kali hack netflix Bruteforce Password Cracking With Medusa – Kali Linux. In Greek mythology, Medusa was a monster, a Gorgon, generally described as a winged human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Medusa is a speedy, parallel, and modular, login brute-forcer. The goal is to support as many services which allow remote authentication as possible. The author considers the following items as some of the key features of this application: Thread-based parallel testing. Brute-force testing can be performed against multiple hosts, users or passwords concurrently. Flexible user input. Target information (host/user/password) can be specified in a variety of ways. For example, each item can be either a single entry or a file containing multiple entries. Additionally, a combination file format allows the user to refine their target listing. Modular design. Each service module exists as an independent .mod file. This means that no modifications are necessary to the core application in order to extend the supported list of services for brute-forcing. Multiple protocols supported. Many services are currently supported (e.g. SMB, HTTP, POP3, MS-SQL, SSHv2, among others). Medusa tool is already pre-installed in every Kali Linux version which you can easily use by typing “ medusa ” from your Linux terminal. Case: In our VM, metasploitable2 machine is installed and running whose IP is As we all know the username of Metasploitable2 machine is “ msfadmin ” and a SSH service is already open in that machine so to crack the password of this VM machine, type the below command in your terminal: Command: medusa -h -u medusa -P /root/dictionary.txt -M ssh -n 22. Where -h = defines your target hostname, -u = defines username, -P = a dictionary file, -M = the module to execute like SSH, FTP etc, -n = port number wrt to module. Most Popular Passwords – Rank Password Number of Instances 1 123456 290,731 2 12345 79,078 3 123456789 76,790 4 Password 61,958 5 iloveyou 51,622 6 princess 35,231 7 rockyou 22,588 8 1234567 21,726 9 12345678 20,553 10 abc123 17,542. To display all service modules, type “ medusa -d ” Share this. Like this: Related. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. HackeRoyale. Welcome to the world of hacking. We know what you're looking for! Hacking websites, Android Phones, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & other assets! We made this easy. Read all of our tutorials on ethical hacking & penetration testing under one roof! Click below. Hello :), I have been following your tutorials and think they are really good. Martin. Hey HackeRoyale team. I am a site visitor for like 2 years now and I am a big fan. I have learned a lot from this site and that sparked my hunger for hacking. I learned a lot of stuff, not only about hacking, but other stuff like making android custom ROMS and all. Daksh. Hi!I am Jessica. Hope you are doing well! I have seen your blog (hackeroyale.com). You're doing some interesting things there!. The readability of your posts is astonishing. This is my main reason for picking your blog. Jessica. Hello, I am very impressed with your tutorials! You doing a great job in revealing so many valuable hacking methods. Hacking for beginners #1 – Install the Kali Linux. In this tutorial series called Hacking for beginners , we are going to teach you how to use the most powerful open-source Linux system called Kali Linux. This tutorial gives a complete understanding of Kali Linux and explains how to use it in practice for various hacker activities . We are focusing on step-by-step guidelines with the best explanation so even beginners and hacking dummies can understand and follow it. Be polite, be ethical and use it only for education purposes! Enjoy and stay tuned for the next episodes What you can learn. If you want to start with hacking, first you need to have some hacking tools available . The best option for that purpose is using Kali Linux what is linux distribution specially designed to be used for hacking activities. As the part of our hacking tutorials for beginners, we are starting with the #1 where you can find exact steps how to install Kali linux on MacOS using Parallels Desktop or Virtual Box . Of course, you can use any virtualization platform you want, even there is ARM Kali Linux image available for rapsbperry PI , you can download it here. 1: Download kali linux image. – use official webpage https://www.kali.org/downloads/ 2: Import Kali linux image. – here is example by using Parallels Desktop – choose GNI/Linux (the same applicable for for Virtual Box) Relationship with Debian. The Kali Linux distribution is based on Debian Testing. Therefore, most of the packages available in Kali Linux come straight from this Debian repository. While Kali Linux relies heavily on Debian, it is also entirely independent in the sense that we have our own infrastructure and retain the freedom to make any changes we want. 1.2.1. The Flow of Packages. On the Debian side, the contributors are working every day on updating packages and uploading them to the Debian Unstable distribution (Unstable is also known as sid). From there, packages migrate to the Debian Testing distribution once the most troublesome bugs have been taken out. The migration process also ensures that no dependencies are broken in Debian Testing. The goal is that Testing is always in a usable (or even releasable!) state. Debian Testing's goals align quite well with those of Kali Linux so we picked it as the base. To add the Kali-specific packages in the distribution, we follow a two-step process. First, we take Debian Testing and force-inject our own Kali packages (located in our kali-dev-only repository) to build the kali-dev repository. This repository will break from time to time: for instance, our Kali-specific packages might not be installable until they have been recompiled against newer libraries. In other situations, packages that we have forked might also have to be updated, either to become installable again, or to fix the installability of another package that depends on a newer version of the forked package. In any case, kali-dev is not for end-users. kali-rolling is the distribution that Kali Linux users are expected to track and is built out of kali-dev in the same way that Debian Testing is built out of Debian Unstable. Packages migrate only when all dependencies can be satisfied in the target distribution. 1.2.2. Managing the Difference with Debian. As a design decision, we try to minimize the number of forked packages as much as possible. However, in order to implement some of Kali's unique features, some changes must be made. To limit the impact of these changes, we strive to send them upstream, either by integrating the feature directly, or by adding the required hooks so that it is straightforward to enable the desired features without further modifying the upstream packages themselves. The Kali Package Tracker helps us to keep track of our divergence with Debian. At any time, we can look up which package has been forked and whether it is in sync with Debian, or if an update is required. All our packages are maintained in Git repositories hosting a Debian branch and a Kali branch side-by-side. Thanks to this, updating a forked package is a simple two-step process: update the Debian branch and then merge it into the Kali branch. While the number of forked packages in Kali is relatively low, the number of additional packages is rather high: in January 2021 there were almost 500. Most of these packages are complying with the Debian Free Software Guidelines and our ultimate goal would be to maintain those packages within Debian whenever possible. That is why we strive to comply with the Debian Policy and to follow the good packaging practices used in Debian. Unfortunately, there are also quite a few exceptions where proper packaging was nearly impossible to create. As a result of time being scarce, few packages have been pushed to Debian. How to Use Kali Linux In Any Andriod Device Without Any Installation. I have already told you about using Kali Linux in Andriod via SSH. But it has some limitations. for example, you can’t open with that. you can’t open any GUI application. but what if you want to perform such task which requires a graphical user interface. if you have read my article on “Enable RDP on Linux”, I have told you there that you can use XRDP to enable RDP on a Linux. so, you would be able to connect to it with another computer. but you may face some problems to use connect to RDP with android. by the way, you will find a lot of applications on Google Play-Store. although, the RDP is fast but it is not officially made for Linux. so, you may find a little bit slow. but the XRDP runs with VNC. so, why don’t we try the VNC instead of XRDP? but you can use XRDP. it is all your choice. you can read my previous post on XRDP from HERE. In this tutorial, we are going to use the VNC(Virtual network computing) to control our Linux from our android device. I am using Kali Linux for this tutorial. but the process is the same for all other Linux Distributions. It will work in Ubuntu, Mint, Arch, Fedora etc same as It is going to be in Kali Linux. SETUP. You will need to install x11vnc in your Linux distribution. to do that, type this command: I have already installed it. that is why you can’t see any installation process. I think x11vnc comes pre-installed in Kali Linux. Now that you have the x11vnc. you can start a server on your Linux. but before you do that let’s download a client for VNC. it is an application that is available on Google Play-Store. When you will open the application for the first time, you will see a nice minimalistic interface. we will use this application to connect to our Linux. Now, let’s get back to our PC and take a look at the help menu of x11vnc . Type this command: The output is too huge to fit in one screenshot. but we don’t need to use any argument to start a simple VNC server on port 5900 . To start a Simple VNC server, type this command: Now let’s use the android application that we install before. First, we will add an IP/Domain on which the VNC server is currently. you can add the Host by pressing “green plus” icon on the bottom right. I am using it on my local network. so, I will use my local IP which is . you can use port forwarding to make it available on the public internet. Click “CREATE”. and you must have a connection name “Lucky”(in my case). Now press connect or click on the profile you have created(Lucky) and output will warn you that you are using an unencrypted connection. Press “OK”. you can basically use the Wireshark to see what is unencrypted here. But it is okay if you don’t. you will see the screen on the android after pressing “OK”. Now you can control your Linux with android. but you will see when you disconnect your android from the server, the server gets closed. if you want to keep the server running, you can use ‘-forever’ flag. Type this command to run the x11vnc even after client disconnects: If you want to create a password-protected server, you can use '-passwd' or '-storepasswd' flag. there is a little difference between these flags. storepasswd will store a pass in a text file which will remain encrypted until the VNC use it. the passwd is a simple flag to provided a password in a terminal which can be seen by someone else.