MURROES & COMMUNITY COUNCIL Meeting held on Thursday 21st February 2019 at 7.30pm in Community Hall.

Present: S.Anderson(Chair/Planning); G. Reid(Treas); PC S. Wilson; Cllr B. Whiteside: G. Cowper(Secy); A. Martin(Vice Chair); Kevin Smith; Sara Smith. Apologies: D. Murdoch; G. Anderson. The Chair opened the meeting and thanked everyone for their attendance.

Matters Arising Petterden – GC stated there had been no issues raised since the last meeting. Westhall Tce – Road repairs still not carried out to an acceptable standard.

Police Report Over Christmas, there had been an attempted break at Golf Club. PC Wilson stated thieves had been targeting trailers and tools. It was advised to secure vehicles and outbuildings at all times, particularly in rural areas. There had been several car accidents in the area, and speeding in Kellas had resulted in Pop up Police being installed in the next few days. It is hoped this will encourage drivers to slow down. Buses have ‘slow down’ stickers on the rear of the vehicles to remind drivers of their speed. There had been problems with youths in and and this was being monitored. PC Wilson was confident in acquiring funding to support football training again for pupils in the Wellbank/Murroes/Ballumbie areas. PC Wilson left the meeting.

Treasurers Report There is £557.97 in the account with donations still to be made.

Planning An industrial container had been sited at a house in Ballumbie Castle Estate. Objections had been raised as to the purpose of the container and the impact for the estate should a change of use be passed. An application for agricultural land to residential at Kellas had been submitted. Hawthorne Grove- Extension Kellas Road- Extension Oak Loan- Extension

AOCB Mr & Mrs Smith, Kellas residents attended the meeting to ask advice on their planning application to change agricultural land to residential land. The purpose of the application is to build a shed. Mr Smith’s van, which holds his joinery tools, had been broken into while in his driveway, and the shed is to store his van in a secure building. There had been objections as residents were concerned the shed was to be used as a manufacturing workshop. As Mr Smith had a meeting with Angus Council onsite the following day, he was advised to give feedback once the meeting had taken place. A Wellbank resident, Mr Dixon had contacted the Community Council regarding dog fouling at Mattocks School, and asked if dog foul bags could be placed in the village shop for residents to clean up after their dog. Teachers at Mattocks P.S are cleaning the mess before the pupils arrive at the school. Cllr Whiteside offered to look into the issue. Mr Dixon also commented on speeding through the village. He suggested 40mph buffers at either end of the village. The Community Council would contact Police for their input, and give feedback at the next meeting. Cllr Whiteside stated a feasibility study for a suitable recycling centre in the Sidlaw area had been rejected by Angus Council. It was believed this would cause fly tipping in the area to increase as Monifieth no longer accepts items for recycling. Success for Sidlaw group had requested prefects from Monifieth High School be asked to attend Community Council meetings in the area to encourage young residents to become involved and give ideas etc to help promote the work of Community Councils. Feedback will be given at next CC meeting.

A representative from SSE is to attend the next CC meeting on the 18th April to provide an update on the proposed wind farm cable install project from Carnoustie to . GC raised the issue of speeding and parking at Grange Primary in Monifieth. GC was advised to contact the police. Cllr Whiteside stated she would raise the issue at the next roads meeting. Scottish Water was still to complete pipe replacement work at Westhall Terrace. They were to put letters through residents letterboxes to explain the reasons for the delay in completing the work, and to apologise for the inconvenience this had caused residents.

The Chair closed the meeting and thanked everyone for attending.