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. The Honorable Similar letter to:

? Chaiman, Comittee on Honorable Ella T. Grasso Government Operations Governor of , Hartford, Connecticut 06115

t i Dear Chairman' Ribicoff: i

4 In his February 27, 1976 letter to you Chaiman Anders provided you with the first portion of the NRC inspection report concerning the February 12, 1976 leak in the isolation condenser system at the Millstone reactor site. In the same letter the Chaiman indicated that a'dditional infomation was' being developed and that subsequent reports would be made_ available to you ' as soon as they were completed. I enclose for your use a copy of the correspondence relating to our additional inspection activities covering both technical aspects of ~, this incident and also the areas of radiation protection of workers and protection of the health and safety of the public. Our finding is that the event had no significant impact on the health and safety ' of workers or the public. ,

' This completes our inquiry into the specific events that occurred on February 12. However, NRC is still pursuing the basic issue of tube failures in isolation condensers to assure that the probability of similar leaks occurring at Millstone and other like facilities is minimized. In this regard, we have issued a NRC Bulletin to licen- sees with similar equipment requiring certain actions on their part.- We will pursue these matters further with these licensees to assure

that the required actions'are implemented. I have attached a copy of , this HRC Bulletin for your infomation. ' If you have any questions about the contents of the enclosed correspondence, please let me know. ~CoDies of our inspection Correspondence are being provided to tovernbr 7 Grass 6, in accordance with her previous request. We trust that the above information has been responsive to your concerns.;

Sincerely, g[ \ < briginal signed by 6

-- ' Wrcus A. Rowden j ' < - Copy to Contact: i REF: SECY-76-216 Marcus A. Rowden [ W[ . , Chairman -{ Revised based on Commissioners' comments & typed in the Office of the Secretary. i'

o ~ Encio w.r_es : SECY 1extpage) EWMcGregor . . {{ e | ' 8304210069 760528 .A_s mir |

. PDR ADOCK 05000245 i | H PDR | | ' ,

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, - , Honorabia Abraham Ribicoff 2-

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J Enclosures: In SECY REC. i 1. Letter to NNEC dated | 3/23/76 from J. P. O'Reilly ' i w/ Notice of Violation and I . . Inspection Report No.:

. ., 50-245/76-05 '' . 2. Letters'to J. P. O'Reilly from ITNEC dated 3/29/76 and 4/7/76 -

' 3. IEBulletin76-O1 dated 3/9[76

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