far asIndia. Middle East, NorthernAfrica, andas travels took him to the Holy Land, the period. His Renaissance during the author who traveled throughout Asia Italian composer, musicologist, and (Six Voyages, 1676). And Valle was an Voyages de Jean-Baptiste Tavernier patron Louis XIV, published Les Six and traveler, who at the behest of his 17th-century French gem merchant Near East in general. Tavernier was a Western scholarshiponPersiaandthe ed as one of the finest works of early Travels of Sir John Chardin is regard traveler whose ten-volume book The Tourism and Handicrafts. san, the minister of Cultural Heritage, Moune Ali-Asghar by written note (1586 –1652), accordingtoarecent (1605–1689), dellaValle andPietro (1643 – 1713), Jean-Baptiste Tavernier Chardin Jean as such globetrotters Western by authored travelogues zvin can be traced even in books and Islamic Republic. al for the peaceful coexistence in the which many deem as a seal of approv of protection for Iran and Armenia, pilgrimage as a joint tradition worthy Nations’ heritage body accepted the its cultural significance. The United tery was recognized by UNESCO for to the St. Thaddeus apostle monas country. the to travelers many by narrated can be traced in various documents munities, a social phenomenon that ish, Christian, and Zoroastrian com coexistence between Muslim, Jew peaceful of way the in standing is that are a simply must visit. architecture and exquisite ornate work and chapels that showcase amazing is home to many gorgeous churches B neighborhoods churches, Armenian with fascinating Qazvin: acity cence. magnifi and majesty their beauty, andarchitectural for theirsplendor File photo Armenian neighborhoods of Qa Chardin was a French jeweler and Earlier this month, the pilgrimage Like other Iranian cities, Qazvin A Muslim-majority country, Iran against Iraqi people osi ad eiiu ser vices, churchesarevisited religious and worship of places as serving esides BY AFSHINMAJLESI American softcoup Ukrainian plane for victims ofdowned Iran topay$150,000 Continued onpage6 WWW.TEHRANTIMES.COM ------Page 2 8 Pages martyr, helping discover new ideas by writers and and writers by ideas new discover helping martyr, the languages of Persian, Arabic and English. knowledge about the concept of martyrdom in mation on the commander, helping to increase infor- new offers www.generalsoleimani.com, first martyrdom anniversary of the Commander. er Qassem Soleimani has been launched on the 9,000 articles, photos, and posters on Command TEHRAN – An international website offering over Tehran Times/ Samira Nazari The website, which can be found on this address The website collects articles written about the the about written articles collects website The when itcontradictsSaudiinterest:activist West turnsblindeyeonhumanrightsviolation rights activistargues. human the actions,” Saudi to opposition ited Arabia spends on lobbying, the West makes lim Saudi Arabia and amount of money that Saudi Donald Trump. Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s close ties with has largely escaped U.S. censure thanks to Crown ministration under Trump’s presidency, Riyadh interest,” Mustafa Akhwand tells the Tehran Times. in theMiddleEast(WestAsia)ifitcontradictsSaudi against their allies such as Saudi Arabia. lation of human rights in West Asia when it is Watch says that Western countries neglect vio TEHRAN – The executive director at Shia Rights Price50,000Rials How doyouseethetreatmentofgov Given Saudi’s honeymoon with the U.S ad “Western countries turn a blind eye to situations The following is the text of the interview: to relation West’s the of because “Mostly BY MOHAMMAD MAZHARI BY MOHAMMAD Iran launches website Soleimani on Qassem Commander 1.00EURO IPL top Gol Gohartogo Esteghlal beat 4.00AED Page 3 - 42ndyear - - - - has also been published in numerous books. information the of part large A websites. their on Soleimani Commander about information and materials publishing begun have centers Soleimani, is one of the books. a book that provides deep insight into the life of their articles and literary works on the commander. researchers. Interested writers are also asked to submit Zehtab Sohbatzadeh is the author of the book “The Motherland’s Borderless Commander”, cultural numerous assassination, his After ond-class citizens. sec as them treated often governments their to have positive contributions to their societies, un-Islamic way. Despite the effort of Shia Muslims most in the people Islam buttreatingtheir of the ability to benefit society. killed highly educated Shia Muslims who have haba and Lashkar Jhangvi have systematically Pakistan, the terrorist groups such as Sipah-E-Sa the violators are the Saudi government. But in lims. For example, in Saudi Arabia and Emirates, discrimination and violence against Shia Mus each one of those countries has its own form of discriminated against in these three countries, Shia minorities? Arabia andtheEmirates, towardtheir ernments in West Asia, especially Saudi West Asian governments carrying the name Even though the minority Shia Muslims are No.13848 brings thethirdoption or endlesswars;Iran occupier government A dilemmaofpro-

Thursday Continued onpage5

DECEMBER revitalization one stepcloser to Lake Urmia 31, 2020 31, - - - for its extensive casualties and ferocious conditions. failed to reach the objective in the battle that is known capture the Iraqi port city of Basra in early 1987. Iran la-5, was an offensive operation carried out by Iran to Karbala-5 during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war. which studies Soleimani’s accounts of Operation northern Iranian city of Rasht. the in house publishing a Bolur, by published News Agency. in the majlis (Iranian Parliament), told Fars of the Armenian Christians of northern Iran Shavardian,representativeAra the protocols,” ebrate the New Year due to observing health the outbreak of the global coronavirus epidemic. brated in the same way as in previous years due to the coronavirus transmission. and healthprotocolstohelppreventdistancing in crowds and gatherings, maintaining social the New Year celebrations and ceremonies and celebrations Year New the TEHRAN – Iranian Christians will not hold See page3 See maintain social The Siege of Basra, code-named Operation Karba The book is composed of 13 chapters, one of “Armenian Christians in Iran will not cel COVID-19 prevented the New Year to be cele

Dey11,1399 military drillinGaza Palestinian groupsholdfirstjoint live under a 12-year Israeli blockade from air, against Gaza, where two million Palestinians killed in each of these deadly wars. sea, and land. Thousands of Gazans have been rockets were fired toward the sea. and air military operations during which several capabilities and equipment tinian groups unveiled some of the their military scale joint military drill over the past years. estinian resistance factions held its first large- in the Gaza Strip, the joint chamber of the Pal unveil their military capabilities and equipment. 2014. ThePalestinianfactionsheldthedrillto since drill military joint first their held have Palestinian resistancegroupsintheGazaStrip BY FARANAK BAKHTIARI BY FARANAK Happy New distancing The Palestinian resistance groups say they held wars three waged has Israel 2008, Since The drill consisted of simulation of ground During the one day military exercise, Pales In an incident considered the first of its kind I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y Year but

Page 7 DNA, or protein-based subunit vaccines. mRNA, using including development, vaccine for platforms other are there when facing the virus, he noted, adding, virus causes the body to produce antibodies with the Ministry of Health, has announced. fight COVID-19, Hossein Vatanpour, an official company is trying to develop an oral vaccine to account in which the country’s debts to Iraq is going to open a euro savings bank days, coming the in implemented be to to Iran, IRNAreported. all the country’s gas and electricity dues account to pave the way for transferring bank euro a open to going is Iraq that Wednesday on said Ardakanian Reza Minister Energy Iranian – TEHRAN TEHRAN – An Iranian knowledge-based knowledge-based Iranian An – TEHRAN Ali Alqasi-Mehr said on Wednesday that that Wednesday on said Alqasi-Mehr Ali TEHRAN –TehranProsecutorGeneral channels to pursue thecase,channels topursue ISNAreported. to representitthroughinternationallegal Syria, Lebanon, Qatar, Jordan and Kuwait Qassem Soleimani, by the U.S. government. assassination ofitstopanti-terrorgeneral, 3 January the to regard with stance legal Iran has picked 6 countries to represent its

Jumada AlAwwal Iraq to openeuro bankaccount topay A vaccine made from an inactivated an from made vaccine A “Based on an agreement which is going On January 3, U.S. President Donald Donald President U.S. 3, January On Alqasi-Mehr said Iran has picked Iraq, represent IraninGen.Soleimani case Continued onpage7 Iranian companyonoral working Continued onpage8 Prosecutor: 6 countries picked to Prosecutor: 6countries pickedto coronavirus vaccine Iran’s energydebts

16, 1442 - - - - - eration,” Pakdel said. of Sports and then to the Asian Handball Fed explanations to Iran’s NOC and the Ministry our presented we response, In Iran. to eling participating countries are worried about trav outbreak of coronavirus in Iran and said some increasing the about concerns its expressed ing the competition’s host country. that nothing has been decided yet about chang Pakdel talked about the situation and confirmed made the AHF to reverse its decision for a while. pics Committee (NOC), Reza Salehi Amiri, has by Pakdel, and the head of Iran National Olym according to reports, the immediate response about removing Iran’s hosting rights. However, sent a letter to the Iranian handball federation to lower coronavirus risks. decided to change the host of the competition that the Asian Handball Federation (AHF) has province. March 2021 in the southern city of Shiraz, Fars Junior Handball Championship. completely ready to host the 2020 Asian Men’s eration Alireza Pakdel says that the country is TEHRAN - President of Iran’s Handball Fed C’ship: president Junior Handball to hostAsianMen’s Iran completelyready “There was a letter in which the AHF had AHF the which in letter a was “There In an exclusive interview with Tehran Times, According to the local media, the AHF had During recent days there have been reports The tournament will be held from 20 to 29 severe” responseonthepartofresistance. and “decisive a with met be would estinians or a new instance of adventurism against Pal very act of contemplating an act of aggression into a relatively uninhabitable open prison. military aggression has turned the entire Gaza during each. killing and injuring thousands of Palestinians 2000s, the in sliver coastal the against wars to supposedly deter the group and its affiliates. the territory under almost daily military attacks ing elections there. The regime has also been taking Hamas resistance movement rose to power follow Gaza under an all-out siege since 2007, when the as unity in fight against the Israeli aggression. the drills to show their military capabilities as well The command center warned that even the The combination of the siege and incessant According to Press TV, Israel has been keeping The Israeli military waged three full-scale nta o te hl vrs Te DNA- The virus. whole the of instead used is system immune the stimulate can that virus the of fragment protein National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) more efficient, he explained. activated virus vaccine, respectively, are in finally and protein, subunit mRNA, attention. Among the vaccine platforms, based vaccine platform has received less euro,” the minister said. to exchanged being after account this country will be transferred and saved in on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting. Tavanir) will be saved,” Ardakanian said and Transmission Company (known as and the Power Generation, Distribution, as toavoidcasualties. notified the Iraqi government beforehand so “tough revenge” for the U.S. terror attack. Iran province in western Iraq as part of its promised IRGC attacked Ain al-Assad airbase in Anbar In the (PMU). early hours of January 8, the mand of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-com Soleimani, chief of the IRGC Quds Force, and Trump ordered strikes that martyred General BY FARROKH HESABI BY FARROKH n h sbnt rti pafr, a platform, protein subunit the In “Iraq’s recent and past debts to our to debts past and recent “Iraq’s Continued onpage4 Continued onpage3 Continued onpage7 Continued onpage2

------I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y POLITICS DECEMBER 31, 2020

Gen. Soleimani was ‘conqueror of hearts’, Rouhani hails General says daughter

POLITICAL TEHRAN – The daughter of Iran’s top gen- deskeral, Martyr Qassem Soleimani, has hailed Soleimani as global hero her father as the “conqueror of hearts” and a highly charismatic field commander. POLITICAL TEHRAN – President in the cowardly assassination of the general. In an exclusive interview with Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen television deskHassan Rouhani has A senior Iraqi judicial official said on network on Tuesday, Zeinab Soleimani said what distinguished lauded General Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s top Monday that appropriate court orders will her father was that he was a “strong military field commander anti-terror commander who was assassinated be issued in the coming days regarding the with very strong charisma, clever ... and besides that he had by U.S. almost a year ago, as a hero for the suspects in the January 3 assassination. a remarkably compassionate and affectionate heart as well.” Iranian nation as well as nations of the region Haider Ali Nouri, a supervising member of She said the top commander “used to capture the hearts and Muslims across the world. the Information Center of the Iraqi Supreme of people.” “The martyrdom of Martyr Soleimani was Judicial Council, made the announcement in “My father used to find his way through people’s hearts, a revenge against the Islamic Republic and a statement as he was explaining the latest especially those who worked with them and those close to him,” a revenge against the regional nations and developments related to the case. she added. their independence,” Rouhani said at a cabinet “The Iraqi Judiciary has made good pro- Soleimani pointed to his father’s field presence alongside session on Wednesday. gress in the investigation of this incident and other military forces was the result of his “belief in the necessity He said Soleimani’s assassination was a intends to put a definite end to it,” the senior of standing by the oppressed.” revenge against the great nations that stood judicial official said. “He did not differentiate between the Lebanese, Syrian, Ira- up to conspiracies and Zionism and thwarted He said the Special Court of Inquiry has nian, Palestinian or Yemeni people. Any aggression against the enemies’ plots. completed the case and collected all the ev- people, their money and their honor was a red line for him,” On January 3, U.S. President Donald Trump idence by gathering the statements and tes- she remarked. ordered drone strikes that martyred General timony of witnesses to the incident, such as She also said that the issue of Palestine and the Palestinian Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in the staff of the Baghdad International Airport people was “very important” to General Soleimani, and stressed Iraq. The assassination, which took place and the security forces present there. that “he used all his capabilities to serve the Palestinian cause near Baghdad’s international airport, was Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the special aide and the result is that we see today the strength of the Palestinian welcomed by ISIS. terrorist group. The president added, “By assassinating to the speaker of the Iranian Parliament on resistance movement.” The U.S. cited at the time an imminent “Daesh was a mercenary of the Zionists Martyr Soleimani, they wanted to take revenge international affairs, said on Sunday that the Soleimani concluded that those behind the brutal assassi- threat posed by Soleimani against U.S. interests and Americans,” he said. “When they were on a great man who stood up to them well and list of individuals involved in the assassination nation of General Soleimani would pay the price “in the most in the region. General Soleimani, however, was injured, the Israelis would took them in and tactfully. Some think that the general was an of Soleimani has been updated from 45 to 48. horrific possible way.” on a peace mission to Iraq that was targeted healed them, and they gave them weapons unparalleled brave man. This is true, but it Iran’s Judiciary has added new names to On January 3, Trump ordered drone strikes that martyred by the U.S. military. wherever they needed weapons.” is not only his courage but also his tact that the list of individuals involved in the January General Soleimani, chief of the IRGC Quds Force, and Abu American political analyst Stephen Lend- According to Rouhani, the Zionists and is important.” assassination, Amir-Abdollahian said. Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of Iraq’s Popular man has said “Trump provided no evidence the American rulers benefit from instability In the early hours of January 8, the IRGC He added the Judiciary has stepped up Mobilization Units (PMU). of a Soleimani threat.” Lendman also said the and chaos in the region. attacked Ain al-Assad airbase in western Iraq, efforts to prosecute the individuals who or- In the early hours of January 8, the IRGC attacked Ain al-Assad claim by Trump that “he acted in self-defense “Nobody benefits from the instability of where U.S. forces were stationed, as part of dered and perpetrated the criminal act, adding airbase in western Iraq, where U.S. forces were stationed, as was a bald-faced Big Lie.” Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan its promised “tough revenge” for the U.S. that six countries have been given warrants part of its promised “tough revenge” for the U.S. terror attack. Rouhani said the motive behind Soleima- except the Zionists; all countries in the region terror attack. from Iran’s Judiciary so far for the arrest of Iran has vowed to target whoever had a role in the cowardly ni’s assassination was to revive Daesh (ISIS) suffer from instability,” he stated. Iran has vowed to target whoever had a role the culprits. assassination of General Soleimani. “This is a serious mes- sage,” IRGC Chief Major General Hossein Salami said back in September. “These threats are serious and we’re not engaging in a war of words,” Salami said, adding, “Rather, we’ll leave everything Zarif: U.S. responsible for consequences of any adventurism in the region to the field of action.” POLITICAL TEHRAN – Foreign Minister Mohammad developments. Millions of Iranians took part in the funeral for General deskJavad Zarif has warned that the United Tensions have risen between Iran and the U.S. ahead of Soleimani (commonly referred to as Sardar Soleimani) in Ah- States will bear responsibility for the consequences of any the first anniversary of the assassination of Iran’s legendary waz, Mashhad, Qom, Tehran and Kerman, his native city where adventurism in the region, referring to some suspicious anti-terror commander Major General Qassem Soleimani. he was buried. moves by the U.S. military. Last week, a U.S. nuclear-powered submarine arrived In an interview with Russia Today earlier this month, Zeinab Zarif made the remarks in a phone conversation with in the Persian Gulf. Earlier this month, the U.S. military Soleimani said the victory of Joe Biden against the incum- Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman sent two B-52H bombers to West Asia on a short-notice bent-President Donald Trump in the recent U.S. presidential bin Jassim Al Thani on Tuesday, which was initiated by mission. It also moved the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier back election will not change the United States’ Iran policy. the Qatari side. into the Persian Gulf along with other warships. “There’s no difference between Biden and Trump, they are According to Qatari media, the telephone conversation U.S. naval and air assets, meanwhile, conducted joint the same guy. They are following the same policy, there’s no followed after U.S. Secretary of States talked with the Qatari exercises with the Royal Saudi Air Force and Royal Saudi difference between them. Trump ordered the killing of my father, foreign minister. Navy in the Persian Gulf, the fifth such exercise this year. but Biden supported that, so there’s no difference,” she said. In the phone conversation, Zarif emphasized the need The Politico website cited a military official as saying as a message of warning to Iran, saying Iran will consider Soleimani said Biden’s background leaves a lot of room for for the participation of all regional countries in ensuring that the U.S. military was on heightened alert and shoring the arrival of the Israeli submarine to the Persian Gulf doubt, because it was Barack Obama’s administration that stability and security without foreign interference and free up its forces in the Middle East. “an act of aggression” and that Tehran will have the right facilitated the creation of the Daesh (ISIS) terrorist group in from tensions. Gen. Frank McKenzie, the head of U.S. Central Com- to respond. West Asia. Pointing to the U.S.’s suspicious moves and acts of mischief mand (CENTCOM), said, “We do not seek conflict, but we “Israel must know that our response to aggression against U.S. President-elect Biden served as vice president under in the region, Zarif said, “Washington will be responsible must remain postured and committed to respond to any our national security will be strong and massive,” spokes- President Obama. for the consequences of any possible adventurism.” contingency or in opposition to any aggression.” man for the Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Moreover, U.S. policy towards Iran has remained pretty The two top diplomats also exchanged views on the An Iranian lawmaker has also reacted to reports that Policy Committee Abolfazl Amouei was quoted as saying much the same for decades already, she argued, and the change latest issues concerning bilateral relations and regional claimed Israel was sending a submarine to the Persian Gulf by Qatar’s Al Jazeera network. of the figurehead in the White House does not really matter. “The problem we have with America is their policy, this will not change. They are the same people, with the same mind, the same way. And each one is worse than the other one.” Iran to pay $150,000 for victims of downed Ukrainian plane POLITICAL TEHRAN – The Legal uments,” the Legal Department announced, killed in the downing. The victims included 82 General Soleimani, chief of the IRGC Quds Prosecutor: 6 countries deskDepartment of the Pres- according to IRNA. Iranians, 63 Iranian-Canadians, 11 Ukrainians, Force, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy ident’s Office on Wednesday passed a bill to It said the damages resulting from the 10 Swedes, four Afghans, three Germans, and commander of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization picked to represent Iran in pay $150,000 to each of the bereaved families deaths of the victims should be paid with- three British nationals. Units (PMU). of the victims of the Ukrainian plane which out any discrimination based on nationality, The operator had mistaken the Boeing 737- In the early hours of January 8, the IRGC Gen. Soleimani case was downed in an accident earlier this year. citizenship and gender and according to the 800 with a cruise missile at a time when the attacked Ain al-Assad airbase in western Iraq, “The Ministry of Transport and Urban De- laws of the victims’ countries. air defense systems were at the highest level where U.S. forces were stationed, as part of 1 Alqasi-Mehr also referred to the role of Germany velopment has been instructed to arrange for On January 8, an Iranian air defense of alert following the United States’ earlier its promised “tough revenge” for the U.S. in the assassination process, saying the American air base in the payment of $ 150,000 or its equivalent in unit mistakenly shot down Flight 752 of the assassination of prominent Iranian commander terror attack. Germany was in charge of directing the drone attack. euros to the families of each of the victims as Ukrainian International Airlines shortly after Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani. The downing of the Ukrainian plane hap- The base provided information and flight data to the American soon as possible and to pay the amounts to take-off from Tehran en route to Kiev. On January 3, U.S. President Donald Trump pened hours after the attack on Ain al-Assad forces, he said, adding that the identification of those people the beneficiaries based on the relevant doc- 167 passengers and 9 crew members were ordered drone strikes that martyred Major airbase. is also on the agenda. Earlier this month, the head of the Iranian Judiciary’s High Council for Human Rights asked Germany to cooperate with Iran regarding the perpetrators and accomplices in the assassination. Nasrallah remembers Gen. Soleimani: A commander always present on frontline Pointing to reports that the U.S. base in Germany was part of the operation that led to Soleimani’s assassination, Ali (Press TV) – The secretary general of the Lebanese Hezbollah the first days of the war was very vital and important. He did not Bagheri-Kani urged Berlin to cooperate with Iran’s Judiciary resistance movement has paid homage to Iran’s top anti-terror have to come to Lebanon. He could stay in Tehran and follow in order to help clear up the ambiguities around the case. commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, saying the news of the war or could instead go to Damascus which In June, Alqasi-Mehr said 36 individuals were identified in he was always present on the battleground and commanding was closer to us and was not under Israeli attacks at the time. connection with the Soleimani assassination. fellow fighters as opposed to military leaders worldwide who But, Haj Qassem insisted on coming to Lebanon. “36 individuals who cooperated, collaborated, and partici- are absent from conflict zones. “On the first day of Hajj Qassem’s presence in Lebanon, we pated in the assassination of Hajj Qassem, including political Speaking in an interview, conducted by Truth Documentary arranged a meeting. He arrived in Lebanon in the first days of the and military authorities of the U.S. and other countries, have Film Center, and broadcast by Iran’s English-language Press TV war. After the meeting, Hajj Qassem stayed in Lebanon for a few been identified,” he said. television news network, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah described days and returned to Tehran to report to Leader of the Islamic Just a few days ago the Judiciary announced that three new Lt. Gen. Soleimani as a humble commander, who always visited Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei,” Nasrallah said. names have been added to the number of individuals respon- his friends and aides on the battleground, inquired about what Nasrallah pointed out that Lt. Gen. Soleimani brought him sible for the terrorist act. his fighters needed and was present on the frontline. back a message from Ayatollah Khamenei, which he had written Alqasi-Mehr named Trump as the key individual at the top “Such a personality gave him a special privilege in terms of He had a lot of patience and endurance in the face of hardships in his own handwriting. of the list, saying his pursuit will continue even after his tenure management and command,” Nasrallah said. and problems. I’m not exaggerating, but I have never seen The theme of the letter was that the war will be very hard and as U.S. president. The Hezbollah chief added, “One of the interesting points anyone who could withstand hardships like him,” Nasrallah intense, and Ayatollah Khamenei said the Israeli aggression ‘Trump is chief criminal in the assassination case’ about Hajj Qassem’s behavior was that he was always a supporter commented. was like Battle of the Trench, a defense by Muslims of Yathrib Iran’s top judge Ebrahim Raisi said on Wednesday that of combatants and treated them with great respect and ardor.” Nasrallah remembered Gen. Soleimani as a very hardwork- (today’s Medina) from Arab and Jewish tribes in March 627 Trump is the “chief criminal” in the assassination case of Gen- “Such a characteristic had moral and spiritual effects on ing and persevering person and someone whose modesty was AD. The Leader of the Revolution also referred to verses from eral Soleimani who has acknowledged his crime before the officials. It also allowed him to hear all opinions, and not just unmatched. the Holy Quran, and stressed that Hezbollah will win the hard people in the world. the viewpoints of people who came to visit him in his office [in “He was really humble even while meeting ordinary people, and terrible war, Nasrallah said. Raisi said Trump is by no means immune to face punishment Tehran]. This helped Hajj Qassem to have a better attitude, to unlike military commanders who usually tend to be swollen “We were very happy that the Leader of the Islamic Revolution for the assassination. consider other aspects, and to have a wider and deeper mindset with pride and arrogance,” the Hezbollah head said. spoke so confidently about our victory, while the whole world The Judiciary chief also said nothing should deter efforts about his responsibilities,” Nasrallah said. “Hajj Qassem Soleimani’s school of thought means taking was talking about how Hezbollah would be capable of standing to hold U.S. officials “accountable” for the crime. He emphasized that Lt. Gen. Soleimani was never contented risks. Death threatened him all the time. But he was always at against the United States, Europe, the West and other Arab A former United Nations official and professor of interna- with the written reports he received but would rather personally the forefront, and I always disagreed with him on the matter. countries that were supporting the Zionist regime,” he noted. tional law has said the assassination of Iran’s top general was visit the battleground to observe the situation at close hand, I always tried to keep him behind the frontline, but none of us “Hajj Qassem’s school of thought had its roots in the school of an “act of war”, deploring the UN Security Council’s failure to and talk to military personnel. could force him to do so,” Nasrallah said. [the revered founder of the Islamic Republic] Imam Khomeini, slam the U.S. killing of the commander. Nasrallah noted that such behavior is not common among The Hezbollah chief recalled how Soleimani had come to the guidance of Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and the expe- “Of great concern is the failure of the United Nations, es- military leaders worldwide. visit him in Beirut’s southern Dahieh neighborhood during the rience from the Sacred Defense,” Nasrallah said. pecially the Security Council, to condemn the event. The UN “Of course, all great Iranian commanders visited soldiers 33-day Israeli military onslaught on Lebanon in the summer Nasrallah described his relationship with Lt. Gen. Soleimani Special Rapporteur for Extrajudicial, Summary, or Arbitrary and fighters during the Sacred Defense (the 1980-88 Iraq’s of 2006, despite repeated warnings that it could seriously put as brotherly, saying, “I was always ready to sacrifice my life Executions, Agnes Callamard, did issue a report on July 6, 2020, imposed war on the Islamic Republic). But, this exists only in his life at risk. for Hajj Qassem.” that concluded that the targeted killing of such a prominent Iran and is not seen anywhere else,” the Hezbollah secretary “During the 33-day war, Hajj Qassem helped us a lot. Iraqi Nasrallah concluded that Lt. Soleimani had a special lofty military leader as General Soleimani was not only a violation of general said. commanders said he was always at the forefront of the fight place in his heart firstly due to their friendship and brotherhood, international human rights law but ‘an act of war’ that violated He also hailed the late Iranian commander’s indefatigability. against Daesh Takfiris and was with Iraqi and Syrian forces. and secondly because his existence served Islam, Muslims, Article 2(4) of the UN Charter,” Professor Richard A. Falk said “We may all get tired and feel that problems are putting a This is another personality trait of his,” Nasrallah highlighted. the Muslim world as well as the axis of resistance more than in an interview with Tasnim published on Wednesday. lot of pressure on us; but Hajj Qassem never stopped working. “I must say that the presence of Hajj Qasem in Lebanon in anyone else. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y DECEMBER 31, 2020 IRAN IN FOCUS 3 General Soleimani’s blood united the SPORTS Iran completely ready to host Asian Men’s Junior region against U.S., Foreign Ministry says Handball C’ship: president

SPORTSTEHRAN — Assassina- The Leader also vowed revenge for the 1 The junior event, for under-20 players, was primarily desktion of the commander martyrs of the Resistance Front. “Millions scheduled for Shiraz in Iran from July 10 to 21 but it was re- of Iran’s elite Quds Force General Qassem attending Martyrs Soleimani and Abu Mah- scheduled for October 3 to 13. In March 2020, the AHF decided Soleimani has united the people of the region di’s funerals in Iraq and Iran was the first to postpone the championship again due to COVID 19 pandemic. against the United States presence, Iran’s severe slap to the U.S. But the worse one is So, it will be held from March 20 to 29, 2021. Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday. overcoming the hegemony of arrogance and Pakdel added that Iran would not give up its right to host “Last year, across the region, from Iran expelling the U.S. from the region. Of course, the competition. & Iraq to India & Pakistan, people showed revenge will be taken on those who ordered “We will try our best to keep the hosting rights of the tour- disgust for murderers of General Soleim- it and the murderers,” the Leader stated. nament that we have organized to hold in Shiraz in the best way ani,” the Iranian Foreign Ministry said in With the assassination anniversary just possible. Of course, we understand the AHF’s concerns, and we a tweet on Wednesday, three days before a few days away, tensions between Tehran know that there are special standards and criteria set by the AHF the first anniversary of the assassination of and Washington have soared in recent days. that should be met by a host country. General Soleimani in an American drone The U.S. has sent a submarine to the Persian “Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic has complicated strike near Baghdad’s international airport Gulf and Israel is reportedly following suit. the situation in all areas, including sports competitions. How- earlier this year. Last week, the U.S. announced the arrival ever, we are completely ready to host the game. Iran’ Ministry Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, deputy head of the nuclear-powered submarine USS of Health and Medical Education has perfectly cooperated with of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces Georgia in the Persian Gulf. The submarine us and has promised that this cooperation will continue in the (PMF), who accompanied Lieutenant General is equipped with Tomahawk missiles. The best way possible during the competition as well,” he stated. Soleimani upon his arrival in Baghdad, was U.S. has just four Ohio class guided-missile The 2020 Asian Men’s Junior Handball Championship will also assassinated in the strike. submarines, none of which has traveled to be the 17th edition of the championship. It also acts as the qual- The Foreign Ministry said that the assas- the Persian Gulf in eight years. ification tournament for the 2021 Men’s Junior World Handball sination of the Iranian general has brought General Soleimani will come from the people group of the organizers for commemorat- In the latest sign of escalation, the Iranian Championship. The top four teams from the championship will the people of the region together in opposing of the region. ing the martyrdom anniversary of General foreign minister received a phone call on qualify for the Junior World Championship to be held in Hungary. U.S. policies in the region. Zarif had said, “The real response will Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. Tuesday from his Qatari counterpart Sheikh “His blood united our region in opposing come from the people of the region, who are During the meeting, the Leader pointed Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, US arrogance & presence, a real response to showing that they are absolutely disgusted to the missile strike that Iran launched at shortly after the latter spoke by phone with recklessness. The anger & unity still stand,” with the U.S. behavior. The Americans will the U.S. Ain al-Assad airbase in western U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Esteghlal beat Gol Gohar to the ministry continued. see that Soleimani as a martyr will be much Iraq in response to the assassination of During the phone call, the chief Iranian It also posted a picture showing the peo- more effective than a General Soleimani.” General Soleimani, saying the strike was diplomat “pointed to certain suspicious moves go IPL top ple across the region staging processions to Iran is preparing to hold the first anni- another slap on the face of America. But and mischievous acts by the United States, SPORTSTEHRAN – Esteghlal football team defeated commemorate General Soleimani. The picture versary of the assassination amid simmering the tougher slap, he added, would be the and stressed that the responsibility for the desk also features a statement from Iranian Foreign tensions with the U.S. soft victory over the superficial hegemo- consequences of any possible adventure will Gol Gohar 2-1 to move top of Iran Professional Minister Mohamad Javad Zarif in which he Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Leader of ny of arrogance and the expulsion of the fall on Washington,” according to a statement League (IPL) table on Wednesday. said the real response to the assassination of the Islamic Revolution, recently met with a Americas from the region. issued by the Iranian Foreign Ministry. American soft coup against Iraqi people A dilemma of pro-occupier government or endless wars; Iran brings the third option SPORTSTEHRAN — Iran has agreed to resume elections would be crucial in this regard as it may set Iraq deskgas exports to neighboring Iraq, thereby on a new path and determine its future for years to come. saving Iraq from a widespread power outage. The agreement Iraq is expected to hold an early parliamentary election to end the energy dispute was reached between the two on June 6, 2021, a major development for Iraq and the countries during the recent visit by Iranian Energy Minister wider region. Reza Ardakanian to Baghdad. “June 6, 2021, has been fixed as the date for the next The energy row began nearly three weeks ago when Iran legislative elections,” al-Kadhimi said in late July. moved to reduce gas exports to Iraq to five million cubic Al-Kadhimi is the interim prime minister of Iraq who meters from 50 million cubic meters due to Iraq’s failure came to power after months of deadly protests that deposed Just five minutes into the match, Esteghlal striker Arsalan in paying its outstanding debts to Iran, according to Iraq’s his predecessor Adel Abdulmahdi. Motahari was brought down by Gol Gohar goalkeeper Alireza Electricity Ministry. Earlier this week, Iran informed the Some analysts believe that the U.S. and its regional allies Haghighi and captain Vouria Ghafouri converted from the Iraqi ministry that it was planning to further cut gas ship- may seek to turn the upcoming Iraqi election into a soft penalty spot. ments to three million cubic meters, a move that sent Iraqi coup against the will of the Iraqi people to undermine the Esteghlal forward Mehdi Ghaedi doubled their lead in the electricity officials scrambling to resolve their differences deposited the money to [our bank] accounts,” the Iranian strong bonds between the Iraqi people and some political 14th minute in Sirjan’s Emam Ali Stadium. with Iran because Iraq had lost around 6,550 megawatts of energy minister said, adding that Iraq is going to open a factions and Iran. And if they fail to undermine the Iranian Esteghlal could have scored their third goal in the first half electricity as a result of Iran slashing gas flows to Iraq, which euro bank account for Iran to pave the way for settling all influence, they may resort to their Plan B, which will have but Ghafouri missed his penalty. heavily relies on Iran-supplied gas to feed its power plants. the country’s gas and electricity dues to Iran. destructive consequences for Iraq. Analysts point to various Gol Gohar midfielder Ahmadreza Zendehrouh halved the On Sunday evening, an Iraqi delegation headed by Abu “Iraq’s recent and past debts to our country will be trans- scenarios as Plan B of the U.S. One scenario is for the U.S to deficit in the 74th minute from the penalty spot. Jihad al-Hashemi, an influential former Iraqi official with ferred and saved in this account after being exchanged to revive the Daesh terrorist group to punish the Iraqi people Esteghlal went top of the table with 15 points from eight matches. close ties to Iran, visited Tehran to discuss a range of issues. euro,” Ardakanian pointed out. for keeping their relations with Iran. In Ahvaz, Foolad edged past Nassaji courtesy a goal from Iran said this visit was quite common. Iran and Iraq also reached a range of agreements to The other scenario is that the U.S. may once again revive the Ayanda Patosi in the 16th minute at the Foolad Arena. “This visit took place and the advisor to the Iraqi prime further deepen economic and trade ties between them, old idea of disintegrating Iraq into two autonomous regions Also, Farzad Hatami helped Paykan to win an 1-0 away win minister came to Iran, and we have regular and close con- another sign that the two countries have a strong will to alongside the Iraqi Kurdistan region – one for Sunni Arabs against Naft Masjed Soleyman. tacts with the Iraqi officials in various fields. They traveled boost their ties despite all problems caused by U.S. sanctions of western Iraq and the other for Shia Arabs of southern Iraq. And Tractor and Shahr Khodro played out a goalless draw to Iran at our invitation and have come to Iran to discuss on Iran, which are the main reason why Iraq has defaulted In fact, the plan to partition Iraq along sectarian and in Tabriz. bilateral issues and developments, and these talks between on its debts to Iran. ethnic lines has been seriously discussed since 2006. And On Thursday, Persepolis will play Zob Ahan in Tehran’s Azadi Iran and Iraq are quite common,” Saeed Khatibzadeh, the U.S. President Donald Trump imposed sweeping economic the man who put it up for debate was none other than Joe Stadium. spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, said on Monday. sanctions on Iran after unilaterally withdrawing from the Biden. In a co-authored op-ed for The New York Times on The visit came amid soaring tensions between Iran and 2015 nuclear deal – officially known as the Joint Compre- May 1, 2006, Biden famously called for partitioning Iraq the U.S. following a rocket attack on the U.S. embassy in hensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)- on May 8, 2018. into three regions to pave the way for the U.S. to withdraw Asian Beach Games Baghdad. The U.S. blamed the attack on what it called “Iran- The U.S. sanctions have impinged on Iran’s foreign trade, its troops from the war-torn country. backed militias” but Iran rejected the accusation as “dubious.” including with Iraq, which relies on Iranian gas to meet its Biden advised then-President George W. Bush, who was postponed once again The visit also came on the same day Iraq announced the energy meets. Iraq’s reliance on Iran’s energy exports is so coping with mounting sectarian violence in Iraq, to “estab- reduction of Iran’s gas export to Iraq. Ahmed Moussa, a heavy that the U.S. was forced to issue sanctions waivers lish three largely autonomous regions with a viable central SPORTSTEHRAN - The Olympic Council of Asia spokesman for the Iraqi Electricity Ministry, told Reuters to Iraq allowing it to continue importing Iranian gas and government in Baghdad.” desk(OCA) announced on Wednesday that the and Asharq Al Awsat that Iran has slashed its gas export electricity. Because if Iraq stops importing gas and electricity “The Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite regions would each be 6th Asian Beach Games, due to be held in Sanya City, China to Iraq due to unpaid bills. from Iran, it will face massive power blackouts from time responsible for their own domestic laws, administration and from April 2 to 10, 2021, have been postponed because of the Moussa also said that Ardakanian was expected to pay a to time as it was the case in recent weeks. internal security. The central government would control coronavirus pandemic. visit to Iraq on Tuesday. The Iranian minister traveled to Iraq Iran is aware of this fact and that’s why it refrained from border defense, foreign affairs and oil revenues. Baghdad The Games had initially been due to take place this year, from on that day as expected and met with several Iraqi officials cutting gas export to Iraq to keep the lights on in Iraqi houses. would become a federal zone, while densely populated areas November 28 until December 6, before being pushed back to including his Iraqi counterpart Majid Mahdi Hantush, Iraqi On the other hand, the U.S. did nothing to help the Iraqis of mixed populations would receive both multisectarian and 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Trade Minister Alaa Al-Jabouri, Central Bank Governor cope with power outages. Instead, it sought to make Iran’s international police protection,” Biden wrote. New dates for the Games will be determined “after joint con- Mustafa Ghaleb and Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi. energy exports to Iraq even more difficult by putting restric- The Biden plan has never been implemented, even during sultation between the stakeholders” and the decision to postpone His meetings with the Iraqi officials ended in the two sides tions on the transfer of Iranian money from Iraq to Iran. the Obama administration when Biden was vice-president the event was unanimous, the OCA said. arriving at a solution to the trade issues between Tehran and The recent electricity crisis in Iraq was a reminder of for eight years from 2009 to 2017. But Biden is going to take Concerns over the COVID-19 virus have grown in recent weeks Baghdad, especially the Iranian gas revenues frozen in Iraqi how destructive U.S. policies are for ordinary Iraqis, who the helm of the White House in less than three weeks. And after a new variant, thought to be up to 70 per cent more trans- bank accounts due to the United States sanctions on Iran. keep suffering from power outages due to U.S. sanctions this could make it easier for him to implement what Bush missible, was discovered in Britain. Speaking on the sidelines of a cabinet session on Wednesday, on Iran. The current electricity crisis is coming to an end and Obama refused to: partitioning Iraq along sectarian “The OCA consulted all members of the Executive Board to Ardakanian said that he had “intensive and good meetings” as a result of Iran resuming gas flows to Iraq. But concerns and ethnic lines, this time not to contain sectarian violence, seek their approval of the move to postpone, and it was met with with Iraqi officials with whom he reached written agreements. over Iraq’s future remain in place as the U.S. may seek to put but instead to undermine Iran’s influence in Iraq through unanimous agreement,” said the OCA. “First of all we received around $700 million of our as- more pressure on Iraq to force it into abiding by its sanctions fomenting sectarian violence, a move that will justify im- “The OCA Executive Board decision was made after an in-depth sets from Iraq. In other words, they have transferred and on Iran. Pundits believe that the next Iraqi parliamentary plementing the Biden plan. discussion between the Olympic Council of Asia, the Chinese Olympic Committee and the Sanya Asian Beach Games Organ- izing Committee (SABGOC). “The decision aims at serving the common interests of all Elimination of U.S. forces from the region ‘imminent:’ General Ghaani related National Olympic Committees and ensuring the safety and health of the athletes and all relevant participants,” it said. POLITICAL TEHRAN — Commander anniversary of Ghaani’s predecessor General General Soleimani. More than 2,000 athletes from more than 40 countries are deskof Iran’s elite Quds Force Qassem Soleimani. “Of course, revenge will be taken on those expected to compete in 19 sports when the event is held. attended a closed session of the Iranian “General Ghaani underlined the necessity who ordered it and the murderers,” said the Parliament on Wednesday during which of the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and the re- Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah he predicted that the U.S. withdrawal from gion in the first place,” Rezayee said, adding, Seyed Ali Khamenei in a recent meeting with the region will happen soon. “The commander of Quds Force underlined a group of officials who are responsible for Amiri Khorasani elected Ahmed Alireza Beigi, a lawmaker who was in the closed session that the enemy’s bones commemorating the first anniversary of the present at the session, said General Esmail are being crushed.” assassination of the general. head of Iran Rural Sport & Ghaani briefed the lawmakers on the latest According to Rezayee, General Ghaani The Leader said Iran has slapped the U.S. developments in the region. stressed that the strengthening of the resist- in the face by launching a missile strike on Local Games Federation “General Ghaani said that due to the ac- ance front was one of the results of General “I warn the U.S. president, CIA director, the U.S. airbase of Ain al-Assad in western secretary of defense, secretary of state and SPORTSTEHRAN – Mohammad Taghi Amiri Kho- tions on the agenda of the resistance forces, Soleimani’s leadership of the Quds Force. Iraq earlier this year. desk the decline of U.S. forces in the region is A Twitter account attributed to Gen- other American officials involved in the as- But the tougher slap, the Leader asserted, rasani has been elected as head of Iran Rural imminent,” Alireza Beigi quoted the general eral Ghaani also provided similar details sassination of martyr Soleimani that they would be expelling the U.S. troops from the Sport & Local Games Federation on Wednesday. as saying in at the Parliament session. of the session. must learn the clandestine lifestyle of Sal- West Asia region. In the presidential elections held at the Iran’s Academy Olympic, ‘The enemy’s bones are being “The enemy’s bones are being crushed. man Rushdie because the Islamic Republic Ever since General Soleimani was assassi- Amiri Khorasani was elected for a four-year term till 2024. He crushed’ The Americans have received both soft and will avenge the blood of martyr Soleimani nated on January 3, 2020, in Baghdad along was elected as head of the federation with 29 votes out of 41 votes. Ebrahim Rezayee, another lawmaker who hard slaps. But the main goal of avenging the which was shed unrightfully,” the Ghaani with his comrade Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Hadi Chegini finished in second place with 11 votes. There is a member of the Parliament’s National blood of Haj Qassem Soleimani is to eliminate Twitter account quoted him as saying in the the deputy chief of Iraq’ Popular Mobilization was one invalid vote. Security and Foreign Policy Committee, gave America from the region,” the account said. Wednesday session. Forces (PMF), Iranian officials have placed Amiri Khorasani replaced Gholamreza Jafari who was forced further details of what happened during It also issued a stern warning to the U.S. Over the past months, several Iranian the goal of expelling the U.S. from the region to withdraw from his post due to a law barring the employment the Wednesday session, which was held officials involved in the assassination of officials have vowed to take revenge on those high on their foreign policy agenda and they of retirees in government, state or public institutions which use just a few days before the assassination General Soleimani. who were involved in the assassination of still insist that the U.S. must leave the region. state funds or facilities. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 4 ECONOMY DECEMBER 31, 2020

Over 100% output growth Iraq to open euro bank account achieved in 106 large production units ECONOMY TEHRAN — Iran’s deputy industry, mining to pay Iran’s energy debts deskand trade minister said that 106 large produc- tion units in the country have experienced a growth of over 100 1 This way, transferring the money be blocked and inaccessible in the Trade percent in their output since the beginning of the current Iranian or using it for purchasing basic goods and Bank of Iraq (TBI). calendar year (March 20). medicine will be less problematic considering Iran reduced its gas exports to the neigh- the U.S. sanctions, he emphasized. boring country by over 45 million cubic meters According to the official, the savings in a day (mcm/d) on Monday, threatening to this account can also be used for paying further reduce the current five mcm/d of Iranian contractors and companies’ dues gas supply to three mcm/d. in the mentioned country. Ardakanian visited Iraq on Tuesday to Ardakanian announced the formation of a meet with senior officials from the country committee for working on the issue and said: and discuss various issues including the “As the Iranian head of the two countries’ country’s energy debts to Iran. Joint Economic Committee, I will monitor Heading a high-ranking delegation, the process on a daily basis until we achieve Ardakanian arrived in Baghdad Tuesday desirable results.” morning after which he met with Iraqi Elec- Gas exports to Iraq to be resumed tricity Minister Majid Mahdi Hantush, the Iraq’s electricity ministry spokesman country’s Trade Minister Alaa Al-Jabouri, Ahmed Moussa told Reuters that Iran is and the Governor of Iraq’s Central Bank going to resume normal gas flows to Iraq Mustafa Ghaleb. following the agreement reached between During these meetings, the two sides the two sides on Tuesday. discussed bilateral monetary relations and Saeed Zarandi, the deputy minister for planning affairs, said Iraq owes Iran over $6 billion for elec- explored ways for resolving the existing that during the mentioned time span, 86 large companies have tricity and gas imports from the Islamic banking and monetary problems to establish achieved over 50 percent rise in their production, and in general, Republic, of which $3 billion is claimed to Iranian Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian a payment mechanism for settling the debts. 335 units have witnessed a growth of over 20 percent. He said these units are active in different fields including steel, home appliances, and medicine. The Ministry of Industry regularly announces selected goods Development projects worth over $375m inaugurated at Imam Khomeini Port that have a high share in the value added of the industrial sector and monitors the monthly production statistics of these goods, ECONOMY TEHRAN – Iranian Transport and Ur- Overhaul of some of the port’s berths, overhaul of the the official noted. deskban Development Minister Mohammad port’s internal railway lines, dredging operations of Khoor Supporting production units is a major policy of Iranian gov- Eslami on Wednesday inaugurated and commissioned 18 Mousa access canal and stabilization of dikes for the berths ernment in this Iranian calendar year (begins on March 20), development projects worth 15.788 trillion rials (about 1 to 6 as well as providing lighting for the port area were which is named the year of “Surge in Production”. $375.9 million) at the southwestern Imam Khomeini Port’s also among the inaugurated civil projects. The acting head of Iran Small Industries and Industrial Parks special economic zone. Imam Khomeini Port is a seaport at the northwestern Organization (ISIPO) has recently announced that 1,170 idle According to the Ports and Maritime Organization end of the Persian Gulf near Ahvaz, the center of Iran’s industrial units have been revived in the country during the (PMO), the mentioned projects include 10 investment southwestern Khuzestan province. first nine months of the current Iranian calendar year (March projects implemented by the private sector valued at 10 Opened in 1960 with two berths, the port is Iran’s sec- 20-December 20). trillion rials (about $230.1 million) as well as eight civil ond-largest operating port after Shahid Rajaee Port in Asghar Mosaheb said that reviving the mentioned units has projects worth 5.788 trillion rials (about $137.81 million) southern Hormozgan province. created jobs for 19,446 persons. financed by the PMO, IRIB reported. Considering its importance in Iran’s trade, the devel- According to the official, there are over 46,000 small and me- As reported, four multi-purpose warehouses for stor- opment of Imam Khomeini Port has always been a priority Imam Khomeini Port rose 24 percent during the first quar- dium-sized industrial units in Iran’s industrial parks and zones, age of goods, storage tanks for oil products, and a mech- for the Iranian governments. ter of the current Iranian calendar year (March 20-June of them about 9,200 units are inactive. anized grain loading terminal were among the projects Earlier this year, PMO Managing Director Mohammad 20), compared to the same period of time in the past year. Industry, Mining, and Trade Ministry was initially planning put into operation, while the projects for construction of Rastad had said that the port’s development projects were Over four million tons of basic commodities were loaded to revive 1,500 idle units in the current year, but then it revised two production lines for processing edible oil were also progressing positively. at the port and transported to different parts of the country its programs to revive 2,000 units. commissioned. As previously reported, the loading of basic goods at in the three-month period. Bringing the mentioned 1,170 units back to the production cycle, the plan for reviving such units in the present year has been completed by 78 percent. South Pars phase 14 condensate Printing, packing expo to kick Salaf bonds a viable storages inaugurated off in Tehran on Jan. 2 investment way for house ECONOMY TEHRAN – The Stra- storages each with a capacity of 80,000 ECONOMY TEHRAN – The 27th play the leading role in the region, but due to desktegic gas condensate cubic meters equipped with floating roofs deskInternational Exhibition the lack of support from the government and buyers, builders storage facilities of phase 14 of Iran’s and also two fire tanks and fuel tanks, of Printing, Packing, and Related Machinery executive organizations, unfortunately, Turkey South Pars gas field have been officially piping network and electrical and instru- is going to be held during January 2-5 at the is currently holding the major market for this ECONOMY TEHRAN — The deputy transport and urban inaugurated and storing operations have mentation systems, measuring systems, Tehran Permanent International Fairground. sector in the region, while our capabilities deskdevelopment minister said that issuance of salaf begun in one of the storage tanks, the and condensate transfer boosters and More than 190 domestic companies are in this sector are not less than this country.” bonds for the presales of housing units is a reliable and viable head of Iran’s Pars Oil and Gas Company pumps as well as office buildings. going to showcase their latest products and The exhibition aims to provide a platform way of investment making for the builders and buyers of houses. (POGC) announced on Tuesday. The mentioned facilities and gas con- services during the four-day event, Head of to showcase the latest services and products “Two gas condensate storage tanks of densate measuring stations have been con- Iran’s Association of Manufacturers of Engrav- to support domestic production and transfer the South Pars Phase 14 Refinery have been structed at Pars 1 site, southern Iran, to ing Plates, Lithographs, Stamps, Plaques and knowledge and technology. completed as planned and the storage store gas condensate produced by South Screen Printing, Ahmad Abolhassani told IRIB. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pan- of this product in one of these tanks is Pars refineries. The exhibition covers a variety of areas demic, most of the exhibition events in Iran currently ongoing,” Mohammad Mesh- The South Pars storages are able to including printing machines, packaging ma- have been canceled or postponed; however, kinfam said. supply 480,000 barrels of gas conden- chines, encoders and devices, export products some events have been given green light to be Underlining the readiness of the sec- sate to the Persian Gulf Star Refinery on sealing machines, and etc. held for a limited audience or through virtual ond storage tank for receiving condensate, a daily basis. According to the official, this year’s exhibi- platforms. Meshkinfam noted that the construction South Pars Gas field is currently di- tion is going to be open only for businessmen, Earlier this year, the former managing of the third tank of the mentioned facilities vided into 24 standard phases on the experts, and scholars due to the coronavirus director of Iran International Exhibitions is also underway and it will be ready for Iranian side and is estimated to contain pandemic. Company (IIEC) had said that the number operation by the end of the current Ira- a significant amount of natural gas, ac- “The exhibition will be held in complete of exhibitions in the current Iranian calen- nian calendar month (January 19, 2021). counting for about eight percent of the compliance with health and safety protocols,” dar year (started on March 20) declined He also referred to the inauguration of world’s reserves, and approximately 18 Abolhassani stressed. by 40 percent due to the outbreak of the the utility units of the Phase 14 Refinery billion barrels of condensate. He further noted that the necessary licens- coronavirus. by the end of the current Iranian calendar The mentioned gas field covers an area es and approvals have been obtained from “Currently, despite the observance of all year (March 20, 2021), saying: “Current- of 9,700 square kilometers, 3,700 square the National Headquarters for Coronavirus health guidelines and the issuance of neces- ly, the ancillary units of the South Pars kilometers of which, called South Pars, are Control as well as the Trade Promotion Or- sary approvals by the Health Ministry and Phase 14 Refinery are almost ready for in Iran’s territorial waters. The remaining ganization (TPO). the Coronavirus Combat and Prevention Mahmoud Mahmoudzadeh mentioned the approach and commissioning.” 6,000 square kilometers, called North Mentioning the country’s potentials and Headquarters, the number of exhibitions objectives of issuing the mentioned salaf bonds, which are due Implemented by POGC, South Pars gas Dome, are situated in Qatar’s territorial capacities in this industry, the official said: has dropped by up to 40 percent,” Bahman to be unveiled soon by Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME), and condensate storage facilities include eight waters. “Iran’s printing and packaging industry can Hosseinzadeh said in early June. said these bonds are aimed at helping the house applicants and house builders. Last week, the IME deputy for economic studies announced that the exchange plans to presell housing units through ‘Stock market will spend last months of this Iranian year calmly’ standard salaf bonds in near future. ECONOMY TEHRAN—The vice chairman of Tehran exchange rate situation and the appropriate sales volume, seem to be achieving good results in the international arena.” “We will soon see the issuance of standard housing salaf deskStock Exchange (TSE)’s board of directors in this period, almost the expectations of listed companies While predicting that the stock market will be calm in bonds in the capital market to help financing in the housing said that the stock market will spend last months of the cur- have been met and positive results have been provided for the last months of this year, he said: “But for the next year, sector and construction of new housing units in the country,” rent Iranian calendar year (ends on March 20, 2021) calmly. the capital market. according to the budget, we may face new events whose Javad Fallah said. Mentioning investigation of the periodical (six-month Regarding the continuation of the stock market trend analysis can have special effects on various industries; in a A standard parallel salaf is an Islamic contract similar to and nine-month) reports of the companies’ performance, in the next three months, he said: “In this regard, the main way that these effects may be associated with some industries futures, with the difference being that the contract’s total Javad Eshqi-Nejad said that given the foreign currency issue is political relations and international behavior; We for the next 2-3 years.” price is paid in advance. According to the official, IME is following two major approaches for implementing the mentioned plan, one is offering bonds related to the already existing housing units like assets owned by the government and state banks and the Parliament’s committee approves general outlines of next year’s budget bill other is preselling the units that are going to be constructed ECONOMY TEHRAN — Iranian promoting and supporting non-oil exports Like the current year’s budget, the next in the future. deskparliament’s ad hoc and knowledge-based companies are the year’s proposed budget requires the gov- Outlining the procedure, the official said the total value budget review committee on Tuesday focal points of the bill. ernment to pay 20 percent of its oil, gas, of a housing unit or a construction project will be securitized evening approved the general outlines The bill has estimated the government’s and gas condensate revenues to National and converted into marketable bonds which will be offered of the national budget bill for the next budget at 9.298 quadrillion rials (about Development Fund (NDF). through salaf contracts. Iranian calendar year 1400, which starts $221.38 billion), with an increase of 47 The submitted bill has envisaged al- The official further explained that each salaf bond would on March 21, 2021. percent from the figure of the current year. location of €100 million from the NDF be backed by one square meter of a housing unit, which means The committee will start investigating It has envisaged 3.175 quadrillion rials reserves to the implementation of projects each bond would be offered at the price of one square meter the details of the bill from Saturday. (about $75.595 billion) of incomes, while for drinking-water supply to the rural areas. of a particular housing unit at the time of offer. Mohammad-Baqer Nobakht, the head of 6.37 quadrillion rials (about $151.666 bil- It has also allocated 15 trillion rials Fallah underlined the implementation of this method as a Planning and Budget Organization (PBO), lion) of expenses. (about $357 million) to supplying gas way to develop reliable investment in the housing sector and has said that the budget bill has been pre- Revenues from exporting oil, gas and to the rural regions and completing the added: “In this way, micro-capitals will lead to the increase pared based on the realistic approaches. with a 20-percent rise from the current gas condensate are estimated at 1.199 semi-finished gas-supply projects. of construction and supply of housing units and will conse- On December 2, Vice President for year’s approved budget. quadrillion rials (about $10.83 billion), The bill has allocated 50 trillion rials quently curb the rampant rise in housing prices.” Parliamentary Affairs Hossein-Ali Ami- The bill has envisaged public resources up 323 percent from 454.9 trillion rials (about $1.19 billion) to the competition Back in July, the High Council of Securities and Exchange ri submitted the administration’s draft and expenditures, the budget of state- (about $10.83 billion), approved in the of housing projects. announced the approval of a decision for establishing a spe- of the national budget bill for the next owned companies as well as the budget current year’s budget. Tax incomes are predicted to be 2.47 cialized exchange for real estate trade in the country. year to the Majlis (Iranian parliament). for various government bodies. The bill estimates the oil presales of quadrillion rials (about $58.809 billion), It will be the fifth exchange operating in the country after The proposed budget amounted to about Supplying basic goods, treatment, and 700 trillion rials (about $16.666 billion). rising from 1.95 quadrillion rials (about the Tehran Stock Exchange, the junior equity market Iran 24.357 quadrillion rials (about $579.928 medical equipment; securing livelihood; The Oil Ministry will be authorized $46.42 billion) envisaged in the present Fara Bourse, Iran Energy Exchange, and the IME. billion at the official rate of 42,000 rials), supporting production and employment; to issue $3 billion in Islamic oil bonds. year’s budget. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y DECEMBER 31, 2020 ANALYSIS/INTERVIEW 5

West turns blind eye on human rights violation Blasts hit Yemen’s Aden airport as new fugitive when it contradicts Saudi interest: activist government arrives

1 We have documented a variety of that human rights are good as long as it Loud blasts and gunfire were heard at Aden’s airport shortly discriminatory actions such as imprisoning does not contradict with interests of the after a plane carrying the newly formed Yemeni fugitive and killing Shia scholars and activists in our West. We can pick and choose who should government arrived from Saudi Arabia on Wednesday, reports. Some examples are the execution have human rights and who should not. witnesses said. of Sheikh al Nimer or the abducting and Many human rights institutions have The cabinet members, including Prime Minister Maeen imprisoning of Sayed Hashim Al Shakhs a good intention to defend humanity and Abdulmalik, were transferred safely to the city’s presidential and Sheikh Hossein Al Nimer. create change, but unfortunately due to palace, the witnesses and Saudi media said. Regarding Bahrain, how do you political pressure and lack of power they “The number of casualties have not been confirmed yet see the conditions of the Shias there? don’t produce results. In Bahrain for ex- but sources said the explosions were powerful,” Al Jazeera’s Bahrain is sadly unique when it comes ample many humanitarian organizations Mohammed al-Attab, reporting from Sanaa, said. to violating the rights of Shia Muslims. tried to help and assist people, but they all Security sources told Reuters news agency that at least five Firstly, it is the only, if not the first, were banned from entering the country. people have been dead and dozens more injured in the attack. country to revoke the citizenship of its Shia Rights Watch, among few hu- An AFP correspondent at the scene said he heard two citizens. Bahrain’s authorities also have manitarian organizations that work in- explosions. “At least two explosions were heard as the cabinet revoked the citizenship of many activ- dependently without affiliation to any members were leaving the aircraft,” the correspondent said. ists, doctors, and lawyers who were and group or countries, have worked their best Saudi state television Ekhbaria showed destroyed vehi- are part of the growth of the Bahrain to defend people’s rights but face many cles and smashed glass. Plumes of white smoke rose from society, only for demanding more civic difficulties to operate; we still do our best the scene. participation in the country. to change people’s lives. Yemen’s fugitive government and southern separatists Bahrain authorities also reduced the In Saudi Arabia, the human rights or- formed a new power-sharing cabinet on December 18, and Shia population by giving citizenship to ganizations are allowed to visit but their arrived in the southern city of Aden on Wednesday, days many non-Bahrainis and hiring them to activities are very limited and governed after being sworn in Saudi Arabia. run the prison and police forces. by the government. The new government was formed under the auspices of Secondly, only in Bahrain Shia children In Yemen, no matter how much hu- Riyadh, which leads a military coalition against the Yemenis, and women are targeted as a means to man rights organizations are active, it’s The Saudi-led coalition has since five years ago enforced an all-out aerial, naval, and land blockade on the impov- pressure Shia activists. Something that War against Yemen is very hard to ex- includes violation of lives. not enough. The disaster needs many years erished country. not everyone knows about Bahrain is that plain. To me, the Yemen war can be divided Why do America, Canada, and of provision and medical help to bring back The war has taken a heavy toll on Yemen’s infrastructure, Bahrain has the largest prison for minors into two categories. The first one could some European countries continue humanity to the functional level. destroying hospitals, schools, and factories. The UN says over (under 18 years old) in the world. be the demolition of hundreds of years to sell arms to Saudi Arabia and the Sometimes we see countries such 24 million Yemenis are in dire need of humanitarian aid, The future generation of Bahrain is of heritage and history in the Middle East UAE despite the massacres taking as Saudi Arabia win the presidency in including 10 million suffering from extreme levels of hunger. spending their lives behind bars without (West Asia), leaving the Middle East with- place in Yemen? such organizations. Isn’t it shocking? education and away from their families. out any sign of any heritage. And second The United States and other countries We live in a time of capitalism and Many women were also abused and and more importantly the humanitarian such as Canada are based on capitalism. financial resources. We can’t argue that sexually assaulted in Bahrain’s prisons disaster that is going on in Yemen. Many The country (the U.S.) is running on arms countries such as Saudi Arabia influence Cuban migrants protest and many have lost their livelihood due human rights organizations have tried to sales. Even though they claim to be the many countries and organizations with to mistreatment in the prison assist the people in Yemen but unfortunate pioneer in human rights, it does not stop their financial support. When it comes to at Mexico border, Shia Muslims’ only crime is demanding with constant attacks in the cities they were them from selling arms to anyone, as long oil and money, no one even cares about seeking entry to U.S. their rights in the country. not able to function as they play the game of national security. what is going on in the world. The money is spent to buy politicians, human rights This is in addition to the violation of Western countries turn a blind eye to Unfortunately, national security and Dozens of Cubans protested at the U.S. border in the northern workers, and decision-making authorities. their right to higher education, equal em- situations in the Middle East (West Asia) defending the country from terrorism has Mexican city of Ciudad Juarez on Tuesday night, demanding An example of that is the United Na- ployment, and freedom of religion despite if it contradicts Saudi interest. become the trend of many illegal activities they be allowed to cross and claim asylum in the United States. tions. The United Nations was created the fact that Bahrain is a Shia majority Because of the West’s relation to Saudi in a different part of the world. U.S. authorities, including police in anti-riot gear, closed to be a gateway to solving problems in country. Arabia and the amount of money that Saudi What is your comment on the per- off the bridge that leads into El Paso, Texas, with a concrete the world and preventing atrocities. But How do you evaluate the results Arabia spends on lobbying, the West limits formance of international human barrier topped with barbed wire, Reuters reported. unfortunately, in recent years it’s be- of the war waged by the Arab coali- the opposition to Saudi actions. rights institutions when it comes A recording blared from a loudspeaker warning that any come the battlefield of showing power tion on Yemen? Why have Western In action, Western nations prioritize to Muslims? person who crossed could be arrested. and putting lipstick on the pig. countries preferred to remain silent? the interests of their allies, even if that These past couple of years I have learned Late into the evening, some 200 migrants who had walked right up to the barrier stayed put. Jonathan Castro, 25, said he has spent one year and eight months in Mexico after attempting to request asylum in The two-state solution: The opium of the Palestinian people the United States, and is prepared to protest at the bridge throughout the night. By Haidar Eid March of Return – to give but a few examples – all Like many other Cubans, he was sent back across the represent the beginning of a process of de-Osloisation border under the “Remain in Mexico” program - a key piece Last month, Saeb Erekat, chief Palestinian negotiator of the Palestinian mind. And in this process, Gaza has of U.S. President Donald Trump’s hardline policy to curb and secretary-general of the Executive Committee of played a central role. migration by making asylum seekers wait out their pro- the Palestine Liberation Organization, passed away Most events that have taken place in the strip since ceedings in Mexico. at the age of 65. His death has been seen by some the 2006 legislative elections represent an outright Palestinians as a metaphor for the end of the Oslo era rejection of the Oslo Accords and their consequences. and its twisted logic. When we bear in mind that 75-80 percent of Gaza Erekat and many Palestinian political functionaries residents are refugees, the anti-colonial and anti-Oslo Syrian air defenses of his generation have firmly stood by the so-called context of the election results becomes that much clearer. two-state solution, insisting that the Palestinians will In the following years, the calls for an alternative thwart Israeli aggression be able to strike a fair deal with the Israelis and their paradigm that divorces itself from the fiction of the American patrons to establish an independent Pales- “two-prison solution” intensified. It is a paradigm that on Damascus takes the sacrifices of the people of Gaza as a turning tinian state on parts of historic Palestine. Syria says the country’s air defenses have thwarted an Israeli point in the struggle for Palestinian liberation, one that The illusion that this is actually possible has been aggression on the capital Damascus amid an upsurge in builds on the growing global anti-apartheid movement maintained through decades of continued coloniza- Israeli attacks on the Arab country. that has been given an impetus by the 2009, 2012, 2014 tion and disastrous agreements. It is “the opium of estinians cannot enjoy that right. And it has persisted Syria’s official SANA news agency said the country’s onslaughts on Gaza and by the Great March of Return. the Palestinian people”. even as Arab states have pressed forward with nor- missile defense systems had confronted the Israeli attack The de-Osloisation of Palestine, for most Palestinian The accords with Israel signed by Egypt in 1978 at malization with Israel without any concessions along on the capital Damascus’ western countryside in the early activists, has become a precondition for the creation of Camp David, by the Palestinians in 1993 in Oslo and the formula “peace for land” and as the United States hours of Wednesday. peace with justice. That requires a redefinition of the Jordan in 1994 in Wadi Araba were supposed to be has put forward yet another “peace deal” in which it The state-run media, however, added that the Israeli as- Palestinian cause as an anti-colonial struggle against necessary steps towards Palestinian self-determination offers the Palestinians nothing more than humiliating sault, which was carried out on the southwestern town of a system of settler-colonialism and apartheid, and re- and towards “peace” in West Asia in general. subsistence. al-Zabadani in the Rif Dimashq Governorate, claimed the unification of the three components of the Palestinian But all these agreements ignored the existence of the Oslo and its derivative processes ignore the elephant life of a Syrian soldier and left three others injured. people, namely, Gaza and the West Bank residents, Palestinian people as a people and their basic rights, in the room – the apartheid regime which Israel has “Our air defense confronted some of the missiles, which refugees, and Palestinian citizens of Israel. including the right of return of Palestinian refugees effectively imposed on historic Palestine. They also caused one martyr and led to the wounding of three sol- The first steps of this process were taken in Durban and equality for Palestinian citizens of Israel. do not pay attention to the consciousness of summed diers as well as material damage,” SANA quoted a military in 2001. The WCAR declaration, in a very peculiar way, Instead of insisting on those fundamental rights that has emerged out of the Palestinian struggle. Nor source as saying. demanded from Palestinians to offer guidance to the and following the example of South Africa’s anti-apart- do they take into account the long Palestinian legacy The incident comes days after Syria’s air defense forces most effective tool of international solidarity with their heid movement, which mobilized international civil of civil and political resistance. repelled an Israeli airstrike on the western Hama province. society around the idea of one person, one vote and Over the years, many Palestinians have come to see struggle to end apartheid in historic Palestine. The the establishment of a secular democratic, non-racial, Oslo for what it is and have opted to draw alternative language used in the declaration was clear, diagnostic, non-sectarian state, the Palestinian political leadership paths to secure Palestinian rights. strong, and – most importantly – uncompromising Resistance News reduced the Palestinian people to only those living in In 2001, just a year after the Second Intifada erupt- on basic human rights: the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. ed, the NGO forum of the World Conference Against “We declare Israel as a racist, apartheid state in Haneyya: Gaza maneuver This resulted in the formation of a Palestinian Ban- Racism (WCAR) was held in Durban, South Africa. which Israel’s brand of apartheid as a crime against tustan of incongruous territories, where Palestinians It offered a very clear diagnosis of the nature of the humanity has been characterized by separation and “message of strength, unity live under the constant terror of a military occupation Zionist project and paved the way for a much more segregation, dispossession, restricted land access, de- and where the Palestinian Authority does not actually practical but also progressive path to a new intersec- nationalization, ‘bantustanization’ and inhumane acts.” and readiness” exercise full authority. tional cooperation between the oppressed Palestinians And this has, to all of us in Palestine, been the be- INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN— Head of Hamas’s political The insistence on continuing down the Oslo path and other marginalized groups. ginning of our South African moment, a step in our deskbureau Ismail Haneyya has applauded the towards an illusory two-state solution has persisted In 2005, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions long walk to freedom, equality and justice. first-ever joint military maneuver in the Gaza Strip called even after Israel passed a Nation-State law, in which (BDS) Movement was created and two years later the The views expressed in this article are the author’s “the Hard Corner,” describing it as “a message of strength, it explicitly declared the right to self-determination BDS National Committee was formed to map its for- own and do not necessarily reflect Tehran Times’ unity and readiness.” in “the Land of Israel” to be “unique to the Jewish ward trajectory. BDS, along with the establishment stance. In a statement on Tuesday, Haneyya saluted the partic- People” – i.e., according to the Israeli state, the Pal- of the One Democratic State Campaign and the Great (Source: Aljazeera) ipating resistance factions and the joint operations room for carrying the maneuver and their cooperation to improve their combat means. “This maneuver foretells the future and shape of the fac- Trump administration approves arms sales to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt tions’ work through the joint operations room,” the Hamas In its final days in office, the adminis- human rights records. equipment worth $290 million, accord- with approving, which would allow Ray- political chief said. tration of U.S. President Donald Trump The U.S. State Department author- ing to a notice to Congress released theon Technologies Corp. to directly sell “This maneuver, which is the first of its kind between the has approved arms sales to three Arab ized selling the Riyadh regime 3,000 on Tuesday. Saudi Arabia 7,500 of its Paveway air-to- resistance factions, has asserted the field rallying around the countries, including the Saudi regime Boeing-made GBU-39 Small Diameter It is separate from a license the Trump ground “smart” bombs at an estimated strategic resistance option and the factions’ readiness for and Egypt, despite criticism of their bleak Bomb I (SDB I) munitions and related administration recently moved forward value of $478 million. any developments coming from the enemy,” he underscored. Around 12 militant groups, including al-Qassam Brigades of Hamas, held on Tuesday the joint training operation dubbed “the Hard Corner.” Moscow expands blacklist of Britons banned from entering Russia A spokesman for the joint operations room that comprises 12 factions read a joint statement during a short news briefing Russia is expanding the blacklist of British nationals, “She was notified that in response to unconstructive from entering the country’s territory,” the ministry stated. before the maneuver began. who are banned from entering the country, as a tit-for- and unfriendly steps by the British authorities, linked The blacklist includes those behind “whipping up “The joint military exercises and maneuvers clearly express tat measure, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement to imposing unacceptable and unfounded restrictions anti-Russian sanctions activity.” the unity among all Palestinian factions,” said the spokesman. “It on Wednesday. against Russian citizens under the pretext of their alleged On October 15, the European Union imposed sanctions boosts the joint action and cooperation among the military wings.” Earlier in the day, British Ambassador to Moscow connection to the incident with [blogger] Alexey Navalny, against Russians in connection with the incident with Right after the news conference, rockets were fired into Deborah Bronnert was summoned to the Russian For- Russia, based on the reciprocity principle, made a decision Navalny, who, as the West alleges, had been affected by the sea. The exercises, which lasted for several hours, in- eign Ministry. on expanding the list of British nationals, who are banned a toxic agent belonging to the Novichok family. cluded marine and ground activities. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 6 HERITAGE & TOURISM DECEMBER 31, 2020

Qazvin: a city with Extra maintenance awaiting Tehran street fascinating churches, Armenian neighborhoods as prerequisite for UNESCO registration 1 Armenian neighborhoods of the west-central city mainly date from the time of Shah Abbas I, who transported crowds HERITAGE TEHRAN – Tehran’s Vali-e Asr Street, which is registered on of Christians from the town of Jolfa (now on Iran’s northern deskVali-e Asr Street, which Iran’s National Heritage list, was added border) to Iran. Shah Abbas sought their skills as merchants, is famed as the longest in West Asia, will to the UNESCO’s temporary list in 2019. entrepreneurs, and artists and he ensured that their religious undergo extra maintenance and restoration The street runs for over 17 kilometers from freedom was respected. work as a prerequisite for a possible UNESCO Tehran’s railway station in the south of the Of the most famed churches in Qazvin is Cantor (or Kantur) registration. city to the Tajrish square in the north. It is Church, which was built in 1905 for Russian engineers hired for The plan seeks to revive [parts of] Vali-e- lined with many shops, restaurants, parks, road constructions. Asr Street, which are situated between the cinemas, and cultural centers. intersection of Moez al-Sultan, and Amir “Vali-e Asr Street is the best example which Akram, and Molavi, to pave the way for its witnesses the persistent exercises of creating registration as a World Heritage, Mehr quot- the concept of Garden-Street as a destination ed an official with Tehran Miniucipality as of an urban area from the Safavid era up to saying on Tuesday. the modern time. A variety of architectural Landscaping and the beautification of styles from traditional to modern and eclectic urban spaces, flooring, and the protection of is a representation of eastern and western green spaces of the street are amongst tasks values synthesis in a specific geographical to be practiced, the report said. point, which carries a true definition of an The lighting of the City Theater Complex, architectural and spatial place,” according which is widely considered as the sole pro- to the UNESCO website. fessional center of theater in Iran, is among Vali-e Asr Street is one of the main urban the important measures of this street. elements of Tehran City in the north-south Iran is following up on a possible in- direction. The starting point of the axis is scription of the historical Vali-e Asr Street Rah-ahan (railway) Square (52 23 51 E- 35 A view of Cantor Church in Qazvin on the UNESCO World Heritage list. The 39 33 N) and its finishing point is Tajrish Qazvin was once the capital of the mighty Persian Empire, street, which was built during the 1920s, is Square (52 23 51 E- 35 4824 N. Rah-ahan under Safavids, from 1548 to 98. It is a major tourist destination the longest in West Asia and is considered Square has an altitude of 1117m above sea level with a wonderfully restored caravanserai-turned-arts precinct, one of the longest in the world. which amounts to 1615m in Tajrish Square. some quirky museums, and a handful of decent eating options. For most travelers, Qazvin is also primarily the staging point for excursions to the famous Castles of the Assassins and trekking in the sensational Alamut Valley. Winter resorts come on stream in Qazvin The city is also home to one of the biggest roofed caravanserais TOURISM TEHRAN — Two winter sports projects Back in November, provincial tourism chief Alireza Khazaeli of the country, Sa’d-al Saltaneh caravanserai. Dating back to the deskwere inaugurated in Qazvin province on announced that the previously-constructed chairlift is being Qajar era, it’s a place for discovering tens of Hojreh or shops, Tuesday by the Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts restored and will be opening its doors to the public when cafes, yards, and a stunning mosque. It’s a place for visitors who Minister Ali-Asghar Mounesan. all defects are fully fixed and a standard approval is gained. want to experience the culture, culinary, and hospitality of Iran. Mounesan, who was visiting the north-central province, Such projects are expected to develop tourism in the inaugurated a previously-constructed chairlift, which was region and attract more tourists and holidaymakers during shut due to some technical issues five years ago, and the the cold days of the year, the official added. Working group proposed to Kaman and Zereshk ski lift with three tourist resorts. In September, the official announced that some 6.3 trillion ease UNESCO registration Addressing the inauguration ceremony, Mounesan rials ($150 million at the official rate of 42,000 rials) had said that the implementation of such projects as well as been invested in the tourism sector of the province over for Bastam complex accommodation centers are very valuable and noteworthy the past seven years, which shows a 287 percent increase. in this region. With these investments, several tourism-related projects TOURISM TEHRAN – Semnan province is to form a The mentioned projects could cause social vitality in such as hotels, eco-lodge units, traditional restaurants, tourist deskworking group to facilitate possible UNESCO the province and even in the country and domestic tourists complexes, and travel agencies are being implemented in registration of the historical complex of Bastam and Kharghan. mostly from the neighboring provinces could be attracted the province, Khazaeli added. “A working group is set to be formed for the global registration to the region, he added. The capital city of Qazvin was once the seat of power of and a handful of decent eating options. For most travelers, of Bastam and Kharghan; a historical complex, which includes He also emphasized that developing tourism-related the mighty Persian Empire, under Safavids, from 1548 to 98. Qazvin is also primarily the staging point for excursions monuments attributed to Imamzadeh Mohammad (AS), Bayazid projects need to be carried out without harming the pris- It is a major tourist destination with a wonderfully restored to the famous Castles of the Assassins and trekking in the Bastami, and Abolhassan Kharghani,” provincial tourism chief tine nature of the region. caravanserai-turned-arts precinct, some quirky museums, sensational Alamut Valley. Mehdi Jamal said on Wednesday. Isfahan caravanserais may join other Iranian sisters for collective UNESCO tag HERITAGE TEHRAN — There are related documents] are being completed by building. They often had massive portals desksome significant caravan- our colleagues,” the official explained. supported by elevated load-bearing walls. serais, scattered across Isfahan province, Last year, the tourism ministry announced Guest rooms were constructed around the which could appear on the shortlist of his- that Iran is developing a dossier for a se- courtyard and stables behind them with doors torical Iranian caravanserais being prepared lection of its historical caravansaries for a in the corners of the yard. for a possible inscription on the UNESCO possible inscription on the UNESCO World Iran’s earliest caravanserais were built World Heritage list. Heritage list. during the Achaemenid era (550 -330 BC). “One of the issues on the agenda of the In this regard, cultural heritage experts Centuries later, when Shah Abbas I assumed Ministry of Cultural Heritage [Tourism and are assessing such monuments that are scat- power from 1588 – to 1629, he ordered the Handicrafts] is the global registration of Ira- tered across the country to make a shortlist construction of network caravanserais across nian caravanserais, and in Isfahan province, in terms of their architecture, historical and the country. For many travelers to Iran, we have several works that are worth regis- “Mahyar Caravanserai, Jahadabad Cara- cultural values. staying in or even visiting a centuries-old According to UNESCO, the assemblage comprises the complex tering in the UNESCO list and join this file,” vanserai, as well as the Abbasi Hotel in Isfahan, Caravansary is a compound word com- caravanserai, can be a wide experience; they of Sheikh Bayazid Bastami, the Chief Mosque, the towering dome provincial tourism chief Freydoun Allahyari which is built on a Safavid-era caravanserai, bining “caravan” with “sara”. The first stand have an opportunity to feel the past, a time of Kashaneh and a part of the old wall of the city. said on Tuesday. are among the nominees [their dossiers and for a group of travelers and sara means the travel back into a forgotten age! The complex of Sheikh Bayazid Bastami comprises the grave of Sheikh Bayazid Bastami, one of the five elevated Sufis of the world. For the same reason, from the 19th century onward, sev- eral important properties have been constructed around it. The Astarabad, enormous advantage for tourism development in Golestan oldest property of the complex dates back to the 8th and 9th TOURISM TEHRAN — The historical texture of BC), for long suffered from inroads of the Turkmen tribes centuries CE. deskGorgan, the capital of northern Golestan who occupied the plain north of the Qareh River and were province, previously known as Astarabad, is a valuable ad- subjected to incessant Qajar-Turkmen tribal conflicts in vantage and a great capacity for boosting tourism in the the 19th century according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. Iron Age Museum in Tabriz region, the governor-general of the province has announced. It was renamed Gorgan in the 1930s after being devas- Tourism development in Astarabad, as one of the main tated by a massive earthquake. In modern times the plain to be equipped, re-organized tourist attractions of the province, could lay the ground around Gorgan has become a flourishing granary. for attracting more domestic and foreign tourists, Hadi Golestan is reportedly embracing some 2,500 histori- TOURISM TEHRAN —The Iron Age Museum in Tabriz, desknorthwestern East Azarbaijan province, is Haqshenas said on Tuesday. cal and natural sites, with UNESCO-registered Gonbad-e planned to be equipped and re-organized, provincial tourism Some of the historical monuments and aging buildings of Qabus – a one-millennium-old brick tower – amongst its chief has said. the [ancient] city are being restored and some are planned most famous. Established in 2006, the museum is built over an Iron-Age to be repurposed to traditional accommodation centers to Narratives say the tower has influenced various subse- cemetery and archaeological site. The burial site was uncovered develop tourism infrastructure in the region, the official added. quent designers of tomb towers and other cylindrical com- in 1997 during the reconstruction of the nearby Blue Mosque. He also noted that the tourism sector of the province memorative structures both in the region and beyond. The As one of the most different museums in Tabriz, the Iron Age needs to be prepared for the post-coronavirus era, when UNESCO comments that the tower bears testimony to the Museum embraces 38 ancient tombs, in which the bodies are there will be more tourists. River, 37 kilometers from the Caspian Sea. The city, which cultural exchange between Central Asian nomads and the buried as embryos, Ahmad Hamzehzadeh said on Wednesday. Astarabad is situated along a small tributary of the Qareh was prosperous during the Achaemenid era (c. 550 – 330 ancient civilization of Iran. “The archeological site is a cemetery belonging to the Iron Age and the first millennium BC and excavations have uncovered Iron Age tombs containing human skeletons and pottery, as well as decorative metal and bone objects,” the official added. Splendid museums in country of culture and history Iron Age is widely considered as the final technological and (Part 2/3) to be a private residence for Qavam al-Saltaneh the Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization cultural stage in the Stone–Bronze–Iron Age sequence. The TOURISM TEHRAN – This collec- (Ahmad Qavam) in 1922. Later, it turned into since 2000. date of the full Iron Age, in which this metal, for the most part, desktion has been a museum the Egyptian embassy. In 1980, the building Reza Abbasi Museum includes three gal- replaced bronze in implements and weapons, varied geograph- since the revolution in 1979. Today, the official became a museum and was also selected as leries depicting pre-Islamic and Islamic art. ically, beginning in West Asia and southeastern Europe about residence of the President of Iran is located a national heritage. The objects range from pottery, metalwork, 1200 BC but in China not until about 600 BC, according to the adjacent to the complex. The Queen Mother’s The octagonal building is in the middle of a jewelry, paintings on canvas, paper and Encyclopedia Britannica. palace belongs to the presidential organ and 7000 square meter garden. It consists of two manuscripts of prehistoric eras to vessels, Although in West Asia iron had limited use as a scarce and pre- is used for the reception of foreign guests. storeys designed with a mixture of Iranian metalwork, fabric paintings and calligraphy of cious metal as early as 3,000 BC, there is no indication that people The imposing complex of Sa’adabad was and European styles. The authentic plaster/ Islamic time. Some painting and miniatures at that time recognized its superior qualities over those of bronze. built in Qajar time, it used to be a resort for woodwork and shining crystal chandeliers by Reza Abbasi are also part of the exhibition. Soaked in history and culture for millennia, Tabriz, which is Qajar kings especially in summers. During will amaze you about old houses. What makes the museum special and one the capital of East Azarbaijan, embraces several historical and Pahlavi’s time, they added some other build- By visiting this museum, not only you of the top museums in Iran is that all items lamic eras, in the form of two “ancient” and religious sites, including the Jameh Mosque of Tabriz and Arg of ings and all 18 palaces were the home garden enjoy the architecture, but also observe the are arranged chronologically, so visitors can “Islamic” parts, leaves us a unique memory Tabriz, and UNESCO-registered Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex of the royal family. ancient glass and clay works, and a unique realize the improvement and evolution of art. of the museum. The National Museum of to name a few. The city became the capital of the Mongol Il-Khan Nowadays, some of them have turned into collection in Iran. You’ll be standing in awe In general, the objects date back to the 2nd Iran was inaugurated in 1937. Mahmud Gazan (1295–1304) and his successor. Timur (Tamer- museums, including Mellat Palace Museum of the beauty of clay pots, date back to the 4th millennium BC to the early 20th century (that Now the National Museum of Iran has 13 lane), a Turkic conqueror, took it in 1392. Some decades later (White Palace), Fine Arts Museum, Green millennium BC. There are also European glass is to say the end of the Qajar period in Iran). different sections, including sections of pre- the Kara Koyunlu Turkmen made it their capital, it was when Palace Museum, Master MirEmad Calligraphy works of 18th and 19th centuries in six halls The National Museum of Iran historic, historic, Islamic, stamps and coins, the famous Blue Mosque was built in Tabriz. Museum, Royal Costume Museum, Master and two other halls have themes of different Iran National Museum is a ‘mother restoration, epigraph and scrolls, library and The city retained its administrative status under the Safavid Behzad Museum, Royal Albums, and Historical historical times. museum’ because it is the largest, the most documentation center, research the history of dynasty until 1548, when Shah Tahmasp I relocated his capi- Documents` Museum, Water Muse, Royal Reza Abbasi Museum important and the oldest museum of the Iranian art, research of Nations’ history and tal westward to Qazvin. During the next two centuries, Tabriz Cars Museum, Royal Weapons Museum. The museum was opened in Tehran in country. In terms of volume, variety and civilization, photography, public relations and changed hands several times between Persia and the Ottoman Glassware and Ceramic Museum 1977. It’s named to honor the skilled Iranian quality of the works is also one of the few International relations, information center Empire. During World War I, the city was temporarily occupied of Iran artist of the Safavid time, Reza Abbasi. The big museums in the world. Unique display and physical protection systems, all of which by Turkish and then Soviet troops. The museum building is in Tehran and used museum has been under the supervision of of the works from the Paleolithic to the Is- have been set up during years. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y DECEMBER 31, 2020 SOCIETY 7

Lake Urmia one step Iranian company working on oral coronavirus vaccine

1 Currently, some 16 Iranian knowledge-based companies are working on all types of vaccine platforms. One company is active in producing DNA-based vaccines, and about three others closer to revitalization are working to make mRNA-based vaccines, he stated, ISNA ENVIRONMENT TEHRAN – A dam for rials) will be allocated for the Lake Urmia reported on Wednesday. desktransferring water to revival, which will be spent on completing About two other companies are planning to make subunit Lake Urmia will be inaugurated on Thursday, semi-finished projects. vaccines, and about seven companies are trying to make a vac- aiming to flow about 600 million cubic me- Lake Urmia, located in the northwest of cine based on the attenuated virus, while only one company is ters of water into the lake annually, another Iran, was once the most extensive perma- working on producing an oral vaccine, Vatanpour also added. step to implement the lake’s restoration nent hypersaline lake in the world. Unsus- The vaccine takes at least three years to be developed, but plan which started six years ago. tainable water management in response to companies have to take shortcuts due to the special circumstances With this transfer, the lake’s water level increasing demand together with climatic of the pandemic. Everyone in the world is worried about the side will rise by approximately 15 cm, which can extremes has given rise to the lake’s de- effects of vaccines as it may cause serious side effects if it is not compensate for part of the water previously pletion during the last two decades. The properly tested and approved, that is why the companies are withdrawn from the lake, IRNA quoted lake’s restoration program was established more careful, he lamented. Issa Kalantari as saying on Wednesday. in 2013 and aims to restore the lake within On Tuesday, the first human A project on transferring water from the a 10-year program. trial of the Iranian COVID-19 Kani Sib dam to the lake has been proposed At the beginning of the Lake Urmia vaccine was performed. At this by the government and a budget of 3 tril- Restoration Program in 2013, the Lake’s stage, it is determined whether lion rials (nearly $71 million at the official level was about 1270.32 meters, 1783 the vaccine has acute and severe rate of 42,000 rials) has been earmarked square kilometers in surface area, and side effects or not, Vatanpour in this regard. 1.14 billion cubic meters in volume, which concluded. The water transfer tunnel cause Lake indicates a 50 percent increase in the Hojjat Niki-Maleki head Urmia to reach its ecological level over the lake’s surface area in comparison to the of the information center of next seven years, which is 1274.1 meters current water level. Headquarters for Executing with 15 billion cubic meters of water and Achieving sustainable rehabilitation the Order of the Imam which 4,300 square kilometers surface, he stated. requires countless efforts, such as prevent- is in charge of the vaccine pro- With the transfer of water from Zab River, year 1393 (March 2014-March 2015). more than 5 times compared to the Iranian ing the lake’s water flow from entering the duction project, also said that about 623 million cubic meters of water The current level of the lake stands at calendar year 1394 (March 2015-March agricultural land. Lake Urmia’s condition over 65,000 people have so far will enter the lake permanently annually, 1271.24 meters, which increased by more 2016) and before the Lake Urmia Resto- stabilized with a positive trend due to heavy expressed readiness to receive he highlighted. than 1.2 meters compared to the lowest ration Program started, he highlighted. rainfall, but there is a fear that this trend will the domestically-made COVID-19 vaccine across the country. Lake’s surface area doubled in 6 recorded amount, according to Farhad Last year (March 2019- March 2020), be reversed by drought in the coming years. According to Niki-Maleki, the production line of the Iranian years Sarkhosh, head of the Lake Urmia Resto- over 1.4 billion cubic meters of water re- The above normal levels of rain came to coronavirus vaccine with a capacity of 1.5 million doses per month Lake Urmia’s surface area has reached ration Program’s office in West Azarbaijan leased into the lake. help conservation measures to preserve Lake will be launched within the next 40 days. 2,785 square kilometers, indicating a more province. In August, Sarkhosh stated that a new Urmia, however, it still needs 9.5 billion By the next six months, vaccine production will reach up to than 100 percent rise compared to the lowest The volume of water also raised by 3.26 budget amounting to 6.4 trillion rials (nearly cubic meters of water to reach its ecological 12 million doses per month, he said. volume recorded in the Iranian calendar billion cubic meters, which has increased $152 million at the official rate of 42,000 level of 1274.10 meters. In Iran, vaccine platform in several Iranian companies, in- cluding in the pharmaceutical department of the Headquarters for Executing the Order of the Imam, the Ministry of Health, and the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology. Tehran hosts online meeting on Basel, Stockholm environmental conventions After vaccination, the candidates must remain in quarantine for a week to a month to show the side effects of the vaccine. In SOCIETY TEHRAN – The Steering Committee Needs Assessment (TNA) document. the meantime, the test results are checked several times for blood deskMeeting for the Basel and Stockholm Basel Convention and cellular immunity. Conventions was held in Tehran on December 22, The Basel Convention on the Control of Transbounda- After the results of the study are determined, the second stage IRNA reported. ry Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, begins with the injection in 500 people, and after 28 days, the The steering committee is made up of represent- usually known as the Basel Convention, is an interna- third phase begins with mass production. atives from ministries and agencies in the field of tional treaty that was designed to reduce the movements environment and technology. of hazardous waste between nations, and specifically to According to the framework agreement, the regional prevent the transfer of hazardous waste from developed center of Basel and Stockholm Conventions established as to less developed countries (LDCs). It does not, however, Tropical deforestation an independent center in the field of training, information address the movement of radioactive waste. exchange, and technology transfer in the management of The convention is also intended to minimize the amount linked to cognitive decline of hazardous waste and other wastes in the country. and toxicity of wastes generated, to ensure their envi- The meeting was attended by the officials of the De- ronmentally sound management as closely as possible workers, study says partment of the Environment, the Basel and Stockholm to the source of generation, and to assist LDCs in the or restrict the production and use of persistent organic Regional Convention Center, and other representatives environmentally sound management of the hazardous pollutants (POPs). Tropical deforestation could be linked to the short-term cognitive via video conference. and other wastes they generate. Key elements of the Convention include the require- decline of labourers, a new study suggests. In this meeting, the measures taken for the prop- The convention was opened for signature on 22 ment that developed countries provide new and additional It finds that people working in deforested landscapes scored er management of industrial and hazardous waste, March 1989 and entered into force on 5 May 1992. As financial resources and measures to eliminate production lower on cognitive tests than those working under the cover of trees. the formation of a regional technical working group, of October 2018, 186 states and the European Union and use of intentionally produced POPs, eliminate unin- The main reason for this being tree cover provides protec- holding regular online meetings with member coun- are parties to the convention. tentionally produced POPs where feasible, and manage tion from heat, which can induce a range of health problems for tries, and examining the possibility of future regional Stockholm Convention and dispose of POPs wastes in an environmentally sound outside workers, the research says. cooperation were discussed. Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollut- manner. Precaution is exercised throughout the Stockholm The study, published in the journal Environmental Research Letters, The first collaboration with the Steering Committee was ants is an international environmental treaty, signed in Convention, with specific references in the preamble, the was conducted in Indonesia, the world’s second largest deforester the development of the National Environmental Technology 2001 and effective from May 2004, that aims to eliminate objective, and the provision on identifying new POPs. after Brazil. Much of the loss of Indonesia’s biodiverse rainforest has been driven by a global thirst for palm oil, the Independent reported. It is one of the first to assess the impact of heat exposure from deforestation on rural workers in a developing world country, says study lead author Dr Yuta Masuda, a senior sustainable de- Happy New Year but maintain social distancing velopment and behavioural scientist at the Nature Conservancy, 1 Due to the special circumstanc- New Year due to the observance of the ple’s health, he emphasized. try were decorated with the beginning of a US environmental charity. es made by the pandemic, Armenian health protocol and the implementation The celebrations of the birth of Jesus the New Year and Christmas celebrations, “Forests can provide cooling services to rural populations Christians do not hold New Year cel- of the guidelines defined by the National Christ (PBUH) and the New Year start but this year, the pandemic made people in tropical countries, and these populations often work outside ebrations to avoid any gathering and Headquarters for Coronavirus Control. from December 25 until January 7. lose the opportunity to celebrate the big and have little to no access to infrastructure needed to protect the possibility of transmitting the virus, “We have always been free to hold our The Assyrians celebrate December occasions as always in gatherings. themselves against excess heat exposure. They are at the forefront he highlighted. religious ceremonies in all years, and 24 as the birth anniversary of Jesus So, Armenian Christians, along with of environmental change and climate change.” Charlie Anouyeh, the representative while benefiting from the support of the (PBUH), while the Armenians celebrate other Iranian compatriots, emphasized Worldwide, tropical deforestation accounts for around 8 per of Assyrian and Chaldean Christians in officials of the country,” he highlighted. it on January 5. that this year no decorations or cere- cent of all human-caused CO2 emissions. Majlis, stated that Assyrian and Chaldean This year, New Year celebrations are Every year, the streets and shops in monies will be held on the occasion of In countries like Indonesia, deforestation presents a twofold Christians of Iran do not celebrate the not held like the previous years for peo- special parts of the cities across the coun- the New Year 2021 to curb the disease. problem for rural workers, says Dr Masuda. This is because de- forestation is contributing to global temperature rise while also leading to removal of the vital cooling service provided by trees. “In another paper we found that larger deforested areas were ENGLISH IN USE associated with extreme warming in the tropics, suggesting that warming is likely to be more extreme in areas that experience deforestation,” he says. LEARN NEWS TRANSLATION LET’S LEARN PERSIAN (Part 96) (Source: saadifoundation.ir) کیتهای ایرانی تشخیص کووید 19 ماه آینده All-Iranian COVID-19 diagnostic روانه بازار میشوند kits to be released within month Iran will commercialize domestically-made COVID-19 diagnostic دبیــر ســتاد توســعه زیســتفناوری معاونــت علمــی و فنــاوری ریاســت جمهــوری kits by the Iranian calendar month of Farvardin (March 21-April گفــت: کیتهــای تشــخیصی کوویــد 19، فروردیــن مــاه وارد بــازار می شــوند. secretary of biotechnology development of Vice Presidency ,(22 مصطفــی قانعــی، دبیــر ســتاد توســعه زیســتفناوری معاونــت علمــی و فنــاوری ریاســت .for Science and Technology announced جمهــوری، اظهــار داشــت: بــه دنبــال فراخــوان ایــن ســتاد بــرای ســاخت کیتهــای Following a call by the headquarters for the production of COVID-19 آزمایشــگاهی تشــخیص کوویــد 19، بــا پنــج شــرکت دانشبنیــان بــرای ســاخت ایــن diagnostic kits, a contract was signed with five knowledge-based کیتهــا قــرارداد منعقــد شــده اســت. companies and manufacturing process began, ISNA quoted Mostafa تشــخیص، مهمترین راه ورود به درمان بیماری کرونا اســت. .Qane’ei as saying on Monday Diagnosis is the most important part of coronavirus treatment, در حــال حاضــر بیمــاران مبتــا بــه کرونــا بــه وســیله کیتهــای تشــخیصی کــه در .he highlighted قالــب مســاعدت و خریــد از طریــق ســازمان بهداشــت جهانــی، کشــور چیــن و یونیســف Patients suspected to coronavirus are currently being identified وارد ایــران شــدهاند شناســایی میشــوند؛ امــا ســتاد توســعه زیســتفناوری معاونــت by diagnostic kits that have entered Iran in the form of assistance علمــی و فنــاوری ریاســت جمهــوری بــا انتشــار فراخوانــی از دانشبنیانهــای توانمنــد and purchases by the World Health Organization, China and دعــوت کــرد تــا بــه حــوزه ســاخت ایــن کیتهــا ورود کننــد. .UNICEF, he said به گــزارش از مرکــز ارتباطــات و اطــاع رســانی معاونــت علمــی و فنــاوری ریاســت جمهــوری، So, the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology decided to manufacture the kits domestically, he noted. وی افــزود: کیتهــای وارد شــده تــا دو مــاه آینــده کافــی هســتند امــا بعــد از ایــن مــدت Existing imported kits are sufficient for the next two months بــا کمبــود کیتهــای تشــخیص کرونــا مواجــه خواهیــم شــد. بــه همیــن دلیــل بــا کمــک ,but after this period we will be faced with shortages of kits توانمندیهــای داخلــی ایــن نیــاز را مرتفــع می کنیــم. .however, the domestic ones will enter the market, he concluded Prayer Times Noon:12:07 Evening: 17:21 Dawn: 5:44 (tomorrow) Sunrise: 7:14 (tomorrow) DECEMBER 31, 2020 ART&CULTURE I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y www.tehrantimes.com Managing Director: Mohammad Shojaeian Editor-in-Chief: Ali A.Jenabzadeh “The Sniper” lays in ambush for Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 [email protected] Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051430 Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 Crystal Simorgh of Fajr Film Festival Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 ARTTEHRAN — The real- which was first titled “Hunting of the Hunter”. Printed at: Jame Jam Bartar Borna - 44197737 desklife drama “The Sniper”, Born in 1941 in a village near the town which portrays Abdorrasul Zarrin who was of Qalegol, Kohkiluyeh-Boyerahmad one of the most lethal snipers in the Iranian Province, Abdorrasul Zarrin lost his parents Tehrantimes79 Tehrantimes79 Tehrantimes79 forces during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war, in childhood and his uncle retained custody will be contending for a Crystal Simorgh of him. No. 18, Bimeh Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran P.o. Box: 14155-4843 during the 39th Fajr Film Festival. He left his uncle’s home to find a job in the Zip Code: 1599814713 “Despite the pandemic restrictions, the central Iranian city of Isfahan when he was shooting of the project has been completed,” a young adult. His paternal relatives helped producer Ebrahim Asgahri said in a press him find a job, and with all his savings, he release on Wednesday. opened a clothing store. Actors from Egypt, Nigeria, Ivory Coast Abdorrasul soon married and had seven and Senegal also star as Iraqi snipers in the children by the beginning of the war, when film directed by Ali Ghaffari, the director he joined the IRGC on the warfront. of the acclaimed 2012 historical thriller With his pinpoint accuracy, Abdorrasul “Reclamation”. saved countless lives of Iranian forces on “The film portrays a national hero, and I the battlefield, and was turned into a legend GUIDE TO hope it is warmly received by filmgoers and among his fellow Iranian comrades. helps the war film genre to be recognized He was martyred during Operation SPIRITUAL AWAKENING in Iran again,” Asghari noted. Kheibar in 1984 and the Iraqi radio announced Kambiz Dirbaz stars as Zarrin in the film, Kambiz Dirbaz acts in a scene from “The Sniper” directed by Ali Ghaffari. their forces had killed “Khomeini’s Hunter”. Whoever delights his/her parents, has delight- ed Allah and the one who displeases them has displeased Allah. Raymon Media develops mobile game “Shadow of Revenge” on Commander Soleimani Prophet Muhammad (S) Baghdad on January 3. troops step in to break the siege,” MATNA director Mehdi The game is available for cellphones with the Android Jafari Jozani has said. operating system. Amerli, an Iraqi town of Shia Turkmen located in the Five advanced drones on different missions will attack Tooz District of Saladin Governorate, was besieged by the Iran launches website on the bases of the enemy and the terrorist forces outside the ISIS terrorists from June 2014, cutting off access to food, country such as the buildings, the vehicles and infantry forces. electricity and water. Commander Qassem Soleimani They will be targeted by Iranian drones under the On August 31, the Quds Force, the overseas arm of the instructions of Commander Soleimani. IRGC under the command of Soleimani, joined the Kurdish 1 The role of Soleimani as the commander of the Quds The game has been produced in English in 36 stages, Peshmerga fighters and the Popular Mobilization Units – Force in the defeat of the ISIS terrorists in the region is also with a variety of weapons such as bombs and missiles. The Hashd al-Shaabi, breaking the siege, which was described discussed in the book. designers have tried to produce a smooth play with a variety by some top analysts as Iraq’s biggest victory against ISIS. Another highlight of the book is a chapter that scrutinizes of targets to aim and shoot at. After his martyrdom, Soleimani has become the subject the legal aspect of the assassination of Commander Soleimani Meanwhile, a computer game depicting the commanding of several films as well as a number of theatrical and during a U.S. air raid in Baghdad on January 3. leadership of Soleimani in the battle for breaking the 89- festival programs. Based on the information collected for this chapter, the writer day siege of the northern Iraqi town of Amerli by the ISIS Earlier last week, MATNA announced that it had An image of the mobile game “Shadow of Revenge”. argues that the U.S. operation to assassinate Soleimani is in terrorists has been produced in Iran. created an action-adventure game named “Ambassador violation of the Charter of the United Nations and many other ARTTEHRAN — “Shadow of Revenge”, a “General in the Shadows” produced at the Islamic of Love”, whose producer called it the largest Iranian- world conventions on peace. deskmobile game designed on the air and Revolution Center for Digital Products and Publications Islamic computer game project. The Sebte Akbar Publications also published a book recounting drone battles with the commanding leadership of Qassem – MATNA will be unveiled during a special ceremony “Ambassador of Love” is a third-person action-adventure Soleimani’s memories of the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war after the Soleimani, has been produced in Iran. in the near future. game that starts with the journey of Muslim ibn Aqil al- end of the holy month of Ramadan this year. The game has been produced at the Raymon Media “Concurrent with the martyrdom anniversary of Hajji Hashimi (AS), the messenger of Imam Hussein (AS), to The book named “Our Blessed Comrade” has been compiled Company, an Iranian center for innovation and advancement Qassem Soleimani, we will announce the release of ‘General Kufa a few days before the Ashura uprising that led to the by Asadollah Mohammadinia and Mohammad Mohammadinia. of computer games, and will be released on January 4. in the Shadows’, which is an amazing first-person action martyrdom of the Imam and his companions in 680. This game helps revive the name and memoirs of Martyr game showing the events that occurred during the siege of Jafari Jozani has compared the game with world-renowned Soleimani who was assassinated during a U.S. airstrike in Amerli, and finally Hajji Qassem Soleimani and his heliborne games such as “Gears 5” and “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order”. Kyrgyzstan Ala Archa exhibit honors Iranian photographers ARTTEHRAN — Several “Village IV” also won the FPC Trophy A selection of the accepted images is on deskIranian photographers in the Travel section, which also awarded view during the exhibition, which opened were honored with awards at the 2nd Ala “Sunset” and “Mysterious Castle” with on Wednesday at the Asian Photographers Archa International Exhibition of Photography honorable mentions. Association in Bishkek. in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, the organizers The PC Trophy in the Open Color category Several Iranian photographers were among announced on Wednesday. went to Shahin Khalaji for “Eyes Like the Sea”. the winners at the 1st Ala Archa International The competition was organized by In the Landscape category Maziar Amini Exhibition of Photography in Bishkek. the Federation Internationale de l’Art Alashti’s “Reflection” Hossein Mohammad- Saeid Qasemi received the FIAP Gold An image of the international website on Commander Photographique (FIAP) and the Photographic Hosseinzadeh’s “Foggy Mountain” and Seyyed Medal (Best of Show) for his single photo Qassem Soleimani. Society of America (PSA) in the six categories Mohammad-Javad Sadri’s “Galactic Night” “Traditional Dyeing” in the Open Color of Open Monochrome, Open Color, People, received honorable mentions. Section, while his other single photo “Offspring Earlier in 2016, scholar Ali-Akbar Mozdabadi published Landscape, Nature and Travel. “Chicken” by Mehdi Kazemi Bumeh won Iran had no winner in the Nature category. of Imam” received an honorable mention in “Hajji Qassem”, which contains Soleimani’s memories of the “Chicken” by Mehdi Kazemi Bumeh won the FIAP Gold Medal in the People section Jingru Luo from the U.S. won the FIAP Gold Medal the Landscape Section. Iran-Iraq war and some other topics and articles published about the FIAP Gold Medal in the People section, of the 2nd Ala Archa International Ex- for “WQEWG”, while Peter Zala from Hungary The FIAP Gold Medal in the People Section the commander by several international studies centers. which also awarded the FPC Trophy to hibition of Photography in Kyrgyzstan. received the PSA Gold Medal for “Evening Bite”. was awarded to Nahid Toqi-Eshqi for her photo “The Soldiers of the Commander” authored by Morteza Jamaleddin Teimuri for his “Mr. Good Day”. the FPC Trophy. “Sunset” by Erfan Aqababai Yuksel Acikgoz, Yulia Artemyeva and “Look”. Ehsan Jazini’s “Anonymous Martyr” Keramati was also published the same year. In this book, the In the Open Monochrome category, and “Mysterious Castle” by Amin Maddahian Geza Lennert were the jury members of and Babak Mehrafshar’s “Village Girls” received writer gives an account of Soleimani’s leadership as the Quds “Village IV” by Reza Mohammadi received won honorable mentions. the exhibition. the FIAP Ribbon in this category. Force commander. In addition, it also carries the memories of his soldiers in the fight against the ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq. A Turkish translation of the book by Aykut Pazarbasi was published by Feta Publishing in Istanbul under the title “Haci Kasim Iranian board game promoting national heroes produced Suleymani ve Harem Savunuculari” (“Hajji Qassem Soleimani and Sacred Shrine Defenders”) in March 2020. ARTTEHRAN — An Iranian board game produced by Iranian game publishers over the past few years. deskthat is promoting 57 Iranian national The Islamic Revolution Center for Digital Products and heroes has been produced. Publications – MATNA plans to release “General in the “Delavar” (“Brave”) designed and developed at A’ala Shadows” next week. Iranian musical instruments Publications in Tehran can be played by two to ten people The computer game depicts the commanding leadership in 15 methods. of Soleimani in the battle for breaking the 89-day siege of the on display in Beijing During the game, gamers learn topics about those northern Iraqi town of Amerli by the ISIS terrorists in 2014. personalities who were martyred during the 1979 Islamic MATNA has also created an action-adventure game named ARTTEHRAN — An exhibition of Iranian musical desk Revolution, the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war and the war “Ambassador of Love”, whose producer called it the largest instruments is underway at the Embassy of against the ISIS terrorists. Iranian-Islamic computer game project. Iran in the Chinese capital of Beijing. The augmented reality (AR) technology makes it possible The third-person action-adventure game, which is Examples of 47 different kinds of instruments, including that the game can also be played via smartphones. The scheduled to be released in the near future, starts with the , dotar, tombak, santur, naqareh, , , qeichak users can enjoy the game by installing the game app on journey of Muslim ibn Aqil al-Hashimi (AS), the messenger and robab, all of which have been crafted by master instrument their smartphones. of Imam Hussein (AS), to Kufa a few days before the Ashura makers from Iran’s southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan Province, AR allows us to see the real-life environment right in front uprising that led to the martyrdom of the Imam and his are on view at the exhibition. of our eyes; trees swaying in the park, dogs chasing balls, kids companions in 680. playing soccer, with a digital augmentation overlaid on it. The game also has an Iranian character named Mehran A box of the board game “Delavar”. “Delavar” is available with a cover bearing a picture of who embarks on a journey from the Iranian city of Rey to Commander Qassem Soleimani, IRGC Quds force chief who Native historical personalities and events, and visit Muslim ibn Aqil (AS) in Kufa. The story of the game was assassinated in a U.S. air raid in Baghdad on January 3. contemporary national heroes have been featured in games is narrated by Mehran. “Our Happy Comrade” on Commander Soleimani’s valor published in Turkish CULTURE TEHRAN — Iran’s The book contains different chapters Posters by a group of artists are also A collection of Iranian musical instruments on view in an deskCultural Office in Turkey including the memories of the martyr and scheduled to be showcased in an exhibition exhibition at the Embassy of Iran in Beijing, China. has published a Turkish translation of his friends, his main characteristics, as well titled “Only for God” at the Aburmaneh Center. This is the first exhibit of its kind in China. “Our Happy Comrade” (“Bizim Bahtiyar as his testament. The events have been organized by Syria’s An Iranian man visiting the exhibit on the opening day told the Dostumuz”), a book on Commander Qassem Early in December, Iran’s Cultural Office Ministry of Culture in collaborations with China National Radio that Chinese musicians can play Iranian musical Soleimani’s valor. in Karachi published an Urdu translation Iran’s Cultural Center in Syria and the Art instruments because of their similarities to some Chinese instruments. The book has been translated into Turkish of “Our Happy Comrade”. Bureau of the Islamic Ideology Dissemination He added that they could even think of joint concerts for the future. in collaboration with the Istanbul-based Two cultural centers in the Syrian capital Organization. A copy of the Turkish translation of “Our “I had not seen 47 different musical instruments all together publishing house, Israk. of Damascus will be hosting two exhibitions The Art Bureau in Tehran has launched Happy Comrade”. in one place. This indicates the rich culture of Iran which can Compiled by Abdolmajid Karami, the of posters and photos of Qassem Soleimani a campaign named “My Hero” to remember Shafiei and Omid Mahdinejad. reinforce relations between the two countries,” he said. Persian version of the book has been published on January 6 to commemorate the first Commander Qassem Soleimani. The main goal of the campaign is to promote “For example, suona, the Chinese double-reed woodwind by the Astan-e Qods Razavi Museum and martyrdom anniversary of the Iranian The campaign takes its name from an the album “My Hero”, and also help the singing instrument is something like sorna, a wind instrument resembling Library in Mashhad. commander. album the bureau released last week featuring style of ballads find its way among the citizens, bugle, or yangqin, [Chinese stringed instrument of the dulcimer] Soleimani, the commander of the Quds The Kafarsouseh Center will be hosting a nine ballads composed by Alireza Qazveh, and thereby discover talented youths. looks like Iranian santur,” he stated. Force, the overseas arm of IRGC, was photo exhibition entitled “Narrative of Love”, Reza Yazdani, Ali-Mohammad Moaddab, After his martyrdom, Soleimani has The pleasant melodies of these instruments can bring good assassinated during a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad which will display photos of Soleimani’s Mohammad-Hossein Nemati, Faezeh become the subject of several films, theatrical wishes to the people on the verge of the coming New Year. on January 3. funeral procession. Zarafshan, Milad Habibi, Mohammadreza productions and festival programs.