SEMIOTIC MODELLING OF THE STRUCTURE John-Tagore Tevet Research Group of Structure Semiotics The University Euroacademy Tallinn Estonia & Honorary Professor Institute of Mathematics H-501 Palam Vihar Gurgaon India
[email protected] Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics Published by Amazon Books Copyright © John-Tagore Tevet 2014 2 Abstract Must be stated that the structure as a such, be studied very little, and if so, then either very generally or linked to specific objects. The structure is an integral attribute of all discrete phenomena, their constructional or organizational side . Unfortunately, the concept of structure has devalued to a vague adjective of all objects. In an attempt to explain the essence of structure, we proceed from the fact that the structure is given as a graph and isomorphic graphs have the same structure. However, the structure is something qualitative which with only quantitative graph-theoretical tools is not considered. It has been shown that the essence of structure consists in the relationships between its elements, and it has created a need to look the ways for presenting these relationships. Here is presented a way for recognition of the structure with exactness up to isomorphism and other structural properties. It is implemented in the form of a semiotic model that enables to explain the essential properties of structure and their transformations. John-Tagore Tevet Tallinn, Estonia November 2014 3 4 Contents 1. INITIAL PRINCIPLES 7 1.1. Essence of structure 7 1.2. Semiotic model of structure 9 1.3. Adjustment and simplification of the model 12 2.