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2040000910011.Pdf ⚳䩳⼘⊾ⷓ䭬⣏⬠㔯⬠昊⬠⟙ 䫔ḅ㛇炻枩 185-200 Ḵ˕ᶨ⚃⸜ᶱ㚰 ᡏ૶ဦȩيȨޑ݋ፕȠН⠪໺ȡύ ׵ᑯӵ ᄔा ٿߙǵߎӑڈᡏ૶ဦȩࣁЬືǴϩ਩рيࣁ௖૸ჹຝǴȨނҁЎаȠН⠪໺ȡΓ ! ! ޑᡏ຾Չ૶ဦيచ౛ၡǴନΑ᏾౛Ў᝘ၗ਑ѦǴҭჹϣӧે๎уа௖૸Ƕӕኬࢂჹ ीԖǺޣߙڈόӕǶఉξӳᅇޑߙᆶߎӑڈਜቪ΢ࠅԖޑฝՉࣁǴՠӧȠН⠪໺ȡڅ ᛴှᝊǵੁηᐪ׀Βٜ॔λϖǵੰᜢ઩ླྀ໢ǵᚈڮᎹඵుǵอۘکΐદᓪў຾ǵ޸ ݓ݊ǵߙय़ᛌླྀޣߥကֺԢǵଃηᓐ݅㜟ǵՉڥ߾ԖޣΎΓǹߎӑܮߙǵ޸໨߁ᠭ Јޑޣߙڈ೽ՏᆶБԄ࣬౦ѦǴޑฝڅᡏ૶ဦǴନΑيޑᅿόӕᜪࠠٿѤΓǶԜד ೽ՏᆶБԄޑฝڅύǴځॎ౦և౜ǶޑϸᔈҭࣁЈ౛ቫय़΢ڙௗޑޣ౛୏ᐒᆶߎӑ ୏ᐒᆶϸᔈ߾ੋϷЈ౛ᏢጄޑޣߙᆶߎӑڈܭቹៜǹԿ܌ᐕўว৖ᆶЎϯᡂᎂڙΏ ޑ಍ΟБय़ԵჸǴ٠ჹఉξӳᅇسவᐕўᏢǵЎϯΓᜪᏢǵЈ౛ᏢޣᛑǶࢂࡺǴ฽ ཮Ўϯϐ೸ᡉǶޗᡏ૶ဦϐཀ఼уаᘜયǴԶளа࣮рȠН⠪ȡύي ߙǵߎӑڈᡏ૶ဦǵȠН⠪໺ȡǵيᜢᗖຒǺ 㶉㰇⣏⬠ᷕ⚳㔯⬠䲣≑䎮㔁㌰ˤ ⇘䧧㖍㛇烉2013 ⸜ 12 㚰 30 㖍ˤ 185 NCUE Journal of Humanities Vol. 9, pp. 185-200 March 2014 The Analysis of the “Body Markings” in All Men Are Brothers Hui-ru Li Abstract This paper explores the characters in All Men Are Brothers whose “body markings” are divided into tatoos and golden seals. In addition to sorting out the literature, this study also discusses the context in a similar vein. The markings on the body are presented as tatoos and golden seals in the writings of All Men Are Brothers. The Tattooed Liangshan heroes include “Nine Tattooed Dragons” Shi Jin, “Flowery Monk” Lu Zhishen, “Short-lived Second Son” Ruan Xiaowu, “Sick Guan Suo” Yang Xiong, “Twin-tailed Scorpion” Xie Bao, “Wonderer” Yan Qing and “Flowery Neck Tiger” Gong Wang; The golden sealed consists of “Protector of Justice” Song Jiang, “Panther Head” Lin Chong, “Pilgrim” Wu Song and “Blue Faced Beast” Yang Zhi. Two types of body markings not only differ in their locations and styles, the motives of the person being tattooed and the responses of the person being golden sealed vary on the psychological level. The locations and styles of the markings are influenced by the historical developments and cultural evolution; Their motivations and responses fall into the category of psychology. Therefore, the author investigates the implications of the body markings of Liangshan heroes from the perspectives of history, cultural anthropology and psychology to understand their social and cultural significance in All Men Are Brothers. Keywords: body markings, All Men Are Brothers, tattoo, golden seal Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, Tamkang University. Received December 30, 2013. 186 㜸婾˪㯜㺠⁛˫ᷕ䘬ˬ幓橼姀嘇˭ġ ق΋ǵ߻ ⮷婒⭞⛐忚埴Ṣ䈑⼊尉䘬⟹忈㗪炻ㆾ䚜㍍㍷丒炻ㆾ⤪˪䲭㦻⣊˫ẍ⎵⫿㘿╣怕 忯炻ㆾ㗗ẍ埴䁢≽ἄ堐忼ᾳ⿏炻↉㬌炻䘮⎗夳ἄ侭䘬ⶏ⿅⬱㌺ˤẍ㬌奨ᷳ炻䫮侭⛐ 教嬨˪㯜㺠⁛˫㗪炻䘤䎦℞ᷕ姙⣂⤥㻊䘮㚱⇢曺炻㚱䘬㗗冒⶙ᷣ≽㔯幓炻ḇ㚱塓≽ 䘬烊㬌⢾炻䓙㕤ね䭨⬱㌺㇨农炻ᶵ⮹⤥㻊⚈⍿优侴怕慹⌘ˤ⇢曺冯慹⌘炻⎴㧋㗗⮵ 倴兂䘬⚾⇣炻䃞侴炻ℑ侭㚱ỽᶵ⎴烎斄㕤忁ᶨ婚柴炻⬠侭䞼䨞ᶵ⣂炻ᶼ⣂䁢╖䭯婾 㔯炻侴⮰叿庫⮹炻㬌⢾炻⣏⣂⯙ˬ⇢曺˭ㆾˬ慹⌘˭℞ᷕᷳᶨ忚埴婒妋炻侴㛒⮯ ⎴䁢ˬ幓橼姀嘇˭䘬ℑ侭≈ẍ妶婾ˤ⤪䌳叔䙰䘬˨婾Ⓒ⬳㗪㛇䘬⇢曺佺὿˩1炻╖⯙ ⇢曺佺὿䘬㳩埴忚埴妶婾烊军㕤昛⃫㚳烉˨幓橼冯剙䲳─⁛䴙䣦㚫䘬㔯幓佺⯂⍲℞㳩 嬲˩2炻⇯㗗婾徘⬴㔜䘬ᶨ䭯婾㔯炻⽆ˬ㔯幓˭ˣˬ溍朊˭ˣˬ‍⃺㔯朊˭婯崟炻㍍ 叿徘⍲Ⓒ⬳㗪㛇䘬㔯幓桐⯂炻ẍ⍲℞攻㇨㴱⍲䘬⽫ン冯姽₡炻㛔㔯⍿℞┇䘤ᶵ⮹ˤ 㬌⢾炻⯂㚱⻝厵䘬˨ᷕ⚳⎌ẋ䘬㔯幓桐佺˩3⇯Ⱄ㲃婾⺷䘬婾㔯炻⯂⩴ᶵ⣈㶙ℍˤ军 㕤ˬ慹⌘˭ᶨ枭炻᷎㛒㚱⮰攨䘬婾叿炻傥⽆䚠斄屯㕁䇔㡛⇼伭炻⤪悕㜙㖕䘬˨⬳ ẋ⇢惵㱽徘婾˩4ẍ⍲䌳㯠⮔䘬˪ᷕ⚳⎌ẋ感↹˫5䫱㚠炻䘮㚱⎗屯⇑䓐ᷳ嗽ˤ㬌⢾炻 䓙㕤㛔㔯娎⚾妶婾㖶ẋ⮷婒ᷕ㠩Ⱉ⤥㻊䘬㔯幓炻⚈㬌炻Ṏ⍫侫㖶ẋ⚾丒6炻媠⤪烉⣑ ┇Ḽ⸜(1625 ⸜)昛㳒䵔(1598-1652)ẍ⚃ᾳ㚰㗪攻㇨丒墥䘬˪㯜㺠叱⫸˫7炻晾丒⚃ ⋩Ṣ炻Ữ⌣㗗㟡㒂⬳ẋ䔓⭞㛶ⴑ㇨丒䘬˪⬳㰇ᶱ⋩ℕṢ⁷˫ẍ⍲˪⣏⬳⭋␴怢ḳ˫ ᷕ䘬ᶱ⋩ℕ⮯⥻⎵炻惴Ḱ⡆㷃ˤ8⍰炻⯂㚱㜄➯䘬˪㯜㺠Ṣ䈑⁷岲˫9冯˪㯜㺠㓭ḳ䔓 ⁛˫10䫱㚠炻䘮⮵˪㯜㺠⁛˫䘬教嬨崟Ḯ㍐㲊≑㿦䘬㓰㝄ˤ ➢㕤ᶲ徘炻䫮侭ẍ˪㯜㺠⁛˫Ṣ䈑䁢㍊妶⮵尉炻ˬ幓橼姀嘇˭䁢ᷣ庠炻↮㡛↢⇢ 曺ˣ慹⌘ℑ㡅䎮嶗ˤ㛔㔯ἧ䓐˪㯜㺠⁛˫䘬㔯⫿㚱ℑ䧖䇰㛔炻ᶨ䧖㗗慹俾▮姽溆䘬 ᶫ⋩⚆㛔炻ᶨ䧖㗗ᶨ䘦Ḵ⋩⚆䘬↲㛔ˤ䁢㯪彐⇍炻㛔㔯ἧ䓐ˬ慹姽㛔˭䧙媪⇵侭炻 ⼴侭⇯ἧ䓐ˬ˪㯜㺠ℐ⁛˫㛔˭ᷳ⎵ˤ昌Ḯ㔜䎮㔯䌣屯㕁⢾炻Ṏ⮵ℏ⛐傰䴉≈ẍ㍊妶炻 ⎴㗪炻㍊䨞⇢曺ˣ慹⌘ℑ侭晾䃞⎴㧋㗗⮵幓橼忚埴姀嘇䘬⇣䔓埴䁢炻Ữ㚱ỽᶵ⎴ᷳ 嗽烎ℑ侭㗗⏎㸸㕤䚠⎴䘬㬟⎚⁛㈧烎ἄ侭⮵㕤Ṣ䈑䘬ㆾ⇢曺ˣㆾ⍿慹⌘炻㚱⾶㧋䘬 ⮓ἄẩ⚾烎⍰㘿╣Ḯ⾶㧋䘬䣦㚫烎冯Ṳ㖍㔯⊾㗗⏎㚱䚠圵忂ᷳ嗽烎ㆾ㗗䚠〾暊烎椾 ⃰炻ㅱ⃰慸㶭ℑ侭䘬⭂佑冯㬟⎚Ἦ㸸炻㓭↮徘⤪ᶳ烉 1 䌳叔䙰烉˨婾Ⓒ⬳㗪㛇䘬⇢曺佺὿˩炻˪大⊿ⷓ⣏⬠⟙˫(䣦㚫䥹⬠䇰)䫔 40 ⌟䫔 5 㛇炻2003 ⸜ 9 㚰炻枩 64-69ˤ 2 昛⃫㚳烉˨幓橼冯剙䲳ʇ⁛䴙䣦㚫䘬㔯幓佺⯂⍲℞㳩嬲˩炻⎘⊿烉ˬ‍冯伶˭䘬㬟⎚䞼妶㚫炻1996 ⸜ 6 㚰 11-12 㖍ˤ 3 ⻝厵烉˨ᷕ⚳⎌ẋ䘬㔯幓桐὿˩炻˪㬟⎚㚰↲˫䫔 112 㛇炻1996 ⸜炻枩 112-117ˤ 4 悕㜙㖕烉˨⬳ẋ⇢惵㱽徘婾˩炻˪⬳⎚䞼䨞婾㔯普˫(䞛⭞匲烉㱛⊿㔁做↢䇰䣦炻1987 ⸜)炻枩 396-387ˤ 5 䌳㯠⮔烉˪ᷕ⚳⎌ẋ感↹˫(⎘⊿烉暚漵↢䇰䣦炻2000 ⸜ 2 㚰)ˤ 6 㟡㒂楔⸤❋㍐婾炻˪㯜㺠⁛˫ㆸ㚠䲬⛐⻀㱣ˣ㬋⽟㗪㛇炻䔞㗪⶚㚱㔯⫿⇣㛔˪Ṕ㛔⾈佑⁛˫ˣ˪⾈ 佑㯜㺠⁛˫炻Ữ⛯䃉旬⚾ˤ䚜军叔㙮⸜攻炻˪㯜㺠⁛˫㛐⇣㍺⚾ㇵ㬋⺷䘣⟜ˤ䚠斄妶婾⎗夳⏛㟫㸸烉 ˨ẋ⸷ʇ˪㯜㺠˫Ṣ䈑⚾嬄˩炻˪䔓婒㯜㺠Ṣ䈑˫(⎘⊿烉倗䴻↢䇰䣦炻2009 ⸜)ˤ 7 㖶㛓㶭⇅䔓⭞昛㳒䵔(1598-1652)炻⫿䪈ὗˣ嘇侩咖炻㴁㰇媠㙐Ṣ炻㇨丒Ṣ䈑娯⻝䌐䈡炻⍿Ⓒẋ␐㖱 ṽ⤛䔓ˣ⬳ẋ㛶℔湇Ṣ䈑䔓⼙枧ˤ˪㯜㺠叱⫸˫ẍ䘥㍷䶂㡅⯽䎦湹䘥伶⬠炻ˬ叱⫸˭㗗ᶨ䧖⌂㇚ㆾ 埴惺Ẍ䓐䘬䳁䇴ˤ㬌⚾丒↢⼴炻㶙⍿ⶪḽ⮷㮹╄ッˤ 8 昛㳒䵔㕤˪㯜㺠叱⫸˫ᷕ⇒昌䘬㗗⣑伉㗇ᶱ⋩ℕㆸ⒉ᷕ䘬旖⮷Ḵˣ旖⮷Ḽˣ⻝㨓ˣ妋⮞ˣ㣲晬炻᷎ ⡆≈⛘䄆㗇ᶫ⋩Ḵ⒉ᷕ䘬㛙㬎ˣ唕嬻ˣ⬱忻ℐˣㇰᶱ⧀ˣ㦲䐆ˣ㕥】ˣ栏⣏⩪ˣ⬓Ḵ⧀ˣ㗪怟ˤ⎗ 䚳↢昛㳒䵔⮵ᶫ⋩ᶫ⚆⼴䘬㓭ḳ䃉⣂⣏冰嵋炻⚈㬌Ṣ䈑ḇ敽ᷳ⺿⤪ˤ 9 㖶⇅㜄➯烉˪㯜㺠Ṣ䈑⁷岲˫(ᶲ㴟烉ᶲ㴟⎌䯵↢䇰䣦炻2002)炻㒂㶭⃱䵺啷僑➪㛔㟉↲ˤ 10 㖶ẋ䘬˪㯜㺠㓭ḳ䔓⁛˫炻ἄ侭ᶵ娛炻娚㚠ᶵẍṢ䈑䁢ᷣ炻侴㗗ẍ㓭ḳ䪈⚆䁢⸷炻ℙ丒ᶨ䘦⚆炻 䓙ᶲ㴟⎌䯵↢䇰䣦㒂㖶叔㙮⭡冯➪⇣㛔㟉↲炻2002 ⸜ˤ 187 㛶唁⤪ ߙڈ(΋) ˬ⇢曺˭ᶨḳ炻˪㯜㺠⁛˫ᷕ䧙ˬ剙三˭炻Ṏ⣂夳㕤⎌℠㔯䌣ᷳᷕ炻䃞⎵䧙⎬䔘炻 ⤪烉㎂晬˨嚨悥岎˩䧙ˬ掌幓˭烊ˬ晽曺˭ᷳ⎵⇯夳㕤˪䥖姀˫ˣ˪Ⱉ㴟䴻˫ˣ˪⎚姀˫烊 ˬㇶ曺˭ˣˬ溆曺˭ˣˬ∬曺˭ˣˬ晽柴˭⇯夳㕤˪惱春暄ὶ˫11ˤ℞ᷕ炻˪䥖姀Ʉ䌳⇞˫ ḹ烉ˬ㜙㕡㚘⣟炻塓檖㔯幓炻㚱ᶵ䀓梇侭䞋ˤ˭㲐䔷烉ˬ崲὿㕟檖㔯幓炻ẍ性嚇漵ᷳ ⭛炻㓭⇣℞倴炻ẍᷡ曺㴭ᷳˤ˭䓙㬌⎗䞍炻怈⎌㗪ẋ䘬㔯幓⎗㯪⚾様ᾅ嬟炻性⃵嚇 漵㯜⿒䘬Ὕ⭛炻㗗≃慷䘬尉⽝ˤ12㬌⢾炻ˬ曺˭⫿㗗㊯㘿啵䘬刚婧侴妨炻䃞侴炻ḳ⮎ ᶲ炻㔯幓⚾㟰⛐夾奢デ⭀ᶲ㇨⯽䎦䘬㘿啵䈡⽝炻᷎ᶵ㗗Ἦ冒㕤㕥⇢侭㇨ἧ䓐䘬柷㕁ˤ 㟡㒂㖍㛔⬠侭ˣ∯ἄ⭞梗㽌⋉⛐˪⍇刚㖍㛔⇢曺⣏揹˫ᶨ㚠墉䘬䞼䨞⎗䞍炻忁䧖刚 13 婧ῷ㘿䘬啵刚炻℞⮎㗗⡐㯩忚ℍ䙖兂⼴䘬冒䃞嬲⊾ ᇭ (Β)ߎӑ ㇻ慹⌘ᶵ忶㗗⇢惵䘬ᶨ䧖⤥倥婒㱽侴⶚ˤ14ˬ⇢惵˭㗗⬳ẋ⇞⹎炻⬳䛇⬿㗪斄 㕤⇢惵䘬㱽⼳夷⭂㚱⚃⋩ℕ㡅炻ṩ⬿ㄞ㙮㗪㚱ᶨ䘦ᶫ⋩检㡅炻⋿⬳䪇⣂忼Ḽ䘦ᶫ⋩ 㡅ˤ⬳⼳夷⭂炻㳩ˣ⽁ˣ㛾↹悥⎗ẍ⎴㗪溍⇢ˤᶨ凔ἄ䁢旬≈↹ἧ䓐炻䈡⇍㳩↹␴ ⃭幵ˣᶨ⭂天旬≈溍↹炻侴ᶼ溍⇢䘬㕡㱽⣂䧖⣂㧋ˤ⇅䉗⇢㕤俛⼴炻ℵ䉗ˣᶱ䉗⇢ 㕤朊悐ˤ㳩↹炻⽁↹䉗⇢㕡⼊炻㛾↹䉗⇢⚻⼊炻䚜⼹ᶵ忶Ḽ↮炻ḇ㚱⇢⫿䘬ˤ⻟䚄 䉗ˣ䩲䚄䉗⛐柵ᶲ⇢ˬ䚄˭ˣˬ≓˭䫱⫿㧋炻共柘ᶲ怬⼨⼨⇢㚱䘤惵䘬⛘溆ˤ忁ᶨἮ炻 ᶨṢᷳ幓炻ᶨḳᷳ䉗炻天ℤッ㛾℞傲ˣ惵℞Ṣˣ⇢℞朊ᶱ䧖↹优ˤ⇘⋿⬳⬅⬿㗪炻 ⇘嗽⃭㕍塓⇢惵䘬Ṣ炻ℐ⚳⎬悉䈊䋬忼⸦⋩叔Ṣˤ㬌䧖⛐共ᶲ⇢⫿侴⼴㳩惵⃭幵䘬 㕡⺷炻ᷫ倱↹ᷳᶨ溍↹䘬⽑㳣炻⛐Ṣ䘬共ᶲㆾ幓橼䘬℞Ṿ悐ỵ⇢⫿炻䃞⼴⟿ᶲ⡐ㆾ ⇍䘬柷㕁炻ἧ㇨⇢䘬⫿ㆸ䁢㯠ᷭ⿏䘬姀嘇ˤ⎴∻ˣ⭖ˣ↾ˣ㭢䚠㭼炻溍朊栗䃞㗗㚨 庽⽖䘬ˤỮ㗗炻忁䧖↹优ḇ天 ⍲䙖倱䓂军䫳橐炻侴ᶼ㕥≈㕤幓橼䘬㖶栗悐ỵ炻䃉 㱽㍑梦炻ᶵ䴎Ṣ忈ㆸ倱橼䘬䖃劎炻⎴㗪ἧṢ呁⍿ⶐ⣏䘬䱦䤆但彙ˤ˪⯂㚠Ʉ⏪↹˫ 䭯ᷕˬ⡐彇䔹崎˭ᶨ⎍⼴炻⫼⬱⚳⁛ḹ烉ˬ⇣℞栁侴㴭ᷳ㚘⡐↹ˤ˭⍰⤪˪␐䥖Ʉ⎠ ↹˫ᷕˬ⡐伒Ḽ䘦˭炻惕䌬㲐ḹ烉ˬ⡐炻溍ḇ炻⃰⇣℞朊炻ẍ⡐䨺ᷳˤ妨⇣柵㔯䗉炻 ẍ⡐䨺䗉⫼炻Ẍ嬲刚ḇˤ˭⎗夳⡐↹䘬㕥埴㕡㱽㗗䓐↨⇣Ṣ䘬䙖兂炻䃞⼴⛐⇣䕽ᶲ ⟿⡐ˤ15 ➢㕤ᶲ徘妶婾⎗䞍炻ˬ⇢曺˭斄㴱伶デ䘬娵䞍炻ˬ慹⌘˭⇯㚱℞↹优ㆾṢ幓㍏⇞ 䘬㶝㸸傰䴉ˤ 11 㚠ᷕ姀庱䌳≃⤜嬻Ṣ⛐傠儡ᶲ⇢曺炻Ⱉⶅˣṕ昊ˣ㰈㥕ˣ勱㛐ˣ沍䌠〱℟ˤ⬳⃫䳈⇯ℐ幓⇢曺忼 ᶫ⋩ᶨ嗽炻ⶎ兪ᶲ⇢䘬㗗椾娑烉ˬ㖼㖍⶚⇵⭞㛒屏炻⋫慹ᶵや䳸Ṍ奒ˤᷫ军⿻ゞ夻䞍⶙炻埴䚉斄Ⱉ 䃉ᶨṢˤ˭⎛兪ᶲ⇢䘬㗗ⷞṢ柕䘬吓單炻䁢吓單䱦ˤ㬌⢾炻吃㶭⇯⛐幓ᶲ⇢Ḯᶱ⋩⣂椾䘥⯭㖻䘬娑 㫴炻ᶼ⚾㔯᷎努炻橼䃉⬴兂炻㚱Ṣ䧙Ṿ䁢ˬ䘥况Ṣ埴娑⚾˭炻忁栆䘬Ṣ⟒䧙䁢ˬᶨ幓拎䇯ḇỤ㔯⫿˭ˤ 12 䚠斄屯㕁夳㖻ᷕ⣑烉˪喅埻Ṣ栆⬠˫(ᶲ㴟烉ᶲ㴟㔯喅↢䇰䣦炻2001 ⸜ 1 㚰)炻枩 319-335ˤ㕥㬋⹟ˣ 㕥よ⹟叿烉˪㯜㺠䷙㨓婯˫(ᶲ㴟烉⬠㜿↢䇰䣦炻1996 ⸜ 12 㚰)炻枩 24-26ˤ 13 夳炢㖍炣梗㽌⋉ˣ䤷⢓⊅ㆸ㇨䚋ᾖ䘬˪⍇刚㖍㛔⇢曺⣏揹˫(㜙Ṕ烉剛屨㚠⸿炻1973 ⸜)炻枩 157ˤ 㖍㛔⬀㚱姙⣂ẍ㔯幓䁢柴㛸䘬⚾⁷⎚㕁炻⤪⎱ⱉ恩⣓烉˪㔯幓䘬Ṣ栆⬠˫(㜙Ṕ悥烉晬Ⱉ敋炻1996 ⸜)ˤ ⍰⥡⯦㱛䪍烉˪䩢䚳㖍㛔˫(⎘⊿烉怈㳩↢䇰䣦炻2006 ⸜ 9 㚰)ᶨ㚠ᷕ䘬˨㱛䪍䛤ᷕ䘬⇢曺␴䲳幓˩Ṏ ㍸⇘˪㯜㺠⁛˫ᷕ䘬⇢曺Ṣ䈑炻䃞ⷞ忶炻䃉㶙ℍ㍊妶ˤ 14 夳⮏䧤暐烉˪㻓娙㯜㺠⁛˫(䞛⭞⸬烉㱛⊿Ṣ㮹↢䇰䣦炻2000 ⸜ 8 㚰)炻˨ㇻ慹⌘㗗⾶湤⚆ḳ˩炻 枩 250-251ˤ㬌⢾炻斄㕤⇢惵屯㕁⎗⍫侫悕㜙㖕烉˨⬳ẋ⇢惵㱽徘婾˩炻㓞抬㕤˪⬳⎚䞼䨞婾㔯普˫ (䞛⭞匲烉㱛⊿㔁做↢䇰䣦炻1987 ⸜)炻枩 369-387ˤ 15 䚠斄屯㕁夳䌳㯠⮔烉˪ᷕ⚳⎌ẋ感↹˫(⎘⊿烉暚漵↢䇰䣦炻2000 ⸜ 2 㚰Ḵ䇰)炻枩 93-103 䁢ˬ溍 朊˭ṳ䳡ˤ 188 㜸婾˪㯜㺠⁛˫ᷕ䘬ˬ幓橼姀嘇˭ġ ᡏ૶ဦيޑނΒǵȠН⠪໺ȡΓ 椾⃰炻⽭枰慸㶭䘬㗗炻ˬ幓橼姀嘇˭⚢䃞⎗夾䁢⍿䭉⇞ˣ⍿㊀㜇䘬幓橼炻㚱℞ℙ ⎴䘬䣦㚫㔯⊾シ㵝炻⼊ㆸᶨ䧖ˬ忲㇚⟜➇˭ˣˬ䓇㳣桐㟤˭烊䃞ᶨ㖎揓⇣⛐Ṣ橼ᶲ炻幓 橼ḇ㚱℞ᷣ橼⿏炻⎗晐奺刚埴≽侴䓊䓇ᶵ⎴䘬尉⽝シ佑炻⍵㗈↢㚜墯暄䘬Ṣ⿏冯䣦 㚫⓷柴ˤ16㠩Ⱉ⤥㻊Ᾱ䘬幓橼姀嘇ᷣ天⎗↮䁢⇢曺冯慹⌘ℑ侭ˤ椾⃰冂↿℞⛐㚠ᷕ↢ 䎦ね䭨ᷳ㍷徘炻᷎啱ẍ㍊妶℞幓橼姀嘇冯℞Ṣ㛔幓ᾳ⿏ㆾ㇨嗽側㘗ᷳ斄倗ˤ㬌⢾炻 㖑㛇䘬㯜㺠㓭ḳ˪⣏⬳⭋␴怢ḳ˫ᷕ炻㠩Ⱉ㱲柕柀㗩味ḇ㚱ᶨ幓⇢曺炻⼊尉䁢ˬᶨ ᾳ⣏㻊炻幓㛸怠㕁炻念橼晽曺˭炻䃞朆䚖⇵忂埴ᷳ˪㯜㺠˫㓭ḳᷕ㇨㍷徘炻㓭䔍ᷳᶵ 婯炻俲⁁ᶨ婒ˤẍᶳ⇯↮⇍⯙ˬ⇢曺侭˭冯ˬ慹⌘侭˭≈ẍ婒㖶烉 ޣߙڈ(΋) 1.ΐદᓪў຾ ⎚忚↢⟜䘬ね㘗炻㗗忂忶ℓ⋩叔䤩幵㔁柕䌳忚䘬䛤䜃⮓↢䘬ˤ˪㯜㺠⁛˫ᷕ⮓ 䌳忚嶗忶⎚⭞匲炻㱣⤥Ḯ㭵奒䘬⽫䕤䕭炻天㓞㊦埴㛶↢䘤烉 ޑߙᓪǴሌዬ՟ي΋ڈӦ΢΋ঁࡕғǴಥᆱ๱Ǵޜـ྽ВӢٰࡕኲ࣮ଭǴѝ (΋ঁय़ҜǴऊԖΜΖΐྃǴ৾చ෇ӧ္ٗ٬Ƕ(ߎຑҁಃ΋ӣ ⎚忚␴䌳忚㭼㬎廠Ḯ炻忁ㇵ䓙Ṿ䇞奒Ṍẋ忁ᶨ幓曺漵䘬Ἦ㬟烉 ᄳ٬෇Ƕ҆ᒃᇥдόளǴ΋਻ԝΑǶԴڈηவλό୍҅཰ǴѝངٽޑԴᅇ ڈ٬ΑӭϿᒲ଄Ǵ׫ৣР௲дǹΞፎଯЋӐΓǴᆶдޕηǴό܄ᅇѝளᒿд ޸ᙇǴުᖉૅጡᕴԖΐచᓪǴᅈᑜΓα໩Ǵ೿ћд଺ΐદᓪў຾Ƕ(ߎيΑ೭ ຑҁಃ΋ӣ) ⎗夳⎚忚⽆⮷ᶵ⊁㬋㤕炻⎒ッ⇢㥵ἧ㡺炻⎚⣒℔婳檀ㇳ⋈Ṣ䁢Ṿ⇢Ḯᶨ幓剙三炻偑 兪傠元䘬ᶨ幓曺漵⎗ẍ婒㗗⯂㬎䘬堐䎦炻ㆾ⎗夾䁢⎚⣒℔㛃⫸ㆸ漵䘬⽫ン⏰䎦ˤ㬌 ⢾炻戨䚌ḇỤᶨᾳ朊䙖冯曺漵攻ḇ⼊ㆸ⻟䁰夾奢⮵㭼炻Ẍ嬨侭暋⾀ˤ17 军㕤ˬ漵˭䘬⚾様ḇ㚱℞䈡㬲ᷳ佑18炻˪婒㔯˫烉ˬ漵炻毿垚ᷳ攟炻傥⸥傥㖶炻傥 䳘傥ⶐ炻傥䞕傥攟炻㗍桐侴䘣⣑炻䥳军侴㼃㶝ˤ˭⎗夳漵ᷳ䤆忂⿏ˤ䃞侴炻⛐⽿⿒ ⮷婒ᷕ炻漵⌣⼨⼨塓Ṣ㋽㭢⇑䓐烉˪㊦怢姀˫㍸⇘䅽㗕䌳ˬẍ漵儷䁢䅰炻⃱㶭㼬劍㯜炻 ⃱䅬Ḽ刚炻Ṣẍ䁢䐆ˤ˭19⍰˪徘䔘姀˫姀庱㻊␴ⷅˬ岄佌冋漵佡炻⎬ᶨ㜗ˤ˭20军 㕤幓䁢ḅ䲳漵䘬⎚忚炻ḇᶵ⃵⎫嘏㕤⧤⤻㛶䜉嗕炻侴星㕤㜙⸛⹄ˤ21 Ꮉඵుۘک޸.2 欗㘢㶙䘬⇢曺䓙⣏櫏Ḽ⎘Ⱉ㗪枮䫮Ṍ⼭↢Ἦ烉 16 ᶨ⤪伶⚳⮷婒⭞䲵㐺⯤䇦Ʉ暵㟹炷Nathaniel Hawthorne炻1804炼1864炸䘬⮷婒˪䲭⫿˫(The Scarlet Letter)⯙㗗㚨⤥䘬ἳ嫱ˤ 17 夳䌳⎴凇烉˪⛘䄆⣑伉ʇ㯜㺠⁛冯㮹὿㔯⊾˫(⑰䇦㾙烉湹漵㰇Ṣ㮹↢䇰䣦炻2003 ⸜ 5 㚰)炻枩 128ˤ 18 斄㕤漵䘬⼊尉⎗夳唕㗍暟烉˪㔯⊾䓇曰ʇᷕ⚳㔯⊾夾慶ᷕ䘬䓇䈑˫(⣑㳍烉䘦剙㔯喅↢䇰䣦炻2001 ⸜ 8 㚰)炻枩 1-3ˤ 19 炢䦎炣䌳▱烉˪㊦怢姀˫(⎘⊿烉ᶾ䓴㚠⯨炻㮹⚳ 75 ⸜)炻㒂⚳䩳㓭⭖⌂䈑昊啷㐃喣➪⚃⹓ℐ㚠唰 天⼙⌘ˤ 20 炢㠩炣ả㖱烉˪徘䔘姀˫(⎘⊿烉喅㔯⌘㚠棐炻㮹⚳ 54 军 60 ⸜)炻˪䘦悐⎊㚠普ㆸ˫ˤ 21 夳炢㖶炣㕥侸⹝烉˪㯜㺠⁛˫(⎘⊿烉㟪ⅈ↢䇰䣦炻1994 ⸜ 4 㚰炻ℵ䇰)炻䫔ℕ⋩ℓ⚆ˬ㜙⸛⹄婌 星ḅ䲳漵炻⬳℔㖶佑慳暁挿⮯˭ˤ 189 㛶唁⤪ Ꮉඵుӧߜη΢֤ΑъВǴଚࠅ΢ٰǹΠளߜηǴ݊ᐋਥᜐΞ֤ΑъྂǴଚ ѝ೑ηឺӧဈ္Ǵ៛рૉङ΢޸ᙇٿעᑾᆱΠٰǴ⤳ޔجעຫ෢΢ٰǶඵు (ᆮη΢ξٰǶ(ߎຑҁಃΟӣঁٿǴ৻๱ٰ 㬌⢾炻䫔⋩ℕ⚆⮓⇘㣲⽿⣙Ḯ䓇彘䵙炻㸾⁁⤒Ḵ漵Ⱉ炻⎫Ḯ嘏゛⇘㜿⫸墉㫯㫯炻㫉 㖍ℵἄ妰庫㗪炻⍰ℵ㫉㍸⇘欗㘢㶙䘬ᶨ幓剙三烉 ๱޸ڈǴङ΢ޑచచهǴಥளۘک΋ঁऔεـᙯΕ݅η္ٰǴӞΑ΋ᡋǶѝ (ᙇǴ֤ӧ݊ᐋਥᓐ४థǶ(ߎຑҁಃΜϤӣ ⼴Ἦ欗㘢㶙⎹㣲⽿冒ㆹṳ䳡㗪婒烉ˬṢ夳㲺⭞側ᶲ㚱剙三炻悥⎓ᾢ 剙␴⯂欗㘢㶙ˤ˭ 䓙㬌⎗䞍炻欗㘢㶙⚈傲側ᶲ⇢㚱剙三炻⼿Ḯ剙␴⯂䘬㷦嘇ˤ Βٜ॔λϖڮอ.3 旖⮷Ḽ⢾嘇ˬ䞕␥Ḵ恶˭炻䁢˪㯜㺠⁛˫ᷕ㠩Ⱉ㯜幵⮯柀ᷳᶨˤ冯⃬攟旖⮷Ḵˣ ⻇⻇旖⮷ᶫ悥㗗䞛䡋㛹Ṣ炻ẍㇻ㺩䁢䓇炻⼴Ἦ冯⏛䓐ˣ㗩味ˣ∱Ⓒˣ℔⬓⊅≓䓇彘 䵙炻塓⭀⹄㈻㊧炻旖㮷⃬⻇⇯⛐單后㷗㴰㹭⭀幵炻᷎ᶲḮ㠩Ⱉ炻ㆸ䁢㯜幵⮯柀炻⣂ 㫉ㇻ㓿⇵Ἦ䘬㛅⺟幵昲ˤᶱ⃬⻇ᷕ炻旖⮷Ḽ㚱⇢曺炻㚠ᷕ⮓忻烉 ๱΋ሦᙑѲܖٜλϖ௹ᔎ๱΋ഗઇᓐτǴᡰၰකԚҡᄱ޸ǴـֆҔ࣮ਔǴՠ ߙᢠᢠ΋ঁଃηٰǴ㚊य़୕ЌଆᑿηǴ΢य़ର๱΋చ໔ޑ๱ڈऽǴ៛рૅ߻ ၰ්ηѲЋτǶ(ߎຑҁಃΜѤӣ) ⛐䫔⋩⚃⚆ᷕ炻旖⮷Ḽ䁢ᶱ⃬⻇ᷕ㚨⼴ᶨᾳ↢⟜炻℞ᷕ炻⎬Ṣ⥅㈖ᶵ䚉䚠⎴烉椾⃰ 䘣⟜䘬旖⮷Ḵˬ柕㇜ᶨ枪䟜柕ⶦ炻幓䨧ᶨ柀冲堋㚵炻崌叿暁儛˭烊旖⮷ᶫ⇯ˬ柕㇜ᶨ 枪怖㖍湹䭔䫈炻幓ᶲ䨧ᾳ㡳⫸ⶫ側⽫炻儘专叿ᶨ㡅䓇ⶫ墁˭ˤ䚠庫㕤旖⮷Ḽ侴妨炻ℑ Ṣ䘮庫䁢㧠䳈炻ᶵ劍旖⮷Ḽ䓂侴㍺剙䁢梦炻傠⇵⇢尡⇯⡆㶣℞春∃ᷳ㯋炻侴冯䞛㥜 剙䚠Ḻ婧␴ˤ 4.ੰᜢ઩ླྀ໢ ˪㯜㺠⁛˫ᷕ⮵㣲晬䘬㍷徘䁢烉 ࣭ΕᡰǴስ౳රϺǴ఩໳य़ҜǴٿ޸ᙇǴيǺ៛рᙔᓈ૓΋ނΓғளӳ߄Γٗ ಒಒԖਥᓟᎴǶ(ߎຑҁಃѤΜΟӣ) 朊尴⽖湫䘬㣲晬䵥嘇䁢ˬ䕭斄䳊˭炻㑩㚱ᶨ幓⤥㬎喅䘬Ṿᾳ⿏䰿䔷炻ᶵ⤪䞛䥨䳘兑 㓷扛炻⮵㕤℞⥣㼀ⶏ暚‟ねᶨḳ栗⼿ヂ㗏怚憵炻⍿䞛䥨ᷣ⮶␥忳䘬Ṿ炻ㆸḮ㭢⥣㳑 ㅌ䘬⃯ㇳˤℑṢ䘬䳸佑⼊ㆸ䓇␥ℙ⎴橼炻ℵ忚ᶨ㬍䓙㠩Ⱉ⃬⻇炻⼊ㆸ夷㧉㚜⣏䘬␥ 忳ℙ⎴橼ˤ℞Ṣㇻ㈖ᶵ὿炻幓ấ䁢∲⫸ㇳ炻⇢⛐暁兪ᶲ䘬剙三䈡⇍⺽Ṣ㲐䚖炻侴㚱 ˬℑ兪晽曺揓⪑䌱˭䘬䧙嬥炻⎗夳幓ᶲ䘬啵會ㅱ娚㚜㍍役侈䵈ᷳ刚炻⎗夾䁢㬎≃尉 ⽝ˤ ᛴှᝊ׀ᚈ.5 ˬ暁⯦垵˭妋⮞␴⃬攟ˬℑ柕噯˭妋䍵悥㗗䌝㇞炻䘣ⶆṢ㮷ˤ⬳㰇Ḵㇻ䤅⭞匲 ᷳ晃炻妋㮷⃬⻇⛐䘣ⶆⰙᶲ⮬Ḯᶨ晣侩嗶炻ᶵ㕁侩嗶忚Ḯ㮃⣒℔⭞⼴⚺炻⃬⻇ḴṢ ⛐⍾嗶㗪塓Ṣ䴩Ḯ炻ᶳ⇘㬣䈊⍣ˤ⼿⇘㦪␴䘬忂桐⟙ᾉ炻ṾᾹ䘬冭冭⬓㕘冯栏⣏⩪ˣ 190 㜸婾˪㯜㺠⁛˫ᷕ䘬ˬ幓橼姀嘇˭ġ ⬓䩳䫱Ṣ≓䈊㓹↢Ḯℑ⃬⻇炻ᶨ⎴㈽⣼㠩Ⱉ⍣ˤ妋⮞䁢㬍幵䫔⋩⎵柕柀炻˪㯜㺠⁛˫ ᷕ⇯⃰⮓妋䍵炻᷎ῇ℞夗㈀妋⮞䘬ᶵ↉烉 ࢂճ্ǴΨԖΎЁ׳׷Ǵ๋඾Յय़ҜǴဈಒᆮᗡǶ೭л׌يঢঢΎЁа΢ٗ ᐋའܘଆǴ࡟όள܄ΰǹԖਔڹ๱०Ϻڈଫᆲ΢ٿ໵Ǵي׷Ǵय़༝يޑа΢ ξǴបϺॹӦǶ(ߎຑҁಃѤΜΖӣ) 㬌嗽溆↢妋⮞⇢曺ỵ伖冯⇵徘⤥㻊ᶵ⎴炻朆⇢㕤ℐ幓ㆾ偑兪炻ᷫ⇢㕤ℑ晣儧ᶲˤ⎚ 庱⽥⬿㗪炻儧ᶲ㚱⇢曺䘬ら⮹⛐㜙Ṕ⣏埿ᶲ榶楔徥徸曺㦻⤛⫸炻ṢᾹ䧙ᷳ䁢ˬ剙儧 楔˭ˤ⋿⬳⇅炻⣏⮯⻝ὲ怠⮹⢗檀⣏䘬⢓⋺䁢Ṿ⛐㜕ⶆ䆇忈⣒⸛㦻惺倮炻䁢旚㬊徫 ṉ炻嬻幵⢓ˬ冒全侴ᶳ㔯⇢军嵛炻媪ᷳ剙儧˭ˣˬ㖊劎㤂炻⍰㚱屣䓐炻Ṣ䘮⿐ᷳ˭ 22炻ḇᶵ⤪⎚忚ˣ䅽曺婳檀ㇳ⋈Ṣ⇢曺Ḯˤ䃞侴炻⯙䫮侭㍐㷔炻妋⮞朆Ⱄᶲ徘℞ᷕ ᷳᶨ炻䔹˪㯜㺠˫ἄ侭圵⎰⬳ẋ䣦㚫䓇㳣㇨⮓ᷳ柴㛸炻㯪℞㚠⮓ᷳṢ䈑嬲⊾⍲䔞 㗪倥婒㚠侭ᷳ䅇〱伟Ḯˤ 6.ੁηᐪߙ 䅽曺炻㗗ᶱ⋩ℕ⣑伉㗇㚨⼴ᶨ⎵ˤ⍇䁢ˬ⊿Ṕ⣏⎵⹄˭Ṣ㮷炻冒⸤䇞㭵暁ṉ炻 ⛐䚏ὲ佑⭞ᷕ攟⣏炻⏡䯓ⓙ㚚㧋㧋傥埴炻⮬䭕䘤掊䘦㬍䨧㣲炻Ṣ䧙ˬ㴒⫸䅽曺˭ˤ䚏 ὲ佑怕⏛䓐妰岢⼴炻䭉⭞㛶⚢冯䚏ὲ佑ᷳ⥣屰㮷⊦㏕ㆸ⤠炻曠Ỽ⭞屉炻⍰⮯䅽曺崽 崘ˤ䚏ὲ佑⚆⭞⼴炻㛶⚢⍰⎹⣏⎵⹄⏲䘤䚏ὲ佑䥩忂㠩Ⱉˣ柴啷柕⍵娑ᷳḳˤ䚏ὲ 佑塓ᶳ䋬炻㛶屟忂Ḯ吋崭ˣ啃曠炻天ṾᾹḴṢ㭢Ḯ䚏ὲ佑ˤ䔞吋ˣ啃㬋天ᶳㇳᷳ晃炻 䅽曺崽Ἦ⮯ḴṢ⮬㬣ˤ䚏ὲ佑塓⇌㬣↹ᷳ⼴炻䅽曺⍰冯㣲晬ᶲⰙ⟙ᾉ炻⺽Ἦ⬳㰇⣏ 昲Ṣ楔炻⛐㱽⟜㓹ᶳ䚏ὲ佑炻ᶨ⎴㈽月Ḯ㠩Ⱉˤ㚨䱦伶䘬⇢曺天㍐㴒⫸䅽曺烉 ၹᡏ޸ᙇǴيΑ೭ڈഓግΨ՟қԺǴᐽ঩Ѧћ΋ঁଯЋӐΓǴᆶдيд΋ـࣁ ࠅ՟ҏߜࢊ΢ᎎ๱೬ᆧǶऩᖻᒸᡏǴҗգࢂፔǴ೿ᒡᆶдǶ 忁幓⇢曺ḇ䎮㇨䔞䃞⛘ㆸ䁢䅽曺䘬㧁娴ˤ⛐䫔ℕ⋩ᶨ⚆ˬ㓦⅟䭕䅽曺㓹ᷣ炻≓㱽⟜ 䞛䥨嶛㦻˭ᷕ㍷⮓䅽曺‟多㣲晬ˣ䞛䥨㛒㝄炻㣲晬㈲䅽曺䘬ㇳᶨ㉾炻䚳⇘ㇳ僽ᶲ䘬 剙三炻⾁⓷忻烉ˬἈᶵ㗗䚏⒉⢾⭞䓂湤㴒⫸䅽曺烎˭⎗夳䅽曺⇢曺ᷳ↢⎵ˤ侴˪㯜 㺠ℐ⁛˫㛔⇯⮵䅽曺⇢曺㚱㚜娛䳘䘬㍷徘炻⛐䫔ᶫ⋩⚃⚆ᷕ攳䭯忻↢䅽曺念幓⇢曺 ᷳ伶烉 ӀଢᛉǶስ୉፯࿗ҏ࣓᝙ǴϾഒ௹ऀ޸ᒱပǶȐȠНيύԖ΋ΓӜᐪߙǴ޸ᙇၹ ⠪ӄ໺ȡҁಃΎΜѤӣȑ 㬌⚆ℏ⭡㔀徘䅽曺㘢㑚㑶⣑㞙ả⍇炻↢䘤⇵䈡シˬㇻ㈖⼿㛹㛹㧠㧠炻⮯ᶨ幓剙三㈲ 䲵堬⊭⼿ᶵ夳ˤ˭䫱⇘ᶨᶲ⎘炻⇯㈲ⶫ堓僓㌱炻⎸ᾳ㝞⫸炻ㆸ⋫ᶲ叔䚳⭊ᶨ㗪ˬ⤪ 㓔㴟侣㰇䚠Ụ炻徕柕₡╅慯炻䛦Ṣ悥⏮Ḯˤ˭㬌㗪䘬䅽曺⯂㛒≽ㇳ炻⶚⛐㯋⊊ᶲ⡻ Ὰả⍇炻侴ἧ冒⶙⼿⇘⃒⊊ˤ㬌⢾炻ℓ⋩ᶨ⚆ˬ䅽曺㚰⣄忯忻⏃炻㇜⬿⭂妰岢唕嬻˭ 22 䚠斄屯㕁⎗⍫夳炢⬳炣⬇⃫侩烉˪㜙Ṕ⣊厗抬˫(⎘⊿烉喅㔯⌘㚠棐炻㮹⚳ 54 军 60 ⸜)炻˪䘦悐⎊ 㚠普ㆸ˫⼙⌘㛔ˤ 191 㛶唁⤪ ᷕ炻䅽曺冯㛶ⷓⷓ䘬䚠嗽ね⼊㚜㗗㍷⮓䳘兑ˤ椾⃰炻㛶ⷓⷓ⮵㕤䅽曺䘬⇢曺⋩↮デ 冰嵋烉 ΋ᢀӵՖǻȐȠН⠪ӄ໺ȡҁಃΖΜ΋ӣȑ؃ЎᙇǴᜫيঢঢӳޕᆪ 䅽曺晾䘦凔㍐录炻䃞侴㛶ⷓⷓ⌣忻烉 ৎη׌Ǵব္ѐୢ⊉ՊᇘᡏǼȐȠН⠪ӄ໺ȡҁಃΖΜ΋ӣȑޗᒸৎ ㇨媪䘬ˬ拎橼䣦˭炻⌛⬳ẋ⇢曺侭䳬䷼炻䅽曺䁢℞ᷕ枪⮾Ṣ䈑炻⌛ᶫ⋩⚃⚆㇨婒ˬ拎 橼䣦ℏ⤒柕䯴˭炻⎴㗪⯽䎦↢ẍ⮑伶䁢叿䛤䘬Ṣ橼晽掌ˤᷳ⼴炻䅽曺⎒⼿僓儲ᶳἮ炻 㛶ⷓⷓ䚳Ḯ⣏╄炻᷎⮯䌱ㇳ㐠℞幓ˤ䅽曺⎒⼿ẍ⥸⻇䚠䧙炻㈀ḳ暊⍣炻ᶵ塓刚㇨徟 べˤ 7.޸໨߁ᠭܮ 漼㖢炻⍇䁢㜙㖴⹄⻝㶭䘬∗⮯炻⛐˪㯜㺠⁛˫ᷕ↢䎦㤝㘂炻㚠ᷕ⮓忻烉 ๱߁ඬǴಣ໨΢տ๱߁ᓐǴଭ΢཮٬०ᚁǶ(ߎຑҁಃϤΜΐӣȑڈ΢ي෶ ⎗夳漼㖢⚈㷦幓⇢㚱嗶㔹炻傾⫸ᶲ⇢叿嗶柕炻侴⼿⢾嘇ˬ剙枭嗶˭ˤ㬌Ḯ漼㖢ᷳ⢾炻 ⻝㶭⎎ᶨ∗⮯╂ ᷕ䭕嗶ᶩ⼿⬓炻朊柘忋枭悥㚱䕌䕽炻楔ᶲ㚫ἧ梃⍱ˤ䃞㚠ᷕ⮓ 忻䕌䕽炻᷎㛒㖶䡢⮓↢㗗⏎⇢曺炻ㆾ䁢㇘櫍㇨怢䔁䘬㧁姀炻㓭㛔㔯䔍侴ᶵ婯炻 ⯙漼㖢悐↮≈ẍ婒㖶ˤ䔞䚏ὲ佑㓣ㇻ㜙㖴⹄⣙⇑炻⬳㰇⇵⍣㓗㎜㗪炻漼㖢ὧ塓㜿㰾ˣ 剙㥖㳣㋱炻㬠旵Ḯ㠩Ⱉˤ ῤ⼿㲐シ䘬㗗炻ᶲ徘ᶫṢᷕ炻昌幓䁢㜙㖴⹄∗⮯ᷳ漼㖢䫮⡐ᶵ⣂⢾炻℞检ℕṢ 䘮⎗夾䁢˪㯜㺠⁛˫ᷕ䌐䩳䭯䪈䘬慵天Ṣ䈑ˤ军㕤ᶲ徘⸦Ṣ䘬怕忯埴徽侴妨炻㗗朆 ┬ら㤝暋㚱㇨⇌㸾ˤ⯙ᶨ凔䣦㚫ΐⷠ奨ᷳ炻⎚忚㯋㬣℞㭵炻⍰冯佌䚄䳸Ṍ烊欗㘢㶙 晾⤥ㇻ㉙ᶵ⸛炻⌣ᶱ㊛ㇻ㬣捖斄大烊旖⮷Ḽ⍇㋽欂䁢䓇炻⼴⌣≓⍾⭀⭞䵙忳烊㣲晬 ⇯㚱榕Ṣᷳ侈⯷Ⱉ␥㟰烊妋⮞⇯䟜⢆㮹⭞炻䁢徥䳊忠嗶烊䅽曺⇯㏞≓㣲晬ˣ䞛䥨炻 Ṏ朆䡲句ᷳ埴ˤ䓙ᶲ奨ᷳ炻⯙㠩Ⱉ⤥㻊ℏ⽫㍊ᷳ炻ㆾ䁢列┬ᷳ廑炻䃞⯙℞埴䁢侴婾炻 ⇯䃉⮏忽ⷠ側὿ˤ (Β)ߎӑޣ 1.
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    Out of the Margins Ge, Liangyan Published by University of Hawai'i Press Ge, L.. Out of the Margins: The Rise of Chinese Vernacular Fiction. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2001. Project MUSE., https://muse.jhu.edu/. For additional information about this book https://muse.jhu.edu/book/8086 Access provided by University of Washington @ Seattle (14 Apr 2018 21:03 GMT) 2 Told or Written That Is the Question The field of early Chinese vernacular fiction has long been haunted by ques- tions concerning the origins of the genre. How was each of the earliest full- length vernacular novels—Shuihu zhuan, Sanguo yanyi, and Xiyou ji—related to the long oral tradition that preceded it? Did the popular story-cycles only provide the subject matter for the composition of the narrative, or did the oral model exert a shaping influence on the work in print on the level of narrative discourse as well? These questions are so hard to answer simply because we know so little about those popular traditions and about the textual evolution of the narratives themselves. Indeed, no words summarize our quandary bet- ter than these by W.L. Idema: “The prevailing uncertainty in these matters means that any view on the origin and role of Chinese colloquial fiction can only be advanced with diffidence.”1 In the case of Shuihu zhuan, a consensus has long been reached that there had been, before the narrative appeared in print, an oral complex of Shuihu stories. About that long tradition that started probably as early as the thirteenth century, the “hard facts” that we know are very few in number.
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