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Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 2-11-1964 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1964). Winona Daily News. 496. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Mostly Cloudy, Warmer Tonight V DAILY NEWS ADS / And Wednesday House- Passed Civil Rights Bill to Senate By JOHN BECKLER a 290-130 roll calr Monday night, en the measura by forcing WASHINGTON (AP) -: The the bill amounts to the most a compromise. House has approved the civil sweeping civil ? rights legislation? Girding for the battle ahead , rights bill ?in? an overwhelming in history. Southern efforts to Senate Democratic leader Mike vott hailed by President ? Joim- water it down were crushed at Mansfield outlined parliamen- son as "an historic 7 step for- every turn by a coalition of Re- tary moves Monday designed? to publicans and Northern Demo- delay Senate action on civil ward for the cause of dignity in '?¦ ' ¦ America?" It how faces a tough- crats; . -?? v- _ ? . rights until the tax cut bill er battle in the Senate where clears Congress, probably by But in the Senate with its dif- the.endvof the month, Southerners hope to whittle it ferent rules of debate, the down with talk, Southerners hold the weapon of Johnson, iii a statement, paid As turned out by the House in a filibuster and hope toy weak- tribute to the bipartisan nature of the triumph in the House, de- claring: . ? .'? "It ? represents the c*ulmina; Late Bulletins tion of months of hard work by ? (^P) ?— men : of . good? will in both par-¦ ?SAIGON, VIET. NAM A grenade exploded ties; ' ¦?¦ ' • in the front of a U. S. Air Force captain tonight, ¦' "Now the task? is before the NIXON ASKS FOR JOHNSON REPORT • States' allies, and also to tell the? American blasting down the fence and smashing windows. No Senate. '" '¦ . I hope? the same spirit .(. - .. Former Vice ?Pres?ident R3cihard M. Nix- people what he plans to do about the Cuban one wks reported hurt. of noapartisanship will .prevail on, right, gestures as he talks with Sen. and Viet Nam situations; Nixbh; was. in Phil- : :r:X -:XX' iX*(X(yyy +(r: y r :+y-y,.X yy X- ' :¦- ¦ i : ¦Hugh Scott ( R-Pa.) in Philadelphia before adelphia ? to address a Republican dinner , ' . DALLAS . (#).:— Stanley Marcus, local merchant, . Nixon called on President Johnson to initiate honoring Scott who announced he would seek testified 1?oday he doubts that Jack Ruby could get Two-State Vote .WINNERS AND A LQSE:R . .?. House.Speaker John:Mc- , ) ¦ 7 a summit cohference amon g the "United another term to? the Senate. (AP Photofax ? a fair trial in Dallas on the charge that he murder- x WASHINGTON W - - Here Corrnack of7 Massachusetts j -poses.:; with colleagues after ed? accused presidential assassin Lee Haryey Oswald. is how Minnesota and Wis- House approval Monday night of a civil rights bill , by a Ruby's murder trial is scheduled to begin here Mon- consin Congressmen . voted vote pf 290-130,? Frbm left? are; Rep. Eniaij'uel Celler, D.N. Yr; ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' , day. ' .?• .(:"' ?. '?? .? ¦ Monday as the House? pass- McCorrnack ; Rep. Wiiliarn McCulloch R-Ohio, and Rep. Ed- ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦'¦; ¦¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' : .v " ¦+¦ . • ' ' . '¦ * " ??" " - . ¦if. " X" ' - ' "y- "' -. ed the civil rights, bill: win Willis, D-La. Celler and McCuUoch ' voted for the bill , . and , 7 GENEVA ff i .7—: The 717-nation disarmament Minnesota: Blatnik, Fras- Willis .opposed it. The measure now goes to the Senate ? for Au0aw conference ? met for 2%. hours today without:any er, Karth, ?01son; Langen, consideration. (AP Photofax ) mention of Yuri I. No ssenko MacGregor, Nelsen, Quia , the Soviet delegation ' ¦„? ¦ '? ;¦ ' for ; ¦(, .(: " _ ' :. ¦• member who* defected¦ ¦ ¦ to the West last wfeek. ¦¦ :¦¦ : ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦: :. " Wisconsin: Johnson , Kast- . ". - ' -&i ' . '+ - . rr- " ' i< enmeier,, Rsiess, Zablockl y NOTASULGA, Ala. Itf) — A boycott by -white Byrnes, Laird, Schadeberg, Slh^ pupils, left the classrooms^ at Notasulga High School Thompson , for. Against: SYDNEY, Australia ?(AP)?- many went down -with their ship. smashed into the Voyager amid- deserted ?again ; today but still no Negroes showed Van Pelt, Not voting O'Kon- ^Nine of the Voyager's 17 of- ship, breaking the destroyer in Prime Minister Sir Robert Men- up although the way was left clear?for them? to enter. ski. ' zies ordered a public investiga- ficers were among the missing. half. The Voyager 's bow section tion today in the , sinking of Aus- sank within minutes. The after Calling the disaster shocking ¦ -' there to assure passageyof this tralia's first pushbutton destroy- section- . remained afloat for bill guaranteeing the fundamen- ier, the Voyager, after a collision and unparalleled in Australia's nearly three hours., . , egdti tal? " Vote ¦ ' rights of all Americans. Qr carrier ? Melbourne peacetime naval • ¦history,- Men- with the . 20 State Banks By CARL P, LEUBSDORFv Monday night. zies said a normal navy inquiry The Vqyag;er carried 342 offi- Voting for the bill- in the was inadequate: He .said he cers and men? At least 257 were WASHINGTON; (^) — , Sen, Barry Goldwater makes The? navy said an air arid sea ' ¦ House were 152 Democrats and search is continuing off the Aus- would appoint a judge to? inves- rescued. ;? ¦? ¦ . 138 Republicans. Voting against a campaign foray into 70regon today, and . his support- ¦? ' /¦ tralian coast for ?85 ? missing tigate;" 77.7.7? ; • ' '? No. casualties, were reported it were 96 Democrats and 34 ers hope he'll draw larger crb*wds than , those which creiw members of the 3,500-ton The ,20,000-ton Melbourne, the aboard the carrier. Its bow- bad- Republicans. greeted New York Gov. Nelson A.7?Rockefeller there ;; destroyer.? There were fears Australian navy's flagship, ly battered , the ?Melbourne con- The bill is aimed at ending last week.? ?y v y :y. tinued under her own power to . > racial . discrimination in ? em- The ArizonaSenator, ? like Rockefeller, an announced Sydney, 120 miles north. The . For RaJ e f ixing ployment, public acco*mmoda- candidate for the Republican piresideiitial nomination, collision occurred , 20 miles: off schools and other (AP)- tibiis, voting, speaks at a Lincoln Day the coast; near the Jervis Bay MINNEAPOLIS Twen^ Bank of Com merce of Duluth j public facilities, and in federal- naval base, shortly after 9 p.m. ty Minnesota banks and banking ' dinner in?Portland's Mem- pp l\ceyGre0 $5,000; and Duluth National ly, aided programs. A. new sec- ¦ ¦ ¦? orial Coliseum. "7? Both ships? Were equipped with institutions entered pleas of no Bar*k;.$lO,000. tion added? just before passage rad ar-contrblled ; steering, and contest in federal court today to Government, attorneys said would create a community re- His backers say all 2,200 Kmaping their modern equipment;was a chargies of restraining competi- they would movie to dismiss the lations service to mediate ra- dinner? seats have been sold Ctaih source, of pride to the ¦Australian tion and fixing rates and charg- criminal indictment against the out, with 9'000 free places Wudehts ' ' " cial ; disputes. Greece ?(AP) — A into ah unexpected check in try- navy. - , - ' . -: es for various banking services. St., Of Sinatra ATHENS, Midway National¦¦ . Bank of in the hall to be opened when clash between police and thou- ing to win Greek approval of Judge Edward J. Devitt said Paul.; : ' ; . ' Goldwater speaks. The Voyager, launched in 1957 by virtue of their?pleas the "de- sands of Greek students trying the plan. He delayed his depar- was the largest destroyer ever The defendants agreed to sev- Rockefeller's largest crowds second stop on fendants aje convicted- " Called Hocix to march on the U.S. and Brit- ture for Turkey * built in Australia.?With her anti- eral consent decrees. in Oregon last Thursdays and ish embassies greeted Undersec- his mission. aircraft guns as well as. steer- He immediately imposed fanes Six Companies Friday were an estimated 1,000 LOS ANGELES CAP) - Tha retary of State George? Ball on totaling $253,000. Those named in the Minne- persons each at Portland Med- Informed sources said Greece ing controlled by radar, the , defense in the Frank Sinatra his Cyprus peace mission Mon- approved the peace force plan electronically guided vessel The defendants had pleaded apolis case consented to an in- ford and Salem, . junction which Jr. kidnaping trial, in an open- day.' provided it first got approval of could go into action with all innocent earlier. prohibits each Rockefeller ,' - 'has ;??•' . conceded . defendant from agreeing with Demanding union of Cyprus the U.N; Security Council . The hands below deck. ? These are the fines imposed: Indicted in Goldwater holds an edge for ing, statement today, charged with Greece, the students dem- "Union another commercial bank to Soviet , which opposes the Navy Minister Alexander J, In the so-called Minneapolis their May 15 Oregon primary that the abduction plot was a onstrated to underscore their peace force, could veto it in the Forbes said the accident oc- limit: or forego the solicitation clash. "The actions case: No r th western National of business with any correspond- hoax: and added : opposition to the London-Wash- council. curred while the Melbourne's , ington plan for an international Bank of Minneapolis $35,*0OO; ent bank. Before coming fo Oregon for of Frank Sinatra Jr. are sus- planes were carrying out touch- First National Bank of Minnea- Minneapolis peace, force to police Cyprus. Government sources In Nico- The consent decree also pro- ) the first leg of a three-state' Far pect of chicanery from start to sia said the president of Cyprus, and- go exercises — swooping polis, $35,000; Midland National MINNEAPOLIS (AP - Six finis?h.