Shuttles by Security Packages to Iraq
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THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOlUME 40: ISSUE 51 WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Notre Dame assists as New Orleans tries to rebuild Alumni network reaches out to Students from southern schools graduates affected by Katrina adjust to University, College life By KAREN LANGLEY By STEVE KERINS News Writer News Writer In the days following Hurricane Katrina, Notre It has been two and a half months since Damn alum Paul Christmann, Class of 1989, was Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans and sur plaguod by the mneerns of any New Orleans resi rounding Gulf Coast communities, displaeing thou dent - spedfieally his inability to contact any sands of students attending colleges and universi frionds from the devastated city. While ties in the area. Christmann and his family had found housing with Notre Dame and Saint Mary's are among hun rolativos in Florida, the hasty evacuation of New dreds of schools nationwide to allow students from Orloans loft most residents without any way to the affected region to take classes on a temporary loeate their neighbors and eoworkers. basis until Gulf Coast universities reopen their But Christmann, a software developer and presi doors for the spring semester. dont of the Notre Dame dub of New Orleans, was "The decision to help students displaced by abln to unite his profession and his passion to Hurricane Katrina grew out of a desire to assist mrrw up with a solution - he developed an online those less fortunate who were impacted by the dev alumni bulletin board at astation of this natural disa..c;;tnr," said Daniel Meyer, "Tho rnally popular Wnb sites were listing hun- vice president for enrollment management at Saint AP The Notre Dame community has worked to respond to the see KATRINA/page 4 fallout from Hurricane Katrina. see STUDENTS/page 4 Alumni residents sell pizza from basetnent Students about it," Leimkuehler said. By JOE PIARULLI But the idea didn't die. This to send News Writer year, the plan resurfaced through Alumni's Hall Council, when someone broached food sales as Domino's and Sbarro beware. an option for students. packages Thanks to sophomore business "I said I'd do it because my major Patrick Leimkuehler, the older brother, who graduated last residents of Alumni Hall no year, used to work in the Keough longer need to call local restau kitchen and ... they kind of did to Iraq rants for a slice of pizza. the same thing, so thafs where I Leimkuehler, an Alumni resi got the idea," Leimkuehler said. dent, is giving local pizza chains The basement pizza business By ALICIA CONLEY the proverbial run for their set up in Alumni parallels those News Writer money after creating a pizza established by many other men's place in the basement of Alumni, dorms such as Keenan, Dillon, Beginning next week, the aptly named Dawg Pizza after the Keough, Zahm, Morrissey, Knott Notre Dame Accounting dorm's mascot. and Siegfried. Carroll, Stanford, Association will be shipping Along with two roommates - Sorin, St. Edward's and Fisher out packages filled with Notre fellow business major Dan Ott are among those that do not have Dame memorabilia and other -and architecture major Kevin pizza sales. items - including hot choco Kelly - Leimkuehler started the Dawg Pizza does not have to late, Gatorade mix, snack business Oct. 8. The three are pay rent since it also sells dorm food, DVDs, magazines and currently the only employees and merchandisfl, which helps the soup - to Notre Dame gradu are all equal partners. business thrive. ates currently serving in lhn "I wanted to [start[ it last year, But luck playp,d a role, as well. armed forces overseas. GEOFF MATTESONffhe Obse!Ver and I went to talk to the guy run "We were looking at ovens The Accounting Association Sophomore Patrick Lelmkuehler, cofounder of Dawg ning food sales last year and he has been eolleeting namns and Pizza, prepares a pizza In the basement of Alumni Hall. just wasn't really enthusiastic see PIZZA/page 6 addresses of graduates sm·v ing overseas since late last week, said junior Hena Zarah. one or the directors of the projeet. The association will bn Students offered safe sending packages to any address it rec.eives, she said. "[The Ae1~ounting Association! sent out an n shuttles by security mail to the Notre Dame com munity saying if you know Saint Mary's students. Instead anyone serving, give us tlwir By KATIE KOHLER they arn choosing more often address and we'll send tlwm a News Writ(•r usn the various modes of free package," Zarah said. transportation offered. Last year, the association Students at Saint Mary's cross Dave Chapman, director of only had 40 requests for paek the strent to Notre Damn to security at Saint Mary's, said ages, but in just five days study, socialize, attnn<l meet there are three escort services s i n c e a n n o u n ei n g t lw p r o - ings, exorcise and nat on a daily offered to students: the trolley, gram, 110 names have bonn basis. And tlwy ol"tlm rely on the escort van and security submitted, Zarah said. thP Saint Mary's Sneurity nseorts in squad cars. Many of tho addrnsses the Dnpartnwnt to gnt thnm home "There are always safety Assoeiation has rnceived have safe and sound. issues," Chapman said. "That is come from "brothers or sis With days getting shorter and why we provide these services. tors or nieces of people serv wnallwr getting eoldnr, the 15- It is a proactive way to pnwnnt ing, so it's just as if it were rninutn walk or five-minute bike something bad from happening CHELSEA GULLINGffhe Obse!Ver from a family member," Zarah ridn to Notre Dame has bneom1~ Saint Mary's student Abigail Richardson rides the trolly loss and less appealing to many see SECURITY/page 6 from the College to Notre Dame Tuesday. see PACKAGES/page 6 ----- ----------------------------------------------- page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Wednesday, November 9, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT KIND OF CAMPUS BUSINESS DO YOU WANT TO START AND WHY? Turkey Day at the slots I don't know iff have ever received a mom ofl(msive e-mail in my life- and it was from my Uncle Mark about Andy Hronick Kristine Murphy Lisa Furibondo Bob Brooks Michelle Furibondo Rema Slaieh Thanksgiving. fifth year senior freshman freshman fifth year senior freshman fifth year senior "Please give me one vote per family of off-campus your honest desire McGlinn McGlinn off-campus McGlinn off-campus for the meal- our Lisa Schultz house or an early "Maybe some ''A Chipotle!" ''Anchor Bar!" ''A risky "Wegmans ... "Aristocampo ... Argosy buflet then kind of useful back to our house," News business. " a. k. a. the best in Bond." he wrote. "If there Production service . like store ever." is dissension in your Editor polling students family then the and taking their Mother of the house decides. If we have 7 yes's, then we head pictures!" to the casino. If them is one no, then we go the traditional route and the entin~ day is at ow house." I thought it was a joke until several cousins, aunts, and uncles said they would be open to change. Thanksgiving isn't supposed to change. We play touch football, eat too much IN BRIEF turkey and stufling, watch the Uons and Cowboys and wake my dad up snoring in the third quartor. There are quarks like Michael McConnell of the every family, but when it comes to holi American Friends Service days, Lhe Gates' (my mom's side) Committee will speak at 7:30 Thanksgiving is like a Norman Rockwell p.m. tonight at the Center for painting. Social Concerns about his Any thought..c; of considering this farce experiences with war and the were over once I did about five minutes of draft. research on this Indiana riverboat casino. Eating at a bullet twice a day every day Andre Connors, senior cura has taught me that mass-produced food tor of the National Hispanic just isn't good as a rulE\ but some of the Cultural Center in Albuquerque, menu items were ridiculous. I know one N.M., will give a lecture titled of my favorite Thank..c;!-,riving sides, cheesy "Graphic Text: The Enduring potato casserole with Hice Krispies on top, Power of a Well-Designed might be a little non-traditional, but I Message" at 7 p.m. tonight in have serious reservations that Plymouth the Annenberg Auditorium in pilgrims shared Peel-n-Eat shrimp with the Suite Museum. Pocahontas. Argosy also offers "home made cranberry relish," but I am still The Saint Mary's Spanish wondering whose home it come from. Club is hosting a salsa night Ambiance is another issue. I guess the from 8 p.m. to 10 tonight in the adult..c;' and kids' tables would not only be Saint Mary's Student Center. in separate rooms this year, but in one Music, dancing and games "six uniquely themed seating areas." After included. dinner, we could watch football in the adjacent sports bar, but I think my dad GEOFF MATIESON!The Observer The Notre Dame volleyball would find difficulty napping on a barstool A squirrel takes a quiet snack at Holy Cross Cemetery Tuesday. team faces the University of instead of a La-Z-Boy. Saint Louis at 7 p.m. tonight in Possibilities of ditching my family, and the Joyce Center. the other weirdos that spend Thanksgiving at a casino, came to mind.