cps ceo meets with lgbt leaders advocate Bates dies page 7 BY KATE SOSIN tion and was a co-founder of the Chicago Transgender Coalition. She also served as program director of the Lois Bates, a longtime transgender activist and commu- Minority Outreach Intervention Project and as vice pres- nity leader passed away Nov. 17, just three days before ident of Chicago Windy City Black Pride. She was also Transgender Day of Remembrance. She was 41 years old. on the HIV Prevention Planning Group as well as the “She was a lover, a fighter, an activist, an advocate, Lois Bates. Chicago Area Ryan White Services Planning Council. and an inspiration to many including myself,” said Photo by In addition, Bates was a minister and a member of the Owen Daniel-McCarter of the Transformative Justice Law Hal Baim Pillar of Love Fellowship United Church of Christ. Project of Illinois. “She will be missed.” “Lois Bates was a friend and a true leader of the trans- Bates was transgender health manager at Howard gender community locally and nationally,” said Joy Mor- Brown Health Center and was an active advocate for the ris, a Chicago-based transgender activist who worked HIV community. with Bates. BOYSTOWN Bates had a long history of activism within the LGBT Turn to page 6 DEVELOPMENT community. She was an active member of Lakeview Action Coali- pagE 10 State’s attorney restores one of two LGBT posts In the BY KATE SOSIN The Cook County Board of Commissioners has voted to amend the state’s attorney’s budget, act a move that restores the position LGBT/hate- SHAW’S CRAB crime victim specialist. HOUSE’s OUT reported last week that both EXECUTIVE page 24 LGBT-specific positions in that office were pro- page 26 posed to be cut. Anne Huffman, LGBT/hate- crime specialist and , community outreach specialist and LGBT liaison, had both been given notice that their jobs would end Dec. 3. Huffman’s position has been retained, reported Dan Kirk, chief of staff at the state’s attorney’s office. Gray, however, is being let go. Kirk said that his office negotiated a resolu- tion that restored more than $2.5 million to the state’s attorney’s budget, which was initially slashed by 6.7 percent. The amendment will al- low all of office’s 84 victim-witness advocates to remain on staff. (Fourteen were proposed to be cut, Huffman among them.) HOLLAND “Victim witness is an incredibly vital part of TAYLOR DISHES Former Windy City Times 30 Under 30 honoree Ronnie Kroell now has movies, a reality show and a Playgirl spread Turn to page 8 page 20 under his belt. He talked with Windy City Times about Hollywood and his future. See page 24. Photo courtesy of Kroell

HOLLIDAY FOR THE HOLIDAYS DECEMBER 7 AT 7:30 P.M. / TICKETS START AT $35! Spend the holidays with Jennifer Holliday 312.334.7777 Broadway’s Original “Dreamgirl” Featuring Walt Whitman’s Soul Children of Chicago 2 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 3 this week in WINDY CITY TIMES NEWS ENTERTAINMENT/EVENTS HUD sec’y at transgender event 4 New Black Ensemble space opens 17 Yes on 8 gets support 5 Holland Taylor on ‘Ann’ 20 Lois Bates dies; TDOR observed 6 Pop Making Sense 21 CPS CEO meets LGBT leaders 7 Knight: My Life with Marilyn 22 City budget hits LGBT council 8 Chaz Bono interview 23 Oak Park resident Boushay dies 9 Ronnie Kroell talks with WCT 24 Boystown development 10 DISH: Out Shaw’s exec Steve LaHaie 26 Gay in the Life 11 Autos: Italian Fiat 500 28 AIDS @ 30 12 Pics from Personal PAC luncheon 29 Views by Foreman, Summers 16 Billy Masters 33

Photos on cover (left, from top): Photo of OUTLINES Chaz Bono from OWN; photo of Jean-Claude Real estate; classifieds 30 Brizard by Kate Sosin; rendering of Halsted Calendar Q 32 and Bradley by JDL Development; Steve Sports: Ally runs for AFC 34 LaHaie PR photo; Holland Taylor photo by David Langdon


pagE 23

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GENERAL ADMISSION $14 FREE FOR MEMBERS See photos from See pics from an a concert soul event for gay state songstress Ledisi rep candidate Alex held at the Park SCHOOL DAZE Arroyo. West. Read about Advocate, an LGBT group at Loyola University. Photo by Susan Mattes Photo by Jerry Nunn

ARTS AND MINDS SOLDIERING ON Read about the Windy City Queer readings taking place around Chicago Clark Street at North Avenue 312.642.4600 and see photos from Michael Leppen’s party for Pride Films and Plays.

THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTING SPONSORS: This week’s entertainment round-up includes items on Tyler Perry, Scarlett Johansson and Ricky Martin.

Read an interview with ‘90s singer—and Chicago resident—Martika, who charted LEAD CORPORATE SPONSOR: plus with “More Than You Know” and “Toy DAILY BREAKING NEWS Soldiers.”

Photo by Jerry Nunn

nightspots The Wonderful and Talented #1056 • November 23, 2011 nightspots Faith Prince

Saucey and Teri Show GO BEHIND THE SCENES fall in lube #443 SCAN THE TAG QR Tag by Lube is a many splendored thing

Slip-slidin’ away with Saucey Firewater and Teri Yaki at Kyle’s lube-wrestling Bar-lesque benefit at North End. Find Nightspots on 4 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES discrimination. ONLINE AT A HUD spokesperson said the target date for HUD secretary is publication of the study is late 2012. WINDYCITYMEDIAGROUP.COM Donovan also spoke of accomplishments by NATIONAL NEWS the broader Obama administration, where, he first cabinet said, “the LGBT community has had a seat at the table since day one.” He cited the administration’s “record number of LGBT appointments,” including openly trans- member to address gender appointees; the Office of Personnel Man- agement’s prohibition of discrimination on the basis of gender identity in federal employment; —Sec’y of Labor (left) transgender event the Veterans Administration’s directive for non- marks Transgender discriminatory care for transgender veterans; the Day of Remembrance by Dana Rudolph State Department’s efforts “to ensure greater Keen News Service dignity and privacy” for transgender passport —Lesbian bar owner applicants; and the Matthew Shepard and James dies at 101 United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Byrd, Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention law. Development (HUD) Shaun Donovan became the NCTE’s Keisling said, “Secretary Donovan’s pres- —Man sentenced for first U.S. cabinet secretary to address a trans- ence echoes what we at NCTE have long known raping, robbing gender event when he gave the keynote speech about HUD and the rest of the Obama Admin- transgender man Nov. 15 at the eighth anniversary celebration istration, and that is that transgender people of the National Center for Transgender Equality matter. We are a priority for the Administration, (NCTE). and it shows in the policies that we are win- Mara Keisling, executive director of NCTE, told ning.” Keen News Service, “Having Secretary Donovan ©2011 by Keen News Service. All rights re- keynote our event is an important symbolic and served. historic advance for transgender Americans.” Keisling said that having a cabinet member LGBT anti-violence federal government must set an example as an address the group, “really shows tremendous equal opportunity employer,” Baldwin said in societal movement.” She attributes this prog- advocates meet a press release. “If we are to treat all federal ress to “all the great education that transgender employees fairly and recruit the best and the with Obama officials brightest to serve in government, we need people and allies are doing all over the country.” LGBT anti-violence advocates met with this legislation.” “It’s added up to a lot more visibility and un- HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. Obama Administration officials Nov. 16 to of- The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) praised derstanding,” said Keisling. fer strategies for addressing the epidemic of the introduction of the act. In a statement, Prior to Donovan’s appearance, the highest fed- violence against transgender people, accord- HRC President Joe Solmonese said, “This bill eral official to address NCTE was Kathy Greenlee, said, “accepts everyone—even Martians.” ing to a press release from the National Center embodies the simple principle that equal work Assistant Secretary for Aging at the U.S. Depart- Donovan asserted, “That’s just wrong.” for Transgender Equality (NCTE). deserves equal pay. ment of Health and Human Services. Greenlee He added “the most significant step” HUD has The administration heard a broad range of “Thousands of LGBT people serve our coun- spoke at the organization’s policy conference taken to address this type of discrimination has policy ideas from a total of nine organiza- try every day as federal civil servants, yet in March. And Lynn Rosenthal, the White House been by proposing new regulations to “ensure tions. their families cannot receive the same impor- Advisor on Violence Against Women, met with transgender individuals and couples can be eli- NCTE Executive Director Mara Keisling fa- tant benefits that their straight co-workers NCTE staff and other transgender advocates No- gible for our public housing and Housing Choice cilitated the meeting, and the team included, do. This is not simply a matter of fairness; it vember 16 to discuss violence against transgen- Voucher programs that collectively serve 5.5 among others, Gwendolyn Smith, the found- is also a way to ensure that the federal gov- der people. million people.” er of the Transgender Day of Remembrance. ernment recruits and retains the best and the However, Donovan’s speech, at the historic The proposed rule would prohibit owners and Smith shared with the administration real-life brightest.” Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C., garnered operators of HUD-assisted or -financed housing stories of transgender people who have faced almost no attention in the mainstream press. from inquiring about applicants’ sexual orienta- violence. HUD included a copy of his speech on its tion or gender identity, and prevent them from Keisling said, “Meeting with the White Ohio LGBT activist website. Also, following his speech, Donovan excluding otherwise eligible families if one or House at all, especially the week prior to spoke to a reporter from a Washington, D.C., gay more members is or is perceived to be LGBT. It Transgender Day of Remembrance, says a lot beaten to death newspaper, Metro Weekly. When asked whether would also prevent lenders from using sexual about the president’s commitment to mak- he supports marriage equality, Donovan replied orientation or gender identity of an applicant ing America safer and better for transgender in Chicago BY KATE SOSIN “absolutely.” He also agreed with the reporter’s as a basis to determine eligibility for Federal people.” suggestion that marriage equality should be the Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages, which Topics covered included crime-data collec- A well-known LGBT advocate who recently subject of “more work” in a second Obama ad- represent one-third of all new mortgages in the tion; cultural competency for law enforce- relocated from Cincinnati, Ohio, was beaten ministration. country. ment; and funding issues, including insuring death in Chicago Oct. 30. However, at NCTE’s annual event, Donovan Donovan said that HUD is still reviewing com- that federal and federally funded anti-vio- Darius Chambers, a native of Selma, Ala., spoke of the Obama administration’s accom- ments before final publication of the rule. lence programs and processes are transgen- made a name for himself as an LGBT advocate plishments towards equality for transgender A HUD spokesperson said that the agency der-inclusive. Violence against youth, home- through his work with Equality Cincinnati and people. cannot say exactly when the final rule will be less trans people and trans women were key the Human Rights Campaign. He said the administration is the first to view published, since it must also be reviewed by the issues. Chambers was a member of the Truth and the fight for transgender equality “not as an is- Office of Management and Budget. Keisling added, “So many kinds of violence Destiny Covenant Ministries in Cincinnati. Ac- sue—but as a priority.” Donovan noted that HUD has provided its are epidemic for transgender people: hate cording to a message posted to Quoting figures from a February 2011 study staff with guidance that they can pursue cases violence, domestic violence, sexual violence, by Chambers’ pastor, Lesley Jones, Chambers by NCTE and the National Gay and Lesbian Task of housing discrimination when a person’s iden- school bullying, and violence by police. And was fatally beaten by four men during an at- Force, Donovan said an estimated one in five tity or expression doesn’t conform with gender though certain categories of trans people are tempted robbery of his cell phone at a bus transgender Americans have been refused a stereotypes, because such discrimination vio- more likely to face violence, especially people stop the night before Halloween. All four of home or apartment, and more than one in ten lates the Fair Housing Act’s ban on sex-based of color, working class people, young people, his attackers (ages 16-17) have been arrested have been evicted because of their gender iden- discrimination. women and immigrants, all demographic cat- and are being held in Cook County Jail. tity or expression. The act is a pivotal civil rights act that pro- egories of trans people are more likely to be Lesley wrote that Chambers had moved to There are currently no explicit federal protec- hibits discrimination based on race, color, reli- victims than non-trans people.” Chicago in hopes of working at Center on Hal- tions that ban housing discrimination based on gion, national origin, sex, disability and familial sted due to a new Centers for Disease Control sexual orientation or gender identity. Only 15 status—but does not specifically cover sexual DP-benefits measure and Prevention grant targeting young men of states plus the District of Columbia have protec- orientation- or gender identity-based discrimi- color for HIV prevention services. tions specific to gender identity. (Massachusetts nation. introduced in Congress Brian Richardson, spokesperson for the Cen- will become the 16th when Democratic Gov. De- Since that guidance was issued in July 2010, Independent senator Joe Lieberman of ter, said that Chambers had not been hired for val Patrick signs a bill just passed by its legis- Donovan said, the number of complaints from Connecticut and Republican Susan Collins a position there. Richardson could not say if lature, as he is expected to do.) Approximately LGBT individuals to HUD about housing discrimi- of Maine introduced Domestic Partnership Chambers had applied or interviewed with the 150 cities, towns and counties have LGBT pro- nation has increased 15 times compared to the Benefits and Obligations Act in the U.S. Sen- organization, but added that the Center does tections as well, according to HUD. same date range the previous year, according to ate Nov. 18, according to If not typically comment on hiring processes. Such protections are needed, Donovan said, HUD. passed, the measure would provide domestic- Chambers had moved to Chicago approxi- because of experiences such as that of Mitch Donovan also said that HUD is working to bet- partner benefits for federal government em- mately three weeks before his death. and Michelle DeShane. When Michelle wanted ter understand the challenges that transgender ployees, according to He is survived by his mother, Rosa Har- to add her partner Mitch, a transgender man, people face. It included a session on gender Democrat Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, who dy. His only siblings, two sisters, also died to her housing voucher, the local housing au- identity- and sexual orientation-based housing is one of the four openly gay members of the young. One was murdered a few years ago and thority refused because the couple did not meet discrimination in its annual National Fair Hous- House, and Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen the other died at age 14 in an accident, ac- its definition of “family.” It referred them to ing Policy Conference this year, and launched of Florida introduced it in that chamber. “The cording to Jones. a neighboring housing authority, which, they the first-ever national study of LGBT housing WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 5 Minter was very disappointed with the stand- ing ruling from the California Supreme Court. Calif. Supreme “This is a terrible decision in terms of its im- pact on California law,” said Minter. “The court has given initiative proponents unprecedented Court gives and virtually unlimited power, and the people of California will be living with the dangerous con- sequences of that decision for years to come.” Both Minter and others, however, expressed Yes on 8 standing relief that the case can now move forward. “In the bigger picture,” said Minter, “this is good news for same-sex couples in California. By Lisa Keen heard arguments concerning standing and con- Prop 8 is blatantly unconstitutional for many Keen News Service cerning the constitutionality of Prop 8 itself. reasons—not only because it deprives same-sex The California court said the proponents of couples of a basic right, but because it was en- In what amounts to a bump in the road for op- Prop 8 are the “most obvious and logical persons acted for the sole purpose of targeting a particu- ponents of Proposition 8, a unanimous Califor- to assert the state’s interest in the initiative’s lar group in order to deny them equal protection nia Supreme Court told a federal appeals court validity on behalf of the voters who enacted the of the laws.” Nov. 17 that California law “authorizes” the pro- measure….” Chad Griffin, head of the American Foundation ponents of Proposition 8 to defend the voter-ap- “[W]e conclude that, in light of the nature and for Equal Rights that has spearheaded the litiga- Shannon Minter. Photo by Rex Wockner proved ban on same-sex marriages even though purpose of the initiative process embodied in … tion against Proposition 8, said the “good news” state-elected officials decided not to. the California Constitution … and the unique with the California court ruling is that the case, The ruling—which will almost certainly be ac- role of initiative proponents in the constitution- in the validity of initiatives that voters pass. Perry v. Brown, is now back before the federal cepted by the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals al initiative process as recognized by numerous Cooper’s team appealed to the 9th Circuit af- court now and can proceed. panel, which has an appeal from Yes on 8 of- provisions of the Elections Code, it would clearly ter U.S. District Court Chief Judge Vaughn Walker “We’re thrilled,” said Griffin, “to be back on ficials before it—means the three-judge panel constitute an abuse of discretion for a court ruled in August 2010 that Prop 8 violates the that fast track and headed quickly to a place of the federal appeals court will now rule on the to deny the official proponents of an initiative federal constitution’s guarantee of equal protec- where these two [plaintiff] couples can have merits of that appeal. the opportunity to participate as formal parties tion of the law. the freedom to marry and ultimately around the The question before the California Supreme in the proceeding, either as interveners or as The same-sex marriage controversy started be- country.” Court was whether Yes on 8, the proponents of real parties in interest, in order to assert the fore the California Supreme Court in May 2008, ©2011 by Keen News Service. All rights re- the state constitutional ban on same-sex mar- people’s and hence the state’s interest in the va- when a 4-3 majority ruled that the state consti- served. riage ban passed by California voters in Novem- lidity of the measure and to appeal a judgment tution prohibited the state from establishing a ber 2008, has a legal right to defend that ban invalidating the measure,” wrote Chief Justice “statutory scheme” in which both opposite sex in a federal appeals court. California officials Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye. and same-sex couples are legally recognized re- Duckworth event elected to make such decisions decided not to The 61-page opinion said the court’s finding lationships, but only opposite sex couples are at Sidetrack Nov. 29 defend the ban beyond federal district court, “assures voters who supported the measure and designated as married. Three of the seven jus- U.S. Congressional candidate Tammy Duck- which had ruled Prop 8 to be a violation of the enacted it into law that any residual hostility tices at the time—Justices Marvin Baxter, Ming worth is holding a reception Tuesday, Nov. 29, at federal constitution. or indifference of current public officials to the Chin and Carol Corrigan—dissented. Baxter’s Sidetrack, 3349 N. Halsted St., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Proponents of the ban said they were trying to substance of the initiative measure will not pre- dissent, which Chin joined, said such a “pro- Tennis legend and local LGBT- protect the power of the people to amend their vent a full and robust defense of the measure to found change” needed to be made by either the rights activist/attorney Rick Ingram are the co- constitution; opponents argued they were trying be mounted in court on the people’s behalf… people or their elected representatives, not the hosts. to protect the power of the people to elect and [and] ensures a court faced with the responsibil- courts. Duckworth, a military veteran, is a staunch empower state officers to perform their consti- ity of reviewing and resolving a legal challenge Now that the 9th Circuit has heard from the supporter of pro-marriage equality, ENDA and tutional duties to make such decisions. to an initiative measure that it is aware of and California Supreme Court, it is expected to soon the repeal of DOMA. She also stood up for the “The ruling addresses only a procedural legal addresses the full range of legal arguments that issue its opinion concerning both standing and repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” question,” said Jon Davidson, legal director for reasonably may be proffered in the measure’s de- the constitutionality of Prop 8. Regardless of For more information, see the “A reception Lambda Legal. “The key question underlying this fense. the outcome, both issues will almost certainly with Tammy Duckworth” Facebook page. case is whether the U.S. Constitution permits Ted Olson, the famed conservative attorney be appealed to the full 9th Circuit court and/or a state electorate to treat one group of people who has been leading the legal team to over- the U.S. Supreme Court. Tammy unequally to everyone else by depriving them turn Prop 8, argued that there was “nothing” in Williams Institute legal scholar Jenny Pizer Duckworth. of what the state’s high court has held to be a California law that would authorize any group said she expects the 9th Circuit panel might Photo by fundamental right. A federal court has already to press an appeal that elected officials had de- rule before the end of the year, but that the Kat ruled that it may not. We look forward to seeing cided to drop. Charles Cooper, the well-known case will likely be heard by the full 9th Circuit Fitzgerald that decision upheld so that same-sex couples conservative attorney leading the pro-Prop 8 before going to the U.S. Supreme Court. Pizer in California may once again enjoy the freedom defense, argued that the official supporters of and National Center for Lesbian Rights attorney to marry.” ballot initiatives have “never” been barred from Shannon Minter agreed the case is not likely to The standing issue was punted to the Cali- defending a measure. He also argued that the move quickly enough to put the case before the fornia Supreme Court by a three-judge panel of state’s attorney general does not have the au- U.S. Supreme Court during its current 2011-12 the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. That panel thority to refuse to represent the state’s interest session. 6 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES

ADVOCATE from cover ter’s “T-Time” support group. Day of Remembrance “She played a very important role in my per- sonal transition and was a mentor for me,” Bates grew up on Chicago’s Southeast Side, said June LaTrobe, transgender liaison at the mourns transgender one of four children. She attended Chicago Center on Halsted. Vocational Career Academy and went on to Several who remember Bates noted that she serve in U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf. Upon was private about the challenges she faced, returning home, she enrolled in cosmetology while she worked tirelessly for Chicago’s most victims, Lois Bates school. marginalized people. Bates held several odd jobs over the years, Bates struggled with myriad health issues. BY KATE SOSIN when I was going through my transition,” said but she found her calling in transgender ad- She had diabetes and was HIV-positive. In one young person. vocacy, a profession she made into a life’s addition, she suffered renal failure twice. At An estimated 175 people crowded into the “She didn’t brag about herself,” remembered work over decades. the age of 26, Bates learned she needed a Hoover-Leppen Theatre at Center on Halsted another young person. “She made me want to be “She always worked, and she wouldn’t slow kidney transplant, news that complicated her Nov. 20 to pay tribute to transgender victims of the person she believed I could be.” down, even when she was sick,” said Spanky ability then to start her transition to female. hate violence and to remember local transgender Others sang songs to honor Bates. Dupree-Hawkins, a member of Bates’ chosen A few years ago, Bates was the victim of activist Lois Bates, who died unexpectedly three Lara Brooks, manager at the Broadway Youth family. what she believed may have been a hate days prior. Center, recalled “the way she would chop you if Bates’ impact on Chicago’s LGBT community crime. While at a gas station, another pa- Bates, who was Center’s you needed to be chopped.” was profound. tron overheard her on the phone and thought (HBHC’s) transgender health manager, emceed Joe Hollendoner, chief program officer at Many credit Bates with helping bring to the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance HBHC, remembered her humor. “She brought light challenges facing transgender youth, (TDOR) activities in past years but passed away joy into my heart. She brought joy into Howard transgender people of color and HIV-positive Nov. 17 after suffering liver failure. Brown. She brought joy into the community,” he transgender people. Bates pushed for better Mourners gathered at the Center on Halsted said. surveillance data on transgender women and event this year to honor her. Bates’ mother, Dolores Bates, was present for HIV, a group that has been categorized as Local groups that work with transgender peo- the memorial. Several people thanked her for “men who have sex with men” or MSM in the ple tabled at the event, handing out informa- bringing Lois into the world and supporting her past. tion on their activists. A new local group called transgender child in her transition and life’s She mentored countless transgender youth, TranSpirit held a candlelight vigil outside the work. often making sure they had access to basic center before the event. Longtime friends of Lois, including people she needs like food, shelter and gender-affirming As in past years, the evening started with a attended high school with, remembered her self- healthcare. somber tribute to transgender victims of hate vi- lessness and wisdom. Youth Pride Services called Bates “one of olence this year. At least 23 transgender people Her pastor, Phyllis V. Pennese, said that Bates the greatest African-American transgender are estimated to have died as a result of hate- was faithful to her God and never missed Sunday advocates Chicago has ever known” in an based violence internationally this year, but ex- services, even when she was ailing. email to constituents.” perts believe that many more went unreported. “There has never been a day or a moment that “Not only was Lois a donor to our organiza- A video, which is shown at TDOR events around I have not been proud to be Lois Bates’ pastor,” tion, she taught Trans 101 at YPC University, the world, listed known victims. None on that said Pennese. and was in the first Living Legends Black His- list this year were from Chicago. tory class that honors those who have paved Lois Bates at Night of Fallen Stars last year. Overwhelmingly, however, attention was paid the way for LGBT youth of color, the first and Oak Park church Photo by Mel Ferrand to Lois Bates, a longtime transgender activist only [transgender] person to receive the hon- best known for her work with the city’s most marks Transgender or,” the organization wrote. marginalized. Her memorial also began with a Youth Pride said it will look into creating a slideshow video. Day of Remembrance By Carrie Maxwell scholarship honoring Bates. Bates was talking to him. He attacked her, Several youths spoke about how Bates was a Veteran activist Rick Garcia also commented and she fought back with a blade she kept mother figure to them who aided them through The Reconciliation Committee of Oak Park’s Eu- on the loss. “She was strong and courageous in her pocketbook in case of an emergency. their first steps transitioning. clid Avenue United Methodist Church held a pre- and deeply committed,” he said. Garcia added Bates shared with friends that she believed “She was actually the first person I called sentation and worship service Nov. 20 to mark that Bates was not just a role model for the the incident might have been motivated by the Transgender Day of Remembrance. About 20 transgender community, but for the LGBT the fact that she was transgender, but she did people attended the event, which was held in community as a whole. not pursue charges against her attacker. the sanctuary of the church. However, Bates had significant importance “Lois didn’t want the publicity of it,” said Pastor Marti Scott introduced Violet Fenn, a for Chicago’s transgender community in par- longtime friend Tawain Kelly. transgender advocate and seminarian at Garrett- ticular, often bridging the divides of age and After that, friends said, Bates’ health de- Evangelical Theological Seminary, who gave race within a community that was often di- clined. a presentation called “Living the Story.” Fenn vided along those lines. “She began to get sick periodically from has been active with the Reconciling Ministries Many in the community simply knew her as that point,” said Dupree-Hawkins. Her kidney Network (which works for full participation of “mother” or “auntie,” titles that not only re- failed shortly after, he said, and her health people of all sexual orientations and gender ferred to her relationship to individuals but never fully recovered. identities in the United Methodist Church) since seemingly to the community as a whole. Bates had been in and out of the hospital 2009, and is one of its two seminary interns. While Bates often sat close to controversies leading up to her death. However, few knew In her presentation, Fenn explained who that impacted the large LGBT community (the she was very ill until she passed away. transgender people are, what issues they face schism of Black Pride events, fallouts at How- According to Dupree-Hawkins, Bates was and how the community can support them on ard Brown Health Center and other commu- rushed into emergency surgery at Advocate their journey because she believes that edu- nity fissures), Bates tended to publicly avoid Trinity Hospital after suffering breathing cation about transgender issues is one of the being drawn in. She was known as a person problems. Her health declined and her liver From left: Rev. Phyllis V. Pennese and Dolores keys to equality. Fenn has been a transgender- who worked regardless of such challenges, failed shortly after. She passed away while Bates at the event at Center on Halsted. rights activist for many years, but her activ- quietly focusing on her community and only on life support in the early morning hours of Photo by Tracy Baim; more online at http:// ism increased when she was asked to leave her speaking when the moment truly necessitated Nov. 17. church’s Sunday school class in her hometown of it. Bates is survived by her mother, Dolores Tulsa, Okla., two years ago because of her trans- Consequently, few of Bates’ peers spoke ill Bates, and three siblings. gender status. Fenn shared her life of her throughout her career. In fact, most of Every year, Bates hosted “The Night of Fall- story, including the time she almost her closest colleagues, even those older than en Stars,” a collaborative Transgender Day of committed suicide; her complicated her, saw her as more of a mentor than a peer. Remembrance event with Center on Halsted relationship with her family; and her “I considered Lois to be the ‘mother’ of the that featured performances by transgender transition. African -American trans community as well youth. The upbeat variety show was held at Following Fenn’s presentation, a mother and a mentor to all,” said Helena Center on Halsted immediately after a somber Scott continued the worship service Bushong, a well-known transgender activist. tribute to transgender victims of hate vio- with words about inclusion, a gath- “Lois was present for us in need of direction lence. ering prayer and a remembrance of as we entered our ‘authentic’ lives. Lois was Bates was expected to coordinate and em- the transgender individuals world- and shall continue to be an inspiration in my cee the Nov. 20 show, scheduled for Nov. 20. wide who died last year through acts advocacy issues regarding the HIV aging pop- Instead, said LaTrobe, the show would be can- of violence. Scott read each name, ulation and the trans community. It is with celled and replaced with a remembrance of with every attendee lighting a can- Lois’ grace of understanding, acceptance, Bates. dle to honor each individual. Scott guidance and unstoppable courage I am who A wake for Bates will be held on Sunday, concluded with a reading entitled I am today.” Nov. 27, at Pillar of Love Fellowship United “Day of Remembrance,” and then Many have credited Bates with aiding them Church of Christ, 7438 W. 62nd Pl., 4-7 p.m. everyone sang the song “Transgen- through their own gender transitions, as Services will be held Monday, Nov. 28, at Galt- der Dead,” which Phyllis Frye wrote Bates facilitated Howard Brown Health Cen- ing’s Chapel, 10133 S. Halsted St., at 11 a.m. in 2002.

2011 World AIDS Day Ad 1 outlined.indd 1 11/22/2011 4:03:56 AM WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 7 show that LGBT youth in schools often face “ad- “Kids who have been relatively safe… you may verse and hostile climates.” be gay but you’re our gay kid and we’ve grown CPS CEO meets “When oppression is going on we see that up with you, suddenly there is not that protec- there are unhealthy coping mechanisms,” she tion there.” said. Attendees agreed that change in schools with LGBT leaders Leaders challenged Brizard to expand efforts throughout the city must be mandated by CPS to include communities outside of Lakeview, officials if schools are to follow-through. BY KATE SOSIN ance. , 44th Ward alderman, moder- a community that was heavily represented by The take-away, said Brizard, was that policies ated the discussion. Mona Noriega, director of meeting attendees. that protect LGBT students in CPS schools are Chicago Public Schools (CPS) CEO Jean-Claude the Chicago Commission on Human Relations, Noriega encouraged Brizard to discuss LGBT not enough. “Training people to be sensitive is Brizard sat down with LGBT leaders Nov. 21 to and Chicago’s outgoing LGBT Liaison Bill Greaves issues at his other “listening tours” with com- the most important work we can do,” he said. discuss issues facing LGBT youth in school. were also present. munities around the city. Brizard said he could not get give specifics on The hour-long meeting was the first of what “My goal is really to engage in a dialogue of “I would ask that you not silo the issue and when such trainings might be implemented, but Brizard said would be other “listening tours” conversation, not a speech” said Brizard at the just ask the question,” Noriega said. he told Windy City Times after the meeting that with the community. start of the meeting. Greaves pressed Brizard to consider the im- he would like the training to focus on principals The result of the meeting may be trainings on Thus far, Brizard said, anti-bullying efforts pact that school consolidation has on young and, eventually, teachers. LGBT issues for CPS principals and teachers. have not focused on LGBT students specifically. LGBT people who end up being relocated when Jamika Rose, chief family and community en- The meeting convened parents, principals, CPS He would like to change that, he said. “under-performing” schools are closed and then gagement officer for CPS, will be charged with officials and local LGBT advocates from About Shannon Sullivan, executive director of the reopened. developing such training, Brizard said. Face Theatre and the Illinois Safe Schools Alli- Illinois Safe Schools Alliance, said that studies dedicated and professional staff employed by Catholic Charities the agency,” said Gary Huelsmann, executive director of the new agency, in announcing the to send foster cases split. to new agency Catholic Charities of Belleville, Peoria, BY KATE SOSIN Springfield and Joliet filed suit against the state earlier in the year over lost foster-care A group of Illinois Catholic charities that for- contracts. The state argued that given the feited state foster-care contracts by refusing new civil-union law, it could not legally con- to place children with civil-union couples will tract with agencies that discriminated against be sending their cases to a new agency, cre- same-sex couples. ated in response to the legal battle with the The Charities lost that suit and dropped state. their appeal last week. The Catholic Diocese of Belleville has split A handful of Catholic publications criticized with its charitable arm, the Catholic Charities the new agency’s intention of placing children of the Diocese of Belleville, so that the agen- with same-sex civil-union couples. cy can follow civil-union law and continue Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of , foster-care work. said he feels that the resolution brings what The new agency will be called Christian So- is important back into focus. cial Services of Illinois. “Really, what we’re talking about is chil- “This solution is what is best for the chil- dren,” he said. “The children won in this dren by providing for their continuity of care case.” Jean-Claude Brizard (left) and Ald. Tom Tunney at the meeting. Photo by Kate Sosin and allowing for the retention of the caring,

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City budget Still, ACLGBTI may have trouble completing our office that we can’t do without,” Kirk its last-minute business. Despite outcry about said. “We’re glad that the county board ACLGBTI’s dissolution last month, the Novem- demonstrated an understanding that these ber meeting failed to draw the seven members services are essential.” hits LGBT council needed for quorum, and ACLGBTI could not vote Still, Kirk said the end result is not with- out significant loss for the office. More BY KATE SOSIN on anything. One council member lamented on the “appar- than 70 layoffs, most of them adminis- trative positions, will be cut. Eight of 10 Just hours after Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s budget ent apathy” of those who failed to show. Items “community outreach” positions have also sailed through city council, the Advisory Council that could not be voted on were postponed until been cut, Gray’s among them. on LGBT Issues (ACLGBTI) convened its monthly December. Gray has worked for the state’s attorney’s meeting next door Nov. 16, assuredly now its Over the years, some LGBT activists have office for nearly two decades. Last winter, second to last. griped that ACLGBTI lacked a clear purpose and her position survived budget cuts, despite The 2012 budget may have significant implica- that it did not have the power to affect change notice that she was being laid off. Gray has tions for LGBT people, among them the dissolu- quickly enough. been on medical leave for approximately tion of ACLGBTI as it now stands and the layoff “It is the nature of community activists to 15 months. of its director, Bill Greaves. want quick fixes,” said Kelly, a self-identified ac- Gray, reached by phone, said it was “won- ACLGBTI will be merged with a council on tivist herself, when asked about the criticisms. derful” that Huffman’s position was saved. women’s issues come January, and all members Kelly said that city government by nature is “I’m fine. … It’s not about me,” Gray of both councils will be dismissed for new ap- slow. said. “The real issue is the services to our pointments. Not all LGBT-related budget items produced community. … Our community needs it.” “I see this—and you can quote on me on scorn from the community. HIV/AIDS work was this—as a huge step backward in the city’s com- flat-funded, a relief to service providers who mitment to human rights,” said Beth Kelly, chair feared cuts. of ACLGBTI, who argued that the changes undo Anthony Martinez, executive director of The the most vulnerable in our city should always be historical progress both symbolically and practi- Beth Kelly. Photo by Kat Fitzgerald Civil Rights Agenda, said that despite concerns, a priority.” cally for the community. he applauds the mayor’s attempt at fixing the One who has been quiet on the changes is Kelly, who attended a meeting of the Chicago budget. Greaves, whose 11-year position has been cut Commission on Human Relations earlier in the “Obviously, we are in a very difficult economic entirely. “The Hall of Fame is an entity owned by the climate and this budget will help secure a bet- day, reported back to ACLGBTI that all of their city,” Greaves reported to ACLGBTI. Greaves would not comment on his feelings duties would end with the end of the year. An ter future,” Martinez said. “I would additionally about the reorganization or his layoff, stating The city pulled all of its financial support for like to thank the Mayor for level funding HIV/ entirely new group will be appointed for the the event earlier in the year. In response, ACLG- only of his personal situation, “I am looking “Council on Gender and LGBT Issues.” AIDS and increasing the funding to homeless forward to the opportunities that these changes BTI members toyed with the idea of dissolving shelters focusing on homeless youth. Protecting In addition, Kelly said, chairs of the new ad- their Hall of Fame committee in an attempt to will bring.” visory councils will not be part of the Chicago free GLHF of its municipal ties for fundraising Commission on Human Relations, which over- purposes. However, even if the council voted to “During the first phase of survey data collec- sees the councils. In past years, chairs of the dissolve that committee, the city will continue Needs assessment tion, Morten Group researchers have noticed councils have sat on the Board of Commission- to own GLHF. wants diversity a lack of racial, regional and socioeconomic ers. Kelly said that Commission Director Mona GLHF rests in the care of ACLGBTI until that diversity among survey respondents. Noreiga told her that this practice was also end- council is disbanded in January. Then, GLHF be- in respondents “Nearly three of every four participants ing. comes the responsibility of the Commission on A needs-based assessment that will deter- identifies as Caucasian, most participants live Noriega said in a statement to Windy City Human Relations. In order to run it, LGBT people mine how to raise and spend a million dollars in a select few neighborhoods on the North Times that reorganization will help the city fo- would have to request stewardship from the city, in the Chicago LGBT community over the next Side, and most are college graduates earning cus its resources. or the city would have to donate the entity to three years launched Oct. 7 at the Center on steady incomes. While the voices of those The reorganization allows for a more integrat- the community. Halsted. The LGBT Community Fund, an ini- individuals who have participated so far are extremely valuable, other voices must also ed approach to address civil rights issues,” she Noriega, when asked, did not comment on the tiative of The Chicago Community Trust, has be heard in order to ac- wrote. “We know that issues of discrimination specific future of GLHF stating only that, “The curately represent the are inter-related and thus addressing the inter- mayor attended his first Hall of Fame ceremony diversity of Chicagoland’s section of sexual orientation and gender identity and reiterated that the City is committed to sup- LGBT community. People with gender, age, disability, or race (to name porting and promoting the accomplishments of of color, South Side resi- only a few) will be more effective than address- the LGBT communities.” ing each as a single issue.” dents and people earning LGBT activists have long debated GLHF’s own- lower incomes are inte- Changes to the ordinance governing the coun- ership. While many argue that the city gets cils, Kelly said, were made without public con- partnered with the consultant firm Morten gral members of the LGBT community, and undue credit for the event, others say that its their voices must be heard in the needs as- sultation. Group to conduct the assessment, which will municipally-sponsored status gives it extra pres- sessment in order for it to be truly compre- ACLGBTI members argue that their dissolution consist of surveying more than 1,500 LGBT in- tige. hensive.” had little to do with the city budget, as all of dividuals—mostly throughout Cook County— Regardless, Hall of Fame organizers say they followed by various stakeholder interviews People can go to the website of The LGBT them (with the exception of Director Greaves) are weighing the options. and focus groups. Community Fund——and were volunteers. They said that they had offered “We hope to continue as an organization,” said The first phase consists of a short online click “Take the online survey” or “haga la en- to stay on as volunteers but that such requests Israel Wright, associate director of the Hall of survey offered in English and Spanish. Re- cuesta en español” to take the survey in either were ignored. Fame. spondents will be asked to identify the com- English or Spanish.” The termination of ACLGBTI means an uncer- In addition to owning GLHF, the City also owns munity’s “most critical needs” and “strongest For more information about the project, tain future for the Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame all of the decades of archives from ACLGBTI. resources.” contact Project Coordinator Jessica Kadish at (GLHF), the City event that honors LGBT Chicago ACLGBTI members say they want copies of those However, according to the Morten Group, [email protected]. leaders annually. HIV+ MEN WHO HAVE SEX WITH MEN Chicago’s Dedicated and ALEO Comprehensive LGBT Program WE NEED YOUR OPINIONS! VAT CHICAGO LAKESHORE HOSPITAL Valeo at Chicago Lakeshore Hospital The Henne Group, a medical research firm based in San Francisco, is provides comprehensive psychiatric seeking participants for a nation-wide study on HIV treatment. Qualified and addiction-related treatment for participants will take part in a 20-60 minute confidential telephone gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) individuals. interview about their decisions regarding their HIV treatment options. The program offers a safe, affirming therapeutic environment for members of the LGBTQ community. The Valeo You may be Are Male between the ages of 18 and 54 staff is comprised of well-trained, Are African American or White experienced gay and gay-sensitive eligible if you: behavioral health professionals from Have sex with men a wide variety of disciplines. 11/10/2011 - 12/16/2011 $50 if you qualify and complete the interview 4840 N. MARINE DRIVE CHICAGO, IL 60640 Call 877.737.5782 x 282 to see if you qualify 1-800-888-0560 For more information about The Henne Group visit WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 9

fell 1.6 percent overall from 2009 to 2010— Longtime Oak Park Cook County has its first decrease in a decade. However, the rate among young Black men rose 134 per- most syphilis cent since 2006, with the rate rising sharply resident Jim Boushay dies among young African-American gay and bi- cases in U.S. sexual men. BY ANDREW DAVIS BY ANDREW DAVIS According to the CDC’s website, symptoms of syphilis include sores (chancres), fever, Jim Boushay—who lived in Oak Park, Ill., for According to new data released from the Cen- muscle aches, fatigue, headaches, patchy hair 26 years before moving to Harvey, La. (with the ters for Disease Control (CDC), Cook County, loss and non-itching rashes on the palms of New Orleans metropolitan area)—died Sept. 21 Ill. is first among the U.S. counties document- the hands or the soles of the feet. It is easy at age 63, according to a tribute on the Slide- ing reported cases of syphilis, according to to cure in its early stages; a single intramus- Share website. the Huffington Post. cular injection of the antibiotic penicillin will Boushay, born the fourth of seven children, Cook County had 799 reported cases of cure a person who has had the disease for less graduated from DePaul University in 1970 and syphilis in 2010; Los Angeles County, New than a year. pursued a master’s degree at Northwestern Uni- York County, San Francisco County and Miami- The CDC’s report, “Sexually Transmitted Dis- versity. He taught English at two academies be- Dade County, Fla., round out the top five. ease Surveillance, 2010,” is at http://www. fore serving as official spokesperson and director Dr. Bechara Choucair, head of the Chicago of development of various organizations, includ- Department of Public Health, told CBS Chi- ing the Chicago Historical Society. cago that cases had declined in Chicago in re- He also created the Oak Park Festival of Pot- cent years, but that “we are seeing an uptick Elementary luck Foods in 1995, repeating the party until he and that’s the concern we have right now.” and partner Rickey Sain moved two years ago. Jim Boushay (right) and Rickey Sain in the Dr. Susan Gerber of the Cook County Depart- student allegedly Boushay is survived by his daughters, Therese 1990s. Photo by Tracy Baim ment of Public Health noted an increase in bullied to death (Tracy) of San Salvadore and Rachel (Paratore) suburban Cook County last year—specifically, BY KATE SOSIN of Chicago, and their mother, Catherine (Cathy) sted] was a difficult experience for me, although a 72-percent increase in primary and second- of Arlington Heights; his siblings, Maryanne I’m grateful to be a part of that. It cost me a ary cases. An Illinois 10-year-old took her own life last DeStefano of Queen Creek, Ariz., Maureen Ros- lot, emotionally, though; I was there through all Gerber told CBS that number is likely “just week as a result of bullying, her parents be- silli of Englewood, Fla., and Jerome (Jerry) of those messy times with Horizons. ... I had lived the tip of the iceberg,” as many people have lieve. San Diego (and their spouses); and his partner, in the craziness for so long that I wasn’t think- not gotten tested. Ashlynn R. Conner, 10, of Ridge Farm died Rickey Sain, Sr. ing as clearly as I was.” Amy Poore, director of public relations for Nov. 11. She was buried Nov. 16. He was preceded in death by his parents; his Sain added, “I think we had done all we can the Cook County Department of Public Health, According to her online obituary, Connor sister, Michelle; and two brothers, Joseph and do before we reach that place where people start told Windy City Times, “We knew, just based was an honor-roll student at Ridge Farm El- John. hating you, as opposed to just being irritated on our own surveillance, that the rates are on ementary who was active in the school’s band. On Nov. 4, a potluck was held in Oak Park as a by you because you’re constantly challenging a continual increase. We know that, based on Her mother, Stacy Connor, has spoken pub- memorial to Boushay, according to Oak Leaves, others. ... Basically, we had saturated the com- this report from the CDC, we are in line with licly about her belief that her daughter hung a Chicago Sun-Times publication. Various family munity, and it was time to move on.” the national trends.” herself because she could not endure bullying members attended in addition to local residents. Louisiana lured Sain. “I fell in love with New “But, at the time, we are limited because at school. Daughter Rachel said, “He thought that age, Orleans after being here for two days,” he said. we don’t have any syphilis-prevention funds; Connor told the Today Show that kids at race, whether you are gay or straight, or if you “It was everything I imagined a place I’d want they were taken away [a few years ago]. school had called her a “slut” and that she have a disability shouldn’t make a difference. He to live to be. It was the best of the best and What we do have is our internal task force had asked school officials to intervene on loved Oak Park. He felt at home here.” the worst of the worst all the time. ... It’s a that we’re putting together that’ll put materi- multiple occasions. The Associated Press also Sain, who was with Boushay almost 18 years, nonstop party. ... [Also,] it’s really easy to talk als together to go out and we can utilize our reported that students called her a “boy” af- talked with Windy City Times about Boushay. He to people—they will tell you all kinds of stuff, partners so we can get prevention messages ter getting her hair cut short. recounted that they initially met at “a chance and will talk for hours.” back out in the community. It’s just really dif- Georgetown-Ridge Farm District Superin- meeting at a party. When we began to talk, Asked what he would like people to remem- ficult when you have no funding to do it.” tendent Kevin Tate said in a statement that we discovered—very quickly—we had a lot in ber about Boushay, Sain wasted little time in (She stressed that the department’s jurisdic- the district works hard to make sure students common. We both had been married to women, answering: “He loved incessantly. My God—if tion only covers the suburban Cook County feel safe at school and that they had provided we both have children and we both had similar people only knew. He loved people no matter area, not Chicago.) grief counselors to young people following family and social-justice values. ... We definitely what they thought of him, and he would obsess USA Today reported that the syphilis rate Connor’s death. didn’t believe in being hypocrites.” over how to make it right with somebody. It hurt When asked what precipitated the move to him so much when something didn’t work out Louisiana from Oak Park, a candid Sain said, “It with somebody.” was all me, really. The question really is ‘Why Sain also praised Boushay’s ex-wife, Cindy, for was it such a sudden move and without any fan- writing kind words about Sain in her write-up of fare?’ Well, there were a lot of things going on Boushay’s obituary. “She didn’t have to do that,” at the time. To be frank, I was just really burned he said. “It was very kind of her.” out. With Horizons become the Center [on Hal-

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Left: The proposed development. Photo by Joe Franco; rendering by JDL Development. Right: Photo of the parking lot at Halsted and Bradley (current).

to the new building and will be signing Halsted to develop the space that offers retail and green Neighbors’ petition. Usiak said, “For whatever space that will enhance the neighborhood.” Proposed Boystown reason it seems like the burden of proof is being Another issue that should be considered, Usiak put on the neighborhood as to why the project said, is what he feels is the increased crime rate should not be built, whereas the burden of proof in Boystown and how this project (which will development should be on the developer as to what value this bring approximately 600 more residents into the proposal brings to the neighborhood. To date neighborhood) will impact crime rates in the we see none. area. This issue will be compounded, he said, “The current proposal calls for a rezoning that when police district’s 23 and 19 merge in the stirs controversy is out of place with the character of this neigh- coming months, reducing the amount of police borhood and provides no substantiated benefit presence in the area. By Carrie Maxwell Place. Letchinger said, “Our team is pleased to to the community. The scale and magnitude of “One other important factor to consider is that bring a high quality, mixed-use development to the proposed project will further strain an ag- redistricting is supposed to become effective in A grassroots group called Halsted Neighbors is the neighborhood. ing infrastructure, over burdened city services, January 2012 so the location of the proposed opposing a proposed mixed-use development “This project will add substantial new commer- contribute to traffic congestion and compromise project might be in Ald. Tom Tunney’s district by project on the corner of Halsted and Bradley— cial space as well as new, modern apartments, safety. While we are not opposed to develop- then, so why rush this through?” asked Miller. just down the street from the Center on Halsted. increasing the vibrancy of Halsted Street and ment and see the need for greater retail, there According to the 46th Ward website, a vote The 15-story glass-and-metal structure that JDL providing an alternative to existing living op- are already many available and marketable retail was to be taken on this issue during the Nov. Development is proposing to build in Ald. James tions, encouraging people to live in the commu- opportunities in the area. 10 meeting. However, the vote has been pushed Cappleman’s 46th Ward would replace the park- nity. The development will not utilize any public “We would first like to see the existing vacant back to Dec. 8 so the zoning and development ing lot next to the IHOP on the corner of Halsted funding and will provide substantial revenue to retail space (an MLS and private forum search committee can get answers. and Grace. the City of Chicago.” found that there are over 78 empty retail spaces Currently, Halsted Neighbors has gotten more The mixed-use building would include 46,000 When asked about the project, Cappleman said, within a mile radius of the proposed project) in than 450 people from the neighborhood to sign square feet of commercial space, 350 apartments “Research from the 46th Ward master plan sup- the neighborhood occupied. Many retailers are a petition against the project and about 150 (mostly one-bedroom or studio units, with a few ports the creation of mixed-use developments. following the trend of retrofitting an existing people have joined the Facebook group. They two-bedroom ones) and 369 parking spaces for However, I strongly believe development needs space to fit their needs.” are asking for more transparency regarding the rental unit residents, retail customers, the Open to be a community process. We have encouraged “We are asking that the Alderman Cappleman project and a public forum to discuss the issue. Arms United Worship Center and the neighbor- the developers to meet with as many community and ward 46 committee members to allow the For more information on Halsted Neighbors, hood synagogue. The price per square foot for and neighborhood organizations as possible and community to have an open forum and voice visit or find the rental units will be $2.30, the current mar- then the 46th Ward Zoning and Development their concerns,” said Miller. “We fully support its page on Facebook. To find out more about ket rate, according to JDL Development Presi- Committee will look over the proposed plans to the development of the lot; however, following JDL Development, visit http://www.jdlcorp. dent James Letchinger. score this particular plan. I rely on this commu- the current trend of developing rental units will com. To voice an opinion on the proposed proj- Residents of the heavily LGBT area only found nity process to provide me with a framework to result in a glut of vacant units and drive proper- ect, contact Cappleman’s office at 773-878-4646 out about this proposed structure in an e-mail make inclusive decisions about development in ty values down. A more viable solution would be or visit newsletter sent out by Cappleman’s office or on our ward.” the ward’s website Oct. 29. Halsted Neighbors Halsted Neighbors feels that there will be a then held a meeting at the house of one of the negative impact on the neighborhood, espe- I’m sorry, there are kids here. I wasn’t sup- founders, Mark Usiak, with Cappleman Nov. 9. cially on the current residents of Bradley Place, Teachers’ president posed to say that, right? Too late!” The group asked Cappleman about the details which is now a one-way street that exits to an- not resigning over Conservative columnist and EAO CEO Kyle of the project and why they were not notified other one-way street. According to information Olson slammed Lewis in a Nov. 14 blog post. about it prior to Oct. 29. Cappleman disagreed, revealed during the Nov. 10 meeting, the devel- controversial “I thought we taught children not to mock saying the project had been made public prior oper is proposing to restrict parking on Brad- or make fun of others,” Olson wrote. “Ap- to Oct. 29. However, according to Amy Karatz, ley Place and turn the residential street into a remarks parently the teachers are exempt from such president of East Lake View Neighbors, there has partial or complete two-way street to accommo- By Erica Demarest lessons. This is the best the Chicago school never been a public meeting focused specifically date the large retail trucks, customers traffic and employees have to offer?” on this proposed development. residential traffic that will come from this new Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis Lewis apologized Nov. 16 during a press At the 46th Ward Zoning and Development structure. said she won’t resign despite a wave of con- conference. Committee meeting held Nov. 10 at Weiss Me- Retail trucks will have to travel down Bradley troversy surrounding incendiary comments “Some of what I said was inappropriate and morial Hospital (which was not made public on Place to deliver their goods since the Chicago she made in a speech last month. insensitive,” she said. “No one should ever the 46th ward website until the evening of Nov. Department of Transportation does not allow Lewis, 58, who is also vice president of the resort to personal attacks. I should not have 9) the proposed development was brought up for loading docks or entryways on Halsted Street. American Federation for Teachers, mocked let the frustration get the best of me, and I discussion. Attendees included Cappleman; his The proposed re-routing of traffic will, accord- U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s lisp should never have engaged in a personal at- chief of staff, Tressa Feher; mediator Angela For- ing to Usiak, create more traffic issues in a area during a union rally in Seattle, Wash., Oct. tack against anyone. It won’t happen again.” tino; Letchinger and members of his staff; board that, along with residential and retail space, is 1. The conservative Education Action Group, The Chicago Teachers Union issued a press representatives from more than 30 neighbor- also home to Wrigley Field and many schools which advocates school choice, began circu- release Nov. 16 stating that Lewis’ com- hood organizations throughout the ward; mem- that create their own traffic issues during base- lating video footage of the attack Nov. 10. ments had been taken out of context. The bers of the press; and concerned citizens and ball games and during the school year. “Now, you know [Duncan] went to private group noted that only four minutes of Lewis’ business owners from the area surrounding the Also, during the Nov. 10 meeting an individ- school ‘cause if he had gone to public school 35-minute speech had made it on to YouTube. proposed development. At the meeting, accord- ual asked Letchinger what benefits this project he would have had that lisp fixed,” Lewis said It also questioned EAO’s motives for releasing ing to Kallan Miller, also of Halsted Neighbors, would provide the LGBT community. Letchinger’s in the video. video footage more than a month after Lewis attendees were asked not to speak but to write response was “What’s that? I’m not familiar with “I know—that was ugly wasn’t it? I’m sor- had made the comments. their questions on an index card and hand them the term.” Usiak said the audience booed when ry,” she continued, before eventually launch- Lewis is no stranger to controversy. She’s to the moderator. The moderator then would de- Letchinger didn’t know what “LGBT” meant and ing into a joke about drug use. long been criticized for her brash style, and cide which questions would get addressed. Cappleman just brushed it off and moved on. “I am the only Black woman in the class has publicly butted heads with Mayor Rahm The developer presented a slide show of the Usiak also recently met with the board of the of 1974 from Dartmouth College,” Lewis said. Emanuel over the appropriate length of Chi- building plan and acknowledged the massive im- Gill Co-op, a long-time low-income housing “People are impressed… I spent those years cago’s school days. Proponents say Lewis’ pact it would have on the residents of Bradley project located across the street from the pro- smoking lots of weed, self-medicating… Oh, candor is one of her strengths. posed structure. He said that they are opposed WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 11 a Reviews, GAYin the listings Store owner and ALL things LIFE Kevin Tang Text and PHOTOS BY ROSS FORMAN delicious theDISH

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The inspiration for Baan Home—or simply Baan, as it is known—came from Kevin Tang’s many visits to the enormous outdoor markets of Bangkok and Chiang Mai Thailand. Locals and savvy international travelers bargain with vendors for goods, ranging from antiques to live animals while baking in the tropical heat and humidity. Tang was struck by the unique handcrafted products, including teak furniture, glassware and lighting that he spotted overseas—and his language skills came into play when he began to bargain for many Asian- inspired home products. Baan, which opened in August 2006, is now one of Have your the most unique home-furnishings stores in Chicago’s Andersonville neighborhood. premiums Baan has since expanded into original artwork, an- tiques and spa products. “We actually stumbled upon increased the spa products sort of by accident,” Tang said. “I have a friend in Thailand who was, and still is, selling recently? the products over there. Baan is now the distributor in the U.S. for Soap-n-Scent products, which you cannot get anywhere else in the U.S.” See me: Baan offers more than 40 exotic soap scents, all Charles T. Rhodes, handmade in Thailand. Scents range from banana, co- the stats conut and pineapple to Tang’s personal favorite, Triple Agent Thai Rice, not to mention favorites such as Refreshing 2472 N. Clark Name Cucumber and Lavender Peppermint. Bars of soap at Baan start at $5, and the store offers goods, such as 773.281.0890 Kevin Tang State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company artwork, for as much as $3,500. Baan has even hosted multiple annual local artist showings in the past. (not in NJ) “When people walk into the store, I think they often are surprised at the calmness, sort of a Zen-like feeling State Farm Indemnity Company (NJ) Age … and the amazing smells [from the spa products,]” Tang said. Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois 38 “I have a technology and consulting background, but those [fields] took me away from my creative side. Relationship status This [store] has brought it back.” Wed., Nov. 30 Baan has an array of hand-blown, one-of-a-kind glasses and glass goods, which Tang said have been very In a relationship 7:30 p.m. popular. Jaclyn Friedman Neighborhood “It’s been a challenge owning a small business in this economy, definitely,” Tang said. “But we’re surviving, What You Really Really staying strong and continuing to grow and expand. We’ve grown since 2006 at a maintainable pace that is Andersonville Want: The Smart Girl’s fitting with the economy and the tastes of Shame-Free Guide Land of birth our clients.” to Sex and Safety Laos Thursday, Dec. 1 Has lived in 7:30 p.m. Thailand, Canada and the Victoria Perez United States Cristina Vitale Matria Gamboa Hobbies Chicanas of 18th Street Traveling, eating spicy food, horror movies, tennis and 5233 N. Clark running. (773) 769-9299 It’s a fact Came to the United States in June, 1997, from Toronto for a technology job and was supposed to be here [email protected] for only a year. He’s stayed ever since. Parking Available Wheelchair Accessible 12 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES

A special series in partnership with the AIDS Foundation of Chicago

USCA Chicago Host Committee. Photos by Erica Demarest.

AIDS Confab closes on a ‘forward’ look By ERICA DEMAREST By getting that 20 percent tested and on treat- “The ones I know in France, who are my ment, new infections would drop drastically. friends, are thinking at the moment of whether After a week of packed panels, workshops and Though optimistic about treatment as preven- they will not to come to the conference,” Paris- speeches, the U.S. Conference on AIDS (USCA) tion, Montenar foresees many obstacles for the based Audoin said, “or [whether they’ll] not tick wrapped up its Chicago run Nov. 13 with a ple- U.S. Chief among them is access to healthcare. the box when they want to come to the U.S., nary luncheon titled “Looking Forward to 2012.” “Let me remind you: We have socialized medi- and just lie about who they are.” Dr. Julio Montenar, who heads the British Co- cine in Canada. You need a program of that na- Dr. Mary Wakefield, an administrator at the lumbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, kicked ture if you’re going to get this done,” Montenar Health Resources and Services Administration off the final session with a presentation that said to loud applause. “HIV treatment is not a (HRSA), closed the luncheon’s official program- highlighted ground-breaking medical research luxury. You cannot choose between going poor ming with an update on the government agen- on treatment as prevention. or starving your family and taking medication. cy’s recent efforts. “There’s compelling reason to believe that HIV treatment is a human right.” She said HRSA is committed to improving ac- highly active antiretroviral therapy not only Before leaving the podium, Montenar urged cess to quality HIV healthcare, and noted that stops disease progression [and] death, but it President Obama to fight harder on behalf of figuring out how Ryan White funding will mesh also stops transmission,” Montenar said. “HAART HIV-positive Americans. with full implementation of the Patient Protec- stops viral replication the same day you start “We have the Presidential Emergency Plan for tion and Affordable Care Act is a top priority. taking the treatment.” AIDS Relief for Africa,” Montenar said. “We need Wakefield highlighted HIV-related HRSA proj- With a bevvy of charts and graphs at his a Presidential Emergency Relief Program for the ects, including: 11 university partnerships de- Moisés Agosto-Rosario. side, Montenar walked the captivated audience Americas. It is crazy that the U.S.A. can bring signed to improve medical teaching models; an through recent studies that have proven early free drugs to the rest of the world, but not to its expansion of HIV testing across 8,100 clinical treatment can reduce transmission by as much own people.” sites; and capacity-building for AIDS service or- as 96.3 percent. International AIDS Society Executive Director ganizations and LGBT health clinics. “It doesn’t get any better,” he said. “This is Bertrand Audoin followed Montenar with a pre- Wakefield closed with a call to collaborate. better than condoms. This is better than any- sentation on the 2012 International AIDS Con- “If we are to meet the challenge of achieving an thing you can imagine. Treatment is the best ference, slated for July 22-27 in Washington, HIV-free generation,” she said, “it is critically protection that we currently have.” D.C. important that all of us from local, community, Montenar shared recent Canadian HIV data Expected to draw more than 20,000 delegates state and federal levels work as effectively and that illustrated drastic HIV transmission drops and 800 media representatives, the biennial efficiently as possible to deploy all available in British Columbia, set against stagnant rates conference is returning to the U.S. for the first resources, seek new opportunities to leverage in other parts of the country. The difference: The time in 22 years. President Barack Obama signed them, and deliver high quality HIV prevention, British Columbia Center for Excellence in HIV/ a law lifting America’s longtime HIV travel ban, care and treatment.” AIDS had launched a comprehensive testing pro- making it possible for HIV-positive delegates to The luncheon concluded with a thank you to gram that identified new cases and rushed medi- visit. the 2011 USCA Chicago Host Committee, which cation to patients, while other areas hadn’t. “[The conference] will come to the U.S. at included Cynthia Tucker of AIDS Foundation of “Having treatment available is not enough,” a pivotal moment from many aspects,” Audoin Chicago and Chris Brown, assistant commission- Montenar said. He advocated creating targeted said, “not the least being that we’ll be in the er of the Chicago Department of Public Health testing and treatment plans, and urged those middle of an election year, and two or three for the STI/AIDS Division. The 2011 committee in the audience to make testing efforts a focal weeks ahead of the Republican Convention.” then passed on gifts, well wishes and words point in their organizations. “I hear about pro- The 2012 conference will bring together in- of wisdom to the 2012 committee, which will grams that want to save money by testing less. ternational policy makers, medical professionals, spearhead efforts in Las Vegas next fall. That is simply stupid,” he said. researchers, scientists and NGO staffers for more Moisés Agosto-Rosario emceed the luncheon, In the United States, it’s estimated that 20 than 70 official sessions and an additional week which was held at the Sheraton Hotel & Towers, percent of people living with HIV don’t know of informal events. Notably absent, however, 301 East N. Water St. Terrence Calhoun, direc- their status, and that those people are respon- will be many HIV-positive sex workers and in- tor of conferences and regional training for the Bertrand Audoin, Executive Director, sible for roughly half of all new HIV infections. travenous drug users, who are still banned from AIDS Institute, spoke briefly. International AIDS Society. traveling to the U.S.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Dr. Julio Montaner, British Colum- bia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; Dr. Mary Wakefield, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA); Terrence Calhoun, Director of Conferences and Regional Trainings, the AIDS Institute. WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 13

AFC reflects on AIDS @ 30 By Erica Demarest be routinized in all communities, which could help reduce stigma while combatting new infec- The AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC) kicked of tions. its week of U.S. Conference on AIDS program- “I think we have so emphasized the negative ming Nov. 8 with a night of reflection and sto- disease piece of this, that we’ve been late to rytelling. pick up the holistic positive health messages,” Nonprofit employees from across the country said moderator Chris Brown, assistant com- gathered in Michelin-star restaurant Spiaggia, missioner of the Chicago Department of Public 980 N. Michigan Ave., as a panel of local doctors Health’s STI/HIV Division. “I think that plays a and activists ruminated on lessons learned. part of stigma, self-concept and self-worth.” From left: Román Buenrostro, Director of Special Projects at AIDS Foundation of Chicago; Lisa M. “We dropped the ball [when we] stopped do- Both panelists and visitors voiced concern Henry-Reid, Chair, Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, ing really concerted outreach in a lot of at-risk about diminishing funding streams, but Jeff Stroger Hospital of Cook County; Ann Hilton Fisher, Executive Director, AIDS Legal Council of communities,” said Román Buenrostro, AFC’s di- Berry, director of publications at the Test Posi- Chicago; Jeff Berry, Director of Publications, Test Positive Aware Network. rector of special projects. “I remember when I tive Aware Network (TPAN), argued the focus on was a wee young lad. Going out, you couldn’t funding has become detrimental. swing a dead cat in a gay bar without hitting an and fighting over smaller and smaller pieces of problem] completely out of the equation?’” outreach worker. Now you really don’t see social the pie … but it really detracts from fighting the As panelists looked to the future, they stressed institutions in a lot of gay bars and gay venues. fight. I don’t think that’s unique to Chicago, but the need for additional outreach and advocacy. … I think that in-your-face constant messaging it’s unfortunate.” “Us old-timer advocates will need to pass the was a lost opportunity.” While panelists were quick to point out mis- torch, and my fear is: There’s a gap,” Berry said. Missed chances and the need for continued takes made and changes needed, they also “There’s something missing. Where are the advo- outreach were common topics during the 2-hour highlighted Chicago’s considerable successes. cates that are coming in? We need to find ways dinner program. Innovative peer-to-peer programs were widely to empower and really get that support.” Dr. Lisa M. Henry-Reid, who chairs the division touted, as was an ability to think outside the Buenrostro suggested looking to communities of adolescent and young adult medicine at John box. already impacted. H. Stroger Jr. Hospital, noted that youth aged AIDS Legal Council Executive Director Ann Hil- “An opportunity that we have right now,” he 15-24 represent one of the fastest growing HIV- ton Fisher shared a program she had recently said, “is to begin to maximize and think about populations, but that widespread testing still learned about from Anne Statton, who heads the how we can incorporate those of us living with isn’t common with this age group. Chris Brown, Assistant Commissioner, STI/ Pediatric AIDS Chicago Prevention Initiative. HIV into the provision of services for other Most doctors decide whether they will test HIV Division, Chicago Department of Public Statton saw that impoverished women with people living with HIV—really using peers as patients for HIV based on a variety of socioeco- Health. Photos by Erica Demarest. newborn babies were unable to attend much- smartly as possible.” nomic, age and geographic factors, Henry-Reid needed mental counseling sessions because AFC President/CEO David Munar opened the said. It’s estimated that 20 percent of those liv- “[We’ve been] chasing funding and letting that they lacked transportation. The solution: Each Tuesday night programming with a brief wel- ing with HIV don’t know their status, and that drive what we do,” Berry said, “rather than fig- woman was provided with a Netbook so that come speech. Bristol-Myers Squibb provided these people are responsible for over half of all uring out what we do and then finding the fund- counseling could be conducted over Skype. funding for the event, titled “Chicago Stories: new infections. ing to do it. I think that’s just really been a “You’re not saying, ‘Transportation is a prob- Our Past and Future Fighting HIV/AIDS—Les- Henry-Reid stressed that HIV testing should result of the funding structures that are in place lem. We’ve got to figure out transportation,’” sons for Nonprofit Executives at USCA.” Fisher said. “You’re saying, ‘How do we take [the Latino AIDS groups join forces for event By Emmanuel Garcia

Two of Chicago’s HIV/AIDS social service agencies, CAL- OR and Vida/SIDA, co-hosted an event at the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, 3015 W. Division St., on Nov. 12 in the Humboldt Park neighborhood. Both agencies, located on the West Side of Chicago, serve the surrounding predominantly Latino community. Director of Vida/SIDA Juan Calderon welcomed out-of- town attendees who were in Chicago participating at the U.S. Conference on AIDS. Guest speaker Dr. Teresa Garate, assistant director at the Illinois Department of Public Health, spoke briefly about the high number of HIV cases among Latino and African Americans in Illinois. “This is not a race, this is not a place where we want to be first,” said Garate. She said Illinois has the seventh highest number of AIDS cases in the nation. While the evening exuded a festive spirit throughout the night, the reality of cuts in HIV/AIDS funding was very much on the minds of many participants, including speaker guest speaker Dr. Jaime Martinez. Martinez, who works in the Division of Adolescent Medicine at Stroger Hospital, said he recently learned that his program, funded in large part by the Ryan White CARE ACT, would no longer have the monies to provide “primary care to over 302 young people, 13 through 24 years of age and they all have HIV.” He spoke about how lack of health insurance among Latinos has made them the group most likely to get AIDS within a couple of months after being diagnosed with HIV. Actor Wilson Cruz stopped by and viewed the exhibi- tion “A year of Martorell in Chicago” by artist Antonio Martorell. The evening, emceed by Paul Lopez, featured a show by salsa dance studio Latin Rhythms and drag performances. People enjoying the CALOR and Vida/SIDA event. Photos by Emmanuel Garcia 14 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES

Conference Town Hall explores HIV among Black gay youth

By KATE SOSIN but that the entire strategy for preventing HIV among gay youth needs to change. When the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and First and foremost, said speakers, Black gay Prevention released statistics earlier this year men needed to be given the opportunity to that showed that the rates of HIV infection speak for themselves. among young Black men nearly doubled between “If you think that people who don’t look Above: Christopher Bates, Ernest Hopkins, Joseph “Buzz” Prejean. 2006-2009, the HIV community quickly began like you are sitting up at night worrying about Below: and Darrell Wheeler. Photos by Kate Sosin strategizing on how to curb the shocking trend. whether we die, you’re fooling yourselves,” said But while many said the culprit was risky be- Bates. havior, others have argued that the rise in infec- “We need to get to the table and start taking tions is the symptom of a far more complex set charge of the strategy that affects our commu- of issues. nity,” said Edwards. A group of community experts took on the Stallworth, the only youth on the panel, spoke topic at the U.S. Conference on AIDS Nov. 12 in of his own experiences contracting HIV in 2009 a town hall meeting on Black gay men and HIV. at the age of 17. Approximately 50 people came to the evening “It was like my life came crashing down on event. me,” he said. His teachers held a meeting about Present were Christopher Bates, executive di- how to deal with having an HIV student, and he rector of the Presidential Advisory Council on had to quit his job in order qualify for the AIDS HIV/AIDS; Ernest Hopkins, director of Legisla- Drug Assistance Program. tive Affairs at the San Francisco AIDS Founda- “Having to choose between a career and my tion; Joseph “Buzz” Prejean, of the CDC Division healthcare prevented me from being a produc- of HIV/AIDS prevention; Lawrence Stallworth tive member of society,” he said. II, founder of the AIDS Task Force of Greater Stallworth said the issue for him came down Cleveland; Darrell Wheeler, dean at the Loyola to personal responsibility. Now that he is HIV- University School of Social Work; Jamal Edwards, positive, he finds it a duty to advocate for his president and CEO of Howard Brown Health Cen- community. ter; and Keith Green, director of federal affairs But Bates added that the issue goes beyond at AIDS Foundation of Chicago. Phill Wilson, personal choices and behaviors in curbing the founder and executive director of the Black AIDS trends among young black MSMs. He said that Chicago transgender activist Joy Morris raised answer and encouraged HIV researchers in the Institute, moderated. many factors were already working against that the question of tracking infection rates among room to become activists. Finally, he said, ser- “At the end of the day, we have got to be able population. transgender people. She urged the panel to look vice providers need to work make their jobs ob- to save ourselves,” said Wilson. “We have such a high level of HIV that even at trans-specific surveillance data, and argued solete. He asserted that the community has lost Experts argued that it was not just behavior when we’re using a condom, it’s that one time that that population is often left out of the con- a vision of a world without AIDS because it has regarding sexual health that needed to change, when we don’t” that it is transmitted, he said. versation and out of funding priorities. created so many organizations, jobs and other Wheeler said that money was not always the structures around the virus.

South African author to discuss HIV/AIDS Dec. 1 at NU Jonny Steinberg, a South African author, journalist and scholar who has written ex- tensively about the HIV/AIDS pandemic, will speak at Northwestern University on World Don’t miss the special AIDS Day, Thursday, Dec. 1. He will speak on “HIV/AIDS in African and Beyond: The Story the Media Missed” as part of the Gertrude World AIDS Day and G.D. Crain Jr. Lecture Series. His presentation is free, and will be at 4 edition of Windy City Times p.m. in the McCormick Tribune Center Forum, 1870 Campus Drive, in Evanston. It is pre- Wed., Dec. 1, 2011 sented by Northwestern’s Program of African Studies in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences and Medill. Steinberg is the author of Sizwe’s Test: A Young Man’s Journey through Africa’s AIDS Special AIDS @ 30 interviews, Epidemic, one of The Washington Post’s Best Books of 2008. Steinberg studied political theory on a Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford features, and much more University’s Balliol College. Steinberg’s lat- est book, Little Liberia: An African Odyssey in New York, looks at the lives of Liberian See refugees living in New York. He teaches Afri- can Studies at Oxford University. Jonny Steinberg. for past articles WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 15

Delivering life: Open Hand Chicago starts rolling out meals By KATE SOSIN Chicago model in one key area. The San Fran- cisco organization ran an independent kitch- On the blustery cold Christmas Eve night of 1988, en. Chicago’s meals were coming out people’s Greg Harris found himself driving in circles. homes. With just one hot meal left to deliver in Rog- It was something that Cannon and others had ers Park and the temperature plummeting, Har- not considered as potentially problematic as ris considered going home. He couldn’t find the their operation started to grow. building, and he and another volunteer had It was, however, something on the mind of been driving for hours. local restaurateur Tom Tunney. Tunney was ac- A few months earlier, in August, Harris and tive in his community’s battle with AIDS, and he others had made a promise. Harris was part of a housed the offices of various AIDS organizations rag-tag group of LGBT Chicagoans and allies who in the building housing his Lakeview restaurant, watched their community not just die of AIDS Ann Sather. complications, but die hungry and often alone. “I didn’t think we could support an indepen- “We’re going to make sure that no one in the dent volunteer-run kitchen and do it safely,” he city of Chicago who has AIDS goes hungry,” Har- said. A collection of volunteers and staff of Open Hand Chicago / Vital Bridges over the years. Cour- ris had said. Tunney offered the kitchen of his Lakeview tesy of Lori Cannon So despite the cold and his own fatigue, Har- restaurant to Open Hand Chicago. “We’re already ris found his way to a door at the end of a tight preparing food every day,” he told them. gangway. Sitting behind the door covered in In addition to preparing meals for customers, blankets was a man who had been waiting for the Ann Sather kitchen began rolling out two hours for his only meal of the day. The man was meals a day for Open Hand Chicago. The kitchen relieved he had not been forgotten. sent bagged lunches and hot meals all over the Harris broke down and cried. city, and volunteers delivered them by car and “You’re not just delivering meals, you’re deliv- by foot. ering life to people,” he recalled. As a result, Tunney’s restaurant suffered from What started as a holiday meal run for people the same stigma that was sweeping the nation with AIDS in 1988, would quickly evolve into a during a time when AIDS meant death. citywide movement and later Chicago’s largest “We had people calling,” he said. “They wouldn’t food provider for people with HIV, Open Hand eat at Ann Sather anymore because ‘they would Chicago (now Vital Bridges Center on Chronic get AIDS.’” Care). Tunney didn’t budge. It started in apartment kitchens, said Lori “It was something that we needed to do for Cannon, a founder of Open Hand and current our community,” he said. “Nuts or not, this is food program coordinator of Vital Bridges. what we wanted to do. I didn’t worry what other Cannon, who served on the Chicago steering people thought.” committee for the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial In the end, Tunney believes his business Quilt, had just finished work on the quilt’s dis- thrived as a result. His community came in play at Navy Pier. Toward the end of the summer, droves to support the restaurant, which began she said, she found herself with “postpartum to feel like a community center for many LGBT blues.” people. Cannon, Harris, healthcare advocate Matthew Open Hand Chicago also grew with support. Hamilton and others decided to do something The organization quickly went from delivering they had largely all been doing on their own for 35 meals to delivering 100. Within its first few friends. They started making meals and deliver- years, the organization was feeding more than ing them personally. 300 people. “We knew we had to feed people,” said Can- The meals that Open Hand delivered were of- non. “It’s really a testament to a community ten both the only food and the only human con- that cared when no one else did.” tact that clients would have all day. Sometimes Volunteers had spent the summer planning rejected by their families and fighting a misun- and chose Christmas Eve for the first delivery. derstood disease, people with AIDS were often They cooked the meals in Hamilton’s apartment abandoned to their own care. and then drove out in teams of two. It was volunteers, said Cannon, who quietly “It was so cold, it was too cold to snow, but administered to both the health and hearts of there were crystals in the air,” Cannon said. Open Hand clients. Many of those volunteers volunteer work. Their friends and chosen fami- take hold on those she worked with. Cannon was working as a bus driver at the still work with the organization. Cannon calls lies were dying; it would have been indecent not “They were volunteers,” Cannon said. “They time, and she painstakingly charted the routes them the “unsung heroes” of the organization. to do something. became clients. Then they were patches on the for 35 meals, five routes with seven stops each. Perhaps not coincidentally, many who helped Service was sometimes a coping mechanism, quilt.” She remembers the details of these routes some- start Open Hand would later become some of the something active and helpful to do, rather than But while many were taken by AIDS, new vol- times better than major dates. best-known leaders in Chicago’s LGBT commu- just watching people die. unteers kept coming to Open Hand. Over time, The first routes included stops in Lakeview, Al- nity and beyond. “Everybody wanted to do something that the organization would grow into one of the bany Park, Humboldt Park, Rogers Park, and from Tunney is currently the 44th Ward alderman. was hands-on,” Cannon said. “We had all been city’s most powerful forces against HIV/AIDS. Hyde Park to 137th Street. Cannon still jokes James Cappleman, who referred clients to Open turned into medieval people where death was In July 2011, the agency merged with Heart- that had Harris just followed her directions, he Hand when he was a social worker, is currently our constant companion.” land Health outreach. Since it was founded in never would have lost his way driving. Harris serving as alderman of the 46th Ward. Modesto Most who cooked and delivered meals that 1988, Vital Bridges has provided more than 10 admits that is probably true. “Tico” Valle, an early volunteer, is the CEO of night, however, passed away. Taken by the virus, million meals to needy clients. After mergers Just a few days later on Jan. 2, 1989, the Center on Halsted. Harris is the 13th District many of the earliest Open Hand volunteers died with other agencies over the years, their work group began regular meal deliveries, cooking in State Representative and was a major force in by the early 1990s. expanded, and they can also boast of providing apartments and bringing food by car or by foot. pushing through the civil-unions law in Illinois. “I’m one of the few people I knew back in the 600,000 nights of shelter and 250,000 hours of Founders had adopted the name “Open Hand Chi- Still, all who remember the early days of Open day that is still alive,” said Harris, who is open counseling to more than 10,000 clients. cago” for their budding organization, inspired Hand share a similar resignation when talking his own HIV-positive status. The annual Vital Bridges Holiday brunch is Project Open Hand in San Francisco, which was about their service. The organization is not For Cannon, working at Open Hand from the Sunday, Dec. 4, at the Four Seasons Hotel. See founded in 1985 with a similar model. one that lends itself to self-congratulation. For start often meant watching the arch of the virus Project Open Hand, however, differed from the many, there was nothing charitable about their 16 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES WINDY CITY VIEWPOINTs TIMES zations of widely varying sizes and with widely of the facts you believe, it’s clear that the lack varying resources try and work side-by-side. of an agreed-to strategy nearly killed the repeal VOL. 27 No. 7, Nov. 23, 2011 MATT The combined forces of Windy City Times, Turf fights are part of institutional life, gay or of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” multiple times. The founded Sept. 1985, and Outlines newspaper, FOREMAN straight. fact that HRC and the rest of the movement put founded May 1987. However, the divisions between HRC and oth- forward two separate agendas for federal agency ers in the movement cannot be explained away policy reform to the Obama administration in PUBLISHER & EXECUTIVE EDITOR as an unavoidable by-product of movement dy- early 2008 is one of the reasons why this work Tracy Baim namics. Over 18 years, as executive director of a got off to such a painfully slow start. ASSISTANT PUBLISHER Terri Klinsky local, a statewide and a national organization, I Faced with mixed messages and a lack of clar- MANAGING EDITOR Andrew Davis saw firsthand how HRC had a tendency to under- ity from the movement, legislators and policy- BUSINESS MANAGER Meghan Streit HRC undermines mine movement unity. It would undertake new makers feel free to throw up their hands and DIRECTOR OF NEW MEDIA Jean Albright initiatives or announce unhelpful positions in avoid taking action on issues that very clearly ART DIRECTOR Kirk Williamson movement unity SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGERS: Terri Klinsky, Amy policy areas where they had little or no exper- could bring real and lasting benefits to LGBT Matheny, Kirk Williamson, Dave Ouano, Kirk Smid Imagine. tise; it was unnecessarily vague and secretive people. They freely break promises claiming so- PROMOTIONAL SUPPORT Cynthia Holmes NIGHTSPOTS MANAGING EDITOR Kirk Williamson To many of our opponents and even to many about meetings they were holding and about and-so said it was OK in some closed-door meet- people and organizations they were working ing. NATIONAL SALES Rivendell Media, 212-242-6863 allies, the LGBT movement is a cohesive force for SENIOR WRITERS Kate Sosin, Bob Roehr, Rex change. But despite our undeniable successes, with; the campaign would take credit for things As the members of the HRC board weighs the Wockner, Marie J. Kuda, David Byrne, Tony Per- particularly at the state and local level, we are in which they’d never even been involved. In next steps for the organization they lead, let’s egrin, Lisa Keen, Yasmin Nair, Erica Demarest THEATER EDITOR Scott C. Morgan not as cohesive as we might appear—and we are talking with dozens of leaders in the movement, imagine an alternative to the recent state of af- I have heard these same types of complaints fairs... CINEMA WRITER Richard Knight, Jr. certainly not as cohesive as we could be. The BOOKS WRITER Yasmin Nair reality is that we are two separate movements: again and again. People say they are reluctant —Imagine if HRC’s political donations were SPORTS WRITER Ross Forman the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and everyone to share core work, contacts or strategies if HRC actually in sync with those of Gill Action’s Po- ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WRITERS Mary Shen Barnidge, Steve Warren, Lawrence else. is in the room (and it’s clear that HRC feels the litical OutGiving program and the Victory Fund’s same way about others). work to elect LGBT people to office. Ferber, Mel Ferrand, Jerry Nunn, Alicia Wilson, Imagine if we could get past these divisions Jonathan Abarbanel and present a truly united front in the fight for Some donors try to brush off these complaints —Imagine if organizations with deep under- COLUMNISTS/WRITERS: Yvonne Zipter, Jorjet complete equality for LGBT people. There is a as “petty infighting” they think is pervasive in standing of specific issues—the needs of gay Harper, Lee Lynch, Tully Satre, Lisa Keen, Charlsie Dewey, Michael Knipp, Lisa Klein, Joe Erbentraut, chance to do this right now, as the HRC board the movement. However, the truth is there is a families, bullying or anti-LGBT violence, work in surprisingly high level of personal and profes- communities of color or faith, marriage equality, Carrie Maxwell, Billy Masters, Chuck Colbert, of directors works to name a successor to its Micki Leventhal, Sarah Toce, Dana Rudolph, Sally president, Joe Solmonese, who will be stepping sional collegiality and collaboration among the etc.—could partner with, rather than compete Parsons, Emmanuel Garcia down in March. other leaders in the LGBT movement. Of course, with or work around, HRC on their specific pri- SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHERS Kat Fitzgerald, Mel there is the occasional scrape and we can’t sing orities. Ferrand, Hal Baim, Steve Starr, Emmanuel Garcia, Because HRC’s budget accounts for half of all Dave Ouano, Tim Carroll the policy advocacy dollars now flowing into the “Kumbaya” all the time, but people usually work —Imagine if the grassroots, grasstops and out their differences. A case in point: the largest financial clout of the LGBT community was CIRCULATION movement, the extent that the HRC board makes CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Jean Albright partnering with the larger community a priority four national legal organizations in the move- brought to bear in a focused way on our top DISTRIBUTION: Ashina, Allan, Dan, John, Renee, for its new leader will have a huge impact on ment have to resolve potential turf, strategy, priorities. Sue and Victor donor and media conflicts all the time. Then —Imagine if HRC partnered with Equality Fed- WEB HOSTING: (lead pro- how quickly we achieve the changes that all of grammer: Martie Marro) us want to see. there is the New Beginnings Initiative, a col- eration organizations and local groups to build I need to start by saying that over the years laboration of two dozen national organizations their collective power, lists, fundraising bases I have had the privilege of working with some that has successfully pushed more than 30 sig- and expertise. Copyright 2011 Lambda Publications Inc./Windy City Media —Imagine if information and leverage points Group; All rights reserved. Reprint by permission only. Back exceptional HRC staffers, and I can point to nu- nificant federal-policy advances, and resolved issues (if available) for $5 per issue (postage included). merous examples where HRC collaborated in a thorny, power, tactical and “access” issues every were shared honestly so that our community Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, step of the way. could start playing legislators and policymakers and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and positive way with state partners on legislation, no responsibility may be assumed for unsolicited materials. ballot measures and other activities. In addi- The impact of the movement divide between the way they play us now. All rights to letters, art and photographs sent to Windy HRC and others goes far beyond time wasted Can you imagine? City Times will be treated as unconditionally assigned tion, there’s no denying HRC’s remarkable prow- for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing ess in branding and fundraising and its singular on organizational piques. Resources are squan- I can. Let’s hope that the HRC board of direc- and comment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, dered in overlapping and sometimes conflicting tors can, too. Because if they do, then we all cartoonists, letter writers, and commentators are their own access to power brokers in our nation’s capital. and do not necessarily reflect the position ofWindy City That said, the cause of LGBT equality has suf- lobbying and educational campaigns. Over the win. Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of years, this has contributed to an array of missed Matt Foreman was the executive director of a person or organization in articles or advertising in Windy fered because of a deficit of trust and a surplus City Times is not to be construed as any indication of the of ill will between HRC and the rest of the move- opportunities—including early passage of hate the NYC Gay & Lesbian Anti-Violence Project sexual orientation of such person or organization. While ment. Sure, a certain amount of conflict is to be crimes legislation, ENDA falling off the table (1990-1996); Empire State Pride Agenda we encourage readers to support the advertisers who make (again), and the lack of LGBT people appointed (1997-2003); National Gay and Lesbian Task this newspaper possible, Windy City Times cannot accept expected whenever national organizations work responsibility for advertising claims. with state and local ones or whenever organi- to cabinet-level posts. No matter whose version Force (2003-2008). (773) 871-7610 FAX (773) 871-7609 e-mail: [email protected]

hypocrisy) that reflects the divisions within the The church also forbids the ordination of prac- CLAUDE J. denomination as it wrestles with the question of ticing homosexuals: “While persons set apart by radio: human sexuality. the Church for ordained ministry are subject to video: SUMMERS The denomination repeatedly says that it wel- all the frailties of the human condition and the comes all into fellowship, yet in 2005 at the pressures of society, they are required to main- WINDY CITY MEDIA GROUP, 5315 N. Clark St. #192, Chicago, Illinois 60640 height of the “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open tain the highest standards of holy living in the U.S.A Doors” campaign, a minister in Virginia denied world. The practice of homosexuality is incom- (MAILING ADDRESS ONLY) membership to a gay man who had been invited patible with Christian teaching. Therefore self- to join the church choir. When others in the avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be Windy City Times Deadline every Wednesday. Nightspots Deadline Wednesday prior to street date. Open hearts, church protested the minister’s decision, the certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, OUT! Resource Guide ONLINE denomination’s Judicial Council upheld the min- or appointed to serve in The United Methodist open minds, ister’s right to deny membership on the basis of Church.” the man’s sexuality. In addition, the “Book of Discipline” declares Following this highly publicized and embar- that “Ceremonies that celebrate homosexual open doors? rassing incident, the denomination’s Council unions shall not be conducted by our ministers “Windy City Media Group generated In 2001, intent on reversing years of declin- of Bishops issued a pastoral letter stating that and shall not be conducted in our churches.” enormous interest among their readers “homosexuality is not a barrier” to membership. Moreover, the denomination forbids the use of ing membership and countering a perception of in this year’s LGBT Consumer Index This pastoral letter, however, did nothing to re- United Methodist funds “to promote the accep- conservative religious denominations as close- Survey. Out of approximately 100 minded and intolerant, the United Method- verse the minister’s decision to deny member- tance of homosexuality.” print and online media partners who ist Church launched an advertising campaign, ship to the gay man. The denomination has in recent years been participated in the survey, Windy “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.” The Similarly, the denomination’s website contains roiled by church trials of openly gay ministers City was the best performing regional campaign was intended to suggest that Method- a number of resolutions passed by its various and of ministers who have officiated at same-sex media in the U.S. Only survey partners ists welcomed a diverse membership, including committees and conferences, some of which ex- marriages or commitment ceremonies. with a nationwide footprint were glbtq people. For a while, the campaign was very tend welcome to all people and affirm their sa- The United Methodist Church will probably able to generate a greater number of successful, but when in a highly publicized case cred worth. The denomination has even passed eventually follow the lead of other mainline responses.” ­­—David Marshall, Research a gay man was denied membership in the de- resolutions opposing homophobia and discrimi- Christian denominations such as the Episco- Director, Community Marketing, Inc. nomination because of his homosexuality, many nation on the basis of sexual orientation. pal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of people came to regard the denomination’s slo- Those resolutions, however, do not seem to America, and the Presbyterian Church and re- gan as laughable. It was even mocked by an ad apply to the denomination itself. The church’s vise its doctrines to be truly welcoming of gay for another, more truly accepting denomination, “Book of Discipline,” for example, pointedly de- people to participate at all levels of the church the United Church of Christ. clares, “The United Methodist Church does not community. It might even reach the level of The contradictions in the policies of the United condone the practice of homosexuality and con- enlightenment of the United Church of Canada, Methodist Church toward homosexuality reveal sider this practice incompatible with Christian Turn to page 22 a level of uncertainty and inconsistency (if not teaching.” WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 17 GOINGS-ON WINDY CITY TIMES’ ENTERTAINMENT SECTION

Photo courtesy of Street Tempo Theatre X FACTOR Read a review of Let My People Come, which our critic resembles an “X-rated episode of Glee.” See the review on page 18. AUTOS MUSIC SPORTS That’s Italian! Leave it to divas. On the run. Page 28. Page 21. Page 34.

Photo courtesy of PR photo Photo of Katie Schmid courtesy of Schmid

SCOTTISH PLAY SCOTT aims to show how music can help break down prejudice. Memphis is based upon a white DJ who broke social norms in the segregated South Black of the 1950s by playing African-American artists Black Ensemble Ensemble on a mainstream radio stations. Theatre’s “I heard the story and thought, wow, I’ve new never thought about that aspect of how music Theater finds new space. integrated society and how DJs of course had Photo by to be the people playing this music,” said gay Scott C. playwright and Memphis co-creator Joe DiPietro groove with new space Morgan during a telephone interview. “I thought what a great American story that I wasn’t aware of and BY SCOTT C. MORGAN garage. There is also to be a 150-seat studio I figured many other people wouldn’t either.” theater to showcase new works created through Although DiPietro had worked with other the- I felt slightly ashamed interviewing Black En- the company’s Black Play Initiative. However, the life of the late and influential rapper Tupac ater composers before (notable on off-Broadway semble Theater founder and executive director that space still needs to be finished. Shakur. “That theater is to develop youthful au- hits like I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change Jackie Taylor in the morning of Nov. 18—the Yet what’s on display is certainly impressive, diences, different audiences, experimental audi- and The Toxic Avenger), he wanted Memphis to very day that the new Black Ensemble Theater as evidenced during an open house of the com- ences and it will be an experimental stage for us have more of a rock and roll score. DiPietro luck- Cultural Center, located at 4450 N. Clark, was plex the following day. The tour guides boasted so that we’ll keep our product of our great musi- ily found an equally enthusiastic collaborator in set to open that evening with a starry guest list that there wasn’t a bad seat in the main the- cal theater but we’ll also be able to experiment Bon Jovi co-founder David Bryan, who wrote his including such showbiz and political luminaries ater’s cozy auditorium, what with the tiered with different kinds of theater.” first Broadway score with Memphis. Both DiPi- like Dionne Warwick and Gov. . seating around a curved thrust stage (still lit- However, no matter what shows Black Ensem- etro and Bryan won two Tony Awards apiece for During the telephone interview, Taylor re- tered with confetti from the previous night). No ble produces, be they jukebox musicals around their contributions to the show’s script, score vealed she was up until 3 a.m. that morning doubt the performers will prize the extra dress- great African-American artists or family dramas, and orchestrations, while Memphis also won the working out last-minute details for the center’s ing rooms available to them backstage, while Taylor insists that there will be a musical com- award of best musical for the 2009-10 season. inaugural production: a revival of her musical audiences will greatly appreciate the expanded ponent because it ties into the company’s mis- Memphis is still playing on Broadway and now The Jackie Wilson Story, Black Ensemble’s most lobbies and restrooms. sion statement. comes to Chicago as part of a national tour that famous and acclaimed hit. (Look for a review If there’s one quibble I have, it’s the large and “Our mission is to eradicate racism and music began last month in (where else?) Memphis, from Mary Shen Barnidge in the Nov. 30 issue blunt gray concrete wall on the theater’s exterior translates into so many different cultures,” Tay- Tenn. of Windy City Times.) At another point in the facing Sunnyside Avenue. Hopefully, one day it lor said about the universality of music to break “Chicago’s been very good to me as a writer,” interview, three different phones started ringing will become a canvas for a massive mural cel- down barriers among different groups of people. DiPietro said, noting how he’s had successful lo- simultaneously around her. ebrating African-American artists and musicians. “We want to sustain that aspect of our produc- cal productions ranging from his family-friendly However, despite the stress and pressure, Tay- Despite Black Ensemble’s expanded quarters, tions.” comedy Over the River and Through the Woods lor took time out of that special day to talk up Taylor still plans to stick to the company’s Jackie Taylor’s The Jackie Wilson Story con- at the Mercury Theatre to the gay adult comic- the glories and potential of the Black Ensemble scheduling of shows that eschews a set sub- tinues now through Jan. 8 at the new Black En- drama Fucking Men (a hit for the reconstituted Theater Cultural Center. scription season in favor of extending hits when semble Theater Cultural Center, 4450 N. Clark. Bailiwick Chicago). “I have a great affinity for “It’s part of a vision and it’s a dream come they happen. So even though several shows are Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays and Chicago since it’s a great theater town.” true,” Taylor said, adding that Black Ensemble slated for 2012, many might get delayed if one Thursdays, 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 3 Memphis continues through Dec. 4 at the Ca- only had about a week to move into and re- musical becomes a breakout hit. p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Tickets are $55- dillac Palace Theatre, 151 W. Randolph St. The hearse in its new space. “We’re capable of doing When asked if the forthcoming studio theater $65 (group, students and senior discounts avail- performance schedule varies, but is mostly 7:30 so many more things now and we’re so happy.” would be rented out to other theater companies, able). Call 773-769-4451 or visit http://www. p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays; 2 and 8 p.m. Sat- Black Ensemble’s new cultural center includes Taylor said she would rather use it for Black En- urdays; and 2 and 7:30 p.m. Sundays (no show a state-of-the-art 299-seat main stage (double semble productions. Nov. 24); it’s also at 2 p.m. Nov. 25 and 30. the size of Black Ensemble’s previous space in “We want to sustain and maintain our own Memphis on DiPietro’s mind Tickets are $32-$100; call 800-775-2000 or visit the basement of Hull House in Uptown), spa- identity,” Taylor said, revealing that she hopes Much like the mission of Black Ensemble The- cious administrative offices and a small parking to open the studio space with a musical about ater, the Tony Award-winning musical Memphis 18 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES DOUBLE REVIEW Come (which has nothing whatsoever to do with THEATER REVIEW Moses). Five Flights While Five Flights touches upon what might A Bright Playwright: Adam Bock happen if a kookily charismatic woman decides At: Immediate Theatre at to found a new religion based upon the spiritu- New Boise Red Tape Theatre, 621 W. Belmont Ave. ality of birds, Let My People Come celebrates a Title: A Bright New Boise Phone: 800-838-3006; $18-$28 sex-positive gospel of free love. Just how effec- Playwright: Samuel D. Hunter Runs through: Dec. 18 tive both shows go about preaching their mes- At: LiveWire Chicago Theatre sages is up to debate. at the Greenhouse, 2257 N. Lincoln Ave. Rather than fully fleshed people, Bock’s char- Phone: 773-404-7336;$20 Let My acters in Five Flights come off as mouthpieces Runs through: Dec. 17 People Come to philosophies for and against religion and Score: Earl Wilson, Jr.; relationships. The way that Bock structures his BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE Script: Wilson and the ensemble drama is also more to benefit the mind than the

At: Street Tempo Theatre at heart, denying audiences the expected romantic The play opens on a moment that immedi- Stage 773, 1225 W. Belmont Ave. couplings that he hints may happen early on ately leads us to anticipate a massacre. Our Phone: 773-327-5252; $28 (particularly between the emotionally cryptic Ed protagonist anticipates one, too. In fact, he Runs through: Dec. 31 of Nick Freed and the ballet-loving professional prays for it: a merciless holocaust that will hockey player Tom played by Chris Carr). scorch the earth, leaving it cleansed of woe BY SCOTT C. MORGAN If Five Flights’ script ultimately disappoints, and corruption. We’re talking, of course, you can at least admire many of the efforts of about Armageddon, prognosticated in the Gay and straight characters dealing with religi- the cast and crew of Immediate Theatre to illu- Bible as the prelude to the righteous deliv- osity, relationships and real estate crowd Adam minate Bock’s distancing drama. Scenic designer ered into heaven while everybody else burns Bock’s 2002 drama Five Flights, now having a Stephen Carmody creates a sturdy framework to in hell for all eternity. Chicago premiere by the resurrected Immedi- showcase projections designer Michael Fernan- Our pilgrim didn’t arrive at his position out ate Theatre. Just up the street, the new Street dez’s sophisticated computer animation of fly- of sheer misanthropy, we learn, but as a re- Tempo Theatre features gay and straight ac- ing flocks of birds. sponse to injustices inflicted upon him. The tors singing and dancing about many aspects Director Peter Cieply has also assembled an at- exclusivity of the apocalypticist community A Bright New Boise. Photo by Austin Oie of sex in an updated revival of the notorious tractive and game cast. True, they don’t always offering him sanctuary carries with it a sem- 1974 off-Broadway musical revue Let My People succeed at garnering huge laughs from Bock’s blance of order, but after inadvertently send- comic-book characterizations, instead in- many character quirks (John Victor Allen’s ing a youthful congregant to death at the structing his cast to dig deep into their roles self-professed Lithuanian hockey player Andre hands of an overzealous pastor, Will confines to amplify the emotional hunger that drives comes off best). But the ensemble is working his devotions to an online roman à clef as he innocents to seek solace wherever it may be with material in Five Flights that isn’t the most attempts to reunite with the son whose loss found in a chaotic universe—through their audience-friendly. launched our bereft dad’s spiritual journey. job, through their art, through a diet of ro- As for the material of Let My People Come, Earl Far from a gateway to salvation, however, mance fiction. Will’s convictions reject earth- Wilson, Jr.’s songs are certainly peppy enough the long-lost boy turns out to be a troubled ly ministries, however, rendering him—if not nowadays to come off as an X-rated episode of adolescent adept at using hard-luck stories the “bad person” he fears he might be—a Glee. The largely young and fresh-faced ensem- to manipulate kind-hearted citizens. (Only a doomsayer bringing naught but destruction ble gathered by director Brian Posen definitely child thoroughly assured of his worth threat- and despair. perform well (mostly un-amplified) and really ens to kill—not others, but himself, when Hunter raises intelligent arguments, but seem to enjoy the material. not given his way.) the lugubrious pace necessary for full com- Yet there is a creeping conservatism in this Samuel D. Hunter’s provocative scenario prehension of his multiple-textured narrative production, what with a proud virgin in the cast risks descending swiftly into cliché—did I stretches this LiveWire production to a stag- getting a monologue that doesn’t jibe with the mention that the Idaho state capitol’s econ- gering 105 intermissionless minutes. If our rest of the show’s “hooray for sex” vibe. Also, omy is seemingly driven by big-box chain parable ended in some sort of resolution, this one guesses that previous productions would stores, staffed by the expected bumpkins?— would be contemplative time well spent, but have had much more nudity. (Perhaps the en- spurring audiences to adopt hasty opinions as it is, we go home burdened only by more semble will be more comfortable fully disrobing and adhere to them with dogmatic obstinacy. questions over which to ruminate pessimisti- as the run continues.) Director Joshua Aaron Weinstein rejects such cally in a dark world. However, one noticeable fact about both shows is how being gay or lesbian is just a mat- ter of life and (mostly) acceptance. While Let My People Come trumpets that fact in physical song CRITICS’ PICKS and dance, Five Flights soberly shows how hap- SAM thru Dec. 15 Five Flights. Photo by Jeremy Rill SAM—a hilarious all-female improv piness in gay relationships can also be elusive. Ariadne auf Naxos, Lyric Opera of Chi- show—will take place at Second City’s cago, through Dec. 11. This comic opera by Skybox Theatre, 1608 N. Wells, Thursdays Richard Strauss and Hugo von Hofmannst- through Dec. 15. This fully improvised show hal insightfully and theatrically contrasts begins with a talk show styled after The notions of high art versus love comedy and View, and then breaks off into scenes based genuine love against passing infatuations. on the audience’s suggestions. Tickets are SCM $12 ($10 for students); call 312-337-3992 Goodnight Moon The Musical, Chicago SPOTLIGHT or visit Children’s Theater at Victory Gardens Bio- ing/chicago/performances. A video is at graph Theater, through Dec. 23. The much- beloved, albeit staid, bedtime storybook comes to brash musical life with a color- fully dazzling production that feels like an GayCo’s extended episode of Pee-Wee’s Playhouse. It’s as much fun for adults as kids. SCM holiday revue Okay, so there may not be a star name Momma’s Boyz, Teatro Vista at Chicago The LGBT comedy company GayCo Pro- attached to this non-Equity tour of Fid- Dramatists, through Dec. 4. OK, Candido Ti- ductions is celebrating its 15th anniversary dler on the Roof. Still, this much-be- rado’s backwards-in-time portrait of three with the new Christmas revue LIT! loved tale of a Jewish milkman and his Latino ghetto friends is a tract play and a The show will run Wednesdays, Thursdays family who must face enormous changes bit too obvious, but it’s filled with great and Sundays through December at Annoy- in czarist Russia doesn’t really need a star comedy riffs and street smarts, with bril- ance Theatre, 4830 N. Broadway, at 8 p.m. to succeed. The award-winning script by liant acting by the three-man cast. JA Tickets are $15 each; see http://www. Joseph Stein and score by Jerry Bock and The Pitmen Painters, Timeline Theatre at Sheldon Harnick speaks volumes for it- Baird Hall, through Dec. 18. It’s based on a self. Fiddler on the Roof continues at the real-life success story, but all success comes Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt Univer- at a price, and Lee Hall refuses to send us Correction sity, 50 E. Congress Pkwy. Performances In his review of Maestro: The Art of Leon- home suffused in a warm and fuzzy glow are at 7 p.m. Nov. 23; 2 and 7:30 p.m. ard Bernstein (in Windy City Times’ Nov. (called “sfumato,” if you’re an artist) in this Nov. 25 and 27; and 2 and 8 p.m. Nov. 26. 16 issue), Jonathan Abarbanel incorrectly deeply moving Timeline Theatre production. Tickets are $26-$85; call 800-775-2000 gave 1918-1980 as the years of Bernstein’s MSB or visit http://www.broadwayinchicago. life. Bernstein actually passed away in com for more information. Photo by Joan 1990. —By Abarbanel, Barnidge Marcus Windy City Times regrets the error. and Morgan WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 19 THEATER REVIEW haps bringing down the wrath of their powerful THEATER REVIEW when it was new. That it now seems crystal- patron. By the time real blood is spilled, the clear is testimony to the powerful influence All Childish Things self-styled bandits must each decide the extent The Caretaker Pinter’s work has exerted on the generation of Playwright: Joseph Zettelmaier of their loyalty to one another—and the more Playwright: Harold Pinter playwrights who followed him (Mamet certainly At: Hubris Productions at devout, the greater the temptation. At: Writers’ Theatre, 664 Vernon Ave., Glencoe comes to mind), as well as on audiences which the Greenhouse, 2257 N. Lincoln Ave. So which of these desperate pilgrims will go Tickets: 847-242-6000; have been “educated up” to his art, craft and Phone: 773-404-7336;$25 over to the Dark Side and which will risk their; $35-$65 message. Runs through: Dec. 17 lives to save their friends? Audience members Runs through: March 25, 2012 The clarity and precision of this particular pro- unversed in minutiae of the source material may duction are testimony to director Ron OJ Par- BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE miss a few nuances, but should have no trouble BY JONATHAN ABARBANEL son’s crisp interpretation, guiding actors William following a narrative firmly rooted in classical J. Norris (Davies), Anish Jethmalani (Ashton) When Latin and Greek were a mandatory part of lore. The cast assembled by director Dennis British critic Irving Wardle coined the term and Kareem Bandealy (Mick) through detailed, school curriculum, children drew on Virgil and Frymire for this Hubris Theatre production are “Comedy of Menace” for the early plays of Harold engaged, physical-yet-unfussy performances. Homer for lessons in human conduct, but boys likewise sensitive to the serious subtext under- Pinter (1930-2008). The Caretaker, produced in Jethmalani channels Ashton’s stunted feelings and girls nowadays are more likely to be guided lying the deceptive frivolity, playing their roles 1960, is a quintessential example, a masterpiece through a slack body and taught face frozen in by quasi-mythic sagas such as Star Wars—the with a committed intensity that quickly engages of ironic humor, not-so-suppressed violence, smile-like grimace or threatening frown, but groundbreaking cinematic epic whose popularity our emotions as it suspends our judgment. Trea- pregnant pause and language as a sharply- never anything more. Bandealy is powerful, even continues to engender an array of merchandise sure is in the eye of the beholder, after all, and honed weapon. Typical of Pinter’s work through sensual, the type of young man who revels in his targeted at fans eager to share the make-believe. well worth gambling everything to attain. the mid-1960’s, The Caretaker reflects his rough- physicality and wits. Chicago icon Norris is at In Joseph Zettelmaier’s play, a cache of this and-tumble, working-class London upbringing. the top of his game as desperate Davis, far too space-opera memorabilia, currently residing in Typical of most of his work throughout his career, fastidious and forward for his circumstances. a Kenner Toys warehouse, constitutes the quarry it features a small cast (three men), a confined However, this production immerses the audi- of four would-be thieves to whom an anonymous setting (a single room) and scanty information ence in more than acting alone. Jack McGaw’s collector has promised, upon delivery of the sto- about the world outside except through the dis- incredible set is a complete four-walled room len goods, riches beyond their wildest dreams. torted boasts, faulty memories and outright lies within an already-intimate theater. The audi- Paying two million dollars for an assortment of the occupants, who constantly jockey for po- ence doesn’t look on, but is inside the room of games, costumes, dolls—oops, “action fig- sition. It’s not that each wants to be Top Dog, sharing the house, its hallway and doorway with ures”—and other gewgaws may strike the unini- but that each wants validation. the characters themselves. Heather Gilbert’s tiated as absurd, but in heist thrillers and moral- So here we are, in a grotty room in a crum- lighting is suitably cool-toned and thin, while ity fables, the object of desire is less important bling London house where Ashton, perhaps mid- Janice Pytel’s costumes fit both the physical and than the value those who desire IMPOSE on it. 30s, has saved a jobless old man, Davies, from a psychological shapes of the characters. These nerdy lifelong chums—David, the opera- beating and brought him back to kip on a junk- tion’s planner, along with driver Max, navigator covered bed. When Ashton’s menacing younger Carter and negotiator Kendra—are disciples of brother, Mick, who owns the house, shows up, Porchlight running the gospel according to George Lucas, and their Davies must ingratiate himself with both in or- proposed crime colored by personal issues, mak- der to stay on as caretaker for the house. Davies ‘Affair’ Feb. 18-April 1 Porchlight Music Theatre will present the Chi- ing it easy to lose focus. and Mick are born connivers and talkers while cago premiere of John Bucchino and Harvey Joseph Zettelmaier hints early in the play Ashton, with a history of electroshock therapy, Fierstein’s A Catered Affair, directed by Nick at the crises to come when a skeptical Kendra is an almost-mystical figure of preternatural Bowling with music direction by Doug Peck, at criticizes an episode in the six-film canon as temperance. Through various psychological and Stage 773, 1225 W. Belmont Ave., Feb. 18-April “mindless heroism”—meaning, victory without expository twists, Davies overreaches himself 1, 2012. sacrifice. The title (taken from the Bible, First and the brothers prove that blood is thicker than All tickets are available at http://www. Corinthians 13:11) also foreshadows the theme, anything else. and http://www.porchlightmusic- as the teenage-fantasy scenarios of the twenty- All Childish Things. Photo courtesy of Hubris Much of Pinter’s work—The Caretaker in- as well as 773-327-5252. something comrades gradually give way to mis- Productions cludes—was considered enigmatic and puzzling AN ILIAD By Denis O’Hare & Lisa Peterson Based on Homer’s THE ILIAD, Translated by Robert Fagles Directed by Charles Newell, Featuring Timothy Edward Kane Nov 10 - Dec 11 | (773) 753-4472 | 5535 S Ellis Ave, Chicago |Free Parking

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Art by Lauren Nassef 20 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES NUNN ON ONE: THEATER taken from anything. If you added letters, and quotes that people gave me, it might be 10 per- cent of the play. Everything in the governor’s office happened. Now some of the things hap- Holland Taylor’s pened in person and I just put them on the phone. I was told these stories by the players themselves. WCT: Has the family seen it? ‘Ann’-do attitude HT: Her sons have seen it in Austin. I think everyone will come to Washington.

WCT: How soon did she pass away after WCT: The goal is to get this to Broadway? that? HT: No, the goal is already achieved. The goal HT: About a year or so. It was so sudden; she is to do it, express it, and have people get it. had esophageal cancer and before we knew it I have everything I want. I do have a producer she was gone. I was just bereft and thought, who picked up the show named Bob Boyett. He “How sad and so young.” Ann was gone in a will be bringing it into New York. It is a great twinkling and really ripped from the bosom of reward but not the goal. the Texans who loved her. We had lost a heroine. WCT: We are glad you decided to debut it

WCT: So now she can live on [through] this here first. show. HT: I picked Chicago because it is a theater HT: I had a creative urge to do something. If town. New York caters to many tourists. With the I were a painter, I would have painted a por- Lookingglass, Goodman and Steppenwolf, you trait of her. So I decided to act her in something are going to play to a smart, warm audience, not since I am an actor, maybe a movie of the week Holland Taylor. Photo by Harry Langdon people that are being dragged to the theatre. or from the years when she quit drinking and Our first preview was gangbusters. I couldn’t BY JERRY NUNN her triumph as governor. I was driving to work believe how sharp, eager and fast they were. I and had to pull over when I thought of the play. could hardly keep up with them. She is a live person so [it was about] making a HT: That is just the penny dropping in the New York actress Holland Taylor recently de- WCT: What good timing to appear locally on buted her production of Ann for Broadway in connection with people. I can’t convey to you slot. I had no idea for it to be appropriate for our times. I was moved by an emotional and cre- The Rosie Show! Chicago. She personifies and brings to life the what a startling discovery this was because the HT: I will tell you how that happens: It’s be- story Ann Richards, the late Texas governor, in governing principles of this play came to me in ative urge to find out why she had such potency for me and for others. With Occupy Wall Street, cause Ann was born under a special star and this a one-woman show with a simple set and a self- those 15 minutes: the structure, where it would show is catching some of the light. It ain’t me… be, the occasion of her speaking and that daring Ann would be out there on the front lines. written script. WCT: Well, I have been watching you since turn at the end. WCT: It seems like you are having a great At lunch one day, Taylor discussed the legend Bosom Buddies. of Ann and her own stellar television career, WCT: This must have been quite a revela- time up there portraying her. HT: I’m starting to. This script has been re- HT: [Shakes hands] My friend, that was my first from Bosom Buddies to Two and a Half Men. tion. job in L.A. I was strictly New York until then. HT: I was in a state of excitement and was written three different times. Some areas need- Windy City Times: That Ann Richards was WCT: That was a fun show, with drag on ma- quite a pistol. I just saw your performance stunned at the same time. I never looked back. ed to be more fleshed out, [such as] the bout with alcoholism and the loss of her marriage. jor television. the other night. I started researching her and made contact with HT: You know it is still playing? I get these Holland Taylor: Oh, good. I’m glad you saw it. her family to let them know I was doing it. If We have cut out material that people screamed when I did. I wanted it to be under two hours. residuals for $1.06. Tom Hanks and I see each She was actually a huge person, as you could tell they had not wanted me to then I would not. other periodically and laugh that it is still go- from seeing the play. You don’t need permission for a public person It is 15 minutes shorter than Carrie Fisher and John Lithgow’s solo shows so I figure I am in ing. We jumped networks and there wasn’t even WCT: What inspired you to make a one- but I wanted the family to be behind it. a full season. There were only 37 of them. woman show about her? WCT: That is important. Was she open- a good ballpark now. You saw my show on the third night I had ever performed it. WCT: You have been on Two and a Half Men HT: Inspiration is the answer. Some people minded about the LGBT community? since the beginning. would just look from a distance and assume that HT: Ann had gay people on her staff. I don’t WCT: But you had been rehearsing it in Tex- as, correct? HT: I do it whenever I can. I started the play I made a practical or professional decision to do think she thought about it one way or the other. when we were on hiatus. They can use the char- a one-person show and that I was looking for a One thing she made sure to do—you know from HT: No, that was a different script. Do you have any idea what it is like to unlearn one acter when I am available. She is not a full-time subject. First of all, I am too old to do a one- seeing the play—is that her appointments were character. That is why I was able to do this play. her lasting legacy. She wanted to hire the best script and learn a new one? person show. I would never say at this time in WCT: Who would you want to play you if it my life, “I would like to shoulder the complete person for the job, which is why she put in plen- WCT: That has to be tricky. HT: It is beyond tricky because it is not really were a show about your life? responsibility for a very expensive production ty of Republicans as well. She said, “Everyone HT: [Laughs] My life is not the subject for any and do it for months and months!” I wouldn’t do had the right to screw up as much as everyone in my muscles yet. If I am not thinking con- sciously step-by-step my body can flip to an old theatrical thing; that is why this has been such that. else.” a joy in my life. I have been a hired gun slipping WCT: Of course not, and you had met her in WCT: This was very open-minded. way of doing something. In about another week I should feel free about worrying if a part is and sliding from show to show. People act like the past, correct? HT: In the ‘90s AIDS was becoming this flare I have designed my career. Shit I have taken HT: I was an enormous fan of Ann Richards. of alarm and fear, confusion and ignorance. She coming that is similar to the other script. Those fleeting thoughts can be destructive so I am pretty much every job I have been offered be- She was a profound person that people felt a had an ethics office in her treasury office. If cause I wanted to make a living. Now this play surge of attraction for. People would yell at her people had any concerns then there was a safe looking forward to one more week. WCT: Then the play goes onto Washington. has offered me the opportunity to do something on the street, “I voted for you, governor”—and place for them to come and talk. She had a gay that has meaning and value not just for me but they were from New Jersey! People wanted to sit pastor put on the board for funerals because HT: We will be in the Kennedy Center in a glorious theater. It is hard to play some of the others. I’m 68 and I can’t tell you what that in her lap in the theater because she was just she felt that with AIDS deaths, someone should means at this time in my life! protect the interests of gay people. That was in comic things sometimes at the Bank of America so adorable. When she died, she was at the top See Taylor play Ann at the Bank of America 1991. She was a real hero, in that sense. She did Theatre because the laughter has to come from of her game and spoke all over the place. I had Theatre, 18 W. Monroe St., through Dec. 4. For not judge people and was extraordinarily open- the far back of the theatre for me to hear it. It lunch with her and saw heads snap to see her. information visit http://www.broadwayinchi- hearted and open-eyed. slows it down a fraction because it is so big. Liz Smith and I were waiting for her and there was a sudden silence in the restaurant when she WCT: So she has a lot of ideas to bring to WCT: It is fun to hear the quotes from her. arrived. modern audiences. HT: It is about 90 percent written and not Next Weekend - Only 2 Performances! CGMC’s ‘Lipstick’ raises $8K The Chicago Gay Men’s Chorus (CGMC) raised Global more than $8,000 at its eighth annual “Lip- stick & Lyrics: Girls’ Night Out” fundraiser held Nov. 12 at the Mayne Stage. Rhythms 7 Twelve members of CGMC, backed by a troupe of dancers, took the stage in their November 26 at 8pm drag-queen personas with live performances November 27 at 7pm of selections ranging from hip-hop to Broad- way show tunes. Title Sponsor Harris Theater in Millennium Park Event sponsors included Barefoot Winery, with Step Afrika!, Ensemble Español Spanish Dance Theater, Enez Productions, G. Thomas Ward Photogra- Mexican Folkloric Dance Company, Sones de Mexico and more! phy, Maxey MediaWorks, Orbitz, Paterno Group and Revolution Brewing Company. The pre- Tickets available now! senting sponsors were Dr. Jason Ingham and Advanced Spine & Sports Care. Performer in this year’s “Lipstick & Lyrics” $15-$55 Use Code “WCT” event. Pic by Rick Aiello Photography 312.334.7777 to get 50% off your ticket price! WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 21 come courtesy of today’s The multicultural influences of Miami are hottest acts, like Foster present on ’s Miss Little Havana. the People, Hurts and Gold- Pharrell Williams produced the album, which ex- frapp. plains why it comes across as spry and energetic. The holidays may never On the dance hit “Wepa,” “The Rhythm Is Gonna be the same as A Very Gaga Get You.” The bonus track is a slightly more or- Thanksgiving airs on ABC ganic remake of Jennifer Lopez’s party anthem, on Thursday, Nov. 24. “Let’s Get Loud.” The heat on Miss Little Havana Cyndi Lauper’s Gram- will dull Chicago winter’s sting; it’s available ex- POP my-nominated Memphis clusively via Target and iTunes. Blues salutes the classics Jem and the Holograms is a treasured, color- MAKING of the genre with stirring ful ’80s cartoon with catchy pop music and life SENSE renditions of “Shattered lessons in its storylines. The title character, Jem, by David Byrne Dreams,” “Just Your Fool” is an internationally renowned pink-haired sing- with Tony Peregrin and “Early in the Morn- er. Few know she really is an illusion-enhanced ing.” The companion con- version of the kind-hearted Jerrica Benton, who cert DVD, To Memphis with Lalah Hathaway. Photo by Derek Blanks heads a foundation to fund an orphanage. The Love, captures the barefoot antagonists are The Misfits, fronted by the mali- Lauper’s lively stage pres- cious Pizaz. Her sidekicks are the bad girl with and its predecessor, Tears, Lies and Alibis. On ence as she belts out these a heart of gold, Stormer, and the mean-spirited This holiday season, celebrate the 12 divas of her latest, Lynne offers insight and a strong evergreens. She also sets her ’80s hits “She Roxy. Christmas. Keep these new releases in mind spiritual leaning with a Southern twist. On the Bop,” “Change of Heart” and “Girls Just Wanna Each episode has a couple of music videos while honoring these beloved female singers. introduction to “Heaven’s Only Days down the Have Fun” to a blues arrangement. The show- to complement the themes at hand. As a band, At 65, Bette Midler still got it. The DVD The Road” she sings her heart out—as if she has the stopper is Tracy Nelson joining Lauper on “Down Jem and the Holograms favors all-age appropri- Showgirl Must Go On has this multitalented star choral lead at a small countryside church. “Even So Low.” ate ditties like “Deception” and “Like a Dream,” proving why she reigned supreme in “Oy” Ve- Angels” is moving, as Lynne reminds the listener Expect to see Lauper’s “True Colors” with a while The Misfits is partial to a funkier sound, as gas with this thoroughly delightful performance. that “even angels fall down sometimes.” forthcoming autobiography from Simon & Schus- heard on “Winning Is Everything” and “Takin’ It Midler still melts our hearts with “The Rose” and The feeling and the message on Revelation ter. Doing a reality show and penning the drag- All.” her take on “Wind beneath My Wings.” Don’t Road are very personal and intimate. As the sole themed musical Kinky Boots are in the works, All three seasons of Jem and the Holograms worry; her brassy sense of humor is abundant. writer, producer and performer here, Lynne is too. Lauper’s True Color Fund hosts an all-star can be found on an 11-disc box set with a video Just check out “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” and onto something; after all, she did win the Best concert at New York’s Beacon Theatre Thursday, jukebox as one of its bonus features. Until now, her feisty opening numbers. New Artist Grammy with six of albums already Dec. 4 to benefit True Colors Residence, a hous- the final season remained hard to find on DVD. Kylie Minogue did not have a stop in Chicago out at that time. Lynne will be on the Marion- ing facility for homeless LGBT youth. (Also, the Out and proud singer Sir Ari Gold provides the on her recent trek, but the keepsake Aphrodite: Carole “Showboat” float during Macy’s Thanks- singing voice to the young orphan girl with de- giving Day Parade. teriorating eyesight, Ba Nee. Soul siren Lalah Hathaway returns with Where Concert tickets make great gifts too, especially It All Begins. Her beautiful, husky voice claims when favorites like Chaka Khan (Saturday, Nov. the spotlight on upbeat jams (“My Everything”) 26, at UIC Pavilion, 525 S. Racine Ave.), Brandi and gorgeous, slow R&B numbers (“Lie to Me”). Carlile (Thursday, Dec. 1, at Park West, 322 W. The selection here reminds us that she is soul Armitage Ave.), Florence and the Machine (Sun- royalty and the daughter of the late Donny day, Dec. 4, at The Chicago Theatre, 175 N. State Hathaway. “If You Want To” should be on ev- St.) and Tori Amos (Saturday, Dec. 10, at The erybody’s holiday party play list. It is a surefire Chicago Theatre) have scheduled shows in Chi- favorite. cago.

Match wits with Shakespeare’s Queen

Les Folies Live in London is due Nov. 29. The fund was honored in Chicago this past week- stateside leg was scaled back and did not in- end.) clude the water spectacle or the song “Closer,” Canadian lesbian twins Tegan and Sara just which are in this concert from London. The high- released Get Along, which has two documenta- lights are an epic take of “On a Night Like This,” ries from tours in the United States and India, a reworking of Eurythmics’ “There Must Be an plus a DVD and CD of an intimate concert in Van- Angel (Playing with My Heart)” and extended couver. Get Along spans the pair’s career with versions of “Confide in Me” and “Slow.” material like “Alligator,” “I Hear Noises” and “Back in Your Head.” On the cover of Lady Gaga’s DVD The Mon- ster Ball Tour at Madison Square Garden, her bra This has been quite a year for Adele. While sparks while firing bullets, not too differently she is recovering from surgery to repair a benign than how Katy Perry launched fireworks from her polyp on her vocal chords, the DVD Live at the written by TIMOTHY FINDLEY Royal Albert Hall will be out Nov. 29. Here, the top in one of her hit videos. Here, the outspoken directed by BARBARA GAINES blonde entertains her hometown crowd with her Grammy winner belts out her hits like “Rumour string of smashes, including my favorites “Born Has It,” “Chasing Pavement” and “Rolling in the This Way” and “LoveGame.” It is clear that Lady Deep.” Covers of “If It Hadn’t Been for Love,” Gaga is well-versed in Michael Jackson’s and Ma- “Lovesong” and “I Can’t Make You Love Me” are donna’s showmanship. on the setlist, too. A CD comes with the DVD. The “Paparazzi” singer also is issuing Born Shelby Lynne keeps a steady pace with her Bosy Peter by photo Diane D’Aquila, pictured: LEAD INDIVIDUAL MAJOR fantastic releases, as Revelation Road serves SPONSOR 2011/12 SEASON This Way the Remix, a collection of new versions SUPPORTERS as the follow-up to last year’s Merry Christmas Official Marketing Season Sponsor Lighting Design Upstairs Theater Subscription Series Shakespeare Trust of material from her chart-topping album. Mixes Airline Partner Sponsor Sponsor Partner 22 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES tially benefit Handbag Productions. http://www. Check out my archived reviews at http:// or http:// KNIGHT Readers can AT leave feedback at the latter website. THE MOVIES Old Town School of Folk Music to hold 55-day celebration Chicago’s Old Town School of Folk Mu- By sic announces will hold a grand opening Richard Knight, Jr. in the new East Building, 4545 N. Lincoln Ave. (across from its current Lincoln Square home), with a ceremonial ribbon-cutting and ritual blessing of the bricks Monday, My Week with Jan. 9, 2012. The grand opening kicks off a celebration Marilyn; Arthur of the school’s 55th anniversary, starting Jan. 9 and continuing for 55 days. All three Christmas; locations in the Old Town School campus (the pair on Lincoln Avenue, and the origi- Carrie film note From left: Eddie Redmayne, Dougray Scott and Michelle Williams in My Week with Marilyn. Photo nal site at 909 W. Armitage Ave.) will par- by Laurence Cendrowicz & The Weinstein Company ticipate in the 55-day celebration, which Celebrity biopics—especially of troubled or clos- features specially priced concerts as well as eted Hollywood stars like Judy Garland and Rock speaking and singing voice (the film bookends Laurie, Imelda Staunton, Bill Nighy) voicing it, free classes and workshops. Hudson—used to be staples of the TV-movie with two musical numbers) and she brings off the explosion was the moment I resigned my Among some of the upcoming events are genre. (James Franco as James Dean, Cheryl Monroe’s odd mixture of vulnerability, tough- commission as objective film critic and took up the launch of the Global Dance Party se- Ladd as Grace Kelly and Sherilyn Fenn as Eliza- ness, resignation and knowingness. the battle cry for sweeter, truly magical holiday ries; concerts headlined by Joe Henry, La- beth Taylor spring to mind.) In the last little This may be a case of one actress intuitively fare (Miracle on 34th Street anyone?). dysmith Black Mambazo and the Pine Leaf while, though, film audiences have begun to lap understanding another, and Williams’ complex Boys, among others; and drop-in classes them up and so we now go to the movies to portrait of this endlessly fascinating woman ele- Film note: featuring Middle Eastern music, hip-hop watch young actors portraying their cinematic vates the movie. Although My Week with Marilyn Get out Your Bloody Prom Dresses and Crosses: dancing and ukulele playing. forebears. But make no mistake—although the doesn’t really dig deep or offer much beyond its How’s this for a twisted, early Christmas pres- See budgets may be bigger, the care gone into them movie-star magazine glossiness its still marvel- ent? Multiple Oscar nominee Piper Laurie will be more exacting and the actors of a higher, starry ously fun and it does contain one unforgettable in town on Sunday, Dec. 4, for a screening of pedigree, these movies still offer the same junky sequence in which Marilyn and Colin escape to the 1976 horror classic Carrie at the Music Box ‘West Side Story’ pleasures as their TV stepchildren. the English countryside in what amounts to a Theatre, 3733 N. Southport Ave. As the religious by CSO Nov. 25 Case in point: There’s My Week with Marilyn, dreamy, magical yet bittersweet interlude for fanatic Margaret White, mother to “creepy Car- The Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO) which features hot stuff—current art house “It” both the characters and the audience. rie”—the outcast teen played by Sissy Spacek kicks off its “Friday Night at the Movies” girl Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe, Ken- The film’s score, by Conrad Pope, is also worth who ends up taking out most of her snobbish series Nov. 25 at 8 p.m., with West Side neth Branagh as Laurence Olivier, Julia Ormond noting, as is the sumptuous “Marilyn’s Theme,” classmates during a very bloody prom—Laurie is Story. as Vivien Leigh and Dougray Scott as Arthur which classical pianist Lang Lang played and Al- sensational. Both she and Spacek were nominat- This year marks the 50th anniversary of Miller, as well as Zoe Wannamaker and Domi- exandre Desplat composed. ed for Oscars. Camp Midnight is presenting the the film. nic Cooper as Monroe’s coterie Paula Strasberg event, called A Very Carrie Christmas, and will The presentation is followed by two addi- and Milton Greene. There are also Judi Dench The idea that Santa and his elves have turned feature a wacky pre-show beginning at 2 p.m. tional Thanksgiving weekend performances (as Dame Sybil Thorndike), Derek Jacobi, Toby the distribution of presents every Dec. 24 into featuring a costume parade, prizes and more. on Saturday, Nov. 26, at 8 p.m., and Sun- Jones and Emma Watson in a supporting role as a major military operation—which is the prem- Dick O’Day (my alter ego) and , day, Nov. 27, at 3 p.m. the unrequited love interest of the film’s leading ise of the animated children’s movie Arthur artistic director of Hell in a Handbag Produc- Tickets are $41-$174, depending on the character. Christmas—makes me more than a tad uneasy. tions, will host. A Q&A with Laurie will follow show. Call 312-294-3000 or 800-223-7114; Said leading character would be one Colin Watching a covert op coordinated from a North the interactive screening, which, in turn, will be visit; or stop by the Clark (Eddie Redmayne), a young scion of the Pole command center—with thousands of elves followed by a book-signing of Laurie’s new au- Symphony Center box office at 220 S. Mich- British aristocracy who was bitten by the show- descending upon an unsuspecting city while it tobiography, Learning to Live Out Loud. (Books igan Ave. biz bug and, through family connections, be- sleeps to sneak into houses under cover of dark- will be available for sale.) The event will par- came a production assistant on Olivier’s 1958 ness, aided by the latest night-vision gadgets, movie, The Prince and the Showgirl. The film, di- etc.—is more than a little creepy and is the an- rected by Simon Curtis and adapted from Clark’s tithesis of the traditional warm, fuzzy holiday OPEN from page 19 who may dream of a career as a minister with memoir by Adrian Hodges, details the troubled movie. the UMC ... into wasting a lot of time and production that increasingly finds Monroe at The story pits Santa’s two sons: Steve, the which affirms homosexuality as equal to het- money attending a seminary only to discover odds with Olivier—her director and co-star— tough-as-nails super-achiever who commands erosexuality in dignity and worth. that they are barred from the ministry.” However, until that happens, the UMC is in and all the more reliant on sycophantic acting the present delivery operation (and is given a Some of the professors at Claremont School a curious position where its doctrines con- coach Strasberg (Wannaker, perfectly creepy), gay, toady elf assistant) and the much klutzier, of Theology who are featured in the video tradict its message. Perhaps nothing is more responded to the concerns expressed by the grouchy photographer-producing partner Greene gentler Arthur, who answers holiday letters from illustrative of this uncomfortable position commenters. (Cooper—wasted in a nothing role) and, eventu- the kiddies and still believes in magic. When a than the reaction in the comments section at Professor Carleen Mandolfo, for example, ally, Clark. Clark, naturally, has a mad crush on fault in the system occurs—one child is over- to a recent video posted on the pointed out that Claremont has a history of looked in the present delivery—Arthur deter- the world’s most famous sexpot that, as the film site. welcoming queer students and that “many tells us, was briefly returned in kind. (The movie mines he will use any means necessary to right The video, ”Beyond Inclusion: Sexual Di- seminaries, ours included, educate people leaves out Clark’s memoir admission of a gay af- the mistake. Once again we have the familiar versity at Claremont School of Theology,” for a variety of reasons--to become teachers/ fair that also occurred during filming.) story of jock vs. sissy in which macho, crass au- compiled by television producer Brenda Bos, professors, to work in non-profit capacities, Branagh has a great time hamming it up as thority (“Christmas is not a time for emotions,” features school faculty and students talking for simple personal enrichment, etc. ... Only the persnickety, short-sighted Olivier; Ormond is Steve barks at one point) is shown to have plen- about the inclusion of queer people into ac- some of our students want to become minis- moving as the aging Leigh, whose marriage to ty of kinks in its armor. tivities at CST, which is a United Methodist ters.” Olivier was coming to an end; and Dench has We are cued to root for daffy, good-natured Church seminary. Still, the suspicion with which the video was several fine moments. Redmayne (who played Arthur and his offbeat companion (a punk elf Several commenters at sim- greeted may indicate that the United Method- the tortured, gay character in Savage Grace) is sporting an eyebrow piercing) but it takes the ply expressed their dislike of religion itself, ist Church’s “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open fine, if not particularly memorable, as the inno- movie, which belabors the military precision but others were particularly skeptical of any Doors” campaign has not met with universal cent lamb to the tough movie-making slaughter. of the gift-giving with abundant zeal, a long message from an organization associated success, primarily because the public rela- However, it is Williams who really sets the movie time to come around to this point of view. In with the United Methodist Church, some ref- tions message is contradicted by the reality apart. With a bit of a weight gain, her locks dyed the process, the movie finds time to have the erencing the church’s doctrinal positions in of the church’s positions on homosexuality. the famed platinum blonde color, and dressed in U.S. military blow up Santa’s sleigh in what regard to homosexuality and the ordination Claude J. Summers is general editor of recreations of the to-die-for ‘50s fashions, Wil- amounts to little more than a throwaway gag. of openly gay clergy., the world’s largest encyclopedia One commenter thought the video should liams eerily recalls the ethereal Monroe and her While Arthur Christmas is certainly executed well of glbtq culture. He regularly blogs there have been more specific about the denomi- subtle shifts in mood really get at the heart of (stuffed with more visual delights than the pro- on current events and issues that affect nation’s ban on ordaining gay clergy for it glbtq people, culture and community. the often somnambulant girl-woman. She goes verbial Christmas goose) and has a distinctive might mislead potential theology “students way beyond the breathy, easily imitated baby- group of English actors (James McAvoy, Hugh WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 23 NUNN ON ONE: TELEVISION Chaz Bono: On his new film and ‘Dancing’

BY JERRY NUNN WCT: Was the controversy expected? CB: I was prepared for something but I think Author and entertainer Chaz Bono follows up his it became larger than I expected, not just the Becoming Chaz Emmy Award-nominated docu- criticism but then the supportive response to mentary with Being Chaz. This film, by the Oprah that was so completely overwhelming to me. Winfrey Network (OWN), follows Bono on Danc- WCT: Are you ready for the finale next Chaz Bono (right) and Jennifer Elia in Being Chaz. Photo courtesy of OWN ing with the Stars and gives a behind the scenes week? account of life with fiancé Jennifer Elia. CB: I had such a good time doing the show Produced by the Worlds of Wonder team of and I’m really excited because I get to dance Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato, with Elise Du- and I don’t have to stand in front of the judges CB: I got a really amazing response from the years I was terrified to transition because I knew ran directing, this film shows an example of the afterwards, which is the worst part of it. I’ve got first documentary. When OWN originally bought that I wouldn’t be able to do it privately. If I trials and tribulations of being openly transgen- a rehearsal this afternoon. I had rehearsal last Becoming Chaz they wanted to be able to do a could have done it privately, I would have done der in life today. week. It’s great to see everybody and it’s great follow-up special with that. So at that point I it a long time ago. When I finally did get com- Windy City Times: Hi, Chaz. I interviewed to be dancing. knew that we would be making this and I was fortable I wanted to tell my story my way and you for your book Transition. How did you WCT: Did you know it would be that tough excited to do it and have the opportunity to I didn’t want other people to tell it for me. I deal with the pressure of being on Dancing mentally and physically? show a little bit more. I know that the docu- wanted to try and help people in the process. with the Stars since then? CB: It’s mentally and physically the toughest mentary is made well. Hopefully it leaves you WCT: What do you think is the current big- Chaz Bono: I’ve been doing LGBT activism for job I’ve ever done. You really can’t understand wanting more and wanting to know what’s going gest misconception with transgender people? a long time now, since 1995, and I’ve gone up it until you do it. I think one of the nice things on with this person now. CB: I think, first of all, there’s a lot of people against people like Jerry Falwell and stuff like about doing a documentary on OWN is that you WCT: Was it easier or harder making the who don’t understand the difference between that. So dealing with that kind of controversy do get a behind the scenes look at what it’s re- second documentary? sexual orientation and gender identity. So isn’t really new to me and it was pretty easy to ally like. CB: I think the second one was actually a little I think that would be the first one of people let that roll off my back because of the support Physically, I was somewhat prepared but noth- bit harder just because the way we made it. We thinking that transgender people are just like that I was getting. I got so much support that ing can prepare you for the sheer terror of danc- kind of had less time and so we packed more gay people only more so. I guess the other thing I did feel a lot of pressure and I wanted to do a ing live on television in front of 20 million view- into it and also we shot it during kind of a crazy would be there’s some type of mental illness good job because I knew people were support- ers. time in my life. that is behind feeling uncomfortable with your ing me. I didn’t want to let anybody down. So WCT: What response did you receive from WCT: Did you always know you would let physical gender. I think that’s where some of the pressure that I the first documentary that made you want to people into your life this way? Turn to page 25 felt came from. make a second one? CB: No, not really. I think that for years and 24 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES MOVIES like Grindr) and we all end up in a place called The Lion’s Den. Our friendships get tested and we’re fighting for our lives. WCT: What was filming like? Ronnie Kroell: RK: I went from the tongue-in-cheek, Ameri- can Pie-esque Eating Out: Drama Camp to having a depressed, serious character. It was cool to get On Playgirl and being that opportunity right away; also, it was hum- bling to get to work, especially in this economy. We worked for about two weeks in Pennsylva- ‘In the Lion’s Den’ nia in Amish country and in downtown Philly. Getting to know Jesse and Kristen really did feel like a road trip, as we traveled around Pennsyl- don’t know, and it’s important to keep my ego BY ANDREW DAVIS vania. It was the first time I learned to drive in check. We all get caught up in self sometimes a stick-shift; I felt totally horrible because I and we all lose sight sometimes; we focus on Ronnie Kroell has come a long way since being ruined our director’s transmission because I what we think we know rather than challenging one of Windy City Times’ 30 Under 30 honor- couldn’t get it into gear. [Grins] I let an Amish ourselves to really learn and dig deeper. ees—and that was only back in 2008. to completely get away from the casting couch. horse-and-buggy pass me. I went to car shows So, after celebrating 30 Under 30 with you Since then, he competed in the reality show The most important lesson is to not fall victim my entire life and my dad’s a mechanic; I can’t guys, I moved to New York. I tell you: For every Make Me a Supermodel, where he placed second. to being a party boy; it’s really easy to. even change oil. It’s embarrassing. year I was in New York, I probably aged five; He also has done a few films, including a part WCT: So how do you avoid the trap? Also, I should’ve gotten hazard pay for this it’s really intense, albeit fun. New York can beat in Eating Out: Drama Camp (where he plays a RK: I live in Mar Vista, which is eight miles movie. There’s a scene where I’m running people up so they have a tough skin. camper who has to sleep naked) and the thriller away from West Hollywood; if someone invites through this brush, and I was allergic to this WCT: So are you more NYC or Hollywood? Into the Lion’s Den, which screened recently at you out, you have to think about how much traf- brush that I was running half-naked through. RK: Well, it’s funny you ask; I just moved to the Reeling LGBT film festival and will be out on fic you’ll be sitting in and the [length of the] I had red welts covering my body; they had to L.A. I decided I had the acting bug and I wanted DVD Dec. 6, courtesy of Breaking Glass Pictures. drive. But the inside information I get is that put creams on me and then make-up. Then a few to run towards Hollywood. I’ve been hitting the However, many saw more of Kroell (in every the people who make the decisions will fool days later I realized I also had chiggers. ground running. I’m getting ready to take some sense of “more”) in his spread in the June 2010 around with those party boys but won’t hire One of the questions I got at the [Reeling] acting classes, and I’m in talks with an agency issue of Playgirl. them. screening was, “What lessons did you learn from right now to get a contract. Kroell was in town recently, and talked with WCT: I have to tell you: I Googled you last filming that you took forward?” I think the big- I’m living in Mar Vista, which is near Venice Windy City Times about the spread, Hollywood week for research—and do you know what gest lesson is that to be an actor, it takes a Beach. Being a Chicago boy, soaking up the sun and what he might be doing a few years from came up first? great deal of intellectual and emotional honesty is nice. I appreciate the value of being able to now. Despite all of the changes his life has tak- RK: Probably my Playgirl pictures... [Laughs] with yourself. It’s important to dig down deep put my feet in the sand and commune with na- en, it was nice to see he was the same genial It’s a great conversation starter. in your personal experiences to bring your char- ture. It’s been really healing for me. fellow I met three years ago. WCT: Exactly, but let me ask you this—and acters to life. I’m very emotionally raw and vul- WCT: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve Windy City Times: It was 2008 when you I’m not being judgmental: Are you fine with nerable right now as an actor—and it’s a scary learned about acting and Hollywood so far? were one of our 30 Under 30 honorees. that, or would like to be known for other as- place to be. My eyes are more open now. Also, is there a casting couch? Ronnie Kroell: I remember. It was such an pects of your life? My mantra is “Just say yes.” If you say no to RK: I think the casting couch will always ex- honor. RK: That’s just one part of my journey so far, things in the flow of life, you’re doing yourself ist because the entertainment industry is just WCT: You’ve seen and done a lot since then. and I don’t let my past projects define me. Any- a disservice because you’re not giving yourself wrapped up in relationships and what kind of There is that phrase, “older and wiser.” You’re one I know and who gets me really understands the experience. Of course, I’m not going to do power they have with casting. [However,] I feel a little bit older now, but how much wiser that. It was a stepping stone, and it’s opened a anything that’ll hurt me. like we’re moving away from the casting couch would you say you are? lot of doors for me. I feel like I’ve gotten into WCT: Do you have any advice for actors who because bigger businesses are getting involved RK: [Laughs] I’m just a little bit older. I’d have movies because of that notoriety, and it’s just are closeted? in the casting process and bringing a bit more to say, though, that I’m exponentially wiser, and one part of show business. You have to play the RK: Hmmm. I’ve been open since I’ve been on integrity to the process—but you’re never going I’m still learning. I’m still realizing how much I game sometimes. television so I never wanted to hide [my sexual- WCT: You said you don’t let your past proj- ity]—but I didn’t want to exploit it, either. I ects define you. Are you concerned that oth- just wanted to embrace it. ers might do that? It’s challenging, because it’s all about the Your Favorite LGBT/AIDS RK: I have no control over that, and I don’t bottom line and making money for your produc- spend time worrying about it, to be honest with ers. It’s a personal journey for each actor, and Non-Profit Could Win you. As long as I’m focusing my energy on the I wouldn’t tell an actor what to do. It is more stories I want to tell, that’s neither here nor challenging if you are out, but it’s not impos- in Windy City there. sible. WCT: How did your mom react to the Play- It’s interesting. I like quoting my friend Chris- Media Group girl spread? topher Ciccone, Madonna’s brother. He said, advertising RK: The whole negotiation process with Play- “There are three sexualities: There’s gay, straight $5,000 girl took about six months, and I did a lot of and acting”—and it’s so true. We’re so funny soul-searching and asked my mentors to see about sexuality. That’s why I did Playgirl; I was Plus, You can what they thought. With my mom, it was funny. saying, “Let’s drop our labels.” It’s about the hu- I called her and said, “I think I’m going to do man experience. It’s the most fundamental thing also win Playgirl.” She said, “Yeah, buddy!” I think that we do—having sex; but we’ve made it so dirty $500 cash! was the teenage girl in her who maybe used to and taboo. ... I think, eventually, that line will buy Playgirl; then, she was, like, “Oh yeah. I’m dissipate. Windy City Media Group your mom” and said, “Maybe you shouldn’t do I really appreciate people like Ellen DeGe- is having a contest, for $5,000 in advertising that.” We went back and forth, but she was very neres. I’ve watched her storyline and her art, supportive. When she saw the magazine, she as a character and a person. She went to hell in Windy City Times or other Windy City Media Group products said, “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. It’s just and back. No agent would take her. The way she (Nightspots, Queercast, online, email, etc.). a little bit bigger now.” [Both laugh.] got her television show was that she would tape I’m really lucky. I have really understanding at home and invite her celebrity friends over. parents who say, “As long as you’re happy and She speaks to the human experience. You know HErE’S HoW: you’re healthy and you’re not hurting anyone, we she’s a lesbian, but she’s not shoving it down totally support you.” I’m an only child, so I have anyone’s throats. People connect with her on a We will select one winner from all the fans of Windy City a unique and special relationship with my mom. heart level. Plus, Rosie’s back, and that’s excit- It wasn’t always easy, and we had some trying ing. Media Group on Facebook, and that person will be asked to times when I was coming out, but it made us WCT: What actor’s career would you say you select the Chicago LGBT or AIDS registered non-profit charity even stronger. really admire? WCT: Let’s talk about Into the Lion’s Den. RK: This is going to be a funny answer, but of their choice to win the $5,000 in advertising. Could you summarize the film for our read- it’s truthful: Ronald Reagan. It’s not necessarily The winning person will also win $500 cash. ers? because he was the most talented actor, but he RK: Sure. It’s a thriller involving three best was a great communicator. I didn’t necessarily Second-place winner gets $250 cash and their non-profit friends who are in very unique spots in their agree with his politics, either, but I’m fascinated choice gets $2,500 in ads. lives. My character, Michael, just found out some by the fact that he was such an incredible com- really challenging news. My buddy Jesse Archer’s municator. I see myself taking a similar path, Deadline: Dec. 20, 2011 character, Johnny, is a slutty, worn-out party exploring being an artist and learning about boy, and then Kristen-Alexzander Griffith’s char- other people, and then going into politics in “LIKE” us on Facebook to enter acter, Ted, is a trust-fund baby. We’re on a road some way, shape or form—but I’m not ready to trip and about halfway through the journey it be a career politician just yet. takes a turn for the worst because Johnny, being See for more kind of slutty, talks to people on Bendr (which is about Kroell. WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 25

Trumpeter/composer/producer Rick Braun, Chicago contest to South African singer/guitarist Jonathan Butler award $7,500 in and Dutch saxophone star Candy Dulfer will join Koz for the 14th anniversary of the tour. The advertising to LGBT four will perform hits from their respective cata- or AIDS nonprofit logues and jam on new arrangements of holiday favorites. Jim Flint Winning person selected from Koz has released Ultimate Christmas. The 18- Facebook also wins $500 cash song CD covers songs such as “Winter Wonder- The Boy From Peoria CHICAGO—Windy City Media Group, publish- land” and “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” but ers of Windy City Times, is running a Facebook there are also new tracks, like “Welcoming the A new biography of Chicago’s legendary Jim Flint contest through Dec. 20 to award $7,500 in free Season (Prelude)” and “Welcoming the New Year advertising to Chicago-area non-profit LGBT or (Coda).” AIDS organizations, and a lucky winner will win Koz’s previous studio album, Hello Tomorrow, $500 in cash. debuted at number one on both Billboard’s Top One winner will be selected at random from Contemporary Jazz Albums chart and iTunes’ all followers of Windy City Media Group on Face- Jazz Album chart. iTunes also named it the “Best Jim Flint book, at Smooth Jazz Album of 2010.” The Boy From tymediagroup. The winner gets $500 cash and Tickets to the show are $55-$100 each; visit gets to choose from registered Chicago-area Peoria by Tracy Baim non-profit LGBT or AIDS groups, who will then and Owen Keehnen receive $5,000 in free advertising space in any WCMG product: Windy City Times, Nightspots, Live Adele CD/DVD Windy City Queercast or windycitymediagroup. com. available Nov. 29 Adele’s “Live At The Royal Albert Hall” concert A second-place winner will receive $250 cash film will be released Nov. 29 on XL/Columbia Re- and gets to select a group to receive $2,500 in DELUXE cords. advertising. The deadline to join the Windy City COLOR The British singer’s most recent album, 21— EDITION Media Group Facebook page—to be eligible to which contains the global hit “Rolling in the win—is Dec. 20. Deep”—is one of the highest-selling CDs in the A poor shoeshine Windy City Media Group has partnered with boy rose to become world, with sales of 12 million copies. Chicago’s impresario of hundreds of Chicago-area LGBT and AIDS non- Among the 17 songs she sings during the con- female impersonation. profits since it was founded in 1985. WCMG This is Flint’s story, and cert are “Deep,” “Chasing Pavements,” “I Can’t that of the fascinating has sponsored events and benefits, and helped characters—entertainers, Make You Love Me” and “Someone Like You.” barkeepers, sports make community groups stronger through a wide people, politicians, activists, cops and range of services. mobsters—who knew him in the heady years Facebook and (windycitytimes1) allow of the emerging LGBT WCMG to further promote the extensive daily and movement. weekly updates in content on the WCMG web- site. WCMG also has a second Facebook page, for Nightspots, its 21-year-old sister publication focused on the club and bar scene. See https:// Dave Koz concert A new book by Dec. 2; has new Tracy Baim & Owen Keehnen ‘Christmas’ CD Openly gay saxophonist Dave Koz will hold his Available in both color and black & white annual “Dave Koz & Friends” concert Friday, Dec. 2, at the Auditorium Theatre, 50 E. Congress on Pkwy., at 8 p.m. 400+ images BONO from page 23 CB: No, I don’t think things are smoothed out. Book launch signing and Actually, things are kind of a little difficult. They party with Jim Flint and authors WCT: How has the lesbian community’s re- were smoother for quite a long time but I think Tracy Baim and Owen Keehnen action been since transitioning? things got just a little bit complicated again. CB: I can only really comment on my circle. I You kind of have to watch it. It’s hard for me to Wed., Dec. 7, 6:30-10 p.m., have a lot of close friends who are lesbians and explain but Jen and I are really different people at 3160, 3160 N. Clark St., Chicago AVAILABLE NOW: I haven’t lost any of them as a result of my tran- and we always handled things differently. Unabridged Bookstore sitioning. My transition was in no way a slap in I think that Jen kind of started to feel some Advance order copies 3251 N. Broadway the face to the lesbian community or anything. I pressure in what was happening with my life, my through The Baton just realized that wasn’t what the issue was un- public profile getting a little bigger, also with 312-644-5269 Women & Children First til I didn’t get the comfort that somebody who having cameras and stuff on us. 5233 N. Clark is a lesbian would get by coming out. WCT: Now that you are engaged, how is the WCT: Will your mother, Cher, be on this doc- wedding planning going? umentary? CB: To be honest, we have not made any plans A poor shoeshine yet. We’ve been pretty happily engaged all this CB: You’re going to hear her more than you’ll boy rose to become see her. time. WCT: Things seem to be better between the WCT: Have you taken her out dancing since Chicago’s impresario of two of you. you’ve been on Dancing with the Stars? female impersonation. CB: I think it’s just difficult for parents. I think CB: You know, Jen is a horrible dancer and This is Flint’s story, and for my mom she had ideas of who her daughter would be the person to say that. She’s really got was going to be even before I was born. It’s a two left feet. So I tried to teach her some stuff that of the fascinating tremendous loss for parents and there’s a griev- when I first started and it really didn’t go well. characters—entertainers, ing process that happens. I think over time I was trying to teach her the basic cha-cha-cha barkeepers, sports things become better and more comfortable. steps and she couldn’t quite get it so much. Jen Nothing specifically happened. Time has hap- is rhythmically challenged. people, politicians, pened. WCT: Well, you both should come back to activists, cops and WCT: Would you ever do a project together? Chicago soon. We would love to see you again. mobsters—who knew CB: No—I mean, she has her projects. I have CB: Oh, thank you so much. I appreciate it. my projects. Sometimes they intertwine for a Being Chaz airs on OWN Nov. 27 with mul- him in the heady years second. But for me I think it’s always been im- tiple showings afterward. Visit http://www. of the emerging LGBT portant to be my own person and be my own for details and listings. movement. man. WCT: On the first documentary there was fighting with Jennifer. Are things smoother? 26 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES

the DISH WEEKLY DINING GUIDE IN well. I was, maybe, 7 when they first had it and Oprah was a partner. I’ve also worked in The 12 by the time they got rid of it. Mity Nice Grill and in Vong’s, which later became SAVOR I was inspired by it and went to business Vong’s Thai Kitchen. Now, there’s also Shaw’s in BY Andrew Davis school at Northern Michigan University and Schaumburg and a place called Tokio Pub [also when I was done I didn’t know exactly what in Schaumburg], which is a tapas-type place. business I wanted to be in. I knew the most WCT: What do you think is the key to Shaw’s Shaw’s out exec about the restaurant business, and my aunt and longevity? uncle had a motel and I worked there during SL: Well, it’s interesting because these two Stephen LaHaie. Stephen LaHaie: high school so I ended up going to Michigan guys I just talked with just said, “The place State University and got an MBA in the hotel, looks great!” One guy is a designer, and he said, On sustainability and restaurant and institutional program. That’s “This restaurant was built 30 years ago. It’ll still with green (what’s good to eat), yellow (cau- long-term partnerships what it was called back then; it’s now called the look great 30 years from now because it’s sort tion) and red (avoid). It lists different species, School of Hospitality Business, which I think is of a timeless design.” It’s this 1940s, pre-war and the science is done at Monterey Bay. There’s some controversy … but it’s a very good guide Stephen LaHaie probably has one of the most a much better name. look, and I think we’ve done a good job keep- Then I worked for a restaurant company, in ing it up—and we’ll continue to do that. Plus, if you want to eat sustainable fish. We do have challenging jobs in the Chicago restaurant scene. some items from the “avoid” list on the menu, As managing partner of Shaw’s Crab House, he management, for four years in Milwaukee. My the food’s been really good; my chef partner has partner of 38 years, who I met at Northern Mich- been here since the restaurant’s been open and but I’m not trying to force people to eat those. oversees—and has to maintain the high stan- Everyone should have an option. dards—of one of the city’s premier longtime igan, had moved to Chicago; I visited him a lot, he oversees the food—and he’s done a terrific and I really liked Chicago, so I decided to move job. I think it’s one of the best seafood restau- WCT: Does it say [“Right Bite”] on the seafood destinations. (Having previously pa- menu? tronized Shaw’s in the ‘90s, Savor can attest to here. I had been to some of these Lettuce Enter- rants in the country. tain You restaurants [of which Shaw’s is a part] WCT: I want to talk about sustainability, SL: Yes; on the main menu, we refer to our how long the restaurant has been around.) sustainable seafood menu. The Shedd helped us The out LaHaie, in a rare interview, talked back in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. There were which seems to be a buzzword in restaurants restaurants like R.J. Grunts, Lawrence of Orega- nowadays. Could you define it and talk about do that sustainable menu. about being in the restaurant business, Shaw’s The other thing is that there was a program commitment to sustainability and his own re- no, Jonathan Livingston Seafood—cute names how Shaw’s practices it? like those. I decided I wanted to work there, so I SL: I can tell you what it means to me. Sus- started by the World Wildlife Foundation called lationship (which has been going strong for 38 the Marine Stewardship Council [MSC] that has years). interviewed and Lettuce Entertain You hired me. tainability, to me, means using a product or re- That was in 1981, so I’ve been with them for 30 source that is renewable and that will be there since spun off on its own. Now, the World Wild- Windy City Times: Could you tell me a little life Foundation is doing a similar organization about how you got started in the restaurant years. The company’s been around for 40 years. for future generations. As it relates to fish, we I’ve worked primarily in seafood restaurants. want to use products that are well-managed so for “aqua-cultured,” or farm-raised, fish. What business? I understand that your family has a the Marine Stewardship Council does is certify background in the industry. The first place I worked was Jonathan Livings- the stocks will be there in the future. ton Seafood. Then, I opened Shaw’s in 1984; the We are partners with the Shedd Aquarium, fisheries that are sustainable, so they have to be Stephen LaHaie: Yes. When I was growing up assessed by a third party. as a kid, my dad owned a restaurant that was partner in charge was a Michigan State alum as which partners with other aquariums, such as well, and is now the president/CEO of Lettuce the Monterey Bay [in California]. It has a pro- We are one of a few restaurants that are certi- open just during the summers in a tourist town. fied to serve MSC fish. Two species we serve that He was the cook; my mom was a waitress, did Entertain You. I’ve done a few side projects, gram called “Seafood Watch” and the Shedd’s such as The Eccentric in the late ‘80s, where is called “Right Bite.” It’s a wallet[-sized] card are certified are Alaskan salmon and Alaskan the books and, in the last years, baked pies as halibut. Right now, the halibut season is done until March, but we do serve the salmon. There are other organizations that certify but I think MSC is the most well-known. If you go to Miss Asia Perfect for Holiday Entertaining Whole Foods, you’ll see that its seafood is MSC- 434 W. Diversey, Chicago certified. I think MSC is a well-respected label. 773.248.3999, When people ask for the sustainable menu, we bring them that as well as the Right Bite Card. FREE APPETIZER* WCT: And the seafood is flown in every day? WITH ANY PURCHASE SL: Pretty much, except on Sunday—but sometimes we get the seafood even then. Promo Code “Pride” WCT: I remember reading in Anthony Bour- Fresh Asian Cuisine in Boystown *Does not apply to the sampler plate. Turn to page 30 theDISH DINING LISTINGS American Hamburger Mary’s Fondue Mediterranean Beef ‘n Brandy 5400 N. Clark St., Chicago Geja’s Cafe Socca 127 S. State St., Chicago 773-784-6969 340 W. Armitage Ave., Chicago 3301 N. Clark St., Chicago 312-372-3451 773-281-9101 773-248-1155 Burgers, salads and sass served up in a A Chicago tradition since 1967. Serving kitschy atmosphere with an on-site brew Romantic fondue dining. Live classical and Featured on Food Network. Italian/French pizza, burgers, meat loaf, homemade Foc- pub. flamenco guitar. Extensive, moderately cuisine. Dinner daily and weekend brunch. cacia bread and more. priced wine list. Outdoor patio. ASIAN Roscoe’s Sidewalk Cafe Miss Asia ITALIAN Mexican 3356 N. Halsted St., Chicago 434 W. Diversey Pkwy., Taverna 750 Mundial Cocina Mestiza 773-281-3355 Chicago 750 W. Cornelia Ave., Chicago 1640 W. 18th St., Chicago 773-248-3999 773-348-5172 312-491-9908 Visit our popular outdoor cafe. Salads, burg- Bright and fresh Italian small plates with an ers, wraps, sandwiches, drink specials, and At Miss Asia we provide fine traditional Thai exciting cocktail menu. Surprisingly afford- Creative Mexican cuisine in the Pilsen Sunday Brunch. cuisine and an elegant dining atmosphere. able. neighborhood. Handshaken margaritas and affordable wines. Jane’s Restaurant Bakery Club Lucky 1653-55 W. Cortland Ave. Swedish Bakery 1824 W. Wabansia Ave., Bucktown 773-862-5263 5348 N. Clark St., Chicago 773-227-2300 773-561-8919 An everyday, upscale eatery located in 1940’s style Italian Supper Club & neighborhoody Bucktown. European-style cookies, pastries, breads, Cocktail Lounge Award-winning. Holiday Stunning Special Events Room. and tortes. We’ll create a cake for any cel- decorations and private party room. Brunch, Lunch & Dinner. ebration. Accepting online reservations.

To get your business listed in The Dish, contact [email protected] WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 27

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*1.9% APR for up to 63 months available on select models in lieu of rebates with approved credit. 1Subaru, Forester, Outback, Tribeca, Legacy, Impreza, WRX, STI and SUBARU BOXER are registered trademarks. Subaru will donate $250 for every new Subaru vehicle sold or leased from November 19, 2011 through January 31, 2012 to one of ve participating charities designated by the purchaser, up to $5,000,000 total. Purchasers must make their charity designations by January 31, 2012. See for details. A minimum donation of $250,000 will be made to each participating charity. All charity donations made by Subaru of America, Inc. 28 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES


DRIVEdo you haveDRIVE it? DRIVE monthly auto sEctIon The Italian Fiat 500 comes to the U.S. BY CASEY WILLIAMS, GAYWHEELS.COM better long-distance companion than a Smart Fortwo. Life was pretty boring at Chrysler dealers after It’s easy to hone a passion for Italian goods; 2012s ARE HERE! the retro-cool PT Cruiser hit the skids. If you I wouldn’t give up my Persol sunglasses for any- wanted a compact car, well, good luck. There thing. While J-Lo is hocking gussied up Gucci were none to be had, at least in Chrysler show- editions of the 500, the best way to experience Get yours today! rooms. Italy here is to buy a Fiat 500 and drink gal- On one of their first missions to Italy after lons of Lavazza coffee while driving it. With an New 2012 Subaru New 2012 Subaru discussions began for Fiat to gain control of as-tested price of $19,500, the Fiat 500 Sport LEGACY FORESTER Chrysler, executives saw the little Italian 500. becomes “la voce della ragione”—the voice of 2.5i 2.5x They wanted it bad. That’s why the sub-compact reason. two-door has made the trip here. 2012 FIAT 500 Sport

Model# CAA-01 * Model# CFA-01 * The exterior design is based on the original —Four-passenger, FWD Hatch Cinquecento, built from 1957 to 1975; however —Powertrain: 101-HP 1.4-litre I4, 5-speed $ , $ , 19676 20264 its rear engine format has been reversed. The manual transmission modern 500 has the engine up front and is now —Suspension f/r: Ind/Twist beam New 2012 Subaru New 2012 Subaru front-wheel-drive. Fiat’s stylists did a great job —Wheels: 16”/16” alloy f/r OUTBACK IMPREZA of concealing the powertrain flip by placing the —Brakes: Disc fr/rr with ABS 2.5i engine behind large round headlamps, a stubby —Must-have feature: Style, efficiency hood and outline of a grill that all echo the —Fuel economy (city/hwy): 30/38 mpg Model# CDA-01 * original. Some find the shape as pleasing as a —Manufacturing: Toluca, Mexico $ , Taking orders now gondola; others aren’t quite as enamored with —As-tested price: $19,500 22714 for fast delivery! the cutesy looks. The 500’s canted hatchback with chrome- % detailed taillamps is a classic touch. Sport edi- Auto news —General Motors and “It Gets Better”: 1 tions, like my test car, ride on stylish 16-inch for alloys and come dressed up with a rear spoiler, A group of General Motors (GM) employees mos chrome exhaust tips and fog lamps. has participated in the It Gets Better Project, 72 founded by out gay writer Dan Savage last year Inside, Fiat 500 passengers might feel like a Toyota Yaris snuck out and co-luxuriated with a following a series of teen suicides, according 0 to In the video, which is promoted Ferrari. Painted dash surfaces, a leather-wrapped We’re Chicago’s only Subaru dealer steering wheel, heated leather seats, and vast on a company blog, several GM employees dis- choice of colors make the interior feel like it cuss their own sexual orientation, ask parents came from a car costing many multiples more – to unconditionally love their children and offer even if much of it is hard plastic. A Bose audio encouragement to young people dealing with See with USB input is there for all you audiophiles harassment or bullying. and iPod addicts. —LGBT auto organization: A Ferndale Regina or Pam In my mind, there must be a rolling lane (Mich.) Patch article spotlights the Lambda Car through the Italian countryside that’s calling my Club (LCC), a national organization of gay men for a great name. Granted, the 500’s 101-hp 1.4-litre four- and lesbians, and their supporters, who share cylinder engine, connected to a five-speed man- an interest in motor vehicles. “The only require- deal today ual transmission, is not so exotic. A stiff clutch ment is that you like cars since we do talk about and tiny pedal could give you charley horses, but them a lot,” said Adam Bernard, president of the once mastered, the car revs to redline and can LCC Detroit Chapter. “It’s a really great group to QUALITY SELECTION OF USED VEHICLES be clicked through the gears with the snap of a meet people with common interests and hang 2006 Subaru Forester 2.5x #SU4480A ...... $14,423* 2010 Subaru Forester 2.5x Premium #SU3989A . $20,491* wrist. A button puts the car into Sport mode for out.” There are about 2,000 members in more 2006 Subaru Outback 2.5i #SU4448A ...... $14,971* 2010 Subaru Outback Premium #PS1070 ...... $21,440* quicker throttle response. If the engine’s verve than two dozen chapters nationwide, including 2011 Subaru Impreza 2.5i Premium SE #PS1065 . $19,420* 2008 Subaru Tribeca Limited #PS1044 ...... $21,949* 180 members in the Motor City area. 2009 Subaru Outback 2.5i #PS1047 ...... $19,986* 2011 Subaru Legacy Premium #PS1067 ...... $21,971* doesn’t move you, then maybe you’ll be won 2008 Subaru Impreza WRX Sport #PS1043 .....$19,991* 2011 Subaru Forester 2.5x Premium #PS1068 ...$23,971* over by the excellent 30/38 mpg city/highway fuel economy averages. Driving the 500 is what sets it apart from the average city car. The steering is precise, the four-wheel anti-lock disc 4330 W. IRVING PARK CHICAGO brakes are strong, and a full range of electronic 866-511-0225 controls keeps the car Offers w/ approved credit. All applicable manufacturer rebates and incentives applied to prices. *Plus tax, title, lic & doc. fee. No prior sales. 1)0% APR for 72 mos. under control. An in- $16.67/$1000 financed on select models. Not a manufacturer supported program & may affect final price. $10,000 max financed. with approved credit & subject to dependent front, twist- vehicle insurance & availability. No down payment required. Not available on 2012 models. Pics for illustration only. Offers expire 3 days from pub date. beam rear suspension system is engineered with cost in mind, but BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND BONUS sport-tuned shock ab- sorbers and springs grasp NOVEMBER 25, 26 & 28 the road. You can toss For 3 days only • Black Friday thru Cyber Monday. the car around without fear of putting it into Trade in your vehicle at any Berman’s location a ditch. The 500 is also & get an iPhone or an iPad! calm, quiet, and comfort- able on the highway. It’s Italian Fiat 500. Photo courtesy of Go to to get your coupon not as sporty as a Mini Not on prior sales. No purchase necessary. Valid only November 25, 26 & 28, 2011. Vald on iPad 2 16GB or iPhone 4s 16GB. Valid at the Michigan Ave. Apple Store. Requires new service agreement or phone upgrade on current contract. Cooper, but it makes a WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 29

Meredith Baxter at Personal PAC luncheon

Local bipartisan pro-choice political action committee Personal PAC hosted its 18th annual luncheon Nov. 17 at the Hilton Chicago. Events began with a VIP reception featuring speaker and out actress Meredith Baxter. Board chair Melissa Widen welcomed attendees with a personal story about having a choice. Several awards were distributed throughout the afternoon, with Planned Par- enthood Vice President of Public Policy Pam Sutherland receiving the Irving B. Harris Spirit of Choice Award and Jennie Goodman being given the Pro-Choice Leadership Award. Protesters lined the streets outside the building, with signage against Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn, who was in attendance. For more on Personal PAC visit http://www.personal- Text by Jerry Nunn and photos by Kat Fitzger- ald (


The “daily deal” site with our roots, vision and focus linked to the LGBT community Proud QponChicago Partners:

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In marketing As featured in partnership with BoysTownBlog, NBC’s the Inc.well, Red Eye, “[A] fascinating glimpse Chicago Talks, Passport Magazine,, Chicago of a bygone gay culture whose aesthetic was far less polished, For more information or to list your business, please contact us at [email protected] more earthy, and more 773-562-3311 or 773-387-2394 dangerous than our current one.” — Bookforum 30 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES CLASSIFIEDS REAL ESTATE ADVERTISE HERE HEADACHE RELIEF FOR SALE - HOMES WWW.GAYREALESTATE.COM Free Instant Access to ADVERTISE HERE: Want to advertise your product, HEADACHE CENTER. Since 1986, Lawrence Robbins,M.D. FOR RENT - TWO BEDROOM Chicago’s Top Gay REALTORS® on-line at www.GayRe- NEAR SOUTH LOOP, NON SMOKING, 2 bedrooms. Enjoy service, etc. to thousands of readers? Place an ad in the has been one of the leading headache specialists in or Toll Free 1.888.420.MOVE (6683) having a backyard and a deck. Large kitchen with Windy City Times! We offer affordable rates, convenient the U.S.. Dr. Robbins and Brooke Bassett, NP-C, use a (4/25/12–52) island, restored original woodwork throughout, HWF, service, and as a bonus, your ad runs in our online variety of medication and cutting-edge, non-medica- built in China cabinet. Furnishings available. $1295 section for free. To place an ad, contact Terri at 773- tion approaches. Convenient to 94 (in Northbrook), and up, garage available. Studio also available for 871-7610 ex 101, [email protected], 847 480-9399, or visit FOR SALE - OUT OF TOWN IN THE TREES, VILLAGE MICHIANA, MI. Noted Chicago $995. 312.520.3066 (11/16/11-2) or go to our website www.WindyCityMediaGroup. (12/14/11-13) architect, timeless design, everything super quality, com. HELP WANTED master suite, multiple decks, private 3/4 ac site, 3 FOR RENT - THREE BEDROOM short blocks to beach, total 3 bdrm 3 baths, $739,000. ANDERSONVILLE LARGE 3 BEDROOM. 3rd Floor Foster ANTIQUES EXPERIENCED KITCHEN & BATH DESIGNER WANTED. and Ashland. Newly Decorated. Seperate Dining Room. Join our easy-going, professional team. Nothing Sheila Carlson. selling homes inc 219.874.1180, Wood Finished Floors. $1200.00 per month. comparable in Chicago. We offer full luxury design 219.861.3702 cell, [email protected] Heat ZURKO ANTIQUE EVENTS (11/16/11–4) services at outlet prices in our beautiful showroom. included. Available Immediately 773-561-6568. (12/28/11–8) Seeking an outgoing, friendly, intelligent, eye-on-the- Just waiting.... prize cabinet & tile closer. We treat all of our employees FOR SALE - TIME SHARE WEST RIDGE, 3 BRM, 2 BTH, 1800 SF. ANNUAL SPECIAL SELLING, TIME SHARE, First week in January. for someone to appreciate architectural details, large like family. If you’re not happy in your current “Silver Seas Resort across the street from St. Sebastian & inviting rooms, a wood burning FP & generous space ANTIQUE position, email your cover letter & resumé to alan@ (Gay) Beach”, in Ft. Lauderdale. Member of RCI, this to enjoy the holidays. Laundry & storage in basement. week is known as a “10” which is the best week for $1450 includes heat. 773.761.3699 (11/30/11-2) MARKET LUXE HOME MERCHANDISE MART SHOWROOM: High trading. End stone and wood sales. Mart/Design experience One bedroom, sleeps 4 - 6. Make an offer. (11/23/11-4) & SALE preferred. Use your winning smile and imagination to Call Jan at 773-251-7363 close the deal! Immediate opening with great earnings November 26 & 27, $6 potential and benefits in the future. Email cover letter Sat. 11am - 5pm and resumé to [email protected] Sun. 9am - 3pm HOME IMPROVEMENT BATHROOM REMODELING, HOME REPAIRS, PAINTING WE DuPage Expo - St. Charles, IL & MORE. Licensed-Bonded-Insured. One year warranty. (45 min west of Chicago on Rt. 64) Price by the job - not the hour. FREE estimates! Check us out on Angie’s List. Andy OnCall, 773-244-9961. ZURKO • 715-526-9769 (8/1/12-52) FLOOR & WINDOW COVERINGS FOR ALL BUDGETS. Carpet, Tile, Hardwood, Bamboo, Laminate, Vinyl, and Window Coverings.Specializing in Helping with Material ASTROLOGY Selections for your Budget. Professionally Installed. Na- UNDERSTAND YOURSELF, YOUR MOTIVATIONS, YOUR tionwide Floor & Window Coverings, We Bring the Show- leading, and growing with her. FEELINGS. Recognize your talents, strengths, success- room to You! Call or email for a free consultation and —Families with dog experienced teens over 13 es. Overcome difficulties and confusion. Astrology can estimate. 773-935-8700, email cjones@nfwchicago. will be considered. help pull it all together. Relationships. Career. Plan the com (11/2/11–13) —No cats. Has little experience with other future. Serious astrology for serious seekers. Private, DAN MCINTYRE CONSTRUCTION AND PAINTING, New PETS dogs, however she is currently in play groups personal consultations. Buffalo, Mi. Serving Harbor country over 20 years. Li- with select shelter dogs. Lin Ewing 847.609.0034 (1/7/12-52) censed and insured. Additions, remodeling, home main- —Dog Obedience Group training is required. tenance. Interior and exterior painting. Small jobs wel- —Spayed, microchipped and has had a full CLEANING SERVICES come. Call 269-469-6391. (1/11/12-13) veterinary checkup and vaccines. CHESTNUT CLEANING SERVICES: We’re a house cleaning Georgia service for homes, small businesses and small buildings. LEGAL SERVICES Shepherd/Terrier Mix We also have fabulous organizational skills (a separate NEED LEGAL HELP? Pride Law, Andersonville’s legal aid 1.5 years old Community Animal Rescue Effort (C.A.R.E.) function at a separate cost that utilizes your assis- clinic for the LGBT community can help. Clinic hours 50 lbs. voicemail: 847-705-2653 tance) for what hasn’t been cleaned in many months every Wednesday, 5-8:00 p.m. by appointment only. Call Spayed female or years due to long-term illness, depression, physical/ 1-866-703-5509 or send us an email at prideslaw@ mental challenges, for the elderly, if you have down- Georgia is still figuring out many of life’s sur- sized and more. Depressed about going home to chaos? PARKVIEW PET prises but the Advanced Trainers at C.A.R.E. We can organize your chaos, straighten out your chaos, MASSAGE SUPPLIES FIRST-CLASS ASIAN MALE MASSEUR. London-trained have opened up a whole new world to her. She help you make sense of your chaos and finally clean EST. 1921 what is no longer chaos. Can we help you? Bonded and and qualified. Over 25 years of worldwide experience is smart, loves to learn and loves positive rein- insured. Chestnut Cleaning Service: 312-332-5575. and 100% attuned to your needs. Satisfaction assured. forcement training, which has shown her how (11/21/12-52) Please call Dennis at 773-248-9407 (11/30/11-13) to use her mind and endless energy in the right 5358 N. Broadway PROFESSIONAL GREEN CLEANING COMPANY. Get ready way. If she doesn’t get mental and physical ex- Chicago, IL 60640 for the holidays today. We are an experienced and re- MOVERS ercise from you, she will find her own entertain- liable residential, commercial and post-construction WE ARE AN EXPERT, FULL-SERVICE MOVING COMPANY ment. She will need to be given a chance to see 773-561-0001 with over a decade of excellence serving our com- eco-friendly cleaning company. Call today and receive and experience new situations slowly and time a 10% discount on your first cleaning.BBB accredited munity. We pride ourselves in offering top-quality, to figure things out without being pushed or Sensible Food business. 773-547-5388 efficient, low-cost, damage-free moves. Small to large (12/14/11-4) trucks, fully equipped with modern tools, supplies forced. Since she is smart, but naïve, she needs Sensible Prices of the trade. Rates for guaranteed professional staff: a person who has raised a dog before, capable of COUNSELING 2-man crew $65/hr.; 3-man crew $85/hr.; 4-man crew Counseling and Clinical Hypnotherapy: Providing help $105/hr. (plus low, one-time travel charge.) SAVOR from page 26 this opportunity in the Land of Lincoln. to individuals and couples in our community since 1987. Call 773-777-1110 or www.chicagocrescentmovers. WCT: I hope I don’t get you in trouble with com. (9/21/11-26) I specialize in relationship issues, spiritual issues, dain’s Kitchen Confidential that one should this last question but, besides Shaw’s, what childhood trauma, and recurrent patterns that inhibit never order seafood on a Monday because restaurants do you like to frequent? potential. Starla R. Sholl, LCSW, PC, 773.878.5809, TRAVEL diners can get the seafood that’s held over (3/7/12-26) ARIZONA GAY CAMPING, Sun lovers, Snow Birds, a pri- SL: Besides Shaw’s. I do like the Lettuce En- THE JUNIPER CENTER/CENTER FOR RELATIONSHIP vate, gay camping paradise on a ranch in sunny south- from the weekend. tertain You restaurants. I live in Lakeview, so I HEALTH. Life gets complicated. You have have tried ern Arizona. Bar, pool, spa and clothing optional corral, SL: Yeah. On Monday, we get a lot of stuff do like Yoshi’s [Café]; to me, it’s the example of all that you know to solve a problem or repair a a gay playground 365 days a year. coming in. what a neighborhood restaurant should be. The relationship. When you are not sure what’s next, we Phone 520 979-6650 (12/14/11-13) WCT: You said that you and your partner guests know each other and the waiters know are here to help. LGBTQ individuals, couples & families. have been together 38 years. What’s your se- the guests; it’s a very fine neighborhood restau- 847-759-9110 (1/18/12-13) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR cret? rant. SOLUTION FOCUSED COUNSELING Counseling for ACUPUNCTURE STUDY SL: I’ll tell you a little story and maybe that’ll Like I said, I like the Lettuce Entertain You WOMEN WITH VULVODYNIA/VESTIBULODYNIA Recruit- individual & couples in warm, safe atmosphere by work. When I wake up in the morning, I always restaurants a lot; my favorite there is probably licensed psychotherapist. Depression, anxiety, body ing women,18-45,with vulvodynia/vestibulodynia for know what I want for dinner that night. My part- [French bistro] Mon Ami Gabi at the Belden- image issues & relationship problems. Lakeview a clinical study. They will receive 10 free acupuncture ner is a really good cook, and he never knows location. Sliding scale. John D. Moore, PhD, www. treatments and $20.00 gift cards for each questionnaire Stratford Hotel. Also, Richard Melman’s sons what he wants; he always makes whatever I ask (773) 704-5300 (2/8/12-12) completed. Call: (708)334-1097 (11/30/11-4) have opened a couple places that are great as him to. So I write the menus and he cooks; he’s well, and they’re great for nightlife as well—The very happy because he doesn’t have to decide Paris Club and Hub 51—although I’m usually in and I’m happy because I get what I want. It’s bed by then. a partnership, and we treat each other with re- More information about Shaw’s Crab House is spect and love. at Oct. 12 is our anniversary, so that’s when we The Dec. 7 issue of Savor will have reviews of had our civil union this year. It was a very sim- Shaw’s Crab House as well as Francesca’s on Bryn ple ceremony at Daley Plaza. I’m glad we have Mawr and Wildberry Pancakes and Café. WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 31 Celebrations Share your special moments with the community in Windy City Times’ new announcement section! Williams/ Hauger Chicago couple TJ Williams and Brad Hauger married Oct. 30, 2011, at Riv- erside Church in New York City. Accord- ing to Williams, they met at a Human Rights Campaign dinner in 2004. The wedding was a celebration of their union, and the larger unity they’d like to see between LGBT and African- American individuals. Photos courtesy of Williams Events • Fashion • Fitness Facebook: Dave Ouano Photography [email protected] 32 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES

Saturday, Nov. 26 Sweet Confinement After five years of cre- ating award-winning, attention-grabbing, provocative theatre, SiNNERMAN Ensemble is pleased to announce the arrival of their latest season, which they will kick off with Brought to you by the combined efforts of a new take on their hit show, “Sweet Con- finement,” opening Thurs., Nov. 17 and WINDY CITY running through Sat., Dec. 17. 7:30pm- UNDER THE 9pm, 773-296-6024, Viaduct Theatre, LEATHER TIMES 3111 N. Western Ave., http://www.sinner- Friday, Nov. 25 Night Wed., Nov. 23 with a bondage demo at midnight and The men of ONYX will drawings for bondage gear. 10pm, Touche, Turkey Testicle Festival Bud Lite and DS host a club night at ‘LONDON’ CALLING 6412 N. Clark St, http://www.touchechi- Tequila Co. present the Turkey Testicle Touche, 6412 N. Clark St. Festival, bringing you the best deep fried Saturday, Nov. 26 Kylie CD/DVD Giveaway The Call presents turkey testicles Chicago has to offer. Come The Call, 1547 W. Bryn Mawr this special Kylie event with giveaways Photo by Israel Wright have a ball with Bud Boyz David and Ja- Ave., will host giveaways of the new CD/DVD ‘Aphrodite Les Folies: son! 12pm, D.S. Tequila Company, 3352 N. Live in London’. Posters and other fun Halsted St., of Kylie Minogue’s CD/DVD giveaways from 10 - midnight. The Call “All You Can Shove” Tonight is “All You Can Aphrodite Les Folies: Live in (Chicago), 1547 W. Bryn Mawr, http:// Shove” pizza at Boystown favorite, Pie London. Berwyn Suite 201E, Chicago, http://www. Hole Pizza Joint. That’s unlimited slices Karaoke at Downtown Bar and Lounge and fountain drinks for only $8.99! 5pm, Come join all the fun at this weekly event. Palette Bistro Gay Night Every last Tues- Pie Hole Pizza Joint, 3477 N Broadway, They have great drink specials and an day of the month, Palette Bistro hosts Boystown, http://www.pieholepizzajoint. awesome crowd that rocks Karaoke until it’s LGBTQ night. The night starts at com/index.html 2:30am every Saturday. It’s the place to 6:00 pm with a complimentary glass of First Annual Thanksgiving Eve Holiday champagne. Come meet new friends and Touche, 6412 N. Clark St, http://www.tou- BANO & Rails Marketing Group present sing and be seen! 10pm, 312-464-1400, Dinner Taverna 750’s first major holiday couples and the staff of the Palette. Then, a Thanksgiving Night Party. DJs Anton Downtown Bar, 440 N State, http://down- and with that, they want to do something for $20 a head, enjoy your choice of two & Kenae Spin Hip Hop, House, R&B and special and spend Wednesday, Thanksgiv- small plates and a wine flight. 6pm-9pm, Thursday, Nov. 24 Reggae. Sexy Dancers & Drink Specials. ing Eve, having a special holiday menu op- 773-477-2565, Palette Bistro, 2834 N tion. Join Taverna 750 for All-You-Can-Eat Mity Nice Thanksgiving Buffet Mity Nice 11pm, 773-957-4021, Moretti’s (1646 W. Sunday, Nov. 27 Melissa Young LIVE Melissa Young makes a Southport Ave. Turkey and Ham with Italian Sides for just Grill, at Water Tower Place is serving Jackson), http://www, Sunday home at 3160 performing the last Transgender Focus Group Focus group on $15.99; 6pm-11pm, Taverna 750, 750 W. Thanksgiving Dinner. Reservations are re- Senior and Veterans Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday of every month. 7:30pm-11pm, transgender issues sponsored by the LGBT Cornelia Ave. quired; book yours today by calling 312- hosted by The Jeffery Pub The Jeffery 3160, 3160 N. Clark St., http://www.chi- Community Fund of the Chicago Commu- Hydrag Revue Join Hydrate each and ev- 335-4745; 12pm-7pm, 312-335-4745, Pub is extending an invitation to a total nity Trust. If you are interested in par- ery Wednesday night for the best female Mity Nice Grill of 50 veterans and seniors in the commu- “I Am Jazz: A Family in Transition” and ticipating in this in-depth discussion on impersonation show on Halsted Street! Thanksgiving at Palette Bistro Stop stress- nity for a Thanksgiving dinner. There are “Being Chaz” The life of an extraordinary the needs and assets of the transgender 9pm, Hydrate, 3458 N. Halsted St., ing about who’s bringing the stuffing this possibly numerous seniors and veterans in family and their transgendered daughter, community of Chicago, please RSVP to jes- year and make your reservation at Pal- the community who will probably be alone will premiere. “Being Chaz” will air 8-9pm [email protected] by Monday, Nov. details/?event_id=120 ette Bistro. Their menu includes: choice on this day. The Jeffery Pub is one of the ET/PT followed by “I Am Jazz: A Family 28, at noon; 7:30pm, Gerber/Hart Library, You’re The Star Karaoke with Honey West of butternut squash soup with pumpkin oldest African-American Alternative Life in Transition” from 9-10pm ET/PT. 8pm, 1127 W. Granville Ave Take your place in the spotlight as host- brittle or wedge salad with caramelized Style bars on the South side of Chicago. OWN: Network, http:// ess, Honey West entertains throughout! onion, bleu cheese and bacon; A delicious Jamal Junior one of the managing opera- turkey platter with the fixings, prime rib tors feel this invite on Thanksgiving day Wed., Nov. 30 An evening and a diva not to be missed! Celestial Bodies - World Premiere In 17th plate or succulent sea bass; and pump- is just a way of saying we care and appre- SIN Sundays Sundays are heating up at Hy- 9pm, Roscoe’s, 3356 N. Halsted St., century Italy, Galileo Galilei is making the kin cheesecake or peach cobbler. All this ciate the senior and veteran community drate with the new SIN Sundays! 10pm, discoveries that will place him among the for $32! 6pm-11:30pm, Palette Bistro, in this area. 11:30am, 773-363-8555, Jef- Hydrate, 3458 N. Halsted St., http://www. Takin’ It Off For TPAN A bare-chested ben- world’s greatest scientists. Marina Gamba 2834 N. Southport Ave., http://www.pal- frey Pub, 7041 S Jeffre efit party to help get Steve naked for Bar- wants to learn from the great professor, Liquid Brunch Scarlet’s Liquid Brunch is lesque. Best Chest Contest at midnight, but can only do so disguised as a man. ner_2011_chicago.html Friday, Nov. 25 an all day Sunday Funday affair, complete win a harness from Leather 64TEN. 10pm, When her secret comes to light her life Feast: Thanksgiving Party Clubhouse/UR- Shrek the Musical Shrek the musical plays with the city’s best DJs, a slightly dishev- and the exploration of science are changed the Rosemont Theatre, for one weekend eled staff and lots and lots of champagne. forever. 6:30pm-8:30pm, 312-369-6126, only, this Thanksgiving holiday. 7:30pm- 1pm, Scarlet, 3320 N. Halsted St., http:// Getz Theatre at Columbia College Chicago, 9pm, Rosemont Theatre, 5400 N. River Rd, main-productions/index.php Hot Jockstrap Contest Sofia Saffire hosts Monday, Nov. 28 Southside LGBT Bowling Party The South- the hottest contest in Uptown. First place GayCo Productions presents the preview side’s only LGBT bowling party. Free; in- $100! Show up by 11 to sign up. No jock of LIT! GayCo’s unique perspective on cludes three games of bowling and shoes. strap? Crew’s got you covered. 9pm, Crew the holidays: Tea Party celebrates their 5 domestic beers for $12, $6.25 premium Bar & Grill, 4804 N Broadway, http://www. favorite day of the year, commercialism drink specials. Raffles. May lead to a tears a small town asunder, Sugar Plum formation of a bowling league. Burr Oak It’s Britney Bitch: 1st Anniversary All Brit- Fairies light up the stage, office parties, Bowl, 3030 W. 127th St., Blue Island, IL; ney all night with DJ Riley York. Official shopping, and everyone’s favorite ... 7pm-11pm, 708-389-2800, Burr Oak Bowl, Femme Fatale tour DVD release party with drinking!... are roasted like chestnuts. 3030 W. 127th St., Blue Island, http:// giveaways. 9pm, The Call (Chicago), 1547 Preview $10, $15 tickets Thursdays, Dec. W Bryn Mawr, 1 through 30; 8pm, Annoyance Theatre, thecallbar 4830 N Broadway, http://www.theannoy- Shower Contest Join Spin’s sexy GoGo Boys Thursday, Dec. 1 World of Chocolate Chocolate lovers are each Friday for their Shower Party from. Recovery Over the Rainbow New Narcotics invited to satisfy their sweet tooth and Check out the new exciting shower, which Anonymous sponsored/governed meeting, commemorate World AIDS Day at World of lowers from the ceiling. 10pm, Spin Night- geared toward GLBTs and open to the pub- Chocolate, AIDS Foundation of Chicago’s club, 800 W. Belmont Ave, http://www. lic. Questions to Anthony Oltean; 8pm- 10th annual winter soiree. 6pm-9pm, 312- 9pm, Haymarket Health Education, 20 N. 334-0935, Chicago Hilton and Towers, 720 Reservoir Dogs: A Judas In Our Midst Sangamon S Michigan Ave, http://www.aidschicago. Roundhouse Productions, the guys United House: A Night of Unity in House org/chocolate who brought you Point Break Live, and Music Join Hydrate Nightclub, Chicago- HIV/AIDS in Africa and Beyond: The Story Predator: The Musical, presents a stage, and host Cyon Flare for United the Media Missed Jonny Steinberg, lec- version of the iconic film by Quentin House: A Night of Unity in House Music, turer in Africa Studies, Oxford University Tarantino featuring a young, all fe- featuring Resident House DJ Semaj; 9pm, and author of Sizwe’s Test: A Young Man’s male cast. Don’t miss their own twist Hydrate, 3458 N. Halsted, http://www.hy- Journey Through Africa’s AIDS Epidemic to this unforgettable story of a heist and previous books on the lives of Li- gone terribly wrong. Tickets now avail- berian refugees living in New York and able $15, $10 on industry night. 10pm, Tuesday, Nov. 29 the pandemic in Africa. 4pm, McCormick 9894939424, The Think Tank, http:// The Will Project Drop in (with RSVP to to- Tribune Center Forum, 1870 Campus Dr., [email protected]) to discuss wills, Evanston GOOD TO THE LAST BITE chicago/269495149745807?sk=wall trusts/wills (recommended for every LGBT ONYX Club Night Join the men of ONYX couple), power of attorney, health care Thursday, Dec. 1 for this once-a-month Club Night. 10pm, directive/POA, and hospital visitation Touche, 6412 N. Clark St, http://www.tou- declaration. Low cost as a part of this project. 4pm-6pm, Tsamis Law, 1509 W. To mark World AIDS Day, AIDS Foundation of Chicago will again host the delectable World of Chocolate at the Chicago Hilton and Towers, 720 S. Michigan Ave. Get Photo from last year by Kat Fitzgerald : online WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 33


stroke! “I like more of a guy’s guy. Like Johnny Depp, Speaking of rugby, Mickey Rourke is in train- Join us at Sidetrack, James Franco, Ellen DeGeneres.”—Sara Gilbert ing for his next film project—a biopic about shares her opinion of Bradley Cooper being openly gay rugby star Gareth Thomas. To pre- named People magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive. Be- pare, Rourke has flown Gareth to Los Angeles to Wed, Nov. 30 cause, as we all know, Gilbert is known for her pick up some of his mannerisms. One thing that and watch as discerning taste in men. will be easy for him to replicate is Gareth’s loss Usually my views are not shared by the gen- of eight teeth. Coincidentally, Rourke lost sev- we cross the line eral public. This point was driven home when eral of his front teeth in a childhood accident. I read about the outrage over former porn star He got them fixed when he was in acting school ...the Finish Line of Barlesque 4... Sasha Grey volunteering to read to school chil- under dubious circumstances: “I met a gay Chi- the TPAN benefit strip-athon. dren. I understand that it took many people by nese doctor and, ‘cause I had no money, I let surprise—the idea that a porn star could read. him touch me and he took care of the teeth.” Other than that, I’m stymied. It’s not like she Huh?? Is it getting hot in here? was acting out the stories in children’s theater! Didya know The A-List Dallas is on the air? Here’s what made it even more perplexing—on No? Me neither. But apparently, two of the cast Come cheer as your favorites the same day, mainstream news outlets applaud- members have made it into the news ... well, make one last play for votes! ed Paris Hilton for visiting orphans in Bali. Isn’t into this column. One of them is Taylor Gar- that kinda the same thing? OK, there’s a differ- rett, who apparently is conservative and claims ence—Paris wasn’t reading to anyone. (It’s yet to have been the victim of a hate crime—make to be proven that she actually CAN read). So that two hate crimes. Back in October, he says why is Hilton being lauded for interacting with that someone threw a rock with a note attached children whilst Sasha Grey is being criticized? to it through his window. Since the rock was I’m stumped. in pristine condition and the incident coincided 3349 N. Halsted Our next story is about someone trying to get with the show debuting on Logo, skeptics felt N E W Y E A R ’ S E V E Valet Parking Available their hands on a Serbian penis. As titillating as this was staged to get some press. More recent- ly, he was attending a birthday party, went out to his car to retrieve a gift and found a guy scratching “Fuck Coulter” onto his car. (Taylor NYE Make No Small Plans New Year’s Eve. apparently is chummy with Ann Coulter—who is WHERE WILL S A T U R D A Y , D E C E M B E R 3 1 S T either a biological male or one of the few women to have an Adam’s apple.) The guy knocked Tay- $25 Tickets (to benefit Equality Illinois PAC) lor to the ground and then fled the scene. Police 2012 available now via link from were called, but Taylor refused what is called “Physical Evidence Section.” Some bloggers find this suspicious, especially since he also refused TAKE YOU? Exotic Trips • NY Babies • Friends • Bubbly Toast to let detectives look for fingerprints or any other evidence. Hmmmm. Another cast member is sexy Levi Crocker, who took a nude photo of himself in a mirror. I may not know who he is, but he’s on a TV show, he’s hot, and he’s erect—that’s how you land on Bil- The A-List: Dallas’ Taylor Garrett has had some trouble lately—or has he? Our “Ask Billy” question comes from Frank in Bangor: “I saw on one of those entertainment shows that Jonathan Lipnicki grew up to be a that sounds, sadly it’s a story about Chaz Bono. really hot guy. Do you have any photos of him? As you should all know by now, Chaz had what And does he play for our team?” LIKETOWIN? is referred to as “top surgery”—meaning that I saw those photos, too. Lipnicki, who is best during his gender-reassignment surgery, nothing remembered as the kid in Jerry Maguire, has most Two tickets to attend this year’s was altered below the waist. Up until now, Bono certainly buffed up. He took a series of scantily had said that the options for “bottom surgery” clad workout shots, which have somehow found were less than ideal. However, apparently that’s their way onto the Internet. Apparently he’s WORLD OF changed. Last week, Chaz told Howard Stern got a blue belt in Brazilian jujitsu—something that he’s planning to undergo “Serbian penis- I didn’t even know existed. He’s 21, 5’7” and CHOCOLATE attachment surgery.” He went into graphic de- weighs 146—which I believe I weighed in high tail about what this would entail. I’m going to school! Alas, I really don’t know much about his Thu., Dec. 1 spare you all of that, except that I believe I personal life. But after looking at these reveal- Now in its 10th year, this sumptuous event saw something similar done on a special episode ing photos, I did learn that he’s Jewish. See for commemorates World AIDS Day by bringing of“The Iron Chef. I’ll sum it up in Bono’s own yourself on together 30 of Chicago’s finest restaurants, words: “It’ll be small, but you’re going to be able When Mickey Rourke is trading sexual favors caterers, and chocolatiers to raise much- to urinate through it.” I hate to say it, but I for dental work, it’s time for me to end yet an- needed funds for AIDS Foundation of have a funny feeling I dated that Serb! other column. At this point, I’d usually remind Chicago in their efforts to provide care, Here’s a story that also made a bit of contro- you to check out for the housing and advocacy for those living with versy. A 26-year-old Welsh rugby player broke his latest gossip. But this week, I’m also going to HIV/AIDS. Each ticket is valued at $100! neck and had a stroke while attempting to do a tell you to check out “Billy’s Boudoir,” where I backflip. OK, it’s sad, but not controversial—ex- explain how I may have inadvertently stumbled cept for what happened when he regained con- into a plural relationship. And since Thanksgiv- sciousness: “I was gay when I woke up and I still ing is upon us, it’s important for me to take a am ... I wasn’t interested in women anymore. I moment to thank the people who help me bring was definitely gay. I had never been attracted this column to you each and every week for the TO WIN: to a man before—I’d never even had any gay past 16 years. The sources, the proofreaders, Simply find us at friends.” He says that with his newfound gay- the lawyers—they all play an important role. Of ness, he decided to focus on, what else, looking course, the most important part of the equation and “like” our page by Wed., November 23. better! He immediately started working out, lost is you, the people I hopefully edify and enter- more than 100 pounds and bleached his hair. I’d tain. If you’ve got a question you wanna throw Winner will be chosen at random from all have probably done it in the reverse order, but my way, send an e-mail along to Billy@Billy- page fans and will be notified via Facebook. that’s just me. He also quit his job in a bank, and I promise to get back to you studied to become a hairdresser and opened his before I end up on a new Logo show entitled own salon. Somewhere along the way, he picked Sister Husbands! So, until next time, remember, Photos from 2010’s World Of Chocolate by Kat Fitzgerald, up a 19-year-old boy in a bar and they are now one man’s filth is another man’s bible. living together. WOW, that musta been some 34 Nov. 23, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES Ally runs and coaches for T2 and AFC

By Ross Forman community) attended their wedding. Schmid is the head coach for the second con- Katie Schmid and her husband, Paul. Photos courtesy of Schmid When Katie Schmid registered to run her first secutive year for the Team To End AIDS (T2), the marathon in Dublin in 2003, as a fundraiser for endurance-training program of AFC. This was her the AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC), she ad- seventh summer coaching runners on behalf of “My favorite part about coaching is seeing the give back. It keeps me positive and optimistic.” mits the real reason was for the post-race Irish AFC. person who has never run before in their life, Just as scientists around the world scurry for a Pub Crawl. To date, she has led Chicago-area runners into [or] never thought it was possible, [or] the per- cure for HIV/AIDS. “I wasn’t so into the marathon idea” of run- 10 full marathons and three half marathon. She son who was always told they aren’t an athlete, “This is [the] TEAM TO END AIDS, so when we ning 26.2 miles, she said years later. “However, has coached close to 2,000 runners. or they are overweight, or too old. Seeing that end AIDS, perhaps then I will stop [coaching],” as I trained, learned more about the cause, and “I’m attracted to the idea that I can make person cross the finish line is incredible. I never she said. “Coaching for T2 is a great part-time how the entire [training] program and the peo- a difference in the lives of people with HIV/ get used to that,” Schmid said. job. It’s not really a job, though, because I really ple involved affected my life and how I affected AIDS,” Schmid said. “These aren’t strangers to Schmid said a number of her closest friends enjoy it. I get to meet the coolest, most inspi- the lives of others, I quickly became addicted.” me. These are people I love and who I come in are HIV-positive, including some who attended ration people. Getting my butt out there every Schmid has now run 14 marathons, highlight- contact with all the time. Through this program, her wedding. “These aren’t just participants who weekend keeps me wanting to do more and be ed by her personal record (PR) time (3:48:16) at I came to realize the true power of a person. I’ve met; these are life-long friends who are a better person. I look at the obstacles people the Fox Cities Marathon in Wisconsin in 2008. Every dollar matters; every participant matters; alive because of AFC and T2,” she said. go through to do our program, and they make it She also has run countless half-marathons (13.1 every step in the race matters. It really is a pro- Her memories of countless Saturday and Sun- happen because it is important to them. That’s miles) and other shorter-distance races, in ad- gram where giving everything means everything. day mornings, running and coaching runners important to me.” dition to one 50K race, the Chicago Lakefront “Fundraising year in and year out can be diffi- along Lake Michigan over the past nine years, Schmid has been to many gay bars in Chicago 50/50, which spans just over 31 miles. cult. When I started coaching, I was in graduate are endless. There was the man who stopped at with T2 runners, coaches and staff. After the “I’m attracted to the challenge [of running school. I didn’t know the level of financial com- a lakefront vendor to buy—and eat—a polish Honolulu Marathon Dec. 11, she will be at Hula’s races] and think I’m glutton for punishment. mitment I could give, but I knew I could give my sausage during a run. He sat down and had a Bar & Lei Stand, the gay bar where T2 will hold [Running also] is an excellent stress reliever,” time and energy. I had such a great experience lunch while his pace group continued to run. He its post-race victory party, and Schmid is excited she said. during my first year that I wanted to be a part picked them up on their way back [to where they for the cold beer or mai tai—or both—at Hula’s Schmid, 34, lives in Chicago’s Ravenswood of giving that experience back to future partici- had started], and he finished the run with them. to celebrate with T2. neighborhood and is the behavioral health man- pants.” Other highlights: “Just like any community, you want a commu- ager for Search, Inc. She is married to Paul, who Schmid paced select T2 runners in October —A female runner had a fanny pack that, be- nity that accepts you for who you are. The gay is also an endurance runner, although on a much during the Chicago Marathon. She will be in Ha- lieve it or not, had fried chicken in it that she community accepts me as a straight female,” she smaller scale—several current and former T2 waii next month when T2 runners run in the an- would eat while running. said. “What I love is a community that stands up runners, coaches and staff (many from the gay nual Honolulu Marathon. —A father and his young son approached for what it believes in, and fights against social ADVERTISEMENT Schmid and the T2 runners at a water fountain. injustices. Gay or straight, you need communi- “The kid looked at [our T2] shirts and asked his ties that will do that, and I love being a part of When experience counts... dad what it said,” Schmid recalled. “[The father] [the gay] community that is doing something to In service to the community for over 30 years. told him it was a TEAM TO END AIDS. The kid promote change.” asked his dad what that meant. I cringed await- Schmid is registered to participate in the Iron- The Law Offices of ing his response for fear it would be dismissive. man Florida 2012, held in Panama City Beach. Roger V. McCaffrey-Boss & Associates But the dad said, ‘They help people who really No doubt she’ll be back along Chicago’s lakefront need our help.’ It was so good, so inspirational in the spring, sporting red on behalf of T2 and to see that we had just brought awareness to AFC. LIVING TRUSTS - A SMART WAY TO PROTECT YOUR ASSETS people on the path and that, hopefully, this kid “A really awesome [personal] experience I had will grow up wanting to do something about this year was running with my older brother, More and more LGBT couples, even those in a civil union, are using revocable living trusts as a way AIDS instead of fearing it like so many other Brian; my husband, Paul; my sister-in-law, Ellen; to efficiently pass on their assets to their partners and to ensure that their partners will handle their [past] generations.” and my younger brother’s girlfriend, Samantha personal affairs if they ever become incapacitated. —Schmid ran with a T2 runner near mile 25 [in] the Chicago Half Marathon,” Schmid said. A revocable living trust is a legal arrangement where a person executes a written trust document of the Chicago Marathon who really wanted to “Had you told me a year ago I’d be doing that, I naming themselves as the trustee of their own trust and, while alive, they transfer their property to quit: “She was not smiling, not happy, and was would have laughed and put my money on ‘Hell their trust so that the trust holds legal title to all their assets. in pain. She was having a hard time getting over no.’ But, to have all four of them completing The document creating the trust allows the person making the trust (maker) to at any time dissolve the trust, change the trust or take assets from the trust; always retaining complete control of their the mental obstacles. There was, meanwhile, a [that race] was really cool and I’m so proud of property. The trust document can provide for the appointment of a successor trustee (surviving LGBT fan on the side who kept cheering for her and each of them. It is a testament to the conta- lover/spouse) who would only act upon the death or disability of the maker of the trust. walking along the sidelines yelling her name and gious effect running can have.” A living trust offers the following advantages: cheering. I asked if that [fan] was someone sig- * Keeping control. While the maker is alive he or she has the right to the income generated by the nificant. She replied, ‘No, I don’t know him [and] trust and sole use of the trust property, such as the house and bank accounts. Upon his or her death I wish he’d shut up—maybe he should get out the assets of the trust could then be distributed. here and do this.’ As we turned from Michigan * Providing for Disability. Should the maker of the trust become physically or mentally incompetent Avenue [onto] Roosevelt Street for that final 0.2 the living trust can serve as the framework for the management of the maker’s assets and property. miles, he yelled, ‘Thank you for doing this! I’m * Reducing delay and cost. The living trust can act like a will and dispose of the maker’s property alive because of people like you.’ I think we both upon death. The property of the trust is not subject to probate proceedings, thus avoiding court supervision. started crying.” * Preserving Privacy. Trusts can also serve individuals who don’t want an inheritance to be made —T2 camaraderie: “One thing I always love public. It avoids problems of friends and family from going into the probate clerk’s office to look at about coaching is, no matter how long it is tak- the file on their estate and see who got what. ing a participant to finish [a run], how dark it * Avoiding ancillary probate. Someone who owned a vacation house in Lakeside, Michigan and is, or how many people have left [the course], a condominium in Chicago could have probate in both those states unless they used a living trust. there always is a crew of T2 coaches, staff, par- When a living trust is combined with a durable power of attorney, a non-disabled LGBT partner ticipants, and fans cheering to give each and ev- can transfer all of the disabled person’s property to that person’s living trust to avoid probate at ery last person the credit they deserve,” Schmid death. said. Schmid said coaching for T2 has changed her • Bankruptcy • Wills, Trusts & Probate life “in more ways than I can possibly describe.” • Real Estate Closings • Civil Unions Coaching has made her far less selfish and far more aware that even when things are rough, 19 S. LaSalle, Suite 1500, Chicago, IL 60603 it could be worse. “When things are rough, per- 312-263-8800 [email protected] severance will get you through. Just like in a We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code. race,” she said. “Coaching makes me want to Katie Schmid. Photo courtesy of Schmid WINDY CITY TIMES Nov. 23, 2011 35 CONNE IONS X MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS

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