The GCB 2011 INVITED SPEAKERS: will take place on September 7-9, 2011 at the Peer Bork (EMBL Heidelberg) is a group leader at the EMBL Heidel- WZW Wissenschaftszentrum der Technischen Universität München berg and the highest cited German bioinformatician. He and his für Ernährung, Landnutzung und Umwelt in Freising / Weihenstephan. colleagues have contributed to many areas of , from motif characterization to drug off-target effects. GCB 2011 Web Page: German Conference on Without doubt, he represents the of bioinformatics Weihenstephan · September 7-9, 2011 Adress: Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan from sequence analysis to the computational exploration of Technische Universität München biology like few others. Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude, Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 6 Matthias Mann (MPI Martinsried) is director of the proteomics 85354 Freising department of the Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry at Destination: Martinsried. He has revolutionized the fi eld of proteomics with Program Chair: Prof. Dr. Hans Werner Mewes the introduction of quantitative mass-spectroscopy based (Chair of Genome Oriented Bioinformatics, methods and has open new horizons in phosphoproteomics. TU München) Prof. Dr. Ralf Zimmer Pavel Pevzner (UC San Diego) is Ronald R. Taylor Professor of BIOINFORMATICS FROM (Teaching and Research Unit Bioinformatics, Computer Science and Director of the NIH Center for Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) Computational Mass Spectrometry at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, Supporters and Sponsors: Genes and Sequences TO San Diego. He is a pioneer of algorithmic bioinformatics and Registration: wrote several widely popular textbooks. His research interests Registration Fees early regular are computational proteomics, next generation DNA sequencing, Medical Systems Biology Industry 300 € 340 € genome rearrangements, and pattern discovery and comparative Academic 200 € 240 € proteogenomics. Students 100 € 140 € 10 Years Bioinformatics Munich (BIM) Early registration deadline is August 1, 2011 Dan Rujescu (LMU München) is professor at the medical department of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and a leading Junior Conference: September 7 expert in the fi eld of medical genetics with emphasis on Registration 8:30, Opening 9:00 a.m. psychiatric diseases. DATES Poster Session: The poster session will take place in the audience foyer. Janet Thornton (EBI Hinxton) is the director of the Paper Submission until July 15 European Bioinformatics Institute at Hinxton Hall, UK. She is Notifi cation July 31 Social Event: September 8 currently leading the ELIXIR project to renew the European Early Registration until August 1 The Social Event will be held in one of the eldest Bioinformatics Infrastructure. Her scientifi c interests are brewery and a former Benedektine cloister in Germany in the “Bräustüberl Weihenstephan”. directed to the principles of , evolution of Junior Conference September 7 The “Bräustüberl Weihenstephan” offers typically enzyme function, the functional annotation of genomes, Bavarian Food and is located in Freising / Biomax Award Weihenstephan. proteins and structures and the functional genomics of ageing. H.W. Mewes Award Submission of Papers: only be accepted electronically from Eberhard Voit (Georgia Institute of Technology) is professor at the June, 1 2011 until July, 15 David D. Flanagan Chair of the Georgia Research Alliance LOCAL ORGANIZERS Eminent Scholar in Systems Biology. His interest is the modeling Notifi cation: July 31 of Parkinson‘s disease and the development of a mesoscale H. W. Mewes TU München Final version due: August 15 type of systems biology. Ralf Zimmer LMU München Iris Antes TU München Poster abstract submission: August 15 Dmitrij Frishman TU München Early registration deadline: August 1 Volker Heun LMU München Contact: Karen Breitzler and Martina Moser Stefan Kramer TU München IBIS Offi ce Helmholtz Zentrum München Andreas Ruepp HMGU E-Mail: [email protected] BIM is the bioinformatics program of the Munich Universities supported by the Fabian Theis HMGU Ibis.offi [email protected] Helmholtz Center of Environmental Health and the Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry THE GERMAN CONFERENCE ON becomes possible, but not without a strong partnership between submit their work. Paper submissions will TOPICS BIOINFORMATICS 2011 clinicians, experimental biologists, and bioinformaticians - or be peer-reviewed by the program committee Genetic Variation systems biologists if you prefer that notion. and judged by quality, originality, High Throughput Sequencing The GCB comes back to the Munich region. 20 years since the and relevance. The regular paper sessions It is our pleasure to announce the celebration of 10 years of -omics and Disease fi rst German Conference on Bioinformatics took place at the will allow young scientists to get Bioinformatics in Munich (BIM) as part of the conference. Disease Markers Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry in Martinsried and ten external feedback to their work Both Munich Universities, LMU and TUM, joined forces for a Hot Topics in Disease Mechanisms years after the Bioinformatics Munich university program (BIM) and to present it to the truly interdisciplinary bioinformatics program that grew steadily Networks was inaugurated. In 1997 the conference was held at the bioinformatics community for to now more than 250 students in the Bachelor’s and Master’s Stem Cells and Differentiation beautiful Kloster Irsee, near Munich. The Computer Science discussion in order to facilitate a programs. This was only possible with the generous support of Models Faculty of the Technical University at Garching hosted the last publication in a scientifi c journal or the the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the active Munich edition of the GCB in 2003. dissertation thesis. Drug Effects collaboration with the co-founders, the Helmholtz Zentrum Proteins and Disease Bioinformatics, although still young, attractive and successful München and the Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry in JUNIOR PAPERS: For the fi rst time, the Disease Genomes already has a fast growing offspring: the term Systems Biology Martinsried. Many BIM graduates have already accomplished German Conference of Bioinformatics will Pathway Analysis was coined only a few years ago describing a new paradigm for their doctoral degrees. BIM alumni work in academia as well have a focus on contributions from young Metabotypes the formal description of biological processes. There is no as in industry, from small bioinformatics companies to large scientists. 10 years after the start of the Signaling Pathways clear-cut border between both fi elds and many bioinformaticians pharmaceutical and biotechnological corporations. DFG funded bioinformatics programs at mutated to systems biologists. We believe that an artifi cial GermanUniversities, a rich culture in Genotypes separation of the two fi elds should be avoided. While computer bioinformatics has evolved. Many Population Genetics THE GCB INVITES SUBMISSIONS Computational Neurobiology science driven development of algorithms and database OF THE FOLLOWING TYPES students and graduates have applications of the early days are still at the core of successfully contributed to projects Discoveries bioinformatics, many timely topics came into the limelight, “HIGHLIGHTS”: The “Highlights” track will present recent and publications. However, the chance to Interactions including the analysis of biological networks, qualitative and work - preferably published during the last year - to the German present ideas and own work on a Biological Knowledge quantitative computational models, molecular genetics, functional bioinformatics community. Submissions will be in pdf format and conference is rare. Thus, this year’s GCB 1000 Genomes projection of experimental data to knowledge driven repositories, include the proposed “Highlight” 2011 and a brief justifi cation especially encourages young scientists to Regulation and integration of complex and heterogeneous data. (max. 1 page, 11 pt Arial, DIN A4) of the importance and present their work, to exchange ideas and Genome Analysis The life sciences are fl ooded with data, and, not surprisingly, the relevance of the work. “Highlights” presentations will be selected to meet colleagues. The session will also Effi cient Sequence Analysis complexity of analysis and interpretation of biological systems by the program committee based on originality, importance and open a job market for Ph.D. and post-doc Protein Structure affects all fi elds of molecular biology. relevance of the work for the GCB audience. It is hoped that the positions. Come and fi nd your next team, Text Mining “Highlights” sessions will become a discussion forum about the catch ideas, and contribute your work. The headline of the GCB 2011 “Bioinformatics from sequences current trends of Bioinformatics research in Germany. The Junior Conference will take place on Personalized Medicine to Medical Systems Biology” mirrors not only the history of the September 7th from 9:00 to 15:00. Proteomics past 20 years, but also indicates the parallel existence of a rapidly POSTERS: Posters should present recent scientifi c work in GCB Juniors invites undergraduates, Effi cient Algorithms growing discipline. Sequence analysis is not out, the “Next Bioinformatics. Poster abstracts are 1-2 pages (11 pt, Arial, graduates, and postdocs up to one year after Generation Sequencing” technologies are already not limited DIN A4) including fi gures and references. Abstracts of accepted fi nishing Ph.D. to submit their papers. The corresponding author by data production, but rather by the bottleneck in data posters will be published in a separate abstract book. Posters will must be either fi rst or last author and present the paper. Please interpretation. In other words, the Golden Age of Bioinformatics be presented and discussed in a Poster session at the GCB 2011. mark your submission as “GCB Junior”. and Systems Biology has just begun. And, with the new insights Submissions will only be accepted electronically from The best paper presented at the Junior Conference will be in genetic diversity and genetic disease disposition, the yet June, 1 2011 until July, 15 (Posters until August, 15 via the awarded by the H.W. Mewes Trophy (500 €). The best Junior hidden relation between the genotype and the phenotype is easychair system poster will receive the Biomax Informatics Award (300 €). gradually becoming accessible for a rational, causal Submissions will only be accepted electronically from interpretation. Authors will be notifi ed about acceptance by July, 31. June 1, 2011 until July,15 (Posters until August 15) via the As a consequence, a better understanding of the complex and PAPERS: Papers should have about eight pages (11 pt, Arial, easychair system multifactorial causation of common diseases such as diabetes, DIN A4) and will be published in the conference proceedings. neurodegeneration, cardiovascular and lung diseases, and cancer Young scientists and PhD students are especially encouraged to Authors will be notifi ed about acceptance by July 31.