Agenda Board of Directors November 29, 2018 • 10:30 AM – 2:30 pm (ET)

Trump International Hotel 1100 Avenue NW • Washington, DC 20004 Room: Lincoln Library Attire: Business

Closed Agenda

Board of Directors – Executive Session Room Location: Patton Breakfast Included 8:00 am

Open Agenda

1. Call to Order and Appoint Secretary to Record Minutes 10:30 am Presenter: Lisa Barton, Chair

2. Antitrust Statement Presenter: Megan Gambrel Reference: Antitrust Compliance Guidelines

3. Chair Remarks Presenter: Lisa Barton, Chair

4. Keynote Speaker Presenter: Kenneth DeFontes, Jr., Vice Chair, NERC Board of Trustees Reference: Biography

5. Consent Items Presenter: Lisa Barton, Chair Reference: a) Draft Minutes for August 30, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting b) Resolution for Election of Corporate Officers for 2019 (No. 2018-10) c) Resolution in Recognition and Appreciation of Jason Blake (No. 2018-11) d) Proposed 2019 Board Meeting Dates Action: Approve Consent Items Board of Directors • Agenda November 29, 2018

6. Governance Discussion Presenter: Megan Gambrel Description: Ms. Gambrel will lead a discussion on potential alternatives to RF’s current governance and oversight construct. Reference: a) Presentation b) Letter from NERC Board of Trustees (Confidential) Action: Determine Next Steps

7. Resilience and Continuous Improvement Presenter: Ray Sefchik Description: Mr. Sefchik will lead a discussion on RF’s partnership with stakeholders to develop continuous improvement tools that industry can utilize to evaluate and improve their resilience efforts. Reference: Presentation Action: Information and Discussion

8. FERC-led Study of Reliability Coordinator Performance Presenter: Larry Bugh Description: Mr. Bugh will provide an update on the FERC-led effort to evaluate strained system conditions in the MISO south footprint in early 2018. Action: Information and Discussion

Lunch Break 9. Industry Improvements Since the 2003 Blackout Presenter: Brian Thiry Description: Mr. Thiry will lead a case study focusing on industry improvements in technology, communication, and situational awareness since the 2003 blackout. This discussion will also include an update on outages of Energy Management Systems within the RF footprint. Action: Information and Discussion

10 State-Sponsored Cyber Targeting Presenter: Shon Austin Description: Mr. Austin will discuss the worldwide and state-sponsored cyber- attacks that have resulted in intellectual property theft and espionage. This discussion will include guidance for securing networks and devices to protect sensitive information. Reference: Presentation Action: Information and Discussion

2 Board of Directors • Agenda November 29, 2018

11. Cyber Security Update Presenter: Larry Bugh Description: Mr. Bugh will provide the quarterly update on the security of the organization’s infrastructure and operations. This discussion will also include an overview of the security measures in place to safeguard confidential data. Reference: Presentation (Confidential) Action: Approve Metrics

12. Supplier Sector Outreach Presenter: Jeff Mitchell Description: Mr. Mitchell will lead a discussion on RF’s risk-based outreach to its supplier sector concerning reliability issues germane to generation. Reference: Presentation Action: Information and Discussion

13. Corporate Goal Performance Presenter: Deandra Williams-Lewis Description: Ms. Williams-Lewis will provide an update on the 2018 corporate goals and discuss the recently approved 2019 corporate goals. Reference: Presentation Action: Information and Discussion

14. Committee Reports

Finance and Audit Committee • Pat Cass

Compensation Committee • Ken Capps

Compliance Committee • Brenton Greene

Nominating & Governance Committee • Larry Irving

15. Comments from Stakeholders

16. Adjourn

3 Board of Directors • Agenda November 29, 2018

Roster • Board of Directors

Lisa Barton, Chair • AEP (S • 2020) Simon Whitelocke, Vice Chair • ITC Holdings Corporation (AL • 2018) Michael Bryson • PJM (RTO • 2018) Ken Capps • Southern Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AL • 2019) Patrick Cass • Independent (2020) Scott Etnoyer • Talen Energy (AL • 2020) Brenton Greene • Independent (2019) Larry Irving • Independent (2018) Lou Oberski • Dominion Resources Services, Inc. (S • 2021) Matt Paul • DTE Energy (M-LSE • 2019) Susan Sosbe • Wabash Valley Power Association (S-LSE • 2020) Jennifer Sterling • Exelon Corporation (L-LSE • 2019) Lynnae Wilson • Vectren (T • 2020)

4 Kenneth DeFontes, Jr. Vice Chair, Board of Trustees of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation

Kenneth W. DeFontes, Jr. was elected to the Board of Trustees of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation in February 2016 and was elected to vice chair in February 2017. Mr. DeFontes is the liaison to the Standards Committee and serves on the Compliance and Technology and Security Committees.

Mr. DeFontes served as president and chief executive officer of Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE) from 2004 to 2014, and prior to that served in a number of different positions at BGE beginning in 1971. While at BGE, he led a major transformation effort to position BGE for a fast-changing operating environment and future opportunities, implemented major investments in energy conservation, peak demand reduction and smart grid, and served as a witness in a number of regulatory matters before the Maryland Public Service Commission, as well as testifying before the Maryland General Assembly.

In addition to serving on the Board of Directors of BGE, Mr. DeFontes served on the Board of ReliabiltyFirst from 2006 to 2012, and on the Boards of a number of different organizations, including the Southeastern Electricity Exchange, the American Gas Association, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (where he also served as chair), the Greater Baltimore Committee, and St. Joseph Medical Center.

Mr. DeFontes earned a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Swarthmore College and a master's degree from Loyola College.

DRAFT Minutes Board of Directors August 30, 2018 • , OH

ReliabilityFirst Corporation 3 Summit Park Drive, Suite 600 • Cleveland, OH 44131

Executive Session

The Board of Directors met in executive session from 8:00 am until 8:45 am (ET). During the Executive Session, the Board of Directors discussed confidential matters concerning the corporation.

Open Session

Call to Order – Chair Lisa Barton called to order a duly noticed open meeting of the Board of Directors (Board) on August 30, 2018 at 8:49 am (ET). A quorum was present, consisting of the following members of the Board: Chair Lisa Barton; Vice Chair Simon Whitelocke; Michael Bryson; Ken Capps; Patrick Cass (via phone); Scott Etnoyer; Brenton Greene; Larry Irving; Lou Oberski; Matt Paul; Susan Sosbe; Jennifer Sterling; and Lynnae Wilson.

A list of others present during the Board meeting is set forth in Attachment A.

Appoint Secretary to Record Minutes – Chair Barton designated Jason Blake as the secretary to record the meeting minutes.

Antitrust Statement – Jason Blake advised all present that this meeting is subject to, and all attendees must adhere to, ReliabilityFirst’s Antitrust Compliance Guidelines.

Chair Remarks – Chair Lisa Barton welcomed all in attendance. She introduced George Hawkins, NERC Board of Trustees member, and the keynote speaker Jim Robb, NERC President & CEO.

Keynote Speaker – Jim Robb shared his background, from his days as a chemical engineer in and a consultant at ERCOT, to his work in the electric industry in California and his position as CEO at WECC. Mr. Robb discussed NERC’s rich history, its mission, and its progress toward ensuring aligned and consistent practices across the ERO. He discussed the NERC ERO Enterprise Strategic Plan, and the importance of risk-based compliance monitoring and enforcement. He also recognized the recent enhancements at the E-ISAC, and the appointment of Bill Lawrence as NERC’s new Chief Security Officer.

Mr. Robb noted that the ReliabilityFirst region sits at the epicenter of numerous important reliability issues (such as baseload retirements and the increase in natural gas generation) Board of Directors Minutes August 30, 2018

and ReliabilityFirst will continue to play a key role in addressing these issues. He commended ReliabilityFirst’s leadership and staff; innovative data analytics work and risk assessment efforts; and history of collaboration with NERC and the other Regions.

Remarks from NERC Board of Trustees Representative – George Hawkins, NERC Board of Trustees member, discussed his background, including his most recent position as CEO of the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority. He then shared his comments on the ERO Enterprise and on ReliabilityFirst initiatives. Mr. Hawkins emphasized the criticality of the ERO Enterprise’s work, given that a reliable electric grid is fundamental to the sustainability of our society.

Consent Items – Chair Barton introduced the following consent agenda items for approval:

Agenda Item 6(a): Draft Minutes from the May 24, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting.

Agenda Item 6(b): Draft Minutes from the August 8, 2018 Special Elections.

Agenda Item 6(c): Resolution to Conduct Annual Meeting of Members (No. 2018-6).

Agenda Item 6(d): Resolution in Recognition and Appreciation of Distinguished Service by James Haney (No. 2018-7).

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board approved the consent agenda items.

President’s Report – Tim Gallagher thanked Jim Robb and George Hawkins for their remarks, and commended them for their dedication, depth of knowledge, and work in furtherance of the ERO Enterprise. He reported several recent ERO leadership changes, and noted that these changes create tremendous opportunities. Mr. Gallagher then discussed that while Standards are necessary and important, it is also important to utilize all the other tools available to achieve our collective mission. He discussed ReliabilityFirst’s continued work with entities to understand and mitigate the root causes of identified issues, and ReliabilityFirst’s education and outreach efforts to help entities continuously improve and achieve reliability excellence.

Financial Update – Ray Palmieri provided an overview of the Second Quarter financials and the major financial activities of the corporation (included in the agenda package). He reported that ReliabilityFirst is projected to be $425,000 (1.98%) under budget by year end, and discussed the various contributors to this projection. Mr. Palmieri reported that the NERC Board approved the 2019 NERC and Regional Entity Business Plan and Budgets, which were filed with FERC for approval in late August. He expressed appreciation for the Board’s support of retirement overlap hiring within the 2019 Budget, and noted that this effort is moving forward. He also discussed the timeline for ReliabilityFirst’s 2018 financial audit.

2 Board of Directors Minutes August 30, 2018

Resolution to Amend Delegation Agreement to Include WPS and UMERC – Jason Blake provided an update and led a discussion on the status of Public Service Corporation’s (WPS) and Upper Energy Resources Corporation’s (UMERC) request to transfer from Midwest Reliability Corporation (MRO) to ReliabilityFirst. He noted that Jeff Mitchell previously shared ReliabilityFirst’s technical analysis of the transfer request with the Board, and the Board approved submitting the technical analysis to NERC. Mr. Blake reported that NERC’s Board of Trustees approved the transfer request and did not have any questions on the technical analysis.

He stated that the next step in the transfer process is to revise Exhibit A of ReliabilityFirst’s Delegation Agreement to include WPS and UMERC on the map depicting ReliabilityFirst’s regional footprint. He requested the adoption of Resolution No. 2018-8 to approve this revision and authorize Tim Gallagher to sign the revised Delegation Agreement. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board adopted Resolution No. 2018-8.

Resilience and Natural Gas Interdependencies – Brian Fitzpatrick, Sr. Lead Fuel Supply Analyst at PJM Interconnection, LLC (PJM) and Lori Spence, Executive Director, Regulatory Compliance Strategy at Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (MISO) discussed PJM and MISO’s respective analyses concerning electric and natural gas interdependencies. They discussed PJM and MISO’s efforts to understand the nature of these increased interdependencies and associated challenges, and their efforts to understand and mitigate these challenges to ensure a resilient grid.

Proactive Outreach Efforts to Address Certain Risks – Ray Sefchik presented and led a discussion on how ReliabilityFirst proactively addresses risks outside the traditional Standards context. He referenced the recent FERC technical conference on reliability, where panelists discussed how Standards are not always the optimal solution to address every risk. He discussed how ReliabilityFirst is creating more targeted webinars and workshops, increasing entity assist visits, and focusing its communications around key risks. Mr. Sefchik described how these outreach efforts are resulting in positive entity behaviors in furtherance of reliability. There was discussion on continuing to define meaningful metrics to measure the value and identify the effectiveness of ReliabilityFirst’s outreach efforts.

Cyber Security Oversight – Larry Bugh provided an update and led a discussion on the corporation’s cyber security posture and security metrics. He discussed the recent testing of the business continuity plan, and provided an update on the status of the CRISP program, which is planned for installation in September 2018. Mr. Bugh also discussed the recent Department of Homeland Security public webinars on Russian hackers targeting electric utilities, and the need to remain vigilant.

Risk-Based Transmission Studies – Jeff Mitchell led a discussion on the objectives and approach of ReliabilityFirst’s risk-based transmission studies. He discussed the strategy to conduct independent, extreme studies that better identify any potential risks related to studied contingencies. Mr. Mitchell provided examples of these extreme studies, including bus outages, double transmission corridor outages, and transmission line phase angle differences. He noted that these studies feed into the ReliabilityFirst Regional Risk Assessment. 3 Board of Directors Minutes August 30, 2018

Committee Reports

a) Finance and Audit Committee – Pat Cass, Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee (Committee), reported that the Committee received a financial update; discussed the preparation and filing of the Form 990 tax report; and discussed whether there is a need for internal audit services. Ray Palmieri also provided the Committee with an update on enterprise risk management efforts.

b) Compensation Committee – Ken Capps, Chair of the Compensation Committee, reported that the Compensation Committee discussed the progress of the 2018 corporate goals and the 2019 draft corporate goals; received an update on staff retention and vacancy rates; and evaluated the employee benefits package. The Compensation Committee also discussed succession planning, and accepted updates to the succession plan.

c) Compliance Committee – Brenton Greene, Chair of the Compliance Committee, reported that the Compliance Committee discussed ReliabilityFirst’s compliance registry and inherent risk activities; and heard a presentation from DTE Energy (DTE) on DTE’s recent shift from a culture of compliance to a culture of security. The Compliance Committee also discussed activities and trends in enforcement, and received an overview of FERC Order 848, which seeks to expand mandatory reporting requirements for cyber security incidents.

d) Nominating & Governance Committee – Larry Irving, Chair of the Nominating & Governance Committee (NGC), reported that the NGC (with Mr. Irving recused) nominated Simon Whitelocke for re-election as an At-Large Director and nominated Larry Irving for re-election as an Independent Director. The NGC also recommended Board approval of the Resolution to Conduct Annual Meeting of Members; and discussed Board Committee assignments and Board training.

Next Meeting – Chair Barton noted that the next in-person meeting of the Board of Directors will occur on November 29, 2018 in Washington, DC.

Adjourn – Upon a motion duly made and seconded, Chair Barton adjourned the meeting at 12:18 pm (ET).

As approved on this __ day of November, 2018 by the Board of Directors,

Megan Gambrel Interim Corporate Secretary

4 Board of Directors Minutes August 30, 2018


Others Present During the Board of Directors Meeting

Jason Blake • ReliabilityFirst, Vice President, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary Larry Bugh • ReliabilityFirst Sean Cavote • PSEG Jeff Craigo • ReliabilityFirst, Vice President Carl Dister • ReliabilityFirst Rob Eckenrod • PJM Brian Fitzpatrick • PJM Tim Gallagher • ReliabilityFirst, President & CEO George Hawkins • NERC Board of Trustees Member Tony Jablonski • ReliabilityFirst Deandra Williams-Lewis • ReliabilityFirst Jill Lewton • ReliabilityFirst Jeff Mitchell • ReliabilityFirst Ray Palmieri • ReliabilityFirst, Senior Vice President & Treasurer Jim Robb • NERC, President & CEO Joe Robinson • DTE Energy Ray Sefchik • ReliabilityFirst Kristen Senk • ReliabilityFirst Lori Spence • MISO Matt Thomas • ReliabilityFirst Jody Tortora • ReliabilityFirst Jim Uhrin • ReliabilityFirst Angela Rapp-Weber • MISO

5 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-10

Resolution for Annual Election of Officers

WHEREAS, Section 9.1 of the Bylaws states that the officers of the Corporation shall include a President, one or more Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer and any other officers as may be elected or appointed in accordance with the Bylaws;

WHEREAS, Section 9.2 of the Bylaws states that the officers of the Corporation shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors elects, pursuant to Section 9.2 of the Bylaws,

Timothy R. Gallagher as President & Chief Executive Officer; Raymond J. Palmieri as Senior Vice President & Treasurer; Jeffrey L. Craigo as Vice President, Reliability Assurance & Monitoring; and Robert V. Eckenrod as Vice President, General Counsel, & Corporate Secretary (Mr. Eckenrod’s officer position will become effective on his first day of employment with the Corporation on January 7, 2019);

FINALLY RESOLVED, that each elected officer shall continue to serve as officer of the Corporation in his respective elected capacity at the pleasure of the Board of Directors and hold office until his successor has been duly elected and qualified, or upon his earlier resignation or removal.

As adopted on this ___ day of November, 2018 by the Board of Directors,

Megan Gambrel Interim Corporate Secretary

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst


Resolution in Recognition and Appreciation of Outstanding Leadership by Jason Blake

WHEREAS, ReliabilityFirst Corporation’s mission is to preserve and enhance the reliability and security of the bulk power system across its footprint, which stretches from Lake Michigan to the Eastern Seaboard and includes all or parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia;

WHEREAS, Jason Blake, accomplished attorney and graduate of The State University and the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, joined ReliabilityFirst Corporation in 2010, applying his expertise and dedication to furthering the reliability and security of the bulk power system;

WHEREAS, as the Vice President and General Counsel of ReliabilityFirst Corporation, Jason Blake led the Legal & Regulatory Affairs, Enforcement, and External Communications departments, served on the CEO’s Executive Team, and acted as the organization’s Corporate Secretary;

WHEREAS, Jason Blake played a crucial leadership role in guiding the Corporation through its start-up phase into a sustainable risk-based organization focused on ensuring the reliability and security of the Bulk-Power System;

WHEREAS, ReliabilityFirst Corporation seeks to publicly recognize Jason Blake’s leadership, creativity, and the invaluable contributions made to the Corporation and its mission;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that ReliabilityFirst Corporation acknowledges and extends its gratitude to Jason Blake for his outstanding leadership and lasting contributions, and wishes him the best of luck in his new role as President and Chief Executive Officer for SERC Reliability Corporation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution is saved in the permanent minutes of the Corporation and a copy of this Resolution is given to Jason Blake.

As adopted on this ___ day of November, 2018 by the Board of Directors,

Megan Gambrel Interim Corporate Secretary

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst

ReliabilityFirst Proposed Meeting Dates for 2019 (all dates are Wednesday-Thursday)

Request for approval of the following dates for the 2019 ReliabilityFirst Board of Directors and Committee meetings.

1st Quarter March 13-14 2nd Quarter May 22-23 3rd Quarter August 21-22 4th Quarter and Annual Meeting of Members November 20-21

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst Confidential Cyber Resilience Metrics Project Update Ray Sefchik, Director Reliability Assurance & Monitoring November 29, 2018 Washington, DC Collaboration

 Research Agreement Goal • Derive metrics to evaluate cyber resilience • ReliabilityFirst (RF) will provide industry knowledge  Research Agreement Purpose • Collaborative project between Old Dominion University and RF to develop cyber resilience metrics for the bulk power system (BPS) • Advance RF’s mission of promoting grid reliability and resiliency • Provide industry relevance for CREDC research based on data and RF expertise  In collaboration with the Cyber Resilient Energy Delivery Consortium (CREDC). • Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst Research Approach (cont.)

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst Research Approach (cont.)

R4 Indicators

Utilize qualitative survey tool to derive metrics for four resilience components

• Robustness, • Redundancy, • Rapidity, and • Resourcefulness

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst Research Approach (cont.)

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst Research Impacts

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst Pilot Study

 Engaged four RF stakeholder companies • AES (Dayton Power & Light) • DTE Energy • ITC Transmission • Vectren/SIGE  Completed a self-assessment using the Cyber Resilience Metrics tool • Stakeholder SMEs assessed their environment across three dimensions, organizational, physical, and technological • Subsequent assessments can be benchmarked against this assessment as a baseline, as this assessment is entity’s first

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst Milestones and Deliverables

 Q1, 2018 – First version of qualitative tool completed  Q2, 2018 – Presented qualitative tool to stakeholders during Reliability First’s Spring workshop  Q3, 2018 – Beta testing of the tool by RF stakeholders  Q4, 2018 – Second version of the tool after incorporating feedback from beta testers  Q1, 2019 – Update quantitative tool based on incorporating insights from qualitative tool

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst What’s Next?

 RF will work to gain larger acceptance of the methodology and assessment tool within the RF footprint • Verify and Validate methodology and qualitative/quantitative results  As we gain acceptance and increase use, begin benchmarking performance to influence industry  Integrate the methodology and tool into existing RF outreach offerings and efforts

9 Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst Questions & Answers Forward Together ReliabilityFirst

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst Alert (TA18-106A) Russian State-Sponsored Cyber Targeting (Safeguarding Sensitive Information) Shon Austin November 28, 2018 Cleveland, OH Alert (TA18-106A) Overview

 Released on April 16, 2018

 Cyber actors supported by the Russian government

 Exploited worldwide large numbers of routers and switches

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst CYBER KILL CHAIN

Step 1: Reconnaissance Step 2: Weaponization Step 3: Delivery Step 4: Exploitation Step 5: Installation Step 6: Command and control Step 7: Action on objectives

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst Questions & Answers Forward Together ReliabilityFirst

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst

Supplier Sector Outreach Jeff Mitchell, Director Reliability Assessment & Performance Analysis November 29, 2018 Washington, DC RF Generator Subcommittee Met October 31, 2018

 Plant Winterization Preparation Reviewed • RF approach for visits in 2018 • RF best practice (development of plant freeze protection procedure) • ERCOT/TRE efforts in 2017/2018 (74 units spot checked) plus best practices • NERC and ERCOT/TRE lessons learned

 Generator Related Misoperations Discussion • Reviewed misoperations statistics for Generator Owners (GO), • 14 Transmission Owners also report misoperations for their affiliated GO, • Leading cause of design/settings/logic misoperations was setting the overcurrent protection on the Generator Step Up transformer below maximum plant output, • Nearly 50% of failures were solid-state or 1st generation microprocessor relays, • Human error accounts for more than 25% of GO misoperations.

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst RF Staff Engagements with Plants in 2018

 Plants Surveyed (15) • 3 existing plants were sent a generic survey • 6 new plants were sent a generic survey • 1 plant that could not be visited in 2017 by RF staff was sent a detailed survey • 5 plants that were previously visited by RF staff were sent a detailed survey

 Visits to be scheduled: 3 in OH and 4 in PA (4 visited in 2018)

 GADS data used to determine plant engagements

 Plants >500 MW that had issues in 2017 or previous repeat issues

 New plants >100 MW

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst RF Staff Engagements with Plants in 2018

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst ADDITIONAL ENGAGEMENTS

Tentative 2019 activities:  Possible entity engagement for discussion of generator related misoperations  Generator Subcommittee workshop proposed  Continue winter preparation engagements

Presentation at North American Generator Forum (NAGF) in October 2018

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst RF Reliability Assessment & Performance Analysis Activities

Reliability Assessment Group (ERAG) conducted a workshop to review Planning Coordinator natural gas disruption studies and efforts.  Review of three entities for Transmission Availability Data System (TADS) data verification.  Annual Protection System Workshop for Technical Personnel – focus was on protection system drawings  Initial Human Performance Workshop conducted, and second one planned in 2019.  Visits to three entities to discuss misoperation efforts.

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst Questions & Answers Forward Together ReliabilityFirst

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst 2018 Corporate Goals Review Deandra Williams-Lewis, Sr. Director Organizational Development & HR November 29, 2018 Washington, DC RF STRATEGIC INITIATIVES

Serve as a Be a Make Deploy our Transparent Credible Sound Risk Resources and Regulator Based Effectively Collaborative Decisions and Cost- Leader Efficiently

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst 2018 Highlights

Be a Credible Regulator Make Sound, Risk-Based Decisions  Enhanced information, data  Developed a deeper and/or processes to improve understanding of the risks and reliability and risk determinations controls within the RF footprint and communications  Continuously measured and improved RF decision making capabilities and risk based communication strategies

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst 2018 Highlights

Deploy Resources Cost Serve as a Transparent and Effectively Collaborative Leader

 Drove continuous improvement  Positioned RF employees to help within RF facilitate change including  Drove improvement within interactions with registered Registered Entities entities and the ERO  Managed budget prudently  Effective Risk Communicators  Continued to improve financial  RF identified, tested & shared controls innovative concepts across the ERO and sought to learn from others (inside and outside of industry)

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst 2019 Goals Insight

 Increased cross-functional activity support  Targeted organizational continuous improvement efforts  Alignment of risk communication strategies and outreach  Implementation of large internal projects  Continued support of CMEP tool and other ERO tools

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst Questions & Answers Forward Together ReliabilityFirst

Forward Together • ReliabilityFirst