
Volleyball: CD Review: LACAYO MUNDO: Travels to take on Green Day still rockin' My nomination WolfPack and Bulldogs 10 years later for SJSUpresident Page 6 Page 3 Page 2

SERVING SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1934 SPARTAN DAILY k'II \ .(.( )'\ VOLUME 123, NUMBER 22 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2004 Lecture SPLISH, SPLASH Sex crimes outlines common at if1 1 i II. 'd , i Castro's VI I, ' I il' r . - 1'114'i , I IQ' f r universities , 11" ' Cuba .#A. Five rapes reported to By Emmanuel Lopez Darly Stall campus police in 2003-04 For those who say Cuba has sut - feted onder Fidel Castro's rule, they fi- were charged with a crime, and all nal!, !, ,- Odd hard data to back By Anna Molin of them continued to attend SJSU. ti Daily Staff Writer Nniega said. lid faults' came in to "There was nothing we could do re. I ,te tiled "Socialist Cuba: One in four college women expe- within the constraints of the law." he I ' I toaster'" ..ii Tuesday in rience a completed or attempted rape said. Dr Martin Luther before they graduate, according to Noriega said campus police collab- K .1 leading researchers and victim surveys orate with the Young Women's Chris- I ' in the fluid examining college students' unwanted tian Association Rape Crisis Center, I .e. ture Series sexual encounters. which is a 24-hour advocacy organiza- department at Out of those women, nearly 115 tion available to victims of sexual as- I percent knew the perpetrator, but sault, to provide an advocate for a vic- JettI,-. - .,.:, an assistant c. less than 5 percent reported the sexu- tim of a reported rape. Ii' I' I, diarge ..1 al assault to law enforcement officials. The same advocate typically stays ii , " he lectures are Those statistics seem, by all accounts. with the victim throughout the en- applicable to San Jose State Univer- tire ordeal. Nonega 1,11t1 In addition,

itt Itin,4 sity as well. campus police arrange tor the victim .Vt. bring .., , inide lectures in Sgt. Robert Noriega said the Uni- to receive counseling through the stu- order to inttodo. e students to intel- versity Police Department received dent counseling services on campus. le. mall% stimulating material," Hum- two reported rapes last semester, in Noriega said. mel said addition to three reported incidents R. 41.11t0 yak., AII eCi /Mann, last fall, all of which were acquain- The legal processing professor at SIsU, spoke about how tance rapes. of rape cases the g. wet Tinier IT Fidel Castro "That by no means is an exact or has taken., flourishing Cuban eco-no finite number of how many sexual as- Ann Lucas. an assistant professor my. and has sunkrti it. saults happened. because a lot of times of justice studies, said the annual vic- "Pe..ple litre the pre, . niceived they are not reported to us," Noriega tim surveys. in whi.h a sample of the myth that Cuba Was a bac kward Third said. population responds to screen ques- Vorld cc, in' (;...tizalez said. The five sexual assault CAWS report- tions that aim to uncover whether a The opp,,ite is true. ( Ionlaler said. ed to campus police an the 2003-04 respondent has experienced an act of referring to data that had Cllba As one academic year involved female victims sexual victimization, show significant- of the top five powers an and male perpetrators. Nine of the in- ly higher incidents of rape than the of- Latin Ameris dividuals involved were students at ficial crime statistics, which are calcu- Dirougls lilt the le. ture, ,....zalez SJSU. Noriega said. lated based on reported crinie showrd diatts and graphs of his te- The one exception. which occurred "It means A lot of people aren't re- ve.11,Ii. Whit II shoWed e01,1i4,1111C last semester. involved a female Stan- porting (rape), and one reason is be- ph Kith lion in Cuba has dropped off ford student who reported being raped cause mans people feel IHOW am I go while other areas have improved. by an SJSIJ student. Noriega said. mg to move it,'" LUCAS said. one Installee, ;r0f17.11e2 said that Three of the rapes occurred at the She said the legal processing of Man% Cilharis Who have college de- Spartan Village. a student housing rape cases largely depends on whether gree. , afford to complex located next to Spartan Sta- there is enough evidence to prosecute make .t decent liv- loll.. Weeks Daily Stilt ing and most torn to job, in the tour- dium on South Campus. and, later on, vi convince a jury. 5th i ilidlistr% earn Motley. Eddie Ramirez from Helix Electric Inc. cleans the walkway in front of Spartan Complex with water from In addition, one rape took place At A "In a large number ot sexual assault Ioli/alr/ also explained how U.S. a nearby fire hydrant Tuesday afternoon. fraternity. house, and the other, which cases, It is his words against hers," Lu- trarel Tenn, ti on, to Cuba have hurt ins-. used the Stanford student, hap- cas said. "So if there is evidence on the the .otintiv 's tourism industry. pened at a Campbell residence. victim, like bruising, bleeding or bro- f ti01,,wed fjotizalez also attributed Cuba's None of the SI'S( victims ken bones, that ,:an help." esotioniii w' es to the government's SJSU water quality unclear through with the rape charges. Norie- However. the majority of complet- Inability to coordinate production and ga said. ed or attempted rape victims do not ...lid a sophomore majoring in so- Roble, interned fin the San Jose the gover lllll ent's steadfast retinal to "The victims decided that they sustain ins visible injuries. according cial work. %Vatet C.,nipany nvo sunimers ago. or .. be if s orrnate capitalist principles into By Kevin Yuen weren't going to continue to A joint 2(X)1 study. by. the U.S. De- "les really dirty." said another "It". Clean to the level of public its economy Daily Stall Writer cooperative," he said, adding that the partment of Justice National Insti- student. health standards," he said. "but it Stanford student's reisnt WAS turned Cuba draws A lot Of Its economic tute of Justice and the Bureau of Jus- "les not (clean)." said junior Neil you have seen where it comes norm strength from tourism, as well AS re. The cleanliness of water on CAM - over to the Campbell Police Depart- tice Statistics. Robles. I would not recommend (drink- Inittall es from Cuban exiles living pus has more people talking than ment because the assault took place Only one in five sexual assault in- "It is absolutely safe to drink." ing) it." a brad,o ( said. the latest Spartan fisnball debacle. under its jurisdiction. cidents resulted in physical damage, said Chandra ( ;ow.1.1, the canusis's `Die water supplied on campus. Noriega said he believes the Camp- iii the 19641,, there Was A IIUSh to- it tastes like saliva," one senior such as bruising, swelling and cuts, the hazardous materials spe. i.ilnt 'Its h..WeVer. .1, es not softie from the Ward industrialization and es "florin. television, radio, film and theatre bell police dismissed the alSe for lack study reported. major said. not bottled water, hut that watres of evidence. "I braid it Will C.111.41 t Ant CC from a totally different source." ,ee WATER. page None of the other perpetrators iee RAPE. page 4 .iee LECTURE. page 5 Alumni return to recruit Assembly hopeful Coto accounting students speaks on campus tance of alumni connections to stu- World in,) Vet the 111Vestnient that By Ruth C. Wamityu dents, said Margaret Wilkes, a job By Sara Spivey we make iii public kinder- Daily Staff Writer fair coordinator with the SJSU Ca- 1)arli. Slat/ II'? lie, garten through four sears ot .,illegel, reer Center. puts us at atiIllnd 4stth in the nation. Rachel Harrington went for "Today I want to meet the iirms, Joe Coto, California State Asseni - Coto said. an internship one summer at one interview and hopetiilly get A job," lily candidate tor District 21 in the Coto said he is supportive .0 Cali- of the biggest certified public ac- said Ivy Nguyen. a graduate ac- Nov. 2 election, met with 20 tacultv finnia State t!tuversits students, and is counting firms in the country, counting major. and It) student, in .rties.laa t., ctik against raising tees landed A job there and Wilkes said most of the 19 firms Akita the future of education in Cali -We cant .ontinue to nibble returned Tuesday to help recruit present at the fair had long-teini around the edges .0 the CSI.! bud- more students from San Jose State relationships with SJSU, but there Coto spoke about his candiclacY. get," he said. "We need to be A little University. were some new ones. his plans for the Assembly and the bit bolder." "I got an internship with Price "Most of the new firms hire one importance of edit, anon an CAltimnia. He proposes to look for ways the Waterhouse Coopers in the sum- of our graduates, get inipressed and hi lie said is the Inalll teas he is state can cut back or excess spend R. ilunt Sparling / Daily Staff mer between my junior and senior conic here to recruit." she said. running for the state Assemblv. ing and generate new revenue sources State Assembly candidate Joe Coto speaks with students and faculty year at SJSU," she said. She also said most of the alum- "It just doesn't seem to make a to pin int., education, such AS raising The certified public accounting whole lot of sense to me. AS a life sales tax, having the rich pay a higher on Tuesday in the Almaden room in the Student Union. Coto, a career fair emphasized the impor- jOB FAIR. nage 5 long ediis amt. that California is the Democrat, is running in District 23, the area that includes San Jose sixth largest economic rover in the ,e'e C011). page 4 State University.

L i. PAGE 2 SPARTAN DAILY WENESDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 2004 LACAYO MUNDO OPINION Why 'Dubya' would be right for SJSU's top spot Strategery. That's what we need here at San Jose State Uni- Many of the recent national polls suggest many Americans aviation department at all then it would be best to just tell relationship with the Creek system. If there was ever an emer- versity. some of that thu strategery. think Bush has better leadership qualities than his opponent our aviation students to take their business elsewhere. gency on campus, we'd know where to find him at one of With everything that's been going on around here, SJSU John Kerry. That might sound harsh, but being straight up about it is the fraternity houses. has no clear direction and is in a state of limbo. We need a plan While many may not agree the with the positions Bush has better than keeping these students in the dark. Having the Bush twins on campus wouldn't be a bad thing, and a strong leader. taken on certain issues, at least we know where My guess would be that it Bush was running either. SJSU will eventually go forward with its third presidential he stands and that he's not afraid to take ac- SJSU, he would fully back the aviation program Of course, there would be some negatives to having Bush search in recent memory, and there is one man who should be tion. since he already owns a flight suit. be in charge. seriously considered. This is a man who will stand for what he There area lot of tough decisions to he made Like the aviation program, there are oth- It wouldn't be pretty if he ever decided to try and drill for believes in and protect us from evildoers. here at SJSU that are not being folly addressed. er programs, such as football, that need to he oil at our 'Moss Landing research facility. No, I'm not talking about Captain America. The right man We need someone willing to make some unpop- backed 100 percent or just dropped entirely. Also, the hippie protestors from Berkeley surrounding for the job is none other than President George W. Bush. ular decisions and some enemies. None of thew lame "we like football, but we campus calling him a fascist would make it difficult for me to Now, before I start getting letters calling me an idiot or Earlier this month. I covered a meeting of don't like it" excuses would fly under a Bush re- jaywalk to Togo's. other nasty names like "Republican," just hear me out. the San Jose International Airport commis- gime at SJSU. In all seriousness, this scenario is entirely impossible since President Bush might have worn out his welcome at the sioners about the fate of the SJSU aviation We need a leader who wouldn't be afraid of it would probably cost more than a Dr. Paul Yu Lexus to bring White House, and if he's unemployed after November, we got department. At the meeting, it was clear the petitions and to do everything possible to have "Dubya" here. But SJSU does need a strong leader who will a job opening over here for him. SJSU probably needs him SJSU administration and the Aviation students A successful football program or not be afraid to come in and shake things up. more than America does, anyway. were not on the Same page. ERIK LACAYO cut a failing program. SJSU is at the point where it can't sit still anymore. It needs I know Bush isn't known for being the most intellectual The tone from the head or the aviation de- Another upside with having Bush in charge to go in some direction, any direction. person in the world, but we just need him to run the univer- partment was that the SJSU administration of this campus is that it would automatically in- sity, not teach a class on philosophy or war and peace. wanted to move the department on campus, while the students crease Spartan spirit. I'm the opinion editor, and I approved this message. And you never know, maybe he'd be willing to retake Eng- would rather stay at the San Jose airport. When he says, "You're either with us or against us," you'd lish IA and I B. Ideally, the administration should always have the students' better be sure to show up to school events or risk being called This place has tons of academics anyway, so we need a backs, since we are paying customers. Yet, if it is not economi- an "evildoer" or part of the "Axis of Evil.' Erik Lacayo it the Spartan Daily opinion editor. cowboy to come here, kick some ass and take names later. cally feasible to have classes at the airport or to even have an His frat boy reputation can only improve the school's "Licayo Mundo" appears every Wednesday. Letter: CSSA not fighting for students on fee increases GUEST COLUMN Dear editor, Screech. We are about to get hit; we nunistration so that they will Wait a just want to know when it comes. little longer to take our resources from It is odd to find the California State There are those who believe that us. We have made the compromise that Students Association and our own an 8 percent increase a year is better only a defeated constituency would Confessing past mistakes representatives celebrating the like- than 40 percent increase A semester. make. Have we given up on our uni- lihood that our tuition will increase All this does is slow the governor's and versity and our right to be educated? by 14 percent this year and 8 percent the trustees's ability to reach into our lave we given up on the master plan for the subsequent years. Since Arnie wallets. The only students who benefit for the CSU that says that our state is was elected, our tuition has already in- are those who mind will of graduate within the supposed to creates provide affordable peace quality creased by 63 percent overall. Are we next few years. education? I am a Spartan and I have supposed to be happy about that? There are those who call the 8 not. We must not acquiesce to the gov- Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It has been more than be doing more frequently, or after A prolonged string of had Manolo Platin, the CSSA chair, be- percent a cap and that there is no ernor and the trustees who will reach 10 years since my last confession. luck. heves that we should be satisfied that guarantee the Board of Trustees will into our pockets when he needs mon- Truthfully, I've never been much of a practicing Roman Perhaps the most persistent offense has been having im we know when our fees are going to actually make that increase every year. ey. We must not give in to our "leaders" Catholic, but for the sake of attempting to secure A front-row pure thoughts about members of the fairer sex, which dates increase. Have you ever watched the This is idiotic to believe. Supporting who have stopped lighting fiat us, We seat to the afterlife, I make it a point to go to Mass on Easter, back to my boyhood crush on Alyssa Milano. episode of "Saved by the Bell" where this compromise means that we have must not go silently into the night. We Christmas Day and maybe the occasional Sunday to pass the C'mon, cut ine s,,Ille slaCk.1.111lilst a guy. Screech is about to get beat up by the given the trustees permission to take niust fight back. time before football starts. As bad as that is, the most egregious offense in AlOng list it school bully? Screech asks the bully to that money from us. If I said you could That's probably not good enough for front row, but it may fairly severe wrongdoings has been alienating those near and hit him anywhere but his face. Platin take up to $5 out of my wallet every Iluy N. Teas be just enough to land a spot in the nosebleed section. dear to me by carelessly flinging myself into my work and ei and the CSSA have turned the Cali- day, wouldn't you take 115? Senior Last week, on a flight of fancy, I decided to step into the ther ignoring them or treating them like crap. fornia State I Iniversity system into We have compromised with the ad- Political keen., confession booth at my local church and final- 'I'heres A hot more wrongdoing Ti, be dis- ly own up to all that had behavior. closed, but ifs moot to spend much time To put it into perspective, it's humorous disc-ussing the immorality of being A 1011W tip Letter: Weaving is therapeutic for those with disorders and somewhat tragic to note how much fault- per or forgetting A loved ones birthday. Dear editor. As manual crafts have become more and grow into their future careers. The dodging goes on nowadays. .fter speaking my piece and having rare in our increasingly fast -paced and occupation of weaving is also analo- Look at the people suing McDonalics be- penalise, which I AM still doing, handed I AM writing to compliment Key- technological society, skilled hand- gous to the educational process: a cause they lack the self-control to stop stuffing 0, our, I exited the a hurt I, feeling slightly re in Yuen's article last week, "Class tries crafts such as weaving can help people student brings together, at times te- their faces with food that is of questi tttt able heves!. hand at weaving on loom." I am a to relax, to re-center and create beauti- diously, many different strands of nutritional quality to begin with. ( hie of the Main tenets of All-,,holies Anon- student in the Occupational Therapy fill products. knowledge to create a complex tapestry Then there's the Iraqi prisoner scandal. On ymous is that in order to solve a problem, the program and as part of the rehabilita- The weaving process is analogous of iluderstanding. The weaving process one side, there are soldiers blaming officers, partiCipant !Mist first at knowledge he or she than process we learn and advocate the to the educational environment at is an important aspect of occupation- who supposedly ordered them to beat and has a problem in the first lila, e. teaching of crafts such as weaving. SJSU. The first sentence i if the article al therapy because it helps people with humiliate prisoners. On the other hand are It is what the idea of confession, Or at least We teach crafts to patients with starts with, "An assortment of multi' different disorders to better their lives the officers, who blame the soldiers for being having minieolle to tontidc ill. is all abnalt EMMANUEL LOPEZ psychiatric and physical disorders colored yarn," which sounds a lot like through filn and learning. morally bankrupt. having place where We Call be vulnerable and with the understanding that purpose- the ideal of multicultural education, And then someone thought it would be allow ,iurselves to admit to things We Wiltildn't ful, fiinctional, meaningful activities such as bringing people of different I.crtn Gillon appropriate to blame the prisoners for attempting to resist an ellen Linde, to III A tont-noon). help to heal the mind and body of the ethnic and economic backgrounds to- Graduate Student unjust occupation, but that is another argument ffir another SUM, it's ps,ssible to blame all my bad behavior ,.in nu person repairing occupational therapy. gether into a tight association to learn Occupational Therapy time. memos external ta, tors Ft oliornit hardship 'Hie alignment After a half hour of confessing, Inn sure the good priest of the planets. Dick Chenev. But I opt not to be, Anse 1 know needed some pencils, scratch paper and a slide rule to calcu- that 1 AM ultimatels responsible for the des isums, or irides! SPARTA GUIDE late my penance. Lees see, where did I mess up? The list is %ions, I make. quite long. Let's be h,inest unli ourselves No one's pertes t 100 per Sparta Guide is provided free of charge to students, faculty and staff members. The deadline for entries is noon I have worshiped other gods, especially during football and cent if the time. Screwing up is A "mtAnt: some people do it basketball seasons, although it would a three working days before the desired publication date. Entry forms are available in the Spartan Daily office in appear the powers that iiu niore spectacular Manlier than .ithers. be are looking unfavorably on the San Francisco 49ers to own iip t,u,ulur shortaomungs Dwight Bentel Hall, room 209. Entries can also be e-mailed to spartandailyiecasa.sjsu.edu titled "S"Sparta G at the Isn't it better as 111.11VIdlIAIN moment. And seek hirgiveries., rather than beat ourselse up over Space restrictions may require editing of submissions. Entries are printed in the order in which they are received. trying I have wrongfully coveted another person's tar. I hope the to aChieve Moral perfection.. TODAY Career Center priest made allowances because my Vali car, a 1994 Honda A, - 1.ast week's ex, insion no the a.ntession . ith has certain's. A job search for international students will take cord, used to sport a hideous dent on the driver.s side tinder. opened my eves to all the debaus hers in Inv life It a errand(' Career Center place from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Instructional I have wrongfully coveted my neighbor's home, for it as far Was nut e to Unload all that guilt wouldn't pass Representatives from GameStop will be recruiting for Resource Center, room 302. The discussion will larger and more comfortable than my own digs. judgment, at least not t, my tat,, retail positions from 10 cm. to 2 p.m. outside of the address job -search tactics and immigration law. For I have at times been excessively boasttill arid arrogant, cit NOW all mit there and the baggage isn't arolind atly Career Center. For more information, call 924-6031. more information, call Laurie Morgan at 924-6045. ing it as "an accurate evaluation if my talents... niore. I have told hold, ridiculous lies or embellished personal an Ito t ertainly liar atIV.k Ating u ,inverting 0, t 'atti, 'lit Win ecdotes in order to present an Milliarillate pliblic School of Art and Design Counseling Services image to my simply tor the sake it being able to tell the priest about the friends and colleaglies. one time you duct taped An art exhibition featuring student galleries will take An Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander pair friends urhl phone to his head I have trashed a considerable AMOUnt ot property. III while he Was a hafting With his girlfriend Anil how place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Art building. For discussion series will take place from 3 p.m. to you're de eluding, but not limited to. A cell phone, several Plat station qui able for laughing when old people tall more information, call the Gallery Office at 4,30 p.m. in the Mosaic Cross Cultural Center in 2 controllers, the Playstation 2 said controllers cooties t to, a lion coal 'nisi get A Web log and Alt yolir dirty lauridi 924-4330. the Student Union. For more information, call 924- &or. A printer and a reniote control. that way. 5910. I haven't always been on my best behavior, particular- Center Oar Service Learning ly when commuting to and foam school or after consuming Emmanuel 1,per h a .%partan I taslv ,tati wriler Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Allies A rally to save San Jose Medical Center will take place an excessive anlioUnt Of Akoholit beverages, which I seem to (met *IIMM1 dtrelir 1.1,1 li'edneulax from 11 A.m. to 1 p.m. at the San Jose Medical Center. A general meeting will take place from 5:30 p.m. to For more information, call 924-5440. 7 p.m. in the Costanoan room in the Student THOUGHT CRIMES KONSTANTIN ABADJIEV For more information, call Anne at 924-65(10. AmeriCorps A welcome barbecue will take place from nom to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Joint Library 4 p.m. at the barbecue pits on PASCO tie Cesar Chavez. A documentary titled "Going to School will be Each plate costs S. Proceeds benefit the AmeriCorps shown from 7 p.m. to X p.m, in the Library, room Bridging Bonier, program. For more information, call 255/257. The film details the efforts of the Los the Center for Service Learning at 924-3540. Angeles school district to educate children with disabilities. For more information, call Library Public Relations Student Society of America General Collections at K0S-2397. A chapter meeting will take place from noon to OK, THESE FREDDY VS JASON 1 p.m. in Dwight Bente! Ilan, room 107. It will Student Life and Leadership AND ALIEN VS PREUA TOR MOVIES feature guest speaker Ken Arnold, the Senior Director Applications are being accepted for the "Leadership ARE MAKING SOME GOOD MONEY I VE GOT 1 Till of Communications for the San Jose Sharks. If Workshop Series." Stop by Student Life and WHAT TWO OTHER HORROR MOVIES &Ia.! VS GLITTER Leadership to till out a registration form. The first CAN WE MAKE INTO A BLOCKBUSTER' Catholic Campus Ministry workshop will take place on Oct. 7 from 4 p.m. to A daily mass will take place at 12:10 p.m. in the 6 p.m. in the Ohlone room in the Student Union. Catholic Campus Ministry Chapel. For more For more information, call 924-5950. intiirmation, call Father Mike Carson at 93R-1610.


ADVISERS I Richard Craig and Jan Shaw, News; Dennis NEWS ROOM 408.924.3281 OPINION PAtit POI lit Readers are en, oUraged JuNN0ER Mi. L,AIN Executive Editor Dunleavy, Photi 'journalism ; Tin, Burke, Production Chief; Tim Hendrick, Advertising express thellikelves the Opinion page with a letter to the KEN Li alell Managing Editor FAX 408.924.3282 editor. STAFF WRITERs I Joe Amaral; John Paul Artie; Monica Lauer; Emmanuel Lopez; Mansur ERIK LAcATO Opinion Editor A letter to the editor is A respeileie to all issue or A pllInt ut Minivaler, Yasuyo %iota; Leah Nalczsaki; Anna Molin; Dan Reyes; Stacey Ruesch; Kenneth Seh; MARK Cu ittNEjo Sport' Editor Auvransm 408.924.3270 View that has appeared in the Spartan Daily. Sara Spivey; Maria ViDalobos; Ling-N1ei Wong; Ruth C. Warntiyu; Amaya Wiegert; Nam' Yasue; (Nil,, letters between 2011 to 400 WM.'S will be imaidered Jolt% MYERs A&E Editor Kevin Yuen SPARTAN DAILY I51'sir509 ha' pliblit ant M. KAKIS ;Ms Photo Editor 4801 is published every school SENIOR STAFF WRITERS I Janet Pak; Ian Ross Stilanlissions becollie property of the Spartan Daily anal vAiirn I NI( a rYIIS Production Editor/ day hit aCadeMIC year) $40 may be edited fair Atom granittlat, libel and length. Culture Editor and (semester) $25. PeriOdicals STAFF PHOTOORAPIIERS Catherine Burmeister; Cara Bowyer; Amanda Brittingham; Ashley Submissions must a 01161111 the author's name, address, I postage paid at San Jose. Mail RoN PANGRAc Production Editor Bess; Sham inder Dulai; Benjamin Favela; Jason Fithian; Eliza Gutierrez; Don phone bet, signature and filailif. Adam -Heyman; subwriptuins au u epted a Hoekwater; Megan Kung; Robert Spading; Lorry Thomas; RAWHEDE Ovion Aniitant Tomomi Tsutia; Julia Weeks tidet StibilliWinlie may iv phaa ed in the Letters to the Editor semesterA,ibastiaste Production Editor 7a rat)a "itly Sli ise S box at the Spartan Daily offit'e in Ilvaight Bente! Hall. ApvtitTisiNG Sarah Cruz; Dana Eugenio; Brian Erma; Andrea (Maker Michel 2cpy, sent by to Rol)EN Copy Editor university, One Washington tan (408) 924- 1217, e mail at Tartan CARLY McCammon; Canh Nguyen; Uyen Nguyen; Angela Scully; Robert Soti;; Shigeyo Suzuki; Square, San Jose, CA 96192,0149 ilatlyfri.asa.sisu.eilii or mailed 6 the Spartan 1 taily 0 /pinion CLAIRE TAYLOR Copy Editor Anna Santillan; Matthew Tichenor; Mangre Wong Editor, N hool it Journalism And Mass Communications, Safi Pile State University, One Washington JANINE STANHOPE Online Editor ARTISTS Konstantin Abadjiev, Cartoonist; Aidan Casserly, Cartoonist; Kevin Nguyen, POSTMASTER: Send address Square, San iose, ('A 95192 014% Gwen PQM** ) Adverthing Director Illustrator changes to the Spartan Daily, San Editorials are written Ire and are the MELISSA BOWI)olN Creative Director Jose State I Iniversity, One conoensus of the Washington Square, Sall )(vie, CA Sp i Daily editors, not the staff. STEFANO GIRIMALDI Art Director DAILY I oNE SQJIARE I SAN 95192 0149 opinion, anal AdVertIselliCIIIS do not NINA HURD National Director THE SPARTAN wAsHINGn )N )SE, c.74 95192 necessarily refit% t the views of the Spartan Daily, the School of (408) 924-32111 I SPARTANItAllX04( -AsA.sylst EDI I, SPARTANDAII.YADS44CASA.SJSKEDI I )m100111,111 and Nlass Coninnitilt at itis at Wit I, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 2004 SPARTAN DAILY PAGE 3 Calendar &E Music bites industry 'Idiot' can't measure New York Dolls will perform at 8 p.m. on Sunday at The Fillmore in San up to 'Dookie' success Francisco. Tickets are $25 and are availabl( on hard rock debut disc By Erik Lacayo through Ticketmaster by calling By Janet Pak Daily Opinion Editor 998-TIXS. Daily Senior Stay Writer After listening to Green Day's lat- BREEN r) Esposito, a concert featuring Guns N' Roses meets Kid Rock on the debut album by est album, "American Idiot," it's ob- hard rockers Silvertide. vious that we're not in the year 1994 the San Jose State University Their disc "Show and Tell" is a mishmash of styles from anymore. DAY Ay Symphony Orchestra, will take The Clash to AC/DC and Kid Rock. These rockers, who place at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday hail from Northeast Philadelphia and range in ages from 20 to 23, put out a solid REVIEW at the Music building Concert first album about sex, partying and be- ing anti -authority. Ilan at SJSU. Tickets are Anyone picking up this album hop- ing to be taken back to a time where for students and for general REVIEW bands such as Green Day, Rancid and admission. For more information, the Offspring made punk music cool call 924-4682. Lead vocalist Walt Laity takes a break from the day-to- again is looking in the wrong place. cent of the Red Hot Chili Peppers' day grind to party all night on 'Ain't Coming Home," the While it's hard to believe that it has "Under the Bridge." first track off the album. He screams " 'cause I ain't coming been a whole decade since Green Day In this album, Green Day tries to tell Bob Dylan will perform at 8 p.m. home, no, no, no." blew up with "Dookie," these veteran a story through characters such as "Je- on Oct. 17 at the Hass Pavilion The band continues to rock hard, borrowing influenc- punk rockers have matured musically sus of Suburbia" and "St. Jimmy." While in Berkeley. Tickets are 137.50 es from Aerosmith and Van Haien on "Devil's Daughter." and in their song writing. trying to tell a story in a rock opera is With "American Idiot," Green Day and are available by calling Laity defies the music industry and its corruption, using the interesting, traditional Green Day fans girl as a metaphor. isn't trying to foolishly recreate the probably don't have the attention spans Ticketmaster at 998-TIXS. "I went to bed with an angel, at least that's what she said feel forced. He cries about feeling "awkward and unaware past with a "Dookie" imitation. In- to follow the stories from start to finish. / but as she tore off her dress. Lord I must confess / I've got .. somewhat confused and somewhat drunk; but he wants stead, they created a concept album Much of this album is filled with The Cramps will perform with the devil's daughter in my bed," Laity sneers. the pain to end. that is sometimes hit or miss. somber ballads. Even the song named Green Day begins the album with "Give Me Novacaine" has a mellow Davie Allan and the Arrows and Laity and crew continue to rebel against authority "Foxhole J.C.," A song about a friend who joined the screaming, "you're so f-- -ing crazy," on the track "S.F.C." Marine Corps after Sept. 11, is an open letter saying the business as usual with "American Id- sound to it. the Gore Gore Girls at 7 p.m. on The brief pauses after a guitar chord continue for the first lead singer's friend shuuldn't try to be a hero by acting iot," the title track. This track is the There are sings such as "Ameri- typical Green Day song, starting out Oct. 31 at The Wartield in San minute of the song betiire it continues to churn out guitar stupid. Expw .1maden can Idiot" and the first minute of "St. Francisco. Tickets are 125 and are solos a la Slash from the . "You're a foxhole Jesus Christ if you want to be a with a fast guitar riff, pounding drums Jimmy." which both sound like the in - and a catchy hook. your-face Green Day of the '90s to available by calling Ticketmaster A tribute to California and an ex -girlfriend can be heard hero,' if they don't think twice," Laity screams and hopes in "California Rain." 3 catchy si mg perfect for cruising along "your funeral smells iii. c.' The guitar solo blends with It is not until the second song that it keep their core fan base happy. .st9914-TIXS. the highway. soft piano melodies and makes this track feel genuinely becomes clear that Green Day is trying This album wont go down as one Laity said he wanted to show the loneliness and desper- touching. something different. The band, which of the greatest plink albums like the is known for the previous Green Performing Arts ation he was feeling with lyrics such as "I saw the sun beat Silvertide proves its inote than just a bunch of ang- ... and I brought no rain to California all the way from sty rockers complaining about authority or ranting about three-minute song, Day masterpiece Philadelphia / and the tears I felt tin you." how they just want to party. They aren't afraid to speak has two tracks on "The whole rock "Doolcie," the Sex The Nark Rider: The Casting Powerful guitar rit't's and solos take a sudden shift with their minds, and this is plenty clear throughout the en- this album that go Pistols' "Never- over nine minutes, mind the Bull- oplagical Bullets will liallad leArt,t1 3,4, t, 33. .1..450 tire album. opera concept might beginning with or Rancid's continue its run until Oct. 10 ski" "Jesus of Subur- -And Out Come at the Geary Theater in San bia." During this not resonate with the Wolves." Francisco. Tickets range from Stroke by stroke ... song, Green Day Vk.'ith that said, $20 to $84) and are available by also busts out with everyone...... it is a good album the piano, that is a testament sailing (415) 749-2228. some- thing not normally to ("oven Day be- associated with punk rock. ing one of the best bands of the past Heretics, Harlots and Heroes Like the first track, the third song. decade will be performed by the "Holiday," has politically charged lyr- The whole nick opera .incept might 10' ics. It's very evident that the members not resonate with evemine. but "Ameri-

Magical Acts Ritual Theater on of Green Day aren't snot-nosed kids can Idiot" does have a few songs that can Oct. 15, 16, 17,22 and 23 at anymore. stand alone. such As "Boulevard Of Bro- Belladonna in Berkeley. Ticket The fourth track, "Boulevard Of ken Dreams." which is up to par with 1Is f.' prises range from $16 to $26. Broken Dreams," makes this album their hits "When I me Around" and worth a listen. When lead singer Billy "Good Riddance aline Ofl'our late)." For more intiirmation, hall Joe Armstrong sings 1 walk this emp- Just because Its mit "I . ilue" doesn't (510) 544)-9150. ty street on the boulevard of broken mean Vol, 411,,Uld NI, it aside Just re- dreams" and "my shadow's the only member: any punk album that doesn't beside me," he express- Glory disc is Tisesdays With A/orris will one that walks sound like a New Found es pure emotional loneliness rerninis- always a gssft!: s open Oct. 22 and run th r gh Nov. 14 at the San Jose Repertory Theatre. Tickets range from $11 to $52 and are available by calling 367-7255.


Rook Arts Jam, featuring over 50 artists displaying one -of-a -kind and handmade ii lims,cr I 4 books, will take place Saturday Pearl Teas Ti Mai, a senior fine arts major, works on a painting Tuesday for her advanced painting class. Mai said at Foothill College. Admission this painting represents all of the complexities that make up who she is today. Bento Boxes is tree. For more information, visit wwwbookartsjam.org. sib(Smoothies Art iff Zines 1M will continue its Coffees run until Oct. 31 at the San Jose Museum of Art. Admission is free. For more information, call YOU'RE IRED! 271 -6840.

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The Degbegue Causedy jam daily on SpartaJOBS, the Career (A ated at featuring Dave Attell, Frank I/1111 .1.5 I I: Caliendo. Tommy Davidson, Center's job and internship bank career David Alan Grier, Gabriel Iglesias and others will take 'the Biological and Cultural Ecoloiss al Sri Lanka place at 7 p.m. on Sunday at 4700 Almaden Expressway the Shoreline Amphitheatre in San Jose, CA C u ETo p i A (408) 266 POOL (7665) Mountain View. Tickets range WWW.CLIFTOPIA.NET from $15.50 to $63.50 and are Sunday - Wednesday available by calling Ticketmaster Coors Draft Pints only At 998-TIXS. $2.00 All Day & Night Film Pool ALL DAY SUNDAY CIMPIllyd110, also known as the $5 PER TABLE Arab Film Festival, will take Foosball place Tuesday through Oct. 8 Arcade PER HOUR at Camera 12 Cinemas in San Jose. For more information, call Darts Branham Ave (415) 564- I 100. Food ( I .til (is

se" Cs .., C ,1 rir-11< 87 n criM Cherry Ave fotocl' This January accompany prominent Biolopsts and Archaeologists through ilic lonely.. 7.37g. for 25 Itert) reefs, and ancient ether ot exotic Sri I anka Learn about Thetaiada Buddhism I are 5 78.. foe SO (kft Mkt Almaden 4 99 se foe 100 1):.,, I- ash ion units of academic credit 'tom San lose State For details suit (I NTIll?,/ 14061 6161700 Plaza 45 15 i Con(3-31. I, TI SuAtlyvalo. (A 940136 Free wireless internet Blossom Hill Rd Deadline Oisober 4 twiwtsihirts ton I is. !Sow if.l 15.1 PAGE 4 SPARTAN DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 2004 RAPE I Media, pornography desensitizes society COTO I Earned three degrees at CSUs continuedfrom page 1 fear of being exposed as VICIIIIIS of Sexu- kids." continuedfrom page 1 along Monterey Highway to the for the State University system," al assault, a notion with much stigma at- In addition, every level of society east side of San Jose, Campaign Coto said. Lucas said, in addition, it is tougher tached to it. needs to "train men to be against rape," percentage of tax and eliminating Coordinator Welch said. He attended college at San to prove rape if the victim was sedated as "People are deeply contused about Sivertsen said, adding that she knows obsolete tax incentives. Coto invited members of the Diego State, completed graduate a result of intoxication when the sexual the responsibility for acquaintance rape," many sensitive men who are as con- "Education is California's pri- California Teachers Association work at Cal State Los Angeles and assault occurred. Klaw said. cerned about the problem of rape as mary infrastructure. It comes be- to meet with him about their con- received his administrative creden- if she can't remember what hap- Wiggsy Sivertsen, director of Coun- women are. fore bridges and roads and tele- tract negotiations beginning in the tial at Cal State Hayward. pened, it is going to be hard Mr her to seling Services, said men sexually assault phone lines," Coto said. "If we spring, and invited student groups Coto began teaching in an el- testifY and be a convincing witness," she women for many different reasons, a few The cultivation of fear don't invest in quality education to meet with him about fees. ementary school in Oakland, and said. of which seem inherent in American cul- in women and (preparing) graduates for their "If you folks say,'We want to talk. later became the district's direc- Noriega said in all of the sexual as- ture. future, then we're not doing it." We want you to carry some legisla- tor of state and federal programs, saults reported to campus police last year, "There is a cultural value we have Klaw said another part of the problem Coto said he was disappoint- tion for us,' then he would come sit Welch said. at least one person per rape was under that starts telling men at an early age lies in American culture, which fosters ed during his time as an educator down with you," Welch said. "He moved to Arizona for a the influence of alcohol. that it is important for them to 'sow their fear in women as a means of control. to find that schools were not con- The handful of faculty and stu- few years ... but returned to Oak- Elena Klaw, an assistant professor in oats: " Sivertsen said, adding that fa- "The ultimate way to confine wom- trolled by local communities, but dents who were in attendance at land in 1985. where he served as the psychology department, said the ma- thers. coaches and educators teach young en and limit their choices is for us to be by legislators in Sacramento. Tuesday's meeting were already superintendent of Oakland public jority of sexual assaults in college involve boys that it is permissive to "check out" afraid," Klaw said. "And the fear is so He said as a member of the as- making plans to meet with him. schools until 1989 when he became substance use by both the victim and the women. pervasive that we are not even aware of sembly he would work the legisla- "He hasn't even left the room the superintendent of the East Side perpetrator. In addition, some cultural institu- how much we limit our actions by fear, tive process to find alternatives for and he's already made plans to Union High School District in San According to the Web site for Be tions, such as athletics, use disparaging and how much our choices are dictated funding. Jose," Welch said. Responsible About Drinking, a Michi- remarks to degrade the competence of by fear." "Getting kids ready to go to col- He said Coto retired in June gan nonprofit organization, 75 percent women, such as "you throw like a girl" or In addition, media and Internet por- lege only to find out they've (been 2003 and decided to run for State of college men and 55 percent of college "run like a man," Sivertsen said. nography frequently link violence to sex, priced out of higher education) "IM ... very Assembly. women involved in rape cases had been "So, we have young boys that grow up creating a hybrid, known as "rape cul- does not work," said Mike Welch, The California State Assembly under the influence of alcohol or other with role model people who teach them ture," that objectifies and dehumanizes Coto's campaign coordinator. grateful and very and the California State Senate drugs when the incident occurred. to objectifi, women, and we have pro- women, Klaw said. "It's not like it's a burden to make up the California State Leg- "What people don't understand is grams that are available to young boys "It desensitizes people because the support education," he said. "It's in thankfulfor the islature that meets in Sacramento. that if a person is passed out drunk, to that consistently point out to them that media representation portrays this par- our own self-interest." There are 80 members of the have sex with them, to penetrate their anything a girl does or likes is substan- ticular fantasy that rape is somehow Coto said he plans to be the State Assembly, according to the body, is sexual assault," Klaw said. dard," Sivertsen said. enjoyable, or that women want to be chair of the Assembly Budget Sub- State University California State Legislature Web Lucas said although the criminal jus- "And then we have young men, who raped," Klaw said, adding that young committee on Education Finance site. tice system has made some modifications are beginning to be testosterone-driv- boys then internalize the message that because it's where he can make the system." Welch said the population to protect rape victims, such as prohibit- en in their junior high school and high violence is sexy. biggest difference. of each district is approximately ing the victim's sexual history to be used school years, kind of prodding each oth- "Physical arousal literally becomes Coto said he is not a stranger to 280,000. as evidence, it still has a long way to go. er, teasing each other and sometimes paired with physical violence so very ear- the CSI.1 system. He received three The Coto campaign expects to "It is not designed to handle rape even abusing each other into having sex," ly," Klaw said. degrees from CSU campuses. He Joe Coto, win the election on Nov. 2, Welch cases very well," she said, adding that ju- Sivertsen said. Both Klaw and Sivertsen said the key also said his daughters attended said. ries often lack the skills to determine the Paradoxically, young girls grow up to reducing female students' risk of sexu- 1.IC Berkeley. Ile said the difficult part of credibility of a witness. with value systems that preach virginal al victimization is education. Coto said it can be difficult for candidate Our election was the primary held "I don't know if we can fix it within virtues, in addition to "the notion that "No. I is massive levels of education other members of the legislature to ,in March 2 when the Democrats the criminal justice system," Lucas said. they are to be desired and desirable," Si- on how to have healthy relationships and concentrate on education because squared off against each other. "We might have to look at society at vertsen said. consensual sex," Klaw said. of the variety of issues facing Cali- meet with me and (the) facul- since District 23 is composed pre- large is it a legal problem or is it a so- She said women are brought up to re- She said another solution to reduce fornia, but he intends to help them ty," said Andrea Garcia, a sopho- dominantly at Dent, crats. cial problem?" spond to the needs and wants of males. sexualized violence against women is to focus. more in social work. "He sincere- Welch said Cu it has already All of this combined creates "a huge limit the connection between sex and vi- "Work with me, educate me and ly seemed like he cared about the met with the Democratic Caucus Rape and patriarchy compound of emotional problems" and olence in media. I'll work with the other members students." of the State Assembly on Monday feelings of betrayal for a victim of sexual "We need to eliminate imagery that of the legislature," Coto said. "I'm Garcia said she plans to get stu- in Sacramento, even though he is Klaw said the sexual victimization of assault, Sivertsen said. sexualize violence, like horror now- hoping you'll be partners with me." dents together to meet with Coto, not yet elected, to discuss issues and women is commonplace in a patriarchal Klaw said part of the problem arises ies, which show women being dismem- A partnership between the and she was let down that more help other deflioCtatIC Candidate, society. because "we don't teach people to com- bered and couple that with sex appeal," faculty and students of SJSU students were not at the meeting. raise money for their campaigns. "We live in a society that creates these municate about sex." Klaw said. and Coto is important, said Ter- "It was disappointing not to see The California Tea,,hers As- ideas that somehow women are respon- "Both parties need to learn to com- Sivertsen said the key to cultivate a ry Christensen, a political science as many students come out, e.pe- sociation .ind the sail Jose State sible for men's reactions," Klaw said. municate their needs and desires," Klaw social environnient without lesser forms professor at SJSI.I. ciallv not as many as faculty," ( College Denioctats. .1 student or "Every level (of society) our media, said. of sexual harassment is not to "put a ki- "District 23 is an incredibly im- cia said. ganization, Sientst In,' the (Went. our legal system, our educational system Sivertsen said conversations about sex bosh" on free speech. but "to educate so portant district for (SJSU) because Coto said he is concerned about said College Dem.,. rats's President often conspire to lead women to feel, and intimacy need to take place between that the speech doesn't occur." we're in it, and whoever represents all areas of California's public edii. Ahinad Chapman. when they are assaulted, that somehow adults and young boys and girls carbon. Victinis of sexual assault can call this district pays special attention cation, but one of the reasons he is The College Democrats has they are to blame (and) should feel guilty "The biggest problem is that we don't YWCA at (408) 287-3000 or (650) 617- to us, especially if we keep tug- passionate about the CSU system at" nit 50 members and Was binned (and) ashamed." start young to talk about a kind of regard 4229, or to report a sexual assault call ging at their coat sleeves," Chris- is because he attended three ti its more than two years lw SJSU In addition, Klaw said rape victims Mr each other in a very special and re- [(Pt) at (408) 924-2222 or 911. In ad- tensen said. campuses. alumna Aurelia Figueroa to help face immense social pressure not to re- spectful way," Sivertsen said. "We need dition, SJSU counseling services can be District 21 includes SJSU and "I'm very familiar, very support- promote politlk ilas'tIVIty on :.1111 - port, which adds to their confusion and to educate our students to educate their reached at (408) 924-5360. downtown San Jose. extending ive, very grateful and very thankful pis,, Chapman said.

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Stan Fund it an equal opportunity employer. 411) BNSF -11. ovum% HONDA toda IV Amercas Inc 11111111111111 WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 2004 NEWS SPARTAN DAILY PAGE 5 JOB FAIR I Accountingfirms work with Career Center WATER I Obtainedfrom well on campus continuedfrom page 1 who join our organization," she said. ra said. continuedfrom page 1 "The water is regularly analyzed at Water that contains dissolved salts 16 different Harrington, the SJSU alum- "The practice is dedicated to Jap- locations around campus and minerals is hard water, said chem- water company it is dispensed from and submitted to ni worked at the firms as interns be- na, said Price Waterhouse Coopers anese clients who have subsidiaries the department of istry professor Karen Singmaster. a 600-foot-deep well located near the health services," Gowda said. "San Jose has very hard water," she fore they were hired for full-time po- hired her through the Beta Alpha here in the United States," she said. swimming pool and Building BB, said Students that are skeptical about said. sitions. Psi society. "So t'ar, I have only met one student Kym Bersuch, the campus plumbing the water's cleanliness on campus of- Chemistry professor Maureen "Internships are very critical for Harrington said the firm recruits during this fair." SJSU students," supervisor. ten find alternatives to quench their Scharberg said ffiat hard water damp- she said. accounting, corporate financial man- Tsumura said it was probably be- The Career Center "The water is treated with chlo- thirst. ens the effectiveness of soaps. organizes the agement and accounting information cause it was the first year the firm was rine," Bersuch said, "but we treat it be- "People don't want hard water be- job fairs so that SJSU students can systems majors. trying to recruit practice spe- for the cause we have to, not because there's cause you have to use more have personal connections to em- "Right now we are looking for soap." cifically. something wrong with it." " ... we treat it Scharberg said. "Hard water ions take ployers, Wilkes said. flail -time employees to fill assurance got to Some students said they If the internal plumbing on campus (the ability of soap to bubble) out of "I heard about my job from the and tax positions," she said. "We re- know some of the firms through of- fails, there are three connections to the Career Center a little over two years cruit for intern positions in Febru- because we have to, the solution." fice visits. San Jose Water which ago." said Karen Arkley, it staff ac- Company open However, on campus where the ary." Nguyen, the graduate accounting automatically, Bersuch countant from Frank, Rimerman & said. not because there's majority of water isn't used for cleans- major, was impressed by office visits "On occasion Co. LIP. it happens," Ber- ing, hard water is fine, he said. to Grant Thornton and KPMG In- such said. "The variable drive motor Hard water also leaves a chalky res- The firm had six alumni present at ternational. stopped (about four months ago), we something wrong idue after it dries, often seen on show- the job fair. Arldey said. " ... we have really Grace Frias, an international exec- were on city water for a week or two." er doors and on campus inside unused "This firm is unique because they utive services Associate with KPMG Bersuch said that wells typically with it." fountains, Singmaster said. do not mandate you to choose a spe- ramped up because International, said the firm was look- last 50 to 60 years. The well on cant - "The white buildup is calcium car- cialization," said Amber Buck, anoth - ing for someone who knew what they pus is 10 to 12 years old. bonate, the same material that makes er alumna working as a staff accoun- Gowda handles most of the com- ,up stalagmites and stalactites," she tant with the firm. " ... You really of the quality of wanted. Kym Bersuch, plaints related to water on campus. ,id. "Drinking hard water from the navigate your career." "They should also have leadership "There have only been a few coin - fountains is the same as eating Turns. Irene Peck. students here." skills and people skills," she said. an employer relations plaint, that have come to me," Clow - plumbing supervisor actually good for you." consultant at the SJSU Career Cen- Some students said they would work for any firm. da said. "Probably two in the past two For sortie students, hard or soft wa- ter, said bringing alumnae to help re- "Sometimes (the water on campus) "I am looking for any opportuni- ter is not an issue all they know is cruit students was A great idea. Yea(1"nyda said he issued the an- tastes nietally," said junior Cheyanne that ty," said Ying Cao, an SJSU alumna after it doesn't look pure. it is good hiring practice because nual water quality report this year. one Cortez, who had just purchased a bot- "It's not clear. hut I drink it any- David York, who graduated in 2002. it enhances the comfort level of sni person wrote him a lengthy e-mail tle of water from the Spartan Book- way" said junior I.awrence Poon, a Joyce Poon, a senior accounting dents," she said. complaining about the water having store. "Doesn't everyone need a water television, radius film and theatre ma- Price Waterhouse major, said she just wanted to find Kyoko Saluta, a senior accounting a salty taste. softener? Vliv is the water hard?" yor. "I don't are I'm thirsty." major, said the size of the companies out more about the firms. was also a factor in deciding whom Coopers "But I am also passing out re- she would approach. sumes," she said. "I would feel more ,oinfortable in Ray Kamra, a 2004 management LECTURE I Students impressed by presentation smaller firms," Sakata said. David York, the Price Waterhouse graduate, said he was hoping the "big Tracy Lanier, from Grant Thorn- Coopers campus recruiting manag- four" had consulting positions. continuedfrom page I Stipleti in 'Aid he veil, iirritHed ni Ii, ()Iry at sisr. 'aid that Cuha is a ton 1.I.1', said she agreed with Salta- er, said the firm usually hires from Elias Nacif, another management hear how cub., conducte,1 its exports ing example iit how shiirtcomings ta's view. SJM1. major, said he also hoped to get a diversity," Gonzalez said. "But in two It him:, In 0,V ms-hit the% miaow in government planning :an be disas- "I think there is a 'lance that in "But we have really ramped up be- business consulting position. years .110 plan was already a !fink." tire never leaves the island," sr.,- trous Solite students who attended pleron said, " l'here's of resources. big firms you nught be put into just cause of the quality of students here," "11 am looking at Deloitte and the .1 real lack Array of Rvan FoRI, altrilirir eruflonliok rod - good. and services,' one type of entity: she said. "How- he said. "We hire 20 to 25 students on Ernst & Young because they hire lecture were impressed by the Butterfield said. data Gonzalez produced. rot, he thought that the lecrtire s A shAnie there', k ut willing- ever. with small firms there are fewer average every year." business nonaccounting majors: he rest itiri es. " KPMG International hires about said. Chad Tsuda, a junior business n tan - had 'in both ...lac,. ness on the g.i eminent', raft tim iher- agement major, said that he thought I' - rd resell Lai, il. Ford Allie it'. es. ;ilium,: Peck said the 19 firms present in- tour to five students a year from Whatever the reason for coming, Gonzalez's presentation was extrenielY .11 ’ AISVAVS has A Butterfield, who rem ends worked as cluded the "big tour.- SJSU, said lie Padilla, a college re- I.ina Melkonian, assistant director informative. ireserit.itsiti ii ap es, rOullirs consultant in lizbeldstan "The 'big tjiiir are Deloitte & cruiter with the firm. for the Career Center, said that given "He knew A lot ist good illtUurtnA- it seat said the he sees parallels he- Touche, Ernst KPMG "We look for well-rounded can- the number of students interested in tion," Tsuda sod. "He was extremely t. a the ',mein d. A doubt " rw,,,,,untries. which Are both International and Price %Vert-house didates," she said. "However, this is a public accounting, the fair was a big well prepared in what he had r'u say r,1 added that lie %vas surfilised tiling fru enter the global es-./1-11.(111- Ci.ipens." the trea- two-way street, .ind candidates have Success. and in answering questions." A ; it the Cuban e, onoms "Right now, they're facing a prob- surer f Beta Alpha Psi, a national to also be comfortable with the peo- Melkonian )11so said the fair was Scott Stapleton, a junior interna lem providing hasi . if;iods and set- honors so. nets t it At ...ninting and fi- ple they will be working on projects the first in a series of planned job tional business major, said that the le, I us tl..ir the, had ,ing,ped 'It /hes tot their people.- Butterfield "mid. nance majors. with." fairs in the next two months. ture convinced him that Cuba was 11,1. "''it I ,s.ik %hoc kei ititufnel said that the , minis'.) Bost' said the society was very PD. Veal' KPMG Internation- "This year we are trying to have ing economically. is r.oll..mik gaps seen me'.) interested in the material Volved with Most nt the time. pre, al WAS :11..o !Vying to recruit Japa- more customized fairs to better meet "The numbers prove that Castro's .;.trirs l.atiti sas- it was well received,- Hum- ei it . nese -English bilingual students firr employer And student needs; Melko- plan hasn't worked out Mr the best." mel said I ' .ruksd looked interest- "Thes hire A its It ot the students Japanese practice, Keiko nian said. Stapleton said. I ; !Ter-field. totmet ,t ed ind ,

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Masa Trey. readers should Firal Am in sail or no ases slum 25 _ tion caret ulty up 00 Warm S rehab en emealse sds investigate all terms offering AdAtanal words maly Si 981 in NM type al a pat set am mule Oft EVOTTTW TWeroi employment listings is cou- ad chew o/ $3 pir word hiss kr terescome potallmem Idles only Neeeeneee Word Promo% pons for discount vacalsms OrAISTIONS? CALL MIN MOTT or merchandise SAW STUDENT NAM 25% OFF - Ma= los party ads afilinura ett in Onion No COM maw towiltIpliTiffeaforttuineo 09/29/04 Leet Si Found ads era tottered tree us service 10 the campus community. PAGE 6 SPARTAN DAILY SPORTS WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 2004 SJSU opens WAC play against rivals Nevada, Fresno

tensely on upcoming opponents. team wins 3-0 it's always been close." time proving to be a charm as the Spar- "We get a lot more rest between Rudd said that Fresno's home crowd tans ousted the Bulldogs in a 3-2 victory. matches and aren't playing two oppo- presents a different set of challenges Conrad said that she's sure the Bull- nents a day," Christensen said. "And we than that of dogs will be look- also have all week to prepare for just one Nevada. ing to avenge last or two opponents." "Fresno's season's early exit. got a really "We haven't seen "They'll defi- Taming the Wolf Pack loud crowd," nitely be com- Rudd said. "I ing with payback The Spartans will travel up Inter- know they al- these teams in a while, on their minds," state 80 to play Nevada at the Virginia ways have a Conrad said. Street Gym, where the Wolf Pack has band going and we're anxious Rudd agreed gone 2-2 this season. and it's crazy and also said that Nash said that playing up in the in there." to see how we'll do both teams will mountains would pose some problems. Nash conic into the "The thinner air affects how the agreed, but game with dou- ball moves," Nash said. "Sometimes the also said that against them." bled intensity. serve will fly out to the side." playing in a "They're com- The Spartans have gone 5-3 against hostile envi- ing in to try and the Wolf Pack since Nevada joined the ronment mo- get revenge," conference in 2000. tivates the Kristina Conrad, Rudd said. "But Senior middle blocker Dana Rudd, team to step we'll be coming in who has 51 total blocks this season, up its inten- confident because said that the hostile crowd wouldn't be sity. Spartan setter we know we can a factor. "You really take them." "Nevada had a really rowdy crowd want to prove Christensen last season," Rudd said. "But to me, 1 the crowd wrong," Nash said. said that winning these twit games don't really notice it until I'm off the Last season, the Bulldogs defeated is, be important in establishing court." the Spartans in both games the teams momentum for the last half tit the sea - Leading the way for the Wolf Pack played en route to earning the third are sophomore outside hitter Christine seed in the WAC tournament. It we s an go in and get two wins, I !arms and junior middle blocker Salaia SJSU and Fresno met in the second it'll set the tone Mr the remainder of the Salave a. round of the tournament, with the third seas. m," Christensen said. Harms leads the team in digs Adam Heyman / Daily Staff with 108, averaging 2.63 a game, and Salave a is on track to earn a second se- San Jose State University senior defender Brooke Herald rolls out of a dig during Tuesday's practice in Spartan lection to the All-WAC first team, with New Campus Bible Study! Complex. The Spartans will face the University of Nevada -Reno and Fresno State University this week as they a team -leading 402 kills. Beginning Wednesday. September 29th at noon in the begin Western Athletic Conference play. Nevada also has five other starters returning from the 2003 campaign. Pacifica Room of the Student Union Pastor Brad Matthe% Christensen said that since Nevada By Emmanuel Lopez 'Fhe team IS ill then sqicue ott nght this season. Abley will lead a Study on The Bible: Its Reliability and Shy.j.lf against Fresno Stale '11,C1,11%. is II,. Ale lls is probably the most balanced has many returning starters, the Spar- 8-5 overall andI I i the \VAC, at 7 conteience I've seen in a long time," tans will have a strong idea of what Relevance To Your Lift from Psalm lit. Teaching notes will p.m. on Sanittlar ii, the \ oith they're up against. After going 9-4 in nonconterence Choate said. be provided. games, the Spartan volleyball team en- sium in Fresno Conrad, who leads the team in as- "They have a lot of people who came ters Western Athletic Conference play Sophomore itutside hitter Sarah sists pet game with 11.52, said it has back, so we'll know how they play," This can also be a time for you to ask any questions about this week. Christensen, who is swim! ill, the team in been a I. tug time since the Spartans Christensen said. "But we have a lot kills with 178, said that the ten,,is excited played against conference opponents. of new faces on our squad, so it'll take God or the Bible. recieve prayer for any needs you have. itt to finally play against its W.XC [teals. "We haven't seen these teams in a them a while to figure us out." SPARTAN VOLLEYBALL just have an (immunity to talk with a pastor about life in "It's exciting," Christensen said. "It's while," Conrad said, "and we're anxious going to be close and sonic games tan ti i see In. is we'll do against them." Muzzling the Bulldogs general. easily go one way or iii' rho " cii iii. aigli he, teammates might be Brad cares for the well-being of college students. SopInmiore setter Kristina Conrad excited, senior outside hitter Carrie Nash, WI will then travel into the heart BACK ROW agreed with her teammate and added who is averaging 367 kills per game, said of the Central Valley to face Fresno and graduated form SJSU with a degree in Lconoinics iii istitflliig ihe,loe'in eel .1 NOTEBOOK the team in with mote in" spike in pressure from State, who have a 3-1 record at home. Regent mentum than in the 2001 1.1,1111. playing iferem .,pponents. Choate, who has split 18 game, 1983. He also received a Master of Divinity from San Jose State 1 lniversity will open "We started off strongei this tune "Every mac li Is important: Nash against the Bulldogs since becoming University in 1992 and has had a successful career in conference play against the University than last season," Conrad said. "We'll said. "We have to go in anti try to win head coach in 1993, said he expects the it Nevada - Reno, with a 7-5 overall re- be right there w oh the other 11'AC is thatt h. - two teams are in for a tough match. Silicon Valley in sales as %Yell as in Christian ministries cord and 1.1 in the conference, at 7 p.m. teams)." Christensen said the season format "The matches (between SJSU and Sponsored by Hope Christain Fellowship at SJS1'. on "Ilnitsdai in the Virginia Street ( Coach Craig Choate said the con- all, issis the team more time to recuper- Fresno State) have always been good in Rem., Nev. ference standings should lie extientely ate between matches and focus more in- matches," Choate said. "Even when one http://vw vws.helsoullisanjose.org/ ,AttAst H Win one of these great prizes at home football games H


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