Cahill Asks for Delay on School Aid Boost TRENTON (AP) - Gov
BranchFight SEE STORY BELOW Showers Likely Cloudy and mild, showers ukely today and tonight Fair, FINAL cooler tomorrow and Sunday. Bed Bank, Freehold LqnK Branch ' EDITION Monmonth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 26 PAGES VOL.94 .NO. 103 RED BANK, N.J. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1971 TEN CENTS Brookdale Pioneers Physical Fitness Lab By DORIS KULMAN National Aeronautics and Space Administration in Washing- It also will be used to help students going out for various wouldn't leave sufficient money for furniture, equipment, site ton, D.C. sports to get into condition early, Mr. Jones said. work, and fees, Dr. Ervin L. Harlacher, college president, LINCROFT - Brookdale Community College will be the Individualized Setup "And we hope to invite adult groups in to use the lab," he said. first college in the nation to have "a real physical fitness labo- Mr. Jones said it will make possible an individualized said. Brookdale has $1.6 million available for the Commons, half ratory," Jack Jones, dean of its Human Affairs Institute, said physical fitness program for every student. The lab program under the direction of Dr. Franke Paone, in state and half in county funds. last night. The individualized programs will be worked out with the division chairman, and William Johnson, bead of the physical Dr. Harlacher said the bids for the Commons demonstra- The county college's board of trustees last night author- cooperation of physicians, Mr. Jones said. He said it will in- education program. tes that "it's a hazard for a public agency to secure funds for ized the advertising of bids for the lab, which will augment the clude testing students for stress ability and then designing ac- Mr.
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