~~ istaldi&kcd dune 23, 1862.-Vol. 4. PORTLAND, TUESDAY , , ^MOfflINGr^ARCH^l~L865 *enn8 88 a ___ year, in advance. PQSTLAKD P&ESS. Flax is almost entirely a foreign product, DAILY are FOR though our climate and soil welt adapted MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLAJLEOUS. SALE & TO LET? BUSINESS CARDS. -OH& T.OlTiKAJN, BJdltor, to it. It is usually imported by the carpet man- J3USINESS CAKDiS. MERCHANDISE. puUianei at No. STiiJCKT ufacturers of a con- 82, BICHANGX by in the form yarns, though For sale. and is The j N. & CO. siderable of yarns shoe-thread Catarrh & Co.' A. V 08 TK K quantity Eye, Ear, CITY OF PORTLAND hiB situated Dana manufactured in one factory in Massachu- TU^“°^0riber. m- MolaBse?, Sugar. setts. oluding about 6 acres Inn L'obtlaki> Daily at88.0« wood land. A two story fish and SEWING Xsassispublished of house, wood and Salt, BBLS Men Beef per year in advance. The small quantity cotton used is, of cartings houses, end barn with m? MACHINES:I 100 T H H O Jk. T ! laran ore iara of about 40 60 Bbla. Mi a, fork. i'na M ai m u oiv i-a J?BBds Is an American comes B 0 U NT IE S! trees, good froit. There published evory Thurs- course, product. Hemp te also a wharf for Clear Po.lt. day t'2.00 In good shipping Bay“ The faollidw LutherDana. , Portland, WOODMAN, 60 Bbla. morniug.at per annum, advunoe; 82.26 from England, in the lorm of yarns. for sea are unsu THUS * COM Molasses. •f paid within six months: and principally cresting pas«d. Said ii™ wS Woodbury Dana, J Muscovado *2.50,if payment be Jute au East India ed A. Trinidad Molasses. delayed six months. ig product, resembling occup by Capt. Adams Gray, an™ John 8. Dana. ) HaillCi iaqentb beyond situated two milts li-om Barbadoes Molasses. hemp, and of the same botanical species. It, Yarmouth Falls. laneldU ,m M “d For further particulars _ Mosoovtdo Kates of also, is chiefly manufactured iu enquire of the sitroribar ..KU1.IUHI sugar. Advertibina: intoyarus Eng- THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS Or Bo! hens Seodlei and 11 H. Sugar. Capt; Driukwatcr __ and thence for the various ’raf™0“ththe f»UB. Trimming, alway Gut inch oi space .u of constitute* land, imported uses near premises. Wholesale and Retail. Crushed, Granulated and Powdered Sugar. length oolomn, it is here aaUBU ‘Sq-JABE.” to which applied. But a small quan- HENRY HUTCHINS. C.lTee Sugars 81.60 deodtf_ For per sqnore daily first week; T6 cents perwoek tity of it is used iu carpets, as it is not dura- sale by *rtcr ; -hrto insertion* or eve- A Desirable WABHEAI’S less, 81.00; continuing ble, and will not long resist even a ae Farm for Sale, L.. 3D A. iNPOBVED THOS. LYNCH, »T0ther day after flrat 60oeut*. very slight $300 For O Year's Service. VIS, week, of moisture. Prides fiorner in six miles St. Half square, three insertions or toss. "6 eents; one degree MRS. Weetbro.k, fnm FIRE ANT) 139 Commercial MANCHESTER, ATPortland; contains 100 sorts ol oxoellent WATERPRooi **arch mohaOdJw Wbek. 81.00; be cent* per weok after. Many of the dyestuffs are a land 18,18(6. imported, but snitably divided into til age, and Bookseller, Stationer, Under head of ahobumek is pasture woodland; AMD yb, 82.00 per square per portion furnished by our own The THE INDEPENDENT the whole has a southern XAMXTFAOTTJBSB OF week; one iuse' country. cant, is well wate.ad by a FELT tto;;, 81,60. new or aniline ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, . never fal breok. A new two COMPOSITION, SrnoiAL «2.00 first week, coal-oil, colors, are considera- ing story brek House New Sugar. fionoKs, per square in of modern style. Barn and Crop •1,00 per or bly used the better of other outbuildings, well Premium Account square after ;throe* insertion* less, 81.50; styles carpets, where with Paged Books. aHI>8- Superior Muscovado Sugar, n supplied excellent water, *n orchard 150 tolf square, thro© Insertions. 21.00; one week, shades ot peculiar or of 100 brilliancy are Apple and Pear trees jus' oome inti papeh GVravel PlilOi for. delicacy CLAIRVOYANTI $100 State bearin hangings. Roofing sought They are far Bounty Advanced; Te-ms lir eral. F r Advertisement* inaerteu in tne Maijm Statb unquestionably particulars inquire of th * sub* Wo, 58 Xxohange Street, Me. brig more as well —AND— sonber on theiremifes. Portland, FOR FLAT HOOFS. ■“mh^.^M.8^, PKBfee (which has a Urge oiroulauoa in overy part fit beautiful, as iuflnitely more vari- Making Abijah Hawse*. 1 rrTal'.'Sr* the ous and Address, Stress Pla ne P. O. _ jxneldtt State) for 8100 per square for first insertion, and brilliant; but the objection still ob- marlidlmii fcO cents per icr ©aon ir aorticn. tains Eclectic marl&d*w8w* HLRSEY, Agent, square subsequent against them that they are Few 0HA8. J. JgflgSHW AeBsiAL Notiubs at usnai race*. fugitive. Physician, SCHUMACHER, JacSO dtf Ho. IS Dal on ot them will bear a Street. New Muscovado rruMieatadvertiseaeafcsutus»belaid forin ad- strong light for any length Farm NoIusmi of and From 618 Broadway, New York, has returned to FOUR HUNDRED for Sale. fresco and tunas. time, the direct of the sun soon Banner rays and can DOLLARS, Painter, Busman Portland, be consulted at her office, No. 11 T»«t superior A. 1 farm, Alexander Nones**,*? re&Jin/ columns, 20 oent6 reduce them to a most and faded Block. recently D. Reeves, 300 HHDS., line for on©Insertion. No disagreeable Clapp’s owned and occupied by the late No. 144 Middle 76 per oiiarg© ies* than fifty Paid to the Beobuit or Subbtiut* at the time of Street, Tierces, sects foreav.h insertion. appearance. Experiments are, however, fast Capt. Thaxter Prince, >6 crime New One of the Greatest Cures on Record. containing PORTLAND, MR. Tailor Barrels, Muscovado Molaasaa remedying this and in instances being 80 aores of good land, 16 of which is Ac for sals BaKKEK ttP*AlloommuniCLtion-s intended for the defect, many Work Draper, by LTNCH, ( CO paper have no .... wood. Good and PT oxeonted in orery part of the State Should be directed to the “Editor proved entirely successful. Prompted by other than the feeling of benevo- —, buildings not a mar9o3w 139 Commere.al Bt. cf the Press," and rod of waste land upon It. Said farm is situated 68 tfcore of a basinet c haracter to the For the crimsons and various red shades used lence, and for the benefit of tho afflicted, I desire to Muitered into United States in EXCHANGE Publishers. Service. Yarmouth, about one aad half miles from the G. T ___jnneltf ST., in and make known a short of and 8. ft. Uanaihotxree to ordor Molasses aud 01 •T‘rT description executed iugraius three-plies, cochineal is still al- description my disease Depot. and in the best manner, Sugar. the of Charles 8. «R?diipatohf*raS most unive.rsally used, as these of car- unexpected cure whioh I obtained from Mrs. To Citizens of Portland, Enquire Humphrey at Yarmouth Vil. C. HUNK INS, M. itary and Navy and styles D., Dnifornu, Boys Uar. 1 Prime New C AH DSD AS MO- arc to Manchester’s Medicine. 326 HHDS., pets universally subjected the hardest Upwards of two years Jan, menu. 30 and The Yarmouth, 17, T66. jan!3 Tree., f LAsSSS, and most constant since I was additional sum of eoddfrwtf SURGEON & wear, and the tints produc- taken siok, w hich gradually increased PHYSICIAN, 23 Bhds. Grocery &UGAB, now landing from ed this favorite until I ___tepttdti "C. B. H-mii :oirmod Tuesday March 1865. by article withstand ail trials. was so far reduced that I never expected to Farm for Sale. OFFICE NO. 2 barque lortale by Morning, 21, CLAPP’S BLOCK, CHASE Sc and Prussian be well I FIFTY BBOTHEBS CO, Logwood, tumeric, Indigo blue again. bad the attendance of six eminent DOLLARS, Thewell known FARM, situated Scotch marl8(1 lm are the in MARKET Canvas, Widgery'a Wharf. principal dyes in use for carpets, and physicians and never received the benefit Buxton, on the line of the York SQUARE slightest 860 at the of the and —rot bali nr— with these and shade until I paid expiration term of aervioe, Cumberland Railroad It con- Board at United State* Hotel. Carpet Manufactures in the United States. cochineal, nearly every commenced using Mrs. Manchester’s Medi- tains Blew Molasses. can be 75 seres, with House, nor 16 produced. cines. disease at that time Stable, dti By the census of 1860 the number of My was as follows:—I m Barn and Sheds. Connected with JAMES 1‘. PATTEN A UO. carpet A considerable of size is is a 362 1 Prime new MO- quantity used in was feble—confined to bei. Beorniting Office, City Building. oeiu’itul Grove, known as Buxion HHDS.. CARDED*8 manufacturers iu the United States was extremely my My fiafih DaSSSS. esti- the of the for wea —- rove—a favorite resort He. 18lrca, J lauding from barque preparation yarns ving the had all the during the Summer, WILLIAM F. SONGJBY & UHth, St. mated at one thousand disappeared, whites of my eye3 were yel- PartiM to aa a 00., Ingo, > or tele by four hundred and bodies of and in the desiring eniiet Volunteer or Substi- maklngit ttnesituation for a Fublio Home For # carpet.-, printing of tap- ala? the skin (Late CHASE BBOTHEBS t eighty-one. There are at the time low, yellow; 1 had a dull hsavy pain in tutes, wiil there. particulars inquireot JOHN S. DONNELL, Songey, Cooper j Co.) k BOi,Ttt CO., presaut estry warps. Glue and starch are used iu tho apply feblldtf On l)j It Bnperlcr Bleaonoa I about six ths and it was or M. P. Head M\J\J 800 do Ail rrarlSdlmWidgerv’s Woarf, only large establishments of right side, very much enlarged: pain thyiremises EMERY, Brown’s tong flax "Gov? employed preparation this size. wh,rf- mar8dfcw8w in the manuiacture of iu this in my shoulders and spine. The leit side seemed to Ship ernment oontract,” l A‘“f Bforir, Muscovado carpets country; PROCESS OF Brokers, 800 do Extra All Sugar and Molasses. while there is a MANUFACTURE. so that there was Long flax considerable number of small- decay quite a hollow piaae in it. I tOO do ilaa c**°‘ce Muscovado few if Fa'm lor Sale. SHIPPING, FORWARDING, Navy j quality Sugar. er establishments in a limited Very any of the carpet manufactur- had a very pain at the ol SUBSTITUTES 10 engaged way distressing pit my stomach; Subscriber off.rs his Delivered la Portland or in the manufacture ers their linen but coated Farm, sitnated in Cape And General Commits,on Doitoi, 82 Hhda. Musoorado of the of prepare yarns, most of the tongue thick, stomach very acid, en- Agent*, Superior Molasses, cheaper styles appetite THEElizabeth, abou 14 miles trom Portland Bath. 10,lssa. now worsted and woolen are Bridge, April landing irom barque "Harah B. Hale." tram carpets. yarns prepared in the tirely gone not able to on containg id aores of wool. being keep anything my Land, Buildings No. 1 Tower Cardenas, lor sale by UJ.BUoItiei.iN, Four of the iaetories; the linen tow and WANTED! of E. N. the Building* Nort\ largest companies employ an hemp being im- stomach, fever, night sweats, thirst violent, dry ^'ofPwticulars enquire PERRY, at March 13—Itdlm No 1 Portland Pier. in the Sheriff's Office, or the Portland Post Office aggregate capital of six and a hall ported form of yams, and the wool in of through IilVJlKFOOL, lihitj. millions, cough, difficulty breathing, dull headache. I oan* Bo* 1780.febl4dtf WILLIAM A. while the annual its raw stats. Some of the wool used for car- Nov 11—d6m* PEARCE, aggregate capacity of rnanu not describe as 1 wish to do m sorable situation Hew Molasses. lacture the my of three of is four million five pets goes by name of washed but an and HHDS.. 47 them, wool, suffering as every organ in my body was diseas- PLUMBER! KO) I Tieroee Mu.o»Tado and Clayed hundred thousand unpractised is unable to ODV/ Mola: now yards of of va- eye quite detect any ed. 1 for Sale. joaes & roe, landing from barque Wins- carpeting My physloians said was fast hastening to the Farjn BLAKiJ, co., If▲ SUB 09 and for rious kinds. Oi the four difference between that and the unwashed subscriber offers bi> situated iu low, tale cy UK?). S. HUNT, companies just al- consumption. Farm, Cape marsdSwia luded to, one manufactures wool, ail in an THEElizabeth, about three and a half miles from 111 Commercial St. only Wilton and being exceedingly dirty condi- I at this time Portland FLOUR* Force and Water Brussels tion. Much of the enj ?y perfect health, and this is a Bridge, containing 70 Acres Land, Build- GRAIN Pumps Closets. carpets and rugs, another in- South American wool is ins s Fences And Re DEALERS, only plain, short of oase, and is the good, substantial S'one wall, young Or- van of Corn and and auother washed in the aud then history my truth. I ohoice WO. 134 EXCHANUE Rye. grain three-ply, tDgrain, Venetian streams, laid in the charu, gra ted Fruit A bout 200 cords wood, Western and C STREET, and sands their banks would reoommend every and all invalids to and hall Oak and Walnut. adlan Produce, BD8HBI,S YeU°w c°,B> Brussels, while the fourth manufactures upon to dry, by which pro- go Also Farming tools, and £0 POBTLAND, MX, cess it takes a consult Mrs Manchester. Mary A. cords 187 Commercial 4000 velvet, Brussels, and Vene- up large of dirt which Moulton, dressing. Street, granite Block, *>00 Bu hale In and iugrain, three-ply, quantity Terms qf payment made Rye, atore, for aale by tian, besides a of not only adds t > its weight Edwa bd L. Moulton easy. Charles Warm, Cold and WALDRON A lKUE, variety rugs. very materially, For particulars of SCOTT DYER on the Blake, ) Shower b,.th«, Wad but } enquire m%r!3d4u •N o 4 and 6 One ot these uses one necessitates a very ortl.nd, May 9, 1866.—tf Premises, or Union Wharf. companies million scrupulous cleaning through Pobiund, P. O. R08TLAHD. Brass da Silver two hundred and process after the bales are janSldtf B* W^ Gage*18*’, Bowls, Plated Cocks, flity thousand pounds of opeued. Flour and Oats. wool five hundred The first processes to which the wool is sub- __jnnoldtt annually, thousand pounds Pixtures tor of worsted jected are those of aud FOB SALE. EVH?JfTTde“ripSon ?f F,ter Dwel- So- “■ <**« yarn, and three hundred thousand cleaning picking, all of HAMM#! FlifOFORTES! E. K. ling Honaee, Hotela, Pnblio Buildings, Shop,, 1000 523, of flax which is done Ir CLIFF COTTAGE, over 20 »o., arranged and ret In 6oO pounds or tow yarn. Another five by machinery. designed to TITANTED »t containing LEMONT, up the beat manner, and hli Bbla Doable Kxlra Floor. the City Hal! rooms, stable and sheda—situated two tons ol wool and two of be made into woolen it is then Recruiting Cfiloe, large 700 Bbla Wratern Kxlra Floor. jute and linen yarns. yarn, carded J""°il6d Me” and one-half milos from Portland, and the and received to whom *»*•«•* Carriage 860 Bbla Canada Extra and Floor. Another with a of a million and a spun upon the which is in the agency for the Pianos finest situation in Elizabeth for a wa- Manufacturer, Soper capital half spinning jenny, th^highea/0' Cape Onto by the Cor or for aale use in all HAVINGmanufactured by the and summer boarders. load, oiherwiee, by of dollars, has two hundred and nearly Iaetories, and is familiar to [tering place For Preble F eighty-eight of Street, Portland, Me. UKO. FOSTER, most readers. But the o< particulars enquire GEO. OWEN, No * Galt power-looms, and produces over two millions warps carpetings NEW YORK PIANO dtf 101 Commercial Block, Commercial 8t< are made of FORTE CO., ap7 Street, Portland. Portland, Feb 18,186a. of yards of carpeting annually. worsted yarns,and their prepara- CASH UP Carriages and Slalgint on hand and made to febMdtf tion BOUNTIES, TRUNKS, From one thousand three hundred to two is a very different process, or series of 894 Hudson N. order-__Junelgdtf VALISES, Street, Y., the Farm For Sale. AND Fertilizers. thousand persons And employment in one of processes. ll*°r0; We would call the attention of 5aS,’En“‘,"“t''in The subscriber offers his Farm for C. P. BBLS. Coe’a SopirFhoaphateof Lima these factories. The sales often reach Of these processes in the of the the public to the su- BnbiUtares to K1HBALL, large preparation of these wishing enlist wi’l make direotw sale situated near Dunn’s in 1500 wool iuto worsted perior quality instruments. They are equal to the Depot MAMUKA UTUBMB OK Traveling Bags! to several millions oi dollars Dur- there are to application North Yarmouth known 600 bbla. Crnahed Bone annually. thirteen—viz., or those of any other formerly the first two of eteiuways'.Cbickerings’, .as the “Mo so Farm." Likewise Msnufaotnred and ioranle li 00 bbla. Littlrdalda Poudrette ing years the war the carpet sorting, scouring, drying, bleaching, carding, noted manufacturer in this country or Europe. ‘his stock and tools The and For aale at Portland Agricultural Warebouae manufacturers found their business better than (this process is used in the of The company being composed ot of the Farming Carriages Sleighs, and preparation twenty City Farm eoutaine about 110 aoies of WHOLESALE and 8ted Store, market Bui worsted for certain hist wore men that could be found in the Recruiting good land, good HETA1L ding by usual, money being and the in- fabrics only, not for car- first class Office, 4c. Those to Pre"ble street, (Near Preble House,) KENDALL k plenty people manufactories in New Whera buildings wishing purohase are invit- WH1TNRT. clined to the pets,) York, principally in Mr they will receive the Bounties ed to call and examine lor Portland F'eb. buy largely. But unsettled state combing, breaking, drawing, roving Steinway's every to highest ypaid themselves. PORTLAND, ME. *7,18(6. feb28dla(m Factory, partoftheir instruments them in person. E. T. DURAN A of financial affairs the last two spinning, weaving, dyeing. As the is done la the best and Dillingham. BRACKETT. during descrip- very manner, this enables the East North tion of these would company to furnish P.ano, Yarmouth, Jan 2d, 1866. jan430dti Sale years has been lelt in this business seri- necessarily be tedious, we which if equalled can Office, Booms, UQ and 113 Sudbury St., Boston, Mass MO. 165 Ti tnidad Sugar and Molasses. quite hot be surpassed for and Recruiting City Building. MIDDLE STREET. pa89 it over as lightly as possible. vuality power of tone Jnnoltf HHDS. Giooora’ ously. ea°mess of action and beauty. Feb 17-dtr For Sale. prime Sugar. The separation of the fibres of the All ordert in the 0U PROGRESS OF THE AMERICAN MANUFAC- long Judges of Pianos and purchasers are to blook of of oity or Dorn the wool from the requested SQUARE land, about 78,000 acres” ooontry prompt 861 shorter ones is the main oallat 112 Middle st, Portland, of wood land, on Bbda.) TURE. object Maine, any lime DR. A the south side-of the river 8t New 80 1 of the most tbs or J. B. HUGHES Bedford Tot. Choke Muscovado Molaaiea. important of these viz during day evening, where two Pianos are for Lawrence, in Canada East. It is intcroeeded by two Copper —flll9d-__repttSdtt processes, sale, and lor Oomp’y. 16 Bbla. J The first carpets were made ia this country This is done a judge themselves. considerable rivers with eligible Mill sites. combing. by " Well agents of the above of J. D. now and for long-toothed ap- t3T" A Good Bargain is warranted. ban bk bound* at bib wooded with undersigned, Company,v Cargo brig Lincoln, landing about the year 1824. They were ingrain car- paratus, attached to the machine used for every description of timber, such as THEare prepared to tarnish snits of aale at No. 1 Central Wharf, that and spruce in WEALTH. by aud were made in the of New York. and pine large quantities, and maple, ECOHOMYJS Marl—tf BOPHNI EATON. pets, city purpose, sometimes a smaller by appara SCHUMACHER & HOWE, birch, beech, tamarao and bass word to any amount In the establishment which made them tus PRIVATE 1834, by hand. The fine, short wool which is MEDICAL Enquire of H. T. MACUIN, Portland. Yellow Metal & aU°,“‘ » *-* was removed to Littte N. and an at- Agents for New York Piano Forte ROOMS, Feb 1864. Copper Sheathing, T?nV«n^lfhr.Mry Falls, Y., separated, is known by the technical name o.1 Co., 394 Hudscn Portland, feb26 eodtf N«w made manufacture street, N. Y. No. 5 Crop MolaB868. tempt to carpets there by “noils.” and is U9ed for the manufacture of Temple Street. Copi*ejr, JttoU VeUow Nn>i a Olayod Repair oubibiuens' HHDS. New power-looms. This was the first attempt ol blankets aud after References—M. Hermann FOtt SALS. "/"»»! Aaiii, te., laments 1Q7 Crop Clayed M->-Jut flannels, being spun upon Eotzschlnar.NewYork; he can be mau ■»**« ms r or nvnnr AO I landed from the kind ever made in America, and 1 the Mr. consulted privately, and with 1* arm on the Dreosimoa brig Caadlllan, from Carde- prove spinning machine or jenny. febl6dtf WHEREtlie utmost confidence by the afflicted and Gorham. at short notice and Emry._ k '^^flWWeen Saoiarappa It con- delivered at any port unsuccessful. After building and starting After the hours daily, and Lorn N a v tame 64 acre* of well divided into required. AT combing, processes known as who are under land, tillage and SHORT NOTICE J. W. H suffering the grass lan j. There is on AND FAIR ALSOj about twenty power-looms, it was found that and SYKES, ...._ tae farm, a one story house, M0GILVEEY’ HTA* 4 DAV«- PRICES breaking, drawing roving all serve to amiction of private disease, whether ^rising from Bept 6._du ^1** SielrrB Horena the could not be made “to match”— oarriage bouse, and barn 87 f iet hv 60, with a good So that can be Olayod Molted- goods placo the fibres, thus PURCHASER FOR EASTERN impurfe connection or the terrible vice of self-abuse. oollar Money Saved in tbeee War Iknet. b‘ long separated, paralel ACCOUNT, und r It. It has a good with about aMbfuto that is, the could not be woven with to each Devoting his entire time to that pa» ticular branch ol oronard, figures other, and gradually to form them in- OF 300young f uit trees. JOHN M. GRANT’S AN EX the medical profession, ho feels we “ranted in Guar- ALLEN, COFFEE & 8PI0* MILLS. “ 8Y®BY> No, 83 St. THOS. CIO A CO., sufficient accuracy to match in the selvages, to a continuous roll or which becomes FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, PROVISIONS. BUT- jaa26eed3m Bzohnngs rope, LARD, antkkiag a Curb in all Caps' whether Snooarappa. Ang XI_dtl"* j an 1 (rtf Cnatora and on that account the was ab&n TER. and WESTERN PRODUCE generally. oflonj OUIOIKAL Hcuae Wharf. attempt smaller and more attenuated as it passes from standing or recently contracted, rntirely removing BSTABLISBMXMT. Particular attention to doned, aud the factory broken up. one machine to another. This comes at given shipping bv quickest the dregs 01 disease from the system, and making s For Sale. last and routes. No. 182 South Water In 1827 a was started at cheapest St., perieotaud Pali MANXX T CURB. Apples. lactory Thompson- to the spinning machine. It is then of the ex- The Spear lot, about J. He would call the attention of the afflicted to the containing 8B^8- Choioe Appples, Just reoeived u4 ville, Connecticut, after undergoing act size for the and 86 asres, s tuafcod iu O-RANT, 000 which, required yarn, by an adap- Illinois. fact of his and well earned Cumberland, AlwU tor sale various is stiii in Scotch Chicago, long standing reputation, two isiles from the Wholesale Dealer in ailkindsof HEALD. by P. B x JOSIAH changes, operation. tation of with extreme O. 471. sufficient his skill and sue* depot, mostly DASFORIH k flyers, revolving rapid- furnishing assurance of ,flce m ^ CLIFFORD, were here. The S. G. k oees. wing land; balance wood- operatives employed yarns ity, it is twisted aud wound upon bobbins set R< s of 3 1S90, Thayer, Brigham A Co; Fenno A Child: A. G. traveller public, and will use our activity NOTICE tb Meehan >08 Bank bald on the Prostration that may follow Impure Coition, are Portland Post beat efibrta to “BY THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES OF Office. mcbl7d2w Far well A Co., Boston. I- F. P. our a striking events, would seem almost miracu- 16th of January 1866. it was voted the Barometer to the whole system. Hoyt Company: please patrons. Terms, 83 day. Tfcat AMERICA : ^ork* ^erc^Ant8 Lon's. feblTditm JOB lous. To his inventions are due an increase th« D.rectors be, aud they a e hereby in- Do not wait or the consummation that is sure to fob Bank,at. Removal! Removal! JkHKESS k BOS. b'rueted and at uch time as thev low. do not wait Wanted. ^Fetf 29r^dlnf^ more than auttorized, may “A PROCLAMATION? for Unsightly Ulcers, for lnpowerof production four fold, deem :or th > interest o the Bank, to sur onder the Disabled Limbs, for Loss of or four Rooms and the of the utmost “Whereai the twenty-first section of the act of beauty r|7HRE& wanted, within ten min- CA PI SIC POND ensuring perfection ohar’er ot the Bank, and to organize a“Naional and Complexion. X utes’ walk of the Pest Mrs. HOUSE, approved on the third entitled ‘An Office. Only th-ee In Coal and Wood) J. Vv Emery and of which the fabric is Banking Assoc ation under the Laws of the Unf- Congress, instant, Address TUBBS MILBS FROM beauty capable. Act to amend the seveial acts hereto'ore to family. ••N,” Press Office. *tf jO PORTLAND. ed Stae*. and to make all certificates and papeis, pasted BOW MANY THOUSANDS CAN TESTIFY TC subscriber having purouased tbe Stook o) inform the publio that she hae removed KBASTUS B. BIGELOW. to provide lor the and out the nation- Ooai corner and do and perform all acts necessary to tai ry enrolling calling THIS BY UNHAPPY EXPERIENCE. TB and Wood, and taken tbe stand reeenti} WOULDto of Tbejpublie are respectfully informed that int > ff have vol- though they Company Lehigh. Plain Portland, Maroh 14,1865. m&rl&dlm had the and Vue. Ornamented, Defaced ones Renovated. HALLOWELL Erastus and forfel ed s consumption, by their friends supposec #30,000. HOUSE father having failed in business while untarily relinquished their righ oi Leal Pictures and Hateriala for Sale. Instruction Free and their to have it. All suoh cases yield to the and Sugar Lehigh, he was to citizenship rights to become citizens, and proper to was young, compelled depend correct course of treatment and a tim- borrow for the Town of Bruns wiok, MRS. J. REOPENKDI quite TREASURY such deserters shall be forever of only in short Hazelton Lehigh, W, EMERY, own and the whole cur- DEPARTMENT, ) incapable are made to in WANTED'l'wenty Thousand Dollars, for one or two upon his resources, office of trust < r under rejoice perfect health. Corner ol and Chestnut Streets. Office of Comptroller (f ike Currency, \ holding any profit the ye»r*- AI B&OOJKb, Treasurer. Locust Mountain. Congress rent of his life was He him United or of t> _ Feb SO—d«w changed. applied Washing n, March ltth, 1865 ) States, exercising any right* of citi- Brunswick, Feb 17, 1866. febl8l&wisfcf John’*, HEW FUBHITUBB ft zens thcro„f; and all whosha'l ter MIDDLE AGED MEN. FIXTUSE8! self to mechanical invention, for which he bail by sa.Ofactory evidence presented persons herea de- White and Red to the it sert the mili ary or naval service, and all are men at an Ash, a decided taste. In or about the year 1838 he WHEREASundersigned, has been made to appear persons There many the age o< thirty who that ‘Tie ?*cond A a’tonal Bank of Portland,” in who, b^ing duly enrolled, shall depart the j triad c- troubled with too frequent evacuations from tin WAJJTHP t Diamond and Lor berry, 8. G. entered into a contract for the construction o! tioa of the district ia which he is or “Coal at !** DENNIS, Proprietor. tin City of Portland, in the County ot Cumberland, enrolled, go be- bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting oi Coat machine for a certain the limits of the United S a:es with with the best ol a weaving style of knot- aud state of Maine, has been duly organized under yond intent to burning sensation, and weakening the system in e Together quality QT*The publio are specially informed that the avoid draft into the »r j ted couutei pane, and was successtul in his in- and accord n2 to the requirements of the AotofCon- any military naval service, manner the patient cannot account for. On examin Active, Ladies, spacious, couvenient and well-known Hallo war l. ordered, thall be liable to th3 of Enterprising in the centre of But about the time it was gress entitled ‘An Aot to jrovide a National Cur- duly penalties this ing urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be Cumberland I House, Hallowell, two mile* from vention. completed section. And the President ii TO SRLL Coal EAGLE HILL uid fiur rency, secured b» a pledge of United Sta*es Bonds, hereby authorized found, and sometimes small particles of semen oi Augusts, tnile. Horn Tugus bating, has other of counterpanes were and iorthwith on of been and Is styles introduced, and to provide ior tho circulation and redemption required th* passage this ac:,to albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin A Superior Coal for RlatktmUht. telurnished, open for the reception of to caucel his me his oclaxuat on forth tho Mr*. Patent Dorset Skirt and and’he consented contract and thereof,' approved June 3,1864, and has ©ompliod is p setting provisions mi kish hue, again changing to a dark aud turbid Foy’* Supporter. oompany permanentiboarders. of till* section, in which the President The Hurd and Son Mutual Kvery attention will be given to the make another machine adapted to the new de- with all th* provisions of said Act requ red to be proclamation appearance. There are many men who die ot tbh business pays from ono to two hundred dol- Also, Wood. Coal Company, comfort of complied with before is requested to noii'y all deserters returning within of the which is the lars per month. D. B. SAUNDERS A CO gnosis. mand. This was finished in 1840, and has been commencing the business ot difficulty, ignorant cause, Delivered to order In under ►aid days.as aioremid, that they sbal> be pardon- mai'Jilw say part of tbe oity. Banking Act: sixty 17# Court St, Boston. ▲t a in use ever since. on condition of to their SECOND STAGE OF SEMINAL WEAKNESS. meeting of the stockholders held at the successfully The office ot Comptroller of tho Currency being ed returning regiments and The former customers of Messrs. Sawyer ft Whit- In he the invention of a n or to such other cs a Booms otthe Boston Board of on 1830 completed vacant, jw, than fore. I, Samuel T. Howard, D p companies, organizations they 1 can warrant perfect cure in such cases, and * ney are respectfully invited to us a call. Trade, Friday, ST be t shall have give lor which was uty Comptroller of the do may aligned \ until they sewed ior toll and restoration of the urinary W ANTED! Jan 26. the was ABLINO, power-loom ingrain carpeting, Currency, hereby certily healthy organs. organization perfected, and every and all the usual conveniences of that “The Second National Bank of Port and.’' in a perio of time equal to their original verm o en- Persons who cannot personally consult the Dr., RANDALL, MoALUSTER ft CO. a popular haul by the Lowell Company, and has pay trn cents per lb. for all arrangement made lor the successful oi the ;tr» provided. purchased the City of Portland, in the of Cumberland, list rent.’ oan do so by writing in a plain manner a Pamphlets operation amply in use in their ever in- County descriptor JWILLdelivered at the office ot the Portland Portland. Jane Hallowell. Feb. 1 !So4. been mills sinco. His aud State of Ma^ne, is authorized to commenc3 .wow, tu9reiore, os it kuowi mat i, abbihah of their disease, and the remedies will Sugar Co., 13.1864.—dly Company. moh36codtf the appropriate oorner and Bts. ventions and of various business of Banking under the Aot aforesaid. Liugolv, President of the United States, do iscue be forwarded Commercial Maple The have adaptations improve immediately jau21dtf J. M. BROWN. Corporation become the owners of suffi- to the looms for In whereof, witness hand and seal this my Proclamation, as required by said ant, order ▲11 confidential and wil meuts power the weaving of testimony my correspondence strictly tteorge Darling, cient of the fee of the Bill Coal tract to seonre of office this eleventh day of March. 1865 and requiring all deserteis to return to theii be returned if desired. Eagle tiroUou \\mise\ Brussels and tapestry have been of ing carpets [L. K.J SAMUEL T. HOWARD, proper posts; and I do hereby noti y them that all Address, DB. J. B. HUGHES, stockholders annually end perpetually, one ten r/ the ist to the manufacturer who within from the great importance No. 878. Deputy Comptroller of the Currency. d serters shall, sixty days date No. 3. Temple St., (corner of Middle] Portland FOUND. COMMISSION Coal to each share at actual cost, and to materi- viz: oa betore the MERCHANT, Center and are now in universal use. Messrs. Cross- of this Proclamation, or 10th day B2T" Send Stamp tor oiroular, the snnsy side of Exohango street, about mid- St., Opp. Lancaster return to or t ally reduce the cost of their own Coal by rantals Hall, ley & Sons, the great English manufacturers, of May, It66, service, repo themselves ON way between New City Hall and Post Office, Pork Packer ft Provision Dealer, ants’ to a rovost Marsha sh 11 bo pardoned, on condi- a good received by other MB. his for thousand iflercli Bank. plaoe to buy Companies. PORTLAND, purchased patents twenty tion that they return to their regiments and com- The SPECIAL MEETF* G of the Stockholder, in Electic Medical luiinuary And Curer of Extra stockholders have decided to give twenty-two pounds, and though they claim to have im- antes, or to such other organizations as they may An Family Hams, A tli.s Bank will be held at tho Bonk.on remainder of Overcoat. hundred aud to a ton in the distribu- upon them in some still UBe Thiriday, E e assigned to, and serve the their orig- TO THE LADIES. forty pounds proved respects, March at 3 o’clock r. X. for he P. Railroad Hotel fBXhm> This House la now 23d, following pur- inal term o' enlistment, and iu addition thereto, a MORRELL 6 CO., have a good assortment at-air Buildings, tion to Subscribers. epeo to the Public, them in their mills at Halifax and Klddermin DB HUG HE8 whe bien lowed poses: period equal to the time lost by desertion. particularly invites all Ladies prioes, 118 Kxchangestreet. decl4dtf iiwl L?*™F by the subscriber for 11 Bter. It is 1st—To decide whether will surrender their need a medical to call at his No. £ Campue Martins, Mick. Ibereom be no personal liabity undertbe organi- Iterm and bas been universally acknowledged that the they “In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my adviser, rooms, Detroit, k|H of)ear', thoroughly ret as a ze calie or assess- inventions have woiked an charier otate Bank. hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be Temple Street, which they will find arranged ft* ion of this Comp my, nor future Mr, lovated, and sp.endidlv furnished?regard- Bigelow important their Wanted. 2d—To decide upon the question of organizing as affixed. espeoial accommodation. N. ments. *° let tt'® or revolution iu this branch of and a B.—Particular attention to the by d*7 week, manufacture, a Bank under the Dr. are Wife and 8 paid purchase National System. “Done at the of this eleventh JEf.'s Eleotic Benovating Medicinos unrival- Gentleman, Daughter, years of ft to S^?”ron^m8 have a City Washington, ed in BY a of rooms with board. Rooms Bogs, Flour, Tallow, Grain, o.,ftc .forth# East- The is now lmrnishlogCaal Stockhold- brought carpeteto cheapness and per- 3d—For the choice of one Director. efficacy and superior virtue in all old, good suit ern Company day of March, in the year of our Lord ono regulating market, and would refer as was 4th—For business Female furnishod or unfurnished, for which liberal respetluUy to, refer- ers at ton of 2240 and fection that hitherto deemed the transaction of any other [L.6.] thoueand hundred and aad Irregularities. Thuir action is specific and compen- ences. in Boston, $1125-100 par impossi- that eight sixty-five, sation will be Address G. box2204. may legally come before them. of the oithe United the certain otproducing relief in a short time. paid.