(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,463,126 B1 Manica Et Al
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USOO6463126B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,463,126 B1 Manica et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 8, 2002 (54) METHOD FOR QUALIFYING A LOOP FOR 5.991,270 A 11/1999 Zwan et al. DSL SERVICE 6,002,671 A 12/1999 Kahkoska et al. 6,014.425. A 1/2000 Bingel et al. (75) Inventors: David M. Manica, Lafayette, CO (US); 6,058,162 A 5/2000 Nelson et al. Mark B. Edwards, Highlands Ranch, 6,091,713 A 7/2000 Lechleider et al. CO (US); Richard L. Gibson, Ellston 6,209,108 B1 * 3/2001 Pett et al. s s s 6,266,395 B1 * 7/2001 Liu et al. IA (US) 6,278,769 B1 * 8/2001 Bella (73) Assignee: Qwest Communications International OTHER PUBLICATIONS Inc., Denver, CO (US)(US International Search Report-Apr. 18, 2000. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this International Search Report-Apr. 26, 2000. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 International Search Report-May 15, 2000. U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/435,954, filed Nov. 9, 1999, David M. Sanderson. (21) Appl. No.: 09/435,500 U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/448,669, filed Nov. 24, 1999, John T. Pugaczewski. (22) Filed: Nov. 6, 1999 * cited by examiner (51) Int. Cl. .......................... H04M 1/24; HO4M 3/08; HO4M 3/22 Primary Examiner Duc Nguyen (52) U.S. Cl. ................ 379,127.01; 379/104; 379/15.03; (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Brooks & Kushman P.C. 379,2204 (57) ABSTRACT (58) Field of Search ............................. 379/104, 15.03, 379/22.01, 22.02, 22.04, 24, 27.01, 27.02, A method for qualifying a local loop for DSL service 27.03, 30, 32.04 identifies the loop on an individual basis with respect to a plurality of other loops, while determining a qualification (56) References Cited result based on descriptive data and a different data Source U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS as dictated by the state of the description data. The method includes determining an end to end path that individually 4,791,659 A 12/1988 Ross identifies the loop, gathering descriptive data, and determin 5,166,925 A 11/1992 Ward ing the qualification result. The qualification result is based 5,559,854 A 9/1996 Suzuki on the descriptive data and further based on the different data 5,784,558 A 7/1998 Emerson et al. Sources dictated by the State of the Set of loop description 5,793.751 A 8/1998 Baker et al. data 5,883,883 A 3/1999 Baker et al. 5,892,756. A 4/1999 Murphy 5,909,445 A 6/1999 Schneider 15 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets EAA npanXx reference data 82 Inputs Returns when using -LFACS server Rame -NPANXX -LFACS entity code - When USing address Easter - primary NPANXX 84 N Loginto correct LFACS server NoTE Enter command: for y facs LFACS returns loop info only of 88 - Enter correct LFACS entity Code the first tic). TMS -90 LFACS-INOFASG if Lising address if using TN 30mmand-line inputs Returns Command-ine inputs RS - userID - circuit ID - userID - circuit ID 2-character Wire -loop status -2-character Wire -loop status Center Ode assignable USOC Center COC -assignable SOC - street number - circuit ID 10-digit - Stfeet name for each loop9.S3 seament EEE for each8 loop Se:seament - circuit ID - Cable - cabie - Linnumber -pair spair - for number - pair status - pai? status ... buiding number -pair gain systsm type - pair gain system type |- Community -termial address - terminal address (optional - terminal type -terminal type -loop qualification code -loop qualification coe -loaded - 10adec - taper Code - field stat - field Stat - CO Stat to do NOFASG Ey. 106 for selected TN) ass Remote: F1 EX - Yess there more than-no 0e TN2 t User selects TN Is any 94 Eoop segment remote - or on pair gain FASG- provideoopDid INQ info)- for this N2 yes O i09 96- f &- U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 2002 Sheet 1 of 5 US 6,463,126 B1 Legend 12 -1 O COnne Ctor USer enterS SAGA activity f 4 - USer address enterS address Or TN 40 f6 — 18 TN Sagalist reference data Returns msiq new.disclose reference data InputS Returns - PREMS machine name and acCeSS info - NPA - tariff effective date - NXX - implementation date - CLI PREMES - modern pooling indicator Inputs Returns - address in proper format ls Wire Center O disclosed? (Was - SAGA NPA NXX in LOCation - NPA and TTA (primary NPA NXX) CSDB reference data?) - tax area rate Display yes 42 Message is loop Qual msiq new.disclose reference data 22 request date => Inputs Returns O tariff effective date? - primary - tariff effective date NPA NXX - implementation date 24 yes 44 - CLL Sagalist reference data S Wire Center Inputs Returns disclosed? (Was NPA NXX in LOCation - SAGA - PREMS machine name and a CCeSS CSDB flat file?) 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DC progprodram - 134 Inputs Returns - Taper COde (used for for F, F2000 Segments distribution area) - gauge - CLL - MLT distance for F1, F2IOOp Segments - length - gauge Cable program 136 InputS Returns - length - insertion loss (dB) - gauge - bridge tap - frequency (using 100kHz) P - temperature 138 - - SOUrCe and Oad termination U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 2002 Sheet 5 of 5 US 6,463,126 B1 033 d US 6,463,126 B1 1 2 METHOD FOR QUALIFYING A LOOP FOR Further, the wire gauge for a local loop is almost always DSL SERVICE not continuous over the length of the loop. That is, a portion of the local loop may be one wire gauge, while an adjacent TECHNICAL FIELD portion of the local loop has a different wire gauge, with the two portions being spliced together. Still further, many The present invention relates to a method for qualifying a existing local loops have one or more bridged taps. A local loop for digital subscriber line (DSL) service. bridged tap is a length of wire pair that is connected to a loop BACKGROUND ART at one end and is unterminated at the other end. Sometimes, XDSL is a generic term for digital Subscriber line equip an existing local loop will have Several bridged taps So that ment and Services, including packet-based architectures, the telephone company may connect a customer to any one Such as ADSL, HDSL, SDSL, IDSL VDSL, and RADSL. of the taps (while leaving the other taps unterminated). DSL technologies provide extremely high bandwidth over Tapped lines may allow the telephone company to better embedded twisted pair, copper cable plant. DSL technolo utilize its copper cable plant distribution. For example, a gies offer great potential for bandwidth-intensive applica particular Service area may include 25 residences. Because tions. 15 not all residences require multiple phone lines, there may be ADSL or asymmetric digital Subscriber line services a total of about 30 or 35 local loops, with some of the loops generally use existing unshielded twisted pair (UTP) copper having multiple bridged taps. AS Such, it may be possible for wires from the telephone company's central office to the any one of the residences to order multiple line Service, So subscriber's premise.