Pastor’s Comments August-September-October, 2018 The POWER of Deception and Darkness “He has DELIVERED us from the ‘POWER’ of DARKNESS.” Colossians 1:13 By Alton B. Don Billingsley “Take Heed that NO ONE Deceives YOU!” Upon viewing the buildings of the Temple, Christ spoke to His disciples of the coming time when they would be completely destroyed (they were—70 A. D.). Later, He was asked three most important questions:


Matthew 24:3 “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be SIGN of Your coming, and of the End of the Age (the 6,000 years allotted to this age, II Peter 3:8)?” As important as these questions were, and their desire for the immediate answers, Jesus Christ made known to them something even more important for them to know than the answers. He spoke of the great danger they would be facing and others in future generations throughout this age of 6,000 years— ‘the POWER of deception’, that conceivably could destroy their hope of salvation: Matthew 24:4 v.4 And Jesus answered and said to them, “Take HEED that NO ONE DECEIVES YOU. For MANY will come in My Name, saying (acknowledging), ‘I am the Christ,’ and will DECEIVE MANY.” This warning should enable the Elect People of God to grasp the ever-increasing danger of deception that comes in many and various ways through Satan’s use of men—usually well known, respected, and trusted (cf. Acts 20:17-30)! All the more reason to be very, very, careful! Jesus Christ said to BEWARE of these false prophets, or teachers, for they will come to God’s people appearing in lamb’s clothing with a wide range of attractive offers to entice them to become members in their corporate churches, such as: services they can attend, fellowship with friends, summer camps for the youth, etc. He also said that inwardly they are ravenous wolves seeking whom they may devour spiritually (Matthew 7:1-20; I Peter 5:8). It should also be understood the deceived do not know they have been deceived (II Timothy 3:13). As such, they are willing instruments in Satan’s plans to fulfill them in seeking to destroy God’s people. The Horseman on the White Horse Jesus Christ parallels the warning of deception with what He led the Apostle John to write about the White Horse: Revelation 6:1-2 v.1 “Now I saw when the Lamb had opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder. ‘Come and see.’ v.2 “And I looked, and, behold, a White Horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering (the people of the world: first wave—


the 1st century) and to conquer (the second wave: 1483 A. D. Martin Luther; the third wave: To cover any sin, he would follow up with the Catholic Church, [who now has over one billion members in their grasp] HLH).” The Horseman on the White Horse Identified The following quotes make known the symbolic meaning of the Horseman on the White Horse and how it has been used by Satan the devil to bring the power of spiritual darkness upon the world: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The Department of Theology, 1973, “A counterfeit Christianity”, pages 14-16, “In the 1st century true Christians witnessed a counterfeit Christianity creeping in, deceiving many. Such religious deception has now increased in intensity until the whole world has become deceived about the true message of Christ. By the time of the end, your Bible says that Satan the devil ‘deceiveth the whole world’ (Revelation 12:9). … “Your Bible identifies Satan’s ministers as being professing Christians! They don’t appear Satanic, of course. They appear as ‘angels of light.’ They look like the white horse of Christ’s return, but they are in truth a clever counterfeit of the true Christ. “Paul isn’t warning us against obviously false religions—such as animism, Eastern occult sects, outright Satan worship, or bizarre semi-Christian cults—but rather against a subtle counterfeit. Counterfeits, like bogus money, attempt to be as close as possible to the original, yet with subtle flaws discernible only to experts. Counterfeit Christianity is the same. It may appear Biblical or Christ-like, but subtle flaws exist throughout its beliefs. “The horseman aboard the white horse in Revelation 6 is just such a counterfeit.” End of Quotes Former Ministers of the Worldwide One might wonder how the horseman on the white horse was enabled to ride into the Worldwide Church of God and bring about the power of spiritual darkness on the ministry and membership? It began after the death of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong when a few ministers from the Worldwide Church of God attended the Azusa Pacific Theological College and were introduced and indoctrinated into the pagan teachings of Protestantism.


It was said that two of those ministers who were very close to Mr. Tkach, Sr., Joe Tkach Jr. and Michael Feazzel, told him what they had been taught through the years was wrong. It was reported that he then said, “If we are wrong then we have to change.” The Deadly Embrace of Satan via Protestantism The process of making the radical changes began almost immediately as the following quote makes known: Wikipedia Free Dictionary: “As early as 1988, Joseph W. Tkach Sr. began to make doctrinal changes, at first quietly and slowly, but then openly and radically in January 1995. The doctrinal changes were presented as new understandings of and ,[18] Babylon and the harlot,[19] British Israelism,[20] Saturday Sabbath,[21] and other doctrines.” End of Quote After eight years the process has been successfully completed (1986-1994). The Worldwide Church of God had been transformed during those years into the deadly embrace of Satan the devil via Protestantism—daughters of the Catholic Church (Revelation 17:5; 2:22-23). Except for the few faithful people of God, the blindness of deception had covered all of the membership and ministry. However, not all of them were willing to accept all of the deceptive pagan teachings, but did accept a few of them. Whereas they once had been enlightened by God’s Holy Spirit to understand the true teachings of God (type and duality with ancient Israel, cf. Isaiah 63:11), they returned back into the world from whence they had come having eagerly accepted once again the pagan Protestant beliefs, under the guise or masquerade of them being called: “The New Teachings!” But upon close examination it becomes easy to see the ‘New Teachings’ are no different than the ones they had formerly believed, disproved, and rejected, but now eagerly accepting them once again—having made a full circle! To illustrate: At the time of the break a local elder asked me what I thought of the New Teachings? I replied, “Mr. _____ there are those who feel they had disproved them.” He wrinkled up his face and very sincerely said to me, “I thought I did too!” To further illustrate this power of deception, consider the truthful quotes from the writers of the theology department of the above booklet, the 4-horsemen. Though they understood and wrote the truth in that booklet about DECEPTION, they walked away from their understanding and use by God after 1995. They were swallowed up once again by the very subject they had written about while joining the others who had also been blinded. Were it not for the understanding from God, this would be very difficult to understand— a real flip-flop—enough to make a person’s head swim!


Many Churches Developed from the Destruction of the Worldwide Church of God From among the known, respected, and trusted ministers of the former Worldwide Church of God, a few began their own individual churches with varying beliefs, such as: PCG, Global, later LCG, UCG, UCGWA, RCG, COGAIC, etc. Many thousands of the former members connected with one and then another, depending primarily on the recognition and former high office of the leader (cf. I Corinthians 1:10- 11). The deceived ministers from among these groups who did not accept the fullness of the pagan Protestant beliefs and teachings by Mr. Tkach, did accept a few and began using them to replace the doctrinal teachings Jesus Christ used Mr. Armstrong to restore within His Church. A few of their changes: such as a two-fold gospel (meaning the teaching of the Gospel but added to it the inclusion of Jesus Christ as part of the Gospel to be preached), wrong Passover service (explained later), voting (government by a board of elders who would vote for a leader), born again, etc. Following the surreptitious plan of Mr. Tkach, Sr., they tried to soothe the membership by claiming they were still following most of the restored doctrinal teachings, but only making needed edits of a few of them. This was a hypocritical and deceitful lie for they not only edited but changed them into pagan teachings. All of these men rejected God’s late apostle, either outright, or in subtle ways, while claiming they were still following those doctrinal teachings. Two of them became real counterfeits with their claims of fully following the restored teachings, those with which they could agree, while honoring God’s use of Mr. Armstrong— ‘in name’, but not in reality! As the result many thousands of men and women became members in their churches (more about them later). Satan’s Strategy of Compromise Scripture tells us if we break one commandment we have broken them all (James 2:10). The same is true with the doctrines Jesus Christ restored within His Church. Mr. Armstrong has said, when you reject one doctrine, then you will find fault with another, and another, all the while being led deeper into the darkness of deception. The devil knows this and sways the apostates into using this ploy. A further deadly strategy from Satan is to “Destroy the Leader!” He knows when a leader is so belittled by making him look like a liar, pointing out his faults, making him look like


a thief with the claim his teachings were lifted from other churches his followers will desert him. This is what Satan used Mr. Tkach and his administration to do over eight years and his plot was successful. In the beginning it was very subtle, but over time they grew bolder in their accusations and attacks against Mr. Armstrong; and the strategy worked very well. Thus, Mr. Tkach, Sr., and his administration, destroyed Mr. Armstrong in the eyes of the membership. And with his disgrace the teachings Jesus Christ had used him to restore within His Church were then rejected as well by the membership. Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong Not Infallible To illustrate the effectiveness of Satan’s plan, shortly after the formation of the in 1995, a leading minister, Mr. Jim Franks, head of the newly formed doctrinal committee in the United Church of God said, after my having pointed out God’s use of His late apostle: “Mr. Armstrong was not infallible!” Having the implied meaning, they were the perfect ones God was now using to make needed changes in doctrine. I could have pointed out not one of the great men in historical Biblical Times used by God was not infallible either for every human being has his flaws, in addition to having Satan’s evil nature; yet Jesus Christ used them. Jesus Christ made this plain in Scripture regarding a prophet who was used greatly by Him: James 5:17-18 v.17 “Elijah was a man with A NATURE like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. v.18 “And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruits.” The LORD God’s Use of the Patriarchs The LORD God used great men in past history, such as: Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses and David. They were never rejected by Him because of their humanity. Why? They repented when they sinned and were forgiven (cf. Psalm 51.). The same was true with Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. God looked upon their devoted heart and desire to do His will regardless of the cost and without compromise. They were also obedient to His calling, government, and commandments (cf. Genesis 26:5; I Samuel 16:7).


It should be understood that whatever I would have said in the defense of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, a man greatly used by God, would have made no difference for they had their own agenda, and he did not fit within it. This began to become clear after the formation of the United Church of God in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1995, in their first meeting. An Illustration of the Deception To illustrate the deception and erroneous teachings that began to come to light over time consider the following teaching from one of the former evangelists, Mr. David Hulme, who was also one of the four presenters on television. In the beginning of his church a few of us met with him to see where he stood regarding the doctrinal teachings taught by Mr. Armstrong; also, whether he would continue in those teachings. Though he said very little at the time, we got the indication he would remain in those teachings. But almost immediately he began developing his own beliefs apart from the former doctrinal teachings. This began with his use of the Passover service that had been changed by Mr. Tkach, Sr., from the one Mr. Armstrong had developed from the Scriptural teachings about this vital service. The change made in Mr. Tkach’s Passover service was to eliminate the meaning of ‘physical sin’ that connects with the morsel of bread to be eaten during the service. Thus, the broken body of Jesus Christ was beaten for no purpose! According to their teachings, what was written by Isaiah (Isaiah 53), and James wrote (James 5:14-15), and the Apostle Peter (I Peter 2;24) holds no weight, no promise of divine healing! Thus, their justification to reject those Scriptures about the BREAD, while fully embracing medical services and its doctors.

This is not to say it is wrong to use their services. To understand the balance, please read the booklet written in 1969, by Mr. Armstrong, entitled, “The Plain Truth About Healing.” It can be found on

They appear to forget what the Apostle Paul wrote about the deadly seriousness of participating in the Passover Service without discernment of the distinction between the two separate symbols:


I Corinthians 11:27-32 v.27 “Therefore whoever eats this BREAD or drinks this CUP (WINE) of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the BODY and BLOOD of the Lord. v.28 “But let a man examine himself and so let him EAT of the BREAD and DRINK of the CUP. vs.29-30 “For he who EATS and DRINKS in an unworthy manner EATS AND DRINKS JUDGMENT to himself, NOT discerning the Lord’s BODY. For this reason, many are weak and sick, and many sleep. “Sin is Sin” The false ministers try to justify their erroneous teaching by saying “Sin is Sin.” –coupling both together! True, but at the same time there is a definite distinction between physical and spiritual laws. I did not accept the change to the Passover service created by Mr. Tkach—used by Mr. David Hulme, and went ahead with the original teaching of it, as taught by Mr. Armstrong, with the two Churches I pastored. Though I vigorously complained to Mr. Hulme about it, he passed it off indicating it was not his fault but the man he was using in his office. The Unsaddling of the White Horse Later on during a conference with his Church of God, CGAIC, year-2000, David Hulme told us, ministers, the warning Scriptures of deception by Jesus Christ do not mean what has been originally taught by Mr. Armstrong (Matthew 24:4-5). They apply to the leaders of the world, not false ministers One minister, John Anderson, spoke up and said this does away with the related Scripture about the White Horse as taught by Mr. Armstrong (Revelation 6:2)! This did not deter Mr. Hulme. He had his own agenda that over time would come to the fullness of light! And it has since then. Finally, I had enough and resigned. Sometime later other key ministers left him as well: Stephen Andrews, Peter Nathan, and Brian Orchard. Sorrowfully, Mr. Hulme walked away from his promise to uphold those true teachings; he turned out to be a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. One could wish it would have been different. However, as unconverted and blinded as Mr. Hulme is, while continuing to be used by Satan the devil, he is really no worse than the other deceived ministers.


They were sneaky how they went about to change the truth to the lie by subtly bringing into their churches a few of the pagan teachings (II Peter 2:1-3). At the same time, they are very careful how they handle them so as not to alarm their membership. “They Know Not What They Do” Those were the very words of Jesus Christ in His cry to His Father while hanging on the tree of death: Luke 23:34 v. 34 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” In the Great White Throne Judgment period of time, those who were responsible for Christ’s murder will have the opportunity to repent with godly sorrow for what they enabled Satan the devil to use them in doing to Him— torture, beating, and finally crucifying Him. If they do repent they will be forgiven as Jesus Christ requested of His Father. The Apostles Peter and Paul wrote, had those who brought about the death of Jesus Christ really known what they had done, they would not have done it (Acts 3:17; I Corinthians 2:8). The same will also be true with all of these former ministers who have been deceived by Satan and have become, unknowingly, instruments in his hands to deceive the membership. However, being blinded as they are, they have chosen their own course and accepted wrong teachings while seeking their own individual recognition. And as such they are willing instruments in the hands of Satan the devil to do his bidding. This is made known by the names of their corporate churches, fruits, teachings and conduct. Doctrinal Committee of the United Church of God As an example: I pinned down Mr. Roy Holladay on the doctrinal committee of the United Church of God in 1996 [?], asking where they stood on the doctrine, “Born Again?” This was at a time when he had met with a number of the ministers, in a regional conference meeting in Sacramento, California. A minister in the group tried to get me to let it go. I said, “No, I want to know!” Mr. Holladay then replied, “It will not be this or that!” He said no more.


The Devil’s Use of the Back Door It must be understood Lucifer, who became the Adversary, was God’s greatest creation (Ezekiel 28:11,15)! And he uses his greatness to seek the second death of all of mankind primarily by his powers of deception (Colossians 1:13)! And though limited by God as to what he can or cannot do with mankind, he uses his great powers within those limitations to try and disrupt the Master Plan of God for the salvation of all of mankind by deception, persecution, or any other means as permitted by God (cf. Job 1:13; 2:6). To try and grasp the deceptive powers of Satan the devil, Scripture reveals he has deceived the whole world (Revelation 12:9)! Further, as the prince of the power of the air he now works in the sons of disobedience (Ephesians 2;2), and sways them to do his will (I John 5:19). He is a destroyer! Satan the devil knows the Elect people of God cannot be deceived by Catholic priests and ministers of the Protestant Churches! Therefore, he uses another approach that has worked very effectively with the former membership and brought them into the EMBRACE of those corporate churches that belong to him. Satan failed with his efforts of deceiving the chosen people of God, but he has not given up nor will he as long as the possibility exists of their being overcome with his powers of deception. At the same time, it should be realized he has many other tools in his arsenal and will use them as God permits (Ephesians 6:10-13). One of Satan’s tools that has been effective is his guise of a cunning serpent. It worked when he appeared to Eve in the garden in Eden (cf. Genesis 3:1-7). He charmed and seduced her into believing his deceptive lies.


This tool has also been effective with the membership of the former Worldwide Church of God. His objective now is to try and do the same with God’s true people. As with Eve, this serpent of old is seeking to sink his deadly fangs filled with lethal poisonous teachings into the minds and hearts of God’s chosen people by continuing to use his charm and lies by his invisible use of the unknowingly former ministry, evangelists, pastors, and numerous others of the former Worldwide Church of God to also deceive the membership into eagerly accepting his destructive embrace. The difficulty for the former membership is knowing these men formerly taught them during the life time of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. They preached and wrote of the true teachings of God. The thought: “Surely, we can trust them.” Therefore, they are looked upon with trust and respect by their membership without looking into their teachings. They do not realize these same men have since been overcome by Satan’s deceptive pagan teachings during the tenure of Mr. Tkach, Sr. As far as is known, not one of those ministers escaped those diabolical pagan teachings in part or in whole. The Acceptance of Being Born Again Now To illustrate: I called one well respected evangelist at headquarters in Pasadena, CA, Mr. Leroy Neff, a man that I thought was free of those teachings. I asked him, “What do you think about their new teaching of being born again now?” I was shocked at his reply. He said, “I have studied and proved it to be true.” I then asked, “Have you lately read Mr. Armstrong’s booklet on Born Again?” He replied, “No, I confess I haven’t.” He appeared irritated at what I had asked him so I changed the subject (he has since died). When considering what I have heard from reputable sources, and been led to believe, each one of the evangelists accepted this pagan teaching. To further illustrate: Dr. Clint Zimmerman, head of the Letter answering department, said in a taped sermon he gave at HQ, “I have always believed it.” Mr. Larry Slayer also expressed his belief of it in a taped sermon. Dr. David Albert wrote about his acceptance of it while trying to convince others of it as well. Though this is past history, the effort continues to be made to try and deceive the true scattered people of God who had fled from his powerful deceptive tactics with this pagan doctrine along with other pagan teachings. A few have remained quiet about their erroneous beliefs for fear of losing members. This is the back door Satan is now using.


The Masks Removed The following Scriptures exposes these false teachers by removing their masks and making known their true identity as being wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Presently all seems rosy and going well for them; they have many members, lots of tithes, good salaries, and retirement for the older ministers—no worry or concerns—but with no understanding this will soon end for them. Dramatic and Terrible Changes are on the Horizon A dramatic change coupled with great fear will take place within the next few short years causing them to hit the panic button! For they will then be facing the reality of Jesus Christ and what He had used His late apostle to teach during his life-time years as being the truth! They will be crying out and pleading with God to spare them from the horrors of the Great Tribulation, while making known how they were once used by Him with hope of being spared from the terrible holocaust that will then be seen coming upon the whole world, especially upon the nations of Israel (Jeremiah 30:4-7). Jesus Christ said of this coming time: Matthew 7:22-23 v.22 “Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we NOT prophesied (taught) in Your Name, cast out demons in Your Name, and done many wonders in Your Name?’ Indeed, they did! But this was during the former years when they believed and taught the true teachings of God during the lifetime of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong! However, they

12 walked away from the fullness of those true teachings having been overcome by Satan’s use of the apostate pastor general who replaced Mr. Armstrong after his death! As the result those former ministers are no longer known by Jesus Christ: v.23 “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you (as His few begotten sons, but only as the ‘many called’ to enable the Work of God to be done, cf. Matthew 22:14, but having been deceived and parted from Him and teaching lawlessness, no longer does He recognize them); depart from Me you who practice lawlessness (they rejected the law and truth of God for Satan’s pagan teachings, in part or in whole)!’” Therefore, the WARNING for each true Christian is always to be on the alert and guard against this ‘POWER’ OF DARKNESS OF DECEPTION’ from these men for there is soon to be a time of reckoning! —just a very few short years away! How Can the True from the False Be Recognized? There are many churches being pastored by these deceived men, some large churches, others much smaller (approximately 700 more or less). Most of them claim to be following in the footsteps of the teachings of God as taught by His Late Apostle; but how can one know who is who? The word of God, holy Scripture, reveals the answers: 1) Their fruits, beliefs, teachings, conduct, contrary to the true teachings of God (Matthew 7:16-17). They are very good at hiding what they really believe, but over time the truth comes to the surface and recognized for who they really are as now being witnessed by a few members. 2) God’s government, obedience to His laws and teachings, humility. 3) The rejection of God’s late apostle, the promised Elijah of the end-time (Malachi 4:4-6), and the restored teachings by Jesus Christ through the Elijah (Matthew 17:10-11), within His Church. Disbelief of Scripture If they really believed those Scriptures, which they don’t, they would have to believe Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong was the only one who could have fulfilled those prophecies! Since we are in the end- time, there is no time left for another to come and devote years of warning mankind of what is soon to befall them, as he did


over the past 52 years of his ministry. The allotted time for this present age has almost run out! Also, what would another man restore that Christ did not use him to restore? They either deny Mr. Armstrong as being the promised Elijah, or give the lame excuse, “I don’t know.” Historical Duality in the Church of God1 The Apostle Jude wrote of the same problems taking place in the early Church, as it has in this present time, and how it took place. Jude 3-4,11-16 v.3 “Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for THE FAITH which was once for all delivered to the saints. v.4 “For certain men have crept in UNNOTICED, who long ago were MARKED OUT (as was Judas Iscariot, John 6:70-71; Psalm 109:8) for this condemnation, ungodly men who TURN the grace of our God into lewdness, and DENY the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ. v.11 “Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain (who murdered his righteous brother, Abel, Genesis 4:8; and continuing throughout history unto this time), have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit (ministers beginning their own churches), and perished in the rebellion of Korah (rebelling against God’s government by rejecting His chosen leader, Moses, and seeking to replace him as did Lucifer who rebelled against God). v.12 “These are SPOTS (margin: stains, hidden reefs; people planted by Satan as members) in your Love Feasts (God’s annual Festivals), while they feast with you without FEAR, serving only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried about by the winds, late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots; v.13 “Raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame, wandering stars, for who is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.” Judgment Coming Soon on Disobedient Mankind Jude further writes of the coming of Jesus Christ with His bride to begin dealing with this ungodly world. Jude 14 “Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, ‘Behold, the Lord comes with 10,000s of His saints (144,000, Revelation 14:1), to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly


among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against them. v.16 ‘These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts, and they mouth great swelling words flattering people to gain advantage.” Past and Present Age of God’s Church The Apostle Peter was also used by Jesus Christ to WARN the membership in his lifetime while extending that WARNING to this end-time; WARNING of the ever-present and continuing danger of deception for all of God’s true people: II Peter 2:1-2 vs.1-2 “But there were false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will SECRETLY bring in destructive heresies (that covered eight years before destroying the corporate WWCG), even (by doing so) DENYING the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. It is very difficult for many to equate what is said in those prophetic Scriptures to our time today, but they do parallel. Based on what is said in them and seeing the same problems existing in our time one should realize Jesus Christ intended them for this end-time as well as the former times. The Blindfold Covering the Eyes of Mr. Armstrong It should be easily understood in view of what took place after the death of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, he was intentionally blinded to the man he appointed to replace him after his death As to why? Jesus Christ permitted this deception to take place within the Worldwide Church of God for prophecy had to be fulfilled and it could not be as long as he was alive (II Thessalonians 2:7). Almost immediately after his death, Mr. Tkach apostatized! — rejected God’s apostle; he became a Judas! He began being used by Satan the devil to change all that Jesus Christ had used him in teaching the Church and mankind, one doctrine after the other was replaced with the pagan teachings of the Catholic and Protestant Churches (cf. I Kings 12:20-33)!


Thus, he was used by Satan the devil to devastate and destroy completely the corporate Worldwide Church of God. Over 100,000 members fell away—fulfilling prophecy as made known in Scripture (II Thessalonians 2:1-3). The Apostle Peter also wrote about our time as well: II Peter 2:2-3 v.2 “And MANY will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the Way of TRUTH will be blasphemed (and it was by teaching all of God’s laws, 10 commandments, etc., were done away with the Old Covenant). v.3 “By covetousness they will EXPLOIT you with DECEPTIVE WORDS (Mr. Tkach became the sole heir of all the properties and bank accounts, and tithes), for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.” The Apostle Paul made known punishment would come upon those who would trifle with God’s holy and righteous laws; at the same time for trampling upon the sacrifice of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10:26-30). “Vengeance is Mine, I will Repay,” says the Lord Jesus Christ exacted a terrible penalty on Mr. Tkach, Sr., for what he had done to bring about the destruction of the Worldwide Church of God. Various sources said he died a horrible and painful death— as the following two quotes make known: A quote from Aaron Dean, the former personal aide to Mr. Armstrong: “Tkach died on a Sabbath 40 weeks after giving his Sabbath sermon taking full responsibility for the changes to the Sabbath. It was the Sabbath before Trumpets which came the following Monday. I don't see much as to the relation to HWA's time of death as I do to 40 being the number of judgment, and the manner of death, which according to one of the nurses who said in 20+ years of nursing they had never seen a more hideous painful death come on so quickly than that of JWT.” End of His Quotes Internet: “Joseph W. Tkach died Sat., 23 September 1995 –which was exactly 40 weeks (some say to the minute) after his initial 'New Covenant' sermon in Atlanta [GA] on 17 Dec 1994.” End of Quote Joseph Tkach, Jr. Appointed Heir After the death of Mr. Tkach, Sr., his son, Joe Tkach, Jr., became the sole heir and followed fully in his father’s footsteps, believing and teaching the same pagan teachings.


In view of what happened to his father, one would think he would have developed a reverent FEAR of God, but not so. However, similar to the Pharaoh, whose heart continued to be hardened after each plague was brought on Egypt, there was no remorse, no repentance, no turning around. The power of spiritual blindness had overcome him just as it had with his father. In their minds they believed what they had done was the right thing. In time to come they will come to know they had been used by Satan the devil and hopefully will repent with godly sorrow. Jezebel the Evil Murderous Queen Yet Lives A lesson should have been learned from the Thyatira Church Era. For what took place in that Church Era led to the same deception taking place with the members in this end- time. This was due to Jezebel symbolically having come into the Worldwide Church of God just as she had in the Thyatira Era. The ministry and members were not without warning for Jesus Christ said at the end of each letter to the Seven Church Eras: Revelation 2:29 v.29 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches.” Jesus Christ gave this corrective warning through the Apostle John regarding the tolerating of Jezebel within the Thyatira Church Era. However, it was also intended for the end-time as the following Scripture makes known: Revelation 2:20 v.20 “Nevertheless, I have a few things against you, because you ALLOW that woman Jezebel (Catholic Church personified by Jezebel, Revelation 17:1-6, 18), who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and SEDUCE My servants to commit sexual immorality (contrast this with Revelation 14:4, committing adultery with false churches), and eat things sacrificed to idols (ministers praying over food in the name of Christ, but in reality to Baal due to their acceptance of the pagan teachings, cf. Exodus 32:4; 1 Corinthians 10:20-21).


The Apostates of the End-Time Satan the devil, as a wily deceitful and charming serpent, accomplished his mission of destroying the restored teachings of Jesus Christ within the Worldwide Church of God by using Mr. Tkach and his administration to subtly introduce Jezebel, personified by the Catholic Church, into the Worldwide Church of God via her Babylonish teachings. She was well received and embraced by the ministry and the membership. Slowly at first the pagan teachings of Baalism, as taught to ancient Israel by this evil queen, Jezebel (I Kings 16:29-33;18:19), began to be taught in the Worldwide Church of God as they also were taught in the Thyatira Church Era (Revelation 2:20-23). She then began replacing the true doctrinal teachings with the diabolical pagan teachings of Baal. Thus, Jezebel spiritually seduced the ministers and members—setting them up to be murdered in the coming Great Tribulation just as she did literally in the kingdom of Israel by murdering the prophets of God (I Kings 18:4, 13; cf. Revelation 17:6); all were seduced—by their acceptance of her pagan teachings. To deceitfully cloak the changes in doctrine, such as, “Born Again Now”, Mr. Tkach would then calm the membership by saying, it is just a matter of ‘semantics’. —no cause for concern. Jezebel Massacred the Ministers and Membership After eight full years, Jezebel, by the use of her prophets of Baal, and prophets of Asherah (I Kings 18:19), as personified and represented by the false ministry of today, has successfully brought about the soon-coming deaths to all (I Kings 18:4), except for a bare few, because of their acceptance of— “The New Teachings!” Because of God’s grace and mercy, the true elect was able to escape her deceptive practices and pagan teachings. All others followed her—not knowing she was leading them to be horribly murdered in the soon-coming Great Tribulation, as Israel was by Assyria in 721 B. C. (II Kings 17:5—18). The Apostle Paul was also used by Jesus Christ to write a warning of this deception that did take place in this end time by the apostates, and is yet ongoing: I Timothy 4:1-2 vs.1-2 “Now the spirit explicitly says that in latter times some will depart from the FAITH, giving heed to Deceiving Spirits (meaning: apostates—who followed Jezebel) and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron.”


Prophecy Foretold for the End-Time Considering the foregoing deception that blanketed the ministry and membership— “The falling away”, as prophesied, did take place under the apostate pastor general of the Worldwide Church of God. For those who really knew Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, this could only have taken place after his death in 1986 (II Thessalonians 2:7), and his appointment of a Judas to replace him. He would not have permitted it to take place as long as he lived. To make the point: Dr. Stravinedas, a disciple of Mr. Tkach, Sr., was asked after he began teaching the Trinity, why did he not teach it while Mr. Armstrong was alive? He replied, “He would not let me.” To understand the following prophecy, it should be realized it speaks in type and duality of TWO MEN who would be used by Satan the devil to fulfill the prophecy. The Apostate and Judas It is a historical fact, the first man, Mr. Joseph Tkach, Sr., brought about the falling away of over 100,000 members during his nine-year tenure as the pastor general of the Worldwide Church of God—1986-1995. His ignominious death took place during that final year The False Prophet In time yet to come the primary one of this prophecy will be used by Satan the devil: —the ‘Pope’, who will move to Jerusalem and will sit in the new Temple, in the Holy of Holies, soon to be built, claiming that he is God—very probably in the year, 2026. The Apostle Paul was used by Jesus Christ to write of that prophecy— “the falling away”! II Thessalonians 2:1-4 vs.1-2 “Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as from us, as though the day of Christ had come. v.3 “Let no one DECEIVE by any means for that Day will not come UNLESS the falling away comes first (in 1995), and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition (Duality: Mr. Joseph Tkach, Sr.; 31 years later, the Pope, 2026).


The Man of Sin The man of sin fits both Mr. Tkach and the Pope. Mr. Tkach authoritatively stated before the ministry in December 1994, and then the Church that all of God’s holy and righteous laws were done away with the Old Covenant! He ignored the many Scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments that clearly teach otherwise. Their belief does away with sin for where there is no law sin is not imputed (Romans 5:13; 4:15; 3:20). With this belief and teaching they have no fear from God for any consequences of their actions. The Pope in Rome only believes in God’s laws as interpreted by the Catholic Church, such as altering the second commandment that prohibits the worship of idols, and their change of the fourth commandment to the Lord’s day, not the seventh day, etc. Consider the enormous step in human vanity and ego by this human being elevating himself as Almighty GOD— as the following prophecy makes known: v.4 “Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the Temple of God (3rd Temple), showing himself that he is God.” Presently, he claims that he is the Vicar of Christ, meaning in His place as His representative. However, in the next few years, as these Scriptures makes known, he will go further by claiming he is God. The ‘Power’ of the Holy People to be S-h-a-t-t-e-r-e-d Based on the foregoing falling away, and the scattering of God’s true elect people, there is yet a future time when Jesus Christ will close the door to the preaching of the Gospel. It appears the door will close possibly a year or more before the Pope takes his seat in the new Temple of God. The timing will also connect with the elect people of God fleeing to Jerusalem in-route to the Place of Safety. The Prophet Daniel wrote of this coming time:


Daniel 12:6-7 v.6 And one (angel) said to the man (angel) clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, “How long shall the fulfillment of these ‘wonders’ be?” These ‘wonders’ connect with the rise of the Roman Empire, the daily sacrifices for 1150 days; the Beast to rule the Roman Empire, the coming coronation of Jesus Christ, the resurrection and coming rule of Jesus Christ (Daniel 7:9-28), each in its own time. All of these are to take place in the very end-time (Daniel 8:9-26), one to follow the other: v.7 Then I heard the man (angel) clothed in linen who was above the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever, that it shall be for three and one/half years; and WHEN the ‘POWER’ of the holy people has been COMPLETELY SHATTERED, ALL these things shall be finished. Prophecies Dovetailing Together All these major events will come together at the time the Power of the holy people has been shattered. They will take place shortly before their departure for the Place of Safety, possibly a year or more. It also connects with the time Michael the archangel of God will stand up for the people of God (Daniel 12:1); it also connects with other prophecies (Daniel 8:9-14; Daniel 12:11- 12). It will be at the beginning of the Great Tribulation the Pope will take his seat in the Temple of God showing himself that he is God. ‘The POWER of the holy people being completely shattered’—meaning there will be no employment, therefore no tithes for the Gospel to be preached or published. This will bring to an end the Work of God supported by the Philadelphia Church Era. Jesus Christ spoke to His disciples of this yet coming time when the preaching of the Gospel can no longer be preached and bring to an end this age: Matthew 24:14 v.14 “And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and THEN the end will come.” Shortly after this time will begin the Great Tribulation that will last for three and one- half years. During this same time Jesus Christ will use Two Men to witness to the Beast and the 10 nations that will constitute the Roman Empire (Revelation 11.). Afterwards, the battle of Armageddon and the close of this age.


The Increasing Deception of the End-Time To better understand what the chosen Elect people of God will be facing a few short years from now, and seeing it materialize will necessitate the imperative need of their preparation to flee to the place of safety. And even more importantly, the preparation for the return of Jesus Christ to claim His Bride. To get the picture of this coming time, further quotes will be taken from the following booklet: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Ambassador College Department of Theology, “A counterfeit Christianity”, page 17. “The long-term condition of false religion described above will culminate in the end-time fulfillment of the white horseman of Revelation 6, in the person of a great False Prophet. From the midst of many conflicting nominal Christian sects and arguing religious leaders will emerge a single individual of immense personal power and magnetism, eclipsing all others. He will rise to prominence in the near future — the exact year is unknown — just prior to all other cataclysms at the time of the end. He will signal the beginning of sorrows: the first horseman. “Notice his description in II Thessalonians, “And then shall that Wicked One be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders . . .” (II Thessalonians 2:8-9). “This powerful instrument of Satan will have unusual charisma and power [Revelation 13:18]! He will dazzle the world with miracles, mobilizing vast armies of formerly lukewarm Christians in his sinister service. This ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ will appear innocent, sincere, and righteous before men. Only the ‘elect’ — those already led by God’s Spirit and obedient to His laws — will be able to recognize the true course of these deceitful wonders (Matthew 24:24). “This end-time professing Christian leader will arrogate to himself titles and honors equal to, and attempting to exceed, those of God Himself! He exalted himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God [3rd Temple], showing himself that he is God (II Thessalonians 2:3-4). “After this ‘White Horseman’ proclaims himself to be God, his believers will ‘go forth conquering and to conquer’ in the name of their god, this false prophet. A series of


religious wars dwarfing the Dark Ages Crusades will scourge the earth. This leads directly into, and overlaps with, the second horseman of the Apocalypse; WAR!” End of Quotes A Needed Quote for Understanding The following quote is taken from the above booklet to show how this applies to two ministers who have also taken titles from Holy Scripture that only belong to Jesus Christ. Note the excerpt from the above booklet about the False Prophet: “This end-time professing Christian leader will arrogate to himself titles and honors equal to, and attempting to exceed, those of God Himself! He exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped …” The following two ministers have also taken titles and honors equal to God as will be seen from their own writings. Biblical Titles Gerald Flurry Has Appropriated for Himself

In the July-August 2000 issue of PCG's Royal Vision magazine on the inside of the front cover it is written:

"About our cover. The various biblical titles associated with an end-time prophet who comes on the scene just before Jesus Christ's return."

On the front cover the following titles are illustrated:


The Knocker Joel Watchman Teacher of Righteousness Elisha Lawgiver King THAT PROPHET Ambassador A Voice Zechariah Counselor Micah Breaker Habakkuk


In his booklet, who is That Prophet? Flurry has also given himself further titles:

Ezekiel God's Chief Ruler Amos Eliakim Father The Elder Obadiah Messenger

In the magazine (and the booklet) Flurry attempts to link himself to all these titles. Here is an astounding statement he has made:

"God's ministers must understand this concept deeply and lead God’s people [to] magnify my office--which is really God's office." (Royal Vision, July-Aug. 2000 issue, p. 30

The previous statement is an exact quote.

Update: Flurry has also given himself the title of "The Nail in a Sure Place" and "Joshua." A Recent New Title The Trumpet, From the Book: The New Throne of David by Gerald Flurry, chapter 2, he wrote a lengthy writing seeking to prove the throne of David is now in the Philadelphia Church. Believing God has rejected the throne of David on which Queen Elizabeth has occupied it has come to the PCG. In brief: Mr. Flurry connects his new belief with the pillar stone of Jacob having been replaced by the Prayer Rock that Mr. Armstrong used in early years to pray when seeking to be alone with God. He has that Prayer Rock in his possession. And since Mr. Armstrong has traced his ancestry back to King David this makes the needed connection between the two for his belief. A quote from his writing: “We have the throne in our possession! … It is now in PCG, which means we are now ready to go to the place of safety.” He is not only ‘A King’, but so are his members. … End of the Writings Concerning Mr. Flurry


David Pack – Restored Church of God Mr. Pack is the other minister who has exalted himself with lofty titles from Scripture as well. David Pack presumptuously took unto himself the office of an Apostle some few years ago. Since then he has also made the claim he is the promised Elijah to Come, and not Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. And of recent date (as made known by one of his elders), he is teaching his membership that he is— “THAT PROPHET”. In his other writings, he claims his membership have no ownership or control over all their assets, rather they belong to his church. Therefore, he can continue demanding from them at any time whatever he chooses from those assets –milking them of all they own! This has made possible the embellishment of his headquarters and himself. Though there may be other lofty titles he has appropriated to himself, these are the only ones that have come to be known at this time. Sadly, the membership of both these men appears to be totally deceived by Satan the devil. Those who may not be are offering little fuss, if any. End of writing about Mr. Pack Needed Understanding Now! When considering these two false self-proclaimed apostles and their lofty biblical titles is not a laughing matter, but very serious when considering what Jesus Christ warned His true people about just before the Great Tribulation! They may very well be the “Two Prominent Men”, that Satan may use to begin performing miracles and deceiving members into believing Christ will then be here on earth, and with them! And they will be believable, as Jesus said they would be—except for the Elect who will not be captivated by them (Matthew 24:23-25). This will be at a time of great stress for all people! Satan will then make his last effort to DECEIVE the Elect just prior to fleeing to the place of safety by using known, respected, and trusted ministers from the former Worldwide Church of God; two in particular as noted above:


Matthew 24:23-24 vs.23-24 “THEN if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to DECEIVE, if possible, even the Elect. vs.25-26 “See, I have told you beforehand. Therefore, if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it.” It is during this time, just before the beginning of the Great Tribulation, Jesus Christ warned there would be the last-ditch effort by Satan the devil to use his greatest deception yet—by using these men to perform miracles! This will be his effort to try and destroy the Elect people of God! And Satan will be successful with the deceived membership! The above Scriptures make this very clear. The false ministers who will be performing miracles will deceive them into believing Jesus Christ is in the inner rooms of their elaborate headquarters; while other false ministers will say Christ is waiting for them to meet Him in the desert. This is somewhat like the rapture theory with the effort of escaping the Great Tribulation. The Precise Time for Departure to Petra Considering the major events to be taking place about this time, it appears the false ministers to be used by Satan to perform miracles will take place at a particular time, very possibly early 2026. Just before the Elect and chosen people of God are to fly to Jerusalem (Jeremiah 51:5o). Scripture indicates God’s elect people will live there for about five months (Revelation 9:5, 10). From there Jesus Christ makes known the exact time they are to depart from Jerusalem for Petra: Matthew 24:15 v.15 “Therefore, when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel; the prophet, STANDING in the Holy Place” (whoever reads let him understand), THEN let those who are in Judea FLEE to the mountains (Revelation 18:4-5; Jeremiah 51:6, 45-46, 50). There will be the continued need for fervent prayer concerning the timing of the departure from Jerusalem as Christ makes known: Matthew 24:20-22 vs.20-22 “And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath. For THEN there will be (the) Great Tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were


shortened, no flesh would be saved (alive); but for the Elect’s sake those days will be shortened.” The Way Signs Marking the Close of This Age Throughout this chapter, Matthew 24, Jesus Christ spoke to His disciples of the major problems that would be affecting the nations that would worsen before the end of this age, wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes, then persecution, hatred, betrayal, and martyrdom (Matthew 24:6-7). All these major problems will take place some little time before God’s chosen people are to flee to Jerusalem—the first layover before the final departure to Petra. A time that Satan will have given up on his effort of deception and will then bring persecution on God’s people by their own families accusing them before the authorities (Revelation 12:12-13). Matthew 24:8-14 vs.8-9 “All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then they will deliver you up to TRIBULATION and KILL you (this began in the apostolic Church Era and continued throughout the first five Church eras. It will occur again in the 7th era of God’s Church, the Laodicean Era), and you will be hated by all nations for My Name’s sake. v.10 “And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.” During these very difficult and trying times, Satan the devil will use false ministers in a greater way to try and DECEIVE God’s true and faithful people: vs.11-12 “Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many (this will be due to lawlessness, possibly civil wars, and loss of love for God), and because lawlessness will abound, the LOVE OF MANY will grow cold. v.13 “But he who endures to the end shall be saved (Coupling this Scripture with the following Scripture, this is more than enduring, but also to continue to support the Work of God until verses 15-16). v.14 “And this Gospel must be preached (until Christ closes the door just prior to the Elect fleeing to place of safety, Revelation 3:7-8) in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come (here is the answer to the disciples’ questions as to His coming and the end of this age, Matthew 24:3). The Return of Jesus Christ to Earth However, Jesus Christ will not return to this earth until after Armageddon, three and one/half years after the Great Tribulation. The coming of Jesus Christ will spectacularly be witnessed by all of mankind as He orbits the earth (Revelation 1:7).


Considering the historical duality of Scriptures, He will orbit the earth seven times, Jericho being a type of the societies of this world (Joshua 6:1-16), the same number of times ancient Israel marched around that city. In this context, one should remember, the name Joshua in the Greek language has the same meaning as Jesus who will at His coming be clearly seen by all of mankind as He orbits the planet earth. This will be just prior to bringing to an end this present age of 6,000 years as did Joshua to Jericho. Matthew 24:27 v.27 “For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” With the background and display of great earthquakes, mountains and islands violently being moved out of their places, the sun turning black, the moon having turn red as blood, meteors falling to earth, the sky splitting apart—all these will be taking place at the time of the coming of Jesus Christ back to this earth! These terrible things taking place in the heavens and on earth will be an awesome spectacular and terrifying sight to behold! They will frighten mankind so greatly they will cry out to the mountains and caves to fall on them to hide them from the face of Him who sits on His throne and from His wrath: “… for the great day of His wrath has come and who will be able to stand??” (Revelation 6:16-17; 11:19; 19:11). The Overview of God’s Master Plan To understand the depth of the POWER of darkness that continues to blanket the whole world (Revelation 12:9), along with the churches splintered off from the former Worldwide Church of God, one has to look at it in contrast to the true and faithful Church of God who has been delivered from it. This Power of Darkness has always been used by Satan the devil who continually seeks to disrupt and destroy the Master Plan of God for the ultimate salvation of mankind. He tried with Jesus Christ and utterly failed (Matthew 4:1-10). Realizing his time has almost run out, Satan the devil is fiercely seeking to destroy the Elect, the chosen people of God in this age in any way he can— though for now primarily by DECEPTION! However, toward the end of the age he will resort to outright persecution (Matthew 10:22-31; Revelation 12:13-17).


The devil knows the chosen people of God in this age are to aid Jesus Christ in the millennium to be the teachers of all mankind during the thousand years. He also knows during the millennium reign of Jesus Christ millions will then come to be members and teachers as well. In conjunction with the Bride of Jesus Christ, they will then be used to teach those in the Great Resurrection to become members of God’s true Church during that one-hundred-year time period. Thus, God’s ongoing plan to expand His Family will then have taken place and completed. And billions of mankind will then be born into the God Family, while all others who refuse to be taught and make the good changes, will be burned up in the Lake of Fire. This is why Satan is violently opposed to it! With this in mind, he knows he has to do all he can by using ministers well known to others to DECEIVE the Elect ‘NOW’, and, ‘LATER’ (Matthew 24:8-11, 23-28)! Failing his use of his deceptive powers, he will then resort to persecution (Revelation 12:13-17)! Afterwards, he will seek to kill them on their way to the Place of Safety (Revelation 12:14-16), by using the Beast and his Roman armies; a parallel of Pharaoh and his armies pursuing Israel with the purpose of destroying them at the Red Sea (Exodus 14:5-31). Once again, he will fail! ______The Purpose of This Writing Many articles, sermons, and booklets have been written on this subject. However, in view of the gravity of even greater danger of deception now taking place as we near the end- time, it is necessary to further expose some of the dangers that are now threatening many members from Satan’s use of ministers who have led many thousands of former members away—and soon into the Great Tribulation. With God’s help, we must do all we can to try and help them if at all possible to remove the veil of darkness that is cast over them (Isaiah 25:7). With this overview in mind it should become easy to understand why a true Christian has to always be on alert and guarding his or her mind from the continuous onslaught of the fiery darts of wickedness from Satan the Devil (Proverbs 4:23; Ephesians 6:10-18), as the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2), who is seeking to enter the inner-most part of mind and heart to destroy each one of God’s people.


The Invisible Satan and His Evil Forces The Apostle Paul wrote of who we are while connecting Satan using his power of darkness to do his evil works in a world that that belongs to him: Ephesians 2:1-2 vs.1-2 “And YOU He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the Prince of the POWER of the air, the spirit who NOW works in the sons of disobedience …” And to keep the true members in God’s truth and way of life, the Apostle Paul further wrote: Ephesians 6:10-12, 16 v.10 “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the POWER of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand AGAINST the wiles (schemings) of the devil. v.12 “For we do not wrestle (cf. Genesis 32:24-29; Hosea 12:3-4: Jacob wrestling with God) against flesh and blood, but AGAINST principalities, against powers, AGAINST the rulers of the DARKNESS of this age, AGAINST spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” v.16 “Above all taking the shield of FAITH with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.” Satan Has Deceived the Whole World Jesus Christ makes known the one who is responsible for the veil of darkness of the power of deception covering the whole world: Revelation 12:3-4, 7, 9 v.3 “… that serpent of old (Genesis 3:1, 4) called the Devil and Satan, WHO DECEIVES THE WHOLE WORLD; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Further, he works his destructive purpose in mankind swaying them to work all kinds of evil in this world. The Apostle John wrote: I John 5:19 v.19 “… the whole world lies under his sway …” Needed Steps to Avoid Deception Jesus Christ led the Apostle John to write in detail what the true Christian must do by keeping away from people Satan would use to bring them back into his world.


II John 6-7, 9-11 v.6 “This is LOVE, that we walk according to His commandments. This is the commandment, that as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in it. v.7 “For MANY deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh (Gnostics). This is a deceiver and an antichrist. v.8 “Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward. v.9 “Whoever transgresses (margin: ‘goes ahead’) and does not ABIDE in the doctrine of Christ (the fragmented churches formerly of the Worldwide Church of God) does not have God. He who ABIDES in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. Further, he wrote of the danger that can come from former friends, acquaintances, and even former ministers who have been embraced by the deception of the power of darkness, by writing the following: vs.10-11 “If anyone comes to you and does NOT bring this doctrine, do NOT receive him into your house NOR greet him. For he who greets him SHARES in his evil deeds.” The Elect are the Light of the World By obeying the warning words of Jesus Christ through His Apostle John will continue to make possible His elect to be used by Him to be the light of the world in conduct as well as supporting the Work of God to continue going forth to this world (Matthew 5:13-16). II Corinthians 2:14-17 vs.14-15 “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in TRIUMPH in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. v.16 “To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? v.17 “For we are not, as also many, peddling (cf. Leviticus 20:5-6, prostituting self) the word of God; but as in sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ.” By continuing to live God’s way of life, His people are being transformed into His very image.


II Corinthians 3:18 v.18 “But we all, with UNVEILED face (power of darkness having been removed by God, Colossians 1:13), beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” And to survive God’s people are to continue to walk and live by every word of God while having an ongoing relationship with our God and Creator, Jesus Christ. Luke 4:4 v.4 But Jesus answered him (Satan the devil, vs. 1-3), saying, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’ The Coming Flight of the Elect Remaining free from Satan’s deceptive tactics, the Elect of God will flee during very critical times, similar to the time the people of God had to flee from Jerusalem in 70 A. D.; Jesus Christ cautions His people about the coming critical times: Matthew 24:20-27 v.20 “And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, nor, nor ever shall be. v.22 “And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved (alive); but for the Elects sake those days will be shortened. v.23 “THEN if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. v.24 “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show Great SIGNS and WONDERS TO DECEIVE, if possible, even the elect. vs.25-26 “See I have told you beforehand. Therefore, if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it. v.27 “For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For wherever the carcass (Greek: soma=body to save (deliver protected) to heal, preserve, save:” meaning the elect in the place of safety) is, there the eagles (eagles are vultures, Job 39:27-30) will be gathered together.”


Note: “Wherever the body is” Pictures the gathering at God’s Feast of Tabernacles, but here in Petra where Christ will be in Spirit, as He now is at the FOT. This is where the BODY will be (Petra) when Christ returns to this earth (Isaiah 33:14-17; 42:10-13; Habakkuk 3:3). Eagles are symbolic of the leadership who will be gathered at that time in Armageddon. World War III It will be at this time the Great Tribulation will begin to take place by the Revived Holy Roman Empire launching a blitzkrieg nuclear attack upon the House of Joseph and the other tribes of Israel. The following quotes makes this very clear: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Ambassador College Department of Theology, “A World at War”, pages 21-24. Chapter Three A World at War “And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. —Matthew 24:6-7 “And when he has opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, ‘Come and see.’ And there went out another horse that was red; and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.” —Revelation 6:3-4 As John’s heart-stopping vision continues, Jesus opens the second seal and John sees a red horse. It rider is given authority to remove peace from the earth. The absence of peace is war. The red horse obviously represents the scourge of war. … Pages 23-24>Mankind may have “always had wars,” but never yet on the scale Jesus Christ predicted in Matthew 24 and Revelation 6. Never before has man had the potential for the total obliteration of human life. And just as man has always used the weapons in his possession, mankind will use the nightmarish weapons now in his arsenal: nuclear warheads, laser beams, chemical and biological warfare, nerve gas, heat-seeking missiles (called “smart bombs”), and who knows what other “science fiction-fact” items that may still be classified information in government files around the earth.


These are the weapons of the second horseman of the Apocalypse. Notice in Revelation 6:4 that he has power to take peace from all the earth. This involves world war, not local wars, civil wars, or even conventional international conflicts such as Korea and Viet Nam. Also notice the second horseman has a great sword. This represents the ability to kill millions, not just the few thousands killed in such “normal” wars. Finally, notice the specific time and place of the second horseman’s grisly ride upon the earth. World War III As the first horseman rides forth “conquering and to conquer” in the name of false religion, the second horseman – war –is quick on his heals as that instrument of conquest. Prophecy labels this political instrument as “The Beast”, a future ten-nation alliance which in now forming in Central Europe. Included in the horseman’s victims are (as identified in Bible Prophecy) the descendants of the ancient ten tribes of Israel. … Even today, the political and military polarization is taking place – power blocks are being formed – that will eventually clash in the most titanic series of battles in human history. It will be a war so intense and so destructive that unless God intervened to forcibly stop it, all of humanity would die. How destructive will it be? Whole metropolises will be vaporized by nuclear attack, with tens of millions dying instantly. “Thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant” (Ezekiel 6:6-7). How many will die? … “A third part shall fall by the sword round about thee” (Ezekiel 5:12). … These are frightening words. But there is no need for the elect of God to be frightened. Christ said to His true disciples, “See that ye be not troubled.” … End of Quotes The Prophesied Famine and Pandemic Diseases Prior to the nuclear attack a terrible famine accompanied by pestilence will begin taking its toll of suffering and death by the millions of mankind during the last five months of the three and one-half years to come upon the House of Joseph and other tribes of Israel (Revelation 9:5,10). Note the quotes from the continued writing of the same booklet. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Ambassador College Department of Theology, “Famine Stalks the Earth”, pages 21, 24: Chapter Four


Famine Stalks the Earth “And there shall be FAMINES . . .” —Matthew 24:7

“And when He had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, ‘Come and see.’ And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, ‘A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see that you hurt not the oil and the wine.’” —Revelation 6:5-6

As rapidly as the third horseman appeared on the heels of the second, famine follows rapidly on the heels of war. … The GREAT Famine The third horseman of the Apocalypse doesn’t primarily refer to the cyclical famines of the past, or the “structural famines” of the present, but to a specific Great Famine in the future. … After one third of America and the British Commonwealth are liquidated in the initial outbreak of war, Ezekiel 5:12 shows that another one-third will die with the combined ravages of the third and fourth horsemen, famine and pestilence. These prophecies are yet ahead of us. … End of Quotes The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Ambassador College Department of Theology, “And there shall be pestilences”, pages 33-36. Chapter Five Death Toll: One Billion “And there shall be . . . pestilences —Mathew 24:7 “And when He had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, ‘Come and see.’ And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.


And power was given unto him over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” —Revelation 6:7-8 As THE fourth seal is opened, John sees a pale horse. … the word pale is translated from the Greek word chloros. It is the same root word from which we derive the term “chlorophyll” (a substance which helps make leafy plants green). It means in Biblical usage, a pale-green, the sickly yellowish-green color of disease. … Pestilences are, by definition, disease epidemics of world proportion — pandemics! The Last Horseman Rides Almost overlapping the third horseman, worldwide disease epidemics will strike hard on the heels of famine. Millions more will die, even though they survived the initial nuclear blasts and the ensuing famines. This last of the four horsemen will bring the total death toll of all four to one fourth of mankind (Revelation 6:8). As world population reaches four billion (by 1975) [2018, seven billion-plus], this death toll represents about one- billion human beings [plus: 1 billion 750 million]. The potential for epidemic is always there, dormant, latent, ready to strike … millions of the majority of people will be caught by surprise when the four horsemen ride over this earth in the near future. They could escape if their eyes were opened to the Bible and world trends, but their eyes are closed—willingly or in ignorance. … The only escape from the grisly realities on earth is recourse to the greatest reality in the universe—GOD! End of Quotes The Chosen People of God Unknown by the World In only a few short years from now the chosen elect, due to the wonderful grace, mercy and help from Jesus Christ will be accepted as His Bride. This will be after each one will have been tried and proven via tests, trials, escaping Satan’s powerful deceptive tactics, and endured the persecution. For the most part this little flock belonging to God numbers about 7,000 members (Romans 11:4-5, 7). Presently, they are scattered in various places in the Tribes of Israel (Revelation 7:1-8), and possibly a few in Gentile countries (Ezekiel 34; Jeremiah 23:1-5). These are the true and faithful people of God, “a little, little flock” (Luke 12:32, a double diminutive, small size, tiny, Experimental Commentary; also Micah 5:2; Habakkuk 1:5).


The Preaching of the Gospel Jesus Christ said the Gospel must be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and THEN the end would come (Matthew 24:14). Mr. Armstrong did preach the Gospel message to all of the nations in this world before his death in 1986. However, based on what Christ said, it must yet continue for he has been dead for 32 years, and the end has not yet here. Therefore, the warning message must yet be preached among mankind due to the worsening evils in the house of Joseph and other tribes of Israel! And though their leadership and peoples are blinded, they must still be warned of the coming consequences of their actions before being swallowed up in the Great Tribulation. By so doing, Jesus Christ is giving His people Israel a final opportunity to change from their wicked ways and come before Him with godly sorrow and repentance before entering this coming terrible time. It is the Church of God, Faithful Flock, from among all of the other scattered flocks belonging to God, Jesus Christ is using to SUPPORT the Work of preaching the Gospel that He Himself is doing via of our 16 websites on which are all of the Recorded Works of God’s late apostle and the Elijah to come. The Same Promised Elijah for the End-Time And though Mr. Armstrong is dead, Christ is using him to yet speak (cf. Hebrews 11:4), preaching the Gospel and sounding the Ezekiel Warning Message (Ezekiel 33:1-7), by the use of his Recorded Works from his life-time ministry of 52 years. It is a fact, and all will come to know in due time, even by his many enemies, Jesus Christ is still using the same man— the promised Elijah of the end-time to continue the same work as He did in his life-time ministry. Due to God’s true people being scattered and not known for the most part where they are today, and with our smallness, God’s chosen elect are unknown, and unrecognized by the corporate Churches and the world.


To illustrate, it was said to me some time ago that Mr. David Pack called us “a faithful splinter, not even on radar.” He was right! However, a splinter will hurt over time to come when he and others will come to know, as small as we are (Habakkuk 1:5), Jesus Christ is using this little flock to support the greatest Work there is on this earth for God Himself is doing it; it is His Work. For the present time, it is as the Apostle John wrote: I John 3:1 v. 1 “… the world does not know us …” God’s Wonderful Master Plan We pray for the soon coming time when the power of darkness will be lifted from the minds and hearts of those who are yet covered by it—men and women who were once of us (Isaiah 25:7-8; 11:7; Habakkuk 2:14). Once it is removed they will come to really know God and become His true people—with reverent worship and adoration for both the Father and Jesus Christ. What a wonderful time that will come to be—and not all that far away from now when all of us will be together as we were during the lifetime ministry of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. However, in this coming time it will be with the fullness of the Spirit of Truth and LOVE for it—all made possible by our caring Father and Jesus Christ. “Thy Kingdom Come.” The End

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