind when largo oorpiisolos, the latter with smallor ing up and taking off clothes. Pin IlK.'ia mjTS AND NUmJIN.S, that Avill do much toward presorving her l\rrs. Ellon Quiiin, while sorting rags in corpusclo.s, but rich in ciisidno, containing fast to the sleeves with largo snfotypias be• health and strength. I hold it ev&ry avo- The milkman waters his cows by proxy, a iiapor mill in Indiana, found two $50 as much as of butter, giving in tho iwerago fore going out, having first stretched the mim's duty to so measure her work that sho ;i.6llof each. Large butter corpuscles VD- arm ninvard, then thoy will not come loose- Since Sullivan broko his arm he hasro* •J.'G. Stalu, of AViliuiiigton,j3ol,, lias hills in aw envelope, and handed them can no each day's share without overtaxing ipiiro large gland cells to form them, and and the wrisls Avill bo prot.ocled. After formed. Ho is iiu oxpoimdor now. jnst recovered from a singular aft'oc- to lior em])loyor to see if they woro hcrslreugtb, that sho has no right to draw (hose aro (ho result of dovoloinnonl. '.riio bring in the clothes, if tho mittens aro pat Ir a man wants to he sure of getting tion. Three yoars ago while sitting in genuine, and ho kept tliem, tho law ujion; and when sho does- ovorufle tho total solids depend most on food,, treat• in the elotliospin-bng (hey iviU ho kept amount given her for hor ono day's. Avork, irhntlie wants, ho should Avuut tho onrth.. iliis house reading a paper ho was con- said he must give thom back or render ment, etc., and variation of ingredients clean and iu tho right ])lace. their value. Ho argued that she was she draws upon tho fuluro, making horsolf most on breed, '.flioro is no reasoulo suii- •\VirF,N the 'Uuited Shiles is involvod ia .•siderably annoyed by Hying bugs .and Hands aro injured iu vory cold weather liable to the hoiiviost kind of usury wheu pose that any breed has as yot roaehod its war with Canada, and storms the. border, in his omiiloy as a sorter of rags, and by lack of protection at tho wrists, as largo jn.sccts, •wliicli •were attracted by tho she is called to pay hor debts,.—IVte Indun- "strnctnral limit," and improvomont is to will Niagara fall'i' that what sho found was his; also, that veins and arteries are exposed. 'The blood liiitliKl, bo sought in selection and uaiiig; butter flighted lamp, and ono of them, coni- ho had bought the jiapor by weight, is chilled in passing into Iho hands. Hvory The Chinese aro tho most straight up and milk tests as a guide. and down peojile Ave havo in this country. •mouly known a.s a miller, flow into his and the lulls were included; but the ono cannot havo handsome, whitOi. uuii THE STOCK KANCIi 'Thoir laundry signs all read that way. right ear. The sensations caused by court said as bo did not know they Avore shapely hands, but every ono can have THE FORESTER, The donkey parties now raging in so• there it of no avail. HerilUit/ lllifix. clean and coujforbiblo hands.—O'cwd the fluttering insect as it entered his JJoii.ickiicpiiifi. ciety ma.y illuminate the fact.tliat the dado ft has boon pretty definitely jn'ovind dhat Iicad wore horrible, and almost set tho Likewise, when Mrs. Blanchard found 'Iriir-i'liiii'.huj. was'not created in vain. iilth, impure Avator, and general Avaut of three $20 bills in the parlor of the' ho• .Foroslry is deservedly recoiviiigineroasod THE COOK, anfferer crazy. During tho night fol• care are largely conducive (o opidoiuics ot TliEitE is all tho diU'crcncc in- tho world tel in which she •worked, at Lowistown, attention from intolligont and fiir-sigliled so-cnilod liog cholera, a number of dis• botivoeu a bride and a bridegroom. Qua is lowing tho occurrence all disngrooablo Americans. j\fiiuy of us who, have traveled .Pa,, tho court said that they woro hers eases—lung, iutestiual, and blood diseases Tnr ClKtltpctJ lluittts. given awa.v and tho other is sold.. - sensations disappeared, and Sir, Stalh through hundreds of miles ot forests in if no owner claimed tliein. Mrs. Plaiich- —going under that naino when, more thiui An excollout glycerina- ointment for LiTTr^B Bristol roI; a jiistol, sections of this country and in. Canada aro •thought that the insect boon rc- itrd was very honest about tho matter, usually fatal. In vicAV of tho fact tfiat chappod hiiiKis, says tho Vook, is.made tiy I'or (I Cliriatiuii.a gift;; apt to think at lirst siglil that the huiiher Little iiibtol aarllnf iiristol and wbon she found them took them to wator-eonrsos and ponds are especially moKiug, with a gentle heat, two ouQCOs of jnovod. Ho cx])erionced no ill effects snp))ly Avill last a conturj'. It should be Up to hOttA'Bll did: lift. tiio ])ropriotor, who said lie thought low this Boasou, owiu.g to the drOiUth, those SAVoet oil of ahnJnds,, half an, ounce cf •nntil about seven weeks ago, when lie remomborod that in Ibo Unified Stales tho When Francis Murpliy closes all Iho thoy Avoro the property of ouo of his who have droves of hogs shonld bo spormiioeli and ono drum, of while wn:;. •occasionally felt darting p,'iins in his consumption ot timber per capita of the "\\'hen inoKod, remove trouii tho stove and saloons in Chicago it Avill. ho high time for guests, but he tried in vain to iind tho ospecinlly oarofnlly that swino do not got water from those sources. ;Suoh water Avill po]nitatio]i is inlinitoly larger than in add an ounce of glyoerino, and stir nulil some modern reformer to. opoa out ou tho head, and other symptoms usually inci- owner. Mrs. 13. then doniandod tho bo more than iikoly to carry the goiius of EuToiJo, Avliore I'ow or no fli'aano houses are tho mixture is cold. 'The oinment can ho Chicago Kivor. fancy, A LADIES' seminary in Brooklyn issued licad began to swell, one eye was al• nntil tlio Supremo Court ordered him be to nso only (ho AVator of wells, even at iiud wliore only a vory small minority of Koop it iu wide-nocked bottles. nn order prohibiting tho Aveariag of bangs to do so, tolling him that tho lindor of tho expense of ooiisiderablo e-xlra labor. tho jieoplo aro so sitiiatedi that they may most clo.sod, and the ear tli'^'ongh which by the studouls. "liaug" wont the institu• lost property has a claim to the same In addition to this grout caro shonid be indulge in tho luxury o.f iino furniture and I'.tmst. lioosn. tlio insect had passed became dcnf. A After washing tho gooea.i'ub-jt iusido and tion to financial decay. against all the Avorld save tho trao earriagos. 'The piu'lor aind sitting-room used that all tho surroundings be kept per- i -^""''.'g™- /•"« mmo^ s. u g-ioo.u out with salt and popper anij fill it •with .physician was called, and as the pa- faclly clean. No less important is a di- 1 "™ of ''''"f ^ ""J,"^ skilled me- It is supposed that one. season why owner. mushrooms and two tomatoes or their •nent's .syniptoms booamo more alarm- vorsittvy of I'ood. The maimamwhl who pplacei s bis ov BmM shopkeepers made up an apothecary's goods sel'l so, readily is' The conductor ot -a Fairmount horse from black walnut, dkemiy, or asn, Avonid bo ec]iiivalent ot linn piecfls-ot canned toma• ri-ag serious results woro feared. Milk denen'douco on corn as diet far hogs, old toes, seasoning with: salt, popper, and a because he always keeps, laudanum car some yoars ago found $100 among niiil .voung, is gonorally tho first to sutl'or considered a luxury for many a European litllo lomou jiiico, sowing up tho bird. (laudin' 'em). •poultices were applied, and Mr. Stalb tho hay on tho iloor of his car. He when maliguaat diseases heeoaio epidemic. oflicor of more than ordinary rank.. In tho rural districts of Spain, ftid.v, France, Ifoast before a lirisk fire for half an lumr "batliod his oar with salt water. On gave it to the Superiutondeiit, who was "Have you a., mothor-iiirlaAV?" asked Swine is not onlv yrosarious iu Ihoir ., , • ^ •,. , • and havo a pint of tomato juice and tho juice iiot able to find tho owner, and it Avas ft man of a disconsolate-looking person. •tl>e second day after begiuuing this habits, but they 'are^ dependent upon a nnd Germany scarcely one out ot a hun- of ouo lomou, seasoned with a little popper held that it must bo retvirued to the variety of food, and cannot bo kept oi ono '^'i^'^ persons _is able to buy furniture of "No," ho replied; "but I've a father in •/troatinout Mr. Stalb again oxporienced Avhat Ave Avould call the most common kind. and suit, wady to tarn over tho fowl at' tho lindor. single article oven us well as oiher farm jail." Hero iu America tho proportion of the uso ox|iiration of iho time; baste constanlly ; tlio fluttering sensation in his oar, and uuinuils. 'J'ho s.igacions man will onsily liut the right of tho findor depends of timber for furniture and carriage work Avith it, diodgiiig every noAV and then with A St, Louis dudo ';ali» the bills against undoratand (ho nocessity of changing the was utterly astounded to see the insect on tho honesty and faii-noss of his con• to its production has bocomo an important flour, so that (ho outsida Avill bo nicely him for ioo-cream and ton-Ions for his grain fond of swino, as well as supply hg a IF l"""?} " "'^ oo.o no an imporumi, girl " beauty duos." Unless ho pays up he . come from his oar, fly several foot, and duct, Tho circumstances attending daily quantity of vogetablo fotSd.' 'This *'«^°''-. Withm ho past tAVonty-hvo joars browned. _____ ' • •^ . f'. .. , .... iiio prico of snob limbor has risen at a Jttnth fs. •fl'ill soon have a number of ugly sues on -then and fall dead. It had tho finding must manifest good faith on may eom-isl ot any phmts tho hogs will eat, rapid rate and is still iuoroasiug, 'I'lio his hands. — , his part. There must bo no reason to iuciudiiif; olovor. So far as roots aro con• One and ono-lialf oupfuls l;ntter, (avo ' boor, snugly ensconced just inside tho govornraonts of Prussia, of soverat of the "Ir's funny about AVashing'on people,": suspoct that the owner Avas known to cerned .ailiohokes and potatoes Avill he in• cupfnls sugar, iivo egg;, lA pints Hour, eniallor Gorman prinoipalitios, and of Bald ft ycoing man from Now .York to a • drum of .the ear during all tiiis time. him or might have beoa ascortaiaed by dicated, and if Kwir.ft can bo allowed to one-half cnpful corn starch, ouo loasiioon- France, Austria, and Italy, make forest Wasi ingtonim. "How do you mean?" proper diligence. If enough is known (hor • thbso for themselves so much tho ful baking powder, ono (onspoonful extract Ho has proaorvod it in alcoliol. culture "an unfailing source of a large asked the "Wnshington man. "Why, every• better. At the lirst symptoms of disease ™""''° ''^ \""'V,.7« r","-! n^Mii'il'f^ lemon, oiiolhalfcuplnl chojipod peanuiR, to the finder to enable him to proso- body has a way of sa.ying ''S'eR, indeed.'" tho feeder should look to ' Tni! ITow York T'm'.eii vory justly re- cnto with suc2ess a search for tho • !l^«™ndings_rjy^^^^^^^^^hny tracts of^ inferior lands at prices ec|ual mixed'with -one.h'alf cupfVl grLuluted "Hiivo lhey?"exclaiiBeil tboWiishihgtonian; and remove nil the animals to cloan pas• sugar. lieat the butter and sugar smooth; OAvncr, and instead of using this knoAv- to those of our farming lands and to stock biiterly; "well, thoy haven't; I asked a girl ; marks tliitt "nobody lias thus fav- boon tures, sejiaruting tho sick from the Avoll. add tho boaten eggs, tho flour, corn starch, IcdgO ho aiijiropriatos to his OAvn use thom with timber. This is not to be ox- last night if she Avould marry mo, aud thei. • engaged in enforcing tho. Inter-State When we iind ilroopiug ears, low-hauging and powder, sifted togother. and the ox- Avhat ho has found, ho may subject him• pectod ia this country at prosout, hut it is way she said 'No, indeed!' was enough to: head, 'diarrhea, voniitiug, rapid breath, and tract; flour Ibo hoard, roll out tho dough .•law oxcoist the railroad companies high time otir people should be educated lu'ing tears to the eye o f a needle." self to an action for larceny. But it an avoision to light, tho hog is far on, tho rather Ibin, cut put with biscuit cutter, roll up to the importiiuoo oE some .systemof c.tliomsolvos,• and. that what is called seems that if ho cannot find tho OAVnor in the ohofiped peanuts and sutiar, lay on road to death. forestry in tho near future. at first and thou uses the money ho greaseil baking tins, bake iurathoihotoveu. TiiTi; namoi''ranoG comes Irora Fran- • tlio working of the too'may bo merely Xciirhiiy Villus, cannot be held liable if ho acted in eight to tomniuutes. citt, tbo land of tho Franks. Frank, tlio working of. the railroads -ivitliout The average yearling colt wiutorodin tho Eurii])fa». I.iirc'i una Smiliti{i. good faith.—Saniwe/. ]niliq,pis- Cooper, tho generic name of the people, ia do- any warrant from tho lavy whatever." y;ird or iu the Holds, in the North, is The veteran hortionltnrist, Robert Doug• in the Fliiladelphia Americm.' / ustirill.i n sorry looking object. Bony, las, of AVaukegan, in answer,(o tho ques• , Is IT logical Co inter that an ojstor rived from an oldGcnuan nford aigni' " Unqestionably this, is true in respect to puny,' tho skin covei'ed with matted hair. tion, "Does the Ewropoan Larch Perfect Its is ono of I bo most uivforiunato "crea• • fying a battle-axe. ,:/:..:''•' ••the exorbitant increase of loiig-haul tures in tiio world^uae its. cojiQ is TiiEiiE are as greiitcoutrasts ill lives it ha^s been indeed a. struggle with hiin for ;,Seods in Amorioa'?" says: "I have grown We hi.vo Imrd a iitaga wUispov-fJcoi a • ebar,eea. ,Tho Imv reauiros; such as ill cl'.araetors. Ufo. It is midBummor before he beoomos j kindreds of linvopoun larch cimios on our ivlways aliard QUO? gig:eigglo3_ •::•,,.;,:;':'V:';,,,.,-;


liSiiiiBii^ffiiij A IjEADino real estate agent and jirivnta T)io sloelc reboniiilod wilh loreo as Ihs A FAMOUS DUTJiCTIYR. THE P/IITCHELL FIJMERAL. banker, 3Ir. Ira Jirown, Chicago, III., itrliliciitl jiroBBiiro was tiiltuii oil', and tho writes; "I feel it my duly lo say of St, bIfli!lilof,'S who hail l)Oon Bullijife'it nhort to James Jncksoii, the famous State de• •Jacobs Oil that I lay i> SnbsoipiQiit toi-tiu-o is ]ii'ovoiitoil iiy an immoili- host, and take pride iu blioHliii; utoclt. T'rof. ^V^ jrAtrSiVUli, tlic famous incfiiiicrisli. seeno.s and imddents during the day as old Is not always innate or born with them, but of lUiaca, N, Y., ^vl•itc8; " Home ton years agv papers upon I'rosidout Spalding, of tht, ato roHort to Hoatottor'H Htomach I.tittors. Sliglit Jjooiltlou, I>13 J-C.VTjI3, JIjT^. friends looked at tho doiid iimii for the last many instances aro (iiKiwii where it lina boon Is53 lulles weatof flhle.v-'o, on Omaha DIv, C. ,t N. (V. I siiffi.'red untold iig-ony from clironio naeiil expuBiiro, an occiialomii ilriuiglit, will lingot tliis catarrh. My family pliysiciiiu gnve ino np as tiino. 'I'ho ciiKkel was heavily draiied, and Chicago Dase-Ball Club, regarding tht? acquirod by tbojiersiateut and juiiicioiia uao lly. *jrsuudfort!»talotuo. sale of tho releasen of players (o other jiaiiifiii malady, whoro tlioro is ii prodiBiioRltloii iiicurnbio, and said I iiiiist die. My cnso vvat« on its lid fcslod a cross of ciilla lilies. of i)v. Harler'H Iron Tonie, such a bud (ino. Hint every diiy, towards Biin- A spofial train from Chicago brought clubs has earned (he co.'alonipt of lovers to it iu tlio blood. It ia iiotdillieuit toariofit fiet, my voice would become so hoarse I eoujfl of fair ])lay, says the J?i(ei- Uceun. tlio ti'oublo lit tho outset, l)ut well iiigli impoa ELY'S ljuruly speidc above a whisper, lii llioinorninir hiuuh'odB of people, many of whom could nan iny eoufjliiiifr and clcariunr of my throat-wouls not get near the church. JJuring the ser• 'I'he reserve rule was tho salvatior siblo to orftdiciito it -wlioii maturod. No ovi- PAYSthoFREICHT iilnioRl', stnuifflo mo. [ty tho uao oC Dr. Sntro'B- vice the broad avoniio was blocked with a of (ho in'ol'ossional base-ball clubs tha't cloneo in volution to tliifl sii))orb iiloocl doiniront Catarrh Iteinedy, in tliroe iiioiiMis, I wiiH a wcU adu]ited it. 'J'he Kiitioiiiil ngroemont pro- CREAM 1'on Wauoii fSciifcM, man, and tlie cure liiis been iiernianciit." deuBO mass ot humanity that had giilbored is inoro poHitivo tlian tliat which ostiiljiiflhos its Iron LtntTS, SU'cl I(cnrliiK«. lirims to pay their lust respoots to tlio dead inill- teclH (he KiiiallcKl oliih in it.s list, and no olliaiioy as a prnvoiitivo anil rouiody for i-Uoa- Turu Itt;iiiii iiiiil llfriiii Itox [ur "Constantly Ilutvliin^ and !' ionnire and cili/.eii. Hundreds ot stninsers matter how good a jilayer they may de• niiitiniii. Not only ia it tboroiiHb, but siifo, 7 iDns so troubled Kvcr.TBln; Mi-aU', \\\x fn.'i'prke Us* velop, (hoy are protected against tho deser• uiL-niiim lliU ii:i|>iT aii'l iKldri'tn Thomas ,T. TtiisniNO, Kbii., Pine Street, from over tho Northwest nud from oilior wliieli tbo vogutiLljlo and niinoral poisons, ofton viith catarrh U aari- tion of tho jdiiyer by the otl'or of a big JONES OF DINOHAMT0N, St. LoiiiH, Mo., writes: " 1 was a ureat euQerer pai'(s of the country wore iiroBont. taken lis ciini,(,ivos of tliii diflonso, aro not. l!o- oiisli/ all'r.etcd mi/ lUN(niAI»l'rON. N. from catiirrli for three years. Ai times .7 ootild salnry. lint for this rule (ho spirit of Tho service whh impressivoly conducted aiilea oxiioiliut' tho rlieniiiatic virus from tho •noire. Our, bottle of lutrdly breiitlio, and was eoiiKfiintlv liawking- by Itev. Dr. Iveenc, Jlr. jMitcliell's old rivalry which exisls between tho jirofes- S S 0001 MARIS >^ THE MOB and fi|iittiiiir, nud for Uio eiijlil; inontUs- systuiii, it overcomes fovor and itaiio, lillioiis- t'rcjiiii JSiilin did the. >'ur tny mnnliino IiuDIdk ami oniild not lireiitbe tliroiio-li Mio nostrils. I friend and pastor, and llev. Ii. C Kich- sionai Imll clubs of (he country would re• nuss, coiistipiition, and ilyflpepsia. ok'Anlui) nt ftir mnrkuC uh muoh tlioiiglit nofliiui,' eould lie done for mo. Luck• ardson, rector of .St, -laiiios Church. At sult in the total disintegration ot' every pro• worlr.. jll;/ voice is Clover acedia ONK DA as tho ily, i was adviscii lo try Dr. Sigo's CatuiTh its close a vast funorjil cortege formed and fessional team lit (ho end of ench season, f'u/lj/ restored. JJ. F. }toiuPdy, nnd .7 am now a •well inaii, 1 boliove VICTOR' it to lie the only Biiio remedy for catarrh iioir slowly wended its Aviiy lo forest Home. and Iho eoiii])elitive bidding by clubs for Cosily TaOy. TAcpsner, A.M.,Pas DOUBLE nuiiiiifac(:iircd, nnd ono liiis only to give it o There was no military display, and (he ball-pliiyers' serviceti would lliially result "Now, young lady, you may tako tho tor of Oliiiel JJiiptisl HULLER. fuir trial to o.vperiouce nstoiuuiing- results unfl- long line that followed '(he reiuains was ill extravagant salary lists that would biiuk- a permanent euro." Church, Philiulct- Illufltrftn-it... made up of railroiid and other omployes rnpt every dub lhat atleiiipted (o stand tip stand," s.aid tho lawyor. Ur malluij Utt. "Yns, sir," she ropliod, -with n, bcam- •phia, Pd. 'jriirce Itotdcs Cure Ciifarrli. ot tho big enterinisos of which under it, and en'ec(aally kill tlio sport pro- UACniA'KO'O., Columbus, Ohio, Mr. Mitcliell v.'iis tho head, of old fossionaliy. The (.'hiciigos were the last inp: smile. A prir(i(:Jeisn|)tilieJiii(.at?/((;li nostril and ia ngr<:fiaJ)lfi. Fxr iloiinr.v.s, /Iioijmn F. 0., Columhia Co„ Price n I i\mU lit driii^i-' ; by niiiil, n'i;irttereil, DII ettf* r'n„6ays: "iMy dniiKliler had ealurrh whoa Rotllors, and of societies in which ho had to sell a releiiKc; all the oilier clubs had "That does mo up!" -wliispcred a uiaii Oiruulars fi-eo. U1>V B1U3S., Dnaiuists, OwoKO, N. long held momben-ihip. As (he cortege sold release.-. I'resident Spaldinu said: Klio was live years old, very badly. 7 .vuw Dr. ou one of tlio benches. "I'm iior iiiis- SiiKO'a C'ndirrli Iteiiicdy uclvertised, and pro- passed, through tlio Soldiers' Homo a baiid, and slio's -iiJ years old, but tho Wiinlad in every Cnunty. Shrewd men le act iinder our eured a bottle for her, and soon saw that It guard of GlIU old veterans acted as an CR- sugar on that lawyer's tongue will cost iun'.nietiensin our Secret Sflrrine, Kiperienee not iince.v- helped lier; a third bnllle elVeoted a pcrmji- eort from one gido to tho other. At tho '".I'he eiise of JleCorniirk is |ioeuli(ir. snrv. Send slamn for pBrtir.ulars, GllANNAN BE'f EC- iioiit cure. She is nciv oiifhtcen years old ana mo $;iO for millinery before tho 1st of grave in Forest Homo Cemeleiy the sor- He, with Glasscock, Ilrioily, and iiuolhof, TIVE BUREAU.-I'lArciiilc, Ciaciniiuti, 0. Bound and hearty." vico was briof, and was conducted entirely d(;serted from tho league, I'lnd, tein]itod by May."—Detroit Tribune. by :Dr. Keeuo, and consisted of (be com- oll'er.s of iiicreiised salm-ies, (hoy all went Cnrps rlourlsy, mi((al mid a prayer. All Hags over Ihi) into Lucas'club in Iho Union Association. i}arHiol(li's Statue of ''Llhorty En- aiieiimftliara, I,iuntii\eo, :Rclcaclio, Wcni:n^!is, Colila la city were dying at half mast. Tho stores 'The ClovolamI (.'lub promptly expelled lifjlitciiiug the World" llio CtiesC and >tll A':lics 4H(ISlrKltis. . and shops closed iit noon, and during the tlieia for their action. The Union Associ• Will ho a roiuindor of personal liberty for al'toriioon business was as entirely sus- ation wont lo pieces, and those deserlers n(;od to come. Oo jnstau Huro a I'onndatiou ponded as on the Sabbath. found themselves lilacklistod aud thrown bus Dr. riorco's "Goldon Medical Diflcovery" WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCt^APHY OF THIS COUNTRY. WILL been placed, nud it will stnud thrDURh the , llowiirsofIralutlnnn iiinltirnlmllor^ oat of oni]iloyment. At the personal so• Houiidtiifftiftiiiefl. roa SEE BY EXAMINII4Q THIS tlflAP, THAT THE ,SI. 0. rais'od enough mouoy to buy at its greatly 1887 are: Chicago, Anson, Detroit, llan- 'J. l!\ niANCIIA, Clnromont, Vft. Instruc'tloua and opinions ns depressed value every dollar of stock which to Dfttantabllilr I<'UJi!K> Wtl xeua'czperlenco. The Original and Only Genuine. lou; New York, AVard; rhiladelpliia, Ir• Now Town of llENJA JtiN, Wis,, Con.'K It. Safe aud always Reliable. Beware ot wortlilcss Iialtn ho had margined for a cousiderablo portion tons. Ladles, n^k your 1»rtiirifl^.t for "Glile]ici.tcr*f win; Boston, Kelly; Washington, Farrell; Pints apply JIlhrnnkooJrinlngE.vchnngo, ' to »8 a flay. Bamplos worCi $t.OT. FREE. i; its-price as it thou stood. "Take that, Mllwimkee. Wis. Oocoblo «tecks houglit nnd sold. K Linoo not under tlie liorae's fe«t. Addreaa KuitllsU" and tako iio other, or iiidosu ic. (stamps) t< Pittsbnrg, Brown; ludiauanolii?, Glass- ns for particulai-fl in letter hv j>et.arii iimll. Kami dom ye," ho.said mentally and al.iud to the > Drowoter'a Sifoty Heiu HoMer,Holly,Micli. UllIOIIKSTKit CJIEMIIMl, CU.,. coi.k. It might be wiell to out this one for OPPiK'inWC <^'^^^'''^'^''''^'''* »"'l Jnoronsod by W. U., F. W ...... No. in-87 Tvholo of.Wallstieot, an ho bade ifgood-by. I LtlJOlUllO Fitzgerald .5: Powoll, Indlannpolia, J AADVAGENTS-ArtlolI o new: BOllB fust. No luonoy Sflll! KlullBiin Hqiiiire, i'lilliLdu. ' referenc-a. Sold by DriiffKUl• H cvvrywlierc• . ...A.s lc for Ollkdicn. •\Vh«« •\Vnliiij; to Advoi'tluci's, iiloaso »ay- Ind. Old cnaus rooponod. Send for covy of LiWB.f roo. | li to invest. P.LlOKESiSteubenvillOiO- Utr't EuisUA" I'oiiiiyroyul IMlls. Take no other. you Miw tliu AUvortltioiuunt iu tiim )pap«i^,. A lieiniind for the repeal of the inter ]loII of Honor. Card of Tliniilt.s. OuinnilHNioiierH' Noiico, LAURA BRIDGMAN. slalo cotnniertio law is already heard fiiinlly 'i'lio iliidei-siBned litivitiK been np|ioIiiled liy tlto We desire to e.stend In our Iriciids and liroliiitti court lor the county of IitKliiitii, ceniniissiiiit- eclioiiif,', aiul it ntiud nol sili'pl'iso atiyliody Following is the list of pupils neither muglibora, who so kindly gave us tlieir aid (Its on the etilitlo of Lilt's Oltt-isliiitiHlitl, deceased, to if il brenlcs inio a proloiifjed atid liideous absent or lardy during ihe iiloiith of April: Acoompllshments of Tiiis Most 1111(1 sympathy during our recent grral be• settle and aiijttst alloialnts uKainsI said itHlale,(loiniro- by Kivr notice that thoy will ttieet tor titnt imrpose at howl. The franiers of Hint luw hnow it was llltili SUIIUOL, •Wonderful Womau. reavement ill llu! loss of onr iiiollier, our the residence of Henry iuirt/,. In the towtiHliiji of THURSDAY, MAYS, 1887. II fjuod law just as the old lady knew her Itoso Reardsloy, />ivlii Bnsli, heartfelt Ihaiiks. Alaiciloit, IitKltiun Cottiity, Mich,,on tile (1th iliiy of Olive Cull, Dwinlit (.'olo, .Intieaiiil the Ifidt ilay of October ite.vt,nt ten o'clock imligo wasKOOil itidijjo. It was jjood when Mr. and Mils. IT. P. Stewart. Ijiiellu Oi-afl, .icilllle I'llrry, noiniirhabloSuccesH of Ur. Ifowc In Toacli- In the forenoon of said days, Six iitottths fi-oitt llio il would sink nr swim; she didn't know nliincln* Every, (Hill iAiiisoil ir.lh day of April, A. I)., iKS7, is Ihe time lltnilod lor The people of Michigan do not want Ins llio Unfortuniitu IMIiid iiud J.)eaf just which. Tliofii seeniH to be ii liltlu Llilie l-'lidil, Llllin i''uler, the presentation of claims, local nplinii, and llui kaiislaliiffi should l.lldjiii I'-oli-i', ^liiy ilendor.on, Girl-.Vii OliJ(!Ct. of l'(!ciiiliiii' lii- CXfyyvn tlio Children. Thoy iiro os- HENRY iCDRTZ, more uf the siiikin;,' lhan awiininiiiL' qiinlily Itlanelie Irlsh. .toliii Miirsliidl, toruBt to tl>« I'liiliiiilliroplst-. Htat(% sitnatod In tho county nf Iiif^lmni, il is one of the most cons))iciious fads of Bieknesa came on again and slio lost sight Ifrank IloyI, jMuildo TayliM-, in salil eollttly. all tin? rl^ltt, Iltle anil iiilereHl ol Hliilo of MIchlKini, to-wit: Uoi;iniilnf; lU thu o.iNt uppoiiitnieilt seeiiis to meet with t'enornl the present leiiiperaiice discussion that the (lhai'iln Wliltlng. ilie Uiiyner, ami lieariiig at tho end of live weeks from wliitdt Ellas Ivorr, late of the emtnty of IitL'liatii, M lid I'inartor poHt, In tlm houndH of tnocllon tliirty-, iii town scarlet fever, and she was kept in bod, in dli'd. sel'/.od, In anil tii llie followitii; laiiil,to.M'jt: Tli onn north of miif^o two WfHt, IiiKl'tun county, niichl- satisfaction, sti'ongcsl detniiiid for local option cotnes Jennie Rysor. a darkened room, for live nioiilbs. A year seitlh.went iinarter attd the west half of the Kotttli K'lri, llioncu nortliorly olong tlio Kiihl I'liHt lino of kuIiI from the centers of whiskey power like De IfllfTIi GKAD13. Hist ipiarter of Bociiott tttiitiber twotity, In lowttHhl|i Hi'ction Hi.Kly rodo, tlioiico wi^aturly ut rlKht iiiinloH passed before alio could walk unsupport• iroit thai are deairoiis of being left as free Walter T)yei', Iturtlo Green, two iiortit of ratii;!) otin oast (Itij^ltaitt), in the cuniity wltli Hiild uiiHt lliio of HiiitI Hticlloii oiiohuiuinid und Accordini,' to the provisions of the new Orlo Lasonljy, Adilu! Perriiui, ed, and it was two years beftu'e she coulil of Itighnm, Micltigall, Hlxty rodrt, tlmrico Koutlmrly lit rifjht lUigh-H with tho as possible to regulate the lic|iior trallic itc Kdle I'ci-illiu, Hiijd liiHi doMcrlbiMi lino forty und four-tlflhsrodrt.tlit'ncu luinsas prohibilion law a drugijist t:an si^ll Bitsrtio Soininurvilto. sit up all day. Her hoiiso of aiiiell had bo- AMOS A, KINO, coi'diiit; to their own loose iioliona. EOURTll ClIIAiiE. Aditilnlsiratornr the eslato of hollas liorr, deeoasii ouHtiM-ly lit right un^,'U•[l with tho uuld IuhI lino llfty conie almost entirely destroyed, mid her lodH, thoncii Koiithdrly at rli;bt lUigloH nlnoiuoii und lit|tiors only for tnediciniil itnd nianid'uclnr- This is llie milk in this partionlar oocoii Dated March llitli, 1887, llw7 Nidlle l>iiiiliaiii, Dudley Ereelanil. lasto was naturally nuidi impiiircd. It The above salo is piislponed until Saturday, May oun-llfih rodK, thoiico oiistorly ono hnudred luid tun iiiK pnrposus. and lo du this lie niiisl nut.—jMnsiiiii Joitnuil. TIlilU) OUADIO. was not till Jour years id' iige Unit hor •iSlll, ISS7. rodn to tho pliici) ol bogliinhij,'. bodily health waa restored, but llie .sense T110.MAS MuKiaiKAN, obtain (he si^'iialures of ttveiily/ive nieii Louie Ilenmiit, Gay l-'aslorlin, AMOS A. ICING, April 11, 18S7. I(iir7 tiliorffl". (!lai-(i Coniaii, i'Mora iJuiin, of fooling waa her only avenue of coni- Adttiitiistrator iifthii estate of I'RiHS Kerc, ileci'iisod and twcntyflvt! woniuii. lie be a .Malile ilyor, Bert Inverts, Dated April :i(illi-, 1,SS7. I'nibato Ordoi*. Ifcv. Dcljiiiiiiirlor at Hubbard's (Jarl Giuislu inuiiication with llio world. Aa soon assliu Nellie drillln, isley, KSTATK OV AIIIIAM VAN IIUUKN, IjKOICASI':I>. gnidnalo in phiinnacy, of good innrul cliur- Ralidl llinlilev, Willie I'eurritilT , eould walk sho went about i-ooni, and Charlie Suriiw. tlicn the house, and felt of every ob• Stiitii of Michigan, county of Ingham, hh. At a hoh- actcr, hayo a slock ol fjooda c.xcbisivo nf hUiii of llio probato court furHaid county, hold ut tho ".Some lessons from tho anieiidnient SICCONI) ORAnU. ject she could lay her hiuula on. Slio even probatu ollictt, in thu city of :\Iiis()ii, on tho 18tli day liqiiorH viilncd at not luss than .$1,000, and cdiilest" was llicle.vtofa strikingly pat Maud llentiint. i>'allllie I'ilcli, learned to sow a lilllo and to knit. Hor of April, III till) yoar ono thonHiind ulglit huudrod und ulchly-witViMi. he must not liinistilf use intoxicunis as a Hick llendei-sun, Nelliit i'alnier, alTeetioiis wore quickly develoi)od, par• ridtic address by llev. hoiiis Deljaniarte Sitivu Spencer, lierlliii amtlm-ick, rrcHent, Q, A SiuIth.Jndgo of iirohalu. ticularly toward meniboi's of lier family, Jk. IV'uw»paiu'!i- mipportliiit Ihn I'l-liiclploa at Ill tho nmitt'r of tlu! oitaiu of Abriiui Vuuiliiroii, bovenii,'(', liii must also i;ivii a horid in Roy TlniiiipHdii, Noi-iiian Tenipletoii, u Democi-iille AilmliiUlriillou. belore the South-east Vcvny Literary CInh Out-la \Vhiilli)n, but it was not easy to comiiuinieatc with hilt) of till) townHliip of White Oak, (ha'i'iiflod, the Slim of $1,001) for faithful comiiliiiiice her. Tlie only way of tolling lior to goto On roadlngiind mine iho )itititi»n, dob- vorillud of oil If'riday evening last. There is a critical FIRST grade; Pulilishod in tho City of Now York. a place was by a push, and a wish to liave Ijiivincio OollliM', uduiightoi-uf Hiiid dt'cousiid, praying with the law. 'i'lie man who piircliiises ihe I'ltta Rrowii, Bla'iiclie (lrittondon, WILLIAM DORSHEIMER that (uliulnlrituaion of Hiiid cHluto niuy bo graiitud to lime ill the hislory of every nation. This licr come -to ii person had lo be indicated lifjiior miiat ohlain a permit from the Lilt/ Oaple, Harry (-iiiple, U'illiani KoouH or HOnm otliorHUItabUi poiHun ; is equally true nf slates. This state has llnrr-.v i;all, ]\laliel Dnisrtur, by a drawing movement. Aiiprobiilioii Tlicroupon It irt ordorod, (hut TiioHdiiy, thu 17th Erie IJid.aiiiartur, Erldle |,-m/.el, dny of Muv rio.xt, at tun oVIock iu llio torononn, hu i;iHiiily jiiil/,'e, which is fiii'iiishud free of jiisl passed through one of the most critical waa shown by patting her gently on tho Daily; Weekly, and Sunday Editions, Awie Kellnivs, l\Iainlo Fi-dhdaiid, head; di.iapprobaliou by a iiaton tho back. iisHigiifd Utr tlio hearing of Kiild pnlition, uiid lliat thu chari;c, providing the npplicant makes nlli perioils 111 her liiatory. Never before have idiMlKe liorlon, Ailiih lloyt, lifiirt ftt l.iw of Muid (lf!cranod, und uU other puirioim Allie IliliClilny, I'll nest Keliv She sliowed eagerness to learn and use intiMi'rfli'd in Hnid uHtato. iiro riuiuiroii to uppuur ui a davit Ihiit lliu li(|iinris In be n.scd as a nied. llie whole people been so stirred as dnriiig One LsHenliy, I\Ialiel I.useniiy, signs descriptive of indi'.'idual featiiros to THE WEEKLY STAR, ni'hmIdii of Huiil cmiri, then to bo lioldnii in Iho probuto Lei! Liisenliy, Klojd i'errin inilii^atc dilTereiit iiionibors of i,lio raiiiily, ollici', ill Iho city of MrtHon, and nIiow cuuhh, if any iciiic, slatinj; under oath the iiatilre of the llie rucent contest. Among the lessons to l'^iank INuriii, l\Iiii-iun l'otler, but need of laiiginigo to impress re• An Eight-pago Newspaper, Issued ilmru ko, why Iho jiniyor of llio putitioncr ahouhl not i'Jnf;i«ne Rn;;e|-, Williii Rnvnei-, lntgranti!d: Anil It in hirtliur ordcroil, tliiit thu Hold di.seiise. This law may look ii liLlln piiii be ifleiined IVoiii iho resiill and worthy of overy Wednesday. Kleccnce Jtirk.H, Willie Senllni'ick, straint upon her became evident, and only putilioiior tiiva notico to tho purrtonH iutorotdod in Huld laiiical lo iMichigan people, yet il is not so cniiaideratinii are, first, Ihc i-.ontiixtciicij nf -lolin Sqiiier.-i, Ned Witter, her father had control over her will. A cluiin, piiro, Iii'I|{hi mid liitercitlnir osiatu, uf Mm iioiidiuicy nf mild putlllan, uiid thu hi'ur- IOl)ato Ordor. ami her whole sysloui in lioallliy ncWnn 110 confined lo the .same restrictions, closiiii; not disiippoiiiled. Second. A. mond scidi llfls.iie Staiiliin, Jtortii .Siiiitli, Political, Pootlcal, KSTATl'] OK NATHAN bANTIS, DliOEASKO. niallelie N'aiidercoolc, tllaiide Pf-rt-ln, 111 October, l.S;!T, sho was brought to tho mcnl. The cniisoience vote of the com Humorous and Editorial Slah! of fllichlgan, county of Intiluuii, hh. At ii hoh- 111 nine o'clock in the evening, on legal liol- l-lildie Itovve, David Criswell, Institution for tho Ulind in South ISostoii, slon of llio pndiatecoinL IbrHiiid county, hold ut tho itessii) Tidlt, Departments, nil under llio direction of trained idaya, election day.s, itc. it hardly soeina moiiweallh said emplmtically, "Yea." Tli Roy Dt-eHHer, Where, at the Olid of two weeks arliitriii |n-ubalu ultlcc. In thu city (if Ma.Hoii, on tho Kith day Asa Barlier. Jonrnailsts of tho hlnhot ahility. Ita columns will lit April, In thu yuiir ono tlioiimuid oiglit liniidri.Ml und signs were used as a step toward iiiakin bo found crowded with good things from beglnnlpgto jirobiible that lliia hill will bo ravofiihly abandon and mercenary vole said, "No." SEI20.ND WAItD—2d. Sil and-Itli Grades. i.'ighty-suvon. her intorcliaiige thoughts with other end. riuHontpQ. A. Smith, Jiidgo of probuto. coii.siilerod by any rcapoclable number of Thiril. Political «(;/.'/. alioayn h. l-'i-ii"! nettietit, Glaildo Btittinnt, Arliclos in oouimoii use, such as knives, Original stories by dlallnguisliod Amcrlcoa and In t)iu niuttur of tho t'rilaio of Kiithaii Liiiitlri, Into |i'i-ed lloelio, Carrie (!ttt-ry. foreign writers of llctlon. of Wliltii Oak, In Hnld county, doceiiHod. onr law makers. Inislcd wilk moral (/ncslloiis. Politics is .N'oiit Terrili, Bertha .Miislier, forks, spoons and keys, were experiment• ed with by moans of labels pasted upon On rotuling and tiling tho potillon duly voriflod of .^llt'lie iMoin-e, It'rml l'addiiek, TERMS OF THE WEEKLY STAR TO SUBSCRIBERS, Odidiii baiitlH, widow of Huid doconKod, praying that an honest inatiliuion, a Kcience of govern l'Vi-il Piirlceri Ltttllia Rayttur, tlieni with their names iirinted in raise Free of Postage In tho United States and Canada, adniiniHtrallon of HuId ohuiIo niuy ho gruntud to Diikiu Jioiiiiccd. menl. 'i'lic speaker would have the people Jury nnit;e, Guy Eield, loiters. By fooling'llieso she learned tliat Kunio huitiiblu |iorson ; i'Jiirl Gri'i;i:, JCvii IlarriH, outside tho Ilnilts of Now York City. tho word.s dillorod from each other as Thoiitupon it Ih ordorod, that Monday, tho lOth fort'ct that politica is a low moral way of ,liMie .Moon. (!ny RoyHloii, ONE DOLLAR FOR ONE YEAR much as the tirticlea sho desi, (lay or M»y no.xt, at ton o'clock In thii forunomi. bo After a trial of .several days a very un- lleilM-i-l Sins, KeilieSwati, Clubs of lOte the same I*. 0, ntldress, with an iihHignod fiir tho liourlngof Niild potltion, und tliiil Iho living and help to lilt it where it rightfully Geo. Williams. uatod. Then sho learned lo understand coininoii occurrence leriiiinalod in llie additional copy to organIr,er of Club, , .$10,00 holiri at law of Naid docoaKcd, und all other poiriouri lielongs, to a higher moral [daiie. The RIMAKY DEI'AliTME.S'T. tho labels when detached. But she could FOR THREE MONTHS, on trial, . 25 conti intcruNloiI ill Hiihl uHtato,aro ruquirod to upjioar ut a I^Iicliit'itn house of reprcsontativea on llyile lleeiiu, Willie Rusli, not appreciate the oxistciuic of any rot Niittcliil teriiii and cxtrnordlnrtry Induce- K('ri«laii uf Htild cuiul, tliun to ho lioldon In tliu probuto party in power is responsible for the Riciita to nifunia ilikI ciiuvuHflcrB. odicf, in llm clly of flliiHon, and kIiow ciiuho. If uuy Tliiirsday last, which sent from that body, 'uilrl Ollrry, liiu-ry Oiirry, lion between tho various things and tho Jiidd C!ref;urv, Mend IVir Clrviiliirii. Ihuro liii, why Iho luiiyor of tlio polltinnor blioutd not governineiit. How can a "great moral IJIaretice l''ii!lil, labels. Next, letters wero given lo he forever disyracod, Jlilo U. Dakiii, repre- llalltl llolisid, Oiiviir Harris, lio gruntt'd : And It in furlhor ordnrod, that Maid puti- parly" figure l!0,000 for tliGiiiselves and .illiti K'liiivlliut, ,li)lin Lynn, by which she learned to spell sinipl tiuiior givo nolico to tlio purmmH InlttroHtod iu said sniitativo from the second district of Sagi• 'lrtiie Ali:ltrldti, BayiirilMlllef, words. At last she seized the iiioanin oHtalo, uf tho piuuluncy of Huid pot I Hon,ami llin lioaring iJ.OOO for rum? Mow can il, oh coiisiateiicy of Iliitrool, by caiiHUig a copy of ihiti ordur to bo publish• tlie Piit-kin', Kitiii Raytier, signs in commuiiieatloii, and this gave her naw coiinly. toy Raviier, ]Ciia,^wan, TiiR Daily Star contains all tho news of the day In ed in Iho Inijha.m Oiiusrv Dkmociiat, u nnwMpiipor Poiirlli. flas given abundant testimony great oucouragonieut. About throe an attractive form. Its special correspondence by juiiiloil luid circnhkled in aald cuiinly, throohuccouhIvo lie wiia charged in the second count of Lena litnltli. lo the essential badness of the li(|uor trallic mouths after tho beginning of t,hoso ox cable from London, Paris, Rorllii, Vienna and Dublin woekri [iruviouH lo bald tlay uf hoarlng. corruptly soliciting and endeavoring to se• A, P. Wkiisteii, Siipt. periiueata she hod learned the manui: laa coniraendablo feature. A truo copy. Q. A. .SMfTII, Comment is iinnceessnry upon this point. alpliiibot as used by the deaf-mutes, At Washington, Albany, ond other news centers, tho IIJW'I • Jndgo of I'rohato. cure money Croin ,Iohii II. Sliackleton. ftbleit correspondents, specially relainod hy Tnii STia, year followed, in which sho learned tho l'r(tl)(it;o Ordor. Pifth. I'rohibition is unpopular with il furnish the latest news by telegraph. mayor of Saginaw City, and Frederic L. Coiiiiiioii Council rroceftiliiijfS. iiaiuos of every object which sho could Its literary features are uniurpaised. ICSTATl-: OF OTIS MINOllS. litenicy and crime. The figures upon this Kiiton of .Saginaw, aiui from various oilier hamllc. Tho yinancial ond Market Reviews are unuBUoliy full Stiito of Ulicliigan, coiintv of lufiliuni, hh. At uhdh- and oomiiietc. point are terribly hard to face. 41 per cent Mason, May 2, 18S7. Hlon of llio probato court for .Hiiid cunnty, hold ut thu persons, for the purpose ostensibly of cor The report of hor case at this timo stated probatu olllcu In tho city ol Muhoii. on thu 11th day of the ignorance of the state live in the Conneil met and was called to order by TERMS OF THE DAILY STAR TO SUBSCRIBERS. Df April, In tliu yoar quo tlioiiMaiid elglit huudrod riiplly using such money among iho mem- that sho could not see a ray of light or Mayor Oaiinon. Free of PoBtagei n the United States and Canada, out- and oighty-Hovi'u. eiirht counties that gave tho largc'it major• hoartliolcaslsouiid, and that if she had any hers of the house of represeiitnlives to in slile the limits of New York City, I'roHiint.Q. A. Smith, jndgo of probuto. Pre-seiil Aid. Coy, Earle, McDonald, Peek In Iho nuitlur uf lliu u.itulu uf yrmldlo Oi'ia and ities against the amendment, while the sonso of smell sho novor exorcised Every Day, for on c y car (including Sunday), tTOO lliieuce their voles in favor of the passage and VanSlyke, Yot, despite her uicnlal darkness, sho Dally, without Sunday, one year, . . , 0.00 Glmrley Olis, niliioiH. twenty eountiea that gave tho largest Co iMinutes of last meeting read and ap• was buoyant and gay as a child, and, Every Day, Blx inoiitlin, , . , . , CM On loading and tiling tho petition, duly vcrllled, of of a bill to amoiid the charter of .Saginaw Dally, without Sunday, six months, , , , 3.00 iS'icltulaH V. Woniplu, gniirdiun of .said niinorH, pray- the amendment have only 20 per cent of proved, left alone, was-vory happy if sho had lior City, then jieuding before the coiiiinitlee, Bunday, without Daily, one year, . . . l.M log for licoiiNO to Hull their Inturost in curtain real kuitling or sowing. A\''hon passing througl eHtate, in said pulillon duacribud, for tho pnr|ioHu of the igiioraiico of the stale. Again note; REPORT OE l!0JHilTTEE. bill in fact for the purpose of corruptly and a passageway, with hor hands spread bo Ames3, xi-IE SXA.K,, rniiivoHling in utbor and iiioni proiliictivo pitipurty, Tlie eight counties above referred to have The committee on finance reported the or placing tho Hanio at tnturoHt for Itiulr honollt; iiulawfitlly appropriating nil or a part of fore hor, she know every one she mot, and Broadway and Park Place, New Yorlc following claims, recoinniending iheir al Thoroupon it Ih ordorod that tlio Ot,h day of only ;!1 per cent of the votes, wliilo the gave signs of recognition in passing, but May, ttoxt, ut ton o'clock iu tliu foronnuii, bo an- such money to his own use and benefit. lowance at looting ; whoa meeting a particular friond she Dignod for tlio hearing uf Haiti putitiou, and that tho twenty counties have l-il-i per cent. Nearly next of kin of Hiild uiIuoih, and all ottior pur- iti the second count ho was charged with llutlor, tol davon board roKistratlon 8 2 00 smiled brightly, clasped hands, and used one halfof tho open saloons in tho state are " tolj-^day on lioai-d t-egi.stratioti 3 00 her lingers for telegraphing hor feelings, Honrt intorestpd in Hald ufdato.aro rcquirod to appear corrti[itly making a list ol the names of . R. nice, i day on iioard roKialratioti 2 00 T El ^ at a HOHflion of nald court, Lhoii to ho lioldon In thu located in the eight conn ties named. .lohti Iviilley, to man and team wy, days draw- •\Vlioa sho began to use words sho could probato oflico, In Iho city of Muhom. und hIiow caiiHO, certain members of the house of represent- itip (Travel ami rlckinj; stone oll'"thestreets... 8 75 only express the individual oharaoteristics if unytlioro bo, why tho prayor of tho potitlonor The vote of Wayne county willi ils 9C5 Jolin ICelley, self ami team 1 day 2 Vo of things, sueh as book, spoon, etc., and Hiioiild not bo Ki-antod, And lb Ih furlhor ordorod, lUives, together with the amount of money self -1 days G Oil that taid polltlouor givo notice to tho perflouM hor first use of the words groat, small InloroKtcd iu HuId oHlato, of tho pondoncy of necessary lo procure the vole and mnuence saloons offsola eight of the most intelligent On motion report was adopted ; Yeas, heavy, etc., did not convoy tho idea of dif- Haid polltloii, and tho lioarlng thuroof, by cniitiing a and moral coiiiilies in the stale. feroiioes in quality; groat book was to her copy of lhin ordor to he publiHlied in tho 1.N(ii'am of each niemher named in the list, and that Aid. McDonald, Coy, Earle, Peek, Van. tlio double name of a particular book CouN'ry DKMocu.vr, a noM'Hpaper printed und chcii- lie did represent that to secure said votes Si.\tli. Tlia mockeri/ aj our boasted laU'd in Huid county, throo huccoshIvo M'uokH provIouH Slyke ; nays, none. heavy stone was one particular stone. Sho fraiiiMnc. So long as the present oondi to said day of htiaring, find the inlluonce of said tneinoers, it would Committee on bonds reported the follow• was iiftorward taught words cxprossivooJ (A truo copy.) Q. A. SM7Trr, bo necessary to use witli each of these ihe lion of things exist wo can't appeal to the ing: positive qualities, such as hardness or Uw'i Iiidgoof rrobftto. Druggist bond of Enos Woodworlh with softness, by connecting tho adjcotivea with If you are an Intelligent, wide luvako cltizonfyou umouiit of money set opposite each name, ball,it. When morality is taken out of the Ii. J. Donnelly and S. A. Paddock as sure• tho aubstancbs, though sho plaeod the lat• probably nlreiidy subscribe for and roaatl MortKiigo Siilo. popular vote there is great fear fur safely. weekly paper. Rut thereby bringing the good name and char- ties; ter first. In tinio she was taught to write, Dofaiilt having boon mado iu the conditlona of a certain mortgugo, whoroby tlio power Ihorcin con- actor of said members into ill repute. We may well be fearful and tremble for the iqnor bond of Madden.& Beraent with to {,'0 througli the process of addition and subtraction in small numbers, to under taint'd to tiolI hiiH liocomo oponitivo,mado und oxecut- future of our couiftry when elections are h'. Grillin and Stephen Gretten as sure WHr WAIT A WHOLE WEEK ed by Wtltmr .1. IIill, Xullo 0. IIill, I'orry Hill, Alico There were two other counts but in the stand tho days of tho week, and to moas- tics; IIIII, nrutiis W. Hill and Charlotte HHI, all of Onon• cariied on as waa this. Several reliable in- uro time so accurately as to distinguish be• For tlie News of llie AVorld, daga, Ingham county, Michigan, tu Honry 0, IJlod- Riminiing up both were waived. Diikin was iqnor bond of A. V, Merrill with C. B. atances were noted showiiifr the niter wan• tween a half and a wholo note in music. iiett, oxocutor of tho oslatu of Miiry E. Blodgottol tried before the entire house of representa• lilatoii and ill. C. Russell as sureties; and The increase in hor command of langua Which you should got every day in the year, ntjd aonaca Falls, N, Y., dated Iho lOlli day of Kovcmlior, ton disregard for morality, coinmon de• wlilelt yon can read in a few nilnuteti every night A. IJ. l.S8;i. and recorded in tho ollico of tho roglHtor tives, with the president of the house as iqnor bond of Clias. Owen wiih Clement was very noticeable, and hor intellectual wiillo t-osting front your day's work. of dooda for Ingham county, Miclilgan, Novomhor cency or law, as enacted at various pre• La.xton and It. 1''. Grilliii its sureties. growth has boon accompanied by marked l.'ith, A. D. 18s;i, in llbor 02 of mortgagoH on payo judge, iio was ably defended and given 'M^), which aald niortgago waw duly iiHuIgnod to Sam• cincts. All of which were acoepleil, Yeas Aid, moral development. Yoii can Ii.ire aDaily rniier for very lit• an opportunity to prove his innocence, but uel.1.1*. Smoad of Mafloii, Michigan,on tbo 8th day Coy, Earle, McDonald, Peek and VatiSlykp; tle more llian your wceUiy costs. of daiinary, A. 1). 1887, which said aHHigninont waa bis guilt wiia apparent from the couinience. Seventh. The fomgner.t are not of nn. It was only a few years ago that I first duly recorded In tho offlco of thu rogiHtor of doods for nays, none. TAKE rilE saw Laura Bridgman, and it was under Haid Injihum coiiuty, Michigan, on tho Jlh day of iiienl and of the 'J-f members present 81! There are about !i'l,000 illiterate voters in The street commissionnr reported on' Marcli, A. D. 1887, in Ii hor 117 of niortgagos on pago ))0culiarly favoinible circumstances, my '1117; upon which aaid mortgagu thoro Iu chiiniod to voted to sustain the .second count while 11 the state. About G.OOO of these are those sidewnlks its instructed. compauioa being a bright young Spanish DETROIT DAILY liG duo al tlio ihito of tlil» notlcotho Huni of ono tlinuM* voted iigaiiiat. The third ooniit was sus• whose piireiils are native born; of the re On motion of Aid. Earle the report wa? lady, who ontortainocl the inmates of tho and three linndrod and ouodoliarH and hIx cuutH ($1,* accepted. Institution for tho Blind with hor delight• ;i01.0((), and no Hiiit or procoedinga at law or in equity tained by the entire !)•!, and a rosolutinn of maiiiiitg 28,000 one or both parents are having beo/i inHiitntod to recover any part thoroof, Street commissioner feported on the ful singing and playing. Though Laura Evening News. foreign horn. Nearly three fourths of the notice Id tberoforo horoby givon, lliuC on l''ri